Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160203 : comparem

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160203

coverage starts right now, this is the fox25 morning news. good morning, 4:00 on this wednesday, february 3. i am daniel miller. >> julie: good morning, i am julie grauert. rain is back later today. meteorologist shiri spear keeping a close eye on radar this morning on the fox25 storm tracker weather center. you are expecting some icy spots in the next few hours as well. >> shiri: look what is happening in northern new england right now. we are getting a blast of snow. there is a possibility we will get a little touch of snow and sleet and very likely freezing rain out into southern vermont and southern new hampshire by 10:00 this morning. after that it will be warm out there. 20s in spots like nashua and 28. even fitchburg at 29 degrees. those are the spots to watch for some icy conditions this morning, but we don't have a very fast-moving system here, so by 7:00 this morning, i think we will only get the first hint of any kind of moisture in western more likely by 10:00 this morning, we are going to see things fill in southern vermont and southern new hampshire. that risk of any icy spots north of about concord. it will switch to plain rain. the rest of the area of boston, you are not getting in on any kind of rain until about lunchtime today. temperature at noontime, 48 in boston. 44 in worcester. 41 in keene, new hampshire. but we are already at 50 degrees in norwood. 51 in new bedford. you can see the difference where it was drier and warmer in southeastern massachusetts versus much, much wetter to the north and west of boston. we will get those heavier pockets moving toward the boston area in time for the evening commute. 48 to 58 degrees today depending on whether you are in one those warmer, cooler spots to the north of boston and milder in southeastern massachusetts this afternoon. but we do have heavier rain that eventually reaches the southeast. we will have the timeline on that coming up in just a few minutes. julie grauert with live drive julie grauert with live drive-time traffic and a pretty >> julie: nice and mellow out there, shiri. route 1 and 93 south moving along fine. pike open from framingham tolls. wide open in brighton. live drive times. 24 minutes on the pike from 495 to mass avenue. 9 minute on the freeway from the braintree split. and 24 minutes from 49 to the leverett connector. the battle for the granite state in full swing today with many candidates crisscrossing the state all day long. for the republicans, iowa caucus winner ted cruz will start meeting with voters at 10 this morning and won't wrap up his final event until 9:00 tonight. john kasich is hosting three town halls and business forum. chris christie kicks off his day in lebanon, new hampshire and wraps up in milford. and marco rubio first in bowe at 8 a.m. donald trump is heading to arkansas fresh from an in the local republican party. scott brown. >> i am here tone doors donald trump. >> daniel: trump joined brown at a fundraiser. the billionaire said brown would make a very good vice president. brown said he believes trump has the right economic plan. >> reduce and eliminate our $19 trillion national debt, our trillion dollar deficit. get that economic engine going again. >> daniel: trump told fox news he may have lost the iowa caucus he may have lost the iowa caucuses because he skipped the final debate. he said om voters may have been disappointed with that decision. for the democrats, bernie sanders and hillary clinton share the same stage in new hampshire. both will attend a town hall event in derry. and sanders have two stops planned in rochester. the vermont senator leads most major polls of granite state voters. both urged new hampshire residents to support them at the polls on tuesday. here have a choice. and i hope you will choose with both your heart and your mind. >> what is this campaign about? it is not about spin. it is not about 30-second tv ads. it is about the american people. >> julie: senator sanders has not decided if he will take place it a debate that manchester tomorrow night. he won't unless the clinton campaign agrees to a series of future debates. fox25 is the place to be for the new hampshire primary in 30 minutes fox25's gene lavanchy will anchor our coverage from our new hampshire primary headquarters. we will be there every morning and every evening bringing you the very latest as we head to voting on tuesday. we have live reports by sharman sacchetti at 7:00 every night. it is 4:05 right now. in boston this morning, a relative of a roxbury boy is a sources tell fox25 a family member with a mental illness may have beaten the 3-year-old. kenai whyte died yesterday. our crews were on scene sunday night after the boy was take night after the boy was take from his father's home from al from his father's home from and body injuries. the woman who claims to be the boy's biological mother spoke exclusively to fox25. she said she shared custody with the fatherer. >> he had him all weekend and i had him all the weekends and we would switch off, and during the weekend, i lost my baby. >> reporter: dcf has taken custody of three other children. tonight, family member of whyte plan to hold a vigil for him outside of his father's home. police police investigating the tragic death of a teen hit and killed by