> announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good e"> > announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good e" property="og:description"> > announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good e">

Transcripts For WCAU NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20170

Transcripts For WCAU NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20170218

"nightly news" begins now. >> announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening. a deadly and powerful storm has ravage add southern california. tonight, almost 20,000 people are still without power. the lasting effect of a dangerous weather system that left millions cowering through the night as strong winds and damaging rains caused landslides, flash floods, giant sinkholes and chaos on the roads. steve patterson reports from duarte, california. >> reporter: traffic jams are common on southern california interstates, but not like this. >> it's incredible to see how big this flood is. >> reporter: on one of the west's biggest arteries. interstate 5 still on hold. flooding this morning, half a day after a rush hour washout snarled traffic for hours. >> look at that. >> reporter: the aftermath of a deadly storm that slammed into the region. more rain in one day than some areas see in a month. in victorville, rescuers find a motorist dead in a car. meanwhile, two passengers killed in separate accidents along a slippery interstate near san diego. in san bernardino county, three firefighters barely escaped after their truck crumbled off a road. crews pulled people out of a sinkhole. thanks to a rescue, no one was hurt. cleanup under way in neighborhoods littered with debris, damaging wind gusts reaching 80 miles an hour, tumbled trees into homes and power lines. a 55-year-old man was electrocuted and killed when one collapsed, dropping wires on to his car. into duarte, east of los angeles, a massive cleanup operation after a mud flow tore through this street forcing evacuations. >> mud is everywhere. what was it like when it hit? >> you can see like waves going like this. rippling. it was pretty hairy. >> richard walker and his wife anna decided to stay fortifying their home after living in a burn zone. he says disaster is always around the corner here. >> hopefully, this will be the last real big one, but you never know. it's kind of chaos. >> so the mandatory evacuation order here in duarte has been lifted, although some roads will remain closed until officials can really determine whether or not the danger is finally over. meanwhile, we have late confirmation of a fifth victim of this storm, a man in his 20s found in a swollen creek bed. all this while there is more rain in the forecast and it could come as early as monday. jose? >> steve patterson, thank you. for more on the path of this storm and what's coming up in the days ahead, let's bring in meteorologist sin dra peterson. this has been an incredibly powerful system. in the last 24 hours, upwards of 10 inches of rain through southern california. as we mentioned, that's not the end of the story. unfortunately, in the pacific, already looms a second system expected to make its way through sunday as we move in through monday. you see the moisture pouring towards northern california. there will be a slight change here. more scattered showers in southern california. look at the flood threat through northern california. especially towards oroville, they could see 3 inches of rain. the one blessing, it's expected to be a colder system. likely the runoff will not be -- >> not just the storm out west, there's unusual weather in the rest of the country as well. >> severe weather threat in texas, that first system farther to the east. also going to be watching, look at the temperatures, chicago today saw a record of 70 degrees. typically, they should be in the 30s. this will remain as we go as far as wednesday. 60s and 70s, unbelievab unbelievable, jose. president trump was back in campaign mode and attack mode tonight appearing at a big rally in florida. while vice president mike pence was in europe reaffirming the u.s. commitment to nato allies and dealing with questions of security and relations with russia. kelly o'donnell is following it for us. kelly? >> reporter: good evening, jose. a fired up president trump came out with a recap of his first month in office. his definition for accomplishments, grievances, things still to do. he told reporters he hoped to deliver a message of unity. asked why do a rally at all. >> running a new campaign. but this time president trump is asking not for the vote. but a vote of confidence. >> i'm also here to tell you about our plans for the future and they're big and they're bold. >> together in melbourne, florida, the president joined by first lady melania, reveled in the moment. >> i will always stay true to myself and be truthful to you. no matter what the opposition is saying about me. >> from a crowd that waited in line for hours, trump supporters by setbacks and protests against the president say give him time. >> instead of mouthing off with friends and saying isn't this terrible, i wanted to be here showing support. >> it doesn't matter at this point. democratic or republican, i do support him. i plan to keep my support. >> just four weeks in office, this was not a white house event but organized by the committee. >> i also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news. >> while this trip got the president out of the washington bubble. today in germany the vice president represented the united states at the annual munich security conference where mike pence met with the heads of other nato countries. >> the united states will continue to hold russia accountable. even as we search for new common ground. >> pence came to deliver reassurance but also