Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20150928 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20150928

at jfk's security check post v trying to follow the motorcade of italian matteo renzi onto the tarmac. the tail car warned security cannella's official looking black suv was not part of the motorcade. as he approached, the delta barricade was raised to prevent miss access. when police searched his vehicle they found a magazine for a 9mm gun with five hollow point bullets inside, a foot long hunting knife, marijuana and walkie-talkies. he told enter gators he was trying to give the pope his business charges and he wants to effectuate change. cops found video his smartphone showing that earlier saturday he followed the motorcade of turkmenistan through security and on the tarmac. someone inside called police to warn the media to stay off the property. now, court documents say that cannella claims to be a new york city firefighter retired on disability and that he was flashing some kind of official looking fdny badge at the security checkpoints. tonight he is being held on $500,000 bail and you have to believe that any number of law enforcement agencies are reviewing procedures in the aftermath of this incident. live at jfk, tony aiello, cbs2 news. >> thank you. people at fordham university are on alert after a student was sexually assaulted just off campus. cbs2's emily smith live at fordham with the latest. >> reporter: maurice, police say the special assault happened right here in this narrow alley next to dunkin' donuts. earlier an nypd officer was handing out personal safety tips. nypd detectives spent the morning at the scene looking for information on two men believed to be in their 20s who they say sexually assaulted a 19-year-old female fordham student. it happened around 10 in the evening saturday near fordham road in the bronx. authorities say one man groped the teenager while another attempted to, post himself before being scared off by oncoming students. >> everyone is horrified about sad. >> reporter: the victim, police say, had just left campus at walsh hall and crossed the street into the alley. it's unclear where she was going, but students say it's a popular shortcut. she immediately filed a police report following the assault. and fordham university leaders sent out a safety alert to students. >> it's 10:00 at night. i had been there an hour that night. it was surprising. i have been told before not to go through the alleyway at >> reporter: multiple surveillance cameras may have captured the incident. police have not released any video. we saw dunkin' donuts employees upgrading lights in the alley. always been lit, but now will be through. >> overall, it's a pretty safe area. i go running at 8:00 at night around the outside. not inside the gate. nothing has ever happened to me. >> reporter: extremely scary. police say this is a busy area, especially at 10:00 at night with college students. they believe someone may have witnessed the sexual assault and are asking them to come forward. part of west 30th street is shut down to traffic after a construction accident earlier today. a huge drill rig tipped over about nine in the morning near 6th avenue and fell onto a parked police car -- or rather van. the van was empty at the time. nobody was hurt. the department of buildings issued a stop workrd at the site. someone hit and killed a man with a vehicle and kept going. the victim a former mta bus maintenance worker looking forward to living out his retirement years. and it happened on a stretch of road notorious for speeding. carolyn gusoff reports from lennon hurst. >> i saw what appeared to be a dead bow. >> reporter: what she saw after midnight brings karen quinn to tears. >> i turned my car around and put my flashers on so nobody else could run it over. >> reporter: it was 1:15 monday morning. a body on a 40-mile-per-hour business line stretch of roadway in linden hurst, which residents complain is like a speedway. >> they come around the corner sometimes at 60 miles an hour here. >> it's the fifth or sixth time. is just like a drag ship. >> reporter: the victim, a l.a. uska, lived blocks away. police say he was struck by a driver traveling eastbound who never stopped. >> at this point we don't have a description to give up the suspect vehicle. we are canvasing the neighborhood for video. >> reporter: and surveillance was caught on tape. mta, looked forward to moving to florida. relatives trying to find out why he stepped into the road. neighbors count yet another victim of a deadly corner. >> brittney died there. you know, we have accidents there all the time. >> reporter: teenager brittney walsh killed in 2012 by a drunk driver. a memorial stands at the very corner of the latest hit-and-run. despite petitions and a new pedestrian crosswalk, residents blame a deadly combination of a blind corner and reckless speed. >> we keep asking people to do something