Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 5pm 20141002 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 5pm 20141002

the last i heard there was a girl in the house, the last time, the last person. >> reporter: now, many of the neighbors uncomfortable talking on camera. they tell me an acquaintance of the 34-year-old manmade the discovery, found the body. friends and family have been gathering here and have been out on the sidewalk near the home. see them near the house. the home at 221 lindley street. investigators have this as an active crime scene trying to fig wrur out what happened here. we can tell you homeland security was called to this neighborhood earlier this afternoon after investigators found some chemicals in the home. they say they called homeland security as a precaution and the chemicals were deemed to be safe. reporting live in olney, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> it was cloudy and cool in philadelphia's fairmont park today. nbc 10 along kelly drive. see a couple people getting in their afternoon workouts, whether you're riding bike, whether you're running. decent day for it. today's cool air is nothing like what's headed our way this weekend unfortunately. >> i know. that nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen swro joins us with how cool the temperatures will get tonight. >> yes, it will be another cool night, rosemary and keith. right now we're dry but still cool out. a lot has to do with the cloud cover in place. not much sun shooshine getting through. we have the clouds around but don't have the rain, and we're not going to expect the rain until we go into the weekend. way off to our west, still west of chicago. a very slow-moving front. eventually it will get here. behind it we have much cooler air that will be moving in from canada over the weekend. just in time for the eagles game sunday, we will definitely have football weather in place. right now, in philadelphia, 71 degrees is the temperature through the lehigh valley, upper 60s. south jersey and delaware, temperatures in the mid 60s. it is a cool day outside especially with the cloud cover in place. for tonight, we will get cool again down into the 50s. by 6:00 p.m. this evening, mostly cloudy, but we're dry. temperatures upper 60s. by 8:00 p.m., the clouds are with us around 67 degrees. by 10:00 tonight, the clouds will be here, mid 60s, but again through the morning hours, we'll be in the 50s when you wake up. coming up i'll show you the timing of the rain into your weekend. and how cool it will get as we go into sunday. >> all right, sheena, thanks. well, a third person has died as a result of this tour bus wreck in new castle county. state police say 43-year-old yostina passed away at the hospital this morning. she was a passenger on board when it crashed in bear back on september 21st. two other passengers died that day. authorities charged the driver after they determined he was going too fast. today, several jurors went in court after seeing graphic pictures of a botched kidnapping that left a baby and her grand mother dead. now the judge has barred jurors from seeing the pictures that show the baby's slip and dress where the body was found. a man is accused of killing the grandmother while attempting to capture the 10-month-old infant for ransom money. he's a family friend of the victim and says two other men are responsible for the killing. this afternoon we're learning two philadelphia firefighters have been accused of assaulting the pregnant ex-wife of one of the men. 28-year-old sada greenlee and 38-year-old michael lawson both from philadelphia are charged with aggravated assault, conspiracy, and terroristic threats among other things. authorities say the two attacked lawson's ex-wife who is eight months pregnant. along with her boyfriend on two different days last month. new at 5:00, the second of two hit men dwiconvicted of a 1 murder of a rabbi's wife is now a free man. mr. daniels who beat carol neulander to death. a few moments ago nbc 10's investigative reporter harry hairston spoke to daniels' attorney about his release. >> when mr. daniels was released yesterday, what was the first thing you said to him? >> i just said to him, go outside and take some big breaths of fresh air on this nice day. and his response to me was, thank god i can, and i still know that mrs. neulander can't. >> daniels' accomplice was also re leased from prison after serving his full sentence. the search for a fugitive eric frein has now caused the temporary closing of several state parks. state game officials had already banned hunting and trapping in eastern monroe and western pike counties. and now state forest near the state zone are being temporarily closed to fishing, hiking and camping. search for suspected cop killer eric frein is in its 20th day. he's accused of ambushing and killing corporal bryon dixon and wounding state trooper alex douglasd. >> i believe they need to do whatever's safe for the public in the area. especially now that they're finding trap bombs and everything else. >> searchers found two fully functional pipe bombs monday at a campsite that police believe was used bynl frein. we have new information about a man who assaulted a man in wissahickon park last week. police now say they have an idea what he looks like. police released this sketch of the suspect. he's between 25 and 30 years old and stands about 6 feet tall. officers tell us the man attacked a woman who was walking along wissahickon park trail in chestnut hill. officers