a commuter rail train. the attorney said that 13-year-old boy is eric platt of dedham. he was on the tracks near when he was struck by a franklin line train. passengers were held up for about two hours and most of them did not know what happened at first. we spoke with riders who tell us stopped. >> we heard a noise and the train just slowed down to a stop. the conductor said there was a medical emergency. she was crying. took off her hat. she looked all distraught. >> daniel: at this point it appears to be an accident. the dedham fire department tweeted out their condolences to his friends and family short looev ly after the crash. we will be at the commuter rail stop live all morning as the investigation continues to bring you the very latest. happening today, the girlfriend of former boston mob boss james whitey bulger is expected to plead guilty in federal court. catherine greig is charged with contempt for refuse contempt for refusing to testify before a grand jury. the couple was captured in monday is, california in 2011 after spending 16 years on the run. bulger is serving life in prison after being found responsible racketeering case. greig is serving an eight-year sentence for aiding a fugitive. also in court, a man involved in a crash of the arborway will be sentenced. nicholas papadopolus was found guilty of endangering with a motor vehicle. a driver of the truck and passenger in the other car suffered severe injuries. police are investigating a series of robbery series of robberies targets cabdrivers. three drivers have been attacked in worcester. most recent happened monday night on stockton street. the 62-year-old red cabdriver was called there around 10 p.m. when he arrived, a man shot the driver and tried to rob him. a man that used to work for red cab saw the aftermath and he wasn't too surprised. >> it is dangerous, especially here at nooim night. you never knew what was going to happen. >> julie: red cab tells us the driver is out of the hospital and doing okay. cabdrivers in worcester were attacked and robbed. this morning the fbi is investigate investigating a new bank robbery that could be tied to a string of other crimes. billerica police put this photo out that showing a robbery at the enterprise bank. the man flashed what and to be a gun at the teller and took off with crash. the crime is similar to other recent robbery recent robberies and the fbi bank robbery task force is investigating. the bw park subway back open after a deadly crash. state police say a medical problem may have caused it. investigators say 54-year-old man from roxbury was killed when his car rolled over yesterday afternoon. here is video from skyfox. four passengers in the car were hurt. all are expected to survive. they think the driver suffered a medical emergency that caused him to lose control of the car. a fire has been ruled an arson. photos of the flames engulfing the home on enterprise street in brockton. we told but the fire at the building on saturday. getting reports that people have been sneaking into the building for quite some time. the fire marshal is offering a $5,000 reward for anyone who gives details that led to that arson. no one is hurt and all the roads cleared this morning following a hazmat situation near boston university. you can see the fire crews on scene. we were on the scene as well as it was breaking at 5:00. a bottle of hydrochloric acid start leaking snarling rush-hour traffic 37 traffic traffic. crews shut down the area an neutralized the bottle of acid. unclear what caused that leak. a local town was ordered to pay a ransom to get back their computer network. an e-mail with a virus. hackers used a virus to freeze a computer network. employees were knocked out. police and private computer experts were not able to feet system so the town paid the again. taken, anything was rearranged, anything was compromised at all. >> julie: the police chief said the town is backing up files and looking for a better way to protect the network. we check traffic and weather every ten minutes. your drive times, easy 13 minutes on the pike eastbound from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. shiri. . >> shiri: hey,ed a good morning, everybody. temperatures continue to fall through a.m. i will hold them steady if not take them up by a couple of degrees. 34 at 5 a.m. at 6 a.m. we will show where you it is a little cooler and deal with a little bit of icing when we come back. violent storms hit the south still coming your way, the incredible damage done by tornadoes and how so many managed to escape without getting hurt. plus a new scare in the zika outbreak, and we are following all the developments this morning. the new way doctors say the virus is spreading in this [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like it's got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. the kitchen is light and bright,new. we should definitely go see it. [agent] hi...welcome i'm maggie.melanie.maggie. so nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it so great?i [announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness... that's real estate, redefined. 