Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160917 : compa

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160917

doug is off today. it's a mild day ahead for us. mike is tracking showers for the end of the weekend. what have you got? mike: typically rain on the weekend, bummer, but we need the rain. we'll see rain as we talk about tomorrow, mostly late in the today. this morning, walk out, temperatures are cool but not as cold as yesterday. yesterday we had temperatures in the 30's. a little thin overcast out there, but not enough to really block out any of the moon that's out there right now. full harvest moon just about ready to set. what's happening? we h that has rain with it. that's what's moving in tomorrow. in addition to that, there's also this down to the south. tropical storm julia. now, this won't come up over us. it will keep tropical moisture around. that gives this cold front more to work with. that's why the positive note about the chance for seeing rain today. speaking of today, sunshine looks like across the day. temperature boston warming up to about 74, 75 degrees. but some areas are a little warmer than that as inland temperatures should get some much more on the timing of the rain coming up in a few moments. todd and antoinette? antoinette: breaking news overnight -- boston police investigating a multiple shooting in dorchester. this happened just before 3:00 this morning. it's unclear how many people were injured in the incident. new controversy in the race for president. trump making what some say veiled threats. todd: calling for secret service agents to be stripped of guns. our coverage begins with the eye's john atwater. >> take their guns away. let's see what happens to her reporter: donald trump called for hillary clinton's secret service agents to be stripped of their weapons. his comments come hours after an abrupt reversal on another >> president barack obama was born in the united states, period. reporter: that birther movement helped him launch his political career. and an analyst says the about-face is a strategic move. >> he said it not because he believes it but he'll lose it if white college educated women they ice a racest, and they do reporter: addressing the ling >> i think it puts to rest the talk and the clamor about it. and he can get back to trying to talk about real issues reporter: clinton says trump mass distorted the truth on the issue for years and did not go far enough. >> barack obama was born in america, plain and simple. and donald trump owes him and the american people an apology. reporter: no apology from donald trump. he's blaming hillary clinton for john atwater, newscenter 5. todd: both hillary clinton and the president are talking about the turnaround. >> i'm confident where i was born. most people are as well. my hope would be that the presidential election reflects more serious issues than that. >> during his time in office, i questions by going high when they go low reporter: michelle obama made her comments while campaigning for hillary clinton in virginia. >> libertarian candidate gary johnson and green party candidate will not be on the stage. they failed to reach 15% in the national polls. right now, an investigation is appears to be in his teens was struck and killed by a passing train last night. investigators say they don't know why he was on the tracks. the crash caused delays. foul play is not expected. todd: foul play in easton. a woman says she was assaulted and knocked unconscious while out for a walk. newscenter 5's diane cho reports on what police are saying about that attack. >> that it's scary, um. that it's not something you would think about reporter: veronica was not aware of what happened until we told her. >> hopefully not going to happen again. reporter: the woman said she was walking a dog in easton when she says she was kicked from behind. the victim told police she lost consciousness for a brief time because of other statements she say there was concern a sexual assault may have occurred. >> it is very shocking. you know, hopefully they catch whoever did this reporter: police say they don't have any witnesses. authorities are urging walkers and joggers to use caution if they're alone and to be aware of their surroundings. >> it definitely makes me want to double-check over my back. yeah. especially, you know, that early in the morning. you don't really think that that's going to happen. reporter: police say they do not have suspect at this time. but if you have any information that can help police in this case, you are asked to call the easton police department. diane cho. antoinette: a bridgewater student claimed she was attacked on summer street near campus. she said a man wearing a ski mask put a bag over her head and tried to tear her clothes off. the claim put the college on high alert most of the day friday, but police say that todd: 5:07 on this saturday morning. and an effort to reveal the price tag for marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev's defense has been denied. the "boston globe" filed a motion to see that information. federal law requires the release of the information when the case is over, but the judge says the case will not be over until tsarnaev's appeal is decided. antoinette: the man and woman behind rashad deihim, kailyn bonia were sentenced to four to five years in prison plus three years of probation. the two hanley ramirez convicted in july for the assault behind a saugus elementary school two years ago. a third person pleaded guilty to videotaping the attack. the two had no remorse. a relative of kailyn bonia said that's not the case. >> she's very sorry. realizes how she got here either. >> was he fair? was he remorseful at all? >> i have no comments. antoinette: that was rashad deihim's father. both will also have to register as sex offenders. a second person has died as a result of a collision during a boat race at a townton pond. 67-year-old stephen joy of bangor, maine, died at the hospital. mark green was declared dead at the scene. a third boat driver suffered injuries. todd: a wild find. massachusetts environmental police officers located a large grow site in goshen. officers seized 47 plants. no word on any arrests. antoinette: two suspects opening fire in philadelphia and in texas. what we know right now about the investigations. also this morning, governor baker launching a one-of-a-kind program right here in boston. the city is testing out a partnership with ride sharing services. we'll tell you about the goal of the program and how the service will be rolled out. todd: unique stories told through the photos of people who are homeless. a local project behind some of these unforgettable images. mike? mike: today shaping up that could change tomorrow. the potential for showers is since 1961, pearle vision has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. v.o.: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump. trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. v.o.: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that, defund planned parenthood. and both oppose our right to ayotte: well i certainly think that roe should be overturned... trump: there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. v.o.: ayotte and trump, wrong for new hampshire women. planned parenthood votes is responsible for the todd: 5:13 on this saturday morning. the mbta is testing out a partnership with uber and subsidize rides for people with disabilities. governor baker says an on-demand para-transit program is a more convenient, cheaper alternative to the ride. customers pays the first $2. the the ride has to be scheduled a day in advance. >> there are times i miss medical appointments that i scheduled, you know, months and months in advance with a specialist. then i miss it because i'm 15 minutes late, and then i have to wait like another six, eight months to get another appointment. antoinette: the on-demand para-transit program will be tested out for a year. todd: zipcar is expanding its services. the new project, not cars but with zagster. they will bring bike sharing to 10 campuses around the country. students and faculty will have access to cars and bicycle windshield -- bicycles with a single hip. antoinette: here we go. the weekend is here. a cool start out there. it was 30. putting snow boots. antoinette: no, stop it. todd: we have the home opener, too. mike: we've got beautiful weather today. it's going to be changing a little bit as we head to tomorrow. if you've been outside, gotten up early, take a look at this view from castle island, the full harvest moon. eileen murphy sent those everyone enjoying a spectacular moon. look at this one, just glowing. it's still out there right now. tonight doesn't look like we'll be seeing it quite as well. clouds moving in. right now, a thin overcast. 