Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20160415 : comp

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20160415

>> i'm mary calvi. first we begin with campaign 2016. >> i do question her judgment. >> a heated democratic debate in brooklyn, and the republican gala in midtown is interrupted by protestors. we begin with the battle in brooklyn. the gloves were off as hillary clinton and bernie sanders faced off in the democratic debate cbs2's brian conybeare has this report. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders came out swinging. >> do we really feel confident about a candidate saying that she's going to bring change in america when she is so dependent on big money interests, i don't think so. >> this is a phony attack that is designed to raise questions when there is no evidence or support. >> what started as a civil as the race tightened. sanders backed away from his claim clinton is not qualified jab. >> does secretary clinton have the experience and intelligence to be a president, of course she does, but i do question her judgment. >> well, the people of new york voted for me twice to be their senator from new york, and president obama trusted my judgment enough to be secretary of state. >> at one point the candidates shouted over each other about their support for raising the minimum wage to $15. >> wait a minute, wait a minute -- >> and both are targeting the large minority vote here in new york. >> i want white people to recognize that there is systemic racism. it's also in employment. it's in housing, but it is in the criminal justice system. american kids today who graduated high school who are underemployment or unemployed. maybe we invest in jobs and education for those kids, not jails and incarceration. >> a wall street journal poll shows hillary clinton with a 17 point lead here in the new york primary. a new cbs news national poll has her up 6 points on bernie sanders. reporting from the newsroom cbs2 news. time for a little traffic and weather on the 2's. good morning on this friday. >> good morning chris, hi everybody. happy friday to you. we are looking at a very comfortable spring, a weekend with numbers above normal. it's chilly, clear and 45, winds out of the northwest at 3 miles an hour. it's a light wind but a cool breeze. star lit skies will give way to more sun today. we are watching this area of low pressure off the coast. that brings in a few clouds and some cooler conditions for the coast and the city and north mid-60s today. basically we're just now breaking through. we've been below normal all week. that's going to turn around into the weekend. are you going to have to turn around for your drive, let's find out with kyla. >> we made it. it's friday. bad news is we have an accident to talk about. a fuel spill has two lanes blocked. this is at route 78 westbound at exit 40. we also have to talk about the bayonne bridge this morning. it is closed for construction until 5 a.m. you'll want to stick with the goethals bridge as your alternate. the lincoln tunnel is delay free around the helix looking good. it's nice and early. we have no delays to talk about at the holland tunnel or the george washington bridge yet. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. more on campaign 2016. republican contenders touted their record. plea for support. >> what are new york values, number 1 honesty and straight talking. >> i really do believe the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had a big piece of pizza and had a fork and touched it with a fork. >> the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> while the presidential hopefuls were pleading for support throughout events in the city, thousands of demonstrators marched in midtown. >> supporters and protestors rioted outside the grand terminal holding signs and chants. police kept close tabs on protestors. approval rating sinks to an all time allow. 35% of people think de blasio is doing an excellent or good job. 62% say he's doing a fair or poor job. the majority say the city is heading in the wrong direction. de blasio is up for reelection next year. an investigation is underway into the crash of a military vehicle on the jersey turnpike. >> four soldiers with an army reserve in queens were injured, two critically. janelle burrell is live where the soldiers are currently being treated. >> reporter: it was an extremely bad accident there on the new jersey turnpike. and we're hearing from reports that witnesses say they saw one of the tires come off of that humvee moments before the crash. this morning here at robert wood johnson two of those soldiers are in serious condition. the other two are critical. >> the military humvee flipped the new jersey turnpike south near exit 8a in south brunswick. emergency crews rushing to the aid of the four u.s. reserve soldiers part of the 535 unit based in fort dutton betweens. the scene causing concerned drivers to pull over. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay, if there was anything i could do. >> harris telling us by phone that he along with others tried to free the soldiers trapped beneath the wreckage as they waited for help to arrive. >> me and a few other guys that were on the scene were trying to see if we could lift this humvee. >> emergency responders were eventually able to pull the soldiers from out underneath the vehicle. witnesses say the female soldier's leg was severed in the accident. >> i just hope that the lady that was amputated makes it out alive and those two guys. >> two medical helicopters the wounded to the hospital as traffic backed up for 12 miles, finally moving more than three hours later. >> reporter: and again this morning we can tell you two of those soldiers are in serious condition, the other two critical this morning. at this point it's not clear where they were headed at the time of the crash. reporting live this morning from new brunswick new jersey, janelle burrell cbs2 news. new this morning, mr. is on long island are searching for a woman accused of stealing computers at wal-mart effort the suffolk county police department released these surveillance photos of the suspect pushing a shopping cart with two boxes inside. around 10 p.m. last friday she snatched two desktop computers and then took off. as of this morning, no charges have been filed against a bronx mother whose young daughters were killed in a fire. a memorial has been growing outside the apartment building where the 2-year-old and 18- month-old died. incense left burning inside. investigators say their mother apartment wednesday night and was seen on surveillance video doing laundry across the street. we tried to talk to her when she returned to her building yesterday. she was too distraught to speak. >> miss, were your children alone. >> the mother told police she thought another adult who she says sublets a room was home at the time, but police have no evidence that is true. police on long island are trying to keep craigslist like deals from going bad. the suffolk county sheriff's department is establishing safe zones in yaphank and river head. the zones will include parking lot cameras and armed guards stationed inside a security booth. >> people who initiate these kind of transactions online, they can come here to the sheriff's office to one of these zones and can conclude the transaction there in front of armed deputy sheriff's and cameras. >> if you use the safe zone you don't have to contact the know you're coming. the deputies will not get involved unless they see something is wrong. time is 4:39. still ahead a controversial stadium now at the center of a corruption scandal. a town supervisor charged with cooking the books and betraying the people he serves. >> also ahead a local university that is now preparing for president obama's commencement speech and why this speech is making history there. >> good morning everybody, we've got nice weather coming up today, tomorrow, and sunday, too. it's a cool start. going to be a bright one. then those numbers above traffic and weather on the 2's. have you seen this chimpanzee making an electrifying escape in northern japan. the ape named cha cha managed to breakthrough from a zoo. he led officials on a more than one-hour long chase before that's when crews shot him with a tranquilizer dart. the zoo is trying to figure out how the 24-year-old split. 4:42 right now. john, good morning. >> the teeth. >> yeah. >> that is a serious -- >> he is in the happy. >> animal. >> the serious numbers new york city, we just have some variety. we have some readings in the low 40s in the weather watchers. readings in the 20s still, 29, this is bob grimm in berryville. beautiful skies but obviously cool because there's no insulation. also on this day in history, the titanic sinks at 2:27. 1865 the loss of abraham lincoln. beautiful views like this from charlie. look at this sha hoe la park in pennsylvania. let's go for a trip this weekend, saturday and sunday hudson valley out to the poconos, catskills really nice. definitely going to be cooler did you see that, i just disappeared. that was weird. did i just disappear. here i am over here, mike on camera 2 said what in the world man. 45 and clear, wind out of the northwest at 3 miles an hour. relative humidity is at 82%. i told you 20s, 30s, and 40s. the city a standout at 45. that's exactly what it felt like this time yesterday. it's brisk, but a nice little warmup for parts of long island. still in the mid-40s at 8:00. lunchtime you're around 56. 61 at 2:00, 64 for your afternoon high, 55 as we wrap things up. it's the same deal tonight. it's going to be chilly if tonight's the night for the show or if tonight's the night for the party get together you're still going to need that jacket. 64 is your high today, that is a first this week. we have been flirting with it. 87 and 28 your records. the sun's up at 6:16. sunsets at 7:36 tonight. that should be pretty around the area. boy, last night was walking around and the visibility was great. you could just see for miles. scanning the skies there's not a lot to see for miles. big ridge of high pressure. that's what it looks like right now, the futurecast where the models kind of do the thinking for us, shows this system out to sea. watch, it's totally blocked, so we see dry conditions. i do feel there will be that temperature variation where you're appreciably cooler along the coast sunday into monday. for the city north and west you're looking at the low to mid-70s, a hint of a shower but not a major system at all for >> good morning everyone. unfortunately we have an accident to tell you about this organize new jersey, we have an accident with a fuel spill at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alt alternate to get you through the area. for metro north your path trains, new jersey transit and long island and let's take a live look outside at the tappan zee bridge. looking good, moving well into westchester county this morning. thanks. if you're just waking up, good morning, here's quick look at some of the stories making headlines. a judge has denied a motion to toss out the manslaughter conviction of peter leeyang. the murder trial of michelle lazinsky. she's accused of killing her 5- year-old son in 1991. she reported him missing from a carnival. yesterday a retired police lieutenant testified that attention she received after her son vanished. a judge has ordered the release of sealed documents. she cites the public's interest in knowing how silver misused his office. silver will be sentenced next month. new york's u.s. attorney is taking a swing at another corruption case, a rocklin county town supervisor threw residents curve ball to finance a baseball stadium most didn't even want. >> a town proposal to build this minor league ballpark stuck out with voters in 2010. 70% voted no. long time town supervisor christopher st. lawrence built it anyway ask in the process may have broken the law. >> whether you run a corporation or you lead a town, you are not allowed to cook the books, plain and simple. >> the u.s. attorney used charts to illustrate claiming st. louis and his head of development falsified town had money in its general fund and could afford to float $100 million in bonds to build the ballpark and other projects. in fact, the town was deep in the red. >> st. lawrence and trudler lied repeatedly about the town's finances deceiving the citizens of ramapo as well as thousands of bond investors. >> the investigation underway for some time. the fbi raided town hall in 2013. investigators credit a whistleblower for reporting the allegations. >> it's not clear if anyone personally profited from this scheme. the feds couldn't say why supervisor st. lawrence was so determined to built this ballpark that he allegedly cooked the books. >> activist believes the town is broke and worries what happens next. >> what's the worst-case scenario for long time residents like yourself. you can't retire in a place like this. >> he's calling on st. lawrence to resign. >> st. lawrence and trudler pleaded not guilty posted bond. the security and exchange commission filed civil charges against the two men along with the town attorney and finance director. now to our money watch report. stock futures are trending down. on wall street stocks ended mixed. the dow rose 18 points. the nasdaq fell by 1 point. the s&p 500 was essentially flat. new jersey's unemployment rate managed but the unemployment rate rose slightly at 4.4%. that's up from 4.3% in february. the state's division of labor and work force development says the rate rose because more residents entered the labor force. a consumer alert for parents. fisher price is recalling three swing. two versions of the cradle were affected. somebody says when the seat is engaged the seat can fall unexpectedly and the child can get hurt. no injuries have been reported. the time is now 4:49. a little boy who has gone viral for his sweet actions. meet the toddler who has a strong admiration for our country's soldiers. >> we'll get another check of 2's next. a tiny to the in texas melted hearts instantly as he greeted soldiers at the airport. it was 2-year-old sawyer who stole the show as he ran towards the servicemen on the tarmac and shook their hands one by one. >> let him finish, let him finish. 4:52, how about traffic and weather on the 2's. good morning to you john. >> that's great. i love that story. i think you're going to will have the weather. the city, 20s and 30s around the area. serving up some of april's finest for the next few days, and not just by our stands, by anybody's standards. climbing into the 70s by sunday and monday. maybe a shower early next week. tuesday still in play a bit. for the most part most of the area stays dry, which is going to be important on election day. low to mid-60s, just the 50s sticking around on parts of long island. if you've got to get out of long island or there, let's see what's going on with kyla. >> it's a friday, so lots of people on the move. we start with an accident to tell you about, we're going to go to what chong new jersey, it's at exit 40. your alternate is route 22 to help get you through the area. we're going to take a look at the queens midtown tunnel. one tube is shut for construction until 5:30. the other two taking traffic in both directions. we head to brooklyn and take a look at the gowanus expressway. verrazano bridge up to the bqe. alternate side parking is in effect today city wide. thank you so much. the metropolitan opera says conductor james levine will retire at the end of the season. he will turn 73 in june. he's been increasingly affected by parkson's disease. rutger's university says it's thrilled president obama will give this year's commencement speech. it's the first time a sitting president has given the commencement speech at the school. president obama will speak may 15th at high points solutions stadium in piscataway. mayor bill de blasio hits an all time low. >> first we're taking a look at the movies hitting theaters this weekend. and one of them has a fresh face to a popular sequel. stay with us. it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics my campaign is powered by millions of small contributions. people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. barbershop, the next cut, we'll see new faces in the third installment including nikki minaj. the crew is working to save not just the shop but the community. barbershop the next cut is rated pg13. >> if anything happens to that kid i'll never forgive myself. >> and the latest movie based on the jungle bookstore res are you is also in theaters. you might hear a few familiar voices, bill murray, scarlett johansson and knew pita neon go make up the cast. >> bill murray as beleu is perfect. >> what do you think's going to win this weekend? >> jungle book. >> he was the only real life actor in the movie, pretty impressive for a 10-year-old. >> people are talking about barbershop 2, i have to say. a lot of talking about that one. >> to see who's the boss. >> speaking of that did you just get a haircut a little cropped in the back. >> beautiful weather this weekend. >> i'm so happy about that. not bad on the road. >> 4:57. still ahead, top story, plus we all know when you go to the movies it's frowned upon to talk or text. now one movie theater chain is saying the opposite. >> also ahead, bernie sanders and hillary clinton battle it out in brooklyn. we are wrapping up the democratic presidential debate and tell you what a new poll reveals about the race for the white house. begins in 90 seconds. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. coming up on 5:00 on this friday april 15th. we'll have traffic and weather on the 2's in a moment. >> but first a teenager is recovering after a shopping trip ended with a product exploding in his face. >> and the debate showdown in brooklyn. >> i'm chris wragge. >> and i'm mary calvi. welcome to cbs2 news this morning. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle it out in brooklyn in a fierce debate ahead of the new york primary. night as the two candidates traded jabs. cbs2's andrea grymes is here in studio with more. >> chris and mary, hillary clinton and bernie sanders debated everything from the minimum wage to abortion to nato, both trying to prove to voters why they'd be the best democratic nominee. >> in one of the first contentious exchanges of the night between hillary clinton and bernie sanders, clinton was asked why she will not release the transcripts of her speeches to goldman sachs. >> let's set the same standards for everybody, when everybody does it, okay, i will do it. >> i am going to release all of the transcripts of the speeches that i gave on wall street behind closed doors, not for $225,000, not for 2,000, not for $0.02. there were no speeches. >> clinton called on sanders to release his taxes. >> you can go to my website and see eight years of tax returns, >> of course we will reless our taxes. jane does our taxes. we've been a little bit busy lately. you'll excuse us, but we will, senator, we will get them out. >> sanders says he plans to release his 2014 tax returns today and others very shortly. the candidates also fought over their support for raising the minimum wage to $15 across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. >> that's just not accurate. >> i have stood on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. i have said the exact same thing. >> senator, please. >> neither candidate has any scheduled events in our area today. sanders is actually heading overseas to rome. meantime clinton will be in california later tonight for an event with george clooney. and demonstrators gathered in midtown at the state republican committee's annual gala to protest donald trump. >> we'll have more on that coming up shortly. now it's 5:02. let's get over to john elliott for traffic and weather on the 2's. >> it's going to be nice one today, and we're going to see even nicer weather, you know, you get a little shaky. you get out of bed, you want to say what's going on. we've got clear skies and numbers, yeah, in the 20s, 30s, and 40s. the 20s' the exception. in the city with those clear skies we are rife, sticking right there at 44 degrees. winds are calm. relative humidity's at 70%. scanning the skies, nice and quiet. you've got a big ridge of high pressure that has been the driving force of our weather all week. hour by hour you'll feel that high's power. 46 at 8, 56 at lunchtime. 61 early in the afternoon. don't forget, neighbors to the you're going to see your highs stay in the 50s, still not too bad for this time of the year. this time of day i bet you can make some pretty good time. kyla's in for alex. >> well, you can. got a couple of accidents to tell you about. we want to slow it down. tarrant starting in queens an accident blocking at least one lane at the kew gardens interchange. another accident in watchung new jersey, this has two lanes blocked on route 78 westbound. you can use 22. route 22 is an alternate to get through the area. a live look outside at the george washington bridge. here's the good news, no delays yet at the gwb, moving well at the lincoln and holland as well. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. republican presidential contenders touted their records in manhattan at the annual state gop gala at the grand hyatt in midtown. >> what are new york values, number one honesty and straight talk. >> i really do believe that the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had that scalding piece of pizza and actually took a fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years, the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> more than two dozen protestors were arrested. some of them made their way inside chanting and holding banners. in other news four soldiers are hospitalized this morning after their vehicle overturned on the new jersey turnpike. >> the cause of the accident still not known. janelle burrell is live at robert wood johnson university hospital in new brunswick where the soldiers are being treated. janelle. >> reporter: mary, that accident was so bad it shut down part of the new jersey turnpike for hours yesterday afternoon. them are here this morning in serious condition. the other two critical, and this morning we're hearing reports that apparently a tire blew off of their humvee leading to that accident. >> the military humvee flipped over in pieces strewn across the new jersey turnpike south near exit 8a in south brunswick. emergency crews rushing to the aid of the four u.s. army reserve soldiers, part of the 533rd unit based in fort tuton queens. the singing vehicle crash happening around 2:45 thursday afternoon. the scene causing concerned drivers to pull over. