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9 30 this morning, police found russells car at an apartment complex there. Haven was ok. But russell was dead from an apparent gun shot wound. Edwards says its been an emotional 24 hours. Billy russell 0 i was happy. Excited the my kid was okay. But under the circumstances im torn up about what happened but im happy to have my kid home 10 10the Dayton Police department is now looking into brittanys death. Our jay warren is also talking to russells family. Hear what they have to say about this tonight on 9 on your side at 5. A driver takes off after hitting a 15yearold girl who was on her way to school. School. And as Jordan Burgess tells us, police are now searching for that driver. Police say that girl was hit in one of the crosswalks here at reading and glenwood and that the driver did stop and get out for a second only to get back in his crv and leave but were told a nurse did get out and help her. Vehicles zip by the place where a few hours earlier that 15yearold girl blue honda crv. Police say the girl had the walk signal and was on her way to school. Afterward she was taken to childrens to be checked out. But witnesses say she appeared to be okay. Police tell us the driver of the crv was swerving in and out of traffic girl. At this point police are still searching for that driver who police say is between 30 and 40 years old wearing a hoodie and with facial hair. The vehicle is a 1998 honda crv thats blue with license plate grw82 29. Jordan burgess. The now cincinnati. Cincinnati. Right now were taking a closer look at City Councils plan to prevent injuries like this by making some of cincinnatis most dangerous intersections safer. Tom mckee will have a look at those efforts coming up at 5. Turning to weather the big finally, we get a break for some sunshine thursday. It will still be very cold with morning lows in the Single Digits and highs only in the low to mid 20s. Skies will be mostly cloudy on friday and a flurries will be possible in the tristate. Northwest winds pick up a bit more on saturday and that could result in a few isolated snow showers as lake effect snow bands drift into the tristate. As always, we are looking ahead. More ample moisture arrives by monday, bringing in another chance for snow. We will have to watch temperatures closely with this system as it may start as rain and eventually turn to snow. Today is Ash Wednesday. Which marks the beginning of the lenten season. And the countdown to easter. The nows Briana Harper breaks down what the season means to catholics. And takes us inside some of the traditonal services here in the tristate. State. Nats pop singing. Noon mass at St Francis De Sales Catholic Church draws quite a crowd on Ash Wednesday. Eugene contadino pastor, st. Francis de sales church its really a retreat time. Its really a time to evaluateto say there are some things i could do better and somethings i can work on. Lent marks a period of abstinence and fasting before easter celebrations. And with that comes scripture nats perhaps the most reconizable traditions of Ash Wednesday is the cross marked in ash on ones forhead. Its a serious symbol, probably one of the most obvious things that every christian does and young people seem to want it to be identified as christians which is wonderful. The ashes sybolize the belief that god that man returns to ash after death. Its also seen as a symbol of repentence for personal sins. Its a practice that dates back to the middle ages. Briana harper briana wcpo but if youre looking for your blessing outside of the traditional four walls of the churchthen this website ashes to go might be one to consider. Congregations across the country offering a brief moment of prayer to those who are on the go but still eager to receive their ashes. Its a nontraditional Ash Wednesday service thats even made its way to the tri state. In previous years a number of local churches have hosted what they call drive through ashes paulette wittenbrink pastor, hyde park Bethlehem United Methodist Church it was an attempt to connect with some people in the neighborhood in a way that was sort of allowing them to experience some open prayer and some of the confessions that we do. Also give them the opportunity to have the ashes placed on their forehead. Due to Colder Weather this yeardrive through ashes was cancelled. But Church Leaders says its something they hope to continue in the future. If you havent had a chance to attend a local Ash Wednesday mass theres still time. For the tristate, head to wcpo. Com. A major hiring even at cincinnati Northern Kentucky for now. Now. But officials we spoke with today say they expect to hold another event in the next three to four months. Those jobs include retail positions, custodians, food service work, and security personell. 19. 45 most are entry work. We are looking for people 16 and over work with ged or High School Diploma but some without. With or without a drivers license. We have something for all walks of life. 19. 59. 39 19. 59. 