Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20171211 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20171211

you think that the people you hire to do a service for you are people you can trust. at last check with police, they cannot confirm whether or not the driver worked for a for-hire company as they are still searching for him tonight. tonight, that man described as a hispanic man, medium build, slicked-back hair with moles or freckles. reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. back to the new york city terror scare. a bomb going off in the middle of a pedestrian tunnel of the subway system right under the port authority. it's the busiest bus terminal in the country. alison: it was at the outset of the morning rush today and amazingly, the bomber survived. michelle: three people were injured. elizabeth hur with what we are learning about the attacker tonight. elizabeth: good evening to you. we are now learning that there were four officers authority bus terminal behind me here. when they first noticed people running for cover. officials say what the officers saw next was the suspect on the ground, injured with what looked like wires coming out of his clothing. disaster averted. >> i don't believe in no god. i believe in god today. elizabeth: before 8:00 a.m., the port authority cameras capturing the explosion inside the largest bus terminal in world, sending commuters scrambling. >> i heard boom! i saw smoke and i got out of there. i don't know what happened after that. elizabeth: police rushing to the scene arresting the suspect after a brief struggle. that suspect now identified as 27-year-old akayed ullah. >> we are investigating and it indicates that the male was wearing improvised, low-tech explosive device attached to his body. he intentionally detonated that device. elizabeth: authorities revealed the pipe bomb had wires a battery back. we are told the device did not detonate fully, seriously wounding only the suspect. >> this was an attempted terrorist attack. thank god the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goal. elizabeth: abc news learning the 27-year-old suspect originally from bangladesh now living in brooklyn has been in the u.s. for seven years. the f.b.i. is searching the suspect's brooklyn apartment where sources say the 27-year-old assembled the device following online instruction. back in manhattan, the scene now cleared with many commuters taking it all in stride. >> i was a little upset earlier but right now i'm not upset at all. things happen all over. you know, i'm not going to change my plans. elizabeth: three people did get checked out for headaches and ringing in the ears but again, no serious injuries here. other than the suspect who is at a hospital talking to detectives and allegedly he admitted he did this becae reporting outside port authority in new york, i'm elizabeth hur for abc7 news. michelle: today's event raises the question could we see the scene like we saw in new york in the nation's capital? the security is always heightened here. so the abc7 instapoll question is this. are you worried about a terrorist attack in the washington, d.c. area? open up the news app, tap explorer and vote. or go to to participate. the results will air as stephen tschida continues our team coverage tonight with d.c. on alert. stephen? stephen: if you talk to terrorism experts say i it's not if but when it will happen here. they say the incident in new york today is in the back of their minds. the christmas market in downtown d.c. the holidays amid determination to stay safe. >> we have more concrete barriers. we have a stronger police presence. we have more intel. stephen: the nation's capital in the holidays is a time for heightened alert. >> the district is always perennial terrorist target. it is the capital of the country. stephen: on a day of a failed attack in new york city, some here worry about a successful strike. >> washington, d.c., is an attractive target because it's sort of the -- it's the seat of the government but it's a symbol to bad guys. if they could pull off something here, it might be really cool. my guess is if we had anything it's a similar version of what happened in new york today. stephen: but there is a resolve not to alter behavior in the crowd. back live now. that is what the terrorism analysts say. do not give in to the terrorists the way you normally would behave. we really want to stress in talking with the local head of homeland security, we heard from police and again the terrorism analysts. they say they know of no credible threat here in the nation's capital. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc7 news. alison: thank you. less than two months ago, the chelsea bomber was convicted. you will remember that scene. bombs went off in the new york neighborhood before a gun battle and then a take-down in new jersey. rahami could be locked away for life. sentencing is set for next month. we will take you back to new york at 5:00 and 6:00 today and if anything breaks in between. you can also stream the live newscasts through the abc7 news app. michelle? michelle: just in this afternoon, the pentagon will allow transgender people to enlist in the military begins january 1. that is in direct opposition to the president's previous decision to ban transgender service. two federal courts previously ruled against that ban weather now. after snow started the weekend, a big chill is on the way. temperatures are about to plummet. we may not even get above freezing later this week. stormwatch7's chief meteorologist bill kelly has the forecast for us. hi, bill. bill: good afternoon to you. good afternoon, everyone. it's kind of nice, in any opinion, to have the snow this weekend. you have to go back a whale to find a snow like that, that much early. we talk about it in a bit. the story today, a couple of things. the numbers rebounded. 