Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 6 20161021 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 6 20161021

workers were trapped in a trench, 12 feet below the ground, when the walls suddenly collapsed on top of them. efforts to reach the two men futile and quickly turned from a rescue effort to a recovery one. my thoughts and prayers are with these two people's families, and everyone's families, just a tough situation. construction is a dangerous job, and you know, it's just a tough situation, the fire department and water and sewer are working really hard right now to get >> the reporter: the two construction workers work for a company called atlantic drain services. fox 25 news reached out to the company and we were told both men were good workers and most importantly, great family men. this is a very sad day here in south end. report live, bob ward, fox 25 news. unfolding on dartmouth street when crews realized those men were trapped. take a look, you can see at least one person on his hands and knees, desperately reaching in to the trench as water was flowing all around him. fox 25's jacqui heinrich spoke to the witness who took that video and continues our team coverage. it must have been gut wrenching to be there when the workers realized there was no to do. >> the reporter: just horrific stuff, vanessa. there is so much screaming, that heard all the commotion, came outside to see what was going on and what they witnessed was heartbreaking. this was scene, julie came out to find when she heard screams while shopping in a store at tremont street. >> saw all of these men on their stomachs in this kind of work zone, an they were reaching down into like a manhole cover. >> the reporter: workers trapped inside a trench in a construction zone, rapidly filling with water after a nearby hydrant started flooding them. jewel leave watched as the water trench and started flooding the street. the construction workers started backing away. >> they were totally frantic and screaming and hollering and there were three or four men crowded in the manhole cover at first, and then, i think once the water started just getting a little too out of hand, like they were all completely covered in water, they backed away, waiting for help. >> the reporter: fire officials tried draining water from trench, before we could begin recovering bodies inside, not saying how many people were initially stuck but two were killed in the incident. >> as i was walking around i caught the faces of a lot of the workers and the men were absolutely inconsolable and weeping and crying and it was just like the most somber, awful atmosphere to walk through. my hearts go out to families and the crew members. it was absolutely horrific. a routine day at work is just turning into a night player. -- a nightmare. now again, those construction workers worked for atlantic drain services out of we've not been able to get the names yet. but when we learn more information, we'll continue to update it story. live in buries, jacqui heinrich, fox 25 news. >> mark: again, we have reached out to the company involved in this accident, atlantic drain service company refused comment over the phone and asked our crews to leave their headquarters in roslindale. a federal inspector from osha is on the scene and we have learned atlantic drain has a history of violations with osha. fox 25 investigates looked into atlantic's history with federal safety officials over the last since 2007, atlantic has been cited for sincere just violations. -- 16 serious violations, two willful violations and lags fines totaling $95,000. most of the violations involved issues with underground construction, but atlantic drain has been cited for issues relating to safety training and education. keep it here throughout the night as the situation develops. we'll update you on the air on we learn more and right now on, you can find the latest on the investigation, hear witness accounts of what happened, and read about the company's past osha violations. the story is on the home page. >> vanessa: the other big story tonight -- we are under a weather alert and this here is why. fox 25 storm tracker radar lit up as you can see the heavy rain continuing to move into our area. some places could see more than an inch of rain before this is all said and done. >> mark: let's get right over meteorologist kevin lemanowicz who is tracking it all. >> kevin: the rain is. coming down so hard, it will cause localized flooding. futurecast, all rain coming through easternmost massachusetts, but look too far east to me and we talk about how worcester could be in the heavy rain as well and that is case. that's where the flood advisory is in place this evening. go down close and show you that flood advise rip. all the air -- advisory. all areas shaded in light green is where there is a possibility of localized flooding. it's the possibility that's shrewsbury, southbridge, all in it. waltham, got a report, sarah wroblewski told me it is pouring. looks like that on doppler radar, that's for sure. dudley and webster, some of the red area showing up on live fox 25 storm tracker radar where the heaviest rain is. coming in. we'll slide over to lincoln, waltham and webster, heaviest rain is up there around lincoln. the little batches red as we really have to look for some of that heaviest rain activity, it's right near 128 an