Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20171120 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20171120

we learned four were not. the fire broke out at the senior living community late on thursday nieght. the da says in the fire it was intense and you would expect to lose 40 to 50 people. we are working to find out more information about the victims. we'll find out more at 4:30. we're live in westchester, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. we know it took firefighters a long, long time to out all those hot spots. what are they doing today? >> reporter: they hoped to get in on saturday to try to get a look at the cause of the fire. that was delayed until today because of the windy weather over the weekend. we can also tell you that they are there now trying to pick apart parts of the building to see what remains perhaps see if they can get a grasp. on what caused it. atf agents as well as district attorney officials are out questioning people in the fire. people who live in the neighborhood there also trying to get a gauge on what caused all of this. >> deanna durante, we'll look for more updates from you throughout the afternoon and evening. we appreciate it. >> the images from that fire touched so many people. the community is stepping in to help the victims of last week's fire. in fact, the support has been so overwhelming this warehouse was needed to store all the donations that have come in. the facility staff has been blown away by the generosity. >> we need everything and we don't have to go out and buy it no now. ed it's so wonderful. >> donations were collected in westchester from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. sunday. after the donation ended, seven cars were lined pup. they were the first to tell you about the breaking news from the app. download it for free so you don't miss updates on the story or other news in your neighborhood. >> this is on route 42 in belmar. you can see it off to the side of the road there. traffic is backed up for miles. we're going to let sky force 10 pull out wider for you to show you this backup on route 42. you'll want to avoid this area if you can at all. we don't have any word on injuries, but we saw the tractor-trailer off to the side of the road. now to your first alert weather, sunny but a cool start. we found people enjoying the sun. a cool springs park. a live look at the poconos at camelback. you can see the leaves there. they have changed. >> dpst grand strand glenn "hurs tracking the changes. >> we're in that roller coaster thing again. it's up for a day or two. sunshine all day today. the wind is blowing, but nothing like yesterday. we had gusts over 50 miles an hour in parts of the area including in northeast philly created some wind damage in parts of the area. mostly clear now. a few clouds coming over to some parts of the area. the snows are way up to the north. it could bring us rain by early wednesday morning. temperatures are fairly uniform in the mid- to upper 40s. 49 at the beach. 56 degrees in the middle of the afternoon. that's pretty cold. it's going to be warming up and that's going to prevent the temperature from dropping much. clear skies, lighter wind, low humidity. you'll see the temperatures plunge towards 7:00 a.m. between 11:00 and 7:00, it's holding pretty teddy in most of the area. that's a sign of things to come. we may be 10 to 15 degrees warmer than today. the forecast for thanksgiving and the rest of the weekend is coming up. >> 20 minutes of nonstop news b continues with new developments in two sexual misconduct cases coming out of washington. >> minnesota senator and form rer comedian al franken is facing a second accuser. we're hearing from the first woman to accuse senate candidate roy moore. erin coleman is joining us from the breaking news center with the developments. >> a woman says he grabbed her backside as the two posed for a picture at the minnesota state fair back in 2010. franken says hen doesn't remember taking the photo. but he feels badly the woman felt disrespected. this new allegation comes days after a radio host accused him of kissing her while they were rehearsing for a uso tour performance in 2006. he was later photographed with his hands near her breast. now to the sexual misconduct allegations against roy moore. in nbc news exclusive, we're hearing from the first woman to accuse him of sexual misconduct. >> i felt guilty and like i was the one to blame. >> moore assaulted her when she was 14 yaerz old. she wanted to confront him but didn't do it years ago because he was so powerful. he was wearing white underwear and he touched me over my clothing, what was left of it. and he tried to get me to touch him as well. it could reshape the political landscape. a new poll shows voters are split over whether they believe the allegations. we're live in the breaking news center. erin coleman, nbc 10 news. the actress that's known for her role as tesz on "touched by an angel" has died. she died yesterday evening. it debuted in 1994 before that she was mainly known as a singer. her co-star wrote in a statement i know heaven has a brand new angel this day. a highway wreck sent three people to the hospital. it happened just after 1:00. three cars were involved. we're working to foind out the condition of the people injured. >> we have new details about the inmate that escaped from last week. the executive is now saying that escape was the result of at least one corrections officer not following protocol. 