4:14 right now and developing this morning. florida health officials have confirmed two new cases of the zika virus bringing the state's number to nine cases. "usa today" reports the victims were affected in columbia, el salvador, haiti and venezuela. mosquitoes and florida worried because it involves spreading mosquitoes. in a new development, the cdc said a patient acquired the zika virus through sexual transmission. they are working on a vaccine but that process could take years. police are looking for a motive in the stabbing death of a 13-year-old girl. investigators say nicole lovell was stabbed to death the day she disappeared from her home in virginia. two college students are being charged with her death. her mother said that nicole suffered health problems her entire life and dreamed on being on "american idol" one day. >> nicole was a very lovable person. nicole touched many people throughout her short life. >> julie: police is arrested two engineering students from virginia tech. one is charged with kidnapping and murder and the other is accused of helping to conceal her body. major layoffs on the way at yahoo. the company will cut 15% of about 11,000 employees. analysts say it could be in response to a group of shareholders who have been heavily criticized by heavily criticized by -- who had heavily criticized by -- who had criticized ceo melissa mayer for not turning around the company's finances. uber's logo is getting a makeover. ditching the black and white u for one with more color. uber said the new design is to bring out the human side of the company by highlighting it as a transportation network that connects a city. the new logo will be used world the new logo will be used worldwide and feature a different country it operates. >> daniel: that is interesting. this boston t stop will soon be back in business. the government center location will open in march. the $32 million that taken two years. added wheelchair accessible. improved platforms and ground entrances there. julie always appreciate when they update those. look at the maps right now and it is early. you are flying along the expressway north and southbound. 128 looks good as you head from canton through dedham and needham to the pike. pike itself wide anticipate as you can see through brighton. about the time we play count the cars. live drive times. 24 minutes on the pike from 495 to mass avenue. 13 minutes from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. 9 minutes on the expressway from the braintree split to the exit to the pike. meteorologist shiri spear joining us now and shiri, you and i were talking that this morning commute should be hassle morning commute should be hassle-free. it is after the rain starts to come in when you deal with issues. >> shiri: yeah, evening commute will be a lot sloppy will be a lot sloppier what we deal with this morning. this morning the biggest concern is the ice. southern vermont, southern new hampshire, parts of the northern worcester hills here, but the threat is pretty low, so we are going to warm up so quickly here. let's take you through because rain and wind will be a much bigger thing. gusts around 35 miles per hour system that will be coming into town, and you can see almost all of that moisture is still way off to the west right now over western new york and pennsylvania, but all of that is going to be traveling over our area today, and it is going to move very, very slowly. one of the first spots to see any kind of precipitation -- well, fitchburg at 29 degrees right now, and you can see we bring in the chance for rain starting at about 10:00 this morning here with temperatures by then up around 40 degrees. i expect it is going to start a little sooner, somewhere like keene right now at 27 degrees, and this is the problem with the potential of some rain between 7 and 8 a.m. there, and temperatures still at 33 degrees temperatures still at 33 degrees. that is little too close for comfort in my opinion. temperatures there under these circumstances typically very slow to warm up, and there is a chance for freezing rain through about 10:00 this morning in keene and southern new hampshire and southern vermont, but temperatures do work their way into the upper 30s, lower 40s as we get into let's say the middle threat is really going to come to an end. boston at 36 degrees. seeing simp let clouds as you wake up. it is going to be an easy going drive into work and the boston area as i am not planning on showers until closer to noontime showers until closer to noontime. they are not turning much, much heavier until we head into the evening commute and the evening commute will be a lot slower going. future cast 7:00 this morning, we are barely getting anything into western new england and a chance of light drizzle up ahead of this. much better chance by 10:00 this morning we are going to see things fill in toward fitchburg, manchester, keene into southern vermont. very slow to work its way toward the east. even at 1:00 today, the focus of the rain still way north and west of boston into central massachusetts, southern new hampshire, pockets of heavier rain, southwestern new hampshire into southern vermont, by 5 p.m., you can see those heavier worcester, lowell. still raining and steadily in manchester, new hampshire. but boston is getting in on that it turns heavier after about 7:00 this evening in southeastern massachusetts and through the overnight hours there. expecting our own heavy downpours. possibly even the rumble of thunder at midnight. still raining heavily across the cape and islands. the showers will likely ling they are even into tomorrow morning. check out these temperatures. 