Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News Now 20141103 : compareme

Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News Now 20141103

and even blindfolded. those are some of the stories we're working an this monday, november 3rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." we begin with an early taste of winter for some 70 million americans. >> noreef'easter packing powerf wind gusts has dumped up to a foot of heavy, wet snow across parts of maine. the storm wasn't confined to just one region, however. abc's chuck sivertsen has the latest. >> reporter: november came in like a lion across much of the country, getting the jump on winter. an early nor'easter played a post halloween trick an maine. toppling power lines. north of portland this heavy truck became a casualty of the slick roads. in north carolina, the wintry weather struck with whipping winds and up to eight inches of snow in some areas. >> i got a text, and they asked me how much snow. and i said what? i opened up the door and i was totally surprised. >> reporter: in the state's horse country, wind gusts sent windchills galloping don into single digits. they were hit with 22 inches of snow that brought down trees and forced officials to close roads in the great smokey mons national park. this woman suddenly found herself in a tight scrape. >> kids wore shorts to school yesterday with hoodies. >> reporter: in georgia, unseasonable snow said boo to these pumpkins. >> our car windows were covered in ice. we thought it would be cold when we opened the door and we went outside and there was snow everywhere. >> reporter: surprise snow outside sacramento, california, got a cold shoulder from this motorist. >> this is like my first time driving in the snow ever. we were really caught off guard. >> reporter: in the west, winter storm warnings are posted from idaho and montana to colorado. chuck sivertsen, abc news, new york. the nor'easter has blown out to sea leaving the entire eastern half of the nation clear and dry. a band of showers from texas to northern minnesota. some areas getting mix of rain and snow. more rain is in store for the pacific northwest. >> 40s and 50s. 60s and 70s in the south. 78 in dallas. 83 in honolulu. a terminally ill oregon woman who had campaigned for expanded assisted suicide laws has taken her own life. brittany maynard ended her young life with a lethal drugs available under oregon's death with dignity law. she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and given six months to live. she and her husband moved from california. she was 29 years old. somber time in boston as the city says farewell to its longest serving mayor. they paid respects to tom menino yesterday. vice president joe biden will attend today's private funeral service. he stepped down in january after 20 years in office. he died of cancer thursday at the age of 71. police in sorn california have made multiple arrests in horrific hit and run crash that left three 13-year-old girls dead an halloween night. lexie and alexand ra were trick-or tretsing when hit by an suv. they were able to collect enough evidence to identify the suspects. residents of one community in the pocono mountains breathesed a cleollective sigh relief. the suspected cop killer eric frein behind bars. here's giobenitez. >> reporter: our first look inside the abandoned airplane hangar. right there, a dirty mattress surrounded by a torn up menu board. authorities now saying it's exactly the kind of place a fugitive would hide potentially for weeks. 35 miles from where frein allegedly ambushed and murdered trooper bryon dickson. on the run for 48 days with a sythe at a high school, a post office and abandoned inn. new details about the takedown. authorities telling us, they were clearing the area building by building when suddenly they spot a figure moving towards the abandoned structure. >> i guy matched the descriptions. i was like who is this guy walking in the middle of nowhere and then realized it was him. >> reporter: the survivalist's weeks long reign of terror ending with a surrender. >> at about this position here, about five feet away i said, what's your name? he said eric frein. my team put handcuffs on him. had him in custody. >> reporter: police say that gash on frein's face sustained while officers held him to the ground. frein would soon be slumped over that police car. and residents here breathing a sigh of relief. gio benitez, abc news, new york. a rough day for the washington redskins to face the vikings. en route to the stadium, a squad car escorting team buses hit a guard rail. that caused one bus to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting that car. then the second bus rear-ended the first bus. nobody seriously injured. then the buses finally arrived at the stadium and they were greeted by thousands of protesters demonstrating against the team's racist name. and to top it all off, washington lost the game, 29-26. and then we got violence that broke out. this was on the track . they got involved in a brawl after jimmie johnson won the race. keselowski bumps jeff gordon's car and causes him to spin out. gordon, none too pleased. fight broke out. a little blood. and a surfer hoping to catch a day -- enjoy a day of catching some of hawaii's famous waves is recovering after struggling with a tiger shark. aditi roy has her amazing story. >> his head was on my board and jaws chomping down. >> reporter: mckenzie clark shaken up after surviving a vicious shark attack while surfing off the coast of hawaii. a tiger shark leaving behind bite marks on her hand and board. her friend was surfing nearby and raced to her rescue hitting the 12-foot long predators with his left fist while holding on to the dorsal fin with his right hand. >> about the fif th time i hit it, i felt the shark shutter, and at that time, he turned away. >> reporter: the left hand punctured. the surfer bracing for her sergeant surgery. the number of great whites alone up 42% since 1997. just this week in australia, a 20-year-old surfer escaping after wrangling with a great white. >> tried to kick it off once and it let go and then grabbed on straightaway again. >> an increase in their favorite food seals and conservation efforts to change their image. the recent attacks making that task tougher. >> right now i just feel really, really blessed and thankful that everyone is okay. >> aditi roy, abc news, san francisco. today marks a milestone here in new york city. 13 years after the 9/11 attack, one world trade center, known as the freedom tower, officially opens for business today. conde nast is the first tenant moving it. starting next spring, visitors will be able to enjoy the view from the observation deck an the 102nd floor. dads are apparently not pulling their weight when it comes to baby talk. leaving moms to pick up the slack. researchers say mothers contribute significantly more to an infant's language environment. 