Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 4 20160831 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 4 20160831

shuttle. new at 4:00, we have learned the two victims were thrown from the shuttle and robert goulston is live in east boston. you have been investigating the crash all day long? >> reporter: >> blair, we are learning the airport shuttle was leaving the hotel and heading to the hampton inn in revere when it was rear-ended by a subaru, that's when police say two of the people on board the shuttle bus were thrown out onto the streets, the pig question is, what caused this the crash shut down route 1a this east boston while investigators tried to figure out exactly what happened. police say the airport shuttle being operated by revere hospital, which is affiliated with hampton inn in revere, was rear-ended by a subaru. the shuttle veered off course and hit the barrier. police say 59 year-old joseph rodriguez and 47 year-old sandra air owela were both thrown out of the shuttle and killed. two other passengers and the driver of the shuttle were taken the driver of the subaru was also rushed to the hospital. nobody has been charged in the crash at this point. police say the shuttle van had seat belts, but it doesn't appear that they were being used. other guests at the hotel were hearing about what happened later in the day. >> it scares me because i fly in the logan and take these vans, it makes you nervous. >> police have been working now remotely from the scene. they were able the to clear the scene. we know they have been taking a closer the subaru, but again, no charges in this case at the point. we are lashing a little bit more about the two victims and why they were visiting boston, we will have that part of the story tonight at 5:00. we are live in revere, robert goulston, fox 25 news. >> two beaches on the cape have now reopened. they closed briefly this afternoon because of some shark sitings, coast guard beach and now sit beach were both shut down (^). a spotter plane recorded seeing an alert was sent out on the shark activity app, it allows you to submit reports on your oafnlt i was just out on the water with this group of scientists behind this app earlier this week. and we have a link to the app if you would like it and my story there on fox 25 >> new at 4:00, a person said she was approached by a suspicious man in shirley. shirley is just about 20 miles from the princeton, and that of course is where another jogger, vanessa marcott was murdered earlier this he was in his 60, driving a large green van with only three numbers, 930, on the registration. she said he offered her a bottle of water. shirley p.d. is taking this very seriously and they want anyone with any suspicions to call them. >> a fire investigators say they are amazed no one was hurt or killed by this major fire in alston that started at a home on myron street earlier this morning. 11 people were forced out, several of them college students investigators told me the home was meant to be two units but had been illegally split up further by the landlord. fire inspectors plan to cite the landlord. >> even though it's a great day to get out and enjoy the ocean like the paddle boarders in revere, right? they are reallied goo. i can hardly balance on that thing let alone ride the waves. august is sending but it is still summer. chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz has reports of the rain we need. >> if it gets here. seeing the swells in revere beach, and it's not calm. you know you need something to churn up the waters. a couple showers are popping up despite the clouds. i will show you live storm tracker radar where they are. there are not have many but off of lynn, up near athol, over here and that just got wiped away by the radar, that one already fizzled out off reston beach in marshfield. i want the slide to the south, talking a lot about this today. this is now tropical storm the center here trying to form an eye it looks like, so trying to intensify even more. the last check, 40 miles per hour winds, and forecasts to come off the coast and move toward the northeast. notice a little bit of a hook here. now, this has been the thinking in the commuter models because of the way the atmosphere is configured. we can get it pushed back to southern new england, that's the rain that will come in that elizabeth was talking about and it would mess up the last part of the labor day weekend. but there are a lot of questions with this still. we will examine it much more closely in a few minutes. >> developing at 4 battled governor paul lepage said he won't quit. he apologized to state representatives during a closed-door meeting today. the governor left an expletive-laced voice mail last week after he said his rep called him a racist. the lawmaker denied the claim but did say he believes the recent remarks the governor made were racially charged. >> i don't think we can continue forward for the next two years and get things done with the my family, they are behind me. >> governor said he will no longer speak to reporters ever again after today. everything will be put in writing. one reporter tweeted no women, no minorities were allowed to attend the news conference. >> four people were arrested at a "black lives matter" protest in cambridge. they used bike locks to chain their necks to the front door of city hall. that protest is over affordable housing in the city. the group said more affordable units should be available and a established there in cambridge. >> dunn is meeting in mexico with the president ahead of a much-publicized speech on a speech tonight in arizona. diane gallagher said it's somewhat surprising seeing how he criticized donald trump. >> donald trump holding the first official meeting with the head of state, meeting privately with the president of mexico in a country that is not pleased with trump's tough talk on the are bringing crime, they are rapists. and some, i assume, are good people. >> since day one, the mention of mexico has been a constant on the trump stump speech circuit. >> and the mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning, and they send the bad ones over, because they don't want to pay for them. >> we are going to build a great wall. the wall is going to be paid for by mexico. >> there is no way mexico can pay for a wall like that. enrye kaye pe?a trump and hillary clinton to a meeting, trump accepted immediately but it's not been a cordial one, once comparing trirk to hitler, the mexican president struggling with poor numbers has repeatedly pushed back on trump's comments. >> whoever talks bad about mexico doesn't know mexico. >> and former mexican president vincent they fox (^) who has been blunt about his feelings on >> it will hurt him greatly. >> now trump himself is dealing with supporters accusing him of going soft on immigration stance, something the billionaire aims to clear up in a much-anticipated speech just across the border in arizona tonight. in washington, i'm diane gallagher. >> the woman accusing r. apand b. singer of chris brown of point ag gun in her face is telling tmz what happened leading to his arrest. l.a. police arrested the star at his mention yesterday after a 9-hour stand off. he refused to come out until officers had a warrant. videos on social media, while police waited outside. the victim, model bailey corinne claims brown threatened her after she complimented another man's die nobody necklace. he said don't go near the die mos and started calling me name, get the f. outside, go back outside and that's when chris went off and said, what did i tell you girl, i have been telling you over and again and he pulled out the gun and said get the f. out of here and threatened me with it, and demanded her to sign a nondisclosure agreement after he pointed the gun at her. she refused. brown's attorney, marriage ger rah goes (^) said the allegations are false. brown has a history of violence though. he spent six years on probation for attacking his ex-girlfriend, pop star rihanna. >> new at 4:00, a local mom convicted of denying potentially life-saving medication to her son who is battling cancer was back in court today. kristin labrie spent five years behind bars for failing to give at-home son. earlier this year the state's highest court granted her a new trial for attempted murder. after ruling her defense attorney was ineffective. today she pleaded guilty to that charge. she was released based on time already served and will spend the next five years on probation. a teenager was arrested late last night for a violent threat posted to instra gram. police say another student alerted them to the post. jessica raez reports from groveland where the suspect lives. >> as students started the first regional high school a 17 year-old was in court instead of class accused of making threats on social media. the student went to the west newbury police department about an instagram post. in the post, the unnamed 17 year-old had what looked like a gun tucked into his waistband and a reference to the high school. >> the student had some information there about the opening, you know, of school. >> when police went to his home in groveland they determined it was an air soft photo, even though it wasn't an actual gun, he was arrested and charged as a juvenile with communicating a threat to a public school. >> that's actually part of the concern, is that what do people perceive it as, not always what it is, but what is that threat to them, to the students and the faculty there. >> the superintendent wouldn't comment on any sort of discipline for the student in question. but he did say that there was never a real threat to students' safety. >> after a thorough interview it was determined that he needed some assistance rather than posing a threat. middle school throughout the day. the deputy chief in groveland said although there was never a real threat, they take every single threat like this extremely seriously, whether they are credible or not. >> it's an awareness that those are the type of threats and comments that are taken seriously, so we refer in that position where we are forced to act. >> in west newbury, i'm jessica raez, fox 25 news. >> right now we want to get to breaking news that's happening. sky fox over the scene abbington where a boy has been shot. the child we understand is alive. he was flown to the hospital. according to the paper, a woman found the boy with a gunshot wound on a bed inside a home here on lynnwood street. the gun was reportedly lying on the bed and you can see investigators on the scene in the live pictures from sky fox. we don't know right now how old that boy is. fox 25 has a crew on the way on the ground as well. we are trying to get more information on this and as we get it, we will update you here in the news casts tonight. is some new pictures at 4:00 backed into a school on the very first day. auburn police tweeted out these pictures from talk choag (^) elementary school, they say the driver who lives across the street only damaged the the stairs and railings, leading up to the building. luckily, no kids were hurt. we are still trying to find out if that driver is facing any charges. >> we have reported on so many local families impacted by the opioid crisis. >> still ahead, the way the victims of the