Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20140926 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20140926

about haunted buildings. after a show aired, 12 ghost hunters were arrested and charged with trespassing. at the time police said the group had seen the mtv show and wanted to see if the inn was really haunted. we have a difficult update to pass along to you. a mercer county preschooler is dead tonight, health officials say he suffered from some type of respiratory illness. he attended yardville elementary school. the state health department is testing for various strains of the flu and swabs have been sent to the centers for disease control in atlanta which will test for the enterovirus. that facility isç hospitalized children nationwide. >> it's heart breaking, very scary and as a mom you try to do everything you can to keep your children safe from getting sick. >> the state test could be back as early as tonight it. the cdc's results may take about a week. the cdc says enterovirus d68 is a respiratory illness. it can cause sneezing and coughing and wheezing. most hops and doctor's offices aren't equipped to test for this exact strain and there's no specific treatment for it. has more information on enterovirus d68 including its history, symptoms, ways prevent getting sick from it. >> to this now, a 15-year-old high school football standout is charged as an adult for his alleged role in the shooting death of a teenage girl. quadir gibson is a star running back. he called 19-year-old darian person to the location and told him to shoot several people. person turned himself in earlier this week. 15-year-old aisha abdurahim died at the scene right at the einstein medical center. the archdiocese of philadelphia released this statement to nbc 10 on gibson's arrest, the administration of father judge high school will cooperate fully with the police department. the entire school community is praying for all those affected by this tragedy. new action in a corruption scandal involving former philadelphia narcotics officers. today, a judge threw out 59 cases handled by former officer jeffrey walker. 49 cases were upheld. prosecutors say a total of 160 cases involving walker have been dismissed since he was indicted back in may of 2013. walker pleaded guilty in february to stealing $15,000 from a drug dealer. the plot involved planting drugs in dealer's cars. walker has been cooperating in a broader investigation of the drug trafficking unit. six officers were charged in july with robbing,ç beating an kidnapping drug suspects. new at 6:00, a push to ban replica toy guns in philadelphia. we've all seen them. a similar ban was passed in atlantic city. now city councilmen kenyatta johnson wants to do the same in philadelphia. new measure would make take guns illegal unless they're painted a bright color or are entirely clear so they don't look anything like the real thing. johnson says the bill would make exceptions for historical replicas. tonight, police say a prostitution turf war might be the motive for murder. five men are facing charges in new jersey connected with a statewide brothel ring we first told you about last week. two homicides this summer in cumberland county have been linked. ted greenberg has the latest from bridgeton. >> he's crazy. >> reporter: -- meant killing a competitor or one of their own, they were not afraid to use violence. >> it's like a movie. >> reporter: today, police told nbc 10 these four men from central and north jersey are among the five they've charged in connection with a pair of murders in bridgeton last month. among them 36-year-old juan fredi hernandez josiah of passaic. he was busted by federal authorities last week. >> the homicides were arranged to the best of our knowledge and ordered by mr. hernandez and the other four individuals charged actually carried out those orders. >> reporter: investigators say this bridgeton home previously serve as one of the brothels. today we learned one of the murdered men likely ran the operation here and was probably killed because of a business issue. police believe the other victim worked at a competing brothel in the city. >> it's definitely seems to be an organized criminal enterprise that was being run and the majority of organized criminal enterprises go hand in hand with extreme violence. >> reporter: the suspects were all charged over the course of the 3569 week. authorities tell me at least four other murders, including cases in mercer and middlesex counties may be connected and they are also being investigated. bridgeton's mayor says the city is trying to prevent or shut down other brothels by targeting certain neighborhoods. >> it takes the public to share information, needed information so that we can eradicate this type of activity. >> reporter: those charged are now in jail, in cumberland, middlesex and essex counties. bail for hernandez josiah is the highest, now set at $1 million. in bridgeton, ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. police call it a tragic construction accident, two roofers were shocked while working at a delaware county home. one is dead, the other is intensive care. investigators say they were moving a