Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20130127 : compareme

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20130127

video into our newsroom that a fire started just after 10:00 p.m. there were two people inside. they managed to get out safely. no word on what started the fire. >> another we are following in northeast two men are under arrest after firing shots at dc police officers. this happened in the trinidad area around 7:30. officers in an unmarked vehicle spotted the men, who appeared to be following another man. the officers got out of their vehicle, approached the man and one of the suspects turned and fired several shots of the officers. after a short chase, the officers arrested the men and got their guns. the officers did not have to fire their own weapons and were not injured. >> we want to get to our other top story tonight. five people are recovering after being shot inside a d.c. nightclub. tonight, the suspect still on the loose. you are just getting new information? >> this poliedding some light on what happened. police say the nightclub was about to close when the gunmen got into a fight with another patron. he left a few moments later and started shooting. the d.c. soundstage scene of the shooting, is now shut down. >> while. >> late saturday, the police put of the closure notice. many in the neighborhood are just now learning about the gun man who entered the nightclub's front door around 2:30 saturday morning and fired into the crowd. >> i really think it is a tragedy that we just had happened. i pray for the family of the people that were shot. >> four men and one woman were winded. the shooter earlier got into a fight with another patron. the club was closing for the night. the man left, returned with a handgun began shooting, and ran out. >> customers and amateur performers say the d.c. soundstage was a safe place. >> i never had a problem, i had never seen a problem. >> along the 2400 block where many businesses are their windows, there is now a sense of unease. >> i did not know about this. that makes me even more nervous. >> and they were trying to find out what happened. >> people who live nearby are just trying to make sense of it all. quick sale of the neighborhood but you have to be careful. -- i love the neighborhood, but you have to be careful. >> the injuries are nonlife threatening although one man was shot in his eye. police have only a vague description of the suspect, but there is a surveillance camera outside the pub. he soundstage will remain closed for at least the next four days. live in the newsroom, abc 7 news. >> we will switch now to uncover county where a party inside a hotel was anything but festive. after the host let someone in who she thought was a guest but apparently he was just there to rob them. ross joins us live from outside the hotel. apparently she thought it was a friend of one of her desk? >> apparently he looks the part. nobody knew the robbery had gone down. only say he did the victim's cash, cell phones, and electronic devices, the very things that may have helped police track him down. police say the parties hostess had rented a room at the homewood suites hotel in downtown over spring. she sent out text message invitations to her friends telling them the room number. it all went well until about 11:00 p.m., when she answered a knock at the door and let in a man she presumed was a guest. turns out he was anything but. >> once inside he produced a sawed-off shotgun and took property from everybody in the room. >> oh, my god. >> did he hurt anybody? >> nobody got shot. >> that is kind of scary. >> investigators will not say how, but they tracked the suspect to a bus about five miles away. then they found 18-year-old jackson julius on the bus, he had a duffel bag with the shotgun and the victims belongings. po it is unclear how he found out about the party, but this should serve as a cautionary tale. >> when you put a message like that electronically, it can be forwarded to thousands of people who have countless motivations. >> anybody could come through and act like they are part of the party. you have got to be careful what you put out there. >> according to online court records, this is not his first brush with the law. he has a court date for monday afternoon. live and downtowns over spring abc 7 news. >> iq. -- thank you. they came by the thousands to deliver a message to congress. pass new gun control laws now. some carrying signs that said ban assault weapons. vincent was among those carrying -- among those at the protest. >> guns have got to go. they have just got to go. we cannot let this happen to these kids or anyone else. >> columbine -- when is it going to end? >> gun rights advocates also showed up today. they want their second amendment rights protected. taking away peoples guns will not protect children any better they say. >> >> in georgia, people were buying guns by the dozen. that was in lawrenceville today. they say they fear the government is going to take away some of their guns, so they want to make sure they have protection. people were buying all types of weapons including military assault rifles. they think they will be tougher to get in the future. a five car crash in the district left one woman dead. they have now identified the victim, she is christina king. king was driving on southern avenue in southeast when her minivan ran into a car, she kept going and crashed into an ambulance. her suv flipped over and caught fire. the ambulance then hit another car, which struck another vehicle. five other people were hurt in this crash. police are still investigating. >> a professor and her daughter will be honored tomorrow. a service for laura gardner and her daughter will be