and along spring street right now is where you're seeing some of the heaviest in hinge loonenburg. wollaston beach in quincy, heavier batch of rain coming on by. i'll keep tracking every bit of it this evening. we need to talk about cold air on the way this weekend. >> mark: man accused of a terrifying at a tack on a 13-year-old girl is locked up. police say this 21-year-old kidnapped and raped a 13-year-old girl on the way to school and in court today, we learned that man is charged with another alarming attack. live and people living in that lawrence neighborhood are on edge tonight. >> the reporter: yeah, mark, they certainly are. they tell me they're rattled after one their neighbors is accused of a heinous crime in their backyard. police are increasing patrols in this lawrence neighborhood after they say 21-year-old angel mateo kidnapped and raped a 13-year-old girl on the way to school yesterday. they say he grabbed and dragged her off the streit, then raped her inside a second floor apartment on >> the reporter: mateo appeared in lawrence district court today. he never looked up once during his arraignment. hours after his arrest, a neighbor came forward, claiming, he attacked her in may, outside of her house in middle of the night. she told police, after striking the male with the shoe, he punched her. it took five months for an arrest. neighbors say police took too long to crack the case. >> i think they don't know what >> the reporter: police say, they did investigate the case in may. but the woman only recognized her alleged attacker only after she saw mateo's picture on social media yesterday. >> can't speak to that. some new information has come forward on that case. >> the reporter: but some neighbors aren't buying it. they say police could have done more. >> i don't think they even care about that. you know. like they have put their troubles all into drugs an forget about keeping the streets safe >> the reporter: now, angel mateo is being ordered without bail. his next court appearance is scheduled for november 8th. we're live tonight in lawrence, chris flanagan, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: the suspect in shooting of a 13-year-old chelsea sunday receive boy will remain behind bars. christian garcia of everett hid behind a courtroom door during his arraignment this morning. 13-year-old juan lopez delgado was shot in the shoulder by a stray bullet wednesday night. i was lying in his bed in the third floor of an apartment when he was hit. a bicyclist was killed if a collision in worcester overnight. police say the victim was riding his bike on southbridge street, when he collided with the back of a parked tow truck. he was rushed to the hospital, but did not survive. investigators are hoping to look at area surveillance cameras to see if they can find out why this crash happened. >> mark: new at 6:00 p.m., miss in arlington are searching for a man 0 robbed a bank, causing several area schools to shelter in place at the leader bank on mass avenue around 1:3 officers say the men you see here told tellers he had a firearm, took the cash and then ran off. transit police are searching for a man accused of an indecent act on a bus. police just released this picture of the suspect. he's wanted for questioning for something that happened on saturday, october 8. police say there was an indecent assault and battery on board a bus going between wonderland station and lynn. >> vanessa: a new phase of a hack attack hit internet servers along the east coast late this afternoon. confirmed a third denial of service attack is underway right now. the company's server optimize internet traffic for many big companies. the problem disrupted major sites including twitter, netflix, spotify and visa. it's not clear who is behind the attack. >> mark: 17 days until the presidential election and both campaigns are setting their sights on the battleground states. republican vice-presidential candidate mike pence was in new hampshire, his wife karen joined him at nashua christian academy. pencis exeter starting in less than an hour. donald trump was in north carolina today, once again making strong accusations against hillary clinton. the presidential nominee believes clinton was given debate questions ahead of time. but the democratic national committee chair. hillary clinton will be campaigning in new hampshire on monday. senator elizabeth warren will join her at a rally in manchester. this will be clinton's third stop in the state since the presidential primary in february. campaigning on behalf of his wife in florida. he spoke in orlando and jacksonville, urging people to vote early if they are able. clinton is making stops in panama city and pensacola this weekend. the new hampshire senate race is no longer neck and neck. according to a new wmur-granite state poll, democratic governor maggie hassan has taken an 8 point lead over republican incumbent, senator colin mutry. mutry -- ayotte. >> kevin: a flood advisory out there in worcester county, middlesex county and the western portion of norfolk county. this strip of heavy rain through western worcester county is the most concerning. we'll be diving deep down into this to find out where the heaviest rain is falling. >> vanessa: minorities are locked up at a higher rate than white people. in next half how many, what the judge -- hour, what the top judge in state is doing to