Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 11pm 20161004 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 11pm 20161004

nothing. they turned to us. joe, you took this case straight to odot headquarters. >>reporter: that's right. we went looking for answers. many lights are dork or totally out with thousands traveling through here at a high rate of speed. >> what do we have to do, have somebody killed? . >>reporter: david is talking about the dozen sz of lights under bridges left dark and burned out for several months. nearly a dozen bridges are affected creating a dark driving hasrd. >> the difference in the shadows, you can't see something small moving. if somebody is broke down standing close to the road you won't see them. >>reporter: i took this case to the ohio department of transportation district 12 of the year to replace the equipment. >> well, the contractor has to order the supplies and get everything they need to be able to do it. it's a complete upgrade project. they're upgrading the lights and redoing the wiring. >>reporter: but waiting four months for repairs is a huge risk. >> something's got that's not good enough. . >> odot will start the program at these bridges within the next several weeks. the residents hope they will at least replace the bulbs before the project gets started. reporting live. back to you. trying to figure out how to handle a large deer population. they voted to allow deer stands on certain parcels of land. tonight council took manager action to reinstate the deer hunt. they look so peaceful. plans to reduce their numbers are stirring up a fight. voters in six cities passed a measure last march to stands for bow husbanding on common ground of two and a quarter acres or more. in seven hills, it was overturned. >> we're asking for a more humane alternative. >>reporter: seven hills city council overturned it with an manager ordinance. they green light it had bow running with air rows. we have -- arrows. we have one we found in a stream. they could run for miles and eventually they bleed out. >>reporter: but there's little question there are too many deer. then there's the damage to property. >> i think something needs to be done. there's no natural predators. you can count them at the apple tree. you can there's patches missing. they're not healthy. >>reporter: they're worried about their kids possibly seeing a deer killed or worse. cathy said there were told this in north royal ton. >> we would suggest to keep your kids and family members out of the common ground area. >>reporter: people still trying to find common ground, one that protects residents and seems i think maybe if there were just a little bit lisz i could appreciate them more. >>reporter: and the city is allowing the tree stands and you can apply for one at city hall. right now, police are looking for leads as they investigate a suspected serial siller. he's been locked up since last month and talking to police. they say he confessed to county. he can't remember the woman's name but he tells police she looks something like this. they released this sketch today hoping someone may recognize her. we want to give you a closer look at the woman who may be linked to him. prosecutors rg investigating more. ashland and richland counties. weapon worries that our airports across the country. check out these pictures. they show some of the weapons seized at our airports. agents took 77 guns, 72 of them loaded in the last week alone. they found gre natd sz, going to show you grenades, air soft guns, and brass we're also investigating. we started asking questions about this. a cleveland homeowner said his home is soaked and he's being blamed for the glal lons of water leaking into his basement. he says a county construction crew caused the damage. >> it's not fair for my family or anybody to go through this. >>reporter: she's been digging into this story. damage is already done. >>reporter: likely, thousands of dollars worth of damage to this family's basement. they can't afford to pay it and they say no one the is taking the blame. his basement has been dry for 20 keers until yesterday when he says the county inspector paid him a visit basement and found this. inches of water, two brand new water heaters bust td bsh busted. they -- busted. they say it's because of the construction project outside. >> they started playing the blame game. >>reporter: cleveland water told us that the area that needs to be repaired is buried and >> the city has to take care of the citizens. >>reporter: in the meantime, he's without water and will have to leave his home. >> he has to eat and bathe. there's no water. there's nothing to do. you can't even clean because there's no water. . >>reporter: no woshd tonight from the construction crew or cleveland water asht the repairs and right now, there's breaking news about hurricane matthew. >> it has strengthened. now a category 4. right now matthew is churning in the caribbean as a category 4 storm. the international space station able to capture this impressive view. you can see the well defined eye the storm is slamming into each of the caribbean islands. up to 40 inches of rain fall expected flooding homes and streets. just look at the devastation already. here's why there's so much concern in haiti. many peechl live like this in shacks. they could barely survive a regular storm as powerfulful as mathd ewe. currently the eye has filled in temporarily. massive and hundreds of miles wide. it goes over haiti and then cuba. it's going to have move with heavy, heavy rin faul. here's the track, though. it takes it closer to the eastern united states and closer later on this week into the weather weekend. you joined me earlier this evening for the complete details. watch that video on facebook. it is there up and running. back to the desk. presidential polls now shedding light on the postdebate feelings of voters in key states including ohio. >> hillary clinton has the lead in florida, north carolina, and pennsylvania. tt is a hit in o a poll released just hourings ago. he's up 49% to clinton's 46%. most likely voters here in the state say clinton won the debate last week. clinton showed again how important ohio is to her campaign. she stopped in akron and was endorsed by lebron james. defending himself after the new york times released details about his tax will you state your names showing he lost $900 million back in the '90s. he says he used taksz laws to pay as little tax as possible legally during tough times. and new numbers about just how many people plan to vote. the state has applications for absentee ballots. ballots will be mailed october 12th. that's the day early voting starts here in ohio. coming up, secrets behind the smile. she opens up about her painful pasz and surviving domestic abuse. and are you ready for a cool down? you'll have to wait longer. plus alcohol and amazon. sounds like a delivery dream, right? and it could be happening sooner this month is domestic violence awareness month. >> the odds are good you know a victim without realizing it. they go on living their lives and not letting you in on their