57 degrees. the dew point holding at 53 degrees, which means a very comfortable range, very comfortable morning. we'll stay in the pleasant rain. we get towards tomorrow and monday, humidity is going to come up. that sounds bad but it's good. we have more moisture to work with and a better opportunity check out the temperatures this morning. we've got a few upper 40's but no 30's. you travel -- here we go. taunton just came in. 39 degrees. that is the cold spot right now. look at the difference between taunton and boston. almost a 20-degree temperature spread. one thing i want to point out, going on at liberty park, the blues festival from 1:00 to 8:00 tonight. it benefits all the services we'll see temperatures today about 72 to 78 with a southerly breeze. tonight, as i mentioned, you won't see the harvest moon as easily. mostly cloudy. some showers. but i think primarily in the northwestern part of the state. overnight lows only dropping to the 60's. that's the humidity coming up. here's why. see the storm system to the west? this will slowly push its way in here. tomorrow, a lot of overcast, could be scattered showers in the afternoon. most of the rain will hold off until this front gets closer rain. but even out ahead of it, we could see some scattered showers. let me show you what's going to happen. tomorrow morning, 7:30. overcast. head to the afternoon, a few scattered showers are popping up out there. now, where will they land? it's very difficult to say at this point. as we head to the evening, there will be rain out there. by monday morning, looking wet at this point, which will be to an inch of rain. bring foul weather gear with you. you probably won't use it. it will be muggy and about 76 degrees for your high temperature. here's the way it shapes up over the next seven days. you'll see that tomorrow we have gray skies. on monday, i've got the chance of showers and thunderstorms in the forecast, most in the morning hours, but it will stay a threat all day long. how much rain are we likely. as we head towards tuesday, a few passing clouds. wednesday and thursday, if you liked yesterday, wednesday and thursday are repeats of that. perhaps a few clouds on friday. over the next seven days, best opportunity for rain looks like it will be sunday night into monday. antoinette: we need it mike, thank you. 5:17. some of the other stories we're following right now -- todd: suspects open fire on police in two states. four others were also hurt. the police officers are in stable condition. the suspect was shot and killed by police. two officers in fort worth, texas, are recovering after they got hit by gunfire. they'd been answering a call for a reported suicide. the officers are expected to survive. the shooters name is still unclear. antoinette: investigators say 46-year-old rodney earl sanders confessed to the killing of their home, struggled with them, stabbed them to death and stole their car. sisters margaret held and paula merrill were found dead in their homes. they opposed the death penalty. todd: first the feds, now customers are suing wells fargo. three plaintiffs filed the first lawsuit against the utah bank. the legal action follows word that employees illegally opened accounts without the consent of the employees used it to boost sales numbers. wells fargo has fired 5300 employees as a response. the bank will also pay a $185 million fine and refund $5 million more to customers. antoinette: 20th century fox is accusing netflix of poaching its employees. in a lawsuit filed in los angeles, fox says netflix is enticing some of its workers to break their contracts at fox and jump with two of its vice presidents. netflix says it will vigorously defend itself against the charges. >> now here's josh brogadir with sportscenter 5. >> an encore is usually better. it would have been impossible to win it. last night, he starts off with an rbi single. mookie betts is going to score. 2-0 red sox after one. hanley not done. not close to done. hanley home run deep to center, his 26th of the year. now 102 rbi's and it's 3-0. more than enough for clay buchholz. they'll take it for sure and jackie run of the season. hang on 7-4. game three coming up in the afternoon. that's sports. i'm josh brogadir. todd: thank you, josh. every year more than a thousand people in lynn need help with housing. they are homeless. antoinette: now a unique program is defining them in a new way. the eyeopener's emily riemer shows us how. this gentleman, one shoe on, one shoe off, sleeping or laying on the ground in the middle of the day. that's not normal. reporter: joanne took this photo in boston just outside the main library on busy boylston street. for her, an unforgettable image because, like the man in that photo, joanne is homeless. >> we see things differently than you may, because, you know, we're treated differently. reporter: that what they want to share. mentors taught homeless people. >> we met with them weekly at the library or coffee shops. mentors would look at their pictures, give them coaching. we collected about 6,000 pictures reporter: pictures of lynn, pictures of moments in their lives, pictures of how they feel about themselves. serving the homeless in lynn, a goal that will take several years to reach, but they are determined. >> these people have the same values that we do, and we need to provide what we can to help them to make the most of their lives and be the healthiest they can be. everybody believes in this. it's so necessary. reporter: what do you want people to see when they look at these photos? >> i want them to see that just because you're homeless, you're not hopeless reporter: that fundraiser is tonight at lynn all the money raised goes towards the $500,000 needed to open that day center. emily riemer, wcvb, newscenter 5. antoinette: get those tickets then. prices at the pump could be on the rise. todd: the trouble in a different state that could affect us here. and an american man setting a world record. the record he now holds and how long he waited to claim his title. antoinette: some parents may be familiar with this one. a child throwing a tantrum! todd: no! what you can do during those frustrating fits. i will be paying attention to that one. todd: a live look at the city on this beautiful saturday morning. mike says a beautiful day in the forecast and more yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! todd: well, it's a cool comfortable morning, not as chilly as yesterday morning, but a lot of temperatures into the as far as plymouth is concerned, a little bit cooler at 45 degrees. what's going to happen? headed to fenway for the 1:05 game, mostly sunny skies. 72 degrees. the wind blowing out in left field very gently. beautiful day for a game. nothing much for cloud cover around us right now. out to our west, there's what's coming in here for tomorrow. that's why we've got gray skies and a good chance that we'll see some much needed rain in here. today is the pick of the weekend. tomorrow, though, for many of us will be welcome news because we do have some gray skies and tomorrow night into monday. watch out. could be a pop-up shower that comes in here as early as tomorrow afternoon. doug and antoinette? >> todd? antoinette: you, whatever your name is. todd: i'm just a fill-in guy anyway. this is doug's show. he's not here, as you can tell, obviously. an iowa man setting a new world record. antoinette: guinness has named 98-year-old ernie smith the oldest active pilot in the world on monday. ernie beat the previous record by five years. todd: wow. antoinette: he says he plans to keep flying a rented cessna 150 a couple of times a week, weather permitting. good for you, ernie. todd: 98 years old. antoinette: controversy at a new england college. todd: new questions about how the university of new hampshire is spending a big gift. dolphins in danger on cape cod. the days of rescue missions that broke records. antoinette: determined veterans issues that vets face. the nationwide journey they're on coming up next. and we take a live look outside over the city of boston this morning. it is dark. todd: yep. antoinette: it is early and it is 51 degrees. brenda willis: when washington bureaucrats threatened access kelly ayotte stopped them. david goethel: and when red tape threatened to crush new hampshire's fishing communities, kelly fought to save us. cheryl coletti-lawson: kelly's legislation on the heroin epidemic will help save lives. jamey french: kelly reaches across the aisle to conserve our environment... becky stafford: kelly is so committed to our veterans and cares about our needs. marc baillargeon: kelly protected our jobs at the shipyard. kelly is one of us. veteran: she's not forgotten where she's come from. brenda willis: she cares. dean kamen: that's kelly - an independent leader, fighting for new hampshire. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte >> now on newscenter 5 eyeopener -- mike: lots of storms to st antoinette: a show of support after an american flag was burned. the latest on the vandalism caught on camera. todd: a controversy at a new england university. the special gift left to the university of new hampshire and the controversy around how they plan to spend it. antoinette: a rescue mission on the cape. the dolphins rescued and the ones in danger of stranding themselves. it's on the eye. >> you're watching wcvb, boston's news leader. good morning. this is newscenter 5's eyeopener. i'm todd kazakiewich in for doug meehan. antoinette: i'm antoinette antonio. we have mike wankum with us. this is the time of year we were talking about, sweaters, jackets in the morning. by the afternoon, you're sweating. todd: how do you dress? mike: that's the way the day is going to be. yesterday was really cold in the morning. we have a few spots into the 30's this morning. most of us are hanging on to the 40's and a few 50's. boston right now is only 57 degrees. fitchburg, 52. nashua, 51. look right around. you s up. you head down to this really cold pockets that develops down here from norwood through taunton towards plymouth. you see that right now. taunton at 39 degrees. chilly temperatures out there this morning. a little bit of very thin overcast out there. not much. but as you widen the view, you start to see where all the activity is coming from. it's out to the west. we will enjoy mostly sunny. a few clouds at the shore. then we get this, which means rain in the forecast. and a tropical storm way down to make things nice and juicy with tropical moisture right over the top of us. so today we'll start with cool temperatures this morning. boston by 9:00, we should be around 60 degrees. topping at 74. cooling down with a few clouds later today. then we watch for the rain to start moving in here tomorrow. i'll have much more on the arrival of that rain coming up. todd? todd: stories, gop donald trump is stirring up another controversy, calling for democratic r to be skritripped of their gunsd saying, quote, let's see what happens to her. antoinette: police are investigating a violent assault in easton. a woman was walking her dog when she was kicked from behind and knocked unconscious. there is some concern she may have been a victim of a sexual assault. todd: an investigation is underway after a deadly transit police say a man who appears to be in his teens was struck and killed by the passing train last night. investigators say they do not know why he was on the tracks. foul play is not suspected. community support in an everett neighborhood after an act of vandalism. an american flag replaced after one was burned. antoinette: it happened at a convenience store. security cameras capturing those images of the suspects. newscenter 5's mary saladna with the latest on the investigation. >> a lot of people died american flag reporter: this store owner is disgusted by the lack of respect and the very real risk. she just reopened her corner market two weeks ago after a destructive fire last year when she saw fire trucks pull up thursday right around 11:30, she feared the worst. >> the first fire, the awning caught on fire. and you saw those sparks as my awning was back there again. reporter: what really happened, three young mentor.ed the video shows when the man set the flag on fire. pieces can be seen raining down. from another camera, video of the trio fleeing the scene. at one point, one of the men looks directly at the camera. >> it's awful that they would target a flag. you can't do that. it's not right reporter: neighbors are outraged by the vandals. burning an american flag is considered free speech and is amendment. but burning someone else's flag is not equal. they could face destruction of property, even arson charges. by late evening, neighbors were righting the wrong. >> this is not a neighborhood you're going to mess around with. reporter: police are still investigating, asking the public for tips. in everett, i'm mary saladna, wcvb newscenter 5. todd: for the second week in a row, a worcester football player took a stand by taking a knee joined doherty high school junior michael oppong in his protest. he said he was inspired by colin kaepernick, who refused to stand for the anthem. antoinette: rescue crews hard at work on cape cod. 20 dolphins are in danger of stranding themselves in wellfleet harbor. a team is keeping watch. that team has deeper waters. there have been 17 stranded dolphins over the past two days. rescuers say there were so many dolphins, they asked people watching from the beach to come help out. >> when they are in a difficult-to-navigate area like wellfleet harbor can be, you know, if the tide starts going out and they're getting stuck, they all stay together as a group. antoinette: and the team says dolphins to swim out of the harbor, a pinging sound they found annoying. todd: a two-day rally for the legalization of marijuana will go on in boston. "the globe" is reporting tens of thousands of people are expected to attend the weekend rally on boston common. voters will decide in november if the recreational use of marijuana should be real here. antoinette: your economy now. national grid customers could be paying more for natural gas this department of public utilities for permission to raise prices. if approved, a typical residential natural gas customer could see a roughly $14 increase in monthly bills beginning in november. todd: trouble with a pipeline in alabama may drive our gas prices sharply higher. the pipeline, which runs refined gasoline from houston all the way to the northeast, developed a leak this week. part of the pipeline has been shut down for repairs which gallon. the good news -- any price spike shouldn't last too long. once the pipeline is repaired, prices should come down. that should happen within a week. it was the gift of a lifetime, but how the university of new hampshire is spending that gift is raising some eyebrows. antoinette: newscenter 5's ben simmoneau with the campus controversy reporter: for nearly half a century, robert worked at the university of new hampshire library. quietly, the f gave entirely to u.n.h. >> he did leave a small portion to the library. beyond that, it was unrestricted reporter: the university says 2.5 million will go to a larger student career center and one million toward a giant video board at the newly renovated wildcat stadium. >> i think he would have been pleased with it reporter: some are crying foul scoreboard, especially because the university is asking the state for millions. >> that money could go towards lowering the cost of education or their capital drive for new buildings. >> sometimes i think the university system loses perspective of how much a million dollars is to most of us out there and how far that can go on other things reporter: u.n.h. is standing firm, issuing a statement saying, in part, quote, a facility like wildcat stadium transformative to help recruit the best students. the university has historically invested very little in athletics. even the brand-new stadium is modest when you look at the athletic complexes at most other state universities across the country. i'm ben simmoneau, wcvb, newscenter 5. antoinette: a new computer app developed here in boston is helping veterans record their memories. congressman joe kennedy has just unveiled the app in easton. recording an interview with 92-year-old navy veteran arnold marcus. he survived two attacks on his ship in world war ii. >> the idea is to be able to spread the word of it and enable people to gain access to it. >> to try to make sure these stories aren't lost to time. antoinette: until now, veterans who wanted to archive their stories had to make a physical recording and then mail it to washingt, makes it possible to upload the interviews over the internet with just a few clicks, and it is also free. determined veterans on a cross-country mission. todd: the awareness they're hoping to bring veterans that are facing. antoinette: well tell you what parents can do during frustrating fits. the drought is worsening, but that may not be the case on the cape. mike? mike: i am tracking much needed rain. i'll tell you when we could see helping children deal with anger and frustration. just about every child has had a tran trump, and you can see this guy is having one right now. doctors say it's important to remember tantrums can happen when children don't know how to express their feelings. they feel little control and experiencing changes at home or school. parents can help by letting young children make small decisions like what color shirt to wear. it's important to be patient. antoinette: taking notes on t a new study finds what observers have been saying all along. pokemon go players may be putting themselves and others at risk. researchers at san diego state university analyzed 4,000 tweets referencing the game during a 10-day period. 33% of these tweets indicated that a driver, passenger, or a walker was involved with a car while being distracted by the game. researchers then looked at news reports over this same 10-day period, and they found 14 car pokemon game. todd: as the drought worsens across the state, one expert says the cape is doing just fine. the superintendent of the dennis water district tells the "cape cod times" that the area's water supply is actually in good shape. rainfall and well depth are normal. but the cape and islands are on a drought watch. antoinette: that may not be the case for other areas. we keep talk about this, how t we're hoping for outdoor weather. but in this case, we want some of that rain to make it. mike: it would be really nice. it's one of the rare times when you say, oh, i hope it washes out our weekend. it is not going to be a washout. most of the rain is going to be sunday night into monday morning. so you get most of your weekend actually looking pretty decent. let me show you that drought monitor. you can see what's happened. boston for the year is almost 10 inches dry. worcester almost 10 inches dry as well. everyone pretty much in the or the cape and the islands. but this is really, really dry stuff. we're coming off one of the driest summers ever recorded. this month, we just continue that trend. look how much rain we're below just for the month. over 1 1/4 inches. so we need every drop of moisture we're going to get. most