Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20

Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20161106

woman now being linked to as many as seven deaths. investigators taking him back to the scene showing them where bodies might be buried and what his co-workers are saying. and the missing mother, the hunt for a mom of two who went missing during a jog. >> she wouldn't leave her babies. >> the clues police are going on. the reward and the massive search this morning. good sunda good sunday morning. thanks for joining us. two days, 48 hours till election day and the latest tracking poll shows clinton's lead is widening. now up five points over donald trump. 48 to 43 but the race is still pretty tight. >> it is. part of clinton's advantage in our poll comes from people who say they voted early. the latest numbers show that nearly 40 million americans have >> yes, so much early voting going on. we are covering both campaigns in their final weekend but tart with abc's tom llamas and the stunning moments on stage during a trump rally. tom, good morning to you. >> reporter: paula, good morning to you. the secret service has intervened before but nothing like what we saw last night. yet, that couldn't stop trump, that intense moment, he campaigned straight for 15 hours. a serious security scare for donald trump. the incident started with a the front of the stage. >> we have one of those guys from the hillary clinton campaign. how much are you being paid? $1500? >> reporter: then 50 seconds later agents rushing on stage. trump ducking down. security guards, secret service and police jumping barricades to calm the scene. sources tell abc news someone in the crowd had shouted gun prompting a quick response. trump back on stage within minutes. >> nobody said it was going to be easy for us. but we will never be stopped. never ever be stopped. >> reporter: the man who prompted the scare says he was carrying a republicans against trump sign. then he was attacked. >> people are just, you know, kicking me, grabbing my arms, twisting them, finally i'm very thankful for the law enforcement who was able to quickly come. >> reporter: the republican nominee bashing the pr protester on friday. >> hold up, hold up. hold up. >> reporter: but trump completely mischaracterizing what happened. >> did you see yesterday obama d screaming and screaming. >> you've got an older gentleman who is supporting his candidate. he's not doing nothing. you don't have to worry about him. >> if i spoke the way obama would say he became unhinged. >> reporter: there were some lighter moments from trump's long day on the trail. >> he's also compassionate, thoughtful, giving and loving. donald cares. >> reporter: trump even bringing a baby up on stage in florida kissing the boy and declaring -- >> future construction worker. >> reporter: all right, so that trump also said that little baby was a miniature trump fan. future. let's take a look at the map. yesterday was a marathon but today is long as well. take a look at all the states he's going to, sioux city, iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, sterling heights, michigan, moon township, that's outside of pittsburgh and finishes the day at 9:30 in leesburg, virginia and using this schedule to attack hillary clinton who only has three events today. trump saying she doesn't have the stamina to be president. paula. austin creitz. we want to hear more. you say you went there with a sign that said something pretty benign. republicans against trump and he called you out for being disruptive, were you? >> well, i mean, i'm a republican and i just wanted to voice my displeasure with the nominee that the party picked and so i went there with a simple sign and all of a sudden i just got attacked by >> there were accusations you were a plant, austin. were you paid, enticed or encouraged by a political party or by a person to attend that rally? >> no, not at all. i'm an independent guy doing what i believe is right and decided to go with a sign. there was a last-minute e-mail that came out from trump saying he was going to be in reno. and i thought, you know, i just -- i just feel very strongly that this guy is are other republicans in nevada, and elsewhere who do not support him. >> are you supporting hillary clinton? do you have any association with the clinton campaign? >> no, i have no association whatsoever with them. i was a republican supporter through the primaries. and i have donated money to hillary clinton campaign recently because i think that trump is a disaster for the country. >> you. who are you voting for on election day? >> well, i already did early voting and, you know, i'm not a huge fan of a lot of the policies that clinton has, but i feel that she's the one that has the best shot right now of stopping him. >> so you voted for hillary clinton? >> i did, yes. >> all right, austyn crites, foi thanks for joining us. >> thank you, have a great day. >> he denies being a plant. he is a registered republican. dangerous for the country and is a dictator which is why he already voted for hillary clinton. >> often gets crazy in these closing hours of a campaign. meanwhile, at a separate late night rally after the one in reno, donald trump attacked hillary clinton for campaigning with celebrities. trump called it demeaning. clinton clearly unmoved by that criticism. she appeared with katy perry overnight and abc's cecilia vega joinses us now from philadelphia. hey, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning, dan. clinton celebrity love fest continues. she is h help draw and push supporters to the polls in this final stretch and she's got another famous friend that she is calling on tonight. a role reversal for hillary clinton, overnight in philadelphia sheaf the one doing the introductions. >> welcome her to the stage, let's prove that love trumps hate. katy perry. >> reporter: not just the introductions, even a little dance. ? nasty girls ? concert calling on katy perry for last-minute girl power. ? you're going to hear me roar ? >> reporter: the superstar in her patriotic finest. >> are you awake? >> reporter: it has been a weekend of star-studded campaigning in the states that matter most. beyonce and jay z in ohio. jon bon jovi in florida. ? >> reporter: and tonight, lebron james in ohio too. clinton's team encouraged by scenes like this at a market latino voters waiting to cast their ballots. in this final stretch, her aides are feverishly studying polls and early voting sending clinton to the places she's needed most. her mad dash to the finish line looks like this. in the last four days of the race clinton touching down in six different battleground states making four different trips to pennsylvania alone. two to ohio. this trip to florida cut short >> my friends, you are a hearty bunch standing out here in the rain. >> reporter: and we are now getting a sense of what election day will look like for hillary clinton. we know she will be voting in chappaqua, new york, on tuesday morning. that, of course, is where she lives and then she heads to new york city for an evening rally at an event that has a literal glass ceiling. the symbolism not lost on her campaign there. we are also told by aides ha she has not yet started working on her speech for that night. superstitious. >> cecilia vega, ace reporter cecilia vega the tireless cecilia, thank you very much. giving you a lot of credit this morning. she said i didn't give her enough yesterday. both campaigns this morning are focused on one key number, 270. how many electoral college votes you need to win the white house. let's bring in abc's chief white house correspondent jon karl. hey, jon -- >> first of all, cecilia is great. >> yes, she is. >> just about nobody better than cecilia vega. >> maybe you. maybe some days. where do things stand overall? >> if you look at this map behind me this is the abc news race ratings and looked at every state, the red states are those we believe are tilting towards donald trump or solidly towards donald trump and the blue state, hillary clinton. if you look at where the map stands, the yellow states are the only toss-up states left and you mentioned the number 270. well, look at this. already just the blue state, just the ones where we believe hillary clinton already has the advantage she is over 270 so dold has to win all of those toss-up states and then he has to find a way to win someplace where she is in the lead. >> so there are three states you're watching closely this morning. michigan, pennsylvania and florida. why? >> yeah, so for a couple different reason, first of all let's start with michigan and pennsylvania. you heard cecilia mention that hillary clinton is making four separate trips to pennsylvania in the final days. also visiting michigan. these are two solidly democratic states. since the 1980s but donald trump is showing signs of surging up there. it would be a long shot. it would be an upset but he has a chance both sides believe up in that area. but florida is the one that as always i am watching. we are all watching. hillary clinton if she wins florida this race is over and right now in the early vote she has the advantage. >> very quickly, you've been following some surprising developments in both nevada enanew hampshire. >> yeah, this shows how strange this race