Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20161018 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20161018

front of a speeding 18 wheeler to protect her children. she did say that the bus company reached out to her by phone to tell her they were sorry but we contacted the bus company today in person, by phone and e-mail, beginning at 11:00 this morning r . they have yet to respond to our questions. > we are getting very close to record temperatures out there, and you can imagine most area golf courses packed today. nbc 10 wilmington at oliver's golf course. >> crystal is live outside on our patio to tell us where we stand in terms of the temperatures. >> reporter: it was just too nice outside to stay indoors. we came outside to check the temperatures, and it is much warmer than is typical this time of year. let's talk about records that have been set today. some areas already doing so in those low 80s. we have seen those records set at 82 in wilmington, 84 in al tentown and trenton at 83 degrees. we we're looking at really warm temperatures. in philadelphia, 83 degrees where we're at. the record is 85 degrees, so we are expecting that we could be very close to record territory in philadelphia by this afternoon. 84 where we are in redding, and 83 allentown, millville sitting at 79 degrees, so across the board, this is much warmer than is typical for the mid of october. radar and satellite shows us that high pressure. we are not tracking chances of showers today, or even as your wednesday as temperatures will hold in the 80s. but as we move into the end of your workweek, things start to change, is so coming up we'll talk about those changes and we'll talk about record-breaking heat for your wednesday. and now to decision 2016, election day is just three weeks from today and both hillary clinton and donald trump continue to push for pennsylvania voters. and we have team coverage following both campaigns this afternoon. we start with nbc 10's erin coleman who's watching bill clinton who's in montgomery county right now. >> he's in the area stumping for his wife, his goal to make sure democrats show up to vote. the former president appealed to students at montgomery county community college in blue bell. he wrapped up just within the last ten minutes or so s he reminded supporters that hillary worked to make college more affordable, along with her rifle for the nomination, who was popular with millennials, bernie sanders. he said it's time to move past negative campaigning and talk about the issues. >> there's been quite enough acid poured down americans' throats in the last 15 months to last us 15 years, we need to talk about what we're going to do. >> democrats are making a push to vinconvince voters to vote a straight democratic ticket in november. the latest polls showing hillary clinton ahead right now in pennsylvania by six points. well, this afternoon, we're seeing more leaked e-mails from the clinton campaign posted by wikileaks and now we're learning of former university of pennsylvania president was on the short list of possible vice presidential candidates, judith roden was on that list but there's no telling how close she was to getting the nod. . as for donald trump, he's looking to win voters in colorado right now. and keith jones is following those developments. >> reporter: right now donald trump is speak at a rally in colorado springs, he's talked about a number of issues. he blamed the media for creating a rigged system for reporting false stories about women, suggesting that they were -- he also charged with voting on november 8 will be rigged, especially in citis like philadelphia and chicago. he said something he said he will tackle as president something we haven't heard him say before. >> if i'm elected president, i will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of congress. they have been talking about that for years. decades of failure in washington and decade of special interest dealing, must and will come to an end. >> and the final candidate face-off in las vegas is tomorrow night, it could be the last time ever that hillary clinton and donald trump share a stage. there were dozens of protests of donald trump across the country today, dozens of women formed a human chain around trump hotel in chicago this morning. organizers protest eed trump's comments about women that were leaked earlier this month. kelly o'donnell caught up with new jersey's governor chris christie, here's christie's take on whether trump still as a chance and the most recent allegations against trump. >> he's assured me privately, in fact what he said publicly, that these are lies and fan indication fabrications. i can only take him at his word. and i am. one thing that we have learned about this entire election season that anybody who tries to predict what's going to happen have looked like they have egg on their face when they get done. if i had counted as many times as people have said trump is done and buried, i wouldn't have enough fingers to count. and people have said that about hillary clinton over a period of time too. >> trump does have another campaign event later on tonight. president obama delivered a vice to trump today, stop whining, the president said trump should make his case to win over the voters. >> i have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process. before votes have even taken place. it's unprecedent. >> and we are one day away from the final presidential debate as keith mentioned. workers getting the stage ready in las vegas. hillary clinton left new york around lunchtime for a flight to vegas. the democratic nominee has stayed quiet the past few days as she prepares for the debate. and count on nbc 10 for complete decision 2016 coverage as we count down to the general election and nbc 10's lauren mayk starts coverage of the final debate today at 6:00. you can watch the debate tomorrow night right here on nbc 10. here at home, police investigating a robbery on lumbar street. no one was hurt. we have new information about a story we first told you about last week on nbc 10 news at 4:00. a new jersey man is under arrest accused of vandalizing a camden football field. 28-year-old alexander peters has been charged with criminal mischief. investigators say he confessed to damaging the football field in camden's fairview section last week. peters also admitted to spray painting swastikas on the field house. police say he gave no indication why he did. >> apparently you have to know it was wrong what you did. he maybe didn't want to tell us that, but we believe he knows the impact of what he did. >> peters is already in police dust custody for aggravated assault charges. it all started early this morning when officers chased a suspected shoplifter from a cvs in collindale, and that's when they noticed chemicals inside. they evacuated the entire complex. police say they found a large stash of heroin and cash inside the home. two men and one woman are in cu custody. contract for faculty for the state university system is about to run out. >> there are five major local universities impacted. west chester, east stroudberg. >> students say they rant worried. >> reporter: yeah, last minute negotiations are under way right now, so there is some time, those faculty and the state administrators huddling together in harrisberg, they have ordered a media blackout, which means both sides are not speaking with reporters. but just hours on the campus of west chester, more than 16,000 students frantically checked their e-mails. waiting to learn if they'll have biology in the morning or if their teachers will ditch the classroom and hit the picket lines. >> i have an 8:00 tomorrow, and if i don't see any -- >> reporter: at cookstown, students are urged to show up at class anyway, but one teacher told nbc 10 they're expecting the first strike in faculty history. >> do we want to strike? no, we don't want to strike. will we strike? absolutely if the state doesn't come anywhere near what we're asking. >> reporter: teachers are also upset about new rules like cutting back on sabbaticals and changes to research and online education. >> i don't