Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150107 : compareme

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150107

northwest washington. two years in prison, the sentence to the former governor of virginia. why it may not be a done deal next. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> the temperatures are dropping into the 20's tonight and roads are freezing over as we speak. we have live team coverage on the road conditions and power outages coming up. first, the combination of icy roads and freezing temperatures is leading to school delays in virginia and maryland. loudoun county, prince george's county, fairfax county, all of them operating under a two hour delay. we have a full list available on the screen right now. let's get to steve rudin to see what we need to do to prepare for tomorrow. >> it will only get colder as we move into the overnight and the black ice issues will increase into the early morning. right now, the skies are beginning to clear, partly cloudy skies. the snow is long gone. these are the current windchill factors. it feels like 21 at reagan national only three degrees pittsburgh, and it feels like to degrees in detroit. 20 degrees below zero in minneapolis. these areas are under windchill advisories. nothing like that for the immediate metro, but tomorrow morning we will see temperatures in the teens to lower 20's with wind beginning to increase out of the west. the wind will allow the windchill factor in d.c. to feel like the single digits to lower teens. we have another round of super cold air on the way. i will detail how long it will last, plus what to expect for the weekend. i promise that we have slightly warmer temperatures on the way. >> happening now across the area, some roads are freezing because of the temperatures, which means if a road in your neighborhood looks wet it is likely covered in ice. jay korff, how was it looking? >> the problem is awful and it will only get worse, especially on the side roads. if it is slushy, icy and it has not been cleared, it is only going to get worse because of the re-freeze. it's really bad a few miles away from here. >> don't bring your car on this road. >> this is in clifton, virginia, a coldhearted gut-punch to drivers trying to get home tuesday night. this road claimed a number of victims who could not navigate the incline that residents insist was not touched at all by a salt truck or plow. >> they are normally very diligent about clearing this road, but i only saw one truck along the main road. >> we discovered while mean roads were in good shape, many sidestreets were a slick mess. cars were in ditches through the region. every abandoned vehicle that we saw was on an untreated side road. the police say there were at least 500 crashes this morning in combined jurisdictions. this good samaritan save the day for this we were driver. he attached a toast rap to the front of the minivan and slowly purred her up the treacherous hill. >> this hill is horrible. >> after the debacle, i reached out to a spokesperson for vdot. she said they are very concerned about that. she said they would get a supervisor on that immediately said the situation does not get worse for the morning commute and they are doing their best to catch up with 800 trucks on the roads. a lot of folks were surprised by the storm. jay korff, abc 7 news. >> more schools in the area were open this morning despite the snow-covered roads, but that caused major problems. in prince william county, there were 12 crashes involving school buses. we spoke with parents who were outraged about the officials' decision to keep the doors open. tom roussey has that story. >> the problem is not with the major roads, but the problem is with roads like this one. the other problem is a lot of roads like this lead into the high schools, james madison here in vienna. we drove on this road earlier and we slipped. it is icy here, which is why they have a two hour delay tomorrow. tonight, folks voted in a special election. the parents here were not happy that it and other fairfax county schools were open for kids earlier in the day. >> when they have the potential of morning rush-hour snow, they need to err on the side of caution. >> many schools were all apologizing. there were 12 bus accidents in prince william, and these images from loudoun county show their issues, too, but nowhere was the outcry greater than in fairfax county. >> i have four elementary school children and it was very tough. our vehicle got stuck. we made it, but the school was closed. >> i think it was a poor decision. they need to make decisions earlier and look at the forecast. >> students and parents say this cannot happen again. >> this was a pretty big mistake. >> although a school board member does not make the decision to close the schools the superintendent and assistant superintendent do. he is the one that students complain to. he said the board needs to look at the timing and process by which closing decisions are made. >> they have to correct the problem. >> the road leading to james madison high school is one of many roads that are icy, which is why there is a two hour delay here in fairfax county and a number of counties. a lot of the students want the full day, not necessarily tomorrow, but they feel like they are owed the full day since they do not get anything today. tom roussey, abc 7 news. >> thousands of people in northwest washington are dealing with this cold without power an outage near dupont circle is active. roz plater is live in northwest. any idea when this will be fixed? >> the latest information that we have