is. first of all in nevada it looks like hillary clinton has pull add head in the powered by hispanic voters and new hampshire is a state that we had put a solidly blue for a long time but now it is a toss-up state. that state is -- probably moved more than any other tate with the recent developments over the past week or so. >> the also awesome jon karl, thank you, jon. >> thank you very much, dan. >> everyone is an ace including our chief anchor george stephanopoulos. >> awesome now. >> the pose awesome. >> let's see how you do in the come up with? we looked at that map and jon issing look at michigan, pennsylvania and florida. what states -- >> jon nailed it. this all begins and ends with florida. the most important state on the map right now. if donald trump cannot win in florida, he basically can't win the election. chances go to close to zero. jon's also right to pay attention to michigan manag. tho tho and pennsylvania. he's got to way to find a way to flip one of th wisconsin or minnesota. he only has a map if he can flip one of those states. >> so given the electoral map you've just discussed and given the fact our tracking poll shows clinton up by five. how confident should her team be? >> well, you can't take anything for granted in this election. it's the most surprising unpredictable and look at the other side. states like ohio and iowa seem to be fairly solidly right now, made some inroads right there and seen one thing this year is the polls have been fairly volatile depending on events. you can't take anything for granted. >> how much legitimate concern is there about tuesday and the vote and we're talking about disruption, possible hacking, even terror? >> well, i don't think you can change the vote by hacking. can there be enough shenanigans that would create some uncertainty about the outcome and people's per the outcome, i think that's possible. >> george, you're better than awesome. superlative. we should point out george has a big show. he'll have the clinton campaign chairman john podesta and reince priebus plus fivethirtyeight's nate silver who is going to break down the race later this morning on "this week" and keep it here on abc straight through election day. george will be leading our coverage tuesday night with our entire political team including jon and cecilia starting at 7:00 eastern. team between now and wednesday, all right, thanks, dan. thanks, george. we want to turn to the shocking new details from the investigation into the kidnapping of a woman found chained in a shipping container in south carolina. police say the suspect has now confessed to several murders and is showing them where he buried some of his victims. abc's eva pilgrim is in spartanburg, south carolina, with these latest disturbing developments. good morning, eva. >> reporter: it's what so many here have feared since that missing woman seemingly successful realtor now suspected of being a serial killer. investigators this morning saying todd kohlhepp could be responsible for at least seven killings. overnight the man accused of kidnapping and chaining up a south carolina woman now dropping a bombshell on investigators allegedly confessing to multiple murders. >> this is a pretty big deal. >> reporter: according to investigators a mass murder gunning down four people in a motorsport shop in 2003. investigators also identifying the body found friday on kohlhepp's property as charlie carver, the boyfriend of kala brown, the woman police say was chained up for two months by the ankle and neck in a metal shipping container on that property. it was cell phone pings from brown's phone that led police searching for the missing couple here. authorities saying carver was shot multiple times. >> i don't want anybody's family to see representing himself at this time is said to be cooperating %-py dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit as bulldozers and searchers on horseback scoured the property for more evidence and more possible victims. investigators saying he showed them the location of two more graves on the property. >> we still are working this crime scene. we're not done yet. >> reporter: which according to the sheriff maiman the realtor is allegedly responsible for up and next minute he's happy. >> reporter: those who worked with him now replaying every moment they were alone with him. >> why were we spared? >> reporter: this isn't kohlhepp's first run-in with the law. he was convicted in 1987 as a teenager of kidnapping and rape in arizona. court documents from that case file saying it is obvious he is obsessed with sex and weapons. he was also obsessed with hurting others. now, kohlhepp has not entered a plea in these cases. not only was he a realtor but he also managed a lot of rental properties, so many people telling us he had the spare key to their home. that sending a shiver up the spines of so many in this community this morning. dan and paula. >> yeah, understandably. horrifying story. eva, thank you for your reporting this morning. >> yes, you know what, let's turn to weather. it doesn't feel like autumn. fall in a lot of places. >> it seems like summer refuses yesterday across the northern plains in twin cities, minnesota had 73 degree high. that is just incredible and, you know, into fall and hunting season opening up and with no snow on the ground other issues with it being this warm creating problems for hunters and sportsmen. look at these numbers, 68 degrees today in chicago. it does bulge a little over towards the east as we go through tomorrow. it'll be 72 degrees in st. louis, 77 in nashville. i mean going to get a sunburn, better throw on the sunscreen. new york, but by tuesday election day 65 in new york city, 69 in d.c. and 66 degrees in philadelphia. no excuse for not getting to the polls there. pretty active across the pacific. these storms coming in last week have been very mild, a lot of pacific air way is one reason we're not seeing a cold november across the eastern half of the country and that's going to continue i think for the next six to ten days with that ridge of high pressure up there. might see colder shots coming into the northeast by next no complaints in the bay area. looks like a gorgeous start to the day. current temperatures are in the low to mid-60s all around the bay area. our forecast today calls for a high temperature of 83 degrees under partly cloudy skies. pleasant and dry this morning. warm and comfortable in the afternoon with low humidity and a delightful evening. your seven-day forecast, not a lot of changes. temperatures stay seas the workweek. the best chance of rain, the end of the week. up in about 15 minutes. was that not awesome? do i not get an awesome? >> it was fair to midling. >> weather is rather boring thankfully so enjoy. >> i'll take boring weather. >> i agree with that. >> perfectly fine. we do have a lot of other news we want to get to and for that as always we take it over to dr. ron claiborne. robert, good morning, everyone. we'll begin with breaking news from syria. u.s. backed kurdish forces starting their military effort to retake raqqa. the de facto capital. ground troops making their way into that city. as they advance iraqi soldiers are coming under attack from isis. suicide bombers supporting air strikes have been limited because the fighting is now taking place in populated neighborhoods. and back in the u.s., two men under arrest i d.c. charged with vandalizing the fbi building and the trump international hotel with graffiti during the city's million mask march that happened saturday. a masked man allegedly with a firearm was arrested. it's one of several around the world associated with anonymous. eight people injured in an explosion overnight in an apartment building near phoenix. it happened in the city of payson. the explosion leaving the evacuation of homes within building. one of the residents taken by helicopter to the hospital. and another report of a harvard men's athletic team making lewd comments about their female counterparts. the student newspaper "the crimson" reporting the men's cross country team created spreadsheets with remarks about the women's cross country team. the news comes just two days after harvard ended the men's soccer season after finding scouting reports where the players rated those women on the team, the soccer team bas and boxer manny pacquiao coming out of retirement to reclaim the welterwelt world title in las vegas. beating jesse vargas, former champ by a unanimous decision. the real excite many coming from the presence of floyd mayweather sitting ringside intashging rumors of guess what, possible rematch between he and pacquiao -- >> why do people bother to back in november. ridiculous. >> it's called a publicity stunt. >> we always watch these big matches and there's always a rematch. >> and another and another. >> why do rock fans go offstage, encore, encore. >> speaking of encore, you have something. >> thank you, paula. >> basically shut up and let ron finish is what he's telling us. >> finally, with thanksgiving fast approaching here's a story about some angry bird, turkeys overretu >> i got a turkey that won't leave. >> the police department says the wild turkeys have been harassing or harassing, sorry, dan, people for the past number of months. the city is try to trap and relocate them. they're giving advice, if you come across one, clap your hands loudly or wave an umbrella at it. make them go away. >> or carry a taser. >> yeah, taser a turkey for thanksgiving. though? >> dangerous? they're abusive, they're not going to kill you, no. >> does that mean -- i don't know. >> we haven't treated them well over the years. >> we haven't. >> all right. >> coming up on "gma," a beloved young mother mysteriously vanishes without a trace while jogging. the massive manhunt underway and what they're calling supermom. dabbing with the supernatural. keep it here. 