Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News Today At 430a 20140908 : co

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News Today At 430a 20140908

things this monday morning. it's back to meteorologist tedd florendo. tedd, you've got your bus stop forecast ready to go, and of course, all the kids wondering if they'll need the umbrella this morning. >> no, not at all, unless you're down in delaware where we have showers this morning, guys, but otherwise, most areas are nice and dry. and like you just mentioned, a comfortable morning following us and it should remain that way through most of your monday. outside right now, we've got some clouds overhead. this is center city, where no rain drops being reported as of yet. that, of course, will change for tomorrow. temperatures right now 68 in philly, 58 for you in allentown, 64 for atlantic city. your bus stop forecast for the day today. there will be plenty of clouds for the day, but sun breaks in there, too, and some clearing later on in the afternoon. but otherwise, still partly to mostly cloudy skies for the day today. your temperatures in the morning for the bus stop 67 at 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. 68, and almost 70 at 9:00 a.m. our high today about 77 degrees. guys, that's still way below average for this time of the year. so, it's going to be a cool day today and not that humid, too. that's the latest on your neighborhood weather. how's the roads look? we go to katy zachry for an update on that. good morning, katy. >> good morning, tedd. roads are looking good. no accidents to report in our coverage area. this is a live look at 295, starting off in new jersey, 295 at route 70, where traffic is moving smoothly. really light out there, of course, still at this hour. pennsylvania turnpike westbound, there is some construction to tell you about. this is approaching willow grove, the right and the center lanes are blocked. so, those two lanes are blocked because of overnight construction. that should lift between the 5:00 and 6:00 hour. also, some construction to tell you about on the northeast extension, southbound between quakertown and lansdale. just one lane, the left lane is blocked there. and then this is 476 at mid-county, free and clear of any problems up in the lehigh valley, 309 and 78 are good as well. the much anticipated day is finally here, first day of school for students in philadelphia public schools. but with the threat of more budget cuts, the new year begins with plenty of uncertainty, and all eyes will be on harrisburg next week. nbc 10's rosemary connors is live outside benjamin franklin high school in spring garden to explain. rosemary? >> reporter: tracy, while kids go back to school here in philadelphia today, lawmakers have one more week of summer recess before they return next monday to harrisburg. the reason why their schedule is so important is because of that $2-per-pack cigarette tax. the pennsylvania senate and house could not agree on the same bill, and that's why it didn't pass earlier this summer in july. the philadelphia school district, though, is relying on revenue from that cigarette tax. they have assurances that it will pass this time around. it could yield as much as $49 million for the school year. in total, the district is dealing with an $81 million deficit. major resources have been cut, which means that students will see less support staff when they go back to classes today. meantime, their parents and grandparents are planning to lobby their elected officials both here in philadelphia and in harrisburg, and they're planning to continue their protests. >> they need to get their funding for the school. >> we have to go in front of the city hall, speak to the mayor, okay, and so forth, on up the government line. somebody has to do something, because these children's future is not looking good. it's not looking good at all. >> reporter: now, there is some positive news, a silver lining in the midst of all these cuts. when it comes to the district's transportation policies. i'll explain that coming up at 5:00. reporting live from spring garden, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. 4:34. meantime today, fathers around the country and in our area will gather for the million fathers march. the idea is to show how vital fathers are to a child's life. so, today dads are encouraged to walk their children to and from school. today's march in philadelphia begins at 56th and masters streets and will end at commodore barry promise academy. and superintendent william hite will be greeting students at linc high school this morning and later join mayor michael nutter for lunch at swenson arts high school in philadelphia. and you need your alarm clock so you're not late. we can help you get out the door. download the nbc 10 morning app on your smartphone. you can get news and weather updates right at your fingertips when you wake up, and you can set your alarm so your favorite nbc 10 anchors can help you start your day. it's very fun. download it. it's free. also, check out our website,, where you'll find a special section for back-to-school. tips, trends and news about the new school year. and new from overnight, a 24-year-old man is in critical condition after being shot while sitting on the front porch of a home in west philadelphia. nbc 10 was at 56th and katherine streets just before 1:00 a.m. that's where the car that was rushing the victim to the hospital crashed into another car. the driver