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Handed over to three private Healthcare Companies and will no longer be run by state government. But lawmakers in the senate still want to stop that from happening. Today senators debated on a bill introduced by democratic senator pam jochum that would stop the privatization of medicaid in iowa. 11 18 15 so heres it folks we have a chance today to say, stop. Lets start over. Lets come together as iowans we did that on the iowa health and wellness plan we can do it perfect; its not. But it doesnt need this. 01 24 the Senate Debated and passed the bill 29 to 19. It had support from just three Senate Republicans. They agreed the privatization efforts were moving too fast. Governor branstad introduced the with the january 1st. But the federal government stepped in, noting the program wasnt ready, and delayed that start date to march 1st. Governor branstad says privatizing medicaid will save the state as much as 51 Million Dollars in the first six months. The majority of Senate Republicans agree with the governor. They say the states budget cant afford putting it off any longer. 11 31 44 it is my sincere hope that not only do we save the money that you claimed, that the House Republicans claimed, that the governor claimed. I do hope those savings are shown, just pull it up again we cant have this continue. It wont work we know that. In the hallways, in the rooms, we can have conversations where we know we have a trajectory problem here. But its not just savings i want this system to work also. 01 33 the republicancontrolled house take this bill up for debate once it passed in the senate, noting even if they did pass it, governor branstad would certainly veto it. That means for now, medicaid will still become privatized 1st. Five weeks after the start of the 2016 legislative session, House Republicans have finally released their budget targets for the year. The house plan comes in lower than both the governor and Senate Democrats plans. It calls for spending seven pointthreetwo billion dollars 983million Senate Democrats 70 Million Dollars more overall. And 28 million more on education. Governor branstads Budget Proposal calls for spending seven pointfouronebillion dollars. 992 million of that on education. A bill meant to better protect athletes whove suffered a concussion is moving ahead in the iowa senate. The bill proposes there be an every varsity level sporting event. Especially at football games, and wrestling and soccer matches. Trainers would be required to evaluate injured players then sign off before those players are allowed back in to compete. Senator tod bowman is backing the bill 402212 can they afford not to do it, can they afford not to have this as a liability out there that might happen if they dont have a Health Care Professional there sen. Tom bowman jackson co. Coming up tonight at five. How much some athletic departments are already paying for trainers. Plus some concerns School Districts have with this bill. The Missouri State trooper accused of manslaughter in the death of an iowa man on the lake of the ozarks was trooper Anthony Piercy waived his arraignment on a manslaughter charge today in morgan county, missouri. He accused of improperly placing a life vest on Brandon Ellingson during an arrest in may 2014. Ellingson fell from piercys boat and drowned. Piercy is free on bond. No trial date has been set. A Union County Man who admitted to killing two people and hiding their bodies on his land has died from an apparent suicide in prison. Jerry dillinger was found dead this morning in his prison cell at the iowa medical and classification center. Take vo three weeks ago dillinger made a surprise admission at a Court Hearing that hed killed his former boyfriend and disposed of their bodies on his land near thayer. He was immediately sentenced to two life sentences. The Des Moines Police Department Says Merle Hay Mall merchants were attacked by cloned credit cards and hope new information will lead them to the thieves. They are asking for the publics pictured right here before you. Authorities believe the man and woman used cloned credit cards at a number of Merle Hay Mall stores to make more than threethousand dollars worth in fraudlent purchases. If you have any information about the two suspects you are asked to call polk county crimestoppers at 5152231400. A federal judge is ordering an iowa zoo to give up seven wild animals the court claims were not properly being cared for. The Animal Legal Defense Fund sued the owners of cricket hollow zoo near manchester. Claiming it violated the endangered species act. The zoo was home to four tigers and three lemurs. Today a judge ordered those animals be rehomed. The owners of the zoo are also barred from keeping any exotic animals in the future. The iowa utilities board wont make a ruling this week on whether or not to allow texas based Energy Transfer partners to build a pipeline across the state. The pipeline would bisect the state from the northwest corner to the southeast corner and connect two existing pipelines in north dakota and dakota and illinois have already given approval to the project. The iub held meetings all this week to discuss the issue. They adjourned their meeting today without making a decision. Another meeting is scheduled for next friday. There is no promise that a decision will be made then, either. If the project is approved, Eminent