Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At 530PM 20160108 : comparem

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At 530PM 20160108

curb and when airborne slams into several parts cars and then along. >> the impact was so horrific the vehicle burst into flames. >> some residents ran down with fire extinguisrs to try to help the flames were so intense there was nothing they could do. >> it happened so quick. >> 15 fighters wisdom flame and found the body that's burnt into . >> people who lived in the area tell us that intersection is no -- notoriously dangerous people constantly getting into accidents. they are hoping something is done before another tragedy comes crashing at their doorstep. they should do something. >> there's a lot of accident. >> investigators haven't released the identity of the vict but they tell us she's a female and they are still working to notify her family. from miami. >> cbs4 news. the traffic alert in the city of miami, the 79th street bridge stuck and causing problems for commuters, traffic is backed up in the area and you can see from chopper for it's especially bad for westbound commuters, some of whom are turning around and going the other way trying to. we will keep watching this for you and let you know once the issue is resolved. a 15-year-old who was arrested for the deadly shooting in florida cities in miami-dade county jail. police say christopher walker responded in brooklyn, he's acsed of murdering 17-year- old nora cut caliber in the october, tolliver was shot and killed in northwest eighth and -- well in a car -- while in the car in front with friends, the teens were sitting in the car when they were ambushed by people in another vehicle, walkers this in several charges includudg first-degree murder and attempted murder. afford a man is pleaded guilty to the death of his girlfriend and two children who was stuck into suitcases and near boca raton, a judge sentenced 28-year-old clem beauchamp or three life terms, according to court records, the bodies were found in february 2011, the mother spot body was found the previous summer what but was not identified until the children were killed, the family kept the children after the mother disappeared telling school officials she had left them in his care. he was scheduled to go's trial next week for the death. after the war on terror, federal officials say they arrested two men after in this edition revealed connections to terrorist organizations, once fought with terrorist in syria before returning to the , cbs4 is outside the fbi headquarters in washington, d.c. where the reseshas kindled the -- debate in washington about allowing refugees into america. from countries where terrorists are operating. wearing -- women agree sweatshirt and glasses, omar for -- farah shaheed are -- for us that he'd are hard and the first time on charges he was providing support to isis. he -- isis. he was providing himself in spite of that support, that means he was prepared to take whatever action on his own behalf to assist organizations. >> he had been linked to another -- moving to another terror suspect, who spent several months fighting with terror groups in syria, officials say he wrote in the spring of 2013 , i am coming to syria, have land -- a and a root -- land a root and everything, in november he followed that -- november he followed that will to turkey and aleppo, -- it can be hard to track would be terrace trying to join the fight in syria. >> this is one of the blind spots for us intelligence an certainly one of the things that keep on men security officials awake -- homeland security officials awake at night and this case is a demonstration of that. >> investigators do not believe either man was planning an attack in the us, republicans idence to shut down an obama administration program that will bring up to 10,000 to -- syrian refugees. it's a ticking time bomb, how many ticking time bombs are we going to -- you going to bring in in this refugee program without a proper vetting system in place? the white house is the president has no plans to end the program. >> in washington. >> us offial belief and 250 americans have traveled to syria to fight with -- see rectify with terrorist groups. the belgian prosecutor's office says they found the fingerprint of fugitive salah abdul salaam during the raid of the brussels apartment last month, he is wanted in connection with the attacks in paris. investigators found three handmade belts that could've been used to -- could be used to carry explosives. some of america's a tech companies -- tech companies met with the obama administration today, apple, facebook and administration to figure out a plan on how to deal with terrorists. the old dark in the meeting and some of the top -- topics include identifying recruitment methods and making it hard for terrace to carry out attacks. coming up, a florida woman dies in police custody after being discharged from hospital. her plea for help before her death caught on dashcam. what her family is now asking for. they come appearance sell their hair when -- heroin and go back home. >> incidentally half