Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 11 PM 20151008 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 11 PM 20151008

the they are monitoring the air quality here. >> massive flames and thick black smoke. this is scene of a fire early wednesday evening. sky 7 over the scene. crews kept a steady stream of water on the flames. >> when i got out of work, i saw those flames and smoke, you know, and all the fire trucks. there were three explosions. i don't know if there was propane or... >> what did it sound like? >> big bangs. three big bangs. >> firefighters from several departments worked feverishly to get the fire under control. >> we brought in air monitoring because of the previous occupants and not knowing what else could be in the building. >> officials tell us there were several emproi easy inside when the fire sparked just before 6:00 wednesday night. thankfully, everyone made it out safely. >> since there was a large volume of fire here, it is always important to seek the public's assistance. was an intentionally set fire. what it means is that any information that the public can bring forward to us is always an assistance to our investigation. and this is what the scene looks like right now. a lot of the investigators have gone home. some are still staying for the night. they are making sure the hot spots are out. we are told there are water issues here earlier. they had to go to a nearby pond and use some of that water. we are told the fire is now under control. a cause yet not determined. >> we are following breaking news in boston. police are investigating a stabbing in a convenience store. susan tran is in west roxbury with details. >> and ryan, we got an update from boston police. he now says that there were three men who were stabbed. the owner, a coworker and a customer, it all happened at this west roxbury grocery store. you can still see that the criminal response team is here. they are in a white jumpsuit. they are taking pictures. checking evidence after the three people were stabbed. e.m.s. says that they took all three to the hospital. and they have serious but non-life-threatening injuries. we spoke with a woman that lives and works next-door. she says she heard arguing. she heard a struggle. all of a sudden, she saw an owner with a stab wound on his arm. he was bleeding. lying on the ground with another man inside the store. police now saying that it was during a robbery that the stabbing took place. we are still trying to piece together everything that happened and the sequence of events that happened. now, boston police say that they are going to give us an update in just minutes. we will be sure to stay on top of the story for you. for now, we are live in west roxbury, susan tran, 7 news night team. >> tonight on 7: a high school football team under investigation. >> you have to keep an eye on your kids: and what they are doing on their phones. >> after a player is accused of going out of bounds. >> administrators are saying this player on the winthrop high school football team naked in the boys locker room. >> several players are now being investigated and the entire team season has been sidelined. brandon gunnoe is in winthrop with the latest. >> i can tell you that parents and students in this community are very upset about the attention this is bringing to their school. and friday night's game is forfeited all because of what one player did with his cell phone. a winthrop high school football player is accused of taking cell phone video of another player while he was naked and getting dressed in the locker room. >> when anything like this happens, you know, it gives you a black eye on our program. >> police, along with the suffolk county district attorney are now investigating ten members of the winthrop varsity football team. including a senior who has already been suspended. >> you have to keep an eye on your kids. and what they are doing on the phones. >> today in the world, with phones and social media, they don't understand. when you send something out, you are responsible for your actions. >> in a say the, the principal of the high school said although the investigation is still in a preliminary phase, all football activities, including friday's game against gloucester will be suspended. . >> obviously, the sports will be taken away due to this. that affects the children's life also. >> no criminal charges have been filed yet. police and school leaders want this to become another teachable moment in their kids' education. >> typically, in circumstances like these, we like to use this moment as a teaching and educational moment. poor choys are made. but these are lessons learned. we need to make sure that we learn from them. >> even if no charges are filed, certain students will have to go through what's called a diversion program where they will learn about bullying, social media do's and don'ts and other people's feelings. brandon gunnoe, 7 news night team. >> police in cambridge are investigating a violent fight school. harvard police told everyone to shelter in place for a time as they searched for the suspect. one man has been arrested. >> also from the night team: the coast guard has suspended its search for the crew of a missing cargo ship. the el faro vanished over the weekend off the coast of the bahamas during hurricane joaquin. two