blame either side. it's negotiations, it is what it is. >> that's money out of our pockets and if people's grades aren't what they're supposed to be, that's also a huge issue. >> reporter: next weekend is homecoming and now there's talk much of it could be cancelled. >> they think the parade might get cancelled if the strike happens. >> and union officials tell us that negotiations are still under way, but that media blackout continues, but we cannot get much of an update now. this possible strike would affect more than 100 ,000 students. a south jersey father will spend two decades behind bars. he threw his 11 week old daughter on to a couch and then she fell on the floor, she died from head injuries. a creative crook found a way to break into a logan store to steal cigarettes. a burglar broke a hole into the wall outside the building and then climbed into lolita grocery in lockland earlier this month. he stole cigarettes and cash from the register and then climbed back into the hole and got away. a man collapsed at the criminal justice center today. the officer was found unresponsive by another employee. this is the scene outside the hospital. first responders were able to revive the officer, but he later died at the hospital. he suffered an apparent heart attack. tonight is president obama's last state dinner at the white house and this morning he welcomed italian prime minister. >> we see a truth that we must never forget and that is that america was built by immigrants, america's stronger because of immigrants, america is great because of immigrants. >> there are a lot of people who think that politics is only about screaming. fighting each other. >> tonight's state dinner will be a glitzy affair that features food and a performance. winter is coming and there are a lot of philadelphia school children who will need coats to help keep them warm. nbc 10 in center city where hundreds of children tried on winter coats. 7,600 of them were donated by the auto show. the program is in its ninth year, it's provided more than 45,000 free coats to kids in the five-county region. now to our weather, no coats needed today. air-conditions in october, but really, who's complaining? >> i'm not complaining. >> gorgeous shot with the sun bearing down on us this afternoon. temperatures with some spots breaking records in philadelphia, but the forecast is going to be very nice through the rest of today and even into your wednesday, we're talking 80s out there, so let's look at some neighborhood temperatures in the philadelphia area. 84 in antioch, ridden house 83. the record high today is 85 degrees. notice graduate hospital just above that at 86. and these temperatures are spread across the board in those upper 70s and the 80s. now, looking through some of the suburbs. north wills 83 degrees and bed minister at 83 degrees as well. you definitely do not need that jacket this afternoon. here are your current wind speeds outside. mostly around 5 to 15 miles an hour. wilmington, 12-mile-per-hour winds, notice in philadelphia, just at 10-mile-per-hour currently. nothing terribly strong. and we are looking at those winds remaining pretty similar as we go through tomorrow as well. notice we have got spotty showers well to the north of us, not likely that we're going to see any activity today or tomorrow. we're clear and actually most of the area is clear, and those temperatures able to just climb way above average. average for today is 66 degrees. we saw those numbers in the midmorning hours. so that's how much warmer we're looking at that's typical this time of year. record heat. 85 in philadelphia, the reported is 80. we're talking a 5-degree difference there. areas like allentown, 83 degrees, redding at 83 degrees, close but not breaking the record. trenton tying, close but not breaking, wilmington 83, the current temperature 80. starting this evening, we go through your tuesday, it's clear as we go through the night. tomorrow those clouds roll by by the afternoon, there we are at 6:00 in the evening, those clouds hanging over new jersey. now we go into thursday, we have got thicker clouds that pull in by your thursday morning commute here at 6:00 a.m., and there's the rain moving in, it starts out in burks county, through the lehigh valley, then it's going to clip right into delaware and mostly in the morning hours, move by quickly through our region, spotty showers we're expecting. that moves out, but we should see more redeveloping in the afternoon here, 3:30 in the afternoon, spotty showers as well. but we have got that forecast for much of our zone s aside for maybe the shores seeing some chances moving through. then we go into the night, we could see some heavy rain moving off to the north and west of us. so we are tracking our chances of rain, 10-day on 10, not just for your thursday and friday, but with that big drop in those temperatures. into the lower 70s by friday. if you were not happy with the loss of fall, it's back, 60s for your high temperature. and we will continue with that as we move into your next workweek. did you see the rocket launch in the sky last night? nbc 10 viewer dave callahan sent us this video from cove beach in cape may. there's more than 5,000 pounds of equipment and food on board. it was the first flight since a launch explosion two years ago. the capsule is expected to reach the station on sunday. mostly everyone has first date horror stories. >> but a connecticut man may win the prize after his date stole $300 from him. after he paid for dinner, she went to the ladies room, but she also asked the manager to charge $300 to his date's credit card. why? because she wanted a gift card. and she went back to the restaurant a few days later and used that gift card. and not with him, we're assuming. nbc 10 news just getting started. up next ray rice opens up about an infamous incident about him punching his wife. >> it was the worst decision of my life and i'm going to pay that consequence for the rest of my life. >> the former football player speaks out on his mistakes and how he's hoping to help others. also, look at this close call, an officer's brush with death and it's caught on police dash cam video. you'll see it next. plus a naked statue creates a social media circus. but first here's a look at the closing bell on wall street which bounced back from yesterday, all three markets finishing today up. take a look at this close call caught on a police officer's dash camera. >> suddenly a pick-up truck slams into the back of the cruiser, and then it slid across four lanes of traffic, the officer jumped out of the way just in time. fortunately, no one was hurt. now to this video of a life saving rescue on lake michigan, a wind surfer was pulled the the water of he called and said he was in trouble. the coast guard found the man who was more than a mile offshore. he says his sail broke and he just started drifting out into the open water. coast guard crews say high winds a made it hard to find him. 19 artists were nominated today. typically five to seven will be chose for induction. the winner also honored next spring during a ceremony in new york. and some people in new york are seeing more of hillary clinton than they might like. >> a statue of the democratic presidential nominee popped up in manhattan. it shows clinton wearing an open blouse, she has cloved hooves for feet. some statues of a naked donald trump have popped up around the country. coming up next at 4:00, the cherry hill mall about to get even bigger. ray rice, punched his wife in an atlantic city elevator, remember that incident? the former football star talks about how that video has brought the issue of domestic violence to the forefront. how a south jersey community is coming together to bring the halloween spirit back to the neighborhood. and we're about to go back to those fall temperatures, but not before at least one day of some record-breaking heat, we'll talk temperatures coming up. most people owe the bank. but pat toomey actually owned a bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. this is your last chance to go online to get our best offer ever. super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online for two-years guaranteed, with a two-year agreement. installation is easier than ever and there's no cost to cancel if you change your mind within 30 days. go to or call 1888.getfios to learn more. hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. get 100meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online for two-years, guaranteed. only from fios. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. boy, it is a tuesday beauty out there. hopefully you got to spend some time out there. some people here went to the beach. looks like they're having a great time. temperatures climbed into the 80s in part of our area. >> first alert meteorologist krystal klei is outside of the building. >> we have seen a stretch of temperatures way warmer than average, in fact it feels pretty good out here now, but you do not need a jacket if you're leaving work in a bit, or if you're already home thinking about walking the dog, don't take a coat. you can see low 80s out there. the suburbs at 82. blue skies across the map. the question has been what about those records. today so far we have not broken a record in philadelphia. now we're still waiting for that official report that comes out here in the next hour or so. then look at wednesday, that's the day we're talking about that we're expected to break that record of 85 degrees, then thursday, it will be close but just under with 77, that forecast temperature. radar and satellite shows clear conditions out there. we're not tracking rain, we're not tracking clouds, this is that summer forecast in the beginning of the fall. we're going to have those fall temperatures returning pretty soon and the chance of rain that will be returning to our forecast. that coming up in just a few mi minutes. this afternoon we have learned how a suspected case of shoplifting led to the evacuation of a neighborhood in delaware county. >> keith jones is live in the breaking news center. keith, what happened? >> this all unfolded early this morning, it began at a cvs flagged down an officer saying there was a suspicious guy in the store. the cvs worker today is man had been inside the store for an hour without buying anything. police chased him to a home. but officers noticed a strong odor and signs of a meth lab. police say they arrested three people including the man from the cvs. >> he ran and cut his head on the glass door in front of the cvs. >> police say these guys right here on the suspects, including the woman on your right. you might not see any visible wounds, but police tell us these are older photos. police say they also found heroin and a large stash of cash inside the home. a burlington county community is coming together to save what's become a halloween tradition. >> richard and deanna started the annual pumpkin festival 30 years ago. now community members are racing money to help them. and those donations, they're pouring in. >> when everybody found out that i wasn't going to have the festival, they said no, no, no, you have to have sit. >> all those people we have met over the years, the children's lives we have touched, it just -- it's worth all the time and effort that we put into it. >> they are still short of their goal, but the mt. holly pumpkin festival will go on from october 24 through october 30th. we are going to have to wait a while longer to find out which retailers are moving into the cherry hill mall. the new tennant doesn't want their name revealed yet. it is an international retailer that caters to men, women and children. it will take 26,000 square feet of space, forcing the mall to build an addition on the macy's wing in order to move in. m&ms are making history, next year you'll be able to bite into a caramel center m&m. m and ms care mel will be on sale next may. a party was thrown by the philadelphia 76ers at coopers point school. the coopers mast --. it will take opening night. >> still ahead at 4:00 when the call came, nbc 10 responds did not hang up. the problem one woman had with her cell phone and what we saw with her issue. doctors have new hope for premature babies, the new testing tool next. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. [ roars ] [ up tempo music ] dinner! may i be excused? get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. researchers in europe are researching a new tool that could bring new hope for premature babies. it uses red and infrared lights allowing scientists to see through body tissue. it's a noninvasive technique but doctors say it's very important. >> it's good for diagnosing breathing problems, but we have had until now not so many means of protecting the brain. so we need instruments to make sure that the oxygen sufficiency to the brain, the blood supply to the brain. more than 70 million social security recipients are going to be see a small increase in their benefits. the federal government announced 0.3% cost of living race. low inflation is one reason why next year's hike is so low. the cost of living increase will affect about one in five americans. america's got talent star jon dorenbos has a trick up his sleeve for ellen. >> if you missed those 80s in some spots tomorr spots, tomorre another chance. pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump." "should a woman be punshied for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. ray rice is apologizing for his domestic violence case in new york city. it happened during a fight inside an elevator at the former revel casino. rice pled guilty and he completed a program for first-timed ed d a offenders. he told our sister station in washington, he still has regrets. >> i have two kids who i still now have to raise up to be a man, but i also have to protect my daughter from myself. a guy that can potentially be like me in my worst moments. >> rice says he misses football, but he says setting an example for his children is the first priority. rice is a free agent and has not gotten a second chance from any other nfl team. well, to a famous eagles players jon dorenbos, magician and member of the eagles. >> he shows off his magic skills on ellen. >> here's a pen. ellen if you would be so kind. autograph your name on there for me, because that's how i get autogra autographs. that's a great signature for me. thanks. i got the 3 of hearts. i love it. put out your hand, put this one on front. if i take the ace of spades, it's just a tap and i can go ahead and get your 3. member that ace? it's where it needs to go. >> wait, can we see that again? how does he do that? well, he's going to be among the eagles faking on the vikings on sunday at 1:00 p.m. there's a trick for you. nbc 10 your official before and after eagles game. after nbc 10 news at 11:00 exclusive interviews from coach pederson. a survey by an online retailer find that a quarter of adults admit that before the more they like a kid's costume, the more candy they're willing to give that child. animal costumes are the top candy getter is princings and princesses. >> did the kiss have their costumes? >> yes they do. >> i'll be myself. >> krystal, are you going to dress up for halloween? >> i don't know, i've got to think of a good idea. although i do buy the big bag of candy and hope i don't get too many groups of people. >> if you enjoy the shore, you know it's really nice conditions out there, plenty of sun, temperatures that have been in the 70s to even the low 80s. cape may, beautiful look outside wilmington, delaware as well. plenty of sun to go around in this forecast, we have seen those temperatures much warmer than afternoon. marshallton 83, odessa right now at 84 degrees. go a little further south and right now, still a lot of 80s on the board here. redding is sitting at 82 degrees. lewis beach at 82. it does not feel like familiar and i can say the same for your winds as well. radar and satellite is clear across the board, we're not expecting showers for your wednesday either. we don't think we're going to have anything that's going to drop those temps, so that means 80s around the map and some of us breaking records for this point in the year. fairmount 85 degrees, tomorrow mostly cloudy but some clouds will start to build in as we move through your afternoon. that's because thursday changes do start to move through the forecast. lehigh valley, 81, redding and allentown at 83 degrees. moving to new jersey, delaware, very similar, those low 80s, mid 80s for vorhees township, egg harbor city at 84 as well. 84 in newark and we're looking at dover, 83 degrees. so those temperatures that we're looking at are going to be comfortable yet again, much warmer than average yet again for your wednesday. so this is what we're looking at, so far today, we have made it to 83 in philadelphia, there's the average way down there, 66 degrees, warmer than average tomorrow as well. forecasting the high at 85, like we just saw. thursday, though, there's the change, 77 degrees, friday down to 72. and look at saturday, if you've been itching for fall, this is what happens. 