39 one more thing to keep in mind were talking about both full and part time jobs. Well keep you posted on when another cvg job fair is announced. Coming up february 19th and 20th aldi will be hiring employees for its independence location. You can interview positions will pay a lot more than minumum wage too about 12. 75 an hour. You must be 18 or older to apply and have at least a ged. Youll also need to be able to work any shift p. M. And be able to lift 45 pounds. Cincinnatis Pilot Program to save homeowners money through Energy Efficiency is now underway. Underway. Empower cincinnati works like this homes that are likely to use a lot of energy are identified and the owners are contacted. These are usually older homes but not always. An estimate is worked up that includes how much it will cost to upgrade the homes insulation and how much the improvements are likely to save them. If the owner agrees to make the improvements a vetted contractor is brought in to do the work. 5. 51 its been very positive some people its tough to prioritize the costs just because insulation isnt the most exciting thing to spend money on but for those who know they need it they are thrilled to have a company that can provide a turn key solution 6. 11. 32 so how much does Something Like this cost . The average is around 25hundred dollars. But the savings can average between 300 to one thousand dollars a year. Add that up over the 20 year life of insulation and youre looking at a savings of around 20 thousand dollars. A heads up if you plan to be anywhere near the streetcar project tomorrow. You might be stopped by street closures. Closures. Race street will close from findlay to mcmicken while henry street will close from elm to race. The closure is expected to start around three and last until two. All of the work is weather dependent though. Officials will give us a better time table tomorrow. This is Important News for your money. The Federal Reserve chair telling lawmakers today the fed wont be reversing course and lowering Interest Rates. Rates. But she says future rate hikes may not happen as fast as she first expected. The big things the fed is worried about what impact more people borrowing money. And a strong dollar. Could have on Economic Growth and hiring. Economy. But there is some optimism. Name janet yellen | Federal Reserve chair Economic Growth could also exceed our projections for several reasons, including the possibility that low oil prices will boost Economic Growth more than we expect. The fed raised Interest Rates in december for the first time in nearly a decade. Economists predict the next hike could happen in june at the earliest. Right now hundreds of american soldiers are preparing to head to afghanistan. The u. S. Army says those forces will help Afghan Forces push back taliban insurgents in the province of helmand. The soldiers will not take active combat roles. This will be the largest deployment of american troops outside major bases in afghanistan since 2014. Flying to your destination might soon be enjoyable enjoyable well tell you the changes being proposed to help you be more comfortable when you fly. The governor of michigan pledges hundreds of millions to help the people of flint. Washington wanted answering tough questions here today. We ask flints congressman if the governor should be we all know the pain of squeezing into those tiny seats on airplanes. With ver little leg room now one congressman is trying to do something about it. 9 on your sides Carol Williams with the plan. The Us House Transportation Committee is expected to hear the bill tomorrow. Tomorrow. In the bill. A representative from tennessee is calling on the faa to set minimum seat sizes on planes. He says the average distance between rows has shrunk from 35 inches to 31 inches. And the average width of a seat has gone from 18 inches to around 16 inches. But the push for bigger seats isnt just about comfort. The congressman says the first reason is safety. Hes worried about people being able to get off the plane fast enough in an emergency. He says the faa on all of todays smaller seats. The second reason for bigger seats. Your health. The congressman says doctors have warned that deep vein thrombosis can affect passengers who cant move their legs during longer flights. But those slimmer seats arent all bad. Airlines say the design has helped them save on fuel. Because the seats are lighter. It has also let them squeeze more seats on planes. Both of those things theoretically mean cheaper tickets for you. In fact, the average round trip ticket in the us is now the lowest it has been since 2010. It comes in at 372 dollars according to new information out from the federal government. Today is the day michigan Governor Rick Snyder was asked to appear before congress. To answer tough questions about what role he played in the flint water crisis. But he wasnt there today. Telling lawmakers he needed to present his budget to the state legislature instead. The nows in washington. Pushing for answers. Pkg full snyder its about a 400 Million Dollar investment focusing on flint and infrastructure in this budget. On the same day michigan Governor Rick Snyder pledged hundreds of millions for the people of flint. He was supposed to be speaking with another flint resident in washington today. 