54 in boston. 55 in norwood. 50 in worcester. 47 in keene. 52 in hyannis. it will be a warm day. temperatures will likely end up peaking this evening. so it will be late day highs. look at this with the front so close by tomorrow, we will have to keep the chance for morning showers in the forecast, and the problem is, it moves a little closer to us once we hit friday morning, and that is going to mean the chance here, especially for the cape and islands for a little rain or a little snow here as we go into your friday forecast which is why you see a slight risk of showers there. 56 degrees today. turning breezy. turning much wetter. remember, in and around boston and south of boston not really happening until after noontime today. friday shower at the coast or cape. dry over the weekend with highs in the 40s. hope you join because next week monday into tuesday we are looking into ocean storm and another chance of snow. back to you guys. dirt bikes and atvs found on city streets. still coming your way that morning, the huge group police busted and even more dangerous discovery once they started searching. plus, a toddler running wild in a courthouse waiting room. i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. this morning severe weather including tornadoes have moved into the south. in alabama, the storm damaged several homes and the federal correction at facility. only minor injuries have been reported in mississippi reports of tornadoes across several regions. the storm is the same one that killed a woman in california earlier this week earlier this week when a falling tree crushed her car. talk about delays here. look at this incredible video. thousands of people stranded in southern china at a train station because of snow. trains were delayed as huge groups of people tried to travel for a lunar new year celebration for a lunar new year celebration. a chinese newspaper said as many as 100,000 people were stuck. morning, the marine corps found dna of marines killed in a military chopper crash in hawaii military chopper crash in hawaii. the two helicopter crashed off oahu's north shore on the 16th. search and rescue operations ended on the 19th and officials say trace dna was found. corporal christopher orlando of hingham were among those killed in the crash. we are working to find out if he was one of the marines identified. comedian bill cosby will be back in court today attempting to have sexual assault charges against him thrown out. a former district attorney testified he barred the state of pennsylvania from prosecuting the case 11 years ago in exchange for cosby's testimony in a civil case. he only did so because he didn't think there was enough evidence to bring charges. the law enforcement web site mass most want is getting a new look and a new category. over 14 years, it has led to the arrest of 1700 criminals. fox25's bob ward has been using the site for 14 years to help police identify those most wanted criminals. mass most wanted is adding a new category crime which is atm skimming. >> how significant is it that atm skim something now right there on the -- skimming is now on the front wage of the most wanted. >> a very serious crime for the bank industry. we are trying to highlight and identify instances where it is occurring, identify individuals who have been involved. >> daniel: the new web site is designed to make it easier for people to search crimes and contact police with tips. of course, we will continue to run our mass most wanted segments every saturday night here on fox25 as we have since 2004. a police officer in utah may are a new job to add to his resume this morning, babysitter. he was sitting outside traffic court watching as a rambunctious toddler drove his father crazy. you can see on the surveillance video. the little girl bounces around the room constantly. the dad was waiting to go into court and when it was his turn her in with him and the police officer offered to watch her. >> we are not just officers out there to arrest people. we want to make our community a better place. >> julie: he took her for a watch and put cartoons on his cell phone for her to watch. then the toddler was asleep on his lap. a teenager falls through a pond, a teenager captures this on camera. why fire fighters were more prepared than normal when they and on the scene. a midair explosion leaves a hole in the side of the (group chatter) dude, dude, dude. this is bad. i think we're stuck. we're going to have to talk to each other or something. nooo. i don't like this elevator. (group surprised and laughter) how did that feel? was it fun being stuck? i do not like getting stuck! so, the nissan leaf s only gets 84 miles on a charge. but the 2016 chevy volt gets an estimated 400 miles or more on a full charge and woah! now at 4:30, fighting for votes in the granite state. fox25 has live team coverage from our election headquarters as candidates go from town to town to try to lock down a days after being fou wit