metal ladder up to the home in havertown when it hit overhead power lines. he played a role in a drug dealing network and bribery scheme that brought down former trenton mayor tony mack. joseph "jojo" giorgianni was sentenced in federal court today. both mack brothers have been sentenced to federal prison. we want you to take a look outside. a live look at the "uss new jersey." it's a big day for a local landmark. brian williams is there preparing to anchor a especially edition of "nbc nightly news." first, let's go to nbc 10 meteorologist sheena parveen. here's a good question, sheena. what kind of weather should brian expect for the live broadcast? >> keith, i know you already know this, absolutely perfect weather. we've seen a great end to the week. a lot of dry air is in place. plenty of sunshine and warmer temperatures. temperatures are dropping off just a little bit. because the sun is about to set soon. 76 degrees right now in philadelphia. these numbers will continue to drop off but it will be very pleasant as we go through the rest of your friday evening. north and west through the lehigh valley, mid-70s, south jersey and delaware just about the mid-to-low 70s. as we go through the rest of tonight, skies will stay clear. the dry air still in place. by 8:00 low 70s. by 10:00 p.m. tonight, upper 60s. a cool night once again. as we go into the weekend, it will feel more like summer for the first weekend of çfall. i'll show you how warm it will get. that's straight ahead. >> septa says it's prepared to keep riders safe from threats of terrorism. nbc 10 at sharon hill, delaware county where officials delivered word of a grant to keep septa moving in bad weather. an alleged plot by isis to attack subway stations was also addressed. >> we always are vigilant about security in our system. we have increased the presence of police officers. you'll see them in uniform. that is as a determent and to make sure our riders feel safe. >> the authority can act quickly on any credible threat. for the potential of terrorist attacks on subway systems, one delaware company is working on a system that could save thousands of lives in such an attack happens. ilc dover cut the ribbon on its new fake subway tunnel. they're working on an inflatable system that can keep water out of tunnels and allow people time to escape. they've been making space suits for nasa sin the late '50s. now they're engineers are also working on these balloons to essentially seal off tunes and save lives. >> the idea is to be able to seal off the tunnel and be able to get people out. if you're worried about an event that occurs rapidly, it has to be in place and ready to go. >> this afternoon, company leaders gave federal homeland security officials a look at the prototypes. ilc hopes to have the balloon system available to transportation systems like septa by sometime next spring. we saw a bear when we were hiking. we all started running and it started chasing us. >> all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, frantic 911 calls in new jersey as a bear kills a college student while he's hiking with friends. why it took two hours before anyone arrived to help him. plus, years ago you watched him on nbc 10. look at that. brian williams comes home.ç detail details from a special broadcast. i'll tell you how long this nice weather will last and the next chance of showers. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. tonight we're hearing the 911 calls after a deadly bear attack that left a rutgers student dead. darsh patel and friends were hiking sunday. the men scattered after a black bear began to follow them. before his body was recovered, one of his friends call 911. you can hear confusion in his voice as he tries to direct police to his location. >> 911 where's your emergency. >> i'm on 81 makoken road. we were hiking and we saw a bear. we all started running and it started chasing us. two of us are okay. two are really close and i'm scared. >> the caller gave the dispatcher the wrong address which delayed the response time from authorities. by the way, a 299-pound black bear was found near patel's body. it was put to sleep. switching gears now, skyforce 10 is live above the "uss new jersey" which is poised for the national spotlight tonight. that's because brian williams is there. he'll be anchoring a special edition of "nbc nightly news" in just about 15 minutes before now. this trip is a homecoming by the way for williams. he spent part of his career right here on nbc 10. he was honored today in a ceremony at temple university. nbc 10's rosemary connors caught up with him. >> reporter: recognized as aç respected and groundbreaking journalist, brian williams now adds the lou klein excellence award to his long list of achievements. you've received many awards. what makes this one unique and special. >> i get to come back. i get to come back to channel 10. i get to come back to philadelphia. this is home. >> reporter: the "nbc nightly news" anchor reconnected with friends and former colleagues as he spent part of his career covering new jersey for nbc 10 in the 1980s. those who remember him when always expected great things. >> if you look at brian and what he is