crew members are from massachusetts. one of the two, a husband and man from kingston was honored tonight. family and friends gathering for a vigil. kimberly bookman is there to show us what happened there tonight. >> well, kim, i can tell you during search. hoping for the best. but tonight the family of jeffrey mathias, including his parents, his brother and his wife came here to their home church for a vigil where they were embraced by hundreds in this community. >> on the very day jeffrey mathias was supposed to return from sea, his family gets the news they were dreading. the coast guard has called off the search for ship's survivors and the 42 yearly father of three will not be coming home. >> it's heartbreaking. it really is heartbreaking. >> the mathias family emerges after six days of stressful suspense. >> i believe that they now can move on to try to begin to heal. it's a terrible, terrible loss. >> a 1996 graduate of the mass maritime adias kadyrbayev my, mathias loved working on the water. >> jeff was a great yes gorious, funny guy. >> weeping for his friend tonight, tracy also sheds tears for the 32 other lives lost. >> it is a hard job for everybody who is out there. and i can't imagine what they were in. >> raised by prominent cranberry farmers, mathias was planning to retire as a mariner soon. his uncle said he had big plans. >> his goal for the fump was to come back here and, you know, work the cranberry bogs family. yeah. of him. it is really sad. >> president obama issued a basically saying that there will be a full investigation into this accident, offering love and support to the family of those mariners. kimberly bookman, 7 news. >> new tonight: police are looking into offensive investigators found that swastika at a commuter station tonight. they have since removed it. >> police say a man kicked a dog so hard, the dog died. the dog's owner is heart-broken. >> a family heartbroken over the death of their dog, they say, at the hands of a man running for city council. >> someone kills your dog. for no reason. you know, he knew it was my dog. >> billy la planet let his dogs out saturday. the dog ended up wandering to a neighbor's yard and went to the bathroom. which according to billy, did not make the owner of the home very happy. that is when things got out of control. >> the neighbor told me, hey, he just kicked the dog like a football. >> police charged the man with animal cruelty which caused the dog's death. 7 news talked to him outside the police station. >> i was peacefully working on the property. you know, these dogs got out of the house. and there is more than one dog. the dogs are rather nasty. and intimidates. >> did you kill the dog in. >> you know, i can't comment now. >> police have charged you with animal cruelty. the home owner says you kicked his dog to death. >> that's correct. i have been getting death threats from people as far away as new mexico. that's why i'm here at the police station right now. >> the family wants justice. >> i don't think it should be a misdemeanor. >> the man is due in court on those charges in december. >> on just one station: a flat-bed truck kohs a crash in dorchester. police say the truck was park morning when the brakes gave out. utility pole. two parked cars. took out a street light, too. no one was hurt. >> a track or the-trailer slams into an s.u.v. in brighton this afternoon, causing traffic trouble. off-ramp. you could see the s.u.v. leaning over there. no one was hurt. the scene was cleared. traffic is back to normal. >> patriots getting set to take on the dallas cowboys. and one dallas player is getting some attention for what he said not so much about tom brady but wife gisele. brady isn't letting it get to saying he is focused on joe amorosino is here with >> safe to say brady didn't appreciate greg hardy's comments about hoping gisele comes to sunday's game in dallas. brady was in no mood to answer questions about his weekly news conference. he was all business and plans field this sunday. >> brady is not an easy opponent for your debut game. as a cowboy. how do you view that? >>. >> fresh off his four-game domestic violence suspension, cowboys defensive lineman greg hardy wasted little time causing his next controversy, saying, "i love seeing tom brady. have you seen his wife? i hope she comes to the game. i hope her sister comes to the game. all her friends come to the game." >> thank god for tom brady. you know. >> it takes two to wage a war of words. and brady isn't biting. >> no. i'm just getting ready to play, man. >> instead, the patriots quarterback opted to take the high road. >> he has been a great player since he has been in the league. we have to prepare for him. and be ready for all different types of moves. >> brady's teammates have their own opinions on whether or not the trash talk went too far. nowadays. are lines you cross and don't cross. and that comes down to personal respect. everybody is different. >> and for brady himself,... i don't really care about his personal feelings. >> that was. that brady abruptly said i'm done. i have to go to work." well-played by brady. joe amorosino, 7 news night team. >> officials in massachusetts taking a closer look today at two companies after accusations of insider traying. the attorney general maura healey has asked the companies to come in and talk about their