14 inmates overpower ed a guard in a youth detention center last wednesday. one teen accused of murder was on the louse for 30 hours. the man accused of killing another man inside a north jersey apple bees is expected to be in court this afternoon. police arrested him yesterday and charged with murder. powell walked right into the apple bees and shot a man in the head. right now police don't have a motive and don't know if the two even knew each other. >> a school community is mourning after a teacher died in a house fire. counsellors were there today. she died sunday morning. they just could not get to hawkens. she was 62 years old. >> e we just want to make sure that everyone who is processing, dealing with this loss today is fu fully supported. >> the manhunt outside pittsburgh is in its fourth day over the weekend. they issued an arrest warrant. he's accused killing officer brian shaw during a traffic stop on friday. about 20 miles outside pittsburgh. officer shaw was 25 years old. he joined the force in june. prison officials say it's not yet clear what will happen to the pod of charlesman son. he died sunday night nearly half century after orchestrating one of the most notorious mass murders in the country's history. >> believe me. if i started murdering people, there would be none of you left. >>manson was convicted of ordering his followers to kill seven people over two nights in the hollywood hills in 1969. manson was 83 years old. his death is sparking deep emotions for families of those killed. remember the victims. remember whaerp what they were doing and what they suffered so. >> he died of natural causes and he has no known relatives. if no one surfaces to claim his body within ten day, it's up to the department of corrections to determine. what happens to it. president trump dezing nated noesh a state sponsor of terror. it's moved aim at increasing pressure on the regime. it's long overdue and will impose sanctions on north korea. >> the regime must be lawful. and cease all support for international terrorism, which it is not doing. >> at the same meeting, the president promised once again to give americans a tax cut for christmas. he also said once a tax bill passes congress, health care, infrastructure and welfare reform are next on the agenda. 20 people including five firefighters are hurt after a pair of explosions and a a fire at a cosmetics factory. the first explosion happened just after 10:00 this morning at the international cosmetics factory. thick, black smoke is seen pouring out of the building as workers watched outside. the firefighters were inside when the second blast happened. no word yet on a cause. new jersey's next governor wants the minimum wage to go up. way up. today governor phil murphy stood alongside other lawmakers to support raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. right now new jersey's minimum wage pay 8.44 an hour. he didn't it unveil any specific measure to get the job done. chris christie now has a road named after him. the street in morris county is called governor chris christie way. the road leads to a park in a town nearby the hometown ofmennen township. mothers against drunk driving is reminding you to give a gift to everyone this holiday season by not drinking and droifing. they kicked off the tie one on for safety in harrisburg. they want you to put a red r ribbon op the car to plan for a designated driver. holidays can be a dangerous time on the road. more people are partying. the georgia dome crumbled to the ground this morning. one pesky wall didn't want to see to go. crews will knock it down with machines. home depot is turning it into a green space to use for extra stadium parking on game days. it was home to the falcons and olympics and super bowl and final four. wherever you go, everybody has a smile on their face and a pep in their step. >> 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with eagles excitement. the birds took it to the boys last night in dallas with that convincing 37-9 win that you saw here on nbc 10, your official station of the philadelphia eagles. instead of a case of the mondays, eagles fans have a lot to smile about. >> they are flying high today. steven fisher found out how the birds winning streak is lifting the spirits of the city. >> the eagles are a special team this year, not only do they have the best record at 9-1, apparently they can also cure an illness known as the monday blues. with the eagles winning and winning big, the city of brotherly love is living up to its name. >> i see guys with the eagles jerseys. it's great. >> it's great for the city. people going to work today smiling on a monday. >> you. don't hear horns beeping as much as you did. people are nicer. >> a tv win over the eagles biggest rival, the dallas cowboys will do that to a city. everyone where you look, it's eagles green. more people are buying in with each win. and trading in their pessimism for optimism. >> whenever anybody talks about the eagles now, it's always everybody is in a good mood and everybody is optimistic. >> whether it's their leader or their swag, starving for a champion. >> i think everybody