today, it's just sort of the richest version of the young reporter he was then. >> reporter: nbc 10 and telemundo 62 were proud sponsors of the event which featured a question and answer session with brian and temple students. when asked about his exclusive interview this year with edward snowden, he told them it was a top secret assignment. >> it was cloak and dagger. he entered this hotel. we were hyperaware of the people around us. luckily my luggage was lost and i almost had to do the interview in a terry cloth robe. >> reporter: before the day ended brian thanked everyone for the award which brought him back to his beloved philadelphia. >> it's all so very flattering. i never expected any of this to happen. >> reporter: reporting from north philadelphia, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. you can watch brian williams reporting from the "uss new jersey" it's happening in just 14 minutes right here on nbc 10. we want to mention this, how about it, our own nbc 10 anchor tracy davidson was also honored at temple university today. she received the alumni in the media award. tracy is a graduate of temple university. she's created, hosted hundreds of community events and devotes much of her free time to community service. i'd like to offer a sincere congratulations to tracy. well deserved.ç now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> yes, we do congratulate tracy davidson. we're all very happy for you and happy to work with you, too. as far as the weather is concerned your week is ending on a really great note. tonight will be nice, too. clear xiskies, cool temperature. temperatures warm up as we go into tomorrow and sunday. with that being said, it will be more like summer this weekend than feeling like fall. temperatures will be a little bit above normal for this time of the year. here's a live look at citizens bank park where the phillies start their final games of the season, their final home games. we are looking at good weather for it. either way right now we're seeing fantastic conditions. sunny skies, 76 degrees in philadelphia. the humidity is down. it feels nice outside. pretty much across the board, temperatures 10 to 15 degrees warmer. 76, allentown and reading. 76 degrees right now in trenton. this big area of high pressure has moved in. that's why we're sunny and dry. it will stay with us as we go through the entire weekend. here's future weather. sunny and dry conditions because of this as we go into saturday afternoon, barely any clouds. absolutely no rain and even into sunday. it's looking really good. we still stay sunny and dry. clouds pretty much stay away. we'll get set to move in as we start off your monday. the weekend look goods. tomorrow we start to warm up later than today. tomorrow afternoon, 81 for the high temperature. quakertown, under very sunny skies. 81 for trenton tomorrow, doylestown, 83 mount holly and northeast philly closer to the shore, upper 70s. farther inland, just about the low 80s. and around philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs tomorrow afternoon we should be in just about the low 80s and it does carry over into your sunday. pretty perfect weekend. for tonight, clear skies, cool temperatures, mid-50s in philadelphia. upper 40s areas north and west. tomorrow, sunny, very nice. mid-to-low 80s through most of the area. we keep the trend going even as a nice stretch of weather just for the phillies home game. the last of the season. by monday, clouds move in. warm, though, around 80 degrees. temperatures drop into the mid-70s and even as we go into the rest of the week, danny. >> thanks, sheena. the eagles will be hitting the west coast. we'll hear from the birds coming up. we have the latest on devin stills 4-year-old daughter leah undergoing cancer treatment, the gift she got from chip kelly and company. you don't want to miss it. we'll be right back. this is the xfinity sportsdesk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. good evening, live and in your living room, i'm from comcast sports net. the eagles face off with the 49ers sunday afternoon. they'll be missing a key piece of the defense. mychal kendricks has been ruled out of the team's final injury report with a banged up calf. the nfl handed down fines from the eagles/redskins fine. peters was fined 10 grand. the blind side block on nick foles started the whole melee was deemed leagueúbp the league office. jonathan papelbon hasn't made an appearance at home since the obscene gesture he called around adjustment. the skipper was also asked if there's anything he can do to get back in the fan's good graces? >> that's a tough question. for him to not only pitch and do well but also come to the realization that there is -- there is a per accepting out there going forward, anything that a player can do to help perception, whatever it might be, i think that takes work and effort. >> one final phillies note to pass along. jimmy rollins out of the lineup again with a hamstring injury. he may not play in this series. the flyers, captain claude giroux was back on the ice for the second straight day. he suffered a lower body injury the first day of training camp. no word on if or when he will