58 degrees by your saturday, your weekend looking much, much cooler than what we have been seeing. range chances are the reason for that. we're looking at a change in the forecast, and as the system moves through, it will drop our temperatures and pull in the moisture. thursday into friday for philadelphia, redding looking at pretty good chances. in parts of delaware, not as good of a change on thursday, but friday we do continue with that chance of rain. so that's the big difference in your forecast the the start of the week to the end of the workweek, we're going to shift in temperatures and bring in a lot more moisture. let's looking at your 10-stay on 10. look at your low temperatures here. way warmer than average, 66 for tonight, we stay in the 60s next couple of nights and then as we really see that difference in afternoon temperatures, 58 on your saturday, that's when you'll notice the lows have that big change as well into the 40s with those partly cloudy conditions by your weekend, following the chances of rain. moving into your next workweek, scattered clouds starting your workweek, those temperatures right around the low 60s to upper 50s. that will continue through your workweek with a chance of rain again thursday into friday. >> pretty incredible that drop from wednesday to saturday. >> it's a huge drop and it's a difference from seeing us feel the temperatures. and it's a big chump fjump for . it's a good mix for people who are ready for fall. next at 4:00, nbc 10 responds, a local woman has tried to get her phones fixed for months, next how nbc 10 responds got her a big refund. katie: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. vo: donald trump and pat toomey have plenty in common -- they're both putting pennsylvania women at risk. even after trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, toomey stood by him. on women's health - both trump and toomey would defund planned parenthood. on abortion: trump: "there has to be some form of punishment" toomey: "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: too dangerous for pennsylvania women. i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. a woman's cell phone goes on the blink and the phone company is not help. >> don't you just hate it when things don't work out right from the beginning and then you got to get involved. this viewer says she was promised a new phone but she waited month after month after month. mary luber has problems with her legs and her husband is on oxyg oxygen. she says they rely on their cell phones to stay in touch for just about everything, from emergencies to even when they go shopping. >> we call each other and we find each other and it's less aggravation. >> huber says when she's not talking on her phone, she plays games on it. >> back in june, she says she noticed a problem with her trac phone. >> the air time never got put on. >> she tells us her phone was still under warranty. she called trac phone and the company promised to send her one within 10 days. she has called the company several times since june, and each time the company said the phone's on its way. >> this went on until september 1. >> her next call was to nbc 10 responds. we reached trac phone, and they got back with us within two days and said that huber would get a new phone, and she did in just three days. and three months of free minutes. >> i hope i never have to use you again, but thank you. >> okay, great, we're there if you need us. now, listen, trac phone never got back to us about what took so long, but a new phone and three months of free service, that all has the value of $399. adding that money to our recovery counter, we now stand at $138,157. good to see her happy. if you have a consumer complaint for nbc 10 responds, fill out the complaint form online or give us a call, the numbers are right on your screen. and coming up tomorrow on nbc 10 responds, a wife buys her husband a hot air balloon ride, but the couple couldn't get it scheduled and their refund went nowhere. that's tomorrow on nbc 10 responds. next on nbc 10 news at 5:00, following a developing story that could affect thousands of students in pennsylvania. in just a matter of hours, their teacher could go on strike. what's being done to save their edge, next at 5:00. and another day with temperatures in the 80s, i'll show you who hit record highs and who can expect them again tomorrow. plus another interview with chris christie, what the new jersey governor had to say about supporting donald trump and if he's proud of the candidate's campaign. ♪ it was a construction accident, with a piece of heavy equipment ♪ and it shot me up into the roof, and it just kept breaking me in half. broke my back, severed my spinal column oh and five ribs broken, so... ♪ my dining room was changed into a bedroom ♪ and the insurance company was giving me a hard time. ♪ pond lehocky helped put my life back together. ♪ intercom: the library [ kis now closing.] ok kid, closing up. goodnight. the hardest part about homework shouldn't be figuring out where to do it. through internet essentials, comcast has connected over 3 million people in need to low-cost internet at home. welcome to a brighter future. comcast. college countdown. in just a few hours, thousands in pennsylvania could be forced to put their education on pause. plus new allegations surface against donald trump. and getting closer, find out when the heat could break records in your neighborhood. good evening. >> right now at 5:00, a developing story that could affect more than 100,000 students in pennsylvania. >> those students may lose their valuable education in definitely. just 12 hours from now, thousands of professors and other faculty members are threatening to strike at 14 universities. >> that includes several students in this area. east straussberg, cooks county, kutztown. >> reporter: right now, factuality and state administrators are huddled around a table somewhere in harrisberg, and they have ordered a media blackout. as you mentioned just 12 hours to go and students here on the west chester campus are feeling caught in the. as classes let out at west chester, a feeling of unease spreads through campus. students have home work assignments tonight, but they don't know if they'll have any teachers to grade them tomorrow. >> it's just kind of like anxiety and apprehension and a lot of uncertainty. >> reporter: faculty here and at 13 other state schools will hit the picket line if no deal is reached by 5:00 a.m. they have been working without a contract for more than a year. >> factuali it

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New York , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Dover , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Kutztown , Philadelphia , Washington , Delaware , Cookstown , Burlington County , Connecticut , Odessa , Montgomery County , Atlantic City , West Chester , Colorado Springs , Colorado , Newark , Trenton , Jersey , Italy , Chicago , Illinois , Redding , Italian , Americans , America , American , Keith Jones , Allentown Millville , Chris Christie , Frank Lobiondo , Brian Fitzpatrick , Katie Mcginty , Camden Fairview , Las Vegas , Pat Toomey , Dave Callahan , Judith Roden , Alexander Peters , Erin Coleman , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20161018