and they won't do it. >> reporter: suffolk police are urging anyone with information to come forward. the hit-and-run vehicle would likely have front end damage. in linden hurst, long island, carolyn gusoff. the new york state department of transportation says it is conducting a crash analysis and speed study of this area to decide if additional traffic lights are needed. the study is expected to be completed by the nd of the year. new information now. the former upstate new york prison worker who helped those two killers escape was sentenced today. joyce mitchell sobbed and apologized as the judge ordered her to 2011 2 1/3 to seven years behind bars. she pled guilty to giving tools to david matt and richard sweat. they were on the run for several weeks. >> i can't begin to explain how sorry i am for all of this, to the community, to my co- workers, to my family. this is by far the worst mistake i have ever made in my life. i live with regret every day and will for the rest of my life. >> mitchell was supposed to be the getaway driver but she backed out at the last minute. matt was shot and killed. sweat was wounded and captured. well, president obama and russian leader vladimir putin are meeting at this hour to discuss how to handle the crisis >> earlier, before the u.n. general assembly, they laid out different visions. >> reporter: well, you can sum up the difference between vladimir putin and barack obama this way. putin is willing to work and prop up bloodthirsty dictator bashar al assad. obama wants assad gone. >> we must recognize that there cannot be after so much bloodshed, so much carnage, a return to the pre-war status quo. >> reporter: barack obama spoke first to the united nations general assembly, laying down the gauntlet about syrian president bashar al assad and what thinks it will take to get rid of isis and bring peace to syria. he didn't mince words. the only way to end the conflict which has killed 250,000 people is to get rid of the brutal dictator. >> a managed transition away from assad and to a new leader. >> reporter: the president's remarks coming as russia has expanded military presence in syria as seen by these satellite images. but putin warned it would be a mistake to abanden the current government and it was clear he was intent on winning a public relations war with obama on his own turf. ahead of his speech he discussed his strategy for syria with charlie rose in an attempt to go over the president's head and directly to the american people. >> and there is no other solution to the syrian crisis than strengthening the effective government structures and rendering them help in fighting terrorism. >> reporter: while putin didn't mention the united states, he was critical of the moderate syrian rebels. a $500 million pentagon program to train and equip some 5,000 troops has had little success. without naming names, putin claimed that the united states was seeking to circumvent the united nations because it is very strong and powerful militarily. >> we all know that after the end of the cold war a single center of domination emerged in the world. >> putin is a combination of a bully and a mischief maker messing in in syria to try to support assad, who is a brutal dictator. i don't think we should play ball with putin. >> reporter: at a lunch after the speeches obama and putin did shake hands. but after obama's toast, which ended with the remark, and may we never abandon the pursuit of peace, they did not centurylink glasses. mr. obama centurylinked glasses with several other people at his table. the meeting is going on as we speak. >> wish to be a fly on the wall. >> that clinking of the glasses, when don't do that, it's not going to go so well. the gathering of word leaders is causing gridlock in parts of manhattan. the east side as diplomats, motorcade, drivers, and police escorts navigate around the u.n. 2nd avenue is closed from 42nd to 49th streets and there are search rather closures, tending to madison avenue. all summer frustrated by the traffic and congestion. others say it's a boom for business. >> there has been fantastic, you know. i can tell you that we got an increase in business, like about 10% especially on friday and saturday. >> reporter: even with all the closures? >> yes, yes, yes. >> the construction is expected until friday. for a full list of closures go to our website a bit of a slide on wall street. the dow barely above 10,000. the nasdaq dropped 142. s&p fell almost 50. the slippage is tied to worries about the global economy and concerns about rising interest rates. well, are some breast cancer patients going through chemotherapy when they don't have to? claims that one test could change treatment without risking future health. he said that there would be no way she would see her first birthday. >> how a kiss from pope francis is giving a family renewed hope for a miracle. and imagine getting a letter that says you're dead. not only did that