say the suspect demanded money from the woman then pushed her to the ground and shoved dirt in her mouth. when she said she didn't have any. after a struggle, she broke free and called for help. the secret service now has a local guy at the helm. at least on an interim basis. tonight we're digging to find out more about him. here's what we know. joe clancy has been one of the leaders on comcast corporate security teams since 2011. he once served as a secret service member. now he's been asked to come back to washington to lead the secret service after several high-profile security breaches. so, clancy, who is a hovertown native, villanova grad, and former father judge high school teacher will return to washington. >> we called him clanc. that's what he was. clanc. well, you're proud. you know, you really are baud, hey, he was one of us at one time. >> that was one of joe clancy's former co-workers at father judge high school. today, we also spoke to executive vice president of comcast, david cohen. he tells us he hates to see clancy leave the company but he believes he is the right person to lead the secret service through this tough time. at 6:00, you'll hear more from another of clancy's now former comcast co-workers. it's no surprise, winter is coming. thanks to a local foundation, thousands of philadelphia children will be fighting off the cold with a new winter jacket. the auto dealers caring for kids foundation handed out 6,000 brand new coats to elementary schoolchildren today at the pennsylvania convention center. the driving away the cold program is now in its second year. 172 auto dealers pledged a new coat each time a vehicle was sold at their dealerships last month. they collected 37,000 coats. they'll two to kids in need all throughout the state. a call for veterans today in bucks county. local companies say they want to hire you. military personnel and veterans met with potential employers at the parks casino in bensalem. the jobs fair was sponsored by the lower bucks county chamber of commerce. volunteers were at the event to guide those looking for jobs through the process. mentors offered tips for how to land a job. many of them have start dates within the next six months. talk about hitting home. nearly 100 people are under close watch after a man becomes the first person in america to test positive for the ebola virus. we'll tell you what a major airline is doing right now to protect passengers from the deadly disease. rail trouble underground. if you take the train to new york for business or for pleasure, there could be serious delays coming and it's blamed on hurricane sandy of all things two years after the storm. and growing art. a manmade portrait that you can see from space just popped up in the nation's capital. how mother nature is playing a starring role. we're learning from amtrak today that flooding from superstorm sandy caused more damage to their system than first thought. saltwater has caused concrete walls to crack and has corroded tracks and electrical systems to two tunnels that carry trains under the hudson river. as crews work to make repairs, amtrak and new jersey transit passengers will experience longer tunnel closures and more delays. amtrak hopes to build two additional tunnels. there's to word on how long the current tunnels will last. let's head now to texas where health officials have reached out to just about 80 people who may have had direct contact with thomas eric duncan in an effort to stem the risk of the ebola virus spreading. >> meanwhile the u.s. government is warning americans not to fly to the west africa nations because of the ebola epidemic. what about flying at home? is is safe? nbc 10 national correspondent steve handelsman has that part of the story. >> reporter: the risk of infection while flying is low because even a passenger who's coming down with ebola is not infectious until they have symptoms like a fever says dr. anthony fauchy of nih. >> you have to be sick in order to transmit it to someone. >> reporter: even if someone becomes sick during the flight, to catch their ebola you'd have to contact their vomit, blood, or sweat. the virus is not transmitted like flu through droplets in the air. to keep ebola patients off of planes, passengers are being screened for fever as they leave the affected west africa nations. the man with ebola in texas threw his last leg domestically from washington dulles to dallas and airline stocks are affected. although there's no indication ebola can be spread through an airline ventilation system, stocks did drop yesterday on exactly those concerns. passengers at dwi today. >> i went in the lady's room and didn't touch everything. >> i feel okay. i feel confident that it's not something that i have to worry about. >> reporter: but flight attendants are more alert now. >> during the boarding process, we're extra vigilant to look out for any signs of symptoms. >> reporter: what could travelers do to lower their risk s s . >> don't need to do anything. >> reporter: to make it safer, airliners are trains and equipping crews to isolate any passenger who might develop symptoms of ebola during a flight. from washington, i'm steve handelsman, nbc 10 news. still ahead on nbc 10, fighting the ebola crisis on film. coming up in our next half hour, how a new movie hopes to educate the liberian community in southwest philadelphia about this deadly epidemic. and a looming question is how a liberian man could be exposed to the ebola virus and still get on three flights and end up infected in texas? dr. nancy