to press that member countries should pay their full share of defense costs. >> well, mike pence was pretty convincing. the question is, whether in future tweets and other things the president does he will sound the same themes. >> the vice president stopped to respond to keir simmons. >> president trump's commitment to nato is strong, it's historic, it's important. to sustain that commitment it's important that allies live up to their word as america does as well. >> reporter: and senior white house advisers tell us that tomorrow president trump will be conductsing interviews to fill the vacancy for national security adviser, at least four interviews, perhaps more all to fill the spot left when mike flynn was fired. jose? thank you, kelly. much more on that tomorrow morning on "meet the press." chuck todd will be joined by former defense secretary leon panetta and senator john mccain. for people in flint, michigan, a sad milestone. the city has not gone for more than 1,000 days without clean drinking water. still in a crisis over lead contamination. they deal with a crisis of confidence. more tonight from stephanie gosk. >> at first, cummings preschool in flint, michigan, it looks pretty typical. until you talk to the teachers. >> what i'm noticing more is that reaction times are quicker for kids to become more explosive and angry. >> that volatility could be the first sign of what people in the city fear. the effects of lead exposure. every single child who was exposed to the water at the most vulnerable age, half of them have high levels of lead. >> the kids need more support, more one-on-one. >> good nutrition, lots of outdoor play and mental stimulation are all ways to slow down the lead's effects. >> there is no medication to get rid of the lead in our children. >> pediatrician, dr. mona henna helped to expose the crisis in 2015. symptoms, she says, could take years to show. >> not knowing a lot of anxiety that the families are going through, was my kid always supposed to have issues for school. >> officials say the water is safer, it's been nearly three years since a switch frm leeched lead from the pipes and out the faucets. if the water is safer, why are people still afraid to drink it? ? part, because they're still told to use filters. but there is an even more distressing problem in flint. how ready are the people of flint to believe what officials tell them? >> it's hard to believe. >> there's a real deficit of trust, isn't there? >> there is, with good reason. when we were misled by local, state and federal government. >> karen weaver took office in the middle of the crisis. >> people need new pipes, people deserve new pipes. that's going to give people confidence that okay, things are fine again. >> but it's expensive and slow. only 800 homes refitted so far. >> pretty good. there's a door. >> campbell is still waiting. every morning she heats her son's bath water on the stove. i've been doing that for three years. >> that's exhausting. >> yes, it is. >> her son is one of the 130 or so kids at cummings. every single one has had their lives upended and it's not over. >> don't forget about flint. flint is in the middle of the great lakes, in the largest source of freshwater in the world. to this day, we don't have safe drinking water. >> michigan's attorney general brought criminal charges against 13 people connected to flint's water crisis. many of them pled not guilty. the strongest charges carry sentences up to 20 years, jose. >> stephanie, back to the water quality. what does it mean when you say it's safe? we're talking about 1,000 days after the crisis. >> state officials say it falls within government guidelines, but then they add caveats like you need a filter. doesn't instill a lot of confidence. then there are concerns that when you replace these pipes, it has the potential to dislodge lead and put it back out the faucet. safer is very clearly not safe. >> safer. three years into this. >> remarkable. >> stephanie, thank you very much. in florida, the launch of a spacex rocket was stopped thousands of people come to watch the liftoff. some from the same launchpad where astronauts flew to the moon half a century ago. if the problem is fixed, they'll try again tomorrow. the convictsed terrorist known as the blind sheikh died today at a prison in north carolina. he was convicted of planning a bombing rampage on landmarks here in new york. authorities said the 1993 bombing of the world trade center was part of the conspiracy. in egypt he became a spiritual leader. rank man was serving a life sentence. he was 78 years old. the woman in roe vs. wade died of heart failure in texas. ron mott takes a look at her life after becoming famous. >> for much of her adult life, she was better known by another name. jane roe. as in roe v. wade, the 1973 supreme court decision that legalized abortion throughout america. >> once the supreme court decision was done in '73, i thought okay, we're all safe and legal now, we can have control over our own bodies. it was not over a movement for women's rights but an unmarried 22-year-old looking to end her third pregnancy in texas where the procedure was illegal unless the woman's life was in danger. despite her ultimate victory in the case, she had her baby. it pushed well beyond nine months. the ruling propelled mccorvey out of the shadows of her pseudonym and a divisive social issue. she became the face of pro abortion rights but she announced she was a born again christian and in an about face became an anti-abortion advocate, appearing in ads. >> i realized that my case legalized abortion on demand was the biggest mistake of my life. >> the national director of priests for life was a long-time friend. >> she never embraced the abortion rights view 100%. she was at peace because she knew where she stood in regards to abortion. she knew where she stood with god because he's a god of mercy. >> norma mccorvey was 69. ron mott, nbc news, new york. still ahead new york. still ahead tonight, deal or no you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? 