Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News With David Muir 20140810

Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News With David Muir 20140810

good evening. thank you for joining us. david is off tonight. i'm byron pitts. two race car drives, an occasion that left one dead. sat on the track pointing. he did not survive. what happened between these two men in the heat of competition. we begin with abc's linzie janis she is outside the trace track tonight. >> reporter: this is the very basic track where that horrific accident unfold. gary stewart is known for competing with drivers much younger than himself. but tonight police can't to know exactly what events led to the death of 20-year-old kevin ward, jr. three-time nascar champion tony stewart hits and kills driver kevin moore, jr. this video posted on youtube shows ward getting out of his car apparently trying to confront stewart. the video has since been taken down. during the race, ward's car spins out hitting the wall and ward gets out of the car and walks on to the track. as stewart's car passes, it appears the car's right rear hits ward. ward rushed to a nearby emergency room but died from his injuries. local police investigating the incident. >> are you looking into the possibility that stewart may have swerved at the last minute waiting to the last minute to get out of the way? >> this is on ongoing investigation. we are looking at any information relevant to the crash. >> reporter: controversy has followed stewart. in 1999 he jumped out of his car in the middle of the race. >> throwing his gloves. >> reporter: in 2011 stewart was arrested by australian police after assaulting a track owner and the charges later drop and 2013 a heated argument turned into a fist fight. stewart was slated to race at new york's watkins glenn. his manager saying it was quote, business as usual. but today that decision was reversed. stewart decided not to participate. >> it's just an unbelievable tragedy. our hearts go out to obviously kevin and his name. >> reporter: stewart later expressing his remorse tweeting there aren't words to describe the sadness i feel about the accident that took the life of kevin ward, jr. the sheriff's department says criminal charges have not been ruled out. attempting to interview stewart again today. they're asking if anyone managed to film the incident, please get in touch. byron. >> thank you. you might think that racing wouldn't be much of a contact sport. but learning face to face altercations have a history in this fast moving and popular sport. >> reporter: road rage. in it's all too familiar seen in the film of racing. a sport where tempers can flare. >> this is not what the series needs or neither one of these drives. >> reporter: drivers routinely put themselves in harm's way base experts say that's the nature of the sport. but sometimes it goes too far. >> get to the back bumper. >> reporter: they take off their helmets. throw objects at opposing drivers and even kick in a windshield. there have been calls for tougher rules to keep drives from running on to the track. >> this happens all the time in all forms of racing. stewart has done it himself in the past. if there's anything that would change, i would have to say that might be it. >> reporter: or in this case, watch as the driver hops out of his car, runs of the track and gets dragged by another driver, slams into the wall. then starts chasing the car again until track security intervenes. while this weekend's tragedy may bring change to the track, the need for speed will still push some to the edge. paula faris, abc news, new york. >> thank you. we go overseas to iraq where the u.s. military has launched a new round of airstrikes like this one yesterday. american jets and drones took out enemy targets striking five times in five hours. helping to clear the way for cargo planes to drop food and water to the tens of thousands of refugees running for their lives. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl has the story. >> reporter: today of the skies of northern iraq the heaviest u.s. bombardment since president obama authorized u.s. airstrikes. u.s. aircraft hitting a terroristruck near the city oirbil. a bomb dropped on another truck. at 3:40 a mortarist destroyed. another armed vehicle at 7:25. five air strikes in just five hou hours. part of an effort that isn't likely to end any time soon. >> this is going to be a long term project. >> reporter: but there are some signs airstrikes are having an impact. forced to retreat from two towns and the u.n. reports about 15,000 people have been able to flee mount sinjar where they have been trapped facing death. this video shows how dire the situation remains. the british estimating 150,000 remain under siege. most members isis has threatened to wipe out. the government reported finding a mass grave of 500 killed by isis. some of them buried alive. abc news caught up with a group of christians seeking safety at st. joseph's church where the pastor told us christians