Transcripts For WFLA News Ch8 Sunday Morning At 9AM 20160131

Transcripts For WFLA News Ch8 Sunday Morning At 9AM 20160131

let's go inland a little bit. you're in the 50s in the north. we're burning off those temperatures, we're warming you up to 73 this afternoon. no rain in the forecast here today, but as we head into the evening, temperatures will get cool once more, in fact, once the sunsets, we'll probably get back into the mid-60's. let me tell you about rain in the forecast here coming up. stay tuned. details still to come. >> thank you very much. and you can track the weather at any time using the storm team 8 weather max app. from the app store. right now, clean up is just getting started after one of tampa bay's biggest parties. the pirates of gasparilla left behind quite a mess on bay shore boulevard. mary mcguire joins us now live here with a volunteer who is giving up her sunday morning to make tampa pretty again. good morning, mary. >> good morning to you candace. we're here on bay shore boulevard which is really the epicenter of all of the gasparilla parties and we know of things but not necessarily known for being clean. i'm here with catherine of the florida aquarium. you partnered with the city of tampa and keep tampa bay effort happen. more than 100 volunteers will be out here today. tell me why this is important. >> it is important because gasparilla is a wonderful time for tampa but it leaves a mess behind. city of tampa does a great job picking up. we're here to make sure all of the stuff left over doesn't end up in the bay and injuring some of the sea life in there. >> we're so close to the water here and this is an asset to the tampa bay area. you've been doing this for a few years, tell me, what is the oddest thing you've picked up along the way. >> a lot of interesting things. i think for me personally, seeing half eaten turkey legs is something you don't get use to seechlth feathered boaf -- used to seeing. feathered boas. picking it up, recycling it nd. >> it is not bio degradable. we have to get out there and more than 100 volunteers will be out here today. last year they picke 16,000 pounds recyclables from this area. so certainly a great effort by these folks and we'll have more coming up at news channel 8 at six tonight. back to you. >> important work they're doing. mary mcguire live in tampa this morning. thank you. gasparilla ended without any major hitches. they confirmed they made 23 arrests including two felonies. there was openly one open container citation issued and one person was arrested for get this, punching a police horse. final count will be released tomorrow. if you want to relive gasparilla all over again, the party continues online. our web staff has been hard at work gathering photos from the event. you'll fine it all on the home page and on our breaking news app. right now, a police officer is recovering after crashing his cruiser while chasing carjackers. the officer lost control and east lake avenue and central avenue. the carjackers ditched the stolen car and took off. right now. three robberies. a tragic story out of take a look. this 22-month old boy was shot to death in a drive by. he was the only person hit by bullets in the shooting. police hope someone comes forward with information so they can catch whoever did this. bullies can make lives miserable but one bay area school is marching to the beat of a different drum. students, parents and lieutenant spent saturday playing the drums event. the school resource officer came up with the idea to send a powerful message about standing up for yourself. >> you don't get tired you're doing something you have passion for. you don't want to sit back and let people bully you. you don't get tired. >> they beat the drums for in the morning until 7:00 at night. new this morning, ammon bundy's attorney released a video of ammon bundy's voice on speaker phone to his wife which contained a statement to the four hold outs at oregon refuge. >> all right. to those at refuge, please stand down. this was never meant to be an armed stand off. we only came to expose abuse and educate people about their rights protected by the constitution of the united states. please do not make this something it was never meant to be. go home to your families. >> bundy and seven other people who supported him were arrested last week during the arrest, one of bundy's supporters was shot and killed by police. we're learning new details this morning about how two inmates were caught after escaping from jail. observants ended up -- an observant citizen ended up leading police to them. a third escaped inmate turned hill self in on friday. coming up after the break, i'm going to knock you out. that is the action you'll see. >> i'm going to knock all of them. that's the type of action you're going to see. it is a beveng racadabra. those are the words of antonio tarver. no disappearing act can get him out of the trouble he found himself in. what he is being forced to hand . magic man miss behaving. >> tarver con could use some of that magic right now. he owes more than $750,000 in a tampa child support case that has been drag on for years. mark douglas has been keeping score on the epic court fight and he is losing the latest round. >> i'm going to knock out all of them. that is the type of action you'll see. >> how will i get to work, how will i get to training. how will i provide for myself with no transportation. >> taking away his mercedes benz >> you have to remain calm. >> how can i remain calm. me. everything. >> his ewe wife has been trying to collect child support since 2008. he owes $750,000. >> ever since my suspension and loss of job in 2010, i've made no money. >> not exactly, champ. he earned $6,000 every time he performs as a boxing analyst on spike tv and he is still lining up fights at a. >> the magic man tarver! >> last august, tarver climbed in the ring and made a quarter million dollars. >> it is abracadabra baby. >> he could have used some of the magic in the hillsborough courtroom where he traded jabs with his ex-girlfriend's lair. >> i don't know when it was signed. i don't know when i signed the contract. >> despite his protest, the magistrate found tarver in contempt for shirking his child support. she ordered him to hand over the keys to the mercedes he parks outside of his home. >> i won't be able to go to spike tv. i won't be able to train. you just killed my chances of earning a living. i can't catch the bus. >> minutes later, the bout was >> the show can't make no money congratulations. . >> that was mark douglas reporting along with giving up his mercedes, tarver has to hand overall of his title belts and olympics. coming up a after the break, another star steps up for flint. suffering from the michigan . rapper and actor snoop dog is one of many celebrities who visited flint michigan in an effort to see how they can get involved with the flint emergency. kelly taylor has more on the story. >> flint's lives matter to rap legend snoop dog. >> i chose to be here today. and it is about choices. flint saturday to meet mayor karen weaver to find out how he could get involved. snoop is one of many celebrities to visit, to learn more about the city's plans with water supply. smolette spoke with residents about their struggle. >> to see the people and be with the people, to heart stories first hand, it further enraged me and further appalled me but at the same time it also further inspired me. >> while the mayor continues to push for more action from the government, she says she appreciates the help from celebrities. >> for such a long time we felt like we were alone in this. but people are stepping up and they're praying for us and thinking about us and sending things here and coming to help. >> john connor, the flint native who signed to dr. dre's record label is overwhelmed by the out pouring support by the peers. >> that is amazing. i think everybody should have before they were entertainers, they were humans growing up in an environment. >> now that snoop and smolett grathed information. they plan to be the -- gathered information, they plan to be part of the solution. >> we would like the governor to step up and do what is necessary to make sure that flint is taken care of. >> here locally this last week, freight center partnered with united way to send 350 gallons of water to flint. 