Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20140702 :

Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20140702

will it be affecting your fourth of july plans? this is nbc 10 news today, i'm chris cato. tropical storm arthur is out there whipping up the waves in florida. this is a look at the surf yesterday in flagler beach, about 50 miles from jacksonville. rip current warnings kept many people there out of the water. so what kind of role will it play in our weather and what is today looking like in terms of the hot weather? let's get to meteorologist bill henley. bill? >> welcome to july, chris. it will be a steamy one. temperatures in the 90s yesterday. going to be in the 90s again today. hotter this afternoon. it's already muggier this morning. a live view of center city from the adventure aquarium. the temperatures will be falling a bit more, right now we're at 76 degrees. but as chris mentioned, it is a first alert day. it will more like 100 degrees, strong, possibly severe weather late this afternoon into this evening, along with gusty winds. we'll see the temperatures drop once those storms roll through. for now, 78 degrees in northeast philadelphia. most of the area running 4 to 6 degrees warmer than yesterday. pottstown, wilmington at 76 degrees, 77 at philadelphia international. we'll see hot and humid one. 80 degrees at 8:00. by lunch time, up to 90 degrees and then middle 90s this afternoon. it will feel like it's closer to 100 degrees. a look at the future weather to show you when the storms are likely to come into the area. we'll go through it hour by hour. first, jillian mele has traffic. >> good morning to you, starting off on 95, we're not reporting any accidents at all. this is 95 at girard avenue. in the midst of the long-term construction zone. no delays to report on 95. it's clear the entire length. same thing on the vine street expressway, this is the westbound side as drivers make their way off of the vine on to 76, itç is very quiet right no. we'll see how the delays start to build later in the morning, typically around 6:00. we'll keep you updated on that. 60 miles an hour is the average on 2 5, 55 is what we're seeing on the 4 freeway and 63 is the average on the new jersey turnpike. chris? >> jillian, here's what we're following, new from overnight. a violent night in chester where nearly a dozen shots were fired leaving five people injured. katy zachry is live outside chester police department headquarters this morning with the limited information we have at this time on this shooting, katy. what do you know? >> we know around midnight, just four hours ago, the gunfire erupted at the intersection at 9th and tillman streets in chester. here's what we know from the scene as i show you our video. this all happened around midnight, five people were shot at this single scene, from the bullet casings on the ground, we know there were eight to ten shots fired. chester police and the fire department responded and blocked off the area. it re-opened around 2:00 this morning. we understand chester's police commissioner was on scene. i have called him for information and reached out to him in other ways via text. i'm still waiting to hear back. at this time we understand no arrests have been made. all five people who were injured were transported to krcrozier chester medical center. this is a shooting that injured five people, happened not too long ago, relatively speaking. we're outside the police department trying to get more information. when we do, we'll bring it to you. reporting live in chester, katy zachry, nbc 10 news. police are still looking for a gunman who shot two women in west philadelphia. this happened around 11:30 last night on west fallen street. no motive has been determined yet. one woman is in critical condition, another in stable condition. a woman and her daughterç e in critical condition after a feed truck exploded. that blast caught on this surveillance individual yes. jesse gary is live at the scene of that explosion in feltonville. what an unbelievable scene captured on that camera. >> reporter: the scene is still here this morning being guarded by one philadelphia police officer sitting in that cruiser. debris and glass still litter the sidewalk near the corner of north 3rd and west wyoming avenue. let's take a look at the video chris mentioned. this is a surveillance video from a nearby business. the blast from the la parrillada chapina food truck shot flames about 200 feet into the air. a neighboring homes and businesses were shaken on their foundations and 12 people injured. septa police officers heard the explosion from across the street inside their building. they were the first to get to the scene to try and help. investigators say mother and daughter were inside the food truck at the time of the blast. right now those two people are in critical condition at temple university hospital. a 13-year-old girl is at st. christopher's hospital upgraded from critical to stable and a 23-year-old woman is also at temple university, upgrading from critical to stable. we'll stay on the story, try to get an update on the investigation by three different philadelphia