make sure the justice system is it plus -- >> she made this turn and i guess i fell under the seat and then she accelerated going down the street. >> the reporter: only on fox 25, >> the reporter: only on fox 25, you will hear from middle school uh, first of all, i plan to vote for donald trump. when it served her purpose, ayotte buddied up to trump, even calling him a role model. would you tell a child to aspire to be like donald trump? oh absolutely, i would do that. but she kept playing politics and flip flopping around. ayotte is running away from trump as quickly as she can. - to keep something she values. - i know. kelly ayotte. the politician. looking out for herself. independence usa pac is responsible >> kevin: watching live fox 25 storm tracker radar and the strip of brightly colored radar echoes i am most concerned about. this is a flood advisory, where the deep red, orange and yellow lempster, shrewsburyry and southridge. about the biggest flooding is for this evening's commute, back in a few minutes. >> vanessa: we continue to follow breaking news. two construct workers were killed when a water main broke and trapped them in a trench in boston's south end. crews are still working to recover their bodies. osha is investigating. the south end neighborhood mostly shut down tonight, dartmouth street from warren to tremont is closed until further notice. water in this area we are gathering new information at the scene right now. we will have a live report ahead at 6:30 p.m. >> mark: we are hearing from the wakefield middle schooler who took a frightening fall out of the back door of a school bus as it was traveling down the street. >> and i fell out, and she's still driving and the bus driver saying, i mean, the bus monitor saying, stop the bus, stop the bus, stop bus. >> mark: that boy's family is buses safer. she spoke with fox 25's malbalances. malini? -- malini basu. >> the reporter: that's right, we did, mark, we're here in dorchester, this is where we spoke to the 12-year-old boy and his mother. his mother as you mentioned is calling for change. she wants all students to wear seat belts on buses, because she doesn't want to see something like that happen again. that 12-year-old boy is having a hard time walking and he told fox 25, he has no idea how all of this happened. >> i was justifies using my phone, playing o time, we are hearing from the 12-year-old galvin middle school student, who fell off the back of the school bus. andrews is still very sore and has a hard time walking. he sat down exclusively with fox 25. >> i think he took a sharp turn i'm not sure and i just fell out of my southeast and he accelerated and i went through the door, because i fell on the floor because i went to grab, so i wouldn't fall, but i have >> the reporter: luck live the woman driving behind the school bus stopped, she got out of the car and checked on the boy. >> i was laying down in the middle of the road and i just -- i still had my headphones on. >> the reporter: it happened in front of the school parking lot in wakefield wednesday afternoon. andrews was rushed to the hospital. moments after the accident, his mom government the call. >> -- got the call. >> the vision of not being able to save your child is like, the biggest fear, i feel like any mother has. school officials to make it mandatory that hall students need to wear seat belts on the bus. their attorney is trying to piece this together. >> the bus itself that was involved in this incident hasn't been made available to us, but generally, you have latches that would mask sure the doors are closed, you would also have -- it's no different than our own cars. >> and i thank god every day, that my baby is still here. have been checking on her son every single day and they want to make it clear that her son want to go back to school, he can't waiting to back so he can do his homework. as for school officials in the meantime, they are still investigating this. for now live in dorchester, malini basu, fox 25 news. >> mark: plans to turn a parking lot into a large-- >> >> vanessa: take a look at the development planned across from the forest hills orange foundation. the city which is next step toward 1ing approval. it will include 250 rental units and a courtyard. >> mark: the state is warning about more traffic troubles to come on the mass pike. as long as the tolling system goes live a week from tomorrow, construction crews will begin working around the clock to tear down the toll booth plazas. some lanes will be closed, also causing delays. a good chunk of the work is expected to be done before thanksgiving. worcester county. this is where the flood advisory is. when i put the radar down on this, you'll see why, especially in western worcester county. lunenburg, heavy rain streaming your way. lempster, shrewsburyry, southbridge, all the towns around you, that's where the critical area is for flooding right now. this is just west of downtown worcester, but holden, parks ton and leister in the -- paxton and area for flooding during the evening commute and i don't understand. this is all tropical air stream interesting the south, so you're getting tropical rainfall, downpours that can come on through here. we had it a few weeks ago, and the remnants of mat thank you for came on by and clipped us and now we're seeing some of this. bedford to lincoln to sudbury, also getting heavy rain. you're