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay if there was anything i could do, any sort of help i can give. >> tar harris telling us by phone that he along with others tried to free the soldiers trapped beneath the wreckage as they waited for help to arrive. >> me and a few other guys that were on the scene, we were >> emergency responders were eventually able to pull the soldiers from out underneath the vehicle. the female soldier's legs severed in the accident. >> i just hope that the lady was amputated makes it out alive and those two guys are okay. >> two medical helicopters landed on the highway rushing the wounded to the hospital as traffic backed up for 12 miles finally moving more than three hours later. >> reporter: it's not clear where the soldiers were heading at the time of the crash. investigators this morning still trying to piece together what happened in those moments leading up to the accident. reporting live this morning from new brunswick new jersey, janelle burrell cbs2 news. thank you. mayor bill de blasio's job approval rating sings to an all time allow. 35% of people think de blasio's doing an excellent or good job. 62% think he's doing fair or poor. headed in the wrong direction. former nypd officer peter liang won't be getting a new trial. a judge refused to toss out his manslaughter conviction. the judge said he didn't believe vargas intentionally withheld that. liang will be sentenced next tuesday. the brooklyn d. a. has recommended probation. a brooklyn woman says her pleas to the building department were ignored for a year and now she's concerned her home isn't safe to live in. elgin elias says her walls have been cracking thanks to a construction project next door. these cracks started in january 14 when construction began. engineers say the cracks are structural damage from the construction and should be fixed immediately. >> you know how much this have to go through for this to happen. d. o. b. instructed the site in july 2015. the department has not received additional complaints concerning the construction work. elias took the construction company to court to fix the damage. they say they'll repair the home when a judge gives them approval. today marks the third anniversary of the deadly boston marathon bombings. a wreath laying ceremony will be held at the marathon finish line. there will also be a city wide moment of silence at 2:49 this afternoon when the first of two pressure cooker bombs exploded. three people were killed and more than 260 others hurt. bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev was sentenced to death last year as brother tamerlan died in a gunfight with police. a deadly earthquake hit southern japan. nine people were killed last night. more than 800 others were hurt. the magnitude 6.5 quake knocked down homes and buildings and buckled roads. e-cigarette use is on the rise with teens. a brooklyn teen says the device put him in the hospital and left him partially blind. >> there could soon be changes for those who like a cocktail with their brunch, a law they're locking to change. >> i will say this, going to be great weather for sunday brunch this weekend. coat or jacket out the door, absolutely. then you can lose it later and don't forget the sunscreen and sunglasses. coming up. american workers know how to fight back and rebuild an economy. so does she. we need jobs that provide dignity and a bright future. new penalties to stop companies from moving profits and jobs overseas. for businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. and let's invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. a real plan to create new jobs and industries of the future. hillary clinton. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. i know we're excited about the weekend. >> very excited. >> right on the doorstep. >> let us look back at yesterday. wasn't yesterday great. >> we don't want to look back. i want to look forward. >> you remember three weeks ago thursday, that was fantastic. >> who can forget christmas eve. so here's the deal. we are actually going to be back to christmas eve standards by this weekend. remember, it was 70. we should see 70 by sunday, and then monday for likely the warmest day before we see more clouds. tuesday is a bit of a wild card, no, no, no, not talking about the election. i'm talking about weather. that's where we see definitely more clouds. i worry about a little bit of rain for parts of the area on tuesday too. clear and 44. no rain know, winds are calm. frost advisory. wild spring swing as you have the cool temperatures in the morning and warmer in the afternoon. that circles the city, and it's going to be the potential for patchy frost tonight. 39 in woodmere. you're cooler this afternoon, that northeast wind keeps you in the 50s. 38 in greenwich as we start the day. 40 in rye, about 35 for the jersey shore. just to show you the comparison, cooler upstate but when you compare these numbers with yesterday, in new york it's 1 degree cooler. you see this warmup down through parts of the ohio valley and into the virginias, that is going to kind of percolate our way, and we'll see those warmer temperatures for your saturday, sunday, and monday. lunchtime right around 56, 61 in the afternoon getting those chores done, maybe so to speaking out a little ere -- sneaking out a little early. who would blame you. 64 your high today, it's a beautiful finish to the northeast wind keeps the coast cooler. get outside tomorrow. just lay outside, get outside and enjoy it, and then sunday it may feel like may. low 70s, maybe 70, 72 on a few thermometers and then warmer still on your monday. today not bad at all. sunny skies and mild, 64. it's going to be chilly again tonight. that means readings in the 40s. that's for the city. definitely cooler in the suburbs. patchy frost can't be ruled out and then just the sweet spring weather saturday and sunday. warmest will be monday. more clouds definitely could see a passing shower on tuesday, and then numbers stay above normal next week. some speeds right at normal levels we hope. >> maybe a little bit below normal in some of our speeds. we have a few accidents out there to get everybody ahead of. good morning, let's start in queens we have an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound grand central parkway stick with van wyck to get around this problem. then we head to watchung new jersey, an accident going on with a fuel spill. this has two lanes blocked at route 78 westbound at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alternate to get you through the area. checking mass transit, disedge. looking great on metro north your path trains, new jersey transit and long island. thank you. an e-cigarette explodes at a brooklyn mall and the teen says the dangerous vaping accident put him in the hospital is left him partially blind. >> after five days of recovery in a hospital bed this 14-year- old boy is left with permanent injuries after he was maimed and blinded by an exploding e- cigarette or vape pen. >> he says he was at the kings plaza shopping center in brooklyn with friend when they approached this kiosk. different products of the vaporizers, and when he gave it to me to hold it exploded in my hands and face. >> domotoff now wears sunglasses after the explosion sent shrapnel into his eyes. >> my left eye i can't see anything right now. >> at first he wasn't sure what happened until he realized he was bleeding. >> i see like red stuff on the floor. >> his attorney intends to sue the shopping center and the kiosk. >> they don't ask them for any id, nothing, they're showing different type of products the there's no signs up that reflect the new york state and city law. it's illegal to sell these products to anybody under the age of 21. >> the kiosk has a sign posted that reads mush 21 if to purchase any product. we id all the corporate management offices for kings plaza cannot return my request for comment. the kiosk worker told me he or give me a phone number for a manager. reporting in marine park brooklyn, valerie castro cbs2 news. new research find a grown up of drugs used to treat heartburn and acid reflux could lead to kidney damage. the study analyzes the long- term use of prilosec, and prevacid. over a five year period 15% of patient who is use ppis were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. you may soon be able to enjoy a bloody mary or a mimosa with your new york restaurant brunch before noon. >> a panel says it's time to change the 1934 state law. it bans the sale of alcoholic beverages between 4 a.m. and noon on sundays. the panel is recommending sunday sales of alcohol for on premises consumption begins as early as 8 a.m. >> you can't wake up without a mimosa or bloody mary on sunday. >> it's a little disappointing. i think of brunch around 11. >> the head of the state liquor authority hopes the bill will be passed in june. >> makes sense now, i'm not a big drinker. why is everyone having brunch at 1:00. >> now we know. the fire department has released its calendar of heroes. >> in a big change it's two calendars in one. for the first time it features 12 months of men and 12 months of women. fire commissioner daniel nigra says the calendar represents all the heroes, firefighters, emts and paramedics. the heroes will be signing the calendar today in harold square from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. >> all for quality. >> all for a good cause. if you think you're allergic to penicillin doctors say you should still find out. >> texting at the movies, one them out. >> plus we'll get you another check of your traffic and weather on the 2's coming up right after this. hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. hi dad. uh huh. yeah...sorry about that. think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think? and in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you're going to like these numbers. bring me a higher love 5:22 on this friday, tgif john. >> absolutely. out the door though it's still 37 in scarsdale, 30 in summit, 27 in toms river, 28 in monticello, 44 in the city. but this afternoon what a beauty. it's cooler, south shore you're in the upper 50s, montauk twin forks in the mid-50s. it's going to be nice, suffolk county a little cooler. now the temperature trend even warmer saturday, and then sunday that high of 72 is going to feel like the 22nd of may. on monday it's going to feel like the 1st of june. hey, let's bust you out and get you there on time with kyla. at least we've got the weather on our side this morning. we have a few accidents to get you ahead of. we start in queens with an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound grand central parkway at the kew gardens interchange. stick with the van wyck to get around it. then we head to watchung new jersey. this has two lanes blocked on route 78 westbound at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alternate side parking is in effect today city wide. thank you. just call the islanders the road ware yours. panthers. the yankees could have used a little sunshine in toronto. here's otis livingston. coming up later today, the mets will be in cleveland, the yankees host the mariners. they come in struggling. diving into the stands to make this great catch, he had no shot at this one though in the 5th josh donaldson a 3-run jack. goes from 2-0 yanks to 3-2 blue jays. troy stays fair, 4-2 the final, yankees drop 2 of 3 up north. game one stanley cup playoffs, the panthers in the 2nd. captain john with the equalizer. a steal sets up -- the islanders first lead of the game. they steal game 1 in florida 5- that's your cbs2 sports update. so we all know when you go to the movies it's best to stay off your phone, no talking or texts. now an executive hints that they may start allowing texting. cbs2's cindy hsu has more. >> talking or using your device during a film is distracting. >> this is one of the videos we're used to seeing before the movies in amc theaters telling us not to talk or text. the new ceo of amc who took over less than four months ago is open to loosening those restrictions to attract a younger audience. adam aaron told variety when you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone don't ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your phone above the elbow. that's not how they live their life. the millennials we found like the new idea. >> i remember that's fine as >> it's fun to talk during the movie about the movie. >> there are lots of fans who like the movie the way it is. >> i think everybody should put their just phone away and not look at it during a movie. it's simple. it's annoying. >> just a few days ago dave moreno was trying to watch batman versus superman dawn of justice. >> there was these girls having a fight over the phone while the movie's on. and people started to be like hey, man we're trying to watch a movie here. >> no word on when these new rules would take effect. >> you know what the fact that the kids are even in the movie theaters is a good enough sign they can probably just drop the phone for two hours you know what i mean. >> they've got it with them all the time. democrats duke it out before one final debate before the pivotal north america primary. >> four army reserve soldiers recovering this morning after their humvee flips over and crashes. we'll have a live report on their condition coming up. >> also a warning for women, secret recordings on the subway finding which polices say strangers are feeling you without your knowledge. >> and we'll tell you about the job hopping trend. continues after this. hey, we're opening up a second shop and we need some new signage. but can't spend a lot. well, we have low prices and a price match guarantee. scout's honor? low prices. pinky swear? low prices. eskimo kisses? how about a handshake? oh, alright... the lowest price. every time. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. we're just about approaching 5:30, it's 44 degrees on this friday april 15th. a super spring day ahead, cool this morning, but a nice warmup just in time for the weekend. traffic and weather on the 2's moment. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the hour. >> wait a minute, wait a minute. >> emotions run high during last night's democratic debate in brooklyn. the republican candidates are interrupted by protestors in manhattan. >> the right to recess as governor christie weighs in on a dispute. >> a humvee overturns on the jersey turnpike trapping four army reservices. >> i'm mary calvi. >> and i'm chris wragge. >> that crash left two of the soldiers in critical condition. >> the cause of the accident is still not known at this hour. janelle burrell is live in new brunswick where the soldiers are being treated. >> reporter: two of the soldiers critical, the other two in serious condition this morning. we can tell you one of them actually lost a limb during the exact of that crash, a major accident that shut down a stretch of the new jersey turnpike for hours. >> the military humvee flipped over in pieces strewn across the new jersey turnpike south near exit 8a in south brunswick. emergency crews are rushing to the aid of the four u.s. army reserve soldiers, part of the 533rd units bid in fort tuton the single vehicle crash happening around 2:45 thursday afternoon. the scene causing concerned drivers to pull over. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay, if there was anything i could do and sort of help i can give. >> tar harris telling us by phone that he along with others tried to free the soldiers trapped beneath the wreckage as they waited for help to arrive. >> me and a few other guys that were on the scene we are trying to see if we can lift this humvee. >> emergency responders were eventually able to pull the soldiers from out underneath the vehicle. witnesses say the female soldier's leg was severed in the accident. >> i just hope that the lady that was amputated makes it out alive and those two guys that they're okay. >> two medical helicopters landed on the highway rushing the wounded to the hospital as traffic backed up for 12 miles finally moving more than three >> reporter: according to reports witnesses say they saw one of the tires come off the humvee moments before it crashed. all of that still under investigation. two soldiers critical, the other two recovering in serious condition. reporting live this morning from new brunswick new jersey, janelle burrell cbs2 news. time now 5:32. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. been a long week. i think we deserve a heck of a weekend right. >> but there's the air of spring. it's just everybody's in a better mood. >> it does feel good doesn't it? >> and the fact that it is friday and we're looking forward to very comfortable conditions for the weekend. warm. that's the trend into the first part of next week as well. weather wise. in the city it's chilly. you need a coat out the door. 44, wind are calm, relative humidity at 70%. skies are clear, sunrise, spectacular sunset sublime. we will see a northeast wind. it's cooler for long island but pressure, a little on the dry by lunchtime you're right around 56 and then in the afternoon low to mid-60s north and west. 50s i think for your highs for long island. still, it's going to be comfortable getting around today. >> should we lobby to do the noon show outside? >> yes, yes, start lobbying now. >> a little al fresco lunch we're in good shape. what are we doing on the roads. >> we've got a lot of people hitting the road. dangerous as well. in queens we have an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound grabbed central parkway at the kew gardens interchange. your better bet is to stick with the van wyck to get around this. in watchung new jersey an accident with a fuel spill has two lanes blocked on route 78 westbound at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alternate. day to police activity downtown express from east 180th street to 3rd avenue 149th street. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. thanks so much. hillary clinton and bernie sanders battled it out. >> it is their last showdown before the new york primary four days away. andrea grymes is in the studio with more. >> reporter: the new york primary is on tuesday. hillary clinton and bernie sanders debated everything last night from gun violence to global warming. >> i love being in brooklyn. this is great. >> the brooklyn navy yard took center stage in last night's prime time debate that turned fiery at times. hillary clinton and bernie sanders tussled over topics like their quest to raise the minimum wage across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> now wait a minute, wait a minute,. >> i have stood on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. thing. >> sanders was asked how it's fiscally responsible to promise free health care and free college for all. >> my proposal a medicare for all single payer program will save middle class families many thousands of dollars a year in their health care costs. public colleges ask universities tuition free, dam right. >> sanders says he'd pay for free college through a tax on wall street speculation. clinton says she supports making school more affordable and supports universal health care but she does not believe sanders' numbered a up. >> there is no doubt by those when have analyzed it, progressive economists health economists and the like, that it would impose an incredible burden. >> both candidates reiterated >> we've had eight debates before, this is our ninth. we've not had one question about a woman's rights to mick her own decisions about reproductive health care. >> you're looking at a senator and former congressman who proudly has a 100% pro-choice voting record. >> neither candidate has any scheduled events in our area. sanders is on his way overseas to rome. clinton will be in california for an event with george clooney later tonight. mary. continuing our campaign 2016 coverage, republican contenders touted their record at the grand hyatt in midtown, all three candidates came to plea for support. >> what are new york values, number one, honesty and straight talking. >> i really do believe that the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had that scalding piece fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years, the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> why the presidential hopefuls were inside, protests were going on outside. >> thousands of demonstrators rallied outside the grand hyatt. a large group even got inside grand central terminal holding signs and chants. police keep close tabs on the protests. stay with cbs2 for continuing coverage of campaign 2016 as we get closer to tuesday's primary, we'll also have updates online at and on facebook and twitter at cbs new york. mayor bill de blasio's job approval rating sic sinks to an all time low. blasio's doing an excellent or good job. 62% think he's doing fair or poor. de blasio's up for reelection next year. police on long island are searching for a woman accused of stealing computers at wal- mart. the suffolk county police department released these surveillance photos of the suspect pushing a shopping cart with two boxes inside. around 10 p.m. last friday she snatched two desktop computers from a is a tuck et wal-mart on the con set highway and took off police on long island are trying to keep craigslist like deals from going bad. the suffolk county sheriff's department is establishing safe zones in yaphank and river head. it is designaterd for the public to complete online transactions of goods and vehicles. these will include parking lot cameras and armed guard stations inside a security booth. >> people when initiate these kind of transactions online, they can come here to the sheriff's office to one of these zones and conclude the transaction there in front of >> if you use a safe zone you don't have to contact the sheriff's office to let them know you're coming. police are warning women about a disturbing crime. it's called upskirting when creeps secretly snap photos and videos up a woman's skirt. the nypd arrested five people last month, the four subway stations are lexington avenue at 59th. grand central subway station, time square and union square. >> i've heard horror stories that it's happened to people. >> it's sick and annoying and something else a woman has to think about while going to work. >> upstirring is punishable with up to four years in prison. perpetrators may have to register as sex offenders and could face additional charges if images are shared online. >> why some people may be mistaken about their reaction to penicillin. >> reading, writing, and action as new jersey schools cut back on break time. >> and it's april 15th, doesn't that mean your taxes are due. not this year. >> you can connect with us during the show and all morning long, check them out, we'll help you do your taxes if >> don't ask me. wow, what a day out today john. >> it's going to be chilly to start, nice this afternoon. bruce has 36 in north port. today is national donate life, blue and green organ donor day. look at those gorgeous skies, pretty green, all those buds coming up. that pollen count remains high. let's check in, 36 right here sherry makes a great point. it's going to a nice weekend for little league baseball. you bet or anything you have going on. chrissy, mark, and that's chrissy right there, 33, and then we still have some 20s here north and west. it's chilly to start the day. cold, calm and clear as daniel put it. we'll see nice conditions this afternoon north and west. you'll be a little warmer than we will be on the island. island of manhattan, clear and 44 right now. elena wanted me to remind you it is national eraser day. not because you're doing your taxes. it's because we actually came up with erasers on this day. 61 at 2:00, 64 at 5, so after work and school, just fine and could even see a little bit of patchy frost. yeah, those buds, yeah, pollen count is high. it's high today. staying high sunday into monday. the season. tree pollen filling in and add to that a little bit of grass in total. around the area, high pressure is keeping us dry. you get a sense of the blocking force of that. wet weather in the plains, more stormy weather in the south. we are just under this dome, what happens over the next few days that dome starts to sly a little to the east. as it does there will be a little less wind. it's breezy for long island today. tomorrow get outside, just enjoy it, and then we see, yeah, a bit of a flow out of the south and southwest. sunday into monday that's when we see the 70s breakthrough. when that happens you're going to see numbers, not record numbers for interior sections, probably about 10-plus degrees warmer than today. 