47 in d.c. 46 in andrews. much warmer than the same time yesterday. we are going up. you mention the bill chill. boy, it will get really cold. no weather-related problems right now but we are watching an area of low pressure that is still well off to the west. that is going to bring a strong cold front sweeping through the region. so by the time we get to the mid-week forecast, not only will we struggle to get above the freezing mark, the wind chill factors struggle to get out of the teens. it's very cold. we break it down in a few minutes. if you are planning to go out tonight, chi 47 at 7:00. we keep it in the 40-degree range through 8:00 and 9:00. we will break down the timing and talk about how cool specifically we'll get in a bit. michelle: bill, thank you. developing this afternoon, skytrak7 over a deadly construction accident in frederick. this is the site of sugar loaf elementary school that is set to open for the 2018-2019 school year. a subcontractor was killed when the scaffolding collapsed. another worker was injured. tragedy once again at walt whitman high school in bethesda. this is now the second student death in a matter of weeks after a student's body with us found in the wooed behind the local swim club. abc7's maryland bureau chief brad bell with the small community again overcome with grief. brad, this is so tough. brad: it is tough. we have been seeing all day just how tough it has been. right now no students here but this is a gathering spot near where the young man was found. they have put out the part of his name. the candles are lit and the students just left. look over here to the fence and you can see the flowers put out here. i bet we have seen more than 100 young people here today. 17-year-old senior was last seen by his friends at 11:00 p.m. saturday night in this community of bethesda. he was reported missing to police sunday. his body was found not long after the search began in this wooded area next to the swim club. at this point the police are saying little more about the circumstances of the teen's death. >> the medical examiner's office in baltimore will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause and the manner of death. we are waiting for the findings. brad: all day his friends is gathering near where he was found. they are lighting candles in his honor, leaving flowers and it seems they are trying to comfort each other. all declined to speak to us out of respect to the faly privacy. as the walt whitman high school community has come to grips with the loss, just weeks after the suicide of another student. >> it's really sad to have two deaths in our community. obviously we hear a lot of tragic event over the news. but when it hits our community it's really sad. brad: back live, you are looking at the ravine where the body was found. saturday night it would have been snow-covered. they are looking in the possible connection that the young man may have had to a teen party in the neighborhood that got out of control. parents at that house, others in the neighborhood calling police. by the time police got there, they found students out in the street, young people out in the street, teenagers disbursing. they have not yet confirmed that this man was part of that but that is certainly something they are investigating. we will have more when we come back at 5:00. in bethesda, brad news. alison: thank you very much. we have new developments. paul manafort and rick gates are back in court for money laundering as a result of the mueller investigation. they have been issued one final warning when it comes to house arrest after manafort was accused of editing an op-ed that appeared in ukraine. he was barred to make public comments about the case but he was allowed to return home. michelle: women who claimed president trump harassed them come forward together next. alison: also, a mother kicked off of a plane. >> the captain and i decided that -- >> because the baby was crying alison: the explanation from the young mother and spirit airlines is next. michelle: firefighters gained the upper hand on most of the fires but this one continues to grow in southern california. moving on to another neighborhood. plus -- >> what do you think of virtual reality? >> i love it sounds like you are actually sky diving. alison: a "7 on your side" consumer alert today. is virtual reality worth it? the pros, the cons and the wild rides you can take without ever ge the freestanding, cord-free vacuum that can live anywhere because it has two rechargeable batteries. that means you can always be charging, even while you're cleaning. welcome to hassle-free runtime with shark. michelle: firefighters gained the upper hand on nearly half a dozen wildfires in southern california but this the thomas fire which has scorched block after block in ventura continues to grow. it's now headed toward santa barbara and is 15% contained after burning more than 230,000 acres. thousands face new evacuation orders right now and are getting out of the path of this fast-moving