Transcripts For WCVB NewsCenter 5 At Noon 20160930 : compare

Transcripts For WCVB NewsCenter 5 At Noon 20160930

her. you see on the map right there, aruba is getting impacted by this. it is moving away currently and the tract on matthew continues to move it in that west southwesterly direction. notice it will be maintaining this category strength. deeper into the weekend, headed toward jamaica and from there, cuba and then the bama next week. from this point, it may drift northward. computer models are struggling on how close it will come to the seaboard. it is possible it will come close enough to impact the eastern seaboard. any impacts would be later in the week. the more immediate concern for us, rains, rains closer to the cape and the islands. lifting and hitting the pike by afternoon and this evening, we are looking at rain this -- across the area. we have a full-time line just ahead. heather, erika? heather: heather: right now a worcester man is preparing to face a judge accused of trying to kill a little boy. erika: we have new details about this disturbing case. newscenter 5's antoinette antonio is live in worcester with what we've learned. antoinette: undergoing a competency is valuation. he allegedly said he had just killed a little boy, a family member. officers found the toddler conscious, sitting on a couch in the lincoln village apartments. he had injuries to his face and screaming, but, you know, pretty much crying and sometimes screaming. but i don't know if he was in pain. antoinette: a witness took this photo of police putting mcdonald in handcuffs and in the police vehicle. he was babysitting the boy at the time of he is facing a slew of charges including attempted murder and a strangulation. once again, he is expected to face a judge sometime today and we will bring you the latest information when we get it. we are live in worcester, antoinette antonio, wcvb newscenter 5. erika: thank you. right now, women in a boston walking on gay head street near menden street when a man approached her around 1:45 thursday morning. she says the man pulled a gun and demanded she hand over her cell phone. she was then forced to walk into a backyard in the area of number 24 gayhead st where she says the man sexually assaulted her. residents say this is a quiet, close-knit neighborhood. >> i feel like a lot of people around here know each other, so everyone seems to look out for one another. for that to happen is really bizarre. erika: police ask anyone who may give them a call. heather: this is new at noon. an arrest in a rockland carjacking. police say 20-year-old macqwan hicks johnson hitched a ride at a gas station and then pulled a knife on the 18-year-old driver. he forced the victim to hand over his cash and phone, and then got behind the wheel. the victim jumped out and ran for help. johnson is facing several charges, including armed carjacking. he'll stay behind bars until a dangerousness hearing is set. and right now police in hanson , are searching for this man he is a person of interest on the run following a day-long hunt. late last night investigators , returned to the scene. they left the home with a couple bags. swat teams searched for hours earlier in the day after four people were seen running from a home off main street. a woman told police she heard the men break her back windows. it happened just before 11 :00 thursday morning. police say one suspect was armed with a handgun. two suspects were quickly taken into custody but the other two are on the run. home of a woman feared lost at sea. officers were seen removing bags, envelopes, and boxes from linda carman's middletown, connecticut house. she was fishing with her son, nathan carman, when their boat sank. he was rescued after a week in a life raft. the coast guard says all agencies involved will meet about the case monday. they're trying to determine if work on carman's boat made it unsafe something he has denied. , right now two men are recovering after being stabbed outside a movie theater in braintree. parking lot of the amc theater last night. both victims are 36-years-old and from hingham. no arrests have been made and police don't have a description of a suspect. heather: 5 investigates learning that new technology used to zero in on a suspect in an unsolved murder may also help in other high-profile cases. investigators used unidentified dna found at the crime scene to develop these sketches of a suspect in the 1992 murder of agawam teacher lisa ziegert. investigators trying to solve the murders of vanessa marcotte this summer in princeton and teenager molly bish in warren back in 2000 say they are aware of the technology used and are reviewing how it could help these cases and other investigations. erika: commitment 2016, gop nominee donald trump, on an early morning twitter tirade. trump digging deeper into the controversy surrounding his treatment of 1996 miss universe winner alicia machado. crooked hillary was duped and , used by my worst miss u. hillary floated her as an angel without checking her past, which is terrible he also encouraged people to check out what he called machado's sex tape. fact checkers note there's no evidence such a tape exists. yesterday he accused the clinton campaign of helping machado get u.s. citizenship but offered no proof. hillary clinton is campaigning in the swing state of florida today where a new poll shows her in the lead. the mason-dixon poll surveyed voters right after monday's debate found clinton leading trump 46 to 42%, libertarian candidate gary johnson drew 7%. and a new wbur poll of more than 500 likely new hampshire