happen to this woman, but it cut off her mound food. now we are demanding answers about how it happened. and charging your phone using an end table? the cordless revolution that could be the wave of the future. and speaking of the future, we have rain in the future. we need some rain. i will tell you when it's going bit. tt2watx# gd p bt@qd(\ tt2watx# gd p "a@qt$8 tt2watx# gd p bm@q_/4 tt4watx# gd r dztq 1e4 tt4watx# gd r entq aat tt4watx# gd r gzt& xf, tt4watx# gd r hnt& hh@ tt4watx# gd r we're here in the streets of new york, spreading the news about the real possibilities aarp is creating across e five boroughs. because if you don't think real possibilities in new york city when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". we're working with you to make new york city a better place to live, work, and play. fighting for you by taking on the issues that matter and rediscovering the city with you at discounted events all around town. get to know us at in brooklyn in 1907, four courageous ladies saw the despair of the poor, old, and sick and founded what would become mjhs. today mjhs provides quality home care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing, and advanced hospice and palliative care for adults and children, mjhs. caring every minute, every day. we are the largest and most diverse school district in america! yet we are one! one point one million students! one thousand eight hundred schools! sharing one common goal. help all kids succeed. we're new york city public school teachers. taking learning to the next level. and parents and the community are on board! all coming together... one. to celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. i'm michael mulgrew, president of the united federation of teachers. cmon! join us! women with early stage breast cancer are often given chemotherapy to make sure their cancer won't come back. but many don't need it. dr. max gomez tells us of a genetic test that can get the job done. >> the reason many women were getting chemo is because there was no really good way to it he will which cancers were likely to recur and needed chemo and which were cured with just surgery, radiation and hormonal therapy. can now give us that information. analyst was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer five years ago. >> i wanted to make the best decision on behalf of my health. >> reporter: in the past doctors might have recommended chemotherapy for ann louise as they did he helen birns. >> i lost my hair. then you puff up from all the other medications. >> reporter: a study in the "new england journal of medicine" finds that a gene activity test helps assess the risk of whether her cancer would come back. these tests give a recurrence score. those with a low score, 0 to 10, accurately identifies which women can safely skip chemotherapy. >> even though they did not get chemotherapy, the recurrence risk was less than 2%. >> reporter: the study involved more than 10,000 women with the most common type of breast cancer. >> the numbers are wonderful. the survival rates are excellent. that we are doing the right thing. >> reporter: many breast cancer oncologists have already been using the test to forego chemo for very low scores and definitely give chemo for high scores. almost half of early stage breast cancers fall into an intermediate score and further answer which of those women can also bypass chemo, like ann luis. >> my risk for recurrence without chemotherapy was relatively low, and so why burden myself and my body? >> reporter: now, for now women with an intermediate score will have to decide with their doctor as guidance whether to get chemo based on other factors, such as what the tumor looks like under the microscope and for personal reasons. the test typically cost around $4,000 and many insurance companies do, in fact, cover it. so far, for those with the low score, it's good news. tired of running to the local deli to buy lottery tickets? now there is an app for that. jack pocket is a free app available for lottery games in new york. once a ticket is bought users get an e-mail receipt and notification with a photo of the ticket can be viewed. the app arrives in time for wednesday's $301 million powerball drawing. the jack pocket app is not affiliated with the new york state lottery. a new trend in furniture could soon take over the technology world. ikea has come out with a line of furniture that charges your phone no cord required. look. the furniture has a pad inside and all users have to do is place their phones on the top of the plus sign and the battery starts charging. >> i think what we're starting to see is the very beginning of a trend that will gather a lot of steam later on. wireless charging will become everywhere that we are. in the home, in the office, maybe even coffee shops and airport lounges. places like that. >> some phones, including the iphone, do not have built in wireless charging capabilities. to