Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 10 20161013 : comparemel

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 10 20161013

drugs in her classroom. what police say she did to hide a baggy filled with white powder. plus, this deadly plane crash was no accident. the fight in the cockpit before the moment of impact. >> fog and drizzle developing over the morning drive and i'm tracking these showers for the commute. >> a woman shot to death inside an apartment hallway. her killer is nowhere to be found. >> we were like best friends we were everything. she >> what investigators connection to --. first at 11:00 a local high school teacher is accused of carrying out the long lesson. >> evening i'm mark ockerbloom. >> and i'm vanessa welch. they shout she -- thought she had drugs inside her classroom but that's not why she was arrested. malini basu has more. trouble? >> reporter: that's right, vanessa. here we are at keene, new hampshire, high school this is where the teacher has worked for about 10 years or so. earlier today police tilts she turned herself in to police after she knew she was being washed but police say she was arrested and taken into custody why? because she lied to them. co-workers told police they suspected diane delisle a teacher at keene high school was abusing drugs in the classroom. >> tha teacher do something like that. >> reporter: parents and teachers were made aware of these allegations immediately. >> a very generic e-mail regarding the situation but i understand it has to be generic but at least it's speculation. >> reporter: be fox 25 has learned the investigation started at the end of august. witnesses told police the 54-year-old had a "cutoff straw a pill grinder and a small bag of white powder >> i don't want that teacher teaching my daughter. i don't know why you would have to be using drugs in school. >> keene police say delisle agreed to allow police to search her purse and even walked to her car but investigators say she lied. delisle allegedly texted someone to move her purse from the classroom >> i have heard enough about students doing horrible stuff. >> reporter: police according to delisle's linkedin page she's a "autism ands a burger teacher. parents say they just find all of this so hard to believe. >> of course it shocks me. we trust these people to take care of our children is be in the her right mind to do it. investigators tell us that the teacher here delisle has been let on the $10,000 personal recognizance. her husband tell usis she's been for 10 years and they're in the process of getting a lawyer. delisle did not face any drug charges it's just misleading police. for now live in keene, new hampshire, tonight, malini basu, fox 25 news. >> it was a suicide mission that's the word associated press about that plane crash in connecticut. tonight we sent fox 25's ted daniel to find out more about the student pilot at the controls. he joins us live now with what he's learned. ted? >> reporter: the plane that's just a couple miles out from the airport where it was supposed to land when authorities say the student pilot deliberately flew it into a utility pole. according to the associated press, vanessa, the instructor on board tried to wrestled for the controls. new pictures of 28-year-old man from his facebook born and raised in muslim country of jordan, he first entered the u.s. four years ago on a visa to attend flight school he was flying with the owner hartford's american flight academy when the plane went down. >> information indicates that the plane crash was intentional. but i want to be crystal clear, the circumstances beyond that are still being investigat the twin engine piper seneca was on its final approach to hartford's airport when it struck a utility pole and exploded into flames near the campus of pratt & whitney. pratt & whitney a major defense contractor manufacturers military and commercial jet engines. he was killed and the instructor survived with serious burns. he lived in this hartford apartment complex less than two miles from the crash site. his three roommates also become pilots. the f.b.i. have searched the apartment and interviewed his roommates. >> they come and go. the associated press reporting that investigators have been able to question instructor in the hospital. he says he was argued with him and struggling for the controls. what motivated him to take the plane down still unknown. >> we're not drawing any shape for form. the associated press is also reporting that investigators have not found any evidence that would make them believe that this was an act of terrorism but the probe it continues. reporting live tonight in east hartford, connecticut, i'm ted daniel, fox 25 news. new at 10:00 tonight fox 25 has just obtained this picture of that plane that win the down. n-15294. more details now on the school it came from. it's called the american flight academy it has been operating since 2007. it opened a second location in 2014. classes include private and commercial training and according to its website again the owner of the flight school was a surviving passenger we'll be on scene all night inning to about you any new developments. tonight investigators are working to dechl if instructor got into a fight in the