Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News This Morning 6AM 20160108 :

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News This Morning 6AM 20160108

want to show you realtime doppler radar over the last hour. these fast moving showers coming in from the west moving quickly off to the east. little sprinkles across broward county. moderate to heavy rain however across parts of the overseas highway. between marathon and key colony beach. as much as two and a half inches of rain falling per hour with that one cluster of showers. more rain off to the west. and an area open will have moves in -- of low pressure moves in as we head through this friday. so the clouds increase, the chance for rain increasing as well. take the umbrella with you today. we top out in the lower 80s. that's a check on your forecast. now here's joe wita look at traffic. you got a live look things here on the palmetto couldn't be better. it is moving along through hialeah pretty easily north and southbound, this you a view from 122nd street. look to the north there, you can see i-75 up towards the top left of the screen moving down towards okeechobee road is southbound those headlights we're looking at. and no delays that continues expressway. through hialeah and -- real and northbound approaching the dolphin still in terrific shape as welreally. and the same around broward county. it's been quiet maybe a few wet roadways out there keep that in mind. but here a view of 595 at pine island looks great and that's traffic. back to you. joe brennan thank you. we have a developing story out of miami. that's where police are on the scene of a fiery and deadly accident. >> cbs4's gaby fleischman is live on the scene with more. gaby, good morning. >> reporter: good morning marybel and lauren. traffic homicide investigators tell me that they have been able to identify the victim but right now they're not releasing any information on that person. because they are working to notify the v)ctim's family. there are several crews on scene here. several tow trucks working to clear up this scene. take awathese cars that have been badly damaged by the fire. this is out an southwest 3rd avenue and 15th road. just some video we shot a short time ago and investigators say at around 1:00 this morning, the driver of the lexus that another car was speeding northbound on 3rd avenue going upwards of 100 miles an hour. we're told the driver lost control hit a curve and went airborne and then crashed into some parked cars and then hit a wall. that car burst into the flames on impact. killing the driver. miami fire rescue tells us that there was no one else inside of the burned up car and that no one else on the road was injured. there are several witnesses we spoke with. they say they heard a loud bang but by the time they got outside the flames were so intense there was nothing they could do. >> you could hear it just -- who are. just really fast. then next thing you know it's a boom and i came outside and i saw the car just burning. i guess they couldn't get out. because it happened so quick. and by the time i made it out, i was right in the room right next to the window. as soon as i walked outside all you saw was flames in the air. >> reporter: again, at 15th road. crews are working to get these charred cars out of the way. and investigators also still collecting edence to determine what may have caused this crash. but again at this point they are telling us they believe that speedways factor. we're -- speed was a factor. we're live from miami, gaby fleischman, cbs4 news. now live pictures from miami where crews are working to fill a sinkhole where a huge water main break. this is happening at northeast 71st seet and fourth court. a 12-inch main break forced water to gush from underground pipes during rush hour yesterday afternoon. the 15-foot deep hole flooded nearby streets and had an autorow pair shop about 30 feet from the gushing crater. >> it looked like a tsunami with all the mechanics that start running around and getting the keys of the cars and parked the cars outside. western able to save -- we were able to save thear. >> crews from water and sewer eventually found the leak and turned off the valve to start repairs. they blame aging pipes for the now to a cbs4 exusive. a registered sex offender from davie is arrested again for sexual battery. that man was just released from a state confinement facility. this morning he's under arrest again. cbs4's carey cod has the exclusive details. >> reporter: court records show michael leverett spent time in prison in 2008. then a judge held him in a state civil commitment facility in arcadia. for nearly six more years. considering him a sexually violent predator records say. leverett was released from that facility this past october. now a new charge. inside this home, davie police say leverett sexually assault battered a 16-year-old girl. >> he's the biggest pretty fori've ever met. >> reporter: the girl's mother spoke to us about the allegations and leverett's past. >> he should have never been on the streets. people like that, they don't get fixed. >> reporter: the mother says she didn't know the extent of leverett's past when her daughter came into contact with him. there are lots of questions about why leverett was released from the state commitment facility last fall. a prosecutor said an expert for the state believed that rev let was ready to return to society. this letter leverett wrote to the court back in august. he said he regretted doing certain things but said he'd become an easy pawn. he also promised the court and several l ople who believed he should be released that he was on the right path. i can't let them down he wrote. nor you. know now it is them and you that to have the live with the hurt and pain of letting me out just for me to hurt someone else. i'm obligated now to give back to the people that gave me a life to live but now leverett is accused of hurting someone again. >> i hate him with all my heart. never hated anybody before. i hate that man. >> reporter: leverett has not yet gone before a judge on the charges. people who live in the area where the incident allegedly concerns about why this underaged girl was allowed to be around someone like leverett with such criminal past. prisonecords show he's been in and out prisons in florida since the mid '80s. in davie, carey cod, "cbs4 this morning." police arrested a 15-year- old. police say christopher walker was found in brooklyn, new york, he is accused of murdering 17-year-old ricia talabert back in october. the teens wewe sitting in a car when they were ambushed by other people in a vehicle walker is now facing several charges including first degree murder, attempted murder and shooting a deadly missile. the morning a teenaged girl who police say stabbed a boy is in a juvenile deception facility. the scene happened wednesday afternoon. the 17-year-old who was stabbed is a student at piper high school. her identity private says trouble was brewing for days but maintains her son was an innocent victim. >> my son is an athlete kid. everybody loves him. you can go on facebook. everybody love my son. he don't go around nitpicking. if he your friend, he loyal to you. >> the accused attacker was in court yesterday and a judge ordered@already to stay in juvenile detention until sunday. that girl's father sayayshe's never been in trouble before. last night, community members and police officers came together to say enough is enough. they say they will not allow throughs to ke the liar -- thugs to take the life of their youth. in what they call a broken and unfair system and also asked for officers to stand behind the three rds they're supposed to live by. honor, protect and serve. president barack obama is making a bold promise in an op- ed piece for the "new york times." the president wrote he will not campaign for, vote or for susuort any candidate doesn't support what he calls common sense gun reform. last night president obama headlined a a tionally televised town hall meeting on guns. the white house says the town hall was meant to win over public support for the president's recent executive actions on guns. >> if we can combine gun safety with sensible background checks and some other steps, we're not going to eliminate gun violence, t we will lessen it. >> a white house spokesman says the presesent also wanted to reiterate that he has no desire to take guns away from law- abiding citizens. we are following breaking news out of phelonia where null -- philadelphia where an officer has been shot three times. he was in his police cruiser when a man approached the car and shot him in the m. the officer returned fire hitting the suspect three times. the polioe commissioner says the gunman fired a total of 13 boths. both were ta on the area survive but no word on the suspect's condition or a motive. now the war on terror. this morning we're learning more about two iraqi refugees arrested. authorities say one of them a 23-year-old sacramento resident managed to travel the syria to -- to syria to fight. officials say the citizen originally came to the.s. as a refugee in 2012. that man is somehow connected to a 24-year-old houston resident who's accused of providing material support to isis. the texas man also entnted the u.s. as an iraqi refugee in 2009. both suspects are scheduled to appear in federal court t today. and developing overnight, the belgian probation report's office says -- prosecutor's office says it found the i thinker print of -- fingerprint of fugitive salah abdeslam last month in an apartment. he is wanted in connection to the deadly paris terror i tacks. the apartment is believed to have been a bomb factory for the attacks. investigators found three handmade belts that could have been used to carry explosives. french authorities now dead when he showed up at a police station wearing fake explosives. investigators believe ali sallah was involved in a small robbery back in 2013. this morning we are learning about a u.s. hell fire missile that was mistakenly shipped from europe to cuba in 2014. the "wall street journal" reports the missile arrived in cuba two years ago. they say the u.s. has been negotiating for its return ever since including during talks to normalize relations. this is what a hell fire missile looks like. it's made with top secret military technology and the fear is that cuba could sell that information to a country like china, north korea, or russia. the red hot cats have done it again. the florida panthers defeated the ottawa senators last night to winor the 11th straight time. play announcer steve goldstein has more from ottawa. >> reporter: the panthers do it again. the magical ride continues for the nhl's hottest team. a franchise