use it you have to buy a separate adapter case to make it work. then you carry the table around, right? put that down wherever you go. no. but we need charging all the time. >> i know. >> it's like it never ends. >> i was in the dentist office the other day and they had a charging station. >> you needed it, right? >> yeah. we could be in for quite a soaking this week. lonnie is tracking a wet forecast from the weather center. we need to rain, though in. >> boy, do we. we have a deficit of over 8 inches. not a lot of rain in the area. a couple of dark underbellies out there. it's a sun and cloud mix. 77 degrees right now. if you take a peek at the radar, we have a couple of little sprinkles out there. most people have not seen anything. as you get into the overnight hours tonight into your day tomorrow and beyond that it's going to become more likely. we have a front off to the west. we have a low pressure down to the south. we have another low pressure south of that. they are all going to play into the weather. they will give us a chance for wet weather. here's how it works out. tuesday morning starting off leave with an umbrella. not a big threat. a shower here or there. most folks not getting it. tuesday a better chance for some rain. could be bouts of heavy rain tuesday. it's more likely you will see the bouts of heavier rain on wednesday. how much rain do we need? we need over 8 inches. 8.08 is what the deficit is for the entire year. what are we projecting right now? all the way through thursday morning it's a widespread 1 to 3 inches for the area. some spots see more if the real heavy line sets up over your area. but it looks like we are due for a soaking. it's a needed soaking. >> thank you. we have breaking news right now of a gruesome doverry in the bronx. sources are telling cbs2 that the body of a newborn baby was found in the rear of an apartment building in university heights. the umbilical cord still attached we are told. sources say investigators found video that shows the child falling from a 7th floor window on this building on west 183rd the street. a man who was in the apartment at the time is being questioned by the police and a woman believed to be the child's mother was taken to the hospital. coming up next, why so many people have trouble getting into their facebook accounts this afternoon. and a cyber attack at a local university. how hackers brought the rutgers network to a stand still. also an out of this world discovery raising new questions about planet mars. could water mean life on the red planet. first, dana tyler with a look at what's coming up at six. >> a new jersey community in shock and sadness over the sandusky death of this young man. evan murray, a high school quarterback, who collapsed and died on the field. tonight at 6:00 cbs2's chistine sloan talks with his grieving that's at six. it was hard to be social on facebook for a while today. for the second i am in a week the site had some technical problems and went offline. it began having issues 3:00 this afternoon. users were completed with the message sorry, something went wrong. we are working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can. this lasted for about 45 minutes. >> and people had to talk to each other. deja vu for rutgers university as wall. they have been crippled by a sign are attack. >> as matt kozar reports, this is not the first time it's happened. >> reporter: rutgers students are ditching the library to hang outside, and it's not just because of the warm weather. >> you can't do any of your work. >> reporter: senior gab yell alverez can't aces is her source materials, campus wifi or e-mail because the university's network is down. rutgers says it's experiencing a denial of service event, which is a type of cyber attack that slows down or paralyzes a network. in a statement, a university spokesman said, the office of information technology is working to resolve the issue and we will inform the rutgers community as soon as we have more information. this isn't the first time something like this has happened. this past spring the fbi assisted the university following a series of cyber attacks that crippled the wifi network and online portle. it's unclear if the hackers were caught. >> it ruined a lot of things last semester. i think i had an exam that had to get dropped. >> reporter: with mid-terms coming up, many students are trust iterated with -- are frustrated. crissy can't log on to an online hub where she downloads notes and prepares for tests. >> if you can't access that, what does it mean? >> we can't do our work. >> reporter: a problem students are hoping the school fixes before the big exams. in new brunswick, new jersey, matt kozar, cbs2 news. >> denial of service attacks are especially banks and credit companies. the city told her she was dead. >> i said it must be wrong. maybe it's a joke or something. >> but it wasn't a joke and she still alive. the help she got when we started demanding answers. a gas station robbery with an unusual twist. the oddly bold getaway. plus, donald trump's new tax plan. who he wants to see pay more, and the candidate who is closing in on his lead. >> shipped overseas. across america, people like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins... ...are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza . for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza . he said victoza works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes... ...and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer... 