70% of the responses to those sounds come from the mothers. 20% come from the dads, but only if mom is around and responding as well. that leaves just 10% of responses from fathers in the absence of mothers. essentially, what they are saying here is we are not responding enough to the child when the child wants something, makes a sound, makes a noise. >> i can't picture you baby talking. i kind of believe that study. >> i don't baby talk. i just talk. if it cries i say, what do you want? >> what's up with you, kid. >> exactly. what do you want to watch? can i get you a beer? >> you know what's interesting. i have a baby and two siblings, a boy and girl. my daughter baby talks much more to the baby than the baby does. they pay equal attention to her. maybe it's an instinctual -- >> what are the ages of the two older? >> 6, 8 and 8 months. >> that's a good time. it's the talk of the town in dallas, texas. >> a new addition to the dallas zoo is a baby giraffe born one week ago yesterday. already 6 feet tall. 120 pounds. as of yet still does not have a name. >> it's about to change. they auctioned off the naming rights this weekend. the winning bid $50,000. they'll announce the winning name in a couple of days. also coming up, the accidents on a movie shoot that sounds like it was part of the plot. some new pictures and eyewitness account. as america goes to the mid-term polls, many are already looking at the 2016 presidential race. we'll look at the contenders. a couple making history on an airline saying i do on board a 737. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- more amazing than ever. (sniff) uh honey, isn't that the dog's towel? (dog noise) hey, mi towel, su towel. more gain scent, plus oxi boost and febreze for 3 big things in one gain fling. it's our best gain ever! it was a disaster an a film set. the whole thing playing out on camera but not a movie camera. it was surveillance camera on a speeding train. >> that's train heading right toward the film crew that may not have had permission to even be there. the results were fatal. abc's chris connelly speaks to an eyewitness. >> reporter: 27-year-old sarah jones was doing her job. part of the midnight rider crew. ♪ >> reporter: based on the memoir by greg olman of the allman brothers. moments after filming begins, a dream sequence on the trestle bridge turned into a nightmare. >> i just kept saying over and over, lord help us, god help us. >> reporter: instructed to place their equipment and a metal bed on these railroad tracks. only to see a train coming towards them at 57 miles per hour. >> we need an ambulance. someone got hit by a train. >> reporter: startling new evidence just released dramatic video taken by a camera mounted inside csx q12519. it shows the midnight rider crew racing off the bridge as the train rapidly approaches the bed that's been left behind on one of the rails. >> i saw the light of that train. it was like the train was right there. so you had seconds to figure out what you were going to do. >> look again and listen as the dramatic scene unfolds. 26 seconds before impact, the engineer starts to blare the horn continnuously. it's too late to get the bed off the tracks. on impact, the bed becomes a deadly weapon. >> sarah was the first person i saw. she was lying on the side of the tracks dead. >> reporter: the wayne county d.a. has charged randall miller and three other members of the midnight rider team with involuntary manslaughter. they've each pleaded not guilty. a statement from the lawyer of randall miller and his wife, the producer, said they believed they had permission to be on the tracks from rayonier and csx. they had no reason to believe that anyone would be placed in danger. they will live with the sorrow of sarah's death for the rest of their lives. chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> just saw they are facing serious charges. they face up to ten years in prison. >> that's awful. >> yeah it is just terrible tragedy. no charges against greg allman, the film was based on his life but obviously he didn't have anything to do with the film. >> we'll follow up. we'll turn to politics. tomorrow's midterm vote is coming up. think about that. many political insiders are looking past that already. >> that coming up. and potential presidential hopefuls in 2016 are getting so much attention. will any of them make an early breakthrough? you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our ♪ as america goes to the polls tomorrow for the midterm vote, many political insiders are already looking at the 2016 presidential race. >> that's a race that appears wide open right now with potential candidates campaigning in key states to test the political waters. jeff zeleny with this story. >> reporter: the campaign trail is crowded. >> i'm back! >> reporter: but those logging the most miles aren't even on the ballot. at least not this year's ballot. >> too many people only get excited about presidential campaigns. look, i get excited about presidential campaigns, too. >> reporter: just this week in kansas, senator rand paul moved beyond the state's wild card senate race and plunged straight ahead to hillary clinton. jeb bush echoed the criticism of clinton as he campaigned in colorado. >> she said that don't let them tell you that businesses create jobs. >> reporter: the potential twnt 16 candidates are traveling across the country to red hot races for senate and governor. hillary clinton hit 18 states. elizabeth warn went to nine. rand paul and jeb bash each visited eight. ted cruz just four. and chris christie as chairman of the republican governors association visited 17. but look at how often some of the top republicans passed through the golden battle gronds of iowa and new hampshire. cruz, 11 times. paul 10 and christie 9. they are introducing themselves to party activists. when we visited new hampshire with cruz, he brought republicans to their feet and made an early case for new leadership. >> does this increase your interest in running? >> i do think the american people in november 2014 and also in november 2016 are going to be looking for leaders to want to work to restore america's leadership in the world. >> that sounds like a yes. >> it increases my interest in doing everything i can to change the direction we're an. >> reporter: while cruz is among those inching closer