are facing extension. >> the language of christ, that will be the end of the great civilization. >> reporter: rare video shot shows the kind of blood thirsty extremism the u.s. is up against. this 14-year-old boy saying i would like to join the islamic state in iraq and syria and kill with them. as the president vacations here he's getting rare criticism from hillary clinton who said that the failure to support moderate rebels in syria, something she wanted to do as secretary of state helped fuel the rice of the isis terrorist group. >> thank you. we move on to the conflict between israelis and palestinians. a new 72 hour cease-fire. missiles falling on ga sa. israeli tank patrol the border. the fighting resumed after an earlier cease-fire failed. long term peace talks begin tomorrow. i ran is reeling from a deadly accident tonight. a passenger crashed killing 46 people. the plane tail struck and then crashed and burst into flames. the air lines have had a hard time building and maintaining its aircraft because of sanctions aimed at the nuclear collar program. bhak to maryland where riders got a dose of terror. the cars stopped at the top of the track. abc's jeff zeleny has the story. >> reporter: a wild ride becomes a wild rescue. 24 people suspended for hours high above the six flags theme park outside washington. they call it the joker's jings. a roller coaster that goes from 0 to 60 in 30 seconds. the ride twists and turns with no pauses or breaks. this afternoon six train cars abruptly stopped leaving passengers stranded at least 75 feet in the air. firefighters reached the riders handing out food, water and umbrella's to shade them from the sun. from the scene fire chief tweeted this will be a long ter. tonight he tells abc news there are no early signs of injuries. after 3.5 hours in the air the rescue operation began. one by one passengers lifted to safety in a towering ladder truck. a care-free summer day at the park suddenly becoming anything but. jell zeleny, abc news, washington. next a terrifying journey for passengers. a flight that never got off the ground. a panic escape when their plane developed trouble. abc reports in tonight. >> reporter: that was supposed to land last night but never even got off the ground ending with terrifying moments for passengers in an emergency evacuati evacuation. trouble before takeoff. jetblue site 704 catching fire as it taxied down the runway into what sounded like an explosion. >> there was a huge bang, a boom sound on the left side. i looked out the left side of the plane. saw the smokes coming out of the engine. >> people started screaming and people were trying to open the emergency exit with their arms. i held everybody back. >> reporter: tonight jetblue confirming the blaze was caused by a bird strike forcing the jet to aboater takeoff. all 186 passengers and six crew members evacuating the burning aircraft using emergency slides. >> any time you have a situation where passengers would not be safe to stay on the airplane that's the time for an emergency evacuation. >> reporter: according to the police at least three suffered injuries. >> the main risk during an emergency evaluation is they're going to end up breaking bones or getting bruised up because you're coming down the slides rapidly. >> reporter: firefighters were able to put out the blaze and the jet had to be towed off the runway. most passengers rebooked on other flights and arrived here in new york today. we return next to missouri where tensions are high after an unarmed teenager was shot dead by a police officer. what is certain tonight, there is heartbreak left behind. abc has the story. >> reporter: hundreds of determined protesters still marching more than 24 hours after the police shooting of an unarmed teenager. noon on saturday 18-year-old michael brown just days away from starting college laid dead in the street. a police officer stopped brown and a friend while they were walking to his grandmother's house. >> he was a good kid. and they did that to him for no reason. >> reporter: police say there was a fight for the officer's gun. >> one of those individuals at the time came into -- as the offers search was exiting his police car. pushed the police officer back into the car where he physically assaulted the police officer. >> reporter: a different explanation from the friend walking with brown. >> reached out and grabbed his ar arms to pull him inside the car. >> reporter: police say brown was shot once inside the police car but the fatal shots came later. >> i saw him turn around with his arms up in the air and they shot him. he went down unarmed. >> reporter: his stepfather bound in grief. later holding up this sign. the teen's mother inconsolable. angry res deposits surrounding the scene protesting into the night and dozens of offers searches stand by with barking dogs to keep order. police promise a thorough investigation into whether the shooting was justified. more calls tonight for an fbi investigation. byron. >> thank you. we have a couple of