play this preseason. high school football for you from this afternoon. public reaction. a big day for nazir bonner. he was balling. cue the music, the game with the most votes is featured on the high school blitz every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. we'll give you a taste of tonight's action on "friday night lights" at 11:00 right here. we'll keep you posted on the condition of devon stills 4-year-old daughter leah who continues her fight against cancer. she underwent a nearly six-hour surgery at children's hospital to remove a tumor and her lymph nodes. the surgery was a big step forward but the cancer has spread to bone marrow. today, still posted this picture. a gift sent from chip kelly and the eagles. he tweeted after the surgery, lea said, daddy, the doc said i was a big winner. she sure is. a great gesture by the eagles office here. nbc 10 and comcast wishes them the best. >> so touching. thank you so much, danny. fewç now for a look at whas coming up on nbc 10 news at 11:00, several suspicious cases all in one bucks county community. why police are stepping up patrols. sheena parveen joins us now. how about this weekend? >> it's go inge to get warmer and feel more like summer. temperatures going into the low 80s. it stays sunny and perfect for anything you want to do. get outside. >> i like the sound of that. for all of us here at nbc 10, i'm keith jones. the news continues with "nbc nightly news" with brian williams, reporting live from the "uss new jersey." have a great night and safe weekend. on our broadcast tonight, gridlock in the sky. thousands of flights delayed or canceled because of a disruption on the ground. and investigators think the incident was no accident. striking isis, a new u.s.-led air assault on terrorist targets and our close-up view of isis fighters on the front lines that we haven't seen until now. safer streets and good news tonight from an american city where not so long ago families were afraid to step outside their homes. tonight, we're going to show you the turnaround that's underway. and what a night. derek jeter, captain clutch, gives baseball fans one last thrill at home. tonight, what he told me about his last stop before cooperstown. "nightly news" begins

Related Keywords

Passaic , New Jersey , United States , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Delaware , Mercer County , Temple University , Havertown , Atlantic City , Quakertown , Allentown , Mount Holly , Jersey , Cumberland County , Trenton , American , Alex Douglass , Derek Jeter , Aisha Abdurahim , Tracy Davidson , Quadir Gibson , Jimmy Rollins , Sheena Parveen , Nazir Bonner , Kenyatta Johnson , Tony Mack , Jeffrey Walker , Ted Greenberg , Brian Williams , Keith Jones , Claude Giroux , Cumberland Middlesex , Ilc Dover , Edward Snowden , Lou Klein , Tom Corbett , Hernandez Josiah ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20140926 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20140926

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about haunted buildings. after a show aired, 12 ghost hunters were arrested and charged with trespassing. at the time police said the group had seen the mtv show and wanted to see if the inn was really haunted. we have a difficult update to pass along to you. a mercer county preschooler is dead tonight, health officials say he suffered from some type of respiratory illness. he attended yardville elementary school. the state health department is testing for various strains of the flu and swabs have been sent to the centers for disease control in atlanta which will test for the enterovirus. that facility isç hospitalized children nationwide. >> it's heart breaking, very scary and as a mom you try to do everything you can to keep your children safe from getting sick. >> the state test could be back as early as tonight it. the cdc's results may take about a week. the cdc says enterovirus d68 is a respiratory illness. it can cause sneezing and coughing and wheezing. most hops and doctor's offices aren't equipped to test for this exact strain and there's no specific treatment for it. has more information on enterovirus d68 including its history, symptoms, ways prevent getting sick from it. >> to this now, a 15-year-old high school football standout is charged as an adult for his alleged role in the shooting death of a teenage girl. quadir gibson is a star running back. he called 19-year-old darian person to the location and told him to shoot several people. person turned himself in earlier this week. 15-year-old aisha abdurahim died at the scene right at the einstein medical center. the archdiocese of philadelphia released this statement to nbc 10 on gibson's arrest, the administration of father judge high school will cooperate fully with the police department. the entire school community is praying for all those affected by this tragedy. new action in a corruption scandal involving former philadelphia narcotics officers. today, a judge threw out 59 cases handled by former officer jeffrey walker. 