record 11th win in a row. and the panthers did id heren ottawa by the final score of 3- 2. wasn't a game the panthers ayed they are best, but they got -- their best. but they got goals and again great goal tending from roberto luongo. nine game-winning streak for him. toe check and smith got the goals in the first and then the young star, alexander bar cough. scored his 12th of the year, that came in the third period. and that would be the game winner. the pantrs have now won 17 out of 20 games. and they're in first place with a five point lead in the atlantic division. once againinrom ottawa, the panthers beat the senators 3-2 and go for 12 in a row sunday night in edmonton. that will do it from canada's capital. steve foldstein. "cbs4 this morning." >> let's see if they can do it. >> let's hope so. i'm sure they will. move over coldplay. another major performer has halftime show. the details coming up. >> also ahead, vicious dog attack. a woman is mauled and the story gets even worse. that's coming up at 6:30. >> first, cbs4 exclusive. one-on-one with presidential candidate and miami native marco rubio who talks about cuba and his footwear that's gone viral. >> later a trooper goes above and beyond to help a woman on the side of the road. that story is all new at 6:30. >> good friday morning to you south florida. michael smith in for lissette. i want to show you what's happening right now along realtime doppler radar. moderate to heavy rain cutting more rain on the way. good friday morning to you south florida. michael smith stepping in for lissette. what's happening right now on realtime doppler radar? this is in motion over the last hour. moderate rain coming across the overseas highway between duck key and marathon key. this is lifting to the north northeast at around 10 to 15 miles an hour. so heads-up across that section of the overseas highway. bigger picture, over the last hour, realtime doppler radar in motion showing a lot of rain across the entire state pretty much. from daytona beach over the tampa. fort myers and area of low pressure developing across the gulf of mexico. there it is. out ahead of it, moderate to so clouds increasing and the rain chance increasing as we head through our friday. so the north we go, maybe to the north you go today. want you to know it's definitely colder. the boundary right about here. this is a developing storm system. you can sigh the counterclockwise twist around kansas city. going to changeover to snow there later today. it's snowing now in minneapolis and green bay. it's a rain a cold rain coming down right now in chicago. temperature there 38. 32 minneapolis. 46 kansas city. right along the gulf coast,. thes in the mid -- temperatures in the mid 50s. new york city at 35. forecast for today, warm sun. showers increasing as we head through the afternoon. winds south 10 to 15 and forecast through the weekend, temperatures climb back into the low maybe middle 80s on sunday afternoon. showers around overnight temperatures mid- to upper 60s and then a cooldown as we get into monday and tuesday with okay, that's a check on your forecast. vanessa is off. joe brennan is in with a look at traffic. you bit. downtown miami looks great on 95. no issues for you there. north or southbound. just had chopper 4 track it from the interchange all the way into downtown and you can see it's moving along pretty nicely. both north and southbound through the area i might add. here's the action of the bad crash overnight and things still closed off there northbound along 3rd avenue at 15th road with that crash. so obviously use some extra care can things in broward county still look great along 595 east and westbound. no headaches there at all. that's traffic, back to you. joe thank you. now campaign 2 26 and a cbs4 news exclusive. all week jim defede has been grilling the candidates in new hampshire. on thursday he smoke one-on-one with marco rubio. to restrict benefit for cuban immigrants and jim also asked him about the footwear that's been stealing some of the senator's spotlight this week. >> reporter: let's start with the most important news of the tweak. your shoes, just -- just resolve it. what kind of shoes and what kind of boots wither that? the cuban hole the wheel thing. >> i never heard that term. they bought them for me. floor shine boats and i like them. i may use them again. >> reporter: did your wife buy them? >> i think my kids with my wife bought them for me. i think they're pretty cool. but they're only for special occasions, i think that's the way the dolphins were playing the patriots. any good luck associated them. >> reporter: a sign of a concession we no longer going to do the high heel? >> they kind of hurt your bark. >> reporter: rubio and i discussed the future of the cuban adjustment act which gives preferential treatment to cubans who land in the cub tremendous. it's clear that many cuban americans coming today are concerns, rather than the fear of political persecution. the law he said needs to be changed. >> not only does it need to be re-examined for that reason, but i even think the benefits that people are receiving now that they're coming on the cuban adjustmeme act need to be re-examined and i'm working on >> reporter: rubio said the bill he is drafting would follow the line of a similar bill filed recently by miami congressman carlos carbelo. >> he see the abuses already. we see the abuses happening. you have people coming now and collecting social security, having never worked in the u.s. and they're moving back to cuba and their relatives are wiring them the money. i mean the system is being taken advantage of and it needs to be addressed. >> reporter: do you know when you will file the bill? >> in the next few days as soon as it's ready. >> reporter: ruin owe talked to us in new hampshire where he held a series of events thursday. >> it's a lot of fun to interact with people but it's humbling because you realize how few people get the opportunity to run for and perhaps be the president of the united states is. st extraordinary experiences i ever affidavit and you learn so much -- had and you learn so much every single day. >> reporter: are you going to win new hampshire? >> i'm going to work real hard to do as well as w@ can. i'm not going to make any reprotections. >> reporter: what about florida? >> everywhere we campaign, i'm very confident about that but not the prognostication business. what i'm pretty comfortable is that when thprocess is finished i'm going to be the republican nominee and we're going to beat hillary clinton. >> reporter: they used to brag the senator only flew coach as a sign of just how thrifty he was. well now he's only taking private jets a better sign the campaign heating up. and he needs to travel the country more often. reporting from new hampshire, i'm jim defede, cbs4 news. >> and stay with cbs4 news for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. you can also watch all of jim's reports from new hampshire online at and now it's time for talking with joe. joe in the last hour we talked about the afc. now the nfc is playing on sunday. start me off with the seahawks and vikings. >> i love the seahawks you know who's been to the super bowl the last two years and actually should have had two super bowl championship rings. that crazy play at the end of the game against new england. but i will tell you this, i think -- russell wilson is as hot as any quarterback in the nfl. marshawn lynch, the big bruising back, he's back and healthy. and they've got all that expeence have been in the playoffs. it's hard to go against seattle even though they are the road team for this game. i think they're going to be really tough to beat. way too good and also getting healthy at the right time. >> yeah and you said that russell wilson is hot. but it's going to be so cold there. 3 degrees the high at kickoff. at 1:05 on sundajoe. do you think that will work in the vices' favor since they're used to those conditions? >> i don't think that works in anybody's favor when it get that is cold. when we start talking about 1, i know what it was like, i was okay in the 20s and i was okay in the 30s. but i was aware when it started to dip into the tes and lower and i saw snow. it started to really -- affect my south florida body for sure. man. so -- that's got to affect everybody when it's that cold. for sure. >> yeah. >> oh my gosh. >> not easy. definitely don't be as cold at the packers redskins' game. the home team is the redskins, joe what do you think? the packers struck also bit coming into the -- struggling a bit coming into the playoffs. >> poor rodgers doesn't have anybody to play withment i'm taking the redskins in this one. the kirk cousins' story continues. he was supposed to be the backup quarterback to rg3. he end up having an unbelievable second half of the season. he wins the nfc east. he's been a great story. he's going get $100 million contract. more importantly he's going to get a home win in washington, d.c.. i think they beat the green bay packers who as you said have >> all right, couple of backups playing this weekend. let's see how they do. joe we'll talk to you later on and we're going to talk about the panthers, i can't wait for that. >> that's always good. thank you lauren. >> have a good one. time now 6:24. a woman is mauled by a pair of dogs, find out why this was just the beginning of a horrible day. >> plus all new at 6:30. a rare dime is auctioned off right here in florida. so how much money did it go for? here's a hint. it was for a lot more than just ten cents. >> oh, yeah. but first channing tatum shows off his talents in a lip sync contest and a whole lot more. wait until you see who performance, welcome back to. >> norah o'donnell joins us live from the "cbs this morning" studio in new york, good morning. >> good morning, lauren and marybel. we have the philadelphia ficer who was shot. the terrorist and also the major news of the day. plus major garrett visits the ted cruz bus and he talks with the presididtial candidate about the questions over his igibility to run for president. also scott pelley meets a man who was exonerated while sitting on death row. society. in a "60 minutes" preview. and the lotto curse. why you may be better off not winning the biggest jackpot in u.s. history. the news is back in the morning. we'll l e you guys right at 7:00. >> i'm sure some people will stildisagree no matter what happens. >> i know right? >> all right thanks. >> bring on that curse. bring it on. >> oh, yeah. >> and millions with it. >> absolutely thank you. and remember "cbs this morning" kicks off at 7:00 a.m. right here on cbs4. this morning's pop news, cuba may be the next set for the installment of thefast and furious," the movie franchise that is. variety