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chickenpox virus. remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you? talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. well, today will be another carbon copy of yesterday with low humidity. it looks like a gorgeous start looking nice. the beach forecast looks nice as well. in fact, temperatures will be in the 70s as we head into the morning hours. then as we head into the afternoon, the high temperature will top out in the low 80s. gulf temperature, chilly for me at least, 74 degrees. titan doppler radar shows no rain on the radar. we expect no rain for the entire day or most of the workweek actually. current temperatures right now in the low 60s. high today will to partly cloudy skies with a light breeze. this morning, pleasant and dry. by the afternoon, it will be warm and comfortable. by the evening, delightful with lots of, i would say, a mix of sun and clouds and lower and and welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. happening right now it is the final stretch for the presidential candidates with just two days to go. donald trump pulled off the stage at a rally in nevada after a security scare. the candidat later, however. the trump camp pulling out all the stops. hillary clinton sharing the stage with more celebrities as our latest abc news poll shows the democratic candidate with a widening lead. >> five points and also happening right now some 50,000 runners getting ready to compete in the new york city marathon, the largest marathon on earth runs through all five of the city's boroughs covering 22.6 miles. the average finishing time, 4 1/2 hours. and in case you're confused about what time it is right now, officially over so don't forget to turn your clock back by an hour. most will now sway on standard time until march 12th of next year. this is the happiest morning of the year for morning news professional >> that's why we're all happy. we got an extra hour of sleep. >> except for ron. he's still not happy. you're happy. >> deliriously happy. >> there are some states that don't participate. hawaii and most of arizona and also ron's favorite guam. they stay -- they don't g way. >> one more reason for you not to move to guam. tay happy in the states, ronnie. the hunt for a woman called a supermom by family and friends who vanished without a trace. >> there's now a reward for information on what happened to sherri papini who was last seen jogging near her home in northern california and abc's adrienne bankert is on the story from our l.a. bureau. adrienne, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan and paula. yeah, sherri papini described by her family and friends as a devoted young mother. when her children had not been grew concerned and now they believe the 34-year-old was abducted. this morning, search teams scouring these rural roads and trails trying to piece together what happened to sherri papini. the married mother of two vanishing without a trace last wednesday afternoon while jogging near her redding, california, home. >> she's such a great mom. she's so hands on. we call her supermom relationship her family suspecting something terribly went wrong after she failed to pick up her kids from child care >> she wouldn't leave her babies. there's no way she would do anything to disrupt her children's routine. >> reporter: the only discovery in the case so far, her abandoned cell phone. police say it was traced by her husband using the find my phone app. >> he found her phone close to the road. he called the authorities immediately. >> well, the fact that her phone was left there, that is a key piece of evidence that would indicate somebody may have taken her. >> i mean, she wouldn't just drop her phone if she was pink jogging top. investigators and volunteers fanning out hoping to find any clues. >> we're branching out to contact businesses to see perhaps what they may have on their surveillance systems. >> reporter: friend, former classmates and supporters coming from across northern california to help in the search. >> she is considered at risk due to the suspicious circumstances. >> she's a family that loves her. please just bring her home. >> reporter: and investigators say there's not enough evidence to guarantee that s or anyone out. her husband has been questioned and he has cooperated with the investigation. a nonprofit group is now offering a $10,000 reward hoping someone will come forward with information to find sherri. dan and paula. >> adrienne, thank you. we're thinking of her family and friends this morning. thanks again. let's check the weather once again and get it back over to rob. hey, man. >> hey, dan, for all the places that have been mild and pretty quiet across the lower 48, the one sore spot has been new thunderstorms. we showed you the hail yesterday in elle ma paso. two to three two to three inches across the panhandle and nascar is running at texas motor speedway at 2:00 p.m. eastern so may be an issue in the later laps of that important race as they go for the chase. waves 10 to 20 feet with this next system coming in. this is a mild system. it will drop down into northern california. northwest and northern california unusually wet october, starting to dry out a little bit at least becoming high surf advisory up though. the surfers certainly will be out. dry across parts of the desert southwest for election day and problem spots in louisiana and heard jon karl talk about michigan. we might see some showers there. nothing too intense and the east coast looks to be pretty nice including the all important state of florida. that's a quick check. the all-important state of this afternoon the high temperature tops out at 83. no rain in the forecast. throughout the workweek, things are nice with lows in the 60s and highs in the 80s. is brought to you by liberty mutual insurance. football on this sunday, of course, going to be like 64 degrees as the colts take on green bay in green bay, wisconsin. >> in green bay. >> in november. >> just doesn't feel right. >> unfrozen tundra. >> next week will be different. >> hot under the helmet. everybody is freaking out about the election and our to ending the uncertainty that involves tarot cards. >> rami malek set to play a legendary rocker in a new movie. diane macedo will have all the details in "pop news." all, like every single -- >> every sickle detail. >> good show, "mr. robot," by the way. yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you? liberty mutual insurance what makes thermacare different? . how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: some say i dance to the beat of a different drummer... i say, i just dance. be up for anything with boost. it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and i'm just getting warmed up. to to make sure that she never -- >> no. >> i'm sorry, kate. i just y i just yelling -- >> this whole election has been so mean. let's get out of here. >> alec baldwin and kate mckinnon breaking character how much would we all love to see them on wednesday, the actual hrc and dt in times square. >> odds of that less than zero. as we zero in on election day, you can listen to the polls, you can listen to the pundits or you can look elsewhere for answers. >> maybe a fortune teller. abc's nick watt went searching and found a meet yum with a message. >> i want to know if donald trump will win the election. ? here in heavily hispanic east l.a. some are seeking supernatural help. who is this? >> the woman has the power. >> that's hillary. >> yes. >> trump's talk of building walls and deporting illegals has some people worried. and some of them are going to mediums like angeleta. but he has a chance in yeah. >> that one. >> around the corner sylvia says her clients are obsessing over the election. [ speaking spanish ] >> they're saying they want her to do rituals and spells, they don't know where to vote is the major problem. ? >> reporter: and around another corner trump pinatas are outselling clinton. she's in prison garb and cuffs. i bought both. i'm i'm neutral. >> that someone will betray you in love. >> someone will betray you in love. >> moving on. right now, clinton has a narrow lead, will that last? >> i don't >> i don't like it. >> she says trump has a card up his sleeve. according to her card there could be time for one more for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> all right, i think we've covered every angle of the presidential election now. >> don't deserve to be covered we've covered them. having said that you used a word i pretended i understood. into the story, cairo manser. >> a hand reader. like a cry row track ter. every now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut with that word. >> i like