not in a flood advisory here, but i will tell you -- actually, you are getting into a flood advisory. this stretches into your area. you can see the light green bedford and sudbury river -- su. this is not for rivers to come out of their banks, this is for streets to get flooded out in some aerials. you don't want to drive your car through any of that water. north shore, you're getting in to it now too. gloucester, rockport, heavy rain happening up here. manchester by the sea with the spot of heavy rain. beverly, salem, swampscott, revere beach getting some of that as well, so the heavy rain is the highest risk thing there's also the potential for flooding, we talked about that, a higher risk in worcester county, but generally across the area, a moderate risk. same thing for visibility, because it's only low if you have the heavy rain coming through your area, but it's becoming more prevalent as the evening wears on. all evening long, futurecast data has been pinpointing easternmost massachusetts, but we've also been talking about how it looks to me, this has to be farther to the west and that certainly is the way it's showing up in worcester county so that for the morning, you'll be out of t. it will just becloudy out there. most of us will be dry until the afternoon. another batch wheels on in through here saturday afternoon. the lead edge of the colder air pushing in from the west, changing rain to snow, we'll revisit that in just a moment and it's for tomorrow night, but as far as our day tomorrow, your high temperatures, we'll check back here into worcester county, it's about the same everywhere, upper 50's to low 60 and that is going to stay that way t you'll wake up to that, have it until the afternoon, until this cold air starts to arrive later in the dave and evening, changing the rain to snow. get some flurries in the worcester hills, but most of this confined to the berkshires and to the mountains. but it will be blustery and it will be cold on sunday, flurries in the light blue, potential for accumulating snow in darker blues. now, sunday afternoon, i was going to get to it but ran out time, soccer game at gillette stadium with the revolution, going to be a chilly blustery evening. i'm monitoring for flooding out there. send me reports if you have them. >> vanessa: a sweet girl with a desperate plea. she needs your help to bring home terms of accumulation two pet goats. the great lengths someone went to to steal them. but first, let's send it out to the one, the only, butch stearns. >> it's high school game day in north reading. the hometown hornets welcome in the clippers from we have a preview. coming up. ladies -- ? ? what? is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like you're sleeping. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen >> mark: no tricks,. all treats. that's the message on a local college campus, with halloween right around the corner, students at umass amherst are being warned to make sure the costumes are not offensive and some students are being told to put their ideas to a test before they go out if public. >> >> the reporter: when comes to halloween costumes ton college campuses, students have no problems pushing the limits, but in some cases, they cross the line when it comes to cultural stereotypes. >> use it in a way that it wasn't meant to be. >> the reporter: several student groups at umass are asking others to be sensitive with their coassume choice. posters like these are up in some dorms. >> you have to put yourself in other people's shoes, and see that maybe they've been through says, students should put their costume through the scream test. that acronym stands for simple costume racism evaluation and assessment meeter. it's a series of questions to determine if a costume could be offensive. >> if it's not hurting you, why bother? i mean, i can go without dressing up as like a native american or like a stair offtypical mexican, like, i don't care, that's not really affecting me, but if it helps other people feel better, yeah, why not. >> the reporter: some students >> if you have find some costumes offensive, the person that's, like, dressing up like them is probably not meaning it in an offensive way. >> i think there isn't a lot of like education with it, like no one really talks about it a lot, but i think it's really like starting to come up a lot on campus, so it's a good thing. >> the reporter: umass says the scream test was not officially published by the school, but it did provide other materials to show how costumes may be offensive. the university does not have a >> mark: a lot of different points of view there. western part of the state. go ahead. well, it is the justice system, fair andups. the massachusetts top judge isn't so sure, after stats show more minorities being locked up than whites. what's being done to change that. >> vanessa: we continue to gather new information on a tragic story, still unfolding right now in boston. two workers killed when a trench floods and collapses in the south end. up next, a very difficult process happening right now to recover the bodies of those men. and what it's next on uh, first of all, i plan to vote for donald trump. when it served her purpose, ayotte buddied up to trump, even calling him a role model. would you tell a child to aspire to be like donald trump? ayotte is running away from trump as quickly as she