100 cases of clean bottled water were delivered to the food bank of eastern michigan. very nice. we've been drying out here this weekend after a wet week and after one of the top 10 wettest months of january ever on record here in tampa you see the cloud cover over us here this morning. those are not the rain producing clouds but it will hold temperatures down a little bit. but it will be warmer than yesterday. i took along the beach where we had the beach fires, the fire pits along the guy harvey which helped to warm you up. we'll have the clouds around today. it won't be one of those perfect golden hour sunsets because these clouds will continue to stream in off of the gulf of mexico filtering the sunshine and behind me, this front will reach us by the middle part of the week giving us rain. don't worry about it today. today, tomorrow, looking dry. here it comes wednesday you can start to see scattered showers in the bay area and then thursday evening, especially, that is the best time for some of the heavier rains as the front comes through overnight. the front passes on by friday and we drop, again, with temperatures. but the next couple of days warming up. today we'll see 73 here in tampa, upper 60s along the beaches into the mid-70's over the interior, so this is a step towards higher readings on the thermometer. tomorrow morning, not as cold as this morning. 62 for your low, some 50s to the here is your extended forecast. the midweek rain. that is the front that comes through. until then, we'll see the warm up. but then the front comes through early friday. friday temperatures fall through the day. the winds pick us up. that sets us up for a cool weekend next weekend. already looking ahead towards next weekend. don't want to think about going back to work on monday. >> i have to keep the bright things in the future and keep looking at them. coming up, local stars shine in the senior bowl and steven stamkos takes center stage in the nhl skills competition. we'll tell you if he has the hardest shot in the league, that is next in sports. >> here is what you'll see tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.. >> something to think about before you next mani/pedi. i'm gayle guyardo. i'll show you some of the safest products to use. plus weather and traffic on the get a busch gardens fun card now and let the fun begin. pay for a day, dive all year, splash all year, thrill, get your fill, and celebrate all year. climb, launch, roar, and soar all year. pay for a day, play all year. and if you get the busch gardens you'll also get an adventure island fun card for free. p visit busch gardens tampa dottcom for details. hurry up! offer ends february . the nhl all star break is designed to give players a rest from the season but because the world is a cruel and unforgiving place, those who do the best don't get time off. stamkos and bishop, i'm sorry about your luck. they represented last night participating in the skills competition. stammer having trouble. he eventually got it together. check out the big fellow in the goals portion. sticking a couple in the opposite neck before dylan larkin comes by to lend a hand. they're all smiles now but if they meet in the playoffs again, this conversation will be present. stammer comes back for the hardest shot competition. 98.5 is pretty impressive. next attempt, 103.9. that is really, really good. but his top mark only stands for a couple of seconds. the next shooter is shea weber, the first crack was 105.3. then how about this? 108.1 miles an hour. that is fast! weber wins hardest shot for the second straight year. stamkos finished second but not in his mind. >> the guys were saying i actually won because shay will win every year. especially if big z is not here. so, you see his mechanics and it doesn't surprise us anymore how hard he shoots that thing. >> how about hoops? florida hosting 9thed wv. first time these two met sinsz 2003 doesn't mean they like each other. perhaps the pregame shenanigans inspired dory smith. game high 24 points for him. florida up 15 at halftime. early second, chris giaza who puts the mountaineers in the dunk tank. they never trail in an upset victory over west virginia 88 to 71. florida state and clemson locked in a close one until midday in the first half. beasley, nothing accidental about the on p oops. 16 points for him. nothing is better than bacon. dwayne bacon who puts 21 in the box score leading fsu past clemson, 76-of 65. timely, the senior bowl. football's top prospects before the nfl combine. aaron green is throwing shade. the tsu running back, 23 yards untouched for a touchdown. the defense is standing tall. virginia tech's danny nicholas says who is your daddy? right into the arms of baylor south oak man. that is it for sports. i'm paul. we have an 8 on your side consumer alert. nearly a million nissan altima cars are recalled and some will be the third trip back to the shop. the problem is the hood latch that can allow it to fly open. it includes alternative mas from the 2013 to 2015 model years. apple is recalling millions of power adapters because they can cause an electric shock. they were shipped between 2003 and 2015 with macs and other apple devices twlechlt included apple will exchange the plugs for free and refund customers who had to buy new plugs. it might not be the future in the next iphone but before long apple can revolutionize wireless charging. apple is working a wireless charging system that allows the phone to be placed frautd way from the charging station than the current technology allows. some current android phones allow charging if it is directly on a plate. they could be charged wirelessly from much further away. u.s. cities saw wamgs drop between 2009 and -- wages drop between 2009 and 2014 a new study found the average wage fell an 80 out of 100 metropolitan areas. wage declines affected minorities more than whites and the tampa bay area. minorities saw a 4% drop in average wages while white workers got a nearly 5% increase. telling private gun sellers to take their business else. where the social met networks both platforms. making history. it is the first lego man in a wheelchair. the company responded to numerous requests asking for a them. in june. the queen of soul is hoping to become the queen of soul food. aretha franklin is launching her own food line which will include chili, gumbo, baked food and deserts. we have more coming up in the next half hour. we have team coverage in iowa where the candidates for presidents are hoping to win over voters before the big caucus. having lots of devices in your home can really slow your internet down. way down. so keep things moving with 100% fiber optic fios by verizon. with fios, you get the big capacity all your devices thrive on. it's the fastest internet and wi-fi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. now for just $69.99 a month online, get our super-fast 100 meg fios tv and phone for your first year, with no annual contract. that's right - 100 meg speed internet. so switch to better, with our best offer ever. from the internet provider ranked highest in customer satisfaction by j.d. power. so, what are you waiting for? switching to fios is easy and hassle-free. don't miss out on our best offer ever. go online or call now. switch to better. . i'm candace mccowan. thank you for joining us as we break down the top stories making headlines in politics. right now all eyes are on iowa. with just one day left before the caucuses, candidates are putting their campaigns into high gear. news channel 8's keith cate is with the very latest poll numbers out of iowa. >> good morning. we're in the home stretch. you have one more full day to get across the state of iowa and win over the supporters. they've had the rallies, they've done the work. it comes down to tomorrow night. 