is. it's the untackables and the feel iing we get around here. pretty much it's carson wentz and he's our leader and he's going to take it to the promised land. >> steven fisher, nbc 10 news. no pressure, carson. taking a live look the birds are back at home this sunday. they take on the bears. nbc 10 has you covered at 9:30 a.m. for the eagles game day kickoff followed by eagles game plan. join us for eagles game day final after nbc 10 news at 11:00. a live look at the road over the next couple days, all important thanksgiving. breaking down your travel forecast for the next couple days. >> she joins us live from the river rink. that will always get us in the holiday spirit. >> that's exactly what i'm thinking. just coming here, i'm getting more in the holiday spirit. it's really starting to feel like it outside. mostly because i'm a little chilly and because right now they are getting ready for the blue cross river rink winter fest. that's how great it looks and how cheery. it's one of the many elements they are getting ready for this friday. now if you are heading out of town for thanksgiving, let's talk about your holiday forecast. this is a look at your travel outlook. a national view for us as we go from now on through the next couple days. you can see the picture is pretty clear across the united states. no matter where you're traveling into tomorrow morning, this is not bad. it's a chilly start in philly. that's about it. we go through the rest of your tuesday and this is really a nice thing for us to say. just two areas to watch. if you're traveling down to orlando, you see storms moving through florida. and also a mix of rain and snow passing near parts of oregon and washington. let's continue on. wednesday morning will have a few showers including the mid-atlantic and right around philly. you see 52 to start at 5:00 a.m. the good news is if you have a flight after 7:00 a.m., the showers start to move out and really the rest of the country is very clear through your wednesday afternoon. so the forecast for the next couple days right up to thanksgiving is actually looking very forgiving for those that will be traveling over the next couple days. we're live again outside here. setting up that big tree and if you want to see the holiday tree lighting, that's going on december 1st and the nbc 10 morning crew will be out here televising the tree lighting live. if you can't come out to catch it, you can catch it on nbc 10. so i justen went over the travel forecast for folks e haeding out of town. let's head over to glenn "hurricane" schwartz for those staying in town. there's a couple ups and downs over the next few days. >> there's a lot of ups and downs. the temperature today was down. even though our mood was up because of the eagles. 48 degrees now. 18 mile an hour winds. it has been windy and chilly all day. it's been mostly in the 40s. everybody is seeing sunshine and so it's a nice-looking day. it feels kind of chilly. 37 in allentown. 39 in lancaster. and that's the warmest it's felt all day. 41 in philadelphia. a warm spot barely to 42 degrees for the way it feels. at least we have had had sunshine. now that the sun is going to be going down, it's going to start feeling a lot colder. even if the temperature doesn't drop very much. because we're losing that radiation from the sun. things are pretty quiet on the weather map. this area of moisture down south, just some high clouds now. that may turn into some rain by late tomorrow night. here we go through the evening. we have southwest winds. that's trying to warm up the atmosphere. even with clear skies, that's not going to allow the temperatures to drop very much. and then they are going to jump pretty quickly tomorrow morning. once the sun comes out, more of that southwest wind and some places could get well into the upper 50s or even near 60. and then we start cooling off again as we go into tuesday night. then here comes this moisture. a little band of rain coming up from the south. it's not necessarily going to last very long. it's likely to happen in the middle of the night while most of us are. sleeping. and by 7:00 a.m. for the morning rush, the jersey shore and central southern delaware will be the most likely places to still be seeing any kind of rain and then that moves out and leaves us with dry weather for the daytime hours wednesday and thanksgiving day too. i'll have the rest of those forecasts coming up. serving up souled to for families on thanksgivings. >> still ahead, how a mother's legacy is a live in her child n children's charity work. hitting the bulls eye, the alternative sport testing local brains while keeping them safe from concussions. and turkey tracker, ever wonder where your thanksgiving bird comes from. we'll take you to one of the large turkey farms in our area and tell you about their most famous customer. first here's a look at the closing bell on wall street. the markets closing up today. . three days to go until thanksgiving. >> there's a good chance that your turkey is getting set it serve up came from the lehigh valley. every turkey sold here was raised at jand l's farm. it's about 15 minutes outside allentown. they have been in the turkey business for more than 80 years. the farm has 20 truckloads of birds going out per day. there's no time busier than this. >> it's all