Domain will have to be used on much of the land needed for the pipeline. Mothers day isnt supposed to be until may. But dont tell that to the residents of a cow hotel in ames. Coming up next. Well show why the ames campus is the epicenter of a bovine baby boom right now. It may be almost valentines day. But at iowa states vet mothers day already. Its the start of calving season on farms across the state. And no place is busier this time of year than iowa states Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center maternity ward. Roger riley shows us how why they are so busy. Nats moo its pretty quiet here on this new wing of the iowa state vet med school. But just four hours 3514 its kind of like a hotel people can drop their cows off if theyre going to be gone, nats moo isu vet med created this 8 stall maternity wing when the School Expanded in 2012 they just dont want their valuable animals left at home. For calving and dont want any issues with them in and we can watch over them. Dr of veterinary medicine Tyler Dohlman works with other veterinarians and students here with round the clock surveillance of the expectant mothers. Coming here to give birth. 3556 a lot of our calves produced by Artificial Insemination or embryo transfer, similar to human side 3516 a lot of our clientele are club calfs here in iowa have fairly valueable animals and cost quite a bit to make them pregnant. Working here students get to see the mothers and their new little ones taking their first steps. And also getting their first nourishment. 3939 a lot of students have never seen a live birth on a cow, thats one thing we get a lot of students who enjoy this. Additionally they get to assist and help us deliver calves by assistance. The cows also have access to medical care, should that be needed, in 3650 a lot of times these calves are being born when its not the nicest iowa weather, to the eliminate issues calves nursing to frost bitten ears when it is negative degrees out. Inside its dry and 65 to 70 degrees. Nats moo the cost for an over night stay is only 30 plus any medicine or vet bills incurred. Often Cattle Producers will book months ahead to get an animal in here. Do as much as we can as if theyre our cattle 4352 good place for cows to have calves. Nats gate close in ames rr ch 13 news weve posted more information on how to take advantage of the services at the cow hotel. Online at we saw a brief moment of sunshine this morning, but the next system is moving in quickly. Well see an increase in cloud cover over the next several hours and a chance for light snow as your are driving home tonight. The main path will move right through central iowa which will bring snow totals to around an inch by late tonight. Not a huge amount, but still enough to create some issues on the roads. High pressure will move into place by friday afternoon, which will bring a surge of cold air to start the weekend. We wont make it up much higher than the middle to upper teens for both friday and saturday before we start to see it warm back up. A bigger for early sunday which is expected to bring higher snow totals. We will continue to update you on the latest track of this storm throughout the next few days. Ad lib main weather when we come back we have details on a unique job fair moines next month. Find out prospective employees stop by to score an onsite interview. Next month that setup will be reversed. Literally. At drake university. Joining us now to talk about this reverse job fair is Michelle Krefft with iowa vocational rehabilitation prospective employers who want to get involved can contact Michelle Krefft by email at michelledotkrefftatiowadot gov. Or by calling 5152810264. Weve also put that information on our website. Well be right back with more on the prospective employers who want contact Michelle Krefft by email at michelledotkrefftatiowadot gov. Or by calling 5152810264. Weve also put that information on our website. Well be right back with more on the channel 13 news find out how she could return fire tonight. The oregon standoff is over. Well show you how it came to a peaceful resolution today. And what is lurking beneath your sheets . Well show you the results after some mattresses are put to a chemical analysis. The momentum in the democratic president ial race is all Bernie Sanders right now. Tonight Hillary Clinton will hope to regain that edge when the two meet for their first postNew Hampshire debate. Clinton still leads the delegate count and the national polls. But that wont matter if sanders keeps up his momentum. Nbcs Wendy Woolfolk has the story from milwaukee. On the heels of that landslide victory for Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire. Tonight is the first real showdown between the two remaining democratic candidates. The selfdescribed democratic socialist took a victory lap with public appearances in new york. And meeting with activist and msnbc anchor reverend al sharpton. Its very important that he morning after a historic victory, he would come to harlem and have breakfast with me. Trailing Hillary Clinton among vermont senator is courting the minority vote and touting his immigrant roots. To broaden his appeal in upcoming despite her blistering loss in New Hampshire the Congressional Black Caucus Political Action committee chose to endorse secretary clinton. Shes been our partner long difference. Tonights debate will be appearance after two days of private meetings with advisors about how to reenergize young people. Still more than a month away, tonights location at the university of wisconsinmilwauke e will help set the stage in this battleground state for the general election. Wendy woolfolk. Nbc news. Milwaukee. Tonights debate will likely feature some familiar themes between the two democrats. Who is tougher on gun control, wholl do more to balance income levels and who is more progressive. Wildlife refuge in oregon is finally over. After 42days. The remaining four protesters surrendered to authorities. Brian moore shows us how it ended. After 41 days. The last of four armed protesters holed up in a federal wildlife refuge in oregon surrendered to authorities but not before a defiant last stand. 