7:00 p.m., all of the good folks will have go to 861 precincts and convince one another that their guy, their person is the one that needs to be the next president of the united states. what a whirlwind trip it has been. we immediately started covering the gop debate. donald trump didn't want to appear in that but some of the other candidates had a chance to sign. we went to a hillary clinton ralle. we watched her work the crowd and last night we had the chance to watch the man who is now leading in the polls in iowa, donald trump trying to rally support among his troops to get out at caucus on monday. donald trump entered the clinton middle school gym like a prize fighter and the people loved it. after opening with his catch phrase let's make america great. he talked about being a winner and going after isis and again, the people loved it. >> when was the last time we won? did we win on trade or did we knock the hell out of isis which we will, we'll knock their asses. >> trump promised to build up the military, build a wall and build a better america by negotiating better deals and relationships than anyone else in washington. >> he knows how to draw a kraud. we've seen him do so including in the tampa bay area. but we're in clinton iowa. this is a population of 27,000 tops. you look around this gym, 10% of the population is here the big question is can he get all of these people and others in iowa to go to caucus for him on monday night. >> trump knows this more than anyone else. world means little if people don't caucus. >> get out of bed and caucus larry schmitt won't let trump down. >> what is so appealing. >> his attitude. he'll make it right. >> angela gable got him to sign her christmas card. she is almost certain she will vote for trump. >> do you believe he will do all of the things he says he will do. >> angela's husband jessie disagrees. it scares them to deal with leaders. >> it is marco rubio and donald trump in that order. >> you'll cancel out each other's vote. >> are you willing to caucus for your favorite. we'll be there. >> heather carleson is committed to caucusing on monday. she got trump to sign her hats and her baby. approval. >> but that does not necessarily mean she will vote for trump. >> who is the close second if donald trump, who. >> which goes to show high poll numbers and gym filled rallies mean nothing in the first of the nation caucus state. the only thing that really matters is what happens monday night. >> again, that was in clinton, iowa last night. we're back in des moines joined by usf political scientist and our news channel 8 political analyst dr. susan mcmanus. donald trump is leading. i think he has 28%, 25 for ted cruz, 15% for marco rubio but really it doesn't matter at this point. it is anyone's game. hillary clinton neck and neck with bernie sanders. i mean, this is a race that everyone is watching. what is happening here in iowa? >> oh, everybody is biting their finger nails. it is one of those kind of races. it is exciting. but the nervous ones are obviously the candidates. because all of this hype and crowds showing up for him. they're just really worried that come monday they won't show. maybe the weather is bad. maybe the kids sick at home and even in some of the places that we went where people were coming to see a candidate, when we talk to them, they still say, well, you know, i'm not really, really sure who i like best. >> it has to drive a candidate crazy. you spend all of this money. we haven't talked about jeb bush. i don't want to say he is invisible in iowa but he is not talked about much. it is disappointing if you're a fan. he spent millions of dollars and it is coming down to, you know, what, 4, 5% for jeb bush. what happens to jeb bush after? >> has to go to new hampshire. it is a totally. different kind of state. different people live. there he is doing okay in the polls up there at the moment. but of course, it can affect what happens in new hampshire. and that is the way the rest of this race is going to go. what happens in one state affects the next one. what happens in that state affects the next one. after new hampshire it will be south carolina. after south carolina, nevada. that is what makes the do well in one state it will affect what they do. >> you can't raise money going forward either. it breaks down, iowa is considered the state that is the process. no distros any of the candidates but you start to look at huckabee. you look at carly fiorina. and among the governors, we mentioned jeb bush. i guess their race is between the governors. who is the best of the worst of the governors that can move on. >> especially kasich and christie. they've had their moments. they've gotten a lot of press but haven't really climbed in the polls much. all of these big governors of big states, important states, just haven't caught fire. and a lot itself has to do with the fact that people are just ready for something different it looks like. >> it will interesting to watch, again, we have all day on sunday to get through and then you kind of have up until the witching hour of 7:00 p.m. on monday night when it all comes together. it is over so quickly. and the state takes care of all of this. of theirs. democrats take care of theirs. it starts at 7:00. they do their debates with each other and then they do their voting and hopefully in a couple of hours, we have a winner on the same night. >> and then it is not necessarily who will win the presidential nomination when all whoever wins on monday night only gets the percentage of the delegates that they have won in the votes so if you've got 30% of the vote, you get three delegates. let's say you got 10 delegates. it is a proportional distribution of delegates. >> you're hurting my head. this is sunday morning and you start doing all of. that i know it is complicated and it is going to be close. >> and maybe surprises. >> it is not winner take all. you divvy up the delegates by how much you get. >> that makes more sense. sunday morning, candace, we'll send it back to you. we have a lot more coming up later today. we'll keep you poetszed on what is happening on the campaign trail and we'll closely monitor what happens on monday. but reporting from des moines, iowa, keith cate along with dr. susan mcmanus. back t. thank you very much. and your vote coverage continues throughout the iowa caulks, he will -- caucuses. he will continue to bring you live reports on monday. after the iowa caucuses, i'll be travelling to new hampshire to can bring you the latest from the primaries. stay with news channel 8 for the white house. coming up after the break, hillary clinton's e-mail scandal is back to haunt her. the new accusations she is facing that many fear will cost her the white house. campaign trail. terrorism, coming up, the punishment florida lawmakers are debating when it comes to . florida lawmakers are trying to crackdown on people making threats on social media. our capitol bureau reporter matt galka urged caution. >> social media posts threatening gun violence on florida's capitol led to panic, low attendance and extra security from law enforcement. the terror threats appeared to be a hoax, now legislators say florida laws on terroristic >> you call in a bomb threat today to a school, that is a felony. if you threaten to go shoot the school up or go shoot people up. that is a misdemeanor. >> as we see across the nation, these credible threats of violence must be taken seriously. >> anyone caught making a verbal threat or writing one on social media could be hit with a felony. >> the pasco county sheriff's office cited a similar recent prank threat as a reason why there have to be uniform penalties for bomb threats and shootings. >> putting online it could be a misdemeanor if it affected school fuks however it didn't affect school function but it sure affected law enforcement function. >> saying a juvenile made terroristic threats could ruin the rest of their lives. >> we have to be careful when we're escalating crimes for juveniles, crimes for other folks that may do something dumb but aren't a threat to society and i'm not sure i want to label a high school student as a 15 years behind bars and pay 10 thousand dollars under the bill but a judge could use discretion and shave off prison time or put a juvenile into a diversion program. in tallahassee, matt galka. news chan. >> coming up after the break, how many of hillary clinton's e-mails were deemed top secret. she is campaigning for first lady, the backing ted cruz is . welcome back. hillary clinton is battling bernie sanders in a close contest in the iowa caucuses and new revelations about the use of a private e-mail account while secretary of state could pose trouble in the final days of the iowa race. chief national correspondent jeff osmond reports from des moines. >> it couldn't come as the worst time. e-mail account when she was secretary of state. 