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hey, come look what lisa made. wow. you grilled that chicken? yup! i did... n't. smartmade frozen meals. real ingredients, grilled and roasted. it's like you made it. and you did... n't. every shopper loves a deal. whether it's presidents' day or beyond, how do you know they're real? jolene kent finds out. president's day sales signs bombarding you at the mall. >> the final week of the presidents' day sale. >> i'm a sucker for the sign. >> rarely. >> these days nothing is full price. are you really getting a great deal? >> it seems like everything is on sale. >> some things really are on sale. >> the consumer nonprofit group finds sales nationwide. holiday deals like on presidents' day don't save you money with the exception of black friday. >> why are companies doing this? >> i think a lot of stores do this to keep their customers from shopping around. the only way to compete with low price competitors is to make people think they're getting a great deal when they're not. >> kohl's, macy's and sears are the worst offenders, both in store and online. luring in customers by advertising special low price that is are actually the same price most of the year. sears disagreed on the findings and says it complies with advertising laws. macy's said its pricing varies for items based on the season at of the merchandise. kohl's didn't respond. last year los angeles sued jc pennies, sears, macy's and kohl's for fake sales. the companies declined to comment on pending litigation. on the flip side, discounts at checkbook.org found walmart, costco and target put out discounts that reflect genuinely lower prices for a limited time. the bottom line, compare prices in person to other stores and don't buy full price. >> in most stores, don't get sucked in by a special offer or by a sale price because often that sale price is going to be around the next day, the next week, the next month. >> proving some discounts aren't so deep after all. >> jolene kent, nbc news, washington. americans and people just can't get enough of me and my discounts. so this year, they're getting a whole lot more. box 365, the calendar. everyone knows my paperless, safe driver, and multi-car discounts, but they're about to see a whole new side of me. heck, i can get you over $600 in savings. chop, chop. do i look like i've been hurt before? 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New York , United States , Victorville , California , Oroville , Munich , Bayern , Germany , North Carolina , Texas , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Florida , San Diego , Syria , San Bernardino County , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Russia , Michigan , Iraq , Nigeria , Egypt , Nebraska , Greece , Chicago , Illinois , Nigerian , Americans , America , American , Steve Patterson , Kohl Macy , Cara Martinez , Roe V Wade , Richard Walker , Jordan Burroughs , Los Angeles , Mike Flynn , Keir Simmons , Jane Roe , Mahmoud Ismail , Jose Diaz Balart , Chuck Todd , Jolene Kent , Leon Panetta , Ron Mott , John Mccain ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20170218 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For WCAU NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20170218

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"nightly news" begins now. >> announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening. a deadly and powerful storm has ravage add southern california. tonight, almost 20,000 people are still without power. the lasting effect of a dangerous weather system that left millions cowering through the night as strong winds and damaging rains caused landslides, flash floods, giant sinkholes and chaos on the roads. steve patterson reports from duarte, california. >> reporter: traffic jams are common on southern california interstates, but not like this. >> it's incredible to see how big this flood is. >> reporter: on one of the west's biggest arteries. interstate 5 still on hold. flooding this morning, half a day after a rush hour washout snarled traffic for hours. >> look at that. >> reporter: the aftermath of a deadly storm that slammed into the region. more rain in one day than some areas see in a month. in victorville, rescuers find a motorist dead in a car. meanwhile, two passengers killed in separate accidents along a slippery interstate near san diego. in san bernardino county, three firefighters barely escaped after their truck crumbled off a road. crews pulled people out of a sinkhole. thanks to a rescue, no one was hurt. cleanup under way in neighborhoods littered with debris, damaging wind gusts reaching 80 miles an hour, tumbled trees into homes and power lines. a 55-year-old man was electrocuted and killed when one collapsed, dropping wires on to his car. into duarte, east of los angeles, a massive cleanup operation after a mud flow tore through this street forcing evacuations. >> mud is everywhere. what was it like when it hit? >> you can see like waves going like this. rippling. it was pretty hairy. >> richard walker and his wife anna decided to stay fortifying their home after living in a burn zone. he says disaster is always around the corner here. >> hopefully, this will be the last real big one, but you never know. it's kind of chaos. >> so the mandatory evacuation order here in duarte has been lifted, although some roads will remain closed until officials can really determine whether or not the danger is finally over. meanwhile, we have late confirmation of a fifth victim of this storm, a man in his 20s found in a swollen creek