Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20160325 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20160325

>> reporter: keith and jacqueline, that's right, the sun peeked through the clouds and here's why. look, we're definitely not alone. look how busy the boardwalk is albeit a holiday weekend it's a breezy and a little chilly friday afternoon but the reason the businesses are feeling so blessed is because easter falls early this year. the doors are back open, the businesses decked out in spring pastels and ready for the crowds. >> rainy day special ski ball, basketball or price is right. >> reporter: mother nature didn't rain on the parade of families ready to spring into summer zbrxt bring on the rain, keep it sunny all summer. >> reporter: the unofficial start of the season. >> after a long winter can't wait to get started. >> reporter: with easter falling on march 27 unlike april 5 last year it gives businesses two extra weekends at the onset of the summer. and the early holiday crowds will bring hundreds of thousands in extra revenue. >> it is because it's a couple extra week ends as we go into the memorial day weekend. it extends our season and allows tuesday open and active and people working you know. spending money. it's all good. >> reporter: in ocean city the boardwalk hopping with crowds lined up for their favorite treat and seeing what's new. steven has his easter basket giveaways ready to roll after tomorrow's egg hunt on the beach. >> this sets the tone for the rest of our year. you pick up customers that don't come down and you do a good job they come down and meet you in the summer. >> reporter: the extra weekends like the olsons, it means added time to relax. >> go to my grandmother's house and we just hang out with my family there. >> reporter: so, obviously kids off from school for the holiday, parents taking a long weekend and there are dozens of easter egg hunts and other cool holiday events going on for this holiday weekend. we will highlight some of those coming up for you in our 5:00 hour. live in a busy ocean city, i'm cydney long, "nbc 10 news." >> fun. thank you. also a big weekend for basketball fans. >> tonight philadelphia will host two key games in the ncaa tournament. let's take a live look in south philly. there is the wells fargo center. the first of two much anticipated match-ups tip off at about three hours. a closer look, you can see a few early birds parked outside the arena. and nbc 10's george spencer is among them. >> he joins us live. you talked to some fans who are arriving really early. >> reporter: yes, college sports fans across the country will be watching closely tonight, and for the fans who are showing up here to watch in person, the excitement is building. of course our only surviving local team villanova playing states away coming up this weekend and so tonight philly's eyes will be focused here, earlier this afternoon nbc 10 cameras were watching as the unc team arrived on its bus for some afternoon shoot arounds and warm-ups. unc versus indiana is the second of the sweet 16 games here this evening. we saw crews setting up the souvenir displays this afternoon, the night kicks off with last year's runner-up, wisconsin taking on notre dame, talk about a high stakes night of basketball here at the wells fargo center. we talked to a couple of carolina fans an hour ago who drove in from york, pennsylvania. they have been fans since the michael jordan era. >> we took a shot about a month ago got the tickets hoping carolina would come to the east bracket. it looked good for a while. then it didn't but it worked out well so here we are. it's great. >> you see carolina, indiana, two of the power house programs in the country. so i'm expecting a good game and expecting bryce johnsen and marcus page to get the victory. >> reporter: probably hearing more of those two games tonight. for the schedule it is likely to be another late night, notre dame, wisconsin, starts at 7:30. after that game ends it's the standard half hour break, before game two, notre dame -- excuse me, indiana and carolina begin. we'll be here watching it all. reporting live, george spencer, "nbc 10 news." >> it's going to be so busy down there. as those games near. george, thank you so much. tournament time isn't over for villanova. of course the wildcats still dancing after crushing the miami hurricanes in the sweet 16 last night. now they are moving to face top seeded kansas in the elite eight tomorrow night with a trip to the final four on the line. count on nbc 10 for complete coverage as villanova battles closer to number one. coming up, tim furlong has a story of a key part of nova nation. the fight against isis. u.s. special forces have killed the terror organization's second in command. ash carter made the announcement today. officials believe that haji imam was killed in a raid in syria earlier this week. >> now we've taken out the leader who oversees all of the funding for isil's operations, herding their ability to pay fighters and hire recruits. >> the death comes after another top leader was killed in an air strike earlier this month. now to the terror in brussels. >> today is the third and final day of national mourning in belgium. we learned two new york city sip lings are among the dead. sasha and alex pinkowski were on the phone with their mom when the bombs went off. they are both dutch nationals living in the u.s. at least two other americans are still unaccounted for. >> police raided brussels neighborhoods again, this is amateur video inside one of the buildings, the mayor says the operation was linked to both the airport and subway bombings in brussels. three people were detained. belgian media reports one person was carrying a bag of explosive material. secretary of state john kerry was in brussels for counter terrorism talks. and to pay his respects to the victims. kerry met with the belgian prime minister and said the u.s. stands firmly with belgium. of >> we will not be deterred. and we will come back with greater resolve with greater strength and we will not rest until we have eliminated your beliefs and cowardice from the face of this earth. >> during his brief visit kerry met with first responders. >> stay with nbc 10 throughout the weekend for the latest on the terror in brussels. police in montgomery county have charge add man after his dog was found dead in a crate wrapped in plastic and sealed with tape. 22-year-old charles mccafferty was charged with animal cruelty and other offenses. police found his terrier dumped on march 9. investigators believe the dog was 6 months to a year old and say it was undernourished. >> a juvenile justice officer accused of dealing heroin and cocaine near a school. police say erica was about to sell heroin tuesday when they arrested her. police say they also found more heroin, cocaine, scales and cash at her bayville house. friends and family gathered for the funeral of a maryland police officer and delaware county native killed in the line of duty. a silent and sober scene as the casket of officer jacai colson was carried in as officers stood at attention. ♪ a much different scene inside where there was a celebration of colson's life. a choir sang and loved ones shared memories of officer colson was killed march 13 by one of his fellow officers after a man started firing at a police station. colson graduated in 2005, where he served on student council, played sports, and was respected among his peers. >> he will. >>. >> thousands of christian pilgrims took part in the way of the cross service through the streets of old city. some carried crosses on their backs, as they follow independent the foot steps of jesus according to tradition. the way of the cross traces back the route walked by jesus christ during his passion that eventually led to his crucifixion and resurrection. ♪ >> good friday is the most somber day on the christian calendar. some catholics marked the day attending the celebration of the lord's passion at the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul. pastors from congregations joined for a special good friday service in nice town. the coalition of churches have been worshipping together every night this week in observance of holy week. today they got together at great saint matthew baptist church, together seven pastors preached the seven last words of jesus, those are believed to be the last phrases jesus uttered on the cross. holy week wraps up tomorrow that marks the day that jesus' body lay in the tome. >> in decision 2016 coverage, democratic candidate bernie sanders is focusing his campaign in portland, oregon today. this is a live look at a rally for the senator. sanders has had success on the west coast so far winning contests in colorado, idaho and utah. on the republican side, resorting to slime, that's what ted cruz is accusing donald trump of doing today, a twitter war erupted between the two candidates this week, involving their wives. then today cruz accused trump of spreading false rumors in a "national enquirer" article that alleges that cruz cheated on his wife heidi. cruz denies those allegations that he had affairs with five women. >> let me be clear. this "national enquirer" story is garbage. it is complete and utter lies, it is a tabloid smear. and it is a smear that has come from donald trump and his hench men. >> heidi cruz will head to our area next week for fund-raiser. she will visit camden county to rally new jersey voters. nbc news has learned today that trump is quietly assembling a team to manage what could be a contested convention in cleveland. their strategy, convert delegates in the crucial 40 days between the end of the primaries and the convention in july. under republican party rules no candidate wins a majority of the 1237 delegates during the primary, delegates vote on a nominee at an open convention. only the democrats will be looking to pick up more deleg e delegates tomorrow. alaska, hawaii and washington state will caucus. decision 2016 will come to our region one month from tomorrow. pennsylvania and delaware hold their primary elections april 26, new jersey voters go to the polls on june 7. for complete decision 2016 coverage including caucus results tomorrow and the latest tell gat counts tap the nbc 10 app. happening now, community members in philadelphia preparing to march to inspire hope and end gun violence. nbc 10 live over the scene in germantown. nbc 10's lauren mayk is live on the ground in germantown with more on the group's message. >> reporter: good afternoon, keith. we are at first united methodist church of germantown. what's happening behind me is a service before an event here, this is actually the eighth year in a row they have been doing this. this is a group called heeding god's call to end gun violence, doing this on good friday, talking about the gun violence that philadelphia has been seeing. let me show you here what is happening right next to this service. all of these t-shirts here, these are remembering those who were killed in philadelphia by gun violence over the past year. you can see this one, this is an unnamed male here, if we continue down here, you can see we have a name here, age 20, killed in may of last year. these t-shirts continue down on the church property over there. now they are doing this a little bit differently this year, after they have the service here in front of me, they are going to walk down germantown avenue here and they are going to make several stops. each of these is to remember those killed by gun violence. they will be stopping in places where people are killed. they are going to be stopping at a school around the corner here to remember those who are killed in schools and also to think about the children who are affected by gun violence. that walk is expected to start very shortly after they finish this here. and those speaking include those who have been affected by gun violence. i spoke a little while ago with a man who lost his brother an fbi agent to gun violence. there are parents here who lost a son. they will be speaking. and this walk will be starting in just a few moments. so we're going to stay here and watch this unfold here in germantown as this begins. and coming up at 5:00 we're going to talk more about the gun violence we are seeing this year in philadelphia. i can tell you the numbers are quite shocking. keith. thank you. two former aides of chris christie are getting extra time to prepare for their trials in the jersey jam case. this tweak a judge agreed to postpone the trial until september for former state senator bill beroni and christie staffer kelly. charged with wire fraud and civil rights violations, they were accused of purposefully creating lane closures on the george washington bridge in 2013 to create traffic in the town of ft. lee. that town's mayor was not supporting christie's bid for re-election. we have new information about the speed increase to the pennsylvania turnpike. we know it will go into effect in may. areas that are posted at 65 miles per hour will go to 70. areas now 55 won't change. the turnpike tested the faster speed on a 100-mile stretch of the road for the past two years. they found no changes in the number of accidents. >> some good news if you like to walk or bike along the manny yonk bridge trail. lights are coming to the path along the schuylkill river which means the bridge will be able to stay open later. the delaware valley planning commissioners awarded $600,000 in federal grant money for the project but it may take until 2018 for the work to be complete. >> miss america will return to its birthday for the 96th year of the competition. 52 women will take the stage sunday, september 11. the competition follows three days of events including the annual steel pier miracle mile walk and show us your shoes parade. it began in 1921, moved to las vegas in 2005, then returned in 2013. well, we've had unseasonably warm weather for the past three days, that is not going to happen over the weekend. but it still is going to be pretty nice. we're clearing out tonight, clouds and a few showers today. we've got a mild weekend, not a warm one, but not chilly either. and kind of a rainy monday. so the rain's going to come in right after the weekend ends. we have a lot of clouds out there right now. it's 71 degrees despite the cloud cover, the wind is out of the west at 13 miles an hour. so it's not all that windy right now. and the temperature in the 60s, north and west, you can see 60s in south jersey and in delaware too. i wonder if it's in the 60s at the beaches. so, let's go down and check it out. it is barely 60 in cape may point. we've got a southwest to west wind coming in off of the bay. and so it's cooler there. also cooler cape may airport. 70 degrees in ocean view. 69 cape may court house, and as we head up to atlantic county it's 58 degrees atlantic city marina, that wind direction is critical and the wind is going to shift. so it will warm up right at the beaches where it's already pretty warm inland. now, by the weekend we're going to be seeing the is pollen build up. it got knocked down because of all of the rain. but by tomorrow it's in the high side. and sunday on the high side too. monday it goes down a little because of more rain. speaking of rain, the last of it, a few showers in new jersey. then we have clearing back to the west, and the next system affecting us, west of chicago, so it's got a long way to come to affect us over the easter holiday. easter morning we may see some low clouds and fog. a little bit on the cool side. 42 degrees, and we gradually see a little more sunshine as we go through the late morning hours. but i think overall sunday will be a cloudy day then saturday but it's still going to feature above average temperatures. now, there's saturday morning, you can see it's sunny and nice and dry. we start to see some of the clouds come in from the ocean. on easter morning. that's 7:00 a.m. for the sun rise services, it doesn't look like there is precipitation around. each in the afternoon there isn't any. even in the evening it's dry. ah, there we go. as we head toward the monday morning rush. that's when the showers start to come in. could be some briefly heavy showers, but it may not be lasting all day. it may be in the morning. so, the showers are ending earlying. we're clearing and colder as the wind shifts to the northwest. and then tomorrow. a lot of sunshine, not all that windy. cooler, we're 71 right now. we're going to be probably 10 degrees or so cooler. but that is still several degrees above average for this time of year. the average is 56. by easter sunday, 63 with more clouds, there are the showers on monday. we cool down tuesday. but we're going right back up. take a look at wednesday. back to 62 and thursday and friday. should be back in the 70s. >> glenn, thank you. one man's mistake 14 years ago is coming back to haunt him. >> next, the man who was arrested for not returning a vhs tape and what's going to happen to him. police dash cam video like we rarely see. the unusual suspect officers pulled out of a car linked to a string of problems for one community. >> remember this inferno in delaware county. nbc 10 learned the investigation taking a new turn and for a new clue found that was way out of place. and do you love a good afternoon nap? well, a new study might make you rethink that mid kay siesta. >> here is a look at the closing bell on wall street. stocks finished the week up. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network... and fiber optics move at the speed of light. over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row. awards aren't everything. but when they come from your customers, they mean a lot. only 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destroyed. police posted warnings and are asking people not to leave food inside their cars. then there is this. you may have to pay a late fee if you have an overdue library book or not pay your credit card bill on time. >> a north carolina man went to jail for not returning a vhs tape he rented 14 years ago. >> the guy brings me to the back of the car. sir, i don't know how to tell you there is a warrant for your arrest in 2002. you rent add movie freddy got fingered, and never returned it. >> all righty. this is james breyer. he says he was driving his daughter to school tuesday when police pulled him over for a defective taillight. when the officers ran his license they found a civil suit that had been processed as a criminal case for that overdue movie. he was booked on a failure to return rental property charge. >> wow. that tom green classic. school bus prank has a lehigh county man in trouble. >> what he did to a bus full of kids that scared everyone. plus, the investigation into this fire in the problem plagued town of colwyn. what investigators found that caught the attention of the feds. the controversial homework assignment that a school defending one of its teachers, why some say the lesson on police brutality turned into a police bashing. >> and i'm tracking the holiday weekend forecast. we hit 70 again but a cooldown is under way. i'll have that for the easter sunday outlook next in my forecast. your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. right now at 4:30, new developments about this giant inferno at a business plaza in delaware county. nbc 10 learned that something found near the charred rubble caught the attention of federal investigators. the fire sparked in the town of colwyn earlier this month and now the investigation is taking a new turn. >> it's a story nbc 10 investigators reported on from the beginning, and today mitch blacher is live with the new developments. >> reporter: the dea is now involved in the investigation into what happened that the warehouse, what caused that fire. it's what they found inside that has their attention. on march 8, the flames outside colwyn's ellis business plaza climbed into the sky. the dea confirms the danger outside was only surpassed by what we know was inside. >> we found organic solvents and other very unique precursor chemicals. >> reporter: those highly explosive chemicals were inside multiple 55 gallon drums in this warehouse used as an auto repair business. special agent patrick trainer says they are investigating if this was a drug lab. >> we handle response to clandestine laboratories where drugs such as methamphetamine, ecstasy, and other synthetic drugs are manufactured. >> reporter: for those who live in colwyn. >> oh, my god. down there? are you kidding me. >> reporter: it was surprise and concern. >> we need to be safe and the kids need to be safe too. >> they told everyone to get detail cars next to the warehouse. >> did you see any chemicals going in or might be used to make drugs? >> no. i'm sure that someone wants to do that they have to sneak during night. >> reporter: somehow all of the chemicals inside did not ignite. fire investigators don't know what caused the fire and the dea says they north ruling out the possibility that those chemicals were in the warehouse legitimately. mitch blacher, "nbc 10 news." easter weekend's getting off to a bit of a drawery start. these flowers helped brighten things up a little bit. you can see they are getting blown around by the wind. >> and cloudy skies are greeting drivers as they head out. here's a live look, this is the schuylkill expressway from our presidential city apartment camera, not surprising, at 4:32 there is traffic. a similar scene as you look at the ben franklin bridge. temperatures will be taking a tumble this weekend. so let's talk to first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> how does the holiday weekend look for the sunrise service might be chilly but dry. >> yes. a little bit on the chilly side but not really cold for this time of the year. it's just not going to be exceptionally warm like it's been the last several days. we have a lot of clouds right now. we had some showers around. but the showers have moved past the city of philadelphia and now headed to the shore. and cooler air starting to move in, 64 degrees in reading, 63 in lancaster. with the northwest wind, that's going to start knocking the temperature down. the wind is a little stronger too. you see it's a southwest wind in new jersey, there's the northwest wind. in pennsylvania, gusting to 30 miles an hour. that's bringing in that cooler air. of it's also pushing out the showers, the last of those  showers just about to go offshore in new jersey, they are generally on the light side. and the temperature will drop pretty sharply by 9:00. and that will be the end of the 70s for a little while. we'll have the details on the holiday weekend and when it's going to warm up again and it will, with the 7 day in a few minutes. a lehigh county teen is facing charges for a scary school bus prank police say was no joke. investigators say 19-year-old jason santo boarded the bus tuesday wearing a scream mask and a black cloak and carrying a fake knife. witnesses told police he screamed, then ran away. santo confessed saying he was trying to scare one of his friends on the bus. a flight attendant accused of taking $3 million of cocaine through the los angeles airport is staying in jail. a federal judge in new york approved bail for former beauty queen marsha gaye reynolds. prosecutors appealed and a different judge in california agreed to take another look at the bail issue and keep her in jail until next month. she is charged with kicking off her gucci shoes, dropping two bags packed with cocaine and running from security agents. >> there is concern and outrage over a homework assignment at an ohio middle school, the topic, police brew dalty. they were asked to fill in blanks. but some say it seems to focus on bashing police. it reads in part the numbers don't lie. minority people more so black than hispanic experience more violent arrests from police officers than do white people. end quote. the superintendent says the teacher was challenging students to use critical thinking skills. >> i would say all school systems try to review lesson plans teachers submit. but there's also some spok spontaneity in learning so there has to be trust with our teachers. >> and that teacher still works at the school. coming up next on "nbc 10 news" at 4, afternoon nap may giving a quick perk but it could be bad in the long term. >> the research that might make you skip that midday snooze and the spirit of the holiday weekend is working its magic. how police are working to bring peace to some special families on this good friday. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... like me brave crew... and my fellow space adventures and free of things i don't. like aliens. just like eye patches. and when it's time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. excelsior! eat up, me hearties! keep it down! i'm exploring the galaxy. arrrr, that's not even a real spaceship. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ fios is not 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longer naps led to health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and weight gain. so if you are looking to get extra zzs, 40 minutes or less. >> delaware is cracking down on insurers. the commissioner sent a warning saying the state will take legal action against companies that don't obey the law. governor markell signed legislation that says policy exclusion based on gender identity or transgender status is a violation of the unfair trade practices act. you sign it when you go to your doctor's office. a hipa form. it's designed to protect your medical information but one privacy advocate isn't buying it. we'll discuss why she says signing that form is a big mistake. >> hipa form is really a deception. what hipa is or the public believes it protects their privacy but it does the opposite. >> coming up sunday morning, following meet the press only on nbc 10. >> all eyes including my own will be on my villanova wildcats this weekend as they fight to win their game in the elite 8. >> apparently it's not just about them. next, the story of a key part of nova nation that has a special investment in winning. ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network... and fiber optics move at the speed of light. over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row. awards aren't everything. but when they come from your customers, they mean a lot. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. right now, get super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. check out the fresh new look on mcdonald's mcpick 2 menu! ♪ lemme get a mcpick 2 now, choose any 2 delicious mcdonald's classics for just $5 bucks. ♪ mix n match ♪ share n savor ♪ 2 for $5 name your flavor ♪ pick any 2 iconic tastes- a big mac made with 100% beef, flaky filet-o-fish, seared on the grill quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10-piece chicken mcnuggets for just $5 bucks. grab a friend today and pick your faves! ♪ lemme get a mcpick 2 ♪ bada ba ba ba katie she doesn't work many hou21 percent less.o. she handles as many customers, puts out as many fires, meets as many deadlines-- not 21 percent less. so why does she make 21 percent less? for my daughters and yours, i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it. and our parents have earned social security and medicare-- i'll protect them. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message, because it's your turn. >> it's tournament time. the dream is still alive for nova nation. they take on the jayhawks tomorrow in louisville in one day and four hours from now. >> and four minutes and 3 seconds. somebody's counting down. nbc 10's tim furlong live in louisville where fans are celebrating last night's win and looking to tomorrow's match-up. i hear the band, tim. >> reporter: yeah, you know what, all day today it's low key after last night. this is fourth street where a lot of the restaurants and bars are. starting to trickle down this way. this place is known for live music. there is nothing better than the live music right now at fourth street live. villanova's pep band, trust me, these guys make it happen. take a look. >> the players work hard on the court. >> one, two, roll, off. >> the pep band works just as hard along side it. ♪ they provide the sound track for some of villanova's exciting moments. >> there is nothing like basketball season. >> the pep band travels with the team and they will lose seniors which hopefully won't be until they win the national title. remember the crying pick a low player last year. you saw it in her eyes losing the last game stings just as badly for the band. >> it's not only like watching the last but it's our last game together as a group of people. >> hopefully this season doesn't wend a loss, certainly not against kansas saturday. >> we want three more games, that's all. >> this is where it's at. >> adam is a senior and isn't ready to put down his cow bell for the last time or have people stop saying this when he plays it. >> i got to have more cow bells. >> pretty much when i'm holding it. >> come on, nova. ♪ beat kansas to keep the music playing. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: and back live here at fourth street live, they try to take in the sights, maybe play for kids at schools. a bunch are going to see a concert here. villanova, nobody is excluded so all of these kids in the top 29 get to travel with the team. it's exciting. they are not done. they are not done. they don't want it to end here. they want to make sure they take them and their instruments down to houston next week. got to beat kansas first. tim furlong, "nbc 10 news." >> i feel like singing along. >> go ahead. >> no. that's okay. >> no way i can hear. >> he can't hear a thing. we'll check in with you later. count on tim and comcast sportsn sportsnet, we'll have live reports leading up to tomorrow's big game. well, as you know keith went to villanova. i have driven past it a couple of times. does that count? okay. so, i'm a villanova fan. we're clearing tonight, we have some showers, we had clouds around during the day today. that's all going to change. we're going to have a mild weekend, not a real warm one like we've seen the last three days. but the rain looks like it's going to hold off until monday. we've had cloudy skies for a while. starting to see breaks in the clouds as the clearing comes in from the west. 71 degrees the wind west at 13 miles an hour. and the temperature three days in a row of near 70 or above 70, as we're coming close to one of the warmest marches ever regarded in philadelphia. and then we drop some tomorrow. 60 degrees, 63 on easter sunday. it's still well above afternoon. the average about 55. 71 philadelphia and northeast philly, 70 at trenton. 69 in wilmington. and in wrightstown. and getting cooler north and west. quakertown also 64. oxford 64 degrees. that's a nice drop from the 71 in philly. 70 degrees in newark, delaware. 60 in beach haven with that south west wind. the wind is going to shift into the northwest and going to become pretty close to what the inland temperatures are pretty soon. you can see the last of the showers, headed right to the shore, atlantic county and ocean county, getting it. generally on the light perhaps moderate side. don't see yellows or reds indicating heavier rain. we don't have any heavy rain or any rain, until you go way back, even western iowa. that's a long way away. so none of that can get in here before the weekend is over. because any moisture coming in is coming in from the atlantic. that could bring low clouds or fog around for around the sunrise on easter. the sunrise is at 6:52 for the sun rise services. and then we have at least a little bit of sunshine during the day but not nearly as warm as what we've seen lately. here's tomorrow morning, we're in the 30s in many of the suburbs. tomorrow afternoon, up near 60, with lots of sunshine. and then the clouds start to come in as we go saturday night and into sunday morning. you see that coming in from the ocean. and that is what we're going to be watching for easter sunday. these showers are moving out followed by clearing conditions. 40 for the low in philadelphia, 35 north and west. tomorrow a lot of sunshine as you saw. but also cooler than it's been. near 60 degrees. but with a light wind. it should be a pretty nice day for most folks. then sunday more clouds but still on the mild side. showers and on the mild side for monday. then we cool down for one day. and then we warm right back up again. 62 on wednesday, back to the 70s with showers thursday and friday. >> glenn, thank you. holidays are a time to be with family, also to spend time helping others. next, how some special families were honored for their sacrifice this easter weekend. your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. celebrating the holidays can be hard for any family after the death of a loved one. >> today the fraternal order of police helped bring peace to some families with a special meal. the wifbs of philadelphia's fallen police officers are finding comfort in each other this easter weekend. >> like you have another family. even though you lost someone, you still have people like you know backing you up. >> the fraternal order of police host an easter breakfast and dinner for the families of officers who have been killed or injured in the line of duty. the chance to come together couldn't come at a better time. >> it's hard. it's not like it's not hard, it still is, but it's nice to be able to sit, talk and talk about fun things. >> there are people that don't have support that we do. and it's just it's a very nice feeling. >> for these wives, they are serving up more than just a meal. >> we treasure the friendships and everyone just gets what it's like to have your life changed in an instant. >> it's so nice that they come out to honor us and our loved ones and they are not forgotten for the sacrifice they made. >> the f.o.p. delivered easter dinners to the families of fallen pennsylvania state troopers. next on "nbc 10 news" at 5:00, marching to send a message. >> dozens gathered outside of a philadelphia church to bring more attention to gun violence. >> plus, if you procrastinated on taxes our experts here to help you increase your refund and avoid making three big mistakes on your return. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. watching the weather. a live look from the jersey shore where clouds and rain have lingered throughout the day. one lone person walking the beach now. things looking much brighter. check out the view of camden across the delaware riverfront. the sun is coming out. the big question is will it stick around? drivers are already headed to their easter destinations. we have your holiday travel forecast. "nbc 10 news" at 5:00 starts right now. good evening. i'm keith jones. >> i'm jacqueline london. the rain moved out and temperatures are in the 70s right now of it let's get an update on our first alert forecast from chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz, the all important holiday weekend. >> it's not going to be in the 70s as we go through the weekend. it was exceptionally warm, the average is 55. so we're going to be closer to that. we're ending the day with a little bit of sunshine as drier air starts to come in. but it's also starting to cool things down north and west. you can see the temperature difference. 73 in philadelphia. 62 in pottstown, reading and allentown. plus we have wind. the northwest wind coming in as you can see, gusting 25, 30, even 32 miles an hour. southwest wind with the warm air in new jersey and delaware. the northwest wind is winning out it will cool down. these are the last of the showers, going off atlantic county and ocean county, long beach island getting the last of that. as we go through the night tonight, temperatures start to drop in the 40s. as we gradually cool down, and clear out. we'll see how much cooler it's going to be over the holiday weekend and when it's going to warm up with the seven-day in a few minutes. >> looking forward to that. thank you. right now at 5:00, marching to send a message. dozens gathered outside of philadelphia church this good friday to bring more attention to gun violence and this comes after two more teenagers were shot in the city overnight. >> we decided to take a closer look at gun violence and how it's having ing an impact on lol

Related Keywords

