Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20161015 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20161015

spots. like norwood. a little bit milder in boston. but we are watching very chilly conditions. likely going to see the possibility of some frost out there. especially inside of 495 where we had that freeze warning until 9 o'clock a.m., frost advisory along the coast and along the cape for the low to mid 40s expected through 9:00 a.m. as well. look at our hour by hour forecast. we quickly climb and by this afternoon into the 50s with a but it gets warmer as we head through the weekend. details ahead. >> a convicted child rapist back in custody after fugitive charges out of rhode island. >> this is breaking news out of the fox 25 news at 10:00. last week, fox 25 spoke with people in weymouth who were outraged to learn this man, richard gardner, would be moving into town. >> so fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is in weymouth with >> reporter: yeah, heather this certainly comes as welcome news to a lot of people here in weymouth. once they found out that richard gardner had moved back here after being released from prison. they immediately reached out to the governor and asked him to step in. gardner was sentenced to 190 years in prison for abducting a nine-year-old boy in rhode island and raping him back in 1988. but because of what the middlesex county district attorney is calling human error, he only served 2 after being released last week, he moved to his parents' house here in weymouth. last night he was arrested in a boston shelter on a fugitive from justice charge out of rhode island. and people that we spoke with say they're relieved that he's now back behind bars. >> you've got a three boys a couple of kids, i've got two little girls next to me. >> just as long as richard gardner is on the street, nobody's children are safe. >> reporter: gardner is expected to rhode island. coming up in 30 minutes, what he may have done in quincy that led to his arrest. in weymouth, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> stephanie, thank you, we'll see you then. today counselors will be at boston community leadership academy following the death of a student. as of now the student's name was not released. the student killed in a crash on hyde park happened on claire avenue near the american legion highway yesterday afternoon. driver lost control and rolled over. it's unclear if the student was the driver or the passenger. we're working to get more details about the crash. counselors will be at the school between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. >> well, this video right here has gone national. this morning, that suv remains in arlington spy pond after it ended up in a water with medford woman trapped inside. police tell fox 25 that she was was wrong. two men watched what happened and jumped in to help. >> two men on bicycles sprung into action to save the life of a 60-year-old woman trapped in an suv. >> we watched this car and her go down. >> ken chapman and dan frazier dove in to help when they noticed the car fill with wate >> finally the men were able to open the door and get to the woman trapped inside. >> what seemed to be forever, it was about 10 seconds, she popped up. >> she's here. she's here. of. >> hold on. grab on. >> today arlington police are crediting chapman and frazier with saving the woman's life. >> listen to the audio on the video. even calling for a rock to break a window. than trained rescuers in their first responders. >> heather: this morning, the woman is recovering from her ordeal. her rescuers declining divine intervention with because at the right place at the right time. we put the full video at you can check out the entire video with the two men who saved her life. >> east boston street where the deadly shoot out with police first time in two days. this is the first time. the commissioner says both officers are talking and in good spirits even as their conditions are still listed as critical but stable. today officer matthew morris will have another surgery for his injuries. his life was saved wednesday night by a state trooper who used his own body weight to stop the bleeding after morris took a bullet to the leg. second surgery yesterday. we'll keep you posted on both officers conditions as new details become available. the officers are facing a long road to recovery but have the complete support of their department and the community. dozens of people are on hand for a prayer vigil and peace walk in east boston last night. the crowd lit candles and walked from bennington and wally streets to the madonna queen of the universe shrine on orient avenue to say a prayer. >> see those pictures it home. they are human beings and i want to support the families and pray they recover quickly. >> a special mass. for boston police will be held sunday night in east boston. >> heather: in the meantime, we're learning more about the man accused of opening fire on police. kurt fig gore row with a was killed in sunday's shoot out. now we're learning he lied about his military background. he claimed to have served nearly but an army spokeswoman says he joined in 2003 but discharged after only five months and never attended basic training. we have more information on for details about his history with police in georgia and arizona. also information about officer matthew morris and officer richard cintolo's service with the boston police department. >> ted: a 95-year-old man brutally killed by his and left for dead. now two people are being held without bail for that crime. 23 joshua hearth and 26-year-old brittany smith were arraigned inside a packed court yesterday. they're accused of carrying out an attack on thomas hardy and scombroe wanna fisher that lasted nearly two hours. the elderly couple lived down the street from the grandmother we learned. suffolk indicated. his wife's throat was slit and she was left for dead. the district attorney says hearth was trying to avoid jail time in another indication and smith's drug treatment. smith and hearth both due back in court in november. >> 6:08 and a judge coulds to out key evidence of a teenager convincing her boyfriend to kill herself. michelle faces involuntary manslaughter charges in the death of carter messages off of her phone and computer. also says when they interrogated her at her high school, they did not read her miranda rights first. the judge is expected to rule sometime before carter's case goes to trial. but there is no date for that yet. in the meantime, a former baby-sitter has pleaded guilty to kidnapping a little girl she once watched. hanna in court yesterday. that kidnapping happened almost a year ago. she took the little girl from her hamilton home, and she was later found on the side of the road, naked with her head shaved and bruised but alive. since hannah has been arrested she has been receiving care at a state hospital. she was emotional as she apologized to that family. >> a day does not go by where this does not weigh on my that they will expand healing and that the girl will lead happy healthy live -- >> hannah was sentenced to five to seven years in prison followed by a decade of probation. >> with just weeks to go until election day, no scheduled events her rival, donald trump is coming to our area, in portsmouth new hampshire this our news tonight. the republican candidate's visit comes as he's hit with more sexual assault accusations. two more women come forward ausing donald trump of attacking them. u.s.a. reports this brings the total number of accusers to dozen, including several women who say the unwanted advances happened when they were just teenagers, the victims say the attacks include everything from a kiss to much more. >> donald trump, the and, like, he like stuck his hand up my skirt. >> it was kind of a quick hug and a kiss on the lips. >> donald trump continues to defend himself, saying he is the victim of a political smear campaign. his legal team says it's gathering evidence to fight back. the final presidential debate is wednesday in las vegas. fox 25 blair miller will be there. bringing you live updates. you can watch the entire can he starting at 9:00, followed by a special addition of fox 25 news at 10:00. >> meantime, the drama for donald trump started with that conversation he had more than a decade ago with television host billy bush. now, it is beginning to look like that leaked video might cost bushes job. the today show host has been off of the air all week. and reportedly in talks now to leave nbc. we do know that harry con nick, jr. has been tapped to fill in for bush this monday and plans. a new alert for police as they continue to investigate a string of arson. the video they want everyone to see as they try to catch the person responsible. >> fed up with his morning commute, one train rider gave us a call. only on fox 25, the issue on the tracks he says everyone is ignoring. >> it's a cold start to your weekend. we've got temperatures below freezing in some areas, but i'm >> ted: a t rider contacted fox 25 that he's been staring at the same pile of trash all year. the back boston. our kerry kavanaugh dug into the problem to find out who is on the hook for that clean up. >> reporter: bottles, cup, paper, a traffic cone, it spread up and down the commuter rail tracks at boston's back bay station. >> every day i see the same trash. that's seen over a year. >> reporter: commuter david phillips knows it's the same pile because he's documented it, taking photos of the same trash >> where the same people. >> reporter: he sent the photos to the mbta, the mayor's office. they told him these tracks should be maintained by amtrak. he contacted them, nothing happened. >> another month went by, nothing happened. so i tweeted them again, nothing happened. >> reporter: the trash continued to collect, in the same place we found it monday. >> it's sad that people are >> reporter: that's when he contacted fox 25. so we contacted mbta, key yola, which operates the commuter rail. the mbta and key yola said they would bring it to amtrak's attention. we also contacted amtrak. while the situation illustrated in the photos does not appear to pose an immediate safety hazard, crews will be sent to assess the situation and dispose of the definitely not safe and. >> as a world class city, it should be clean. i like to take pride in my city. >> reporter: we asked amtrak, whether they had regular maintenance on these tracks here. they could not provide that. >> in the back bay, kerry kavanaugh, fox 25 news. >> ted: attention all air travellers if you known a no longer fly about it. the d.o.t. says it's necessary because the phones are known to burst into flames. this comes as samsung takes a major hit to its profits earlier this week. the suffolk county electronics giant saw its stock plummet after the company slashed its third quarter forecast by more than $2 billion. samsung is no longer making the phone. and it's sending customers fire resistant boxes to return them. customers can get a credit up to $100 exchange a note 7 for another smartphone. >> the wellesley oyster fest gets underway today with one noticeable difference. there won't be any raw oysters served. those are my favorite. they have closed all of the beds in town after a norovirus linked to the shell fish. there will be plenty of other food. they'll use oysters from other areas instead. a.m. once the temperatures warm up, it could be a nice day for that. >> sarah: yeah, once the temperatures warm up. that's good news. but we've got a frosty start for some. freeze vishdzs and frost advisory in place. that frost advisory along the cape and martha's vineyard as well as rhode island. that purple, the freeze warning. there are worcester county we haven't had those conditions yet inside of 495. that's why there's that warning. hopefully you protected some of your plants that are very sensitive out there. that warning until about 9:00 a.m., we're going to see that sunshine as i mentioned go to work at our temperatures. 29 in norwood right now. 36 in lawrence, it is 42 in boston. as we go along the day, the winds remain light. look what happens. climbing to the 60s. near 68 degrees in merrimack valley as well as in the boston area. look at what you expect to temperatures. upper 60s. best chance of the 60 degrees through the interior. with winds light i'm expecting a sea breeze to develop. in boston, it may be cooler as you head into the afternoon. overnight tonight, we'll stay light with winds. mainly clear skies. temperatures fall back into the 40s. but not expecting to see as of cool conditions because the winds will be turning out of the south. we do recover with our temperatures. but tomorrow even better. upper 60s near 70 degrees. and we'll notice those winds out of the southwest ahead of a cold front that could bring us a risk of showers. i think that arrives late sunday. if you're headed to the pats game, of course brady's return could be near 70 as the game goes on. really nice. a few clouds start to develop as we head into the later stages of the game and into the evening. high pressure that's in control of the day today. that's in control for tomorrow. it's going to be pleasant pretty much all weekend. we're dealing with the really chilly start out there. hold on to the sunshine for the majority of the day today. look what happens overnight really not much. but there are some clouds out to the west. by sunday, again, sunshine, cool, but not as notice some of the clouds increasing but it is going to be warmer as we head into the afternoon. a few showers may break out in parts of vermont as well as upstate new york. but look what happens, not much holds together as this line of showers move throughs sunday night into sunday morning. but then we break right back into the sunshine as we head into the second half of your monday. so if you're leaf peeping this weekend, peak conditions across england. but look at this warm up, next week, temperatures storming into the upper 70s near 80 by tuesday. could be battling record highs. next risk of showers looks to arrive toward the later part of the week. over to you. >> hear about this. mysterious pink lights flashing in the sky. you kept noticing them. and we went digging. we have an explanation now for the nightly show. plus clear. >> it's a pregnancy video that captured the hearts of the world. viewed more than 10 million times and going strong. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. what's for dinner tonight? dinner's not just delicious, it's done. [mmmm] we made it for you. like this favorite. scallops with garlic pesto sauce made fresh every day. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven put it on your plate. no prep. no cleanup. delicious, fresh, easy. wegmans ez meals. >> ted: today a special exhibit continues at the boston public library, in honor of william shakespeare death to mark the 400 anniversary the library is hosting an exhibit that features a collection of some of the rarest shakespeare books in the word. that includes four original rare one of them amid a summer night's dream. printed in 1778. a century old memorabilias or read through shakespeare's classic plays. >> it's beautiful, it's deep, and it's -- there's endness new things to find every time you read one. >> ted: the exhibit opened yesterday, and it's free to the public and it will run through march. >> heather: after d trying to have a baby, including four miscarriages and a stillbirth. a woman in virginia gained viral fame when she posted this video last month. >> february 16th. >> clear. >> and it's a boy. >> >> heather: well, the mother broke the news to her hub bee oven. the video viewed more than 10,000 times now. the mother and baby had a rocky road ahead, though. both lives in danger after the baby loving known as baby bonds, was born four months early. we have a happy update to report to you. look at the cheeks after 155 days in intensive care, baby bonds is back home. tuesday, he does first birthday this coming thursday. so happy birthday. baby bonds. what's up with the graduation hat. >> ted: very cool. i would definitely like to meet that dad. an emotional type of guy, not afraid to show his feelings. >> as a fellow guy, i'm sure you find that cool. >> welcome home, caleb, i love that story. >> visibility looking okay, seeing clouds in lower places that sine is going to work on the temperatures. i'll show what the region the temperatures will be. >> and a new law on the books for massachusetts protecting the rights of transgender people. the fresh backlash it's facing, just weeks after taking affect. >> reporter: convicted rapist arrested after being released from prison just a week ago. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana?. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana? is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. invokana? can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana? if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. . using invokana? with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana?. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana?. >> heather: good saturday morning to you. it is 6:30 on the dot right now. this saturday, october 15th. and here is a very dark look at the boston city skyline. definitely feels like fall outside this morning. this morning when you step outside. a frost and freeze warnings are in place right now. it is the end of growing season. >> ted: it is. and i don't know if you saw the moon last night. it came out early of the soccer >> heather: big fall moon. >> ted: sarah wroblewski in the weather center timing out the warm up this weekend. we're warming up. >> sarah: i know even though it feels freezing out there, it is freezing out there. we have warmer weather on the way. the full moon happens tonight. we'll be talking about that in the next half hour. boy, it is cold out there, londonderry new hampshire, lexington, medway, walpole, just above 30 degrees right now and south east, norton, 3 degrees. in the 30s as you head along the south coast, 33 in harwich. we've got chilly conditions to start. but sunshine getting to work today. temperatures climb quickly into the 50s but to near 60s so we've got better weather heading our way. including warmer weather too. all of that coming up in a few minutes. >> ted: developing this morning, a convicted child rapist arrested again, not less released from prison. we've been following this story for more than a week. ever since we learned richard gardner had been set free 27 years into a nearly 200 year present sentence. >> heather: fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live in weymouth this morning. that's the city where gardner was living. and stephanie, the police arrested him for some kind of parole violation, we know that. >> reporter: yeah, heather, we're learning gardner may have using a computer at quincy library, that's exactly what a lot of people here in weymouth were afraid of, after they learned he had moved here back in with his parents. after richard gardner moved in with his parents earlier this month. residents actually started a petition asking the governor to do something. gardner was convicted of abducting and raping an 11-year-old boy in 1988 while he was living in rhode island. now he was sentenced to 190 after only serving 27 years. the plymouth county district attorney blames human error for the early release. a boston shelter contacted police here in massachusetts. he is expected to appear in court on monday and then extradited back to rhode island. in weymouth, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> ted: this morning, police responsible for several suspicious fires. we told you about the fire last weekend. two cars torched near doherty circle in swampscott. now they released this video of a person of interest. the man's face never seen. but they hope identifying other details and identify him. there's a reward for up to $500,000 leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. in tyngsborough police contin of arsons there. two cars and two scooters set on fire along several streets. one of the fires also damaged a house. a local selectman's car was among those burned. so far no arrests have been made. >> heather: this morning, two officers hurt in a shoot out in east boston remain hospitalized. both men in critical condition but stable condition. officers matthew morris and richard cintolo were badly hurt when a man opened fire on them during a domestic call on recovery. we're told morris will be going back to surgery today. and we've been following the latest developments on this story ever since it broke. right now on our website, you can see both officers distinguished service records. also with the confrontation with the gunman that earned morris the highest level of bravery. all of that up on >> ted: right now the federal governme d but that will change the beginning of next year. the justice department says it will include nationwide data on deadly shootings by police and other krunlt encounters with the public. the white house calls it a first good step to approving police accountability. the aclu says officers should collect data from the fbi. as we have in ferguson and baltimore and chicago and los angeles. there's no city, no community, that's immune from this. >> ted: the reporting will rely on local police voluntarily submitting information on cases. there is no legal mandate for departments to cooperate. >> heather: a connecticut judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by sandy hook families against the maker of the gun that was used in that school shooting. the judge ruled the federal law shields gun manufacturers from being sued for the cri the families of nine children and adults killed in the 2012 attacks sued remington arms of the gunman used a remington made ar15 rifle to kill 20 children and six adults. >> ted: police arrested a new hampshire man after they found drugs in the front of his truck and a child in the back. police pulled over david anderson in londonderry on monday. he had a child in the back seat center console and a glass pipe. authorities tell us the boy was picked up by his mother following the arrest. >> heather: another suspect has been captured for a break in that caused lock down at several schools in hanson. police are still searching for this man right now. take a good look at him. the fourth and final suspect of breaking into a home on main street last month. shawn turned himself in this week, he along with two brockton men already facing charges. and the vermont man accused of killed five teenagers was arraigned in a verpt court on friday. steve boy join still in the hospital receiving treatment for injuries from the crash. the 36-year-old was driving the wrong bay on i89 just before midnight last saturday when he hit that car with five teenagers inside. then accused of stealing a police cruiser and crashing into five other cars. he faces five counts of second >> ted: stunning visuals of a movie explaining earth's stream and changing weather. coming up, the journey to some of the planet's remote and most dangerous areas in search of answers. >> heather: but first, look at this mysterious pink glow lighting up the sky. coming up, we uncover what is causing so many people to grab their cameras and head out. >> sarah: you may want to grab your camera too to see that full moon. it's >> heather: welcome back. a strange night time glow has captured people in shirley for weeks. it is beautiful to look at. the night sky lit up pink. only one particular area in the middle of the woods has this view. many took pictures, didn't know what it was. so those viewers reached out t fox 25 and we sent erica ricci out to shirley to find out. >> reporter: the sight alone lend to stories heard only in science fiction, in the middle of nothing, this. a miss steer -- mysterious and bright pink light coming from the end of shirley at the end of the line. >> it's a lot cooler than pink lights. >> reporter: giving us a first hand look at the pink lights inside the greenhouse causing a glow on the outside. farms, tim, shows me around as he explains the lights. >> we've got led glow lights so we can grow lettuce year round. >> reporter: these black out lights typically seal the light from seeping out of the greenhouse but they recently broke. >> that's what was sort of shooting up of you get that with cloud cover. >> and this is what you get, a beautiful night sky. >> hopefully gives beautiful lettuce in the morning. that's the goal. >> becau t greenhouse that prize its on the advanced greenhouse in the world. >> nobody touches anything, that's what it means. >> reporter: no planting seeds here, no watering. >> not. we're doing a lot of that stuff, but it's automated. >> reporter: excite bad the innovation be but perhaps more excited that this light has shed light on it. and this is the last of the pink sky here in shirley. we're told the blinds are being within the building which means the woods here will go back to being dark. erica ricci fox 25 news. >> ted: this morning, there's growing concern there could be trouble at the polls this election day. donald trump asking his supporters to be poll watchers saying the election could be rigged. the naacp worries that will lead to voters being intimidated. both sides asking people to bring their cell phones to the precinct so they can record senator elizabeth warren's campaign raised more than $5 million to help elect democrats to the u.s. senate. her campaign says it comes from funds from appearances she's made at campaign events. her e-mail list and checks from warren's leadership pac according to the federal election commission, warren had around $4 million left in her campaign account in june. warren won't face anyone for reelection until 2018. sportsman ship. coming up. we'll tell you the teamwork that has two competing athletes right here helping a third. >> ted: plus churches suing massachusetts. the arguments for exemption from a conservative christian group representing four massachusetts churches is now suing the state over its transgender bathroom law. the group believes churches should be exempt arguing the court that the law violates core religious beliefs. fox 25 jackie heinrich delve into the issue and reports on controversy coming from both sides. >> reporter: the future of transgender protection is unclear after a newly enacted law came under fire tuesday both place. should it be repealed all together. that lawsuit targeting the massachusetts commission against discrimination and the attorney general, saying the law infringes on a church's ability to reinforce its doctrine when it requires a church to let people use any bathroom with which they gender identify. >> they believe the god created each person as a male or female. >> reporter: christine representing the churches in haverhill, southbridge, fitchburg an the commission and ag has made threats against the churches if they don't uphold the law. >> this is their own government that said because of who you are and the beliefs that you hold and teach within the four walls of your own church, you could be penalized out of existence up to $50,000 or thrown into jail for up to a year. >> reporter: meanwhile, organizations that fought for the protection, like freedom massachusetts, calling foul, writing, quote, hundreds of face leaders and communities spoke transgender laws this year. this lawsuit is no more than a last ditch scare tactic to single out transgender people for the attack. >> people we talk to are split on the issue. some saying there's a separation of church and state for a reason. >> i like that the country is moving in a more progressive direction but i think religion is one of the cornerstone of american society that they should be allowed to do whatever they want to do. >> reporter: others say it's in place for a discrimination. still confusion how to enforce it. >> fines in jail, shouldn't be in the equation at all. >> reporter: the attorney general owes auto office saying they will review the lawsuit. we're pleased to have a law in place to protect transgender people in public places. it's critical for people without full protection and equality under the law too long. will get a chance to repeal the law with a ballot initiative that will appear in 2018. we'll keep you posted. >> how our weather is an interconnected system. small changes -- >> heather: that's the trailer for a new national geographic film exploring the earth's weather in dramatic places where few have gone before including the edge of a glacier the front of wild fires out west, even directly in the path of tornados on the plane. that film premieres today at the i max theatre. and sarah wroblewski joining us now. we're both looking at it, freaking out -- >> i want to go there today. is there a time? >> ted: the i max are always so well done. >> sarah: a great day to be outside, don't want to spend the chilly in the morning, cool, bright sunshine this afternoon. so hopefully you get to get outside and enjoy a sunrise coming up shortly. we keep creeps closer to the 7:00 hour. by mali wean, sunrise after 7:00, show you november 6th, that's when we change the clocks we fall back an hour. so we're going to be falling back to of:24 our sunrise on that sunday. but right now, you can see starting to be bright out there, temperature on the chilly side. 42 so sure enough, when you get clear skies and relatively light winds. temperatures can fall back to the dew point and we've got them back in the 20s and 30s. away from the city. where do we see this area of purple. that freeze warning. norwood, 28. frost advisories along the coast, the mid 30s, if not lower. could see some frost on the vineyard as the temperature right there, 33 degrees. so a cold start to the day. i do want to point out, look at the warmth. that's out to the west, 50s and 60s in chicago, st. louis. milder weather headed our way. all ahead of a weak cold front that will bring a risk of scattered showers doesn't look to arrive until late sunday. that warmer weather on the backside of pressure. currently see the temperatures start to improve as we get toward 8:00 in the if you have any early morning sports or you're going to notice those temperatures, though, jumping into the 50s as we head toward your lunch hour. likely going to stay in the 50s along the immediate coast as the winds will turn on shore. otherwise light out of the north. so go to the mid and upper 50s along the coast. could near 50s in some spots this afternoon. the best chance of that could be as you head into metrowest merrimack valley into new hampshire. so frost start but lots of pleasant day. and that moon rise, shortly after 6:00 tonight. with clear skies, it's going to be beautiful to see that full moon just after midnight. another cool start to your day tomorrow. but milder. that's just showing you where we're headed. as we head into the day tomorrow. a little warmer. we're going to be in upper 50s. today we'll go with the upper 60s tomorrow. so jumping about 10 degrees. some spots places like nashua and beverly. could be near the 70 degree mark. where heather hegedus is, paws for cause 5k. so really nice. going to have great conditions for that event. if you're headed north, temperatures in the upper 50s, 60s for your saturday. a few more clouds on sunday. with few spots in upstate new york. foliage reports starting to see peak conditions across the region. weekend always in view does show temperatures jump about 10 degrees for tomorrow. and then we get even warmer. watch for the risk of scattered showers late sunday into monday. and then climbing into upper 70s to near 80 degrees by tuesday. holding on that that warmth through the middle part of the week before we see our next chance of showers of over to you. >> ted: sounds like a phenomenal weekend. a new kind of training for the minds of police officers that some say are just as property as training for the body. >> every time there's a traumatic event or incident, it's like a brick in the backpack. >> ted: coming up the trauma training a local police department is giving to its officers to help them deal with the emotional after math of stressful situations. >> heather: but first tom brady the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. . >> reporter: hi everybody, i'm butch stearns, here's your saturday sports. one more day until tom brady returns to playing football at gillette stadium. he's not taken any gillette since last year's playoff win over kansas city. in cleveland last sunday, fans gave several standing ovations to let him know he was missed. this sunday should be even crazier. matt light who has seen many moments at gillette, expects sunday to be different. >> this is going to be more alive than it ever has been. bigger than the playoffs or anything else. not sending a message to the opponent as much as the message see what happens we're going to come alive. you're going to see one heck of a scene here in gillette. and it will be probably the biggest regular season game in this stadium. >> reporter: high school game day match up ofly the week, live in chelmsford last night. stick it to the lions 27-13 tewksbury 2 and 0. are go to facebook page butch stearns much more highlights and stories from chelmsford last night. cleveland indians win 1-0 over toronto. game 2:00, 4:00 game. with 8:00, cubs and dodgers. have a great saturday. >> heather: i love this story. these ones always great. a powerful show of sportsman ship at a cross-country meet. >> ted: a runner from holyoke rolled his ankle around the first mile mark and had to stop. schools, they teamed up and carried this guy the rest of the way through. a hailing mile and a half. even made sure he crossed the finish line first. saying that's what they would've want if it was one of their own teammates. >> heather: great job, guys. >> ted: absolutely. if you think you're a good driver or like the idea of getting some free money you'll want to see this story. coming up. how safe driving could put cash in your pocket. >> heather: yes, please. i'll take that. and what i'm really not happy about is take a look at the wind sheer values. adding a chill to the air. feels like 27 in boston right now. and it is below freezing in some spots. i'll show you what to expect for the day coming up. >> heather: a former baby-sitter pleas guilty to kidnapping the toddler she was supposed to be pleas guilty to kidnapping the toddler she was supposed to be take in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event. ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content at ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event. >> sarah: right now on the fox 25 news, a cold start to the weekend. when temperatures recover and a warm up on the way. >> reporter: a convicted rapist back in custody this morning after moving in with his parents. the reason he was released from prison dozens of years early. >> ted: plus the woman trapped in her suv as it sinks beneath the surface of a pond. i lost her! >> ted: the daring rescue that has a pair of bystanders being celebrated as heros. >> heather: and donald trump continues to hit the campaign trail hard despite the controversy surrounding him. the new accusations being thrown as trump makes a stop in new hampshire today. >> complete new england coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> ted: and good morning, everyone. morning news. it's 7:00 a.m. on saturday, october 15th. i'm ted daniel. in for jason law. >> heather: good to see you ted. i'm heather hegedus. we're off to a chilly start this morning. let's check in with fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski in the storm weather center for jason brewer. these temperatures will rebound nicely, it's not going to feel like this later on today. >> sarah: yeah, this is the part of the day that you need to have the layers if you're headed out early. going to be a cold day but keen. mid 20s right now. 28 in norwood, 29 in bedford. in the 30s in places like lawrence, bedford even down on the cape, 32 degrees on the vineyard. 40 impress in boston right now. and frost advisories in place along the immediate coast. but freeze warnings hopefully you brought in your plans that are quite sensitive inside of 459 but freezing out to the north and west, but typically we've seen these temperatures warm up into the 40s in boston as we head through the morning. milder weather on the way show you what to expect this afternoon and with we could hit near 80 in a few minutes. >> heather: i like the way that sounds, sarah, thank you. developing this morning, a convicted rapist is back in custody after he was arrested out of fugitive charges out of rhode island now. >> ted: this was breaking news last night. last night, fox 25 spoke to moving into town. >> heather: this morning, stephanie coueignoux is live for us in weymouth with more details now of the arrest. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: yeah, and heather this certainly comes as welcome news to a lot of people here in weymouth after learning that richard gardner moved back here after being released from prison a lot of people reached out to the governor and asked him to step in. gardner originally sentenced to 190 years in a and raping him in. but because of human, he only ended up serving 27 years after being released earlier this month, he moved to his parents' house here in weymouth. and last night, he was arrested at a boston shelter on a fugitive from justice charge out of rhode island. people we've spoke with say they are so relieved that he's now back behind bars. >> you got three little boys over there, a couple little kids girls next to me. >> just as long as richard gardner is on the street, nobody's children are safe. >> reporter: gardner is expected to appear in roxbury district court on monday. and then he'll be extradited back to rhode island. but coming up in 30 minutes, what he may have done in quincy that ended up leading to his arrest. in weymouth, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> we'll see you then stephanie. today, counselors will be at boston leader ship community academy following the death of a student. has not been released of the student was killed in a crash in hyde park. it happened on claire avenue near the american legion highway yesterday afternoon. witnesses say it looked like the driver lost control and rolled over. it is unclear if the student was the driver or the passenger. we're working to get more details about the crash. counselors will be at the school between 9:00 and 1:00 today. >> heather: well, the video has gone national. and this morning, this suv right pond after it ended up in the water with a med ford woman trapped inside. police tell fox 25 she was trying to back into a parking spot when something went wrong. but fortunately for her, two men who you see swimming toward the car, happened to notice what was going on and they rushed into help. >> go to your back window. >> a terrify rescue caught on camera. two men on bicycles didn't hesitate to spring into action to save the life of a 68-year-old woman trappedn sinking suv. >> we watched this car and her go down. >> ted chapman and dan frazier dove in to help when they spotted the car filling with water in arlington spy pond yesterday. >> i lost her, i lost her! >> reporter: finally the men were able to open the door and get to the woman trapped inside. >> what seemed to be forever. it was 10 seconds, she popped up. >> she's here, she's here. >> heather: today arlington police are crediting chapman and frazier with saving the woman's life. >> listen for the audio of the video, even calling for a rock to break the window. they performed as well or better than trained rescuers and first responders. >> heather: they really are remarkable. we can tell you this morning that woman is now recovering from her ordeal. her rescuers are crediting divine intervention with putting them in the right place at the right time. we posted a full video of the rescue on you can check out the entire video with those men who saved her life. >> ted: this morning, the east boston street where the deadly shoot out with police happened is back open for the first time in days. this as both officers remain in hospitalized, both officers talking and in good spirits even today matthew morris will have another surgery for his injuries. his life saved wednesday night by a state trooper who used his own body weight to stop the bleeding after morris took a bullet to the leg. officer richard cintolo had his second surgery yesterday. we'll keep you posted on both officers conditions as new details become available. the officers are facing a long road to recovery. but have the complete support of their department and community. dozens of people were on for a prayer vigil and peace walk in east boston last night. the crowd lit candles and walked from bennington and wally streets to the madonna queen of the universe shrine on orient avenue. where they said a prayer. >> see their pictures it really hits home. they are human beings. i just want to be there to support the families and pray that they recover quickly. >> ted: a special mass for boston police will be held monday night at st. joseph learning more about the details of that man accused of opening fire on police. kurt fig gore row with a was killed in against's shoot out. now the army is saying he lied about his background. on his resume, he claimed to have served a decade in the reserve. but a spokesperson says figueroa enlisted in 2003 but discharged after five months and never even attended basic figueroa's background on our website, go to for details about his history with police in georgia and arizona. also more information about officer matthew morris and officer cintolo's service with the boston police department. >> ted: a 95-year-old man brutally killed, his wheel bound chair wife stabbed and left for ted. now two people being held and crime. joshua hearth and brittany smith were arraigned inside a packed orange district court yesterday. they're accused of carrying out an attack on thomas hardy and joe wanna fisher that lasted nearly two hours. the elderly couple lived down the street from smith's grandmother. in court we learned thomas hardy was stand and suffocated. his wife's throat was cut and she was left for dead. the alleged motive, the couple's car, as it doesn't have gps tracking. the district attorney says, time in another case. and smith, drug treatment. smith and heart both due back in court in december. >> heather: this is new video you're looking at of abigail hanna in court yesterday. the kidnapping happened almost a year ago. hanna, you may recall, took a two-year-old girl from her hamilton home and that toddler with her head shaved and bruised but alive. since hanna has been arrested she has been receiving care at a state hospital. she was emotional as she apologized to the victim's family. >> it day does not go by that this doesn't weigh heavily on my heart. prayers with the family with the hopes that they will have healing and the girls have happy healthy lives that -- >> heather: hanna was sentenced to five to seven years in prison followed by a decade of probation. >> ted: just weeks to go until election day, hillary clinton is lying low today with no public events scheduled. meantime, her rival, donald trump, is coming to our area with a rally in portsmouth new hampshire. fox 25 will have complete coverage on that, online, and on our news tonight. the republicans -- the republican candidate's visit sexual assault accusations. two more women have come forward accusing donald trump of attacking them. "u.s.a. today" reports this brings the total number of accusers including a dozen. including several women who say they had unwanted advances when they were teenagers. the victims say the attacks included everything from a kiss to much more. >> donald trump's eyebrows. and like, you know, he just stuck his hand up my skirt. >> it was just like a quick h >> ted: donald trump continues to defend himself, saying he's a victim of a political smear campaign. his legal team says it's gathering evidence to fight back. the final presidential debate is wednesday in las vegas. fox 25's blair miller will be there bringing us live updates. you can watch the entire debate right here on fox 25 starting at 9:00 followed by a special edition of the fox 25 news at 10:00. and a new lead for police as they continue to investigate a string of arsons in north shore community. the video they want everyone to see as they try to catch the person responsible. >> ted: plus a traumatic event like the shooting in east boston can have long lasting impact on the psyche of all involved. next the steps of to protect the minds of people who protect us all. >> sarah: 42 in the city the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... >> ted: we've seen a lot of police officers shot in the past few years all east boston. a traumatic event can affect officers who respond directly to the scene and even those who don't. fox 25 kerry kavanaugh visited a local police department that recently introduced a new training for their officers teaching them how to cope. >> every time there's a traumatic event or critical incident it's like a brick in the backpack. so as these bricks add up, eventually that backpack will pull you down. superintendent paul aim says providing officers with the tools to respond to traumatic events is as important as any other training they receive. this summer, cambridge pd launched a trauma informed program that trains officers to be mindful of how trauma affects them and how to get past it. it starts with acknowledging it. >> you say it's okay to have these feelings. it's natural. you just tell them, you've got a feel anxiety, you might have a sleepless night. >> reporter: he says that happens right away within hours of a involving boston's officers wednesday night. >> you have a little more formalized bring everyone back. >> reporter: first you get to the officers directly dealing with the scene and then those suffering vicariously. >> if we have an officer that is trauma affected or affected by trauma and he also goes out and deals with someone else's trauma affected you could have -- that's where we have includes meditation, counselors on staff for one-on-one conversations, working to resolve the crisis as it's happening. in addition to the training here, cambridge police spearheaded another program with 7 other regional police departments. it's a support program. right now 30 officers from all of those departments will team up and go to a high trauma scene to lend support to their peers. in cambridge, kerry kavanaugh, fox 25 news. >> ted: attention all airline passengers. if you own a 7, you can no longer fly with it. the d.o.t. says the move is necessary to keep everyone safe because the phones are known to burst into flames. this comes as samsung takes a major hit to its profits. earlier this week, the south korean electronics giant saw the stock plummet after the third quarter forecast by more than $2 billion. samsung is no longer making the phone and sending customers fire customers can get a credit of up to $100 on their bill if they exchange a note 7 for another smartphone. >> heather: so a great day to, outside later today. ted, i know you were talking about zip lining with the kids. >> ted: tomorrow. today is pumpkin fair at our school. so perfect weather. and it's just beautiful for it. >> sarah: now need to find the perfect pumpkin. >> ted: that's right i need bringing home. >> sarah: we have the perfect one on our steps right now. a lot of folks getting out to do a lot of fall things out there. there may be a little frost out there. we've got a frost advisory along the immediate coast. parts of the cape and rhode island and parts of connecticut. but that area in purple basically inside of 495 parts of mark mayor knack valley too. a freeze warning, temperatures in the 20s in some spots this morning. so very chilly when you step out the door. this is up in ipswich. just be aware of that this morning. that sunshine is going to get to work today and help improve these temperatures. it's currently 33 in fitchburg, 25 in keene, 36 in lawrence, 28 degrees in norwood right now. winds are fairly light. and again that sunshine will do some magic today boosting those temperatures into the 50s, close to 60 degrees by this afternoon. winds are going to be fairly light. i do expect to see a sea breeze develop that means if you're along the co boston be prepared temperatures will get stuck in the mid to upper 50s. but a cool bright day, that's what we can expect today. overnight mainly clear, temperatures may not fall back as chilly as it was this morning. as we do expect to see those winds begin to turn out of the south. so we'll still go with 40s and mid to upper 30s. it's still going to be a cool start to your sunday. but as the winds turn out of the southwest, look at this, jumping at about 10 degrees. climbing upper 60s to near 70 degrees. mostly sunny skies. tailgating. temperatures will be in the 60s. and at kick off. upper 60s. around the half time. i expect to see temperatures right around 70 degrees. so not too bad for brady's return to gillette. high pressure in control this weekend. it will scoot to the east as we head on through the weekend. as we will anticipate to see a cold front come on through. that's going to increase some cloud cover late sunday. so you notice high pressure in control after our chilly start. tomorrow morning, also seeing some sunshine. some clouds out to our west. as you head through your afternoon on sunday. looking admit to high level clouds sort of filtering out the sky. the winds will be out of the southwest, bringing in that warmth ahead of that front. a lot of the moisture with these showers tend to break apart. hit or miss showers, late sunday into early monday before that front clears and we're back into the sunshine. if you have plans this weekend to do any fall things like finding your pumpkin or apple picking or checking out the fall foliage, we're looking at temperatures in the mid to upper new england and near 70 by sunday again with a few more clouds, peak conditions across central and northern new england starting to fade across parts of new hampshire and maine. but just turning across our region. so check out your back door, looks pretty nice across the region. that seven-day forecast does feature temperatures climbing into the mid to even upper 70s. as we head toward monday and tuesday. would not be surprised to see some spots near 80 degrees on tuesday. hold on to that warmth ahead of our next chance of some showers that looks to arrive late in week. over to you. >> heather: looking forward to tuesday, sarah, thank you. we know boston drivers can be bad. but there is a new push to try to change that. coming up. we'll tell you about the apps that turn safe driving into a game with cash prizes as an award as a nice incentive. plus. >> pregnant. >> due february 16th. >> for real? >> ted: it's the pregnancy video that captured the hearts of the world. viewed more than 10 million ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible at ikea, we believe that everything - from your lamp to your couch - should work as hard as you do. that green living is something everyone can afford. that you can sacrifice everything but a good night sleep. and we believe your furniture should last happily ever after. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. operation in boxford had several thousand people captivated by a live stream on the entire effort to reach a pair of dogs stuck in a drainage pipe. today the two dogs are safe at home, rose, the german shepherd and winston, the jack russell, ended up trapped about halfway into a 70 foot drain pipe. the pipe only a foot wide, making it impossible for 60 pound rose to turn around. so it was the the rescue. digging a hole to sink a camera into the pipe. when rose got in trouble, winston wouldn't leave her behind. >> heather: oh. >> leave him, he was there for comfort. he did come out at one point. but we basically let him come out of there to comfort the dog. >> ted: both dogs were saved and brought to safety. >> heather: dogs loyal to the core. i love it. miscarriages and a stillbirth. a woman in virginia gained viral fame when she posted this video last fall. look at it. >> pregnant? >> due february 16th. >> claire? >> and it's a boy. >> ha ha. >> heather: it brings tear to my eyes watching that dad, that mother. >> ted: what was leading up, with the miscarriages. >> heather: right, so much they've been this is how the mother broke the news, see the package of buns in the oven. this has been viewed more than 10 million times. mom and baby had a rocky road. the baby known as baby buns was born four months early. we do have a happy update. 