to running, other big names like elizabeth warren are not. she's still one of the biggest democratic draws of the season, appearing earlier this week an "the view." >> this really isn't about me. one of the reasons i really wanted to be here today is to talk about the importance of women voting. >> reporter: not all exchanges have been so polite. like chris christie's encounter with a protester in new jersey. >> you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy, but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> reporter: that moment and all others from this campaign will follow the candidates into their next race, which could be just around the corner. jeff zeleny, abc news, washington. >> interesting point here. forget what they say, whether they are running or not. tally their airline miles. where they travel, the more likely it is. >> as soon as election day is over tomorrow, it's the 2016 campaign, officially is on. >> isn't that funny. tomorrow's election is yesterday's news. 2016 already. coming up, a six mile high wedding. >> you have to see this. 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[ male announcer ] evyou're using a brandn, that supports wildlife rescue efforts. because it's tough on grease, yet gentle. ♪ you by my side makes the little things so good ♪ be a part of the bigger picture. go to dawnsaveswildlife. ♪ finally this half hour, a love story for you. a story that started for a couple that met online and ended up tying the knot in front of the people they met at the airport. >> six miles up, they chose to wed. friends and family flying in with the bride and groom an their big day. jason whiteley from our dallas station has the story. >> reporter: at 32,000 feet, somewhere over arkansas -- >> and exchange rings -- >> reporter: southwest airlines allowed something it has never done before. >> accordance with the laws of the state of tennessee. >> reporter: before you witness the wedding, meet the bride and groom. >> a lot of things around flying that tend not to be fun. >> reporter: we were with dottie and keith in nashville. as flight 4058 boarded for dallas love field. >> it's nonstop love. they don't work for the airline. just fly it a lot. not long after climbing out of nashville, a 4-year-old flower girl named sydney passed out peanuts. and as music played over the intercom, dottie danced down the aisle to get married. >> we are gathered here today, whether you intended to or not. >> reporter: the front of a 737 is a tight squeeze for a wedding. the couple read vows from their mobile phones. >> i, keith, take dottie to be the lawfully wedded wife. >> reporter: as others used theirs to capture the moment. >> i dottie, choose you keith to be my husband in front of our friends, our family and random but very special guests. >> reporter: here's what's remarkable. together they've accumulated so many rapid miles they were able to get tickets an this flight for 30 family and friends who all witnessed the ceremony sitting in seat belts. >> i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss your bride. >> reporter: a unique union six miles high on the way to texas. a marriage like life -- >> feels great. >> reporter: -- that's more about the bjorney than the destination. jason whitely, abc news, dallas. >> love it. >> really? >> i love these quirky little wedding stories. love them all. >> great wedding. champagne bottles were this big. >> can you imagine unspg folks an that flight that want to relax and take a flight. >> then you have to get a gift. >> oh, yeah. this morning on "world news now" -- november nightmare. the powerful storm dumping a foot of snow or more on parts of the east. >> i opened up the door and was totally surprised. >> the records broken and today's power outages. racetrack brawl. what led up to violence at a nascar finish line? the punches and the war of words. and food frustration. a disgruntled dieter takes out his weight loss beef on subway sandwich shops. >> he stated he attempted the jerod diet and it had not worked for him. >> the allegations and how police may have stopped him just in time. it's monday, november 3rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> jerod diet. how about the candy diet? how much candy did you consume? >> very -- would you believe, very little? i would say none. >> boy, you're better off than i am. >> how did it go? >> i had a little binge an saturday. a little movie, popcorn and raided the kids' buckets of candy. >> it's good to have you again. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> tai hernandez here alongside t.j. holmes. we've got nasty weather. an early wintry blast is hitting the northeast. >> it's packing powerful wind gusts, heavy rain in parts of maine. blizzard-like conditions up to a foot of heavy, wet snow blanketed the state leaving more than 100,000 customers in the dark. >> as part of the back end of a powerful system that hit the south particularly hard this weekend. here now rob marciano. >> reporter: it came early. it came heavy. and it came to the south taking some people in north carolina by surprise. >> i got a text and they asked me how much snow. and i said what? i opened up the door and i was totally surprised. >> reporter: record snows in the carolinas. over a foot in spots. feels more like mid-january, but it's the beginning of november. across the border in tennessee, even more snow in the smoky mountains. a staggering 22 inches buried this lodge. some guests pictured in waist-deep snow were temporarily stranded according to the general manager. >> all the park trails were closed. roads were closed. we were virtually shut down saturday night. >> reporter: the storm moved into the northeast where cold winds gusted to over 50 miles an hour in new york city. slowing and chilling runners an the marathon's mostly northward route. in massachusetts, huge waves pounded the shores where waves gusted to 55-mile-an-hour. nearly 20 thos people without power across the state. just inland, the rain became snow and turned gillette stadium white before the patriots game at foxborough. grounds crews had to break out the snow plows to clear the field. in main, near whiteout conditions. this tractor trailer ended up on its side. still here in new york city with windchills into the 30s. but the big weather story now the cold air that's driven don to the south in florida. sunday morning, 52 degrees in miami. record low 44 at orlando. 