of that car was also taken to the hospital. the beating of a mentally challenged man caught on video. new castle county police now say that two teens have been charged in the attack, but they're still searching for others. video showing a group of teens punching and kicking the man in newark went viral on social media. police say the victim was attacked at least five times on this video. a high school senior whose own mentally challenged brother was beaten a few years ago created an antibullying campaign centered around these videos. >> just imagining if that happened to my brother. i wouldn't know what i would do. like, it broke my heart and it wasn't even him. >> the victim was injured in one of the attacks and was treated at the hospital. a 13-year-old and a 14-year-old have been charged with offensive touching, assault on a vulnerable adult and conspiracy. a teenager was shot during an attempted robbery at a philadelphia playground. police say the 18-year-old was with friends last night at the torresdale playground on frankford avenue. that's when a man walked up and said that he was robbing them. the teen was shot. he's in the hospital in stable condition. the shooter got away. we have new details this morning about next year's world meeting of families in philadelphia. archbishop charles chaput unveiled the official prayer and iconic image for the highly anticipated meeting at a service last night. it is based on the meeting's theme, which is "love is our mission, the family fully alive." the image was created by neilsen carlin, an artist from kenneth square. >> the holy family and their love and their expression of love and sort of, you know, a lot of the motivation sort of came from our own family, i think, you know, the love he feels for our children and for me and sort of the message of the lord. >> the oil painting will be displayed at the cathedral basilica until the meeting ends next september. it's being called the worst flooding in decades. hundreds of people have died, thousands are homeless. next, an update on the search-and-rescue efforts that span two countries. plus, a driver going the wrong way causes a deadly crash, and this isn't the first time it's happened here. we'll tell you about the highway that has seen a string of deadly wrong-way crashes. live look outside right now as we look at the aramark building. we've got mostly cloudy skies and a few showers and sprinkles. we'll pinpoint exactly where those are at when we come back. pways to yummify with findi5-hour energy. like pomegranate 5-hour and lemonade! yumbelievable! grape 5-hour energy and lemon-lime soda! yummazing! orange 5-hour and club soda. yumtastic! yum! extra strength sour apple and cranberry juice! yum! there are a million ways to yummify with 5-hour energy. just grab your favorite beverage, open and pour. get more yummification inspiration at 20 minutes before 5:00 right now. search-and-rescue operations are overway in pakistan following heavy flooding there. rescuers having to use boats to rescue people stranded by high waters. thousands are homeless and the heavy rain and flooding continue to plague india. dozens of villages across the border with pakistan have been inundated. acres of farmland and crops have been destroyed. soldiers have rescued several dozen people stranded across the river there. their villages were cut off because of the flooding. of course, it's monsoon time of year, so they get all that heavy rain. right now, most of the region under some clouds this morning, but some areas points north, up in the poconos, just looking at some clear skies. can you believe it? live look right now, live camera network looking at cape may at beach avenue. we've got some breezes and flags blowing in the wind. keep that in mind because it's going it be a breezy day down the shore and the beaches for the day today and plenty of clouds for you. elsewhere, you start looking north, and we're actually going to get some clearing. right now we're getting light showers moving through kent county into dover there. i'm probably going to see some of these push into atlantic city and also portions of southern new jersey here, but it's mainly light rain to even sprinkles, but you look north here and that's where we get clearing up in allentown, poconos, of course, and in philadelphia at this hour. the forecast for the day today. we're looking at mostly partly cloudy skies this morning, some clearing in the afternoon, cool start to our morning at 68 degrees. and then by lunchtime 74. more clouds expected, but we'll see more sun breaks by the afternoon. it's not going to be entirely sunny day today, and the good news is the dew points and the humidity are going to stay low, so again, it's going to be a comfortable day. you mix that in with the temperatures in the mid-to-upper 80s. 77 for a high and should be a nice day today. sun and clouds expected by the toon with some sun breaks in there. looks like the regional planner shows better weather for the poconos, believe it or not. sunny skies, 72 degrees. lehigh valley partly sunny at 76. of course, the shore. you've got plenty of clouds for the day today. it's going to be a breezy day today, 75 degrees for the high. looking ahead to the next seven days, showers for tomorrow, mostly cloudy and dry on wednesday, then thunderstorms and showers possible by thursday. these numbers go up to the mid-80s and then they start to drop again, back to the 70s by the weekend with sunny skies. 