22 of those e-mails could be deemed top secret. it is the highest classifications given to the e informations so far. >> the release is never a great thing no matter if the caulkis is coming along or not. -- caucus is coming along or not. the question is if people will abando. >> the e-mail issue isn't going to go away even if secretary clinton gets the democratic nomination. >> once it goes to the general election, if she is a nominee, this issue will absolutely be a big part of republicans campaigning against her. it is like a bad headache that just doesn't go away. >> there is a debate about the 22 e-mails upgraded to top secret classification or whether they should have been deemed at the time they were sent. the contents were not released. a spokesperson demanded the called it over classification run amuck. some may have impressions of secretary clinton that have nothing to do with the e-mail situation. >> i don't like bill clinton so i don't like hillariry. i know that sounds bad but i feel he was in the office for awhile and i don't want another bill clinton in the office. i wouldn't vote for her. >> would the e-mails with hillary, do they bother you at all? >> not really. i'm mostly deciding because of immigration. that is what is really getting me. immigration, education. >> bernie sanders had down played the clinton e-mail scandal but that was prior to his big jump in the polls. we'll see how all of that plays out in the final days of the the iowa caucuses. ted cruz is running just behind donald trump in the iowa caucuses, the texas senator bringing in the closest allies. iowa talking to cruz's wife and other big name backers. >> i've heard a lot of people say this is the most lively exciting caucus they've seen in a long time. >> not to mention unpredictable. heidi cruz spent saturday stumping for her husband and with tight margins, he needs all of the help he can get. >> the iowians want to know that you not only say you support the values but you've done it and ted is the only one of all of the candidates that has a proven frack record of winning on the -- track record of winning on the values long before running for office. >> he is running second to donald trump in most iowa polls. steve king brought a simple message to the big crowds. >> if you want a constitutional conservative, come to caucus for ted cruz and this trump phenomenon is way to erratic to be running the greatest nation the world has ever seen. >> believers a bound in this group. the more they hear from ted cruz, the more they say they >> much more animated and much more electric. >> he is a good debater and speaker. he is a man of integrity and that is what i look for in a leader. >> cruz's family chatted up voters in the lobby and you can see heidi cruz has a common while campaigning hard. amazing first lady. >> are you the secret weapon? gl our team is the candidate and our team. i can take no credited kre. >> ted cruz lost critical support over the last few weeks, including evangelicals. they registered the final vote. it shows ted cruz trails trump by five points. 23 to 28. donald trump also has his family in town. they're hoping to get last minute votes. it is very close and very personal at this late stage in the game. in des moines, i'm national correspondent chance sefrpz. our team coverage from iowa up the man who won the iowa caucus in 2012. he asked rick santorum what he thinks about this race. >> you may not recognize the man with the gun, but in 2012, he won the iowa caucus. >> you have a handgun and a long gun or just a handgun. what are we doing? >> former pennsylvania senator rick santorum beat mitt romney by 34 votes. the latest poll shows his support in the caucus at zero. >> he does not blame his opponents. instead. he took aim at the media and specifically fox news. >> i don't want to talk real issues. you have the main terrorist organization in the world targeting a presidential candidate, calling them an enemy. and bill o'reilly says that is not news but if megyn kelly is called a bimbo, that is news. that tells you the state of the news coverage we're getting in >> last spring, terrorist group has him on a media list. that is how they're picking candidates and focussing on donald trump. >> honestly, we looked for a reason to put the senator on. but we couldn't find any. >> don't pretend that you're being fair. don't pretend that you're doing any kind of real public service. you're an entertainment network that wants to get ratings. great. but don't pretend you're doing a good job at getting the opportunity to vet candidates. >> that doesn't translate to trump himself as candidate. >> donald trump is doing good. i give, i tip my hat to donald trump. he mastered this. how can i criticize donald trump for playing the game that the media put out there for him to play? >> from iowa, congressional >> we have much more coming up after the break. hello, arctic blasts, sub zero chills. >> why this mike huckabee ad had . mike huckabee tried saying may have been on the other side of the law. the republican presidential candidate used adele's song hello in a parody video but then copyright issues. hours later it was unmuted. a bill that would allow florida gun owners to openly forward. the bill's next step is the full house where it is expected to pass but the florida senate may be a road block if the bill is passed, concealed gun permit holders would not longer be required to hide the handguns. georgia high school is under fire for the raffle give away. the wrestleing team's booster club is raffling off a pistol. the winner must be 21 years old and pass a federal and state some community members don't think it is an appropriate prize for a high school fundraiser but the school district insists they have nothing to do with this fundraiser. well, time now is 9:56. what can we expect for the rest of the weekend? >> it is warming up. if you've been outside earlier this morning, it feels warmer around 73. through. those clouds will be around here through the course of the day. and temperatures will quickly be going higher. in fact, over the next couple of days, near 80 degrees here, right before the fun comes through. the front will be the next opportunity for rain, especially for thursday night into friday morning, and then we get back to the cold stuff here by the end enjoy the warmth. >> don't put up your rain boots. noon. caption colorado, llc meet martha, a beluga of a thousand faces. like her happy-to-see-you face. her dancing face. and her coaster face. how do you say no to a face like that? you don't have to. with an annual pass from shows and events, and that face all year long for just $14 a month. and the sooner you buy one, the sooner the fun starts. 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Related Keywords

Nevada , United States , Tampa Bay , Florida , Tampa , New Hampshire , Texas , Turkey , Pinellas County , Virginia , Georgia , Busch Gardens , Pasco County , Oregon , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Des Moines , Iowa , West Virginia , Mexico , Hillsborough , South Carolina , Gasparilla , Colorado , Pennsylvania , America , Marco Rubio , Jeff Osmond , Angela Gable , Larry Schmitt , Dylan Larkin , Jeb Bush , Megyn Kelly , Steve King , Shea Weber , Carly Fiorina , Kelly Taylor , Mike Huckabee , Rick Santorum , Susan Mcmanus , John Connor , Antonio Tarver , Candace Mccowan , Danny Nicholas , Aretha Franklin , Kenneth Cabral , Heidi Cruz , Mary Mcguire , Nissan Altima , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Ammon Bundy , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WFLA News Ch8 Sunday Morning At 9AM 20160131 :