49 cases were upheld. prosecutors say a total of 160 cases involving walker have been dismissed since he was indicted back in may of 2013. walker pleaded guilty in february to stealing $15,000 from a drug dealer. the plot involved planting drugs in dealer's cars. walker has been cooperating in a broader investigation of the drug trafficking unit. six officers were charged in july with robbing,ç beating an kidnapping drug suspects. new at 6:00, a push to ban replica toy guns in philadelphia. we've all seen them. a similar ban was passed in atlantic city. now city councilmen kenyatta johnson wants to do the same in philadelphia. new measure would make take guns illegal unless they're painted a bright color or are entirely clear so they don't look anything like the real thing. johnson says the bill would make exceptions for historical replicas. tonight, police say a prostitution turf war might be the motive for murder. five men are facing charges in new jersey connected with a statewide brothel ring we first told you about last week. two homicides this summer in cumberland county have been linked. ted greenberg has the latest from bridgeton. >> he's crazy. >> reporter: -- meant killing a competitor or one of their own, they were not afraid to use violence. >> it's like a movie. >> reporter: today, police told nbc 10 these four men from central and north jersey are among the five they've charged in connection with a pair of murders in bridgeton last month. among them 36-year-old juan fredi hernandez josiah of passaic. he was busted by federal authorities last week. >> the homicides were arranged to the best of our knowledge and ordered by mr. hernandez and the other four individuals charged actually carried out those orders. >> reporter: investigators say this bridgeton home previously serve as one of the brothels. today we learned one of the murdered men likely ran the operation here and was probably killed because of a business issue. police believe the other victim worked at a competing brothel in the city. >> it's definitely seems to be an organized criminal enterprise that was being run and the majority of organized criminal enterprises go hand in hand with extreme violence. >> reporter: the suspects were all charged over the course of the 3569 week. authorities tell me at least four other murders, including cases in mercer and middlesex counties may be connected and they are also being investigated. bridgeton's mayor says the city is trying to prevent or shut down other brothels by targeting certain neighborhoods. >> it takes the public to share information, needed information so that we can eradicate this type of activity. >> reporter: those charged are now in jail, in cumberland, middlesex and essex counties. bail for hernandez josiah is the highest, now set at $1 million. in bridgeton, ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. police call it a tragic construction accident, two roofers were shocked while working at a delaware county home. one is dead, the other is intensive care. investigators say they were moving a metal ladder up to the home in havertown when it hit overhead power lines. he played a role in a drug dealing network and bribery scheme that brought down former trenton mayor tony mack. joseph "jojo" giorgianni was sentenced in federal court today. both mack brothers have been sentenced to federal prison. we want you to take a look outside. a live look at the "uss new jersey." it's a big day for a local landmark. brian williams is there preparing to anchor a especially edition of "nbc nightly news." first, let's go to nbc 10 meteorologist sheena parveen. here's a good question, sheena. what kind of weather should brian expect for the live broadcast? >> keith, i know you already know this, absolutely perfect weather. we've seen a great end to the week. a lot of dry air is in place. plenty of sunshine and warmer temperatures. temperatures are dropping off just a little bit. because the sun is about to set soon. 76 degrees right now in philadelphia. these numbers will continue to drop off but it will be very pleasant as we go through the rest of your friday evening. north and west through the lehigh valley, mid-70s, south jersey and delaware just about the mid-to-low 70s. as we go through the rest of tonight, skies will stay clear. the dry air still in place. by 8:00 low 70s. by 10:00 p.m. tonight, upper 60s. a cool night once again. as we go into the weekend, it will feel more like summer for the first weekend of çfall. i'll show you how warm it will get. that's straight ahead. >> septa says it's prepared to keep riders safe from threats of terrorism. nbc 10 at sharon hill, delaware county where officials delivered word of a grant to keep septa moving in bad weather. an alleged plot by isis to attack subway stations was also addressed. >> we always are vigilant about security in our system. we have increased the presence of police officers. you'll see them in uniform. that is as a determent and to make sure our riders feel safe. >> the authority can act quickly on any credible threat. for the potential of terrorist attacks on subway systems, one delaware company is working on a system that could save thousands of lives in such an attack happens. ilc dover cut the ribbon on its new fake subway tunnel. they're working on an inflatable system that can keep water out of tunnels and