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Arkansas , United States , Alabama , Dedham , Massachusetts , Brockton , Vermont , China , California , New Bedford , Worcester , Iowa , El Salvador , Hyannis , Rochester , New York , Haiti , New Hampshire , Boston , Florida , Town Hall , Virginia , Lebanon , Mississippi , Braintree , Boston University , Pennsylvania , Hingham , Fitchburg , Framingham , Venezuela , Utah , Hawaii , Chinese , Canton , American , Melissa Mayer , Kenai Whyte , Marco Rubio , Eric Platt , Chris Christie , Christopher Orlando , Scott Brown , Maggie Melanie , John Kasich , Daniel Miller , James Whitey Bulger , Catherine Greig , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Nicole Lovell , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160203 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160203

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coverage starts right now, this is the fox25 morning news. good morning, 4:00 on this wednesday, february 3. i am daniel miller. >> julie: good morning, i am julie grauert. rain is back later today. meteorologist shiri spear keeping a close eye on radar this morning on the fox25 storm tracker weather center. you are expecting some icy spots in the next few hours as well. >> shiri: look what is happening in northern new england right now. we are getting a blast of snow. there is a possibility we will get a little touch of snow and sleet and very likely freezing rain out into southern vermont and southern new hampshire by 10:00 this morning. after that it will be warm out there. 20s in spots like nashua and 28. even fitchburg at 29 degrees. those are the spots to watch for some icy conditions this morning, but we don't have a very fast-moving system here, so by 7:00 this morning, i think we will only get the first hint of any kind of moisture in western more likely by 10:00 this morning, we are going to see things fill in southern vermont and southern new hampshire. that risk of any icy spots north of about concord. it will switch to plain rain. the rest of the area of boston, you are not getting in on any kind of rain until about lunchtime today. temperature at noontime, 48 in boston. 44 in worcester. 41 in keene, new hampshire. but we are already at 50 degrees in norwood. 51 in new bedford. you can see the difference where it was drier and warmer in southeastern massachusetts versus much, much wetter to the north and west of boston. we will get those heavier pockets moving toward the boston area in time for the evening commute. 48 to 58 degrees today depending on whether you are in one those warmer, cooler spots to the north of boston and milder in southeastern massachusetts this afternoon. but we do have heavier rain that eventually reaches the southeast. we will have the timeline on that coming up in just a few minutes. julie grauert with live drive julie grauert with live drive-time traffic and a pretty >> julie: nice and mellow out there, shiri. route 1 and 93 south moving along fine. pike open from framingham tolls. wide open in brighton. live drive times. 24 minutes on the pike from 495 to mass avenue. 9 minute on the freeway from the braintree split. and 24 minutes from 49 to the leverett connector. the battle for the granite state in full swing today with many candidates crisscrossing the state all day long. for the republicans, iowa caucus winner ted cruz will start meeting with voters at 10 this morning and won't wrap up his final event until 9:00 tonight. john kasich is hosting three town halls and business forum. chris christie kicks off his day in lebanon, new hampshire and wraps up in milford. and marco rubio first in bowe at 8 a.m. donald trump is heading to arkansas fresh from an in the local republican party. scott brown. >> i am here tone doors donald trump. >> daniel: trump joined brown at a fundraiser. the billionaire said brown would make a very good vice president. brown said he believes trump has the right economic plan. >> reduce and eliminate our $19 trillion national debt, our trillion dollar deficit. get that economic engine going again. >> daniel: trump told fox news he may have lost the iowa caucus he may have lost the iowa caucuses because he skipped the final debate. he said om voters may have been disappointed with that decision. for the democrats, bernie sanders and hillary clinton share the same stage in new hampshire. both will attend a town hall event in derry. and sanders have two stops planned in rochester. the vermont senator leads most major polls of granite state voters. both urged new hampshire residents to support them at the polls on tuesday. here have a choice. and i hope you will choose with both your heart and your mind. >> what is this campaign about? it is not about spin. it is not about 30-second tv ads. it is about the american people. >> julie: senator sanders has not decided if he will take place it a debate that manchester tomorrow night. he won't unless the clinton campaign agrees to a series of future debates. fox25 is the place to be for the new hampshire primary in 30 minutes fox25's gene lavanchy will anchor our coverage from our new hampshire primary headquarters. we will be there every morning and every evening bringing you the very latest as we head to voting on tuesday. we have live reports by sharman sacchetti at 7:00 every night. it is 4:05 right now. in boston this morning, a relative of a roxbury boy is a sources tell fox25 a family member with a mental illness may have beaten the 3-year-old. kenai whyte died yesterday. our crews were on scene sunday night after the boy was take night after the boy was take from his father's home from al from his father's home from and body injuries. the woman who claims to be the boy's biological mother spoke exclusively to fox25. she said she shared custody with