Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20160331 : comparemela

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20160331

live from the cbs broadcast center in new york city, this is cbs2 news at 11. breaking news tonight, power lines and roofs ripped apart as dangerous tornadoes tear through the country's midsection. dodging death, a child surprisingly okay after getting knocked to the ground by a deliveryman. a parent says this is part of a bigger problem, a cbs2 exclusive. first, controversial comments on abortion from the republican front-runner. other candidates take donald from a familiar face. thanks for joining us tonight. i'm maurice dubois. >> and i'm kristine johnson. cbs2's tony aiello is in the newsroom with the latest from the campaign trail. tony? >> croak trump quickly corrected himself and supporters say he simply misspoke but even pro-life leaders are calling him out for saying if abortion were banned, women seeking them should be punished. critics say this is more proof trump fails to think deeply about important issues. >> people misspeak all the time. but with him, everybody wants to make a big deal over it. i get it. >> reporter: chris christie came to defense after a contentious exchange on msnbc. >> do you believe in punishment for abortion? >> the answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> called trump's comment inept. and march for life said in a statement, mr. trump's comment is completely out of touch with the pro-life movement. punish a woman who has chosen abortion. the trump campaign later said in a statement that if abortion were outlawed, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible not the woman. even trump supporters seem troubled. >> i can't believe that he would punish the woman for that. i wish i could put some tape on his mouth sometimes. >> this also underscores a criticism of him which is that donald trump has not fought through the important issues. >> reporter: a new poll has trump down 10 points to senator ted cruz in next week's wisconsin primary. the third republican, john kasich, is looking ahead to new york spoke on april 19. he stumped for votes wednesday at a queens pizzeria. democrat hillary clinton was in harlem hoping for a big delegate haul in her adopted home state, while bernie sanders concentrated on wisconsin where a new poll shows him with a slight lead. needs big wins to overcome clinton's lead in the delegate count. meanwhile, expect to see more of the republicans in new york before the primary here on april 19. trump is favored but kasich hopes to gain 15 or 20 delegates by picking off wins in a couple of congressional districts. maurice and kristine? >> thank you. now to breaking news in the midwest tonight, a severe storm is moving across oklahoma right now. >> national weather service has confirmed at least one tornado has struck the state. cbs2's valerie castro here now with a closer look at the damage. valerie? >> reporter: the images of the damage and destruction are just starting to come into our newsroom. the tornadoes in the area were caught on video by both news helicopters and storm chasers on the ground. >> it went three miles. >> reporter: cell phone video posted to social media captures a terrifying scene as lightning flashes across the dark sky. homes overshadowed by a large the person driving a storm chaser trying to navigate out of the path of destruction. >> i've got to go east. i don't want to go north. >> reporter: at a safe distance he points out exactly where the tornado is formed near claremore, oklahoma just northeast of tulsa. >> there it is. >> reporter: from the air a news helicopter tracked the path of the tornado near owosso. >> it's there. you can start to see rotation right there on the right side of your screen. >> reporter: from this angle you can see the tornado tear through a residential area, debris flies up into the air. >> i hope people are taking cover in this area as it continues to move eastbound. are shredded by the winds and later on power lines can be seen flashing as the tornado takes them down. >> oh, my gosh. major tornado. oh, my gosh. blowing everything! while! right here! get on the ground. >> reporter: the extent of the damage is still unclear at this point. so far nine injuries have been reported. kristine and maurice? >> thank you, valerie. lonnie quinn watching the storm system from the weather center. >> let me show you what it looked like between 7:30 and 8:30. we captured it here on our vortex radar. too to the north and east, that's your tornado right there, one more time rolling through, this purple right there, that captures it. and we think of tornado season as this time of year, but i want to address the term tornado season. okay? because we use that term a lot but there's really no such thing. tornadoes can occur all year long. you may remember this february, we talked about a tornado in this country. it is most active however from april through june. as far as new york city goes, we averaged just about two tornadoes a year so we're not immune to this sort of thing, we just don't see too much of it. vortex satellite and radar, this is the front that was responsible for the tornadic activity as it pushed through oklahoma. it is moving from the west to the east. so it will be the northern