city agencies as well as condition updates on the victims coming up in the next hour. live in feltonville this morning, jesse gary, nbc 10 news. chris? a day care worker is facing charges for leaving five children inside a car with the air conditioning on while she went shopping. philadelphia police say karen thompson left those children ranging in age from 6 months to 9 years old for at least 20 minutes inside an suv while she was inside a shop rite in port richmond. among the charges thompson is facing, endangering the welfare of churn. philadelphia police this morning are looking for a man accused of stuffing his mother's body in a freezer. the body was found yesterday on lee street in hunting park after aç family member tipped off police. according to another family member, the suspect told him his 83-year-old mother died of natural causes back in january. authorities believe he's been cashing her social security checks since then. an autopsy will be done. new information from overnight in the battle over the proposed cigarette tax that would help fund the philadelphia school district. it looks like the tax may be in jeopardy. tracy davidson is live in our digital operation center. we were there at the state capitol, talking to lawmakers for and against this measure. where do things stand now? >> new from overnight, our sources tell us the cigarette tax is pretty much on life support right now. here's what happened. sources tell us a house committee pulled the cigarette tax from a key amendment. what that means is that the house may not vote on the cigarette tax today. it may never pass. the bill easily passed the senate yesterday. again, right now it's hung up in the house. philadelphia mayor michael nutter and council president spent yesterday in harrisburg trying to gain support for the tax. the philadelphia delegation will do the same today. >> there's tough feelings between senate and house, there's tough feelings with the governor and between parties. >> it ain't over till it's over. the philadelphia delegation here in the house is going to work extremely hard to get the bipart son support needed. >> we're not going to give up or slow down. i'm here, i'm going to stay here and continue to fight for children in philadelphia. >> because the money from that cigarette tax is key to the schools. mayor nutter added the city will not be able to open the schools on time and safely without the dollars from the cigarette tax. we'll continue to keep you posted on this on air and online at live in the digital operation center, tracy davidson, nbc 10 news. eight minutes after 4:00 now. new mayor eric jackson is wasting no time in shaking things up. on his first day in office yesterday, jackson fired four department heads, including police director ralphç rivera. he was part of former mayor tony mack's administration. mack is serving a federal prison sentence for corruption. from our delaware bureau now, police in new castle county are helping someone can help track down a woman who was possibly abducted. a witness tells new castle county police that someone forcedd this 33-year-old woman a car. and this is from our jersey shore bureau now. still no sign of the philadelphia teenager that went missing while swimming in ocean city. a vigil was held at the 9th street beach where corinthian hammond was pulled under water. the weather is next. it's back and it's going to be more intense during the day today. temperatures will climb into the 90s, middle 90s. it will feel more like 100 grows this afternoon because the higher humidity today. we'll be watching for strong storms developing late this afternoon and into this evening. and keeping a close eye on the fourth of july, because of arthur, expected to come up the east coast. but offshore for the fourth. still could be close enough for impact. 77 degrees right now in philadelphia. humidity is at 74%. we are 4 degrees warmer already this morning than yesterday at this time. skies are clear. won't see any rainfall this morning or even early this afternoon. the showers, the thunderstorms are likely to move into center city will happen late this afternoon and this evening. when we come through, there will be heavy downpours and gusty winds. the rest of the day, it will be fairly quiet. the showers, the çthunderstorm the line is well to the northwest. you can see storms moving into new york state just across the pennsylvania/new york border. got a ways to go before they get here. the temperatures will be taking off. 76 degrees at 6:00 this morning. close to 80 degrees and then into the 80s by 9:00. at noontime, we'll see the 90s. still, lots of sunshine. it's going to be a fast warmup. the humidity will be high. more taxing than yesterday. at noontime, look at the showers that start popping up to the north and west. that threat of showers by midafternoon will reach the lehigh valley. by late this afternoon and evening, big thunderstorms pop up. that's about 6:00 this evening. stormy weather continues into tomorrow and possibly arthur will have an impact in our area. we'll take a look at his track when we come back. >> on july 2nd we're getting so close to one of the largest