1 29 49 a lot of people think thats a lot of money its not much more than people in flint paid for water that poisoned their kids 58congressman dan kildee sits on the committee that invited snyder to testify about his role in the flint water crisis. Snyder declined saying he needed to present his budget to the legislature. 1 30 31 who is responsible for holding him accountable since he wasnt here today . 36 well ultimately its the people of michigan and their voices are beginning to be heard 39 regularly on this question 42 transparency and telling the truth is not saying the things one wants to say but actually answering tough questions others might have 52the former city manager. Who was appointed by snyder has been subpoenaed to questions. 1 31 05 can you and will you subpoena Governor Snyder if he doesnt appear here . 1 31 08 thats going to be up to the majority as a democrat we dont have the authority to issue subpoenaes i would hope that if he had an invitation on a day he could attend that he would simply come 19 today the house passed a bill which would require the epa to notify residents of a town that their water has lead in it if the state Environmental Agency doesnt do it. The epa says it tried to urge the Michigan Department to quote do the right thing. Others accuse the epa of passing the buck when it knew the water was bad. A developing story right now. The Justice Department is threatening to take legal action against the city of ferguson, missouri. You remember this ferguson was torn apart by protests and distrust after police shot and killed 18yearold Michael Brown two years ago. The doj investigated and found the city discriminates against africanamericans and outlined reforms including diversifying training. But now the city is pushing back. It doesnt want to be required to increase police salaries. And wants federal monitoring fees capped. The doj says it will take any necessary legal action to ensure the citys policing and Court Practices comply with the constitution. What to do with Police Body Camera footage has been on the minds of many leaders here in cincinnati following the death of sam dubose over the summer. And now indiana lawmakers are discussing it too. Too. A senate panel is looking at a bill that would give police the power to withhold body camera from the public. Supporters say it will protect the privacy of those who appear in recorded footage. Public access advocates say keeping that video secret finally, we get a break for some sunshine thursday. It will still be very cold with morning lows in the Single Digits and highs only in the low to mid 20s. Skies will be flurries will be possible in the tristate. Northwest winds pick up a bit more on saturday and that could result in a few isolated snow showers as lake the tristate. As always, we are looking ahead. More ample moisture arrives by monday, bringing in another chance for snow. We will have to watch temperatures closely with this system as it may start as rain soon it may not take as much heroin to land someone behind bars in ohio. Right now youd need to have 250 grams of heroin or the weight of your Television Remote to trigger a maximum prison sentence of eleven years. Years. But lawmakers are talking about lowering that level to 100 grams or the weight of a bar of soap. Soap. Supporters say the move will help curb the growing heroin epidemic a battle the tristate knows very well. Well. The states public defenders office, however, says lawmakers should focus more on improving Treatment Options and Addiction Services if they really want to help addicts. The latest on that Royal Caribbean cruise ship swept up in Hurricane Force winds is making its way back to new jersey right now. After battling destructive 30 foot waves and Hurricane Force winds the captain of the anthem of the seas is speaking out defending his actions to set sail during a storm. Saying he didnt realize the magnitude of the storm. Captain Claus Andersen the whole thing was not bigger than this and it was up here captain Claus Andersen i have not seen low pressure that was not forecasted anything near what we actually experienced. Experienced. A maritime expert who is an experienced captain weighed in saying andersens actions to set out to sea were appropriate but others arent so sure. Controversy after an olympic athlete announces shes doesnt want to go to brazil why she says she would stay home if she had to make a choice today im john matarese. Dont fall victim to a rose ripoff this valentines day. Ill show you how to get the best quality flowers at the best possible price, coming up on 9 on your before contemplating 4 dollar menu, in our zen garden. Focus. Steakburger meal. Reflect. The taco salad meal. Zen. The original double n cheese steakburger meal. Oh download the new earn rewards every time you use it. Former ohio state running back Maurice Clarett is back on probation after admitting to driving while drunk. Drunk. Clarett was pulled over on interstate 71 in Morrow County january third. Other drivers spotted him driving erratically and followed for nearly a half hour until troopers caught up to them. Claretts jail sentence was suspended and hell have to take a bunch of classes. His license was also suspended. Clarett played only one season for the buckeyes but it was a memorable one. He was then busted following an Armed Robbery and just got off probation last february. Concerns are growing over zika virus and what it will mean for the olympics thanks to a highprofile athlete. 