fire line. alison: in alabama today, less than 24 hours until polls open to replace jeff sessions in the senate there. and right now, polls are really all over the place. some of them have republican roy moore in the lead. others have democrat doug jones. moore, of course, still fending off allegations of inappropriate behavior with teens while he was in his 30's. jones is feeling confident. >> i feel great. this has been an exciting race where we felt like we had the wind at our back for a long time. people across the state are identifying with the campaign. alison: moore, meanwhile, hasn't spoken publicly for president trump recorded a phone message going out to alabama voters urging them to choose roy moore. michelle: by now you have probably seen this video of a tennessee boy describing how he is bullied at school. the principal said the problem is not as rampant as the video makes it seen, keaton jones' message is striking a chord with millions of people after the 11-year-old's mother posted it online. >> just out of curiosity, why do they bully? what is the point of it? why do you enjoy it? there are innocent people you find a way to be mean to. michelle: athletes, celebrities and others have reached out to jones. a go fund me page has raised more than $58,000. alison: now to president trump now. he has been accused of misconduct from several women from the comments to physical actions as well. today, many of them teamed up to speak about what they say they experienced. q mccray at the "live desk" now with their story. q? q: we know at least 16 women accused president trump of sexual abuse of some kind and today, three of them shared their stories on national television. the women say the incidents took place before trump became president and the about assists range from sexual harassment and misconduct to sexual assault including unwanted kissing and groping. take a listen. >> i thought this would be a meet and greet. hi, how are you? nice to meet you. it was not. it was just looking me over like i was a piece of meat. >> he kissed me on the lips. i was shocked. yeah. devastated. it happened so fast. >> he is all over me, kissing and groping and groping and kissing. q: well, the president's accusers are calling for a congressional investigation into trump's alleged behavior. behavior, the white house press secretary says the president denies ever happened in the latest briefing an hour and a half ago. we'll let you know what happens next. from the "live desk," q mccray, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. mario, the celebrity chef, stepped aside after four allegations four women who say they were touched inappropriately by him. in a statement he has said he is deeply sorry saying the behavior was wrong and he has no excuses. alison: spirit airlines is defending a decision by the flight attendant to kick a breast-feeding mother, her 2-year-old son and her elderly parents all off of a flight. the researcher was on the way to new york to take part in a cancer study when the flight crew told breastfeeding and put her son in his seat. she asked for a few minutes so the son would stop crying but the flight attendants refused. >> we are not lawbreakers or trouble-speakers. we are a mother, seniors, baby. why do they treat us this way? alison: she recorded the incident on the cell phone and in a statement the airline said the passengers refused to comply with instructions. she received a refund but says she will not be flying spirit airlines again. michelle: well, it was a stormwatch7 weather alert weekend. snow hitting the area and the deep south as well. this now is the view from space. that white line across your screen is snow hitting several states that rarely see it actually stick. we are talking mississippi. bill: texas. alison: look at these pictures. that is beautiful. look at bethesda. we want to thank you all for sharing across the d.m.v. they are fantastic. a reminder, all you have to do is take the picture or the video. open up the wjla news app. tap see it, send it. send it to us. you will see it here hopefully on air and maybe the online gallery as well. michelle: this is what i consider ideal snow. bill: oh, yeah! michelle: the timing, the weekend. alison: so nice. bill: the timing. the road surface temperatures were above freezing so we weren't concerned about the roads. not only the weekend but the timing in terms of the season. the majority of us can agree it's okay to get some snow like that. michelle: schedule it that way. bill: we'll do our best to do that. for those of you who don't like snow, unfortunately, there is the possibility for a couple of days here and there. we'll get to that. but this shot, looks like you can go on out. it's a little cool. of course, it's mid-december. a little wind but not bad at 7 miles per hour. we are in the 40's. we have a 50-degree temperature on the map in charlottesville. 45 in baltimore. 45 in hagerstown. it feels cooler than that but it's not bad. if you are heading out this evening, back to a light jacket. it's good to go and warmer than yesterday. a great majority of the snow may still be around but it has probably melted. what we are watching is an area of low pressure to the west. it is another one. what this one will do is really plummet temperatures big time. there are two maps. first, the hour-by-hour future cast. i will show you the hour-by-hour temperatures. you will see when it will change. this evening, there are no weather related problems. enjoy the festivities. head to the national harbor and enjoy that. it should be dry. tomorrow, a few clouds in the morning. notice the wind direction. southerly wind. it's a slight chance of stray snow flurries up north but nothing major. notice the wind shift. 