4:42 now, and let's get an early check of your monday morning back-to-school, back-to-work, back-to-reality traffic. >> nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter katy zachry has that. katy? >> i think back to reality was the best phrase. chris and tracy, there is an accident newly into our system. we were accident-free this morning. in upper providence, collegeville road, also route 29 near black rock road, there is a single car off the roadway there, but it could be tying things up if emergency responders don't pull it out of the woods in that area. so, just be aware of that if you're heading to montgomery county. also, live look at 309 near the pennsylvania turnpike. you are free and clear of any problems there. route 1 and 76, looking good as well. this is roosevelt boulevard right at 76. 76 is looking good as well. and we take a look at your new jersey majors. average speeds on the 42 freeway headed toward the bridges in philadelphia about 55 miles an hour. your bridges look good, so walt, the betsy and the ben are all free and clear of any problems this morning. well, three people were killed in a wrong-way crash on a florida highway over the weekend. police say the driver of a honda civic was going the wrong direction on interstate 275 in tampa. the car slammed head on into a tanker truck. the driver of the honda and two passengers died. now, this year alone there have been three other wrong-way crashes on that part of i-275, a total of seven people died in those accidents. well, congress returns to washington today. >> they have a lot on their plates. one big issue is isis. just how will congress and the president take on that militant group spreading terror? a report from washington straight ahead. plus, it's the find of a lifetime. how this small coin will bring in big bucks to the person who stumbled across it. ♪ ♪ i ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. 4:46. this morning we're getting a first look at a propaganda video released by isis. it shows how the extremists use surveillance drones to help plan their attack on an air base in syria. isis has also previously used google earth to pinpoint locations of syrian government forces and other rebel groups. the video also shows the mass execution of hundreds of syrian soldiers. in washington this morning congress will get back to work, but not for long. they've got just a few weeks to deal with immigration, the budget and how to go after those isis militants in syria. nbc 10 national correspondent tracie potts reports from the rotunda across from the capitol where all that work gets under way today. >> reporter: money to run the federal government runs out september 30th. that's priority number one when congress gets back today. they'll likely consider a temporary extension. the other big issue, immigration, all those children flooding across the border without parents. president obama says he's delaying any executive action until after november's election. >> when i take executive action, i want to make sure that it's sustainable. >> basically saying is he doesn't want to be held accountable by the electorate. >> reporter: the president says he doesn't need permission from congress to go after isis militants in syria, but he does want their support. he'll lay out his strategy in a speech wednesday. air strikes but no ground troops. >> boots on the ground have to be iraqi. >> what about syria? >> in syria, the boots on the ground have to be syrian. >> reporter: democrats and republicans agree the president needs to be clear and decisive. >> we need to have an end game. the president ought to lay out that strategy and say here's what we're going to do. >> what is the military plan and what is the diplomatic plan? and time's a wasting. it's time for america to project power and strength. >> reporter: and that's not all congress has to deal with. the law that keeps us all from paying taxes when we buy things online, that's expiring, too. a number of things that they need to make decisions on within the next three weeks. after that, they go on break again until after the election. at the russell rotunda on capitol hill, i'm tracie potts, nbc news. and here's another thing the president is watching. president obama says containing the ebola outbreak in west africa is a priority and it won't be easy. the u.s. military will help set up isolation units and equipment there and provide security for public health workers from around the world. even so, the president says it will be months before the problem is under control. obama says if the virus spreads, it could mutate and possibly reach the united states, although that's not expected to happen. here at home, immigrants from liberia hit the streets of philadelphia to raise awareness about the ebola outbreak in their homeland. nbc 10 in southwest philadelphia for a 2k walk against ebola. the group went from 67th street and woodland avenue to suffolk park on lindbergh avenue. liberia has lost more than 700 people to the virus. and a third american sickened with the ebola virus is now showing signs of improvement, but doctors in nebraska say it's really still too early to say if dr. rick sacra is out of the woods. the massachusetts doctor arrived back in the u.s. on a special flight from liberia on friday. he contracted the illness while working with pregnant women. he was not working with ebola patients. dr. sacra is being treated in a bio containment unit. doctors are encouraged by his progress but say the virus can have phases, so it's