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front of a speeding 18 wheeler to protect her children. she did say that the bus company reached out to her by phone to tell her they were sorry but we contacted the bus company today in person, by phone and e-mail, beginning at 11:00 this morning r . they have yet to respond to our questions. > we are getting very close to record temperatures out there, and you can imagine most area golf courses packed today. nbc 10 wilmington at oliver's golf course. >> crystal is live outside on our patio to tell us where we stand in terms of the temperatures. >> reporter: it was just too nice outside to stay indoors. we came outside to check the temperatures, and it is much warmer than is typical this time of year. let's talk about records that have been set today. some areas already doing so in those low 80s. we have seen those records set at 82 in wilmington, 84 in al tentown and trenton at 83 degrees. we we're looking at really warm temperatures. in philadelphia, 83 degrees where we're at. the record is 85 degrees, so we are expecting that we could be very close to record territory in philadelphia by this afternoon. 84 where we are in redding, and 83 allentown, millville sitting at 79 degrees, so across the board, this is much warmer than is typical for the mid of october. radar and satellite shows us that high pressure. we are not tracking chances of showers today, or even as your wednesday as temperatures will hold in the 80s. but as we move into the end of your workweek, things start to change, is so coming up we'll talk about those changes and we'll talk about record-breaking heat for your wednesday. and now to decision 2016, election day is just three weeks from today and both hillary clinton and donald trump continue to push for pennsylvania voters. and we have team coverage following both campaigns this afternoon. we start with nbc 10's erin coleman who's watching bill clinton who's in montgomery county right now. >> he's in the area stumping for his wife, his goal to make sure democrats show up to vote. the former president appealed to students at montgomery county community college in blue bell. he wrapped up just within the last ten minutes or so s he reminded supporters that hillary worked to make college more affordable, along with her rifle for the nomination, who was popular with millennials, bernie sanders. he said it's time to move past negative campaigning and talk about the issues. >> there's been quite enough acid poured down americans' throats in the last 15 months to last us 15 years, we need to talk about what we're going to do. >> democrats are making a push to vinconvince voters to vote a straight democratic ticket in november. the latest polls showing hillary clinton ahead right now in pennsylvania by six points. well, this afternoon, we're seeing more leaked e-mails from the clinton campaign posted by wikileaks and now we're learning of former university of pennsylvania president was on the short list of possible vice presidential candidates, judith roden was on that list but there's no telling how close she was to getting the nod. . as for donald trump, he's looking to win voters in colorado right now. and keith jones is following those developments. >> reporter: right now donald trump is speak at a rally in colorado springs, he's talked about a number of issues. he blamed the media for creating a rigged system for reporting false stories about women, suggesting that they were -- he also charged with voting on november 8 will be rigged, especially in citis like philadelphia and chicago. he said something he said he will tackle as president something we haven't heard him say before. >> if i'm elected president, i will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of congress. they have been talking about that for years. decades of failure in washington and decade of special interest dealing, must and will come to an end. >> and the final candidate face-off in las vegas is tomorrow night, it could be the last time ever that hillary clinton and donald trump share a stage. there were dozens of protests of donald trump across the country today, dozens of women formed a human chain around trump hotel in chicago this morning. organizers protest eed trump's comments about women that were leaked earlier this month. kelly o'donnell caught up with new jersey's governor chris christie, here's christie's take on whether trump still as a chance and the most recent allegations against trump. >> he's assured me privately, in fact what he said publicly, that these are lies and fan indication fabrications. i can only take him at his word. and i am. one thing that we have learned about this entire election season that anybody who tries to predict what's going to happen have looked like they have egg on their face when they get done. if i had counted as many times as people have said trump is done and buried, i wouldn't have enough fingers to count. and people have said that about hillary clinton over a period of time too. >> trump does have another campaign event later on tonight. president obama delivered a vice to trump today, stop whining, the president said trump should make his case to win over the voters. >> i have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process. before votes have even taken place. it's unprecedent. >> and we are one day away from the final presidential debate as keith mentioned. workers getting the stage ready in las vegas. hillary clinton left new york around lunchtime for a flight to vegas. the democratic nominee has stayed quiet the past few days as she prepares for the debate. and count on nbc 10 for complete decision 2016 coverage as we count down to the general election and nbc 10's lauren mayk starts coverage of the final debate today at 6:00. you can watch the debate tomorrow night right here on nbc 10. here at home, police investigating a robbery on lumbar street. no one was hurt. we have new information about a story we first told you about last week on nbc 10 news at 4:00. a new jersey man is under arrest accused of vandalizing a camden football field. 28-year-old alexander peters has been charged with criminal mischief. investigators say he confessed to damaging the football field in camden's fairview section last week. peters also admitted to spray painting swastikas on the field house. police say he gave no indication why he did. >> apparently you have to know it was wrong what you did. he maybe didn't want to tell us that, but we believe he knows the impact of what he did. >> peters is already in police dust custody for aggravated assault charges. it all started early this morning when officers chased a suspected shoplifter from a cvs in collindale, and that's when they noticed chemicals inside. they evacuated the entire complex. police say they found a large stash of heroin and cash inside the home. two men and one woman are in cu custody. contract for faculty for the state university system is about to run out. >> there are five major local universities impacted. west chester, east stroudberg. >> students say they rant worried. >> reporter: yeah, last minute negotiations are under way right now, so there is some time, those faculty and the state administrators huddling together in harrisberg, they have ordered a media blackout, which means both sides are not speaking with reporters. but just hours on the campus of west chester, more than 16,000 students frantically checked their e-mails. waiting to learn if they'll have biology in the morning or if their teachers will ditch the classroom and hit the picket lines. >> i have an 8:00 tomorrow, and if i don't see any -- >> reporter: at cookstown, students are urged to show up at class anyway, but one teacher told nbc 10 they're expecting the first strike in faculty history. >> do we want to strike? no, we don't want to strike. will we strike? absolutely if the state doesn't come anywhere near what we're asking. >> reporter: teachers are also upset about new rules like cutting back on sabbaticals and changes to research and online education. >> i don't blame either side. it's negotiations, it is what it