Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News 6pm 20170311 : comparemela

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News 6pm 20170311

city are really blowing. that is just making it feel encolder outside. time now for the nbc 10 first alert forecast. and for that we go to erika martin who is joining us. wow, it is cold. >> and here is the deal. just a couple hours ago, 3:54 p.m. thursday, question hit # 6. now we're seeing 20s and 30s. temperatures are declining very quickly and notice here we are seeing northwesterly winsd and the wind right now are actually pretty strong. they're moderate ranging anywhere between 18 to 30 miles per hour. so again, conditions are increasing rather gusts, notice the wind s 14 miles an hour for philadelphia, wilmington 16 for you, coatesville 20, allentown also sighing 20-mile-an-hour wind speeds. so right now of course we're talking about the combination between the cold temperatures and those strong winds. feels like temperatures ranging between the low to upper teens and it will only feel colder in a couple of hours. >> and that is setting us up for what comes on tuesday which is the possibility of snow. >> theater. right now we're tracking the potential for a coastal system. there are several models that we use and it's all about how this system is going to function as it starts to develop off of the coast of the carolinas. so notice hour by hour forecast starting at 7:00 a.m., this is really important, we have two pieces of energy, one that will start to develop off the coast of the carolinas and then one moving in from the west. dose two will essentially phase together and then bring us a wintry type of precip. will we all get a lot of snow? will we get that mix? you can see some pinks there telling us we have sleet, a little bit of a mix, and also some rain. another concern of course could would be the fact that we have strong winds that we are expecting that really could affect us and cause a lot of wind damage. and another of course would be possible coastal flooding. >> all right, thank you. and the cold and snow in the forecast is welcome news to skiers here at camel back mountain in the poconos. even those who do not love winter are dealing with it, braving the cold and wind. lauren mayk is with a whole stadium of cold people. >> reporter: yeah, it really is the wind that you're talking about that makes it feel birth cold out here. and we are right near the water. so that also adds to it. but take a look down there, i might be the only one here today who is not wearing a hat. check out the hats, hoods and blankets. whatever it takes to stay warm today. in conshohocken, items 's an an tradition that this year happened it-to-fall on cold weather accompanied the parade. >> it's too cold. i was hoping for 60 degree weather that we had the other day. >> reporter: instead the temperature is half that. did you get all bundled up? >> no. >> reporter: oh, yes, this 3-year-old is bundled in gloves and snow gear to watch the st. patrick's day parade. on fayette street, 5 k runners don hats and gloves, too. whatever it takes. >> if it's too cold, i can cover my face. >> reporter: but keep moving to keep the chill off. >> i was arm warmers on and two shirt, but because of the hills, you don't even think about the cold. >> reporter: from choice to necessity, layering up to do everyday chores like walking the dog pf. >> items a >> it's an insulated jacket, but we have as to walk. >> reporter: for those working outside, do what you can to keep out the cold and bitter winds. at the philadelphia union game, they're ready with blankets and whatever they can wear. >> i have pajama bottoms, sweatpants, snow pants, parka, two pairs of socks and two hoodies. >> reporter: how will you jump up and down and cheer? >> let's try. yay! >> reporter: yeah, he has it down. there is plenty of cheering going on here at the game. but we are noticing there is not a lot of jumping up and down. more sort of huddling together for warmth. i'm lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. and first alert weather team will continue to track the cold and snow coming our because. we'll have update throughout this newscast band get updates anytime with the free nbc 10 app. tonight in west philadelphia, 20 people are displaced after this fire on 62nd around 9:00 this morning. septa used buses to transport neighbors displaced and the red cross gave out emergency clothes, food and shelter. crews had the fire under control by 11:30. no word on how it started. in camden county, a firefighter was temporarily unconscious during this house fire in gloucester city. it happened just about an noon. the firefighter was unconscious when they pulled him out of the house, but now he's doing okay. a robber is dead after breaking into a north philadelphia home early this morning. police say the man who lives on north 12th street heard someone inside his house just after 3:00. he confronted the mantling he t him to leave but the man refused. they started fighting and it spilled outside and the man was able to yell to a neighbor to calling 911. by the time police arrived, the robber was unconscious and he was pronounced dead at the hospital. tonight a 13-year-old boy is in critical condition after being shot in the head last night inside a restaurant. and police need your help finding the shooter. take a close look. police say one of these two guys is the shooter. both men are wearing hoods and it's difficult to see their faces. the 13-year-old is sitting in front of them in a chair. police said when they got to the goldfish chinese restaurant around 10:00 last night, the 13-year-old boy was laying on the ground. he had a gunshot wound to the head. in about ran caster cou lan an amtrak train hit a runaway horse and buggy. luckily no one was in the buggy, but the horse was killed. the trained had about 90 people on board. none of the passengers were hurt and they were transferred to another train. we now know the name of the man who jumped the white house fence last night. 