it. here's what's coming up on "gma you're feeling you're feeling guilty about snacking on that candy, kick the sugar habit. the weekend download after the break. >> good luck with that one, dan. >> not going to happen. (vacuum) we'll help you style your home from floor to ceiling. now get 15% off select hgtv home? by sherwin-williams paint, and make your home happy at lowe's. what a l what a lovely home you have. is this your family? yea, that's my daughter, my son, and that's my... hey, kool-aid man! ...husband. oh yeah!!! [ crashing ] through progressive. by bundling it with your car insurance you saved a ton! yeah. do you want to see the rest of the house? -i can actually see a lot of it. -oh. everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you ? ? i don't want to grow up, i'm a toys"r"us kid! ? ? here we are, it's a trollabration ? ? come join us we're the party nation ? this really is a whole store full of awesome! time for "weekend download." this one is personal for me. lots of us would love to kick the sugar habit including me and i've been trying for a long time. haven't been able to do it. it's a lot harder than it sounds. here with good advice is gretchen rubin, the author of "the happiness project and better than before." i throw myself at your mercy. what's the best way to go about cutting sugar out of our we all think of moderation as being sort of the best way to go. but for a lot of people including me it's easier to have none so if you find it hard to have a little bit try having none. it sounds harder but for a lot of people it's easier to have none than have a little. >> i see what you're talking about because i have one oreo and a whole box is gone and i'm in a shame spiral for a week. what do i have to do technically in order to quit forever? quit, what do you do. >> some people can quit forever. that's what i did but a lot need planned exceptions. this is it when you say to yourself, it's my anniversary. i'm going to have it on saturday. i'm going to plan for it and look back on it with pleasure and not feel bad about it so i still get to have the treats. i'm not saying good-bye to sugar forever. maybe i don't want to do it but i'll plan it in advance. >> in the meantime, how do you avoid temptation. >> really good way is just don't buy things. resist buying something than eating it. so let's say ice cream at home. if you can save your family, we're going to have ice cream but go out and get an ice cream cone. don't go into the room at work where the vending machines are. if you don't buy it, then you can't give in to it so resist buying it because that's easier than turning it down if it's like right there in your desk drawer or refrigerator. >> i need you to have -- thank you, gretchen. really appreciate it. if you want to see much more of happier podcast available on apple podcast and and "pop news" is coming up after this quick break. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. escribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. what's your body of proof? discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. emerge restored. fortified. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see. 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"good morning america" is brought to you by walgreens at the corner of happy and healthy. all right, time for "pop news." diane macedo back. we're very happy about that what's popping. >> happy too and queen fans are going to be very happy because a long awaited movie about the freddie mercury accord to a number of reports "mr. robot's" rami malek has just been cast in a biopic named "bohemian rhapsody" and replaces sasha barron cohen citing creative differences and the movie also has a new director with "x-men's" bryan singer so excited to head it up he posted a queen album cover on instagram saying he's looking forward to >> rami is great. >> i want to know if he's going to have to sing. that's tough. singing freddie mercury is very, very tough. >> "bohemian rhapsody" would be the one, the tough one. >> we'll find out. >> speaking of great songs by the way time to turn up the volume on the television. the catchiest songs of all time have been revealed. the survey by the museum of science and industry in the uk. any guesses on the number one spot? >> wheels on the bus. >> "wheels on the bus." >> by the spice girls. >> how did you figure that one >> looked at the teleprompter. >> get it stuck in your head let's listen to it. ? if you want to be my lover ? ? you gotta you gotta ? >> the rest of the day. >> i guess we have to move on to the other songs. mama number five, also my personal favorite eye of the tiger from what movie? >> "rock can". >> rocky three and found out most of these songs people recognize wanna be was recognized in just two seconds by these people who started the >> you know what, there's also another catchy song of i don't know if you have ever heard it. it's just dance performed by paradise alley which is a new jersey cover band which is a bands that diane sings for. >> no, do you really? no, you don't. >> check her out. ? >> look at that. >> listen. ? just dance ? ? gonna be okay just, just dance, dance >> you're good. >> whoo. >> i was not expecting that. >> new jersey cover band paradise alley. >> that's right. that was the first band i used to sing with, paradise alley. >> do you guys play weddings. >> yeah, we used to play weddings, bars, parties. >> you're a mess so soprano. >> i am. i am. >> someone has been digging into my wikipedia page. >> i think we should get back to talking about -- thanks, guys. back to the election and presidential candidates are not prying enough incentive to vote a fake former vote. julia louis-dreyfus encouraged economy len yamillennials to vo >> someone probably less informed and more motivated so please vote. this matters. >> are you running again? >> no. >> if that's not enough to motivate you, well, there's always sugar. on election day participating offer voters a free doughnut of your choice, all you have to do is show them your i voted sticker. >> dan is trying -- >> you don't even have to vote yet. >> we did a segment about quitting sugar and you put a giant -- >> dan asked us not to let him eat a dough put so -- >> i'm just going to have one bite. thank you very much. i didn't even vote yet. >> one bite? >> this is my third. >> finally, we want to update you while you enjoy your doughnuts on mission pawsible, precious pooches forever homes the san antonio humane society, pawchella, huge success, over a thousand dogs have been adopted through this mission. it runs through november 22nd. be part of it and go to our website and find a shelter near you. >> diane, you're -- ? just dance ? ? going to be okay ? >> thank you, everybody. stay tuned for george coming up soon with "this week." good morni good morning, america. kevin connors, john busch gross. we know one thing for sure the best team in the country is alabama. >> yeah, the college football rankings, just released this past week on espn, the top four team, of course, alabama number one by far. but it's always tough to win at fourth quarter until jalen hurts takes it himself. lane kiffin who calls the plays is excited. still 7-0, though. lsu, danny et ling is hit and picked off. it was reviewed and the coach can't believe it. it was called interception. clap. nick saban. they'll be number one again. >> only top ten match-up of the weekend at the ohio state, home to nebraska, this was a blow-out. opening drive, a little tip drill right there. raekwon mcmillan tips it, webb takes it back. scary moment in this game. nebraska quarterback tommy armstrong jr. left the game. he was temporarily knocked unconscious but did return to the stadium and returned to the field. he appears to be okay. flew home with the team. j.t. barrett, one of four 62-3. >> that's college, of course, today is nfl football day. we have one of those guys from the hillary clinton campaign. >> watch this here, right now on action news weekend edition. scary moments on the campaign trail for donald trump when his security team had to rush him off the stage. what happened in nevada. >> plus, an amber alert issued for a missing 3-year-old. the vehicle to be on the look out for to help the officials find the alleged abductor. a tragic crash near brandon. a father and two young children are dead. troopers reveal what happened

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Louisiana , United States , Alabama , Chappaqua , New York , Nevada , Turkey , Minnesota , California , Syria , Arizona , South Carolina , Iowa , Hampshire , Spain , Chicago , Illinois , New Hampshire , Texas , Spartanburg , Sioux City , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Florida , Wisconsin , Virginia , Reno , San Antonio , Guam , Michigan , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Egypt , Raqqa , Ar Raqqah , Iraq , Leesburg , New Jersey , Nebraska , Redding , Green Bay , Phoenix , Ohio , Hawaii , Americans , America , Spanish , Iraqi , Ron Claiborne , Ma Paso , Gretchen Rubin , Katy Perry , Floyd Mayweather , Lebron James , Los Angeles , Diane Macedo , John Busch , Kate Mckinnon , Julia Louis Dreyfus , States Jon , Jesse Vargas , Las Vegas , Fivethirtyeight Nate , Nick Saban , Sasha Barron Cohen , Charlie Carver , Tommy Armstrong Jr , Jon Karl , Manny Pacquiao , George Stephanopoulos , John Podesta , Cecilia Vega , Alec Baldwin , Kevin Connors , Hillary Clinton , Rami Malek , Reince Priebus ,