magazine reports universal studios wants to shoot part of "fast and furious" 8 on the island. filmmakers have made a research trip to cuba the look at possible locations and the next "fast and furious" movie is set to day pew in april of next year. who run the world? well, it looks like beyonce does. queen bey added to the super bowl -- has been added to the super bowl halftime show lineup. coldplay on stage in santa clara, california on february 7th. she hehelined the super bowl show three years ago in new orleans and a reminder the only place to watch beyonce, coldplay and super bowl 50 s right here on cbs4. >> oh, yeah. >> i just love his commitment to the role. channingatum. oh, yeah. he was on the show lip sync battle throwing it down against his wife jenna while performing beyonce heheelf joined tatum on stage. look at her there. that stance for a while before it all came to an end. tatum wrapped up the performance bowing down to the singer. you saw his wife's face there or was that chris suitingen? one of the -- chrissy teigen? absolutely shocked that beyonce just came out on stage. >> he got the look down bat and -- pat and everything. pretty amaying. >> a lot of fun. time right now is 6:30. let's get a check on the weather for that we turn things over the meteorologistichael smith in for lissette gonzalez. >> not going to do it. just going to step in and deliver the forecast for you. on this friday morning. good morning to you a home. thank you for joining us -- at home. thank you for joining us, a live look outside with the broward camera downtown ft. lauderdale. let's bring in the temperatures upper 60s right now ft. lauderdale miami key west at 76. humidity increasing, the rain increasing as well. so the rain chance goes up. and as we head through our friday. right now the stretch of the overseas highway picking up at rain. it was real heavy on top of you marathon within the last 30 minutes or so ago. but again, that is lifting off to the north northeast at about 15, 20 miles an hour. big picture realtime doppler radar in motion over the last hour, a lot of rain back off to the west. so here's what you need to bus stop forecast today, couple of showers around this morning. upper 60s lower 70s. showers increasing this afternoon as we top out in the lower 80s. don't forget to grab your umbrella, ella, ella. eh? all right, vanessa is off today joe brennan is stepping in. how's the traffic looking? not bad on the major roadways still picture-perfect as far as we've seen. but right here downtown miami, trouble with that overnight crash. and again, you can see things blocked off a little bit. this is going to be at the intersection basically of southwest 3rd avenue and 15th road. be cautious through that area. northbound closed off. but some travel still getting by it looks like at least on the main portion of that intersection. other than that we've been in pretty fair shape. on 95 here near griffin road certainly. that's traffic, back to you. joe thank you. we're continue to follow a where police are investigating a deadly overnight crash. cbs4's gaby fleischman is live with the details. gaby, good morning. >> reporter: good morning marybel. traffic homicide investigators are telling me that speed was a factor in this crash and they believe the driver that was killed was going more than 100 miles per hour before slamming shoo some parked cars and if you take a look behind me you can see there are crews and several tow trucks out here working to clear the scene right here, actually one of the cars that caught fire on the back of the truck. this is out on southwest 3rd avenue and 15th road. i want to get you to tom video of what the scene looked like before this clean-up started. now investigators tell us that around 1:00 this morning, the driver of the lexus that you see kind of wedged on top of another car was speeding northbound on 3rd avenue. the driver lost control, hit a curb, the car went airborne and crashed into several parked cars then into a wall of a that lexus burst into flames on impact killing the driver. city of miami fire rescue says that nobody else was injured but there were several people who witnessed the crash and the aftermath. >> the car -- crashed and exploded. >> i heard an explosion, i was asleep and i had my blackout blinds on. i thought it was lightning. i got up and opened the window and i saw the car on fire over there. >> reporter: chopper 4 is live over the scene right now. as you can see, they're working to clear up the road but some of the road is still shut down right now. so you definitely want to avoid this area. now investigators tell me they have identified the person who was killed but they aren't releasing that information yet. they're not telling us if it was a male or female. because they are stilt working to notify the victim's family. we're live from miami, gaby fleischman, "cbs4 this morning." >> gaby thank you. this morning a south florida woman is recovering from a vicious dog attack. the pair of dogs attacked her and the stress of all that apparently caused her husband to have a heart attack. cbs4's hank tester reports. >> i used to take him to the park all the time. >> reporter: this is gucci the 3-year-old five pound chihuahua who ran into these guys early thursday morning. gucci died. mangled by the male and female pit pull looking hook -- pull looking dogs. his killers are now in the hands of animal control. ada roja spent much of the day at south miami hospital. >> my father suffered a heart attack. my mother has 100 stitches in her arm. and we lost our pet. we lost a family member. today. >> reporter: both of her parents hospitalized. 87-year-old dad on the left, blood pressure soared as he carried his dead pet back to his home. mom on the right tried to defend the little dog and got chew up. he was more than a feisty little guy. he had a big role to play. so -- parents are very old. i was told three years ago get them a pet. it's very therapeutic, i got them a pet. today my apartments almost died because of this pet. >> reporter: her mom walked gucci up and down the miami's tammy amy canal drive every day. they think the dogs that attacked gucci were strays but animal control says one dog had a chip and a collar. >> the recklessness and irresponsibility. >> reporter: ada rojas demanding that something be done about stray dogs. both are quarantined and both could be put down. animal control continues to search for the owners of those dogs. neighbors say however, that they are strays. reporting i'm hank tester, "cbs4 this morning." now caught on camera, video of a man north miami police say held up two stores at gunpoioi. this week including one yesterday morning. 4:15 at a 7/11 on northeast 125th street. the man got away with a cash drawer on monday night. police say the same man robbed the superstop on northeast 6th avenue. he grabbed cash from the register and then forced the clerk into a back room. you know anything about the man in this video, you are urged to call north miami police. they tried to punch me. and hit me. >> where did they punch you? in the face once right here and in the back twice. >> now at 6:36, two young children arrested after hollen dale beach police say they attacked a 10-year-old boy trying to steal his bicycle. that child his mother are speaking out and so are the mothers of the kids who were taken awayay in handcuffs. but did police go too far? this morning, we're hearing from the police chief. cbs4's peter d'oench has the story. >> and then -- when i was like -- i was like right next to my yard. and then those two kids came up your bike. >> reporter: police say 10-year- old joshua was confronted by two second graders who are 7 and 8 years old. joshua says they followed him from this park monday and demanded his bicycle. >> i said i didn't want to and they tried to punch me and hit me. >> reporter: where did they punch you? >> s in face once right here and in the back twice. >> reporter: he was not hurt and kept his bike. joshua's cousin says the same children tried to take her bicycle last week. >> i feel scared and i feel -- the tension that if they -- if we didn't call the police, they would have did it again. >> reporter: the boys were arrested after police were called. >> i called them the kiddie gang. >> reporter: his mother didn't want to show all of her face, she wanted to tell us she's upset. >> i feel that it's awful. i feel that they're -- i feel that they're being influenced about -- by older kids. >> reporter: the mother of the 7-year-old arrested child disagrees. >> kind of upsetting and disappointing. frustrating. i just think it's kind of -- they took it out of proportion. you know i feel like kids will be kids. and if they're play around, you know,. >> reporter: while the police chief for the beach is concerned about the attack on joshua, he feels the case could have been handled better. >> highly unusual. probably should have done something far less intrusive. >> reporter: joshua thinks his young attackers should have been arrested. >> they're stealing. it's bad. it's wrong. reporter: peter d'oench, "cbs4 this morning." >> both the 7 and 8-year-old boys are back home with their families and the hearing is consistent for next month. the -- set for next month. the chief says instead of arresting the young children warnings could have been issued but he says the arresting offer is not in any trouble. federal officials believer the manatee population is doing so well that it could be just over the past 245 years the florida manatee population has increased 500%. in 1991, there were an estimated 1267 manatees. now wildlife officials believer 6300 are swimming around the waterways. the leader of the save the manatee club says over the past two years, more than 2,000 manatees have died. there will be a 90 day period where the public can give input. they will decide whether or not to take it off the endangered species list. coin after coin all lost and selling for thousands of dollars but a rare dime sells for much much more. the details are next. >> plus, check fill a is -- chick-fil-a is saying good-bye to one of its menu items. what's being taken off and coming in to help you stay? shape. >> plus troopers jump into action on the side of the highway. how they went above and beyond the call of duty. >> good friday morning to you south florida. michael smith stepping in for lissette. doppler radar. over the last hour, rain increasing as we head through the day. my full forecast with the help of comfort keepers, i'm keeping my mom healthy! i'm keeping dad on schedule. i'm keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can on the none watch this morning, target is -- money watch this morning, target is cbs4's jill wagner is life from the new york -- live from the new york stock exchange with all that information. >> reporter: this has been the worst start ever for the u.s. stock market. yesterday the dow fell another 393 points, the nasdaq dropped 146. both markets are now in what's called a correction which means they've dropped 10% from previous highs. target meanwhile trying to get the cool factor back. the retailer's teaming one soul cycle on a limited edition collection. including sweatshirts, sweat pants and tank tops and in some cases those prices will be about half of what they would cost at a soul cycle location. the partnership will also bring free popup classes to miami in early february. normally cost about $34. lauren? >> i love spinning jill. but $34, that's not cheap. we'll have to see what they cost at the popup shops. more fast food options are going healthy. what's the latest restaurant o join in on the trend? >> reporter: yeah, chick-fil-a is actually getting a little fancy saying good-bye to it's the new side. it is maple vinaigrette dressing topped with cherries and almonds and pecans. there's been growing demand for healthier options they say. lauren? >> i have done the kale option this morning. tomato sandwich. i see why jill. it tastes good too. >> reporte is it any better? >> i'm hungry again. goodweekend. >> i thought you were going to say you swapped the bacon for kale. >> have a good one jill. >> i'm with you. all right, gold friday morning to you south florida. michael smith for lissette. live look outside with our windjammer resort camera. lauder dale by the seas and sunrise in progress and up around 7:09. shifting cameras taking a live look out east. ft. lauderdale. and the beach. a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures upper 60s. . mid 70s right now in key west. the showers moving in from the west and they're moving off to the north northeast. the heaviest little shower i could find right now between duck key and key colony beach. again, lifting off to the north and northeast at around 10, 15 miles an hour. so the sunshine state not very sunny today. plenty of rain falling from melbourne all the way down into parts of the keys and the rain will be increasing. however the wind has been decreasing, gone calm right now. homestead some patchy fog across interior broward and miami-dade. an area of low pressure across parts of the northern gulf of mexico. out ahead of it showers, locally heavy rain in spots and again this is all moving off to the east, again the rain chance increasing as we head through friday. two areas of low pressure. one is upper level low. snow breaking out across the northern fringe. where the temperatures are definitely cold enough for snow. some snow being reported. 45 kansas city. 46 in st. louis. forecast for today, right here at home, 81 should do it. warm, sun and rain increasing as we they had through the afternoon. weekend forecast -- head throh the weekend. weekend forecast is going to be warm one. a couple of showers arnold but not a washout. overnight. thes through the weekend mid to -- temperatures through the weekend mid- to upper 60s and then cooling off just in time to kick off the new back to work back to school week monday morning temperatures in the lower r 60s. that's a check on your forecast. vanessa is off. joe is in. starting to get thicker out there on 955 few veer from griffin looking to the -- griffin and everything getting through just seeing more cars at the highway at this point. so it is goating a little busier but still accident-free on 95 in broward and same for the turnpike and looks good and that has been extremely decent ride there from out west all the way back to the airport. a vow here of things getting dolphin exessway. those are the headlights you see there coming up near the passing flagler street which has a crash just west of the back to you. you've heard a dime a dozen but this morning one dime is not the stereotype. this rare dime sold at the tampa convention center for million. yes. in 1894-esque, dime belonged to a prief owner and only -- private owner and only 24 of them were made and only nine likely to still exist, it's a rare icon in the coin collector's world and in perfect condition. the heritage auctions say an experienced collector who wishes to remain anonymous outbid 15 others vying for the piece. $2million. wow. >> worth ten cents i guess worth $2 million really. but if you actually tried to use it in a store, it would only be worth ten cents. that's crazy. >> oh my gosh. >> protecting that. a lot of money now that's for you never know how much they'll be worth. and straight ahead the federal government releases new dietary guidelines, what it recommends when it comes to sugar and salts. >> plus, if a monkey takes a selfie, can he legally own it? now there's a question. afte good morning, welcome back on the health watch the government has released new dietary guidelines. they are tougher than ever on sugar. for the first time the guidelines limit added sugar to no more than 10% of daily calories but those are half the old recommendations. the new guidelines ease up a bit more in the sodium department. tough experts say we still use way too much salt. also lean meat is okay but sugary drinks likeke soda, they are not. and cutting the sugary drinks is one way to lose weight. but a group of self-proclaimed taco scientists have a new plan. they call it the 30 day taco cleanse and say it's quite healthy. they even published a book for a healthier take on a taco. the book is currently the number one best seller in amazon's cooking humor category. ha koa scientists? here's a question, can a monkey legally own a selfie a federal judge ruled no way. they are four yearold taken in the jungle. the monkey grabbed the camera and starts snapping and recently peta sued here in the states on the monkey's behalf arguing since the animal actually took the pictures, it should own the copyright. but the judge ruled the u.s. copyright law cannot apply to animals. >> all right, two state troopers go above and beyond on the side of the new jersey highway. >> breathe, breathe. >> keep going. >> there you go. >> there we go. >> there we go. >> okay. all right. >> there we go. >> yeah, in case you couldn't tell by them telling her the breathe, the troopers helped deliver a baby. breathe is the last thing you want to be told today. the expecting -- to do. the expecting mother was being driven to the hospital by her husband when she realized they the couple spped and called 116789 they found the no, ma'am -- 911. they found the mom to be already in lair boar in the backseat. mom and baby went to the hospital where they are doing just fine. >> that is awesome. that was my greatest fear when i was pregnant. >> you wouldn't make it to the hospital in time? made it on time. >> i'm quick. >> i had plenty of time. 20 hours. >> all right. good for them. con graphlations. another we are following a developing story out of miami where traffic homicide investigators are on the scene of a fiery crash that killed one person overnight. it happened on southwest 3rd avenue a 15th road at around 1:00. police say the driver of a lexus was speeding northbound on 3rd avenue and lost control crashing into several parked cars and bursting into flames. no one else was hurt. now here's a quick wrap-up of the rest of the friday morning headlines. >> crews are working to fill a sinkhole after a huge water main break from northeast 71st street and fourth court where this happened. a 12-inch main break forced attar to gush during rush hour on thursday afternoon. a is a foot deep hole flooded arby streets and a repar shop. about 350 feet from the gushing crater. a registered sex offender just released from a state facility for violent sexual offend verse facing sex charges yet again. police arrested michael he's accused of sexually battering an urge every undergauged -- undaged girl. they are scheduled to be in court today. authorities say one of them a 23-year-old sacramento resident imagined to travel to syria to fight alongside a terror organization. >> now it's time for talking with joe. joe rose is live from the studios this morning. joe, finally we get to talk about the panthers. the big story in the nhl. winners of 11 straight going for number 12. do you think they can do it joe? >> i think they can. they are on a roll. they didn't play their best game last night and looked a little flat actually even though they scored two quick goals within eighty sedes of each -- ache sects of etch -- eight seconds of each other. i can't wait for this thing. but last night boy they looked so good. luongo has just been fantastic. in goal. and then you look at those young guys continue to score as many goals as they have. i think this story continues. on this road trip up in canada. there's a lot of canadian players on this team. and they're going to be e a lot of pride to make sure they keep this going. >> oh, yeah. the miami heat actually tweeted to the florida panthers a bunch of rats and then the panthers tweeted back to the heat a bunch obviously fire, hopefully the heat can get a streak going as well and then we can really celebrate here in south florida as well well joe. >> two bad teams after all the bad football it's kind of fun isn't it? >> all right joe thanks so much. have a great weekend. talk to you monday. >> you too. thank you. >> they are on@a roll. all right, michael our already. >> weekend ready. me too. tgif right? show you a live look outside. it's pretty and it's gorgeous, okay the clouds are around. but hey, it could be a lot worse, temperatures this morning not as cool as they were yesterday morning. warming up to near 70 ft. lauderdale and miami rht now. realtime doppler radar showing light showers cutting across big picture, over the last hour, the rain off to the west will be moving in. so afternoon showers. it's going to be warm. today right on through the weekend. with high temperatures in the low to mid-80s. okay vanessa is off let's neck with joe brennan. how's traffic joe? >> not too bad. live look at things from chopper 4 here over the palmetto expressway the stretch between the big curve and the golden blades interchange and everything movininvery easily here east and westbound. the same for travel along the southbound run after you get past okeechobee. but still pretty heavy for you in that area. so take note of that. and then things on 95 certainly on build with all the taillights southbound headed past 103rd street. that's traffic back to you. all right joe thank you, "cbs this morning" is next, everyone wants to win the powerball but there's a lot of curse, you don't want to miss out on that. >> i don't want to hear about

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Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News This Morning 6AM 20160108 :