still, again, too early to say what his prognosis is. >> sick enough and weak enough. and part of the illness is adverse impact on how you feel and your desire for food. so, it's going somewhat slowly. >> doctors are using a research drug on sacra and are strongly considering giving him a blood transfusion from an ebola survivor. sacra has had two video chats with his family, but they're not allowed to go into the room. there are new items now on display at the national 9/11 museum in new york city. those personal artifacts are from an event that happened after the terrorist attacks on the world trade center and pentagon. one is a shirt worn by a navy s.e.a.l. in the raid that killed osama bin laden. there is also a brick from bin laden's compound in pakistan. an amateur treasure hunter in britain could be in line for a big pay day after finding this, a rare three penny coin. it could sell for more than $1 million at auction. 3 cents to $1 million? that's a pretty good investment. it's dated 1652 and is in good condition. the man found it in a farmer's field in sherwood. he says he intends to split the proceeds with the owner of that farm. 10 minutes before 5:00. we're getting a new look at the volcano erupting in iceland. this video shows the lava shooting out and the clouds of steam rising. there's still no sign of ash that could hamper airline traffic in the region. the voluntaricano first erupted august 31st, and lava continues to flow toward a main branch of one of iceland's glaciers. a nice, mild start to our first day of school. outside right now we've got some breezes, not too bad, though, right now. this is mainly winds aloft as we take a look at the aramark building. we've got mainly cloudy skies to cloudy skies right now. and then gradual clearing as the day moves on. it won't be the prettiest of days like we saw yesterday, but otherwise, temperatures really aren't going to get too warm today. 58 degrees for allentown. pottstown at 56. currently that's the cool sector here in the lehigh valley. bensalem at 64 degrees. 68 for philly. glassboro 65, 64 atlantic city and 63 stone harbor, millville currently at 63 degrees. humidity 76%, but this is going to drop even more. i'm not looking for a humid day today. we're not going to see it, thankfully, as temperatures climb to the upper 70s without the humidity. that should be fairly comfortable for the day today. also tracking a few showers. these start to fizzle out as they move eastward. still think some of the areas in south jersey here are going to get light, light rain drops to even sprinkles. there is still a slight chance south of philadelphia for the day today, but otherwise, we're looking at a partly cloudy to mostly cloudy day today, unless you're up in the poconos and lehigh valley, where we'll get some clearing. clouds, though, hugging the coast, and all the way down to delaware, too. winds could also be breezy at times in philadelphia and points north, but notice it will be windy down the shore, and of course, down in dover for the day today, too. so, here's a look at your forecast. look for a mix of clouds and sun. actually, more clouds than sunshine. breezy also for the day today. temperatures should be hovering right around 78 degrees. your winds come from the east at 10 to 20 miles per hour. we'll have your seven-day forecast coming up in just a couple of minutes. >> all right, tedd. eight minutes before 5:00. let's get a check on the roads. it's early, but you just never know. >> need to be aware. nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter katy zachry will give us an early heads-up of any problems out there. katy? >> we'll start with the platt bridge at 95. your area bridges look free and clear of any issues, except for things on the ben franklin bridge. a live look from our camden camera. on the westbound side, two lanes are blocked because of patco track work, so be aware of that if you're headed over the ben franklin bridge. i'm just getting word that construction on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound near willow grove -- i told you about that a little earlier -- that has cleared. also construction on the northeast extension southbound between quakertown and lansdale. one lane was blocked there, but in the last few minutes, that construction zone has cleared. then, taking a look at west windsor, things are looking good in new jersey. route 1 at quakerbridge road, traffic free and clear in both directions. guys? well, a car that drives itself? coming up, a major announcement from a carmaker that could change your major drive forever and also may result in less crashes for katy to report on. plus, an nfl team bringing more than fans to its games. why protesters may be tagging along to all of this team's games. oh wow. you look incredible! right?! is this the bacon and cheese diet? this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. what's different? oh, it's my chicken and cheese enchilada diet. well keep it up, honey. it's working. oh, gracias! did i tell you i'm on the... (in unison) chicken pot pie diet! (in unison) me too! lisa, did i tell you i'm on the.. soups so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. ♪ this flu season... remember this. your immune system doesn't work the way it did when rock was young. so we made fluzone high-dose vaccine... for people 65+. fluzone high-dose vaccine has a high high higher... dose of antigen... for a stronger immune response. fluzone high-dose vaccine is approved for people 65 