Camden County , New Jersey , United States , Saint Matthew Baptist Church , Cape May Court House , Beach Island , Ohio , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Alaska , Ocean County , Delaware , California , Syria , Germantown , Washington , District Of Columbia , Netherlands , Atlantic City , Lehigh County , Iowa , Cape May Point , Belgium , Allentown , Philadelphia Church , Trenton , Los Angeles , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , New York , Cape May , Miami , Florida , North Carolina , Bayville , Philadelphia , Cleveland , Wrightstown , Indiana , United Methodist Church , Wisconsin , Oregon , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Ocean City , Atlantic County , Quakertown , Colorado , Houston , Texas , Beach Haven , Maryland , Kansas , Utah , Montgomery County , Pottstown , Americans , America , Belgian , Dutch , Notre Dame , Queen Marsha Gaye Reynolds , John Kerry , Alex Pinkowski , Chris Christie , Keith Jones , Jesus Christ , Las Vegas , James Breyer , Katie Mcginty , Jason Santo , George Spencer , Charles Mccafferty , Bryce Johnsen , Heidi Cruz , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20160325

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>> reporter: keith and jacqueline, that's right, the sun peeked through the clouds and here's why. look, we're definitely not alone. look how busy the boardwalk is albeit a holiday weekend it's a breezy and a little chilly friday afternoon but the reason the businesses are feeling so blessed is because easter falls early this year. the doors are back open, the businesses decked out in spring pastels and ready for the crowds. >> rainy day special ski ball, basketball or price is right. >> reporter: mother nature didn't rain on the parade of families ready to spring into summer zbrxt bring on the rain, keep it sunny all summer. >> reporter: the unofficial start of the season. >> after a long winter can't wait to get started. >> reporter: with easter falling on march 27 unlike april 5 last year it gives businesses two extra weekends at the onset of the summer. and the early holiday crowds will bring hundreds of thousands in extra revenue. >> it is because it's a couple extra week ends as we go into the memorial day weekend. it extends our season and allows tuesday open and active and people working you know. spending money. it's all good. >> reporter: in ocean city the boardwalk hopping with crowds lined up for their favorite treat and seeing what's new. steven has his easter basket giveaways ready to roll after tomorrow's egg hunt on the beach. >> this sets the tone for the rest of our year. you pick up customers that don't come down and you do a good job they come down and meet you in the summer. >> reporter: the extra weekends like the olsons, it means added time to relax. >> go to my grandmother's house and we just hang out with my family there. >> reporter: so, obviously kids off from school for the holiday, parents taking a long weekend and there are dozens of easter egg hunts and other cool holiday events going on for this holiday weekend. we will highlight some of those coming up for you in our 5:00 hour. live in a busy ocean city, i'm cydney long, "nbc 10 news." >> fun. thank you. also a big weekend for basketball fans. >> tonight philadelphia will host two key games in the ncaa tournament. let's take a live look in south philly. there is the wells fargo center. the first of two much anticipated match-ups tip off at about three hours. a closer look, you can see a few early birds parked outside the arena. and nbc 10's george spencer is among them. >> he joins us live. you talked to some fans who are arriving really early. >> reporter: yes, college sports fans across the country will be watching closely tonight, and for the fans who are showing up here to watch in person, the excitement is building. of course our only surviving local team villanova playing states away coming up this weekend and so tonight philly's eyes will be focused here, earlier this afternoon nbc 10 cameras were watching as the unc team arrived on its bus for some afternoon shoot arounds and warm-ups. unc versus indiana is the second of the sweet 16 games here this evening. we saw crews setting up the souvenir displays this afternoon, the night kicks off with last year's runner-up, wisconsin taking on notre dame, talk about a high stakes night of basketball here at the wells fargo center. we talked to a couple of carolina fans an hour ago who drove in from york, pennsylvania. they have been fans since the michael jordan era. >> we took a shot about a month ago got the tickets hoping carolina would come to the east bracket. it looked good for a while. then it didn't but it worked out well so here we are. it's great. >> you see carolina, indiana, two of the power house programs in the country. so i'm expecting a good game and expecting bryce johnsen and marcus page to get the victory. >> reporter: probably hearing more of those two games tonight. for the schedule it is likely to be another late night, notre dame, wisconsin, starts at 7:30. after that game ends it's the standard half hour break, before game two, notre dame -- excuse me, indiana and carolina begin. we'll be here watching it all. reporting live, george spencer, "nbc 10 news." >> it's going to be so busy down there. as those games near. george, thank you so much. tournament time isn't over for villanova. of course the wildcats still dancing after crushing the miami hurricanes in the sweet 16 last night. now they are moving to face top seeded kansas in the elite eight tomorrow night with a trip to the final four on the line. count on nbc 10 for complete coverage as villanova battles closer to number one. coming up, tim furlong has a story of a key part of nova nation. the fight against isis. u.s. special forces have killed the terror organization's second in command. ash carter made the announcement today. officials believe that haji imam was killed in a raid in syria earlier this week. >> now we've taken out the leader who oversees all of the funding for isil's operations, herding their ability to pay fighters and hire recruits. >> the death comes after another top leader was killed in an air strike earlier this month. now to the terror in brussels. >> today is the third and final day of national mourning in belgium. we learned two new york city sip lings are among the dead. sasha and alex pinkowski were on the phone with their mom when the bombs went off. they are both dutch nationals living in the u.s. at least two other americans are still unaccounted for. >> police raided brussels neighborhoods again, this is amateur video inside one of the buildings, the mayor says the operation was linked to both the airport and subway bombings in brussels. three people were detained. belgian media reports one person was carrying a bag of explosive material. secretary of state john kerry was in brussels for counter terrorism talks. and to pay his respects to the victims. kerry met with the belgian prime minister and said the u.s. stands firmly with belgium. of >> we will not be deterred. and we will come back with greater resolve with greater strength and we will not rest until we have eliminated your beliefs and cowardice from the face of this earth. >> during his brief visit kerry met with first responders. >> stay with nbc 10 throughout the weekend for the latest on the terror in brussels. police in montgomery county have charge add man after his dog was found dead in a crate wrapped in plastic and sealed with tape. 22-year-old charles mccafferty was charged with animal cruelty and other offenses. police found his terrier dumped on march 9. investigators believe the dog was 6 months to a year old and say it was undernourished. >> a juvenile justice officer accused of dealing heroin and cocaine near a school. police say erica was about to sell heroin tuesday when they arrested her. police say they also found more heroin, cocaine, scales and cash at her bayville house. friends and family gathered for the funeral of a maryland police officer and delaware county native killed in the line of duty. a silent and sober scene as the casket of officer jacai colson was carried in as officers stood at attention. ♪ a much different scene inside where there was a celebration of colson's life. a choir sang and loved ones shared memories of officer colson was killed march 13 by one of his fellow officers after a man started firing at a police station. colson graduated in 2005, where he served on student council, played sports, and was respected among his peers. >> he will. >>. >> thousands of christian pilgrims took part in the way of the cross service through the streets of old city. some carried crosses on their backs, as they follow independent the foot steps of jesus according to tradition. the way of the cross traces back the route walked by jesus christ during his passion that eventually led to his crucifixion and resurrection. ♪ >> good friday is the most somber day on the christian calendar. some catholics marked the day attending the celebration of the lord's passion at the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul. pastors from congregations joined for a special good friday service in nice town. the coalition of churches have been worshipping together every night this week in observance of holy week. today they got together at great saint matthew baptist church, together seven pastors preached the seven last words of jesus, those are