cockpit. why a local flight tells us control over the plane could come down to an arm wrestling match. >> we're following breaking news "the new york times" is reporting donald trump inappropriately touched two women. tonight he is responding to these strong accusations. >> it was over 35 years ago. >> reporter: jessica lee tells "the new york times" she sat next to donald trump on a flight. >> it was a real shock when all of a sudden his hands were all over me. space and i hesitate to use this expression but i'm going to, and that is he was like an octopus. it was like he had six arms. he was all over the place. if he had stuck with the upper part of the body i might not have gotten -- i might not have gotten that upset. but he started putting his hand up my skirt and that was it. >> reporter: another woman rachel says kissed outside an elevator. it didn't feel like an accident it felt like a violation. crook says the encounter happened in 2005 the same year trump was caught on the mic boasting to tv host billy bush. "the new york times" says they came after the debate are you saying you did not kiss women without consent or grope women. >> i have great respect for and women have respect for me. >> no, i have not. >> the trump campaign calling this a political attack. trump denies the claims and he threatens to sue the paper. hillary clinton's has not yet responded to the report. new from the campaign trail the f.b.i. -- earlier today wiki leaks posted another batch of e-mails. the f.b.i. is confident senior russian officials directed the hack. the f.b.i. state elections officials in the coming days. now to a live look at the radar as you can see we are tracking rain to our west and it's heading this way. let's get right to fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz with the updated timeline of when it all arrives. >> all right, mark, i'll be watching that. before we even get to that there's going to be some fog developing overnight along with some low clouds that's going to be developing right over the top of us as temperatures cool. so while i expect it to be headache you don't need in the morning. it starts to dissipate by late in the morning. with the fog comes the to telephone for some spotty drizzle, especially in eastern and southeastern massachusetts. those breaks in the clouds a formula they will warm us up but it's just ahead of this front that's coming on in. by 2:00 showers in western new england then through 4:00 to 5:00 coming in to southern new hampshire and also worcester county moving eastward but weakening as the front comes on through. we'll take this timeline through the rest of the night tomorrow and into frid plus, i have late word on what's happening with hurricane nicole. this convicted level three sex offender was supposed to serve more than 100 years in prison for what he did to children. but he's already out and back home. >> as we reported this has an entire neighborhood on edgert. >> reporter: we see the -- >> reporter: fox 25 news started digging after learning that richard gardner was not committed. the plymouth county d.a. office did not move to civilly commit mr. gardner senior officials in my office conducted a comprehensive review of this case and determined that happened as a result of human error. this was an isolated incident and our office immediately implemented further checks and balances to strengthen the notification process. >> why is he not being subjected to a process where a judge could say you're too dangerous to be a free man. >> reporter: former middlesex prosecutor wendy murphy says d.a.s have the option to someone after they serve their sentence. that is made after the d.a. gets notified that the inmate is being released and does an assessment to dechl if the person is still sexually dangerous. when gardner was released last week he moved back into his family home and that has the neighborhood in weymouth outraged. >> i got two little girls living next door to me. >> reporter: fox 25 has learned that gardner will now living in suffolk county. his probation supervision has been transferred from the d.a. says it is working closely with law enforcement and probation officials to monitor gardner's status. operation officials telling us gardner is in compliance. gardner will have to update where he is living or staying on the sex offender registry that is supposed to be updated daily at 5:00 p.m. in the newsroom, fox 25 investigates. tonight we are learning more about the anger and outrage after richard gardner's early release. >> if richard gardner is on the street >> fox 25 talks to the mom of one of his victims that's haunted by what happened to her son. a young mother gunned down. it happened more than a decade ago and her mother's heartbreak is still fresh because her killer has never been found. >> she was sitting on the stairs like leaning i guess the railings. sitting there like she was -- when she had been shot in the head with a small see this special addition of new england's unsolved. plus, tom brady takes the podium at gillette for first time since returning from his suspension. the question he wouldn't answer about donald trump. but first, she was three years old when someone shot her. why she's a teenager. next at 10:00, how she's helping another little girl with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ? are you feeling alright, baby? ? with simply right checking from santander bank. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. after learning about the by a stray bullet when she only 3 years old reached out to offer a helping hand. kylie harriet is now 16 years old and confined to a wheelchair. >> she understands what this latest victim of violence is going through. john spoke with her today. she wants to offer her support? >> reporter: that's right, mark and vanessa. shooting stunned the city of boston she was only 3 years old. since adversity and drive. her experience and the gift of hope to the latest victim. >> reporter: cradled in the arms of an emergency responder 3-year-old kylie harriet the victim of a stray bullet was carried to an ambulance. that was 2003. but now paralyzed teen is offering a helping hand to boston's latest victim of violence. >> it's happening again kind just brought it back. >> reporter: kylie offering support to the 9-year-old shot in the back in this park at a party early sunday morning. after two men got out of a white car and shot into the crowd. >> i'm disappoint in the fact that like children can't enjoy being children. >> reporter: kylie now a sophomore at newtown country day wants to be a vet but she also wants to help other victims >> there wasn't like a lot of people that i looked up to that was handicapped and could really understand my situation. >> reporter: her mom tonya is proud of her daughter who says this weekend's shooting brings back a flood of bad memories. and she says to take one day at a time and that one thing like where you start. >> kylie wants to -- for this weekend's shooting remain on the loose. we're live tonight, john monahan, fox 25 news. the deadly wrong way crash that killed five high school students in vermont could soon face murder charges. 36-year-old man's condition has been upgraded to fair from serious. he is accused of driving the wrong way on night when his pickup plowed head-on into the car filled with with the teens. prosecutors say they will wait to arraign him until he's out of the hospital. police and neighbors in cohasset are on alert tonight after a high school girl reported a man tried to lure her into his van. the ninth grader told police it happened this morning around 7:30 on pond street. she says he offered her a ride but let her go when she refused. police departments are on the lookout for a machine in driving a newer white van. a sexual offender is accused of assaulting two women in boston. police say he climbed through the window of an apartment early yesterday morning and assaulted both of the women inside. investigators recovered a prescription medicine bottom well his name on it from the bedroom of one of the victims. that's how they were able to make such a quick arrest. his attorney said little after the hearing. >> there's significant issues that will be played out in fox 25 dug into brown's criminal fast and found other charges for rushing the jury in court. he had been living at the pine street inn shelter and being held without bail until friday. new details at 10:00 we have learned this man will face a judge tomorrow accused of leading police on a high-speed chase on the south shore. halifax police told us an officer tried to pull james joyce over this morning but he sped off. randolph. joyce lost a tire and spun out. police say the car was reported stolen last night. tom brady learned today that he earned the afc player of the week honors for his triumphant return for his four game suspension against the cleveland browns on sunday. now this sunday it's on to cincinnati more importantly for brady he gets to make his first start of the season in front of his home crowd at gillette stadium. >> i look forward to every week and certainly it's a very fun game. it's always really fun to be outside. there you got a great crowd. hopefully we give them lots of reasons to cheer. we always had such great support here. it's just a great place to play. hope hadfully we can make enough plays and keep them out of the game. >> brady politely declined to talk about the presidential election today. sports director tom leyden will have details on the question that caused brady to walk away from the podium. that's ahead at 11:00. tim tebow now plays baseball for a minor league team. >> ahead at 10:00 what tebow did to help a fan who was having a seizure. first new video shows the new reality for people along the north carolina coast after hurricane new video showing us how serious the situation is coming in north carolina as the state deals with the aftermath of hurricane matthew. outside it looks like a lake. and officials in the tar heel state are expecting more scenes like as rivers rise to record levels. the death carolina is now at 19. almost all of the victims drown. they are the governor issued a sober warning today. >> stay away whether you're walking or riding in a car. do not get near the water it will kill you. >> they are under a state of emergency and it's not over -- thousands of working victims are desperate to help. matthew left more than 100 people dead 500 people dead in the impoverished nation. tomorrow a team from mass general hospital