the fatherer. >> he had him all weekend and i had him all the weekends and we would switch off, and during the weekend, i lost my baby. >> reporter: dcf has taken custody of three other children. tonight, family member of whyte plan to hold a vigil for him outside of his father's home. police police investigating the tragic death of a teen hit and killed by a commuter rail train. the attorney said that 13-year-old boy is eric platt of dedham. he was on the tracks near when he was struck by a franklin line train. passengers were held up for about two hours and most of them did not know what happened at first. we spoke with riders who tell us stopped. >> we heard a noise and the train just slowed down to a stop. the conductor said there was a medical emergency. she was crying. took off her hat. she looked all distraught. >> daniel: at this point it appears to be an accident. the dedham fire department tweeted out their condolences to his friends and family short looev ly after the crash. we will be at the commuter rail stop live all morning as the investigation continues to bring you the very latest. happening today, the girlfriend of former boston mob boss james whitey bulger is expected to plead guilty in federal court. catherine greig is charged with contempt for refuse contempt for refusing to testify before a grand jury. the couple was captured in monday is, california in 2011 after spending 16 years on the run. bulger is serving life in prison after being found responsible racketeering case. greig is serving an eight-year sentence for aiding a fugitive. also in court, a man involved in a crash of the arborway will be sentenced. nicholas papadopolus was found guilty of endangering with a motor vehicle. a driver of the truck and passenger in the other car suffered severe injuries. police are investigating a series of robbery series of robberies targets cabdrivers. three drivers have been attacked in worcester. most recent happened monday night on stockton street. the 62-year-old red cabdriver was called there around 10 p.m. when he arrived, a man shot the driver and tried to rob him. a man that used to work for red cab saw the aftermath and he wasn't too surprised. >> it is dangerous, especially here at nooim night. you never knew what was going to happen. >> julie: red cab tells us the driver is out of the hospital and doing okay. cabdrivers in worcester were attacked and robbed. this morning the fbi is investigate investigating a new bank robbery that could be tied to a string of other crimes. billerica police put this photo out that showing a robbery at the enterprise bank. the man flashed what and to be a gun at the teller and took off with crash. the crime is similar to other recent robbery recent robberies and the fbi bank robbery task force is investigating. the bw park subway back open after a deadly crash. state police say a medical problem may have caused it. investigators say 54-year-old man from roxbury was killed when his car rolled over yesterday afternoon. here is video from skyfox. four passengers in the car were hurt. all are expected to survive. they think the driver suffered a medical emergency that caused him to lose control of the car. a fire has been ruled an arson. photos of the flames engulfing the home on enterprise street in brockton. we told but the fire at the building on saturday. getting reports that people have been sneaking into the building for quite some time. the fire marshal is offering a $5,000 reward for anyone who gives details that led to that arson. no one is hurt and all the roads cleared this morning following a hazmat situation near boston university. you can see the fire crews on scene. we were on the scene as well as it was breaking at 5:00. a bottle of hydrochloric acid start leaking snarling rush-hour traffic 37 traffic traffic. crews shut down the area an neutralized the bottle of acid. unclear what caused that leak. a local town was ordered to pay a ransom to get back their computer network. an e-mail with a virus. hackers used a virus to freeze a computer network. employees were knocked out. police and private computer experts were not able to feet system so the town paid the again. taken, anything was rearranged, anything was compromised at all. >> julie: the police chief said the town is backing up files and looking for a better way to protect the network. we check traffic and weather every ten minutes. your drive times, easy 13 minutes on the pike eastbound from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. shiri. . >> shiri: hey,ed a good morning, everybody. temperatures continue to fall through a.m. i will hold them steady if not take them up by a couple of degrees. 34 at 5 a.m. at 6 a.m. we will show where you it is a little cooler and deal with a little bit of icing when we come back. violent storms hit the south still coming your way, the incredible damage done by tornadoes and how so many managed to escape without getting hurt. plus a new scare in the zika outbreak, and we are following all the developments this morning. the new way doctors say the virus is spreading in this [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like it's got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. the kitchen is light and bright,new. we should definitely go see it. [agent] hi...welcome i'm maggie.melanie.maggie. so nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it so great?i [announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness... that's real estate, redefined. 