believed to be the last phrases jesus uttered on the cross. holy week wraps up tomorrow that marks the day that jesus' body lay in the tome. >> in decision 2016 coverage, democratic candidate bernie sanders is focusing his campaign in portland, oregon today. this is a live look at a rally for the senator. sanders has had success on the west coast so far winning contests in colorado, idaho and utah. on the republican side, resorting to slime, that's what ted cruz is accusing donald trump of doing today, a twitter war erupted between the two candidates this week, involving their wives. then today cruz accused trump of spreading false rumors in a "national enquirer" article that alleges that cruz cheated on his wife heidi. cruz denies those allegations that he had affairs with five women. >> let me be clear. this "national enquirer" story is garbage. it is complete and utter lies, it is a tabloid smear. and it is a smear that has come from donald trump and his hench men. >> heidi cruz will head to our area next week for fund-raiser. she will visit camden county to rally new jersey voters. nbc news has learned today that trump is quietly assembling a team to manage what could be a contested convention in cleveland. their strategy, convert delegates in the crucial 40 days between the end of the primaries and the convention in july. under republican party rules no candidate wins a majority of the 1237 delegates during the primary, delegates vote on a nominee at an open convention. only the democrats will be looking to pick up more deleg e delegates tomorrow. alaska, hawaii and washington state will caucus. decision 2016 will come to our region one month from tomorrow. pennsylvania and delaware hold their primary elections april 26, new jersey voters go to the polls on june 7. for complete decision 2016 coverage including caucus results tomorrow and the latest tell gat counts tap the nbc 10 app. happening now, community members in philadelphia preparing to march to inspire hope and end gun violence. nbc 10 live over the scene in germantown. nbc 10's lauren mayk is live on the ground in germantown with more on the group's message. >> reporter: good afternoon, keith. we are at first united methodist church of germantown. what's happening behind me is a service before an event here, this is actually the eighth year in a row they have been doing this. this is a group called heeding god's call to end gun violence, doing this on good friday, talking about the gun violence that philadelphia has been seeing. let me show you here what is happening right next to this service. all of these t-shirts here, these are remembering those who were killed in philadelphia by gun violence over the past year. you can see this one, this is an unnamed male here, if we continue down here, you can see we have a name here, age 20, killed in may of last year. these t-shirts continue down on the church property over there. now they are doing this a little bit differently this year, after they have the service here in front of me, they are going to walk down germantown avenue here and they are going to make several stops. each of these is to remember those killed by gun violence. they will be stopping in places where people are killed. they are going to be stopping at a school around the corner here to remember those who are killed in schools and also to think about the children who are affected by gun violence. that walk is expected to start very shortly after they finish this here. and those speaking include those who have been affected by gun violence. i spoke a little while ago with a man who lost his brother an fbi agent to gun violence. there are parents here who lost a son. they will be speaking. and this walk will be starting in just a few moments. so we're going to stay here and watch this unfold here in germantown as this begins. and coming up at 5:00 we're going to talk more about the gun violence we are seeing this year in philadelphia. i can tell you the numbers are quite shocking. keith. thank you. two former aides of chris christie are getting extra time to prepare for their trials in the jersey jam case. this tweak a judge agreed to postpone the trial until september for former state senator bill beroni and christie staffer kelly. charged with wire fraud and civil rights violations, they were accused of purposefully creating lane closures on the george washington bridge in 2013 to create traffic in the town of ft. lee. that town's mayor was not supporting christie's bid for re-election. we have new information about the speed increase to the pennsylvania turnpike. we know it will go into effect in may. areas that are posted at 65 miles per hour will go to 70. areas now 55 won't change. the turnpike tested the faster speed on a 100-mile stretch of the road for the past two years. they found no changes in the number of accidents. >> some good news if you like to walk or bike along the manny yonk bridge trail. lights are coming to the path along the schuylkill river which means the bridge will be able to stay open later. the delaware valley planning commissioners awarded $600,000 in federal grant money for the project but it may take until 2018 for the work to be complete. >> miss america will return to its birthday for the 96th year of the competition. 52 women will take the stage sunday, september 11. the competition follows three days of events including the annual steel pier miracle mile walk and show us your shoes parade. it began in 1921, moved to las vegas in 2005, then returned in 2013. well, we've had unseasonably warm weather for the past three days, that is not going to happen over the weekend. but it still is going to be pretty nice. we're clearing out tonight, clouds and a few showers today. we've got a mild weekend, not a warm one, but not chilly either. and kind of a rainy monday. so the rain's going to come in right after the weekend ends. we have a lot of clouds out there right now. it's 71 degrees despite the cloud cover, the wind is out of the west at 13 miles an hour. so it's not all that windy right now. and the temperature in the 60s, north and west, you can see 60s in south jersey and in delaware too. i wonder if it's in the 60s at the beaches. so, let's go down and check it out. it is barely 60 in cape may point. we've got a southwest to west wind coming in off of the bay. and so it's cooler there. also cooler cape may airport. 70 degrees in ocean view. 69 cape may court house, and as we head up to atlantic county it's 58 degrees atlantic city marina, that wind direction is critical and the wind is going to shift. so it will warm up right at the beaches where it's already pretty warm inland. now, by the weekend we're going to be seeing the is pollen build up. it got knocked down because of all of the rain. but by tomorrow it's in the high side. and sunday on the high side too. monday it goes down a little because of more rain. speaking of rain, the last of it, a few showers in new jersey. then we have clearing back to the west, and the next system affecting us, west of chicago, so it's got a long way to come to affect us over the easter holiday. easter morning we may see some low clouds and fog. a little bit on the cool side. 42 degrees, and we gradually see a little more sunshine as we go through the late morning hours. but i think overall sunday will be a cloudy day then saturday but it's still going to feature above average temperatures. now, there's saturday morning, you can see it's sunny and nice and dry. we start to see some of the clouds come in from the ocean. on easter morning. that's 7:00 a.m. for the sun rise services, it doesn't look like there is precipitation around. each in the afternoon there isn't any. even in the evening it's dry. ah, there we go. as we head toward the monday morning rush. that's when the showers start to come in. could be some briefly heavy showers, but it may not be lasting all day. it may be in the morning. so, the showers are ending earlying. we're clearing and colder as the wind shifts to the northwest. and then tomorrow. a lot of sunshine, not all that windy. cooler, we're 71 right now. we're going to be probably 10 degrees or so cooler. but that is still several degrees above average for this time of year. the average is 56. by easter sunday, 63 with more clouds, there are the showers on monday. we cool down tuesday. but we're going right back up. take a look at wednesday. back to 62 and thursday and friday. should be back in the 70s. >> glenn, thank you. one man's mistake 14 years ago is coming back to haunt him. >> next, the man who was arrested for not returning a vhs tape and what's going to happen to him. police dash cam video like we rarely see. the unusual suspect officers pulled out of a car linked to a string of problems for one community. >> remember this inferno in delaware county. nbc 10 learned the investigation taking a new turn and for a new clue found that was way out of place. and do you love a good afternoon nap? well, a new study might make you rethink that mid kay siesta. >> here is a look at the closing bell on wall street. stocks finished the week up. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network... and fiber optics move at the speed of light. over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row. awards aren't everything. but when they come from your customers, they mean a lot. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. right now, get super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ listen to this. cars are being ripped to shreds in north carolina and police say this is no ordinary break-in. the suspect in the cases is a black bear. it's hard to see but this is police dash cam of an officer opening a car door after a bear got locked inside a toyota prius. the inside of the car needless to say was destroyed. police posted warnings and are asking people not to leave food inside their cars. then there is this. you may have to pay a late fee if you have an overdue library book or not pay your credit card bill on time. >> a north carolina man went to jail for not returning a vhs tape he rented 14 years ago. >> the guy brings me to the back of the car. sir, i don't know how to tell you there is a warrant for your arrest in 2002. you rent add movie freddy got fingered, and never returned it. >> all righty. this is james breyer. he says he was driving his daughter to school tuesday when police pulled him over for a defective taillight. when the officers ran his license they found a civil suit that had been processed as a criminal case for that overdue movie. he was booked on a failure to return rental property charge. >> wow. that tom green classic. school bus prank has a lehigh county man in trouble. >> what he did to a bus full of kids that scared everyone. plus, the investigation into this fire in the problem plagued town of colwyn. what investigators found that caught the attention of the feds. the controversial homework assignment that a school defending one of its teachers, why some say the lesson on police brutality turned into a police bashing. >> and i'm tracking the holiday weekend forecast. we hit 70 again but a cooldown is under way. i'll have that for the easter sunday outlook next in my forecast. your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. right now at 4:30, new developments about this giant inferno at a business plaza in delaware county. nbc 10 learned that something found near the charred rubble caught the attention of federal investigators. the fire sparked in the town of colwyn earlier this month and now the investigation is taking a new turn. >> it's a story nbc 10 investigators reported on from the beginning, and today mitch blacher is live with the new developments. >> reporter: the dea is now involved in the investigation into what happened that the warehouse, what caused that fire. it's what they found inside that has their attention. on march 8, the flames outside colwyn's ellis business plaza climbed into the sky. the dea confirms the danger outside was only surpassed by what we know was inside. >> we found organic solvents and other very unique precursor chemicals. >> reporter: those highly explosive chemicals were inside multiple 55 gallon drums in this warehouse used as an auto repair business. special agent patrick trainer says they are investigating if this was a drug lab. >> we handle response to clandestine laboratories where drugs such as methamphetamine, ecstasy, and other synthetic drugs are manufactured. >> reporter: for those who live in colwyn. >> oh, my god. down there? are you kidding me. >> reporter: it was surprise and concern. >> we need to be safe and the kids need to be safe too. >> they told everyone to get detail cars next to the warehouse. >> did you see any chemicals going in or might be used to make drugs? >> no. i'm sure that someone wants to do that they have to sneak during night. >> reporter: somehow all of the chemicals inside did not ignite. fire investigators don't know what caused the fire and the dea says they north ruling out the possibility that those chemicals were in the warehouse legitimately. mitch blacher, "nbc 10 news." easter weekend's getting off to a bit of a drawery start. these flowers helped brighten things up a little bit. you can see they are getting blown around by the wind. >> and cloudy skies are greeting drivers as they head out. here's a live look, this is the schuylkill expressway from our presidential city apartment camera, not surprising, at 4:32 there is traffic. a similar scene as you look at the ben franklin bridge. temperatures will be taking a tumble this weekend. so let's talk to first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> how does the holiday weekend look for the sunrise service might be chilly but dry. >> yes. a little bit on the chilly side but not really cold for this time of the year. it's just not going to be exceptionally warm like it's been the last several days. we have a lot of clouds right now. we had some showers around. but the showers have moved past the city of philadelphia and now headed to the shore. and cooler air starting to move in, 64 degrees in reading, 63 in lancaster. with the northwest wind, that's going to start knocking the temperature down. the wind is a little stronger too. you see it's a southwest wind in new jersey, there's the northwest wind. in pennsylvania, gusting to 30 miles an hour. that's bringing in that cooler air. of it's also pushing out the showers, the last of those  showers just about to go offshore in new jersey, they are generally on the light side. and the temperature will drop pretty sharply by 9:00. and that will be the end of the 70s for a little while. we'll have the details on the holiday weekend and when it's going to warm up again and it will, with the 7 day in a few minutes. a lehigh county teen is facing charges for a scary school bus prank police say was no joke. investigators say 19-year-old jason santo boarded the bus tuesday wearing a scream mask and a black cloak and carrying a fake knife. witnesses told police he screamed, then ran away. santo confessed saying he was trying to scare one of his friends on the bus. a flight attendant accused of taking $3 million of cocaine through the los angeles airport is staying in jail. a federal judge in new york approved bail for former beauty queen marsha gaye reynolds. prosecutors appealed and a different judge in california agreed to take another look at the bail issue and keep her in jail until next month. she is charged with kicking off her gucci shoes, dropping two bags packed with cocaine and running from security agents. >> there is concern and outrage over a homework assignment at an ohio middle school, the topic, police brew dalty. they were asked to fill in blanks. but some say it seems to focus on bashing police. it reads in part the numbers don't lie. minority people more so black than hispanic experience more violent arrests from police officers than do white people. end quote. the superintendent says the teacher was challenging students to use critical thinking skills. >> i would say all school systems try to review lesson plans teachers submit. but there's also some spok spontaneity in learning so there has to be trust with our teachers. >> and that teacher still works at the school. coming up next on "nbc 10 news" at 4, afternoon nap may giving a quick perk but it could be bad in the long term. >> the research that might make you skip that midday snooze and the spirit of the holiday weekend is working its magic. how police are working to bring peace to some special families on this good friday. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... like me brave crew... and my fellow space adventures and free of things i don't. like aliens. just like eye patches. and when it's time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. excelsior! eat up, me hearties! keep it down! i'm exploring the galaxy. arrrr, that's not even a real spaceship. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ fios is not 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longer naps led to health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and weight gain. so if you are looking to get extra zzs, 40 minutes or less. >> delaware is cracking down on insurers. the commissioner sent a warning saying the state will take legal action against companies that don't obey the law. governor markell signed legislation that says policy exclusion based on gender identity or transgender status is a violation of the unfair trade practices act. you sign it when you go to your doctor's office. a hipa form. it's designed to protect your medical information but one privacy advocate isn't buying it. we'll discuss why she says signing that form is a big mistake. >> hipa form is really a deception. what hipa is or the public believes it protects their privacy but it does the opposite. >> coming up sunday morning, following meet the press only on nbc 10. >> all eyes including my own will be on my villanova wildcats this weekend as they fight to win their game in the elite 8. >> apparently it's not just about them. next, the story of a key part of nova nation that has a special investment in winning. ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network... and fiber optics move at the speed of light. over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row. awards aren't everything. but when they come from your customers, they mean a lot. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. right now, get super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. check out the fresh new look on mcdonald's mcpick 2 menu! ♪ lemme get a mcpick 2 now, choose any 2 delicious 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counting down. nbc 10's tim furlong live in louisville where fans are celebrating last night's win and looking to tomorrow's match-up. i hear the band, tim. >> reporter: yeah, you know what, all day today it's low key after last night. this is fourth street where a lot of the restaurants and bars are. starting to trickle down this way. this place is known for live music. there is nothing better than the live music right now at fourth street live. villanova's pep band, trust me, these guys make it happen. take a look. >> the players work hard on the court. >> one, two, roll, off. >> the pep band works just as hard along side it. ♪ they provide the sound track for some of villanova's exciting moments. >> there is nothing like basketball season. >> the pep band travels with the team and they will lose seniors which hopefully won't be until they win the national title. remember the crying pick a low player last year. you saw it in her eyes losing the last game stings just as badly for the band. >> it's not only like watching the last but it's our last game together as a group of people. >> hopefully this season doesn't wend a loss, certainly not against kansas saturday. >> we want three more games, that's all. >> this is where it's at. >> adam is a senior and isn't ready to put down his cow bell for the last time or have people stop saying this when he plays it. >> i got to have more cow bells. >> pretty much when i'm holding it. >> come on, nova. ♪ beat kansas to keep the music playing. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: and back live here at fourth street live, they try to take in the sights, maybe play for kids at schools. a bunch are going to see a concert here. villanova, nobody is excluded so all of these kids in the top 29 get to travel with the team. it's exciting. they are not done. they are not done. they don't want it to end here. they want to make sure they take them and their instruments down to houston next week. got to beat kansas first. tim furlong, "nbc 10 news." >> i feel like singing along. >> go ahead. >> no. that's okay. >> no way i can hear. >> he can't hear a thing. we'll check in with you later. count on tim and comcast sportsn sportsnet, we'll have live reports leading up to tomorrow's big game. well, as you know keith went to villanova. i have driven past it a couple of times. does that count? okay. so, i'm a villanova fan. we're clearing tonight, we have some showers, we had clouds around during the day today. that's all going to change. we're going to have a mild weekend, not a real warm one like we've seen the last three days. but the rain looks like it's going to hold off until monday. we've had cloudy skies for a while. starting to see breaks in the clouds as the clearing comes in from the west. 71 degrees the wind west at 13 miles an hour. and the temperature three days in a row of near 70 or above 70, as we're coming close to one of the warmest marches ever regarded in philadelphia. and then we drop some tomorrow. 60 degrees, 63 on easter sunday. it's still well above afternoon. the average about 55. 71 philadelphia and northeast philly, 70 at trenton. 69 in wilmington. and in wrightstown. and getting cooler north and west. quakertown also 64. oxford 64 degrees. that's a nice drop from the 71 in philly. 70 degrees in newark, delaware. 60 in beach haven with that south west wind. the wind is going to shift into the northwest and going to become pretty close to what the inland temperatures are pretty soon. you can see the last of the showers, headed right to the shore, atlantic county and ocean county, getting it. generally on the light perhaps moderate side. don't see yellows or reds indicating heavier rain. we don't have any heavy rain or any rain, until you go way back, even western iowa. that's a long way away. so none of that can get in here before the weekend is over. because any moisture coming in is coming in from the atlantic. that could bring low clouds or fog around for around the sunrise on easter. the sunrise is at 6:52 for the sun rise services. and then we have at least a little bit of sunshine during the day but not nearly as warm as what we've seen lately. here's tomorrow morning, we're in the 30s in many of the suburbs. tomorrow afternoon, up near 60, with lots of sunshine. and then the clouds start to come in as we go saturday night and into sunday morning. you see that coming in from the ocean. and that is what we're going to be watching for easter sunday. these showers are moving out followed by clearing conditions. 40 for the low in philadelphia, 35 north and west. tomorrow a lot of sunshine as you saw. but also cooler than it's been. near 60 degrees. but with a light wind. it should be a pretty nice day for most folks. then sunday more clouds but still on the mild side. showers and on the mild side for monday. then we cool down for one day. and then we warm right back up again. 62 on wednesday, back to the 70s with showers thursday and friday. >> glenn, thank you. holidays are a time to be with family, also to spend time helping others. next, how some special families were honored for their sacrifice this easter weekend. your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. celebrating the holidays can be hard for any family after the death of a loved one. >> today the fraternal order of police helped bring peace to some families with a special meal. the wifbs of philadelphia's fallen police officers are finding comfort in each other this easter weekend. >> like you have another family. even though you lost someone, you still have people like you know backing you up. >> the fraternal order of police host an easter breakfast and dinner for the families of officers who have been killed or injured in the line of duty. the chance to come together couldn't come at a better time. >> it's hard. it's not like it's not hard, it still is, but it's nice to be able to sit, talk and talk about fun things. >> there are people that don't have support that we do. and it's just it's a very nice feeling. >> for these wives, they are serving up more than just a meal. >> we treasure the friendships and everyone just gets what it's like to have your life changed in an instant. >> it's so nice that they come out to honor us and our loved ones and they are not forgotten for the sacrifice they made. >> the f.o.p. delivered easter dinners to the families of fallen pennsylvania state troopers. next on "nbc 10 news" at 5:00, marching to send a message. >> dozens gathered outside of a philadelphia church to bring more attention to gun violence. >> plus, if you procrastinated on taxes our experts here to help you increase your refund and avoid making three big mistakes on your return. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. watching the weather. a live look from the jersey shore where clouds and rain have lingered throughout the day. one lone person walking the beach now. things looking much brighter. check out the view of camden across the delaware riverfront. the sun is coming out. the big question is will it stick around? drivers are already headed to their easter destinations. we have your holiday travel forecast. "nbc 10 news" at 5:00 starts right now. good evening. i'm keith jones. >> i'm jacqueline london. the rain moved out and temperatures are in the 70s right now of it let's get an update on our first alert forecast from chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz, the all important holiday weekend. >> it's not going to be in the 70s as we go through the weekend. it was exceptionally warm, the average is 55. so we're going to be closer to that. we're ending the day with a little bit of sunshine as drier air starts to come in. but it's also starting to cool things down north and west. you can see the temperature difference. 73 in philadelphia. 62 in pottstown, reading and allentown. plus we have wind. the northwest wind coming in as you can see, gusting 25, 30, even 32 miles an hour. southwest wind with the warm air in new jersey and delaware. the northwest wind is winning out it will cool down. these are the last of the showers, going off atlantic county and ocean county, long beach island getting the last of that. as we go through the night tonight, temperatures start to drop in the 40s. as we gradually cool down, and clear out. we'll see how much cooler it's going to be over the holiday weekend and when it's going to warm up with the seven-day in a few minutes. >> looking forward to that. thank you. right now at 5:00, marching to send a message. dozens gathered outside of philadelphia church this good friday to bring more attention to gun violence and this comes after two more teenagers were shot in the city overnight. >> we decided to take a closer look at gun violence and how it's having ing an impact on lol

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