addiction were remembered today with some simple words on a t-shirt. >> plus, firefighters rush in to help one of their own. the surprise twist on a training workshop that ended up saving his life. >> tracking a couple showers out there and more on the way overnight and through the morning hours. but, also a keen eye on the the p toics and how hermine can impact the labor day weekend. >> and a tropical storm is peck pected to pound florida as kevin referenced with heavy rain and strong winds, we will go live to jacksonville where marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! norman: that's a lot of vitamins there, harold. harold: oh, i'm stocking up before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte tte: oppose medicare privatization. stand up for new hampshire seniors. >> i'm sure you have seen the moving trucks as the students head back to school, traffic and parking restrictions are in place now until next monday to deal with the trucks and the street activity. the neighborhood of alston, brightton, mix hilt and red soxbury the most impacted by this. you can log on to our traffic page, fox 25 to see all the roads that have been impacted and make sure to watch fox 25 morning news in the morning as we track the drive times and delays. >> businesses and police officers are about to learn how transgender rights law. tomorrow massachusetts attorney general mother raw healy is supposed to suggest situations a person can face an improper claim of gender identity, it allows people to use bath rooms that correspond with their gender identity. >> new york city police released a sketch of a witness in connection with the unsolved murder of a jogger. police say 30 year-old coe ren jogging alone in queens. investigators believe this witness may have seen who killed her. locally people in princeton are still on edge, three weeks after vanessa marcott was murdered. she was killed while out for a jog during a visit to her mom's us ho. state police tell fox 25 they have received nearly 1,000 tips, but there is still no suspect and no arrest in her death. the detectives are still working around the the clock to solve the the case. >> parts of florida and georgia bring heavy rain and winds. we are live outside the emergency center in jacksonville and the governor has been updating everyone all day long. what is the latest? >> the latest is the city of jacksonville is under a state of emergency beginning at 5 p.m. tomorrow, meantime the state of florida is under a state of emergency right now, that's what the governtor told us today. the governor came to jacksonville hear about 11 a.m., we have video of him arriving at the e. o. meeting with local and state officials. including jacksonville mayor lenny curry, also on hand, of course, you know, the the governor held a conference call with the state emergency management center and there is a lot of things to be worried about for people in florida, you always have to watch out for driving through standing water, be careful of downed power line, things like that, common sense things that during these situations, people kind of forget. for those who lived through it is always good to get reminderrers. you think everyone is okay and before you know it things aren't. so, you know, people are kind of getting ready here, hunkering down as the storm approaches and, you know, we are already getting an appetizer before the entree that will be coming our way the the next two day, but we expect the storm to come through about thursday night into friday morning, and people are just getting ready for this storm as the approaches our city. >> ben, actually, too, with your analogy there, your entree ends up being our december are the, which is why we are interested in this. we want the see in the meantime, you know, for an area does have the tropical storms and hurricanes, just how seriously are people heeding the warnings? >> it's difficult. you have warnings every year hey, something is coming our way or other parts of florida and you never know. just for example for people in boston, you may recall it was about, almost ten years ago, hurricane charlie that imka up on the other side of florida and cut through punta gorda, the from boston go down there to watch the red sox in spring training so. that was an instance when you know a storm was out there and people were seeing it, but maybe not quite believing it. but we saw the damage the hurricane charlie did upon punta gorda and we hope not to get that kind of damage from this tropical storm now. back to you guys. >> ben becker live for us in jacksonville, thank you. we have an entire page devoted to the storms on fox 25 all you have to do is log op to fox 25 and this storm about the impact on the northeast as i was say, kevin. chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz is tracking it closely and you said there is a lot of factors you will watch out for to see if this come together for us? >> absolutely. it's certainly having a lotf question marks on it still. we have all been working on it today, meteorologist shiri spear and sarah wroblewski working on it and jason brewer updated the page you were referencing on the web site for hermine but it will be updated in an hour as the new track comes in from the national hurricane center. they examine it by flying extra technology that others may not have to look into the size of the -- inside of the storms and determine where the centers are and where it's going to go. then it's our job to analyze those computer tracks. so let's start here. our weather locally is 81 in boston, 82 in the north shore. what we will track tonight is a couple showers, moving across the area, and a few more overnight because a cold front is cutting on through. some showers and thunderstorms can develop along that, you will see them here, the brighter colors denoting heavier showers that are possible, it is humid out there so if we can ue coming by. that front makes it through cape cod and off shore early tomorrow morning, 90 in the morning a few showers around cape cod. a break for lunch. and then after lunch with sun popping out a few more showers and even a thunderstorm can pop up, too. we will be tracking that tomorrow afternoon. once those go on by, into friday we dry it out, cool it off. things look beautiful to start your labor day weekend. it's the second part that we are mildly concerned about. high temperatures tomorrow though, here you go. 77 quency, boston 76. all the clouds we have had. but any sun can fire up a couple showers. lawrence willing 8 to, medical center thuen 80, 74 says sex tomorrow. let's talk about the satellite radar picture. first of all locally we have a couple showers. we have seen those happening. this is live storm tracker radar, look how weak these are in ludlow and brookfield, had a couple sprinkles on the way in today but that was it. to the south though, this is a lot of rain moving into the tampa bay area and florida the west coast and the gulf coast of her mine has formed into a tropical storm with a tropical depression, when i talked to you last night. this everyone a, it was upgraded. it was trying to form an eye but that's been clouded over a bit. we will see if it's intensifying at all the. i'm betting its intensified certainly from writ was before. at last check, 40 miles per hour winds around the center of it. the track is to curve into the big ben area of florida, and then make its way to the coast of the carolinas, come off by charleston, and then out into the open waters. past the outer banks, this takes that it wants to take. last night, southeastern massachusetts was in this area, where the tracks are probable and now it extend through massachusetts and much of new england. what's happening here? all the different computer models are running on what's called a spaghetti plot, where we take all the model tracks and all different runs of the computer models and put them all together. when they all clump to earth goer like this, you can be extra confident you will get a track that's very similar to what you aree seeing, but watch what happens when they come north. they start to go all over the spaghetti flown on a plate. that's where you get the uncertainty where it can go. but all of them are coming closer to the snind land now which heightened our concern for some effects from the storm this weekend. that's why in your seven-day forecast, by sunday into monday, i have sun in there but also rain. it can go it ooher way. storm says to the south, we have a beautiful weekend. if it comes closer we can get heavier rain on in here and something we have to watch very carefully. we are already dealing with big waves and rip tides, guy, the latest track of the storm a local family helping their son fight cancer becomes the victim of a heartless crime. coming up the money raised to helm them that's missing now, we will tell you about it and the other precious item that was also taken when they were at the hospital. and now here is mark ockerbloom with what we are, withing on for fox 25 news at 5:00. >> a bizarre murder under investigation in new hampshire. the man killed on his nightly walk, we talked to the neighbor who said she almost stopped to pick him up, the day he was killed. >> and if you are looking to swim in the ocean on one of of the water. new at 5:00, the danger the tropical storms are bringing to sfx: "gulp" what are you doing? sfx: "burp" i'm having a small snack. gross. don't live with ants. get raid ant & roach spray. raid??? raid kills bugs dead. new at 4:00, new controversy for disgraced anthony wean, days after the post broke details tof a new sexting scandal, he is being investigated by child welfare services. the publication said andrew showing his son next to him. the the post is reported the child care services has had workers showing up at his apartment yesterday. he resided in 2011 and admitted to sending lewd photographs of himself an pursuing women on twitter. a rhode island family said they were robbed at the hospital with their cancer-stricken son. kelley mit smith and her husband spent the past 15 months at hasboro children's hospital because their 14 month old son theyfeld a hundred dollar raiser and raised 3 grand, over the weekend someone stole the money and dad's wedding ring, too. >> i was not even ten feet away from them when they took the money out of my pocket. how does somebody do that? i just, i don't understand. >> police are investigating, that boy is due for a bone marrow transplant in the coming weeks. >> just awful. >> it is. >> tonight a woman said she was humiliated at a by byes russ. >> she said what happened to her brought all the pain of what happened and how the store is trying to make it right. >> not much to these, but there are a couple showers on live storm tracker radar that i'm looking at. most importantly what is ahead for the weekend from tropics and hermine in the gulf of mexico. >> plus, remembering those we have lost to opioid addiction and recognizing the left ones on the breaking news we mentioned a little earlier at abbington, a boy has been alive. he was flown to the hospital. according to the newspaper, a woman found the boy with a gunshot wound on a bed inside a home here on lynnwood street. the gun was reportedly lying on that bed. we don't know how old that child is right now. a