Transcripts For WFLA News Ch8 Sunday Morning At 9AM 20160131

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let's go inland a little bit. you're in the 50s in the north. we're burning off those temperatures, we're warming you up to 73 this afternoon. no rain in the forecast here today, but as we head into the evening, temperatures will get cool once more, in fact, once the sunsets, we'll probably get back into the mid-60's. let me tell you about rain in the forecast here coming up. stay tuned. details still to come. >> thank you very much. and you can track the weather at any time using the storm team 8 weather max app. from the app store. right now, clean up is just getting started after one of tampa bay's biggest parties. the pirates of gasparilla left behind quite a mess on bay shore boulevard. mary mcguire joins us now live here with a volunteer who is giving up her sunday morning to make tampa pretty again. good morning, mary. >> good morning to you candace. we're here on bay shore boulevard which is really the epicenter of all of the gasparilla parties and we know of things but not necessarily known for being clean. i'm here with catherine of the florida aquarium. you partnered with the city of tampa and keep tampa bay effort happen. more than 100 volunteers will be out here today. tell me why this is important. >> it is important because gasparilla is a wonderful time for tampa but it leaves a mess behind. city of tampa does a great job picking up. we're here to make sure all of the stuff left over doesn't end up in the bay and injuring some of the sea life in there. >> we're so close to the water here and this is an asset to the tampa bay area. you've been doing this for a few years, tell me, what is the oddest thing you've picked up along the way. >> a lot of interesting things. i think for me personally, seeing half eaten turkey legs is something you don't get use to seechlth feathered boaf -- used to seeing. feathered boas. picking it up, recycling it nd. >> it is not bio degradable. we have to get out there and more than 100 volunteers will be out here today. last year they picke 16,000 pounds recyclables from this area. so certainly a great effort by these folks and we'll have more coming up at news channel 8 at six tonight. back to you. >> important work they're doing. mary mcguire live in tampa this morning. thank you. gasparilla ended without any major hitches. they confirmed they made 23 arrests including two felonies. there was openly one open container citation issued and one person was arrested for get this, punching a police horse. final count will be released tomorrow. if you want to relive gasparilla all over again, the party continues online. our web staff has been hard at work gathering photos from the event. you'll fine it all on the home page and on our breaking news app. right now, a police officer is recovering after crashing his cruiser while chasing carjackers. the officer lost control and east lake avenue and central avenue. the carjackers ditched the stolen car and took off. right now. three robberies. a tragic story out of take a look. this 22-month old boy was shot to death in a drive by. he was the only person hit by bullets in the shooting. police hope someone comes forward with information so they can catch whoever did this. bullies can make lives miserable but one bay area school is marching to the beat of a different drum. students, parents and lieutenant spent saturday playing the drums event. the school resource officer came up with the idea to send a powerful message about standing up for yourself. >> you don't get tired you're doing something you have passion for. you don't want to sit back and let people bully you. you don't get tired. >> they beat the drums for in the morning until 7:00 at night. new this morning, ammon bundy's attorney released a video of ammon bundy's voice on speaker phone to his wife which contained a statement to the four hold outs at oregon refuge. >> all right. to those at refuge, please stand down. this was never meant to be an armed stand off. we only came to expose abuse and educate people about their rights protected by the constitution of the united states. please do not make this something it was never meant to be. go home to your families. >> bundy and seven other people who supported him were arrested last week during the arrest, one of bundy's supporters was shot and killed by police. we're learning new details this morning about how two inmates were caught after escaping from jail. observants ended up -- an observant citizen ended up leading police to them. a third escaped inmate turned hill self in on friday. coming up after the break, i'm going to knock you out. that is the action you'll see. >> i'm going to knock all of them. that's the type of action you're going to see. it is a beveng racadabra. those are the words of antonio tarver. no disappearing act can get him out of the trouble he found himself in. what he is being forced to hand . magic man miss behaving. >> tarver con could use some of that magic right now. he owes more than $750,000 in a tampa child support case that has been drag on for years. mark douglas has been keeping score on the epic court fight and he is losing the latest round. >> i'm going to knock out all of them. that is the type of action you'll see. >> how will i get to work, how will i get to training. how will i provide for myself with no transportation. >> taking away his mercedes benz >> you have to remain calm. >> how can i remain calm. me. everything. >> his ewe wife has been trying to collect child support since 2008. he owes $750,000. >> ever since my suspension and loss of job in 2010, i've made no money. >> not exactly, champ. he earned $6,000 every time he performs as a boxing analyst on spike tv and he is still lining up fights at a. >> the magic man tarver! >> last august, tarver climbed in the ring and made a quarter million dollars. >> it is abracadabra baby. >> he could have used some of the magic in the hillsborough courtroom where he traded jabs with his ex-girlfriend's lair. >> i don't know when it was signed. i don't know when i signed the contract. >> despite his protest, the magistrate found tarver in contempt for shirking his child support. she ordered him to hand over the keys to the mercedes he parks outside of his home. >> i won't be able to go to spike tv. i won't be able to train. you just killed my chances of earning a living. i can't catch the bus. >> minutes later, the bout was >> the show can't make no money congratulations. . >> that was mark douglas reporting along with giving up his mercedes, tarver has to hand overall of his title belts and olympics. coming up a after the break, another star steps up for flint. suffering from the michigan . rapper and actor snoop dog is one of many celebrities who visited flint michigan in an effort to see how they can get involved with the flint emergency. kelly taylor has more on the story. >> flint's lives matter to rap legend snoop dog. >> i chose to be here today. and it is about choices. flint saturday to meet mayor karen weaver to find out how he could get involved. snoop is one of many celebrities to visit, to learn more about the city's plans with water supply. smolette spoke with residents about their struggle. >> to see the people and be with the people, to heart stories first hand, it further enraged me and further appalled me but at the same time it also further inspired me. >> while the mayor continues to push for more action from the government, she says she appreciates the help from celebrities. >> for such a long time we felt like we were alone in this. but people are stepping up and they're praying for us and thinking about us and sending things here and coming to help. >> john connor, the flint native who signed to dr. dre's record label is overwhelmed by the out pouring support by the peers. >> that is amazing. i think everybody should have before they were entertainers, they were humans growing up in an environment. >> now that snoop and smolett grathed information. they plan to be the -- gathered information, they plan to be part of the solution. >> we would like the governor to step up and do what is necessary to make sure that flint is taken care of. >> here locally this last week, freight center partnered with united way to send 350 gallons of water to flint. 