and older. it's not for anyone who's had a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component, including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. tell your doctor if you've had guillain-barré syndrome. side effects include pain, swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so if you hopped around the clock, ask your health care provider about fluzone high-dose vaccine. fluzone high-dose vaccine. a car that drives itself has been the subject of science fiction for a long time. in just a few years, though, it could be a reality. general motors says in two years, it will start offering cars that talk to each other and can almost drive themselves at highway speeds. the system will be an option on a new cadillac that will go on sale in the summer of 2016. the company's sceo says it woul allow you to drive long distances with the car doing much of the work, but gm says it's working on a system to make sure that drivers still pay attention. doesn't sound like you could take a long nap, but -- >> no. well, drivers will still have to do the work behind the wheel now and they're paying the lowest prices for gas since last february. according to aaa, the national average dropped to $3.44 on friday. analysts say gas prices will likely stay stable or decrease in the coming weeks, now that the summer travel season has come to an end, which decreases the demand. locally, though, prices are up. in the philly five-county area, the average is $3.50. in delaware, drivers paying $3.40, and the average in south jersey is $3.24. well, despite an awful first half, the eagles' dominating defense held to give the birds their first win in the home opener yesterday. quarterback nick foles had plenty of trouble in the first half, a bunch of sacks, fumbles, interceptions. birds were down 17-0 at halftime, but then the offense came alive. new acquisition darren sproles takes off, down for the 49-yard score. later in the fourth, jeremy maclin helped seal the birds' fate with a 68-yard touchdown, and the eagles score 34 unanswered points to beat the jaguars 34-17. there's much more about the home opener on you can see play-by-play analysis, pictures and video. the eagles' division rivals are now taking heed as they travel to their road game just as protesters stood near the stadium in houston demanding the team change its name from redskins. several native american groups, as you know, they've been talking about it and complaining about it. they were there as well. the redskins owner says they plan to keep the name. also to the delight of eagles fans, the redskins looked bad in their loss yesterday. well, future yankees hall of famer derek jeter answered a reporter's phone call during a news conference yesterday. >> someone's phone's ringing. walt rinheimer. want me to get it? walt, she'll have to call you back, buddy. >> well, walt probably wasn't expecting the shortstop to pick up, but he did. after a little -- a little laughter there, the news conference resumed. yesterday was derek jeter day at yankee stadium. that reporter is a god, by the way, among his fellow reporters now, probably, after jeter answered the phone. >> hi, yeah. going to have to call you back. >> a little busy right now. you're watching nbc 10 news. "nbc 10 news today" at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. a driver rushing a gunshot victim to the hospital crashes the car. now both of them are in the hospital. back to school amid budget cuts. philadelphia students return to the classroom today despite millions missing from the budget. and to welcome those kids back to school, it will feel like fall. football weather as we see the lights on and off there at lincoln financial field, where the eagles opened the season with a victory yesterday. you're waking up to cooler weather this morning. good morning. welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm chris cato. >> and i'm tracy davidson. it's like flick the switch, fall. >> right, let the cool air begin. >> let's find out more about the cool air today for back to school with meteorologist tedd florendo in the first alert weather center. >> that's right, guys, and i'm not complaining at all. great start to our morning, nice and cool outside. it's going to feel a lot like fall, as you said, for the day today. humidity's also going to remain low. we're happy about that, right? outside right now, as we look at center city from our aqua cam, you can't quite see it. we've got some clouds out there. and radar actually picking up a few light showers we saw this morning. and now they're starting to push through the area right now. first we want to show you exactly where those showers are at, mainly down into delaware, into portions of also southern new jersey. there's a look at them pushing through dover. now starting to fizzle out as they make their way into new jersey. not much cloud cover in allentown. philadelphia looking partly cloudy, but most of the clouds really down in atlantic city, down the shore, and of course, into delaware where they will stay for the day today. temperatures right now 64 degrees northeast philly, pottstown at 58. 68 for philadelphia and wilmington at 65 degrees. your forecast for the day today. the high 78 with a mix of sun and clouds. get a quick check of traffic right now with our very own katy zachry. >> don't say that too fast, tedd, right? not this early. all right, we'll start off with a new accident into our

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