lot of questions on this. we also have a crew on the way to the scene as we get more information we will uptate you tonight. -today is a day to remember those lost in the battle against opioids. >> it is international overdose a day for families to come to heel. >> activists handed out the name of a pimple t-shirt with the name of someone who struggled with drug abuse, it's one way salem is marketing a day that had an impact on so many people. >> it is like you are on high alert every day that your loved one will die. >> mary wheel haven't is doing overdose prevention door knock, after an overdose she and her staff go to the person's home and offer support. >> for some people it >> so far, salem has seen 110 overdoses and 10 deaths, so far this year. last year this city saw 11 deaths because of the opioid crisis. mayor kim dris control earmarked $30,000 in the city's budget toward the clinical outreach. >> it is half the cost after new police officer. >> there are also so called recovery coaches here. they offer support in the hospital after an overdose. >> i will tell you we are throwing the kitchen sink at it. >> chief mary butler said taken >> it is going to require i think more treatment facilities and beds. >> but congressman seth moulton tells me it's also time for the federal government to step up. >> we need to fund programs just like we see here in salem. and not all the communities that i represent have the resources to stand up and do this on their own. congress needs to help. >> in salem, sharmen sachhetti, fox 25 news. >> outside a mix today of the sun and clouds. but on this last day of august, that's what we aree seeing a live picture, is tracking some rain as we head into september? >> the first chance comes tonight, there are a couple showers out there it's been a warm and muggy day, may not feel so warm out there with the lack of sun, but all the way to 81 in boston, pretty close to average for this time of year. that that's right now for the dippertime plans to go out of work. couple showers in the area but very very weak, take you out to worcester county, bookfield to oxford, a couple right along the beaches in marshfield as well. look, the front coming across promises to fire up a few more showers, even a couple thunderstorms later tonight, and into the morning hours. a watch to see how vigorous those become overnight, of course meteorologist shiri spear will track them during the morning and we get breaks of sun later in the morning. that can pop up a couple showers. by lunchtime only in the 70s so a cooler day coming up with all the clouds out there. but any breaks of sun can fire up to 80 quickly. now, what we are awaiting is the national hurricane sent haven't the latest fix on the center of tropical storm hermine which looks like it this afternoon and the latest track, how close lit come to us labor day weekend. >> kevin, thank you. an elite private school in massachusetts said it discovered five new cases of sexual misconduct by former teaches. the head of phillips academy in andover say the cases involve students and took place in the 70s and 80s. they mentioned three of the former five faculty members by name. two are dead, the other two are banned from cap pus. allegations of misconduct. >> a family is stranded after a ferry sank their boat is getting help replacing their 13-foot boston whaler. withe told you monday night how mike and kevin slade were forced to camp on grape island after the wake from the ferry capsized their boat. now they tell us the owner of boston harbor cruises is offered to pay for their boat and also for an upgrade. new at 4:00, attleboro police want you to get a good look at this woman here, she is a suspect in the a surveillance video captured pictures, the woman drove off in a black sedan. >> a local fire chief was training firefighters when he went into cardiac arrest. erica ritchie shows how the firefighters put their training to work and saved the the chief's life. >> it's great for comradery. >> but this time, it wasn't the physical abilities test that brought the guys at the milton fire department to earth goer it was chief frank twist himself after the workout, while he and his men began training on a new phone system in the building. feel that well. he said, you know, chief you okay? and he didn't respond. so the guys immediately put him on the floor and confirmed he was in cardiac arrest. >> when there is a patient you do what you are trained to do. >> at the milton fire house it was the use of cpr and aed, both were used by the chief twist by his firefighters to regain a heart beat long enough to get him to beverly hospital where he was treated for three major blockages. >> i was lucky i was in the best i ended up with the best place to get my ongoing care and that made the difference. they saved my life. >> that's the business of a first responder, but even the chief knows it's different when the life they are saving is personal. >> i know it was hard for them. like, i grew up with a lot of these guys. >> it's one of your own it may have beens it more difficult. >> when you know the person and you were talking to them it's before they collapse, it certainly changes the dynamic a little bit. you feel extra pressure. word to explain that. i mean, they gave me a second chance yesterday. >> so he can continue on with his plans for tomorrow. >> i was scheduled to retire tomorrow. >> talk about timing. the chief said this episode now gives him some focus in retirement, as he has a renewed passion for offering life-saving training the. >> there was an aed and cpr, you can save someone's life. i'm tacking to you as a prime example. >> erica ritchie, fox 25 news. >> a cat in central italy used one last week's earthquake. the owner begged rescue crews to find her cat saying her pet was all she had left. on monday workers were combing through the city with bulldozers when they spotted the cat alive. look at it. fire crews took the thirsty kitty named joy out of the rubble giving it some much-needed water. >> students in worcester say a cell phone policy is unfair and rules are too strict, it says students can keep the phones with them if they are shut off and out of sight. the problem, aid coring to breaks. school officials say the rules promote face-to-face conversation between students. worcester's policy is similar to the rules in boston and other large districts in the area. >> two people stuck in the middle of the ocean. ahead at 4:00, how they got there and were rescued fro a jetty. >> plus, dozens of people infected with hepatitis a., why new at 4:00, two men rescued by police helicopter after they got city, high tide, strong wind made it impossible for the men to climb over the rocks to safety, instead they climb the channel marker structure and they simply waited for help. and nypd chopper swooped in and got both men to safety. also new at 4:00,rava health officials say a smoothie shop is to blame for an outbreak of helicoptertitis a. so far, 40 people have contracted the virus. according to health officials the cases are all connected to a tropical smoothie cafe in virginia beach. one man said the shop is pa noticing he was not feeling well and then he learned about a possible hepatitis a. contam federation from frozen strawberries. >> it is scary hearing it from a phone call from the virginia health department saying, like, sir, you have hepatitis a., you know, from this restaurant and this and this. >> two other victims have filed lawsuits against the company. the outbreak has been tied to frozen strawberries that the company imported from egypt. >> new at 4:00, a teacher and new jersey. the two strangers saw that 4 month old girl sitting in her car seat, he face was bright red, the windows were not open. the retired police officer grabbed a sledgehammer and broke a car's window and then brought the girl inside to cool off. >> i almost started to cry because it just hit me home, having six kids. >> i just did what i think anybody hopefully would do. >> in pi opinion they saved the baby's life. seconds can be of the essence. it could have been the difference between life and death. >> let's talk the girl's mom left her in the car for 40 minutes. she was inside shopping and by the way that car was 124 degrees inside. the mom was arrested and charged with child endangerment. >> tracking a couple showers out there right now. nothing real strong or heavy, but i'm also watching tropical storm hermine and awaiting the national hurricane center how it can impact us this weekend. >> favorite story of the day, one teen's senior photograph went viral on twitter. >> oh, yeah, it did. doing. >> a mother is trying to make a simple return, left the the new england store in tears. >> it was worse than a slap in the face. >> what clerks at babies r. us did that has the store ? sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. only at a sleep number store. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, and right now, get our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online, cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. someone's finally ready to start her day. time to work some magic. tada. get gooeyflakyhappy. ? a woman who suffered a miscarriage said she was forced to reopen the traumatic wounds babies r' us, as matthew campbell reports it happened during waterbury connecticut during what should have been a simple return. >> this was the moment when jessica hutch knew a baby boy was growing inside her. >> my husband always wanted a boy. pass down the family name. >> excited to add to her family of three girls, she went to babies r' us preparing for the special addition. >> with car seats and the strollers you have to update them every five years. it devastated the entire family to the point where they couldn't bear to look at the reminders of what should have been. >> every time i would see them i just, either get mad or, you know, get upset. >> so jessica went to the babies r' us in waterbury looking to make a return. she said both items were somewhat p.o. box untouched but against store policy she did not have a receipt. >> why would i save them? i threw them out. >> but she did have the debit card she used as well as the store loyalty card. >> that's when she said the unforgettable nightmare. >> she asked why are you returning it. and it triggered something inside of me that i just, a tear just rolled down my face and i had to just say, my son passed away. and i can't use them. >> a manager got involved and the humiliation only grew. the items could not be found in the system. the manager was able to track down the car seats. >> and she gave me about half for that. >> but the double stroller still wasn't turning up, leading the manager to allegedly offer pennies for her $179 purchase. >> so she turned around and said, well, it's coming up as two cents. and i said so you're offering me two cents? for a double stroller? >> feeling the heart break all over again, jessica left in tears. face. >> with no resolution, she reached out to us and babies r' us, today she said the manager at the waterbury store vowed to make things right. >> he offered to give me the remainlder balance of what i was owed. >> it hasn't happened yet. while jessica may never get over the pain of losing a child she is looking to change policy, putting a more tender touch to the family retailer. >> someone in my situation returning a product for a loss there is no employee training. >> i can't imagine that. >> i don't believe they have a policy for that. >> babies r' us released a statementing saying we are deeply sorry for her experience in our store and more importantly for her loss, the store leadership is providing coaching to the team members to ensure similar situations are handled with more care in the future. it also said the company reached out to hutchco and is working to issue a >> so all anybody wants to tack about right now is tropics and what hermine can do with us because those tropical tracks are pointing towards snind land. but keep in mind that's tend of labor day weekend. a lot can happen between now and then. we will discus it. first let's talk about what is happening outside for your dinner. 