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Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20161106 :

Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20161106

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woman now being linked to as many as seven deaths. investigators taking him back to the scene showing them where bodies might be buried and what his co-workers are saying. and the missing mother, the hunt for a mom of two who went missing during a jog. >> she wouldn't leave her babies. >> the clues police are going on. the reward and the massive search this morning. good sunda good sunday morning. thanks for joining us. two days, 48 hours till election day and the latest tracking poll shows clinton's lead is widening. now up five points over donald trump. 48 to 43 but the race is still pretty tight. >> it is. part of clinton's advantage in our poll comes from people who say they voted early. the latest numbers show that nearly 40 million americans have >> yes, so much early voting going on. we are covering both campaigns in their final weekend but tart with abc's tom llamas and the stunning moments on stage during a trump rally. tom, good morning to you. >> reporter: paula, good morning to you. the secret service has intervened before but nothing like what we saw last night. yet, that couldn't stop trump, that intense moment, he campaigned straight for 15 hours. a serious security scare for donald trump. the incident started with a the front of the stage. >> we have one of those guys from the hillary clinton campaign. how much are you being paid? $1500? >> reporter: then 50 seconds later agents rushing on stage. trump ducking down. security guards, secret service and police jumping barricades to calm the scene. sources tell abc news someone in the crowd had shouted gun prompting a quick response. trump back on stage within minutes. >> nobody said it was going to be easy for us. but we will never be stopped. never ever be stopped. >> reporter: the man who prompted the scare says he was carrying a republicans against trump sign. then he was attacked. >> people are just, you know, kicking me, grabbing my arms, twisting them, finally i'm very thankful for the law enforcement who was able to quickly come. >> reporter: the republican nominee bashing the pr protester on friday. >> hold up, hold up. hold up. >> reporter: but trump completely mischaracterizing what happened. >> did you see yesterday obama d screaming and screaming. >> you've got an older gentleman who is supporting his candidate. he's not doing nothing. you don't have to worry about him. >> if i spoke the way obama would say he became unhinged. >> reporter: there were some lighter moments from trump's long day on the trail. >> he's also compassionate, thoughtful, giving and loving. donald cares. >> reporter: trump even bringing a baby up on stage in florida kissing the boy and declaring -- >> future construction worker. >> reporter: all right, so that trump also said that little baby was a miniature trump fan. future. let's take a look at the map. yesterday was a marathon but today is long as well. take a look at all the states he's going to, sioux city, iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, sterling heights, michigan, moon township, that's outside of pittsburgh and finishes the day at 9:30 in leesburg, virginia and using this schedule to attack hillary clinton who only has three events today. trump saying she doesn't have the stamina to be president. paula. austin creitz. we want to hear more. you say you went there with a sign that said something pretty benign. republicans against trump and he called you out for being disruptive, were you? >> well, i mean, i'm a republican and i just wanted to voice my displeasure with the nominee that the party picked and so i went there with a simple sign and all of a sudden i just got attacked by >> there were accusations you were a plant, austin. were you paid, enticed or encouraged by a political party or by a person to attend that rally? >> no, not at all. i'm an independent guy doing what i believe is right and decided to go with a sign. there was a last-minute e-mail that came out from trump saying he was going to be in reno. and i thought, you know, i just -- i just feel very strongly that this guy is are other republicans in nevada, and elsewhere who do not support him. >> are you supporting hillary clinton? do you have any association with the clinton campaign? >> no, i have no association whatsoever with them. i was a republican supporter through the primaries. and i have donated money to hillary clinton campaign recently because i think that trump is a disaster for the country. >> you. who are you voting for on election day? >> well, i already did early voting and, you know, i'm not a huge fan of a lot of the policies that clinton has, but i feel that she's the one that has the best shot right now of stopping him. >> so you voted for hillary clinton? >> i did, yes. >> all right, austyn crites, foi thanks for joining us. >> thank you, have a great day. >> he denies being a plant. he is a registered republican. dangerous for the country and is a dictator which is why he already voted for hillary clinton. >> often gets crazy in these closing hours of a campaign. meanwhile, at a separate late night rally after the one in reno, donald trump attacked hillary clinton for campaigning with celebrities. trump called it demeaning. clinton clearly unmoved by that criticism. she appeared with katy perry overnight and abc's cecilia vega joinses us now from philadelphia. hey, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning, dan. clinton celebrity love fest continues. she is h help draw and push supporters to the polls in this final stretch and she's got another famous friend that she is calling on tonight. a role reversal for hillary clinton, overnight in philadelphia sheaf the one doing the introductions. >> welcome her to the stage, let's prove that love trumps hate. katy perry. >> reporter: not just the introductions, even a little dance. ? nasty girls ? concert calling on katy perry for last-minute girl power. ? you're going to hear me roar ? >> reporter: the superstar in her patriotic finest. >> are you awake? >> reporter: it has been a weekend of star-studded campaigning in the states that matter most. beyonce and jay z in ohio. jon bon jovi in florida. ? >> reporter: and tonight, lebron james in ohio too. clinton's team encouraged by scenes like this at a market latino voters waiting to cast their ballots. in this final stretch, her aides are feverishly studying polls and early voting sending clinton to the places she's needed most. her mad dash to the finish line looks like this. in the last four days of the race clinton touching down in six different battleground states making four different trips to pennsylvania alone. two to ohio. this trip to florida cut short >> my friends, you are a hearty bunch standing out here in the rain. >> reporter: and we are now getting a sense of what election day will look like for hillary clinton. we know she will be voting in chappaqua, new york, on tuesday morning. that, of course, is where she lives and then she heads to new york city for an evening rally at an event that has a literal glass ceiling. the symbolism not lost on her campaign there. we are also told by aides ha she has not yet started working on her speech for that night. superstitious. >> cecilia vega, ace reporter cecilia vega the tireless cecilia, thank you very much. giving you a lot of credit this morning. she said i didn't give her enough yesterday. both campaigns this morning are focused on one key number, 270. how many electoral college votes you need to win the white house. let's bring in abc's chief white house correspondent jon karl. hey, jon -- >> first of all, cecilia is great. >> yes, she is. >> just about nobody better than cecilia vega. >> maybe you. maybe some days. where do things stand overall? >> if you look at this map behind me this is the abc news race ratings and looked at every state, the red states are those we believe are tilting towards donald trump or solidly towards donald trump and the blue state, hillary clinton. if you look at where the map stands, the yellow states are the only toss-up states left and you mentioned the number 270. well, look at this. already just the blue state, just the ones where we believe hillary clinton already has the advantage she is over 270 so dold has to win all of those toss-up states and then he has to find a way to win someplace where she is in the lead. >> so there are three states you're watching closely this morning. michigan, pennsylvania and florida. why? >> yeah, so for a couple different reason, first of all let's start with michigan and pennsylvania. you heard cecilia mention that hillary clinton is making four separate trips to pennsylvania in the final days. also visiting michigan. these are two solidly democratic states. since the 1980s but donald trump is showing signs of surging up there. it would be a long shot. it would be an upset but he has a chance both sides believe up in that area. but florida is the one that as always i am watching. we are all