travel times of the year. so many people hitting the roads soon for their fourth of july plans. nbc 10 traffic reporter jillian mele has an early look. >> it's quiet on all of the majors including 76. this is a live look at 76 at spring garden street. that's the eastbound side. as you can see, both directions are very clear right now. drive times on 76 about 14 minutes both ways between the blue route and the vine. as far as drive times on 5 go, you can see between the woodhaven and the vine, that's a 14 to 15-minute trip right now. quiet on the 42 freeway. that's the northbound side passing creek road heading out to the bridges. no big delays or slowdowns to report on any of the bridges. we have normal construction evernight on the tacony-palmyra bridge and also the ben franklin. a major wireless carrier is accused of adding bogus charges to cell phone bills. that story straight ahead. also, a surprise appearance by this man, former football store aaron hernandez. there's one place you can see him this morning that has caught some people off guard. plus -- >> i made aç mistake. >> poolside protection. what police say that man left with his 11-year-old daughter as she sat by herself at this swimming pool. a look at boat house road. temperatures 5 degrees higher, the humidity is also higher. there's a line of storms that will eventually move into the area. right now they're far off to the north and west, pounding northwestern pennsylvania into new york state with heavy rainfall, thunder and lightning. two shooting suspects, and a man running from the suspects. you can see the guys chasing the victim last wednesday. this happened on wharton street in point breeze. the man was shot in the leg. the gunman, you get a good look at one of them there, took off in a silver colored car. a teenage girl thought a bucks county man was helping her run away from home. now he's accused of sexually assaulting her. mike the doherty from middletown met that 16-year-old through an app called whisper. the two met at the neshaminy mall and went to a hotel. that's where police say he beat and sexually assaulted the girl and left her there. doherty was arrested yesterday. this from our delaware bureau, a rouse iing welcome ho for members of the delaware national guard. nbc 10 in wilmington yesterday where members of detachment 1 returned after a one-year tour in afghanistan. senators tom carper and chris ç kunz was there as well. can the iraqi security forces hold together in the face of a terrorist threat? that's the question u.s. troops are trying to answer. general martin dempsey said some of the 750 u.s. troops sent to iraq will decide how to help that nation fight the insurgency. dempsey said the way iraqi citizens are included in their government will also help determine u.s. policy. happening right now in the oscar pistorius murder trial, for a second straight day, prosecutors are trying to discredit the star's manager or agent. the manager has testified that reeva steenkamp was the only girlfriend to travel with pistorius but prosecutors are showing evidence that he traveled with another girlfriend. also, lawyers are disputing that manager's claim that he didn't know pistorius to ever lose his temper. this is video of pistorius arriving at court earlier this morning. he's accused of shooting and killing reeva steenkamp last february. he says he thought she was an intruder. two civil cases involving accused killer aaron hernandez go to court in massachusetts. the former new england patriots tight end is charged in a double murder in boston in 2012. the victim's families are suing him. hernandez has pleaded not guilty that case and also to the murder of a semipro football player last summer. legal troubles have not stopped hernandez from being a pinup star. he's mr. july in the gators 2014 sports calendar. we can't show you that calendar because it's a copyrighted calendar. he's also featured on a patriots calendar published by that same company. t-mobile's billing practices are under fire. the federal communications commission is investigating whether that company knowingly made millions of dollars in fraudulent charges known as cramping. this comes after a complaint was filed by the federal trade commission yesterday. t-mobile says the charges are not true and are factually and legally without merit. look at this, protesters blocking buses that were carrying undocumented immigrants to a border protection facility in california. those buses had to turn around and head to another location. the immigrants were being moved to help ease overcrowding at facilities in texas where central american children and families have fled because of violence. a new mexico father is facing charges after police say he left a loaded gun with his 11-year-old daughter while he went to get a tattoo. a neighbor spotted that girl with the gun at an apartment complex swimming pool. police say she didn't threaten anyone but did tell investigators her father left the gun with her for protection. >> i made a mistake. that's it. >> what was your mistake? >> that i left a weapon unlocked and my daughter with it. >> that man has been charged with child endangerment and is out on bail. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> hot, humid weather ahead. the temperatures are warmer this morning. the humidity is going to stay higher during the day today. we'll see the temperatures soar. late this afternoon, this evening, we could be in for strong storms. there's a threat of severe weather today and there's a possibility of some wet weather into the fourth of july. but i think we'll see improving conditions on the fourth. 77 degrees right now in reading. clear skies and 77 in philadelphia. 57 in trenton. this time of year, these numbers should be in the 60s. so it's definitely warmer. you can feel the extra humidity in the air. we'll see a lot of sunshine before storms develop late this afternoon. the temperatures range from 73 degrees in the poconos, trenton 75. 76 for dover and wilmington. 78 in northeast philadelphia. the radar screen for now is clear. yes, we're watching this line of showers. this is a possibility for us late this afternoon. we're also watching the storm now known as arthur, tropical storm arthur has intensified, now winds of 60 miles an hour. arthur is on the move. now moving to the north at 4 miles an hour. expected to impact the carolinas, possibly as a hurricane. may reach hurricane status as early as first thing tomorrow morning. looking for some relief from the heat. the jersey shore, the delaware beaches won't be too bad today. 82 degrees late day showers and thunderstorms possible. probably holing off until this evening. tomorrow, though, it's going to be a wet one. showers, thunderstorms, potentially heavy rainfall. that will keep temperatures cooler for thursday and the rain will be ending first thing on friday with clearing skies late in the day. should clear the way for some nice fireworks displays. the full seven-day forecast coming up in the next half hour. >> it is 4:21. time for a check of the roads out there. nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter jillian mele has that for us. >> let's start you off with a live look at the blue route right now near the midcounty toll plaza. both directions of 476 very quiet. this is what all of the majors look like right now. certainly a good time to head out. for drivers in the lehigh valley, 78, right at lehigh street. we have the normal construction on the northeast extension. but we're not reporting delays. overnight road work in new jersey, 295, northbound and southbound ramps to mount holly, willingboro, 45, those ramps are closed as a result of the overnight construction. they're expected to be closed until about 6:00 this morning. chris? it is a philadelphia favorite. later today you'll be able to sink your teeth into a hoagy that's somewhat different than any other sand witch you've wrapped your lips around. the mammoth mill, straight ahead. and a look at the latest creation from burger condition. we'll have that. ♪this is home box!!! come to hhgregg's 4th of july sale and save up to 30% storewide plus, up to an extra $500 more when you buy multiple major appliances. get this samsung french door refrigerator for only $999. or a samsung 51" hdtv for just $398. get savings storewide on amazing deals and the boxes they come in. come to hhgregg. and fill your home with happy. welcome america festivities continue in philadelphia with the wawa hoagyfest. everyone's excited about this. starting at 5:00 this morning, wawa associates at the national constitution center will be building a five-ton hoagy made up of thousands of shorties. they'll have other ingredients and at noon they'll be serving up portions of their big sandwich for free. other portions will be donated. is your complete guide to welcome america festivities in philadelphia and surrounding communities. find out about fireworks shows, locations, parades, road detours, everything you need to know. there's a new way to have it your way at burger king, at least at one location. they're serving up a gay pride burger called the proud whopper. it comes in a rainbow colored wrapper with an inscription that says we are all the same inside. it's being sold through tomorrow at one of their restaurants in san francisco. proceeds from that proud whopper will be donated to a foundation benefiting lgbt high school seniors. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> steamy weather this morning. temperatures now running warmer than yesterday by five degrees in philadelphia. 76 degrees heading into the middle 90s this afternoon. jillian mele is watching traffic. morning, jillian. >> good morning, bill. drive times across the board looking good right now. 95 southbound from wood haven to the vine will take you 13 minutes. 12 minutes on 202 southbound from 76 to route 30. eastbound from oaks to route 202 on 422 is about a seven-minute trip. we head outside to chester and katy zachry. >> reporter: we're live outside the chester police department. here in this city it's been a violent night. nearly six peopleç were shot aa single scene. i'll have the details, coming up. nbc 10 news starts now. new from overnight, five people recovering after someone opened fire in chester, injuring them. katy zachry is live at the scene. she'll join us with new information on that violence in just a moment. it's a first alert day. here's a look at boat house row. we're tracking steamy and stormy weather. there's a heat advisory this afternoon. arthur, now a tropical storm moving up the coast from florida. will it put a damper on your july fourth fireworks? we'll find out. it's 4:30. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. >> if you think you're worried about your weekend plans, imagine the people here at north carolina. a look at the sea shore that could change from calm to chaotic. tropical storm arthur is expected to turn into a hurricane as it moves from the florida coast to the carolinas. let's go to meteorologist bill henley with his first alert forecast. for us, this day will be a scorcher. >> it was hot yesterday and humid, too. it is more humid and it's already warmer this morning. we'll be in the middle 90s this afternoon. it will feel like more than 100 degrees at times. looking for relief, the shore will be in the low 80s. lots of sunshine at the shore. 76 at nbc 10. indeed, it is a first alert day. hot, humid c

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Ocean City , Florida , United States , New Castle County , Delaware , Neshaminy Mall , Pennsylvania , Middletown , Woodhaven , New York , Port Richmond , Wood Haven , California , New Mexico , Philadelphia School , North Carolina , Flagler Beach , San Francisco , Dover , Temple University , Massachusetts , Willingboro , New Jersey , West Philadelphia , Trenton , Mount Holly , Jersey , Cape May , Center City , Texas , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Boston , Temple University Hospital , Iraq , Pottstown , America , Iraqi , American , Michael Nutter , Oscar Pistorius , Tracy Davidson , Katy Zachry , Eric Jackson , Tom Carper , Tony Mack , Chris Cato , July Chris , Chris Kunz , Jillian Mele , Jesse Gary , Martin Dempsey , Aaron Hernandez , Ralph Rivera , Karen Thompson , Ben Franklin ,

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Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20140702 :

Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20140702

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will it be affecting your fourth of july plans? this is nbc 10 news today, i'm chris cato. tropical storm arthur is out there whipping up the waves in florida. this is a look at the surf yesterday in flagler beach, about 50 miles from jacksonville. rip current warnings kept many people there out of the water. so what kind of role will it play in our weather and what is today looking like in terms of the hot weather? let's get to meteorologist bill henley. bill? >> welcome to july, chris. it will be a steamy one. temperatures in the 90s yesterday. going to be in the 90s again today. hotter this afternoon. it's already muggier this morning. a live view of center city from the adventure aquarium. the temperatures will be falling a bit more, right now we're at 76 degrees. but as chris mentioned, it is a first alert day. it will more like 100 degrees, strong, possibly severe weather late this afternoon into this evening, along with gusty winds. we'll see the temperatures drop once those storms roll through. for now, 78 degrees in northeast philadelphia. most of the area running 4 to 6 degrees warmer than yesterday. pottstown, wilmington at 76 degrees, 77 at philadelphia international. we'll see hot and humid one. 80 degrees at 8:00. by lunch time, up to 90 degrees and then middle 90s this afternoon. it will feel like it's closer to 100 degrees. a look at the future weather to show you when the storms are likely to come into the area. we'll go through it hour by hour. first, jillian mele has traffic. >> good morning to you, starting off on 95, we're not reporting any accidents at all. this is 95 at girard avenue. in the midst of the long-term construction zone. no delays to report on 95. it's clear the entire length. same thing on the vine street expressway, this is the westbound side as drivers make their way off of the vine on to 76, itç is very quiet right no. we'll see how the delays start to build later in the morning, typically around 6:00. we'll keep you updated on that. 60 miles an hour is the average on 2 5, 55 is what we're seeing on the 4 freeway and 63 is the average on the new jersey turnpike. chris? >> jillian, here's what we're following, new from overnight. a violent night in chester where nearly a dozen shots were fired leaving five people injured. katy zachry is live outside chester police department headquarters this morning with the limited information we have at this time on this shooting, katy. what do you know? >> we know around midnight, just four hours ago, the gunfire erupted at the intersection at 9th and tillman streets in chester. here's what we know from the scene as i show you our video. this all happened around midnight, five people were shot at this single scene, from the bullet casings on the ground, we know there were eight to ten shots fired. chester police and the fire department responded and blocked off the area. it re-opened around 2:00 this morning. we understand chester's police commissioner was on scene. i