26-year-old jonathan tran from california was arrested on the white house lawn. he told secret service he was a friend of the president and he had an appointment request hwit. president trump told reporters that the man istroubled and the secret service did a fantastic job. push for health care overall continued today with mike pence maki making a campaign-like stop? kentucky trying to reas shurts people who have raised objections to the house gop health care proposal. one of those critics is the governor of kentucky. the vice president told the crowd kentucky was one of many states negatively impacted by obamacare and that things are about to change about that. >> the obamacare nightmare is about to end. >> hundreds of protesters showed upholding signs saying save my care. and repeal and replace trump and opinions o persons oig. protesters say the country needs a health care system that works for everyone and repeelg the current plan is not the solution. route 9 # bus line had cute company today. these puppies are training to be seeing eye dogs. this is the first trip on the bus to these pups. the trip helps the dogs learn social skills and behavioral skills especially getting on and off the bus. >> obviously a lot of people don't drive a car, so they depend on public transportation, so the dogs have to learn how to handle public transportation and these dogs are their line to independence. >> the dogs are with their foster families for a year to be trained and then they're returned to seeing eye to be placed with a person in need. out of control. a car skipped off the road overseas. wait until you see where it lands. and a taste of summer. this water skiing squirrel is making a splash in our area this weekend. where you can see him. take a look as a car skids offer the road in china and lands right on the roof of a house. police had to help the driver out of the car with a ladder and the car had to be lifted off the roof with a crane. fortunately no one was hurt.driver says he accidently stepped on the gas instead of the brakes. and take a look at this, an annual tradition that turned the chicago river green for saint pat district's day. tens of thousands come out every year to look at the green river before the start of the parade. folks jumped orange color dye that turns it the bright emerald. the green color lasts for about five hours. hey, drew. >> reporter: and spring is in the air at least inside. the philadelphia flower show. take a look, it's open to the public today and we're take position you inside next. and i love that caveat because, i didn'yes, spring is not outside. we're tracking a major coastal storm that is due here overnight monday into tuesday that could bring us a lot of snow. details coming up in your most accurate forecast. some montgomery county schools were showing off their sicience skills. it isn't about taking home trophy, but about learning to love science. >> are there is so much going on in science anden would of the things that i try to instill in the kids is a love of science and interest in their world so that they can take that with them. >> all students from preschool through 6th grade took part in today's science expo. and you still have one more day to see this guy, twiggy the water skiing squirrel at the philadelphia boat show. the boat show ends tomorrow at the expo center. and there are also sorts ever boats to get you ready for summer. tickets are eight bucks at the door. and spring is in bloom inside the convention center in center city. one of the people headed there is drew smith live inside the convention center tonight. and drew, the show is providing a really good way to escape today. >> reporter: yeah, i'm happy for this assignment. take a look at how grit these flowers look. spring is in the air. you can smell it and check it out inside the convention hall today open for the public for the first time. and all sorts of great exhibit, people trying to get out of the cold. the theme is holland and the convention space is huge, transformed with all sorts of sculptures, art exhibits, windmill, even an ecosystem dome that they have set up. we have also seen people picking up some plants for their garden, getting ready for that spring fever. but as we know with the forecast, it's a little bit away. and people figure that out as soon as they step outside the convention hall. >> we take all the patientictur but it's not like being there. >> i love the flower show. items spring early every year. i love snow, too. >> we're getting a little bit of that. >> finally. >> reporter: and you can continue to escape the cold tonight. the doors are open until 9:00 and they're doing something special this year where you can come out tonight, it's call flowers after hours. they will have dancing, music, some arts crafts and games. a good way to get out of the wind and cold. i'm drew smith, nbc 10 news. looking a lot like spring, but feel like winter. >> that's right. conditions for today only topped out at 32 degrees at philadelphia international airport. and it's only getting colder. of course tonight into tomorrow, we're trending that way for the next several days. a live look outside. you can see that the winds are blowing pretty strong right now. so question have wind gusts that are pretty strong out of the west/northwest. so keep in mind that the winds will certainly be an issue for this evening into tomorrow. so current wind gusts for allentown, 35 miles per hour. 30 for philadelphia, 24 for wilmington and 22 for millville and current wind she'ds also pe from 20 for coatesville, 18 toms river and 14 miles per hour for philadelphia. so of course it's all about temperatures and wind. current temperature for trenton is 28 degrees. coatesville 27, wilmington 30 and philadelphia also seeing 30 degrees. so of course when we put together the actual sustained wind speeds and current temperature, we're talking about feels like temperatures only in the tens. it feels like 16 in allentown, 17 degrees in doylestown, 19 degrees in philadelphia, and burlington feels like a very cold 18 degrees. but look at in later toorngs you will see today sneeze and i again at 11:00, it will feel like 5 in doylestown. 