secrets. tonight cruz who is an in park announcer is opening up to us about surviving domestic abuse. >> he's shaking me and wrapping his arms around my neck on and off just shaking m in gab cruz's life. she was enrolled in college and dating her high school sweetheart. >> even at that point i didn't want to leave the relationship. i loved him despite this side of him. >>reporter: she says she endured physical abuse including being shoved and getting her hair pulled. >> everybody knew i loved him and i worked so hard to make i think i was really devastated in the end that nothing i did and i tried a lot to be perfect. i was really trying to achieve something unaclooefable, to be perfect for him. and knowing that wasn't enough devastated me. . >>reporter: she got help. she made a choice not to walk but to run, an unhealthy relationship. >> i joke and tell people i do running because i can't afford therapy. this was definitely a place where running helped me through. i didn't win a single race when i was with him. not a single race. and then i finished my career with seven school records, nine nationals. >>reporter: winning alone didn't clear the skies. talking about it did. she started a nonprofit organization called love doesn't show to discuss domestic violence with youth. >> love doesn't shove is really goal oriented around young people. what's acceptable, what's unacceptable. >>reporter: the sun is starting to shine in her life. >> going from my confidence lefs a few years ago to right now is like wow. >>reporter: she's now faster than ever making strides toward a better, brighter future. i can't change the way he is, anything about him. but i can change the conversation around dating healthy relationships. that's closure enough for me. >>reporter: to find out why she decided to share now and where you can get help if you're in a violent relationship, head to the news 5 app. and here are some scary new statistics about victims. new research shows they are suffering from injuries just like those that sideline football players. the journal of family and community as 65% of survivors have brain injuries like concussions. it's not just hits to the head that cause the injuries either. women who have been choked can suffer from the same problems. new video of a parade float that shows donald trump executing hillary clinton. hillary clinton in an electric chair and a man dressed like donald trump ready to flip the switch. the float creator speaking out for the first time tonight. >> it's all in fun. laughter is the best medicine in life and this country needs more laughter. the people offended by it, i'm sorry. don't come to the parade the next time. >> this isn't the first time someone tried to using donald trump as a statue. someone made naked trump statues. if you're out and about early, it was a little foggy. are we in for more of that? >> already showing up. you can see the haze over downtown. the lights zouded in a little we got the classic pattern indicating moisture in the air. here's the satellite. just clouds thinning out. that is it. mainly clear sky for now. let's talk about the fog and where the fog has developed already. look at this. already down to less than a quarter of a mile visit bltd and that stretches all the way back to the islands. a mile and now it popped down to ie half mile visibility. so fog is forming out there in spots. you'll see that carrying over to tomorrow morning's rush. in spots, you'll have to slow down and use lou beams and leave early. -- low. 62 in akron. cleveland, 61. the temperatures are cooling this is the dew point reading. the air becomes saturated. so fog, fog, fog, fog. see these lower 50s? that's where you're likely seeing the fog now. 61 in cleveland currently. a light easterly wind at three miles per hour. first snow of the season in the mountains. nt that. snowfall on the radar. wooir warming up, though. we're the high pressure zone here. we have the fair weather. a lot of moisture down in florida. we showed you the hurricane earlier. it will come closer to the florida coast. stay turned for that wednesday, thursday, and friday. 61 cleveland, 66 nashville. this warm air is sliding our like pattern. the warm flow of air coming around it all the way through friday. somg of you will touch 80 degrees thursday and friday -- some. fog likely and cool. tomorrow a little morning fog. 61 to -- 71-75, mainly sunny skies. thursday, storms on saturday. >> storms. we'll clear it up, though. in the mood for beer? that's how we start that out. if you live in cincinnati or columbus, you will soon be able to have it dlifed to your door within an hour. amazon filed the paperwork for the service. you got to wonder if cleveland we isn't am shon an e-mail and haven't heard back yet. >> they're too busy drinking beer. coming up, what kind of minutes will lebron james see in the preseason. we'll discuss everything it is the most important news of the day. the indians and red sox play at physician way on sunday. the chips fell into place to have the second best record in the american league. >> you get to the last weekend and sometimes you see teams taper off. i was really proud of our guys. they keep playing. nobody asked for a day off. all the pitchers wanted to pitch and i think t moving forward. >> meantime, the browns host new england on sunday. they've been playing hard. if moral victories counted, they might 3-1 or 2-2. but 0-4 is the harsh reality. it's amazing to me how blowns fans are numb to the record because they believe in the browns' plan. want to see and what the team wants to see on the other side of the ledger. we've been there for the last three weeks. i thought over the last three weeks our guys have been in position to have a chance to win the game. >> the hue jackson show airs thursdays at 7:00 and reairs saturdays a morning. when lebron james wasn't talking politics today, he was talking preseason. they host orlando on wednesday. as we all learned last year, the only thing that matters is what happens in june. don't be shocked if james doesn't see a ton of playing time during the preseason. >> i don't know. i'm okay either or. it doesn't mean anything. and that's the point. it doesn't mean anything. a dense fog advisory for much of the viewing area. visibilities below a quarter of a mile especially in the low and lakes. drive with care. and we thank you for watching us. >> have a great evening. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- dolly parton. and from "miss peregrine's home for peculiar children," ella purnell. if now, look out -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> jimmy: hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. hey, we got -- i don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm but

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United States , Haiti , New York , Richland , Ohio , North Carolina , Akron , Cleveland , Florida , Hollywood , California , Pennsylvania , Cuba , Orlando , Cincinnati , Ashland , American , Lebron James , Jimmy Kimmel , Ella Purnell , Dolly Parton , Hillary Clinton ,

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