held on the school campus. they were killed in an early morning fire on wednesday in their home. investigators have not said what caused the fire. >> a discovery today -- a person out for a walk with a dog found the body of a man on the path. this happened around 11:00 a.m. this morning. it appears the man was in his 30's and may have died of hypothermia. an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death. >> renumbering those who fought and died in america's wars volunteers placed 112,000 remember and reads on the graves at arlington national cemetery. despite its temperatures, volunteers back in the cemetery collecting those w reaths. >> i am thankful they did it for us. >> the cleanup took a couple of hours. the remembrance wreathess program started a couple of years ago. they will be back at the cemetery again this year. >> we have a couple of flurries out there today. and other parts of the area. >> if you can make it to midweek, there is good news. >> we will all make it to midweek. we need to get through the next 24 hours or so, then something changes on the way. people will be really happy about it. take a look at the temperatures outside. we have not seen temperatures like this in about five days. 30 at reagan national, the same for dallas and manassas. -- dulles and manassas. high pressure builds overhead. what to expect tomorrow morning? partly sunny skies. it will be a chilly start to the day. amateurs in the mid-teens to lower 20's. if you are dreaming of the mid to upper 50's, they will not be here tomorrow, but i will tell you when in just a few minutes. >> a great tease there. one of the senate longer serving members is retiring. tom harkin said he will not seek reelection next year. the 73-year-old that it is time for him to step aside. he is in his fifth term in the senate, before that he served 10 years in the house. his senate seat has been in democratic hands for decades and could provide an opening for republicans andnext year. >> we will tell you what has the medical community concernsed. and one judge's decision set off a deadly riots. there are over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee that have earned the "keurig brewed" seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee ery me. keurig brewed -- look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. >> you are watching abc seven news at 11:00. >> as a flu season was not bad enough, we are actually fighting three viruses. he won the causes the common cold, and now a new virus is dreading like wildfire across the u.s. it can sickened tens of millions. >> i have never felt like this before. >> is bug came from australia and is ripping across the country. it is a new strain of virus stomach pain, vomiting diarrhea, and fever. unlike the seasonal flu you can get this from food and people who prepare your food. >> this is one of the most contagious viruses we deal with. you have to be meticulous to avoid getting it. >> and you can get it from any hard service you touch. most sanitizers cannot catch it. it lingers for weeks on door handles and coffeemakers. >> and then there is this. flu is spread mostly in the air, by coughs and sneezes. you need to breathe in as many as 1000 virus particles to get sick. this virus, just 18 particles will do it. it is extremely contagious. annually more than 20 million americans catch the bug. there is no vaccine. >> no vaccine. fluids. deep -- prevent dehydration. >> it is not just making millions of people very sick it is also preventing them from donating blood. >> if you had the flu you need to be symptom free 24 to 48 hours before you come in. >> you need to be free of antibiotics for 24 hours to safely donate blood. those requirements are keeping sick people away from donor sites. >> the hospital always needs blood. we are asking anybody that is healthy right now to donate. >> abc news, new york. >> stories making news overseas 27 people have been killed and at least 400 injured in egypt tonight. the violence comes after a judge sentenced 21 people to death in connection with a crime at a soccer field that killed close to 75 fans. the rioters today were killed when police fired birdshot and live ammunition into the crowd. this is the second anniversary of egypt's revolution. >> an attack on syria is an attack on iran. the comments are seen as a sign that teflonhran will do everything it can. the first of six patriot missiles have been deployed to southern turkey to intercept a possible rocket from syria are up and running. the united states, germany, and the netherlands are providing two batteries each. >> and little but closer to home, making headlines in this country -- a nationwide manhunt is underway for a prisoner who escaped from a michigan jail. rocky marquez got out by posing as another inmate who is set to be released. this is the second time he has escaped by pretending to be someone else. the 31-year-old was arrested in arizona after running from the scene of a drunk driving accident. he is also facing federal drug charges. he was waiting extradition to phoenix when you got out. >> another -- to talk ed kock -- ed koch released from the hospital. >> is into have all the snow out of the way. >> a lot of salt everywhere. the sidewalks and your pet feet. talking about what is coming up, no snow in the near future. our skies are beginning to clear. our temperatures are falling. 