watching. hillary clinton if she wins florida this race is over and right now in the early vote she has the advantage. >> very quickly, you've been following some surprising developments in both nevada enanew hampshire. >> yeah, this shows how strange this race is. first of all in nevada it looks like hillary clinton has pull add head in the powered by hispanic voters and new hampshire is a state that we had put a solidly blue for a long time but now it is a toss-up state. that state is -- probably moved more than any other tate with the recent developments over the past week or so. >> the also awesome jon karl, thank you, jon. >> thank you very much, dan. >> everyone is an ace including our chief anchor george stephanopoulos. >> awesome now. >> the pose awesome. >> let's see how you do in the come up with? we looked at that map and jon issing look at michigan, pennsylvania and florida. what states -- >> jon nailed it. this all begins and ends with florida. the most important state on the map right now. if donald trump cannot win in florida, he basically can't win the election. chances go to close to zero. jon's also right to pay attention to michigan manag. tho tho and pennsylvania. he's got to way to find a way to flip one of th wisconsin or minnesota. he only has a map if he can flip one of those states. >> so given the electoral map you've just discussed and given the fact our tracking poll shows clinton up by five. how confident should her team be? >> well, you can't take anything for granted in this election. it's the most surprising unpredictable and look at the other side. states like ohio and iowa seem to be fairly solidly right now, made some inroads right there and seen one thing this year is the polls have been fairly volatile depending on events. you can't take anything for granted. >> how much legitimate concern is there about tuesday and the vote and we're talking about disruption, possible hacking, even terror? >> well, i don't think you can change the vote by hacking. can there be enough shenanigans that would create some uncertainty about the outcome and people's per the outcome, i think that's possible. >> george, you're better than awesome. superlative. we should point out george has a big show. he'll have the clinton campaign chairman john podesta and reince priebus plus fivethirtyeight's nate silver who is going to break down the race later this morning on "this week" and keep it here on abc straight through election day. george will be leading our coverage tuesday night with our entire political team including jon and cecilia starting at 7:00 eastern. team between now and wednesday, all right, thanks, dan. thanks, george. we want to turn to the shocking new details from the investigation into the kidnapping of a woman found chained in a shipping container in south carolina. police say the suspect has now confessed to several murders and is showing them where he buried some of his victims. abc's eva pilgrim is in spartanburg, south carolina, with these latest disturbing developments. good morning, eva. >> reporter: it's what so many here have feared since that missing woman seemingly successful realtor now suspected of being a serial killer. investigators this morning saying todd kohlhepp could be responsible for at least seven killings. overnight the man accused of kidnapping and chaining up a south carolina woman now dropping a bombshell on investigators allegedly confessing to multiple murders. >> this is a pretty big deal. >> reporter: according to investigators a mass murder gunning down four people in a motorsport shop in 2003. investigators also identifying the body found friday on kohlhepp's property as charlie carver, the boyfriend of kala brown, the woman police say was chained up for two months by the ankle and neck in a metal shipping container on that property. it was cell phone pings from brown's phone that led police searching for the missing couple here. authorities saying carver was shot multiple times. >> i don't want anybody's family to see representing himself at this time is said to be cooperating %-py dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit as bulldozers and searchers on horseback scoured the property for more evidence and more possible victims. investigators saying he showed them the location of two more graves on the property. >> we still are working this crime scene. we're not done yet. >> reporter: which according to the sheriff maiman the realtor is allegedly responsible for up and next minute he's happy. >> reporter: those who worked with him now replaying every moment they were alone with him. >> why were we spared? >> reporter: this isn't kohlhepp's first run-in with the law. he was convicted in 1987 as a teenager of kidnapping and rape in arizona. court documents from that case file saying it is obvious he is obsessed with sex and weapons. he was also obsessed with hurting others. now, kohlhepp has not entered a plea in these cases. not only was he a realtor but he also managed a lot of rental properties, so many people telling us he had the spare key to their home. that sending a shiver up the spines of so many in this community this morning. dan and paula. >> yeah, understandably. horrifying story. eva, thank you for your reporting this morning. >> yes, you know what, let's turn to weather. it doesn't feel like autumn. fall in a lot of places. >> it seems like summer refuses yesterday across the northern plains in twin cities, minnesota had 73 degree high. that is just incredible and, you know, into fall and hunting season opening up and with no snow on the ground other issues with it being this warm creating problems for hunters and sportsmen. look at these numbers, 68 degrees today in chicago. it does bulge a little over towards the east as we go through tomorrow. it'll be 72 degrees in st. louis, 77 in nashville. i mean going to get a sunburn, better throw on the sunscreen. new york, but by tuesday election day 65 in new york city, 69 in d.c. and 66 degrees in philadelphia. no excuse for not getting to the polls there. pretty active across the pacific. these storms coming in last week have been very mild, a lot of pacific air way is one reason we're not seeing a cold november across the eastern half of the country and that's going to continue i think for the next six to ten days with that ridge of high pressure up there. might see colder shots coming into the northeast by next no complaints in the bay area. looks like a gorgeous start to the day. current temperatures are in the low to mid-60s all around the bay area. our forecast today calls for a high temperature of 83 degrees under partly cloudy skies. pleasant and dry this morning. warm and comfortable in the afternoon with low humidity and a delightful evening. your seven-day forecast, not a lot of changes. temperatures stay seas the workweek. the best chance of rain, the end of the week. up in about 15 minutes. was that not awesome? do i not get an awesome? >> it was fair to midling. >> weather is rather boring thankfully so enjoy. >> i'll take boring weather. >> i agree with that. >> perfectly fine. we do have a lot of other news we want to get to and for that as always we take it over to dr. ron claiborne. robert, good morning, everyone. we'll begin with breaking news from syria. u.s. backed kurdish forces starting their military effort to retake raqqa. the de facto capital. ground troops making their way into that city. as they advance iraqi soldiers are coming under attack from isis. suicide bombers supporting air strikes have been limited because the fighting is now taking place in populated neighborhoods. and back in the u.s., two men under arrest i d.c. charged with vandalizing the fbi building and the trump international hotel with graffiti during the city's million mask march that happened saturday. a masked man allegedly with a firearm was arrested. it's one of several around the world associated with anonymous. eight people injured in an explosion overnight in an apartment building near phoenix. it happened in the city of payson. the explosion leaving the evacuation of homes within building. one of the residents taken by helicopter to the hospital. and another report of a harvard men's athletic team making lewd comments about their female counterparts. the student newspaper "the crimson" reporting the men's cross country team created spreadsheets with remarks about the women's cross country team. the news comes just two days after harvard ended the men's soccer season after finding scouting reports where the players rated those women on the team, the soccer team bas and boxer manny pacquiao coming out of retirement to reclaim the welterwelt world title in las vegas. beating jesse vargas, former champ by a unanimous decision. the real excite many coming from the presence of floyd mayweather sitting ringside intashging rumors of guess what, possible rematch between he and pacquiao -- >> why do people bother to back in november. ridiculous. >> it's called a publicity stunt. >> we always watch these big matches and there's always a rematch. >> and another and another. >> why do rock fans go offstage, encore, encore. >> speaking of encore, you have something. >> thank you, paula. >> basically shut up and let ron finish is what he's telling us. >> finally, with thanksgiving fast approaching here's a story about some angry bird, turkeys overretu >> i got a turkey that won't leave. >> the police department says the wild turkeys have been harassing or harassing, sorry, dan, people for the past number of months. the city is try to trap and relocate them. they're giving advice, if you come across one, clap your hands loudly or wave an umbrella at it. make them go away. >> or carry a taser. >> yeah, taser a turkey for thanksgiving. though? >> dangerous? they're abusive, they're not going to kill you, no. >> does that mean -- i don't know. >> we haven't treated them well over the years. >> we haven't. >> all right. >> coming up on "gma," a beloved young mother mysteriously vanishes without a trace while jogging. the massive manhunt underway and what they're calling supermom. dabbing with the supernatural. keep it here. 