9 on your side anchor craig mckee has been watching the for you. Us Soccer Player hope solo said in a new interview quote if i had to make the choice today, i wouldnt go to the olympics. She says shes considering having a child someday and shes worried about their health if shes exposed to the zika virus. Virus. The us teams coach is responding today saying theyve had constant conversations behind the scenes about the virus. The team will Start Playing tonight in texas to try to we also contacted the Us Olympic Committee about hope solos comments. A spokesperson tells us quote we are closely monitoring the situation. He says theyre also working to make sure us athletes know about the cdcs recommendati ons about traveling to brazil. The cdc is advising against it for women who are pregnant. Or trying to become pregnant. The reason those women should be concerned is because of the possible impact on their unborn babies. Weve told you how zika virus could cause head and brain defects in newborns. Now new information from researchers shows babies could also have serious eye damage. That may make them blind. Olympics organizers are still stressing the games wont be canceled. And the international Olympic Committee says its confident about the measures being taken against the virus in brazil. So just how many times have driver . Weve got the answer from mothers against drunk driving. 14 10 25 16 how old are you liesl . Five. Changing lives for the better. Next we take you inside a local program thats helping deaf children from welcome back to the now cincinnati. Tenthousand people are killed every year because of drunk driving. Driving. And today theres a renewed effort to change that. The nows andy choi. Breaks one device. May be a significant life saver choi mothers against drunk driving says ignition interlocks like these are saving lives around the country. In the last ten years, madd found these devices have stopped nearly two million attempts by drunk drivers trying to start their cars. [nats of periscope] streaming its findings live through periscope, mothers against drunk driving outlined the data its been collecting since 2006. The report titled how technology has stopped 1. 77 million drunk drivers laid out the groups case for implementing ignition interlock laws for all drunk driving offenders around the country. With statebystate breakdowns on how ignition interlocks stopped drinking and driving, madd says interlock laws for every offender will do what license suspension cannot. And thats physically keep a drunk drivers vehicle from going anywhere. Choi madd says 25 states still dont have an alloffender ignition interlock law, and theyre hoping these new numbers help legislators around the country crack down on anyone driving drunk. For the now, im andy madd says ignition locks have also stopped drivers with lower levels of alcohol in their systems. More than 12 andahalf million times. Starting today you can get your tickets to see cincinnatis newest sporting team. Fc cincinnati started selling home game seats at Nippert Stadium this morning. Morning. Tickets start as low as five bucks for college students. Kids can see games for twelve bucks. Zone one and two tickets are 25 and 20. Or you can watch from the bailey for ten bucks well explain that in a second. You can buy tickets right now on fc cincinnati dot com. The team opens its inaugural season in just under two months. On april ninth. Kicking off against the charlotte independence. So whats the Fan Experience going to be like at these fc cincinnati games . Remember the bailey i mentioned a second ago . Thats the fan section set up in Nippert Stadium. Those red boxes over there. If you opt for tickets there, be ready tomfoolery. The team says the bailey is its supporters section. Serving as the home to the most spirited fcc fans. The legion. Which is what the team is calling its student section. Is set up on the opposite end of the field. The team is also offering season tickets. Including tickets to what the organization calls first class seating up in the club level. With cushy oversized seats and access to a climate controlled lounge. The snow has stopped for the most part we even saw some sunshine today. But its not helping temperatures right steve . Finally, we get a break for some sunshine thursday. It will still be very cold with morning lows in the Single Digits and highs only in the low to mid 20s. Skies will be mostly cloudy on friday and a flurries will be possible in the tristate. Northwest winds pick up a bit more on saturday and that could result in a few isolated snow showers as lake effect snow bands drift into the tristate. As always, we are looking ahead. More ample moisture arrives by monday, bringing in another chance for snow. We will have to watch system as it may start as rain and eventually turn to snow. A miracle factory. Thats how my former