snyderman is in liberia tonight. she'll trace his footsteps and have an update on nightly news with brian williams at 6:30 on nbc 10 news. heroin deaths in u.s. are climbing according to federal researchers who blame the increase on medicine that's intended to help people in pain. in fact, between 2010 and 2012, the heroin death rates doubled in 28 states. researchers say a boost in prescription drugs that contain opiates could be part of the reason. heroin and other opiates have similar effects on the brain. locally, governor tom corbett signed a bill yesterday that could prevent heroin deaths in pennsylvania. the bill protects first responders and good samaritans from lawsuits if they give narcan to people who have overdosed on the drug. it can reverse heroin's deadly side effects. by the way, philadelphia has one of the highest heroin death rates in the united states. there's been a big upswing in voter registration in ferguson, missouri, since the death of 18-year-old michael brown. the teen's death sparked riots, protests, rallies. brown was shot and killed by a white police officer. more than 3,000 people have registered to vote since the town got thrown into the national spotlight in august. voter registration booths and cards are popping up all over town and surrounding neighborhoods. speaking of voting, former florida governor jeb bush wants to be president, according to his brother former president george w. bush. he says he's encouraging his brother to run. jeb bush who would be an early front-runner should he enter the race for the next republican presidential nomination. with all that said, though, jeb hasn't made any final decisions about the 2016 presidential contest. there is a push today to upgrade the nation's air traffic control system. supporters call the current system antiquated. the u.s. travel association is pushing for a new system called next gen. the group says the satellite-based system could reduce delays and cancelations. last week's fire at an air traffic control facility in chicago cost the travel industry $110 million in lost bookings according to the group. they say next gen will keep planes on schedule even when there are unexpected problems like the fire. >> so when you have a system that's based on gps, something that your car operates on today, you're going to have a more efficient network than using this 1950s radar technology that really slows everything down. >> eric hansen whom you just heard from represents the travel association. he says if a new system a not developed in a timely fashion, it will be a big setback to the airline industry. jews in israel practiced ancient rituals to cleanse themselves ahead of yom kippur. symbolically casting their sins out to sea. >> doing an old tradition thing of throwing our sins to the sea. every year. before yom kippur, which is great day, we come here every day at that time. >> yom kippur begins on sundown friday. a mountain climber who barely survived an after ranch almost 30 years ago gets an unusual chance to look back on the day he almost died. tom waller was climbing mt. baker in washington state in 1986. he was severely injured by an avalanche that killed his guide and his best friend. recently he heard from another climber who made a discovery on the mountain. a backpack lost during the avalanche. it was the one worn by waller's friend who was killed. just the other day waller got a chance to look inside. >> felt like christmas. opening up gifts. you know? little gifts. this is steve's old camera. our lives were changed forever. >> waller hopes to reconnect with his friend's family to give them -- don't call it a comeback just yet. pluto bumped from planet scientists from 2006 is back in the planetary discussion. the former ninth planet which is 3.5 billion miles from the sun was relegated to dwarf planet status by astronomers but now some experts argue at least that pluto is a full-fledged planet based on the actual definition of the word meaning it orbits the sun and is round or at least nearly round. the upgrade is not yet official. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, a cool and cloudy day today. and even as we go into tonight, the clouds are going to stick around. the cool temperatures will still be in place and again as you wake up tomorrow morning. now, as we go into the weekend, that's going to our next chance for rain early saturday. so you will be starting off the weekend with rain. but then once the rain leave s we're going to get cooler and even colder as we go into sunday, especially sunday morning. some of you could be waking up to temperatures close to the 30s and it will certainly feel like football weather outside. right now, it's cool and cloudy. again, here's a live look at center city from the adventure aquarium in camden. we have the clouds around still. no rain from these clouds. we are continuing to stay dry. right now, in philadelphia, 71 degrees. the temperatures have been held down. in part because of the cloud cover, too. even through the lehigh valley. temperatures here only in the upper 60s. you look in south jersey and delaware, tvrpst temperatuemper mid 60s. 66 degrees right now in millville. currently on the satellite we just have the clouds, no rains though, on the radar. not until you look way back to our west. approaching chicago. we saw this yesterday. it's very slow moving. it's part of a big cold front. it will eventually get here, but not until the overnight hours friday night leading into your saturday morning. so here's future weather for tonight. we stay dry. the clouds hang around. just not enough moisture with them. then through the day tomorrow, it will actually be a pretty nice end to the week. temperatures staying in about the low 70s for your friday. a mix of sun and clouds. then we start to see the later clouds approaching. 