81 in boston. 81 bedford. 75 worcester. it is sticky out there, through the evening. the chance for a shower or thunderstorm grows later tonight, as the front comes up. we will talk about. and through 8:00, p 5 degrees and cloudy and then the risk of a thunderstorm later on tonight and about 74 at 10:00 in the evening. so, there are the clouds, there are the showers, not much to these. live storm tracker radar will bear that out. you will see out here around westboro, along 495, there is upton, a shower there, it moved off to the east around hopkinton area now, back through oxford, see ag couple light showers, not much to these. there are more to the west that will try to come on through with this front. now, i will caution you with this. perfectly with what we are seeing out there. take this with this in mind. when you see the showers popping up here on the futurecast, they become more numerous, those are time periods you can expect more showers to be around. don't expect the placement to be perfect. i'm not seeing that with the futurecast data. the models can't pinpoint exactly where showers will be. but a good idea when you have the highest threat. after midnight tonight especially is when the shower and thunderstorm threat will grow, when the cold front is coming through the area. cod in the morning hours. we will get breaks of sun in the middle of the day, but any sun will push your temperature closer to 80 and pop up a couple of showers in the still sticky air mass. there will be tryer air moving in but not until after these showers go by tomorrow afternoon and evening, and tomorrow night we clear it out. friday looks beautiful. crisp and dry, and a feel of fall in the air in some places. temperatures in the 870s but dry. these 70s you will have tomorrow come with the still humid air so it's still going to feel stickiernd framingham, 76 boston. 74 nantucket with the risk of shower or storm. all right. let's talk her mine, this kim packet our weather. it will definitely impact us as far as churning up the water, withe are seeing rip tides out there, we are already looking at big waves and surf. dangerous situation for beach goer, you have to be careful out there, not stay way afrom the beach, just be aware of your surroundings what is going on. this storm comes closer to us, it looked like it was trying to form an eye, but that sort of a lot of rain being pushed out which is trip call of tropical systems. wind 45 miles per hour and it looks like this was just updated. they just updated this. jason brewer is with me, when i came in here, it was 45 miles per hour, it strengthened a little bit. hermine wants to come up the coast and turn to florida by 2 a.m. into 2 p.m. on friday into the carolinas and then staying inland with this latest track. don't always go with just the center. that's a reference point. but, either side of that l. in the middle here is track situation. and here is a problem with this. now that we are looking at this live and i can analyze this with you as i'm seeing it, this is far there was to the west and closer to us by monday afternoon. which means much of sing land is in the danger zone for a potential landfall, or at least some heavy rain from this, the second part of your labor day weekend. i will take a little more close look at this now that i know it came in. meanwhile your seven-day forecast brings the changes for rain sunday into monday, certainly into view, i already had it in there and with phthalatest track coming in, it something we will talk more about when i come back in a few minutes. >> american olympian gabby douglas is out of the hospital this afternoon. she underwent surgery to remove a cyst from her mouth over the weekend. she told her instagram followers the procedure went well and he is on the road to recovery. selena gomez is taking time off to deal with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. the singer said the side effects stem from lupus. the 24 year-old just finished up a world tour and said she wants toe cuss on maintaining her health and happiness by taking time off. last october undergoing chemotherapy to treat the disease. the singer said she hopes her public decision to take i can of herself helps others to do the same. >> so many mu investigations who knew prince best reportedly aric thatting part in a tribute concert to late superstar. sheila e, the revenue liewg, mother ris and the the new power generation are list of possible performers. the entire concert lineup will come out sometime after labor day, scheduled for october 13th. here we go. these are pictures, out of oregon, an unexpected guest in the background turned her picture into something she will never forget. take a look. >> okay. jillian henry was taking the pictures along the river and as we pull out, you get a better sense of what we are talking about. she was photo bombs by that guy, the naked man and his dog. >> naked guy. >> what were they doing back there this is. >> i don't want to know. >> not clear. when she saw the final pictures she had to share them on twit, of course. retreats. how about that senior picture? f i would have posted them, too. i want to know who naked guy was and what the heck he was doing. >> did he lose the pants in the river? >> of course he did. dire news of elephant, why the population is declining so rapidly. here is vanessa welch with what we are working on at 5:00. >> donald trump meeting with the a man is murdered going for a walk, investigators are combing for clues at an area park f. you plan to head to the beach this weekend you may want caution when out there swimming, how the activity in the tropics can throw up red flags and bring potentially dangerous conditions sfx: "gulp" what are you doing? sfx: "burp" i'm having a small snack. gross. don't live with ants. get raid ant & roach spray. raid??? raid kills bugs dead. norman: that's a lot of vitamins there, harold. harold: oh, i'm stocking up before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte also wants to raise the medicare eligibility age. norman: ohhh... i think maybe i'll pick up a few too. narrator: tell kelly ayotte: oppose medicare privatization. >> massachusetts is getting money from the federal government to fight the opioid epidemic. fox 25's jacqueline feld is in washington to explain how the funds will be used. administration is giving 44 states a total of $53 million as part of an ongoing effort to fight the number of overdose defendants from prescription painkillers and heroin. i was on a conference call with federal health officials. they tell me the funding focuses on three areas -- reducing overprescribing of painkillers, increasing access to treatment for addicts and making sure the overdose reversal drug is likely prescription over dose deaths have quadrupled since 1999. in 2014, more than 4,000 people died from overdoses involving prescription painkillers. the administration is also calling on congress to approve more money, saying legislation signed into law earlier doesn't do enough to expand treatment. in washington, jacqueline feld, fox 25 news. >> elizabeth: the elephant population is crashing across africa. nearly 150,000 of the animals seven years. that's according to the results of recent censuses, which tracked elephant populations within 18 african countries. showed a population decline of 30%. experts claim the increased drop in poach he was searching for ivory. >> a child shot and flown to the hospital. >> elizabeth: fox 25 news starts right now. a man is found murdered after his fighting walk through >> the reporter: his body left on the bleachers. how his friends are remembering him in the wake of his brutal death. >> kevin: i'm tracking a few showers out there tonight and through the overnight, plus, all eyes on tropical storm hermine and how she could impact labor day weekend. >> mark: a tragic car crash involving a shuttle bus kills two people. >> the reporter: we're piecing together how they were killed. >> vanessa: plus, a fiery gas station rescue caught on camera. >> i just felt something and i looked, and there was just smoke pouring out. narrow escape for one woman, who managed to pull two children out of this burning car. >> vanessa: we are still following a breaking story right now in abington, where a boy didn'tly shot himself this afternoon. we're told the child is alive. he was flown to the hospital, and according to the enterprise of a home here on lynnwood street. the begun gun was reportedly lying on the bed next to him. we don't know how old the boy is. we have a crew on the scene working to get more answers. we'll bring you a live report as soon as they're ready. new tonight at 5:00 p.m., a new murder investigation in new hampshire. a man found dead after his flightily walk. good evening, i'm vanessa welch. >> mark: i'm mark ockerbloom. the victim's body was found late saturday night on the bleachers at a popular park. fox 25's katherine burcham is live in manchester, where investigators are clues. >> the reporter: yeah this, is actually a joint investigation, between manchester police detectives here and the attorney general's office. they say they have a cause of death, but haven't yet made it official. this comes as those who knew and loved richard carlson are mourning his loss. >> he was a good guy. he was sweet. >> the reporter: outside richard carlson's manchester apartment, someone has put flowers next to the american flag he proudly displayed. >> always had a wave and nice his neighborhood, often carrying a bag with a radio, playing his favorite tunes. now, that radio, his apartment, sits silent. >> that was devastating. very very sad for me, because i just seen him. >> the reporter: kathy last saw carlson late saturday night. she drove past him to pick up her daughter. >> i was going to stop and give him a ride, but i was late to go get her, and i wish i had stopped. now that makes me feel bad that i didn't stop and pick him up. >> t r next. they say carlson was passing through this nearby park, when he was apparently attacked. hours later, officers found his body, sprawled across the bleachers, behind the baseball diamond. >> you get a lot of people to go around there, it's nice. it's a good place to be. but if you go late at night, you don't know who you're going to expect. >> the reporter: as police search for carlson's killers, his neighbors are left with questions about why the gentleman who loved his music would be targeted. >> i think this is just somebody