colleague, dennis jansen, once described a local Educational Program called ohio valley voices. if you dont know someone whos deaf, its possible youve never heard of it. But wait until you see the enormous difference its making in kidss lives. Nat 14 03 15 28 so where you guys going . Were going outside. An exhange of words. Nat 14 23 20 53 laughs on socalled normal interaction among kids like liesl mcgrath. Was once thought impossible. Nat 14 25 10 31 hii says it tto camera on playground so cute lieslwas born deaf. Molly mcgrath, liesls mom says 13 55 16 00 it was crushing, ya know. We had all these plans. We were so excited about our first little girl. At the time, mom, molly mcgrath, didnt realize that advancements in Technology Like Cochlear Implants would one day allow liesl to communicate like any curious five year old. Nat 14 25 17 36 that camera is a really big camera. It is a big camera molly mcgrath, liesls mom says 13 55 26 00 we thought shes not going to hear us sing to her, we love music, shes not going to hear musical these different things. 13 55 39 00 honestly up until she started to talk it was just all this anticipation of nervousness of what could happen. We just didnt knowenter ohio valley voices. One of the few schools in the country that specializes in helping kids with hearing aids and Cochlear Implants reach their full potential. Maria sentelik, executive director at ohio valley voices says 14 29 31 31 were unique in the way we are able to teach deaf children to talk, we do it in a quick time and our outcomes are some of the best in the country so people seek us out. And kids, like liesl, whore fitted with Cochlear Implants before the age of 3 are 80 percent more likely to succeed here. Nat 14 09 53 10 so what does the cochlear implant do for you . They help me hear. Watch as maria shows us just how big of a difference the implants make. Maria off here. The signals are being sent. Theyre sent here up this wire. Theres a maggent and there a magnet implanted behind it and so electromagnetically the signal is being sent to the brain and the brain is interpreting it as sound. When i take it off she can do nothing. You heard me ask her how old she was. She as able to tell me. Now watch this. Do you have any brothers or sisters at home. She cant hear me at all. Now watch this. This is the magic. Do you have any brothers or sisters at home liesl . I have two baby sisters. 14 11 21 41 ovv has helped liesl to fully grasp sound, speech, communication and even interests on an age appropriate level. 14 12 30 55 whats your favorte activity in center . Umm, playdohthe school has graduated an impressive 130 studentsand has a record enrollment this year of 56 kids from 7 different countries. Maria 14 29 57 46 the whole goal is to teach them enough and how to talk well enough so they can go out and be who theyre supposed to be so that requires a lot of intense focusing on exactly what their needs are. Are. Balancing those unique and specialized Educational Needs with the need for a kid to be a kid. Nat 14 25 55 02 line up lieslis just part of what has thrust ovv into the international spotlight. And given parents like molly. A new perspective. Nat 14 22 41 52 byeee i love you. Mwah bye sweetheart. Bye mommymolly 14 01 42 15 it will be ok. Even hardships. Ovv offers scholarships and grants to families like the mcgraths. And that is made possible in part thanks to an annual fundraiser. This years gala is being held saturday, february 27th at the cooper creek event center. Ill be out there emceeing the event. And i hope you can join us for cocktails, dinner, dancing and a great night out. You can buy tickets now by logging onto ohio valley voices dot org. I posted a link on my facebook page. Is beyonces new song the one she sang at the super bowl out of line . Line . Love it or hate it people breaking now republican announced shes dropping out of the race for president. President. And Chris Christie is expected to drop out as well as soon as tonight. This comes just a day after he finished 6th in the New Hampshire primary. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders came out on top. Reince priebus | Republican National Committee Chairman just keep in mind, five percent of all the delegates get awarded in february; 60 percent get awarded in march. So its early. Early. Hillary clinton lost by more than 20 points last night and didnt do well especially with young voters. Thats something she says shes working on. Trump meanwhile says he is focused on the palmetto state. 