Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20161009 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20161009

let me show you right now the current conditions. lower 60s in boston, watch what happens through the day. we are in the upper 50s at noontime. scattered rain north and west of the city. but the farther south and east you go, it's more of the steadier washout-type weather, and into about 3:00, notice the temperatures. they are in the middle 50s. we are just going to fall a little bit today behind the front. so, fenway, plan for rain. bring the ponchos i. will turn breezy as well. we have certainly seen better baseball days with mid first pitch. i'm back with more coming up. >> and we are following breaking news this morning. police are investigating after a shooting in roxbury fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live at boston police headquarters and, stephanie, we know one person was rushed to the hospital? >> reporter: yeah, still a lot of questions though remain, heather, including how this victim is doing and exactly how old that victim is. this is some video though of what that scene looked like earlier this morning and in this annunciuation road in roxbury. they reported to the area just after 1:00 this morning and you can see several evidence markers on the street. we also saw one home with its front door open, and officers using flashlights to look inside. police though haven't said exactly how that home may be connected with the shooting. i have also asked police whether the shooting happened outside and if this may have been a targeted shooting. at this point though, police haven't said if they arrested anyone. now, i have called. i have e-mailed police, but again this is still very early on, on this sunday morning. as soon as i get an update though i will let you know. outside boston police headquarter, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> all right, stephanie, thank you so much. developing this morning, police arrested the man they say shot three police officers and killed two of them in california. the officers went to the home in palm springs yesterday around noon after a woman called and disturbance. the police were at the front door trying to negotiate with the son. when he opened fire. >> it was a simple family disturbance and he elected to open fire on the guardians of the city. >> the two officers killed were 27 year-old leslie, the mother of a 4 month old and she had just returned to work from maternity leave, the other was jos? gilbert vega, a 35 year and set to retire in december. this morning, boston police are searching for this man in connection with an attempted sexual assault in mission hill. this is video of the area where it happened near kevin fitzgerald park on saint alphonso street. the victim told officers the man walked up to her from behind and threw her to the ground and tried to sexual assault her before running off yesterday afternoon. let's get a good look at the suspect. he was seen leaving the area on huntington avenue, you should call boston police if you see him. >> hillary clinton and donald trump will face off for the second presidential debate tonight. the big elephant in the room? trump's hot mike rant against women. and since trump's lewd comments surfaced on friday, a new review uncovered dozens of derogatory comments about women made over the course of several years on howard stern's radio show. this morning, fox 25's jacqui heinrich reports that trump said he will not back out of the even from within his own party. >> this is a full-on meltdown of historic proportions. >> the fallout continues to grow, leading to sunday's presidential debate with several prominent republicans condemning donald trump's behavior to varying levels of disdane. his own campaign adviser decrying the language. >> i don't support language and discussions like this. >> others calling for him to step down or rescind their endorsement. conscience endorse this person for president. >> even hollywood weighing in. >> he is an idiot, coe lynn powell said it best. he is a national disaster. >> political analyst tom whalen said there is no way even a good performance in sunday's debate can save trump the i length. >> it is an impossible task. i mean, he had to like basically deliver a knockout punch in sunday's debate, but now, the debate is going to be about these comments. >> the critical spotlight now off trump's democratic opponent, out to denounce trump. >> republicans are just doing that to protect themselves in their own campaigns, in the senate or house of representatives. >> trump's own runningmate writing he cannot defend the nominee's comment, paul ryan writing he was sickened and addressing the elephant in the room on a rally saturday. >> it is a troubling situation, i'm serious, it is. >> trump's wife calling the recording offensive, but pleading with the public to forgive her husband, writing, quote, i hope people will accept our nation and world. >> what the video did was it basically took the pin out of his balloon of candidacy and it's over. >> and in new hampshire, trump's comments adding fuel to an already contentious senate race. republican incumbent kelley ayotte saying for the first time she will not vote for donald trump. ayotte tweeted she won't vote for hillary clinton either, instead, she will write in mike pence. saying she is a mom and an american first, and, quote, cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women. ayotte said's opponent maggie hassan responded to the decision asking why it took so long for ayotte to question trump's character? >> she finally made the decision that the politics were so bad for her that she would disavow biggest apolygist for donald trump there is. >> hassan also attacked ayotte on twitter saying the senator went back and forth on her support for trump. it will play out tomorrow night during the second presidential debaivment you can watch it here at 9:00. our blair miller is in st. louis. he will join us for reaction right after things wrap up around 10:30. >> looking forward to to that. this morning, hurricane matthew is no longer a off shore after dropping record-breaking rain on the east coast. matthew is classified as post tropical, but it is still packing hurricane force winds. at least 14 deaths in 3 different states are being blamed on the storm. 2.2 million people are without power all the way from florida to the carolinas. but this morning, the evacuation orders are slowly being lifted and people are heading home now to see the destruction for themselves. those who didn't evacuate are >> what we decided to do is just allow our guardian angels to take care of our homes. >> i heard cracking and popping all night long. scary, very scary. >> even though matthew is moving away, flooding does remain a major concern down south right now, especially in north carolina where some areas got more than 16" of rain just in the past 24 hours. >> big storm. new this morning, a scary situation for players on a high school sports team. their bus caught fire on 93 south in canterbury, new hampshire. the bus was charred and burnt. everyone got out safely, no word op what caused the fire. another bus was called in to take the team home. >> this morning police are looking at why a man showed up at a hospital with a shard of glass in his abdomen. it happened in worcester. the victim told police someone he knew flew the glass at him as he was leaving work early saturday morning. police are trying to track down witnesses. transit police arrested a man who had a gun inside a t. on the blue line platform at the the government center t. station, according to police the 19 year-old was slumped against the wall, unconscious, with a gun by his waistband. police woke him up and learned he didn't have a license for the gun. chiffon had several warrants out for his arrest in roxbury, chelsea and newton. >> happening to day, the patriots taking on the cleveland browns. and for some, today's game marks the real beginning of the patriots sea activated and will lead the team after serving his four-game deflate-gate suspension. rod ninkovich (^) back on the team after a four game suspension for using a banned substance. and the red sox will be returning to fenway today hoping for a turn around. they need one. the sox are home from a miserable stretch in cleveland that's left them on the brink of elimination. they need to win today to stay in contention. coming up in 30 minutes the hopefully, get the team the spark it needs. >> we hope so. a local fire chief says some students aren't safe in their own schools. still ahead we will tell you about the missing piece of equipment that could make the difference between life or death. >> plus, people waking up to flames going into 10 cars, the video sin tension. still ahead, the investigation into what police are calling deliberate acts. >> and i'm tracking some steady rain already moving into southern new england, i will glad forceflex. extra strong to avoid rips and tears. be happy, it's glad. stubborn frizz needs smoothing care. garnier whole blends smoothing oil. infused with coconut oil & cocoa butter extracts. protects each strand for naturally-beautiful, shiny hair. garnier whole blends. smoothing haircare discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. (to dog)give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! (to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at welcome back. a local fire chief said some students at schools are not safe because he contacted fox 5 because he feels frustrated the lawmakers are not doing enough to protect students by carbon monoxide detectors in every school. blair miller went to douglas where the fire chief talked about the problems he has seen firsthand. >> it is frustrating. >> douglas fire chief ken vincent can't forget this. [beep-beep] >> two adults at an elementary school sent to hospital in march of 2014. when a boiler had miss fired, the school didn't have carbon the chief made this promise to parents. >> i will argue and fight to get monoxide detectors and protect the kids in the stown and children throughout the state. and i promise that. and so far i haven't been able to deliver. >> chief vincent tells us he has made plea after plea on beacon hill pushing for a law that would require detectors in all massachusetts schools. that hasn't happened. in fact, when we looked into it, we found the bill had been introduced and sent to the public safety committee in january but, nothing more has really happened. the last time anyone even looked at the bill, was march of this year, when it was sent to another committee. we tried to ask the lawmakers who sponsor the bill what the holdup was. but they have not responded to our request. this chief wonders what it will take. >> we don't have to have a child perish before we pass a law. >> we went by the douglas schools today and found they are not waiting on new laws. they immediately put in carbon monoxide detectors to make sure >> the children aren't safe in every school in this state. if they don't have ka bonn monoxide detectors in the schools that the children attend they are at risk. >> it's not clear if money is standing in the way of putting one of these in every school here in the state, here in douglas, they spent about $40,000 to make sure each school year has one. in douglas, blair miller, fox 25 news. >> and developing this morning, we have learned 29 people were taken to the hospital when a commuter train deraile last night. authorities say the passenger train hit a work train on the tracks. pictures shared on social media show one car off the rails and tilted at an angle. the train was carrying 600 people at the time. investigators are working to figure out why the trains collided. last night's train crash comes just 9 days after a passenger train crashed into a terminal in new jersey. the station where the tragedy happened is set to reopen after repair work. one person was killed. more than 100 hurt when the train going double the speed limit slammed through barriers and into a platform the investigation into that crash is still ongoing. >> well, a couple didn't like getting married -- didn't let a hurricane ruin their wedding day is what i should be saying. listen to this. the couple said i do in wilmington, north carolina. can you imagine? look at this image. the good thing is that the looks like she's sort of waterproof as she goes up there. the rain stopped during the reception actually. that's when the entire wedding party went out into the flooded streets to celebrate. i guess it's one of those situations where you just got to embrace it, right? >> right. well, good luck to have rain on your wedding day, so that's like -- >> a lot of good luck? >> they are guaranteed. i like that. they are guaranteed a lifetime of happiness. >> congratulations. >> buckets of good luck? >> that's right. and ruined shoes. know, probably not any wedding this early this morning, we have the half marathon, heather, you are going to be hosting the buddy walk there in wakefield later today. people trying to get outside, we have to deal with this. it's some green on the radar, partially related to matthew. we have a stream of tropical moisture, feed northward and getting hung up. it is not going to clear out very quickly today. i'm watching the light showers, making their way northward, picked up 0.25" in lawrence. i will recap rain totals coming up. right now that line of light rain has come up along the south shore. it is getting close to the pike, near framingham, worcester, we are just getting the drops in the sky. over to province town, barnstable down towards the vineyard it's solid and steady, not moving away. along the north shore up to new hampshire, all the way back into most of worcester county, up and that's going to be the trend today. the farther north and west you go, it's going to stay dryer, it will not be a washout. south shore, cape and islands, much greater chance yo will see the steadier rain washing out your plans. now, let's go the tropics. this is post tropical matthew, no longer a hurricane, but still packing hurricane force winds. but all that means is the storm is transitioned to an extra tropical system and you can see the evidence of that, the core of the heaviest rain is no longer right aroundhe there is the track, it's heading out to sea leaving us alone. no direct impact from matthew, meantime, look at these rain totals the last 24 hours. see that darker white, i should say darker black and brighter white in there? we are looking at 15-16" of rain in parts of eastern north carolina from matthew. so, unprecedented record-breaking flood levels on the rivers there, rivalling floyd. let's look at what is going on is why we are not going to be able to just blow this front through today. we talked about this, the front getting hung up and with that low coming in it's starting to back some of the moisture back in over southeastern massachusetts. so, that's the deal today. we are kind of stuck with the gloom. temperatures are going to be in the lower 60s, out the door, but watch as we go through the day. we are not going to warm up. >> at fenway, plan for the rain. likely just going to be light. the heavier stuff is south east, getting heavier throughout the morning. and that's where we will be dealing with the washed out conditions. plymouth county, cape and the islands, look at these numbers through the afternoon. locked into the 50, falling even into the upper 40s, after dark in worcester, and then finally overnight the clearer skies arrive. so we start out tomorrow with some chilly temperatures, and in the 30s and 40s, but with a wind chill it will feel a little bit cooler than that. a breeze out of the northwest. and sunny skies return on less wind, and then we are in the lower 60s on tuesday afternoon. some nice fall temperatures. thursday doesn't look like much rain at all. so, this is, again, is good news for the drought but we actually need the rain to the north and the west, we are not going to get it there today, it will be the southeastern areas, i have a live radar update in awe if minutes. >> good to see the sun coming back monday. take a look at the paddle boarders' close end downers with a great white shark captured by set beach friday. this is one of the many sharks located off the cape this season. the atlantic white shark conservancy says they have observed 90 different great whites in the past few months. that -- glad they got it from the air. >> right. >> not close up. >> not too close, yeah. you never know what will see on the pike. state police found a horse wandering between dpits 9 and 10, on the mass pike in charleston yesterday morning. that horse was safely captured. either. >> above the sounds of the city, don't be surprised if you hear the cluck tof a chicken. coming up the new trend that is bringing rural america to the urban area. >> keeping with our animal theme there. but first, thousands of toilets crushed up and dumped into the water. next, how they are actually helping to clean up new york's honey nut cheerios get their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey, and real oats. ok that's still honey. ahhh, there we go. were back to honey again. who's directing this? afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. the empire state is working to bring oysters back to new york harbor with help from some old toilets. scientists are smashing 5,000 toilets and mixing the porcelain with natural shells to create a reef where oyster lar vey safely grow. the goal? fill the harbor with 1 billion oysters. new york harbor last saw that many oysters around 1900, before overfishing and pollution killed them off. oysters naturally filter water and if the population takes off, scientists say they can really make the harbor a lot cleaner and because of all the pollutant, the oysters, they will be taking them away. similar projects, minus the crushed up toilets are underway oyster beds there, they also disappeared in the early 1900s. that's your, heather, sorry. >> that's all right. the african-american center at harvard is getting a big donation to study boston's poorest neighborhoods. fill throw pis glen hutchens is donating $10 million to the center and three years ago he donated $15 million to help create the program (^). harvard said the money will be used to dig deep in the lives of poor residents to try to better understand the disadvantages that lead to and, mitt has a new collection to its vast collection of public art. look at this sculpture here, 24 feet high and 17,000 pounds. artists underwriterla von ridings bard sculpted it, born in germany in 1942 and spent her childhood in refugee camps before coming to the u.s., it is the tallest piece she has ever done and it was commissioned by mcgovern institute at mitt where it sits. >> very very very detailed and very complicated. it reminded me of what happened inside where we do -- [inaudible] and i fell in love with what she did. >> she is so impressive and it stands at the entrance, as you can see here to the mcgovern institute for brain research where they are working to develop treatments for people suffering from brain disorders. mitt will hold an official dedication for the sculpture later this month. >> all right. i will recap more rain totals and have a live look at the radar to show you where showers are coming up next. >> following breaking news after a the shooing left one person hospitalized. the area we saw police searching e pillows they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really no way downy? 