11:00 p.m. friday. we should stay dry most of the day. late at night the rain approaches from the west overnight into early saturday. we start to see the rain moving in. here's saturday, 8:00 in the morning. we'll be waking up to scattered rain around the area. then quickly the colder air starts to move in. much cooler as we go into saturday night. sunday morning. and especially sunday afternoon. for tonight, though, mostly cloudy. patchy fog late torrennight. tomorrow we'll see a mix of clouds and rain. rain after midnight. 72 to 75 for the high temperature. then we wake up saturday northern to rain. temperatures drop after that. going into sunday, we're in the 40s in the morning. mid 60s in the afternoon. it will certainly be football weather for the eagles. it's a picture that could be seen from space. the national portrait gallery is unveiling a giant picture of a young man created in the landscape of the national mall in washington. take a look at that. the portrait takes up six acres of land and is made of sand and topsoil. the artist created it as a compilation of american faces after photographing 30 men in d.c., called one out of many. visitors will be able to see it saturday. meanwhile crews continue work on the condition of the grass on the national mall. after decades of rallies, marches and festivals, the grass is in horrible shape, frankly. it will take 18 months to get the job done reportedly. several local universities are receiving high marks for what their grads do after their leave campus. villanova, penn, and other schools rank on a brand new list of careers after college. and honoring wilt. the philadelphia native turned basketball legend is about to receive a national tribute and you can take part in celebrating chamberland. we'll tell you about it after the break. two local colleges could offer a big boost to your career according to a new study. according to rankings from the networking site linkedin, penn gives the best educations for a career in finance or marketing. villanova is the place to study if you plan to be an accountant. the site says they base their rankings on career outcomes. full disclosure, i'm a former villanova wildcat. >> i'm a former penn quaker, obviously not working in finance. wilt chamberlain has been cut down to size. wilt the stilt is now wilt the stamp. the hall of famer and the only nba player to score 100 points in a game is set to appear on a commemorative u.s. postage stamp. the stamps just over 2 inches tall will be formally dedicated in a halftime ceremony at a december 5th game between the philadelphia 76ers and oklahoma city. chamberlain starred in the nba from 1959 through 1973. he died in cñ1999 at the age of 63. firefighters have one of the most dangerous jobs around. >> that's right. they run into burning buildings while everybody else runs out. that was certainly true at this fire in atlantic city. it went to several alarms and ranged for hours. two career firefighters didn't stay to fight. why they had to walk away. and the fight against global terror starts here at home. we travel to joint base mcgwire ft. dix lakehurst to stop isis abroad. former philadelphia high school teacher and here at comcast is now going to run the secret service. i'm tim furlong. i'll have that story coming up. right now at 5:30, the global war on terror. while the isis threat appears to be oversea, the battle against terrorists starts right here at home. that's where the men and women of the armed forces come in. >> yeah, especially those from joint base mcgwire-dix-lakehurst in burlington county. nbc 10 south jersey bureau reporter cydney long went to the base today. out of curiosity, what's their role in the overseas operation? >> reporter: keith, bottom line is this air force base is involved in those support missions but exactly how closely, those details are kept close to the vest. we did, however, see up close and personal today the training that takes place. that it is vital and it is happening on a continual basis. at the helm of the c-17 globe master aircraft is where pilot maggie rudolph feels most comfortable even if the mission means delivering cargo or troops to the syrian border to aid in u.s. air strikes in the fight against isis and the terroristic stronghold on syrian families. >> we spend many missions, we go out frequently, maybe once or twice a month with our medical team to simulate taking patients out of conflict areas. >> spoilers. clear. >> reporter: at the air force base today we were provided the opportunity to fly aboard the c-17 globe master and witness the refueling of a kc-10 extender aircraft on a training mission. two of the very aircraft that carry troops, supplies, food, and medical equipment to the war-torn region. >> when a conflict comes up or an activity comes up worldwide, we're able to hop on the airplane and do what we do best and that's fly airplanes and deliver personnel where they need to go. >> i wouldn't say we're beefing up any more than we have in the past because it's always been a consistent high level. >> reporter: how critical is the training you do and how do you carry it out? >> those are all great questions. part of what i do with all the other leadership team that i have and the other folks is