41 for a record low in daytona beach. that's cold for november. we bounced back nicely monday afternoon with temps into the 70s. 62 in chicago where we had snow a couple of days ago. rob marciano, abc news, new york. another developing story right now, a man who arrived in the u.s. from liberia is being monitored for ebola. the tient who has a fever is in isolation at duke university hospital. the north carolina department of health notes the patient did not have any symptoms upon arrival in the u.s. and had no known exposure to ebola in liberia. there may be a new clue in the search for answers after that virgin galactic air ship crashed. this morning, investigators say the foetherring system deployed before the craft reached the appropriate speed. that system is part of the,nique tail section and is supposed to slow the descent. the fuel take and motor survived intact which will greatly help the investigation. here's alex perez. >> reporter: ntsb investigators in the mojave desert hunting for clues that may tell them what caused the spaceship 2 to for all apart in midair. two pilots were an board that test flilt. michael alwaysbury was killed, peter sebalt ejected. word he is alert and talking. one senior aerospace engine sear talking out saying they warned about the dangers of virgin galactic's nitrous oxide proteleed rockets aftera 2007 incident that killed three engineers testing an engine on the ground. their warnings ignored, says campbell. >> it's a pr-driven haste to accomplish something that should have been done in a far more measured, timely and engineering lead fashion. >> reporter: saturday branson addressed some of the criticism following the crash. >> i fund it irresponsible thad people who know nothing about what they are saying can be saying things before the ntsb makes their comments. >> reporter: branson has some 700 reservations, celebrities like pitt, jolie, dicaprio and others all agreeing to shell out more than $200,000 for a seat to space. jim clash is one of those with a reserved seat. he plans to raid his 401(k) to pay for it. and says the spaceship 2 crash won't defer him. and if you are wondering if any of those with reserved seats to space have second thoughts, virgin galact sick offerings refunds. it could be a year before that ntsb investigation is complete. alex perez, abc news, los angeles. tom menino, the longest serving mayor in the history of boston, is being laid to rest today. the former mayor was lying in state yesterday. among them, secretary of state john kerry and hillary clinton. and vice president biden will attend today's private funeral. menino was mayor for more than 20 years. he stepped don in january, shortly before being diagnosed with cancer. he died thursday at theage of 71. we turn to your voice,ior vote. just 24 hours away from election day with control of congress at stake. republicans needing a net gain of six seats to take over the second. voters are choosing from a widely diverse group of candidates. abc's david wright tells us about some of the more interesting ones. >> reporter: there some are interesting newcomers. among them, elise stephanek, hoping to become the youngest woman ever elected to congress. and there's mia love in utah who would be the first black woman republican elected to the house. in north carolina, clay aiken has struggled to parlay his success on "american idol" into a seat in the house of representatives. a familiar name can be helpful in politics. >> i voted for your grandfather. i'm voting for you. >> reporter: dynasties abound. in texas, george p. bush, son of jeb, nephew of 43, grandson of 41 makes his debut. running for texas land commissioner. in georgia, two democrats follow in family footsteps. jason carter, grandson of jimmy, running for governor. and michelle nunn, daughter of sam, running for u.s. senate. in massachusetts, an october surprise. the boston globe revealed that seth moulton failed to mention he won the bronze star for valor in iraq. hadn't even told his parents. apparently he's modest. >> 35 years as a member of the army national guard. i retired this year as a colonel. >> reporter: plenty of other candidates play up the fact they served. among them republican scott brown. he moved to his vacation home in new hampshire to run there. switching states. if elected, he'll be the first senator from two different states in 136 years. david wright, abc news, new york. >> be sure to tune in to abc news live for election coverage tomorrow night. coverage begins at 7:00 eastern on and look for special one-hour election night broadcasts at 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central. now to another race that's triggering frustration and even violence. none of the eight contenders was able to clinch one of the final four spots yesterday in nascar's chase for the sprint cup in texas. the championship took another intense turn when jeff gordon and brad keselowski got into a brawl after jimmie johnson won his second consecutive race. gordon spun out after keselowski hit his car. >> the kid is doing stuff way over his head. >> johnson celebrated his fourth victory at texas and 70th sprint cup victory overall. wasn't as violent an the football field. the steelers and ravens. steelers were up when jacoby jones returned a kickoff for 108 yards for the touchdown. the ravens were no match for the steelers for the second consecutive game, ben roethlisberger threw six td passes. an nfl record. the most in two consecutive games ever. steelers won the game 43-23. we turn to the skies over chicago. a jaw-dropping stunt by nik wallen wallenda. >> get ready for sweaty palms. before a crowd of 50,000 spectators and millions watching around the world an television, the 35-year-old daredevil braved high winds to make not one but two skyscraper crossings without a safety net or harnett. wallenda firsted walked at a 19-degree incline to the top of a building on the other side of the chicago river. >> as you can see there, just to make this more difficult, or a little more, you know, this is good live tv, right? he put a blindfold on as he walked between the marina city towers. his stunt broke two world records. the high wire acts, these have been around forever but they keep us captivated. we can't help but watch these things. and that scene over chicago, you can't help but watch. >> i can't help but get the sweaty palms. and it's actually illegal to do that kind of a crossing without a safety net in illinois, but they waived the state law because clearly he wasn't being forced into the stunt. he did it of his own free will. it's to protect people from taking risks they don't really want to. >> and he made it. >> happy ending, great. we've got "the mix" coming your way. you need to see this video of the father of the year. dad caught on camera stealing halloween candy and guiding his daughters through the whole process. >> who has to steal? they give it away for free. the wife of a competsative runner decides to run the marathon in his place. how his struggle inspired his wife and so many others. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by woolite. when you find clothes you love, you want them to last. so, why risk ruining the way they fit? try woolite. woolite's not just for delicates... it's for your everyday clothes. this! because it has the right balance of cleaning and care. unlike other detergents, woolite with fiber-flex technology won't cause stretching, keeping that perfect fit, wash after wash. don't take a chance. trust woolite. saffect over 1 million homes a year and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too! you get used to food odors you think it smells fine, but your guests think it smells like this... ( sound effects ) febreze air effects works instantly to eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to. it smells so much better! so you and your guests can breathe happy. all right. people have all kinds of reactions to failed diets. sometimes resignation. sometimes resilience. how often is it revenge? >> that is the allegation in this story. it's about a guy who got his hopes up after seeing the famous jerod commercials for subway. abc's sara haines has more. >> reporter: police say this is one teen's revenge over a failed diet. four robberies in four days, all of them sub way restaurants in alabama. watch as this man, according to police, 18-year-old zachary torrence, pulls a gun on an unsuspecting subway employee. so what's his beef? >> he stated to the detective he attempted the jerod diet and it had not work forward him and he felt he should get his money back. >> reporter: that's jerod, subway superstar. he lost 245 pounds in one year after eating a steady diiet of subway sandwiches. when the focus on footlongs didn't pay off on torrence, he targeted sandwich artists across the birmingham area. this portly gunman weighs over 200 pounds. >> my first reaction to that, too, is that that's a crazy thing to say. but there has to be -- all he did was rob subways. >> reporter: behind bars on $250,000 bond, the alleged jilted dieter may have missed this part. >> jerod believes in an active lifestyle, including lots of walking. >> reporter: nabbed after this image was shown on the facebook page viewed by 150,000 people in 24 hours. including a customer at the local walmart. the giveaway? apparently these orange shoes seen in the surveillance footage. sara haines, abc news, new york. >> they put more emphasis if you go to their website, or hear those commercials, all the emphasis an a healthy lifestyle and not as much focus an the sandwiches. >> it's called the fine print. it's interesting. there are a lot of thieves out there who feel they have rights. apparently a bank robber who threatened to file a complaint because the bank didn't have any cash on hand. i'm here to rob your bank. come on. let's go. >> where's your money? why he's behind bars as we speak. coming up, a mission accomplished. a story you need to see. a lot of people out in the streets yesterday for the nork city marathon. one woman's story behind her run is really going to inspire you. reunited and it feels so good. ebola survivor nina pham back together with her dog bentley after 21 days. they have an emotional reyunion. we'll show it to you in our next half hour. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: more than 50,000 runners hit the pavement in the annual new york city marathon. out of all of those competing, kenyan wilson kepsan was the fastest completing it in 2 hours, 10 minutes and 59 seconds. the slowest winning time, the nork city marathon has seen in almost 20 years. also leading the fight against those 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts for the women was mary kitani who won by just two seconds on the women's side. but you talk about winners and losers. anybody crazy enough to go out there and run in 40-degree weather and all those wind gusts and finish a 26-mile race, you won that sucker for me. >> was incredible. included in that bunch, one runner in particular who gives new meaning to the term mission accomplished. >> here's abc's john donvan. >> reporter: they all had their reasons for getting to this finish line. this woman running her second marathon ever would have hers waiting just across the finish line. her name is jessica berman. she ran her first marathon in 2004 with her husband brad. brad was going to repeat in new york last year. running was big for him. >> i was probably running four or five days a week and it's how i started my day. >> reporter: brad never got to the starting line last year. jessica remembers the phone call. >> brad basingally told me to come right home. something wasn't right. >> reporter: it was a stroke from a congenital brain malformation that required sergeant surgery. >> never in a million years would i have thought my healthy 37-year-old husband was having a stroke. >> he came out of it unable to master the left side of his body and with a long, long way to go to what he wants to do again some day. >> even when he was in his really brain-injured state, i want to run again. >> reporter: for now, he's learning to walk again with robotic support, paid for by donations that jessica and her friends raised by running. and so there was today. where jessica ran for brad. >> i never really wanted to run another marathon. and certainly not without him. >> reporter: well, she did, and she finished and waiting for her, brad and the boys. >> i'm proud of myself. i never thought i could do something like that alone. >> reporter: because what is a marathon if not a long, long way to go. john donvan, abc news, washington. >> brad and the boys waiting. i like how he said that. >> beautiful. when you think of all the miles and the time it takes to run. what must have been going through her mind when she finished. >> congrats to her and the rest of the folks. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. stronger than peoples twice her was and that strengtspired his liquid muscle cleaner. it lifts tough dirt so you do less scrubbing. and its nozzle stops by itself... less is wasted sure made grandma proud. mr. clean liquid muscle. saffect over 1 million homes a year and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too! ♪ time for "the mix." i need you to take a look at your television screen. this is from cctv, footage out of orlando, florida. they leave the candy out and take one piece. you are seeing a dad come by with his daughters and they are stealing about half of the tub of candy that was left out. the sign clearly says take one piece, two pieces. thiss what this dad is doing with his daughter. they take hands full. the man put this up on youtube and made some comments about it. called this guy a shining example he's setting for his daughters there. you can't believe it. >> a lot of kids came by unintended and followed the instructions but the dad -- in keeping with the halloween theme. probably the last of the pump conditions we'll s s we'll see. these are engineers in pasadena, california. they have an annual pumpkin contest. they are all tricked out with robotics. that can actually fly. the helicopter perform kins. laser lights. they have it all in one hour. they have one hour to complete their pumpkin. it's pretty impressive. >> that's going to be our last pumpkin story, that's a good one to go out on. one other video, this is a kid at a station in chicago. the friday forecaster has a guest come in. this was a second grader. >> how are you today? >> i'm great. >> nice to see you today. >> this is great to be here. >> the temperature is 35 and the humidity is 76%. well, it looks like we have some snow in wisconsin. wow. a lot of snow in canada and some -- a little bit of rain in kentucky. >> that's about right. >> he nailed it. a 7-year-old comes and does your job really well, it's a little bit -- it can be a little intimidating. but the kid is great. he's a great sport. >> much love to our meteorologists out there. it's a lot of science involved. >> of course it's a lot more difficult than that. but very cute video. that's "the mx." >> we made it through our mix. >> we've got one more and it's mine. if you are a dog lover and always wanted to communicate with your dog, there's a new harness out there. it's meant to help communication between dogs and their owners. they basically monitor the dog's stress levels to let you know certain things about the dog. they can also trick out these harnesses with search and rescue equipment. forge that bond even this morning on "world news now" -- political showdown. tomorrow's midterm election and how the balance of power on capitol hill hinges on just six senate seats. the final campaign before the big vote. vacation scare. the fear on board as a halloween cruise turns into a terrifying trip. the ordeal for passengers ordered off the ship. step by step. the daredevil who walked a tightrope between two skyscrapers blindfolded. the jaw-dropping stunts. and rihanna returns. the pop star who was banned from a social media network is allowed to come back. we'll see what we've been missing in "the skinny" on this monday, november 3rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> rihanna is back. something was missing in my life. >> rihanna is back. >> back on a social network that apparently had kicked her off for some reason. >> we'll have more on that. rihanna is back, and november is here. it snuck in over the weekend. >> yeah. man, the year flew by. 2015 is upon us. good have you here, tai hernandez. i'm t.j. holmes. good to have you all here with us. >> with november comes election day. we begin with your voice, your vote. the campaign trail packed over the weekend. candidates across the country coming in for the home stretch. >> with control of congress up for grabs, there were even a few rare campaign appearances by the president himself. more from abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: president obama making rare and final campaign stops in connecticut and philadelphia sunday. stumping for democratic gubernatorial candidates just two days before pivotal midterm elections. >> because two days from now, you get to choose your future. >> reporter: 2016 presidential hopefuls aren't far behind. >> we're in the home stretch in this election. >> reporter: former secretary of state hillary clinton on the trail in new hampshire and new jersey governor chris christie trying to get out the vote. the stakes are high for democrats. just the loss of six seats hands the senate to republicans with president obama facing a full republican-controlled congress for the rest of his term. the president's approval ratings are not helping. they are now at just 44%, and the newest polls reveal a majority of americans think he's not a good manager and not a strong leader. democrats hopeful that turnout on tuesday night be a blow to a perceived republican advantage. >> we've got early vote numbers that are up in the most competitive states. >> reporter: republicans counter. >> well, the problem they have is that their message isn't working. >> reporter: on election day, the voters decide. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> our election coverage begins at 7:00 eastern tomorrow night on, and you can look for an hour-long special on the air at 10:00/9:00 central. followed by a full wrap-up wednesday morning on "world news now." officials in iraq say isis fighters lined up and shot dead at least 50 iraqi men, women and children from the same tribe yesterday. the tribe is considered to be a u.s. ally in the battle against isis. and canada has now joined that battle for the first time. the canadian military has carried out attacks against isis targets in iraq. the terror attack in pakistan has left dozens dead. a suicide bomb detonated explosives near a checkpoint at the eastern border with india as hundreds were returning from a military parade an the outskirts of lahore. now to a frightening end to what was supposed to be a fun halloween cruise from florida to the bahamas. here's abc's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: a scare at sea. 960 passengers aboard the bahamas "celebration" cruise ship scrambling for life jackets. >> they need a kid size back there. >> reporter: and forced to evacuate. >> everybody is freaking out. >> reporter: after the ship hit an unidentified object off grand bahama island friday night creating a hole in the vessel. >> people were crying. people were hysterical. >> we could feel the boat tipping over. >> reporter: passengers telling abc news the ship came to a jerking halt before plunging into darkness. >> the lights were out. we were all eating. it became total chaos. >> reporter: the two-day cruise had taken off from west palm beach, florida, for the bahamas. it was on its way back when the accident occurred. those frightening moments happening during ironically during what had been billed as a halloween horror cruise. >> stay alert at all times. >> reporter: celebration cruise line officials say no passengers were ever in any danger. the 600-foot ship remains in the bahamas listing heavily to one side. the passengers, meanwhile, safe on dry land. catching a ride back to florida on a superfast ferry returning to palm beach one day later than scheduled. after a fright night -- >> it was so horrible, very scary. >> reporter: -- they won't soon forget. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. a traveler from liberia at duke university hospital -- is in duke university hospital in north carolina after developing a fever. officials say results of a blood test for ebola should be back within hours. they say the man showed no symptoms of the virus and was not exposed to ebola while in liberia. a brand new study just out this morning shows an alarming number of traffic accidents are blamed on drowsy driving. the aaa says 21% of fatal crashes are linked to fatigue. researchers now say there are more than 6,000 fatigue related deadly accidents each year, and aaa survey shows 28% of american drivers admit they were drowsy behind the wheel in the past month. i find one of the scariest things is you don't always know you'll get drowsy when you get in the car. it's n like you can always tell. >> this is scary. we think about people being intoxicated and being dangerous on the road. this clearly is a big problem. some of the signs, you don't always know. warning signs. inability to remember the last few miles. missing traffic signs. wandering out of lanes. those are some of the most obvious. yes, something as simple as yawning, you know you're tired, you're sleepy. >> people are willing to admit it. it's not illegal to drive drowsy, so people can talk about it. maybe figure out ways. have you ever been on the road when someone in front of you, you're thinking, what's going on? >> you don't know what's going on in that car. a lesson to us all. some weather now. parts of the northeast digging out from an early preview of winter. a nor'easter packed powerful wind gusts, heavy ran and nasty stuff across parts of maine. blizzard-like conditions. up to a foot of heavy, wet snow has pulled down power lines leaving up to 100,000 customers in the dark. maine's governor even declared an emergency to keep them on the job through the night. snow caused delays at gillette stadium before the matchup between the denver broncos and new england patriots. ground crews had to break out the snow plows to clear the field before play could get going. here's a look at some of your weather for today. >> that nor'easter has blown out to sea leaving the entire eastern half of the nation clear and dry. a band of showers from texas to northern minnesota with more rain for the pacific northwest. >> temperatures are warming up today. 40s and 50in the northeast. and intermountain areas. 60s and 70s in the south. today's hot spot, 78 in dallas. 83 in honolulu. about now, most of us are ready to move on from halloween, except for one arizona woman who would like to turn the clock back to that night. >> that's because she accidentally gave away her wedding ring with a handful of candy to some unsuspecting trick-or-treater. she's hoping somebody will find it and return it. >> she had taken it off while carving pumpkins and put it in a candy jar for safe keeping and later, without thinking, she dumped the contents of that jar into someone's bag. >> okay. so maybe it's in the bottom of someone's trick-or-treat bucket and they haven't seen it yet. now they know who maybe to return it to. >> nobody is looking for a ring in the bottom of -- that's the only other scary thing. >> and they don't know where they necessarily got it. >> she is going to get it back. she is going to get it back. the ring is not worth a whole lot. only about 50 bucks. would you believe that? wasn't anything fancy. but clearly, it's priceless to that woman. >> of course, it's priceless. she'll get it back. "the skinny" coming your way. daniel radcliffe is doing something to make you forget all about harry potter. later the nurse who recovered from ebola is reunited with her best friend after a three-week ordeal. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by mucinex. snotty tissue piles. but this year, we'll fight back at the first sign of sick. no more feeling coughy, mucusy...just...yucky. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. is this about me? am i the yucky? [cough] ♪ she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. the famous flying wallenda ain't famous for nothing. they've been dazzling audiences for generations with death-defying stunts. they kept us all watching. last night was their latest. >> nik wallenda had everybody watching with two high wire skyscraper crossings. one with a blindfold and both without a safety net below. sarah schulte from our chicago affiliate reports. >> reporter: with their necks cranked up, the crowd became bigger and bigger as the wait for nik wallenda became longer and longer. while many arrived by mid-afternoon to stake out a spot, it wasn't until after 7:30 when the 35-year-old stepped out and wowed thousands of people who watched with camera phones or with their naked eye. >> i said when he did niagara falls, i wish i was there. i said when he did the grand canyon, i wish i was there. he's here in my hometown. >> reporter: that hometown pride motivated many people to witness it in person. >> for somebody to choose my city to do this, it makes me more excited because i'm proud to live here. >> reporter: whether it was watching it from the bridge house tavern or a balcony at marina towers or in an office building with a great view, people were everywhere staring into the sky as he made his way with ease. >> he's walking so fast. i'm like slow down. it was really good. it was great. >> one word simplifies it. simply amazing. amazing. >> reporter: and that amazement continued with his second walk blindfolded. for many here, the wait was worth it. >> that was worth waiting for. pretty scary, the uphill climb and that. got to be crazy. >> it's amazing. it's still inspiring to me. i wish i could do that. >> i am so proud of him. he is following his dream. >> reporter: in chicago, sarah schulte for abc news. >> that guy is nuts. it's so impressive. >> it is. >> my goodness. i saw the niagara falls one. i watched that one live. i didn't get to see this one live. my goodness, man. >> in some ways, i'd rather have the blindfold. if you look down. apparently for the next stunt he wants to do handstands on the high wire. >> are you serious? >> i'm serious. he's serious, too. >> these things generate tens of millions of viewers. there is a ten-second delay just in case something goes wrong. it's not completely live, but everything went right. we'll see him do it again. >> no net. coming up, the big return to instagram for rihanna after she