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shuttle. new at 4:00, we have learned the two victims were thrown from the shuttle and robert goulston is live in east boston. you have been investigating the crash all day long? >> reporter: >> blair, we are learning the airport shuttle was leaving the hotel and heading to the hampton inn in revere when it was rear-ended by a subaru, that's when police say two of the people on board the shuttle bus were thrown out onto the streets, the pig question is, what caused this the crash shut down route 1a this east boston while investigators tried to figure out exactly what happened. police say the airport shuttle being operated by revere hospital, which is affiliated with hampton inn in revere, was rear-ended by a subaru. the shuttle veered off course and hit the barrier. police say 59 year-old joseph rodriguez and 47 year-old sandra air owela were both thrown out of the shuttle and killed. two other passengers and the driver of the shuttle were taken the driver of the subaru was also rushed to the hospital. nobody has been charged in the crash at this point. police say the shuttle van had seat belts, but it doesn't appear that they were being used. other guests at the hotel were hearing about what happened later in the day. >> it scares me because i fly in the logan and take these vans, it makes you nervous. >> police have been working now remotely from the scene. they were able the to clear the scene. we know they have been taking a closer the subaru, but again, no charges in this case at the point. we are lashing a little bit more about the two victims and why they were visiting boston, we will have that part of the story tonight at 5:00. we are live in revere, robert goulston, fox 25 news. >> two beaches on the cape have now reopened. they closed briefly this afternoon because of some shark sitings, coast guard beach and now sit beach were both shut down (^). a spotter plane recorded seeing an alert was sent out on the shark activity app, it allows you to submit reports on your oafnlt i was just out on the water with this group of scientists behind this app earlier this week. and we have a link to the app if you would like it and my story there on fox 25 >> new at 4:00, a person said she was approached by a suspicious man in shirley. shirley is just about 20 miles from the princeton, and that of course is where another jogger, vanessa marcott was murdered earlier this he was in his 60, driving a large green van with only three numbers, 930, on the registration. she said he offered her a bottle of water. shirley p.d. is taking this very seriously and they want anyone with any suspicions to call them. >> a fire investigators say they are amazed no one was hurt or killed by this major fire in alston that started at a home on myron street earlier this morning. 11 people were forced out, several of them college students investigators told me the home was meant to be two units but had been illegally split up further by the landlord. fire inspectors plan to cite the landlord. >> even though it's a great day to get out and enjoy the ocean like the paddle boarders in revere, right? they are reallied goo. i can hardly balance on that thing let alone ride the waves. august is sending but it is still summer. chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz has reports of the rain we need. >> if it gets here. seeing the swells in revere beach, and it's not calm. you know you need something to churn up the waters. a couple showers are popping up despite the clouds. i will show you live storm tracker radar where they are. there are not have many but off of lynn, up near athol, over here and that just got wiped away by the radar, that one already fizzled out off reston beach in marshfield. i want the slide to the south, talking a lot about this today. this is now tropical storm the center here trying to form an eye it looks like, so trying to intensify even more. the last check, 40 miles per hour winds, and forecasts to come off the coast and move toward the northeast. notice a little bit of a hook here. now, this has been the thinking in the commuter models because of the way the atmosphere is configured. we can get it pushed back to southern new england, that's the rain that will come in that elizabeth was talking about and it would mess up the last part of the labor day weekend. but there are a lot of questions with this still. we will examine it much more closely in a few minutes. >> developing at 4 battled governor paul lepage said he won't quit. he apologized to state representatives during a closed-door meeting today. the governor left an expletive-laced voice mail last week after he said his rep called him a racist. the lawmaker denied the claim but did say he believes the recent remarks the governor made were racially charged. >> i don't think we can continue forward for the next two years and get things done with the my family, they are behind me. >> governor said he will no longer speak to reporters ever again after today. everything will be put in writing. one reporter tweeted no women, no minorities were allowed to attend the news conference. >> four people were arrested at a "black lives matter" protest in cambridge. they used bike locks to chain their necks to the front door of city hall. that protest is over affordable housing in the city. the group said more affordable units should be available and a established there in cambridge. >> dunn is meeting in mexico with the president ahead of a much-publicized speech on a speech tonight in arizona. diane gallagher said it's somewhat surprising seeing how he criticized donald trump. >> donald trump holding the first official meeting with the head of state, meeting privately with the president of mexico in a country that is not pleased with trump's tough talk on the are bringing crime, they are rapists. and some, i assume, are good people. >> since day one, the mention of mexico has been a constant on the trump stump speech circuit. >> and the mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning, and they send the bad ones over, because they don't want to pay for them. >> we are going to build a great wall. the wall is going to be paid for by mexico. >> there is no way mexico can pay for a wall like that. enrye kaye pe?a trump and hillary clinton to a meeting, trump accepted immediately but it's not been a cordial one, once comparing trirk to hitler, the mexican president struggling with poor numbers has repeatedly pushed back on trump's comments. >> whoever talks bad about mexico doesn't know mexico. >> and former mexican president vincent they fox (^) who has been blunt about his feelings on >> it will hurt him greatly. >> now trump himself is dealing with supporters accusing him of going soft on immigration stance, something the billionaire aims to clear up in a much-anticipated speech just across the border in arizona tonight. in washington, i'm diane gallagher. >> the woman accusing r. apand b. singer of chris brown of point ag gun in her face is telling tmz what happened leading to his arrest. l.a. police arrested the star at his mention yesterday after a 9-hour stand off. he refused to come out until officers had a warrant. videos on social media, while police waited outside. the victim, model bailey corinne claims brown threatened her after she complimented another man's die nobody necklace. he said don't go near the die mos and started calling me name, get the f. outside, go back outside and that's when chris went off and said, what did i tell you girl, i have been telling you over and again and he pulled out the gun and said get the f. out of here and threatened me with it, and demanded her to sign a nondisclosure agreement after he pointed the gun at her. she refused. brown's attorney, marriage ger rah goes (^) said the allegations are false. brown has a history of violence though. he spent six years on probation for attacking his ex-girlfriend, pop star rihanna. >> new at 4:00, a local mom convicted of denying potentially life-saving medication to her son who is battling cancer was back in court today. kristin labrie spent five years behind bars for failing to give at-home son. earlier this year the state's highest court granted her a new trial for attempted murder. after ruling her defense attorney was ineffective. today she pleaded guilty to that charge. she was released based on time already served and will spend the next five years on probation. a teenager was arrested late last night for a violent threat posted to instra gram. police say another student alerted them to the post. jessica raez reports from groveland where the suspect lives. >> as students started the first regional high school a 17 year-old was in court instead of class accused of making threats on social media. the student went to the west newbury police department about an instagram post. in the post, the unnamed 17 year-old had what looked like a gun tucked into his waistband and a reference to the high school. >> the student had some information there about the opening, you know, of school. >> when police went to his home in groveland they determined it was an air soft photo, even though it wasn't an actual gun, he was arrested and charged as a juvenile with communicating a threat to a public school. >> that's actually part of the concern, is that what do people perceive it as, not always what it is, but what is that threat to them, to the students and the faculty there. >> the superintendent wouldn't comment on any sort of discipline for the student in question. but he did say that there was never a real threat to students' safety. >> after a thorough interview it was determined that he needed some assistance rather than posing a threat. middle school throughout the day. the deputy chief in groveland said although there was never a real threat, they take every single threat like this extremely seriously, whether they are credible or not. >> it's an awareness that those are the type of threats and comments that are taken seriously, so we refer in that position where we are forced to act. >> in west newbury, i'm jessica raez, fox 25 news. >> right now we want to get to breaking news that's happening. sky fox over the scene abbington where a boy has been shot. the child we understand is alive. he was flown to the hospital. according to the paper, a woman found the boy with a gunshot wound on a bed inside a home here on lynnwood street. the gun was reportedly lying on the bed and you can see investigators on the scene in the live pictures from sky fox. we don't know right now how old that boy is. fox 25 has a crew on the way on the ground as well. we are trying to get more information on this and as we get it, we will update you here in the news casts tonight. is some new pictures at 4:00 backed into a school on the very first day. auburn police tweeted out these pictures from talk choag (^) elementary school, they say the driver who lives across the street only damaged the the stairs and railings, leading up to the building. luckily, no kids were hurt. we are still trying to find out if that driver is facing any charges. >> we have reported on so many local families impacted by the opioid crisis. >> still ahead, the way the victims of the addiction were remembered today with some simple words on a