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News This Morning 6AM 20160108

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want to show you realtime doppler radar over the last hour. these fast moving showers coming in from the west moving quickly off to the east. little sprinkles across broward county. moderate to heavy rain however across parts of the overseas highway. between marathon and key colony beach. as much as two and a half inches of rain falling per hour with that one cluster of showers. more rain off to the west. and an area open will have moves in -- of low pressure moves in as we head through this friday. so the clouds increase, the chance for rain increasing as well. take the umbrella with you today. we top out in the lower 80s. that's a check on your forecast. now here's joe wita look at traffic. you got a live look things here on the palmetto couldn't be better. it is moving along through hialeah pretty easily north and southbound, this you a view from 122nd street. look to the north there, you can see i-75 up towards the top left of the screen moving down towards okeechobee road is southbound those headlights we're looking at. and no delays that continues expressway. through hialeah and -- real and northbound approaching the dolphin still in terrific shape as welreally. and the same around broward county. it's been quiet maybe a few wet roadways out there keep that in mind. but here a view of 595 at pine island looks great and that's traffic. back to you. joe brennan thank you. we have a developing story out of miami. that's where police are on the scene of a fiery and deadly accident. >> cbs4's gaby fleischman is live on the scene with more. gaby, good morning. >> reporter: good morning marybel and lauren. traffic homicide investigators tell me that they have been able to identify the victim but right now they're not releasing any information on that person. because they are working to notify the v)ctim's family. there are several crews on scene here. several tow trucks working to clear up this scene. take awathese cars that have been badly damaged by the fire. this is out an southwest 3rd avenue and 15th road. just some video we shot a short time ago and investigators say at around 1:00 this morning, the driver of the lexus that another car was speeding northbound on 3rd avenue going upwards of 100 miles an hour. we're told the driver lost control hit a curve and went airborne and then crashed into some parked cars and then hit a wall. that car burst into the flames on impact. killing the driver. miami fire rescue tells us that there was no one else inside of the burned up car and that no one else on the road was injured. there are several witnesses we spoke with. they say they heard a loud bang but by the time they got outside the flames were so intense there was nothing they could do. >> you could hear it just -- who are. just really fast. then next thing you know it's a boom and i came outside and i saw the car just burning. i guess they couldn't get out. because it happened so quick. and by the time i made it out, i was right in the room right next to the window. as soon as i walked outside all you saw was flames in the air. >> reporter: again, at 15th road. crews are working to get these charred cars out of the way. and investigators also still collecting edence to determine what may have caused this crash. but again at this point they are telling us they believe that speedways factor. we're -- speed was a factor. we're live from miami, gaby fleischman, cbs4 news. now live pictures from miami where crews are working to fill a sinkhole where a huge water main break. this is happening at northeast 71st seet and fourth court. a 12-inch main break forced water to gush from underground pipes during rush hour yesterday afternoon. the 15-foot deep hole flooded nearby streets and had an autorow pair shop about 30 feet from the gushing crater. >> it looked like a tsunami with all the mechanics that start running around and getting the keys of the cars and parked the cars outside. western able to save -- we were able to save thear. >> crews from water and sewer eventually found the leak and turned off the valve to start repairs. they blame aging pipes for the now to a cbs4 exusive. a registered sex offender from davie is arrested again for sexual battery. that man was just released from a state confinement facility. this morning he's under arrest again. cbs4's carey cod has the exclusive details. >> reporter: court records show michael leverett spent time in prison in 2008. then a judge held him in a state civil commitment facility in arcadia. for nearly six more years. considering him a sexually violent predator records say. leverett was released from that facility this past october. now a new charge. inside this home, davie police say leverett sexually assault battered a 16-year-old girl. >> he's the biggest pretty fori've ever met. >> reporter: the girl's mother spoke to us about the allegations and leverett's past. >> he should have never been on the streets. people like that, they don't get fixed. >> reporter: the mother says she didn't know the extent of leverett's past when her daughter came into contact with him. there are lots of questions about why leverett was released from the state commitment facility last fall. a prosecutor said an expert for the state believed that rev let was ready to return to society. this letter leverett wrote to the court back in august. he said he regretted doing certain things but said he'd become an easy pawn. he also promised the court and several l ople who believed he should be released that he was on the right path. i can't let them down he wrote. nor you. know now it is them and you that to have the live with the hurt and pain of letting me out just for me to hurt someone else. i'm obligated now to give back to the people that gave me a life to live but now leverett is accused of hurting someone again. >> i hate him with all my heart. never hated anybody before. i hate that man. >> reporter: leverett has not yet gone before a judge on the charges. people who live in the area where the incident allegedly concerns about why this underaged girl was allowed to be around someone like leverett with such criminal past. prisonecords show he's been in and out prisons in florida since the mid '80s. in davie, carey cod, "cbs4 this morning." police arrested a 15-year- old. police say christopher walker was found in brooklyn, new york, he is accused of murdering 17-year-old ricia talabert back in october. the teens wewe sitting in a car when they were ambushed by other people in a vehicle walker is now facing several charges including first degree murder, attempted murder and shooting a deadly missile. the morning a teenaged girl who police say stabbed a boy is in a juvenile deception facility. the scene happened wednesday afternoon. the 17-year-old who was stabbed is a student at piper high school. her identity private says trouble was brewing for days but maintains her son was an innocent victim. >> my son is an athlete kid. everybody loves him. you can go on facebook. everybody love my son. he don't go around nitpicking. if he your friend, he loyal to you. >> the accused attacker was in court yesterday and a judge ordered@already to stay in juvenile detention until sunday. that girl's father sayayshe's never been in trouble before. last night, community members and police officers came together to say enough is enough. they say they will not allow throughs to ke the liar -- thugs to take the life of their youth. in what they call a broken and unfair system and also asked for officers to stand behind the three rds they're supposed to live by. honor, protect and serve. president barack obama is making a bold promise in an op- ed piece for the "new york times." the president wrote he will not campaign for, vote or for susuort any candidate doesn't support what he calls common sense gun reform. last night president obama headlined a a tionally televised town hall meeting on guns. the white house says the town hall was meant to win over public support for the president's recent executive actions on guns. >> if we can combine gun safety with sensible background checks and some other steps, we're not going to eliminate gun violence, t we will lessen it. >> a white house spokesman says the presesent also wanted to reiterate that he has no desire to take guns away from law- abiding citizens. we are following breaking news out of phelonia where null -- philadelphia where an officer has been shot three times. he was in his police cruiser when a man approached the car and shot him in the m. the officer returned fire hitting the suspect three times. the polioe commissioner says the gunman fired a total of 13 boths. both were ta on the area survive but no word on the suspect's condition or a motive. now the war on terror. this morning we're learning more about two iraqi refugees arrested. authorities say one of them a 23-year-old sacramento resident managed to travel the syria to -- to syria to fight. officials say the citizen originally came to the.s. as a refugee in 2012. that man is somehow connected to a 24-year-old houston resident who's accused of providing material support to isis. the texas man also entnted the u.s. as an iraqi refugee in 2009. both suspects are scheduled to appear in federal court t today. and developing overnight, the belgian probation report's office says -- prosecutor's office says it found the i thinker print of -- fingerprint of fugitive salah abdeslam last month in an apartment. he is wanted in connection to the deadly paris terror i tacks. the apartment is believed to have been a bomb factory for the attacks. investigators found three handmade belts that could have been used to carry explosives. french authorities now dead when he showed up at a police station wearing fake explosives. investigators believe ali sallah was involved in a small robbery back in 2013. this morning we are learning about a u.s. hell fire missile that was mistakenly shipped from europe to cuba in 2014. the "wall street journal" reports the missile arrived in cuba two years ago. they say the u.s. has been negotiating for its return ever since including during talks to normalize relations. this is what a hell fire missile looks like. it's made with top secret military technology and the fear is that cuba could sell that information to a country like china, north korea, or russia. the red hot cats have done it again. the florida panthers defeated the ottawa senators last night to winor the 11th straight time. play announcer steve goldstein has more from ottawa. >> reporter: the panthers do it again. the magical ride continues for the nhl's