100 cases of clean bottled water were delivered to the food bank of eastern michigan. very nice. we've been drying out here this weekend after a wet week and after one of the top 10 wettest months of january ever on record here in tampa you see the cloud cover over us here this morning. those are not the rain producing clouds but it will hold temperatures down a little bit. but it will be warmer than yesterday. i took along the beach where we had the beach fires, the fire pits along the guy harvey which helped to warm you up. we'll have the clouds around today. it won't be one of those perfect golden hour sunsets because these clouds will continue to stream in off of the gulf of mexico filtering the sunshine and behind me, this front will reach us by the middle part of the week giving us rain. don't worry about it today. today, tomorrow, looking dry. here it comes wednesday you can start to see scattered showers in the bay area and then thursday evening, especially, that is the best time for some of the heavier rains as the front comes through overnight. the front passes on by friday and we drop, again, with temperatures. but the next couple of days warming up. today we'll see 73 here in tampa, upper 60s along the beaches into the mid-70's over the interior, so this is a step towards higher readings on the thermometer. tomorrow morning, not as cold as this morning. 62 for your low, some 50s to the here is your extended forecast. the midweek rain. that is the front that comes through. until then, we'll see the warm up. but then the front comes through early friday. friday temperatures fall through the day. the winds pick us up. that sets us up for a cool weekend next weekend. already looking ahead towards next weekend. don't want to think about going back to work on monday. >> i have to keep the bright things in the future and keep looking at them. coming up, local stars shine in the senior bowl and steven stamkos takes center stage in the nhl skills competition. we'll tell you if he has the hardest shot in the league, that is next in sports. >> here is what you'll see tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.. >> something to think about before you next mani/pedi. i'm gayle guyardo. i'll show you some of the safest products to use. plus weather and traffic on the get a busch gardens fun card now and let the fun begin. pay for a day, dive all year, splash all year, thrill, get your fill, and celebrate all year. climb, launch, roar, and soar all year. pay for a day, play all year. and if you get the busch gardens you'll also get an adventure island fun card for free. p visit busch gardens tampa dottcom for details. hurry up! offer ends february . the nhl all star break is designed to give players a rest from the season but because the world is a cruel and unforgiving place, those who do the best don't get time off. stamkos and bishop, i'm sorry about your luck. they represented last night participating in the skills competition. stammer having trouble. he eventually got it together. check out the big fellow in the goals portion. sticking a couple in the opposite neck before dylan larkin comes by to lend a hand. they're all smiles now but if they meet in the playoffs again, this conversation will be present. stammer comes back for the hardest shot competition. 98.5 is pretty impressive. next attempt, 103.9. that is really, really good. but his top mark only stands for a couple of seconds. the next shooter is shea weber, the first crack was 105.3. then how about this? 108.1 miles an hour. that is fast! weber wins hardest shot for the second straight year. stamkos finished second but not in his mind. >> the guys were saying i actually won because shay will win every year. especially if big z is not here. so, you see his mechanics and it doesn't surprise us anymore how hard he shoots that thing. >> how about hoops? florida hosting 9thed wv. first time these two met sinsz 2003 doesn't mean they like each other. perhaps the pregame shenanigans inspired dory smith. game high 24 points for him. florida up 15 at halftime. early second, chris giaza who puts the mountaineers in the dunk tank. they never trail in an upset victory over west virginia 88 to 71. florida state and clemson locked in a close one until midday in the first half. beasley, nothing accidental about the on p oops. 16 points for him. nothing is better than bacon. dwayne bacon who puts 21 in the box score leading fsu past clemson, 76-of 65. timely, the senior bowl. football's top prospects before the nfl combine. aaron green is throwing shade. the tsu running back, 23 yards untouched for a touchdown. the defense is standing tall. virginia tech's danny nicholas says who is your daddy? right into the arms of baylor south oak man. that is it for sports. i'm paul. we have an 8 on your side consumer alert. nearly a million nissan altima cars are recalled and some will be the third trip back to the shop. the problem is the hood latch that can allow it to fly open. it includes alternative mas from the 2013 to 2015 model years. apple is recalling millions of power adapters because they can cause an electric shock. they were shipped between 2003 and 2015 with macs and other apple devices twlechlt included apple will exchange the plugs for free and refund customers who had to buy new plugs. it might not be the future in the next iphone but before long apple can revolutionize wireless charging. apple is working a wireless charging system that allows the phone to be placed frautd way from the charging station than the current technology allows. some current android phones allow charging if it is directly on a plate. they could be charged wirelessly from much further away. u.s. cities saw wamgs drop between 2009 and -- wages drop between 2009 and 2014 a new study found the average wage fell an 80 out of 100 metropolitan areas. wage declines affected minorities more than whites and the tampa bay area. minorities saw a 4% drop in average wages while white workers got a nearly 5% increase. telling private gun sellers to take their business else. where the social met networks both platforms. making history. it is the first lego man in a wheelchair. the company responded to numerous requests asking for a them. in june. the queen of soul is hoping to become the queen of soul food. aretha franklin is launching her own food line which will include chili, gumbo, baked food and deserts. we have more coming up in the next half hour. we have team coverage in iowa where the candidates for presidents are hoping to win over voters before the big caucus. having lots of devices in your home can really slow your internet down. way down. so keep things moving with 100% fiber optic fios by verizon. with fios, you get the big capacity all your devices thrive on. it's the fastest internet and wi-fi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. now for just $69.99 a month online, get our super-fast 100 meg fios tv and phone for your first year, with no annual contract. that's right - 100 meg speed internet. so switch to better, with our best offer ever. from the internet provider ranked highest in customer satisfaction by j.d. power. so, what are you waiting for? switching to fios is easy and hassle-free. don't miss out on our best offer ever. go online or call now. switch to better. . i'm candace mccowan. thank you for joining us as we break down the top stories making headlines in politics. right now all eyes are on iowa. with just one day left before the caucuses, candidates are putting their campaigns into high gear. news channel 8's keith cate is with the very latest poll numbers out of iowa. >> good morning. we're in the home stretch. you have one more full day to get across the state of iowa and win over the supporters. they've had the rallies, they've done the work. it comes down to tomorrow night. 