the time they are they impregnate alby eight girl before they be. >> means governor faces a backlash with the comment when he what he said about it tonight after the break, the winning powerball is it a dream come true or a nightmare, why some believe lottery winners are cursed. cloudy start of the date again today but today the clouds did not plan to leave, they brought showers. i have your forecast coming up. all new at six, we will have an update about an elderly cop told that his lost their two of chihuahua and received -- love chihuahua and received a special gift. the days leading up to his broward sheriff's deputy. that is the heart of the new show coming up this high profile case. we are keeping our eye on the traffic alert in the city of miami traffic was shut down for quite a while in the causeway, it's been -- bee real been on the 79th street causeway. it's been reopenen in one direction from chopper for the bridges apparently stuck in the down position and we have seen people working on the bridge, looks like one direction of traffic backup there. new video of the mother of the so -- so-called affluenza teen, she appeared in the texas courtroom earlier today, tonia couch did not enter a plea deal for her role in helping her son flee to mexico, high bond is set at -- her bond is set at $1 million investigators said she and her son ethan ran off to mexico as he was being crh that killed four people. dashcam video has been released of the woman begging for help us policed officer tried to arrest her for refusing to leave the hospital lead the video you c cld hear barbara dawson say she can't breed brief, she later died again. there was nothing wrong with h-letter-letter h sitting there for a few hours to see if there was anything really wrong with her, we now know within 30 minutes that she's in a medical emergency. >> so she was right there was something going on with her. >> coll -- call doctor's family said releasing the video will not bring him back but their goal was to get justice for their data loved one and to make sure same thing doesn't happen to anyone else, an autopsy determined the cause of dawson's death was a blood clot in her long. outspoken maine governor paul after making racially charged common during a town hall meeting, he talked about how deep -- he technical drug abusing the state but what he said about who's to blame for main -- maine struck issue that are angering a lot of people. >> the traffickers, these are people who take drugs, guys that -- smooth and shifty, these type of guys that come to new york and become a peer -- they come up here and sell their heroin and then they go back home. incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young white girl before they leave. which is a real sad thing because we have another ise that we have to deal with down the road. we have to make in very severe felonies. and so what -- lepage since apologized for the common saying it was a slip of the town. baby just can't wait, let's hear from a trooper who love help deliver a bundle of joy on the side of the road. the idea of a -- $800 million how does that sound? winning the lottery is actually a curse you re's a number look at the number on wall there -- their worst >> you are watching the moment when to new jersey's state troopers helped a woman give birth, the couple called 911 early monday morning realizing th would not make it to the hospital in time. the troopers arrived to find a husband and the driver seat and the soon -- soon-to-be mother in the backseat of the car. we gave specific instructions to push and at that point, we observed the baby's head, i cleared the airway -- air way and turn -- airway and turned the baby's head to the side and knew she had to continue pushing so that's what we did, gave her instructions and the baby came out. the troopers say they did the honor of cutting the umbilical cord and were told of mother and child are doing just fine. coin collectors listen to this, a rare dime has sold for nearly $2 million at an auction in tampa, it's called 1894's dime, at only 24 were made. a spial dime was made at the san francisco mint , the winning bidder wants to remain anonymous. powerball fever us take an old when ticket selling at a record pace, what an idea of taking home $800 million in a dream come true but the reality becoming an overnight winner could be a nightmare. the six magic numbers won't be drawn and -- in till tomorrow. but already the powerball job bot has -- back has made history. >> $800 million it could grow even larger. >> i feel lucky, i really do. >> i think i'm going to win. >> that chances of striking it rich are slimmer than ever, after the game was restructured last up october, the odds of winning the top prize went from one in 175 million to 12292000000 if you have to win, you could d ill end up a loser. is if you win the lottery, you are set. unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of lottery winners don't have that story, attorney andrew stroman said he represented six people have seen their lottery winnings disappeared. once the person wins the lottery they become a global target, they are