4:14 right now and developing this morning. florida health officials have confirmed two new cases of the zika virus bringing the state's number to nine cases. "usa today" reports the victims were affected in columbia, el salvador, haiti and venezuela. mosquitoes and florida worried because it involves spreading mosquitoes. in a new development, the cdc said a patient acquired the zika virus through sexual transmission. they are working on a vaccine but that process could take years. police are looking for a motive in the stabbing death of a 13-year-old girl. investigators say nicole lovell was stabbed to death the day she disappeared from her home in virginia. two college students are being charged with her death. her mother said that nicole suffered health problems her entire life and dreamed on being on "american idol" one day. >> nicole was a very lovable person. nicole touched many people throughout her short life. >> julie: police is arrested two engineering students from virginia tech. one is charged with kidnapping and murder and the other is accused of helping to conceal her body. major layoffs on the way at yahoo. the company will cut 15% of about 11,000 employees. analysts say it could be in response to a group of shareholders who have been heavily criticized by heavily criticized by -- who had heavily criticized by -- who had criticized ceo melissa mayer for not turning around the company's finances. uber's logo is getting a makeover. ditching the black and white u for one with more color. uber said the new design is to bring out the human side of the company by highlighting it as a transportation network that connects a city. the new logo will be used world the new logo will be used worldwide and feature a different country it operates. >> daniel: that is interesting. this boston t stop will soon be back in business. the government center location will open in march. the $32 million that taken two years. added wheelchair accessible. improved platforms and ground entrances there. julie always appreciate when they update those. look at the maps right now and it is early. you are flying along the expressway north and southbound. 128 looks good as you head from canton through dedham and needham to the pike. pike itself wide anticipate as you can see through brighton. about the time we play count the cars. live drive times. 24 minutes on the pike from 495 to mass avenue. 13 minutes from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. 9 minutes on the expressway from the braintree split to the exit to the pike. meteorologist shiri spear joining us now and shiri, you and i were talking that this morning commute should be hassle morning commute should be hassle-free. it is after the rain starts to come in when you deal with issues. >> shiri: yeah, evening commute will be a lot sloppy will be a lot sloppier what we deal with this morning. this morning the biggest concern is the ice. southern vermont, southern new hampshire, parts of the northern worcester hills here, but the threat is pretty low, so we are going to warm up so quickly here. let's take you through because rain and wind will be a much bigger thing. gusts around 35 miles per hour system that will be coming into town, and you can see almost all of that moisture is still way off to the west right now over western new york and pennsylvania, but all of that is going to be traveling over our area today, and it is going to move very, very slowly. one of the first spots to see any kind of precipitation -- well, fitchburg at 29 degrees right now, and you can see we bring in the chance for rain starting at about 10:00 this morning here with temperatures by then up around 40 degrees. i expect it is going to start a little sooner, somewhere like keene right now at 27 degrees, and this is the problem with the potential of some rain between 7 and 8 a.m. there, and temperatures still at 33 degrees temperatures still at 33 degrees. that is little too close for comfort in my opinion. temperatures there under these circumstances typically very slow to warm up, and there is a chance for freezing rain through about 10:00 this morning in keene and southern new hampshire and southern vermont, but temperatures do work their way into the upper 30s, lower 40s as we get into let's say the middle threat is really going to come to an end. boston at 36 degrees. seeing simp let clouds as you wake up. it is going to be an easy going drive into work and the boston area as i am not planning on showers until closer to noontime showers until closer to noontime. they are not turning much, much heavier until we head into the evening commute and the evening commute will be a lot slower going. future cast 7:00 this morning, we are barely getting anything into western new england and a chance of light drizzle up ahead of this. much better chance by 10:00 this morning we are going to see things fill in toward fitchburg, manchester, keene into southern vermont. very slow to work its way toward the east. even at 1:00 today, the focus of the rain still way north and west of boston into central massachusetts, southern new hampshire, pockets of heavier rain, southwestern new hampshire into southern vermont, by 5 p.m., you can see those heavier worcester, lowell. still raining and steadily in manchester, new hampshire. but boston is getting in on that it turns heavier after about 7:00 this evening in southeastern massachusetts and through the overnight hours there. expecting our own heavy downpours. possibly even the rumble of thunder at midnight. still raining heavily across the cape and islands. the showers will likely ling they are even into tomorrow morning. check out these temperatures. 