7:00 p.m., all of the good folks will have go to 861 precincts and convince one another that their guy, their person is the one that needs to be the next president of the united states. what a whirlwind trip it has been. we immediately started covering the gop debate. donald trump didn't want to appear in that but some of the other candidates had a chance to sign. we went to a hillary clinton ralle. we watched her work the crowd and last night we had the chance to watch the man who is now leading in the polls in iowa, donald trump trying to rally support among his troops to get out at caucus on monday. donald trump entered the clinton middle school gym like a prize fighter and the people loved it. after opening with his catch phrase let's make america great. he talked about being a winner and going after isis and again, the people loved it. >> when was the last time we won? did we win on trade or did we knock the hell out of isis which we will, we'll knock their asses. >> trump promised to build up the military, build a wall and build a better america by negotiating better deals and relationships than anyone else in washington. >> he knows how to draw a kraud. we've seen him do so including in the tampa bay area. but we're in clinton iowa. this is a population of 27,000 tops. you look around this gym, 10% of the population is here the big question is can he get all of these people and others in iowa to go to caucus for him on monday night. >> trump knows this more than anyone else. world means little if people don't caucus. >> get out of bed and caucus larry schmitt won't let trump down. >> what is so appealing. >> his attitude. he'll make it right. >> angela gable got him to sign her christmas card. she is almost certain she will vote for trump. >> do you believe he will do all of the things he says he will do. >> angela's husband jessie disagrees. it scares them to deal with leaders. >> it is marco rubio and donald trump in that order. >> you'll cancel out each other's vote. >> are you willing to caucus for your favorite. we'll be there. >> heather carleson is committed to caucusing on monday. she got trump to sign her hats and her baby. approval. >> but that does not necessarily mean she will vote for trump. >> who is the close second if donald trump, who. >> which goes to show high poll numbers and gym filled rallies mean nothing in the first of the nation caucus state. the only thing that really matters is what happens monday night. >> again, that was in clinton, iowa last night. we're back in des moines joined by usf political scientist and our news channel 8 political analyst dr. susan mcmanus. donald trump is leading. i think he has 28%, 25 for ted cruz, 15% for marco rubio but really it doesn't matter at this point. it is anyone's game. hillary clinton neck and neck with bernie sanders. i mean, this is a race that everyone is watching. what is happening here in iowa? >> oh, everybody is biting their finger nails. it is one of those kind of races. it is exciting. but the nervous ones are obviously the candidates. because all of this hype and crowds showing up for him. they're just really worried that come monday they won't show. maybe the weather is bad. maybe the kids sick at home and even in some of the places that we went where people were coming to see a candidate, when we talk to them, they still say, well, you know, i'm not really, really sure who i like best. >> it has to drive a candidate crazy. you spend all of this money. we haven't talked about jeb bush. i don't want to say he is invisible in iowa but he is not talked about much. it is disappointing if you're a fan. he spent millions of dollars and it is coming down to, you know, what, 4, 5% for jeb bush. what happens to jeb bush after? >> has to go to new hampshire. it is a totally. different kind of state. different people live. there he is doing okay in the polls up there at the moment. but of course, it can affect what happens in new hampshire. and that is the way the rest of this race is going to go. what happens in one state affects the next one. what happens in that state affects the next one. after new hampshire it will be south carolina. after south carolina, nevada. that is what makes the do well in one state it will affect what they do. >> you can't raise money going forward either. it breaks down, iowa is considered the state that is the process. no distros any of the candidates but you start to look at huckabee. you look at carly fiorina. and among the governors, we mentioned jeb bush. i guess their race is between the governors. who is the best of the worst of the governors that can move on. >> especially kasich and christie. they've had their moments. they've gotten a lot of press but haven't really climbed in the polls much. all of these big governors of big states, important states, just haven't caught fire. and a lot itself has to do with the fact that people are just ready for something different it looks like. >> it will interesting to watch, again, we have all day on sunday to get through and then you kind of have up until the witching hour of 7:00 p.m. on monday night when it all comes together. it is over so quickly. and the state takes care of all of this. of theirs. democrats take care of theirs. it starts at 7:00. they do their debates with each other and then they do their voting and hopefully in a couple of hours, we have a winner on the same night. >> and then it is not necessarily who will win the presidential nomination when all whoever wins on monday night only gets the percentage of the delegates that they have won in the votes so if you've got 30% of the vote, you get three delegates. let's say you got 10 delegates. it is a proportional distribution of delegates. >> you're hurting my head. this is sunday morning and you start doing all of. that i know it is complicated and it is going to be close. >> and maybe surprises. >> it is not winner take all. you divvy up the delegates by how much you get. >> that makes more sense. sunday morning, candace, we'll send it back to you. we have a lot more coming up later today. we'll keep you poetszed on what is happening on the campaign trail and we'll closely monitor what happens on monday. but reporting from des moines, iowa, keith cate along with dr. susan mcmanus. back t. thank you very much. and your vote coverage continues throughout the iowa caulks, he will -- caucuses. he will continue to bring you live reports on monday. after the iowa caucuses, i'll be travelling to new hampshire to can bring you the latest from the primaries. stay with news channel 8 for the white house. coming up after the break, hillary clinton's e-mail scandal is back to haunt her. the new accusations she is facing that many fear will cost her the white house. campaign trail. terrorism, coming up, the punishment florida lawmakers are debating when it comes to . florida lawmakers are trying to crackdown on people making threats on social media. our capitol bureau reporter matt galka urged caution. >> social media posts threatening gun violence on florida's capitol led to panic, low attendance and extra security from law enforcement. the terror threats appeared to be a hoax, now legislators say florida laws on terroristic >> you call in a bomb threat today to a school, that is a felony. if you threaten to go shoot the school up or go shoot people up. that is a misdemeanor. >> as we see across the nation, these credible threats of violence must be taken seriously. >> anyone caught making a verbal threat or writing one on social media could be hit with a felony. >> the pasco county sheriff's office cited a similar recent prank threat as a reason why there have to be uniform penalties for bomb threats and shootings. >> putting online it could be a misdemeanor if it affected school fuks however it didn't affect school function but it sure affected law enforcement function. >> saying a juvenile made terroristic threats could ruin the rest of their lives. >> we have to be careful when we're escalating crimes for juveniles, crimes for other folks that may do something dumb but aren't a threat to society and i'm not sure i want to label a high school student as a 15 years behind bars and pay 10 thousand dollars under the bill but a judge could use discretion and shave off prison time or put a juvenile into a diversion program. in tallahassee, matt galka. news chan. >> coming up after the break, how many of hillary clinton's e-mails were deemed top secret. she is campaigning for first lady, the backing ted cruz is . welcome back. hillary clinton is battling bernie sanders in a close contest in the iowa caucuses and new revelations about the use of a private e-mail account while secretary of state could pose trouble in the final days of the iowa race. chief national correspondent jeff osmond reports from des moines. >> it couldn't come as the worst time. e-mail account when she was secretary of state. 