to assess, is our training hitting the mark? whatever they're asked, by the president down to the secretary of defense, all down the command chain, my job is to make sure that they're ready. >> reporter: and colonel eric simons, commander of the 305th operations group went on to say the u.s. involvement in syria as well as any aid or medics, for instance, being sent to fight the ebola epidemic in liberia, it is not something that necessarily increased their tasks or workload here at the joint base mcgwire becauuire be something they train for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. live in wrightstown, cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> thank you. now let's get a check of the stories making headlines on "nbc 10 news at 5:30." philadelphia police are investigating a man found shot dead inside a home in the olney section of the city. the 34-year-old man was found on a couch in the front room of the house with a bullet wound to the head. responding officers also found a marijuana growing operation in the basement of the home on lindley street. the hit man who admitted that he was paid to help kill a cherry hill a rabbi's wife in 1994 has been released from prison. paul daniels spent more than 14 years behind bars for killing carol neulander. her husband, fred, is serving a life prison sentence in a state prison. authorities say neulander hired daniels and another man to kill his wife. where is eric frein? that's the question hundreds of local, state, and federal investigators have been trying to answer for 20 days now. as police continue to search the dense woods of the poconos for the accused cop killer. there are new restrictions for outdoor activities. like hiking, hunting, and camping. to keep the public safe. and we are learning more about the local man tasked as interim head of the secret service. joseph clancy is a villanova graduate from delaware county. he taught history at father judge high school in the northeast. he leaves as head of comcast cable security to take over the top post at the secret service after several security breaches. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> we had kind of a cool, gray day out there. there were some sun in some spots, though. >> it was all right to be outside. let's talk to nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen. we could be in for rain this weekend. first, out of curiosity, sheena, how cold is it going to get tonight? >> you know, it is still going be cool tonight. temperatures will be dropping into the 50s once again. it's still cool outside right now, though, with the cloud cover today temperatures have not warmed up too much. we're still in the 60s through the lehigh valley. upper 60s. 6 69 degrees in allentown and reading. pottstown, around 70 degrees. south jersey and delaware much of the area in the mid 60s. there is colder air on the way. way back off to our west. still west of chicago. this is our cold front that we're looking forward to for the weekend. cooler temperatures behind it. so as it approaches our rain chances will be going up for your weekend. locally, though, the clouds are around still. but it is dry. and the clouds will stay around as we go through tonight. by 6:00 p.m., mostly cloudy. upper 60s. by 8:00 tonight, the clouds are still here. no rain with these clouds, though. temperatures around 67 degrees. we keep on dropping, by 10:00 p.m. mid 60s. in the morning, temperatures will once again be in the 50s. coming up, i'll she you that and also the timing of the rain for your weekend and how cool it will get afterwards. that's straight ahead. >> sheena, thanks. a new twist tonight in the death of a new jersey hospital executive. the somerset county prosecutor's office investigating the house fire that killed this man, john sheridan. sheridan was the ceo of cooper health system. this wife, joyce, also found dead. officials say it was intentionally set. the couple lived in the skillman section of montgomery township. the sunday morning fire was contained to the upstairs master bedroom. officials have not said how it was set. or if there are any arson suspects. but a spokesman released a statement to nbc 10 saying, "the somerset county prosecutor's office currently engaged in a very complex investigation." "we are quite confident that there exists no threat to either the immediate neighborhood or to the local community. ". take a look at this picture. this is a burglary suspect wanted for breaking into a cvs on north broad street in philadelphia's east oak lane neighborhood. police say he used that large pipe wrench to break through the drive-through window. he was able to make it inside as you saw but was scared off before he could take anything. if you recognize this man, police would like to hear from you. police in new jersey say that they have arrested a man suspected of robbing a tanning salon. 