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isn't slowing you down. but your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. i've been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. i could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. one in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. will it be you? and that's why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. i'm working to boost linda's immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. n, have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. the most common side effects include redness, pain, itching, swelling, hard lump warmth or bruising at the injection site and headache. it's important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you? talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. well, today will be another carbon copy of yesterday with low humidity. it looks like a gorgeous start looking nice. the beach forecast looks nice as well. in fact, temperatures will be in the 70s as we head into the morning hours. then as we head into the afternoon, the high temperature will top out in the low 80s. gulf temperature, chilly for me at least, 74 degrees. titan doppler radar shows no rain on the radar. we expect no rain for the entire day or most of the workweek actually. current temperatures right now in the low 60s. high today will to partly cloudy skies with a light breeze. this morning, pleasant and dry. by the afternoon, it will be warm and comfortable. by the evening, delightful with lots of, i would say, a mix of sun and clouds and lower and and welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. happening right now it is the final stretch for the presidential candidates with just two days to go. donald trump pulled off the stage at a rally in nevada after a security scare. the candidat later, however. the trump camp pulling out all the stops. hillary clinton sharing the stage with more celebrities as our latest abc news poll shows the democratic candidate with a widening lead. >> five points and also happening right now some 50,000 runners getting ready to compete in the new york city marathon, the largest marathon on earth runs through all five of the city's boroughs covering 22.6 miles. the average finishing time, 4 1/2 hours. and in case you're confused about what time it is right now, officially over so don't forget to turn your clock back by an hour. most will now sway on standard time until march 12th of next year. this is the happiest morning of the year for morning news professional >> that's why we're all happy. we got an extra hour of sleep. >> except for ron. he's still not happy. you're happy. >> deliriously happy. >> there are some states that don't participate. hawaii and most of arizona and also ron's favorite guam. they stay -- they don't g way. >> one more reason for you not to move to guam. tay happy in the states, ronnie. the hunt for a woman called a supermom by family and friends who vanished without a trace. >> there's now a reward for information on what happened to sherri papini who was last seen jogging near her home in northern california and abc's adrienne bankert is on the story from our l.a. bureau. adrienne, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan and paula. yeah, sherri papini described by her family and friends as a devoted young mother. when her children had not been grew concerned and now they believe the 34-year-old was abducted. this morning, search teams scouring these rural roads and trails trying to piece together what happened to sherri papini. the married mother of two vanishing without a trace last wednesday afternoon while jogging near her redding, california, home. >> she's such a great mom. she's so hands on. we call her supermom relationship her family suspecting something terribly went wrong after she failed to pick up her kids from child care >> she wouldn't leave her babies. there's no way she would do anything to disrupt her children's routine. >> reporter: the only discovery in the case so far, her abandoned cell phone. police say it was traced by her husband using the find my phone app. >> he found her phone close to the road. he called the authorities immediately. >> well, the fact that her phone was left there, that is a key piece of evidence that would indicate somebody may have taken her. >> i mean, she wouldn't just drop her phone if she was pink jogging top. investigators and volunteers fanning out hoping to find any clues. >> we're branching out to contact businesses to see perhaps what they may have on their surveillance systems. >> reporter: friend, former classmates and supporters coming from across northern california to help in the search. >> she is considered at risk due to the suspicious circumstances. >> she's a family that loves her. please just bring her home. >> reporter: and investigators say there's not enough evidence to guarantee that s or anyone out. her husband has been questioned and he has cooperated with the investigation. a nonprofit group is now offering a $10,000 reward hoping someone will come forward with information to find sherri. dan and paula. >> adrienne, thank you. we're thinking of her family and friends this morning. thanks again. let's check the weather once again and get it back over to rob. hey, man. >> hey, dan, for all the places that have been mild and pretty quiet across the lower 48, the one sore spot has been new thunderstorms. we showed you the hail yesterday in elle ma paso. two to three two to three inches across the panhandle and nascar is running at texas motor speedway at 2:00 p.m. eastern so may be an issue in the later laps of that important race as they go for the chase. waves 10 to 20 feet with this next system coming in. this is a mild system. it will drop down into northern california. northwest and northern california unusually wet october, starting to dry out a little bit at least becoming high surf advisory up though. the surfers certainly will be out. dry across parts of the desert southwest for election day and problem spots in louisiana and heard jon karl talk about michigan. we might see some showers there. nothing too intense and the east coast looks to be pretty nice including the all important state of florida. that's a quick check. the all-important state of this afternoon the high temperature tops out at 83. no rain in the forecast. throughout the workweek, things are nice with lows in the 60s and highs in the 80s. is brought to you by liberty mutual insurance. football on this sunday, of course, going to be like 64 degrees as the colts take on green bay in green bay, wisconsin. >> in green bay. >> in november. >> just doesn't feel right. >> unfrozen tundra. >> next week will be different. >> hot under the helmet. everybody is freaking out about the election and our to ending the uncertainty that involves tarot cards. >> rami malek set to play a legendary rocker in a new movie. diane macedo will have all the details in "pop news." all, like every single -- >> every sickle detail. >> good show, "mr. robot," by the way. yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you? liberty mutual insurance what makes thermacare different? . how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: some say i dance to the beat of a different drummer... i say, i just dance. be up for anything with boost. it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and i'm just getting warmed up. to to make sure that she never -- >> no. >> i'm sorry, kate. i just y i just yelling -- >> this whole election has been so mean. let's get out of here. >> alec baldwin and kate mckinnon breaking character how much would we all love to see them on wednesday, the actual hrc and dt in times square. >> odds of that less than zero. as we zero in on election day, you can listen to the polls, you can listen to the pundits or you can look elsewhere for answers. >> maybe a fortune teller. abc's nick watt went searching and found a meet yum with a message. >> i want to know if donald trump will win the election. ? here in heavily hispanic east l.a. some are seeking supernatural help. who is this? >> the woman has the power. >> that's hillary. >> yes. >> trump's talk of building walls and deporting illegals has some people worried. and some of them are going to mediums like angeleta. but he has a chance in yeah. >> that one. >> around the corner sylvia says her clients are obsessing over the election. [ speaking spanish ] >> they're saying they want her to do rituals and