allow people time to escape. they've been making space suits for nasa sin the late '50s. now they're engineers are also working on these balloons to essentially seal off tunes and save lives. >> the idea is to be able to seal off the tunnel and be able to get people out. if you're worried about an event that occurs rapidly, it has to be in place and ready to go. >> this afternoon, company leaders gave federal homeland security officials a look at the prototypes. ilc hopes to have the balloon system available to transportation systems like septa by sometime next spring. we saw a bear when we were hiking. we all started running and it started chasing us. >> all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, frantic 911 calls in new jersey as a bear kills a college student while he's hiking with friends. why it took two hours before anyone arrived to help him. plus, years ago you watched him on nbc 10. look at that. brian williams comes home.ç detail details from a special broadcast. i'll tell you how long this nice weather will last and the next chance of showers. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. tonight we're hearing the 911 calls after a deadly bear attack that left a rutgers student dead. darsh patel and friends were hiking sunday. the men scattered after a black bear began to follow them. before his body was recovered, one of his friends call 911. you can hear confusion in his voice as he tries to direct police to his location. >> 911 where's your emergency. >> i'm on 81 makoken road. we were hiking and we saw a bear. we all started running and it started chasing us. two of us are okay. two are really close and i'm scared. >> the caller gave the dispatcher the wrong address which delayed the response time from authorities. by the way, a 299-pound black bear was found near patel's body. it was put to sleep. switching gears now, skyforce 10 is live above the "uss new jersey" which is poised for the national spotlight tonight. that's because brian williams is there. he'll be anchoring a special edition of "nbc nightly news" in just about 15 minutes before now. this trip is a homecoming by the way for williams. he spent part of his career right here on nbc 10. he was honored today in a ceremony at temple university. nbc 10's rosemary connors caught up with him. >> reporter: recognized as aç respected and groundbreaking journalist, brian williams now adds the lou klein excellence award to his long list of achievements. you've received many awards. what makes this one unique and special. >> i get to come back. i get to come back to channel 10. i get to come back to philadelphia. this is home. >> reporter: the "nbc nightly news" anchor reconnected with friends and former colleagues as he spent part of his career covering new jersey for nbc 10 in the 1980s. those who remember him when always expected great things. >> if you look at brian and what he is today, it's just sort of the richest version of the young reporter he was then. >> reporter: nbc 10 and telemundo 62 were proud sponsors of the event which featured a question and answer session with brian and temple students. when asked about his exclusive interview this year with edward snowden, he told them it was a top secret assignment. >> it was cloak and dagger. he entered this hotel. we were hyperaware of the people around us. luckily my luggage was lost and i almost had to do the interview in a terry cloth robe. >> reporter: before the day ended brian thanked everyone for the award which brought him back to his beloved philadelphia. >> it's all so very flattering. i never expected any of this to happen. >> reporter: reporting from north philadelphia, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. you can watch brian williams reporting from the "uss new jersey" it's happening in just 14 minutes right here on nbc 10. we want to mention this, how about it, our own nbc 10 anchor tracy davidson was also honored at temple university today. she received the alumni in the media award. tracy is a graduate of temple university. she's created, hosted hundreds of community events and devotes much of her free time to community service. i'd like to offer a sincere congratulations to tracy. well deserved.ç now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> yes, we do congratulate tracy davidson. we're all very happy for you and happy to work with you, too. as far as the weather is concerned your week is ending on a really great note. tonight will be nice, too. clear xiskies, cool temperature. temperatures warm up as we go into tomorrow and sunday. with that being said, it will be more like summer this weekend than feeling like fall. temperatures will be a little bit above normal for this time of the year. here's a live look at citizens bank park where the phillies start their final games of the season, their final home games. we are looking at good weather for it. either way right now we're seeing fantastic conditions. sunny skies, 76 degrees in philadelphia. the humidity is down. it feels nice outside. pretty much across the board, temperatures 10 to 15 degrees warmer. 76, allentown and reading. 