19-year-old patrick mccormack of toms river is accused of stealing money from got sunt suntanning salon yesterday by threatening a working with a box cutter. mccormack is in the ocean county jail held on $100,000 bail. a worker repaving a road in woodpane township was injured today when pinned between two pieces of paving equipment. the 57-year-old man was air lifted by pennstar to the hospital of tuniversity of pennsylvania for treatment. the man hurt his leg when he was trapped between a water tanker truck and pavement roller. he's an employee of glassco incorporated. day were unavailable to comment. next week is fire prevention week. and nbc 10 was in northern liberties as fire commissioner derek sawyer announced the proclamation. students from several local schools attended today's ceremony. fire prevention is taught in all philadelphia schools. commissioner sawyer says working smoke alarms and practicing a home escape plan are the best protection in the event of a fire. dozens of firefighters worked for hours in several buildings in atlantic city burned. most of them knew they would be there for the long haul. >> the clock is ticking. i kept looking at my watch saying, wow, i got to stop. you know? i got to stop doing what i love. >> why two of the city's bravest had to walk away from this blasz. and they got a healthy, happy baby but this little girl isn't what they planned for. the reason they're suing a clinic. tonight, here's what's coming up on "nbc 10 news at 6." >> today, coming up at 6:00, as the manhunt continues for this man accused of shooting a pennsylvania state trooper, we're looking into how the police activity and search will impact your trip to the mountains this fall. >> i believe they just need to do whatever's safe for the public. >> count on "nbc 10 news at 6." septa's reminding everyone to stay off the tracks. in the past four days, four people walking near septa tracks were injured. two of them died. since 2013, 19 people were killed by trains in pennsylvania. that ranks sixth among all states. to remind people of the danger, septa partnered with operation life saver on the c-tracks think campaign. its goal is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries around the tracks. within the past half hour, "real housewives" star teresa giudice was sentenced to 15 months in prison. her husband, joe, got 41 months and must pay more than $400,000 in restitution. the couple pleaded guilty in march to conspiracy and bankruptcy fraud. the couple admitted they hid assets from bankruptcy creditors and submitted phony application to get more mortgages and construction loans. a lawsuit filed by an ohio woman claims she was impregnated with the sperm of an african-american donor by mistake. jennifer gave birth to her daughter, payton, two years ago. she asked to be inseminated with the sperm of a white man with brown hair and blue eyes. she's suing the midwest sperm bank for medical malpractice. she found out after she was pregnant she had mistakenly been inseminated with the sperm of an african-american man. the worker read the number uncorrectly. >> wasn't as though she was calling in september of 2011 ordering a pizza. she was calling and ordering donor sperm. >> you cannot just say, oops, i'm sorry. be happy you got a child. and walk away from this. >> she is suing in part because she says she and her partner will be able to move to a larger and more diverse community. she insists the suit is not about race. the couple is seeking more than $50,000 in damages. the sperm bank has declined to comment. the ebola virus fear grows, the deadly disease is hitting close to home for philadelphia's liberian community. but they're fighting fear with education. we'll tell you how a new movie is helping local residents better understand the virus and its danger. but first, sheena parveen, you're tracking rain and a cold weekend? >> yes, keith, the rain will come first and then the cold temperatures will set in. so coming up, i'll show you the timing of the rain to start off your weekend and how cold it will get once the rain leaves. that's coming up. >> looking forward to that. hundreds of acres sold to balance the budget for the archdiocese of philadelphia. like other sales, this one, too, involves a move. still ahead at 6:00, why dozens of people with disabilities will now be displaced. liberia has been one of the countries hit hardest by the ebola outbreak. >> now the virus that's spreading really hit home, at least for the liberian community of southwest philadelphia. so they decided to take action by saying action. we want to warn you, though, you might find some of these images disturbing. >> ebola is one of the deadliest viruses known to man. >> the group that made this movie hopes it will save lives. >> we have to do something. we have to provide some educational video, you know, documentary for our people to watch. >> reporter: the video shows how certain traditions in the african culture can cause ebola to spread and precautions people should take. >> 21 days, symptoms include severe fever, weakness. >> reporter: philadelphia has one of the largest liberian populations in the united states. morris wanted to appear in this movie so people here and in west africa won't get sick. >> we want people to realize that, indeed, ebola is true. it kills. >> reporter: the film will be shown as the african cultural alliance in philadelphia later this month. the creators hope it will not only educate people but help raise awareness to fight this rapidly growing epidemic. >> that's why we are asking the community here whether you're african, american, caucasian, we need help. >> that viewing at the african cultural alliance is on october 25th. people are asked to bring donations to hope those fighting the virus. the creators hope this film can also be shown in west africa. there's a local effort to stop the deadly disease. coming up on "nbc 10 news at 6," the mission at a base right in our backyard and people putting their lives on the line to keep ebola from spreading. stay with nbc 10 and "nbc nightly news" for breaking developments in the ebola virus scare. nbc's dr. nancy snyderman is in liberia tonight. she'll trace the footsteps of the man who landed in america was diagnosed wh ebo ebola. tonight on "nightly news" at 6:30 right here on nbc 10. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, another cool day for us. as you can see outside, a live look at the linc, we still have overcast conditions. still cloudily outside and will stay cloudy and cool even as we go through tonight. no rain tonight. really not even tomorrow. it's not until the weekend. yes, starting off your weekend, that we will see the rain moving in. then once the rain leaves, it's going to be colder on sunday. sunday morning, some of you could be waking up to temperatures close to the 30s. this is going to be the kind of air that we haven't felt in quite a while. here is a live look outside right now from the comcast center in philadelphia looking town on liberty 1 and 2. see across the skyline, the overcast conditions are still with us. it's keeping temperatures still on the cool side. especially through lehigh valley and also south jersey and delaware. through south jersey, temperatures mid 60s millville and atlantic city. 67 wilmington and dover. 69 northeast philly. lehigh valley, temperatures the upper 60s. the clouds are still here but there's no rain with this. the rain is far back off to our west. this is all part of a very slow-moving cold front, so it's still approaching the chicago area. it won't be here until early this weekend. what it will be doing is dragging down older air behind it. so, future weather, we see dry conditions for tonight. the clouds hang around. temperatures are cool in the morning. through the afternoon tomorrow, we still do stay dry. mix of clouds and sun. then, late friday, we see more clouds moving in. this is midnight going into saturday morning. rain is off to our west by then. as you wake up this weekend, the cold front gets closer. by 8:00 in the morning saturday, we'll have some showers around the area. we could see a few spots of heavy rain, too. then the cold front swings through in the afternoon. cooler temperatures move in for saturday night. and especially sunday morning. so take a look at the air masses in place. right now, we have 71 in philadelphia. many areas upper 60s. way back off to our west, moving into montana, temperatures here in the low 40s. this is the air mass that will eventually make it here as we go into the weekend. so future temperatures, milder air is over us. eventually it will be moving away. then come saturday night into sunday morning, that cooler air i just showed you way to our west, that will be here. that's the air behind the cold front that will be moving in and setting us up for a much cooler sunday. so your eagles forecast for sunday, this is kind of football weather for us. 1:00 p.m., temperature only at 59 degrees. breezy and chilly by 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon. we'll be topping out in about the mid 60s for the eagles game. and for pretty much everybody. temperatures tonight, though, in the upper 50s in philadelphia. low 50s north and west. mostly cloudy. we could see patchy fog forming late tonight and especially areas north and west. then tomorrow, a mix of clouds and sun. any rain after midnight tonight. temperatures staying in about the mid to low 70s. it's actually going it be a nice day to end out the week. saturday northern we're really watching with the morning rain coming through. should be cleared out in the afternoon. temperatures topping out around 70 degrees. sunday morning, we'll be wake up to temperatures in the 40s. some areas north and west could get close to the 30s. especially if you're in the poconos. you could be in thes. sunday afternoon, mid 60s. average high, 72 degrees. we get back into the 70s into next week. the weather cooperated today for a local water company employees who offered up their time to help refurbish the u.s.s. new jersey. 27 people from new jersey american water spent the morning removing the battleship's old paint. the ship will get a fresh coat and the visitor center will be spruced up. the workers on the ship today are taking part in the company's month-long volunteer program. school safety was top of mind today in delaware county. nbc 10 at elementary school in broomall. public officials got a firsthand look at the systems put in place after the deadly school shooting in newtown, connecticut, in 2012. they include a silent alarm that immediately alerts law enforcement to any threat. all right. it's that time again. vote for the high school blitz game of the week. for friday, october 10th. there are great matchups. cinnaminson, holy cross. la salle and st. joe's prep. or delaware school against philadelphia's martin luther king. to vote, go to or facebook page. also call or text your vote, by the way, just a once a day vote to 610-624-4111. the game with the most votes is featured on the "high school blitz" every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. a multialarm fair destroyed several buildings this week in atlantic city. >> it took dozens of firefighters hours to put it out. not all of them could stay. why two of flake ciatlantic cit finest had to walk away from beloved colleagues. what do you do when a manhunt is scaring away all your tourists? visitors bureau in the poconos trying to figure that out. i'm doug shimell. the story coming up. this multialarm fire took hours to fight and the brave men and women from the atlantic city fire department rescued people from several burning buildings but two longtime firefighters, veterans, didn't battle the flames with their colleagues