can. and what she values is her seat. and she's trying - to keep something she values. - i know. kelly ayotte. the politician. looking out for herself. independence usa pac is responsible >> vanessa: if you are just joining us as 6:30 p.m., there's been a tragic accident in boston's south end. two water main broke, flooding a trench, trapping two workers inside. right now, crews are on the scene working to recover their bodies. we've learned th services. that company is based in roslindale. heartbroken co-workers tell us the men who died were great family men and great co-workers. good evening, i'm vanessa welch. >> mark: i'm mark ockerbloom. this neighborhood is shut down for the most end from dartmouth street to tremont street. water in that area has been turned offer. fox 25's jacqui heinrich is there and just a horrific situation. there was so much screaming, people shopping in nearby stores heard the commotion, came out to see what was going on and what they saw was absolutely heartbreaking. this was the scene julie came out to see, when she was shopping on tremont street. workers stuck in a construction zone, after water rapidly flooded the trench. officials saying -- not saying, rather, how many people were initially stuck, but they did in that incident. >> as i was walking around, i caught the faces of a lot of the workers and the men were just absolutely inconsolable and weeping and crying and it was like the most somber, awful atmosphere to walk through. >> now, we did learn those two construction workers who were killed worked for atlantic drain services, as mentioned, out of roslindale, we have not learned their names yet tonight, but as we learn more information on the live in boston, jacqui heinrich, fox 25 news. >> mark: and keep it right here throughout the night as the situation continues to develop. we'll update you on the air and on line on our app and web site. right now on, you can find the latest on the investigation, hear witness accounts of what happened, and read about the company's past, osha violations. the story is on the home page. >> vanessa: the other big story tonight, we are in a weather alert and this here is why. up as heavy rain continues to move in to our area. some places could see more than an inch of rain before the night is over and right now, there is a flood warning for parts of worcester county. so let's get right out to our chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz. >> kevin: national we are service upgraded the flood advisory to a flood warning for the same area, we've been talking about the bright colors, i'm pinpointing where the heaviest rain and flooding is happening. that's exactly where the flash put into place. bottom line is, this stripe of heavy rain, that stretches from northern worcester county, loonen burg, southbridge is where the flooding is most likely to occur. i haven't reports of it happening and talking about street flooding, urban flooding, we're not talking about rivers coming out of their banks, but still, it is a situation you want to avoid. fitchburg, some of the heaviest rain happening through there. holden, paxton and leister, worcester it the heavy rain and warning. there's the pike, south of the pike, dudley and webster, 395, not in the warning but advisory. uxbridge, hope daily, heavy rain, to the north of boston, you're getting into it now too, just not quite as heavily. andover, tewksbury, billerica, acton, wilmington, middleton, beverly and north reading where butch is for the football game. heavy rain in and around the ball field. i'll keep tracking this and >> mark: other top stories at 6:30 p.m. the suspect accused of kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl on the way to lawrence is being held without bail. angel mateo faced a judge today and a second person has come forward claiming that mateo attacked her in may. he is due in court next month. the pan charged with shooting a chelsea teen is being held on $100,000 bail. christian garcia hid behind a courtroom door during his arraignment this morning. prosecutors say he is a gang member who goes by the name, pomba. was shot in the shoulder by a stray bullet wednesday night. he was lying in his bed on the third floor of an apartment building on bellingham street when he was hit. a witness says garcia fired several shots at people near a park. three bullets went into the wall of his bedroom. three men who confessed to blowing up a newspaper box in salem were ordered to stay away from the area. john richard and lawrence gilman of new hampshire pleaded not guilty in court today to charges related to the explosion. they are free tonight and due pair targeted a box belonging to rainbow times, an lgbt newspaper. surveillance camera captured vandals putting the explosive device in box before running away. >> vanessa: methuen police are searching for a man who robbed a bank at gunpoint. this was the scene at the methuen bank. officers believe it's the same man who robbed a wendy's in drakette. he drove driven by a woman. police are searching for a group of thieves who stormed a natick mall apple store and stole $13,000 in merchandise. these flash mob robberies are becoming more and more common across the country. >> you hear about it all over the place. >> the reporter: a brazen crime, leaving natick shoppers stunned. >> natick has been one of the >> the reporter: the whole incident captured