people across the world put these people on the list of to harassing her -- harangue and try to sell bad investment and to flat out tried to take the money. last year's study found that 44% of lottery winners spent their winnings in five years. some call -- core business functions the -- call this misfortunes the lot of curse, when they find out the luck has run out, check -- winning nearly $50 million, years later his family life fell apart and he was arrested twice, abraham shakespeare florida was murdered after winning 30 million. >> and just this week, powerball winner marty holmes made headlines after spending out of jail yet another time. with more than three quarters of a billion dollars on the line, and to give americans are willing to -- of americans are willing to take a gamble. what else you will could you possibly buy -- by for two were $4 and walking around carrying it for a couple days makes you feel like maybe you're going to be a multi -- multimillionaire tomorrow again. if you win, experts say you should expect family, friends and coworkers all to come forward asking for money and florida law mandates that your name and the city where you live be made public. not to be @a bearer of bad news. the chance of one 300 million, the feeling you have before the check (dot). >> lapel curse those people were. i am not playing anymore i am out. >> i'm in. >> i will be one of the knocking. >> here's what's going on, everly everglades hollywood park camera, despite the showers in the clouds in the day today, it turned out to be a nice evening, temperatures backup to above normal. seventy-six the normal, aid the high 63 cool morning low, high of 81 -- one fort lauderdale, seven a -- 70 key west. low back up in the 70s and that's the case so far this winter and fall, very warm overnight lows, headed back there a brief time. showers across area, not too heavy, heavy us in the east heading to the bahamas and we have a few showers. movinguickly to the northeast. same story to the keys, mostly dry scott -- mostly dry. computer model showing motion with that disturbance that pushed onto , -- my rain chances we move east of us. tomorrow looking pretty good, there, rain chances go back up saturday night and sunday. the ribbon of moisture stays to the south despite the cold front coming down, rain chances -- grown until the middle of next week. temperatures will cool off with the cold front. southeast temperatures in the 60s, 50s and 40s, milder in the deep south and north -- northeast chilly, rain coming in slightly warmer ahead of a bigger cold front of you cold front and the upper midwest nine in bismarck, 19 rapid city. twenty-two denver. temperatures sliding to the south and east and another cold front behind out -- that one. break from the rain in the -- a moment for a moment, more rain in the way in california sub evening showers moving out a mild night, 60 degrees, tomorrow very warm, straight showers possible not to widespread that are then today high near 84 degrees, everything ia slow in taking us through the week into next front comes through sunday night, according trend high from the 70s may be 60s low me tip into the 50s middle of next week. coming up oj simpson coming this time in the we have some big news about the super bowl halftime show tonight, beyonci had been added to the bill. beyonci headlined the super bowl show three years ago in new orleans. she will join the band coldplay on this age in santa clara california on february 7 and you know mars is laying a role in the halftime show and don't forget, the only place you can watch super bowl 50s right here now to the tragedy and scandal that help to find the 90s the og -- oj season word -- murder trial, the crime story behind goes behind the scene, . tonight, the all-star cast takes us inside her hollywood retrial. 10 hours of television is revealing things we are not privy to. >> you have no idea what really went down until you see what we got when we caught on tape. 94 or 95, it feels modern the theme of race and police brutality and celebrity. >> the cast -- celebrities. >> the cast of affects american crime story which -- which premieres next month's on the current cover of the hollywood reporter and they are revealing the sailors ideas sat on -- sears ideas sat on shelves for two years before executive first two script and called john travolta first, we got john, kuba, sarah paulson, and it was green light in these are off to the recesses. >> what -- r res. >> what i learned, having empathy for marsha because so much of what was said about who she was and strident -- woman, who just was relentless in her pursuit of this conviction. i don't know how to do this. >> the hollywood reporter lacey rose had already seen several episodes and describes the scene with defense attorney robert kardashian played by david schwimmer would now his famous daughters is series cringe where -- worthy moments. >> when it in the scene when they were at chin chin with robert kardashian and robert -- this casting is so spot on, people might have a hard time separating the actor from the for more of the hollywood the headlines, was shot inside