is they expect to have most of the power restored to customers i 11:30 tonight. we just saw some traffic lights coming on. for the rest of those customers, it could be tomorrow afternoon before they get power. the trouble is the timeline has been shifting, which has been frustrating to people who live here. streets are around dupont circle in just about total darkness, no street lights no working traffic signals. pedestrians using flashlights trying to get home to their families safely. >> they are out there now camping. >> i bought an additional flashlight. we have a flashlight and some candles. >> others gave up, packed up, and are sleeping with friends for the night. the trouble started here at 18th and new hampshire tuesday morning. pepco said that an equipment failure sparked an underground fire, leaving thousands who live nearby in the dark. >> our houses are cold, no electricity, no heat. pepco is a little maddening that they don't just come out and say we don't know what it is coming back. every two hours, every two hours. >> businesses along normally busy candidate a gavin were forced to shut down. >> you cannot have dupont circle go down 10 hours or more. you cannot. you are losing tax revenue. the city is not even thinking of that. and they are not thinking of the residents who live here. >> pepco said, "we are still conducting critical safety tests. crews are working as quickly as possible to restore power." for those who will not get power until tomorrow afternoon, they have set up a warming center on 10th street. live in northwest, roz plater, abc 7 news. >> for a look at school closings, traffic information, and whether up aids, check out you can also -- and for weather updates, check out two people dead after a shooting at a veterans medical facility in el paso. the gunman shot a doctor before taking his own life. the shooting prompted nearby fort worth in several schools to go one block down. the authorities have not released the names of the victims or the shooter. just in from harford county, maryland, authorities confirming an emergency vehicle responding to a call hit and killed a paramedic. this happened this afternoon in bel air. the rescue truck slid down the driveway and collided with a member of the bel air volunteer fire department. the 29-year-old paramedic died at the hospital. he worked there the past three years and also volunteered in howard county. funeral arrangements are pending. the other big story a two-year federal prison sentence for former virginia governor mcdonnell. but as jeff goldberg reports, he is fighting the time behind bars. and a new cotton's from apple >> developing news from richmond, where a judge sentenced former virginia governor bob mcdonnell to two years in prison, but that sentence may not stand. jeff goldberg tells us what's next. >> the two-year sentence comes weeks after the u.s. probation office recommended a sentence of 10 to 12 years in prison. following the decision, bob mcdonnell embraced his children in the courtroom, then walked outside looking call men composed. following the decision in court bob mcdonnell thanked judge spencer for showing mercy while maintaining his own innocence. >> i know some of the judgments i have made during the course of my governorship affect it myself, my family, and the beloved people of virginia. >> the defense called 11 character witnesses in court tuesday, all of whom spoke fairly highly -- very highly of the former governor, most noticeably douglas wilder. he said mcdonnell has been hurt and wounded almost permanently asking the judge to give mercy. the former governor addressed the judge, saying he is both heartbroken and humbled. judge spencer applauded mcdonnell's military service, that he was moved by the nearly 450 letters written on his behalf, and even called the prosecution's star witness jonnie williams a snake and serpent. but he said all of the mercy that i can muster cannot cover it all, before handing down a sentence of two years in prison. >> he was careful and the judge looked at governor mcdonnell as a human being. >> no one is above the law. not a high public official, not even the highest public official of the state. that was what the case was all about. >> this person was a german the trial. she believes that governor mcdonnell got special treatment in a sentence that was far too light. >> now i'm like, what was the purpose? what was the point of the last six weeks, eight hours a day? >> mcdonnell's lawyers have already started the appeals process. next up is the sentencing for maureen mcdonnell on february 20. during his statement to the judge, governor bob mcdonnell said this -- "consider mercy first for my wife." jeff goldberg, abc 7 news. >> 7 7 on your side with a consumer alert from apple. new patents hint at interesting things to come including a smart phone that ends and glasses. there are nearly two dozen drawings showing how a new iphone could be bent. it also shows a flexible screen flexible battery, and flexible circuit boards. always something new. >> absolutely. something old return today, that is called snow. depending on the location anywhere from 1, 2 inches, three inches or more. the bad news tomorrow, we will have a lot of black ice particularly early in the morning. that will cause problems. school districts are arty starting to delay a few hours. three inches fell in fairfax 2.4 inches at reagan national, 4.2 inches at dulles, bwi-marshall coming in at 3.2 inches of snow. the heavy snow band set up early in the morning, thankfully all of that out of here now. 34 degrees was -- 31 degrees was the high today. not going to see anything like that anytime soon. 100% guarantee. right now we are at 15 at dulles 28 lexington park, maryland. the satellite radar, the skies have cleared out nicely, cold temperatures. those cold temperatures will stick around tomorrow and well into the day thursday. tomorrow morning, gaithersburg in the upper teens, middle tenns ens. the wind will begin to kickoff allowing the windchill factor to drop rather quickly. the cold air off to the north and west, nine degrees right now in chicago. 