ebola updates tonight. a missionary group based in north carolina announced some of its staff members will be returning home from liberia where they worked with ebola patients. they say the workers are healthy but will observe a period of quarantine. we are hearing more about where health officials believe this outbreak began with a 2-year-old boy from ginny. he died in december. one note from south carolina tonight. greenville got more than three inches. dropping this car into the road that was washed away. heavy flooding is in the forecast for that part of the country and the rest of the week. next a ahead, the new menu that includes lobster. fast food and fine dining, the new trend. if you missed it, the moon in all its glory. you have one more chance. some shots you won't see from your backyard. these storying still ahead. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping 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menu. will americans bite? abc's brandy hitt with the story tonight. >> reporter: you wouldn't know from looking at it. this is taco bell. the restaurant company that brought you the fiery taco supreme is going upscale. serving up brisket in texas and lots are flown in for the $9 taco. all in this u.s. taco company. it's the latest trend as fast food chains struggle to survive. like chipotle and expected to grow by 10% by 2017. compare that with fast food chains with sales below 5%. even mcdonald's is trying to keep up offering the cafe lattes. and focusing on the louisiana roots. the company opens the doors on monday. hoping it will help them rise above the fast food fray. coming up, a huge sigh of relief for a hod wood superstarment what the rock is saying tonight about a car accident eninvolving his mother. that store when we come back. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so 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night of super moon madness. this shot here, the spectacular full moon pushing through the dark clouds over iowa. right between the horns of a bull in spain. then to rio degenerative arrow and this exclusive view taken by the international space station. remember, you can still see it happen again tonight. still ahead, what this daredevil is contemplating in a dangerous sport. confined to a wheelchair but just as fearless and determined. his story when we come back. and burning. i'd lift my arm and the pain back here was excruciating. when i went to the doctor his first question was "did you have chickenpox?" i thought it was something that, you know, old people got. when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works. and the best move of all? having the right partner at your side. 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idaho, the time is now. it's right here. just haunts me. >> reporter: base jumping isn't just one of the world's most dangerous sports. he calls it his drug of choice. >> lonnie has the type of personality where he wants to be the best. >> woohoo! >> base jumping for me gave me a relea release. everything is just so pure for that split second when you step off into nothing. >> reporter: ten years ago his drug betrayed him and nearly took his life. july 19, 2004. >> the 19th was an absolutely perfect day. >> reporter: it was lonnie's 1100th jump. >> i could see i'm getting low. i pulled mid chute out a split second too soon. i was hanging up side down by my right leg and at that point hitting the water. i could see the sun light coming down through the water. i couldn't move anything. >> reporter: lonnie suffered a spinal cord injury paralyzed from the chest down. >> it's heartbreaking to see somebody you love reduced to half a person. i absolutely hated my chair. the chair symbolized everything that i wasn't anymore. >> reporter: misfortune could break his body, not his soul. he chose to fight and face that bring again. >> exactly ten years to the day of my accident i'll be on that bridge and stepping off again. >> reporter: one could question his sanity. no one can doubt his grace. >> my passion is jumping. and i'm just a guy that's too stupid and too stubborn to quit. >> in the words of our colleague robin roberts, let your test be your testimony. "gma" first thing in the morning and david muir will be here tomorrow night. thanks for the company. good night. >> live from the abc 7 broadcast center, this is abc 7 breaking news. >> right now we're tracking several big stories including the rescue that is underway for two dozen people tracked on a local amusement park ride. plus a manhunt is underway after someone shot and killed a 2-year-old girl in landover. a police investigation after nascar stamp tony stewart hit and kills another driver on the track. we're going to get started with the big news coming out of largo, the breaking news, the ongoing rescue of two dozen people now being transported to safety one by one after spending several hours trapped high on top of the jokers jinx roller coaster at six flags

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