spells, they don't know where to vote is the major problem. ? >> reporter: and around another corner trump pinatas are outselling clinton. she's in prison garb and cuffs. i bought both. i'm i'm neutral. >> that someone will betray you in love. >> someone will betray you in love. >> moving on. right now, clinton has a narrow lead, will that last? >> i don't >> i don't like it. >> she says trump has a card up his sleeve. according to her card there could be time for one more for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> all right, i think we've covered every angle of the presidential election now. >> don't deserve to be covered we've covered them. having said that you used a word i pretended i understood. into the story, cairo manser. >> a hand reader. like a cry row track ter. every now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut with that word. >> i like it. here's what's coming up on "gma you're feeling you're feeling guilty about snacking on that candy, kick the sugar habit. the weekend download after the break. >> good luck with that one, dan. >> not going to happen. (vacuum) we'll help you style your home from floor to ceiling. now get 15% off select hgtv home? by sherwin-williams paint, and make your home happy at lowe's. what a l what a lovely home you have. is this your family? yea, that's my daughter, my son, and that's my... hey, kool-aid man! ...husband. oh yeah!!! [ crashing ] through progressive. by bundling it with your car insurance you saved a ton! yeah. do you want to see the rest of the house? -i can actually see a lot of it. -oh. everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you ? ? i don't want to grow up, i'm a toys"r"us kid! ? ? here we are, it's a trollabration ? ? come join us we're the party nation ? this really is a whole store full of awesome! time for "weekend download." this one is personal for me. lots of us would love to kick the sugar habit including me and i've been trying for a long time. haven't been able to do it. it's a lot harder than it sounds. here with good advice is gretchen rubin, the author of "the happiness project and better than before." i throw myself at your mercy. what's the best way to go about cutting sugar out of our we all think of moderation as being sort of the best way to go. but for a lot of people including me it's easier to have none so if you find it hard to have a little bit try having none. it sounds harder but for a lot of people it's easier to have none than have a little. >> i see what you're talking about because i have one oreo and a whole box is gone and i'm in a shame spiral for a week. what do i have to do technically in order to quit forever? quit, what do you do. >> some people can quit forever. that's what i did but a lot need planned exceptions. this is it when you say to yourself, it's my anniversary. i'm going to have it on saturday. i'm going to plan for it and look back on it with pleasure and not feel bad about it so i still get to have the treats. i'm not saying good-bye to sugar forever. maybe i don't want to do it but i'll plan it in advance. >> in the meantime, how do you avoid temptation. >> really good way is just don't buy things. resist buying something than eating it. so let's say ice cream at home. if you can save your family, we're going to have ice cream but go out and get an ice cream cone. don't go into the room at work where the vending machines are. if you don't buy it, then you can't give in to it so resist buying it because that's easier than turning it down if it's like right there in your desk drawer or refrigerator. >> i need you to have -- thank you, gretchen. really appreciate it. if you want to see much more of happier podcast available on apple podcast and and "pop news" is coming up after this quick break. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. escribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. what's your body of proof? discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. emerge restored. fortified. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see. 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"good morning america" is brought to you by walgreens at the corner of happy and healthy. all right, time for "pop news." diane macedo back. we're very happy about that what's popping. >> happy too and queen fans are going to be very happy because a long awaited movie about the freddie mercury accord to a number of reports "mr. robot's" rami malek has just been cast in a biopic named "bohemian rhapsody" and replaces sasha barron cohen citing creative differences and the movie also has a new director with "x-men's" bryan singer so excited to head it up he posted a queen album cover on instagram saying he's looking forward to >> rami is great. >> i want to know if he's going to have to sing. that's tough. singing freddie mercury is very, very tough. >> "bohemian rhapsody" would be the one, the tough one. >> we'll find out. >> speaking of great songs by the way time to turn up the volume on the television. the catchiest songs of all time have been revealed. the survey by the museum of science and industry in the uk. any guesses on the number one spot? >> wheels on the bus. >> "wheels on the bus." >> by the spice girls. >> how did you figure that one >> looked at the teleprompter. >> get it stuck in your head let's listen to it. ? if you want to be my lover ? ? you gotta you gotta ? >> the rest of the day. >> i guess we have to move on to the other songs. mama number five, also my personal favorite eye of the tiger from what movie? >> "rock can". >> rocky three and found out most of these songs people recognize wanna be was recognized in just two seconds by these people who started the >> you know what, there's also another catchy song of i don't know if you have ever heard it. it's just dance performed by paradise alley which is a new jersey cover band which is a bands that diane sings for. >> no, do you really? no, you don't. >> check her out. ? >> look at that. >> listen. ? just dance ? ? gonna be okay just, just dance, dance >> you're good. >> whoo. >> i was not expecting that. >> new jersey cover band paradise alley. >> that's right. that was the first band i used to sing with, paradise alley. >> do you guys play weddings. >> yeah, we used to play weddings, bars, parties. >> you're a mess so soprano. >> i am. i am. >> someone has been digging into my wikipedia page. >> i think we should get back to talking about -- thanks, guys. back to the election and presidential candidates are not prying enough incentive to vote a fake former vote. julia louis-dreyfus encouraged economy len yamillennials to vo >> someone probably less informed and more motivated so please vote. this matters. >> are you running again? >> no. >> if that's not enough to motivate you, well, there's always sugar. on election day participating offer voters a free doughnut of your choice, all you have to do is show them your i voted sticker. >> dan is trying -- >> you don't even have to vote yet. >> we did a segment about quitting sugar and you put a giant -- >> dan asked us not to let him eat a dough put so -- >> i'm just going to have one bite. thank you very much. i didn't even vote yet. >> one bite? >> this is my third. >> finally, we want to update you while you enjoy your doughnuts on mission pawsible, precious pooches forever homes the san antonio humane society, pawchella, huge success, over a thousand dogs have been adopted through this mission. it runs through november 22nd. be part of it and go to our website and find a shelter near you. >> diane, you're -- ? just dance ? ? going to be okay ? >> thank you, everybody. stay tuned for george coming up soon with "this week." good morni good morning, america. kevin connors, john busch gross. we know one thing for sure the best team in the country is alabama. >> yeah, the college football rankings, just released this past week on espn, the top four team, of course, alabama number one by far. but it's always tough to win at fourth quarter until jalen hurts takes it himself. lane kiffin who calls the plays is excited. still 7-0, though. lsu, danny et ling is hit and picked off. it was reviewed and the coach can't believe it. it was called interception. clap. nick saban. they'll be number one again. >> only top ten match-up of the weekend at the ohio state, home to nebraska, this was a blow-out. opening drive, a little tip drill right there. raekwon mcmillan tips it, webb takes it back. scary moment in this game. nebraska quarterback tommy armstrong jr. left the game. he was temporarily knocked unconscious but did return to the stadium and returned to the field. he appears to be okay. flew home with the team. j.t. barrett, one of four 62-3. >> that's college, of course, today is nfl football day. we have one of those guys from the hillary clinton campaign. >> watch this here, right now on action news weekend edition. scary moments on the campaign trail for donald trump when his security team had to rush him off the stage. what happened in nevada. >> plus, an amber alert issued for a missing 3-year-old. the vehicle to be on the look out for to help the officials find the alleged abductor. a tragic crash near brandon. a father and two young children are dead. troopers reveal what happened

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