will travel to haiti to provide assistance for a cholera outbreak. the centers for disease control now said people with egg allergies can get a flu shot. the c.d.c. also issued another warning about using the the vaccine. doctors say it's not as effective as the shot. unfortunately the evidence says there should be plenty of flu shots to go around this year. wells fargo c.e.o. john stumpf is off the outside. in order to reach sales goals. some current and former say the fact accounts they faced harassment. a mother murdered 12 years agoed and person who did it has never been found. in 20 minutes why this new england's unsolved is personal for one investigator. bus first new at 10:00 the final moments of that plane crash why the two men possibly struggled to get control of that aircraft. tracking some showers moving toward the area tonight. i have the timeline on when those will move on through plus, major hurricane nicole bearing down did you know your business doesn't have to suffer blazing fast internet speeds up to 150 mbps. that's 10 times faster than dsl. get internet for as low as $59.95 a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. did you know that sharing wifi with your customers could leave your business exposed? only comcast business offers wifi pro. two separate networks - one that's private for you, and one that's public for your customers. upgrade to wifi pro for only $19.95 a month. call today. comcast business. special interests that oppose question 2 claim district schools lose money to charter schools. that's "absurd," says the boston herald. "outright lies," reports the lowell sun. charter schools "don't siphon off state dollars" from traditional schools, says the boston globe. 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. please vote yes on question 2. for stronger public schools. at the top of the hour we told you investigators believe that the plane crash was intentional. we now know that small plane had two controls and the evidence shows two men struggled to gain control. difficult for the flight instructor to take over and avoid the crash? jim morelli is live in manchester, new hampshire, jim the reason is --ing. >> it's disturbing because it seems kind of precarious. he used a simulator to showus trust is such an important thing to have in the cockpit and also if you're talking about a trainer it also helps to on the left runway. does know the likely reason the struggled for control of the plane. >> there's no independence for you to take the plane over. this simulator is they would the appearance deceiving. >> they're connected by linkage. in a struggle for control of the aircraft one thing would be the deciding factor. and in the final moments of flight they were likely other things going on. probably 800 feet above the ground at this pointed going >> reporter: the simulator shows the approach in to brainerd airport in hartford. >> it happened so fast you don't have a lot of time. >> reporter: cunningham has been flying and teaching others to fly for decades. he never experienced any situation like what apparently happened in hartford. this crash will change the way he does business. >> flighted instructors have to be to be psychologist --. he was frying to land that plane. he says that because it did clip a utility line so perhaps after after he did control it was too little too late. jim morelli, fox 25 news. at the top of the hour women have levelled against donald trump. any minute now hillary clinton is going to speak she's speaking there right now. and expecting her to speak about those comments if she does we'll be turn to turn that sound around and bring it right to you. >> then all new at 11:00 the string of crimes police say these two people may be connected to. >> start out with the good news. the fox 25 day. this is the nights we've been getting used to these beautiful nights clear nights, cool nights no doubt about it. we had some great pictures send in i showed in the earlier newscast. look at the foilage here. that's gorgeous stuff. a move coming in from p.j. even norton it's getting there it's close there's another shot on the shot of mount washington. blue sky that's the place to be right now as far as the foilage. old stone church in west boylston that is some gorgeous stuff. thanks for the beautiful pictures. this is what the foilage looks like. i told you to go north so when the weather cooperates for your temperatures out there right now dropped into the upper 40s to the northwest, so mid-40s that cool spot. 54 boston that blue sky won't sob blue there will though with this spot of drizzle here. but 51? on average across the area. satellite and radar shows some clouds out will but there will be more that will be drifting in from the south. as our air cools developing for us low clouds patchy fog and some drizzle. it won't be for everyone. the heavier showers will be back here along a cold front stretching through canada through michigan into the green that's the drizzle that's expected again spotteddy not for everyone and the clouds. for lunchtime you get some sun to come out temperatures warmed to between 65 and 70?. we're still waiting for the front that's back here. starting to move in to vermont. then into the worcester area for new southern