64 in the city, you're flirting with 70 by sunday, peak heat on monday. chance of shower on tuesday, odds are low. numbers stay above normal though next week. it's something to look forward to. what are we looking forward to as far as the drive. deep breaths as we have some accidents slowing you down. we start in the bronx, an accident blocking the left lane at the bruckner interchange. that is causing delays, and to go back right now to castle hill avenue. in queens another accident. this one blocking two lanes on the eastbound grand central parkway at the kew gardens interchange. your better bet is to stick with the van wyck to get around this. subway issues, the downtown 2 and 5 trains are running express from east 180th street to 3rd avenue, 149th street. alternate side parking is in some schools in new jersey have been giving recess a time out. a new bill would have made recess mandatory cross the state. governor chris christie vetoed the bill saying recess is not a state issue and should be handled locally. mother in montclair is circulating a petition to make recess a mandatory 40 minutes. and 30. >> school isn't all about academics, most of us learned our best social skills in the playground. >> eagen and other participants are bringing their petition to the school board meeting next week. a new battle over digit tat privacy. microsoft is suing the justice department over its use of court orders. they require microsoft to turn over customer files in its computer centers without notifying the customer involved. the lawsuit argues the government is violating the constitution by blocking microsoft from notifying those requests for e-mails and other documents. the privacy rights battle between apple and the fbi returns to capitol hill. lawmakers will hear testimony about the disagreement over law enforcement access to encrypted devices. in february a federal judge ordered apple to help the fbi break into the iphone of one of the san bernardino shooters. another company helped unlock the phone. in our money watch, some extra time to file your taxes and encouraging employment news. >> jill wagner is live at the new york stock exchange. good morning on this friday. >> good morning happy friday. the dow opens today at its highest level since july. it's inching back up to that 18,000 mark. yesterday the dow rose 18. the nasdaq was flat. the number of americans seeking unemployment benefits plunged by 13,000 which brings it to its lowest figure for the month taxes are due monday april 18th, pushed back because today is emancipation day. americans spend on average 16 hours doing their taxes. it is a task so dreaded that 27% of people surveyed say they would rather get an irs tattoo if they could avoid taxes for life. amazon stepping in to help the homeless in seattle. the tech giant is teaming one mary's place. it's nonprofit that works with homeless women and their families. they'll be running a shelter at an empty hotel. it's under construction. families are expected to start moving in on monday. chris and mary. i would do a full sleeve tattoo if i couldn't pay taxes. >> i asked this question on facebook and i was so surprised at how many people do their taxes so early. a couple people said they did them a couple months ago. >> up next healing through the arts. for years after the mass shooting in newtown connecticut, a new film shows how theater is helping communities cope with what happened. >> and when we return, moving from job to job, many millennials don't stay put for very long. we'll show you what job hopping is all about. >> otis livingston has this morning's sports update. the yankees lost to the blue jays 4-2. they lost 2 of 3 in torontos. islanders beat the panthers, coming up tonight game 2 in florida. the mets will be in cleveland mariners. even when the deck is stacked, a new yorker will find a way to break up big banks, create millions of jobs, and rebuild america. some say it can't be done again. but another native son of new york is ready -- bernie. rebuild the middle class, make wall street banks pay their fair share, give every child a chance. new york -- it's our time again to build a future to believe in. welcome back to cbs2 this morning, 44 degrees, it is friday, let's head right over to you john. folks climbing out of bedright now and they're looking forward to this. it's chilly in the city, 44 with calm wind, relative humidity's the 72%. frost degrees until 8 a.m. advisories until 8 a.m. practically picture perfect for your friday. cooler for long island with that breeze developing this afternoon, your skies are still pretty nice and then the uv forecast speaking of those skies is at a 6. if you are out there for maybe an hour make playing a little tennis, golf or getting done in the yard, sunday feels like may, feels like june on monday. it feels like you can still be on time right kyla. >> feels like you can try. we start in the bronx. we have an accident blocking the left lane on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. now delays right now are back to castle hill avenue. just north of here is east tremont avenue is closed in both directions. queens another accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound, grand central parkway at the kew gardens interchange causing delays back to jewel avenue. stick with the van wyck to get around this. alternate side parking is in effect cit wide. a new film explores the role arts have taken in helping >> i would like to remind you. >> the documentary follows the musical caption using children -- the film will be screened sunday at the school of visual arts. in this morning's health watch if you think you're allergic to penicillin, doctors say you should fine out for sure. two harvard affiliated hospitals are using an app to help identify patients who should be tested for penicillin allergy. those allergic cannot take any variety of penicillin. for some taking alternative antibiotics may cause health problems. >> i ended up having my stomach messed up for affairs since then. i thought maybe if i wasn't allergic to penicillin i could have avoided that. >> 10 to 15% believe they're allergic to penicillin. some millennials are switching jobs more than dorm rooms. lot more than their parents ever did. >> the new normal for millennials, change jobs four times in the first decade out of college. that bouncing around is nearly double than the generation before. according to a study, the general xeres whoa graduated from 1986 to 1990 averaged about two job changes in their first decade out of college. today college grads don't just change jobs often, they switch industries. the biggest hoppers, those with gigs in entertainment, government, nonprofits and, yes, the media. millennials who stay in their position the longest typically work in industries where they can make things, think cars, manufactures and oil. the trend doesn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. younger millennials, those who graduated from 2006 to 2010 are changes by the time they celebrate their 32nd birthday. >> they're trying to find the very perfect job. >> i think it makes life more fun, more exciting. >> it's funny n week we've two studies, worst jobs out there, our profession is one of them. jobs where you move around the most. >> wasn't where'ser in like the top 5. yeah, it was. >> today is a good day for you. though. >> being a weatherman is a great job. are weekend? not is much love over here. we've got some accidents going on. we need to take it a little slower this morning. >> campaign 2016 a heated democratic debate last night and protestors go after the gop candidates. >> controversial stadium at the center of a criminal investigation. a town supervisor accused of cooking the books and betraying the voters. >> the men of the fdny aren't calendar. this. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. it is 6 a.m., and it's beautiful out there, 44 degrees friday april 15th. if you thought the weather was until you see this weekend's forecast. just going to be amazing out there. good morning, i'm mary calvi. >> and i'm chris wragge. we'll have traffic and weather on the 2's in just a moment. first here is your morning news to go. >> i do question her judgment. >> president obama trusted my judgment enough to ask me to be secretary of state. >> the gloves came off, emotions ran high in the final democratic debate before the pivotal new york primary. >> a republican gala in midtown is interrupted by protestors. more of campaign 2016 coverage still ahead. >> could mayor de blasio's chance of becoming reelected be in jeopardy. his job approval rating at an all time low. >> me ask a few other guys that were on the scene were trying to see if we could lift this humvee is there. >> trapped under that humvee are four army reservists, how did they finally get free and morning, we will have a live report coming up. >> whether you run a cooperation or you lead a town you are not allowed to cook the books. >> cooking the books is what the town supervisor of ramapo is accused of doing. authorities say he built a ballpark the town can't afford. how did he allegedly do it. >> it exploded in my hand and my face. >> a trip to the mall turned dangerous for a brooklyn teenager he felt now wears sunglasses and cannot see out of one guy after his attorney says an e-cigarette or vape pen exploded in his hand. [ music ] and everybody's been wondering what's next for taylor swift after that immensely successful 1989 world tour. latest issue of vogue, and wait until you see the cover in this morning's two talkers the we're going to find out what's next. >> what's next for taylor swift. >> the ambassador of new york. >> we talk about it all the time. i'm a swifty. or no, i'm basically a swifter. i just clone up stuff around the house. we've got pretty skies in the city right now. nice and clear. it's cool out the door. 43. we're down a degree. you work your way into the sunrise hour. number of retreats. high pressure is not going to retreat. it is camping out. if you are going to go camping this weekend, ticks are bad this year, and also it's very chilly at night. if that's in the itinerary have fun but make sure you've got the gear you need. 46 out the door. 56 at lunchtime, 61 for your early afternoon running around and wrapping up with a high of 64. let's get you running around right now. >> we have some trouble out there. we start in the bronx, an accident in the left lane on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. we've got heavy delays back to webster avenue. also just north of here east tremont avenue is closed in both directions between westchester avenue and white plains road. s that is due to an accident involving a pedestrian. let's check our hudson river crossings, the george washington bridge still moving pretty well. holland tunnels. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. now to campaign 2016, hillary clinton and bernie sanders battled it out in brooklyn. >> the gloves were off last traded jabs. with more. >> reporter: it was an exciting night. good morning, hillary clinton and bernie sanders debated everything from the minimum wage to abortion to nato. both trying to prove to voters why they'd be the best >> in one of the first contentious exchanges of the night between hillary clinton and bernie sanders clinton was asked why she will not release the transcripts of her speeches to goldman sachs. >> let's set the same standard for everybody. when everybody does it, okay, i will do it. >> i am going to release all of the transcripts of the speeches that i gave on wall street behind closed doors, not for 225,000, not for 2,000, not for $0.02. there were no speeches. release his taxes. >> you can go to my website and see eight years of tax returns, and i've released 30 years of tax returns. >> of course we will release our taxes. jane does our taxes. we've been a little bit busy lately. you'll excuse us, but we will get them out. >> sanders says he plans to today and others very shortly. the candidates also fought over their support for raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> you know, wait a minute, wait a minute,. >> that's just not accurate. >> i have stood on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. >> excuse me. >> secretary, senator, please. >> neither candidate has any scheduled events in our area today. sanders is actually heading overseas to rome. clinton is expected at an event with george clooney in california later tonight. >> republican contenders at the grand hyatt in midtown. all three candidates came to plea for support. >> what are new york values, number one, honesty and straight talking. folks in new york will forgive when i had that scalding piece when i had that scalding piece of pizza and actually took a fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years, the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> while the presidential hopefuls were inside, protests were going on outside. >> thousands of demonstrators rallied outside the grand hyatt. a large group even got inside grand central terminal holding signs and chants. police kept close tabs on the protests. and stay with cbs2 for continuing coverage of campaign 2016 as we get closer to tuesday's primary. we'll also have updates online at and on facebook and twitter @ cbsnew york. bill de blasio's job approval rating sings to an all time low. 35% of people think de blasio doing an excellent or good job. 62% say he's doing fair or poor. a majority also say the city's headed in the wrong direction. de blasio is up for reelection next year. following breaking news, a massive fire in jersey city. jim smith is live in chopper 2 with details for us. jim take it away. >> chris, a fire burning in multiple homes along forest street in jersey city. this fire actually started last night around 8:00 and was placed under control around 9:30. that fire has rekindled and spread through four homes. you can see the fire coming will you the top floor in the of of these buildings. burning deboro has been falling as well. fire department has evacuated. there is a building to the left that was not affected by last night's fire. we did see a resident being escorted out of that building. there's also the one to the right that was damaged in last either of those at this point. that is something the fire department will want to be concerned about. four homes on fire at this point. this is fire that began last evening, was placed under control and has rekindled. firefighters are still responding back to the scene to try to get this fire under control. you can see a massive blaze has erupted along forest street in jersey city. live in chopper 2, jim smith, cbs2 news. >> after that fire last night do we know if these adjacent homes were evacuated or were there people in these homes? do we know? >> what we know is that the building to what is our left, we do not believe that was evacuated last evening. we did see some people escorted out a few minutes ago. the building to the right did substantial damage last night, so we believe that building was already evacuated and of course actually the four that you see on fire evacuated last night as well. there. jim, thank you. we'll check back in with you. coming up a town supervisor accused of cooking the books and building a staled yum a community cannot afford -- a stadium a community cannot afford. >> and why a woman says her unanswered. he say's we should punish women who have abortions. there has to be some form of punishment. they're rapists. and that we should ban muslims from coming here at all. total and complete shut down. donald trump say's we can solve americas problems by turning against each other. it's wrong and it goes against everything new york and america stand for. with so much at stake, she's the one tough enough to stop trump. hillary clinton. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. the bearer of good news. >> absolutely. i am the bearer of good news. feel free to hug away. 36 for the north shore. 37 for the south shore. it's freezing out in river head. 32 there in west port as well. we still have readings in the 20s, 29, 3, 31. it's chilly up here. patchy frost possible again tonight, but i love that. it is rubber eraser day. i knew it and i appreciate that. charlie sent that in this morning. also don't forget the cherry blossom festival underway. in the city it looks great. we've got nice skies to look forward to. we've got numbers on the cool side, 43 wind out of the northeast at 3. numbers around the area, i'll tell you there are more readings in the 20s, 28 in monroe. 31 in madison. 38 in river head. out the door, but by lunchtime starting to feel good, about 56. for our neighbors on long island you my see highs stay in the 50s today and through the we could. that persistent breeze and the proximity of an offshore system keeps you a little cooler. even by 2:00 in the afternoon in the city we're in the low 60s and 64 for your high above normal. 87 and 28 your records for today. don't anticipate either extreme. this weekend even though we're warmer we're not in record territory at all. 6:16 your sunrise time. it's a about 3 minutes away. sunsets at 7:37. i believe that means it's 2 minutes longer. radar and satellite shows you the breck. you can see it's a big rimming of high pressure. we've got days of great weather to plan on, enjoy, take advantage of and just soak in. overnight tonight you're we'll be showing in the suburbs, patchy frost can't be ruled out. sensitive plants if they're not close to the house, they may be somewhat in jeopardy. tomorrow 66. you can get your ticks on route 66 -- kicks on route 66 or just by staying home. 72 on sunday. 75 peak heat of the week on monday. election day still somewhat in question, maybe a passing shower, definitely plan on more clouds. until then plan on get weather. what's going on kyla. the weather's on our side. unfortunately we're getting very busy with some accidents. we start in the bronx where we have an accident that is blocking the left lane on the eastbound crossed bronx at the bruckner interchange. it is causing heavy delays back to webster avenue. north of here we've also got east tremont avenue closed between westchester and white plains road and that is due to an accident involving a pedestrian this morning. checking mass transit we have better news there, everything for metro north, your path trains, new jersey transit and long island railroad looking good. alternate side parking is in effect. we're following breaking news of a major fire in jersey city. this is on forest street. the fire started in vacant homes around 8:00 last night and was under control about 90 minutes later, roughly 9:30. it rekindled this morning right before 6 a.m., at least one nearby home has been destroyed and evacuated. they've evacuated the people in the area. you can see the firefighters on the scene with these chopper 2 pictures overahead continuing to try to knock this fire down, which started last night and rekindled this morning. there. new york's u.s. attorney is taking a swing at an alleged rocklin county construction case. >> a town supervisor cooked the books to fitness a baseball want. >> a town proposal to build struck out with ramapo voters in 2010. 70% voted no. long-time town supervisor christopher st. lawrence built it anyway and in the process may have broken the law. >> whether you run a corporation or you lead a town you are not allowed to cook the books plain and simple. >> the u.s. attorney used charts to illustrate claiming st. lawrence and his head of development falsified statements to make it seem the town had money in its general fund and could afford to float $100 million in bonds to built the ballpark and other projects. in fact the town was deep in the red. >> st. lawrence and troodler lied repeatedly about the town's finances deceiving the city of ramapo as well as thousands of bond investors. >> the fbi raided town hall in 2013. investigators credit a whistleblower inside st. lawrence's office for reporting the allegations: >> it's notes clear if anyone personally profited from this scope. supervisor st. lawrence was so determined to build this ballpark that he aledly cooked the books -- allegedly cooked the box. >> he operates beyond the law in more areas like this. >> what's the worst-case scenario for long-time residents like yourself? >> taxes that become so extreme that you can't retire in a place like this. >> he's calling on st. lawrence to resign but doesn't expect him to do so. in ramapo, rocklin county, tony aiello cbs2 news. >> the supervisor said he looks forward to his day in court. : the securities and exchange commission filed civil charges against the two men along with the town attorney and finance director. a brooklyn woman says her pleas to the buildings department were ignored and now she's concerned her home is not safe to live in. these cracks started in january of 2014 when construction began. engineers she hired to inspect her home last year say the cracks are structural damage from the construction and should be fixed immediately. >> you know how much shift in this house has to go through for this to happen and they don't even care. >> the building's department says dob inspected the construction site in july of 2015. a stop work order was issued along with violations. the department has not received additional complaints considering the construction work. they say tail repair the home when the -- they'll repair the home when the judge gives them approval. >> up next a baby boom in hollywood. who's pregnant and who just gave birth. >> beating the odds, the incredible story of a new cancer. [ music ] from a winter standpoint we're out of the woods. we're in the clear now johnny, and we look at that sunrise you're listening to taylor swift. as you know, but guess what, i'll tell you we're going to find out in a couple minutes what's next for swiftie. the 1989 tour was amazing. she tells vogue what's up next. talking about. about. >> very big. >> what is next for taylor swift. >> very big taylor swift fans. traffic and weather on the 2's i can barely contain myself. >> you know who loves taylor wheels over taylor swift because she was nice to him. >> there you go. >> she is nice a nice young lady and she's smart too, i respect that. >> serious business. we've got high pressure, a real ally in that as far as the weather goes. outside looks pretty. it's a little on the cool side. we're at 43 in the city, of course 42 a big number today. number. readings around the area, some 20s, some 30s, 29 in hamburg. kids grab the coat, but only for the trip in because oh, it's going to be warm this afternoon, another bright and beautiful day, low to mid-60s on tap, and then warmer for the >> i'm going to get you a 42 jersey. >> not so sunny in the commute. we've got a few accidents out there and awe if of them really causing problems. we start in the bronx, an accident blocking the left lane on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. heavy delays back to webster avenue. just north of here we've got east tremont avenue closed between westchester avenue and white plains road due to an accident involving a pedestrian. let's take a live look outside. we head to queens, the belt parkway starting to get heavy westbound from the southern bay boulevard area. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. slow down everybody get there safely. better to get there safely and a little later maybe. >> for a lot of people. >> thanks kyla. >> you can call the islanders road warriors excuse me. you can call the islanders the road warriors,. >> and the yankees could have used a bit of sunshine in toronto. news sports update. good morning everyone. coming up later today the mets will be in cleveland, the yankees host the mariners. they come in struggling. diving into the stand to make this great catch he had no shot at this one though in the 5th. john donaldson a 3-run jack, off nathan avalue dee. troy tulowitzki a little doubter. the yankees drop 2 of 3 up north. game 1 stanley cup playoffs. the panthers in the 2nd, the captain with the equalizer and a steal from the captain sets up the go ahead goal to start the third. the islanders first lead of the game, they win game 1 in florida 5-4. it's time for duty times two for a few famous ryans. >> first fresh off her successful 1989 world tour is now on her to-do list. the 26-year-old is on the cover of the may issue of vogue magazine. she's thinking about launching a fashion line. she said it wouldn't be cow tour but something more reflective of her style. she says she wants to be a well rounded person and for her that means learning cpr and being able to make a good drink. >> pretty well rounded. bartenders lifesaver. two power couples announce baby number 2 is on the way and another star gave birth. actors ryan dosling and ava mendez have another bopped the of joy on the way -- bundle of joy on the way. >> blake lively and ryan reynolds are expecting their second child. the new baby joins couple's 16- month-old daughter james. >> kelly clarkson just welcomed a baby boy. tweeted the happy news, remmington alexander. >> remington, what a great name. >> coming up at 6:30. we're following breaking news in jersey city, a raging fire engulfing four homes. >> and a brooklyn team badly injured after a device at a keys yoking explodes in his hand. >> and the warm weather bringing out more criminals, where women are being watched. >> for the first time there's the fdny calendar. that's not fair, he should give you your rollerblades back. anddddd, she's back. storm coming? a very dangerous cheese storm. so you have 20 more bags. mhm. my yoga instructor calls it the death spiral. i call it living the dream. american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. see you tomorrow. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. beautiful friday morning for you, 43 degrees. coming up on 6:30. highs in the 60s today. we could see 70s this weekend. traffic and weather on the 2's in a moment. jim smith is live over the scene of fire in jersey city. jim. >> yeah, mary this fire now appears to be in the process of getting knocked down, not officially under control. it's along forest street in jersey city. there were four homes engulfed in flames earlier. this actually started as a fire last evening around 8:00. it was placed under control just before 6:00 this morning. there were flames erupting through the roof and upper floors of these four homes. there was also an additional fifth home that was damaged in last evening's fire. we did see another home that was evacuated as the firefighters were arriving on the scene. at this point it appears the fire department is in the process of once again knocking this fire down, not officially under control but the flames have been knocked down from what we saw just a half hour ago. live in chopper 2 jim smith cbs2 news. now to cam page 2016 and their most heated debate to date. hillary clinton and bernie sanders battling it out in brooklyn. >> last showdown before the new york primary four days away. andrea grymes is here in the studio with more for us. >> reporter: good morning chris and mary. both candidates hope to sway undecided voters across the country in last night's debate but especially undecided voters here in new york since the state's primary is this tuesday. >> i love being in brooklyn, >> the brooklyn navy yard took center stage in last night's prime time debate that turned fiery at times. both hillary clinton and bernie sanders tussled over topics like their quest to raise the minimum wage across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> you know wait a minute, wait a minute. >> that's just not accurate. >> i have stat on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. >> whoa, excuse me. >> secretary, senator, please. >> sanders was asked how it's fiscally responsible to promise flee health care and free college for all. >> my proposal, a medicare for all single payer program will save middle class families many thousands of dollars a year in their health care costs. public colleges and >> he'd pay for free college through a tax on wall street speculation. clinton says she supports making education more affordable and supports universal health care. >> there is no doubt by those who have analyzed it progressive economist, health economists and the like that it would impose an incredible burden, not just on the budget but on vinyls. >> more on the gop gala in midtown coming up for you. time now is 6:32. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. let's get over to john for the weekend forecast. >> we've got pretty skies any city right now. it's pretty out the door. we'll see a nice warmup. that warmup continues day-to- day. clear and 43, light breeze blowing, bright skies. sun is shining. high pressure just locked in and sticking around. it's still in the 40s out the door, and then around lunchtime you're in the 50s in the city, staying in the 50s for a good particularly along the shore. city warming up to 64 above normal degrees. roberta flak asked where is the love. we'll ask where is the rain. are we changing our tune traffic-wise kyla. it's getting busier and busier. we're getting backups going on here. we have an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. we've got heavy delays all the way back to the alexander hamilton bridge. also north of here we've got east tremont avenue closed in both directions between westchester avenue and white plains road due to an accident involving a pedestrian. expect delays and diversions on the bx4a, bx40 and bx42 bus roots. a live look outside at the lincoln tunnel a20 minute delay at the lincoln tunnel, 15 minute wait at the holland and george washington bridge. alternate side parking is in effect city wide today. if you're headed to the schedule at jfk, laguardia and newark liberty airports. thank you. continuing our campaign 2016 coverage. republican contenders touted their records in manhattan at the grand hyatt in midtown. all three candidates came to plea for support. >> what are new york values, number one honesty and straight talking. >> i really do believe that the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had that scalding piece of pizza and actually took a fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> while the presidential hopefuls were inside protests were going on outside. >> thousands of demonstrators hyatt, a large group inside grand terminal holding signs and chants. about two dozen people were arrested outside the gop gala. mayor bill de blasio's job time low. a new wall street journal poll of registered voters said 35% of people think de blasio is doing an excellent or good job. poor. a majority also says the city's heading in the wrong direction. next year. investigators are trying to figure out why a military vehicle overturned on the jersey turnpike. >> four soldiers with an army injured, two critically. janelle burrell is live in new brunswick at robert wood johnson hospital where the soldiers are being treated. >> reporter: mary the impact from that accident was so severe one of those sell soldiers actually lost a limb during the impact there. as you mentioned two of the soldiers critical this morning, condition. looked like yesterday afternoon. the military humvee flipped over levering parts of the vehicle in pieces across the new jersey turnpike with those four army reserve soldiers trapped underneath. it happened around 2:45 thursday afternoon near exit 8a in the southbound lanes in south brunswick here in new jersey. several drivers who saw the aftermath pulled over doing their best to help until emergency responders arrived trying to pull the soldiers from that wreckage. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay, if there was anything i could do, any sort of help i can give. me and a few other guys that were on the scene were trying to see if we could lift this humvee. >> two medical helicopters actually landed on the highway, rushed those soldiers here to the hospital. according to reports witnesses of that humvee moments before the accident. of course, those witness accounts now part of this ongoing investigation. reporting live this morning janelle burrell cbs2. a deadly shooting in washington heights. on west 157th vote. a man had been shot in the leg. hospital. the victim identified as 41- year-old dejean -- 23-year-old elliott caldwell was found unconscious and unresponsive with a gunshot wound to the back. he was pronounced dead at bellevue hospital. no arrests in the case. police on long island are trying to keep craigslist-like deals from going bad. the suffolk county sheriff's department is establishing safe zones in yaphank and river head. it is designated for the public transactions of household goods, jewelry and vehicles. after shocks are rattling southern japan after a deadly earthquake. the government says at least nine poem were killed when the quake hit the island last night. more than 800 others were hurt. the quake knocked down homes and billions, thousands are in shelters because their homes were destroyed. coming up, exploding cigarettes. >> left eye i can't see anything light now. >> a brooklyn teen blinded and wearing sunglasses after a trip toll maul turns dangerous. >> i beat a brain tumor. >> meted a 7-year-old new jersey boy who is getting a superhero honor. it's not for beating cancer. >> and an electric escape. how the chase for a chimp came to a tumbling end. a chimpanzee made an electrifying escape. the ape named cha cha managed to break free from the zoo yesterday. he led officials on a more than one hour long chase before climbing an electrical pole. crews used a tranquilizer gun and shot him. the tranquilizer is starting to take effect. when it does take effect he fell. luckily the crew was below him with a safety net. so it wasn't like the ape hit the ground. the zoo is trying to figure out how the 24-year-old got out to begin with. there you see it. >> oh, oh. >> it's like the bear with the trampoline. >> you hate to watch them tumbling like that. >> luckily cha cha, [ laughter ] >> he immediately blamed it on the boss nova. today is take a wild guess day. do whatever you want with that. tomorrow is, mark it down, is husband paresthesias day. just giving you a heads-up so get married and then you can appreciate it. all right, so i appreciate this. isn't this beautiful. got these gorgeous skies out there. numbers are going to be nice. i've been saying this all along. it's going to be a little cooler for the weekend through long island. tomorrow baseball, out in yaphank, you know the place the bell port blue claws got a game at 4, another one at 6. yaphank through the hamptons into montauk. you're going to be cooler. it's cooler now and then each day with that breeze you're cooler. you stay dry. there's going to be variation. 29 poor guy from sparta, 31 in edison, 36 in white plains. we'll see more of a warmup today. by lunchtime you're in the 50s, 61 at 2, 64 for your high in the city. tell you what else is high is the pollen count. it's way up there. we could use some rain to help kind of damp down those numbers. but where is the rain. over the next seven days using kind of a composite model, you can just see we've got high pressure in control through monday. there's a hint of a little shower late monday into tuesday but that's it. that is not a big feature at all. so with high pressure in control numbers are trending up peaking sunday into monday. so it is time to play ball. it's time to get you there though with kyla. and i finally have good news. in the bronx that accident has cleared from the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. we have very heavy delays, and they stretch back to the george washington bridge. this drive will take you an also just north of here, the east tremont avenue area still closed in both directions between westchester avenue and white plains road due it an accident involving a pedestrian. expect delays and diversions on the bx4a, bx40 and bxt bus roots. everything is on or close to schedule for metro north, path trains, new jersey transit, and long island. many more teenagers are vaping these days. electronic cigarette use among high school students has risen 1,000 percent in four years. a record 3 million teenagers used these cigarettes over the past year. and e-cigarette use among middle and high school stunts surpasses regular cigarettes as >> an e-cigarette exploded at a mall. valerie castro has this report. >> after five days of recovery in a hospital bed this 14-year- old boy is left with permanent injuries after he was maimed and blinded by an exploding e- cigarette or vape pen. >> i was blowing out of my nose. >> 14-year-old leore dometoff was at the shopping center when they approached this kiosk called plaza vapes. >> the guy was showing me different products, and when he gave it to me to hold it exploded in my hands and face. >> dometoff now wears sunglasses after the explosions sent shrapnel into his eyes. >> my left eye i can't see anything right now. >> at first he wasn't sure what happened until he realized he was bleeding. >> i see like red stuff on the popular. i'm like floor. >> his attorney intends to sue >> they don't ask him for any id, nothing. there's no signs that reflect the new york state and city law. it's illegal to sell these products to anybody under the age of 21. >> the kiosk has a sign posted that reads must be 21 to purchase any product. we id all. freund claims the notice went up after the incident. >> the corporate management office did not return my request for comment. the kiosk worker told me he couldn't speak to the incident or give me a phone number for a manager. reporting in marine park brooklyn. upskirting is when creeps secretly snap photos and video up a woman's skirt. the nypd arrested five people during an especially warm week last month. the four subway stations where most upskirting occurs are at the lexington avenue at 59th street, grand central subway station, time square, and union square. >> i've heard horror stories that have happened to people. something else a woman has to think about while going to work. >> upskirting is punishable with up to four years in prison. perpetrators may have to register as sex offenders. we all know when you go to the movie it's best to stay off your phone, no talking, no texting. the ceo of the ame movie chain is considering allowing texting. add day aron says he wants to attract younger audiences. first they need to figure a way to allow it without disturbing other movie goers. possibilities including specifically texting friendly auditoriums. no word on when the policy could take effect. this has disaster written all over it. >> does it? >> i think so. >> time now 6:48. >> still ahead, the changing pages of the fdny calendar. >> plus this. >> what does it take to be a >> it takes guts. >> a young cancer survivor in new jersey is getting a very special honor. >> and first here's otis livingston with this morning's sports update. good morning everyone. the yankees lost to the blue jays 4-2. they lost 2 of 3 in toronto. the islanders beat the panthers 5-4. coming up game 2 from the florida. the mets will be in cleveland mariners. a new jersey 7-year-old is flexing his muscles after beating a brain tumor and helping his community like a superhero. >> do you swear to continue all your good works. all right, you're officially an honorary police officer in mount holly township. >> all right, all right, last june darin hofferling started feeling sick. he had a rapidly growing brain tumor. it was not cancerous. homiesed a lot of school. -- he missed a lot of school. to pass the time he gave homemade key chains to the police. >> i made key chains of the colors of the cop cars. >> he sells the key chains and gives the money to charities that help him get better. what a sweet kid. weather on the 2's. here's our weather perspective. we've got brilliant sun in the city, and 43. it's chilly out the door, patchy frost to deal with this morning. same scenario tonight, it's cold overnight, and then into a super saturday. your friday practically picture perfect, 64. very excited here in the studio. we just found out roberta flak might be watching us on tv. notice today it's going to be in the 50s for long island. that's the pattern over the weekend, too. you're cooler to the east, boy any city 72 on sunday. feels like the 22nd of may. so some nice weather to look forward to, looking forward to what on the road, kyla. >> roberta flak, i hope he wears the love it is not on the cross bronx this morning. we've got a new accident on the eastbound cross bronx at the sheridan expressway. we have very heavy delays that stretch all the way back to the george washington bridge. this drive will take you an extra hour to get through the area, highly recommend you try the other crossings instead this morning. plaza at the george washington bridge. now a 45 minute delay here going quickly. that is because of the problem at the cross bronx. suggest you head to the lincoln or holland tunnels where they have a 20 minute delay. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. it's friday. we're almost there. back to you. thank you very much. the city fire department has released its official 2017fdny calendar of heroes. it's two calendars in one. for the first time it features 12 months of men and 12 months of women. the calendar truly represents all of the fdny heroes. firefighters, emts and paramedics. the featured heroes will be signing the calendar today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. expect a long line. you can also find the calendar on the web at >> they are killing me softly with that calendar. [ laughter ] morning, norah o'donnell and charlie roberts. >> we're going to talk with john dickerson about last night's fiery democratic debate ahead of tuesday's new york primary. >> and we're in japan with an incredible rescue of a baby. >> and top hackers show 60 minutes how your cell phone can be an easy target for a data breach. >> and only on cbs this morning, we're in brooklyn with imax's newest project. >> they did send me a note. all those flashing lights, i don't know if i can do it. >> have a great weekend. you go, that's coming up next. new york. what makes it think bigger? go bolder? push for a living wage that's higher. for tuition-free public college. justice that works for all. for a middle-class that... must. be. saved. you do. values. forged in new york. brooklyn born. native son. who knows what we know: we're all in this together. i'm bernie sanders here's what you need to know before you go, a major fire rekindles on forest street in jersey city. the fire was under control about 9:30 and started early this morning right before 6. the fire has been knocked out. an investigation underway into the crash of a military vehicle on the jersey turnpike. reserve unit in queens were injured yesterday afternoon. two are in critical condition, the other two serious. documents related to the corruption conviction of sheldon silver will be unsealed. silver will be sentenced next month. today marks the third anniversary of the deadly boston marathon bombings. a wreath laying ceremony will be held at the marathon finish line. there will also be a city wide moment of silence at 2:49 this afternoon when the first of two pressure cooker bombs exploded. lets get over to kyla grogan. >> we have a new accident on the eastbound cross bronx at the sheridan expressway. we have very heavy delays that stretch all the way back to the george washington bridge. this drive is going to take you an extra hour to get through the area. the gw bridge has a 45 minute delay. alternate side parking is in effect today city wide john. sunscreen, sunglasses and a smile. it's chilly out the door. you need a jacket but then it's off and you're taking a stroll. 64 in the city, cooler to the east. that's going to be the case right through the weekend, but as this high pressure build sticks arounds the numbers will build too. up to 70, 72 on sunday, peak heat on monday. hint of a shower late monday into tuesday. enjoy some great weather this weekend. >> thanks for watching. i'm mary calvi. >> and i'm chris wragge. cbs this morning is next. have a great day. wonderful weekend. see you monday. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, april 15th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." hillary clinton and bernie sanders clash in their loudest

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Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20160415 :

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News This Morning 20160415