practices. this week it was revealed workers at the fantasy football sites used inside information to win hundreds of thousandses or dollars on the other site. healey says the accusations are concerning. >> this week's revelations about potential insider trading are concerning. particularly, from a consumer perspective. i think what is concerning to those who play is that there >> the companies announced today their employees are not allowed to play fantasy sports. up next, a local peewee team going viral. saved by a shark? a local man get attacked in the ocean saved his life. >> we will look into the weekend forecast ahead, too. >> how about a little girl who could not wait another minute to see her dad? next on 7 news at 11:00. it is time to deal with skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs. commentator: the 32-year-old head of a pharmaceutical company raised the price of a life-saving drug overnight by 5,000%. i'm announcing a detailed plan to crack down on these abuses. commentator: he may be lowering it after hillary clinton blasted him out of the water. her plan would limit the out-of-pocket costs that consumers have to pay. clinton: nobody in america should have to choose between buying the medicine they need and paying their rent. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. that's a big bull. i think that's old cyrus. 1800 pounds of do whatever the heck i want. take the long way, huh? thank you cyrus. only at your lincoln dealer. >> fierce flames rip through a tanker truck. the truck caught fire when it crashed through a guardrail on the new jersey turnpike. thick black smoke could be seen from new york city, the... >> also tonight: a single-engine plane that makes a rough landing in the backyard at a california home, engine problems forced the pilot to bring down the plane. he tried to land on the road but ended up crashing near a family's swinning pool. he was taken to the hospital with a head injury. >> all right. more news tonight. a fitchburg man says being attacked by a shark actually ended up saving his life. eugene finney was on vacation in california back in july when he was attacked. he started having chest pains days later. when he got home. it was checked out. doctors found a tumor on his kidney. he says without the shark, he never would have known about the tumor. >> it was a pretty wild ride. one traumatic situation to another. and to finally know that i was in the clear on the other end of this, i think the shark was a messenger. you know, from god. from an angel looking out for me. >> finney is expected to make a full recovery. >> a peewee football game in milford quickly turns into a block party. in the middle of the game, the and broke out into dance. a popular song came on the loudspeaker. the urge to party down came over them. >> the milford mighty mites broke into a dance. >> the crowd loved it. >> it was like, jumping from side to side. both of thel on each end. it was really cool. >> it was a huge thing for the kids. all the people watching them. >> the song came over the. >> p.a. many of the kids couldn't help dancing. >> i love dancing. it is my favorite. i dance all the time. >> for parents, they say the cute moments just show what kids and sports are really about. >> i think it's amazing. kids were doing exactly what they should be doing. having fun. 7, 8, and 9-year-old boys and one girl. it's so fun. >> after getting national attention, hundreds of thousands of people have gone on-line to see the milford players dance. >> beautiful weather. how long can this last? >> it lasts into the weekend. we get a cooldown tomorrow and then some showers on friday. but we will warm it back up. 62 in town now with a west wind. today in the 70's. wrentham, waltham, stoneham, about 68. auburn, 6. 66 in fairhaven. cooling it off now. finding our suburbs dipping down into the 50's in marshfield. 58 in lawrence. 62 watt ertown. clouds moving by. i expect a ton of sunshine for tomorrow's forecast. another day in the 60's. although it is a little bit below normal. high in boston. our temps in the low and almost mid-6's tomorrow. then we look ahead to some wet weather going into friday. these hours to move by. not a big weather system. maybe a tenth of an inch to two-tenths of an inch of rain. that is it. highs on friday, well, this is the tough part. our warm front is pushing through. could stall in the merrimack valley. generous through middleton and lowell. we do have a chance to make the upper 60's at least on friday. then back down again on saturday, there is that normal high. then sunday, a surge. our air mass is cool initially on saturday. a cool start too. then in the afternoon, it starts to warm up overnight, too. sunday is when we feel it really into early next week as well. i know, you could have knocked me over with a feather on this one. we have seen chilly daytime highs that drag the average down. we have had days where we have had 10-12 degrees below normal. warmer days are ahead. 