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[ roars ] [ up tempo music ] dinner! may i be excused? get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, you can see the sun in the distance, sit still dark outside, when owe wake up and go out the door it will be nice out there. it is a little warmer than last weekend, i'm heather hegedus, good morning. >> good morning, i'm ted daniel. let's get over to jason brewer if for a look at today's weather. jason, most of area is a prei gross today? >> it's gloomy and no sun and steadier rain the further east you go. north and west a sharp cut off, right around the boston area we are just seeing the showers coming i but down to the south and east it's steady and heavier. you get a sense of what is going on today. let's zoom in and show you where the light rain set up shop, really, right through norfolk and plymouth county. it is going to be fairly steady, all the way to cape cod. nantucket a little break, but the vineyard you have the solid rain. look at the numbers right now. 63 in boston, plymouth, norwood, 62 beverly, so, way above normal this morning, however, temperatures will be falling throughout the afternoon as this bring us the this rain. the showers today, plan on them turning breezy this afternoon as well. so, it's going to be a raw day out there, fenway. i have the forecast and a look at some rain totals we have already been piling up straight ahead. >> we have a lot of walks going on today, so we will keep -- people apprized of that situation. we have breaking news we have been following in roxbury where one person has been hospitalized. >> >> [inaudible] >> stephanie coueignoux is outside boston police headquarters. hours combing the scene for evidence? >> reporter: yeah, and i also checked in with police, ted and heather. i'm still waiting to hear back again. it's still very early on on this sunday morning, but police did respoint to the area, just after 1:00 this morning. and i want to show you some video of what what this scene looked like when we arrived and again this is on anungsuation road in roxbury. we did see the front door of one home open and officers actually using flashlights to look inside, but at this point we shooting. police did block off several areas of the road and we also saw them put evidence markers right in the middle of this street. now, i have asked police where this shooting happened and if this was a targeted shooting. at this point, police haven't said whether they have arrested anyone. i have also asked for an update on the victim's condition. police also haven't released the name of the victim. but, again, we are continuing to reach out and as soon as i have that update, of course, i will outside boston police headquarter, i'm stephanie coueignoux fox 25 news. >> and the hunt is on for this man in connection to an attempted sexual assault that happened in broad daylight. it happened near fitzgerald park in mission hill yesterday afternoon. the victim told police the man threw her to the ground and tried to assault her. he was later spotted riding a mountain bike huntington avenue. the the man is described as in his late 20s and about 5' 8". >> meantime pedford police are investigating an attack on a morning at college and boston avenues. the student told police he was with a group of friends when a car pulled up and the person inside asked for a lighter. after words were exchanged, two men got out of the car and attacked the victim. one is accused of punching him in the face, the other threatening him with a baseball bat. both suspects are in thayer early 20s and may be driving a green van or suv. >> and this morning, we are learning more details about an incident aboard a newton south school bus that landed a pair of football coaches on paid we first told you about this yesterday morning. the incident happened thursday. it's the freshman football team was returning home after a loss. state police tell fox 25 it appears some sort of disagreement may have turned physical. we are told the student ended up calling police and the bus was pulled over along route 2a. >> what surprises me is the varsity level has a pretty good amount of tension. it's normal to see that, but freshman level it really wasn't that intense. that's why i was so surprised. >> and at this point police are police and school administrators are investigating. >> here is the late etc. on matthew now, right now, post tropical matthew continues the path off shore of the east coast. matthew is currently whipping up winds of 75 miles per hour at this point. accompanied still by some pretty heavy rains. in north carolina, that led to dozens of water rescues as the death toll there continues to climb. four more people in the united states have died, bringing the matthew up to 14 now. the death toll since the storm started is in the hundred, and it's only expected to rise. and, meantime, as the storm moves on, as you can imagine the cleanup is already underway. you can seee in this footage of north carolina and south carolina that is going to involve a lot of flood recovery. georgia and florida started recovery efforts yesterday. streets there still just covered in mud and water. and stick with fox 25 for begins. make sure you have our fox 25 weather app. it is a great way the keep in the loop, even when you are away from your television set. and it's a free download. >> swampscott police are offering the reward to solve a series of arsons, they have been happening over the past month near the housing authority development on doherty circle. these are the details police sent us. the latest fire happened friday night, in a newspaper box on burrell street on a building when the building and frs other fire was a two minute talk walk away, a car was set on fire in doherty circle and police say a number of plastic recycling bins have been torched in the same neighborhood. a reward of up to $5,000 is being offered for information to solve this case. police in tingsboro (^) are investigating a string of fires there. they all happened early yesterday morning at an address on bauer avenue, king david road, mess copet trail (^) and chester avenue. 25 by one of the victims. her husband's truck went up in flames. >> he had just gone to bed not even an hour before. and our neighbors from across the street came up to the door and were just pounding and pounding on the door, because they heard something outside and saw the fire under the truck. and we ran down and the truck was already engulfed. >> scooters and another car were also burned. no one was hurt. nearly a year after a deadly crash, the damage remains to a charles river. fox 25 investigates the holdup to the repairs and why the state says the fix isn't as simple as it would appear. >> plus, the patriots are looking for tom brady to lead them to a victory today. looking forward to that. while the red sox want to regain their glory in the fight for the pen significant. we have a look at both team's plans for wins in your morning sports. >> i'm tracking showers right now on live storm tracker radar, a closer look at your ? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal. ? ? better find a way to smooth things over. ? ? yeah. ? ? he would be less-wrinkly and winning at life. ?? cindy and frida appreciate the arts. frida is a work of art. they get inspired by new meow mix bistro recipes, made with real chicken for delicious bistro flavor. did you know your business doesn't have to suffer from slow internet? comcast business now offers blazing fast internet speeds up to 150 mbps. that's 10 times faster than dsl. get internet for as low as $59.95 a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. did you know that sharing wifi with your customers could leave your business exposed? only comcast business offers wifi pro. two separate networks - one that's private for you, and one that's public for 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(riley) hey guys! what's up? (jessica) so the new recipe of beneful is really excellent. the first ingredient is chicken. (riley) man, this chicken is spectacular! (jessica) i had to start hiding the bag because he would try to put his face in it all day. yeah you love it, don't you? you love it so much! i feel like when he eats beneful, he kind turns into a puppy again. it's protein. it's vegetables. it's grains. i mean, like that sounds like a dinner i'd make for myself, right? (riley) hey it's a big bag. just have some of mine. (vo) try new beneful healthy weight with chicken. now with real chicken as the number one ingredient, a tale of two cities in sports today, boston against cleveland, brady is back and hoping for a win and the sox are hoping to finish their first game at home on a high note. butch stearns and adam pellerin tackle your sports from cleveland to boss to boston. >> (^). >> good mni from nesn, how much afternoon on tap. red sox and indians playoff series shift to fenway, sox lose the season is over. patriots, you can make the case their season is just returning returningreturn of tom brady, bh stearns in cleveland with the kick off. >> adam i don't believe there is any way the browns beat the patriots but i will tell you this from being here all week, cleveland sports fans believe anything is possible, since lebron and the cavs broke the doing their part by beating up on the red sox. but, with tom brady back, even cleveland's sports fans don't believe the browns can beat the patriots. we will have it all covered for you on fox 25. for now i'm butch stearns in front of the rock & roll hall of fame. >> the red sox is on the brink ofe limb nation, at fenway park a do or die and if it's the latter it is the final game for david ortiz. >> wall, zero room for error, you have to play hard. find out about yourself and your team when you are in situations like this, i don't think anybody is ready to go home, that's for sure. >> i don't want to get beat. nothing to celebrate. i know it's part of the game wuh we are better than that. >> it's not over yet, you have to beat us three time, not two. >> clay buchholz will get the start, a guy a lot of people wanted shipped out of town and i'm adam pel pelrin. >> good to see you. an american hero is getting a second chance after losing his limbs in afghanistan. the rare and life changing surgery that happened right here in boston. a marine coarp sergeant shares his story with fox 25. >> and bringing a bit of farm life to urban areas, fox 25 takes a look at the new trend most banks are all the same... capital one isn't most banks. ?? it's a relaxed place with helpful people focused on you, not trying to sell you things you don't want. and free checking accounts that are actually free. app that lets you bank wherever you are. that's banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? ? ? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? ? every little thing. ? ? ooooh oooh.? creamy swirls of pure indulgence. silky sifts of total transcendence. tempting accents of sheer pleasure. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." but, with 20% of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. pov the hustle and bustle of watertown, don't be surprised if you hear the cluck of chickens. fox 25 elizabeth hopkins learned it marks the trend that's bringing farm living into the heart of urban areas. >> to hear him speak. >> it's not a matter of just coming out and watering, right, they are learning about crop how to compost. >> you might assume james minor is a farmer. you would be wrong. there are crops where he works. >> some great peppers here. and then i think i'm seeing zucchini down there. >> but these beds are located just beyond a parking lot. planted in about 100 milk crates, just outside the offices of watertown's associates and one more thing. >> and then this idea of chicken, right? out of no where. >> that's right. initiative work sod well we wanted to really build on that. >> phil dougdale is known as the chicken man, although he prefers if we don't call him that. >> and they are really easy the care for. >> welcome the the urban farm. he said this hot pink chicken coop is the only one of its kind located at a business property but he wouldn't be surprised if others get in the game as well. chickens gre tell, gretchen and heidi are part of a building trend for three years when boston passed a zoning order that allowed urban colleges and even fenway park installed patches for growing crops. this is part of a small but increasing number of companies adding them as well. >> i know in boston there's 15-0 that i'm aware of. >> he said the trend is growing because people want know where their food comes from. cities want to shed food desert labels and businesses want to offer a better work/life whattenings la. >> fundamentally there is a source of pride that comes out of all of this. this is probably a place that the culture, more of a culture of why not, let's try stuff and experiment. >> myers said where there are chickens now, there may be honey bees tomorrow. he said as interest continues to build, many of these spaces wille shovel to meet the food and environmental needs of city dwellers. elizabeth hopkin, fox 5 news. >> well, after friday, it is kind of tough to say good-bye to the sun. it is a little dreary out there. but, you know, we will see it again tomorrow, right? >> it is so cloudy it's just a dreary day. we will have steady rain for the south shore, for the cape and the islands. if you're heading out early here, for the half marathon, either as a runner or spectator, just plan for the rain. it's light. i'm seeing the light showers coming up northward, right through boston. we have had some heavier pockets. lawrence, for instance, had a half inch of rain overnight. but, so far, just been fairly light but enough to just bring a spoil things a bit. winds not strong, 5-10. this is where the rain set up shop. it is right there along and south of the pike. it is where the steadier showers have hung up so far. they are gradually lifting northward, but you see what happens as you get to the north shore, southern new hampshire, back toworker county, it's really just spotty. so, let me show you, right into boston where you see the darker greens, that's where you are getting the steadier rain, againing right down here to ov locked in, taunton and the south coast through rhode island. back here through cape cod, it's fairly steady. barnstable, over to the vineyard. nantucket a little hole overhead, but that will change later this morning, as all this makes its way eastward toward you. now, around keene and manchester it is not totally dry but a few little things coming through, a few hundredths of an inch. we needed this front to come in to help move matthew east of storm system over canada digging in and helping to slow this front up and eventually, i think it will stall just off to our east. and that's why we are not going to whip this rain through from west to east quickly. let's talk tropic, this is post tropical, you can see post from l ka, no convection, no rain or thunderstorms, all the rain is well removed from the center. so it looks more just like a nor' hurricane. let's take a look at the tropical track going ahead in time. you can see how it's going straight out to the east now. it's not going to be coming anywhere near us. but, some of that moisture for matthew getting pulled up by this front, and so that's where we have this gloomy sunday today. lower 60s right now, beverly boston plymouth, hyannis 64, so it's kind of warm, relatively speaking, the 50s are back to the west. don't expect to warm up today. and, in fact, this front comes fenway this afternoon. we will want to plan for the rain, with middle 50s. check out the temperatures. there is noontime, as we see numbers slowly coming out of the 60s, and down into the upper 50s around lunchtime in the greater boston area. then as we get into the evening, you see we are stuck with more scattered, at least light showers, the farther west you go it's dryer. the farther east you go, we have heavier rain potential coming through. we could pick up a quick inch of rain in any spots on shore, cape and the islands today. then, by tomorrow morning, it's clearing quickly. as we get started on fox 25 morning news tomorrow, we will be seeing temperatures in the lower and middle 40s but with the wind around 10 miles per hour it will feel like the 30s. so we will want the layers on tomorrow morning stepping out. let's check out the extreme drought here. this is the latest update from this week. so, again, this area certainly can use the rain and i think this is the area that's standing your sunny week ahead. not much rain on thursday with the next front. i have more on the live radar coming up. >> we will take this over the winter, rain over snow in my book any day. >> absolutely. we continue to update breaking news this morning. an early morning shooting has police scouring for evidence. >> stephanie coueignoux is live on the scene in brockton working her sources and to get more details about the shooting that landed a person in the hospital. we have the latest in a live report. >> plus, as the red sox and the indians continue to battle it out for the pennan of cleveland to task. the harassment she said she fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer these speeds at this price. only fios can. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? great rates for great rides. mother in-law with a keen sense of smell... glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. for the red sox and their fans it with us a miserable cleetd friday night, but for one fan from lowell it was especially miserable. she tells fox 25 she was harassed so badly, she felt she had no choice but to post an open letter about the incident on facebook. our chris flanagan spoke to the woman about her experience. >> sit a trip brittany broad rick and her two fends will never forget, for all the wrong reasons. >> behind us we heard only fat people are from boston. >> the three day, all die hard alds, with the first time brittany has ever been to an away game and perhaps the last. >> when their team came up and they got a hit, they would start waving their towels and purposefully hitting us in the head with them. so, after the third or fourth time of me getting hit in the head i turned around to look at them and he purposefully tipped his beer to spill on me. >> the three fans then made homophobic comments to her and her partner. like that in my life. being gay we definitely face trials an tribulations and there are definitely things you face and go through, but i have never been treated reich that in massachusetts or anywhere else that i have traveled for that matter. >> and that was chris flanagan reporting. broad rick tells fox 25 she wants the indians to reimburse her and her friends for the tickets. she said the indians are looking into the incident. >> well, donald trump's problems continue in the aftermath of that controversial video that was made public earlier this weekend. now, as trump prepares for tonight's debate. >> i'm tracking some rain already setting up shop here in southern new england. i will tell you when it starts to move out but how much rain could fall before it does, straight ahead. >> >> >> and a shooting in california leaves two officers dead. this morning, a man is in custody, the hard breaking information we are learning ?? it'll be here before you know it. hello, halloween. it's the one night when everybody dresses up. and that includes dinner. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. you can never tell from the outside just how many warm, flaky layers are on the inside. of grands biscuits, now with even more flaky layers. right now at fox 25 morning news i'm tracking a front bringing rain, who gets most of it and when it moves out. >> we are following breaking news after one person was shot overnight. we are live with the very latest from police. >> plus, police on the hunt for the suspect in an attempted sexual assault. the attack happening in broad daylight, the clue police are hoping will help them track down the man responsible. >> plus, two huge games for future hall of famer back and the red sox have their backs against the wall. a look at both teams' plans to bring home a victory. >> complete new england news coverage starts now, this is fox 25 morning news. >> good sunday morning, hope your morning is off to a fantastic start despite this kind of gloomy weather, thanks for watching fox 25 morning news at 7 a.m. on october 9th. i'm heather hegedus. >> thanks for being with us, i'm ted daniel in forja fox 5 meteorologist jason brewer is in the storm tracker weather center watching some morning showers. jason, things not looking great for today, unfortunately, but tomorrow? better. >> oh, yeah, you bet. tomorrow will be the pay off. today, we need rain. i know we have a lot going on outside. so let me show you the farther north and west you go the better your chance of staying dry. if you are south and east of boston, more of the washout-type wetter. it is the the cut off line we have been talking about here setting up, anywhere from boston to the south coast, all the way through cape cod, even nantucket. beginning to see the rain coming in. north and west though, it's just spotty and light. temperatures are in the upper 50s around lawrence, fitchburg, worcester 54. it is 61 in boston now. down from 63 just moments ago. as the showers have moved in. but you see throughout the day, we are going to be dealing with this light rain north and west and heavier, steadier showers south and east. itcl we are left with chilly temperatures to start the day. plan for rain on monday, my first pitch at 5 a and staying soggy. >> thank you. breaking this morning, police are investigating a shooting in roxbury. >> fox 5's stephanie coueignoux is live at boston police headquarters this morning and, i know that we know one person was taken to the hospital, stephanie, what else are police telling us this morning? >> well, this is still a very active investigation, heather. questions for police, including exactly how that victim is doing and also just how old the victim is. but, this is what that scene looked like earlier this morning. you can see officers had blocked off several sections of anunsuation road in roxbury and they responded to the area just after 1:00 this morning. from this video you can see several evidence markers on the street ande with we also saw one home with its front door open and officers using flashlights to at this point though, police haven't said exactly how that home could be connected to the shooting. i have also asked police whether the shooting happened outside and if this may have been a targeted shooting. at this point, police also have not said whether they have arrested anyone. i have called and e-mailed police but again this is still very early on, on this sunday morning. as soon as i get any new information, of course, i will pass it along to you. outside boston police headquarter, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> all right. back with you. developing this morning, police arrested the man who they say shot three police officers in california, killing two of them. >> the officers went to the home in palm springs yesterday around noon, af a woman called and said her adult son was causing a disturbance. and police the officers were at the home's front door trying to negotiate with the son when he opened fire. >> it was a simple family disturbance and he elected to open fire on guardians of the city. >> the two killed were 27 year-old leslie za robny, she was a mother (^) of a 4 month old and she had just returned to work from maternity leave. the other, jos? gilbert vega, was a 35 year veteran of the force and father of 8. he was working an overtime shift and he was set to retire in december. just tragic. back here at home this morning, boston police are searching for this man in connection with an attempted sexual assault on a female. this is video of the area where street. the victim told officers a man walked up to her from behind, threw her to the ground and tried to sexual assault her before running off yesterday afternoon. all right. let's get another look at the suspect here of the he was seen leaving the area on a mountain bike towards huntington avenue, again, boston police want to know if you know who this man is. >> hillary clinton and donald trump will face off for the second presidential debate tonight. the big elephant in the room? trump's hot mike rant against women and since trump's lewd comments surfaced on f new review uncovered dozens of derogatory comments about women, made over the the course of several years on howard stern's radio show. this morning, ja hi heinrich reports says trump will not back out of the race despite massive backlash, even from within his own party. >> this is a full-on meltdown of historic proportions. >> the fallout continues to grow leading up to sunday's presidential debate, with several prominent republicans condemning donald trump's disdane. his own campaign adviser decrying the language. >> i don't support language and discussions like this. >> others calling for him to step down from the ticket, or rescinding their endorsement. >> i'm out. i can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. >> even hollywood weighing in. >> he is an idiot. coe lynn powell said it best. hee is a national disaster. >> political analyst tom whalen said there is no way even a good performance in sunday's debate can save donald trump the i mean, he had to like basically deliver a, you know, knockout punch in sunday's debate. but, now, the debate is going to be about these comments. >> the critical spotlight now off trump's democratic opponent, shining squarely on the republican party as they come out to denounce trump. >> the republicans just doing that to protect themselves, in their own campaigns, in the senate or in the house of representatives. >> trump's own runningmate, writing he cannot defend the nominee's comments, paul ryan room at a rally saturday. >> it is a troubling situation, i'm serious, it is. >> trump's wife calling the recording offensive but pleading with the public to forgive her husband, writing, quote, i hope people will accept his apology as i have and focus on the important issues facing our nation and world. >> what the video did was it basically took the pin out of his balloon of a candidacy and it's over. >> jacqui heinrich, fox 5 news. >> and in new hampshire, trump's comments adding fuel to an already republican incumbent kelley ayotte now saying for the first time she will not vote for donald trump. ayotte tweeted she won't vote for hillary clinton either. instead she will make a write-in for mike pence. ayotte released a statement saying she is a mom and an american first, and, quote, cannot and will not support a daintd for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women. ayotte's opponent, maggie question trump's character? >> she finally made the decision that the politics were so bad for her, she would disavow him and at the same time, endorse someone who is the biggest apolygist for donald trump there is. >> hassan also attacked ayotte on twitter saying senator went back and forth on her support for trump. it will all play out tonight during the second presidential debate. you can watch it right here at 9:00. our blair miller is reaction right after things wrapped up around 10:30. >> this morning, hurricane matthew is no longer a hurricane. matthew's beginning to move off shore after dropping record-breaking rain on the east coast. it is now classified as post tropical, but, matthew is still packing hurricane-force winds. at least 14 deaths and 3 different states in the u.s. are being blamed on the storm. 9.2 million people are without power right now as we speak from evacuation orders are slowly being lifted and people are beginning to head home to see the destruction firsthand. those who didn't evacuate are telling their stories. >> what we decided to do is just allow our guardian angels to take care of our homes. i heard cracking and popping all night long. >> scary, very scary. >> i can only imagine. even though matthew is moving away, flooding remain as major concern down south, especially in north carolina where some areas got more than 16" of rain you see areas that look like, you know, the sea where it's actually a road. >> and new this morning, police are investigating a crash in winthrop that landed a car in the water. the fire department confirms for fox 25 it happened just before midnight. two people were in the car when it went off of a pier on surely street. both people went to the hospital. we are working to get an update on their conditions. the cause of the crash, that's still under investigation. >> and, a scary situation for players on a high school sports south in canterbury, new hampshire. you can see the whole back of the bus was charred and burnt. police say everyone did get off the bus safely. no word yet on what caused the bus to cash fire. another bus was called in town that the team home. >> this morning, police are looking into why a man showed up as a hospital with a shard of glass in his abdomen. this was in worcester. the victim told people he knew the person who threw the glass at him, that person did it as the man was leaving work early saturday morning. right now police are working to track down any man who had a gun inside a t. station. officers found isaiah chiffon on the blue line platform at the government center station. according to police, the 19 year-old was slumped against the wall unconscious with a gun by his waistband. police woke him up and learned he tint have a license for the gun. chiffon had several warrants for his arrest out of roxbury, chelsea, and newton. >> happening today, the patriots taking on the cleveland browns. patriots' season. tom brady has been officially activated and will lead the team today after serving his four-game deflate-gate suspension. defensive end rod ninkovich (^) also back with the team after a four-game suspension for using a banned substance. and the red sox will be returning to fenway today, hoping for a turn around. they need it. the sox are home from a miserable set in cleveland that left them on the brink of elimination. they need a win today to say in contention. coming up roster change that will hopefully give the sox the spark they need. >> we are all crossing our fingers. people waking up to flames tearing through 10 cars. the video is intense. still ahead, the investigation into what police are calling deliberate acts. >> plus, nearly a year after a deadly crash, the damage remains to a protective barrier along the charles river. fox 25 investigates the holdup to the repairs and why the state >> >> all right. good sunday morning, tracking a wet start to it. i will tell you how long this rain sticks around and a closer rain sticks around and a closer look at live storm tracker discover card. i'm not a customer, sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! (to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at even if you're not a customer. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mrs. wagner's car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie "up in the air" to watch while she's...up in the air. ffer ever, super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. interviewer: what would you do with five minutes to kill and a smartphone? man: check the scores. woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? man: really? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes it's that easy. woman 2: done. i just registered. man: that was easy. galvin: register by october 19th. railing along the charles river down in cam bridge, killing a young couple inside. and now, 11 months later, the damage caused by the crash still hasn't been repaired. fox 25's kerry cavanaugh began investigating after a viewer contacted us about the issue. >> definitely, i definitely noticed. >> it's hard to miss the cement jersey barriers along this crowded cam bridge sidewalk. but it is a pain especially with two strollers to be able to get through a narrow walkway as it is. and things navigating the path that sits between the barriers and a light pole and utility box. the barriers is a temporary replacement for the railing along the charles on the mcgrath/o'brien highway, the crash took out several feet of railing in november of last year. police say the driver of the pickup ran a red light before it went through the railing and into the river below. the young couple inside from providence, rhode island, did not survive. >> 9 months later the state is still working to make the >> sometimes, yeah, you feel it's narrow, especially where we are worried about it in the winter with the snow. >> fox 25 has learned this is no simple fix. mass dot said the railing is part of the old charles river dam, which is listed in the national register of historic places. the department of conservation and recreation is overseeing the repairs. they got the railing design from mass dot and are now working with a fabricator to make a match, which they hope to install by the end of the year. so, in the meantime . . . >> yeah, you ma taken care of. >> we asked the state how much it will cost to replace the piece of history. we are waiting on that dollar amount again they hope to have it installed by tend of the year. in cambridge, kerry cavanaugh, fox 25 news. >> and developing this morning, we have learned 29 people were take ton the hospital when a commuter train derailed just outside new york city late last night. authorities say the passenger train hit a work train on the tracks. pictures shared on social media show one car off the rails and at the time. investigators are working to figure out why the trains collided. last night's crash comes just 9 days after a passenger train crashed into a terminal in new jersey new jersey. the station where the tragedy happened is set to reopen tomorrow after more than a we can of investigations, cleanup and repair work. one person was killed, more than 100 hurt when the train going double the speed limit slammed through barriers and into the platform. the investigation into that crash is >> i love this video here. this couple in north carolina disability let let hurricane matthew ruin their wedding day. look at them! they are just embracing it. they said i do in wilmington, as matthew, of course, was drenching the city yesterday. and look at that. even the flower girl getting involved. so the rain actually stopped during the reception but, obviously, they had the sea out there they had to hike the dress up in. >> yeah, most people probably don't get hurricane insurance >> maybe down there? you lived in florida, dew point know if it's more common down there. >> you know, travel insurance for a wedding depends on wilmington is such a charming, beautiful old city, if you have ever been there. and, you know, really a lot of flooding. north carolina devastated by matthew. i mean, i am going to talk about rain totals staggering. really, record breaking. but let's talk first about or local forecast. we have a little bit of light rain, heather, you are hosting the buddy walk today. be sunny and fall like. we will plan for rain and have some scattered showers. this is north shore, this is for the buddy walk that heather will be out there. this is the massachusetts -- heather, tell me again? >> this is the down syndrome conference. >> that's right. all right. >> and you are right, it is called the buddy walk, and they are going to be out there, rain or shine, jason. >> yeah, i love it. good. that's what i like to hear. just plan for the showers. the temperatures will be on the north winds will start kicking in. all right. the let's go ahead with radar. we have light showers making their way up along the pike, making their way up, closer to the north shore right now. they have really set up shop heavier south shore, here through quincy, all the way back toward milford. near the framingham area now. and, all the way down to the south coast, we are just socked in and as i move the radar farther southward, you see where the heavier town pours are, out there over the ocean. so, that's just telling me that we don't have any end in sight now, as you go north and west of 495, it's fairly spotty. i mean it's just scattered and light. we are not getting anything particularly heavy. around keene it is dreary and we have the light showers coming through. so far, we have had a quarter to half inch of rain right in the corridor of lawrence, bedford, we have had about a quarter inch in prove dins there. under a tenth in boston and plymouth. look at these rain total, this is what i'm talking about. there is wilmington, so just inland from there, you are starting to see the purples and that's 10-15" of rain that fell due to matthew rivalling the flooding from floyd. the rivers record levels there. there is matthew now. making its way east of north carolina. so, we are really drying out for cleanup and still a 75 miles per hour post tropical system. but it's post tropical. it is moving away from land, never to return. here is our front coming in. that's why we have some rain also with matthew's moisture being pulled up and i drew the jet stream on here because this is why through very quickly. if this wind was straight out of the northwest, or the west it would be pushing this front along. but, we are kind of getting it stalled and backed up. it will be very slow to move eastward and then it's going to stall and keep that rain chance with us. temperatures right now, we are in the 50s. to the west of boston. 60 in the city. 64 hyannis. fenway the day, my forecast, we have had better baseball days for sure. do want to plan for rain. they are going to be the chance for light rain really at any hour. there is your noontime weather. notice south shore, cape and the islands, the heavier, steadier rain as you get north and west of boston through the evening, there is a chance for showers, but it's not steady. then we clear utout. waking up tomorrow morning, it's going to be bright and we will be tracking the last of the showers off the cape. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday, we are looking pretty good out there with some fall-like temperatures. >> good paddle boarding weather. check out this close encounter with a great white shark. the dark image you see, there on the bottom of the screen, these were captured by a pilot off the coast of gnaw set beach (^), one of the many sharks located off the coast. the atlantic white shark conservancy said they observed about 90 different great whites in the past few months. they love the cape. >> yes, they do. and it's always nice to see, but from the sky, from a safe distance. >> yes. >> you never know what you will see on the mass pike, as well. state police found a horse wandering between exits 9 and 10 in charleston yesterday morning. that horse was safely captured and police say it didn't cause incidents but not exactly what you expect the see on i. 90 there. >> details about an incident involving coaches for a newton football team, the argument on a bus that launched the state police investigation and landed two coaches on paid leave. >> but first, thousands of toilets crushed up and dumped into the water. coming u the interesting way it is actually helping a cleanup in actually helping a cleanup in new in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, new protected education... created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. ?? it'll be here before you know it. hello, halloween. it's the one night when everybody dresses up. and that includes dinner. you can never tell from the outside just how many warm, flaky layers are on the inside. but let's just say it's more than ever. share the warmth of grands biscuits, now with even more flaky layers. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... the empire state is hoping to bring back the harbor by bringing back used toilets, scientists are crashing porcelain toilets and mixing them with natural shells to crete a reef where oyster lar v.a. can safely grow. the goal is to fill the harbor with 1 billion orthopedists. new york harbor, last time they saw that number of oysters was 1900 before overfishing and pollution killed them off. oysters naturally filter water and if the population takes and because of all the pollutant, the oysters will not be eating -- for eating. >> win-win. >> i don't think i want to eat one of those, so that's good. >> i love oysters but this grosses me out. >> similar projects are underway in boston harbor working to bring back abundant oyster beds that also disappeared in the early 1900s. >> now you know. mitt has a new addition to its vast collection of public art. look at this massive sculpture, wow. wouldn't want to fall on me. artist ursla von riddingsbard was born in germany in 1942 and spent her childhood in refugee camps. it is the tallest piece she has ever created. it was commissioned by the coe founder of the mcgovern brain institute at mitt where it now sits. >> very very detailed and very very complicated. it reminded me of what happened with what she did. >> >> the statue sounds at the entrance of the institute where researchers are working to develop new treatments for people suffering from brain disorders. mitt will hold an official dedication later this month. >> right now, i'm tracking the rain moving northward. i will show you who gets the heaviest rain and when it moves out. >> we are following breaking news this morning after a shooting left one person hospitalized. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. all right. good sunday morning to you. it's almost 7:30 and this is the live look at the skyline of boston. you can't see much of the skyline there, much of the tops of the buildings. swallowed by the fog there. it is now 7:30, and it's october 9th. i'm heather hegedus. >> happy sunday, i'm ted daniel. let's get over to jason brewer closer to home, jason, most of the area, fortunately we will see a rainy day? >> it looks a bit bloom, i just saw stephanie coueignoux's tweet, a good day to stay inside and watch sports. hey, if you are going to fenway, plan for rain. right now i have some light showers that made it all the way up close to the north shore, that sharp cut off line though of where the heaviest rain is and where it's just spotty, is set up just north of the pike right now. so, into plymouth county, we are just socked in here. over to walpole, marshfield, over to plymouth itself, all the way to the cape. and i'm watching more rain coming up down south of the vineyard, so nantucket, you are getting in now, too. at least to the right rain. temperatures 60 in boston, milder in the southeast, cooler north west and 50s, let me show you numbers through the day, they are coming down a bit, midday north winds come in and that will let temperatures fall through the afternoon. but, we are planning on the scattered rain throughout the day north and west, steadier as you go south and east. what to expect for the rest of the week and tell you when it starts to move outf here in just a bit. >> all right. we will keep checking back with you, jason, thank you. we want to get back to breaking news we have been following this morning for you in roxbury, where one person has been optlized after an early morning shooting that happened on annunciation road (^). >> fox 25's stephanie coueignoux is outside boston police head headquarters. police spent hours combing the scene for evidence? >> reporter: yeah, it is a very active investigation, ted and heather. i questioned them and still waiting toea update but again this happened just after 1:00 this morning. i do want to show you some video of what that scene looked like earlier this morning. and again this is on annunciation road in roxbury. we actually saw the front door of one home open, and officers using flashlights to look inside. but, at this point we don't know exactly how that home could be connected to the shooting. police did block off several areas of the road, and we also saw them put evidence markers in the middle of this street. exactly the shooting happened and if it was a targeted shooting. at this point, police haven't said whether they have arrested anyone, and we are also reaching out to them for an update on the victim's condition. they also haven't released the name of the victim just yet. again, still very early on, on this sunday morning. but, as soon as we get any new information, we will pass it along to you. outside boston police headquarter, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 5 news. >> the hunt is on for this fan in connection to an attempted sexual assault that happened in broad in mission hill yesterday afternoon. the victim told police the man threw her to the ground and tried to assault her. he was later spotted riding a mountain bike toward huntington avenue. the man is described as in his late 20s, and about 5' 8." >> meantime, medford police are investigating an attack on a tufts university student. this happened early yesterday morning. at college and boston avenues. that student told police he was asked for a lighter. after words were exchanged two men got out of the car and attacked the victim. one suspect is accused of punching the victim in the face. the other accused of threatening him with a baseball bat. both of the sus suspects are said to be in their early 20s and may be driving a green van or suv. >> and this morning we are learning more details about an incident aboard a newton south school bus that landed the pair of football coaches on paid leave. we first told you about this yesterday morning. the incident happened thursday, as t was returning home after a loss. state police tell fox 25 it appears some sort of disagreement may have turned sphiz call. we are told a student ended up calling police and the bus was pulled over along route 2a. >> what surprises me is the varsity level, this is a pretty good amount of tension, which is normal you find it anywhere. but the freshman level especially when i played it wasn't that intense so that's why i was so prized. >> we checked but at this point police are not saying if anyone is hurt. no one has been charged, state are investigating. >> here is the latest on matthew now. right now, post tropical matthew continue its path off shore of north carolina. matthew is currently whipping up winds of 75 miles per hour, accompanied by rain. and in north carolina, that has led to dozens of water rescues and this is as the death toll continues to climb. the u.s. death toll now four more people in the u.s. have died bringing the the total number here to 14 people killed by matthew. the deat started is in the hundreds and it is only expected to rise, this is including haiti. meantime as the storm moves on, cleanup is already underway. you can see in this footage out of north carolina and south carolina it will involve a lot of flood recovery. georgia and florida started recovery efforts yesterday. stay with fox 25 for updates on matthew as this continues and the cleanup continues, make sure you have our fox 25 weather app. it is a great way to keep in the loop, even when you are away >> swampscott police are offering a reward to solve a series of arsons. they have been happening over the past month near the housing authority development on doherty circle. these are the details police sent to us. the latest fire happened friday night in a newspaper box on burrell street, that box was on a building with a business on the first floor and apartments above it. the other fires happened about a two minute walk away, on the first, a car was set on fire on doherty circle and police say a number of plastic recycling bins neighborhood. a reward of up to $5,000 is being offered for information to solve the case. police in tingsboro are also investigating a string of fires there. they all happened early yesterday morning at addresses on bauers avenue, king david road, and mass cup pick trail (^) and chester avenue. this video was shared with fox 25 by one of the victims. her husband's truck was torched. >> he had just gone to bed not neighbors from across the street came up to the door and were just pounding and pounding on the door, because they heard something outside and saw the fire under the truck. and we ran down and the truck was already engulfed. >> scooters and another car were also burned. no one was hurt. >> natick police are releasing surveillance video of a pretty bold crime in hopes of catching a pair of thieves. take a look at this. it happened at pet world on route 9 east. you can see a man walk up to a van and fish around inside. police say he grabbed a wallet, that happened while the van's owner was standing just feet away. the victim actually spotted the man and then eventually confronted him. the suspect took off on foot while a woman he was with took off in a car, possibly a black honda. >> a local fire chief said some students aren't safe in their schools. the missing piece of equipment that can mean the difference between life and death. >> plus, the pats are looking their glory in the fight for the pennant. we will have a look at both teams' plans for wins coming up in your morning sports cast. >> i'm tracking pockets of heavier rain, i will zoom into those neighborhoods coming up. and we will have a look at when ? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal. ? ? better find a way to smooth things over. ? ? yeah. ? butch stearns is in cleveland before kick off. >> adam, i don't believe there is any way the browns beat the patriots, but i will tell you this, for being here all week, cleveland's sports fans believe that anything is possible, since lebron and the cavs broke the championship drought in this city and the the indian, of course, are doing their best by beating up on the red sox. but, with tom brady back, even cleveland sports fans don't believe the browns can beat the patriots. we have it covered for you on fox 25. for now, i'm butch front of the rock & roll hall of fame in cleveland. >> the sox are on the brink of elimination. game 3 at fenway park, do or die. if it's the latter it will be the final game of david ortiz. >> our backs are against the wall, you know, there is zero room for error. you just have to play hard. i mean, you find out about yourself and your team when you are in situations like this. i don't think anybody is ready celebrate, it's part of the game, but i know we are better than that. it's not over yet. you have to beat us three times, not two. >> clay buchholz will start, a guyern wanted shipped out of the town earlier this year and now the season rests on his shoulders, that is the big day in sports, adam pellerin. >> adam, so good to see you back at fox 25. bringing a bit of farm life to urban areas, fox 25 takes a look at the new trend that has more and more chickens moving into the city. and, a a second chance after losing all his limbs in afghanistan. a rare and life-changing surgery that happened right here in boston and the ma reern corp. boston and the ma reern corp. in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, protected education... created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. all seems beautiful to me. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. a bomb in afghanistan, an american hero is getting a second chance. the retired marine has two new arms, thanks to a very rare transplant done by boston surgeons. he shares his story with fox 25's elizabeth hopkins. >> at least now i have a fighting chance at pursuing my dream. >> john peck is on the cusp of a dream. six years ago he was living a nightmareful the marine corps sergeant lost all his limbs when device in afghanistan. on this day, he is beginning a new chapter. >> would i ever imagine being here? no. i mean, i still to this day will tell people about an arm transplant and they are like, wait, they can do that? >> sit a rare procedure. peck is only the fourth to have it and performed by doctors at brigham and women's hospital. >> john is a great candidate for a number of reasons. he is young and enusic and realistic ate bout where things ar prosthetics, this means a new learning curve. >> i was right-handed before, but with prosthetics i was left-handed so i don't, it's going to be a challenge, i think. >> but it is a challenge he can't wait to take on. with prosthetic hands, peck couldn't feel temperature. turn door handles. shake people's hands or hold the hand of his fianc?. now he says he is most eager to get back into the kitchen. maybe a little too eager. >> long as i can hold a knife >> any time you say knife the doctors have their eyebrows raised. >> the arm donor story have not been made public but peck said the gift he gave made him more humble and grateful. >> i will continue to have a piece of this man with me to the day i die. i will remember his life an his gift. >> peck is from virginia and will head to walter reed to keep up with physical therapy as he continues to heal. >> well, october is down syndrome awareness month and in just a few hours from now people will be gathering in wakefield to celebrate the massachusetts down syndrome congress 25th anniversary of the buddy walk is happening on lake pan cowwicz (^), we are proud to be the media sponsor and i will be emceeing and i have done it for a number of years and john tucker from the series "born this way" will kick off a dance afterparty on the lake for the walkers,. there is still time to register on n. b. f., we have to bring our raincoats for the buds di walk. i think this is the first year we have a big threat of rain in a number of year, jason. >> i wish i was the bearer of better news but prepare accordingly. i like the attitude. first bring your spirit,. >> exactly. >> then your umbrella. that's the way to do it. i like it. >> bring your spirit along and we are going to need, you know, something heather we are talking about like a rain code coat with a hood on it. you can get out either way you want to prepare. it will be cloudy. we will have off and on rain. now, north shore forecast, it's lighter rain and plymouth county and the cape cod and the islands, barnstable county, bristol county. look at this. it is steady and it is socked in, even nor forecast county right now. that is where you are just seeing more of the washout weather this morning. so, heading out early for church services. you definitely want to plan on getting wet if if you don't have your umbrella handy. look at boston, over to quincy, these places. you see the yellows here? it's steady and a little bit heavier, brockton down toward taunton to the south coast and zoom in here. i have seen this coming up near hingham all the way up near hull and again brachton toward the bridgewater, pembroke, near marshfield, right along highway 3 there, west of duxbury. steady, solid rain. look at these heavier showers breaking out, sandwich to mashpee, near the falmouth area, all the way down south of the moisture is making its way northward. so, no break any time soon. areas south and east. here is the good news. north and west, well, we need the rain, but it's not going to be quite as impressive as what we are seeing. could get easily 1" or more of rain south shore, cape and the islands throughout this day and into tonight. now, lease talk about matthew. some of that moisture is heading our way. be you the system itself is post the eye it is removed i. looks more like a nor'easter and heading out to sea never to return. so matthew no longer a direct impact to the u.s., but some of that moisture making its way northward. this dip in the jet stream is why the front is slowing down. because we have just got some additional energy coming in, if this front was going to go ahead and push through we have an end to the rain from west to east, very quickly today. but, instead, it's going to linger, because we just don't have t the front by and we have that stalled front to the east today causing the rain to linger. so, it's 60 in boston right now. we are already seeing the 50s to the north and west. upper 50s in the greater boston area at noon. still that rain chance out there, but look where you are seeing the heaviest rain. it continues to fall south shore, cape and the islands, a few pockets of heavier showers right through the greater boston area. and then into sunset, as you go westward, again, the pattern is still to have much less rain overnight tonight, this is 2:00 in the morning, now we are seeing the front getting a kick. clearing skies kicking in. dry, cool breeze, taking over. and we are waking up with temperatures in the 40s, but wind chill will be in the 0s. so we have to bundle up in the morning, perhaps chilly nights and nielings days ahead. look at that sun returning early next week, i have another radar tour coming up. >> good for the grass. >> yeah, not bad. we do need it. >> we continue to update breaking news. an early morning shooting has >> our reporter stephanie coueignoux is live in boston to. she is working to get more details about the shooting that landed one person in the hospital, we will check in with her. >> plus, is the red sox and indians continue to the what l it out for the pennant, a fox fan is using facebook to take fans to the other team to task. the harassment she said she ? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta for the red sox and their fans, friday night was a miserable night. that bad loss in cleveland. but, for one fan from lowell, it with us especially miserable because she tells fox 25, she was ar harassed so badly she felt she had no choice but to post an open letter about the incident on facebook. >> our chris flanagan spoke with the woman about the experience. never forget for all the wrong reasons. >> behind we hear, only fat people are from boston testify the three lady, die hard sox fan, drove 11 hours to cleveland for the game 2 of alds, the first time brittany went to and i way game and perhaps the last. >> when their team got ate he they would wave their towels and purposefully hitting us in the head with them. so, after the third or fourth time of me getting hit in the head i turned around his bill to spear on me. >> brittany claims the three indians fans made homophobic comments towards her and her fart ner. >> i have never been treated like that in my entire life and, you know, being gay, we definitely face trials an tribulations, there is definitely things that you face and go through, but i have never been treated like that in massachusetts or anywhere else that i have traveled, for that matter. >> >> broad rick tells fox 25 she tickets. she said tindians are looking into the incident and we will keep you posted. >>d's problems continue in the aftermath of a controversial video being made public, a look at the growing backlash from win his own party as donald trump prepares for tonight's debate. >> and i'm tracking pockets of heavier rain, a closer look at your neighborhood and when it gets worse and when it moves out, straight ahead. >> >> plus, a shooting in california leaves two police officers dead. this morning, a man is in share with you the heart breaking information we have joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. right now on fox 25 morning new, waking up to rape, where they get heavier today and when we clear out. >> we are following breaking news after one person was shot overnight. we are live with the very latest from police. >> plus, police on the hunt for the suspect in an attempted daylight. the clue police are hoping will help them track down the man responsible. >> plus, two huge games for boston today, the patriots get their future hall of famer back, and the red sox have their backs against the wall. a look at both teams' plans to bring home a victory. >> complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> good sunday morning to you and hope you are having a fantastic sunday. it is october 9th. i'm heather hegedus, thanks for joining us. >> jason brewer is in the weather center watching morning showers, jason, thank goodness there is a couple of good games today it looks like an indoor day. >> it could be. the further west you go the better shot to stay dry but south and east you will be wet and we already have that. there is the sharp cut off line where the heavy rain is. it is right along the pike. been sobd in here around brockton, north of marshfield, now with some yellows on the west side of cape cod, heavier showers around sandwich. look at numbers in the upper 50s to start day a watch as we go forward. they are just not going to move a whole lot and, in fact, many areas will see some temperatures falling during the afternoon. as the north breeze kicks in, and we will continue to watch boston, south and east toward the heavier showers, north and west it is a little dryer, fenway plan for rain. middle 50s and a breezy wind out of the north. we have definitely had better days for baseball, go sox. >> and we continue follow breaking news this evening mo. police are investigating after a shooting in roxbury. >> we want to show you this situation all morning long, stephanie coueignoux joins us now from boston police headquarters, and she learned one person was taken to the hospital. >> because this is a very active investigation, there is still a lot of questions this morning, victim is. this is what that scene looked like earlier this morning. you can see in he video officers had blocked off several sections of annunciation road in roxbury. they responded to the area, just after 1:00 this morning, and from the video you can also see several evidence markers on this street. we also saw one home with its front door open and officers actually using flashlights to look inside, but police haven't said exactly how that home may the shooting happened outside and if this may have been a targeted shooting. at this point police haven't said if they have arrested anyone. i have called and e-mailed police again still early on this sunday morning. but, as soon as i hear back, i will let you know. outside boston police headquarter, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> all right. stephanie, thank you. and developing this morning, in california, police arrested the man who they say shot three police officers, killing two of them. those officers went to a home in noon. f a woman called and said her adult son was causing a disturbance. the officers were at the home's front door trying to negotiate with the son when he opened fire. >> it was a simple family disturbance. and he elected to open fire. on the guardians of the city. >> the two officers who were killed were 27 year-old leslie zerebney, a mother of a 4 month old and she had just returned to the the other, jos? gilbert vega was a 35 year veteran of the department and listen to this, a father of 8 children (^). he was working an overtime shift and was set to retire in december. the shooter was arrested early this morning. police have scheduled a news conference for later this afternoon. we will be releasing more information about the suspect and bring you more information when that comes in. >> this morning boston police are searching for this man, in connection to an attempted sexual assault in mission hill. here is video of the area where near kevin fitzgerald park on st. alphonse street. the victim told officers this man walked up to her from behind, threw her to the ground, and tried to sexual assault her. before running off yesterday afternoon. the suspect was seen leaving the area on a mountain bike towards huntington avenue. >> this is new this morning, two people are dead after a fiery crash in new hampshire and police say a car was speeding on a highway in nashua when it lost control. it went through a guardrail near ended or landed next to a set of railroad tracks, 30 feet below the road and burst into flames. both the driver and passenger were unable to make it out. that incident is now under investigation. >> hillary clinton and donald trump will face off for the second presidential debate tonight, and the big elephant in the room is trump's hot mike rant against women. since trump's lewd comments surfaced on friday, a new review uncovered dozens of derogatory on howard stern's radio show. this morning, fox 25 jacqui heinrich reports that trump says he will not back out of the race, despite massive backlash, even from within his own party. >> this is a full-on meltdown of historic proportions. >> the fallout continues to grow leading up to sunday's presidential debate, with several prominent republicans condemning donald trump's behavior to varying levels of disgain. his own campaign adviser decrying his language. >> i discussions like this. >> others calling for him to step down from the ticket, or rescinding their endorsements. >> i'm out. i can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. >> even hollywood weighing in-he is an idiot. coe lynn would said it best, he is a national disaster. >> analyst tom whalen said there is no way even a good performance in sunday's debate can save trump the election. >> it is an impossible task. i mean, he had to like basically punch in sunday's debate. but, now, the debate is going to be about these comments. >> the critical spotlight now off trump's democratic opponent, shining squarely on the republican party as they come out to denounce trump. >> the republicans are just doing that to protect themselves in their own campaigns, in the senate or in the house of representatives. >> trump's own runningmate, writing he cannot defend the nominee's comments, paul ryan writing that he was sickened, then addressing the elephant in the room at a rally saturday. >> it is a troubling situation, >> trump's wife calling the recording offensive but pleading with the public to forgive her husband, write, quote, i home people will accept his apology as i have and focus on the important issues facing our nation and world. >> what the video did was it, basically, took the pin out of his balloon of a candidacy and it's over. >> jacqui heinrich, fox 25 news. >> in new hampshire, trump's comments adding fuel to an already contentious senate race. republican incumbent kelley donald trump. ayotte tweeted she won't vote for hillary clinton either. instead, she will write in mike pence. ayotte released a statement saying she is a mom and an american first and, quote, cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women. ayotte's senate race opponent governor maggie hassan responded to the decision asking why it took so long for ayotte to question trump's character. >> she finally made that the politics were so bad for her that she would disavow him, and at the same time, endorse somebody who is the biggest apolygist for donald trump that there is. >> hassan also attacked ayotte on twitter claiming the senator has gone back and forth on her support for trump. it will all play out tonight during the second presidential debaivment you can watch it here at 9:00, our blair miller is in st. louis. he will injo us with reaction right after things wrap up >> breaking news right now that has just come into our news room. a person has been hit by a train in dorchester and the mbta is tweeting that person was hit near tall both avenue and norfolk street by a train on the fair mount line. i understand this is near the dorchester/mattapan line (^) where this is happening. no word on the person's condition or why they were on the track but right now, one train has been canceled as a result of all of this,. we can tell you passengers are being bused and we have a crew on the way to the scene right now. we will have a live update once >> to hurricane matthew and this morning matthew is no longer a hurricane. he is beginning to move off shore after dropping record-breaking rain on the east coast. matthew is now classified as post tropical. but, it is still packing quite a punch with hurricane force winds. at least 14 deaths in three different states are still being blamed on that storm. 9.2 million people are without power this morning from florida all the way to the carolinas. being lifted now. people are beginning to head home, and just beginning to see the destruction. those who did not evacuate are sharing their stories. >> it's what we decided to do is just allow our guardian angels to take care of our homes. i heard cracking and popping all night long. scary, very scary. >> very scary, and even though matthew is moving away, flooding does remain a major concern down there. especially in north carolina, where some areas got more than past 24 hours. >> and new this morning, police are investigating a crash in winthrop that landed a car in the water. the fire department confirmed for fox 25 it happened just before midnight, two people were in the car when it went off of a pier on shirley street, both people went to the hospital. we are working to get an update on their conditions. the the cause of the crash, that's under investigation. >> new this morning, a scary situation for players on a high school sports team. hampshire. you can see the whole back of the bus was charred and burnt. police say everyone got off safely. no word yet on what caused the bus to catch fire, another bus was called in to take the team home. >> this morning police are looking into why a man showed up at a hospital with a shard of glass in his abdomen. this was in worcester. the victim told police someone he knew threw the glass at him as he was leaving work early saturday morning. right now police are working to track down any witnesses. and transit police arrested a man who had a gun inside station. officers found isaiah chiffon on the blue line platform at the government center station. according to police, the 19 year-old was slumped against the wall unconscious with a gun by his waistband. police woke him up and learned he didn't have a license for that gun. he also had several warrants for his arrest in roxbury chelsea and newton. >> happening today, the patriots taking on the the cleveland browns. and for some, today's game marks tom brady has been officially activated and will leave will lead the team today after serving his four game deflate-gate suspension. defendive end rod ninkovich after a four game suspension for using a banned substance. the red sox will be returning to fenway today hoping for a turn around. the sox are home from that miserable stretch in cleveland that left them on the brink of elimination. they need a win today to stay in contention, coming up minutes the roster change that will hopefully give the team the spark it needs. >> we really need a win. the local fire chief said some students are not safe in their own l scoos. still ahead the missing piece of equipment that can mean the difference between life and death. >> plus, people waking up to flames tearing through car, the video is intense. what police are calling deliberate acts. >> right now though the rain totals are beginning to trickle in. i will have a closer look at these and a live look at storm afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. >> welcome back. a local fire chief said some students at various schools are not safe. he contacted fox 25 after becoming frustrated lawmakers to protect students because of carbon monoxide detectors. fox 25's blair miller went to douglas where the fire chief talked about the problems he has seen firsthand. >> it is frustrating. >> douglas fire chief kent vincent can't forget this: >> [beep-beep] >> two adults and kids at an elementary school sent to the hospital in 2014 when the have detectors at the time. he made this argument and promise. >> i will fight, i will protect the kids in this town and i will protect the kids throughout the state. children throughout the state. and i promise that. and so far, i haven't been able to delay. >> chief vincent tells us he has made plea after plea on beacon hill, pushing for a law that would require detectors in all massachusetts schools, that hasn't happened. in fact, when we looked into it, committee in january of 2015, but nothing more has really happened. the last time anyone even looked at the bill, it was march of this year. when it was sent to another committee. we tried to ask the lawmakers who sponsored the bill what the holdup was, but they have not responded to the request. the chief wonders what will it take. >> we don't have to have a child perish before we pass a law. >> we went by the douglas schools and found they are not wait, they immediate carbon monoxide detectors to make sure the children are propected. protected. >> the children are not safe, if they don't have the carbon monoxide detectors in the schools they attend they are at risk. >> it is not clear if money is standing in the by of putting one of these in every school here in the state. here in douglas, they spent $40,000 to make sure each school schoolhere has one. in doug lax blair miller fox 25 they didn't let matthew ruin their wedding day, they said i do in wilmington, north carolina, as matthew was drenching the storm when the eye of the storm was over there. the rain did stop for the reception and that's when they ventured out as you can see, to celebrate. i mean those are definitely memorable wedding pictures. right? >> as the caterer i'm sure they are like, what? you are not canceling that? >> how about the elderly family member, you want us in this rain? >> kudos to them. catastrophic flooding in north carolina, i will touch on that in a minute. early this morning though -- [inaudible] >> moving all the way up to the north shore now. we are back to the west and north and from there you are seeing much spottier light rain i. is steady coming right through boston, all the way down into norfolk county. half marathon -- [inaudible] >> the street fair, getting lots of tweets in, people asking about the weather. we have seen better days. fenway doesn't look great. let me show you the south shore socked in. heavier downpours around ciemed and the brockton around mashpee yellow, they are lifting up to plymouth county and more down here, south of the vineyard. nantucket, downhill later today. the vineyard has been socked in. let me show you north and westward. it is much dryer. these little bands of light rain coming by but they will lot last too long in southern new hampshire back into most of worcester county we have been okay so far but look at the trends. it is filling back in now. we stand to get a good soaking out of this, guys. half inch so far in lawrence. quarter inch bedford. providence a quarter inch, and two tenths in plymouth. i touchdown on the the top of the weather segment. there is wilmington, if you go up 40 toward raleigh, look at the colors. this is indicating 15-16" of rain, it is above record flood waters stage, unprecedented. up in virginia we have totals in excess of 10" in the richmond area from matthew which is a post tropical cyclone and lost its tropical characteristics and more is moving east of north carolina. you see where the rain is associated with it is? well removed from the center. so, no longer a tropical system. there it goes. good rid dance. get out of here (^). there is a front. this is the front i have been tracking for days now that helped kick matthew out to the east. unfortunately, this front is going to stall out and wash out the sunday plans. but, from a drought perspective, not a bad deal. a stalled front means persistent rain. right now we are in the lower middle and upper 50s north an west. check it out, noontime temperatures are not moving. the chance for rain continues. in the evening, 7:00, falling temperatures throughout the late afternoon. we will see 50s on cape cod, lower 50s in boston there towards 7:00. 2:00 in the morning, finally drying out. we are getting still some rain though along the south shore and the cape, even overnight. when i see you on fox 25 in the morning, we will be tracking those clearer skies, the breezy winds and 40s to sta day. a brisk monday morning in store. that highlighted red color, that is the extreme drought though. i know sunday we want to be out at fenway and want to be outside at fairs and that kind of thing. but it is just needed. sunny skies tomorrow. tuesday, wednesday, look great. slight chance of rain thursday. not much rain after this one, guy, we have a live look at the radar coming back. >> thank you, jason. above the sounds of the city don't be surprised if you hear a cluck of a chick p. >> city chickens. first, thousands of toilets crushed up and dumped into the water in one city. coming up next, how they are actually helping to clean up actually helping to clean up this major city's in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, this major city's created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. this. is. everything. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything. brian dreamed of flying to san francisco and pitching a startup idea. but with the jetblue card, he got there faster than expected. brian company. >>so you have no idea whatsoever? brian company. get three times points on jetblue purchases, two times at restaurants and grocery stores, and one time on all other purchases. the empire state is working to bring oysters back to new york harbor by using old toilets. scientists are smashing five thousand toilets and mixing the porcelain with natural shells to create a reef where oyster lar vey can safely grow. the goal? fill the harbor with one billion, with a b., oysters. new york harbor last saw that many oysters overfishing and pollution killed them off. oysters naturally filter water and if the population takes off, scientists say they can really make the harbor a lot cleaner and because of all the pollutants in the water, the oysters will not be for eating. similar projects minus the crushed up toilets are underway in boston harbor, working to bring back the once abundant oyster beds. those also disappeared in the early 1900s. >> love oysters great to hear. donation to to study the poorest neighborhoods. philanthropist glen hutchens is donating $10 million to the ent iser, three years ago he donated $15 million to create the program. harvard said the money will be used to dig deep into the lives of poor residents to try to better understand the disadvantages that lead to poverty. >> meantime, over at mit's campus they have a new addition to add to their vast collection of public art. this massive 24 feet high and 17,000 pounds, can you imagine bringing that in? artists ursala von riddingsbard was born in germany in 1,942nd and spent her early childhood in refugee camps. the sculpture is the tallest piece she has ever created. it was commissioned by the coe founder of the mcgovern institute for brain research, where it now sits. >> very very detail and basic research. and i fell in love with what she did. >> the statue stands at the entrance to the institute, where researchers are working to develop new treatments for people suffering from brain disorders. mitt will hold an official dedication later this month. >> right now i'm tracking the rain, making its way northward toward the north shore. we have some showers that have already moved into worcester county as well. i'm back with a closer look at your neighborhood and when you can expect this rain to out. >> we are following breaking news after a shooting left one person hospitalized. you can never tell from the outside just how many warm, flaky layers are on the inside. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. after 40 years of making soup at progresso, we've learned chicken is king. and so we're now using 100% antibiotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken in all of our chicken soups. long live chicken! afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. all right. well come back, it is 8:30 on sunday, this is what you are waking up to, a live look at the boston skyline from the beacon hill studio camera. folks, ice noting to get much not improve much but it could be worse. we have been saying this, it's better than know. >> absolutely. and with the folks in florida and down south, they have been dealing with, it is certainly nothing compared to that. it almost has kind of like that troop call feel out there. and jason, is that part of what we are seeing here as the remnants of this storm? >> yeah, absolutely. you know, had matthew not bonn to the south we wouldn't have quite as much moisture available, that's why we have some potentially heavy rain today, more than an inch, cape and island, possibly the south right now, i'm tracking that rainmaking its way northward, up to the north shore, there is the sharp cut off where the heavy rain is. it made its way north of the pike. i will leave that line through through the morning and we will watch and see how far north the heavy rain progresses, at least the steadier rain i should say. let's take a look now. weymouth to brockton, over toward medway. those yellows you are seeing are the heavier downpour, around cape cod canal, mashpee, sandwich, heavy showers coming through there. no thunder but we have a front temperatures. upper 50s now, upper 50s at noon, and then into the midday, mid afternoon i should say, you will see the lower and middle 50s as a cold front makes its way down. that's going to kick the winds around out out north and it will be a breezy afternoon. so, a raw day, wondering if we will get the sox game in. i have more on that, and a look at when this rain moves out coming up. >> all right. we have to keep a close tab on that. thank you, jason. we want to get to breaking news we are following out of roxbury this morning. e after an early morning shooting. this happened on annunciation road. >> we have fox 25's stephanie coueignoux at boston police headquarters. she says police spent hours combing for evidence at the scene. >> this is still a very active investigation. i have just checked in with police and i'm still waiting to hear back, but police responded to the area, just after 1:00 this morning. again, this is what it looks like earlier this morning. this was on annunciation road in one home open and officers using flashlights to look inside. at this point though, we don't know exactly how this home could be connected to the shooting. but, police did block off several areas of the road and we also saw them put evidence markers in the middle of this street. i have asked police exactly where this shooting happened, and if this was a targeted shooting, but at this point police haven't said if they arrested anyone. and they also haven't released any information about the victims or the victim's condition. police we will pass along the information. for now, outside boston police headquarter, stim stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> more breaking news just into the news room, a person has been hit by a train in dorchester. the mbta is tweeting person was hit near tall both avenue honor folk street by a train on the fair mount line. right now no word on the person's condition or why they were on the track. we can tell you one train has been cancel and passengers are being bused. we have a crew on the way to the scene right now and will get you a live report as soon as the in connection to an attempted sexual assault that happened in broad daylight. it happened near fitzgerald park in mission hill yesterday afternoon. the victim told police the man threw her to the ground and tried to assault her. he was later spotted riding a mountain bike toward huntington avenue. the man is described as in his late 20s and about 5' 8." >> meantime medford police are investigating an attack on a tufts university student. this one happened early yesterday morning, at college and boston the student told police he was with a group of friends when the car pulled up and someone inside asked for a lighter. words were exchanged. two men got out of the car. they attacked the victim. one suspect is accused of punfing the victim in the face, the other one threatening him with a baseball bat. both of those suspects are said to be in their early 20s and maybe driving a green van or an suv. >> this morning we are learning more details about an ins didn't aboard a newton south school bus that landed a pair of football coaches on paid leave. we first the told you about this as the freshman football team was returning home after a loss. state police tell fox 25 it appears some sort of disagreement may have turned physical. we are told a student ended up calling police and the bus was pulled over along route 2a. >> what surprised me is the varsity level there is a good amount of tension, which is normal you find that anyway but the freshman level especially when i played it wasn't that intense. that's why i was so surprised present after this point police are not saying if anyone was hurt. no one has been charged. state police and investigating. >> here is the latest on matthew and right now post tropical matthew continues its path off shore of the east coast. he has been down graded from a hurricane or the system has been down graded. matthew is currently whipping up winds of 75 miles per hour, accompanied by heavy rains still though. and in north carolina, that has led to dozens of water rescues and the the death toll does continue to climb. four more people in the u.s. have died as a result of this the death toll since the storm started, when you include haiti as well, is in the hundreds. and it's only expected to rise. meantime, as the storm moves on, the cleanup as you know, already underway. you can see in this footage, out of north carolina and south carolina, that is going to involve a lot of flood recovery. georgia and florida started resigned coverry efforts yesterday. and stay with fox 25 for updates as the cleanup begins. make sure you have our it is a great way to keep you in the loop, even when you are away from your t.v. set and it is a free download. >> police in tingsboro are investigating a string of fires there. they all happened early yesterday morning at addresses on bauers avenue, king david road, mass cup pick trail and another, a woman's truck was up in flames. >> we had just gone to bed not even an hour before (^) and our the door because they heard something outside and saw the fire under the truck. we ran down and the truck was already engulfed. >> scooters and another car were also burned. no one was hurt. nearly a year after a deadly crash, the damage remains to a protective barrier along the charles river. fox 25 investigates the holdup to repairs and why the state says the fix isn't as simple as it would appear. plus the pats looking for tom brady to lead he is back. the sox want to regain their glory in the fight for the patent. we will have a look at both team's plans for when coming up in the morning sports wrap. >> all right. rain increasing here across southern new england, i have it is a tail of two cities in sports, boston against are hoping to finish their first game at home on a high note. bush stearns and adam pellerin tackle your morning sports from cleveland to boston. >> >> good morning, i'm adam pellerin from nesn a huge sunday on tap. red sox and indians playoff series, shifts to fenway park, soz losing season is over. patriots, you can make the case their season is just beginning with the push stearns in cleveland with fox before kick off. >> adam, i don't believe there is any way the browns beat the patriots, but i will tell you this from being here all week, cleveland sports fans believe that anything is possible, since lebron and the cavs broke that championship drought in the city, and the indians, of course, are doing their part by beating up on the red sox. but, with tom brady back, even cleveland's sports fans don't believe the browns can beat the patriots. we will have it all covered for for now, i'm butch stearns in front of the rock & roll hall of fame, back to you, adam. >> red sox just left cleveland after a miserable two day stretch that has them on theburg of elimination. game 3 at fenway park, do or die, and if it's the latter, it will be the final game for david ortiz. >> our backs are against the wall. you know, there is zero room for error. you just got to play hard. i mean, you find out a lot about yourself and your team, when you are in situations like this. i don't think anybody is ready to go home. that's for there's nothing to celebrate. it it's part of the game. i know we are better than that. it's note over yet. they have to beat us three times, not two. >> clay buchholz will start, a guy everyone wanted shipped out of town, and now the season rests on his shoulders. that is the look at the big day in sports. i'm adam pellerin. >> an american hero is getting a second chance after losing all his limbs in afghanistan. the rare and life-changing a marine corps sergeant shares his story with fox 25. and bringing a bit of farm life to urban areas, fox 25 takes a look at the new trend that has more and more chickens moving more and more chickens moving into the in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, into the created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us. honey nut cheerios get their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey, and real oats. ok that's still honey. ahhh, there we go. that guy, figures. introducing tiny toast. the tiny cereal with the big taste of real fruit. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. don't be surprised if you hear chickens, it is springing a bit of farming into urban areas. >> to hear him speak. >> it is not a matter of come out out to water them, it's learning crop cycle, learning about how to compost,. >> you might assume james miner is a farmer and you would be wrong. there are crops where he works. >> great peppers here. and then i think i'm seeing zucchini down there? >> but these beds are located planted in about 100 milk crates, just outside the offices of watertown's group and there's one more thing. >> and then this idea of chicken, right? so, i out of no where -- >> that's right, chickens. >> the agricultural initiative work sod well we wanted to build on that. >> phil dugdale is known as the chicken man although he prefers if we don't call him that. >> they are really easy to care for. >> welcome to the urban farm. dugdale said this hot pink its kind located at a business property but he wouldn't be surprised if others get in the game as well. chickens gre tell, gretchen and heidi are part of a trend building for almost three year, when boston passed a zoning order that allowed hur ban farming. since then, city residences, college, and fen waiver park installed patches for growing crops. he is partf a small but increasing number of companies adding them as well. >> i know in boston there's about 15-20 that i'm aware of. >> miner saidth growing because people want to know where their food comes from. cities want to shed their food desert labels and businesses want to offer a better work/life balance. >> fundamentally there is a source of pride that comes out of all of this. this is probably a place with a culture, little more of a culture of no and it's becoming a culture of why not? let's try stuff. let's experiment. >> myers said where there are chickens now there may be honey bees tomorrow. he said as interest continues to build, many of these spaces wille shovel to meet the food elizabeth hopkin, fox 25 news. >> october is down syndrome awareness month, and people are getting ready to gather for a walk this morning to celebrate both the month and the 20th anniversary of the walk, which celebrates acceptance and inclusion of people with downs syndrome. the mass downs syndrome buddy walk and family festival is in wakefield this morning. fox 25 once again proud to be media sponsor, i will be emceeing, which i have been doing for a number of years and this year john tucker from the emmy award w this way way" will be there with a an after party on the lake after people walk around the lake. it is happening to day at noon, and there is still time to register on m.d. f. and we want to check in with jason brewer. you have been watching the radar for the north shore where the walk is happen and you have an update which is, unfortunately, a soggy update. >> i hate to be the bearer of bad news but this rain, the steady rain is just keeps marching north ward, it looks like it may stay on the south shore over to the it ka and making its way north and really nothing to shut it down here with a lot of moisture coming up from the south and this very slow-moving front. so, plan accordingly, rain gear. absolutely. let's take a look here. i'm tracking the showers that are steady, moving north at around 10 miles per hour. so, you can expect the steadier rain to set into haver hill by 9:30, salem 9:50, hampton just after 10:00, over to portsmouth, before 11:00, this is going to keep marching northward here, breaking up. you can see the little radar returns that are more scattered as you get up into parts of southern new hampshire out into northern worcester county but even those are now beginning to get eaten away by the steadier radar return. so, lynn to boston and quincy, expression way, 95, 128, all the way into norfolk county, back into southern worcester county, we are socked in. same as south shore, look around the cape cod canal as i zoom in, there is sandwich, so right along route 3 here, we are rates, at least 1" an hour coming down. and we are going to easily get 1" of rain south shore the cape and the islands if not more before this is all said and done. brockton over to bridgewater, some of those yellows indicating the heavier rain. look there is more coming up. here is the vineyard, nantucket, mainly light rain now. but, there is more coming back from the south heading your way. manchester, over towards say, keene, again just some spotty light showers. so, north and west, you will be in better shape on your early morning plans. kind of looks like we would be able to hold some of this off but it is coming in. we need the rain. we are running 10" or more below normal for the year. so, sorry about the sunday rain, but obviously, a brighter spot is we need it. post tropical matthew, no longer a hurricane but still at 75 miles per hour winds off the coast of the carolinas. there is the rain. well removed from the center of the storm. that's why it is no longer tropical. it is moving east away from land, good riddance to matthew. from matthew. but, it's not necessarily pro thing us from the moisture. we are getting enhanced moisture from the tropics and the jet stream coming over the front, this is a heavier rain setup, persistent for long-range setup when you have a front and the jet stream are matched up, so just like train tracks here. so, we are going to be watching for persistent showers throughout the day today. temperatures are running in the 50s, as we are beginning things. they are not going to move much. they may even be falling this afternoon. as t east and a north breeze sets in. so, if we get the game in at fenway, you are definitely going to want to bring along the rain gear. we will be watching the radar hour-by-hour. the other thing i want to touch on, winds not so much at noon. let's advance the the clock to 5:00. look at wind gust, near 30 miles per hour and many spots along the coast, even higher for the islands. so, there is your noontime radar and it will stay kind of soggy right through sunset tonight. the improvement happens after especially after midnight. this is a brand new model run, very consistent, still showing a very wet wet scenario through the rest of the day. seven-day forecast, bright tomorrow for columbus day, looking great. and not much rain the rest of the week. i have more on the radar straight ahead. >> we have been following breaking news all morning. an early morning shooting has police scouring for evidence. >> our live reporter on the scene, fox 25's stephanie coueignoux has been monitoring the situation. she will bring us another report about this shooting that landed one person in the hospital. indians continue to battle it out for the pennant, the fox fan is using facebook to take fans of the other team to task. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. in australia, we're always saying, "no worries, mate!" but in the outback, "no worries" means a three course meal for just $12.99 every wednesday, soup or salad, entree and dessert. you know what else no worries wednesday is? bloomin' great! the why can't it smell like this all the time the learning the virtue of sharing why let someone else have all the fun? that's no fun. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. welcome back. for the red sox and their fans it with was miserable loss in cleveland, friday night, ock. for one fan from lowell it was especially miserable are the she tells fox 25 she was ar harassed so badly she felt she had no choice but to post an open letter about what happened to her on facebook. our chris flanagan spoke with that woman about her experience. >> it's a trip brittany broad rick and her two friends will never forget for all the wrong reasons. >> behind us we heard only fat people are no, ma'am boston. sox fan, drove 11 hours to cleveland for the game 2 of the alds, the first time brittany has been to an by way game and perhaps the last. >> when their team came up and they got a hit, they would start waving their towels and purposefully hitting us in the head with them. so, after the third or fourth time of me getting hit in the head i turned around to look at them and he purposefully tipped his beer to spill on me. >> he then said the cleveland her and her partner. >> i have never been treated like that in my life. being gay, we definitely face trials an tribulation, there is definitely things you face and go through, but i have never been treated like that. in massachusetts or anywhere else i have traveled for that matter. >> and that was chris flanagan reporting and broad rick tells us she wants the indians to reimburse her and her friends for the tickets and she said tindians are looking into it. >> well, donald trump's problems continue in the aftermath of made public we have been talking about here. coming up, a look at the the growing backlash now from within his own party as trump prepares for tonight's debate. >> rain falling at fenway can be tough to clear them out for the game. i have a closer look at storm tracker radar, show you where the heavy rain is heading next. >> all right. jason and a the shooing in california leaves two officers dead. this morning, a man is in custody, the heart breaking information we are learning (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. every part of you is strong. time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. colgate enamel health mineral repair toothpaste. so smile with strength. with colgate enamel health mineral repair. joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from and that puts us all at risk. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. new, waking up to rain, where they get heavier today and when we clear out. >> wet weather are following breaking news in roxbury, details of an early morning shooting that sent one person to the hospital. >> plus, police on the hunt for the suspect in an attempted sexual assault. the attack happening in broad daylight. the clue police are hoping will help them track down the man responsible. >> plus, two huge games for boston today. the patriots get their future sox have their backs against the wall. a look at both teams plans to bring home the victory. >> complete new new england news coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> good sunday morning to you and hope you are having a great weekend. thanks for waking up to fox 25 morning new, 9 a.m. on this soggy sunday, i'm heather head dug. >> i'm ted daniel, good to have you along in for jason law today. fox meteorologist jason brewer i center. jason, unfortunately, you said the things are looking worse than we thought a hill the while ago? >> yeah, you know, this steady rain line, in fact, let me pop it on here. this is where we had the steady rain moments ago and it continues to make its way northward. so, no reason to think this just wouldn't plow on up through the north shore on into southern new hampshire as well. we need the rain sunday if you want to be outside, of course fenway not looking great at this time. anywhere from boston all the way down into medway, that's where there around the cape cod and mashpee, getting some heavier rain, temperatures in the 50s, so they will not move much. here is your noontime, anywhere from boston south and east a better chance for the heavier showers, north and west, it's lighter rain but it's breezy out of the north, and it's going to be a raw day out there today with no sun. i have more on the radar coming up. >> all right. jayen so, we appreciate it. we are following breaking news right now that we have just been getting into our news room in the past two hours. police and ems are on the been hit by a train. >> it happened on the fairmont line within the past hour. fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is on the scene now with details, stephanie, what have you learnd? >> this is still a very active investigation. right now, i'm going to step out of the way. you can see about 8 different investigators here investigating on the track, you can also the commuter rail train stopped on the tracks as they continue to about the circumstances surrounding this. i do want to show you some video, just to give you a little better perspective in terps of all of this. again, this all started at around 7:30 this morning when this train apparently struck someone here on the tracks. the mbta commuter rail tweeting out that this was a trespasser's strike. now, i have asked investigators exactly what happened, the condition of this person, but again, this is information that they are not passing along to just yet. right now, what they are doing is they are walking along the tracks and they were investigating but again this happened near the tall bot station here, along the commuter rails line. and, again, this has impacted computer rail service, in fact, a fairmont service, several trains have been canceled. several trains have been delayed. so, definitely if this is part of your commute, on your sunday morning, you need to check in though, coming back here live, you can see a number of investigators are walking down along these tracks and some of them have some of these tools that they use to determine distances as well. and i do believe that one of these investigators is going to be measuring, yes, right there live. they will be measuring parts of the railroad track to give them a better idea as to exactly what unfolded. we are still waiting to hear from police ex we are going to be here on the scene and, of course, pass along any new updates but again one person has been struck by a computer rail train. in dorchester, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> okay. stephanie, we will check back with you. we are also following breaking news in roxbury, and we have new information at this hour. boston police are now confirming the victim of an early morning shooting is a 9 year-old girl. it happened on annunciation road, just after 1 a.m.. video from the scene shows looking inside a building. right now it's not clear how the home is connected to the shooting, that you saw police say the girl is expected to survive. no arrests have been made at this point. >> this is developing this morning. police have now arrested a man who they say shot three police officers in california, killing two of them. this is in palm springs. officers went to a home there yesterday around noon after a woman called and told police her adult son was causing a distba the home's front door trying to negotiate with the son when he opened fire. >> it was a simple family disturbance. and he elected to open fire on the guardians of the city. >> the two police officers who consider killed were 27 year-old leslie zerebney (^), she was the mother of a four month old and she had just returned to work from maternity leave. the other, jos? gilbert vega, was a 35 year veteran of the he was working an overtime shift and he was set to retire in december. so tragic. back here at home this morning, boston police are searching for this man in connection to an attempted sexual assault that happened in mission hill. this is video of the area where it happened that you are acto see. here it is near kevin fitzgerald park on st. alphonse street. the victim told officers the man walked up to her from behind, threw her to the ground, and tried to sexual assault her before he was able to run away. this is yesterday afternoon. suspect of the he was seen leaving the area on a mountain bike, towards huntington avenue. if you have any idea who this man is, boston police want the hear from you. >> hillary clinton and donald trump will face off for the second presidential debate the night. the big elephant in the room? trump's hot mike rant against women. and since trump's lewd comments surfaced on friday, a new review uncovered dozens of derogatory comments about women made over this morning, fox 25's jacqui heinrich reports that trump says he will not back out of the race, despite massive backlash, even from within his own party. >> this is a full-on meltdown of historic proportions. >> thefallout continues to grow leading up to sunday's presidential debate, with several prominent republicans condemning donald trump's behavior to varying levels of disgain. his own campaign adviser decrying his lang want. >> i don't support language and discussions like this. >> others step down from the ticket or rescinding their endorsement. >> i'm out. i can no longer, in good conscience, endorse this person for president. >> even hollywood weighing in. he is an idiot. coe lynn powell said it best. he is a national disaster. >> political analyst tom whalen said there is no way even good performance in sunday's debate can save trump the election. >> it is an impossible task. i mean, he had to like basically to be about the comments. >> the critical spotlight off trump's democratic opponent shining squarely on the republican party as they come out to denounce trump. >> republicans are just doing that to protect themselves. in their own campaigns in the senate and house of representatives. >> trump's runningmate said he cannot defend the comments, paul ryan writing he was sickened and addressing the elephant in the room saturday. >> sit a troubling situation. i'm serious. it is. >> trump's wife calling the recording forgive her husband. writing, quote, i hope people will accept his apology as i have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and world. >> what the video did was it basically took the pin out of his balloon of a candidacy and it's over. >> jacqui heinrich, fox 25 news. >> in new hampshire, trump's comments adding fuel to an already contentious senate race. republican incumbent kelley ayotte now saying for the first time she will not vote for donald trump. for hillary clinton either. instead, she he write in mike pence. ayotte released a statement saying she is a mom and an american first, and quote, cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women. ayotte's senate race opponent, governor maggie hassan rescue ponded to the decision asking why it took so long for ayotte to question trump's character. >> she finally made the decision that the pom ticks are so bad for her that she would somebody who is the biggest apolygist for donald trump that there is. >> hassan also attacked ayotte on twitter saying the senator has gone back and forth on her support for trump. it will all play out tonight during the second presidential debate. you can watch it right here at 9:00, our blair miller is in st. louis. he will join us with reaction right after things wrap up. that should be around 10:30 tonight. >> looking forward to that. well, this morning, matthew is after dropping record-breaking rain along the east coast. matthew is now classified as post tropical, but, it is still packing hurricane-force winds. at least 14 deaths in three different states are being blamed on the storm this morning. and, 2.2 million people remain in the dark right now from florida to the carolinas. but, this morning, the evacuation orders are beginning to be lifted and people are heading home to see the destruction. those who didn't evacuate are >> this is what we decided to do is just allow our guardian angels to take care of our homes. >> i heard cracking and popping all night long. scary. very scary. >> even though matthew is moving away, flooding remains a major concern down south, as you can imagine, especially in north carolina, which we are looking at, where some areas got more than 16" of rain. just within the past 24 hours. that is a lot. >> and new this morning, police are investigating a crash in winthrop that landed a car on before midnight. two people were in the car when it went off of a pier on shirley street. both people went to the hospital. we are working to get an update on their conditions. the cause of the crash is under investigation. >> and a scary situation for players on a high school sports team, their bus caught fire on 93 south in can't terbury, new hampshire, you can see the whole back of the bus is charred and burnt. police say everyone got off safely, no word yet on what caused the bus to catch fire and another bus was called in to take the t looking at why a shan hoe showed up in a hospital with a shard of glass in his abdomen in worcester. the victim told police someone he knew someone threw the glass at him as he was leaving work early saturday morning. police are now working to track down any witnesses. transit police arrested a man who had a gun inside a t. station. take a look at him. officers found i isaiah chiffon on the blue line platform at the government station, he was slumped against the wall and learned he didn't have a license for the gun but he did have several warrants out for his arrest in roxbury, chelsea and newton. >> and happening today the patriots taking on the cleveland browns. and for some today's game marks the real beginning of the patriots season. tom brady has been officially activated and will lead the team today after serving his four-game deflate-gate suspension. defensive end rod ninkovich also back with the team after four-game suspensi banned substance. the red sox are returning to fenway the day hoping to turn things around. the sox are home from a miserable stretch in cleveland and that stretch left them on the brink of elimination. they need a win today to stay in contention, coming up in just 30 minutes the roster change that will hopefully get the team the spark it needs. >> we are rooting for them. police waking up to flames, tearing through 10 cars and this video is really intense. look at it. still ahead we will tell you about the investigation into >> plus, nearly a year after a deadly crash, the damage remains to a protective barrier along the charles river. fox 25 investigates the holdup to the repair and why the state said the fix isn't as simple as it would appear. >> a quarter to half inch of rain has fallen already in several locations. i will tell you where heavier showers are heading next when i in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, protected education... created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. interviewer: what would you do with five minutes to kill and a smartphone? man: check the scores. woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? man: really? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to register to vote m-a dot com. it's that easy. man: that was easy. fox 25 investigates, yearly a year ago a pickup truck crashed through a railing along the charles river dam in cam bridge, killing the young people inside that truck. now, 11 months later, the damage caused by the crash still hasn't been repaired. fox 25's kerry investigating after a viewer contacted us to let us know about the issue. >> definitely, i definitely noticed. >> it's hard to miss this cement jersey barriers along the crowded cambridge sidewalk. but it is a pain especially with two strollers to be able to get through a narrow walkway as it is. >> we watched a lot of people and things navigating the path that sits between the barriers and a light pole and a utility box. the barriers, a temporary replacement for the railing mcgrath/o'brien highway. the crash took out several feet of the railing in november of last year. police say thive driver of the pickup ran a red light before it went through the railing, and into the river below. the young couple inside from providence, rhode island, did not survive. 11 month later, the state is still working to make the repairs. >> not very practical. sometimes you feel it's narrow. especially where we are worried about that in the winter with the snow. >> fox 25 learned this is no simple fix. mass dot said the railing is part of the old charles river dam, whi national register of historic places. the department of conservation and recreation is overseeing the repairs. they got the railing design from mass dot and are now working with a fabricator to make a match, which they hope to install by the end of the year. so, in the meantime . . . >> yeah, you make do. >> it would be great if it was taken care of. >> we asked the state how much it will cost to replace this piece of history we are waiting on the dollar amount, again, they hope to have it stained by tend of the year. fox 5 news. >> breaking right now, a person has been hit by a train in dorchester. the mbta is tweeting the person was hit near tall bot avenue and norfolk street by a train on the fairmont line. no word yet on the person's condition or why the person was on the tracks. right now, no trains have been canceled and passengers, or that train has been cancel and the passengers are being bused. stephanie coueignoux is on the scene gating more information, her live report also developing this morning we learned 29 people were taken to the hospital when a commuter train derailed just outside new york city late last night. authorities say the passenger train hit a work train on the tracks. pictures shared on social media show one car off the rails and tilted at an angle. the train was carrying 600 people at the the time. investigators are working to figure out why the trains collided. >> all right. turning your attention to the weather now, it is do or die today for the red sox, it is a >> what are the chances? >> i'm beginning to think it will be tough. i mean i just posted on my facebook page i'm hoping for a win and i can post the the forecast again because of the win and not a postponement. >> right. that's what we are worried about. >> it might be posting more forecasts because of the rain delay or a postponement. look at this. i mean, this is a lot of moisture working northward. we have a front that is coming through very slowly. it's actually parked itself out here near the north shore now. and sweep the moisture away. it is just moving too slowly to see a sudden change. so, it's kind of a pattern we will be stuck in. i'm watching the leading edge of the steady rain, haverhill 9:30, that is starting to come together over toward portsmouth by 9:150, the rain is moving in and it is not likely to move anywhere else for the day. there is lynn, boston, over to framingham, milford, down around quincy we have had some very heavy rains coming through and barnstable, as well. so, there is sandwich. the rain moving away, but you can see there is more down here around hyannis, as well, over to brewster. and more down south of the vineyard, making its way northward, right up against buzzards bay there and nantucket socked in. let's talk about the north and western areas. looks like they will stay dryer and that will be the case. we will not see the higher rain totals in this location, manchester to keene, northern worcester county. but we are still going to get at least in those spots and around worcester looks like you will be able to scoot through steadier showers coming in, setting up shop. note heading anywhere any time soon. now we go to the p toics because post tropical matthew is indirectly influencing our weather by supplying us some moisture. it's being scooped up by a front. and moving over snkd. but this is a post tropical system now with the rain far removed from the center. there it goes. no more on matthew up against and it is set up like a train track here along this front. and that's why we are just not going to be able to move this front eastward very quickly. if we had more of a due west jet stream or a northwesterfully flow aloft it would be out of here. it will be slow to move out today. temperatures are in the mid and upper 50s. fenway, if we get the game in, well, plan for the rain. poncho, umbrella, all the above. middle 50s, temperatures are not going to move much. we will fall a little bit this afternoon. look at the wind, 10-20, the north. at first pitch. there are your wind gusts at noon. not a huge deal. but, into the late day, we start the see at the coastline, some wind gusts 25-near 30 miles per hour. we could have some wind gusts 35-40 on nantucket overnight as the front swings through and low pressure rides along it. so, let's look at your noontime forecast. plan for the rain, you see the yellows? boston, south and east. that's where we see the heavier then we start to clear things out. but it's even going to be wet for your evening. waking up tomorrow morning, cool and bright. columbus day looks fantastic. 60 degrees, it is dry for most of the week ahead. i have more on the radar straight ahead. >> get this stuff out of here. thank you, jason. new details coming in about an incident involving coaches for a newton football team. the argument on the bus that launched a state police investigation and landed two coaches on paid leave. >> but first, thousands of toil being crushed up and dumped into the water. we will tell you the way that's actually helping to clean up new york's harbor. york's harbor. it's fascinat in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, it's fascinat protected education... created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers for us. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. the empire state is working to bring oysters back to new york harbor by using old toilets. scientists are smashing 5,000 toilets an mixing the porcelain with natural shells to create a reef where oyster lar vey can safely grow. the goal? fill the harbor with one billion oysters. new york harbor last saw that many oysters and 1900, before overfishing and pollution killed them off. and if the population takes off, scientists say they can really make the harbor a lot cleaner and because of all the pollutants there, the oysters will not be for eating. similar projects, my nuts the crushed up toilets are underway in boston harbor, working to bring back the once abundant oyster beds there. those also disappeared in the early 1900s. >> i'm a little relieved our project doesn't involve toilets for some reason. all right. the african-american center at harvard is getting a big donation to study some of boston's poorest fill low thris glen hutchens is donating $10 million to center. this is after three years ago he donated $15 million to help create the program. harvard said the money will be used to dig deep into the lives of poor residents in order to try to better understand the disadvantages that lead to poverty. also in cambridge, mit has a new addition to its vast collection of public art. take a look at this massive can you imagine trying to get that thing in there? artist ursala von riddingsbard was born in germany in 1942 and spent her childhood childhood in refugee camps and it is the tallest piece she ever created, commissioned by the cofounder of the mcgovern institute for brain research at mit writ stands at the entrance and researchers now there working to develop new treatments for people suffering from brain disorders at that institute, mit will hold an official dedication later this month leading edge of the steady rain marching northward, a closer look at storm tracker radar where you live coming up. >> and we are following breaking news in dorchester. we have now learn add man is dead after being hit by a train. a live look at the scene right now. fox 25's stephanie coueignoux the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta - airbnb has been really special. i am such a people person. i love that we have people stay with us. - we both work full time but the extra income has helped us save for our wedding which we are getting married this year and we're planning a honeymoon, which otherwise we might be stressing about being able to plan for the future coverage begins now, this is fox right now at the boston skyline. what you can see of it anyway. definitely can't make out the sign in the distance. a very soggy start that could affect your plans and possibly even, yes, tody's crucial red sox playoff game is something we are monitoring here. it is 9:30 on sunday, october 9th. hope you are having a great weekend. >> good morning, everyone. let's get over to jason brewer, who has got the answers for today. about what it will look like, jason, that red sox game? crucial. think we will get it in? >> i'm not liking what i'm see, it is tough. dave from the organization texted me and the umpires are on standby we will talk in little bit. what i'm seeing is a lot of rainmaking its way northward, the sharp cut off to the rain is it sitting a i cross the north shore in worcester county where the steadier showers are, but the line is making its way northward, it will be tough to get out of this today. very slow moving front coming in with plenty of moisture. lynn, into boston where some of the heavier rain is move right now. it is coming up from the vineyard, all the way into the cape and the south shore. no relief from that. you see temperatures in the 50s right now. they are not going to move much today and you see where the yellows are? boston, south and eastward, that's where the best chance for the heavier shower showers will be right through the afternoon. so my fenway forecast is looking rough, guys. if we get it in, you have to plan for rain. i have more coming up. >> okay. thank you so much, jason. we w you. breaking right now we know a man is dead after he was hit by a train in dorchester. >> it happened on the fair mount line within the last 90 minutes. fox 25's stephanie coueignoux is on the scene with more details. stephanie, what can you tell us? >> in the last 10 minutes guy i got information from the superintendent of the mbta transit police and he said they do not suspect any foul play. but, taking a look behind me, we are on an overpass overlooking that computer rail train stopped right there. it's been stopped ever since that man was hit and, again, as we showed you live, just about 30 minutes ago, investigators were there on the scene, taking measurements and taking a look at the scene. but, i want to show you some video just to give you a better idea as to exactly what happened. and again, this is all happened at around 7:0 this morning. this train, this commuter rail train was going along the tracks when police say that and, in fact, the superintendent calling this man a trespasser, again, we are still working to get more information as to exactly how this happened. but, again, the train tracks are aligned with thick trees and even some fences in certain areas. again, that man was struck and killed. at this point in time, the train has been stopped on these tracks for quite some time as police and cancellations on the fairmont line. superintendent letting me know that service is resuming and back up to normal. he told me no further updates at this point in time. be, again, a man has been struck and killed by a computer rail train, foul play is not suspected. in dorchester i'm stephanie coueignoux fox 25 news. >> we are updating breaks news out of roxbury, boston police confirmed a 9 year-old girl was shot early thi this video right here from the scene shows officers blocking off part of the annunciation road, even looking inside a building for evidence. right now, it is not clear how the home is connected to the shooting. but the good news is, police do tell us that girl is expected to survive. no arrests have been made at this point of the we will stay on top of that story for you. and this is also breaking, just into our news room, we have learned police are investigating another shooting in roxbury. this one is deadly. 11:00 last night of the he was rushed to the hospital where he died. no one has been arrested. >> the hunt is on for this man in connection with an attempted sexual assault that happened in broad daylight near fitzgerald park many mission hill yesterday afternoon. the victim told police the man threw her to the ground and tried to assault her. he was later spotted riding a mountain bike toward hunting on-the-job avenue. the man is described as in his late 20s and about 5' 8." >> medford tufts university student. this one happening early yesterday morning at college and boston avenues. that student told police he was with a group of friends when a car pulled up and someone asked for a lighter. words were exchange, two men got out of the consider and they attacked the victim. one of the victims is accused of punching that victim in the face and one of the suspects is accused of punfing the victim in the face and the other one is accused of threatening the suspect, or threatening the victim, rather, with a baseball bat. both of the suspects are in their early 20s. >> this morning, we are learning more details about an incident aboard a newton south school bus that landed a pair of football coaches on paid leave. we first told you about this yesterday morning. the incident happened thursday as the freshman football team was returning home after a loss. state police tell fox 25 it appears some sort of disagreement may have turned physical. a student ended up up calling police and the buzz was pulled over on route 2a. >> it surprises me at the varsity there is a pretty good normal you find that anywhere, but the freshman level, especially when i played it wasn't that intense that's why i with so surprised. >> at this point police are not saying whether anyone was hurt. no one has been charged. state police an school administrators are investigating. >> two people are dead after a fiery crash in new hampshire. police say a car was speeding on a highway in nashua when it lost control and went through a guardrail near the merrimac river. the the car ended up next to a below the road. it burst into flames. both the driver and passenger were unable to make it out. that incident is under investigation. >> swampscott police are offering a reward now, to try to help solve a series of arsons. the arsons have been happening over the past month near the housing authority development on doherty circle. here are the details that police have sent in to us. they tell us the latest fire happened friday night in a newspaper box on burrell street. that box was on a building with a business on the first flr the other fires happened about a 2 minute walk away. on the first -- in the first scenario, a car was set on fire on doherty circle. police say a number of plastic recycling bins have also been torched, in that same neighborhood. now, a reward of up to $5,000 is being offered in exchange for information to solve the case. >> police in tingsboro are also investigating a string of fires there. they all happened early yesterday morning at addresses chester avenue. this video was shared with fox 25 by one of the victims. her husband's truck was up in flames. >> he had just gone to bed not even an hour before and our neighbors from across the street came up to the therefore and were just pounding and pounding on door because they heard something outside and saw the fire under the truck. and we ran down and the truck was already engulfed. >> scooters, and another car were also burned. no one was hurt. >> a retired marine says he is looking forward now to the si take for granted, things like holding a hand. coming up we will tell you about the rare surgery making it all possible for this very deserving man after he lost all of his limbs to a bomb in afghanistan. >> plus, the patriots are looking for tom brady to lead them to a victory today. yes, he is back. while the sox want to regain their glory in the fight for the pen nant, a look at both team's plans for wins in the morning sports. >> >> all right. we are stuck with this steady rain for now. and i will check out your neighborhood and where some of the heavier rai i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... in australia, we're always saying, "no worries, mate!" but in the outback, "no worries" means a three course meal for just $12.99 every wednesday, soup or salad, entree and dessert. a tale of two cities in sports, boston against cleveland there and at home. brady is back and looking for a win while sox hope to finish their first game home on a high note. bush stearns and adam pellerin tackle the morning sports from cleveland to boston. >> pellerin and a how much sunday on tap. red sox and indians playoff series shifts to fenway park, sox losing season is over. patriots, you can make the case their season is just beginning with the return of tom brady. bush stearns in cleveland with thoughts before kick off. >> adam, i don't believe there is any way that the browns beat the patriots, but i will tell you this, from being here all week, cleveland's sports fans believe that anything is possible, since lebron and the are doing their part by peating up on the the red sox. but, with tom brady back, even cleveland's sports fans don't believe that the browns can beat the patriots. we will have it all covered if for you on fox 25. for now i'm butch stearns in front of the rock & roll hall of fame, back to you, adam. >> well, the red sox just left cleveland after a miserable two day stretch that has them on the brink of elimination. game 3 at fenway park, do or die, and if it's the latter, it will be the final game for david wall. there is zero room for error. you have to just play hard. i mean, you find out a lot about yourself and your team when you are in situations like this. i don't think anybody is ready to go home, that's for sure. >> i don't want to get beat. it's nothing to celebrate. it's part of the game, man, but we are bet better than that. >> it's not over yet. they have to win three, not two. >> clay buchholz will start, a guy a lot people wanted shipped shoulders. that is the look at sports, i'm adam pellerin. >> adam, great the see you. an american hero getting a second chance after losing all his limbs in afghanistan. thanks to a rare and life-changing surgery that happened right here in boston. we are so lucky to live here. a marine corps sergeant shares ? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal. ? ? better find a way to smooth things over. ? ? if only harry used some bounce, to dry.? ? yeah. ? a retired marine has two new arms thanks to a very rare transplant done by boston surgeons. he shares his story with fox 25's elizabeth hopkins. >> at least now i have fighting chance at pursuing my dream. >> john peck is on the cusp of a dream. 6 years allow he was living a light nair. the sergeant lost all his limes when he stepped on an explosive new chapter. >> would i ever imagine being here? no. i mean, i still to this day tell people about an arm transanta plant and they are like, wait, they can do that? >> sit a rare procedure procedure, peck is only the fourth to have it at brigham and women's hospital. >> john is a great candidate for a number of reasons. he is young and enthusiastic and realist ache about where things are heading. learning curve. >> i was right-handed before, but with prosthetics it was left-handed so it's going to be a challenge i think. >> but it's challenge he can't wait to take on. with prosthetic hands, peck couldn't feel temperature, turn door handles, shake people's hands or hold the hand of his fianc?. now, he says, he is most eager to get back into the kitchen. maybe a little too eager. >> long as i can hold a knife i'm good. >> every te dr. tall berth's eyebrows raise. >> the arm don tore story and family have not been made public. peck said the gift he gave made him more humble and grateful. >> i will concontinue to have a piece of this man with me until today i die. i will remember his selflessness and his gift. >> peck is from virginia and will now head to walter reed medical center to keep us with his physical therapy as he elizabeth hopkin, fox 25 news. >> we are in down syndrome awareness month and peep will gather in wakefield to celebrate the buddy walk family festival. i will be out there emceeing, i have done it for a number of years. fox 25 is the media spon south korea it is happening at noon but you are saying we have to bring galoshes and raincoat and umbrella? what did i forget, a hat? >> yeah. >> bring it all. >> a baseball hat. not a winter hat. >> yeah, at least, you know, it will be start getting breezier this everyone a. we will have that raw a winter hat is a stretch but a hat is a good call. >> a fox 25 hat. >> red sox hat. hopefully we can get game in, not looking too good, guy, got often phone are the red sox and had to tell them probably going to get half inch of rain around fenway and boston here throughout the day today. look what is set up. it is just green lit up every where. north and west it is dryer but not totally dry. concord, more, over into northern worcester county, j u.s. getting some light rain. but you see where the darker greens and yellows are? through danvers and boston, framingham, along the pike near burlington, all set up on the south shore. it's been raining here around plymouth all morning long. no end in sight. we will zoom in closer and you can see the yellow colors there. all the way down near the canal. and look at this, barnstable, hyannis, look at downpour, just popping up here. we are feeding moisture off of the ocean. and we have the jet stream overhead combined with a front sliding through. lots of things coming to earth goer and ingredients for a prolonged rain for the cape, the islands, and the south shore farther north and west you go, we are seeing lower amounts but a quarter to half inch has already fallen in a good part of eastern mass, and no end in sight. at least we are not dealing with this. look what matthew did to virginia. the purple colors you aree seeing around hismed, that is 10-11" of rain and the darker shades here is 15-16" in eastern north carolina. historic flooding. record breaking river levels away from lynn. you see why it's post trip call, the rain is removed from the center not a tropical center anymore. however it still has 75 miles per hour winds as it moves away from the u.s. good riddance to matthew but some of the moisture is coming up this front. the front is moving east here into the cape cod bay here. over the course of the day. so it's just going to hang out with a germ overhead. look at how they are lined up parallel. sit a train track effect. training effect where you get repeated rain over the same spot. this is a steady setup. look at the temperatures, 50, a few 60, south and east. but kind of what you see is what you get. see any break, i don't think they will last long. so, right now, doesn't look too good for game time there at fen way, plan for the rain gear. hour-by-hour wind gust, this is something else i wanted to touch on. wind gusts this evening, could approach 30-40 miles per hour in our coastal areas as this low pressure finally swings through. there is your noon forecast. the wind are out of the north right through the evening. until the wind shift around out of the northwest, we are not going to be able to clear this out. so, here is midnight. we are finally seeing that wind shift out of the northwest, dryer air working in. and that low moving eastward. temperatures as you wake up in the morning, are chill but clearing and we are going to be set up for a nice club bis day, 60 degrees the high. on wednesday back to the middle 60s, even 70en on thursday. >>ll well, one of the most successful television series of all time is now taking on one of the most successful new england athletes. coming up we will tell you about the sports great who is the (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. set stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah. ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? the simpsons are coming to boston. they have their sights set on the man everyone is talk ag bout today, tom brady. >> i can't stand that pretty boy quarterback. thinks he so handsome, just because he's drop get gorgeous. >> [laughter] >> that's the sneak peek of tonight's episode of the simpsons. the whole gang visits boston on a hate-vacation. to teach bart that tbons is a terrible city. references and a few people who look like patriots players and coach, one right there. the episode airs here on fox 25. >> quimby, it said welcome to quimby, mass. that's wicked awesome. >> wicked awesome. i love it. we love our pretty boy quarterback, right? >> yes, we do. yes, we do. >> oh my gosh. >> it made it look great, the fall colors, the charles river. >> how can you hate on that? >> you know the writing is so good on the show, onyou know >> worth tuning in for. all right. not hating on you over the forecast, jason, but it's not an easy one to stomach. >> it is not. i don't like what i'm seeing for the game this afternoon. we are watching the radar carefully for any breaks. it doesn't look like they will last long. we will clear things out overnight tonight. so columbus day, sunny, cool, breezy, looking great. >> all right. big night here with the semp sons at 8:00 tonight, the second presidential have live coverage from st. louis and will be on at 10:30. have a great day. which you are you? 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if you are allergic to stelara? or any of its ingredients. i'm chris wallace. explosive leaks just before the second presidential debate. more hacked e-mails that show what hillary clinton really told those big bankers. and donald trump apologizing after release of a tape of him making lewd remarks about women. >> i i'll admit it. i did try and [ bleep ] her. >> now some top republicans are jumping ship. >> i respectfully ask you, with all due respect, step down. >> there is a bit of an elephant in the room. it is a troubling situation. i'm serious, it is. >> we'll discuss whether trump can recover with top advisers rudy giuliani. >> he's in the race to win.

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