of it happening, though, as we talk about tomorrow night into monday. right now, it's 57 degrees. a little bit of a thin overcast out there, but the dew point is very manageable. check out these temperatures this morning. as you're stepping outside, a few places into the 50's. a lot of places into the 40's. we did 39, back up to 40. that was the only place we saw 30's. yesterday, we saw a lot of temperatures dropping off in the 30's. today, boston to p-town, we have the harbor to bay ride taking place. we'll be having bicycle riders going from boston to p-town. temperatures in the 70's. emceed by our own randy price. they'll have great weather for this. that 125-mile ride, they're hoping to raise almost $500,000. mid to upper 70's as you look inland. flirting with 80 in a few spots. most of worcester county, mostly sunny skies and temperatures into the 70's. through the south shore where those bike riders will be going, mid 70's. a southerly breeze. they'll be running into the wind. once they make the turn at chatham, a little bit of a tailwind. as far as temperatures over the cape, it looks like temperatures will be generally into the 70's. over the next three days if you're down toward the cape, we'll stay in the 70's, but watching for thoseca so what's happening out there? well, we've got this system coming in from the west. typically, i would not get too excited about this. we've seen so many of these cold fronts coming in without much going on. we have tropical moisture working its way in ahead of it. we have a better chance of seeing rain this time around. still 1/2 inch to an inch is not a drought-buster but it will help. tomorrow, an overcast day out there. there may be a hit and miss hold off until tomorrow night. i would, if you're planning outdoor activities tomorrow, keep the idea you might have an isolated shower that could pop up. a timeline, see how they're popping up out there? primarily the north and west, but it's not out of the question they could work their way eastward. i think for the patriots game, it's looking drive, but i'd take your foul weather gear for us. monday morning, perhaps a rumble of thunder, and that threat of showers will linger throughout much of the day. the next seven days, today sunshine, tomorrow cloud cover, and we have an opportunity for rain. the rain threat carrying into monday. that's why i say 1/2 to one inch of rain. we go back into a dry spell. we need a four-day rain is what we need. we're not going to be seeing that. we'll be seeing plenty of sunshine. low humidity comes back by wednesday and thursday into the week. looking beautiful. pretty much like what we have going on today. otherwise, we have a little bit of rain coming in for your sunday and monday. hopefully, we'll get something antoinette: checking some of the other stories happening now -- todd: four people are in custody in miami after men with guns were spotted on the roof of a condo complex. the first report was for two armed men. police shut down the area as they moved in to investigate and took the four people in to be questioned. police say they did recover a rifle at the scene. the new york city police officer attacked by a man with a cleaver is the officer was attacked by a man who was trying to remove a boot from his car. he pulled out an 11-inch cleaver when police approached him. police eventually opened fire on the man. that suspect is in critical condition. a giant sinkhole is causing some alarm in central florida and beyond. it opened after a fertilizer facility -- i should say at a fertilizer facility about three weeks ago. police say it's been putting -- holding pond down into the floridi floridian aquifer. the plant is trying to suck the contaminated water out of the aquifer and is monitoring wells. two veterans are walking across the nation on a very serious mission. antoinette: they want the public to better understand the price of returning veterans. todd: the eye's sera congi caught up with these men. i've been through maine, new hampshire, vermont, now massachusetts reporter: a journey on foot to sway minds. kevin kincaid and daniel taylor are walking across the country to raise awareness about the issues veterans face. >> i'm just trying to get the word out so we can get enough people and hopefully reach the right ears of people who can actually make a real change. >> i don't come from a lot of money or anything, but i can definitely walk reporter: kevin, an army veteran receiving lots of support on the road like in leominster, westminster and salem. their journey laid out on facebook, my walk for veterans. each step is motivated by the struggle fellow veterans suffer. >> we've all experienced friends who've been injured in combat, friends who've killed themselves, a good friend of mine actually took his life. a guy that -- he was my roommate after we got back from afghanistan reporter: kevin srt hampshire, who wanted to join the cause. >> they aren't aware of the everyday issues vets go through reporter: kevin and daniel are heading south and then going out west. they will circle all 48 continental states. they are powered by the hope for change. >> i definitely feel motivated, because, i mean, all the support we're getting, all the people pushing. reporter: in boston, sera congi, wcvb newscenter 5. todd: hundreds of cyclists are getting ready to start their annual ride to remember. antoinette: that bike trip honors fallen law enforcement officers, but watertown police officer, brandon o'neil, you see him there, he's running the ride to remember route. he's running for his daughter, savannah, who lost her live to illness at 9 years old. the officer started h run yesterday afternoon. he's meeting cyclists at the state house later on in the day. wow, the ride is long enough as it is. look at him running it. a tricky transplant involving multiple kidneys. todd: how the patients immediate each other and what they're planning for after the transplant. antoinette: plus a one-of-a-kind program launching in boston. how the city is partnering with ride sharing companies to help disabled people. todd: as we take a live look sun starting to make peek through the clouds a little bit. we still have a little ways to go. antoinette: get a little focus on that camera there. todd: it is a beautiful saturday morning. v.o.: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump. trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. v.o.: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that, defund planned parenthood. and both oppose our right to safe and legal abortion. ayotte: well i certainly think that roe should be overturned... trump: there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. v.o.: ayotte and trump, wrong for new hampshire women. todd: a beautiful start to your day. look at the sunrise. beautiful colors out morning. the museum of science is a wild weather weekend. the weather is not that wild, but if you have a chance, you can talk about the weather. meet a.j. burnett or tomorrow at 11:30, j.c. monahan will be there talking about weather and all the fun things that go on with meteorology out there. we're starting off on the cool side. as we head to the afternoon, we have temperatures climbing into the 70's. good chance of seeing clouds night. much needed at that. best chance for rain tomorrow night through monday morning. then evening clouds coming through on tuesday. plenty of sunshine for your wednesday and thursday. todd: in northern california, a kidney transplant involving four kidneys and eight people. antoinette: and this is pretty interesting. it came about thanks to a groupon. we'll explain. the eight donors and recipients will swap kidneys in a complicated swap that came together only parties met another through a groupon promotion. kidney incompatibilities were solved through linking eight different people, and everyone is now ready to go. >> if you can help someone have a better quality of life and it's not harmful to me, why wouldn't you? antoinette: the patients say they will plan a huge party for themselves once everyone recovers from the operation. campaign trail. antoinette: the attacks the candidates are launching on each other. todd: stories in photographs taken by the homeless. a unique perspective and the important way they're being used locally. antoinette: and we go back out to that live picture, or is this a painting we're looking at? todd: it's gorgeous. antoinette: gorgeous sky, a cool start to the morning. 51 degrees. things are warming up. mild day on tap. mike wankum will tell you all about it when we come back. >> monday on the eye, home sellers take note. >> the three traps that are simple to avoid increasing the likelihood of a deal. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. oh, absolutely. i like that. >> now on newscenter 5 eyeopener. antoinette: new controversy. donald trump on the attack. the move he's calling for and how hillary cl todd: a disturbing tack in easton. antoinette: a deadly collision in newton. a teenager killed after he was struck by a passing train. what police are saying about the investigation. on the eye. >> you're watching wcvb, boston's new leader. good morning. this is newscenter 5's eyeopener. antoinette: and a good morning. thank you so much for being with us. 6:00 on this saturday, september

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Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160917 :