is. >> that's money out of our pockets and if people's grades aren't what they're supposed to be, that's also a huge issue. >> reporter: next weekend is homecoming and now there's talk much of it could be cancelled. >> they think the parade might get cancelled if the strike happens. >> and union officials tell us that negotiations are still under way, but that media blackout continues, but we cannot get much of an update now. this possible strike would affect more than 100 ,000 students. a south jersey father will spend two decades behind bars. he threw his 11 week old daughter on to a couch and then she fell on the floor, she died from head injuries. a creative crook found a way to break into a logan store to steal cigarettes. a burglar broke a hole into the wall outside the building and then climbed into lolita grocery in lockland earlier this month. he stole cigarettes and cash from the register and then climbed back into the hole and got away. a man collapsed at the criminal justice center today. the officer was found unresponsive by another employee. this is the scene outside the hospital. first responders were able to revive the officer, but he later died at the hospital. he suffered an apparent heart attack. tonight is president obama's last state dinner at the white house and this morning he welcomed italian prime minister. >> we see a truth that we must never forget and that is that america was built by immigrants, america's stronger because of immigrants, america is great because of immigrants. >> there are a lot of people who think that politics is only about screaming. fighting each other. >> tonight's state dinner will be a glitzy affair that features food and a performance. winter is coming and there are a lot of philadelphia school children who will need coats to help keep them warm. nbc 10 in center city where hundreds of children tried on winter coats. 7,600 of them were donated by the auto show. the program is in its ninth year, it's provided more than 45,000 free coats to kids in the five-county region. now to our weather, no coats needed today. air-conditions in october, but really, who's complaining? >> i'm not complaining. >> gorgeous shot with the sun bearing down on us this afternoon. temperatures with some spots breaking records in philadelphia, but the forecast is going to be very nice through the rest of today and even into your wednesday, we're talking 80s out there, so let's look at some neighborhood temperatures in the philadelphia area. 84 in antioch, ridden house 83. the record high today is 85 degrees. notice graduate hospital just above that at 86. and these temperatures are spread across the board in those upper 70s and the 80s. now, looking through some of the suburbs. north wills 83 degrees and bed minister at 83 degrees as well. you definitely do not need that jacket this afternoon. here are your current wind speeds outside. mostly around 5 to 15 miles an hour. wilmington, 12-mile-per-hour winds, notice in philadelphia, just at 10-mile-per-hour currently. nothing terribly strong. and we are looking at those winds remaining pretty similar as we go through tomorrow as well. notice we have got spotty showers well to the north of us, not likely that we're going to see any activity today or tomorrow. we're clear and actually most of the area is clear, and those temperatures able to just climb way above average. average for today is 66 degrees. we saw those numbers in the midmorning hours. so that's how much warmer we're looking at that's typical this time of year. record heat. 85 in philadelphia, the reported is 80. we're talking a 5-degree difference there. areas like allentown, 83 degrees, redding at 83 degrees, close but not breaking the record. trenton tying, close but not breaking, wilmington 83, the current temperature 80. starting this evening, we go through your tuesday, it's clear as we go through the night. tomorrow those clouds roll by by the afternoon, there we are at 6:00 in the evening, those clouds hanging over new jersey. now we go into thursday, we have got thicker clouds that pull in by your thursday morning commute here at 6:00 a.m., and there's the rain moving in, it starts out in burks county, through the lehigh valley, then it's going to clip right into delaware and mostly in the morning hours, move by quickly through our region, spotty showers we're expecting. that moves out, but we should see more redeveloping in the afternoon here, 3:30 in the afternoon, spotty showers as well. but we have got that forecast for much of our zone s aside for maybe the shores seeing some chances moving through. then we go into the night, we could see some heavy rain moving off to the north and west of us. so we are tracking our chances of rain, 10-day on 10, not just for your thursday and friday, but with that big drop in those temperatures. into the lower 70s by friday. if you were not happy with the loss of fall, it's back, 60s for your high temperature. and we will continue with that as we move into your next workweek. did you see the rocket launch in the sky last night? nbc 10 viewer dave callahan sent us this video from cove beach in cape may. there's more than 5,000 pounds of equipment and food on board. it was the first flight since a launch explosion two years ago. the capsule is expected to reach the station on sunday. mostly everyone has first date horror stories. >> but a connecticut man may win the prize after his date stole $300 from him. after he paid for dinner, she went to the ladies room, but she also asked the manager to charge $300 to his date's credit card. why? because she wanted a gift card. and she went back to the restaurant a few days later and used that gift card. and not with him, we're assuming. nbc 10 news just getting started. up next ray rice opens up about an infamous incident about him punching his wife. >> it was the worst decision of my life and i'm going to pay that consequence for the rest of my life. >> the former football player speaks out on his mistakes and how he's hoping to help others. also, look at this close call, an officer's brush with death and it's caught on police dash cam video. you'll see it next. plus a naked statue creates a social media circus. but first here's a look at the closing bell on wall street which bounced back from yesterday, all three markets finishing today up. take a look at this close call caught on a police officer's dash camera. >> suddenly a pick-up truck slams into the back of the cruiser, and then it slid across four lanes of traffic, the officer jumped out of the way just in time. fortunately, no one was hurt. now to this video of a life saving rescue on lake michigan, a wind surfer was pulled the the water of he called and said he was in trouble. the coast guard found the man who was more than a mile offshore. he says his sail broke and he just started drifting out into the open water. coast guard crews say high winds a made it hard to find him. 19 artists were nominated today. typically five to seven will be chose for induction. the winner also honored next spring during a ceremony in new york. and some people in new york are seeing more of hillary clinton than they might like. >> a statue of the democratic presidential nominee popped up in manhattan. it shows clinton wearing an open blouse, she has cloved hooves for feet. some statues of a naked donald trump have popped up around the country. coming up next at 4:00, the cherry hill mall about to get even bigger. ray rice, punched his wife in an atlantic city elevator, remember that incident? the former football star talks about how that video has brought the issue of domestic violence to the forefront. how a south jersey community is coming together to bring the halloween spirit back to the neighborhood. and we're about to go back to those fall temperatures, but not before at least one day of some record-breaking heat, we'll talk temperatures coming up. most people owe the bank. but pat toomey actually owned a bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. this is your last chance to go online to get our best offer ever. super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online for two-years guaranteed, with a two-year agreement. installation is easier than ever and there's no cost to cancel if you change your mind within 30 days. go to or call 1888.getfios to learn more. hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. get 100meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online for two-years, guaranteed. only from fios. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. boy, it is a tuesday beauty out there. hopefully you got to spend some time out there. some people here went to the beach. looks like they're having a great time. temperatures climbed into the 80s in part of our area. >> first alert meteorologist krystal klei is outside of the building. >> we have seen a stretch of temperatures way warmer than average, in fact it feels pretty good out here now, but you do not need a jacket if you're leaving work in a bit, or if you're already home thinking about walking the dog, don't take a coat. you can see low 80s out there. the suburbs at 82. blue skies across the map. the question has been what about those records. today so far we have not broken a record in philadelphia. now we're still waiting for that official report that comes out here in the next hour or so. then look at wednesday, that's the day we're talking about that we're expected to break that record of 85 degrees, then thursday, it will be close but just under with 77, that forecast temperature. radar and satellite shows clear conditions out there. we're not tracking rain, we're not tracking clouds, this is that summer forecast in the beginning of the fall. we're going to have those fall temperatures returning pretty soon and the chance of rain that will be returning to our forecast. that coming up in just a few mi minutes. this afternoon we have learned how a suspected case of shoplifting led to the evacuation of a neighborhood in delaware county. >> keith jones is live in the breaking news center. keith, what happened? >> this all unfolded early this morning, it began at a cvs flagged down an officer saying there was a suspicious guy in the store. the cvs worker today is man had been inside the store for an hour without buying anything. police chased him to a home. but officers noticed a strong odor and signs of a meth lab. police say they arrested three people including the man from the cvs. >> he ran and cut his head on the glass door in front of the cvs. >> police say these guys right here on the suspects, including the woman on your right. you might not see any visible wounds, but police tell us these are older photos. police say they also found heroin and a large stash of cash inside the home. a burlington county community is coming together to save what's become a halloween tradition. >> richard and deanna started the annual pumpkin festival 30 years ago. now community members are racing money to help them. and those donations, they're pouring in. >> when everybody found out that i wasn't going to have the festival, they said no, no, no, you have to have sit. >> all those people we have met over the years, the children's lives we have touched, it just -- it's worth all the time and effort that we put into it. >> they are still short of their goal, but the mt. holly pumpkin festival will go on from october 24 through october 30th. we are going to have to wait a while longer to find out which retailers are moving into the cherry hill mall. the new tennant doesn't want their name revealed yet. it is an international retailer that caters to men, women and children. it will take 26,000 square feet of space, forcing the mall to build an addition on the macy's wing in order to move in. m&ms are making history, next year you'll be able to bite into a caramel center m&m. m and ms care mel will be on sale next may. a party was thrown by the philadelphia 76ers at coopers point school. the coopers mast --. it will take opening night. >> still ahead at 4:00 when the call came, nbc 10 responds did not hang up. the problem one woman had with her cell phone and what we saw with her issue. doctors have new hope for premature babies, the new testing tool next. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. [ roars ] [ up tempo music ] dinner! may i be excused? get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. researchers in europe are researching a new tool that could bring new hope for premature babies. it uses red and infrared lights allowing scientists to see through body tissue. it's a noninvasive technique but doctors say it's very important. >> it's good for diagnosing breathing problems, but we have had until now not so many means of protecting the brain. so we need instruments to make sure that the oxygen sufficiency to the brain, the blood supply to the brain. more than 70 million social security recipients are going to be see a small increase in their benefits. the federal government announced 0.3% cost of living race. low inflation is one reason why next year's hike is so low. the cost of living increase will affect about one in five americans. america's got talent star jon dorenbos has a trick up his sleeve for ellen. >> if you missed those 80s in some spots tomorr spots, tomorre another chance. pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump." "should a woman be punshied for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. ray rice is apologizing for his domestic violence case in new york city. it happened during a fight inside an elevator at the former revel casino. rice pled guilty and he completed a program for first-timed ed d a offenders. he told our sister station in washington, he still has regrets. >> i have two kids who i still now have to raise up to be a man, but i also have to protect my daughter from myself. a guy that can potentially be like me in my worst moments. >> rice says he misses football, but he says setting an example for his children is the first priority. rice is a free agent and has not gotten a second chance from any other nfl team. well, to a famous eagles players jon dorenbos, magician and member of the eagles. >> he shows off his magic skills on ellen. >> here's a pen. ellen if you would be so kind. autograph your name on there for me, because that's how i get autogra autographs. that's a great signature for me. thanks. i got the 3 of hearts. i love it. put out your hand, put this one on front. if i take the ace of spades, it's just a tap and i can go ahead and get your 3. member that ace? it's where it needs to go. >> wait, can we see that again? how does he do that? well, he's going to be among the eagles faking on the vikings on sunday at 1:00 p.m. there's a trick for you. nbc 10 your official before and after eagles game. after nbc 10 news at 11:00 exclusive interviews from coach pederson. a survey by an online retailer find that a quarter of adults admit that before the more they like a kid's costume, the more candy they're willing to give that child. animal costumes are the top candy getter is princings and princesses. >> did the kiss have their costumes? >> yes they do. >> i'll be myself. >> krystal, are you going to dress up for halloween? >> i don't know, i've got to think of a good idea. although i do buy the big bag of candy and hope i don't get too many groups of people. >> if you enjoy the shore, you know it's really nice conditions out there, plenty of sun, temperatures that have been in the 70s to even the low 80s. cape may, beautiful look outside wilmington, delaware as well. plenty of sun to go around in this forecast, we have seen those temperatures much warmer than afternoon. marshallton 83, odessa right now at 84 degrees. go a little further south and right now, still a lot of 80s on the board here. redding is sitting at 82 degrees. lewis beach at 82. it does not feel like familiar and i can say the same for your winds as well. radar and satellite is clear across the board, we're not expecting showers for your wednesday either. we don't think we're going to have anything that's going to drop those temps, so that means 80s around the map and some of us breaking records for this point in the year. fairmount 85 degrees, tomorrow mostly cloudy but some clouds will start to build in as we move through your afternoon. that's because thursday changes do start to move through the forecast. lehigh valley, 81, redding and allentown at 83 degrees. moving to new jersey, delaware, very similar, those low 80s, mid 80s for vorhees township, egg harbor city at 84 as well. 84 in newark and we're looking at dover, 83 degrees. so those temperatures that we're looking at are going to be comfortable yet again, much warmer than average yet again for your wednesday. so this is what we're looking at, so far today, we have made it to 83 in philadelphia, there's the average way down there, 66 degrees, warmer than average tomorrow as well. forecasting the high at 85, like we just saw. thursday, though, there's the change, 77 degrees, friday down to 72. and look at saturday, if you've been itching for fall, this is what happens. 