50 im the strongest of the candidates and im not talking on the board. Its morphed into security of our country. The military and isis and were going to knock the hell out of isis and thats where wer are now. Now. That was trump speaking with abcs george stephanopoul os today. Bernie sanders isnt wasting time either. A lot of hard work in front of us, but whoopi, i think the message that were bringing forth, that this country is supposed to be a nation of fairness, and were not seeing that fairness right now. Now. Fresh off his big win sanders stopped for a chat with the ladies of the view. He hadnt event changed out of the outfit he work the night before in New Hampshire. The signs that mardi gras festivities in new orleans are over were all over the big easy today. Today. Police did their traditional street sweep at midnight last night, after the parades came to an end. The move is largely symbolic because bars stay open anyway. More than amillion people usually come to new orleans for mardi gras. Runs 05music cheers music cheerslove it or hate it. Both sides are planning protests now as the controvery over beyonces super bowl halftime performance builds. Some people are upset. Caling it anticop. Designed supporting the black lives matter movement. With costumes and moves that pay tribute to the black panthers and malcolm x. Others say the performance sent a clear message that the status quo is not acceptable. Now theres a protest planned outside the n fl headquarters next tuesday. Thats the day tickets for beyonces world tour go on sale. Its also prompted calls for a counter protest. Well keep you posted. A social media giant takes on bullying. The changes its making. Making. And the new honor being bestowed on actor Ryan Reynolds. Its one hes really youre watching the now on wcpo 9 on your side. He calls having a daughter a dream come true. Now actor Ryan Reynolds is getting the title of sexiest dad alive from people magazine. Magazine. This comes six years after the magazine named him sexist man alive. His daughter james was born in december. He says he has no problem being surrounded by estrogen at home. How much will you spend this valentines day . Suggests the average american will spend just under 150 dollars. And bankrate dot com says the average cost of traditional valentines day gifts. Is now around 500 bucks. Heres how it breaks down fifteen dollars for a box of chocolatesforty dollars for a dozen roses. Dinner for two will run you about eighty dollars. A bottle of champagne another fifty bucks. And diamond earrings . 3hundred. How much is the cost of love across america . Overall, we will spend 19pointseven billion dollars on valentines day this year. Wallet hub says its the thirdlargest Consumer Holiday in the us behind mothers day and the Winter Holiday season. If youre still trying to figure out how to spend valentines day with your sweetheart. 9 is on your side with some ideas heres a few of our teams picks for the most romantic spots in the queen city. City. sorry no transcript none of those ideas working for you . Right now on wcpo dot com. If you become an insider you can find our nine picks for romantic and delicious restaurants for your valentines date. With picks like parkers blue ash tavern and celestial steakhouse. Theres a selection there sure to woo even the most lovelorn valentine. Or tell us your choice. Just tweet us at the now cincy or leave a finally, we get a break for some sunshine thursday. It will still be very cold with morning lows in the Single Digits and highs only in the low to mid 20s. Skies will be mostly cloudy on friday and a flurries will be possible in the tristate. Northwest winds pick up a bit more on saturday and that could result in a few isolated snow showers as lake effect snow bands drift into the tristate. As always, we are looking ahead. More ample moisture arrives by monday, bringing in another chance for snow. We will have to watch temperatures closely with this system as it may start as rain right nowon the 9 on your side facebook page, were asking for your help to caption this. Each week, we give you the chance to create the top caption or vote for your favorite by clicking like on one thats already there. The person behind the winning caption gets a free wcpo insider subscriptions. This week were taking on we talk a lot about bullying in our community and the impact it has on all of us, but mostly kids and teenagers. Now social network is taking action to protect you from bullying and harassment online. Newsys Eugene Daniels shows us whats changing. Another week, another tweak to twitter. But this one is probably less likely to produce angry twitter fingers. Https www. Youtube. Com watch . V fh20pdcrcau on tuesday, the Company Announced the creation of the Twitter Trust Safety Council < https about. Twitter. Com Safety Council. The group is made up of more than 40 different organizations and Safety Experts and will help create twitter policy that cuts down on online abuse. In a press release, twitter said < https blog. Twitter. C om 2016 announcin gthetwittertrust safetycouncil , with hundreds of millions of tweets sent per day, the volume of content on twitter is massive, which makes it extraordinarily complex to strike the right balance between fighting abuse and speaking truth to power. This is just another attempt by the tech company to help twitter become a safer place for users, while making sure its not trampling on freedom of expression. Just last week, twitter shut down more than 125,000 accounts for promoting or many of those in support of isis. And in december, twitter updated its abuse policy < https blog. Twitter. C om 2015 fighting abusetoprotectfreedomof expressionau focusing more on twitter will not tolerate behavior intended to harass, intimidate or use fear to silence another users voice. Theres no word yet on when the new council will roll out any new policies. Heres a twist. Weve told you women are paid 79cents for every dollar a man makes. But it turns out they may be one way a company can make bigger profits. Profits. A new study found that a company with women in at least 30percent of the leadership roles can expect a 15percent higher profit than a Company Without that structure. The study reviewed nearly 22thousand companies in 91 countries. It found there was no impact one way or the other by just having a woman ceo or women on the board of directors. Nearly a third of women in top management positions. And half had no women in Top Executive positions. Now heres carol with whats next at 5. 