hottest team. a franchise record 11th win in a row. and the panthers did id heren ottawa by the final score of 3- 2. wasn't a game the panthers ayed they are best, but they got -- their best. but they got goals and again great goal tending from roberto luongo. nine game-winning streak for him. toe check and smith got the goals in the first and then the young star, alexander bar cough. scored his 12th of the year, that came in the third period. and that would be the game winner. the pantrs have now won 17 out of 20 games. and they're in first place with a five point lead in the atlantic division. once againinrom ottawa, the panthers beat the senators 3-2 and go for 12 in a row sunday night in edmonton. that will do it from canada's capital. steve foldstein. "cbs4 this morning." >> let's see if they can do it. >> let's hope so. i'm sure they will. move over coldplay. another major performer has halftime show. the details coming up. >> also ahead, vicious dog attack. a woman is mauled and the story gets even worse. that's coming up at 6:30. >> first, cbs4 exclusive. one-on-one with presidential candidate and miami native marco rubio who talks about cuba and his footwear that's gone viral. >> later a trooper goes above and beyond to help a woman on the side of the road. that story is all new at 6:30. >> good friday morning to you south florida. michael smith in for lissette. i want to show you what's happening right now along realtime doppler radar. moderate to heavy rain cutting more rain on the way. good friday morning to you south florida. michael smith stepping in for lissette. what's happening right now on realtime doppler radar? this is in motion over the last hour. moderate rain coming across the overseas highway between duck key and marathon key. this is lifting to the north northeast at around 10 to 15 miles an hour. so heads-up across that section of the overseas highway. bigger picture, over the last hour, realtime doppler radar in motion showing a lot of rain across the entire state pretty much. from daytona beach over the tampa. fort myers and area of low pressure developing across the gulf of mexico. there it is. out ahead of it, moderate to so clouds increasing and the rain chance increasing as we head through our friday. so the north we go, maybe to the north you go today. want you to know it's definitely colder. the boundary right about here. this is a developing storm system. you can sigh the counterclockwise twist around kansas city. going to changeover to snow there later today. it's snowing now in minneapolis and green bay. it's a rain a cold rain coming down right now in chicago. temperature there 38. 32 minneapolis. 46 kansas city. right along the gulf coast,. thes in the mid -- temperatures in the mid 50s. new york city at 35. forecast for today, warm sun. showers increasing as we head through the afternoon. winds south 10 to 15 and forecast through the weekend, temperatures climb back into the low maybe middle 80s on sunday afternoon. showers around overnight temperatures mid- to upper 60s and then a cooldown as we get into monday and tuesday with okay, that's a check on your forecast. vanessa is off. joe brennan is in with a look at traffic. you bit. downtown miami looks great on 95. no issues for you there. north or southbound. just had chopper 4 track it from the interchange all the way into downtown and you can see it's moving along pretty nicely. both north and southbound through the area i might add. here's the action of the bad crash overnight and things still closed off there northbound along 3rd avenue at 15th road with that crash. so obviously use some extra care can things in broward county still look great along 595 east and westbound. no headaches there at all. that's traffic, back to you. joe thank you. now campaign 2 26 and a cbs4 news exclusive. all week jim defede has been grilling the candidates in new hampshire. on thursday he smoke one-on-one with marco rubio. to restrict benefit for cuban immigrants and jim also asked him about the footwear that's been stealing some of the senator's spotlight this week. >> reporter: let's start with the most important news of the tweak. your shoes, just -- just resolve it. what kind of shoes and what kind of boots wither that? the cuban hole the wheel thing. >> i never heard that term. they bought them for me. floor shine boats and i like them. i may use them again. >> reporter: did your wife buy them? >> i think my kids with my wife bought them for me. i think they're pretty cool. but they're only for special occasions, i think that's the way the dolphins were playing the patriots. any good luck associated them. >> reporter: a sign of a concession we no longer going to do the high heel? >> they kind of hurt your bark. >> reporter: rubio and i discussed the future of the cuban adjustment act which gives preferential treatment to cubans who land in the cub tremendous. it's clear that many cuban americans coming today are concerns, rather than the fear of political persecution. the law he said needs to be changed. >> not only does it need to be re-examined for that reason, but i even think the benefits that people are receiving now that they're coming on the cuban adjustmeme act need to be re-examined and i'm working on >> reporter: rubio said the bill he is drafting would follow the line of a similar bill filed recently by miami congressman carlos carbelo. >> he see the abuses already. we see the abuses happening. you have people coming now and collecting social security, having never worked in the u.s. and they're moving back to cuba and their relatives are wiring them the money. i mean the system is being taken advantage of and it needs to be addressed. >> reporter: do you know when you will file the bill? >> in the next few days as soon as it's ready. >> reporter: ruin owe talked to us in new hampshire where he held a series of events thursday. >> it's a lot of fun to interact with people but it's humbling because you realize how few people get the opportunity to run for and perhaps be the president of the united states is. st extraordinary experiences i ever affidavit and you learn so much -- had and you learn so much every single day. >> reporter: are you going to win new hampshire? >> i'm going to work real hard to do as well as w@ can. i'm not going to make any reprotections. >> reporter: what about florida? >> everywhere we campaign, i'm very confident about that but not the prognostication business. what i'm pretty comfortable is that when thprocess is finished i'm going to be the republican nominee and we're going to beat hillary clinton. >> reporter: they used to brag the senator only flew coach as a sign of just how thrifty he was. well now he's only taking private jets a better sign the campaign heating up. and he needs to travel the country more often. reporting from new hampshire, i'm jim defede, cbs4 news. >> and stay with cbs4 news for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. you can also watch all of jim's reports from new hampshire online at and now it's time for talking with joe. joe in the last hour we talked about the afc. now the nfc is playing on sunday. start me off with the seahawks and vikings. >> i love the seahawks you know who's been to the super bowl the last two years and actually should have had two super bowl championship rings. that crazy play at the end of the game against new england. but i will tell you this, i think -- russell wilson is as hot as any quarterback in the nfl. marshawn lynch, the big bruising back, he's back and healthy. and they've got all that expeence have been in the playoffs. it's hard to go against seattle even though they are the road team for this game. i think they're going to be really tough to beat. way too good and also getting healthy at the right time. >> yeah and you said that russell wilson is hot. but it's going to be so cold there. 3 degrees the high at kickoff. at 1:05 on sundajoe. do you think that will work in the vices' favor since they're used to those conditions? >> i don't think that works in anybody's favor when it get that is cold. when we start talking about 1, i know what it was like, i was okay in the 20s and i was okay in the 30s. but i was aware when it started to dip into the tes and lower and i saw snow. it started to really -- affect my south florida body for sure. man. so -- that's got to affect everybody when it's that cold. for sure. >> yeah. >> oh my gosh. >> not easy. definitely don't be as cold at the packers redskins' game. the home team is the redskins, joe what do you think? the packers struck also bit coming into the -- struggling a bit coming into the playoffs. >> poor rodgers doesn't have anybody to play withment i'm taking the redskins in this one. the kirk cousins' story continues. he was supposed to be the backup quarterback to rg3. he end up having an unbelievable second half of the season. he wins the nfc east. he's been a great story. he's going get $100 million contract. more importantly he's going to get a home win in washington, d.c.. i think they beat the green bay packers who as you said have >> all right, couple of backups playing this weekend. let's see how they do. joe we'll talk to you later on and we're going to talk about the panthers, i can't wait for that. >> that's always good. thank you lauren. >> have a good one. time now 6:24. a woman is mauled by a pair of dogs, find out why this was just the beginning of a horrible day. >> plus all new at 6:30. a rare dime is auctioned off right here in florida. so how much money did it go for? here's a hint. it was for a lot more than just ten cents. >> oh, yeah. but first channing tatum shows off his talents in a lip sync contest and a whole lot more. wait until you see who performance, welcome back to. >> norah o'donnell joins us live from the "cbs this morning" studio in new york, good morning. >> good morning, lauren and marybel. we have the philadelphia ficer who was shot. the terrorist and also the major news of the day. plus major garrett visits the ted cruz bus and he talks with the presididtial candidate about the questions over his igibility to run for president. also scott pelley meets a man who was exonerated while sitting on death row. society. in a "60 minutes" preview. and the lotto curse. why you may be better off not winning the biggest jackpot in u.s. history. the news is back in the morning. we'll l e you guys right at 7:00. >> i'm sure some people will stildisagree no matter what happens. >> i know right? >> all right thanks. >> bring on that curse. bring it on. >> oh, yeah. >> and millions with it. >> absolutely thank you. and remember "cbs this morning" kicks off at 7:00 a.m. right here on cbs4. this morning's pop news, cuba may be the next set for the installment of thefast and furious," the