13 degrees to trade. that will fall tonight in chicago well below zero. tomorrow they may not make it above zero as a daytime high. the futurecast, the next 48 hours, the wind is strong tomorrow, 40 mile-per-hour wind gusts not out of the question. all of the cold air filtering in across the mid-atlantic. the cold air will stick around tomorrow night into the day thursday. that will likely bring us the coldest day so far this season. look at this computer animation, the project it windchill factors. tomorrow morning, at what it may feel like, single digits across much of the area come even though temperatures will be in the teens. another shot a very cold air late tomorrow night. in the west, in the mounds, we could have wind gust up to 60 miles per hour. hank fully by the weekend we warm up. -- thankfully by the weekend we warm up. 26 to 30 one tonight. frigid day on thursday. upper 30's on friday. tracking the bitter cold and the windchill and a whole lot more, jacqui jeras will be here bright and early, 4:25,updated. >> good advice. i saw some black ice on the way into work tonight. >> dan snyder is working overtime tonight, trying to make the off-season one of the best. tom brady talks about terrel suggs. sports is coming up. >> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> the georgetown hoyas have the type of ball club back in play at a high level and then go into a drought for 12 minutes. that is exactly what happened in the phone booth. on the corner, tied at 22-22. the first half he will cut his way through traffic, cashing in. time-tested veterans stepping up to give the g-men a boost tonight. the sniper from long range three ball. the big fella, josh smith, he had a double double. if he ever realizes how good he is, look out. 12 points, 10 rebounds. georgetown wins. across town, george washington. from the bonus fear, 52- 49. the colonials on the move. sharing the ball. to kevin larson, flush. down main street, right down the baseline. the colonials beat st. louis. that is their sixth straight win. it's talk about the redskins will stop the story has been calculating, circulating all day that scot mccloughan would be the next general manager of the redskins. bruce allen would be the president. dan signer -- dan snyder would finally have an outstanding personnel guy. snyder met with mccloughan today and found that most of the folks in the nfl regard him as the best talent evaluator in the league. he was the personnel director in seattle. he left the league with a personal problem. now the skins would like to have him in charge. the negotiations are still continuing. the baltimore ravens are seven-point underdogs saturday against the patriots in new england, but the ravens know that they can cause problems defensively, making it a long day for tom brady. tom brady knows that the guy to stop is terrell suggs. >> he is phenomenal. his 12th year, it looks like his third year. he is the leader of that defense. he makes great plays. i think there is the play that is called and then what he actually runs. even though he has a certain responsibility, he takes a shot and goes forward. >> to which terrell suggs said, "say what?" randy johnson, peter martinez, john smoltz, and craig biggio all welcomed into the hall of fame class. >> he was about 10 feet tall. the biggest pitcher ever. >> it was our first time this season in the snow. for one resident, her first time ever. >> take a look at this. the national zoo was closed today, but that did not stop the baby panda from getting her first taste of snowfall this the zoo provided this video showing the 15-month-old tumbling down the hill, enjoying the snow. in the interest of accuracy, she did play in the snow last january, but that time was when they brought in a bucket of snow. this is a little more hands on this par >> it will be cold tomorrow, even colder thursday morning. high's tomorrow in the upper 20's, lower 20's thursday. jacqui jeras will be here bright and early to update the forecast. >> jimmy kimmel live is next. have a good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- matt leblanc. from marvel's "agent carter," hayley atwell. and chef jamie oliver. with cleto and the cletones. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. i appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ]

Related Keywords

Dupont Circle , District Of Columbia , United States , Germany , Loudoun County , Virginia , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Howard County , Washington , Richmond , Hampshire , Prince George County , Prince William County , Hollywood , California , Fairfax County , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Chicago , Illinois , Baltimore , German , Steve Rudin , Terrell Suggs , Dan Snyder , Jimmy Kimmel , Craig Biggio , Bob Mcdonnell , Jonnie Williams , Josh Smith , Jeff Goldberg , Tom Brady , Jay Korff , Peter Martinez , John Smoltz , Jamie Oliver , Matt Leblanc , Hayley Atwell , Douglas Wilder , Bruce Allen , James Madison , Randy Johnson , Kevin Larson , El Paso ,

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Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150107 :