hands on deck. we're a family owned operation. i'm in the middle of five children. >> four people unaccount ed for and presumed dead after last week's fire. at a senior living facility. next what we're learning about the four people and the firefighters who worked so desperately to save them. and taking aim at an alternative sport. how archery is testing local kids off the playing field. new support for phil ly. rapper meek mill. the former rival now backing the hip hop star who is behind bars. and don't forget to vote for your special thanksgiving day edition of the blitz. it's a big day for local rivalries. there are a lot of ways to vote. grab your phone or computer or by tabbing the app. you can call or text your vote. we'll announce the winner wednesday night on nbc 10 news at 11:00. back to our breaking news. video gives us a new look at the power of last week's senior living facility fire in westchester. you can see firefighters right there rescuing residents working their way out of the burning building. keith jones is joining us from the breaking news center. >> within the past hour, we learned four people are now presumed dead at the scene of that massive fire. the fire broke out at the barclay friends senior living b community late thursday night. authorities announced this afternoon four residents were not saved. an 89-year-old woman and 92-year-old husband, a 93-year-old woman and an 85-year-old woman. despite the tragic update the district attorney says in that fire this intense you'd expect the outcome to be much worse. >> based on the speed of the fire and based on the condition of the residents, we would have expectsed to lose 40 to 50 people. it was only the hero actions of the first responders that prevenned that. >> we're getting a look at some of those heroic actions. a firefighter picks her up and carries her away. another firefighter pushing a resident out in a wheelchair. a total of 130 residents were saved. right now atf investigators are continue iing to search the comx as they work to figure out what started this fire. ever since that fire broke out, the nbc 10 investigators have been looking into the owner of the facility. see what we found coming up at 6:00. some parents might envision young athletes playing for the eagles one day. but this month nbc 10 is showing you alternative non-contact sports and activities. >> tim furlong shows us how one activity is hitting the bulls eye for lots of kids in our area. >> it looks like a bowling alley but instead of lanes, the archery supply has lots of people shooting at them. >> she likes figure skating, but this is the thing she really enjoys. >> she's now an archer. this has become her sport. this facility has a lot of kids who have made this their sport. >> something that's fun and out of all the sports i have tried, this is the one i enjoyed the most. >> there are a few places like this where you and your kids can give archery a try. >> bring your hand over here. >> much of the first lesson will focus on safety. kids like nick have advanced and get to compete on the travel team. >> the furthest i have been is is las vegas. >> these kids work hard together, take their sport seriously and try to improve with every single shot. >> they also have a e tremendous amount of fun hanging out together at the range and moms and dads like that the sport is all about focus and discipline. it rubs aoff on all aspects of their loifs, including in the classroom. >> it's not tackling people on the field. it's very competitive and could be aggressive at times in terms of mental game. >> it's like golf. you need good mental game. it's all in your head. it's you on the line. >> the only downside that i can see is your kids are probably really going to like it when a they try it and if they get really into it, it can get a little pricey. i'm told you can get a decent for $120 but like anything more advanced equipment is going to cost you. some cost a few thousand dollars. pu these parents are willing to pay the price because their kids have found their passion and helping their kid keep their eye on their target. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> so if you want to give archery a try, go to the nbc 10 app. we'll connect you with usa archery and a list of local facilities and coaches. there might be a range dloers you than you think. the holiday travel rush is about to kick into high gear. we have a live look at interstate 95 as well as 30th street station and philadelphia international airport. all of which there's going to be packed over the next few days. nbc 10 was at 30th street station today. aaa expects more than 600,000 people in the philadelphia area to travel for thanksgiving. that's up slightly from last year. we caught up with one traveler in town all the way from idaho. >> wanted to visit the city and we're going to travel to the east coast for thanksgiving and have thanksgiving dinner in boston. >> nationwide, nearly 51 million people expected to travel 50 miles or more for the thanksgiving holiday. and the nbc 10 app has your complete holiday travel guide whether you have company coming to your place or you are hitting the road, get the forecast for your neighborhood or your destination. all you have to do is tap the free nbc 10 app. happening now, it's begin. ing to look a lot like christmas