a tonight at 7:30 p.m. after entertainment tonight at seven right here on cbs4. that story did dominate every headline every news prograra. >> it will be interesting to see this version and what happened afterwards. next at six, a special gift for an elderly south florida couple after their beloved pet was mauled to death by a stray dog, we will be live as they share some tender moment. us a suspended dso deputy prepares his stand trial for manslaughter, we are getting a hold of evidence in the investigation. it shows misdemeanor moments before the deadly shooting. what's new at the zoo? will take you to a new exhibit at the zoo miami that doesn't include any animals treated cbs4 news at six starts right now. this is south florida cbs4 news. now at six, unemotional a south florida couple the day after they are to -- too well what was mauled to death by a stray dog you they are family, they are family. they are not an animal, they are part of the family. >> tonight tender moments for the coppola's they receive a special if to mend a broken heart. now the gift -- gift miguel and a double has received today was a puppy, we first bought you the story yesterday how they both were hospitalized after the three-year-old dog gucci was taken from them. you know i am a dog lover and a lot of dog lover -- lovers interested in the story. >> miguel and eight -- ada rojas shed tears as they had new party -- a new puppy was talk to their homes near southwest eighth street, the chihuahua was donated by bruce a person is on the coverage on some of kennel owner sold the product puppy for half price, $300 a gift that's priceless. a family friend -- friend arrives with a nine week old chihuahua, he will would overwhelm the new owners. >> said the daughter of the 18 and-year-old miguel rojas, he's yours, hold him. >> i am enough he and said he e says, it's one day after his three-year-old chihuahua gucci rents into the two american bulldomixes and attacked and killed by the female. miguel on the left was hospitalized with high blood pressure, his wife ada was hospitalized with 100 stitches after trying to defend gucci. >> ada is overjoyed by the new gift. >> this dog is going to make us

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Tampa , Boca Raton , Texas , Turkey , California , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bahamas , The , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Mexico , Fort Lauderdale , Maine , New Jersey , Town Hall , Hollywood , Brooklyn , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Americans , America , Belgian , Syrian , American , Miguel Rojas , Christopher Walker , David Schwimmer , Marty Holmes , Barbara Dawson , Robert Kardashian , Gabby Fleischmann , Farah Shaheed , Andrew Stroman , John Travolta , Sarah Paulson , Salah Abdul Salaam ,

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Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At 530PM 20160108 :

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At 530PM 20160108

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curb and when airborne slams into several parts cars and then along. >> the impact was so horrific the vehicle burst into flames. >> some residents ran down with fire extinguisrs to try to help the flames were so intense there was nothing they could do. >> it happened so quick. >> 15 fighters wisdom flame and found the body that's burnt into . >> people who lived in the area tell us that intersection is no -- notoriously dangerous people constantly getting into accidents. they are hoping something is done before another tragedy comes crashing at their doorstep. they should do something. >> there's a lot of accident. >> investigators haven't released the identity of the vict but they tell us she's a female and they are still working to notify her family. from miami. >> cbs4 news. the traffic alert in the city of miami, the 79th street bridge stuck and causing problems for commuters, traffic is backed up in the area and you can see from chopper for it's especially bad for westbound commuters, some of whom are turning around and going the other way trying to. we will keep watching this for you and let you know once the issue is resolved. a 15-year-old who was arrested for the deadly shooting in florida cities in miami-dade county jail. police say christopher walker responded in brooklyn, he's acsed of murdering 17-year- old nora cut caliber in the october, tolliver was shot and killed in northwest eighth and -- well in a car -- while in the car in front with friends, the teens were sitting in the car when they were ambushed by people in another vehicle, walkers this in several charges includudg first-degree murder and attempted murder. afford a man is pleaded guilty to the death of his girlfriend and two children who was stuck into suitcases and near boca raton, a judge sentenced 28-year-old clem beauchamp or three life terms, according to court records, the bodies were found in february 2011, the mother spot body was found the previous summer what but was not identified until the children were killed, the family kept the children after the mother disappeared telling