355 days in the icu, baby buns, real name caleb graves, is now posted on facebook. they brought him home tuesday. and celebrates his first birthday this coming thursday. happy birthday. >> ted: and the outfit we're told the graduation outfit is to graduate from intensive care. >> 300 -- almost a year in the icu. i can't believe those parents stress. but yet the cheeks on that baby. going to bring him so much joy. >> very nicely dressed too. >> yeah, adorable. >>ne coming up. great weekend on tap for us. temperatures 42 degrees with the wind light, lots of sunshine. i'll show you how warm we'll get for the day today and even warmer weather on the way. >> reporter: a convicted rapist arrested after being released afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because bum-bum-bum-bum ? ?? why do banks treat you and your money like this? they nickel and dime you with fees and minimum balances. capital one won't do that. they've reimagined banking, and built a checking account that's free of all that nonsense. no fees. no minimums. no gotchas. complete new england news coverage continues right now, this is fox 25 morning news. saturday, october 15th. check out this beautiful view. a very clear boston skyline. clear sky right there. definitely feels like fall out there. not often you don't see many clouds in the sky, you know it's chilly out there. >> ted: crisp is the word. >> heather: we have frost and freeze warnings in place. good morning, everyone. >> ted: good morning. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski in the storm center. find out when it warms up this weekend. driving in from being outside a it's warmed up a little bit. that's probably because the sun is out now. >> sarah: you got it. we need the sun to go to work at the frigid temperatures this morning. 30s and even 20s out there. that's why we have freeze warnings in place, across of -- inside of 495, i should say. it's always milder at the coastline because of the ocean temperature. 42 in boston. but we've still got 30s too. scituate, 39, pembroke 31. back to the north pepperell 31 degrees and across the southeast it's 35 in plymouth and 34 in new bedford. it's at the freezing mark on the vineyard. so cold cold cold right now. but we will see the sunshine boost those temperatures into the 50s by this afternoon. 50s is likely where we're going to stay along the coast, but inland could be touching just near 60 degrees but even warmer weather headed our way. i'll show you when to expect near 70 and near 80 come up. convicted child rapist arrested again. less than two weeks after being released from prison. >> heather: this is a story we've been following for you for more than a week now since we learned richard gardner had been set free 27 years into a nearly 200 year prison sentence. >> ted: fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live in weymouth. the city where gardner was living. stephanie, police arrested him for some kind of parole violation? >> reporter: yeah. and we're learning that gardner may have been was seen at a quincy library using a computer near children. and a lot of people here in weymouth, a lot of parents say that's exactly what they were afraid of when he moved back here after being released from prison. in fact, so many residents were concerned. they actually started a petition asking the governor to step in. gardner was convicted of abducting and raping an 11-year-old boy in 1988 while he was living in rhode island. he was sentenced to 190 years in and that's when he moved back here to weymouth to live with his parents. the plymouth county district attorney's office has now admitted they made a mistake during the process of possibly keeping gardner in custody after his sentence. again, gardner was arrested at a boston shelter after boston police in rhode island contacted police here in mar. gardner is expected to appear in court on monday and extradited back to rhode island. in fox 25 news. >> ted: police are hoping the video will help track down the person responsible for several suspicious fires. now police have released this video showing a person of interest. you can't see the man's face. but police are hoping someone might recognize other details that will help identify him. there's a reward for up to $500,000 leading to the arrest continue to investigate a string of arsons, 10 cars and two scooters set on fire along several streets. one of the fires also damaged a house. a local selectman east car among those burned. so far no arrests have been made. >> heather: this morning, two officers hurt in the shoot out in east boston remain hospitalized. both men are in critical but stable condition. officer matthew morris and opened fire on them during a call on monday. we have been following the latest developments on this story for you ever since it broke. right now on our website, you can see both officers distinguished service records. you can also read about the confrontation with a mass gunman that earned morris the highest medal for bravery. and a full profile on the man who shot them. military service. all of that up right now on >> ted: a connecticut judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by sandy hook families against the maker of the gun used in the school shooting. the judge ruled a federal law shields gun manufacturers from being sued for the criminal use of their products. the families of nine children, and adults, killed in the 2012 attack sued remington arms. the gunman used a recommending ton made children and six adults. >> heather: this we're learning nearly 100 children were killed by accidental gun fire in the first half of this year. "u.s.a. today" and associated press reported today, research found incidents like these happen much more often than government agencies even report. the study found children under the age of five are especially at risk of accidentally firing a gun. and they're also the most likely hampshire man after they found drugs in the front of his truck and a child in the back. police pulled over david emerson in londonderry on thursday. officers say anderson had a child in the back seat when they found cocaine in his center console and a glass pipe. authorities tell us the boy was picked up by his mother following the arrest. >> heather: the vermont man accused of causing a head-on crash that killed five teenagers was arraigned in a vermont court friday. steven boy downis still in the hospital receiving treatment for injuries from the crash. he was driving the wrong way on i89 before midnight on saturday when he hit a car hit carrying five teenagers, then accused of stealing a police cruiser and crashing into five other cars. he now faces five counts of second degree murder. >> ted: stunning visuals displayed in a new film about weather. coming up, the journey to some of the planet's most remote and dangerous areas in search of answers. >> heather: look forward to seeing that. but first tom brady, someone a lot of us are looking forward to seeing, returning to gillette stadium. he'll be back for the first time this weekend after his deflategate suspension. next the dramatic affect this come back is having on ticket prices. >> sarah: and it's a chilly start right now. we've got cool weather happening on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content well, it is the final count down for patriots fan had on the calendar for a while. one more day until tb12 returns to foxboro. it comes as no surprise tomorrow's game is the hottest ticket in town. chris flanagan spoke with fans who said seeing brady whack at gillette will be priceless. >> reporter: brian kelly working the phones all day. >> i can't coming off a super bowl win, raising a banner, something like that. >> reporter: after deflategate, ticket prices are inflating for brady's return. they usually sell tickets around $150. not this weekend though. >> you're talking lower level, 50 yard line, 30 rows up, those will get up there. they said they start at 250 to get you in the door, go to 500 want to sit. >> reporter: bradies shirts flying off the shelves. >> shopping at the stadium today, fired up for today's game, just like tb12. >> i'm shaking. you can feel the vibe here, it's amazing. most fans like jim randal had brady's home coming circled on the calendar for months. >> it really is going to be a special event. i can see the ticket price going up because it's not an ordinary home game. >> repte score a ticket, you're not alone. local bars will be packed hoping to cash in. >> brady is marketing magic. >> oh, yeah, packed everyone crammed in watching the game. >> heather: the patriots tweeted out a warning to be aware of counterfeit tickets in this situation. apparently they're seeing evidence of a lot of fakes already for tomorrow's game. >> ted: i get the draw. i mean, it's kind of like the the guy deserves it. the guy is amazing. you know he -- just him on his first game back was so -- i mean, he just -- it's like he never missed a beat. >> heather: right, he's amazing, so professional. >> ted: now back at gillette. >> heather: hope they give him a huge home coming tomorrow. >> ted: absolutely. >> heather: a huge display of sportsmanship. tell you about the message of two competing athletes helping a third athlete. >> ted: but first, drive safe, the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. interviewer: what would you do with five minutes to kill and a smartphone? man: check the scores. woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? man: really? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to register to vote m-a dot com. it's that easy. woman 2: done. i just registered. denny's knows the holidays should be shared with friends and family. except denny's all-new holiday pancakes. you won't want to share those with anybody. denny's new fluffier, tastier, rs. >> heather: want to make money for the way you drive. apparently there's an app for that. but only works if you're a safe elizabeth hopkins reports on an app that can pay off. >> i think that everybody thinks they're a great driver. >> reporter: having said that, chris carter thinks he's a pretty good driver. >> i'm a fairly cautious driver. >> reporter: then came the app, boston's safest driver and suddenly carter realized he might not be. >> there were stretches of road that i was going faster than i should've been. >> reporter: and that's the idea behind the cambridge motives intelligent app. >> they don't realize how much improvement there is. >> reporter: phone use while driving, speeding and scores the driver. holding up a mirror for a little self-reflection. >> bad habits can sometimes be second nature to us and i think the app forces them to think about what they're doing. >> reporter: carter loved the idea. he says last year's 23 people died in traffic crashes on boston streets. the mayor wants that number to be 0. with that goal, carter and christian decided to watch a contest using the app to see if driver's. and it's working. >> within 30 days people improve their distraction, they reduce their distracted driving on average by 35%. >> reporter: now everyone can get on the game. >> there's a score that shows up between 0 and 100. around prizes for the competition. >> reporter: driving home an important lesson. >> safe drivers are made not born. >> reporter: it's the first of its kind around the world. it's being insurance and significant for the top prize. the data collected is completely anonymous. right now the app is only scheduled to be online until september. the city how to affect change. download boston's safest driver in apple store or on google play. elizabeth hopkins, fox 25 news. >> our weather is an geofilm that explores either's weather. in a dramatic journey to where few have been before. to the edge of a giant glacier dropping chunks of ice in alaska. travel massive wild fires out west, even to the direct path of deadly tornados on a plane. and that film, as you can see, is entitled extreme weather, premieres today at the museum of some people i know going there at some point, is sarah wroblewski. >> sarah: i'm trying to figure out how to get there now. >> heather: take the kids. >> sarah: you know, i haven't been in such a long time. but i'm definitely going to be checking that out it looks so fantastic. seeing the full trailer is incredible. but you know what, no extreme weather here. it is extremely cold in some locations. 42 in boston right now. beautiful sunrise over the city. step outside, breathe in the fresh air, oh, it's cold. look at the temperatures. we're in the upper 20s in places like bedford and norwood back through orange and keene. close to the freezing mark in fitchburg. below freezing in nashua. it is a chilly one. 32 on the vineyard right now. 42 in boston. along the coast, we have that frost advisory out there in the freeze warning in place for the area in purple. pretty much encompassing 495 to the coast. current temperatures, you can thanks to the cooler skies over new england. but take a look to the west, we've got 50s and 60s, that is ahead of a week's cold front, bring us a chance of showers, late sunday into monday. not much moisture with it. but we will expect with it is the warmer weather. we will take that as we can. just today starting off on the chilly side. by 9:00 into the 40s across 495, still in the 30s to the north the 50s to plan your day. cool sunshine, a little cooler at the immediate coast and the afternoon as we see some local sea breezes develop. could see temperatures top near 60 in northern worcester county to the merrimack valley. so we'll go with near average temperatures but warmer weather headed our way. perfect viewing for the full hunter's moon. moon rise short ly after 6:00, the full moon sor midnight. hopefully you get outside, take a picture and send it to me. these temperatures upper 50s to near 60 today. to upper 60s to near 70 tomorrow. we jump about 10 degrees which is great for any outdoor activities if you are headed to the cause for pause 5k. you need a jacket, cool to start but then as we get into the day, climbing into the 50s to mid 60s. and upper 50s, that's what you can expect at gillette too. so if you're headed to the those temperatures in the 60s to near 70 degrees. great great weather. supposed to have a lot of sunshine for the day today. headed northward, upper 50s. tomorrow, upper 60s. a few more clouds dotting the sky, especially north and west you go, where we are seeing peak conditions hopefully take some pictures of the foliage. send those to me, i'd love to see those as well. seeing pictures turn toward the boston area. it's that time of year, we see the foliage bright conditions especially through central and northern new england not affected by the drought. speaking of the drought, our chances of rain, not today or tomorrow morning as high pressure is still in control of those clouds do increase and look for spotty showers further north and west you go by sunday afternoon. see some clouds increase but we should stay dry. looks as though the risk of spotty showers comes overnight sunday into early monday. sort of washing out as we come on through and back into the sunshine. as we climb 10 degrees for the day tomorrow. notice by monday, we're into the mid 70s and by tuesday, climbing into the mid to upper 70s. if not near 80 degrees. as you head further north and west. so warmer weather. still in our seven-day forecast and then we'll watch for our next chance of showers late in the week. over to you. >> heather: thank you. coming up, bottles, cups, traffic cone and a lid to a garbage can, littering commuter rail tracks. now one man is fed up about trash. that i've seen for over a year. >> heather: coming up, we dig through the finger pointing to find who is responsible for letting it get this bad and cleaning it all up. sarah wroblewski: but first time for some pumpkin judging. next where you can see some of [burke] hot dog. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. >> heather: local churches say they shouldn't have to follow the state's transgender bathroom rules. >> ted: the religious doctrine against what the state calls civil rights. >> stephanie: temperatures today close to slightly above normal. but a big warm up headed our way. i'll show you when to expect near 80 coming up. >> heather: the former baby-sitter pleas guilty to kidnapping the girl she was supposed to be taking care of. >> a day does not go by that this does not weigh heavily on >> a day does not go by that this does not weigh heavily on my he ? ? on social security and medicare, >> a day does not go by that this does not weigh heavily on my he these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content bob hillery: i spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. if i only showed up half of the time, i'd have been court-martialed. but that's what senator kelly ayotte did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. fifty percent doesn't cut it. vo: votevets is responsible for the content of this advertising. right now on the fox 25 news, a cold start to the weekend, timing out when temperatures recover and a warm up on the way. >> reporter: a convicted rapist back in custody this morning parents. the reason he was released from prison dozens of years early. >> ted: plus a woman trapped in her suv as it sinks beneath the surface of a pond. >> i lost her! i lost her! >> ted: the daring rescue has a pair of bystanders being celebrated as heros. >> heather: and donald trump continuals to hit the campaign trail hard despite the controversy surrounding him. as trump makes a stop in new hampshire today. >> complete new england coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> ted: a big good morning and thanks for watching fox 25 morning news. it's 8:00 a.m. on saturday, october 15th. i'm ted daniel in for jason law. >> heather: great to have you here, ted. i'm heather hegedus. >> ted: great to be here. >> heather: and we're off to a chilly start this morning. temperature in the 40s if you're headed out the door this check in with sarah wroblewski who is in your jason brewer this morning. and sarah, temperatures should rebound nicely for all of the fall events scheduled for today. >> sarah: yeah. while temperatures 40s in boston, temperatures even colder out west. freeze warning in place encompassing 495 for the upper 20s and lower 30s. and frost advisory for parts of the south coast, the south shore up to the north shore, even the cape and martha's vineyard. current conditions really do show the story. norwood. that's an improvement you're in the upper 20s. that sunshine is getting to work. and it's 44 in boston right now. good things are happening as we're going to see temperatures jump into the 50s. it's going to be coolest along our immediate coast as we go through the day today. warmest through the interior. where we could be touching near 60 degrees near normal. but above average temperatures heading our way, i'll have those details ahead. >> heather: all right. sarah. going this morning, a convicted child rapist bk charges out of rhode island. >> ted: this was breaking news out of the fox 25 news at 10:00. last week, fox 25 spoke to people in weymouth who were outraged to learn that this man, richard gardner, would be moving into town. >> heather: well, this morning, fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live for us in weymouth with further details of the overnight arrest, good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: yeah, heather, as you can imagine, gardner comes as a relief to a lot of people here in weymouth, in fact, after here after being released from prison. they immediately reached out to the governor for him to step in. now gardner was sentenced to 190 years in prison for abducting an 11-year-old boy and then raping him back in 1988 in rhode island. he served 27 years and then was released. he moved back here with his parent in weymouth. earlier this month, the plymouth county district attorney's office admitted making a mistake during the process of gardner in custody after his sentence. last night he was arrested at a boston shelter on a fugitive from justice charge out of rhode island and people we've spoke with are relieved he is back behind bars. >> you've got three little boys over there, a couple of kids over there two girls next to me. >> just as long as richard gardner is on the street, nobody's kids are safe. >> reporter: gardner expected to be in roxbury district court on monday and extradited back to rhode island. gardner did in in quincy that may have led to his arrest. in weymouth, stephanie coueignoux fox 25 news. >> ted: today, counselors will be at boston community leadership academy following the death of a student. as of now the student's name has not been release of the student killed in a crash on hyde park. near the american legion highway yesterday afternoon. witnesses say it looked like the driver lost control and rolled over. it's unclear if the student working to get more details about the crash. counselors will be at the school between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. today. >> heather: two videos gone viral this morning. that car remains in arlington spy pond when it ended up in the water with a med ford woman trapped inside. right there on the corner of the screen, you can see people swimming towards her. fortunately, those two men noticed what was happening and they rushed in to rescue. >> reporter: a terrifying rescue caught on camera. >> two men on bikes didn't hesitate to spring into action to save the life of a 60-year-old woman trapped in a sinking suv. >> we watched this car and her go down. >> reporter: ted chapman and dan frazier dove in to help when they spotted the car filling with water in arlington espy pond yesterday. >> i lost her! i lost her! were able to open the door and get to the woman trapped inside. >> what seemed to be forever, it was about 10 seconds, she popped up. >> she's here, she's here. hold on, grab on. >> today, arlington police are crediting chapman and frazier with saving the woman's life. >> listen to the audio of the video. even calling for a rock to break the window and you know, they performed as well or better than that woman is now recovering from her ordeal. but her rescuers are saying it really was divine intervention that put them in the right place at the right time to be able to help her. >> heather: we did post the full raw video of that rescue on we posted the full interview of those two men who saved her life. >> ted: this morning the road where thsh first time in days. this as the two officers hurt in the shooting remain hospitalized. the police commissioner says both officers are talking and in good spirits even as their conditions are listed as critical but stable. today nflt officer matthew morris will have another surgery for his injuries. his life was saved by a state trooper who used his own body weight to stop the bleeding after morris took a bullet to the log. surgery yesterday. we'll keep you posted on both officers conditions as details become available. they're facing a long road to recovery but have the complete support of the department and their community. dozens of people on hand for a prayer vigil and peace walk last night. the crowd lit candles and walked from bennington and wally street to the madonna queen of the universe shrine on wally avenue. >> it hits home. to support the family and pray that they recover quickly. >> ted: a special mass for boston police will be held monday night at st. josephlazsa russ parish in east boston. >> heather: right now we're learning new details about the man accused of opening fire on police. kurt figueroa was killed in the shoot out. now they're saying he lied about his background. he enlisted in the reserve in 2003 but discharged after only five months and never even attended basic training. we have much more available about figueroa's background log on to our website to learn about his history with police in georgia and arizona. and we also have more information about officer matthew morris and officer richard cintolo and their service with the boston police department. >> ted: a 95-year-old man brutally killed. his wheelchair bound wife stabbed and left for death. now two people being held without bail for that crime. 23-year-old joshua hart and 23-year-old brittany smith were arraigned inside a packed orange district court yesterday. they're accused of carrying out an attack on thomas hardy and joanna fisher that lasted nearly two hours. the elderly couple lived down the street from smith's grandmother. in court we learned thomas hardy wife's throat was cut and left for dead. the motive, allegedly, the couple's car, because it doesn't have gps tracking. he was trying to avoid jail time in another case and smith, drug treatment. smith and heart are both due back in court in september. >> heather: a judge could toss out key evidence against the teen accused of convincing her boyfriend to kill himself. michelle carter faces involuntary manslaughter charges now in the 2014 death of carter illegally took messages off her phone and computer, though. defense says interrogated carter at her high school, they didn't read her miranda rights. and those are a few arguments that a taunton judge heard during a motion hearing. that judge is expected to rule sometime before the trial and no date yet set for that. meantime, a former baby-sitter pleaded guilty to kidnapping a young girl who she once watched. hanna in court yesterday. that kidnapping almost a year ago. hanna, took a two-year-old girl from her home and found miles down the road, naked, and head shaven bruised but alive. since then, hanna has been receiving treatment at a state hospital. she was emotional when she spoke to the family. >> a day does not go by that this does not weigh heavily on my heart. i am prayers for the family with the hope that they will have healing, and the girls live happy healthy lives. >> heather: hanna sentenced to five to seven years in prison followed by decade of probation. >> ted: weeks to go to election day. hillary clinton is lying low today with no public events scheduled. meantime, her rival, donald trump is coming to our area with fox 25 will have complete coverage on that, online, and on our news tonight. the republican candidate's visit comes when he's hit with more sexual assault accusations. two more women coming forward accusing donald trump of attacking them. "u.s.a. today" reports this brings the total number of accusers to a dozen, including several women who say unwanted advances happened when they were just teenagers. the victims say the attacks included everything from a kiss to much more. >> donald trump's eyebrows. and i was like, you know, he stuck his hand up my skirt. >> it was just like a -- kind of a quick hug and a kiss on the lips. >> ted: donald trump continues to defend himself, saying he's the victim of a political smear campaign. his legal team says it's gathering evidence to fight back. the final presidential debate is wednesday in las vegas. fox 25's blair miller will be there, brings us live up date. right here on fox 25 at 9:00, followed by a special edition of fox 25 news at 10:00. >> heather: a new lead for police as they continue to investigate a string of arsons in one local community. the video they want everyone to see as they try to catch the person responsible. >> ted: fed up with his morning commute, one train rider gave us a call. only on fox 25 the issue on the tracks he says everyone is ignoring. >> sarah: it's a beautiful bright start to your boston in the 40s. as we go through, we'll see that sunshine get to work. into the 50s we go. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. across the state. imagine if your child were trapped in a failing school. imagine if your child couldn't read or write at grade level. imagine if your child were stuck on a waiting list. 32,000 kids want to go to a public charter school. but they can't. if you like your public school, question 2 won't affect you. but for kids stuck in failing school districts, estion 2 will let parents choose something better and give all our kids hope. please vote yes on question 2. and give all our kids hope. ? ? on social security and medicare, al security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> ted: a t rider contacted fox 25. complaining about trash on the side of the rail all year. kerry kavanaugh dug into the problem to find out who is on the hook for the clean up. >> reporter: bottles, cup, paper, trash head up and down, >> every day i see the same trash that i've seen over a year. >> reporter: he knows it's the same pile because he's documented it. taking photos for months. >> the same people. >> reporter: he tweeted the photos to the mbta, the commuter rail, the mayor's office. they told him these tracks should be maintained by amtraks. he contacted them too. he says they all promised action. >> another month went by, nothing happened. so i tweeted them again. nothing happened. >> reporter: the trash continued to collect. we found it monday. >> really sad people are pointing finger and it's not getting done. >> reporter: that's when phillips tweeted fox 25. we also contacted the mbta. key yola, which operates the rail trail. and amtrak. the mbta and amtrak said it would be bring it to attention. we also brought it to amtrak's attention for which they thanked us. they say, the situation in the immediate safety hazard, crews will be dispatched to the area to assess the situation and remove the debris. >> phillips says he is fed up. he says it's potentially unsafe and definitely unflattering. our leaders talk about a world class city. also would like it to be clean. i like to take pride in my city. >> reporter: we asked amtrak if they have a regular maintenance scheduled here on these tracks, we'll let you know when the trash gets cleaned up. in back fox 25 news. >> ted: attention all airline passengers, if you own a samsung galaxy note 7, you can no longer fly with it. the d.o.t. says it's necessary to keep everyone safe because the phones are known to burst into flames. this comes as samsung takes a major hit to its profits. earlier this week, the south korean based electronics giant stock plummeted after the company slashed its third quarter forecast by more than $2 billion. phone and sending customers fire resistant boxes to return them. customers can get a credit of up to $100 on their bill if they change their note 7 for another smartphone. >> heather: meantime honda is recalling, honda civics because of issues with their parking brakes. a software glitch may keep the brakes from engaging which could cause a car to roll away. that problem affects some of the 2016 civic coupes and honda will start notifying owners next month and dealers will fix that for free. and the wellesley oyster fest gets underway today. if you like raw oysters like necessity, unfortunately, they're not going to be serving them this year, that's because the state has closed all of the shell fish beds in town after a norovirus outbreak believed to be linked to raw shell fish happened. despite the change there will be will use oysters from other areas. that festival opens today at 10:00 a.m. great weather to be outside. >> ted: shucking oysters. >> heather: you love the beach and i love the beach. not winter yet. it's still beautiful out there this time of year. >> sarah: i like the beach when it's not freezing. and that's what we have out there. you know what? no, it's a beautiful day. we're getting pictures from the beach. take a look at this one sent to me from twitter. happy saturday morning, sarah wroblewski. yes, i'm filling in for jason brewer today. don't be surprised he's out there. sure enough, he's tweeting away pictures he's always observing the weather telling me, yeah, step outside steps outside are icy, easy to freeze. be aware of any standing water outside. freezing temperatures overnight. still freezing in some spots, and that freeze warning goes until 9:00 inside the shade of purple. inside of 495, the coast, frost temperatures are looking like. 44 in boston, 31 in norwood. temperatures back into the 20s in places like keene. in nor reference, the wind light and bright out there. talking the temperatures climbing into the 40s, by the 50s this afternoon. mostly sunny skies. touching near 60s in some spots. best chances away from the coast. city. mainly clear overnight tonight. temperatures won't be as chilly. but still falling back into the upper 30s to mid 40s. look what happens the winds jump out of the west and jumping 10 degrees. and then inland, near 70. so looking fantastic for all you folks heading to gillette for the patriots game. brady's return to gillette. going, notice temperatures near 70 degrees. a few high level mid level clouds as the game gets going. overall pleasant conditions in place for this weekend. so the chilly start, sunshine this afternoon. cool, crisp feeling very much like fall for any activities you have outside. and then as we head into your sunday, we're looking at lots of sunshine to start. but notice these clouds out to the west. sure enough, watching this weak cold front that will bring us our next chance of some showers. look to arrive late sunday in going to be a good day on sunday. have that sunshine, have that warmth. if you're travelling further north, be prepared those clouds are bubbling up and could see a spot shower during the afternoon and evening. i think that chance holds off until after dark across our region. and we could still see some hit or miss showers on monday. waking up to some clouds. sunshine looks to return and the warmth really hangs with us. so hopefully if you're getting out this weekend, it will feel like fall with the temperatures abnormally warm next week and near 80 in some spots. we'll be watching that. then we'll be watching for the risk of rain late in the week and cooler weather returning. over to you. >> heather: all right. sarah, thank you. have you heard about this? a mysterious pink light flashing in the night sky. you kept noticing the lights. you contacted us and fox 25 went digging. so coming up, we will have the explanation for this gorgeous nigh plus. >> you're pregnant. >> durfebruary 16th. >> claire? >> it's a pregnancy video captured the heart of the world. >> heather: your heart goes out to this next family. after decades of trying to have a baby, including four miscarriages and stillbirth. we're smiling because a woman in virginia gained viral fame when >> due february 16th. >> claire. >> the mom to her hub pea with a package of buns in the oven. the video viewed more than 10 million times. well played there. mom and baby had a rock -- had a rocky road ahead, though. their lives were in danger after the baby, now known as baby buns, was born four months early. we have a happy update to report after 355 days in the graves, is now home. these are a few of the pictures his parents posted on facebook as they prepared to bring him home on tuesday. he celebrates his first birthday this coming thursday. happy birthday to baby buns. >> heather: chills. i was just looking at the smiles on those parents faces. how happy they are. >> ted: the dad, he's great. i hope the -- that is just a baby name and we can move on. >> heather: who cares he's so so happy for them. 365 days in the nicu. that's one happy little -- >> sarah: yeah, great birthday for him coming up. beautiful family. gorgeous shot of boston outside, and it's colder in the interior. we'll show you what's happening right now. plus how mild we'll get by this afternoon. >> ted: and a new law on the books for massachusetts, protecting the rights of transgender after taking affect. >> reporter: a convicted rapist arrested after being released ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible bob hillery: i spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. if i only showed up half of the time, did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. for ayotte, collecting campaign cash comes first. bob hillery: when it comes to fighting terrorism, fifty percent doesn't cut it. vo: votevets is responsible for complete new england news coverage continues right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> heather: 8:30 on saturday, october 15th. take a look the boston city skyline. it's a really bright blue sky. >> ted: beautiful day. >> heather: great day out there. after last weekend and all of that rain. can't complain about the sun. it is chilly out there. frost advisories in place right now. >> ted: and meteorologist fox 25 sarah wroblewski in the storm weather center. timing out how the weekend will warm up. >> sarah: we're at the oldest part of the weekend right now. that's why we have freeze along the coast. as we've got temperatures in the 20s and 30s this morning, still below freezing in some places. like norwood, at 31. burlington at 36. 