movie franchise that is. variety magazine reports universal studios wants to shoot part of "fast and furious" 8 on the island. filmmakers have made a research trip to cuba the look at possible locations and the next "fast and furious" movie is set to day pew in april of next year. who run the world? well, it looks like beyonce does. queen bey added to the super bowl -- has been added to the super bowl halftime show lineup. coldplay on stage in santa clara, california on february 7th. she hehelined the super bowl show three years ago in new orleans and a reminder the only place to watch beyonce, coldplay and super bowl 50 s right here on cbs4. >> oh, yeah. >> i just love his commitment to the role. channingatum. oh, yeah. he was on the show lip sync battle throwing it down against his wife jenna while performing beyonce heheelf joined tatum on stage. look at her there. that stance for a while before it all came to an end. tatum wrapped up the performance bowing down to the singer. you saw his wife's face there or was that chris suitingen? one of the -- chrissy teigen? absolutely shocked that beyonce just came out on stage. >> he got the look down bat and -- pat and everything. pretty amaying. >> a lot of fun. time right now is 6:30. let's get a check on the weather for that we turn things over the meteorologistichael smith in for lissette gonzalez. >> not going to do it. just going to step in and deliver the forecast for you. on this friday morning. good morning to you a home. thank you for joining us -- at home. thank you for joining us, a live look outside with the broward camera downtown ft. lauderdale. let's bring in the temperatures upper 60s right now ft. lauderdale miami key west at 76. humidity increasing, the rain increasing as well. so the rain chance goes up. and as we head through our friday. right now the stretch of the overseas highway picking up at rain. it was real heavy on top of you marathon within the last 30 minutes or so ago. but again, that is lifting off to the north northeast at about 15, 20 miles an hour. big picture realtime doppler radar in motion over the last hour, a lot of rain back off to the west. so here's what you need to bus stop forecast today, couple of showers around this morning. upper 60s lower 70s. showers increasing this afternoon as we top out in the lower 80s. don't forget to grab your umbrella, ella, ella. eh? all right, vanessa is off today joe brennan is stepping in. how's the traffic looking? not bad on the major roadways still picture-perfect as far as we've seen. but right here downtown miami, trouble with that overnight crash. and again, you can see things blocked off a little bit. this is going to be at the intersection basically of southwest 3rd avenue and 15th road. be cautious through that area. northbound closed off. but some travel still getting by it looks like at least on the main portion of that intersection. other than that we've been in pretty fair shape. on 95 here near griffin road certainly. that's traffic, back to you. joe thank you. we're continue to follow a where police are investigating a deadly overnight crash. cbs4's gaby fleischman is live with the details. gaby, good morning. >> reporter: good morning marybel. traffic homicide investigators are telling me that speed was a factor in this crash and they believe the driver that was killed was going more than 100 miles per hour before slamming shoo some parked cars and if you take a look behind me you can see there are crews and several tow trucks out here working to clear the scene right here, actually one of the cars that caught fire on the back of the truck. this is out on southwest 3rd avenue and 15th road. i want to get you to tom video of what the scene looked like before this clean-up started. now investigators tell us that around 1:00 this morning, the driver of the lexus that you see kind of wedged on top of another car was speeding northbound on 3rd avenue. the driver lost control, hit a curb, the car went airborne and crashed into several parked cars then into a wall of a that lexus burst into flames on impact killing the driver. city of miami fire rescue says that nobody else was injured but there were several people who witnessed the crash and the aftermath. >> the car -- crashed and exploded. >> i heard an explosion, i was asleep and i had my blackout blinds on. i thought it was lightning. i got up and opened the window and i saw the car on fire over there. >> reporter: chopper 4 is live over the scene right now. as you can see, they're working to clear up the road but some of the road is still shut down right now. so you definitely want to avoid this area. now investigators tell me they have identified the person who was killed but they aren't releasing that information yet. they're not telling us if it was a male or female. because they are stilt working to notify the victim's family. we're live from miami, gaby fleischman, "cbs4 this morning." >> gaby thank you. this morning a south florida woman is recovering from a vicious dog attack. the pair of dogs attacked her and the stress of all that apparently caused her husband to have a heart attack. cbs4's hank tester reports. >> i used to take him to the park all the time. >> reporter: this is gucci the 3-year-old five pound chihuahua who ran into these guys early thursday morning. gucci died. mangled by the male and female pit pull looking hook -- pull looking dogs. his killers are now in the hands of animal control. ada roja spent much of the day at south miami hospital. >> my father suffered a heart attack. my mother has 100 stitches in her arm. and we lost our pet. we lost a family member. today. >> reporter: both of her parents hospitalized. 87-year-old dad on the left, blood pressure soared as he carried his dead pet back to his home. mom on the right tried to defend the little dog and got chew up. he was more than a feisty little guy. he had a big role to play. so -- parents are very old. i was told three years ago get them a pet. it's very therapeutic, i got them a pet. today my apartments almost died because of this pet. >> reporter: her mom walked gucci up and down the miami's tammy amy canal drive every day. they think the dogs that attacked gucci were strays but animal control says one dog had a chip and a collar. >> the recklessness and irresponsibility. >> reporter: ada rojas demanding that something be done about stray dogs. both are quarantined and both could be put down. animal control continues to search for the owners of those dogs. neighbors say however, that they are strays. reporting i'm hank tester, "cbs4 this morning." now caught on camera, video of a man north miami police say held up two stores at gunpoioi. this week including one yesterday morning. 4:15 at a 7/11 on northeast 125th street. the man got away with a cash drawer on monday night. police say the same man robbed the superstop on northeast 6th avenue. he grabbed cash from the register and then forced the clerk into a back room. you know anything about the man in this video, you are urged to call north miami police. they tried to punch me. and hit me. >> where did they punch you? in the face once right here and in the back twice. >> now at 6:36, two young children arrested after hollen dale beach police say they attacked a 10-year-old boy trying to steal his bicycle. that child his mother are speaking out and so are the mothers of the kids who were taken awayay in handcuffs. but did police go too far? this morning, we're hearing from the police chief. cbs4's peter d'oench has the story. >> and then -- when i was like -- i was like right next to my yard. and then those two kids came up your bike. >> reporter: police say 10-year- old joshua was confronted by two second graders who are 7 and 8 years old. joshua says they followed him from this park monday and demanded his bicycle. >> i said i didn't want to and they tried to punch me and hit me. >> reporter: where did they punch you? >> s in face once right here and in the back twice. >> reporter: he was not hurt and kept his bike. joshua's cousin says the same children tried to take her bicycle last week. >> i feel scared and i feel -- the tension that if they -- if we didn't call the police, they would have did it again. >> reporter: the boys were arrested after police were called. >> i called them the kiddie gang. >> reporter: his mother didn't want to show all of her face, she wanted to tell us she's upset. >> i feel that it's awful. i feel that they're -- i feel that they're being influenced about -- by older kids. >> reporter: the mother of the 7-year-old arrested child disagrees. >> kind of upsetting and disappointing. frustrating. i just think it's kind of -- they took it out of proportion. you know i feel like kids will be kids. and if they're play around, you know,. >> reporter: while the police chief for the beach is concerned about the attack on joshua, he feels the case could have been handled better. >> highly unusual. probably should have done something far less intrusive. >> reporter: joshua thinks his young attackers should have been arrested. >> they're stealing. it's bad. it's wrong. reporter: peter d'oench, "cbs4 this morning." >> both the 7 and 8-year-old boys are back home with their families and the hearing is consistent for next month. the -- set for next month. the chief says instead of arresting the young children warnings could have been issued but he says the arresting offer is not in any trouble. federal officials believer the manatee population is doing so well that it could be just over the past 245 years the florida manatee population has increased 500%. in 1991, there were an estimated 1267 manatees. now wildlife officials believer 6300 are swimming around the waterways. the leader of the save the manatee club says over the past two years, more than 2,000 manatees have died. there will be a 90 day period where the public can give input. they will decide whether or not to take it off the endangered species list. coin after coin all lost and selling for thousands of dollars but a rare dime sells for much much more. the details are next. >> plus, check fill a is -- chick-fil-a is saying good-bye to one of its menu items. what's being taken off and coming in to help you stay? shape. >> plus troopers jump into action on the side of the highway. how they went above and beyond the call of duty. >> good friday morning to you south florida. michael smith stepping in for lissette. doppler radar. over the last hour, rain increasing as we head through the day. my full forecast with the help of comfort keepers, i'm keeping my mom healthy! i'm keeping dad on schedule. i'm keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can on the none watch this morning, target is -- money watch this morning, target is cbs4's jill wagner