school officials she had left them in his care. he was scheduled to go's trial next week for the death. after the war on terror, federal officials say they arrested two men after in this edition revealed connections to terrorist organizations, once fought with terrorist in syria before returning to the , cbs4 is outside the fbi headquarters in washington, d.c. where the reseshas kindled the -- debate in washington about allowing refugees into america. from countries where terrorists are operating. wearing -- women agree sweatshirt and glasses, omar for -- farah shaheed are -- for us that he'd are hard and the first time on charges he was providing support to isis. he -- isis. he was providing himself in spite of that support, that means he was prepared to take whatever action on his own behalf to assist organizations. >> he had been linked to another -- moving to another terror suspect, who spent several months fighting with terror groups in syria, officials say he wrote in the spring of 2013 , i am coming to syria, have land -- a and a root -- land a root and everything, in november he followed that -- november he followed that will to turkey and aleppo, -- it can be hard to track would be terrace trying to join the fight in syria. >> this is one of the blind spots for us intelligence an certainly one of the things that keep on men security officials awake -- homeland security officials awake at night and this case is a demonstration of that. >> investigators do not believe either man was planning an attack in the us, republicans idence to shut down an obama administration program that will bring up to 10,000 to -- syrian refugees. it's a ticking time bomb, how many ticking time bombs are we going to -- you going to bring in in this refugee program without a proper vetting system in place? the white house is the president has no plans to end the program. >> in washington. >> us offial belief and 250 americans have traveled to syria to fight with -- see rectify with terrorist groups. the belgian prosecutor's office says they found the fingerprint of fugitive salah abdul salaam during the raid of the brussels apartment last month, he is wanted in connection with the attacks in paris. investigators found three handmade belts that could've been used to -- could be used to carry explosives. some of america's a tech companies -- tech companies met with the obama administration today, apple, facebook and administration to figure out a plan on how to deal with terrorists. the old dark in the meeting and some of the top -- topics include identifying recruitment methods and making it hard for terrace to carry out attacks. coming up, a florida woman dies in police custody after being discharged from hospital. her plea for help before her death caught on dashcam. what her family is now asking for. they come appearance sell their hair when -- heroin and go back home. >> incidentally half the time they are they impregnate alby eight girl before they be. >> means governor faces a backlash with the comment when he what he said about it tonight after the break, the winning powerball is it a dream come true or a nightmare, why some believe lottery winners are cursed. cloudy start of the date again today but today the clouds did not plan to leave, they brought showers. i have your forecast coming up. all new at six, we will have an update about an elderly cop told that his lost their two of chihuahua and received -- love chihuahua and received a special gift. the days leading up to his broward sheriff's deputy. that is the heart of the new show coming up this high profile case. we are keeping our eye on the traffic alert in the city of miami traffic was shut down for quite a while in the causeway, it's been -- bee real been on the 79th street causeway. it's been reopenen in one direction from chopper for the bridges apparently stuck in the down position and we have seen people working on the bridge, looks like one direction of traffic backup there. new video of the mother of the so -- so-called affluenza teen, she appeared in the texas courtroom earlier today, tonia couch did not enter a plea deal for her role in helping her son flee to mexico, high bond is set at -- her bond is set at $1 million investigators said she and her son ethan ran off to mexico as he was being crh that killed four people. dashcam video has been released of the woman begging for help us policed officer tried to arrest her for refusing to leave the hospital lead the video you c cld hear barbara dawson say she can't breed brief, she later died again. there was nothing wrong with h-letter-letter h sitting there for a few hours to see if there was anything really wrong with her, we now know within 30 minutes that she's in a medical emergency. >> so she was right there was something going on with her. >> coll -- call doctor's family said releasing the video will not bring him back but their goal was to get justice for their data loved one and to make sure same thing doesn't happen to anyone else, an autopsy determined the cause of dawson's death was a blood clot in her long. outspoken maine governor paul after making racially charged common