bed. all this while there is more rain in the forecast and it could come as early as monday. jose? >> steve patterson, thank you. for more on the path of this storm and what's coming up in the days ahead, let's bring in meteorologist sin dra peterson. this has been an incredibly powerful system. in the last 24 hours, upwards of 10 inches of rain through southern california. as we mentioned, that's not the end of the story. unfortunately, in the pacific, already looms a second system expected to make its way through sunday as we move in through monday. you see the moisture pouring towards northern california. there will be a slight change here. more scattered showers in southern california. look at the flood threat through northern california. especially towards oroville, they could see 3 inches of rain. the one blessing, it's expected to be a colder system. likely the runoff will not be -- >> not just the storm out west, there's unusual weather in the rest of the country as well. >> severe weather threat in texas, that first system farther to the east. also going to be watching, look at the temperatures, chicago today saw a record of 70 degrees. typically, they should be in the 30s. this will remain as we go as far as wednesday. 60s and 70s, unbelievab unbelievable, jose. president trump was back in campaign mode and attack mode tonight appearing at a big rally in florida. while vice president mike pence was in europe reaffirming the u.s. commitment to nato allies and dealing with questions of security and relations with russia. kelly o'donnell is following it for us. kelly? >> reporter: good evening, jose. a fired up president trump came out with a recap of his first month in office. his definition for accomplishments, grievances, things still to do. he told reporters he hoped to deliver a message of unity. asked why do a rally at all. >> running a new campaign. but this time president trump is asking not for the vote. but a vote of confidence. >> i'm also here to tell you about our plans for the future and they're big and they're bold. >> together in melbourne, florida, the president joined by first lady melania, reveled in the moment. >> i will always stay true to myself and be truthful to you. no matter what the opposition is saying about me. >> from a crowd that waited in line for hours, trump supporters by setbacks and protests against the president say give him time. >> instead of mouthing off with friends and saying isn't this terrible, i wanted to be here showing support. >> it doesn't matter at this point. democratic or republican, i do support him. i plan to keep my support. >> just four weeks in office, this was not a white house event but organized by the committee. >> i also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news. >> while this trip got the president out of the washington bubble. today in germany the vice president represented the united states at the annual munich security conference where mike pence met with the heads of other nato countries. >> the united states will continue to hold russia accountable. even as we search for new common ground. >> pence came to deliver reassurance but also to press that member countries should pay their full share of defense costs. >> well, mike pence was pretty convincing. the question is, whether in future tweets and other things the president does he will sound the same themes. >> the vice president stopped to respond to keir simmons. >> president trump's commitment to nato is strong, it's historic, it's important. to sustain that commitment it's important that allies live up to their word as america does as well. >> reporter: and senior white house advisers tell us that tomorrow president trump will be conductsing interviews to fill the vacancy for national security adviser, at least four interviews, perhaps more all to fill the spot left when mike flynn was fired. jose? thank you, kelly. much more on that tomorrow morning on "meet the press." chuck todd will be joined by former defense secretary leon panetta and senator john mccain. for people in flint, michigan, a sad milestone. the city has not gone for more than 1,000 days without clean drinking water. still in a crisis over lead contamination. they deal with a crisis of confidence. more tonight from stephanie gosk. >> at first, cummings preschool in flint, michigan, it looks pretty typical. until you talk to the teachers. >> what i'm noticing more is that reaction times are quicker for kids to become more explosive and angry. >> that volatility could be the first sign of what people in the city fear. the effects of lead exposure. every single child who was exposed to the water at the most vulnerable age, half of them have high levels of lead. >> the kids need more support, more one-on-one. >> good nutrition, lots of outdoor play and mental stimulation are all ways to slow down the lead's effects. >> there is no medication to get rid of the lead in our children. >> pediatrician, dr. mona henna helped to expose the crisis in 2015. symptoms, she says, could take years to show. >> not knowing a lot of anxiety that the families are going through, was my kid always supposed to have issues for school. >> officials say the water is safer, it's been nearly three years since a switch frm leeched lead from the pipes and out the faucets. if the water is safer, why are people still afraid to drink it? ? part, because they're still told to use filters. but there is an even more distressing problem in flint. how ready are the people of flint to believe what officials tell them? >> it's hard to believe. >> there's a real deficit of trust, isn't there? >> there is, with good reason. when we were misled by local, state and federal government. >> karen weaver took office in the middle of the crisis. >> people need new pipes, people deserve new pipes. that's