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150107

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northwest washington. two years in prison, the sentence to the former governor of virginia. why it may not be a done deal next. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> the temperatures are dropping into the 20's tonight and roads are freezing over as we speak. we have live team coverage on the road conditions and power outages coming up. first, the combination of icy roads and freezing temperatures is leading to school delays in virginia and maryland. loudoun county, prince george's county, fairfax county, all of them operating under a two hour delay. we have a full list available on the screen right now. let's get to steve rudin to see what we need to do to prepare for tomorrow. >> it will only get colder as we move into the overnight and the black ice issues will increase into the early morning. right now, the skies are beginning to clear, partly cloudy skies. the snow is long gone. these are the current windchill factors. it feels like 21 at reagan national only three degrees pittsburgh, and it feels like to degrees in detroit. 20 degrees below zero in minneapolis. these areas are under windchill advisories. nothing like that for the immediate metro, but tomorrow morning we will see temperatures in the teens to lower 20's with wind beginning to increase out of the west. the wind will allow the windchill factor in d.c. to feel like the single digits to lower teens. we have another round of super cold air on the way. i will detail how long it will last, plus what to expect for the weekend. i promise that we have slightly warmer temperatures on the way. >> happening now across the area, some roads are freezing because of the temperatures, which means if a road in your neighborhood looks wet it is likely covered in ice. jay korff, how was it looking? >> the problem is awful and it will only get worse, especially on the side roads. if it is slushy, icy and it has not been cleared, it is only going to get worse because of the re-freeze. it's really bad a few miles away from here. >> don't bring your car on this road. >> this is in clifton, virginia, a coldhearted gut-punch to drivers trying to get home tuesday night. this road claimed a number of victims who could not navigate the incline that residents insist was not touched at all by a salt truck or plow. >> they are normally very diligent about clearing this road, but i only saw one truck along the main road. >> we discovered while mean roads were in good shape, many sidestreets were a slick mess. cars were in ditches through the region. every abandoned vehicle that we saw was on an untreated side road. the police say there were at least 500 crashes this morning in combined jurisdictions. this good samaritan save the day for this we were driver. he attached a toast rap to the front of the minivan and slowly purred her up the treacherous hill. >> this hill is horrible. >> after the debacle, i reached out to a spokesperson for vdot. she said they are very concerned about that. she said they would get a supervisor on that immediately said the situation does not get worse for the morning commute and they are doing their best to catch up with 800 trucks on the roads. a lot of folks were surprised by the storm. jay korff, abc 7 news. >> more schools in the area were open this morning despite the snow-covered roads, but that caused major problems. in prince william county, there were 12 crashes involving school buses. we spoke with parents who were outraged about the officials' decision to keep the doors open. tom roussey has that story. >> the problem is not with the major roads, but the problem is with roads like this one. the other problem is a lot of roads like this lead into the high schools, james madison here in vienna. we drove on this road earlier and we slipped. it is icy here, which is why they have a two hour delay tomorrow. tonight, folks voted in a special election. the parents here were not happy that it and other fairfax county schools were open for kids earlier in the day. >> when they have the potential of morning rush-hour snow, they need to err on the side of caution. >> many schools were all apologizing. there were 12 bus accidents in prince william, and these images from loudoun county show their issues, too, but nowhere was the outcry greater than in fairfax county. >> i have four elementary school children and it was very tough. our vehicle got stuck. we made it, but the school was closed. >> i think it was a poor decision. they need to make decisions earlier and look at the forecast. >> students and parents say this cannot happen again. >> this was a pretty big mistake. >> although a school board member does not make the decision to close the schools the superintendent and assistant superintendent do. he is the one that students complain to. he said the board needs to look at the timing and process by which closing decisions are made. >> they have to correct the problem. >> the road leading to james madison high school is one of many roads that are icy, which is why there is a two hour delay here in fairfax county and a number of counties. a lot of the students want the full day, not necessarily tomorrow, but they feel like they are owed the full day since they do not get anything today. tom roussey, abc 7 news. >> thousands of people in northwest washington are dealing with this cold without power an outage near dupont circle is active. roz plater is live in northwest. any idea when this will be fixed? >> the latest