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loses her health benefits, but tonight she is alive and well and cbs2 comes to her aid. good evening. i am maurice dubois. >> welcome back. i am christine johnson. the 87-year-old woman couldn't convince the city she was alive. hazel sanchez with more. >> i am grateful, yes. >> reporter: selma cohan says she is grateful to be alive after receiving a letter from the city saying she was dead. in the letter, the city's of fraud investigation informed cohan her medicaid coverage was discontinued because records showed she was deceased. what's your reaction to hearing you're alive again? >> yes! it feels wonderful. >> reporter: sunday night, a wid owe and cancer survivor, shared her crisis with cbs2 news. >> if they have the lady down as deceased, i doubt if they are going to send me a check. when you are dead, they don't send you checks. >> reporter: she said a medicaid clerk told her her death status was a computer error. senator gillibrand's office contacted us after seeing our report. we provided them with cohan's information and within two hours cohan was reinstated. her medicaid coverage back online. >> i am really grateful because you told me it was from channel. she saw it on channel 2 and that's where she picked it up. >> reporter: cohen says her security were not affected and she is relieved. >> i think you people are wonderful. >> reporter: since cohan paid through november, she will be reimbursed for the ten days she was considered dead. >> senator gillibrand said we are grateful to the news team for highlighting this case so we can make sure miss cohan receives the services she needs. police need help. three-year-old destiny mccoy and two-year-old ty mccann were last seen saturday morning on the corner of pennsylvania and sutter avenues in brownsville. they are sisters. their foster parents dropped them off for a court-ordered visitation with their biological mother. she was supposed to return the children, but she never did. suffolk county police are looking for the gas station robber who used an atv as a getaway vehicle. police say the thief was caught he wore a helmet. he pulled out what appeared to be a handgun and demanded cash. the clerk gave him the money and the robber drove away in a dark rims. now to campaign 2016. donald trump released a plan that he says will help the a presidential hopeful that would increase the number of people who paid no taxes at all. critics say the numbers simply don't add up. cbs2's dick brennan with more. it would eliminate or phase out tax deductions which means it's a tax hike for some of the wealthy. there are large cuts. the idea being that they had lead to strong growth in the economy. trump, meantime, is criticized by marco rubio for running what he calls a freak show. >> this is my wheelhouse. that's what i do well. the economy is what i do well. >> reporter: according to donald trump, there is no better tax plan than donald trump's. he says his tax plan is a tax reduction for almost everyone, especially for middle and low-income households. >> we are lowering taxes, simplifying, and getting rid of deconcussions des that are object salute. >> reporter: he says single people making less than $25,000 a year and married couples making less than $50,000 will pay no taxes. the individual tax rate at the 25% and the corporate tax rate gets cut from 35% to just 15%. some conservatives like that. >> if you have strong growth, then without raising taxes you can afford more things. if there were 12 million more americans that weren't paying taxes today, the government would have more money. >> reporter: critics say it has little chance of passing in congress. >> i think i would look at it and then i would throw it in the basket. >> reporter: on the campaign trail it appears ben carson has caught. a new poll has trump with 21%. carson 20. men time, the sniping continues. marco rubio was asked on a radio show of what he thousand dollars of trump calling him a kid. >> i am not interested. a speech in south carolina to an empty crowd. he was booed on friday. his poll numbers are taking a beaten and he was embarrassed on national television at a debate by carly fiorina and others. >> reporter: and trump's response? >> senator you rubio is a lightweight. we understand that. he wouldn't be able to do this. he wouldn't know