t-shirt. >> plus, firefighters rush in to help one of their own. the surprise twist on a training workshop that ended up saving his life. >> tracking a couple showers out there and more on the way overnight and through the morning hours. but, also a keen eye on the the p toics and how hermine can impact the labor day weekend. >> and a tropical storm is peck pected to pound florida as kevin referenced with heavy rain and strong winds, we will go live to jacksonville where marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! norman: that's a lot of vitamins there, harold. harold: oh, i'm stocking up before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte tte: oppose medicare privatization. stand up for new hampshire seniors. >> i'm sure you have seen the moving trucks as the students head back to school, traffic and parking restrictions are in place now until next monday to deal with the trucks and the street activity. the neighborhood of alston, brightton, mix hilt and red soxbury the most impacted by this. you can log on to our traffic page, fox 25 to see all the roads that have been impacted and make sure to watch fox 25 morning news in the morning as we track the drive times and delays. >> businesses and police officers are about to learn how transgender rights law. tomorrow massachusetts attorney general mother raw healy is supposed to suggest situations a person can face an improper claim of gender identity, it allows people to use bath rooms that correspond with their gender identity. >> new york city police released a sketch of a witness in connection with the unsolved murder of a jogger. police say 30 year-old coe ren jogging alone in queens. investigators believe this witness may have seen who killed her. locally people in princeton are still on edge, three weeks after vanessa marcott was murdered. she was killed while out for a jog during a visit to her mom's us ho. state police tell fox 25 they have received nearly 1,000 tips, but there is still no suspect and no arrest in her death. the detectives are still working around the the clock to solve the the case. >> parts of florida and georgia bring heavy rain and winds. we are live outside the emergency center in jacksonville and the governor has been updating everyone all day long. what is the latest? >> the latest is the city of jacksonville is under a state of emergency beginning at 5 p.m. tomorrow, meantime the state of florida is under a state of emergency right now, that's what the governtor told us today. the governor came to jacksonville hear about 11 a.m., we have video of him arriving at the e. o. meeting with local and state officials. including jacksonville mayor lenny curry, also on hand, of course, you know, the the governor held a conference call with the state emergency management center and there is a lot of things to be worried about for people in florida, you always have to watch out for driving through standing water, be careful of downed power line, things like that, common sense things that during these situations, people kind of forget. for those who lived through it is always good to get reminderrers. you think everyone is okay and before you know it things aren't. so, you know, people are kind of getting ready here, hunkering down as the storm approaches and, you know, we are already getting an appetizer before the entree that will be coming our way the the next two day, but we expect the storm to come through about thursday night into friday morning, and people are just getting ready for this storm as the approaches our city. >> ben, actually, too, with your analogy there, your entree ends up being our december are the, which is why we are interested in this. we want the see in the meantime, you know, for an area does have the tropical storms and hurricanes, just how seriously are people heeding the warnings? >> it's difficult. you have warnings every year hey, something is coming our way or other parts of florida and you never know. just for example for people in boston, you may recall it was about, almost ten years ago, hurricane charlie that imka up on the other side of florida and cut through punta gorda, the from boston go down there to watch the red sox in spring training so. that was an instance when you know a storm was out there and people were seeing it, but maybe not quite believing it. but we saw the damage the hurricane charlie did upon punta gorda and we hope not to get that kind of damage from this tropical storm now. back to you guys. >> ben becker live for us in jacksonville, thank you. we have an entire page devoted to the storms on fox 25 all you have to do is log op to fox 25 and this storm about the impact on the northeast as i was say, kevin. chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz is tracking it closely and you said there is a lot of factors you will watch out for to see if this come together for us? >> absolutely. it's certainly having a lotf question marks on it still. we have all been working on it today, meteorologist shiri spear and sarah wroblewski working on it and jason brewer updated the page you were referencing on the web site for hermine but it will be updated in an hour as the new track comes in from the national hurricane center. they examine it by flying extra technology that others may not have to look into the size of the -- inside of the storms and determine where the centers are and where it's going to go. then it's our job to analyze those computer tracks. so let's start here. our weather locally is 81 in boston, 82 in the north shore. what we will track tonight is a couple showers, moving across the area, and a few more overnight because a cold front is cutting on through. some showers and thunderstorms can develop along that, you will see them here, the brighter colors denoting heavier showers that are possible, it is humid out there so if we can ue coming by. that front makes it through cape cod and off shore early tomorrow morning, 90 in the morning a few showers around cape cod. a break for lunch. and then after lunch with sun popping out a few more showers and even a thunderstorm can pop up, too. we will be tracking that tomorrow afternoon. once those go on by, into friday we dry it out, cool it off. things look beautiful to start your labor day weekend. it's the second part that we are mildly concerned about. high temperatures tomorrow though, here you go. 77 quency, boston 76. all the clouds we have had. but any sun can fire up a couple showers. lawrence willing 8 to, medical center thuen 80, 74 says sex tomorrow. let's talk about the satellite radar picture. first of all locally we have a couple showers. we have seen those happening. this is live storm tracker radar, look how weak these are in ludlow and brookfield, had a couple sprinkles on the way in today but that was it. to the south though, this is a lot of rain moving into the tampa bay area and florida the west coast and the gulf coast of her mine has formed into a tropical storm with a tropical depression, when i talked to you last night. this everyone a, it was upgraded. it was trying to form an eye but that's been clouded over a bit. we will see if it's intensifying at all the. i'm betting its intensified certainly from writ was before. at last check, 40 miles per hour winds around the center of it. the track is to curve into the big ben area of florida, and then make its way to the coast of the carolinas, come off by charleston, and then out into the open waters. past the outer banks, this takes that it wants to take. last night, southeastern massachusetts was in this area, where the tracks are probable and now it extend through massachusetts and much of new england. what's happening here? all the different computer models are running on what's called a spaghetti plot, where we take all the model tracks and all different runs of the computer models and put them all together. when they all clump to earth goer like this, you can be extra confident you will get a track that's very similar to what you aree seeing, but watch what happens when they come north. they start to go all over the spaghetti flown on a plate. that's where you get the uncertainty where it can go. but all of them are coming closer to the snind land now which heightened our concern for some effects from the storm this weekend. that's why in your seven-day forecast, by sunday into monday, i have sun in there but also rain. it can go it ooher way. storm says to the south, we have a beautiful weekend. if it comes closer we can get heavier rain on in here and something we have to watch very carefully. we are already dealing with big waves and rip tides, guy, the latest track of the storm a local family helping their son fight cancer becomes the victim of a heartless crime. coming up the money raised to helm them that's missing now, we will tell you about it and the other precious item that was also taken when they were at the hospital. and now here is mark ockerbloom with what we are, withing on for fox 25 news at 5:00. >> a bizarre murder under investigation in new hampshire. the man killed on his nightly walk, we talked to the neighbor who said she almost stopped to pick him up, the day he was killed. >> and if you are looking to swim in the ocean on one of of the water. new at 5:00, the danger the tropical storms are bringing to sfx: "gulp" what are you doing? sfx: "burp" i'm having a small snack. gross. don't live with ants. get raid ant & roach spray. raid??? raid kills bugs dead. new at 4:00, new controversy for disgraced anthony wean, days after the post broke details tof a new sexting scandal, he is being investigated by child welfare services. the publication said andrew showing his son next to him. the the post is reported the child care services has had workers showing up at his apartment yesterday. he resided in 2011 and admitted to sending lewd photographs of himself an pursuing women on twitter. a rhode island family said they were robbed at the hospital with their cancer-stricken son. kelley mit smith and her husband spent the past 15 months at hasboro children's hospital because their 14 month old son theyfeld a hundred dollar raiser and raised 3 grand, over the weekend someone stole the money and dad's wedding ring, too. >> i was not even ten feet away from them when they took the money out of my pocket. how does somebody do that? i just, i don't understand. >> police are investigating, that boy is due for a bone marrow transplant in the coming weeks. >> just awful. >> it is. >> tonight a woman said she was humiliated at a by byes russ. >> she said what happened to her brought all the pain of what happened and how the store is trying to make it right. >> not much to these, but there are a couple showers on live storm tracker radar that i'm looking at. most importantly what is ahead for the weekend from tropics and hermine in the gulf of mexico. >> plus, remembering those we have lost to opioid addiction and recognizing the left ones on the breaking news we mentioned a little earlier at abbington, a boy has been alive. he was flown to the hospital. according to the newspaper, a woman found the boy with a gunshot wound on a bed inside a home here on lynnwood street. the gun was reportedly lying on that bed. we don't know how old that child is right now. a lot of questions on this. we also have a crew on the way to the