all night long. >> that's right. at the stroke of midnight, they put themselves off duty. nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg explains why. >> reporter: with their fire department comrades still engaged in a battle against flames and smoke, battalion chief bob mccready and kevin bennett had to walk away. >> as the clock is ticking i kept looking at my watch saying, wow, i got to stop. you know? i got to stop doing what i love. >> chief bennett. officially retired. class of 83. >> reporter: the longtime firefighters made their final radio calls just after midnight on wednesday october 1st. the day both were scheduled to retire. >> it was bittersweet. >> reporter: the massive blaze that burned through four buildings broke out more than 90 minutes earlier on september 30th. mccready, a 40-year veteran, talked with me today by phone. >> it was definitely hard to leave in the middle of a fire like that. it was like a -- i felt kind of like jeter when jeter hit the winning run last night at yankee stadium. >> reporter: a moment their colleagues were quick to acknowledge. >> ladder 2 to chief bennett. congratulations. what a way to go out. >> once you hit midnight october 1st, that's it, you're retired in pension's eyes. i don't believe either individual really wanted to take a risk they didn't need to take. >> reporter: atlantic scity is n the midst of a financial crisis. hundreds of job cuts are looming for municipal workers. bennett said that played a role in his decision to retire. >> maybe i could save a few jobs on the other end with guys not having to be laid off mind son is on the job. been on there for three years. he will be on the cutting block also. >> reporter: a dramatic end of two career focused on serving the community. and relief that no one was hurt in this final fight against flames. ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. coming up next on "nbc 10 news at 6," he confessed to being the hit man who killed a local rabbi's wife, and tonight, paul daniels is a free man. after more than a decade in prison. the regrets, his attorney says, he still has after serving his sentence. don't be fooled by the cloud cover tonight. the real changes are coming this weekend. tracking the potentially heavy rain we could see and much cooler temperatures. my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. plus, he may now have the toughest job in the world and those who know him from the delaware valley say they couldn't be more proud. more on the delaware county man picked to protect the president. next on "nbc 10 news at 6." we begin with a developing story here at 6:00. a philadelphia firefighter charged with impersonating a cop as well as sex assault. nbc 10 investigator harry hairston has been making calls on this and joining us live. >> a short time ago i got off the phone with philadelphia police. they do confirm the fact there was a firefighter, a lieutenant, you're looking at him on the screen right now, that he was arrested, he is charged with assaulting a woman last night. his name is lieutenant jamal johnson. i'm told he works out of ladder 14. and ladder 14 is located around the 400 block of north 12th street. now, here's what happened. they say just about 10:00 last night, he was impersonating a philadelphia police officer and he was wearing his firefighter's uniform which may have helped him pull off the impersonate. he threatened a woman with arrest if she did not perform a sex act. he says he -- i'm told that the police say he put her in the back of his truck, forced her to perform the sex act but a few blocks later she was able to break free and then ran until she was able to come to some safety. now, we have crews going down to the philadelphia mpolice department now to get comment from police officials and will be working on the story throughout tonight. we'll bring you much more coming up tonight at 11:00. reporting live in the digital operations center, harry hairston, nbc 10 news. bang black to you. a delaware county native is preparing for his next job, protecting the president. >> can't expect him to say anything but mr. president i'm happy to serve. >> joe clancy has been hired to klein up the controversy at the secret service and preserve the integrity of the agency. clancy is no stranger to the first family. he served alongside president obama in the first

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Cinnaminson , New Jersey , United States , Montana , Wissahickon , Pennsylvania , New Castle County , Delaware , Delaware County , Ocean County , Hudson River , New York , Syria , Washington , District Of Columbia , Connecticut , Lakehurst , Atlantic City , Dover , Allentown , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , Canada , Center City , Texas , Philadelphia , Florida , Toms River , Somerset County , Burlington County , Wrightstown , Fairmont , Liberia , Delaware School , Millville , Israel , Ohio , Dallas , Pottstown , Americans , America , Syrian , Liberian , American , Sada Greenlee , Martin Luther King , Sheena Parveen , Michael Brown , Steve Handelsman , Maggie Rudolph , John Sheridan , Joe Clancy , Kevin Bennett , Joseph Clancy , Jeb Bush , Michael Lawson , Ted Greenberg , David Cohen , Eric Hansen , Eric Simons , George W Bush , Tom Waller , Yom Kippur , Bryon Dixon , Linkedin Penn , Harry Hairston , Tom Corbett , Thomas Eric Duncan , Jamal Johnson , Penn Quaker , Patrick Mccormack , Paul Daniels , Bob Mccready , Teresa Giudice , Derek Sawyer ,

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