during a town hall meeting, he talked about how deep -- he technical drug abusing the state but what he said about who's to blame for main -- maine struck issue that are angering a lot of people. >> the traffickers, these are people who take drugs, guys that -- smooth and shifty, these type of guys that come to new york and become a peer -- they come up here and sell their heroin and then they go back home. incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young white girl before they leave. which is a real sad thing because we have another ise that we have to deal with down the road. we have to make in very severe felonies. and so what -- lepage since apologized for the common saying it was a slip of the town. baby just can't wait, let's hear from a trooper who love help deliver a bundle of joy on the side of the road. the idea of a -- $800 million how does that sound? winning the lottery is actually a curse you re's a number look at the number on wall there -- their worst >> you are watching the moment when to new jersey's state troopers helped a woman give birth, the couple called 911 early monday morning realizing th would not make it to the hospital in time. the troopers arrived to find a husband and the driver seat and the soon -- soon-to-be mother in the backseat of the car. we gave specific instructions to push and at that point, we observed the baby's head, i cleared the airway -- air way and turn -- airway and turned the baby's head to the side and knew she had to continue pushing so that's what we did, gave her instructions and the baby came out. the troopers say they did the honor of cutting the umbilical cord and were told of mother and child are doing just fine. coin collectors listen to this, a rare dime has sold for nearly $2 million at an auction in tampa, it's called 1894's dime, at only 24 were made. a spial dime was made at the san francisco mint , the winning bidder wants to remain anonymous. powerball fever us take an old when ticket selling at a record pace, what an idea of taking home $800 million in a dream come true but the reality becoming an overnight winner could be a nightmare. the six magic numbers won't be drawn and -- in till tomorrow. but already the powerball job bot has -- back has made history. >> $800 million it could grow even larger. >> i feel lucky, i really do. >> i think i'm going to win. >> that chances of striking it rich are slimmer than ever, after the game was restructured last up october, the odds of winning the top prize went from one in 175 million to 12292000000 if you have to win, you could d ill end up a loser. is if you win the lottery, you are set. unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of lottery winners don't have that story, attorney andrew stroman said he represented six people have seen their lottery winnings disappeared. once the person wins the lottery they become a global target, they are people across the world put these people on the list of to harassing her -- harangue and try to sell bad investment and to flat out tried to take the money. last year's study found that 44% of lottery winners spent their winnings in five years. some call -- core business functions the -- call this misfortunes the lot of curse, when they find out the luck has run out, check -- winning nearly $50 million, years later his family life fell apart and he was arrested twice, abraham shakespeare florida was murdered after winning 30 million. >> and just this week, powerball winner marty holmes made headlines after spending out of jail yet another time. with more than three quarters of a billion dollars on the line, and to give americans are willing to -- of americans are willing to take a gamble. what else you will could you possibly buy -- by for two were $4 and walking around carrying it for a couple days makes you feel like maybe you're going to be a multi -- multimillionaire tomorrow again. if you win, experts say you should expect family, friends and coworkers all to come forward asking for money and florida law mandates that your name and the city where you live be made public. not to be @a bearer of bad news. the chance of one 300 million, the feeling you have before the check (dot). >> lapel curse those people were. i am not playing anymore i am out. >> i'm in. >> i will be one of the knocking. >> here's what's going on, everly everglades hollywood park camera, despite the showers in the clouds in the day today, it turned out to be a nice evening, temperatures backup to above normal. seventy-six the normal, aid the high 63 cool morning low, high of 81 -- one fort lauderdale, seven a -- 70 key west. low back up in the 70s and that's the case so far this winter and fall, very warm overnight lows, headed back there a brief time. showers across area, not too heavy, heavy us in the east heading to the bahamas and we have a few showers. movinguickly to the northeast. same story to the keys, mostly dry scott -- mostly dry. computer model showing motion with that disturbance that pushed onto , -- my rain chances we move east of us. tomorrow looking pretty good, there, rain chances go back up saturday night and sunday. the ribbon