voters, shows clinton with a seven point lead over trump in the granite state. heather: today, big papi's thank you tour arrives back in boston for the final time this regular season. it's about time. and you can bet red sox fans will be out in force to show fenway with more. sera: everyone loves big papi, erika and heather. you can see they are looming large, getting ready for the big party for pippi. -- for big papi. >> everybody loves big papi. sera: a silhouette of his signature ve fenway park where fans are capturing the moment, david ortiz playing his final regular season series at home against the toronto blue jays. >> he is a yankee killer, which is a great thing. sera: ed valantine became a red sox fan as a kid living in boston. he is now in ohio. this is his first trip back to fenway for big papi. >> but he's an ambassador for the game. another. >> son, i'm happy for dad, bittersweet they're losing a great player. sera: he wasn't the only toronto fan around fenway showing big poppy love. the crowd at yankee stadium last night showing respect for their longtime rival. a tribute included former yankees like mariano rivera, hugging it out before big papi's final stand on new york turf. >> he has a good attitude and sera: nine-year-old sam trego and his family traveled from pennsylvania for big papi. >> he gives back to the community and his attitude on the field, you just don't see that today. i'm sad to see him go. i am sure there will be a couple of tears tonight, 20. sera: more than a couple tears. you arrived early for tribute ceremonies before the game and they're urging everyone to take public transportation. live from plan way park, sera congi, wcvb newscenter 5,. erika: new details on the train wreck in new jersey. what we've learned about the conductor, and the leading theories on the cause of the deadly crash. erika: a new warning in the opioid crisis. the new and stronger form of fentanyl and why first responders are concerned. cindy: acting needed rain. you can see to leave. the impact on your weekend and how much to accept -- expect. erika: and a veteran teacher and soldier honored by putting them to work. his role in a special tribute this morning. >> the 10:00 news on metv boston with maria stephanos and ben simmoneau. now on comcast channel 942, verizon 461, and over the air at the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, and school committees all across the state. >> you're watching newscenter 5 at noon. heather: former israeli president shimon peres has been laid to rest. president obama addressed family members and heads of state at services this morning. he said peres showed that justice and hope are at the heart of israel. the president arrived in jerusalem overnight along with the u.s. delegation. that includes former president bill clinton and members of congress. the 6-year-old shot in a rampage at a south carolina elementary school is on life support. jacob hall's family says the child is suffering from a major brain injury from blood loss after being shot in the leg on wednesday. that as a judge gets set to decide whether authorities can continue holding the teenager suspected in the shooting and killing of his father before the attack at the townville elementary school. erika: right now, we are getting new details about the deadly crash involving a new jersey commuter train. here is what we know at this hour -- the train's engineer is now out of the hospital and cooperating with investigators. 48-year-old thomas gallagher has worked for new jersey transit for 29 years. the big question -- why didn't the train slow down as it approached the station? one more than 100 others were hurt when it plowed into hoboken terminal. the woman killed has been identified as a 34-year-old who had recently moved to the u.s. from brazil. she had just dropped her toddler daughter off at daycare and was rushing to catch the train. witnesses describe a terrifying scene. >> it went through the air. traveled another 40 feet and the walk. erika: investigators do not believe this crash was deliberate. they are looking primarily at operator error, a possible medical emergency or mechanical failure. >> 51 degrees in needham. erika: it is out of the 50's though. cindy: all week it will go up and down. erika: loop. the past 12 hours, it is the vineyard. and i think a lot of us will see that spreading as we get deeper into the afternoon and especially this evening. notice how the rain chances go up tonight and they are very high on your saturday. if you have outdoor plans tomorrow, there certainly will weather. but we need it desperately. rainfall totals look to be anywhere from half in and to an engine a half of rain widespread. this may be a little conservative. it i think the trend is there with the heaviest amounts in southeastern massachusetts. so, this is beneficial rain. we need it. it has been taking so long to get in here. we had dry air. low pressure. it is tracking along frontal boundary very slowly. everything is filling in to the waters to the south. there are downpours. there is tropical moisture, you see it here, working up the coast line and it is all rotating along this upper-level to our west. this moisture pivoting off the over the next couple of days. an easterly wind off the ocean. water temperature, 60 degrees. the air temperature at logan, 60 degrees. you get the idea. once we get that rain to start coming in midafternoon, the temperatures will fall a couple of degrees and there will be showers right through the evening. if you're headed to fenway, it saturday's game looks showery and damp. sunday, cloud cover, drizzle. lifting