10:00 in the morning. midday, that is when the front rolls through and it should be dry by the time it gets here. we are not expecting snow. a slight chance of a light snowshower tomorrow afternoon. the big story is the temperature drop. i will start you tomorrow morning to take you to noon. mid-40's by 12:00 noon. by 3:00, we are already near freezing for winchester. we drop to 41 around d.c. 35 in leesburg. by this time tomorrow night, say 6 6 6 6:00, we are all below freezing. by 11:00, we are in the teens and the 20's tomorrow night. that does not account for the windshield factor. by the time we get to wednesday morning and wednesday afternoon, boy, we will struggle. wednesday, a lot of sunshine. high of 32, 33. but when you account for the wind, it's unlikely we will there are times when we stay in the teens with the wind chill factor. then these days here, thursday, friday, while it doesn't look like a big weather system coming through it is different than the last ones in terms of the snow coming down. for the most part it will stick. we are watching that. there is not a huge chance but light snow for thursday and friday. looking dry for the weekend. warmer and back in the 40's. just get ready to layer up mid-week. michelle: thank you, bill. virtual reality, the future of gaming and entertainment. is it worth it? the pros, cons and the wild rides as "7 on your side" looks into it next. michelle: at the bottom of the hour -- virginia top transportation officials sounding off on the residents complaining about the tolls on 66. you don't want to miss the alison: well, it promises to be one of the hottest selling gift items for the holidays. virtual reality headsets. you put them on and you step into a whole other world. michelle: tons of fun but the technology is improving for the v.r. devices at lightning speed. so "7 on your side" troubleshooter horace holmes looks into if it's worth it to buy now for christmas or wait. horace: they are the hottest tech trends that not everybody knows about. yet. >> it's like you are sky diving. hac reality. >> pokémon go, people played that. so augmented reality lays experiences over virtual reality. horace: there is a reason that apple placed the capability on the new iphone. >> if you are in downtown manhattan and you want to find italian restaurant, you can hold your phone up and you can see and navigate to the restaurant. horace: virtual reality. >> virtual reality is really going to become part of our everyday life. horace: so much so that the public library system in anne arundel teamed up with the westfield annapolis mall to let people give v.r. a go. >> that is really cool! horace: is it worth it to buy now or should you wait? experts admit the technology is nowhere near what it will be in the not too distant future. the v.r. and the augmented re quickly improve. >> i'm getting ready to go down hill. oh, my gosh. jeez! that is cool! horace: christmas is coming and the new iphone and the v.r. glasses will be hot items. >> probably this holiday they will be even less because everything is on sale in the holidays. >> i want to get it for my grandson. >> for christmas? >> yes. don't tell him, though. [laughter] horace: let the cat out of the bag. right now the portable pair of glasses where you open it up using an app on your cell phone to see the video sells for $50. the larger set like this one that plugs into a gaming device or a tv sells for about $500. where is the technology going? the headsets will shrink down to the size of eye glasses or reading glasses, experts say. so do you want to buy now and deal with this? or do you want to wait and have the michelle: which would you suggest? horace: they are suggesting to go for it now because it's just so much to do. michelle: yeah. horace: it's not just for fun. the medical industry, construction, they are all using virtual reality. but eventually it will get small. alison: like all technology. you know it will get better quickly but if really want it now, just go. horace: jump in. why not? michelle: all right. thank you. give you this back. horace: thank you. michelle: next at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- week two of tolling on i-66 and the top transportation official in virginia is sounding off. not about the prices, though, but the people complaining. alison: and a deadly fire in virginia. a man and one of his dogs killed. next on abc7, why firefighters couldn't get to him in when you're clocking out. i'm the one clocking in... sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. i can even help with a silent night. does your bed do that? i don't actually talk, but i can tell you how you slept. i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. announcer: you're watching "abc7 news at 4:00". on your side. michelle: to a developing story out of loudoun county. an elderly man and his dog killed after the flames ripped through a home overnight. it caused so much damage, the firefighters could not get to each part of the john gonzalez explains what started it all. john: a devastating fire here and there has been activity at the home. new units arrived. mobile command center for the loudoun