scene as we get more information we will uptate you tonight. -today is a day to remember those lost in the battle against opioids. >> it is international overdose a day for families to come to heel. >> activists handed out the name of a pimple t-shirt with the name of someone who struggled with drug abuse, it's one way salem is marketing a day that had an impact on so many people. >> it is like you are on high alert every day that your loved one will die. >> mary wheel haven't is doing overdose prevention door knock, after an overdose she and her staff go to the person's home and offer support. >> for some people it >> so far, salem has seen 110 overdoses and 10 deaths, so far this year. last year this city saw 11 deaths because of the opioid crisis. mayor kim dris control earmarked $30,000 in the city's budget toward the clinical outreach. >> it is half the cost after new police officer. >> there are also so called recovery coaches here. they offer support in the hospital after an overdose. >> i will tell you we are throwing the kitchen sink at it. >> chief mary butler said taken >> it is going to require i think more treatment facilities and beds. >> but congressman seth moulton tells me it's also time for the federal government to step up. >> we need to fund programs just like we see here in salem. and not all the communities that i represent have the resources to stand up and do this on their own. congress needs to help. >> in salem, sharmen sachhetti, fox 25 news. >> outside a mix today of the sun and clouds. but on this last day of august, that's what we aree seeing a live picture, is tracking some rain as we head into september? >> the first chance comes tonight, there are a couple showers out there it's been a warm and muggy day, may not feel so warm out there with the lack of sun, but all the way to 81 in boston, pretty close to average for this time of year. that that's right now for the dippertime plans to go out of work. couple showers in the area but very very weak, take you out to worcester county, bookfield to oxford, a couple right along the beaches in marshfield as well. look, the front coming across promises to fire up a few more showers, even a couple thunderstorms later tonight, and into the morning hours. a watch to see how vigorous those become overnight, of course meteorologist shiri spear will track them during the morning and we get breaks of sun later in the morning. that can pop up a couple showers. by lunchtime only in the 70s so a cooler day coming up with all the clouds out there. but any breaks of sun can fire up to 80 quickly. now, what we are awaiting is the national hurricane sent haven't the latest fix on the center of tropical storm hermine which looks like it this afternoon and the latest track, how close lit come to us labor day weekend. >> kevin, thank you. an elite private school in massachusetts said it discovered five new cases of sexual misconduct by former teaches. the head of phillips academy in andover say the cases involve students and took place in the 70s and 80s. they mentioned three of the former five faculty members by name. two are dead, the other two are banned from cap pus. allegations of misconduct. >> a family is stranded after a ferry sank their boat is getting help replacing their 13-foot boston whaler. withe told you monday night how mike and kevin slade were forced to camp on grape island after the wake from the ferry capsized their boat. now they tell us the owner of boston harbor cruises is offered to pay for their boat and also for an upgrade. new at 4:00, attleboro police want you to get a good look at this woman here, she is a suspect in the a surveillance video captured pictures, the woman drove off in a black sedan. >> a local fire chief was training firefighters when he went into cardiac arrest. erica ritchie shows how the firefighters put their training to work and saved the the chief's life. >> it's great for comradery. >> but this time, it wasn't the physical abilities test that brought the guys at the milton fire department to earth goer it was chief frank twist himself after the workout, while he and his men began training on a new phone system in the building. feel that well. he said, you know, chief you okay? and he didn't respond. so the guys immediately put him on the floor and confirmed he was in cardiac arrest. >> when there is a patient you do what you are trained to do. >> at the milton fire house it was the use of cpr and aed, both were used by the chief twist by his firefighters to regain a heart beat long enough to get him to beverly hospital where he was treated for three major blockages. >> i was lucky i was in the best i ended up with the best place to get my ongoing care and that made the difference. they saved my life. >> that's the business of a first responder, but even the chief knows it's different when the life they are saving is personal. >> i know it was hard for them. like, i grew up with a lot of these guys. >> it's one of your own it may have beens it more difficult. >> when you know the person and you were talking to them it's before they collapse, it certainly changes the dynamic a little bit. you feel extra pressure. word to explain that. i mean, they gave me a second chance yesterday. >> so he can continue on with his plans for tomorrow. >> i was scheduled to retire tomorrow. >> talk about timing. the chief said this episode now gives him some focus in retirement, as he has a renewed passion for offering life-saving training the. >> there was an aed and cpr, you can save someone's life. i'm tacking to you as a prime example. >> erica ritchie, fox 25 news. >> a cat in central italy used one last week's earthquake. the owner begged rescue crews to find her cat saying her pet was all she had left. on monday workers were combing through the city with bulldozers when they spotted the cat alive. look at it. fire crews took the thirsty kitty named joy out of the rubble giving it some much-needed water. >> students in worcester say a cell phone policy is unfair and rules are too strict, it says students can keep the phones with them if they are shut off and out of sight. the problem, aid coring to breaks. school officials say the rules promote face-to-face conversation between students. worcester's policy is similar to the rules in boston and other large districts in the area. >> two people stuck in the middle of the ocean. ahead at 4:00, how they got there and were rescued fro a jetty. >> plus, dozens of people infected with hepatitis a., why new at 4:00, two men rescued by police helicopter after they got city, high tide, strong wind made it impossible for the men to climb over the rocks to safety, instead they climb the channel marker structure and they simply waited for help. and nypd chopper swooped in and got both men to safety. also new at 4:00,rava health officials say a smoothie shop is to blame for an outbreak of helicoptertitis a. so far, 40 people have contracted the virus. according to health officials the cases are all connected to a tropical smoothie cafe in virginia beach. one man said the shop is pa noticing he was not feeling well and then he learned about a possible hepatitis a. contam federation from frozen strawberries. >> it is scary hearing it from a phone call from the virginia health department saying, like, sir, you have hepatitis a., you know, from this restaurant and this and this. >> two other victims have filed lawsuits against the company. the outbreak has been tied to frozen strawberries that the company imported from egypt. >> new at 4:00, a teacher and new jersey. the two strangers saw that 4 month old girl sitting in her car seat, he face was bright red, the windows were not open. the retired police officer grabbed a sledgehammer and broke a car's window and then brought the girl inside to cool off. >> i almost started to cry because it just hit me home, having six kids. >> i just did what i think anybody hopefully would do. >> in pi opinion they saved the baby's life. seconds can be of the essence. it could have been the difference between life and death. >> let's talk the girl's mom left her in the car for 40 minutes. she was inside shopping and by the way that car was 124 degrees inside. the mom was arrested and charged with child endangerment. >> tracking a couple showers out there right now. nothing real strong or heavy, but i'm also watching tropical storm hermine and awaiting the national hurricane center how it can impact us this weekend. >> favorite story of the day, one teen's senior photograph went viral on twitter. >> oh, yeah, it did. doing. >> a mother is trying to make a simple return, left the the new england store in tears. >> it was worse than a slap in the face. >> what clerks at babies r. us did that has the store ? sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. only at a sleep number store. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, and right now, get our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online, cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. someone's finally ready to start her day. time to work some magic. tada. get gooeyflakyhappy. ? a woman who suffered a miscarriage said she was forced to reopen the traumatic wounds babies r' us, as matthew campbell reports it happened during waterbury connecticut during what should have been a simple return. >> this was the moment when jessica hutch knew a baby boy was growing inside her. >> my husband always wanted a boy. pass down the family name. >> excited to add to her family of three girls, she went to babies r' us preparing for the special addition. >> with car seats and the strollers you have to update them every five years. it devastated the entire family to the point where they couldn't bear to look at the reminders of what should have been. >> every time i would see them i just, either get mad or, you know, get upset. >> so jessica went to the babies r' us in waterbury looking to make a return. she said both items were somewhat p.o. box untouched but against store policy she did not have a receipt. >> why would i save them? i threw them out. >> but she did have the debit card she used as well as the store loyalty card. >> that's when she said the unforgettable nightmare. >> she asked why are you returning it. and it triggered something inside of me that i just, a tear just rolled down my face and i had to just say, my son passed away. and i can't use them. >> a manager got involved and the humiliation only grew. the items could not be found in the system. the manager was able to track down the car seats. >> and she gave me about half for that. >> but the double stroller still wasn't turning up, leading the manager to allegedly offer pennies for her $179 purchase. >> so she turned around and said, well, it's coming up as two cents. and i said so you're offering me two cents? for a double stroller? >> feeling the heart break all over again, jessica left in tears. face. >> with no resolution, she reached out to us and babies r' us, today she said the manager at the waterbury store vowed to make things right. >> he offered to give me the remainlder balance of what i was owed. >> it hasn't happened yet. while jessica may never get over the pain of losing a child she is looking to change policy, putting a more tender touch to the family retailer. >> someone in my situation returning a product for a loss there is no employee training. >> i can't imagine that. >> i don't believe they have a policy for that. >> babies r' us released a statementing saying we are deeply sorry for her experience in our store and more importantly for her loss, the store leadership is providing coaching to the team members to ensure similar situations are handled with more care in the future. it also said the company reached out to hutchco and is working to issue a >> so all anybody wants to tack about right now is tropics and what hermine can do with us because those tropical tracks are pointing towards snind land. but keep in mind that's tend of labor day weekend. a lot can happen between now and then. we will discus it. first let's talk about what is happening outside for your dinner. 