32 in way land, 32 in pepperell fitchburg at 31. marshfield, 41, look at that. we're starting to see temperatures begin to improve. 37 at the that sunshine is doing its job. getting temperatures above where they should be as we head through the morning. climbing up every 50s to near 60 for the day today. above average for this weekend, i'll show you what to expect coming up. >> ted: and developing this morning, a convicted child rapist arrested again, less than two weeks after being released from prison. >> heather: we've been following this story for you for more than a week now since we learned free 27 years into what should've been a nearly 200 year prison sentence. >> ted: fox 25 stephanie coueignoux live in weymouth where the city gardner was living. stephanie, police arrested him for some kind of parole violation. >> sarah: yeah, and ted, we've learned that gardner may have been arrested after he was seen using a computer at a quincy library near some children. in fact, that's exactly what many weymouth parents say they were afraid would happen once they moved back here. in fact, residents petition asking the governor to step in. gardner was convicted of abducting and raping an 11-year-old boy in 1988 while he was living in rhode island. again he was sentenced to 190 years in prison. he was released after serving 27 years. that's when he moved back to weymouth to live with his parents. the plymouth county district attorney's office now has admitted they made a mistake keeping gardner in custody after he was arrested. contacted police here in massachusetts. gardner is expected to appear in court on monday and extradited back to rhode island. in weymouth, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> ted: this morning, police are hoping new video will help track down the person responsible for several suspicious fires. we told you about the fires last weekend. two cars were torched near now they released this video showing a person of interest. the man's face is obscured. but police are hoping you can identify other details. there is a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. in tyngsborough police continue to investigate a string of arsons there. 10 cars and two scooters set on fire along several streets. one of the fires also damaged a among those burned. so far no arrests have been made. >> heather: this morning, the two officers hurt in the shoot out in east boston remained in the hospital. now both men are in critical but stable condition. officer matthew morris and richard cintolo badly hurt when a man opened fire on them during a domestic call on monday. both on a long road to recovery. we're told morris will go back into surgery today. we've been following the you since it broke. right now on our website you can see both officers distinguished service records and also read about the confrontation with the mass gunman that earned officer morris, the state highest medal for bravery. and we have a full profile on the man who shot them, including how he lied about his military service. all of that up on >> ted: right now the federal government doesn't keep track of deadly police shootings but that will change the beginning of will start collecting nationwide data on deadly shootings by police and the other violent encounters with the public. the white house calls it a good first step toward improving police accountability. the aclu say officers should be required to submit data to the fbi if they want federal money sent to their departments. >> we're going to see situations unfold throughout this country as we have in ferguson and baltimore and chicago and los angeles. that is immune from this. >> ted: the reporting will rely on local police voluntarily submitting information on cases. there's no legal mandate for departments to cooperate. >> heather: a connecticut judge dismissed that lawsuit filed by sandy hook's families against the maker of the gun that was used in a school shooting. the judge roomed a federal law shields gun manufacturers from being sued for criminal use of their products. families of nine children the 2012 attack sued remington arms of the gunman used a recommendington made ar15 rifle to kill 20 adults and six children. >> police arrested a new hampshire man after they found drugs in the front of his truck and a child in the back. police pulled over david emerson in londonderry on tuesday he had a child in the back seat when they found cocaine in his center console and a glass pipe. authorities tell us the boy was picked up by his following the arrest. >> captured for a break in that caused lock downs at several schools in hanson. police still searching for this man right here, he is the fourth and final suspect accused of breaking into a home on main street last month. take a good look at him. meantime, shawn font these turned himself in this week, he along with two brockton men already facing charges. the vermont man accused of five vermont teenagers was in court on friday. steven borning juan, is still in the hospital for injuries he received in the crash. he was driving saturday when he hit that car with five teens. he's then accused of stealing a police cruiser and crashing into several other cars. he's now facing five counts of second degree murder. >> ted: stunning visuals in a report of earth's extreme and coming up the journey to some of the planet's most remote and dangerous areas in search of answers. >> heather: but first, a mysterious and beautiful pink glow lighting up the sky. coming up, we uncover what is causing so many people to grab their cameras and head outside. sarah. >> sarah: i'm loving your pictures you're sending in. thank you very much for that. it's chilly out there. we saw temperatures below you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer these speeds at this price. only fios can. on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> heather: welcome back. a strange night time glow captivating people in shirley for weeks. the night sky lit up pink but only in one particular area in the middle of the woods. many people taking pictures but didn't know what they were taking pictures of. so viewers reached out to fox 25 and we sent erica ricci out to shirley to figure it out. >> reporter: the sight alone lend to stories heard only in science fiction. light coming from an unmarked building in a remote area of shirley on the devins line. >> it's a lot cooler than just pink lights. >> reporter: laughter relieves to suspense as i've given a look inside the greenhouse causing a glow on the outside. co-owner, tim, shows me around as he explains the lights. >> we've got led glow lights so we can grow lettuce round. >> reporter: these black shades typically keep it from shooting out. but they've been broke. and this is what you get a beautiful sky. >> beautiful lettus in the morning, that's what's the glow is. >> reporter: that's all that's harvested that prize itself on the most technologically advanced greenhouse in the world. >> reporter: no planting seeds here, no watering. >> we're doing all of that stuff. but it's automated. >> reporter: he's excite bad the innovation, but perhaps more excited that this light has shed light on it. and this is the last of the pink sky here in shirley. we're told the blinds are being fixed this weekend so the led lights will be confined in the building which means the woods here will go back to being dark. erica ricci fox 25 news. >> ted: this concern and trouble with the polls this election day, donald trump asking his supporters to be poll watchers saying the election could be rigged. the naacp worries that will lead to voters being intimidated. voters asked to bring their cell phones to the precincts so they can record anything improper. >> heather: a shear display of sportsman ship. the message of teamwork that had two competing athletes right massachusetts. next, the argument for exemption from the state's new transgender bathroom law. >> heather: but first, halloween is getting closer so there's really no time like the present to check out a haunted attraction. you might want to scoot the kids quincy animal >> heather: a conservative christian group representing four massachusetts churches is now suing the state over its transgender bathroom law. that group believes churches should be exempt, arguing the law violates core religious beliefs. fox 25 jackie heinrich dug into the controversial issue and reports on the argument from both sides. >> reporter: the future of transgender protection is unclear after a newly enacted law came under fire tuesday both and a question voters will face. should it be repealed all together. that lawsuit, targeting the massachusetts commission against discrimination and the attorney general, saying the law infringes on a church's ability to reinforce its doctrine when it requires the church to let people use any bathroom in which they gender identify. >> it is they believe the bible teaches that god created each person as a reputably male or female. >> reporter: christina representing the churches in fitchburg and swansea saying the ag have made threats against the churches if they don't uphold the law. >> this is their own government that said because of who you are and the beliefs that you hold, and teach within the four walls of your own church, you could be penalize out of existence up $350,000 or thrown in jail for up to a year. >> reporter: meanwhile those who fought for the protection, like freedom of massachusetts, out in support of the transgender law this year. this lawsuit is no more than a last ditch scare tactic to scare out transgender people for the attack. people we talk to are split on the issue. some say there's a situation of church and state for a reason. >> i like that the country is moving in a more progressive direction. but i think religion is one of those cornerstone of american society that really they should be allowed to do whatever they want to do. >> reporter: others say against discrimination. still confusion over how to enforce it. the attorney general office saying they will review the lawsuit, writing, quote, we are pleased to finally have a law in place that protects transgender people from discrimination in public places. this law is about civil rights and critical for people without equal protection and equality under the law for too long. jackie hen like fox 25 news. signatures to ensure voters will have a chance to have a say on whether appeal on the ballot initiative that will appear in 2018. we'll keep you posted. >> ted: happening this morning, more than 900 people expected at a 5k run in honor of a journalist killed by terrorists in the middle east. runners are gearing up for the james foley 5k run in rochester, new hampshire. the money will benefit the james foleyeg raises money to support freelance journalists working overseas. that run kicks off at 10:00 this morning. >> our weather is an interconnected system. >> heather: that's the new trailer right there for the new geofilm touring the weather. except for maybe a meteorologist. you can catch extreme weather today at the museum of science i max theatre. not much extreme weather here today. although temperatures in the 20s out west. that's actually not -- >> sarah: that's not fun. >> heather: that's extreme for the morning. >> sarah: exactly. we are seeing some really cold conditions but the sun has been up for a couple of hours, so starting to see some improvement. but keene, new hampshire, 25 years right now. 20s in norwood, too. we've actually approved that's why the national weather service did issue a freeze warning early this morning through about 9:00 for those temperatures right at the freezing mark, if not below. so we're also dealing with some patchy frost out there this morning as temperatures have been in the mid to upper 30s along the coast. but good news, it is 44 in boston. so temperatures are improving of you can see this cold wedge of air over new england. clear skies all thanks to high pressure. but out to the west, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. this is our warmer weather front that will bring the risk of scattered showers late sunday night into monday. right now it looks fairly weak. so until then, let's enjoy and have pleasant conditions this weekend. we'll see temperatures improve to the 40s to 50s in boston by 10:00. by your lunch hour, everyone will be enjoying the 50 degree readings. it will be cooler along the coast. thanks to a local sea breeze that will develop. winds will be light out of the north. so it's going to feel very crisp and cool out mid to upper 50s. some spots inland could be near that 60 degree mark. just a really nice fall day. mostly clear overnight. we'll have to watch for some low clouds develop. mainly across the southeast. but the full 100 moon will be be occurring shortly after midnight. that moon will look big and bright when it rises shortly after 6:00 this evening. hopefully you get to get out and enjoy it. take a picture and i'd love to show it tomorrow morning. starting off so cold. highs today near the average. upper 50s to near 60 degrees. come tomorrow, winds out of the south. and highs in the mid to upper 60s to near 70s. so we're jumping about 10 degrees. and even warmer weather headed our way as we head into next week. if you're not going out today, maybe heading out tomorrow, go with sunshine to start your clouds increasing going for the pause for causes 5k temperatures in the 50s, to upper 60s by the definitely a cool start and not going to need that jacket by the afternoon. nearing 70 degrees. that's the same case for the patriots game at gillette. if you're travelling across new england, everyone is going to be tapping into that warmer air. noticing more clouds as we head into your sunday. if you're going to be leaf peeping, looking fantastic. peak condition across central and northern new england starting to fade across maine and new hampshire. and this is where we'll have to watch, north they were new england, see the risk of some sunday. for us, starting off dry, warm, clouds will increase. but there are those spotty showers after 2:00. and then by our area, we're looking at the evening overnight, mainly after dark. through the early morning hours of our monday. then we break back out into the sunshine and look at the seven-day forecast. we'll see temperatures rebounding back into the 70s. and we're going to hold on to warm weather even through the middle part of the week. tuesday looks to be very warm. we could be battling near record highs. temperatures climbing in the upper 70s to near 8 looks as though we'll have to watch carefully late in the week. as temperatures cool. back to you. >> ted: a new kind of training for the minds of police officers. that some say are just as important as training the body. >> every time there's a traumatic event or critical incident, it's like a brick in the backpack. >> ted: coming up the trauma training a local police department is giving to its officers to help them deal with the emotional after math of >> heather: but first tom brady is making his return to gillette i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. e this message. denny's knows the holidays should be shared with friends and family. except denny's all-new holiday pancakes. you won't want to share those with anybody. denny's new fluffier, tastier, better pancakes now in holiday flavors. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. >> reporter: hi everybody, i'm butch stearns, here's your sports for saturday morning. just one more day inner tom brady makes his long awaited return to playing football at gillette stadium. brady is not taking any snaps at gillette since last january's playoff win over kansas city. patriots fans were in cleveland last sunday, gave him several standing ovations to let him know he was missed. this should be even crazier. >> it's going to be a big moment. >> this is one of those moments where the stadium is more alive than it ever has been, bigger than playoffs or anything else. we're not sending a message to the opponent as much as a leadership and the nfl. take our boy away for a few days you see what happens we're going to come alive. you'll see one heck of a scene here in gillette. and it will probably be one of the biggest regular season game in this stadium. >> reporter: high school game day match up of the week,li redmond come do chelmsford. stick it to the lions, tewksbury now 6 and 0. go to my facebook page at butch stearns for much more highlights and stories from chelmsford last night. cleveland indians lead the als, one game to none. they led toronto last night. game two, 8:00 tonight, cubs and dodgers. have a great saturday. >> heather: all right. butch thanks. at a cross-country meet. >> ted: a runner from holyoke rolled his ankle and had to stop. two runners from competing schools monson alex and jimmy, carried him the rest of the way. and let him cross the finish line first saying that's what they would've wanted if it was one of their teammates. prty if you'd like to see how safe driving could put ash in your pocket. >> sarah: bring it on along with sunshine and chilly weather a frosty start out there. above average as we head into next week. that forecast for you coming up. >> heather: also a former baby-sitter please guilty of kidnapping a little girl she was ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. the moments that connect us don't happen overnight. they happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. surface of a pond. >> i lost her! i lost her! >> ted: the daring rescue that has a pair of bystanders being hailed as heros. >> heather: and donald trump hitting the campaign trail hard despite the controversy behind him. the new accusations thrown at trump makes a stop in new hampshire today. auto >> ted: good morning, everyone, thanks for waking up with us, it's 9:00 a.m. on saturday, october 15th. i'm ted daniel in for jason law on this beautiful day. >> heather: beautiful but chilly. i'm heather hegedus. some communities actually waking up to temperatures in the 20s, can you believe that for october? >> ted: blanket weather. >> heather: yes, flannel sheet weather too. meteorologist sarah wroblewski in the weather center. temperatures warm up nicely not just today but into next week. weather. take a look at this, already warming up so nicely. above places like keene. into the 40s now in norwood and 50s on the vineyard. yes, it was freezing earlier this morning. close to 50 degrees in boston. gorgeous blue sky. sunshine getting to work. the winds are light. as we go through the day, temperatures into the 50s near or slightly below average with highs today in the mid to upper 50s. 60 degrees away from the local sea breezes to keep tad bit cooler. we've got warmer weather on the way this weekend. i'm timing that out for you coming up. >> heather: all right. sara, thank you. we're following developing news, a convicted child rapist is back in police custody this morning. fugitive charges out of rhode island. >> ted: we've been speaking to people in weymouth who were outraged to learn richard gardner would be moving into stephanie coueignoux joins us live in weymouth to learn about the arrest. a lot of people there shocked to hear about this. >> reporter: yeah, and as you can imagine, his arrest comes as relief to people living here. in fact, after they learned that he was released from prison, moved back here with his parents, they actually reached out to the governor asking him to step in. gardner was sentenced to 190 years in prison for abducting an 11-year-old boy and then raping him back in 1988 i island. he served 27 years and then again moved back here to be with his parents in weymouth after he was released from prison earlier this month. the plymouth county district attorney has now admitted that they made a mistake during the process of possibly keeping gardner in custody after his sentence. last night he was arrested on a fugitive from justice charge out of rhode island. people we talked to say they're >> you've got three little boys a couple of kids over here, two little girls next to me. >> just as long as richard gardner is on the streets, nobody's children are safe. >> reporter: gardner is expected to be in roxbury district court on monday. he'll then be extradited back to rhode island. and coming up in 30 minutes, what he did in quincy that may have led to his arrest. in weymouth, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> ted: we'll see you then. today, counselors will be at boston community leadership academy foll as of now, the student's name has not been released. the student was killed in a crash in hyde park. it happened on claire avenue near the american legion highway yesterday afternoon. witnesses say it looked like the driver lost control and rolled. it's unclear if the student was the driver or the passenger. working to get more details about the crash. counselors will be at the school between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. today. >> heather: to a story gone there remains in arlington spy pond after it ended up in the water with medford woman trapped inside. police tell fox 25, she was trying to back into a parking spot when something went wrong. fortunately for her, these two men, you see swimming toward the car. they happened to be in the right place at the right time and they rushed into help. >> go to your back window! >> reporter: a terrifying rescue caught on camera. two men on bikes life of a woman trapped in sinking suv. >> we watched this car and her go down. >> reporter: ted chapman and dan frazier dove in to help when they spotted the car filling with water in arlington spy pond yesterday. >> i lost her! i cost her! >> reporter: finally they were able to get to the woman and open the door. popped up. >> grab on. >> reporter: today police are crediting them with saving her life. >> listen to the audio of the video. even calling for a rock to break the window. they performed as well or better than trained rescuers and first responders. >> and that woman is now recovering from her ordeal. but her rescuers are this morning, crediting divine intervention with putting them in the right place at the right me rescue on you can check out the entire video there with two men good samaritans who saved their life. amazing job to them. >> ted: well done. the east boston street where the deadly police shoot out happened is back open for the first time in days. as the two officers hurt in the shooting remain hospitalized. >> the police commissioner says both officers are talking and in today officer matthew morris will have another surgery for his injuries. officer richard cintolo had his second surgery yesterday. we'll keep you posted on both officer's conditions as new details become available. the officers are facing a long road to recovery but have the complete support of their department and community. dozens of people were on hand for a prayer vigil and peace walk in east boston last night. the crowd lit candles and streets to the madonna queen of the universe shrine on orient avenue to say a prayer. >> see the pictures it really hit home. they are human beings. and i want to be here to support the families and pray that they recover quickly. >> ted: a special mass for boston police will be held monday night at st. josephlazsa russ parish in east boston. >> heather: we're learning more details about the man accused of opening fire on police. monday night's shoot out. now the army says figueroa lied about his military background. on his company's website, he claimed to have served a decade in the reserve. but an army spokesperson says he enlisted in the reserve in 2003 but he was discharged after just five months amount never even attended basic training. we do have much more information about figueroa's background on our website, log on to, to learn about his h georgia and arizona as well. and we also have information there about officer matthew morris and officer cintolo's service with the boston police department. >> ted: a 95-year-old man brutally killed and his wheelchair bound wife stabbed and left for dead. now two people being held without bail for the crime. 23-year-old joshua heart and brittany smith were arraigned inside a packed orange district court courtroom yesterday. an attack on thomas hardy and joanna fisher that lasted nearly two hours of the elderly couple lived down the street from smith's grandmother. in court we learned that thomas hardy was stabbed and sufficient -- suffocated. his wife was stabbed and left for dead. heart was avoiding charges in another case and smith trying to avoid drug treatment. smith and heart court in december. >> heather: a former baby-sitter he a charged with kidnapping a little girl who was once under her care. that kidnapping happened almost a year ago. you may remember hanna took a two-year-old girl from her home and the toddler found miles away on the side of the road in raul lee naked with her head shaved and bruised but alive. since hanna was arrested she had been receiving treatment at a as she apologized to that toddler's family. >> a day does not go by when this does not weigh heavily on my heart. to the family, with the hope that they advance healing and that the girls lead happy healthy lives that are not hindered by this tragedy. >> heather: she was sentenced to five to seven years of prison followed by a decade of probation. >> ted: with just weeks to go until election today with no public events scheduled. meantime, her rival, donald trump is coming to our area with a rally in portsmouth new hampshire this afternoon. fox 25 will have complete coverage on that, online and on our news tonight. the republican candidate s' candidate visit comes when he's hit with more sexual assault accusations. two more women come forward of accusing donald trump of attacking them. "u.s.a. today" reports this brings the total number of unwanted advances happened when they were just teenagers. the victims say the attacks included everything from a kiss to much more. >> donald trump's eyebrows. and i was like, you know, he just stuck his hand up my skirt. >> it was kind of a quick hug and a kiss on the lips. >> ted: donald trump continues to defend himself saying he's the victim of a political smear campaign. his legal team says it's gathering evidence to fight back. the final presidential vegas. fox 25 blair miller will be there bringing us live updates. you can watch the entire debate right here on fox 25 starting at 9:00, followed by a special edition of fox 25 news at 10. >> heather: meantime, the conversation he had more than a decade ago with television host billy bush, it now looks like that leaked video will cost bush's job. the today show has been off of the air all week and reported been tapped to fill in for bush on monday and tuesday. no( word on nbc's long term plans. we'll keep you posted. >> a new lead for police as they continue to investigate a string of arsons. coming up the video they want everyone to see as they try to track down the person responsible. >> ted: plus a traumatic event like the shooting in east boston can have long lasting impacts on the psyche of all officers involved. next, the the minds of the people who protect us all. >> sarah: temperatures improving of a frosty start. the freeze advisory now been lifted as temperatures climb into the 40s. on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> ted: we've seen a lot of police officers shot in the past few years all over the country. most recently two right here in east boston. a traumatic event like this affects officers who respond directly to the scene. and even those who don't. fox 25's kerry kavanaugh visited a local police department that recently introduced a new training for their officers >> every time there's a traumatic event or critical incident it's like a brick in the backpack as these bricks add up, eventually that backpack will pull you down. >> reporter: breaking the cycle. superintendent paul aim says providing officers with the tools to emotional response to traumatic events is as important as any other training they receive. this summer, cambridge pd launched a program that trains officers how to be mindful of traumas that affect it starts with acknowledging it. >> you say, you're going to feel anxiety, might have a sleepless night. >> reporter: he says that happens right now within hours of responding to a shoot, like the shoot out that happened wednesday night. >> you have a debriefing session, a little more formalized bring everyone back. >> reporter: first you get to the officers dealing directly with the scene and then those affected or affected by trauma and also goes out and deals with someone else's trauma affected, that's when we have negative out comes. >> reporter: the training includes medication, counselors on hand to deal with one-on-one crisis. working to deal with the crisis as it's happening cambridge police spearheaded another program with several other police departments. it's a support program. right now 30 officers from all of those departments will team up and to lend support to their peers. in cambridge, kerry kavanaugh fox 25 news. >> ted: the well fleet oyster fest gets underway today with one noticeable difference. there won't be any raw oysters served. the state has closed all of the shell fish beds in the town after a norovirus outbreak believed to be linked to raw shell fish. despite that, there will be lots oysters from other areas. the festival opens today in gist about an hour. >> heather: winter is not here yesterday, but just about fall, but you should start bracing yourself to pay more for heat as the emergency department says home heating bills likely to be higher this year than last winter and it doesn't matter if you use oil, electric gas, electric or propane heat. experts are calling -- saying that current forecasts are calling for a colder winter midwest. energy prices are also expected to be slightly higher this year as well. so we sort of dodged a bullet last winter. >> ted: yeah, that's expected because last winter was so -- >> heather: yeah, it was so mild out there, but it also doesn't mean we're going to see some of the coldest conditions. there's difference things that we look at. we had -- a huge player into why we had mild conditions last winter. of course we'll be diving into day by day. sarah wroblewski: it's chilly out there. we never got to show this last night. this is fox 25 viewer photo of the day. we always show an awesome picture on instagram. you need to hashtag your thoughts on fox 25. and we love to show it. this is a gorgeous scene set up across boston that we're going to see very nice conditions this weekend to get out and take some pictures and instagram them. we love to show them. i want to point out the sunset too tonight. just after moon will be rising so a perfect opportunity. halloween night. 9:38 look at that sunset time decreasing and yes we fall back november 6th for 4:31. going to get here before you know it. beautiful out there right now, lots of sunshine as temperatures in the upper 30s in boston. wind likely out of the north. likely going to turn on shore out of the north as we head through the afternoon. adding a bit after chill. feels like the mid 40s out lower 40s too. keene, new hampshire finally above freezing thank goodness because it was cold in the 20s this morning. lawrence right now 444. that wind is light and it will continue with that sunshine through the majority of the day. boosting temperatures into the upper 50s to near 60 degrees. that's where we're headed for the day today. near or slightly below the average. coolest conditions i mentioned because of the sea breeze along the coast. tonight watch for areas of low clouds or some low clouds. tempat to mid 30s. i don't expect to see as cold conditions where we had 20s in starts. still chilly start to your sunday. as the sun comes out, that's going to boost these temperatures into the in i'd to upper 60s if not near 70 ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. what's for dinner tonight? wegmans ez meals. dinner's not just delicious, it's done. [mmmm] chicken cacciatore... boneless chicken in our very own seasoned tomato sauce with peppers, mushrooms and basil. r unique ez oven packaging. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven and dinner's ready. delicious, fresh, easy. wegmans ez meals. >> ted: so it was a the fire department to the rescue, digging a hole to snake a c when rose got into trouble. winston wouldn't leave her behind. >> wouldn't leave him. he was there for comfort. he did come out at one point. but we basically let him go in there to comfort the other dog. >> ted: after a few hours, they were brought to safety. >> heather: rose and winston, what a pair. after years of trying to have a baby, four miscarriages and a stillbirth. a woman gained fame when posting this video last fall. >> pregnant? >> due february 16th. >> claire? >> and it's a boy. >> heather: what a proud pa pa as you said ted. that video was from last fall. the mom was breaking news to the husband with the package of buns in the oven. very clever. the video viewed more than 10 million times at this point. but it wasn't an easy road for mom and baby. the baby known as baby buns. was born four months early. but this morning, we do have a happy update to report to you. you can see these pictures, after 355 days in intensive care. 355, baby buns, also known as caleb graves, is now home. these are just some of the pictures his parents posted on facebook as they prepare to bring him home on tuesday. he celebrates the first birthday this coming thursday. he's wearing the cap and gowns. because he's graduating from the nicu. >> ted: yes, styling dude. >> heather: he's a little stud. such a smiling baby. sarah over to you. >> sarah: super cute and happy birthday to you. if you're out this weekend and doing fall festivities beautiful foliage peaking across new england. a warm up headed our way. come up hour by hour the temperatures in your town. >> reporter: a convicted arrested after being released from prison just a week ago. what we're learning he may have the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. complete new england news coverage continues right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> heather: good saturday morning to you. and check this out. how about this for a spectacular saturday view right here at 9:30 that's the boston skyline from our beacon hill camera. and it definitely feels like fall if you are this morning. you might want to bring a jacket and layers, you take them off later on. we did wake up to some areas to temperatures in the 20s this morning. >> ted: warming up to be an absolutely beautiful day. meteorologist sarah wroblewski now in the storm tracker weather center. timing now for the warm up. sarah. already happening. >> sarah: yeah, today is going to be one of the cooler of both days i guess you could say. felt it with the temperatures in the 30s and 40s. some location, in fitchburg, it's 35. way land, 36 right now. and down across the southeast, warming up nicely. 54 on the vineyard. you woke up to freezing conditions this morning. so improvements, yes, they're already happening. we'll continue to climb into the upper 50s to near 60. at once again, we'll have cool conditions arriving later on tonight. but not as cold as it was this morning. and warmer weather lots of sunshine, it's going to be pleasant out there. i'll be timing out our next chance of showers and warmer weather to follow. >> ted: we've been following developing news all morning. a convicted child rapist arrested again after being released from prison. >> heather: this is a story we've been following extensively for more than a week after we learned richard gardner was set free 27 years into what was sentence. >> ted: fox 25 stephanie coueignoux live in weymouth. where gardner was living. police arrested him for some kind of parole violation, stephanie, we know? >> reporter: we're learning gardner's arrest may have come after he was seen using a computer at a quincy library near children. that's exactly what people were worried may happen. some of them so upset that they started a petition asking the gardner was convicted of abducting and raping an 11-year-old boy in 1988 while he was living in rhode island. he was sentenced to 190 years in prison. but he was released after serving 27 years. and that's when he moved back to weymouth to live with his parents. the plymouth county district attorney's office has now admitted that they made a mistake during the process of possibly keeping gardner in custody after his sentence. and, again, gardner was arrested contacted police here in massachusetts. gardner is set to appear in roxbury district court on monday and then he'll be extradited back to rhode island. in wallnut, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> ted: this morning, police are hoping new video will help track down the person responsible for several suspicious fires. we told you about the fires last weekend. two cars were torched new do heterotee circle in swampscott. now police showing a person of interest. the man's face never seen. but police hoping other details can help identify this guy. a reward for up to $500,000 leading to an arrest of the suspect. >> heather: a shoot out in east boston remain hospitalized. both men now critical and stable condition. officers richard incident tollo low and matthew morris were badly hurt when a man opened call on wednesday. morris is going back into surgery today. we have been following the latest developments on this story since it broke. and right now on our website, you can see both officers distinguished service records. you can also read about the confrontation with a mass gunman that earned morris the highest medal for bravery. we have more on the man accused of confronting them as well. that's >> ted: right now the federal government doesn't keep track of deadly police shootings. but that will change the beginning of next year. the justice department says it will start collecting nationwide data of deadly shootings by police and other violent encounters with the public. the white house calls it a good first step towards improving police accountability. the aclu says officers should be required to submit data to the fbi if they want federal money sent to the department. >> we're going to see situations baltimore and los angeles. there's no city, no community that's immune from this. >> ted: the report will rely on local police voluntarily submitting information on cases. there's no legal mandate for departments to cooperate. a connecticut judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by sandy hook families against the maker of the gun used in the school shooting. the judge ruled a federal law shields gun manufacturers from being sued from the c the families of nine children and adults killed in the 2012 attacks sued remington arms. the gunman used a remington made ar15 rifle to kill 20 children and six adults. police arrested a new hampshire man after they found drugs in the front of his truck and a child in the back. police pulled over david emerson in londonderry on monday. when they found cocaine in the center console and a glass pipe. authorities tell us the boy was picked up by his mother following the arrest. >> heather: the vermd man accused of killing a head-on crash that killed five teenagers was in court on pre. he is still in the hospital for injuries he sustained from the crash. the 36-year-old was driving the wrong by on i89 before midnight last saturday when he hit a car with five he is then accused of stealing a police cruiser and crashing into five other cars. he faces five counts of second degree murder. >> ted: stunning video in a new film about earth's extreme and changing weather. coming up, the journey to some of the planet's most remote and dangerous areas in search of answers. >> heather: but first tom brady returning to gillette stadium coming up next, the dramatic come back it's having on ticket prices. >> sarah: i'll say the dramatic increase in temperatures by the >> sarah: i'll say the dramatic increase in temperatures by the time of game time for your ? ? on social se e, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... >> heather: coming up on 9:40 now and the final count down to a day pats fans have been circled on the calendar for a to foxboro. comes as no surprise that tomorrow's game is the hottest ticket in town. fox 25 chris flanagan spoke with fans who say the return to gillette is priceless. >> i can't think of another regular season game outside of like coming off of a super bowl win, raising a banner, something like that. >> reporter: after deflategate, ticket prices are inflating for brady's return. ace ticket tickets for around $150. not this weekend, though. >> the really good stuff, you're talking lower level, 50 yard line kind of 30 rows up, you know those will kind of get up there. they start at 250 to get you in the door. go to 500 or more, depending where you want to sit. >> reporter: brady's jerseys flying off of the racks at the pro shop. >> got a shirt for myself, jacket for my husband. >> reporter: fans fired up for very excited. you can feel the vibe here very exciting. >> reporter: most fans have had their return circled on their calendar for months. >> i can see the ticket price going up because it's not just an ordinary home game. >> reporter: and if you can't score a ticket, you're not alone, local bars will be packed hoping to cash in. >> brady is just marketing magic? >> oh, yeah. everybody is going to be crammed in watching the >> heather: chris flanagan reporting there. the pats are tweeting out warning people to be aware of counterfeit tickets. they've already seen evidence of fakes out there. >> ted: this is supposedly the pricest game in the nfl so far this season. >> heather: yeah. >> ted: out of every team in the league. >> heather: yeah. >> ted: brady is back, so -- >> heather: it adds up. >> ted: there's a reason for people who want to go and it's going to be awesome. i think it's going to be close to ortiz leaving. moments. >> heather: it will be incredible energy in that stadium. a true display of sportsman ship. coming up the message of teamwork that had two competing athletes helping a third one there. >> ted: but first, drive safely gets rewarded. an app rewards people who can >> heather: want to make some money for the way you drive? apparently there really is an app for that. but only works if you're a safe driver. fox 25 elizabeth hopkins reports the app is turning driving into a game now that can pay off. >> i think everybody thinks they're a great driver. >> reporter: having said that, chris carter thinks he's a pretty good driver. >> i'm a fairly cautious driver. suddenly carter realized he might not be. >> there are stretches of road that i was going faster than i should've been. >> reporter: and that's the idea behind the app. >> when we, look at the app and the data they don't realize how much room for improvement there is. >> reporter: developer says the app looks at hard braking, phone use while driving, speeding and scores the driver. holding up a mirror for a little self-reflection. >> bad habits sometimes is second nature to us. and i think the app forces them to think about doing. >> reporter: carter loved the idea. he says last year, 23 people died in traffic crashes on boston streets. the mayor wants that number to be zero. with that goal, carter and christian, decided to launch a contest using the app to see if they can change the way boston drives. and it's working. >> within 3 days you can see they change their distracted driving on average by 30%. be the safest. >> there's a score that shows up at the end of each trip between 0 and 100 and prizes tied to this competition. >> reporter: driving home an important lesson. safe drivers are made, not born. >> reporter: it's the first of its kind in the year. the money awarded by arbella insurance. it's significant. $2,000 to the top prize. the city of boston say the data collected is completely anonymous. it's only scheduled to be online until september. the city is trying to fur a way to keep it continue. you can download boston's safest driver in the apple store or on google play. elizabeth hopkins, fox 25 news. >> our weather is an interconnected system. >> heather: that's the trailer right there for a new national geographic film exploring earth's weather from the 300 foot glaciers to the path of deadly tornados the movie is before. you can catch it today starting at the museum of science i max theatre. that should be incredible to see with the omni view. >> ted: so amazing. >> heather: i'm looking forward to that. >> sarah: i mean, as much as watching extreme weather, i don't like to experience it here. this weekend is calm, quiet, it's a beautiful fall weekend. >> heather: after last week, we'll take it. >> sarah: yeah, after a few inches of rain on thursday. nice conditions, speaking of nice, night in rockport, he is a freshman at endicott he went up there and filmed these amazing pictures, i said filmed, actually took them. of the northern lights actually visible thursday night as far south as southern new england. so thank you so much for sending in the beautiful photos, the purple, the streets, absolutely spectacular. i want to show you another view, that is one of boston right now. clear skies out there. blue conditions of you can see that wind is very light. likely going to turn on shore today. that means we're going to see temperatures coolest at the coast. we did have freeze warnings and frost advisory, no longer valid, as temperatures now have climbed above that in the 30s and 40s, 50s for parts of the cape. there is warmer weather out to the west. while we have cooler weather across parts of southern new england, look at this, temperatures in the 50s and 60s to the west ahead of a cold front tracking for late sunday into early monday. you bring us a risk of warm weather we'll be talking about for the day tomorrow. today, temperatures near average. so it will feel like fall very much crisp and cool out there with the bright sunshine. temperatures will be in the 50s to near 60 degrees. again, i mentioned coolest conditions along the immediate coast. looking at the mid to upper 50s in boston. now, this evening, we'll see that moon rise shortly after 6:00, and shortly after the sunset. it's going to be -- we could see a few clouds overnight. the full moon will be full after midnight. the full hunter's moon. that's what we call it this time of year. upper 50s to near 60 degrees for today. tomorrow, starting off in the upper 30s to 40s, we'll jump into the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. all thanks to a wind developing out of the southwest. it will be quite busy. as it does, it will boost those temperatures, if you're tailgating tomorrow, looking fantastic for the pat's game upper 50s to near 70 degrees. that wind will be picking up of the southwest. and high level clouds moving in in the afternoon. still great conditions for the paws for cause 5k. grab that jacket. you may not need it toward midday. fall festivities leaf peaking out there, the color spectacular across northern and southern new england. just changing in southeastern areas. a few clouds in our forecast tomorrow. and already starting to fade across northern new england. but peak conditions just spectacular. if you are headed to the north be be aware, as we have sunshine for the day today, high pressure will remain in control as we wake up tomorrow. clouds increasing west to east as we head into our sunday. most of us stay mostly sunny through the majority of the day tomorrow. but those clouds will be increasing during the second half of the day. with risk of some showers moving on in late. mainly after dark in the boston area. may linger early monday before we see that sunshin us. and hey, take a look at the seven-day forecast. because while cold fronts usually single much colder air. we don't have that behind this front. temperatures stay mild in the mid to upper 70s. even by tuesday, we're nearing 80s in some spots, continue to monitor that, but the risk of cooler weather and wet weather arrives late in the week. over to you. >> heather: definitely fall like weather. and that means the pumpkin judging time of year. coming up next, we'll tell you where to see biggest, prettiest, even the ugliest ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content dear fellow citizen, time spent with my son really makes me appreciate "the now". but i also have to plan for my family's future. and that means taking on debt. in a smart way. like my mortgage - it's working for me. and if he needs a college loan down the road, that'll be worth it too. it's all about having a strategy, that fits your life. so, if you have a question about how to make debt work for you, ask me. >> heather: i've got to try out that -- >> ted: i didn't know the pizza was a south shore thing. >> heather: it looks amazing that pizza. a powerful show of sportsmanship at a cross-country meet. >> ted: a runner from holyoke rolled his ankle around the first mile mark and had to stop. two runners from competing schools, boston alex lima and westfield's jimmy mad dock teamed up and carried him the rest of the way through a hilly mile and a half. they even crossed the finish they would want if it was one of their teammates. good sportsmanship. >> heather: i know. an athlete right here. let's talk about the weather. >> sarah: a lot of sports going on this weekend. so if you're headed out, chilly in the morning, but mild in the afternoon. temperatures near normal for the day today. we climb to about 70 degrees tomorrow. so we'll take that. risk of a few scattered showers late sunday into monday. and warming up into the 70s head into fall. looking fantastic. >> heather: don't look as full this week either. >> sarah: yeah, because of the warmth. >> ted: have to say a special happy birthday to my little guy who turns 8 years old today. that's him watching the fox 25 morning news. happy birthday andrew. happy 8 years old. >> heather: happy birthday. look at that 8-year-old balloon >>the and whole family, including him, >> heather: andrew, hope you >> heather: andrew, hope you have the best ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? interviewer: what would you do with five minutes to kill and a smartphone? man: check the scores. woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? man: really? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to register to vote m-a dot com. it's that easy. october 19th. it only 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explore. adventuring into outer space, this vast frontier, is becoming more frequent. today, we're visiting a company that is so sure that some time soon,

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