22 of those e-mails could be deemed top secret. it is the highest classifications given to the e informations so far. >> the release is never a great thing no matter if the caulkis is coming along or not. -- caucus is coming along or not. the question is if people will abando. >> the e-mail issue isn't going to go away even if secretary clinton gets the democratic nomination. >> once it goes to the general election, if she is a nominee, this issue will absolutely be a big part of republicans campaigning against her. it is like a bad headache that just doesn't go away. >> there is a debate about the 22 e-mails upgraded to top secret classification or whether they should have been deemed at the time they were sent. the contents were not released. a spokesperson demanded the called it over classification run amuck. some may have impressions of secretary clinton that have nothing to do with the e-mail situation. >> i don't like bill clinton so i don't like hillariry. i know that sounds bad but i feel he was in the office for awhile and i don't want another bill clinton in the office. i wouldn't vote for her. >> would the e-mails with hillary, do they bother you at all? >> not really. i'm mostly deciding because of immigration. that is what is really getting me. immigration, education. >> bernie sanders had down played the clinton e-mail scandal but that was prior to his big jump in the polls. we'll see how all of that plays out in the final days of the the iowa caucuses. ted cruz is running just behind donald trump in the iowa caucuses, the texas senator bringing in the closest allies. iowa talking to cruz's wife and other big name backers. >> i've heard a lot of people say this is the most lively exciting caucus they've seen in a long time. >> not to mention unpredictable. heidi cruz spent saturday stumping for her husband and with tight margins, he needs all of the help he can get. >> the iowians want to know that you not only say you support the values but you've done it and ted is the only one of all of the candidates that has a proven frack record of winning on the -- track record of winning on the values long before running for office. >> he is running second to donald trump in most iowa polls. steve king brought a simple message to the big crowds. >> if you want a constitutional conservative, come to caucus for ted cruz and this trump phenomenon is way to erratic to be running the greatest nation the world has ever seen. >> believers a bound in this group. the more they hear from ted cruz, the more they say they >> much more animated and much more electric. >> he is a good debater and speaker. he is a man of integrity and that is what i look for in a leader. >> cruz's family chatted up voters in the lobby and you can see heidi cruz has a common while campaigning hard. amazing first lady. >> are you the secret weapon? gl our team is the candidate and our team. i can take no credited kre. >> ted cruz lost critical support over the last few weeks, including evangelicals. they registered the final vote. it shows ted cruz trails trump by five points. 23 to 28. donald trump also has his family in town. they're hoping to get last minute votes. it is very close and very personal at this late stage in the game. in des moines, i'm national correspondent chance sefrpz. our team coverage from iowa up the man who won the iowa caucus in 2012. he asked rick santorum what he thinks about this race. >> you may not recognize the man with the gun, but in 2012, he won the iowa caucus. >> you have a handgun and a long gun or just a handgun. what are we doing? >> former pennsylvania senator rick santorum beat mitt romney by 34 votes. the latest poll shows his support in the caucus at zero. >> he does not blame his opponents. instead. he took aim at the media and specifically fox news. >> i don't want to talk real issues. you have the main terrorist organization in the world targeting a presidential candidate, calling them an enemy. and bill o'reilly says that is not news but if megyn kelly is called a bimbo, that is news. that tells you the state of the news coverage we're getting in >> last spring, terrorist group has him on a media list. that is how they're picking candidates and focussing on donald trump. >> honestly, we looked for a reason to put the senator on. but we couldn't find any. >> don't pretend that you're being fair. don't pretend that you're doing any kind of real public service. you're an entertainment network that wants to get ratings. great. but don't pretend you're doing a good job at getting the opportunity to vet candidates. >> that doesn't translate to trump himself as candidate. >> donald trump is doing good. i give, i tip my hat to donald trump. he mastered this. how can i criticize donald trump for playing the game that the media put out there for him to play? >> from iowa, congressional >> we have much more coming up after the break. hello, arctic blasts, sub zero chills. >> why this mike huckabee ad had . mike huckabee tried saying may have been on the other side of the law. the republican presidential candidate used adele's song hello in a parody video but then copyright issues. hours later it was unmuted. a bill that would allow florida gun owners to openly forward. the bill's next step is the full house where it is expected to pass but the florida senate may be a road block if the bill is passed, concealed gun permit holders would not longer be required to hide the handguns. georgia high school is under fire for the raffle give away. the wrestleing team's booster club is raffling off a pistol. the winner must be 21 years old and pass a federal and state some community members don't think it is an appropriate prize for a high school fundraiser but the school district insists they have nothing to do with this fundraiser. well, time now is 9:56. what can we expect for the rest of the weekend? >> it is warming up. if you've been outside earlier this morning, it feels warmer around 73. through. those clouds will be around here through the course of the day. and temperatures will quickly be going higher. in fact, over the next couple of days, near 80 degrees here, right before the fun comes through. the front will be the next opportunity for rain, especially for thursday night into friday morning, and then we get back to the cold stuff here by the end enjoy the warmth. >> don't put up your rain boots. noon. caption colorado, llc meet martha, a beluga of a thousand faces. like her happy-to-see-you face. her dancing face. and her coaster face. how do you say no to a face like that? you don't have to. with an annual pass from shows and events, and that face all year long for just $14 a month. and the sooner you buy one, the sooner the fun starts. 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Nevada , United States , Tampa Bay , Florida , Tampa , New Hampshire , Texas , Turkey , Pinellas County , Virginia , Georgia , Busch Gardens , Pasco County , Oregon , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Des Moines , Iowa , West Virginia , Mexico , Hillsborough , South Carolina , Gasparilla , Colorado , Pennsylvania , America , Marco Rubio , Jeff Osmond , Angela Gable , Larry Schmitt , Dylan Larkin , Jeb Bush , Megyn Kelly , Steve King , Shea Weber , Carly Fiorina , Kelly Taylor , Mike Huckabee , Rick Santorum , Susan Mcmanus , John Connor , Antonio Tarver , Candace Mccowan , Danny Nicholas , Aretha Franklin , Kenneth Cabral , Heidi Cruz , Mary Mcguire , Nissan Altima , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Ammon Bundy , Bernie Sanders ,

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