11 15come out with your hands up. No were not. Youre going to have to kill us the fbi surrounded the protesters overnight. Leading to hours of tense negotiations livestreamed over the internet. The reverend Franklin Graham and nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore convinced the occupiers to give up. 29 35we need to get clam here. No ones listening to us. Im listening to you. The protest occupation part of a longrunning dispute over public use of federal lands was originally led by ammon bundy. He was arrested last month and his father, antigovernment Rancher Cliven Bundy locked up today by federal agents in portland. Michael arnold, bundy 51 58 if youre doing doing civil disobedience, you have to stick your neck out and deal with the consequences. Think about the black lives matter protesters. One of the oregon protesters was with police. And the groups supporters stood vigil as negotiators bargained with the last holdouts. Mos protester 1 081 12 it wouldnt take very much bad. Ultimately. All four gave up surrender isnt the end of the fight. Audio outcue brian mooar, nbc news. A federal grand jury has indicted 16people in connection with the a federal grand jury has indicted 16people in connection with the occupation. One century after Albert Eintstein hypothesized their existence, a team of scientists now say theyve proven Gravitational Waves are real. But what are they. And what does their discovery mean . Rachel crane does her best to dumb it down for us. Youll spend about onethird of youll spend about onethird of your lifetime lying in your bed have any idea what is really inside mattress . Some Mattress Stores will tell you that the weight of your mattress will double in its lifetime due to dust and dead skin cells. They also tell you to replace your mattress every eight years. But is that really necessary. Jill glavan put some matresses to the as weve all heard countless times. We spend a third of our life sleeping. So its no stretch to think, what happens during all that time on our beds . Germs. Dead skin cells. Dust mites. Chances are, youve seen the commercials that tell you about them. After eight years, your mattress practically doubles in weight 00 04 over time, your mattress goes through a lot 00 41. Courtesy local expert, lauren taylor, the thirdgeneration owner of holder mattress. Some kids went to daycare, i went to a mattress shop 00 51taylor hears all the time about that replaceevery eightyear theory. We hear it every day 03 55 04 31 people will ask, you know, ive had mine x number of years, should i replace it . 04 36 i swabbed the brand new mattress as a control to test other mattresses against it. And who better to put to the test than two of my coworkers. And my very own dad. Im not sure what to expect, im hoping you dont find anything 38 56probably because i wanted to test a legendary mattress in my family. One that goes back generations. Next up. Meghann miller. A newlywed shes been trying to get rid of. At least 10 years old, maybe more, who knows 23 59our final test subject. Allison herman, whose in just six years. This was a key area 54 09 i box issues, she was a little bit sick 51 11but she covered. And says its still really comfortable. Packaged them up and brought them here to hml labs in muncie, where theyll do the testing and see what we found 58 48three days later. It was time. The results were in the hands of jaima ballentine. Who laid them out for me. And showed me the petri dishes to go with them. Our control that new mattress on it. About as low an amount as you can expect, ballentine said. So which mattress came closest to that brand new one . Im shocked, i am really shocked 32 11 it was my parents 80yearold cleanest of them all. That tells me then, which is what wed expect, that the sheets gonna put a protective layer 22 31it was a similar story in the case of hermans sixyear old mattress. Which tested for low amounts of bacteria. But she had a little extra lurking there. Hers was the only mattress to test positive for staphylococcus, the bacteria that leads to staph infection. Chances are shes probably a carrier for it 24 30ballentine said about a third of us carry that bacteria. So its not necessarily bad. But it can lead to illness or infection. Finally, our dirtiest mattress. Is millers. With some major bacteria hanging out. We got 21hundred 25 21more than 2 thousand bacteria colonies ones you can see here turned up on the test. Most likely, ballentine said, because this mattress was sitting out, uncovered. Many, many different types of bacteria on that one 40 26so, in true scientific fashion. Lets get to our conclusions. I brought in entomologist and iu