portion that affect us. i will tell you what that means right now, let's go back to you. >> thank you. developing now in the bronx, police looking for two men in a hit-and-run that critically injured a teenager. a 17-year-old boy was struck late this afternoon crossing at east 155th street and union avenue in morrisania. witnesses say they saw the crash right before two men got out of the car, and ran away. >> the car hit the guy that was running across the street. so the car hit like that, boom. the guy was flying. >> reporter: the guy went flying? >> yeah. >> the suspects may have been driving a stolen car but the owner has not yet reported stolen. now to a cbs2 exclusive a child crossing the street is hit by a delivery man on a moped that was going the wrong way. >> the girl's mother is now calling for change to prevent such dangerous incidents seen all too often on city streets. cbs2's dave carlin reports now from midwood. prepares to cross a quiet street right outside her house in midwood. she will get hit by a restaurant delivery man on a moped going the wrong way on a one-way just know what should -- she survives which -- with no more than small scratches. the moped knocks her to the ground but look, she gets right back up again and walked towards her mother who sought all. >> thank god she got up right away. >> reporter: her mother asked we not identify anyone in her family. >> it's a miracle that she just got herself back up. once she knows her daughter is okay, she confronts the moped driver. >> the next day, he's trying to driveway. if you run away, i will make sure the cops hunt you down. >> here you see the 38-year-old surrounded by police and in handcuffs. >> reporter: the police report states his moped was not registered and he is not injured. the police report also states when officer asked the restaurant delivery man for his drivers license, he didn't have one. he was given a summons. this mother wants restaurant owners to be forced to train employees better about following the rules of the road. putting lives of children on the block across the street, putting their lives in jeopardy. >> she wants beefed-up enforcement not just in her neighborhood but across the city like here on eighth avenue in manhattan where wrong way bikes and mopeds are especially problematic. she says something must be done because the next impact may not end as well, but the next child won't be lucky enough to dodge death. in midwood brooklyn, dave carlin, cbs2 news. breathtaking. new tonight now, a high school security guard on long island arrested today for allegedly videotaping a student using the bathroom. 24-year-old daniel williams works at roosevelt high school, police say he walked into a boy's bathroom yesterday, recorded the 16-year-old student, and then posted the video on snapchat. >> the individual, the 16-year- old was in a stall and the defendant was able to take this. >> police say roosevelt highs -- roosevelt high school learners unlawful surveillance and endangering the welfare of a child. disturbing discovery about sex offenders in new jersey. the state police website listing more than 70 people who were classified as noncompliant, meaning their addresses are unknown. former bergen county prosecutor john molinelli says the community will be notified only if there's a danger. >> if there was a megan's law offender at tier 3 that was absent, the local chief would certainly notify the community. >> i would be terrified when i get to know that my kid is around or these people are around my kid. >> passaic and union counties have the most sex offenders unaccounted for with 13 each. an update on the story we brought you last night, the producer of broadway's hamilton has agreed to make changes to a controversial casting notice. the show put out a call for nonwhite reformers -- performance. hamilton press representative said the wording was approved by the actor's equity union. denied that, citing the union approved catching [email protected], saying the addition was open to all ethnicities. the show's producer says they are -- and their customers will be changed to reflect that language. coming up next at 11, six- year-old like you've never seen them. now police trying to figure out what sparked this violence on the subway. feels like i lost a loved one. >> his wheelchair missing after a medical emergency, why this patient is blaming his bank. airport security lines getting even longer? travelers' fault. disturbing behavior from a group of little boys. believed to be just six or seven. they were spotted attacking a passenger on a philadelphia subway train. the alleged victims started recording the aggression after the kids allegedly slapped an adult with the boys was asked if she would intervene but her response was unclear. police were able to track them down and they are now getting them help with social services. a scare in a quite westchester neighborhood after shots are fired and a bullet hits a house, it happened overnight in larchmont. police say someone opened fire on a parked lexus. one bullet ended up hitting a nearby home shattering glass inside. >> i was watching the tv. and just the first i heard was the impact. and i heard the glass broken. >> the car that was hit belongs to lynda lamont, a local blogger. police are not saying whether she