42-51 with clear skies. cooling off. sunny skies tomorrow. cooler, though. boston and worcester, about 59 degrees. or 60 or so. otherwise, low to mid-6's. there is your weekend. you have plans. i have a forecast for you. plenty of blue skies. especially on sunday. nice mild day. chilly day on saturday. monday, tuesday, maybe another weak weather system rolling through here with a few showers. our temps in the 70's. well into the 7's. have a good night. >> thank you so much, pete. take look at this. this video getting a lot of likes on-line. a little girl can't wait to see her dad. it happened in colorado. >> another homecoming to tell you about. this one, a local boy on the road to recovery finally. christian spent 13 months in the hospital. he is recovering from lesions on his spinal cord. doctors believe it was a rare response to a virus. when he got to the hospital, he could not eat or talk. but now he is up and around and today christian's family and doctors all wear superhero outfits to show their support for the little boy who is ready to be home. >> we always wanted christian and that we were going through this together. >> what is the first thing you are going to do when you get home? >> i'm going to play with my toy fire truck. >> christian will be home just in time for his birthday. doctors do believe he will make a full recovery. >> a great story, huh? >> he likes fire trucks. >> yup. >> he loves the patriots. >> joe is here next. a big night of baseball. >> big night in baseball as well. we are to show you what took place in the nl wild-card game it didn't take much to set these two teams off in a one-game play-off. we will show you what this turned into next in 7 sports. dunkin' donuts smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. savory...smoky... and unmistakably flavorful. get your day going with one today. good morning. what can i get for you? a medium hot coffee, cream and two sugars, please? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- sounds good. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. see you tomorrow. that's the dd commitment. >> the coaches on the voice playing another game of musical chairs next season. the original coach christina aguilera is coming back. aguilera will rejoin coaches adam lavigne, blake shelton and pharrell williams. she will be replaying gwen stefani. the two have been aler the may thing the past few years. the current season is airing on mondays and tuesday at 8:00. >> you would think a guy coming off a four-game domestic violence suspension would want to ease his way back into the league. not draw attention to himself. well, not greg hardy. the cowboys pass rusherwaying no time getting himself right back into the headlines. tom brady. i hope she comes to the game. i hope her sister comes to game. all her friends come to the game. " riling up the patriots quarterback rarely pays off. if hardy was expecting brady to come firing back, he hasn't been paying attention. >> no. i have to decuss on my job. he is a great player. you know, it takes a lot of different things to hand al guy like that. but he has been a great player since he has been in the league. we will have to prepare for him and be ready for different types of moves that's got. i don't care about his personal feelings. >> one more night of sleep before the bruins start their season. if you are wondering whether chara will be out there for the opener tomorrow night against winnipeg, so are we. big z practicing again today with teammates. would not say if he will be able to play. mike babcock makes his debut as head coach of the maple leafs. the canadiens spoiled the party in toronto. game tied at one in the third. pouncing on the big rebound in the slot. that was all price would need. stopping 36 of 37 shots. cubs and pirates in the nl wild-card game. cubs already up-0 in the fifth. a solo home run off pittsburgh. tony washington gets this pound of flesh there. setting off a benches--clearing dust-up. no punches were thrown. rodriguez would get thrown out of the game. watch what he does in the dugout. make sure that gatorade jug paid the price for all of that. that was as close as the pirates came to touching arietta. the cubs blank the bucks. it will be jon lester versus john lackey on the hill. >> we'll be right back. that believes in getting results. we made florida number one in job creation... 1.3 million new jobs, 4.4 percent growth, higher family income, eight balanced budgets, and tax cuts eight years in a row that saved our people and businesses 19 billion dollars. and if i am elected president, i'll show congress how that's done. right to rise usa everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. so whatever speed you need, fios has it with the fastest internet and wi-fi available, from 50 to 500 mbps. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. ultimately, that's why. get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month. plus get $300 back with a two year agreement. >> all right. we are out of time. the tonight show is next. i'm ryan schulteis. >> i'm kim khazei. 7 news continues at 5:00 a.m. with today in new england. we hope off terrific tomorrow. day. enjoy it. see you back here tomorrow staci, you have got to get down here. shaws & star market. shaws & star market yes, mom. now. spread the word. vicki, this sale is amazing. the shaws & star market stock up sale is here. progresso classics soups 10 for $10, mix and match. general mills cereals $1.88 each. and sanderson farms fresh chicken breast $1.77 a pound. honey, can you bring the truck? you're in for something fresh! mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... 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