on surveillance cameras. natick police say it was wednesday night when these seven people walked into the natick mall with hats and hoods covering their heads. they have walked through the mall, then filed through the apple store. >> if you see the video, there were other people in the mall, and -- but that's unfortunate. >> the reporter: unfortunate, because police say in the busy store, group cut the security cords and got away with 19 phones, a loss totaling about $13,000. >> the reporter: the theft comes as apple is experimenting with a new method of displaying merchandise, leaving phones untethered in some stores in canada and the u.k., so customers can get a feel for them. a change slated to be tested in the u.s. next year. >> you do that here, they'll take them. this isn't the first theft of its kind. last month, hingham police say apple store and walked away with merchandise. >> what's next, am i going to see people with guns. >> the reporter: as natick police continue to investigate this, they are of course asking for the public's help. if you have any information about this, give natick police a call. in natick, katherine perrotta, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: we are learning what caused this car to smash into a home in brockton overnight. you can see a lot of first responders on the scene after a car took out the stairs to home's front porch on wilson street. according to brockton enterprise, the driver took off running >> mark: a local dog is doing much better as police investigate a serious case of animal neglect. the other than of golden paws pet grooming in lexington say a 6-year-old cocker spaniel was left there in serious condition. the dog has an ear infection so bad, she is now deaf. the site left the groomer in tears. >> to see the dog like that, to me, she was completely matted. guy -- [indiscernible] the previous dog owner told the groomers he went to visit her at her new owner's home and found her in that condition. police are just starting their investigation. >> vanessa: students at a roslindale elementary school have a new place to play. for the first time since arsonists destroyed their playground. community donations paid for a temporary play structure to replace of the sumner school playground that was set on fire back in may. three juveniles were charged in connection with that fire. playground is still in works tonight. the local man who inspired the ice bucket challenge has now inspired a fully accessible park in his name. pete's park, off middle bury lane in beverly is named after pete frates. frates is battling a.l.s. that park will be getting a makeover and will be designed for children with disabilities. frates is a beverly native and the park was renamed for him last summer. >> mark: quite an honor. ist going to be a rainy night under the friday night lights. on in north reading, so let's send it out to butch stearns, covering our game of the week. butch? >> little rain never hurt anybody, ock. here at ar they are kenny field, the north reading hornets can clinch a share of the title with a win tonight for the first time since 1980, but they have to beat newburyport who beat massco. both coaches expecting a tough game tonight. character, they bounce back from setbacks, you know, they don't try to do more than their job and they rely on each other and believe in each other and it's great, they're enthusiastic, a lot of fun to be around. they're great guys, great guys in the classroom as well. >> what about the newburyport team, what do you respect about them? >> everything. they have the linemen, fire off the ball, good in trenches, tremendous amount of skilled kids and the coach, he's got it going on. >> it's a good football team north reading, they have good running back can go, they're a complete football team. it will be a complete challenge. >> they beat massco, so we know they're a big play team and we'll have our hands full. >> they've only had one loss to massco, but you have beat massco, so that's intriguing. >> that's where you guys decide how intriguing it is. this is a good football team we have to play tonight. >> even the high school coaches with their inner bill belichick. from high school to college football, tomorrow at boston halftime, luke kiekley will have their number retired, probably the greatest linebacker to play at boston college. big honor for him to get number 40 up to rafters. >> the thing says stayed the same in the stadium with the opportunity not only to come to school here but to play here. >> the reporter: really cool. carolina panthers have a bye week, patriots play the steelers on sunday. tonight, we're in north reading where the hornets are trying to win the cape ann league for the first time since 1980. we'll have it all covered for you on fox 25 tonight at ?? dylan: i was un-athletic lifestyle. and then i found parkour and something about it clicked. then i stopped drinking soda and eating sweets and eating all the junk food. i was like if i eat these things i'm going to be heavier and i'm not going to be able to jump as far. my name is dylan polin and blue cross blue shield keeps me healthy. imagine if your child couldn't read or write at grade level. imagine if your child were stuck on a waiting list. 32,000 kids want to go to a public charter school. but they can't. if you like your public school, question 2 won't affect you. but for kids