a trade deal from any other deal. >> reporter: now, trump's plan is drawing mixed reviews with critics saying it does more to cut tax for the rich. he says it will help pay for the plan. a one-time man towed 10% tax on overseas profits of u.s. corporations. a mixed bag of reviews for the trump plan, except from trump, which you know it was the best. >> pretty good. >> it was better than pretty good. >> all right. thanks. well, met fans have been accustomed to heartbreak. but suddenly they have got reason to cheer. up next meet some fans who have never lost hope and they are really showing their pride. plus, what does the pope think of the united states? what he had to say about his impression of new york city. and today in history in 1974, first lady betty ford underwent a mastectomy after finding a chanceerous lump in her breast. at the time few public figures talked about breast cancer. thousands of women then rushed because of ford's example. royal caribbean's wow sale is back. buy one get one half off. plus free upgrades and up to $200 onboard spending money. it all ends september 30th, so call 1-800-royal-caribbean tt0w!tx#h_!!%4@-j] tt0w!tx#h_!!el@-@zl tt0w!tx#h_!!ed@-fx( tt0w!tx#h_%!)8h-&&t tt0w!tx#h_%!kzh-;i( tt0w!tx#h_%!n-h-n $ tt0w!tx#h_%!0ph-pg< tt0w!tx#h_%!s"h-@5\ tt0w!tx#h_%!ueh-cw, tt0w!tx#h_%!7hh-_ux closed-captioning on cbs2 news is brought to you by royal caribbean international. well, this weekend the mets did it. they are nl east champions for the first time since 2006. >> cause for celebration not only for the mets, but the fans. steve overmyer spent quality time with the fans. >> a great time. i think for a lot of those fans, they were saying that this is a long time coming here right now. and i think the narrative of the mets' season this year is just as much about the fans. well, the fans have long since given up on the world series title this year. some fans have long since given up on the world series title. for mets fans, it's a dream after nearly a decade in hibernation mets fans are awake:a congregation on the ride for every high and low. >> it's a very touching scene. >> reporter: in 1969, the fans were led by the sign man. le karl early heart was the first to make us believe in miracles. now an energized crowd follows cowbell man. >> we get the two strikes out, this is what i do. >> reporter: the times may have changed, but not the emotion. some curse. some pray. but together they are all invested. >> for me it was easy even when they were doing bad. they are a lovable bunch. their first manager called them the loverrable losers. they are a fun team to root for. >> reporter: gloria has been a season ticket holder for 29 years. better than anyone she knows the anguish and how to overcome it. and, you know, we'd have to be to keep coming back for more year after year. >> reporter: the mets fan is a proud spree ses. proud of every run, every awkward at-bat. every player. >> you watch somebody like grandy, he is never too busy to high-five the kids. >> reporter: the once familiar faces of despair no longer fill citi field, replaced by a reluctant optimism. >> this is my heart. this is my team. this is my family. >> no how many times they break your heart? >> yes, they are still here. i hang out with them. >> reporter: the nlds, which the mets will be playing in, begins mets. they are still trying to secure series. we already know who they will be playing. it is a franchise that they the dodgers. so once again we will be shouting beat l.a., right? >> it will be interesting. >> long time coming. good to see them so happy. >> absolutely. i think, lake they said, they have -- like i said, they have been waiting for a long time. up next here at five, sealed with a kiss. >> i thank the lord for helping us get through this and forgiving her this blessing. >> how a moment during the this family's prayers. i am dana tyler. coming up on cbs2 news tonight at six, we are following the security breach involving pope francis. what we are learning about the armed man police say tried to get close to the pope while he was in new york city. also, more on the new legionnaire's cluster in the bronx. patients. and the city health department's response. plus, cracking down on siper scal ping. the big time musician to keep hackers from buying tickets online. and a grandfather on the run for three years. why this man, police believe, accused of killing his daughter-in-law and disappearing into the woods is still alive out there somewhere. those stories and more tonight at six. maurice. >> dane, thank you. pope francis is back home in rome after his historic visit to the united states. he spoke to reporters about his impressions of the cities he visited and the people he met. the pontiff said he was surprised by the warmth of those he encountered. as for the cities, he found washington more formal. philadelphia very demonstrative. new york a bit exhuberant. >> we were a little excited. >> we