54 in boston. 55 in norwood. 50 in worcester. 47 in keene. 52 in hyannis. it will be a warm day. temperatures will likely end up peaking this evening. so it will be late day highs. look at this with the front so close by tomorrow, we will have to keep the chance for morning showers in the forecast, and the problem is, it moves a little closer to us once we hit friday morning, and that is going to mean the chance here, especially for the cape and islands for a little rain or a little snow here as we go into your friday forecast which is why you see a slight risk of showers there. 56 degrees today. turning breezy. turning much wetter. remember, in and around boston and south of boston not really happening until after noontime today. friday shower at the coast or cape. dry over the weekend with highs in the 40s. hope you join because next week monday into tuesday we are looking into ocean storm and another chance of snow. back to you guys. dirt bikes and atvs found on city streets. still coming your way that morning, the huge group police busted and even more dangerous discovery once they started searching. plus, a toddler running wild in a courthouse waiting room. i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. this morning severe weather including tornadoes have moved into the south. in alabama, the storm damaged several homes and the federal correction at facility. only minor injuries have been reported in mississippi reports of tornadoes across several regions. the storm is the same one that killed a woman in california earlier this week earlier this week when a falling tree crushed her car. talk about delays here. look at this incredible video. thousands of people stranded in southern china at a train station because of snow. trains were delayed as huge groups of people tried to travel for a lunar new year celebration for a lunar new year celebration. a chinese newspaper said as many as 100,000 people were stuck. morning, the marine corps found dna of marines killed in a military chopper crash in hawaii military chopper crash in hawaii. the two helicopter crashed off oahu's north shore on the 16th. search and rescue operations ended on the 19th and officials say trace dna was found. corporal christopher orlando of hingham were among those killed in the crash. we are working to find out if he was one of the marines identified. comedian bill cosby will be back in court today attempting to have sexual assault charges against him thrown out. a former district attorney testified he barred the state of pennsylvania from prosecuting the case 11 years ago in exchange for cosby's testimony in a civil case. he only did so because he didn't think there was enough evidence to bring charges. the law enforcement web site mass most want is getting a new look and a new category. over 14 years, it has led to the arrest of 1700 criminals. fox25's bob ward has been using the site for 14 years to help police identify those most wanted criminals. mass most wanted is adding a new category crime which is atm skimming. >> how significant is it that atm skim something now right there on the -- skimming is now on the front wage of the most wanted. >> a very serious crime for the bank industry. we are trying to highlight and identify instances where it is occurring, identify individuals who have been involved. >> daniel: the new web site is designed to make it easier for people to search crimes and contact police with tips. of course, we will continue to run our mass most wanted segments every saturday night here on fox25 as we have since 2004. a police officer in utah may are a new job to add to his resume this morning, babysitter. he was sitting outside traffic court watching as a rambunctious toddler drove his father crazy. you can see on the surveillance video. the little girl bounces around the room constantly. the dad was waiting to go into court and when it was his turn her in with him and the police officer offered to watch her. >> we are not just officers out there to arrest people. we want to make our community a better place. >> julie: he took her for a watch and put cartoons on his cell phone for her to watch. then the toddler was asleep on his lap. a teenager falls through a pond, a teenager captures this on camera. why fire fighters were more prepared than normal when they and on the scene. a midair explosion leaves a hole in the side of the (group chatter) dude, dude, dude. this is bad. i think we're stuck. we're going to have to talk to each other or something. nooo. i don't like this elevator. (group surprised and laughter) how did that feel? was it fun being stuck? i do not like getting stuck! so, the nissan leaf s only gets 84 miles on a charge. but the 2016 chevy volt gets an estimated 400 miles or more on a full charge and woah! now at 4:30, fighting for votes in the granite state. fox25 has live team coverage from our election headquarters as candidates go from town to town to try to lock down a days after being fou wit

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