stuck in failing school districts, question 2 will let parents choose something better and give all our kids hope. >> mark: all right. >> >> kevin: all right the areas in green on live storm tracker is where the flood advisory and the darker or fluorescent green, that's your flood warning. this stripe of red and orange coming through western worcester county, going to produce street flooding for sure. ashby, limbster, raining. between 1 and 1.75 inches in lester to the southwest of lester. tracking the heavy rain moving on through. fox 25 weather app, download that for free. >> mark: we have new information on the breaking news we've been following all afternoon in boston's south end. two construction workers were broke when a water main broke and trapped them in a trench. within the past ten minutes, we learned boston firefighters have recovered the body of one of those men. they are still work to recover the other victim. right now, osha ask investigating. dartmouth street from warren to tremont is closed until further notice. we have several crews covering this story and we'll bring you upte throughout the night. >> caller: looking for justice. the-- >> >> vanessa: looking for justice. the top judge in massachusetts wants to get to the bottom of racial bias in the justice system. as fox 25 jason law reports, chief justice ralph gans is asking harvard law school to examine the massachusetts court system. >> the reporter: when supreme judicial court justice ralph gans looked at the numbers, he knew something was wrong. last month, the massachusetts sentencing commission found african-americans are locked up eight times the rate of whites. hispanics, nearly five times the number of whites. the commission found the disparity in massachusetts is significantly greater than the national average. >> when i learned that our disparity is greater than the nation as a whole, i felt we really need to get to the heart of it. >> the reporter: gans asked the harvard law school to create an independent team to find out where there may be bias to the arrest to sentencing the defendant. >> bringing in harvard law school and their research experts and i pentagon review allows us to do something we couldn't possibly do ourselves. >> the reporter: paula kerry is the chief justice of the trial courts in massachusetts. she says the review needs to start at the top with the judges. >> well, one of the challenges really is just giving judges and other decision makers in our system the ability to be reflective on what they do and sometimes, it's that reflection that helps you counteract some >> it's not easy to do, because obviously, some share of that disparity relates to differences in terms of the criminal history and in terms of the nature of the charges. >> the reporter: gans wants the study to include all of the commonwealth's district attorneys and police departments. he has no expectation of how long the study will take. jason law, fox 25 news. >> mark: braintree police receiving praise tonight for their life-saving response to at least four drug overdoses in the last few days. department used 12 doses of the overdose reversing drug on facebook, one person who witnessed the save wrote it was quick, it was intense and it was something i had never seen in person, so i wanted to use this form to thank the police officer involved as well as the 911 caller. together, they gave this man another chance at life. >> kevin: all right. we've seen reports of lightning southwest of boston, coming out of rhode island and northeastern connecticut into southern worcester county, may even end of that, especially if you have a football game this evening, be out if those areas. you hear thunder, you have to take cover until these storms pass you by. this is flood warning, the advisory. warning is more concerning and that's where the heaviest rain has been streaming from south to north, it's the area we've been focusing on over the last couple of hours as it's been developing. ash peeve, fitchburg, lempster, orange and red showing up in here. to the south of there, holden, paxton and right there, in the city of worcester, you see 290 coming through here. here's the mass coming into the city, as well as route 12, all getting poured on right now. south of the pike, did you do live, webster, charlton, seeing some of the heavy rain. slide over to the ales, northbridge, uxbridge, mendon, hope daily, heavy rain. this is 495, stretches through the franklin, bellingham and milford area. wrentham, for instance, right there. to the north now, you're not out of it, you're not getting the heaviest as they are in worcester. drakette, pelham, new hampshire. bit, heavy showers in and around wakefield. not as much as you're seeing to the north. that's important, it's moving toward north reading baton rouge butch stearns it at the game -- where butch stearns is at the game of the week. the highest risk is the heavy rain happening out there right now, track on through here through the evening. clearly, it's happening farther to the west. you have to analyze futurecast data as you're looking at t and you can't just go with it blindly, otherwise anybody could do this job. that massachusetts was too far to the east. farther west toward worcester and indeed that's what's happening. cloudy skies first thing in the morning, but by the afternoon, another batch of rain, rotating on through. behind