is life from the new york -- live from the new york stock exchange with all that information. >> reporter: this has been the worst start ever for the u.s. stock market. yesterday the dow fell another 393 points, the nasdaq dropped 146. both markets are now in what's called a correction which means they've dropped 10% from previous highs. target meanwhile trying to get the cool factor back. the retailer's teaming one soul cycle on a limited edition collection. including sweatshirts, sweat pants and tank tops and in some cases those prices will be about half of what they would cost at a soul cycle location. the partnership will also bring free popup classes to miami in early february. normally cost about $34. lauren? >> i love spinning jill. but $34, that's not cheap. we'll have to see what they cost at the popup shops. more fast food options are going healthy. what's the latest restaurant o join in on the trend? >> reporter: yeah, chick-fil-a is actually getting a little fancy saying good-bye to it's the new side. it is maple vinaigrette dressing topped with cherries and almonds and pecans. there's been growing demand for healthier options they say. lauren? >> i have done the kale option this morning. tomato sandwich. i see why jill. it tastes good too. >> reporte is it any better? >> i'm hungry again. goodweekend. >> i thought you were going to say you swapped the bacon for kale. >> have a good one jill. >> i'm with you. all right, gold friday morning to you south florida. michael smith for lissette. live look outside with our windjammer resort camera. lauder dale by the seas and sunrise in progress and up around 7:09. shifting cameras taking a live look out east. ft. lauderdale. and the beach. a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures upper 60s. . mid 70s right now in key west. the showers moving in from the west and they're moving off to the north northeast. the heaviest little shower i could find right now between duck key and key colony beach. again, lifting off to the north and northeast at around 10, 15 miles an hour. so the sunshine state not very sunny today. plenty of rain falling from melbourne all the way down into parts of the keys and the rain will be increasing. however the wind has been decreasing, gone calm right now. homestead some patchy fog across interior broward and miami-dade. an area of low pressure across parts of the northern gulf of mexico. out ahead of it showers, locally heavy rain in spots and again this is all moving off to the east, again the rain chance increasing as we head through friday. two areas of low pressure. one is upper level low. snow breaking out across the northern fringe. where the temperatures are definitely cold enough for snow. some snow being reported. 45 kansas city. 46 in st. louis. forecast for today, right here at home, 81 should do it. warm, sun and rain increasing as we they had through the afternoon. weekend forecast -- head throh the weekend. weekend forecast is going to be warm one. a couple of showers arnold but not a washout. overnight. thes through the weekend mid to -- temperatures through the weekend mid- to upper 60s and then cooling off just in time to kick off the new back to work back to school week monday morning temperatures in the lower r 60s. that's a check on your forecast. vanessa is off. joe is in. starting to get thicker out there on 955 few veer from griffin looking to the -- griffin and everything getting through just seeing more cars at the highway at this point. so it is goating a little busier but still accident-free on 95 in broward and same for the turnpike and looks good and that has been extremely decent ride there from out west all the way back to the airport. a vow here of things getting dolphin exessway. those are the headlights you see there coming up near the passing flagler street which has a crash just west of the back to you. you've heard a dime a dozen but this morning one dime is not the stereotype. this rare dime sold at the tampa convention center for million. yes. in 1894-esque, dime belonged to a prief owner and only -- private owner and only 24 of them were made and only nine likely to still exist, it's a rare icon in the coin collector's world and in perfect condition. the heritage auctions say an experienced collector who wishes to remain anonymous outbid 15 others vying for the piece. $2million. wow. >> worth ten cents i guess worth $2 million really. but if you actually tried to use it in a store, it would only be worth ten cents. that's crazy. >> oh my gosh. >> protecting that. a lot of money now that's for you never know how much they'll be worth. and straight ahead the federal government releases new dietary guidelines, what it recommends when it comes to sugar and salts. >> plus, if a monkey takes a selfie, can he legally own it? now there's a question. afte good morning, welcome back on the health watch the government has released new dietary guidelines. they are tougher than ever on sugar. for the first time the guidelines limit added sugar to no more than 10% of daily calories but those are half the old recommendations. the new guidelines ease up a bit more in the sodium department. tough experts say we still use way too much salt. also lean meat is okay but sugary drinks likeke soda, they are not. and cutting the sugary drinks is one way to lose weight. but a group of self-proclaimed taco scientists have a new plan. they call it the 30 day taco cleanse and say it's quite healthy. they even published a book for a healthier take on a taco. the book is currently the number one best seller in amazon's cooking humor category. ha koa scientists? here's a question, can a monkey legally own a selfie a federal judge ruled no way. they are four yearold taken in the jungle. the monkey grabbed the camera and starts snapping and recently peta sued here in the states on the monkey's behalf arguing since the animal actually took the pictures, it should own the copyright. but the judge ruled the u.s. copyright law cannot apply to animals. >> all right, two state troopers go above and beyond on the side of the new jersey highway. >> breathe, breathe. >> keep going. >> there you go. >> there we go. >> there we go. >> okay. all right. >> there we go. >> yeah, in case you couldn't tell by them telling her the breathe, the troopers helped deliver a baby. breathe is the last thing you want to be told today. the expecting -- to do. the expecting mother was being driven to the hospital by her husband when she realized they the couple spped and called 116789 they found the no, ma'am -- 911. they found the mom to be already in lair boar in the backseat. mom and baby went to the hospital where they are doing just fine. >> that is awesome. that was my greatest fear when i was pregnant. >> you wouldn't make it to the hospital in time? made it on time. >> i'm quick. >> i had plenty of time. 20 hours. >> all right. good for them. con graphlations. another we are following a developing story out of miami where traffic homicide investigators are on the scene of a fiery crash that killed one person overnight. it happened on southwest 3rd avenue a 15th road at around 1:00. police say the driver of a lexus was speeding northbound on 3rd avenue and lost control crashing into several parked cars and bursting into flames. no one else was hurt. now here's a quick wrap-up of the rest of the friday morning headlines. >> crews are working to fill a sinkhole after a huge water main break from northeast 71st street and fourth court where this happened. a 12-inch main break forced attar to gush during rush hour on thursday afternoon. a is a foot deep hole flooded arby streets and a repar shop. about 350 feet from the gushing crater. a registered sex offender just released from a state facility for violent sexual offend verse facing sex charges yet again. police arrested michael he's accused of sexually battering an urge every undergauged -- undaged girl. they are scheduled to be in court today. authorities say one of them a 23-year-old sacramento resident imagined to travel to syria to fight alongside a terror organization. >> now it's time for talking with joe. joe rose is live from the studios this morning. joe, finally we get to talk about the panthers. the big story in the nhl. winners of 11 straight going for number 12. do you think they can do it joe? >> i think they can. they are on a roll. they didn't play their best game last night and looked a little flat actually even though they scored two quick goals within eighty sedes of each -- ache sects of etch -- eight seconds of each other. i can't wait for this thing. but last night boy they looked so good. luongo has just been fantastic. in goal. and then you look at those young guys continue to score as many goals as they have. i think this story continues. on this road trip up in canada. there's a lot of canadian players on this team. and they're going to be e a lot of pride to make sure they keep this going. >> oh, yeah. the miami heat actually tweeted to the florida panthers a bunch of rats and then the panthers tweeted back to the heat a bunch obviously fire, hopefully the heat can get a streak going as well and then we can really celebrate here in south florida as well well joe. >> two bad teams after all the bad football it's kind of fun isn't it? >> all right joe thanks so much. have a great weekend. talk to you monday. >> you too. thank you. >> they are on@a roll. all right, michael our already. >> weekend ready. me too. tgif right? show you a live look outside. it's pretty and it's gorgeous, okay the clouds are around. but hey, it could be a lot worse, temperatures this morning not as cool as they were yesterday morning. warming up to near 70 ft. lauderdale and miami rht now. realtime doppler radar showing light showers cutting across big picture, over the last hour, the rain off to the west will be moving in. so afternoon showers. it's going to be warm. today right on through the weekend. with high temperatures in the low to mid-80s. okay vanessa is off let's neck with joe brennan. how's traffic joe? >> not too bad. live look at things from chopper 4 here over the palmetto expressway the stretch between the big curve and the golden blades interchange and everything movininvery easily here east and westbound. the same for travel along the southbound run after you get past okeechobee. but still pretty heavy for you in that area. so take note of that. and then things on 95 certainly on build with all the taillights southbound headed past 103rd street. that's traffic back to you. all right joe thank you, "cbs this morning" is next, everyone wants to win the powerball but there's a lot of curse, you don't want to miss out on that. >> i don't want to hear about

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