81 in boston. 81 bedford. 75 worcester. it is sticky out there, through the evening. the chance for a shower or thunderstorm grows later tonight, as the front comes up. we will talk about. and through 8:00, p 5 degrees and cloudy and then the risk of a thunderstorm later on tonight and about 74 at 10:00 in the evening. so, there are the clouds, there are the showers, not much to these. live storm tracker radar will bear that out. you will see out here around westboro, along 495, there is upton, a shower there, it moved off to the east around hopkinton area now, back through oxford, see ag couple light showers, not much to these. there are more to the west that will try to come on through with this front. now, i will caution you with this. perfectly with what we are seeing out there. take this with this in mind. when you see the showers popping up here on the futurecast, they become more numerous, those are time periods you can expect more showers to be around. don't expect the placement to be perfect. i'm not seeing that with the futurecast data. the models can't pinpoint exactly where showers will be. but a good idea when you have the highest threat. after midnight tonight especially is when the shower and thunderstorm threat will grow, when the cold front is coming through the area. cod in the morning hours. we will get breaks of sun in the middle of the day, but any sun will push your temperature closer to 80 and pop up a couple of showers in the still sticky air mass. there will be tryer air moving in but not until after these showers go by tomorrow afternoon and evening, and tomorrow night we clear it out. friday looks beautiful. crisp and dry, and a feel of fall in the air in some places. temperatures in the 870s but dry. these 70s you will have tomorrow come with the still humid air so it's still going to feel stickiernd framingham, 76 boston. 74 nantucket with the risk of shower or storm. all right. let's talk her mine, this kim packet our weather. it will definitely impact us as far as churning up the water, withe are seeing rip tides out there, we are already looking at big waves and surf. dangerous situation for beach goer, you have to be careful out there, not stay way afrom the beach, just be aware of your surroundings what is going on. this storm comes closer to us, it looked like it was trying to form an eye, but that sort of a lot of rain being pushed out which is trip call of tropical systems. wind 45 miles per hour and it looks like this was just updated. they just updated this. jason brewer is with me, when i came in here, it was 45 miles per hour, it strengthened a little bit. hermine wants to come up the coast and turn to florida by 2 a.m. into 2 p.m. on friday into the carolinas and then staying inland with this latest track. don't always go with just the center. that's a reference point. but, either side of that l. in the middle here is track situation. and here is a problem with this. now that we are looking at this live and i can analyze this with you as i'm seeing it, this is far there was to the west and closer to us by monday afternoon. which means much of sing land is in the danger zone for a potential landfall, or at least some heavy rain from this, the second part of your labor day weekend. i will take a little more close look at this now that i know it came in. meanwhile your seven-day forecast brings the changes for rain sunday into monday, certainly into view, i already had it in there and with phthalatest track coming in, it something we will talk more about when i come back in a few minutes. >> american olympian gabby douglas is out of the hospital this afternoon. she underwent surgery to remove a cyst from her mouth over the weekend. she told her instagram followers the procedure went well and he is on the road to recovery. selena gomez is taking time off to deal with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. the singer said the side effects stem from lupus. the 24 year-old just finished up a world tour and said she wants toe cuss on maintaining her health and happiness by taking time off. last october undergoing chemotherapy to treat the disease. the singer said she hopes her public decision to take i can of herself helps others to do the same. >> so many mu investigations who knew prince best reportedly aric thatting part in a tribute concert to late superstar. sheila e, the revenue liewg, mother ris and the the new power generation are list of possible performers. the entire concert lineup will come out sometime after labor day, scheduled for october 13th. here we go. these are pictures, out of oregon, an unexpected guest in the background turned her picture into something she will never forget. take a look. >> okay. jillian henry was taking the pictures along the river and as we pull out, you get a better sense of what we are talking about. she was photo bombs by that guy, the naked man and his dog. >> naked guy. >> what were they doing back there this is. >> i don't want to know. >> not clear. when she saw the final pictures she had to share them on twit, of course. retreats. how about that senior picture? f i would have posted them, too. i want to know who naked guy was and what the heck he was doing. >> did he lose the pants in the river? >> of course he did. dire news of elephant, why the population is declining so rapidly. here is vanessa welch with what we are working on at 5:00. >> donald trump meeting with the a man is murdered going for a walk, investigators are combing for clues at an area park f. you plan to head to the beach this weekend you may want caution when out there swimming, how the activity in the tropics can throw up red flags and bring potentially dangerous conditions sfx: "gulp" what are you doing? sfx: "burp" i'm having a small snack. gross. don't live with ants. get raid ant & roach spray. raid??? raid kills bugs dead. norman: that's a lot of vitamins there, harold. harold: oh, i'm stocking up before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte also wants to raise the medicare eligibility age. norman: ohhh... i think maybe i'll pick up a few too. narrator: tell kelly ayotte: oppose medicare privatization. >> massachusetts is getting money from the federal government to fight the opioid epidemic. fox 25's jacqueline feld is in washington to explain how the funds will be used. administration is giving 44 states a total of $53 million as part of an ongoing effort to fight the number of overdose defendants from prescription painkillers and heroin. i was on a conference call with federal health officials. they tell me the funding focuses on three areas -- reducing overprescribing of painkillers, increasing access to treatment for addicts and making sure the overdose reversal drug is likely prescription over dose deaths have quadrupled since 1999. in 2014, more than 4,000 people died from overdoses involving prescription painkillers. the administration is also calling on congress to approve more money, saying legislation signed into law earlier doesn't do enough to expand treatment. in washington, jacqueline feld, fox 25 news. >> elizabeth: the elephant population is crashing across africa. nearly 150,000 of the animals seven years. that's according to the results of recent censuses, which tracked elephant populations within 18 african countries. showed a population decline of 30%. experts claim the increased drop in poach he was searching for ivory. >> a child shot and flown to the hospital. >> elizabeth: fox 25 news starts right now. a man is found murdered after his fighting walk through >> the reporter: his body left on the bleachers. how his friends are remembering him in the wake of his brutal death. >> kevin: i'm tracking a few showers out there tonight and through the overnight, plus, all eyes on tropical storm hermine and how she could impact labor day weekend. >> mark: a tragic car crash involving a shuttle bus kills two people. >> the reporter: we're piecing together how they were killed. >> vanessa: plus, a fiery gas station rescue caught on camera. >> i just felt something and i looked, and there was just smoke pouring out. narrow escape for one woman, who managed to pull two children out of this burning car. >> vanessa: we are still following a breaking story right now in abington, where a boy didn'tly shot himself this afternoon. we're told the child is alive. he was flown to the hospital, and according to the enterprise of a home here on lynnwood street. the begun gun was reportedly lying on the bed next to him. we don't know how old the boy is. we have a crew on the scene working to get more answers. we'll bring you a live report as soon as they're ready. new tonight at 5:00 p.m., a new murder investigation in new hampshire. a man found dead after his flightily walk. good evening, i'm vanessa welch. >> mark: i'm mark ockerbloom. the victim's body was found late saturday night on the bleachers at a popular park. fox 25's katherine burcham is live in manchester, where investigators are clues. >> the reporter: yeah this, is actually a joint investigation, between manchester police detectives here and the attorney general's office. they say they have a cause of death, but haven't yet made it official. this comes as those who knew and loved richard carlson are mourning his loss. >> he was a good guy. he was sweet. >> the reporter: outside richard carlson's manchester apartment, someone has put flowers next to the american flag he proudly displayed. >> always had a wave and nice his neighborhood, often carrying a bag with a radio, playing his favorite tunes. now, that radio, his apartment, sits silent. >> that was devastating. very very sad for me, because i just seen him. >> the reporter: kathy last saw carlson late saturday night. she drove past him to pick up her daughter. >> i was going to stop and give him a ride, but i was late to go get her, and i wish i had stopped. now that makes me feel bad that i didn't stop and pick him up. >> t r next. they say carlson was passing through this nearby park, when he was apparently attacked. hours later, officers found his body, sprawled across the bleachers, behind the baseball diamond. >> you get a lot of people to go around there, it's nice. it's a good place to be. but if you go late at night, you don't know who you're going to expect. >> the reporter: as police search for carlson's killers, his neighbors are left with questions about why the gentleman who loved his music would be targeted. >> i think this is just somebody

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