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160917

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doug is off today. it's a mild day ahead for us. mike is tracking showers for the end of the weekend. what have you got? mike: typically rain on the weekend, bummer, but we need the rain. we'll see rain as we talk about tomorrow, mostly late in the today. this morning, walk out, temperatures are cool but not as cold as yesterday. yesterday we had temperatures in the 30's. a little thin overcast out there, but not enough to really block out any of the moon that's out there right now. full harvest moon just about ready to set. what's happening? we h that has rain with it. that's what's moving in tomorrow. in addition to that, there's also this down to the south. tropical storm julia. now, this won't come up over us. it will keep tropical moisture around. that gives this cold front more to work with. that's why the positive note about the chance for seeing rain today. speaking of today, sunshine looks like across the day. temperature boston warming up to about 74, 75 degrees. but some areas are a little warmer than that as inland temperatures should get some much more on the timing of the rain coming up in a few moments. todd and antoinette? antoinette: breaking news overnight -- boston police investigating a multiple shooting in dorchester. this happened just before 3:00 this morning. it's unclear how many people were injured in the incident. new controversy in the race for president. trump making what some say veiled threats. todd: calling for secret service agents to be stripped of guns. our coverage begins with the eye's john atwater. >> take their guns away. let's see what happens to her reporter: donald trump called for hillary clinton's secret service agents to be stripped of their weapons. his comments come hours after an abrupt reversal on another >> president barack obama was born in the united states, period. reporter: that birther movement helped him launch his political career. and an analyst says the about-face is a strategic move. >> he said it not because he believes it but he'll lose it if white college educated women they ice a racest, and they do reporter: addressing the ling >> i think it puts to rest the talk and the clamor about it. and he can get back to trying to talk about real issues reporter: clinton says trump mass distorted the truth on the issue for years and did not go far enough. >> barack obama was born in america, plain and simple. and donald trump owes him and the american people an apology. reporter: no apology from donald trump. he's blaming hillary clinton for john atwater, newscenter 5. todd: both hillary clinton and the president are talking about the turnaround. >> i'm confident where i was born. most people are as well. my hope would be that the presidential election reflects more serious issues than that. >> during his time in office, i questions by going high when they go low reporter: michelle obama made her comments while campaigning for hillary clinton in virginia. >> libertarian candidate gary johnson and green party candidate will not be on the stage. they failed to reach 15% in the national polls. right now, an investigation is appears to be in his teens was struck and killed by a passing train last night. investigators say they don't know why he was on the tracks. the crash caused delays. foul play is not expected. todd: foul play in easton. a woman says she was assaulted and knocked unconscious while out for a walk. newscenter 5's diane cho reports on what police are saying about that attack. >> that it's scary, um. that it's not something you would think about reporter: veronica was not aware of what happened until we told her. >> hopefully not going to happen again. reporter: the woman said she was walking a dog in easton when she says she was kicked from behind. the victim told police she lost consciousness for a brief time because of other statements she say there was concern a sexual assault may have occurred. >> it is very shocking. you know, hopefully they catch whoever did this reporter: police say they don't have any witnesses. authorities are urging walkers and joggers to use caution if they're alone and to be aware of their surroundings. >> it definitely makes me want to double-check over my back. yeah. especially, you know, that early in the morning. you don't really think that that's going to happen. reporter: police say they do not have suspect at this time. but if you have any information that can help police in this case, you are asked to call the easton police department. diane cho. antoinette: a bridgewater student claimed she was attacked on summer street near campus. she said a man wearing a ski mask put a bag over her head and tried to tear her clothes off. the claim put the college on high alert most of the day friday, but police say that todd: 5:07 on this saturday morning. and an effort to reveal the price tag for marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev's defense has been denied. the "boston globe" filed a motion to see that information. federal law requires the release of the information when the case is over, but the judge says the case will not be over until tsarnaev's appeal is decided. antoinette: the man and woman behind rashad deihim, kailyn bonia were sentenced to four to five years in prison plus three years of probation. the two hanley ramirez convicted in july for the assault behind a saugus elementary school two years ago. a third person pleaded guilty to videotaping the attack. the two had no remorse. a relative of kailyn bonia said that's not the case. >> she's very sorry. realizes how she got here either. >> was he fair? was he remorseful at all? >> i have no comments. antoinette: that was rashad deihim's father. both will also have to register as sex offenders. a second person has died as a result of a collision during a boat race at a townton pond. 67-year-old stephen joy of bangor, maine, died at the hospital. mark green was declared dead at the scene. a third boat driver suffered injuries. todd: a wild find. massachusetts environmental police officers located a large grow site in goshen. officers seized 47 plants. no word on any arrests. antoinette: two suspects opening fire in philadelphia and in texas. what we know right now about the investigations. also this morning, governor baker launching a one-of-a-kind program right here in boston. the city is testing out a partnership with ride sharing services. we'll tell you about the goal of the program and how the service will be rolled out. todd: unique stories told through the photos of people who are homeless. a local project behind some of these unforgettable images. mike? mike: today shaping up that could change tomorrow. the potential for showers is since 1961, pearle vision has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. v.o.: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump. trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. v.o.: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that, defund planned parenthood. and both oppose our right to ayotte: well i certainly think that roe should be overturned... trump: there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. v.o.: ayotte and trump, wrong for new hampshire women. planned parenthood votes is responsible for the todd: 5:13 on this saturday morning. the mbta is testing out a partnership with uber and subsidize rides for people with disabilities. governor baker says an on-demand para-transit program is a more convenient, cheaper alternative to the ride. customers pays the first $2. the the ride has to be scheduled a day in advance. >> there are times i miss medical appointments that i scheduled, you know, months and months in advance with a specialist. then i miss it because i'm 15 minutes late, and then i have to wait like another six, eight months to get another appointment. antoinette: the on-demand para-transit program will be tested out for a year. todd: zipcar is expanding its services. the new project, not cars but with zagster. they will bring bike sharing to 10 campuses around the country. students and faculty will have access to cars and bicycle windshield -- bicycles with a single hip. antoinette: here we go. the weekend is here. a cool start out there. it was 30. putting snow boots. antoinette: no, stop it. todd: we have the home opener, too. mike: we've got beautiful weather today. it's going to be changing a little bit as we head to tomorrow. if you've been outside, gotten up early, take a look at this view from castle island, the full harvest moon. eileen murphy sent those everyone enjoying a spectacular moon. look at this one, just glowing. it's still out there right now. tonight doesn't look like we'll be seeing it quite as well. clouds moving in. right now, a thin overcast. 