going to give people confidence that okay, things are fine again. >> but it's expensive and slow. only 800 homes refitted so far. >> pretty good. there's a door. >> campbell is still waiting. every morning she heats her son's bath water on the stove. i've been doing that for three years. >> that's exhausting. >> yes, it is. >> her son is one of the 130 or so kids at cummings. every single one has had their lives upended and it's not over. >> don't forget about flint. flint is in the middle of the great lakes, in the largest source of freshwater in the world. to this day, we don't have safe drinking water. >> michigan's attorney general brought criminal charges against 13 people connected to flint's water crisis. many of them pled not guilty. the strongest charges carry sentences up to 20 years, jose. >> stephanie, back to the water quality. what does it mean when you say it's safe? we're talking about 1,000 days after the crisis. >> state officials say it falls within government guidelines, but then they add caveats like you need a filter. doesn't instill a lot of confidence. then there are concerns that when you replace these pipes, it has the potential to dislodge lead and put it back out the faucet. safer is very clearly not safe. >> safer. three years into this. >> remarkable. >> stephanie, thank you very much. in florida, the launch of a spacex rocket was stopped thousands of people come to watch the liftoff. some from the same launchpad where astronauts flew to the moon half a century ago. if the problem is fixed, they'll try again tomorrow. the convictsed terrorist known as the blind sheikh died today at a prison in north carolina. he was convicted of planning a bombing rampage on landmarks here in new york. authorities said the 1993 bombing of the world trade center was part of the conspiracy. in egypt he became a spiritual leader. rank man was serving a life sentence. he was 78 years old. the woman in roe vs. wade died of heart failure in texas. ron mott takes a look at her life after becoming famous. >> for much of her adult life, she was better known by another name. jane roe. as in roe v. wade, the 1973 supreme court decision that legalized abortion throughout america. >> once the supreme court decision was done in '73, i thought okay, we're all safe and legal now, we can have control over our own bodies. it was not over a movement for women's rights but an unmarried 22-year-old looking to end her third pregnancy in texas where the procedure was illegal unless the woman's life was in danger. despite her ultimate victory in the case, she had her baby. it pushed well beyond nine months. the ruling propelled mccorvey out of the shadows of her pseudonym and a divisive social issue. she became the face of pro abortion rights but she announced she was a born again christian and in an about face became an anti-abortion advocate, appearing in ads. >> i realized that my case legalized abortion on demand was the biggest mistake of my life. >> the national director of priests for life was a long-time friend. >> she never embraced the abortion rights view 100%. she was at peace because she knew where she stood in regards to abortion. she knew where she stood with god because he's a god of mercy. >> norma mccorvey was 69. ron mott, nbc news, new york. still ahead new york. still ahead tonight, deal or no you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? 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hey, come look what lisa made. wow. you grilled that chicken? yup! i did... n't. smartmade frozen meals. real ingredients, grilled and roasted. it's like you made it. and you did... n't. every shopper loves a deal. whether it's presidents' day or beyond, how do you know they're real? jolene kent finds out. president's day sales signs bombarding you at the mall. >> the final week of the presidents' day sale. >> i'm a sucker for the sign. >> rarely. >> these days nothing is full price. are you really getting a great deal? >> it seems like everything is on sale. >> some things really are on sale. >> the consumer nonprofit group finds sales nationwide. holiday deals like on presidents' day don't save you money with the exception of black friday. >> why are companies doing this? >> i think a lot of stores do this to keep their customers from shopping around. the only way to compete with low price competitors is to make people think they're getting a great deal when they're not. >> kohl's, macy's and sears are the worst offenders, both in store and online. luring in customers by advertising special low price that is are actually the same price most of the year. sears disagreed on the findings and says it complies with advertising laws. macy's said its pricing varies for items based on the season at of the merchandise. kohl's didn't respond. last year los angeles sued jc pennies, sears, macy's and kohl's for fake sales. the companies declined to comment on pending litigation. on the flip side, discounts at checkbook.org found walmart, costco and target put out discounts that reflect genuinely lower prices for a limited time. the bottom line, compare prices in person to other stores and don't buy full price. >> in most stores, don't get sucked in by a special offer or by a sale price because often that sale price is going to be around the next day, the next week, the next month. >> proving some discounts aren't so deep after all. >> jolene kent, nbc news, washington. americans and people just can't get enough of me and my discounts. so this year, they're getting a whole lot more. box 365, the calendar. everyone knows my paperless, safe driver, and multi-car discounts, but they're about to see a whole new side of me. heck, i can get you over $600 in savings. chop, chop. do i look like i've been hurt before? 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