at the white house. the official white house christmas tree arrived on. a horse drawn carriage. typically it comes after thanksgiving, but the trump its are spending the holiday in florida. the first lady and son was there to receive the tree. the fur from wisconsin will go on display in the blue room. here's a look at some of the other stories we're following county by county. first in burlington county, the police department is asking for your help finding two purse thieves. take a look. a security camera at the tg max captured this image. they stole two goou chi purss worth $2800. if you recognize them, you're asked to call police. blue cross is reminding people to sign up for health insurance before the holiday rush. representatives were at the shopping center r today to help people choose a health plan. you have until december 15th to sign up for a plan if you want to be covered for next year. it's working to make sure people don't get sidetracked by the bustle of the holiday season. in cape may county, wildwood is getting set to breathe new life into a section of boardwalk that's been vacant for years. the plan for the old pier includes large restaurant and a pool. construction is expected to begin early next month. total cost is between $4 and $6 million. the pier was home to a collection of stores. they are safer for the environment. >> but are your refillable water bottles safe for your health. before you fill up your bottle, the shocking truth about what may be in that water. also thanksgiving without the stress of cooking. some time savers for your holiday. so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, peco can visit your home and show you how to save up to 20% a year. ♪ hmmmm. you don't have to be an expert. because now peco will visit your home and help you save. peco. the future is on. children who are overweight say they are tease d about. it. they decided to do something about childhood obesity. it's issue d a policy statement. by working together as a family to make diet changes and exercise. it's about weigh stigma. >> this next story may gross you out. that refillable water bottle you're using may be dirtier than your dog's bone. that's according to the website a team swapped the lids of 12 water bottles used by athletes and each contained 1,000 times more bacteria that be ab average dog toy. water bottles with a straw top were the cleanest. ones with a slide top were the germiest. experts say you probably won't get sick, but it's important to wash it regularly. can't say that enough. signing up to see santa clause. >> the reason macy's is making children to reserve a spot to see st. nick at their flagship store. now we have a big warm-up on the way for tomorrow. that's not going to last for the holiday. i'm tracking the thanksgiving temperatures you can expect in your most accurate weather forecast. making strides and treating concussions. how penn state researchers are changing the game with a simple saliva test. santa clause is coming to town. but at the macy's in new york, you will need an appointment to see him. he's serious. for the first time ever, macy's flagship store on 34th street is make iing families go online to sign up for a time slot to sit on st. nick's lap. the store say this is new arrangement is an attempt to cut down on wait times. it opened today after thanksgiving. very busy. >> he really is. >> here's something else you need to take note of. one place where everyone will be able to see santa is at the macy's thanksgiving day parade here on nbc 10. coverage starts at 9:00 a.m. such a tradition. it's also the season to give thanks and ellen is kicking off 12 days of giving to her fans with the help of john dorenbos. >> he showed up today to give out gifts to the audience. after doing one of his signature magic tricks. he's a finalist on "america's got talent." the crowd was showered with gift cards worth more than $1,000, a pizza orch, but it was all about the grand giveaway. >> you can also enjoy their massive water park and luxurious spas. >> you're getting a six-day, five-night stay in cancun, mexico. >> ellen has been extending it to 15 in honors of the 15th anniversary. a lot of happy people there. tonight make sure you have the remote handy. now you can use your remote to vote for your favorite singer. ♪ >> here's how this works. say you want to vote for khloe. take your x1 remote and press the blue microphone and say vote for "the voice." a panel pops up and shows to look for the team. you can vote up to an hour after the show. live shows start tonight. you can watch "the voice" at 8:00 followed by "the brave" at 10:00. now to your first alert forecast. a breezy monday around the region. we also saw a lot of sunshine. people needed coats and sunglasses out in westchester. >> a lot of people shopping for thanksgiving. heading to the supermarket. getting all the favorite ingredients. >> the grocery stores were packed over the weekend. >> jacqueline is organized. >> you ready for thanksgiving? >> i was at the store yesterday and it was quite a crowd. bumping into carts all over the place. >> the weather is not going to be a problem for shopping or traveling. it's pretty good this year. 48 degrees in philadelphia. it's kind of windy. 18 mile an hour winds. we're in the 40s everywhere. and all through philadelphia is that way. 48 at the airport. 