new hampshire so 5:00 so the morning drive the drizzle and the fog. for the evening drive you get these look how they're weak. nothing heavy coming on through. these slide offshore and the clouds get out of here for midnight tomorrow night. sunshine friday not just in the morning but all day long with clear night friday night. in fact, friday night will be rather cold around here. temperatures in the 60s tomorrow afternoon clouds will be tougher to break into eastern massachusetts but breaks in the clouds pushing us up to 71 in burlington. hurricane nicole as you know i'll get the latest advisory coming in just before sometimes it pops up. i want you to see the eye of the storm. notice a light north eastward jog that puts hamilton and the rest of bermuda right in its track. it's a major hurricane category three, 160 mile winds. category three perhaps drop into category two. as it crosses the islands. -- the pictures we showed you just a little while ago. there will be some damage. sunshine friday this upcoming weekend by sunday 62? for a high temperature. of course, gillette stadium is at 1:00 your temperature 59 degrees. when i get that new track and the latest stats i'll have it for you next half hour. he will always be apart thanks from fenway today. here it is to red sox nation never forget what we did. do not be upset instead smile. the future is bright with all these young studs. they may not be in uniform anymore but these teams were never about one guy it was always about the team and i will always be apart of red sox nation. he ended his tweet by saying see ya all around. we have not seen the rest of big papi. >> he will stick around. know drive a toyota? >> next the automaker just issued a global recall. >> someone broke into a woman's vehicle and stole her mother's ashes. ahead at 10:00 what the crook might have mistaken the ashes for. the body of this woman found in the stairwell of a roxbury apartment building. it's an unsolved crime that's haunted her family for four years. up next fox 25's bob ward uncovers her family's theory great price on thi ! yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. kelly ayotte: let's be honest - both donald trump and hillary clinton are far from perfect... and i'm not perfect either. but when partisan politicians shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. i've worked to find solutions to new hampshire's heroin epidemic. and i've crossed the aisle to protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working with republicans, democrats, or independents, i'm standing up for new hampshire. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. this price is so low. trying to make me eat my greens? no, just trying to save you some green. whaaat?! thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. toyota has announced a global recall for its new models of the prius sedans. the automaker recalling the 2016 and 2017 models they say there's a possibility the parking brake on these cars could stop working. the company is to the toyota dealer to fix the problem at no cost. >> a big night for fox 25 cares right now boston. at our dedham studio i was announced this year's winner. he's just offence years old. he is making a big impact in the community. he created a movement called united for animals on the planet which advocates the important role zoos play in animal conservation. adam volunteers at the chose zoo new england as the recipient and fox 25 gave $5,000 to both runners up. everyone got to tour the newsroom and just so happened a couple students that were here were wearing green shirts which were perfect to put them in the tv and make them disappear. didn't even plan that but they were able to dress appropriately. took several pictures i'm sure they will be shared at school tomorrow disappearing in front of the green wall. >> pictures there were 30 second. >> and the win sorry impressive. >> 15 years old. boy. >> i wasn't expecting that. back story is we featured him three years ago for another money making effort that he did raising $2,000. for animal conservation. england the organization that benefited for his philanthropy. incredible. onto bigger and better things. 15 felt more like he needs to be in college. it's august. >> really great taking care of our community. >> good work. thanks. right now police are looking for the person who broke into a woman's car and stole her mother's ashes. next at 10:00, what the thief might have mistaken those ashes for. >> a young mother killer has never been found. coming up in new england's unsolved fox 25's bob ward speaks to the lead detective ?? why do banks treat you and your money like this? they nickel and dime you with fees and minimum balances. capital one won't do that. they've reimagined banking, and built a checking account that's free of all that nonsense. no fees. no minimums. no gotchas. at capital one, your money stays your money. heartbroken after thieves broke into her car and made off with her mother's ashes. as fox 25's crystal haynes shows us the woman believes the thieves might have mistaken the remains for drugs. >> my mother was very strong person. she had breast cancer that she fought for almost 20 years on and off. >> reporter: carolyn parker keeps her mother's memorial