57 degrees. the dew point holding at 53 degrees, which means a very comfortable range, very comfortable morning. we'll stay in the pleasant rain. we get towards tomorrow and monday, humidity is going to come up. that sounds bad but it's good. we have more moisture to work with and a better opportunity check out the temperatures this morning. we've got a few upper 40's but no 30's. you travel -- here we go. taunton just came in. 39 degrees. that is the cold spot right now. look at the difference between taunton and boston. almost a 20-degree temperature spread. one thing i want to point out, going on at liberty park, the blues festival from 1:00 to 8:00 tonight. it benefits all the services we'll see temperatures today about 72 to 78 with a southerly breeze. tonight, as i mentioned, you won't see the harvest moon as easily. mostly cloudy. some showers. but i think primarily in the northwestern part of the state. overnight lows only dropping to the 60's. that's the humidity coming up. here's why. see the storm system to the west? this will slowly push its way in here. tomorrow, a lot of overcast, could be scattered showers in the afternoon. most of the rain will hold off until this front gets closer rain. but even out ahead of it, we could see some scattered showers. let me show you what's going to happen. tomorrow morning, 7:30. overcast. head to the afternoon, a few scattered showers are popping up out there. now, where will they land? it's very difficult to say at this point. as we head to the evening, there will be rain out there. by monday morning, looking wet at this point, which will be to an inch of rain. bring foul weather gear with you. you probably won't use it. it will be muggy and about 76 degrees for your high temperature. here's the way it shapes up over the next seven days. you'll see that tomorrow we have gray skies. on monday, i've got the chance of showers and thunderstorms in the forecast, most in the morning hours, but it will stay a threat all day long. how much rain are we likely. as we head towards tuesday, a few passing clouds. wednesday and thursday, if you liked yesterday, wednesday and thursday are repeats of that. perhaps a few clouds on friday. over the next seven days, best opportunity for rain looks like it will be sunday night into monday. antoinette: we need it mike, thank you. 5:17. some of the other stories we're following right now -- todd: suspects open fire on police in two states. four others were also hurt. the police officers are in stable condition. the suspect was shot and killed by police. two officers in fort worth, texas, are recovering after they got hit by gunfire. they'd been answering a call for a reported suicide. the officers are expected to survive. the shooters name is still unclear. antoinette: investigators say 46-year-old rodney earl sanders confessed to the killing of their home, struggled with them, stabbed them to death and stole their car. sisters margaret held and paula merrill were found dead in their homes. they opposed the death penalty. todd: first the feds, now customers are suing wells fargo. three plaintiffs filed the first lawsuit against the utah bank. the legal action follows word that employees illegally opened accounts without the consent of the employees used it to boost sales numbers. wells fargo has fired 5300 employees as a response. the bank will also pay a $185 million fine and refund $5 million more to customers. antoinette: 20th century fox is accusing netflix of poaching its employees. in a lawsuit filed in los angeles, fox says netflix is enticing some of its workers to break their contracts at fox and jump with two of its vice presidents. netflix says it will vigorously defend itself against the charges. >> now here's josh brogadir with sportscenter 5. >> an encore is usually better. it would have been impossible to win it. last night, he starts off with an rbi single. mookie betts is going to score. 2-0 red sox after one. hanley not done. not close to done. hanley home run deep to center, his 26th of the year. now 102 rbi's and it's 3-0. more than enough for clay buchholz. they'll take it for sure and jackie run of the season. hang on 7-4. game three coming up in the afternoon. that's sports. i'm josh brogadir. todd: thank you, josh. every year more than a thousand people in lynn need help with housing. they are homeless. antoinette: now a unique program is defining them in a new way. the eyeopener's emily riemer shows us how. this gentleman, one shoe on, one shoe off, sleeping or laying on the ground in the middle of the day. that's not normal. reporter: joanne took this photo in boston just outside the main library on busy boylston street. for her, an unforgettable image because, like the man in that photo, joanne is homeless. >> we see things differently than you may, because, you know, we're treated differently. reporter: that what they want to share. mentors taught homeless people. >> we met with them weekly at the library or coffee shops. mentors would look at their pictures, give them coaching. we collected about 6,000 pictures reporter: pictures of lynn, pictures of moments in their lives, pictures of how they feel about themselves. serving the homeless in lynn, a goal that will take several years to reach, but they are determined. >> these people have the same values that we do, and we need to provide what we can to help them to make the most of their lives and be the healthiest they can be. everybody believes in this. it's so necessary. reporter: what do you want people to see when they look at these photos? >> i want them to see that just because you're homeless, you're not hopeless reporter: that fundraiser is tonight at lynn all the money raised goes towards the $500,000 needed to open that day center. emily riemer, wcvb, newscenter 5. antoinette: get those tickets then. prices at the pump could be on the rise. todd: the trouble in a different state that could affect us here. and an american man setting a world record. the record he now holds and how long he waited to claim his title. antoinette: some parents may be familiar with this one. a child throwing a tantrum! todd: no! what you can do during those frustrating fits. i will be paying attention to that one. todd: a live look at the city on this beautiful saturday morning. mike says a beautiful day in the forecast and more yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! todd: well, it's a cool comfortable morning, not as chilly as yesterday morning, but a lot of temperatures into the as far as plymouth is concerned, a little bit cooler at 45 degrees. what's going to happen? headed to fenway for the 1:05 game, mostly sunny skies. 72 degrees. the wind blowing out in left field very gently. beautiful day for a game. nothing much for cloud cover around us right now. out to our west, there's what's coming in here for tomorrow. that's why we've got gray skies and a good chance that we'll see some much needed rain in here. today is the pick of the weekend. tomorrow, though, for many of us will be welcome news because we do have some gray skies and tomorrow night into monday. watch out. could be a pop-up shower that comes in here as early as tomorrow afternoon. doug and antoinette? >> todd? antoinette: you, whatever your name is. todd: i'm just a fill-in guy anyway. this is doug's show. he's not here, as you can tell, obviously. an iowa man setting a new world record. antoinette: guinness has named 98-year-old ernie smith the oldest active pilot in the world on monday. ernie beat the previous record by five years. todd: wow. antoinette: he says he plans to keep flying a rented cessna 150 a couple of times a week, weather permitting. good for you, ernie. todd: 98 years old. antoinette: controversy at a new england college. todd: new questions about how the university of new hampshire is spending a big gift. dolphins in danger on cape cod. the days of rescue missions that broke records. antoinette: determined veterans issues that vets face. the nationwide journey they're on coming up next. and we take a live look outside over the city of boston this morning. it is dark. todd: yep. antoinette: it is early and it is 51 degrees. brenda willis: when washington bureaucrats threatened access kelly ayotte stopped them. david goethel: and when red tape threatened to crush new hampshire's fishing communities, kelly fought to save us. cheryl coletti-lawson: kelly's legislation on the heroin epidemic will help save lives. jamey french: kelly reaches across the aisle to conserve our environment... becky stafford: kelly is so committed to our veterans and cares about our needs. marc baillargeon: kelly protected our jobs at the shipyard. kelly is one of us. veteran: she's not forgotten where she's come from. brenda willis: she cares. dean kamen: that's kelly - an independent leader, fighting for new hampshire. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte >> now on newscenter 5 eyeopener -- mike: lots of storms to st antoinette: a show of support after an american flag was burned. the latest on the vandalism caught on camera. todd: a controversy at a new england university. the special gift left to the university of new hampshire and the controversy around how they plan to spend it. antoinette: a rescue mission on the cape. the dolphins rescued and the ones in danger of stranding themselves. it's on the eye. >> you're watching wcvb, boston's news leader. good morning. this is newscenter 5's eyeopener. i'm todd kazakiewich in for doug meehan. antoinette: i'm antoinette antonio. we have mike wankum with us. this is the time of year we were talking about, sweaters, jackets in the morning. by the afternoon, you're sweating. todd: how do you dress? mike: that's the way the day is going to be. yesterday was really cold in the morning. we have a few spots into the 30's this morning. most of us are hanging on to the 40's and a few 50's. boston right now is only 57 degrees. fitchburg, 52. nashua, 51. look right around. you s up. you head down to this really cold pockets that develops down here from norwood through taunton towards plymouth. you see that right now. taunton at 39 degrees. chilly temperatures out there this morning. a little bit of very thin overcast out there. not much. but as you widen the view, you start to see where all the activity is coming from. it's out to the west. we will enjoy mostly sunny. a few clouds at the shore. then we get this, which means rain in the forecast. and a tropical storm way down to make things nice and juicy with tropical moisture right over the top of us. so today we'll start with cool temperatures this morning. boston by 9:00, we should be around 60 degrees. topping at 74. cooling down with a few clouds later today. then we watch for the rain to start moving in here tomorrow. i'll have much more on the arrival of that rain coming up. todd? todd: stories, gop donald trump is stirring up another controversy, calling for democratic r to be skritripped of their gunsd saying, quote, let's see what happens to her. antoinette: police are investigating a violent assault in easton. a woman was walking her dog when she was kicked from behind and knocked unconscious. there is some concern she may have been a victim of a sexual assault. todd: an investigation is underway after a deadly transit police say a man who appears to be in his teens was struck and killed by the passing train last night. investigators say they do not know why he was on the tracks. foul play is not suspected. community support in an everett neighborhood after an act of vandalism. an american flag replaced after one was burned. antoinette: it happened at a convenience store. security cameras capturing those images of the suspects. newscenter 5's mary saladna with the latest on the investigation. >> a lot of people died american flag reporter: this store owner is disgusted by the lack of respect and the very real risk. she just reopened her corner market two weeks ago after a destructive fire last year when she saw fire trucks pull up thursday right around 11:30, she feared the worst. >> the first fire, the awning caught on fire. and you saw those sparks as my awning was back there again. reporter: what really happened, three young mentor.ed the video shows when the man set the flag on fire. pieces can be seen raining down. from another camera, video of the trio fleeing the scene. at one point, one of the men looks directly at the camera. >> it's awful that they would target a flag. you can't do that. it's not right reporter: neighbors are outraged by the vandals. burning an american flag is considered free speech and is amendment. but burning someone else's flag is not equal. they could face destruction of property, even arson charges. by late evening, neighbors were righting the wrong. >> this is not a neighborhood you're going to mess around with. reporter: police are still investigating, asking the public for tips. in everett, i'm mary saladna, wcvb newscenter 5. todd: for the second week in a row, a worcester football player took a stand by taking a knee joined doherty high school junior michael oppong in his protest. he said he was inspired by colin kaepernick, who refused to stand for the anthem. antoinette: rescue crews hard at work on cape cod. 20 dolphins are in danger of stranding themselves in wellfleet harbor. a team is keeping watch. that team has deeper waters. there have been 17 stranded dolphins over the past two days. rescuers say there were so many dolphins, they asked people watching from the beach to come help out. >> when they are in a difficult-to-navigate area like wellfleet harbor can be, you know, if the tide starts going out and they're getting stuck, they all stay together as a group. antoinette: and the team says dolphins to swim out of the harbor, a pinging sound they found annoying. todd: a two-day rally for the legalization of marijuana will go on in boston. "the globe" is reporting tens of thousands of people are expected to attend the weekend rally on boston common. voters will decide in november if the recreational use of marijuana should be real here. antoinette: your economy now. national grid customers could be paying more for natural gas this department of public utilities for permission to raise prices. if approved, a typical residential natural gas customer could see a roughly $14 increase in monthly bills beginning in november. todd: trouble with a pipeline in alabama may drive our gas prices sharply higher. the pipeline, which runs refined gasoline from houston all the way to the northeast, developed a leak this week. part of the pipeline has been shut down for repairs which gallon. the good news -- any price spike shouldn't last too long. once the pipeline is repaired, prices should come down. that should happen within a week. it was the gift of a lifetime, but how the university of new hampshire is spending that gift is raising some eyebrows. antoinette: newscenter 5's ben simmoneau with the campus controversy reporter: for nearly half a century, robert worked at the university of new hampshire library. quietly, the f gave entirely to u.n.h. >> he did leave a small portion to the library. beyond that, it was unrestricted reporter: the university says 2.5 million will go to a larger student career center and one million toward a giant video board at the newly renovated wildcat stadium. >> i think he would have been pleased with it reporter: some are crying foul scoreboard, especially because the university is asking the state for millions. >> that money could go towards lowering the cost of education or their capital drive for new buildings. >> sometimes i think the university system loses perspective of how much a million dollars is to most of us out there and how far that can go on other things reporter: u.n.h. is standing firm, issuing a statement saying, in part, quote, a facility like wildcat stadium transformative to help recruit the best students. the university has historically invested very little in athletics. even the brand-new stadium is modest when you look at the athletic complexes at most other state universities across the country. i'm ben simmoneau, wcvb, newscenter 5. antoinette: a new computer app developed here in boston is helping veterans record their memories. congressman joe kennedy has just unveiled the app in easton. recording an interview with 92-year-old navy veteran arnold marcus. he survived two attacks on his ship in world war ii. >> the idea is to be able to spread the word of it and enable people to gain access to it. >> to try to make sure these stories aren't lost to time. antoinette: until now, veterans who wanted to archive their stories had to make a physical recording and then mail it to washingt, makes it possible to upload the interviews over the internet with just a few clicks, and it is also free. determined veterans on a cross-country mission. todd: the awareness they're hoping to bring veterans that are facing. antoinette: well tell you what parents can do during frustrating fits. the drought is worsening, but that may not be the case on the cape. mike? mike: i am tracking much needed rain. i'll tell you when we could see helping children deal with anger and frustration. just about every child has had a tran trump, and you can see this guy is having one right now. doctors say it's important to remember tantrums can happen when children don't know how to express their feelings. they feel little control and experiencing changes at home or school. parents can help by letting young children make small decisions like what color shirt to wear. it's important to be patient. antoinette: taking notes on t a new study finds what observers have been saying all along. pokemon go players may be putting themselves and others at risk. researchers at san diego state university analyzed 4,000 tweets referencing the game during a 10-day period. 33% of these tweets indicated that a driver, passenger, or a walker was involved with a car while being distracted by the game. researchers then looked at news reports over this same 10-day period, and they found 14 car pokemon game. todd: as the drought worsens across the state, one expert says the cape is doing just fine. the superintendent of the dennis water district tells the "cape cod times" that the area's water supply is actually in good shape. rainfall and well depth are normal. but the cape and islands are on a drought watch. antoinette: that may not be the case for other areas. we keep talk about this, how t we're hoping for outdoor weather. but in this case, we want some of that rain to make it. mike: it would be really nice. it's one of the rare times when you say, oh, i hope it washes out our weekend. it is not going to be a washout. most of the rain is going to be sunday night into monday morning. so you get most of your weekend actually looking pretty decent. let me show you that drought monitor. you can see what's happened. boston for the year is almost 10 inches dry. worcester almost 10 inches dry as well. everyone pretty much in the or the cape and the islands. but this is really, really dry stuff. we're coming off one of the driest summers ever recorded. this month, we just continue that trend. look how much rain we're below just for the month. over 1 1/4 inches. so we need every drop of moisture