northward by 3:00. there it is over the pike. this evening, heavier rain -- worcester toward the south and that fills in overnight. on your saturday there will to near 60 degrees the much all day long. saturday is the weather of two weekend days. notice we have the rain in the morning. we have a lot of wet weather by the evening hours. that begins to taper off to showers and there will be a lot of clouds on sunday morning. if you are headed to gillette on sunday washout. however, cloudy skies, cool, damp conditions. a chance of drizzle around. i think we will see the pattern break early next week. all eyes toward the middle and end of next week where hurricane matthew is and how close it is. we will keep you posted. heather: we know you will, 5 on the opioid crisis now. first responders in new hampshire are sounding the alarm about a new version of fentanyl that's even more deadly than the original. furanyl fentanyl comes from china. the powder is so fine it can become airborne or dissolved as a nasal spray. the state sent a bulletin to all first responders warning this new version can be deadly if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. so far, this new form of fentanyl has not been found in -- >> it was a little concerning to me it has changed in form, in some respect and it is also first responders. to me, that was the more concerning part. heather: this is a cautionary alarm. so far, this new form of fentanyl has not been found in new hampshire. erika: coming up -- getting a new paint job. heather: the restoration joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. erika: before we go, a touching tribute to a former weymouth teacher and vet. heather: a rock painted with the stars and strips at the high -- stars and stripes at the high school is being restored in the high school since the late 70's. he was asked to paint the bottom stripe of the flag. the weymouth fire department is also playing a major part in the restoration. erika: that is one big rock. heather: it is. hopefully it was quick dry paint. cindy: we are watching the rain. also watching hurricane matthew. category three, major hurricane, 150 miles per hour. if it has any impact locally it will be toward the middle and end of next week. it will be off and on through the weekend. i think saturday is the wettest day of the weekend. erika: all right, and a fenway? cindy: i say take the poncho. the fans, the diehards will be there. heather: representing. >> this is an editorial by wcvb channel 5 president and general manager bill fine. mr. fine: last week, our region made it into the national news cycle with this disturbing video. out on the floor of a discount retail store in lawrence, massachusetts as her confused toddler tries to wake her. paramedics administer narcan to reverse the effects of a presumed opioid overdose. it is a shocking video, even for all of us well-aware of the tragedy of the opioid crisis. last week, 5 investigates kathy curran exposed how suboxone has become the drug of choice in bay state jails and prisons. small strips, easily passed, seen here in this security video are hidden in cards, letters, in the past 18 months, more than 300 inmates tested positive for the drug. and months ago, karen anderson first showed us the in the open tragedy of drug addiction along the part of mass ave known as "methadone mile." she's returned to the front lines of the opioid battle, meeting new members of mayor walsh's neighborhood engagement team, whose goal is to help people find needed health services in an area the city has now renamed "recovery road". facing our state and nation. armed with narcan, first-responders are getting better and better at helping people survive opioid overdoses -- overdoses, yet the growing death-toll in the bay state, averaging 2000 this year, shows we're losing ground. wcvb has been proud to partner with the massachusetts department of public health in the struggle to end opioid addiction and battle the stigma that can keep people from seeking treatment. broadcasters, lawmakers and drug abuse experts, nationwide, to launch an on-air campaign aimed at stopping this epidemic which now claims 78 lives in the united states every single day. we will continue to chronicle the struggle. too much is at stake for us to lose this battle. the next generation is watching and they are depending on all of false, negative ads- but as your first female attorney general- appointed by republican and democratic governors. as your senator, i'm fighting for equal pay and against workplace discrimination, to expand access to birth control, strengthen and preserve medicare, and i reached across the aisle to protect access to mammograms. i approve this message because after all the false, negative ads, i'm still the kelly ayotte you know- >> hey, everybody, get ready, because in the next 30 minutes, you may be watching someone walk out of here very, very rich. it's time to play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ? ? welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] all right. recently engaged, our returning contestant would love to give his fianc?e the honeymoon of her dreams. from devon, pennsylvania, please welcome back patrick walsh. hey, buddy, looking good. >> thank you, you are too. smart. like the smart ties going, power ties. >> power ties. we are powerful men. >> we are, yes. >> not to be messed with. >> got to impress my fianc?e. >> yeah, you got your fianc?e and the wedding coming up, but now is the family--have they approved of you? is this wedding gonna happen?

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