picture on the dashboard and part of her ashes in a box in her car. >> they have just been in my car so that way when have them in my car. >> reporter: today that box was empty. this week her car was broken into along with others on her street. the thieves ransacked it. >> the whole front everything that was in here was taken out. my sunglasses, a couple pairs of sunglasses all taken out and on the seat this was on the floor open. >> reporter: and they took her mother's ashes. >> across the back and i hope that the person that think they were drugs i hope they get help. >> reporter: carolyn believes the ashes may have been mistaken for heroin or cocaine. all she wants is whomever took those ashes to return them no questions asked. >> they could have taken anything. any material thing it's replaceable but someone's ashes they're not replaceable. >> you know carolyn tells me me she actually lost her son about a year and a half ago she had hoped to combine ashes with her mother's ashes in a keepsake. brockton police tell me there's very little they can do in this case but they are investigating. if you have any information you are asked to contact them. reporting in brockton, i'm crystal haynes, fox 25 news. the 72 hours the city of lowell had 17 overdoses two were fat. a leaders are now making sure that never happens again. the police department is using 1.2 million dollars in federal grants to expand its community opioid outreach program through the co-op and firefighters to go out and encourage people who have recently overdosed but survived to enter treatment. one man told us this program saved his life. >> at the end of the day like so many people so many of my friends died. with the grant the police department hopes to hire more and also target drug traffickers. >> 13 years ago a young roxbury woman was found shot to death in an apartment in the stairwell. a child headed for cool made the terrible discoveries. the family is doing all they can to unmask her killer. >> reporter: this is cha reese carter. she came from a good family. victim to the streets and her family is turning to the streets they believe someone even now can identify her killer. >> i saw a young female victim when i went into that building that day. that's who she remains a victim of a homicide. >> reporter: boston police homicide detective tells me the murder of charise carter is something she will n close to his home. >> she was from my neighborhood. she was a young lady. i have two daughters. i don't take my cases personal per se but you got to feel for certain victims. >> i miss her oh my god. >> reporter: jackie williams was her mother she remembers her larger than life personality and how they seem more like sisters than mother and daughter. and witty, oh my goodness. so witty. >> reporter: on the morning of february 6th, 2004, carter found shot to death in this apartment building waverly street. the murder stunned her family. >> she sitting there she was sitting on the stair like leaning on the railing just like sitting there like she was asleep. but she had been shot in the head with a small caliber gun they say. tells me they've been told that she was likely shot at about 1:30 in the morning right behind the front door of this apartment building but nobody called police until 8:00 in the morning. that means her lifeless body was behind that front door for six and a half hours. >> i don't know how i managed to pull myself together. best friends with everything. she my world. >> reporter: in the years before she was murdered carter fell into addiction. there were periods of sobriety but they didn't last. in 12 years, no one can explain why she was in this building. she didn't live here, she didn't know anyone here, to this day police say there was no motive for what happened to her. >> that baby didn't deserve what happened to her. she was a young girl she may have had an addiction but as far as i know she never hurt anybody. >> reporter: but her family can think of one shortly before her murder she testified in front of a grand jury about a nonfatal shooting that she witnessed. detective benton tells me it's a possibility the two are related but he needs someone to step up and talk. >> there were some theories on the street that we sort of we looked at as best we could but this becomes very difficult to bring some of these theories to an end but there are a lot of people anything or the information with police. >> reporter: her family is not giving up after all this time they can't. >> i want to know who murdered charise. >> i love her and i know a lot of people love her. >> reporter: if you know anything about what happened to charisse cartedder contact boston crime stoppers. for new england's unsolved. i'm bob ward, fox if you have a new england's unsolved you would like to us look into e-mail us. you can also call we are learning more about a local dog that attacked four people in brockton and he has drawn blood before. the husky bit a groomer last month who had to go to the hospital and her wound later became infected. the dog was taken into custody. figure out if the animal is a danger to the public and if it should be put down. >> zpiment prompts in safety on the football field plenty of young players are still getting potentially