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>> i'm mary calvi. first we begin with campaign 2016. >> i do question her judgment. >> a heated democratic debate in brooklyn, and the republican gala in midtown is interrupted by protestors. we begin with the battle in brooklyn. the gloves were off as hillary clinton and bernie sanders faced off in the democratic debate cbs2's brian conybeare has this report. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders came out swinging. >> do we really feel confident about a candidate saying that she's going to bring change in america when she is so dependent on big money interests, i don't think so. >> this is a phony attack that is designed to raise questions when there is no evidence or support. >> what started as a civil as the race tightened. sanders backed away from his claim clinton is not qualified jab. >> does secretary clinton have the experience and intelligence to be a president, of course she does, but i do question her judgment. >> well, the people of new york voted for me twice to be their senator from new york, and president obama trusted my judgment enough to be secretary of state. >> at one point the candidates shouted over each other about their support for raising the minimum wage to $15. >> wait a minute, wait a minute -- >> and both are targeting the large minority vote here in new york. >> i want white people to recognize that there is systemic racism. it's also in employment. it's in housing, but it is in the criminal justice system. american kids today who graduated high school who are underemployment or unemployed. maybe we invest in jobs and education for those kids, not jails and incarceration. >> a wall street journal poll shows hillary clinton with a 17 point lead here in the new york primary. a new cbs news national poll has her up 6 points on bernie sanders. reporting from the newsroom cbs2 news. time for a little traffic and weather on the 2's. good morning on this friday. >> good morning chris, hi everybody. happy friday to you. we are looking at a very comfortable spring, a weekend with numbers above normal. it's chilly, clear and 45, winds out of the northwest at 3 miles an hour. it's a light wind but a cool breeze. star lit skies will give way to more sun today. we are watching this area of low pressure off the coast. that brings in a few clouds and some cooler conditions for the coast and the city and north mid-60s today. basically we're just now breaking through. we've been below normal all week. that's going to turn around into the weekend. are you going to have to turn around for your drive, let's find out with kyla. >> we made it. it's friday. bad news is we have an accident to talk about. a fuel spill has two lanes blocked. this is at route 78 westbound at exit 40. we also have to talk about the bayonne bridge this morning. it is closed for construction until 5 a.m. you'll want to stick with the goethals bridge as your alternate. the lincoln tunnel is delay free around the helix looking good. it's nice and early. we have no delays to talk about at the holland tunnel or the george washington bridge yet. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. more on campaign 2016. republican contenders touted their record. plea for support. >> what are new york values, number 1 honesty and straight talking. >> i really do believe the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had a big piece of pizza and had a fork and touched it with a fork. >> the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> while the presidential hopefuls were pleading for support throughout events in the city, thousands of demonstrators marched in midtown. >> supporters and protestors rioted outside the grand terminal holding signs and chants. police kept close tabs on protestors. approval rating sinks to an all time allow. 35% of people think de blasio is doing an excellent or good job. 62% say he's doing a fair or poor job. the majority say the city is heading in the wrong direction. de blasio is up for reelection next year. an investigation is underway into the crash of a military vehicle on the jersey turnpike. >> four soldiers with an army reserve in queens were injured, two critically. janelle burrell is live where the soldiers are currently being treated. >> reporter: it was an extremely bad accident there on the new jersey turnpike. and we're hearing from reports that witnesses say they saw one of the tires come off of that humvee moments before the crash. this morning here at robert wood johnson two of those soldiers are in serious condition. the other two are critical. >> the military humvee flipped the new jersey turnpike south near exit 8a in south brunswick. emergency crews rushing to the aid of the four u.s. reserve soldiers part of the 535 unit based in fort dutton betweens. the scene causing concerned drivers to pull over. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay, if there was anything i could do. >> harris telling us by phone that he along with others tried to free the soldiers trapped beneath the wreckage as they waited for help to arrive. >> me and a few other guys that were on the scene were trying to see if we could lift this humvee. >> emergency responders were eventually able to pull the soldiers from out underneath the vehicle. witnesses say the female soldier's leg was severed in the accident. >> i just hope that the lady that was amputated makes it out alive and those two guys. >> two medical helicopters the wounded to the hospital as traffic backed up for 12 miles, finally moving more than three hours later. >> reporter: and again this morning we can tell you two of those soldiers are in serious condition, the other two critical this morning. at this point it's not clear where they were headed at the time of the crash. reporting live this morning from new brunswick new jersey, janelle burrell cbs2 news. new this morning, mr. is on long island are searching for a woman accused of stealing computers at wal-mart effort the suffolk county police department released these surveillance photos of the suspect pushing a shopping cart with two boxes inside. around 10 p.m. last friday she snatched two desktop computers and then took off. as of this morning, no charges have been filed against a bronx mother whose young daughters were killed in a fire. a memorial has been growing outside the apartment building where the 2-year-old and 18- month-old died. incense left burning inside. investigators say their mother apartment wednesday night and was seen on surveillance video doing laundry across the street. we tried to talk to her when she returned to her building yesterday. she was too distraught to speak. >> miss, were your children alone. >> the mother told police she thought another adult who she says sublets a room was home at the time, but police have no evidence that is true. police on long island are trying to keep craigslist like deals from going bad. the suffolk county sheriff's department is establishing safe zones in yaphank and river head. the zones will include parking lot cameras and armed guards stationed inside a security booth. >> people who initiate these kind of transactions online, they can come here to the sheriff's office to one of these zones and can conclude the transaction there in front of armed deputy sheriff's and cameras. >> if you use the safe zone you don't have to contact the know you're coming. the deputies will not get involved unless they see something is wrong. time is 4:39. still ahead a controversial stadium now at the center of a corruption scandal. a town supervisor charged with cooking the books and betraying the people he serves. >> also ahead a local university that is now preparing for president obama's commencement speech and why this speech is making history there. >> good morning everybody, we've got nice weather coming up today, tomorrow, and sunday, too. it's a cool start. going to be a bright one. then those numbers above traffic and weather on the 2's. have you seen this chimpanzee making an electrifying escape in northern japan. the ape named cha cha managed to breakthrough from a zoo. he led officials on a more than one-hour long chase before that's when crews shot him with a tranquilizer dart. the zoo is trying to figure out how the 24-year-old split. 4:42 right now. john, good morning. >> the teeth. >> yeah. >> that is a serious -- >> he is in the happy. >> animal. >> the serious numbers new york city, we just have some variety. we have some readings in the low 40s in the weather watchers. readings in the 20s still, 29, this is bob grimm in berryville. beautiful skies but obviously cool because there's no insulation. also on this day in history, the titanic sinks at 2:27. 1865 the loss of abraham lincoln. beautiful views like this from charlie. look at this sha hoe la park in pennsylvania. let's go for a trip this weekend, saturday and sunday hudson valley out to the poconos, catskills really nice. definitely going to be cooler did you see that, i just disappeared. that was weird. did i just disappear. here i am over here, mike on camera 2 said what in the world man. 45 and clear, wind out of the northwest at 3 miles an hour. relative humidity is at 82%. i told you 20s, 30s, and 40s. the city a standout at 45. that's exactly what it felt like this time yesterday. it's brisk, but a nice little warmup for parts of long island. still in the mid-40s at 8:00. lunchtime you're around 56. 61 at 2:00, 64 for your afternoon high, 55 as we wrap things up. it's the same deal tonight. it's going to be chilly if tonight's the night for the show or if tonight's the night for the party get together you're still going to need that jacket. 64 is your high today, that is a first this week. we have been flirting with it. 87 and 28 your records. the sun's up at 6:16. sunsets at 7:36 tonight. that should be pretty around the area. boy, last night was walking around and the visibility was great. you could just see for miles. scanning the skies there's not a lot to see for miles. big ridge of high pressure. that's what it looks like right now, the futurecast where the models kind of do the thinking for us, shows this system out to sea. watch, it's totally blocked, so we see dry conditions. i do feel there will be that temperature variation where you're appreciably cooler along the coast sunday into monday. for the city north and west you're looking at the low to mid-70s, a hint of a shower but not a major system at all for >> good morning everyone. unfortunately we have an accident to tell you about this organize new jersey, we have an accident with a fuel spill at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alt alternate to get you through the area. for metro north your path trains, new jersey transit and long island and let's take a live look outside at the tappan zee bridge. looking good, moving well into westchester county this morning. thanks. if you're just waking up, good morning, here's quick look at some of the stories making headlines. a judge has denied a motion to toss out the manslaughter conviction of peter leeyang. the murder trial of michelle lazinsky. she's accused of killing her 5- year-old son in 1991. she reported him missing from a carnival. yesterday a retired police lieutenant testified that attention she received after her son vanished. a judge has ordered the release of sealed documents. she cites the public's interest in knowing how silver misused his office. silver will be sentenced next month. new york's u.s. attorney is taking a swing at another corruption case, a rocklin county town supervisor threw residents curve ball to finance a baseball stadium most didn't even want. >> a town proposal to build this minor league ballpark stuck out with voters in 2010. 70% voted no. long time town supervisor christopher st. lawrence built it anyway ask in the process may have broken the law. >> whether you run a corporation or you lead a town, you are not allowed to cook the books, plain and simple. >> the u.s. attorney used charts to illustrate claiming st. louis and his head of development falsified town had money in its general fund and could afford to float $100 million in bonds to build the ballpark and other projects. in fact, the town was deep in the red. >> st. lawrence and trudler lied repeatedly about the town's finances deceiving the citizens of ramapo as well as thousands of bond investors. >> the investigation underway for some time. the fbi raided town hall in 2013. investigators credit a whistleblower for reporting the allegations. >> it's not clear if anyone personally profited from this scheme. the feds couldn't say why supervisor st. lawrence was so determined to built this ballpark that he allegedly cooked the books. >> activist believes the town is broke and worries what happens next. >> what's the worst-case scenario for long time residents like yourself. you can't retire in a place like this. >> he's calling on st. lawrence to resign. >> st. lawrence and trudler pleaded not guilty posted bond. the security and exchange commission filed civil charges against the two men along with the town attorney and finance director. now to our money watch report. stock futures are trending down. on wall street stocks ended mixed. the dow rose 18 points. the nasdaq fell by 1 point. the s&p 500 was essentially flat. new jersey's unemployment rate managed but the unemployment rate rose slightly at 4.4%. that's up from 4.3% in february. the state's division of labor and work force development says the rate rose because more residents entered the labor force. a consumer alert for parents. fisher price is recalling three swing. two versions of the cradle were affected. somebody says when the seat is engaged the seat can fall unexpectedly and the child can get hurt. no injuries have been reported. the time is now 4:49. a little boy who has gone viral for his sweet actions. meet the toddler who has a strong admiration for our country's soldiers. >> we'll get another check of 2's next. a tiny to the in texas melted hearts instantly as he greeted soldiers at the airport. it was 2-year-old sawyer who stole the show as he ran towards the servicemen on the tarmac and shook their hands one by one. >> let him finish, let him finish. 4:52, how about traffic and weather on the 2's. good morning to you john. >> that's great. i love that story. i think you're going to will have the weather. the city, 20s and 30s around the area. serving up some of april's finest for the next few days, and not just by our stands, by anybody's standards. climbing into the 70s by sunday and monday. maybe a shower early next week. tuesday still in play a bit. for the most part most of the area stays dry, which is going to be important on election day. low to mid-60s, just the 50s sticking around on parts of long island. if you've got to get out of long island or there, let's see what's going on with kyla. >> it's a friday, so lots of people on the move. we start with an accident to tell you about, we're going to go to what chong new jersey, it's at exit 40. your alternate is route 22 to help get you through the area. we're going to take a look at the queens midtown tunnel. one tube is shut for construction until 5:30. the other two taking traffic in both directions. we head to brooklyn and take a look at the gowanus expressway. verrazano bridge up to the bqe. alternate side parking is in effect today city wide. thank you so much. the metropolitan opera says conductor james levine will retire at the end of the season. he will turn 73 in june. he's been increasingly affected by parkson's disease. rutger's university says it's thrilled president obama will give this year's commencement speech. it's the first time a sitting president has given the commencement speech at the school. president obama will speak may 15th at high points solutions stadium in piscataway. mayor bill de blasio hits an all time low. >> first we're taking a look at the movies hitting theaters this weekend. and one of them has a fresh face to a popular sequel. stay with us. it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics my campaign is powered by millions of small contributions. people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. barbershop, the next cut, we'll see new faces in the third installment including nikki minaj. the crew is working to save not just the shop but the community. barbershop the next cut is rated pg13. >> if anything happens to that kid i'll never forgive myself. >> and the latest movie based on the jungle bookstore res are you is also in theaters. you might hear a few familiar voices, bill murray, scarlett johansson and knew pita neon go make up the cast. >> bill murray as beleu is perfect. >> what do you think's going to win this weekend? >> jungle book. >> he was the only real life actor in the movie, pretty impressive for a 10-year-old. >> people are talking about barbershop 2, i have to say. a lot of talking about that one. >> to see who's the boss. >> speaking of that did you just get a haircut a little cropped in the back. >> beautiful weather this weekend. >> i'm so happy about that. not bad on the road. >> 4:57. still ahead, top story, plus we all know when you go to the movies it's frowned upon to talk or text. now one movie theater chain is saying the opposite. >> also ahead, bernie sanders and hillary clinton battle it out in brooklyn. we are wrapping up the democratic presidential debate and tell you what a new poll reveals about the race for the white house. begins in 90 seconds. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. coming up on 5:00 on this friday april 15th. we'll have traffic and weather on the 2's in a moment. >> but first a teenager is recovering after a shopping trip ended with a product exploding in his face. >> and the debate showdown in brooklyn. >> i'm chris wragge. >> and i'm mary calvi. welcome to cbs2 news this morning. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle it out in brooklyn in a fierce debate ahead of the new york primary. night as the two candidates traded jabs. cbs2's andrea grymes is here in studio with more. >> chris and mary, hillary clinton and bernie sanders debated everything from the minimum wage to abortion to nato, both trying to prove to voters why they'd be the best democratic nominee. >> in one of the first contentious exchanges of the night between hillary clinton and bernie sanders, clinton was asked why she will not release the transcripts of her speeches to goldman sachs. >> let's set the same standards for everybody, when everybody does it, okay, i will do it. >> i am going to release all of the transcripts of the speeches that i gave on wall street behind closed doors, not for $225,000, not for 2,000, not for $0.02. there were no speeches. >> clinton called on sanders to release his taxes. >> you can go to my website and see eight years of tax returns, >> of course we will reless our taxes. jane does our taxes. we've been a little bit busy lately. you'll excuse us, but we will, senator, we will get them out. >> sanders says he plans to release his 2014 tax returns today and others very shortly. the candidates also fought over their support for raising the minimum wage to $15 across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. >> that's just not accurate. >> i have stood on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. i have said the exact same thing. >> senator, please. >> neither candidate has any scheduled events in our area today. sanders is actually heading overseas to rome. meantime clinton will be in california later tonight for an event with george clooney. and demonstrators gathered in midtown at the state republican committee's annual gala to protest donald trump. >> we'll have more on that coming up shortly. now it's 5:02. let's get over to john elliott for traffic and weather on the 2's. >> it's going to be nice one today, and we're going to see even nicer weather, you know, you get a little shaky. you get out of bed, you want to say what's going on. we've got clear skies and numbers, yeah, in the 20s, 30s, and 40s. the 20s' the exception. in the city with those clear skies we are rife, sticking right there at 44 degrees. winds are calm. relative humidity's at 70%. scanning the skies, nice and quiet. you've got a big ridge of high pressure that has been the driving force of our weather all week. hour by hour you'll feel that high's power. 46 at 8, 56 at lunchtime. 61 early in the afternoon. don't forget, neighbors to the you're going to see your highs stay in the 50s, still not too bad for this time of the year. this time of day i bet you can make some pretty good time. kyla's in for alex. >> well, you can. got a couple of accidents to tell you about. we want to slow it down. tarrant starting in queens an accident blocking at least one lane at the kew gardens interchange. another accident in watchung new jersey, this has two lanes blocked on route 78 westbound. you can use 22. route 22 is an alternate to get through the area. a live look outside at the george washington bridge. here's the good news, no delays yet at the gwb, moving well at the lincoln and holland as well. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. republican presidential contenders touted their records in manhattan at the annual state gop gala at the grand hyatt in midtown. >> what are new york values, number one honesty and straight talk. >> i really do believe that the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had that scalding piece of pizza and actually took a fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years, the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> more than two dozen protestors were arrested. some of them made their way inside chanting and holding banners. in other news four soldiers are hospitalized this morning after their vehicle overturned on the new jersey turnpike. >> the cause of the accident still not known. janelle burrell is live at robert wood johnson university hospital in new brunswick where the soldiers are being treated. janelle. >> reporter: mary, that accident was so bad it shut down part of the new jersey turnpike for hours yesterday afternoon. them are here this morning in serious condition. the other two critical, and this morning we're hearing reports that apparently a tire blew off of their humvee leading to that accident. >> the military humvee flipped over in pieces strewn across the new jersey turnpike south near exit 8a in south brunswick. emergency crews rushing to the aid of the four u.s. army reserve soldiers, part of the 533rd unit based in fort tuton queens. the singing vehicle crash happening around 2:45 thursday afternoon. the scene causing concerned drivers to pull over. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay if there was anything i could do, any sort of help i can give. >> tar harris telling us by phone that he along with others tried to free the soldiers trapped beneath the wreckage as they waited for help to arrive. >> me and a few other guys that were on the scene, we were >> emergency responders were eventually able to pull the soldiers from out underneath the vehicle. the female soldier's legs severed in the accident. >> i just hope that the lady was amputated makes it out alive and those two guys are okay. >> two medical helicopters landed on the highway rushing the wounded to the hospital as traffic backed up for 12 miles finally moving more than three hours later. >> reporter: it's not clear where the soldiers were heading at the time of the crash. investigators this morning still trying to piece together what happened in those moments leading up to the accident. reporting live this morning from new brunswick new jersey, janelle burrell cbs2 news. thank you. mayor bill de blasio's job approval rating sings to an all time allow. 35% of people think de blasio's doing an excellent or good job. 62% think he's doing fair or poor. headed in the wrong direction. former nypd officer peter liang won't be getting a new trial. a judge refused to toss out his manslaughter conviction. the judge said he didn't believe vargas intentionally withheld that. liang will be sentenced next tuesday. the brooklyn d. a. has recommended probation. a brooklyn woman says her pleas to the building department were ignored for a year and now she's concerned her home isn't safe to live in. elgin elias says her walls have been cracking thanks to a construction project next door. these cracks started in january 14 when construction began. engineers say the cracks are structural damage from the construction and should be fixed immediately. >> you know how much this have to go through for this to happen. d. o. b. instructed the site in july 2015. the department has not received additional complaints concerning the construction work. elias took the construction company to court to fix the damage. they say they'll repair the home when a judge gives them approval. today marks the third anniversary of the deadly boston marathon bombings. a wreath laying ceremony will be held at the marathon finish line. there will also be a city wide moment of silence at 2:49 this afternoon when the first of two pressure cooker bombs exploded. three people were killed and more than 260 others hurt. bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev was sentenced to death last year as brother tamerlan died in a gunfight with police. a deadly earthquake hit southern japan. nine people were killed last night. more than 800 others were hurt. the magnitude 6.5 quake knocked down homes and buildings and buckled roads. e-cigarette use is on the rise with teens. a brooklyn teen says the device put him in the hospital and left him partially blind. >> there could soon be changes for those who like a cocktail with their brunch, a law they're locking to change. >> i will say this, going to be great weather for sunday brunch this weekend. coat or jacket out the door, absolutely. then you can lose it later and don't forget the sunscreen and sunglasses. coming up. american workers know how to fight back and rebuild an economy. so does she. we need jobs that provide dignity and a bright future. new penalties to stop companies from moving profits and jobs overseas. for businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. and let's invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. a real plan to create new jobs and industries of the future. hillary clinton. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. i know we're excited about the weekend. >> very excited. >> right on the doorstep. >> let us look back at yesterday. wasn't yesterday great. >> we don't want to look back. i want to look forward. >> you remember three weeks ago thursday, that was fantastic. >> who can forget christmas eve. so here's the deal. we are actually going to be back to christmas eve standards by this weekend. remember, it was 70. we should see 70 by sunday, and then monday for likely the warmest day before we see more clouds. tuesday is a bit of a wild card, no, no, no, not talking about the election. i'm talking about weather. that's where we see definitely more clouds. i worry about a little bit of rain for parts of the area on tuesday too. clear and 44. no rain know, winds are calm. frost advisory. wild spring swing as you have the cool temperatures in the morning and warmer in the afternoon. that circles the city, and it's going to be the potential for patchy frost tonight. 39 in woodmere. you're cooler this afternoon, that northeast wind keeps you in the 50s. 38 in greenwich as we start the day. 40 in rye, about 35 for the jersey shore. just to show you the comparison, cooler upstate but when you compare these numbers with yesterday, in new york it's 1 degree cooler. you see this warmup down through parts of the ohio valley and into the virginias, that is going to kind of percolate our way, and we'll see those warmer temperatures for your saturday, sunday, and monday. lunchtime right around 56, 61 in the afternoon getting those chores done, maybe so to speaking out a little ere -- sneaking out a little early. who would blame you. 64 your high today, it's a beautiful finish to the northeast wind keeps the coast cooler. get outside tomorrow. just lay outside, get outside and enjoy it, and then sunday it may feel like may. low 70s, maybe 70, 72 on a few thermometers and then warmer still on your monday. today not bad at all. sunny skies and mild, 64. it's going to be chilly again tonight. that means readings in the 40s. that's for the city. definitely cooler in the suburbs. patchy frost can't be ruled out and then just the sweet spring weather saturday and sunday. warmest will be monday. more clouds definitely could see a passing shower on tuesday, and then numbers stay above normal next week. some speeds right at normal levels we hope. >> maybe a little bit below normal in some of our speeds. we have a few accidents out there to get everybody ahead of. good morning, let's start in queens we have an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound grand central parkway stick with van wyck to get around this problem. then we head to watchung new jersey, an accident going on with a fuel spill. this has two lanes blocked at route 78 westbound at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alternate to get you through the area. checking mass transit, disedge. looking great on metro north your path trains, new jersey transit and long island. thank you. an e-cigarette explodes at a brooklyn mall and the teen says the dangerous vaping accident put him in the hospital is left him partially blind. >> after five days of recovery in a hospital bed this 14-year- old boy is left with permanent injuries after he was maimed and blinded by an exploding e- cigarette or vape pen. >> he says he was at the kings plaza shopping center in brooklyn with friend when they approached this kiosk. different products of the vaporizers, and when he gave it to me to hold it exploded in my hands and face. >> domotoff now wears sunglasses after the explosion sent shrapnel into his eyes. >> my left eye i can't see anything right now. >> at first he wasn't sure what happened until he realized he was bleeding. >> i see like red stuff on the floor. >> his attorney intends to sue the shopping center and the kiosk. >> they don't ask them for any id, nothing, they're showing different type of products the there's no signs up that reflect the new york state and city law. it's illegal to sell these products to anybody under the age of 21. >> the kiosk has a sign posted that reads mush 21 if to purchase any product. we id all the corporate management offices for kings plaza cannot return my request for comment. the kiosk worker told me he or give me a phone number for a manager. reporting in marine park brooklyn, valerie castro cbs2 news. new research find a grown up of drugs used to treat heartburn and acid reflux could lead to kidney damage. the study analyzes the long- term use of prilosec, and prevacid. over a five year period 15% of patient who is use ppis were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. you may soon be able to enjoy a bloody mary or a mimosa with your new york restaurant brunch before noon. >> a panel says it's time to change the 1934 state law. it bans the sale of alcoholic beverages between 4 a.m. and noon on sundays. the panel is recommending sunday sales of alcohol for on premises consumption begins as early as 8 a.m. >> you can't wake up without a mimosa or bloody mary on sunday. >> it's a little disappointing. i think of brunch around 11. >> the head of the state liquor authority hopes the bill will be passed in june. >> makes sense now, i'm not a big drinker. why is everyone having brunch at 1:00. >> now we know. the fire department has released its calendar of heroes. >> in a big change it's two calendars in one. for the first time it features 12 months of men and 12 months of women. fire commissioner daniel nigra says the calendar represents all the heroes, firefighters, emts and paramedics. the heroes will be signing the calendar today in harold square from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. >> all for quality. >> all for a good cause. if you think you're allergic to penicillin doctors say you should still find out. >> texting at the movies, one them out. >> plus we'll get you another check of your traffic and weather on the 2's coming up right after this. hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. hi dad. uh huh. yeah...sorry about that. think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think? and in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you're going to like these numbers. bring me a higher love 5:22 on this friday, tgif john. >> absolutely. out the door though it's still 37 in scarsdale, 30 in summit, 27 in toms river, 28 in monticello, 44 in the city. but this afternoon what a beauty. it's cooler, south shore you're in the upper 50s, montauk twin forks in the mid-50s. it's going to be nice, suffolk county a little cooler. now the temperature trend even warmer saturday, and then sunday that high of 72 is going to feel like the 22nd of may. on monday it's going to feel like the 1st of june. hey, let's bust you out and get you there on time with kyla. at least we've got the weather on our side this morning. we have a few accidents to get you ahead of. we start in queens with an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound grand central parkway at the kew gardens interchange. stick with the van wyck to get around it. then we head to watchung new jersey. this has two lanes blocked on route 78 westbound at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alternate side parking is in effect today city wide. thank you. just call the islanders the road ware yours. panthers. the yankees could have used a little sunshine in toronto. here's otis livingston. coming up later today, the mets will be in cleveland, the yankees host the mariners. they come in struggling. diving into the stands to make this great catch, he had no shot at this one though in the 5th josh donaldson a 3-run jack. goes from 2-0 yanks to 3-2 blue jays. troy stays fair, 4-2 the final, yankees drop 2 of 3 up north. game one stanley cup playoffs, the panthers in the 2nd. captain john with the equalizer. a steal sets up -- the islanders first lead of the game. they steal game 1 in florida 5- that's your cbs2 sports update. so we all know when you go to the movies it's best to stay off your phone, no talking or texts. now an executive hints that they may start allowing texting. cbs2's cindy hsu has more. >> talking or using your device during a film is distracting. >> this is one of the videos we're used to seeing before the movies in amc theaters telling us not to talk or text. the new ceo of amc who took over less than four months ago is open to loosening those restrictions to attract a younger audience. adam aaron told variety when you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone don't ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your phone above the elbow. that's not how they live their life. the millennials we found like the new idea. >> i remember that's fine as >> it's fun to talk during the movie about the movie. >> there are lots of fans who like the movie the way it is. >> i think everybody should put their just phone away and not look at it during a movie. it's simple. it's annoying. >> just a few days ago dave moreno was trying to watch batman versus superman dawn of justice. >> there was these girls having a fight over the phone while the movie's on. and people started to be like hey, man we're trying to watch a movie here. >> no word on when these new rules would take effect. >> you know what the fact that the kids are even in the movie theaters is a good enough sign they can probably just drop the phone for two hours you know what i mean. >> they've got it with them all the time. democrats duke it out before one final debate before the pivotal north america primary. >> four army reserve soldiers recovering this morning after their humvee flips over and crashes. we'll have a live report on their condition coming up. >> also a warning for women, secret recordings on the subway finding which polices say strangers are feeling you without your knowledge. >> and we'll tell you about the job hopping trend. continues after this. hey, we're opening up a second shop and we need some new signage. but can't spend a lot. well, we have low prices and a price match guarantee. scout's honor? low prices. pinky swear? low prices. eskimo kisses? how about a handshake? oh, alright... the lowest price. every time. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. we're just about approaching 5:30, it's 44 degrees on this friday april 15th. a super spring day ahead, cool this morning, but a nice warmup just in time for the weekend. traffic and weather on the 2's moment. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the hour. >> wait a minute, wait a minute. >> emotions run high during last night's democratic debate in brooklyn. the republican candidates are interrupted by protestors in manhattan. >> the right to recess as governor christie weighs in on a dispute. >> a humvee overturns on the jersey turnpike trapping four army reservices. >> i'm mary calvi. >> and i'm chris wragge. >> that crash left two of the soldiers in critical condition. >> the cause of the accident is still not known at this hour. janelle burrell is live in new brunswick where the soldiers are being treated. >> reporter: two of the soldiers critical, the other two in serious condition this morning. we can tell you one of them actually lost a limb during the exact of that crash, a major accident that shut down a stretch of the new jersey turnpike for hours. >> the military humvee flipped over in pieces strewn across the new jersey turnpike south near exit 8a in south brunswick. emergency crews are rushing to the aid of the four u.s. army reserve soldiers, part of the 533rd units bid in fort tuton the single vehicle crash happening around 2:45 thursday afternoon. the scene causing concerned drivers to pull over. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay, if there was anything i could do and sort of help i can give. >> tar harris telling us by phone that he along with others tried to free the soldiers trapped beneath the wreckage as they waited for help to arrive. >> me and a few other guys that were on the scene we are trying to see if we can lift this humvee. >> emergency responders were eventually able to pull the soldiers from out underneath the vehicle. witnesses say the female soldier's leg was severed in the accident. >> i just hope that the lady that was amputated makes it out alive and those two guys that they're okay. >> two medical helicopters landed on the highway rushing the wounded to the hospital as traffic backed up for 12 miles finally moving more than three >> reporter: according to reports witnesses say they saw one of the tires come off the humvee moments before it crashed. all of that still under investigation. two soldiers critical, the other two recovering in serious condition. reporting live this morning from new brunswick new jersey, janelle burrell cbs2 news. time now 5:32. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. been a long week. i think we deserve a heck of a weekend right. >> but there's the air of spring. it's just everybody's in a better mood. >> it does feel good doesn't it? >> and the fact that it is friday and we're looking forward to very comfortable conditions for the weekend. warm. that's the trend into the first part of next week as well. weather wise. in the city it's chilly. you need a coat out the door. 44, wind are calm, relative humidity at 70%. skies are clear, sunrise, spectacular sunset sublime. we will see a northeast wind. it's cooler for long island but pressure, a little on the dry by lunchtime you're right around 56 and then in the afternoon low to mid-60s north and west. 50s i think for your highs for long island. still, it's going to be comfortable getting around today. >> should we lobby to do the noon show outside? >> yes, yes, start lobbying now. >> a little al fresco lunch we're in good shape. what are we doing on the roads. >> we've got a lot of people hitting the road. dangerous as well. in queens we have an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound grabbed central parkway at the kew gardens interchange. your better bet is to stick with the van wyck to get around this. in watchung new jersey an accident with a fuel spill has two lanes blocked on route 78 westbound at exit 40. you can use route 22 as your alternate. day to police activity downtown express from east 180th street to 3rd avenue 149th street. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. thanks so much. hillary clinton and bernie sanders battled it out. >> it is their last showdown before the new york primary four days away. andrea grymes is in the studio with more. >> reporter: the new york primary is on tuesday. hillary clinton and bernie sanders debated everything last night from gun violence to global warming. >> i love being in brooklyn. this is great. >> the brooklyn navy yard took center stage in last night's prime time debate that turned fiery at times. hillary clinton and bernie sanders tussled over topics like their quest to raise the minimum wage across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> now wait a minute, wait a minute,. >> i have stood on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. thing. >> sanders was asked how it's fiscally responsible to promise free health care and free college for all. >> my proposal a medicare for all single payer program will save middle class families many thousands of dollars a year in their health care costs. public colleges ask universities tuition free, dam right. >> sanders says he'd pay for free college through a tax on wall street speculation. clinton says she supports making school more affordable and supports universal health care but she does not believe sanders' numbered a up. >> there is no doubt by those when have analyzed it, progressive economists health economists and the like, that it would impose an incredible burden. >> both candidates reiterated >> we've had eight debates before, this is our ninth. we've not had one question about a woman's rights to mick her own decisions about reproductive health care. >> you're looking at a senator and former congressman who proudly has a 100% pro-choice voting record. >> neither candidate has any scheduled events in our area. sanders is on his way overseas to rome. clinton will be in california for an event with george clooney later tonight. mary. continuing our campaign 2016 coverage, republican contenders touted their record at the grand hyatt in midtown, all three candidates came to plea for support. >> what are new york values, number one, honesty and straight talking. >> i really do believe that the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had that scalding piece fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years, the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> why the presidential hopefuls were inside, protests were going on outside. >> thousands of demonstrators rallied outside the grand hyatt. a large group even got inside grand central terminal holding signs and chants. police keep close tabs on the protests. stay with cbs2 for continuing coverage of campaign 2016 as we get closer to tuesday's primary, we'll also have updates online at and on facebook and twitter at cbs new york. mayor bill de blasio's job approval rating sic sinks to an all time low. blasio's doing an excellent or good job. 62% think he's doing fair or poor. de blasio's up for reelection next year. police on long island are searching for a woman accused of stealing computers at wal- mart. the suffolk county police department released these surveillance photos of the suspect pushing a shopping cart with two boxes inside. around 10 p.m. last friday she snatched two desktop computers from a is a tuck et wal-mart on the con set highway and took off police on long island are trying to keep craigslist like deals from going bad. the suffolk county sheriff's department is establishing safe zones in yaphank and river head. it is designaterd for the public to complete online transactions of goods and vehicles. these will include parking lot cameras and armed guard stations inside a security booth. >> people when initiate these kind of transactions online, they can come here to the sheriff's office to one of these zones and conclude the transaction there in front of >> if you use a safe zone you don't have to contact the sheriff's office to let them know you're coming. police are warning women about a disturbing crime. it's called upskirting when creeps secretly snap photos and videos up a woman's skirt. the nypd arrested five people last month, the four subway stations are lexington avenue at 59th. grand central subway station, time square and union square. >> i've heard horror stories that it's happened to people. >> it's sick and annoying and something else a woman has to think about while going to work. >> upstirring is punishable with up to four years in prison. perpetrators may have to register as sex offenders and could face additional charges if images are shared online. >> why some people may be mistaken about their reaction to penicillin. >> reading, writing, and action as new jersey schools cut back on break time. >> and it's april 15th, doesn't that mean your taxes are due. not this year. >> you can connect with us during the show and all morning long, check them out, we'll help you do your taxes if >> don't ask me. wow, what a day out today john. >> it's going to be chilly to start, nice this afternoon. bruce has 36 in north port. today is national donate life, blue and green organ donor day. look at those gorgeous skies, pretty green, all those buds coming up. that pollen count remains high. let's check in, 36 right here sherry makes a great point. it's going to a nice weekend for little league baseball. you bet or anything you have going on. chrissy, mark, and that's chrissy right there, 33, and then we still have some 20s here north and west. it's chilly to start the day. cold, calm and clear as daniel put it. we'll see nice conditions this afternoon north and west. you'll be a little warmer than we will be on the island. island of manhattan, clear and 44 right now. elena wanted me to remind you it is national eraser day. not because you're doing your taxes. it's because we actually came up with erasers on this day. 61 at 2:00, 64 at 5, so after work and school, just fine and could even see a little bit of patchy frost. yeah, those buds, yeah, pollen count is high. it's high today. staying high sunday into monday. the season. tree pollen filling in and add to that a little bit of grass in total. around the area, high pressure is keeping us dry. you get a sense of the blocking force of that. wet weather in the plains, more stormy weather in the south. we are just under this dome, what happens over the next few days that dome starts to sly a little to the east. as it does there will be a little less wind. it's breezy for long island today. tomorrow get outside, just enjoy it, and then we see, yeah, a bit of a flow out of the south and southwest. sunday into monday that's when we see the 70s breakthrough. when that happens you're going to see numbers, not record numbers for interior sections, probably about 10-plus degrees warmer than today. 