5. Tanya, at the top of the now you told us about that middletown mother who kidnapped her child. And now that mother has been found dead. So what about the father, who had custody of the child . Our jaywarren talked with the father about the rollercoaster hes been through. Youll hear that interview next at 5. Valentines day coming up, and if you dont have a valentine, maybe youre looking for love. Rose ann aragon has a cautionary story from a woman who signed up for internet dating, and spotted a scam. Scam. And maybe another kind of love will do. Tony mirones tells us about a push to find homes tanya ad lib wrap its a disease thousands face every year but its not one we talk about much. But could a get ready to have this song stuck in your head yet again. Let it go let it go cant hold anymorefrozen is going to Broadway Disney has confirmed the blockbuster animated musical will hit the great white way in the spring of 2018, after an outoftown tryout in the summer of 2017. The movies oscarwinning songwriters are set to pen new songs for the stage version, along with the films familiar favorites. Just days from valentines day harry potter fans have a new reason to love jk rowling rolling . Her publisher announced today its releasing an eighth installment of the harry potter series. This summer. Its not a traditional novel though. Its the hardback version of rowling rollings twopart play. Harry potter and the cursed child. It will be released on july 31st. Thats the birthday of the fictional boy wizard. And also a day after the play opens in london. Its being published in response to huge public demand. This will be the first potter story in after the last book. Harry is working for the ministry of magic and is the father of three schoolaged children. And if you dont know what that all means. You have four months to bingeread the first seven novels 300thousand. Thats how may people in the United States are diagnosed with lyme disease each year. Year. And doctors have just found a new species of bacteria that can cause it as well. The nows dhomonique doemanique ricks finds what this means for you and your family. Borrelia burgdorferiwhat he said. Until now that. Was the only species of bacteria believed to cause lyme disease in the us. Sotdr. Alan taege, md | cleveland clinicweve assumed that theres always been more than one species that causes this illness in this country. Doctor alan taege says thats because neighboring europe. Has at least four different species that cause lymelike disease in people. The new lead comes from minnesotas mayo clinic. Researchers there analyzed dna from abnormal specimens. They found six cases out of ahundred thousand. Sotthat doesnt mean we specifically look for it. Right now. The new species appears to be very geographically restricted. But doctors say. That doesnt mean you should let your guard down. Sotthe tick vector that causes this illness exists in a very large section of the country, so it has the potential to be in other parts of the country so people need to recognize this. The symptoms are very similar to the original strain except patients may experience vomiting, nausea, and feverlike symptomsbut there is some good news here. The new strain known as mayonii is treated the same way as the original strain. Looking at the bigger picture. Doctor taege says the new findings can help the medical world understand how diseases are spread. Sot its just another, should we say, alert, to physicians, to patients, to the general public to think about these things so that we can be alert, keep thinking, try to describe, discover, learn about new conditions and hopefully new cures. For the thats it from the now cincinnati. Cincinnati. 9 on your side at 5 starts right now. A mother murdered after she took her baby girl from a middletown home. The baby now reunited with her father. 5 9im tore up about everything going on but im happy to have my kid home homethe panic leading up to this womans death. Tonight her father speaks only to nine on your side. Paying the ultimate price. A grandmother admits her heroin addiction caused her grandsons death. What her entire family is hoping for as she heads to jail. Another child hit in a city crosswalk. The search for the driver. And important reminders for anyone who gets behind the wheel. Health concerns in the way of olympic gold. Athletes voice their concern about the zika virus. Their concern ahead of the brazil games. 9 on your

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