professor dr. Marc lame to help us. Our test couldnt test for dust mites. Or skin cells. But lame says, most likely, theyre not weighing down your mattress at all. I have not found any Credible Research that shows that be a problem if you have allergies. But vacuuming regularly. And using a dehumidifier will get rid of them. And they live among us anyways. I know its kind of yucky but the fact is that this is part of our environment 01 28 39and if its any consolation. I bought my current mattress probably 25 years ago 01 31 57 so im a big believer in keeping mattresses around 01 32 04 we saw a brief moment of sunshine this morning, but the moving in quickly. Well see an increase in cloud cover over the next several hours and a chance for light snow as your are driving home tonight. The main path will move right through central iowa which will bring snow totals to around an inch by late tonight. Not a huge amount, but still enough to create some issues on the roads. High pressure will move into place by friday afternoon, which will bring a surge of cold air to start the weekend. We wont make it up much higher than the middle to upper teens for both friday and saturday before we start to see it warm back up. A bigger system is expected to move in for early sunday which is expected to bring higher snow totals. We will continue to update you on the latest track of this storm throughout the next few days. Ad lib main coming up next. Ill give you a with 40 megs of Internet Speed from centurylink, a family of four can all be online at the same time, streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. Yeah, the internets great, but i think hair and makeup went a little too far. Yeah, thats not working. I much prefer the twoday beard, hornrimmed glasses, justsleptinhiscar kinda thing. Yeah, i miss the rumpled crazy uncle look. Okay. Be paul giamatti. Thats the essence of this role. Feel like a hollywood insider our responsibility to make their lives more miserable. Its to carry out whatever sentence theyve already been charged with and nowhere in there does it say they have to have that sentence carried out in pain and agony when theyre dying. They are murders. And sex offenders. Shunned by much of society. But not by those trying to make their final days as comfortable as possible. Most of us have heard of hospice. But you may not have heard about the program in iowas prisons. Tonight at ten. Were going to take you inside the walls of the Iowa Medical Classification Center in works. And introduce you to the people who believe everyone deserves death with dignity. Even people like george menter. At 20 19 20 i shot my mom. You shot your mom. Id do it again if theyd let me menter has no remorse for killing his mother. His roomate, david freeman, killed his friend. Now both of them are dying. And some Extraordinary People are setting aside judgment to make sure these men are as comfortable as possible in their final hours. Well be back in three minutes Senate Democrats vote to stop the states move to privatize medicaid. Why republicans say it wont get very far. Lawmakers are also discussing a bill that would protect students whove suffered a concussion. Why some athletic departments have reservations about it. Gray skies started moving into central iowa this afternoon. The snow is coming down this evening. How much more we weekend. The battle over privatizing medicaid played out at the state house today. Good evening, im erin kiernan. For joining us. Governor branstad and republican lawmakers claim privatizing medicaid will save the state millions in months. The move is set to take effect on march 1st, but Senate Democrats tried to stop that from happening in a controversial vote today. Reid chandler covered the debate and joins us now, first on thirteen. Without support from the republicancontrolled house, and with a promise from governor branstad that a bill like this would be vetoed. Democratic lawmakers in the senate today were sending a message more than anything else. Democratic senator pam jochum led the charge on this bill, claiming the process was rushed and will hurt iowas most vulnerable citizens. 12 08 43 we are not bringing this before this body for any reason other than it isnt ready. It isnt the right plan. It is not the right model for people with disabilities or people with long term care. Is not. 01 18 the Senate Debated and passed the bill 29 to 19. Privatization reform last year, with the goal of it taking effect on january 1st. But the federal government stepped in, noting the program wasnt ready, and delayed that start date to march 1st. Governor branstad says privatizing medicaid will save the state as much as 51 Million Dollars in the first six months. The majority of Senate Republicans agree with the governor, but three republicans supported todays bill to halt privatization. One of those republicans argued the program has been rushed. 11 50 13 we need to put a dagger in this. Its moving too fast. And we can come up with a better plan, im absolutely convinced of that. But i think a strong signal that this plan is moving too fast is the appropriate thing to do. 01 17 Republican Leadership in the house of representatives noted halting privatization would add an extra 27 Million Dollars to this years budget, and 111 Million Dollars to next years. For those reasons the house declined to take this bill up

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