we're going to get. most of it happening, though, as we talk about tomorrow night into monday. right now, it's 57 degrees. a little bit of a thin overcast out there, but the dew point is very manageable. check out these temperatures this morning. as you're stepping outside, a few places into the 50's. a lot of places into the 40's. we did 39, back up to 40. that was the only place we saw 30's. yesterday, we saw a lot of temperatures dropping off in the 30's. today, boston to p-town, we have the harbor to bay ride taking place. we'll be having bicycle riders going from boston to p-town. temperatures in the 70's. emceed by our own randy price. they'll have great weather for this. that 125-mile ride, they're hoping to raise almost $500,000. mid to upper 70's as you look inland. flirting with 80 in a few spots. most of worcester county, mostly sunny skies and temperatures into the 70's. through the south shore where those bike riders will be going, mid 70's. a southerly breeze. they'll be running into the wind. once they make the turn at chatham, a little bit of a tailwind. as far as temperatures over the cape, it looks like temperatures will be generally into the 70's. over the next three days if you're down toward the cape, we'll stay in the 70's, but watching for thoseca so what's happening out there? well, we've got this system coming in from the west. typically, i would not get too excited about this. we've seen so many of these cold fronts coming in without much going on. we have tropical moisture working its way in ahead of it. we have a better chance of seeing rain this time around. still 1/2 inch to an inch is not a drought-buster but it will help. tomorrow, an overcast day out there. there may be a hit and miss hold off until tomorrow night. i would, if you're planning outdoor activities tomorrow, keep the idea you might have an isolated shower that could pop up. a timeline, see how they're popping up out there? primarily the north and west, but it's not out of the question they could work their way eastward. i think for the patriots game, it's looking drive, but i'd take your foul weather gear for us. monday morning, perhaps a rumble of thunder, and that threat of showers will linger throughout much of the day. the next seven days, today sunshine, tomorrow cloud cover, and we have an opportunity for rain. the rain threat carrying into monday. that's why i say 1/2 to one inch of rain. we go back into a dry spell. we need a four-day rain is what we need. we're not going to be seeing that. we'll be seeing plenty of sunshine. low humidity comes back by wednesday and thursday into the week. looking beautiful. pretty much like what we have going on today. otherwise, we have a little bit of rain coming in for your sunday and monday. hopefully, we'll get something antoinette: checking some of the other stories happening now -- todd: four people are in custody in miami after men with guns were spotted on the roof of a condo complex. the first report was for two armed men. police shut down the area as they moved in to investigate and took the four people in to be questioned. police say they did recover a rifle at the scene. the new york city police officer attacked by a man with a cleaver is the officer was attacked by a man who was trying to remove a boot from his car. he pulled out an 11-inch cleaver when police approached him. police eventually opened fire on the man. that suspect is in critical condition. a giant sinkhole is causing some alarm in central florida and beyond. it opened after a fertilizer facility -- i should say at a fertilizer facility about three weeks ago. police say it's been putting -- holding pond down into the floridi floridian aquifer. the plant is trying to suck the contaminated water out of the aquifer and is monitoring wells. two veterans are walking across the nation on a very serious mission. antoinette: they want the public to better understand the price of returning veterans. todd: the eye's sera congi caught up with these men. i've been through maine, new hampshire, vermont, now massachusetts reporter: a journey on foot to sway minds. kevin kincaid and daniel taylor are walking across the country to raise awareness about the issues veterans face. >> i'm just trying to get the word out so we can get enough people and hopefully reach the right ears of people who can actually make a real change. >> i don't come from a lot of money or anything, but i can definitely walk reporter: kevin, an army veteran receiving lots of support on the road like in leominster, westminster and salem. their journey laid out on facebook, my walk for veterans. each step is motivated by the struggle fellow veterans suffer. >> we've all experienced friends who've been injured in combat, friends who've killed themselves, a good friend of mine actually took his life. a guy that -- he was my roommate after we got back from afghanistan reporter: kevin srt hampshire, who wanted to join the cause. >> they aren't aware of the everyday issues vets go through reporter: kevin and daniel are heading south and then going out west. they will circle all 48 continental states. they are powered by the hope for change. >> i definitely feel motivated, because, i mean, all the support we're getting, all the people pushing. reporter: in boston, sera congi, wcvb newscenter 5. todd: hundreds of cyclists are getting ready to start their annual ride to remember. antoinette: that bike trip honors fallen law enforcement officers, but watertown police officer, brandon o'neil, you see him there, he's running the ride to remember route. he's running for his daughter, savannah, who lost her live to illness at 9 years old. the officer started h run yesterday afternoon. he's meeting cyclists at the state house later on in the day. wow, the ride is long enough as it is. look at him running it. a tricky transplant involving multiple kidneys. todd: how the patients immediate each other and what they're planning for after the transplant. antoinette: plus a one-of-a-kind program launching in boston. how the city is partnering with ride sharing companies to help disabled people. todd: as we take a live look sun starting to make peek through the clouds a little bit. we still have a little ways to go. antoinette: get a little focus on that camera there. todd: it is a beautiful saturday morning. v.o.: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump. trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. v.o.: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that, defund planned parenthood. and both oppose our right to safe and legal abortion. ayotte: well i certainly think that roe should be overturned... trump: there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. v.o.: ayotte and trump, wrong for new hampshire women. todd: a beautiful start to your day. look at the sunrise. beautiful colors out morning. the museum of science is a wild weather weekend. the weather is not that wild, but if you have a chance, you can talk about the weather. meet a.j. burnett or tomorrow at 11:30, j.c. monahan will be there talking about weather and all the fun things that go on with meteorology out there. we're starting off on the cool side. as we head to the afternoon, we have temperatures climbing into the 70's. good chance of seeing clouds night. much needed at that. best chance for rain tomorrow night through monday morning. then evening clouds coming through on tuesday. plenty of sunshine for your wednesday and thursday. todd: in northern california, a kidney transplant involving four kidneys and eight people. antoinette: and this is pretty interesting. it came about thanks to a groupon. we'll explain. the eight donors and recipients will swap kidneys in a complicated swap that came together only parties met another through a groupon promotion. kidney incompatibilities were solved through linking eight different people, and everyone is now ready to go. >> if you can help someone have a better quality of life and it's not harmful to me, why wouldn't you? antoinette: the patients say they will plan a huge party for themselves once everyone recovers from the operation. campaign trail. antoinette: the attacks the candidates are launching on each other. todd: stories in photographs taken by the homeless. a unique perspective and the important way they're being used locally. antoinette: and we go back out to that live picture, or is this a painting we're looking at? todd: it's gorgeous. antoinette: gorgeous sky, a cool start to the morning. 51 degrees. things are warming up. mild day on tap. mike wankum will tell you all about it when we come back. >> monday on the eye, home sellers take note. >> the three traps that are simple to avoid increasing the likelihood of a deal. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. oh, absolutely. i like that. >> now on newscenter 5 eyeopener. antoinette: new controversy. donald trump on the attack. the move he's calling for and how hillary cl todd: a disturbing tack in easton. antoinette: a deadly collision in newton. a teenager killed after he was struck by a passing train. what police are saying about the investigation. on the eye. >> you're watching wcvb, boston's new leader. good morning. this is newscenter 5's eyeopener. antoinette: and a good morning. thank you so much for being with us. 6:00 on this saturday, september

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