information that we have is they expect to have most of the power restored to customers i 11:30 tonight. we just saw some traffic lights coming on. for the rest of those customers, it could be tomorrow afternoon before they get power. the trouble is the timeline has been shifting, which has been frustrating to people who live here. streets are around dupont circle in just about total darkness, no street lights no working traffic signals. pedestrians using flashlights trying to get home to their families safely. >> they are out there now camping. >> i bought an additional flashlight. we have a flashlight and some candles. >> others gave up, packed up, and are sleeping with friends for the night. the trouble started here at 18th and new hampshire tuesday morning. pepco said that an equipment failure sparked an underground fire, leaving thousands who live nearby in the dark. >> our houses are cold, no electricity, no heat. pepco is a little maddening that they don't just come out and say we don't know what it is coming back. every two hours, every two hours. >> businesses along normally busy candidate a gavin were forced to shut down. >> you cannot have dupont circle go down 10 hours or more. you cannot. you are losing tax revenue. the city is not even thinking of that. and they are not thinking of the residents who live here. >> pepco said, "we are still conducting critical safety tests. crews are working as quickly as possible to restore power." for those who will not get power until tomorrow afternoon, they have set up a warming center on 10th street. live in northwest, roz plater, abc 7 news. >> for a look at school closings, traffic information, and whether up aids, check out you can also -- and for weather updates, check out two people dead after a shooting at a veterans medical facility in el paso. the gunman shot a doctor before taking his own life. the shooting prompted nearby fort worth in several schools to go one block down. the authorities have not released the names of the victims or the shooter. just in from harford county, maryland, authorities confirming an emergency vehicle responding to a call hit and killed a paramedic. this happened this afternoon in bel air. the rescue truck slid down the driveway and collided with a member of the bel air volunteer fire department. the 29-year-old paramedic died at the hospital. he worked there the past three years and also volunteered in howard county. funeral arrangements are pending. the other big story a two-year federal prison sentence for former virginia governor mcdonnell. but as jeff goldberg reports, he is fighting the time behind bars. and a new cotton's from apple >> developing news from richmond, where a judge sentenced former virginia governor bob mcdonnell to two years in prison, but that sentence may not stand. jeff goldberg tells us what's next. >> the two-year sentence comes weeks after the u.s. probation office recommended a sentence of 10 to 12 years in prison. following the decision, bob mcdonnell embraced his children in the courtroom, then walked outside looking call men composed. following the decision in court bob mcdonnell thanked judge spencer for showing mercy while maintaining his own innocence. >> i know some of the judgments i have made during the course of my governorship affect it myself, my family, and the beloved people of virginia. >> the defense called 11 character witnesses in court tuesday, all of whom spoke fairly highly -- very highly of the former governor, most noticeably douglas wilder. he said mcdonnell has been hurt and wounded almost permanently asking the judge to give mercy. the former governor addressed the judge, saying he is both heartbroken and humbled. judge spencer applauded mcdonnell's military service, that he was moved by the nearly 450 letters written on his behalf, and even called the prosecution's star witness jonnie williams a snake and serpent. but he said all of the mercy that i can muster cannot cover it all, before handing down a sentence of two years in prison. >> he was careful and the judge looked at governor mcdonnell as a human being. >> no one is above the law. not a high public official, not even the highest public official of the state. that was what the case was all about. >> this person was a german the trial. she believes that governor mcdonnell got special treatment in a sentence that was far too light. >> now i'm like, what was the purpose? what was the point of the last six weeks, eight hours a day? >> mcdonnell's lawyers have already started the appeals process. next up is the sentencing for maureen mcdonnell on february 20. during his statement to the judge, governor bob mcdonnell said this -- "consider mercy first for my wife." jeff goldberg, abc 7 news. >> 7 7 on your side with a consumer alert from apple. new patents hint at interesting things to come including a smart phone that ends and glasses. there are nearly two dozen drawings showing how a new iphone could be bent. it also shows a flexible screen flexible battery, and flexible circuit boards. always something new. >> absolutely. something old return today, that is called snow. depending on the location anywhere from 1, 2 inches, three inches or more. the bad news tomorrow, we will have a lot of black ice particularly early in the morning. that will cause problems. school districts are arty starting to delay a few hours. three inches fell in fairfax 2.4 inches at reagan national, 4.2 inches at dulles, bwi-marshall coming in at 3.2 inches of snow. the heavy snow band set up early in the morning, thankfully all of that out of here now. 34 degrees was -- 31 degrees was the high today. not going to see anything like that anytime soon. 100% guarantee. right now we are at 15 at dulles 28 lexington park, maryland. the satellite radar, the skies have cleared out nicely, cold temperatures. those cold temperatures will stick around tomorrow and well into the day thursday. tomorrow morning, gaithersburg in the upper teens, middle tenns ens. the wind will begin to kickoff allowing the windchill factor to drop rather quickly. the cold air off to the north and west, nine degrees right now in chicago. 