58 degrees by your saturday, your weekend looking much, much cooler than what we have been seeing. range chances are the reason for that. we're looking at a change in the forecast, and as the system moves through, it will drop our temperatures and pull in the moisture. thursday into friday for philadelphia, redding looking at pretty good chances. in parts of delaware, not as good of a change on thursday, but friday we do continue with that chance of rain. so that's the big difference in your forecast the the start of the week to the end of the workweek, we're going to shift in temperatures and bring in a lot more moisture. let's looking at your 10-stay on 10. look at your low temperatures here. way warmer than average, 66 for tonight, we stay in the 60s next couple of nights and then as we really see that difference in afternoon temperatures, 58 on your saturday, that's when you'll notice the lows have that big change as well into the 40s with those partly cloudy conditions by your weekend, following the chances of rain. moving into your next workweek, scattered clouds starting your workweek, those temperatures right around the low 60s to upper 50s. that will continue through your workweek with a chance of rain again thursday into friday. >> pretty incredible that drop from wednesday to saturday. >> it's a huge drop and it's a difference from seeing us feel the temperatures. and it's a big chump fjump for . it's a good mix for people who are ready for fall. next at 4:00, nbc 10 responds, a local woman has tried to get her phones fixed for months, next how nbc 10 responds got her a big refund. katie: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. vo: donald trump and pat toomey have plenty in common -- they're both putting pennsylvania women at risk. even after trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, toomey stood by him. on women's health - both trump and toomey would defund planned parenthood. on abortion: trump: "there has to be some form of punishment" toomey: "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: too dangerous for pennsylvania women. i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. a woman's cell phone goes on the blink and the phone company is not help. >> don't you just hate it when things don't work out right from the beginning and then you got to get involved. this viewer says she was promised a new phone but she waited month after month after month. mary luber has problems with her legs and her husband is on oxyg oxygen. she says they rely on their cell phones to stay in touch for just about everything, from emergencies to even when they go shopping. >> we call each other and we find each other and it's less aggravation. >> huber says when she's not talking on her phone, she plays games on it. >> back in june, she says she noticed a problem with her trac phone. >> the air time never got put on. >> she tells us her phone was still under warranty. she called trac phone and the company promised to send her one within 10 days. she has called the company several times since june, and each time the company said the phone's on its way. >> this went on until september 1. >> her next call was to nbc 10 responds. we reached trac phone, and they got back with us within two days and said that huber would get a new phone, and she did in just three days. and three months of free minutes. >> i hope i never have to use you again, but thank you. >> okay, great, we're there if you need us. now, listen, trac phone never got back to us about what took so long, but a new phone and three months of free service, that all has the value of $399. adding that money to our recovery counter, we now stand at $138,157. good to see her happy. if you have a consumer complaint for nbc 10 responds, fill out the complaint form online or give us a call, the numbers are right on your screen. and coming up tomorrow on nbc 10 responds, a wife buys her husband a hot air balloon ride, but the couple couldn't get it scheduled and their refund went nowhere. that's tomorrow on nbc 10 responds. next on nbc 10 news at 5:00, following a developing story that could affect thousands of students in pennsylvania. in just a matter of hours, their teacher could go on strike. what's being done to save their edge, next at 5:00. and another day with temperatures in the 80s, i'll show you who hit record highs and who can expect them again tomorrow. plus another interview with chris christie, what the new jersey governor had to say about supporting donald trump and if he's proud of the candidate's campaign. ♪ it was a construction accident, with a piece of heavy equipment ♪ and it shot me up into the roof, and it just kept breaking me in half. broke my back, severed my spinal column oh and five ribs broken, so... ♪ my dining room was changed into a bedroom ♪ and the insurance company was giving me a hard time. ♪ pond lehocky helped put my life back together. ♪ intercom: the library [ kis now closing.] ok kid, closing up. goodnight. the hardest part about homework shouldn't be figuring out where to do it. through internet essentials, comcast has connected over 3 million people in need to low-cost internet at home. welcome to a brighter future. comcast. college countdown. in just a few hours, thousands in pennsylvania could be forced to put their education on pause. plus new allegations surface against donald trump. and getting closer, find out when the heat could break records in your neighborhood. good evening. >> right now at 5:00, a developing story that could affect more than 100,000 students in pennsylvania. >> those students may lose their valuable education in definitely. just 12 hours from now, thousands of professors and other faculty members are threatening to strike at 14 universities. >> that includes several students in this area. east straussberg, cooks county, kutztown. >> reporter: right now, factuality and state administrators are huddled around a table somewhere in harrisberg, and they have ordered a media blackout. as you mentioned just 12 hours to go and students here on the west chester campus are feeling caught in the. as classes let out at west chester, a feeling of unease spreads through campus. students have home work assignments tonight, but they don't know if they'll have any teachers to grade them tomorrow. >> it's just kind of like anxiety and apprehension and a lot of uncertainty. >> reporter: faculty here and at 13 other state schools will hit the picket line if no deal is reached by 5:00 a.m. they have been working without a contract for more than a year. >> factuali it

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New York , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Dover , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Kutztown , Philadelphia , Washington , Delaware , Cookstown , Burlington County , Connecticut , Odessa , Montgomery County , Atlantic City , West Chester , Colorado Springs , Colorado , Newark , Trenton , Jersey , Italy , Chicago , Illinois , Redding , Italian , Americans , America , American , Keith Jones , Allentown Millville , Chris Christie , Frank Lobiondo , Brian Fitzpatrick , Katie Mcginty , Camden Fairview , Las Vegas , Pat Toomey , Dave Callahan , Judith Roden , Alexander Peters , Erin Coleman , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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