30 degrees at reagan national airport area the windchill factor is 23 degrees. daytime highs today, 37. we finally cracked the freezing mark at reagan national airport. temperatures at 32 or below. the changes are on the way. 26 degrees this hour. as we look at hagerstown to the north, now 26 degrees. our final stop, northwest d.c. is reporting in at 27. martinsburg, winchester, up to 40 in further charge. -- fredericksburg lineg. a little bit of a warming trend on the way. we are six degrees warmer than we were during the 11:00 p.m. hour last night. temperatures will warm into the 50s in the coming weeks. a few flurries earlier this evening, it did not amount to a whole lot. high pressure builds overhead as skies start to clear. we will see a good deal of sunshine tomorrow morning. by the afternoon, a little bit of a different story. this is the doppler radar. it is quiet and dry right now. our futurecast for the next 48 hours, the clouds breaking apart early tomorrow morning. through the day tomorrow, highest just around 37 degrees. the clouds will increase during the afternoon hours. this is all part of a funnel system that may bring us some freezing rain. that is indicated in purple. that is that: 00. at 10:00 it changes over to rain and this will move out of here. on tuesday, it appears to be a fantastic day. it will feel a lot like spring with highs around 55 to 60 degrees. it will not last that long. clouds and cold for the overnight. colder temperatures after the north and west. tomorrow, partly to mostly cloudy skies. more clouds by later afternoon. temperatures in the 30's. extended outlook shows warmer temperatures on the way. upper 50's to around 60 on tuesday and wednesday. a better chance for showers on wednesday a stronger cold front moves through. it will take a little bit of time for the really cold air to arrive. friday or saturday. we have a brand-new daily i wonder on our website, >> one is the son, the other one is the space. >> northern lights always get the publicity. >> basketball has not been getting lots of good publicity. >> you need a win like today. louisville is in your hometown, take care of business. there was a big upset on the hardwood. we will tell you that and more >> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> what a difference one player makes in the nba. since john wall return to the lineup, there is a noticeable difference for the wizard. eric rose the bulls actually struggle that verizon center. seconds ago -- lays it in. it does not get prettier than that. the wizards up by six at the half. fourth quarter ebony 5-62. -- 55-62. the wizards have won seven out of 10. they win this 1, 86-73. despite being held without a field goal for almost the last four minutes hoyas did the near unthinkable. tied at 50, devante smith misses, but aaron comes out of nowhere. he makes it 52-50 hoyas. fires, no good. they upset louisville, 53-51. that is huge. new coach of maryland. that's the basket and fouls. second half, opens up a huge lead and the floodgates. check out this highlight. watch this. slow on the rebound. a reverse slam dunk. we will show you another angle. newton appreciate the beauty. that is like straight out of the nba. maryland wins. uva and boston college. laying it in with the left hand like it is nothing. the cavaliers when their third straight 55-61. ryan makes a nice pass right there. he is fouled. gw wins, 82-54. spring training starts on february 12. that is when pitchers and catchers report. everybody came to downtown today for fan fest at the convention center. the players gathered a good bit of attention the arguably biggest sell might have been the newest president. welcome president william howard taft. he came out to quite the charade. he joins the mount rushmore presidents. he predicted and 81 ring the season. tyler moore, all of them were there. we actually caught up with drew the closer at the center of the controversy last season about the infamous game five and what he has learned from it. >> our team is obviously a lot better. reportedly the guys that are here we are now a little bit seasons. they are getting more experience. a little saltier. it will be a lot of fun this year. >> saltier, i like that. these fans had a visitor. he was the all-star of the game. it was actually a bat creating havoc. here, coaches and opponent alike. some were throwing towels at it. they could not get him. the game finally ended after several stoppages. no word if the that was caught. congratulations to ashley wagner from alexandria who has won back-to-back figure skating championships even though she fell twice tonight. her program still good enough to get the win based on difficulty. >> wow, you covered it all. >> ice-skating basketball. >> that is a transition. >> if you are still sending things through the mail, snail mail, it is going to cost you a little bit more. >> we tell [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates you can use your citi thankyou p points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. we've perfected the pastrami sandwich -- filled with juicy pastrami pickles, yellow mustard and melted cese. all piled-high on freshly baked bread. taste one at your local subway today! subway. eat fresh. we're sitting on a bunch of shale gas. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-madenergy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ ♪ >> the cost of a stamp is going up this weekend. the one cent increase goes into effect tomorrow.

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New York , United States , Australia , Trinidad And Tobago , Arlington , Texas , Germany , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Iran , Turkey , Martinsburg , Maryland , Georgia , Syria , Michigan , Arizona , Lawrenceville , Netherlands , Hagerstown , Fredericksburg , Phoenix , Dallas , Homewood , Victoria , Americans , America , Trinidad , William Howard Taft , Laura Gardner , Ashley Wagner , Kock Ed Koch , Tom Harkin , Mount Rushmore , Jackson Julius , Tyler Moore , Christina King ,

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