posted risque photos and disappeared. she's back. >> also some triply exciting news for stevie wonder. "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ big news. rihanna is back. she didn't really go anywhere, but she did at least on instagram. after a half year hiatus she has returned to this social network. >> it was an involuntary hiatus. and her first post since disappearing from the photo sharing site is back. posting her first image from over the weekend. some speculated it was disabled after she posted some topless photos. photos that are no longer available on her page. >> what is that picture? >> it's upside down like a selfie. an artistic selfie. >> regardless of all of this, the 26-year-old is back and made nice with instagram. a second image, a cartoon posted on instagram's official account. #riunited. they are having some fun with it. that's a cool pic. >> they are making up. all good. another dugger daughter is officially off the market. >> 21-year-old jessa tied the knot with 19-year-old ben seewald over the weekend before a packed crowd. about 1,000 people in bentonville, arkansas. the couple made departures from tradition. >> the "19 kids and counting star" saved her first kiss with ben ever for her wedding day. wasn't even at the altar. jessa and ben kissed after the ceremony in private, we are told. >> break from tradition as well. no wedding cake. guests were instead served ice cream sundaes. many people know this story. the duggers from arkansas, i'm not sure what number they are up to, this couple, how many kids they have, but she is one of the kids and now is starting her own family. is it 19? >> 19 plus. she's probably got siblings that are babies so they'll be very close in age if she has kids. wonder how long it took him to remember all her siblings names. a lot of pressure to get in to that family. >> i bet he doesn't have it down yet. daniel radcliffe is harry potter. he is not shy, of course. he's done nude scenes on broadway. he's now revealing more about himself. >> in an interview with mtv news, he said there's one accessory he'll never wear again, glasses. the 25-year-old wants to avoid the dreaded comparisons to his famous role as the wizard boy. >> he'll turn to contact lenses and even wear triangular glasses if needed. didn't know those existed. he's just 25. i didn't realize. such a kid. we've seen him for so long. still just 25. >> good way to avoid attention. triangular glasses. big congratulations to music legend stevie wonder. he is expecting triplets with his girlfriend. >> once the babies are born they'll be his 9th, 10th and 11th. exactly the amount of grammys he's collected over his 50-plus years in the business. >> his daughter gracie who is 40 gave birth to a child last year making the age range of the wonder children 1 to 39. talk about age differences. >> oh, stevie. time for our celebrity birthdays. let's look at who is celebrating. >> roseanne barr turns 62. >> dennis miller is 61. >> '80s music icon adam ant. >> and model and kardashian half-sister kendall jenner turns 19. happy birthday, everybody. coming up, a reunion to show you. want them to last. so, why risk ruining the way they fit? try woolite. woolite's not just for delicates... it's for your everyday clothes. this! because it has the right balance of cleaning and care. unlike other detergents, woolite with fiber-flex technology won't cause stretching, keeping that perfect fit, wash after wash. don't take a chance. trust woolite. you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? 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[ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. ♪ it is a heartwarming reunion many of us have been waiting for. the ebola-free texas nurse and her cute cuddly dog are back together. >> as nina pham was being treated for the disease, her dog bentley remained in quarantine for three weeks. tom llamas with the story. >> reporter: bentley the dog wagging away in his newfound freedom. kissing his owner ebola survivor nina pham. the two reuniting after being separated for 21 days. doctors initially fearing bentley could also be infected. >> it felt like christmas, literally. such a joyous occasion. >> reporter: bentley immediately quarantined after pham contracted ebola while caring for thomas eric duncan at texas health presbyterian in dallas. pham sent to maryland for treatment. her dog cared for in the lone star state testing negative for ebola. >> i was frightened that i possibly would not know what would happen to one of my best friends. >> reporter: workers exercising extreme caution tending to bentley for weeks in hazmat suits using gloves to feed him and playing with the pup from behind a mask. saturday, the state releasing pham's precious pet after nearly a month of care. the 1-year-old cavalier king charles spaniel pampered like royalty. washed, brushed and fluffed just before his release. >> you were the best boy. >> such a wonderful patient. we were able to observe him in his activities as well as doing his daily jobs. >> reporter: a duo ripped apart by a deadly virus. reunited by the help of hundreds and ready to return to life together. >> just one step closer to me feeling whole again. having my best friend back. an amazing feeling. >> reporter: tom llamas, abc news, new york. >> we have another heartwarming image for you. t.j. -- >> look, once was enough, okay? >> can you even -- so warm. i didn't recognize him at all. even a cute one as olaf. >> that's was the point. >> disguise yourself. there you go. you were robin's olaf. >> you got pulled into it? >> last minute. the things you do around here. this was a contractual oversight on my part. it was -- >> was it difficult to put on? >> a young woman named jamie helped me into that outfit. yes. >> what did you daughter think? >> she didn't know i was in the thing. when she watched she went nuts when she saw the snowman. she didn't know it was daddy but saw olaf and got excited. >> she knows you. >> okay. that might have been it. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this morning -- final frenzy. a last ditch effort from both sides of the aisle. the president hitting the trail. and the battleground states determining control of congress. we're live in washington. wintry weather. a surprise snowfall blankets part of the country. people are waking up to their first freeze of the season. a possible cause of the crash kofling the virgin galactic spaceship. why new signs point to a fatal mistake in the cockpit. and a late-night high wire act performed blindfolded and without a safety net. and good morni

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