were fired up, to say the least. some of the most touching images of his visit here were with him interacting with children. >> and those encounters meant so much to families, especially if a child had any health issues. one baby the pope kissed if philadelphia has a brain tumor. >> reporter: it's one of those moments that's hard not to watch over and over again. one-year-old guiana was quickly hoisted in the air and kissed by pope francis on the head on his way to independence hall. >> and i held her over the fence as far as i could and that's when the swiss guard of the secret service, whoever was guarding the pope, came up and grabbed her. the pope kissed her and blessed her. >> reporter: on the back of the head. that's where she has a rare inoperable brain tumor. her blood cells attack her brainstem and surgery is not an option. >> the doctors basically came in and said go home. you have days to weeks, maybe months with your daughter. >> and they said there would be no way she would see her first birthday. >> reporter: she turned a year old on september 17th. she was named for saint guiana. a modern day saint from italy who died in 1962. her daughter was on stage with pope francis at the festival of families and met little guiana this week. >> i had a dream. she was walking upstairs, which meant that she had been old enough to be walking. and at the top of the stairs was the pope and saint guiana's daughter. and i had that dream. and it came true. >> reporter: the family waited with a friend from the fbi in front of the federal building, who told them the day of it might be possible to get close to the pope. here's how it all happened. >> oh, my god! >> [cheers and applause] >> god bless. >> i fell on my knees and cried. and i thank the lord for helping us get through this and for giving her this blessing. >> reporter: a blessing and a kiss they'll always remember. >> oh, my goodness. there are no words, right? >> yeah. >> you did see the pope's reaction, right? did you see how happy he was? >> just with everyone, really. i mean, it was very emotional. that's to say the least. it was one of many moments, actually, to remember by the pope's visit. >> and some even made him laugh. in philadelphia, the pope chuckled when he spotted a baby that was dressed up to be looking just like him. baby girl was brought to him to kiss. he got a kick out of that. he then whispered in the guard's ear, the guard told the child's parents, they have a great sense of humor. >> i loved that yesterday. i thought, uh-huh. that's the key to get your baby -- to get the pope -- dress him like the pope. >> i love the smile, though, right? >> he cracked up. he cracked up when he first spotted that baby. >> when he was in east harlem he was playing with the kids. he is like, i can't hear you. give me more. good fun. let's get a look at the forecast. lonnie quinn is here. we have got some showers coming our way. >> some changes. some changes all around. temperature-wise, you know, rain wise, we will talk about everything. first the picture that you see in that window, it's not a terrible picture. you see more clouds. you may see peeks of sunshine. 77 degrees currently. 78 at 3:00 in the afternoon. eight degrees warmer than we expect to get this time of the year. it's going to start getting cool. as a matter of fact, that's part of my headlines. we are going to be talking about rain, all right? the cooler temperatures will set up also. i am talking wednesday, thursday, friday. the upcoming weekend. we have also got to watch the tropics. activity out there right now that it merits my attention. i will show you what's going on with it. right now there is not so much in our area. there is a light little sprinkle for a few folks out there. most of you haven't seen anything. won't see too much tonight. there is a better chance. and the source, it's a combo. you have a cold front off to the west. this is going to give us the rain chance. but it's more so the cold air that's stuffed behind this cold front that will filter in by, say, wednesday afternoon into thursday. so, yes, some rain will. but also you got -- it's like a smorgasbord of systems. one off of the north carolina coast. another one off of the west coast of florida and a third system in the tropics, all right? that little speck is bermuda. so south and west of bermuda. that system right now, the three i showed you, look at how the national hurricane center thinks this is going to progress. this would be a tropical storm off the shores on saturday. so it's something that you have to keep an eye on. again, when i would work with max mayfield at the national hurricane center he said never focus on the skinny red line. look at the entire possible area, which is this cone of concern. we are securely in it. the red line shows you possibly the highest probability. but anywhere in this shaded area has a chance. so it's important that we watch this one. i will do just that. i