county fire marshal's office and there was an animal services crew here on the scene. plenty of fire investigators still working to determine what caused the fire from where we are. there are vehicles that belong to the property. including a pickup truck. there you see the home. a total loss. you have a u.s. flag waving near the front door but you can see the damage is extensive. they have confirmed a fatality and they are still in a search mode and searching to determine if anyone else was inside the home at the time the fire started after 8:00 last night. several firefighters came to assist. the fire is now under control but the units have been here all morning long to moni flaring up. >> he was happy. he lost his wife. he was in his 70's and he managed to get out. one of the dogs got out but the other did not. they are trying to get in the structure and it's unstable but it appears that the fire started in the kitchen. the exact cause is still undetermined. alison: a couple of firings over the weekend started by the chimney problems. coming up at 5:00, side side with the protections to take and unique look to find out if the chimney is safe for a winter fire. all right. a lot of people might have been doing that this weekend. >> i bet >> beautiful snow falling. the season now. the best part it didn't affect the roads. this time of year, this is the bethesda country club. there is still snow on the ground but not a lot. most is melted away. the highs near ly dropping down to the oh, probably the mid-to-upper 30's in the area and then looking ahead tomorrow, you can see the 50-degree temperature. that is what we are going for a high. that is afternoon temperature. that is mid-to-late morning. we will rebound quickly ahead of the cold front. the story, wednesday, it's cold. our high temperature, the air temperature struggle to get above freezing. we are going to 33 but it feel like the low 20's. maybe even the teens in the afternoon with the wind. notice you have snow on there on thursday. it's not a big weather system. thursday and friday we may get snow added to the area. it's a little different than the last one in most if not all the snow will end up on the ground. not melt on the contact coming off a day very, very cold. we will talk more about that and break down the timing and talk about the snow fall we had this weekend and where it stands and ranks in terms of that much snow this early. see you in a few minutes. michelle: thank you. today, larry hogan ordered all the state flags lowered to half staff to honor f.b.i. agent carlos wolff and the state fire marshal sander cohen. both men were hit and killed along i-270 friday night. montgomery county reporter kevin lewis is i latest. kevin? kevin: sander cohen worked full time as a fire marshal. but he had been volunteering here at fire house number three since he was 16. the halls are somber today. lieutenant cohen's gear on display in the downtown rockville fire house where the 33-year-old volunteered every thursday night. >> it's tough. kevin: the chief says public safety was cohen's calling. case and point here. cohen recognized for rescuing three people from a burning building in 2004. he was a rookie at the time. >> he graduated from winston churchill high school and earned associate degree at montgomery county. he was driving the v.w. jetta to a part-time snowplow job at dulles airport friday night ahead of saturday's snowfall stranger. it was his last call of duty. >> he was incredible. he would snap something off at me. i would be like what does he mean by that? i look at him and he is smiling. i get it. he is poking at me a little bit. kevin: cohen's funeral services are scheduled for this thursday. they will be open to the public. still no word on funeral arrangements for the f.b.i. agent carlos wolff. live in rockville, i'm kevin lewis, abc7 news. alison: thank you. the second week of tolls on i-66 for solo drivers. you know some commuters and the lawmakers were fed up over the costs last week. now virginia transportation secretary is responding to calls for a toll suspension and a re-evaluation. he revealed why he won't suspend six-page letter saying the average driver paid $14.16 which he said is below the to ringal estimates -- original estimates. to see all of abc7 original reporting on the tolls, open up the abc7 app on google play and at the app store. michelle: just two hours ago jury selection scheduled to begin in the case of the metro transit officer charged in a terror case. nicholas young is accused of trying to support isis. he was arrested last year in a government sting after the prosecutors say he bought nearly $250 in gift cards he intended for the islamic state group. he is the first u.s. law enforcement officer ever to be charged with a terror offense. all right. still ahead, remembering a trail blazer in the media. booker, the ebony and the jet washington bureau chief and the first full-time african-american reporter alison: just like a machine. they flipped the switch on lake effect snow in upstate new york but wait until you hear the rare weather phenomenon that alison: wow! if you heard that you might have thought thunderstorms moving through buffalo sunday morning. michelle: but obviously that wasn't a thunderstorm. i was thundersnow. more is possible with the additional lake effect snow in the forecast through wednesday. check this out not far away at the buffalo bills game a foot of snow on the field. alison: can you believe that? they are just playing through it. the game against the colts went into overtime but the home team comes away with the walk-off touchdown so the fans, players started to just throw snow in celebration. even some of them got out there to make snow angels on the field. michelle: wow! alison: crazy. michelle: i would be running to the locker room to warm up. alison: that is amazing. michelle: a lot. alison: pretty nice looking sports car i'd say. michelle: i'd say. alison: that wouldn't do so well in the snow. this, you have to fork over $1 million for it. this is a track car that has been deemed legal for the road. it admits it's not designed with the dale usable in mind. you think? only making 500 of them. tough to get. alison: there you go. the next big thing for christmas. michelle: now to this. ugly ending to an nfl game. >> jefferson in the locker room. >> somebody threw something at him from the stands. michelle: my gosh. this got really ugly. next, the former maryland terp explains what was going through his mind when he tried to jump in the stands and turn the tables on reporter during a post game interview. >> i'm kidd o'shea live outside the arena. hanging out by the tour buses now so maybe they will come off the buses. back with a live report in a moment on abc7. mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. but after an electrical fire from faulty wiring, mary's vintage clothing and designer shoe collection were ruined. luckily, the geico insurance agency had recently helped mary with renters insurance, and she got a totally fab replacement wardrobe at bloomingdale's. mary was inspired to start her own fashion line, exclusively for little lambs. visit and see how affordable renters insurance can be. michelle: a wild end to the seattle-jacksonville game yesterday afternoon. the seahawks defensive lineman jefferson a former terp tried to climb into the stands after fans threw beer and other drinks on him. emotional jefferson who had been ejected following a skirmish as time was winding down explained what was going through his mind. >> i'm walking. i'm not talking to nobody. i'm walking out. somebody throws a beer and another drink. what would you do? michelle: tough to answer that. there is no word on potential discipline so far. >> the nfl playoff games are streaming for free on yahoo!'s ap. verizon, which streaming through the mobile platform. they are hoping to boost the mobile revenue. michelle: simeon booker, the first-time african-american reporter for the "washington post" passed away at the age of 99. sam ford has a look at the influence of the trail blazing journalists who is credited to bringing emmette till's death to the nation's consciousness. >> he was " -- he with us jet ebony in washington, d.c. >> he died at age 99. for a time, he was perhaps the most famous journalist in the black r five decades. his column in "jet" was called "ticker tape usa." he went south, danger for black so you remember lists to tell how -- black journalists to tell how a black teen was lynched. and a teen there that became a writer himself recalls the picture of till's body pulled from the river and booker's story. >> that more than anything else was the thing that made me totally aware of the extent of racism in society. >> they chose booker to hold the bible at the swearing in. >> i was over the mooning about it. so was he. >> he will be remembered as one of the greats. nancy: i'm nancy chen at the in the the failed terror attack in new york city. plus, a little girl turning to duct tape in a fight to save her grandfather and how she uses the tool to battle cancer. plus we are live in a neighborhood fighting back against a real life grinch. that's ahead at 5:00. michelle: thank you. alison: this is one of the biggest concerts in washington, d.c. fans are starting to arrive for jingle ball. kidd: good evening. we had stars pass by. they are opening up the jingle ball up tonight. they passed by. going in. the doors are opening up. the fans are here as well. we have tatum, lexi, emily. who are you most excited see? >> cabeao. >> formerly of fifth harmony. >> why? >> she is incredibly talented and doing amazing. what makes it so great? >> different attarrists and genres. >> we met camille earlier. awesome. >> how was she? >> amazing. the nicest person ever. kidd: thank you. have fun at the show. we will take you inside the arena after 5:00. this is guide mild out here. o'shea. take the others aside. that is big stuff out there! beautiful everything. temperatures in the mid-to-upper 40's. the numbers will not last. we have a considerable cooldown in the forecast. 43 now for the shenandoah valley around winchester. there is the mid-to-the upper 40's around the d.c. metro. the future cast tonight. we will drop down to 37 or 38 for the metro region. some of the coldest spots below freezing. it shouldn't be that much below. we have a cold front tomorrow. upper 40's to 50 early. by 7:00 to 8:00, we are below freezing so we will see the number drop. as we head to the night, say for tuesday night and wednesday morning, the air temperature. you go outside on wednesday morning, 23. the wind chill factors are in the degrees. not getting out of the 20's. a lot to talk about. alison: thank you. we have seen incredible generosity from the viewers for this year's toys for tots drive. there is still time to donate. we will be right back. 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