was the target. nobody was hurt. a wheelchair disappears as a man is rushed to the hospital. now the owner is pleading for its return. william brown has muscular dystrophy and has not been able to walk in 16 years. on friday she fainted inside a chase bank in midtown, taken by ambulance to the hospital but officials say they returned the chair to someone claiming to be brown's brother. but brown says he has no idea who that man was. >> it's part of me, then they gave the way. that's what i'm saying, feels like i lost a loved one. >> i'm confused and it hurts and i don't know what to do for the first time in my life. >> chase officials say they are looking through surveillance video to figure out who picked up the wheelchair. if you are flying to some of the transportation security administration says expect long security lines at the airport. the tsa says not enough people have joined the expedited screening program called project. tsa cut its staff believing pre- check would speed up the process. tsa says passengers should arrive at least two hours early or risk missing that flight. new tonight, we bequeath our belongings to loved ones so that they have something to remember us when we're gone. behind something that can potentially help save their lives for generations to come. cbs2 explores this ultimate gift. >> we will never know my father's ancestral background. >> reporter: noa hammer says when his father george died more than 20 years ago, so did his history. >> where is he from? what's his legacy? we'll never know. >> reporter: hammer, a general manager with tj mcgowan sons funeral home says his clients don't have to be left with the same unanswerable questions. >> this is a revolutionary breakthrough for us. we can offer families a keepsake of their loved ones legacy. >> reporter: he does this by extracting the deceased's dna through a new service called the dna memorial. >> dna or genetic makeup is an integral component of life. it carries the information that makes each of us who we are. >> reporter: including our families predispositions to inherited diseases. can discover these problems ahead of time and treat them. >> this would've been a godsend to me. >> reporter: this man says he wishes the dna memorial was an option when his wife carol and passed away at the age of 57. >> my grandson was nine months old. my granddaughter was two and a half. i think this would help them for future reference. >> reporter: the process of collecting dna is very simple says funeral director gerald o'sullivan. >> very gentle swaddled she. >> reporter: the sample is sent to a lab for testing before being mixed with a binding compound and stored in this little capsule for safekeeping. >> you can keep it in your house as a memorial. or put it in your safe deposit box. >> reporter: hammer says the dna memorial is like any other keepsake. accept this one comes with a biological footprint. >> this is a gift for future generations. >> reporter: the dna memorial was first introduced in canada but is a relatively new option at funeral homes here. the cost is about $3000. not so bad outside right now. lonnie quinn is standing by with more on our forecast. >> when we were together during the 6:00 news, it was like 50 degrees, 49 at 6 pm. maybe 47 right now, based on the temperatures, they've stopped falling and we're going to start clicking them up, okay? going to end up being a warm day tomorrow. right now find most temperatures around the area will be somewhere around that 50 degrees mark, upper 40s for a lot of folks out there. let's pick a spot, any spot, let's go right here. 44 comes into me from less in little neck. he's got a pretty decent looking sky, a few clouds overhead. 43 up around yorktown, this is victoria, victoria, welcome, 43 for you as well. what does victoria have to say? another beautiful day but windy out there, we might be getting more snow. is it true? there we go. the word is out. i'm glad you guys write these things. because i hear it on the street everybody's talking about it. is it a possibility? yes. i'll show you how in just a moment. lady liberty right there with a few high cirrus clouds overhead, 47 degrees, as of right now, headlines look like this, we will catch a couple days around here, going to be nice and mild right around 70. some of you getting a little bit above 70. it will be a cold start to april. that's one of the components you need if you want to be seen or if you don't want to be -- one of the components you need for snow. cold air sets up after -- after the first week of april and you could possibly see snow mixed in. all going to be ushered in on this northerly wind that sets up april 3, four, five, six. to sunday, the cold air will be in place, high temperatures stuck in the 40s, morning lows in the 30s, some of you below that, vortex satellite and radar right now, we'll just find out there, a few high, thin cirrus clouds, precipitation off to our west, what we're dealing with tomorrow, will be this would longer a northerly windy set up out there. now those winds start coming in from the southwest. not going to be very windy either, but that flow coming in off atlanta -- off the land that's going to warm everybody up. that air comes in off water. so here's how we see it, all right? 