that rain comes the cold air, changing rain to snow, but only in the highest elevations. some flurries in some of the worcester hills, butting in accumulating certainly. high temperatures tomorrow, with those showers, into 60's. it's behind these showers that these 60's drop into the 50's on saturday, 60's through the day, by evening, dropping there to 50's, with gusty showers coming on through. on sunday, sunday, less chance of a rain, first thing in the morning, no chance through the middle of the day. gusty winds to 40 miles per hour and high temperatures only in 50's. on sunday afternoon, new england revolution playing at home against montreal, 55 degrees, winds gusting as high as 40 miles per hour. despite the sunshine, it's going to feel very chilly out there. here's your seven-day forecast, takes you through of the sunday is going to be the better day as far as lack of rain, but it is the cooler and windier blusterrier day on sunday. i'll keep tracking the source coming through this evening, because that's important. there may be flooding out there. if you have a report of flooding, get it to me at lemanowicz at fox 25 on twitter. i'll keep you all updated. >> mark: one little girl needs your help to bring home her beloved pets. >> they're like family to me. some people have dogs, some me. they were really special. >> vanessa: her special connection to those animals and the great lengths someone went to to steal them. you're watching fox 25 news andrew crossley: new hampshire has a senator who works just as hard as we do. gerardine ferlins: kelly ayotte believes in the potential of new hampshire, and wants to unleash that potential. artisan training initiatives to make sure we have the skills for the 21st century. sue winter: she's fought against workplace discrimination - and for equal pay. claude poisson: she's working for the little guy - i'm the little guy. barb fredette: we need kelly fighting for good new hampshire jobs so our kids can raise their families here. sue martin: kelly is a powerful voice for new hampshire's working families. kelly ayotte: i'm kelly ayotte >> vanessa: only on fox 25, the search is on to find these two goats. the animals were recently stole epstein spent from a local family. >> mark: tonight, they have devastated over the loss and hope someone will come forward and return them, no questions asked. >> vanessa: fox 25's jim morelli went to milford, where the goats your average pets, but to 9-year-old cassidy and her dad gary, they are everything. the goats father and daughter raised since birth. >> some people have dogs, some people have cats, like they were like a dog ar a cat to me. they were really special. cassidy doesn't know if she'll see her goats again. last monday, they got loose. by nightfall, they had been stolen. >> people build a b can't replace. >> the reporter: it all went down on chestnut street. neighbors posted pictures of the wandering goats on facebook and called police. one neighbor agreeing to keep the goats in it fenced-in backyard until police could locate the owner. >> four hours later, two men in a red pickup truck, hey, you've got our goats. >> the reporter: but the men didn't own the goats, something no one realized until the next day when the real owner gary cam calling. >> that's false pretenses. somebody at the weren't. they took property that didn't belong to them. >> the reporter: since each goat is worth more than $250, it is considered felony larceny, but to gary and cassidy, the value of the goats cannot be measured in dollars. >> it's not about the money. it's just about the love we have for them. >> i dearly miss them. >> the reporter: and deputy chief tells us that animal welfare authorities are prepared to get involved in this case, because it is not a case of livestock rustling, even though they having pet dogs stolen. again, milford police looking for a red pickup truck that they say contains two men, both of home spoke spanish. if you know anything, give them a call. in milford, jim morelli, fox 25 news. >> mark: pumpkin spice fever, take a look, save more liquor on mcgrath highway made fun of mcdonald's love all things pumpkin across the street saying they sell pumpkin crab. delicacies. so save more fired back when we sell crabby pumpkin delicacies and they battled over egg mcmuffin deals in the spring. this is round two. who knows if there's round three. but the sign battle is on. >> vanessa: the pumpkin spice drama. >> mark: and a big fan of pumpkin spice is just to my right, are you not, sir. >> kevin: i don't even know what you're talking about. >> mark: pumpkin spice latte, do you like those. >> kevin: i've got to the western -- or central part of worcester county went to a flash flood warning, that's in place. the same area we've been talking about all evening long. seven-day forecast is just cold and windy this weekend, but this is the biggest concern this evening. i'll keep you posted on twitter. follow me at lemanowicz at fox 25. >> mark: it is wet out there. . are brangelina getting back together? what we just llarned to the rumors and why brad has not responded to the divorce paper. and plus, the new photos of janet jackson pregnant. the seiest tango of all time. >> plus, suzanne somers turning 70s. >> michael buble after the surgery that could ended his career. >> does my voice sound like it

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