13 degrees to trade. that will fall tonight in chicago well below zero. tomorrow they may not make it above zero as a daytime high. the futurecast, the next 48 hours, the wind is strong tomorrow, 40 mile-per-hour wind gusts not out of the question. all of the cold air filtering in across the mid-atlantic. the cold air will stick around tomorrow night into the day thursday. that will likely bring us the coldest day so far this season. look at this computer animation, the project it windchill factors. tomorrow morning, at what it may feel like, single digits across much of the area come even though temperatures will be in the teens. another shot a very cold air late tomorrow night. in the west, in the mounds, we could have wind gust up to 60 miles per hour. hank fully by the weekend we warm up. -- thankfully by the weekend we warm up. 26 to 30 one tonight. frigid day on thursday. upper 30's on friday. tracking the bitter cold and the windchill and a whole lot more, jacqui jeras will be here bright and early, 4:25,updated. >> good advice. i saw some black ice on the way into work tonight. >> dan snyder is working overtime tonight, trying to make the off-season one of the best. tom brady talks about terrel suggs. sports is coming up. >> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> the georgetown hoyas have the type of ball club back in play at a high level and then go into a drought for 12 minutes. that is exactly what happened in the phone booth. on the corner, tied at 22-22. the first half he will cut his way through traffic, cashing in. time-tested veterans stepping up to give the g-men a boost tonight. the sniper from long range three ball. the big fella, josh smith, he had a double double. if he ever realizes how good he is, look out. 12 points, 10 rebounds. georgetown wins. across town, george washington. from the bonus fear, 52- 49. the colonials on the move. sharing the ball. to kevin larson, flush. down main street, right down the baseline. the colonials beat st. louis. that is their sixth straight win. it's talk about the redskins will stop the story has been calculating, circulating all day that scot mccloughan would be the next general manager of the redskins. bruce allen would be the president. dan signer -- dan snyder would finally have an outstanding personnel guy. snyder met with mccloughan today and found that most of the folks in the nfl regard him as the best talent evaluator in the league. he was the personnel director in seattle. he left the league with a personal problem. now the skins would like to have him in charge. the negotiations are still continuing. the baltimore ravens are seven-point underdogs saturday against the patriots in new england, but the ravens know that they can cause problems defensively, making it a long day for tom brady. tom brady knows that the guy to stop is terrell suggs. >> he is phenomenal. his 12th year, it looks like his third year. he is the leader of that defense. he makes great plays. i think there is the play that is called and then what he actually runs. even though he has a certain responsibility, he takes a shot and goes forward. >> to which terrell suggs said, "say what?" randy johnson, peter martinez, john smoltz, and craig biggio all welcomed into the hall of fame class. >> he was about 10 feet tall. the biggest pitcher ever. >> it was our first time this season in the snow. for one resident, her first time ever. >> take a look at this. the national zoo was closed today, but that did not stop the baby panda from getting her first taste of snowfall this the zoo provided this video showing the 15-month-old tumbling down the hill, enjoying the snow. in the interest of accuracy, she did play in the snow last january, but that time was when they brought in a bucket of snow. this is a little more hands on this par >> it will be cold tomorrow, even colder thursday morning. high's tomorrow in the upper 20's, lower 20's thursday. jacqui jeras will be here bright and early to update the forecast. >> jimmy kimmel live is next. have a good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- matt leblanc. from marvel's "agent carter," hayley atwell. and chef jamie oliver. with cleto and the cletones. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. i appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ]

Related Keywords

Dupont Circle , District Of Columbia , United States , Germany , Loudoun County , Virginia , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Howard County , Washington , Richmond , Hampshire , Prince George County , Prince William County , Hollywood , California , Fairfax County , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Chicago , Illinois , Baltimore , German , Steve Rudin , Terrell Suggs , Dan Snyder , Jimmy Kimmel , Craig Biggio , Bob Mcdonnell , Jonnie Williams , Josh Smith , Jeff Goldberg , Tom Brady , Jay Korff , Peter Martinez , John Smoltz , Jamie Oliver , Matt Leblanc , Hayley Atwell , Douglas Wilder , Bruce Allen , James Madison , Randy Johnson , Kevin Larson , El Paso ,

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