dangerous head injuries. that study shows there what be a spike in reported concussions for kids. most of those head injuries were reported during the fall. many states are taking a tougher stand against concussions including requiring student athletes to get medical clearance before returning to miracles on baseball fields but he may have -- a fan suffered tebow came to his side while they waited for paramedics. witnesses say tebow's words proved helpful when the ambulance snrifd is there anything he can't do? >> i tell you what it's the second time that apparently has happened. where he has gone over to someone that was strick zppb >> there you go. feel is here. next at 10:00 why it doesn't exactly look like [ roars ] may i be excused? get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. ?? dylan: anybody can do parkour. our whole aim with the gym is to get people moving, and want to have people understand that you own a body. we can do some crazy things with it. that i might not know if i'm going to land, because i've always had this security behind me. my name is dylan. i own hub parkour training center one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in new england but as you can see from sky vision drone the video it doesn't exactly look like fall. >> this year the gorgeous colors will be short lived. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski shows us what's to blame. >> we thought there would be more colors this year but it doesn't seem like it. >> reporter: visitors like cosmo and his family taking in the foilage in harvard notice the changes. >> i'm surprised the leaves haven't changed. well, it's mid-october. >> reporter: another reminder of the current drought we are in especially conditions. flying high above the trees our drone captures in pretty colors but the vibrant colors coming more from apples and pumpkins this year. the current drought across the region apparent some the levels of ponds and reservoirs. while the colors are starting to change they're quite dull and expect the season to be a little bit shorter. what's interesting is some of the sugar is a little bit with beautiful sunny days and cooling nights perfect conditions for some of those brillant reds and purposes to pop. they will be bright so they're going to be brief. don't expect the superbright spots to be widespread. tops of color will be found here and there between the leaves it have yet to change and those empty patches from stressed trees. now is the time to get out and enjoy the color that is outside there. what we lake to do come up and have a nice walk. but this year it's just a lot different. >> sarah wroblewski, fox 25 news. a little longer look at it. peak conditions extending into the worcester hills and central massachusetts but it is spottier. you go up to the north it's absolutely gorgeous right now. into western maine. peak conditions and gorgeous feeling. it is just starting to get cloudy out there so fog will develop overnight even some spots this front. there are the spots that really get out in the morning. some sun middle of the day then by the evening commute this is starting to move into worcester then into boston. but it does break apart a little not going to rain for everyone but we'll be tracking those shower through tomorrow. i'm still waiting for the latest on hurricane nicole any moment now. i'll have it for you at 11:00. >> see you again shortly kevin. meet the state's newest crime fighter his name is gronk. the middlesex sheriff tweeted out these pictures second week of training after his successful first week. new hampshire has an aggressive turkey problem. police tell us they've gotten several reports of wild turkeys attacking people. the police are asking people to show dominance and be bold towards these animals, or birds, turkeys are social animals. police say if you get too comfortable around humans they might see us as subordinates. now at 11:00, the investigation confirms the suspicion. intentional. >> tonight to the pilot's apartment what we've been able to learn about him. i'm tracking these showers tomorrow and the latest track hurricane nicole. >> the new e-mail hack that has hillary clinton's dmamp crisis mode. >> i don't recognize that e-mail. >> plus, donald trump's response to accusations he sexually assaulted two women. and a mother's hunting -- haunting memory of the night this man kidnapped her >> what the d.a. did not do properly that may have helped his sex offender get out of jail. this is fox 25 news at 11:00. we are learning more about the man who police say appears to have intentionally crashed a plane in east harford. good evening everyone i'm mark ockerbloom. >> and i'm vanessa welch. the pictures that we found on his facebook page here show an obvious passion for you see him here in the cockpit. our ted daniel has been in connecticut all afternoon working to find out more information about the person at the center of this investigation. ted? >> reporter: vanessa and mark, all indications are that this guy wanted to be a commercial pilot. he had already to fly under instrument flight rules and was practicing on wednesday in a twin engine plane. why he decided to end it all in such a spectacular

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