of moisture stays to the south despite the cold front coming down, rain chances -- grown until the middle of next week. temperatures will cool off with the cold front. southeast temperatures in the 60s, 50s and 40s, milder in the deep south and north -- northeast chilly, rain coming in slightly warmer ahead of a bigger cold front of you cold front and the upper midwest nine in bismarck, 19 rapid city. twenty-two denver. temperatures sliding to the south and east and another cold front behind out -- that one. break from the rain in the -- a moment for a moment, more rain in the way in california sub evening showers moving out a mild night, 60 degrees, tomorrow very warm, straight showers possible not to widespread that are then today high near 84 degrees, everything ia slow in taking us through the week into next front comes through sunday night, according trend high from the 70s may be 60s low me tip into the 50s middle of next week. coming up oj simpson coming this time in the we have some big news about the super bowl halftime show tonight, beyonci had been added to the bill. beyonci headlined the super bowl show three years ago in new orleans. she will join the band coldplay on this age in santa clara california on february 7 and you know mars is laying a role in the halftime show and don't forget, the only place you can watch super bowl 50s right here now to the tragedy and scandal that help to find the 90s the og -- oj season word -- murder trial, the crime story behind goes behind the scene, . tonight, the all-star cast takes us inside her hollywood retrial. 10 hours of television is revealing things we are not privy to. >> you have no idea what really went down until you see what we got when we caught on tape. 94 or 95, it feels modern the theme of race and police brutality and celebrity. >> the cast -- celebrities. >> the cast of affects american crime story which -- which premieres next month's on the current cover of the hollywood reporter and they are revealing the sailors ideas sat on -- sears ideas sat on shelves for two years before executive first two script and called john travolta first, we got john, kuba, sarah paulson, and it was green light in these are off to the recesses. >> what -- r res. >> what i learned, having empathy for marsha because so much of what was said about who she was and strident -- woman, who just was relentless in her pursuit of this conviction. i don't know how to do this. >> the hollywood reporter lacey rose had already seen several episodes and describes the scene with defense attorney robert kardashian played by david schwimmer would now his famous daughters is series cringe where -- worthy moments. >> when it in the scene when they were at chin chin with robert kardashian and robert -- this casting is so spot on, people might have a hard time separating the actor from the for more of the hollywood the headlines, was shot inside a tonight at 7:30 p.m. after entertainment tonight at seven right here on cbs4. that story did dominate every headline every news prograra. >> it will be interesting to see this version and what happened afterwards. next at six, a special gift for an elderly south florida couple after their beloved pet was mauled to death by a stray dog, we will be live as they share some tender moment. us a suspended dso deputy prepares his stand trial for manslaughter, we are getting a hold of evidence in the investigation. it shows misdemeanor moments before the deadly shooting. what's new at the zoo? will take you to a new exhibit at the zoo miami that doesn't include any animals treated cbs4 news at six starts right now. this is south florida cbs4 news. now at six, unemotional a south florida couple the day after they are to -- too well what was mauled to death by a stray dog you they are family, they are family. they are not an animal, they are part of the family. >> tonight tender moments for the coppola's they receive a special if to mend a broken heart. now the gift -- gift miguel and a double has received today was a puppy, we first bought you the story yesterday how they both were hospitalized after the three-year-old dog gucci was taken from them. you know i am a dog lover and a lot of dog lover -- lovers interested in the story. >> miguel and eight -- ada rojas shed tears as they had new party -- a new puppy was talk to their homes near southwest eighth street, the chihuahua was donated by bruce a person is on the coverage on some of kennel owner sold the product puppy for half price, $300 a gift that's priceless. a family friend -- friend arrives with a nine week old chihuahua, he will would overwhelm the new owners. >> said the daughter of the 18 and-year-old miguel rojas, he's yours, hold him. >> i am enough he and said he e says, it's one day after his three-year-old chihuahua gucci rents into the two american bulldomixes and attacked and killed by the female. miguel on the left was hospitalized with high blood pressure, his wife ada was hospitalized with 100 stitches after trying to defend gucci. >> ada is overjoyed by the new gift. >> this dog is going to make us

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