7 philadelphia, 6 in trenton, 8 in voorhees overnight into early tomorrow morning. crystal will be in giving you the update. it will feel like single digits across the entire delaware valley. satellite and radar right now we are seeing some flurries moving through parts of the poconos and the lehigh valley. otherwise conditions are mainly dry. however the big story right now is this first alert that we have for the coastal storm. the entire viewing area. nobody is going to be exempt starting late monday into a.m. wednesday. although this system will clear for the most part by tuesday, i'm going to keep it in there until early wednesday because that's when the last of that snow does clear. and what can we expect potentially? high snow totals of course. so hour by hour forecast, we will start this just after noon on monday. clouds develop west to east and there is a piece of energy that will develop from the west and moving its way east word. we're expecting a koerst tcoast to develop off the coast of carolinas. i'll show you what we can expect. notice at 10:00 p.m., we start to see the coastal system at least the leading edge of it work our way toward the area and then snow monday into tuesday. here is the deal. right now this is one model. this is the north american model. it is giving us one possible outcome. it is not giving us what we reque can completely expect because we are looking at several models. we have your most accurate snowfall totals. of course we may change it a little bit, but keep in plind this is an initial run so we will keep you updated. >> it could really change. >> oh, yeah, several models to look at. so much information. >> okay. thank you so much. and now sports, hey, danny. >> did the clock strike 12? seeing if they could sneak by a princeton team coming in having won 17. plus the flyers playoff push is in dire straits. another two huge points from the line. highlights next in sports. hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. ♪ ♪ time for a look at what is coming up on "nightly news." good evening, jose. >> coming up tonight, a man is arrested after gaining access to the white house grounds. and plus a suspect under arrest in what police say was a case of human trafficking, eight young women held in a $1 million luxury home in the suburb of atlanta. and also the use of medical marijuana to reduce pain in the elderly. and how technology is changing the trucking industry. computers may soon be in the driver's seat. that's on "nightly news." >> taking a uber wherever we go. thank you, jose. good to see you. the flyers chances of making the playoffs were a bit suspect at best heading into this afternoon's game in boston. the orange and black started the day five points out of the second and final wild card spot. let's head to beantown first period, bruins with the man advantage. david pastrnak camped out in front of the net, cashes in off bergeron. bruins up 1-1-0. but flyers answer and we're tied at a goal a piece. stayed that way until late in the third. stafford floats this one and deflects off manning and in. terrible way to end the game. flyers taking it on the chin. friendly fire is the difference. they lose 2 d-1. they remain five points out of the playoffs. 6ers road swing continued with a visit to the clippers. chris paul did play today. in the third, covington to okafor in the lane. up four. clippers take the lead in the fourth up eight here when this drive finishes off the window over jordan. deficit cut to six. but the aforementioned chris paul puts to bed on the other end. trifecta from the far side all net. 6ers lose their fourth straight. 112-100. drama in west philly. quakers two wins away from the ncaa tournament. they could get to the ivy league final. under a minute to go, tied at 57, mats howard getting the members bounce. goes up a pair. howard fouled following the prince's miss. misses at the line. miles stevens heading the other way. takes it in. in overtime, it was all tigers. bell off the window and prince outscored 13-5 ending their season with a 72-64 loss. to the diamond now and boys of summer almost done with spring. just over three weeks away from opening day. and they took on the blue jays this afternoon. velasquez on the slab gave up a lone run in 3 1/3 innings of work. one his four ks up right here. good day for prospects, as well. nick williams 3 for 5 including an rbi single in the fourth. phillies knock off the jays 8-2. eelg birds fans still reven the splash the team made thursday. we caught up with ron jaworski for his take on the birds' moves. >> i love what howie is doing. i love what doug peterson is doing. they're staying focused. they're a better fblg team than they were two days ago. when you add an alshon jeffery, torrey smith, chance warmack, you brought in quality football play thaers will contribute as starters or backup players immediately. >> see how the eagles do in the draft which is right here in fifrl. that is a look at sports. back to you. >> thanks so much. now a final check of the cold forecast. >> 10 day on 10, temperatures will be in the 30s. it's not until next weekend when we see upper 40s. andcoastal storm. potentially severe impact tuesday morning. so heads up now. >> are all right. thanks. and that is nbc 10 on news for now. we'll see you back here tonight at 11:00. "nightly news" is coming your way next. . on this saturday night, white house intruder. the suspect now in custody after scaling the fence while the president was there. just the latest breach of white house security. winter blast. ten days before spring, snow in the midwest and south followed by what could be the biggest storm of the season in the northeast. house of horrors. eight women held captive in a georgia mansion until one of them managed to call the police. suspect charged with human trafficking. seniors and pot. the unlikely substance in pill form helping the elderly reduce pain and their use of addictive opioid drugs. and baby steps. as you've never seen them. the hot new dance for new moms, dads and their babies. the videos viewed

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