45 in chestnut hill. and all of those areas will be in the 50s. one or two of them could hit 60. we have a west wind that's bringing in warmer air. and with the sun going down, the temperatures as low as they are and with the wind, it's going to feel chilly here during the evening hours. so dress properly for that. we have moisture down south. it's starting to build up now. and that coulden end up leading to some rain. here we are through tonight and into tomorrow. another day with lots of sunshine. and then we're going to watch clouds come up from the south. there's tuesday afternoon. so it doesn't bother tuesday really. here's tuesday night. an area of rain, especially from philly south and east, but it's mostly in the middle of the night by the beginning of the morning rush. it still could be affecting new jersey and delaware and then it moves out and that is it for precipitation during the week. think we can handle that. look at the temperature tomorrow. the showers on wednesday is very early, as you saw. thursday is dry. not too windy, but it's cold. pretty cold for this time of the year. tomorrow is not. and even in the lehigh valley, temperatures in the 50s. look at some of these low temperatures. really low as we go into thanksgiving morning. the day starting off in the 30s. middle of the afternoon only in the mid-40s. it's going to be cold, but not especially windy. here's the ten-day forecast. there's a little a.m. rain on wednesday. we start getting some nicer and warmer weather by friday. saturday could be a couple showers chances of rain looks pretty good for the eagles game on sunday. although a bit breezy and chilly and gets even colder on monday. serving up soul food for families on thanksgiving. how a mother's legacy is living on in her children's charity work. major breakthrough, the fight against cancer. this 9-year-old boy diagnosed with the disease when he was 3. he's cancer free. all new at 5:00, the treatment developed here in our area that saved had his life. a mother's tradition of serving others on thanksgiving passed down to her children. >> family members and strangers come together to feed others who need it the most. lauren mayk introduces us to honey's angels. >> reporter: it's thanksgiving in the making. or rather it's the makings of thanksgiving for lots of families. the assembly line runs the length of the basement with volunteers manning the yams, pies and rolls. >> in the early days, we have evolved it and made it more efficient as we go. >> reporter: between thanksgiving meals and donations at other holidays, they will feed about 500 families this year. all in memory of her mom, helen honey mcveigh. she was known for kicking for everyone. >> we'd have to run the plate of food across the street to the neighbor. >> reporter: her picture sits in the kitchen and dining room filled on this prethanksgiving day with volunteers dressed in t-shirts that even one in a turkey costume. each car loaded up. >> the envelopes are all marked and a cookie for each. >> delivered by some of honey's angels. >> my mom was a very humble person. she would never believe this is all in her name. but i think she's very proud that we're carrying on her legacy in such a big way like th this. >> reporter: i'm lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. >> fantastic right there. we have another 90 minutes of news ready for you. >> here are keith jones and erin coleman. >> we are learning more about the four people presumed dead in a fire that tore through a senior living home. >> investigators say it could have been worse. deanna durante is live at the scene and just finished speaking to one victim's daughter. all new, hear why her mom was lucky to get out. and your holiday forecast, are you going to see rain or snow? stick around. i'll let you know. and a breakthrough cancer treatment developed here in philadelphia. all new at 5:00, how it helped safe this young boy's life when his parents were out of options. we begin with with new details in a frightening escape from a fire at a senior living home. you're looking at brand new video from last week in westchester. emergency crews rushing in to save seniors and bringing them out in wheelchairs and walkers in bitterly cold temperatures. late this afternoon, we also learned that four people are presumed dead in that fire. >> deanna durante spent the day digging into this investigation. what have you learned about the victims that didn't make it out? >> reporter: we can tell you the missing range in age from 85 to 93 years old. two of those who are misare a married couple that were living at the facility and investigators are looking inside to look at the debris and search for answers. >> taking people out in a wheelchair. >> reporter: you can see it. before firefighters even get water to the fire, it is burning through the roof. flames are fall iing as residen try to get out of the way. a driver scoops a wol up getting her away from the building. >> there are still four of those residents, four of those chester county citiy citizens who were saved. z that's of little comfort who have lost so much. they are going through some of the toughest times you can possibly imagine. >> community members have done what they can. for the

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