76 degrees right now in trenton. this big area of high pressure has moved in. that's why we're sunny and dry. it will stay with us as we go through the entire weekend. here's future weather. sunny and dry conditions because of this as we go into saturday afternoon, barely any clouds. absolutely no rain and even into sunday. it's looking really good. we still stay sunny and dry. clouds pretty much stay away. we'll get set to move in as we start off your monday. the weekend look goods. tomorrow we start to warm up later than today. tomorrow afternoon, 81 for the high temperature. quakertown, under very sunny skies. 81 for trenton tomorrow, doylestown, 83 mount holly and northeast philly closer to the shore, upper 70s. farther inland, just about the low 80s. and around philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs tomorrow afternoon we should be in just about the low 80s and it does carry over into your sunday. pretty perfect weekend. for tonight, clear skies, cool temperatures, mid-50s in philadelphia. upper 40s areas north and west. tomorrow, sunny, very nice. mid-to-low 80s through most of the area. we keep the trend going even as a nice stretch of weather just for the phillies home game. the last of the season. by monday, clouds move in. warm, though, around 80 degrees. temperatures drop into the mid-70s and even as we go into the rest of the week, danny. >> thanks, sheena. the eagles will be hitting the west coast. we'll hear from the birds coming up. we have the latest on devin stills 4-year-old daughter leah undergoing cancer treatment, the gift she got from chip kelly and company. you don't want to miss it. we'll be right back. this is the xfinity sportsdesk brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. good evening, live and in your living room, i'm from comcast sports net. the eagles face off with the 49ers sunday afternoon. they'll be missing a key piece of the defense. mychal kendricks has been ruled out of the team's final injury report with a banged up calf. the nfl handed down fines from the eagles/redskins fine. peters was fined 10 grand. the blind side block on nick foles started the whole melee was deemed leagueúbp the league office. jonathan papelbon hasn't made an appearance at home since the obscene gesture he called around adjustment. the skipper was also asked if there's anything he can do to get back in the fan's good graces? >> that's a tough question. for him to not only pitch and do well but also come to the realization that there is -- there is a per accepting out there going forward, anything that a player can do to help perception, whatever it might be, i think that takes work and effort. >> one final phillies note to pass along. jimmy rollins out of the lineup again with a hamstring injury. he may not play in this series. the flyers, captain claude giroux was back on the ice for the second straight day. he suffered a lower body injury the first day of training camp. no word on if or when he will play this preseason. high school football for you from this afternoon. public reaction. a big day for nazir bonner. he was balling. cue the music, the game with the most votes is featured on the high school blitz every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. we'll give you a taste of tonight's action on "friday night lights" at 11:00 right here. we'll keep you posted on the condition of devon stills 4-year-old daughter leah who continues her fight against cancer. she underwent a nearly six-hour surgery at children's hospital to remove a tumor and her lymph nodes. the surgery was a big step forward but the cancer has spread to bone marrow. today, still posted this picture. a gift sent from chip kelly and the eagles. he tweeted after the surgery, lea said, daddy, the doc said i was a big winner. she sure is. a great gesture by the eagles office here. nbc 10 and comcast wishes them the best. >> so touching. thank you so much, danny. fewç now for a look at whas coming up on nbc 10 news at 11:00, several suspicious cases all in one bucks county community. why police are stepping up patrols. sheena parveen joins us now. how about this weekend? >> it's go inge to get warmer and feel more like summer. temperatures going into the low 80s. it stays sunny and perfect for anything you want to do. get outside. >> i like the sound of that. for all of us here at nbc 10, i'm keith jones. the news continues with "nbc nightly news" with brian williams, reporting live from the "uss new jersey." have a great night and safe weekend. on our broadcast tonight, gridlock in the sky. thousands of flights delayed or canceled because of a disruption on the ground. and investigators think the incident was no accident. striking isis, a new u.s.-led air assault on terrorist targets and our close-up view of isis fighters on the front lines that we haven't seen until now. safer streets and good news tonight from an american city where not so long ago families were afraid to step outside their homes. tonight, we're going to show you the turnaround that's underway. and what a night. derek jeter, captain clutch, gives baseball fans one last thrill at home. tonight, what he told me about his last stop before cooperstown. "nightly news" begins

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