64 in the city, you're flirting with 70 by sunday, peak heat on monday. chance of shower on tuesday, odds are low. numbers stay above normal though next week. it's something to look forward to. what are we looking forward to as far as the drive. deep breaths as we have some accidents slowing you down. we start in the bronx, an accident blocking the left lane at the bruckner interchange. that is causing delays, and to go back right now to castle hill avenue. in queens another accident. this one blocking two lanes on the eastbound grand central parkway at the kew gardens interchange. your better bet is to stick with the van wyck to get around this. subway issues, the downtown 2 and 5 trains are running express from east 180th street to 3rd avenue, 149th street. alternate side parking is in some schools in new jersey have been giving recess a time out. a new bill would have made recess mandatory cross the state. governor chris christie vetoed the bill saying recess is not a state issue and should be handled locally. mother in montclair is circulating a petition to make recess a mandatory 40 minutes. and 30. >> school isn't all about academics, most of us learned our best social skills in the playground. >> eagen and other participants are bringing their petition to the school board meeting next week. a new battle over digit tat privacy. microsoft is suing the justice department over its use of court orders. they require microsoft to turn over customer files in its computer centers without notifying the customer involved. the lawsuit argues the government is violating the constitution by blocking microsoft from notifying those requests for e-mails and other documents. the privacy rights battle between apple and the fbi returns to capitol hill. lawmakers will hear testimony about the disagreement over law enforcement access to encrypted devices. in february a federal judge ordered apple to help the fbi break into the iphone of one of the san bernardino shooters. another company helped unlock the phone. in our money watch, some extra time to file your taxes and encouraging employment news. >> jill wagner is live at the new york stock exchange. good morning on this friday. >> good morning happy friday. the dow opens today at its highest level since july. it's inching back up to that 18,000 mark. yesterday the dow rose 18. the nasdaq was flat. the number of americans seeking unemployment benefits plunged by 13,000 which brings it to its lowest figure for the month taxes are due monday april 18th, pushed back because today is emancipation day. americans spend on average 16 hours doing their taxes. it is a task so dreaded that 27% of people surveyed say they would rather get an irs tattoo if they could avoid taxes for life. amazon stepping in to help the homeless in seattle. the tech giant is teaming one mary's place. it's nonprofit that works with homeless women and their families. they'll be running a shelter at an empty hotel. it's under construction. families are expected to start moving in on monday. chris and mary. i would do a full sleeve tattoo if i couldn't pay taxes. >> i asked this question on facebook and i was so surprised at how many people do their taxes so early. a couple people said they did them a couple months ago. >> up next healing through the arts. for years after the mass shooting in newtown connecticut, a new film shows how theater is helping communities cope with what happened. >> and when we return, moving from job to job, many millennials don't stay put for very long. we'll show you what job hopping is all about. >> otis livingston has this morning's sports update. the yankees lost to the blue jays 4-2. they lost 2 of 3 in torontos. islanders beat the panthers, coming up tonight game 2 in florida. the mets will be in cleveland mariners. even when the deck is stacked, a new yorker will find a way to break up big banks, create millions of jobs, and rebuild america. some say it can't be done again. but another native son of new york is ready -- bernie. rebuild the middle class, make wall street banks pay their fair share, give every child a chance. new york -- it's our time again to build a future to believe in. welcome back to cbs2 this morning, 44 degrees, it is friday, let's head right over to you john. folks climbing out of bedright now and they're looking forward to this. it's chilly in the city, 44 with calm wind, relative humidity's the 72%. frost degrees until 8 a.m. advisories until 8 a.m. practically picture perfect for your friday. cooler for long island with that breeze developing this afternoon, your skies are still pretty nice and then the uv forecast speaking of those skies is at a 6. if you are out there for maybe an hour make playing a little tennis, golf or getting done in the yard, sunday feels like may, feels like june on monday. it feels like you can still be on time right kyla. >> feels like you can try. we start in the bronx. we have an accident blocking the left lane on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. now delays right now are back to castle hill avenue. just north of here is east tremont avenue is closed in both directions. queens another accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound, grand central parkway at the kew gardens interchange causing delays back to jewel avenue. stick with the van wyck to get around this. alternate side parking is in effect cit wide. a new film explores the role arts have taken in helping >> i would like to remind you. >> the documentary follows the musical caption using children -- the film will be screened sunday at the school of visual arts. in this morning's health watch if you think you're allergic to penicillin, doctors say you should fine out for sure. two harvard affiliated hospitals are using an app to help identify patients who should be tested for penicillin allergy. those allergic cannot take any variety of penicillin. for some taking alternative antibiotics may cause health problems. >> i ended up having my stomach messed up for affairs since then. i thought maybe if i wasn't allergic to penicillin i could have avoided that. >> 10 to 15% believe they're allergic to penicillin. some millennials are switching jobs more than dorm rooms. lot more than their parents ever did. >> the new normal for millennials, change jobs four times in the first decade out of college. that bouncing around is nearly double than the generation before. according to a study, the general xeres whoa graduated from 1986 to 1990 averaged about two job changes in their first decade out of college. today college grads don't just change jobs often, they switch industries. the biggest hoppers, those with gigs in entertainment, government, nonprofits and, yes, the media. millennials who stay in their position the longest typically work in industries where they can make things, think cars, manufactures and oil. the trend doesn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. younger millennials, those who graduated from 2006 to 2010 are changes by the time they celebrate their 32nd birthday. >> they're trying to find the very perfect job. >> i think it makes life more fun, more exciting. >> it's funny n week we've two studies, worst jobs out there, our profession is one of them. jobs where you move around the most. >> wasn't where'ser in like the top 5. yeah, it was. >> today is a good day for you. though. >> being a weatherman is a great job. are weekend? not is much love over here. we've got some accidents going on. we need to take it a little slower this morning. >> campaign 2016 a heated democratic debate last night and protestors go after the gop candidates. >> controversial stadium at the center of a criminal investigation. a town supervisor accused of cooking the books and betraying the voters. >> the men of the fdny aren't calendar. this. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. it is 6 a.m., and it's beautiful out there, 44 degrees friday april 15th. if you thought the weather was until you see this weekend's forecast. just going to be amazing out there. good morning, i'm mary calvi. >> and i'm chris wragge. we'll have traffic and weather on the 2's in just a moment. first here is your morning news to go. >> i do question her judgment. >> president obama trusted my judgment enough to ask me to be secretary of state. >> the gloves came off, emotions ran high in the final democratic debate before the pivotal new york primary. >> a republican gala in midtown is interrupted by protestors. more of campaign 2016 coverage still ahead. >> could mayor de blasio's chance of becoming reelected be in jeopardy. his job approval rating at an all time low. >> me ask a few other guys that were on the scene were trying to see if we could lift this humvee is there. >> trapped under that humvee are four army reservists, how did they finally get free and morning, we will have a live report coming up. >> whether you run a cooperation or you lead a town you are not allowed to cook the books. >> cooking the books is what the town supervisor of ramapo is accused of doing. authorities say he built a ballpark the town can't afford. how did he allegedly do it. >> it exploded in my hand and my face. >> a trip to the mall turned dangerous for a brooklyn teenager he felt now wears sunglasses and cannot see out of one guy after his attorney says an e-cigarette or vape pen exploded in his hand. [ music ] and everybody's been wondering what's next for taylor swift after that immensely successful 1989 world tour. latest issue of vogue, and wait until you see the cover in this morning's two talkers the we're going to find out what's next. >> what's next for taylor swift. >> the ambassador of new york. >> we talk about it all the time. i'm a swifty. or no, i'm basically a swifter. i just clone up stuff around the house. we've got pretty skies in the city right now. nice and clear. it's cool out the door. 43. we're down a degree. you work your way into the sunrise hour. number of retreats. high pressure is not going to retreat. it is camping out. if you are going to go camping this weekend, ticks are bad this year, and also it's very chilly at night. if that's in the itinerary have fun but make sure you've got the gear you need. 46 out the door. 56 at lunchtime, 61 for your early afternoon running around and wrapping up with a high of 64. let's get you running around right now. >> we have some trouble out there. we start in the bronx, an accident in the left lane on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. we've got heavy delays back to webster avenue. also just north of here east tremont avenue is closed in both directions between westchester avenue and white plains road. s that is due to an accident involving a pedestrian. let's check our hudson river crossings, the george washington bridge still moving pretty well. holland tunnels. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. now to campaign 2016, hillary clinton and bernie sanders battled it out in brooklyn. >> the gloves were off last traded jabs. with more. >> reporter: it was an exciting night. good morning, hillary clinton and bernie sanders debated everything from the minimum wage to abortion to nato. both trying to prove to voters why they'd be the best >> in one of the first contentious exchanges of the night between hillary clinton and bernie sanders clinton was asked why she will not release the transcripts of her speeches to goldman sachs. >> let's set the same standard for everybody. when everybody does it, okay, i will do it. >> i am going to release all of the transcripts of the speeches that i gave on wall street behind closed doors, not for 225,000, not for 2,000, not for $0.02. there were no speeches. release his taxes. >> you can go to my website and see eight years of tax returns, and i've released 30 years of tax returns. >> of course we will release our taxes. jane does our taxes. we've been a little bit busy lately. you'll excuse us, but we will get them out. >> sanders says he plans to today and others very shortly. the candidates also fought over their support for raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> you know, wait a minute, wait a minute,. >> that's just not accurate. >> i have stood on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. >> excuse me. >> secretary, senator, please. >> neither candidate has any scheduled events in our area today. sanders is actually heading overseas to rome. clinton is expected at an event with george clooney in california later tonight. >> republican contenders at the grand hyatt in midtown. all three candidates came to plea for support. >> what are new york values, number one, honesty and straight talking. folks in new york will forgive when i had that scalding piece when i had that scalding piece of pizza and actually took a fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years, the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> while the presidential hopefuls were inside, protests were going on outside. >> thousands of demonstrators rallied outside the grand hyatt. a large group even got inside grand central terminal holding signs and chants. police kept close tabs on the protests. and stay with cbs2 for continuing coverage of campaign 2016 as we get closer to tuesday's primary. we'll also have updates online at and on facebook and twitter @ cbsnew york. bill de blasio's job approval rating sings to an all time low. 35% of people think de blasio doing an excellent or good job. 62% say he's doing fair or poor. a majority also say the city's headed in the wrong direction. de blasio is up for reelection next year. following breaking news, a massive fire in jersey city. jim smith is live in chopper 2 with details for us. jim take it away. >> chris, a fire burning in multiple homes along forest street in jersey city. this fire actually started last night around 8:00 and was placed under control around 9:30. that fire has rekindled and spread through four homes. you can see the fire coming will you the top floor in the of of these buildings. burning deboro has been falling as well. fire department has evacuated. there is a building to the left that was not affected by last night's fire. we did see a resident being escorted out of that building. there's also the one to the right that was damaged in last either of those at this point. that is something the fire department will want to be concerned about. four homes on fire at this point. this is fire that began last evening, was placed under control and has rekindled. firefighters are still responding back to the scene to try to get this fire under control. you can see a massive blaze has erupted along forest street in jersey city. live in chopper 2, jim smith, cbs2 news. >> after that fire last night do we know if these adjacent homes were evacuated or were there people in these homes? do we know? >> what we know is that the building to what is our left, we do not believe that was evacuated last evening. we did see some people escorted out a few minutes ago. the building to the right did substantial damage last night, so we believe that building was already evacuated and of course actually the four that you see on fire evacuated last night as well. there. jim, thank you. we'll check back in with you. coming up a town supervisor accused of cooking the books and building a staled yum a community cannot afford -- a stadium a community cannot afford. >> and why a woman says her unanswered. he say's we should punish women who have abortions. there has to be some form of punishment. they're rapists. and that we should ban muslims from coming here at all. total and complete shut down. donald trump say's we can solve americas problems by turning against each other. it's wrong and it goes against everything new york and america stand for. with so much at stake, she's the one tough enough to stop trump. hillary clinton. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. the bearer of good news. >> absolutely. i am the bearer of good news. feel free to hug away. 36 for the north shore. 37 for the south shore. it's freezing out in river head. 32 there in west port as well. we still have readings in the 20s, 29, 3, 31. it's chilly up here. patchy frost possible again tonight, but i love that. it is rubber eraser day. i knew it and i appreciate that. charlie sent that in this morning. also don't forget the cherry blossom festival underway. in the city it looks great. we've got nice skies to look forward to. we've got numbers on the cool side, 43 wind out of the northeast at 3. numbers around the area, i'll tell you there are more readings in the 20s, 28 in monroe. 31 in madison. 38 in river head. out the door, but by lunchtime starting to feel good, about 56. for our neighbors on long island you my see highs stay in the 50s today and through the we could. that persistent breeze and the proximity of an offshore system keeps you a little cooler. even by 2:00 in the afternoon in the city we're in the low 60s and 64 for your high above normal. 87 and 28 your records for today. don't anticipate either extreme. this weekend even though we're warmer we're not in record territory at all. 6:16 your sunrise time. it's a about 3 minutes away. sunsets at 7:37. i believe that means it's 2 minutes longer. radar and satellite shows you the breck. you can see it's a big rimming of high pressure. we've got days of great weather to plan on, enjoy, take advantage of and just soak in. overnight tonight you're we'll be showing in the suburbs, patchy frost can't be ruled out. sensitive plants if they're not close to the house, they may be somewhat in jeopardy. tomorrow 66. you can get your ticks on route 66 -- kicks on route 66 or just by staying home. 72 on sunday. 75 peak heat of the week on monday. election day still somewhat in question, maybe a passing shower, definitely plan on more clouds. until then plan on get weather. what's going on kyla. the weather's on our side. unfortunately we're getting very busy with some accidents. we start in the bronx where we have an accident that is blocking the left lane on the eastbound crossed bronx at the bruckner interchange. it is causing heavy delays back to webster avenue. north of here we've also got east tremont avenue closed between westchester and white plains road and that is due to an accident involving a pedestrian this morning. checking mass transit we have better news there, everything for metro north, your path trains, new jersey transit and long island railroad looking good. alternate side parking is in effect. we're following breaking news of a major fire in jersey city. this is on forest street. the fire started in vacant homes around 8:00 last night and was under control about 90 minutes later, roughly 9:30. it rekindled this morning right before 6 a.m., at least one nearby home has been destroyed and evacuated. they've evacuated the people in the area. you can see the firefighters on the scene with these chopper 2 pictures overahead continuing to try to knock this fire down, which started last night and rekindled this morning. there. new york's u.s. attorney is taking a swing at an alleged rocklin county construction case. >> a town supervisor cooked the books to fitness a baseball want. >> a town proposal to build struck out with ramapo voters in 2010. 70% voted no. long-time town supervisor christopher st. lawrence built it anyway and in the process may have broken the law. >> whether you run a corporation or you lead a town you are not allowed to cook the books plain and simple. >> the u.s. attorney used charts to illustrate claiming st. lawrence and his head of development falsified statements to make it seem the town had money in its general fund and could afford to float $100 million in bonds to built the ballpark and other projects. in fact the town was deep in the red. >> st. lawrence and troodler lied repeatedly about the town's finances deceiving the city of ramapo as well as thousands of bond investors. >> the fbi raided town hall in 2013. investigators credit a whistleblower inside st. lawrence's office for reporting the allegations: >> it's notes clear if anyone personally profited from this scope. supervisor st. lawrence was so determined to build this ballpark that he aledly cooked the books -- allegedly cooked the box. >> he operates beyond the law in more areas like this. >> what's the worst-case scenario for long-time residents like yourself? >> taxes that become so extreme that you can't retire in a place like this. >> he's calling on st. lawrence to resign but doesn't expect him to do so. in ramapo, rocklin county, tony aiello cbs2 news. >> the supervisor said he looks forward to his day in court. : the securities and exchange commission filed civil charges against the two men along with the town attorney and finance director. a brooklyn woman says her pleas to the buildings department were ignored and now she's concerned her home is not safe to live in. these cracks started in january of 2014 when construction began. engineers she hired to inspect her home last year say the cracks are structural damage from the construction and should be fixed immediately. >> you know how much shift in this house has to go through for this to happen and they don't even care. >> the building's department says dob inspected the construction site in july of 2015. a stop work order was issued along with violations. the department has not received additional complaints considering the construction work. they say tail repair the home when the -- they'll repair the home when the judge gives them approval. >> up next a baby boom in hollywood. who's pregnant and who just gave birth. >> beating the odds, the incredible story of a new cancer. [ music ] from a winter standpoint we're out of the woods. we're in the clear now johnny, and we look at that sunrise you're listening to taylor swift. as you know, but guess what, i'll tell you we're going to find out in a couple minutes what's next for swiftie. the 1989 tour was amazing. she tells vogue what's up next. talking about. about. >> very big. >> what is next for taylor swift. >> very big taylor swift fans. traffic and weather on the 2's i can barely contain myself. >> you know who loves taylor wheels over taylor swift because she was nice to him. >> there you go. >> she is nice a nice young lady and she's smart too, i respect that. >> serious business. we've got high pressure, a real ally in that as far as the weather goes. outside looks pretty. it's a little on the cool side. we're at 43 in the city, of course 42 a big number today. number. readings around the area, some 20s, some 30s, 29 in hamburg. kids grab the coat, but only for the trip in because oh, it's going to be warm this afternoon, another bright and beautiful day, low to mid-60s on tap, and then warmer for the >> i'm going to get you a 42 jersey. >> not so sunny in the commute. we've got a few accidents out there and awe if of them really causing problems. we start in the bronx, an accident blocking the left lane on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. heavy delays back to webster avenue. just north of here we've got east tremont avenue closed between westchester avenue and white plains road due to an accident involving a pedestrian. let's take a live look outside. we head to queens, the belt parkway starting to get heavy westbound from the southern bay boulevard area. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. slow down everybody get there safely. better to get there safely and a little later maybe. >> for a lot of people. >> thanks kyla. >> you can call the islanders road warriors excuse me. you can call the islanders the road warriors,. >> and the yankees could have used a bit of sunshine in toronto. news sports update. good morning everyone. coming up later today the mets will be in cleveland, the yankees host the mariners. they come in struggling. diving into the stand to make this great catch he had no shot at this one though in the 5th. john donaldson a 3-run jack, off nathan avalue dee. troy tulowitzki a little doubter. the yankees drop 2 of 3 up north. game 1 stanley cup playoffs. the panthers in the 2nd, the captain with the equalizer and a steal from the captain sets up the go ahead goal to start the third. the islanders first lead of the game, they win game 1 in florida 5-4. it's time for duty times two for a few famous ryans. >> first fresh off her successful 1989 world tour is now on her to-do list. the 26-year-old is on the cover of the may issue of vogue magazine. she's thinking about launching a fashion line. she said it wouldn't be cow tour but something more reflective of her style. she says she wants to be a well rounded person and for her that means learning cpr and being able to make a good drink. >> pretty well rounded. bartenders lifesaver. two power couples announce baby number 2 is on the way and another star gave birth. actors ryan dosling and ava mendez have another bopped the of joy on the way -- bundle of joy on the way. >> blake lively and ryan reynolds are expecting their second child. the new baby joins couple's 16- month-old daughter james. >> kelly clarkson just welcomed a baby boy. tweeted the happy news, remmington alexander. >> remington, what a great name. >> coming up at 6:30. we're following breaking news in jersey city, a raging fire engulfing four homes. >> and a brooklyn team badly injured after a device at a keys yoking explodes in his hand. >> and the warm weather bringing out more criminals, where women are being watched. >> for the first time there's the fdny calendar. that's not fair, he should give you your rollerblades back. anddddd, she's back. storm coming? a very dangerous cheese storm. so you have 20 more bags. mhm. my yoga instructor calls it the death spiral. i call it living the dream. american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. see you tomorrow. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news this morning. beautiful friday morning for you, 43 degrees. coming up on 6:30. highs in the 60s today. we could see 70s this weekend. traffic and weather on the 2's in a moment. jim smith is live over the scene of fire in jersey city. jim. >> yeah, mary this fire now appears to be in the process of getting knocked down, not officially under control. it's along forest street in jersey city. there were four homes engulfed in flames earlier. this actually started as a fire last evening around 8:00. it was placed under control just before 6:00 this morning. there were flames erupting through the roof and upper floors of these four homes. there was also an additional fifth home that was damaged in last evening's fire. we did see another home that was evacuated as the firefighters were arriving on the scene. at this point it appears the fire department is in the process of once again knocking this fire down, not officially under control but the flames have been knocked down from what we saw just a half hour ago. live in chopper 2 jim smith cbs2 news. now to cam page 2016 and their most heated debate to date. hillary clinton and bernie sanders battling it out in brooklyn. >> last showdown before the new york primary four days away. andrea grymes is here in the studio with more for us. >> reporter: good morning chris and mary. both candidates hope to sway undecided voters across the country in last night's debate but especially undecided voters here in new york since the state's primary is this tuesday. >> i love being in brooklyn, >> the brooklyn navy yard took center stage in last night's prime time debate that turned fiery at times. both hillary clinton and bernie sanders tussled over topics like their quest to raise the minimum wage across the country. >> i am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. >> you know wait a minute, wait a minute. >> that's just not accurate. >> i have stat on the debate stage with senator sanders eight prior times. >> whoa, excuse me. >> secretary, senator, please. >> sanders was asked how it's fiscally responsible to promise flee health care and free college for all. >> my proposal, a medicare for all single payer program will save middle class families many thousands of dollars a year in their health care costs. public colleges and >> he'd pay for free college through a tax on wall street speculation. clinton says she supports making education more affordable and supports universal health care. >> there is no doubt by those who have analyzed it progressive economist, health economists and the like that it would impose an incredible burden, not just on the budget but on vinyls. >> more on the gop gala in midtown coming up for you. time now is 6:32. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. let's get over to john for the weekend forecast. >> we've got pretty skies any city right now. it's pretty out the door. we'll see a nice warmup. that warmup continues day-to- day. clear and 43, light breeze blowing, bright skies. sun is shining. high pressure just locked in and sticking around. it's still in the 40s out the door, and then around lunchtime you're in the 50s in the city, staying in the 50s for a good particularly along the shore. city warming up to 64 above normal degrees. roberta flak asked where is the love. we'll ask where is the rain. are we changing our tune traffic-wise kyla. it's getting busier and busier. we're getting backups going on here. we have an accident blocking two lanes on the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. we've got heavy delays all the way back to the alexander hamilton bridge. also north of here we've got east tremont avenue closed in both directions between westchester avenue and white plains road due to an accident involving a pedestrian. expect delays and diversions on the bx4a, bx40 and bx42 bus roots. a live look outside at the lincoln tunnel a20 minute delay at the lincoln tunnel, 15 minute wait at the holland and george washington bridge. alternate side parking is in effect city wide today. if you're headed to the schedule at jfk, laguardia and newark liberty airports. thank you. continuing our campaign 2016 coverage. republican contenders touted their records in manhattan at the grand hyatt in midtown. all three candidates came to plea for support. >> what are new york values, number one honesty and straight talking. >> i really do believe that the folks in new york will forgive me for that big mistake i made when i had that scalding piece of pizza and actually took a fork and touched the pizza pie with it. >> if we cannot win the election, if hillary clinton becomes the next president for four or eight more years the people of new york know full well what comes from that. >> while the presidential hopefuls were inside protests were going on outside. >> thousands of demonstrators hyatt, a large group inside grand terminal holding signs and chants. about two dozen people were arrested outside the gop gala. mayor bill de blasio's job time low. a new wall street journal poll of registered voters said 35% of people think de blasio is doing an excellent or good job. poor. a majority also says the city's heading in the wrong direction. next year. investigators are trying to figure out why a military vehicle overturned on the jersey turnpike. >> four soldiers with an army injured, two critically. janelle burrell is live in new brunswick at robert wood johnson hospital where the soldiers are being treated. >> reporter: mary the impact from that accident was so severe one of those sell soldiers actually lost a limb during the impact there. as you mentioned two of the soldiers critical this morning, condition. looked like yesterday afternoon. the military humvee flipped over levering parts of the vehicle in pieces across the new jersey turnpike with those four army reserve soldiers trapped underneath. it happened around 2:45 thursday afternoon near exit 8a in the southbound lanes in south brunswick here in new jersey. several drivers who saw the aftermath pulled over doing their best to help until emergency responders arrived trying to pull the soldiers from that wreckage. >> my first instinct was to run over to the scene and make sure everybody was okay, if there was anything i could do, any sort of help i can give. me and a few other guys that were on the scene were trying to see if we could lift this humvee. >> two medical helicopters actually landed on the highway, rushed those soldiers here to the hospital. according to reports witnesses of that humvee moments before the accident. of course, those witness accounts now part of this ongoing investigation. reporting live this morning janelle burrell cbs2. a deadly shooting in washington heights. on west 157th vote. a man had been shot in the leg. hospital. the victim identified as 41- year-old dejean -- 23-year-old elliott caldwell was found unconscious and unresponsive with a gunshot wound to the back. he was pronounced dead at bellevue hospital. no arrests in the case. police on long island are trying to keep craigslist-like deals from going bad. the suffolk county sheriff's department is establishing safe zones in yaphank and river head. it is designated for the public transactions of household goods, jewelry and vehicles. after shocks are rattling southern japan after a deadly earthquake. the government says at least nine poem were killed when the quake hit the island last night. more than 800 others were hurt. the quake knocked down homes and billions, thousands are in shelters because their homes were destroyed. coming up, exploding cigarettes. >> left eye i can't see anything light now. >> a brooklyn teen blinded and wearing sunglasses after a trip toll maul turns dangerous. >> i beat a brain tumor. >> meted a 7-year-old new jersey boy who is getting a superhero honor. it's not for beating cancer. >> and an electric escape. how the chase for a chimp came to a tumbling end. a chimpanzee made an electrifying escape. the ape named cha cha managed to break free from the zoo yesterday. he led officials on a more than one hour long chase before climbing an electrical pole. crews used a tranquilizer gun and shot him. the tranquilizer is starting to take effect. when it does take effect he fell. luckily the crew was below him with a safety net. so it wasn't like the ape hit the ground. the zoo is trying to figure out how the 24-year-old got out to begin with. there you see it. >> oh, oh. >> it's like the bear with the trampoline. >> you hate to watch them tumbling like that. >> luckily cha cha, [ laughter ] >> he immediately blamed it on the boss nova. today is take a wild guess day. do whatever you want with that. tomorrow is, mark it down, is husband paresthesias day. just giving you a heads-up so get married and then you can appreciate it. all right, so i appreciate this. isn't this beautiful. got these gorgeous skies out there. numbers are going to be nice. i've been saying this all along. it's going to be a little cooler for the weekend through long island. tomorrow baseball, out in yaphank, you know the place the bell port blue claws got a game at 4, another one at 6. yaphank through the hamptons into montauk. you're going to be cooler. it's cooler now and then each day with that breeze you're cooler. you stay dry. there's going to be variation. 29 poor guy from sparta, 31 in edison, 36 in white plains. we'll see more of a warmup today. by lunchtime you're in the 50s, 61 at 2, 64 for your high in the city. tell you what else is high is the pollen count. it's way up there. we could use some rain to help kind of damp down those numbers. but where is the rain. over the next seven days using kind of a composite model, you can just see we've got high pressure in control through monday. there's a hint of a little shower late monday into tuesday but that's it. that is not a big feature at all. so with high pressure in control numbers are trending up peaking sunday into monday. so it is time to play ball. it's time to get you there though with kyla. and i finally have good news. in the bronx that accident has cleared from the eastbound cross bronx at the bruckner interchange. we have very heavy delays, and they stretch back to the george washington bridge. this drive will take you an also just north of here, the east tremont avenue area still closed in both directions between westchester avenue and white plains road due it an accident involving a pedestrian. expect delays and diversions on the bx4a, bx40 and bxt bus roots. everything is on or close to schedule for metro north, path trains, new jersey transit, and long island. many more teenagers are vaping these days. electronic cigarette use among high school students has risen 1,000 percent in four years. a record 3 million teenagers used these cigarettes over the past year. and e-cigarette use among middle and high school stunts surpasses regular cigarettes as >> an e-cigarette exploded at a mall. valerie castro has this report. >> after five days of recovery in a hospital bed this 14-year- old boy is left with permanent injuries after he was maimed and blinded by an exploding e- cigarette or vape pen. >> i was blowing out of my nose. >> 14-year-old leore dometoff was at the shopping center when they approached this kiosk called plaza vapes. >> the guy was showing me different products, and when he gave it to me to hold it exploded in my hands and face. >> dometoff now wears sunglasses after the explosions sent shrapnel into his eyes. >> my left eye i can't see anything right now. >> at first he wasn't sure what happened until he realized he was bleeding. >> i see like red stuff on the popular. i'm like floor. >> his attorney intends to sue >> they don't ask him for any id, nothing. there's no signs that reflect the new york state and city law. it's illegal to sell these products to anybody under the age of 21. >> the kiosk has a sign posted that reads must be 21 to purchase any product. we id all. freund claims the notice went up after the incident. >> the corporate management office did not return my request for comment. the kiosk worker told me he couldn't speak to the incident or give me a phone number for a manager. reporting in marine park brooklyn. upskirting is when creeps secretly snap photos and video up a woman's skirt. the nypd arrested five people during an especially warm week last month. the four subway stations where most upskirting occurs are at the lexington avenue at 59th street, grand central subway station, time square, and union square. >> i've heard horror stories that have happened to people. something else a woman has to think about while going to work. >> upskirting is punishable with up to four years in prison. perpetrators may have to register as sex offenders. we all know when you go to the movie it's best to stay off your phone, no talking, no texting. the ceo of the ame movie chain is considering allowing texting. add day aron says he wants to attract younger audiences. first they need to figure a way to allow it without disturbing other movie goers. possibilities including specifically texting friendly auditoriums. no word on when the policy could take effect. this has disaster written all over it. >> does it? >> i think so. >> time now 6:48. >> still ahead, the changing pages of the fdny calendar. >> plus this. >> what does it take to be a >> it takes guts. >> a young cancer survivor in new jersey is getting a very special honor. >> and first here's otis livingston with this morning's sports update. good morning everyone. the yankees lost to the blue jays 4-2. they lost 2 of 3 in toronto. the islanders beat the panthers 5-4. coming up game 2 from the florida. the mets will be in cleveland mariners. a new jersey 7-year-old is flexing his muscles after beating a brain tumor and helping his community like a superhero. >> do you swear to continue all your good works. all right, you're officially an honorary police officer in mount holly township. >> all right, all right, last june darin hofferling started feeling sick. he had a rapidly growing brain tumor. it was not cancerous. homiesed a lot of school. -- he missed a lot of school. to pass the time he gave homemade key chains to the police. >> i made key chains of the colors of the cop cars. >> he sells the key chains and gives the money to charities that help him get better. what a sweet kid. weather on the 2's. here's our weather perspective. we've got brilliant sun in the city, and 43. it's chilly out the door, patchy frost to deal with this morning. same scenario tonight, it's cold overnight, and then into a super saturday. your friday practically picture perfect, 64. very excited here in the studio. we just found out roberta flak might be watching us on tv. notice today it's going to be in the 50s for long island. that's the pattern over the weekend, too. you're cooler to the east, boy any city 72 on sunday. feels like the 22nd of may. so some nice weather to look forward to, looking forward to what on the road, kyla. >> roberta flak, i hope he wears the love it is not on the cross bronx this morning. we've got a new accident on the eastbound cross bronx at the sheridan expressway. we have very heavy delays that stretch all the way back to the george washington bridge. this drive will take you an extra hour to get through the area, highly recommend you try the other crossings instead this morning. plaza at the george washington bridge. now a 45 minute delay here going quickly. that is because of the problem at the cross bronx. suggest you head to the lincoln or holland tunnels where they have a 20 minute delay. alternate side parking is in effect city wide. it's friday. we're almost there. back to you. thank you very much. the city fire department has released its official 2017fdny calendar of heroes. it's two calendars in one. for the first time it features 12 months of men and 12 months of women. the calendar truly represents all of the fdny heroes. firefighters, emts and paramedics. the featured heroes will be signing the calendar today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. expect a long line. you can also find the calendar on the web at >> they are killing me softly with that calendar. [ laughter ] morning, norah o'donnell and charlie roberts. >> we're going to talk with john dickerson about last night's fiery democratic debate ahead of tuesday's new york primary. >> and we're in japan with an incredible rescue of a baby. >> and top hackers show 60 minutes how your cell phone can be an easy target for a data breach. >> and only on cbs this morning, we're in brooklyn with imax's newest project. >> they did send me a note. all those flashing lights, i don't know if i can do it. >> have a great weekend. you go, that's coming up next. new york. what makes it think bigger? go bolder? push for a living wage that's higher. for tuition-free public college. justice that works for all. for a middle-class that... must. be. saved. you do. values. forged in new york. brooklyn born. native son. who knows what we know: we're all in this together. i'm bernie sanders here's what you need to know before you go, a major fire rekindles on forest street in jersey city. the fire was under control about 9:30 and started early this morning right before 6. the fire has been knocked out. an investigation underway into the crash of a military vehicle on the jersey turnpike. reserve unit in queens were injured yesterday afternoon. two are in critical condition, the other two serious. documents related to the corruption conviction of sheldon silver will be unsealed. silver will be sentenced next month. today marks the third anniversary of the deadly boston marathon bombings. a wreath laying ceremony will be held at the marathon finish line. there will also be a city wide moment of silence at 2:49 this afternoon when the first of two pressure cooker bombs exploded. lets get over to kyla grogan. >> we have a new accident on the eastbound cross bronx at the sheridan expressway. we have very heavy delays that stretch all the way back to the george washington bridge. this drive is going to take you an extra hour to get through the area. the gw bridge has a 45 minute delay. alternate side parking is in effect today city wide john. sunscreen, sunglasses and a smile. it's chilly out the door. you need a jacket but then it's off and you're taking a stroll. 64 in the city, cooler to the east. that's going to be the case right through the weekend, but as this high pressure build sticks arounds the numbers will build too. up to 70, 72 on sunday, peak heat on monday. hint of a shower late monday into tuesday. enjoy some great weather this weekend. >> thanks for watching. i'm mary calvi. >> and i'm chris wragge. cbs this morning is next. have a great day. wonderful weekend. see you monday. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, april 15th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." hillary clinton and bernie sanders clash in their loudest

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