9:00 p.m. tomorrow, the bulk of your day looks fine, you've had a pretty good-looking day, up around 70 degrees, we keep you on the dry side, then as you get into the overnight hours for that morning commute, 7:00 a.m., start to see showers out there. even the possibility for heavier downpour here or there. then we get to 12 to 30, lunch time, the bouts of heavy rain, again not for everybody. not a washout at all hours of the day. 4:30 the line starts coming to the city. and starts to clear out and it's a good-looking saturday but again saturday's 10 degrees cooler than friday. the amount of rain we pick up, right now looks like half an inch to an inch, but the purple strip that you see within each or more, that could set up over the city, up over long island, seven degrees tomorrow, even cooler out east, maybe 55 or so for the hamptons, but if you are inland, nice and warm, 72 on friday, your rain chance and then start lowering those temps down, snow chance will be monday night into tuesday. could be a wet snow mixed with rain. >> not a big deal. >> we're going to watch this one. okay. just to be clear a minute ago i said the dna memorial was the wrong number. it is $300, just to make sure we have that right. i miss >>. >> okay. otis is here now with a look at sports. >> a real-life soap opera lakers. now your cheap sports decks. >> let's talk a little yankee news, ivan nova making his final pitch for the fifth spot in rotation. it's what happened in the seventh that has the bullpen in trouble. their temporary closer andrew miller takes a line drive off his right wrist, immediately left the mound, he would fire negative but a ct scan showed a chip fracture, going to see a hand specialist who's going to determine the next course of action. this could be a huge blow to the great back end of the bullpen, figured to be the shortest in baseball. while aroldis chapman serves his suspension for domestic violence. with his health crisis behind him today was matt harvey's final tuneup for opening night. gives up three runs on two hits in two innings to the nationals, didn't speak to the media after the game. the mets lost their 13th straight, 12-1. backstop las vegas where they play the cubs, a pair of exhibition games before heading to kansas city. nba, the knicks in dallas tonight, porzingis out with a sore shoulder. it's only his fourth missed game in his rookie season. from the playoffs, trying to drag mavericks with them. only a half game out, game-high 31 for carmelo anthony, the knicks up seven after three but new york committed nine turnovers in the fourth which allowed dallas to creep back in. barea with the lead, knicks with a couple chance to read -- a no call as milk is charged with another turnover. then langston galloway missing at the buzzer, clank. tough loss for the next. 91-89. time for us to step aside for a minute. mike and the mad dog. welcome back, everyone. this wasn't the way kobe bryant's final nba season was supposed to go. the lakers headed for their worst record in history. looks like the last handful of games will be overshadowed by controversy. this is so proper end -- there's a soap opera in tinseltown. secretly recording a conversation with teammate nick young, in which young admitted to cheating on his fiancie iggy azalea. russell reportedly snapchat of the conversation thinking no one would see. what they did. it has brought tension with his teammates. they are freezing him out. in fact when he tried to sit next to the williams, he got up and left. he apologized who accepted it but says they need to work on as you know russell has been viewed as a key part of the liquor future with kobe bryant retiring after this season. finally tonight, it's been almost 8 long years since we last heard this. >> [ siren ] [ yelling ] >> yes. that never gets old. christopher mad dog russo opening of the mad dog reunion show. joe torre among special guests, radio city music hall, bobby valentine, mark messier, they took a three-hour nostalgic trip down memory lane. will they ever do it again? mike says he is retiring in 2017. >> there's time. >> there is time. >> i would definitely listen to that. good stuff. >> you can always change your >> thank you. t mt ard twk.nogesur-st00eginrn tanphe hey what are you here for? you getting poked, prodded or pinched?? uhhh yeah, colon cancer screening. hey me too, second time. it's a piece of cake! that sounds good right now. it's no big deal. that's what everyone tells me. today there is more than one way to screen for colon cancer and it's easier than ever. if you're 50 or older talk with your healthcare provider if you're 50 or older get screened for colon cancer. you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. come on grandma! for the strength and energy to get back to doing... what you love. if you liked -- have you liked the cbs new york facebook page yet? make sure you go to you don't want to miss a thing. >> thanks so much for joining us tonight. >> "the late show with stephen colbert" is next. >> don't miss a thing. his guests, eric stonestreet, elizabeth warren and jason jones. ( band playing intro music ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen colbert! captioning sponsored by cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> stephen: hey! thank you, everybody!

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