will update you as it comes in here. two updates. three, even four updates as it gets closer. i will watch this for you very carefully. we are all on the same team. 79 degrees tomorrow. i want you to grab an umbrella. i don't think it's the wet weather day, but it will increase as you go through your day. keep that umbrella with you for the whole week. every day there is a rain chance. i have not shown you an extended forecast like this since well before the summer. think about it. we did not have a wet weather week at all this summer. back to like the springtime. even before that. we are 79 on tuesday. start to develop that rain chance. wednesday looks to be the wettest day at 72 degrees. that's 72. you will probably hit 72 after midnight. 60s through the day. thursday a high of 64 degrees. the rain chance lingers. friday the rain chance is out there. saturday we watch that tropical system. >> thank you, lonnie. all right. well, the cast of the hit cbs show "2 broke girls took over the brooklyn diner today. they are celebrating the show's launch on our sister station wlny. they mingled with guests and feasted on special sprinkles cupcakes before heading to columbus circle where the celebration continued. they got to take a whirl on the spinning coffee cup ride. the comedy stars, two waitresses who strike up an unlikely friendship at a diner in hopes of supporting their cupcake making business. >> we are going to come into some money in season 5. caroline's life rights have been bought by hollywood. >> and they spend time in los angeles, which will be fun. >> "2 broke girls airs every week night on wlny at 7 and 11:00. well, younger looking skin for women can be right at your fingertips if you are ready to take a razor to your face. women shaving their face is an age old anti-aging tech nook that is gain -- technique gaining popularity. it might be worth getting over the shaving stigma. >> it's a stigma. why not dare to be you and say this is what i do because it works for me? >> find out what it's about and if it's something worth trying. women shaving face tonight on cbs2 news at 11. that was obviously one of the new jersey "housewives." caroline manto. >> checking it out? >> yeah. we will hear from her later coming up next here at five, a discovery that could rock our world literally. water found on mars. could it be a sign of life out there? what scientists have to say. new ferries coming it to new york city and the department of designing them. a major announcement from scientists at nasa. >> and it could help them determine whether there is actually life on mars. cbs's scott rapoport has the details. >> reporter: it's as extraordinary as it is universally significant. >> it's shocking, really. >> that's quite incredible. >> reporter: scientists from nasa say they have found strong evidence of salty flowing water in the canyons and crater walls of the red planet. >> mars is not the dry arid planet that we thought of in the past. >> reporter: the implications of this discovery have scientists salivating over two perpetually burning questions. was there ever life on mars, and could there be life there now? is marsa potentially habitable environment? >> we haven't been able to answer the request he is, does life exist beyondert? following the water is a critical element of that. we now have, i think, great opportunities to be in the right locations on mars to thoroughly investigate that. >> reporter: jason is an as tron any expert and professor of astronomy and physics. >> if we can determine whether it once existed or currently exists, then maybe like is endemic everywhere in the universe. >> reporter: the discovery was mad by imaging instruments among the mars reconnaissance orbiter. it's believed dark stains indicate flowing water. scientists are unsure where that water came from. as the roads planetarium, the news was greeted with excitement among space lovers and astronomy buffs. >> amazing finding potentially finding life so close to earth i earlier missions revealed a planet with a watery past. but news of actual flowing water literally open up a whole new world of knowledge. scott rapoport, cbs2 news. >> such a game changer. >> it really is. >> wow. >> some people probably saying, see, i told you so. >> . that's going to do it for us at five. >> we will see you again at 11. >> the news at 6 starts right now. a security breach during the papal visit. police say a man with weapons got closer than he should have to pope francis. a new cluster of legionnaire's disease in the city. seven new cases and the health commissioner says they are not related to the most recent outbreak. also, the sudden death of this high school quarterback. the medical examiner releasing new information about the cause as the teenager's classmates are in mourning. good evening. i am dana tyler. those stories are coming up tonight. we begin with breaking news in

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