have called him for information and reached out to him in other ways via text. i'm still waiting to hear back. at this time we understand no arrests have been made. all five people who were injured were transported to krcrozier chester medical center. this is a shooting that injured five people, happened not too long ago, relatively speaking. we're outside the police department trying to get more information. when we do, we'll bring it to you. reporting live in chester, katy zachry, nbc 10 news. police are still looking for a gunman who shot two women in west philadelphia. this happened around 11:30 last night on west fallen street. no motive has been determined yet. one woman is in critical condition, another in stable condition. a woman and her daughterç e in critical condition after a feed truck exploded. that blast caught on this surveillance individual yes. jesse gary is live at the scene of that explosion in feltonville. what an unbelievable scene captured on that camera. >> reporter: the scene is still here this morning being guarded by one philadelphia police officer sitting in that cruiser. debris and glass still litter the sidewalk near the corner of north 3rd and west wyoming avenue. let's take a look at the video chris mentioned. this is a surveillance video from a nearby business. the blast from the la parrillada chapina food truck shot flames about 200 feet into the air. a neighboring homes and businesses were shaken on their foundations and 12 people injured. septa police officers heard the explosion from across the street inside their building. they were the first to get to the scene to try and help. investigators say mother and daughter were inside the food truck at the time of the blast. right now those two people are in critical condition at temple university hospital. a 13-year-old girl is at st. christopher's hospital upgraded from critical to stable and a 23-year-old woman is also at temple university, upgrading from critical to stable. we'll stay on the story, try to get an update on the investigation by three different philadelphia city agencies as well as condition updates on the victims coming up in the next hour. live in feltonville this morning, jesse gary, nbc 10 news. chris? a day care worker is facing charges for leaving five children inside a car with the air conditioning on while she went shopping. philadelphia police say karen thompson left those children ranging in age from 6 months to 9 years old for at least 20 minutes inside an suv while she was inside a shop rite in port richmond. among the charges thompson is facing, endangering the welfare of churn. philadelphia police this morning are looking for a man accused of stuffing his mother's body in a freezer. the body was found yesterday on lee street in hunting park after aç family member tipped off police. according to another family member, the suspect told him his 83-year-old mother died of natural causes back in january. authorities believe he's been cashing her social security checks since then. an autopsy will be done. new information from overnight in the battle over the proposed cigarette tax that would help fund the philadelphia school district. it looks like the tax may be in jeopardy. tracy davidson is live in our digital operation center. we were there at the state capitol, talking to lawmakers for and against this measure. where do things stand now? >> new from overnight, our sources tell us the cigarette tax is pretty much on life support right now. here's what happened. sources tell us a house committee pulled the cigarette tax from a key amendment. what that means is that the house may not vote on the cigarette tax today. it may never pass. the bill easily passed the senate yesterday. again, right now it's hung up in the house. philadelphia mayor michael nutter and council president spent yesterday in harrisburg trying to gain support for the tax. the philadelphia delegation will do the same today. >> there's tough feelings between senate and house, there's tough feelings with the governor and between parties. >> it ain't over till it's over. the philadelphia delegation here in the house is going to work extremely hard to get the bipart son support needed. >> we're not going to give up or slow down. i'm here, i'm going to stay here and continue to fight for children in philadelphia. >> because the money from that cigarette tax is key to the schools. mayor nutter added the city will not be able to open the schools on time and safely without the dollars from the cigarette tax. we'll continue to keep you posted on this on air and online at live in the digital operation center, tracy davidson, nbc 10 news. eight minutes after 4:00 now. new mayor eric jackson is wasting no time in shaking things up. on his first day in office yesterday, jackson fired four department heads, including police director ralphç rivera. he was part of former mayor tony mack's administration. mack is serving a federal prison sentence for corruption. from our delaware bureau now, police in new castle county are helping someone can help track down a woman who was possibly abducted. a witness tells new castle county police that someone forcedd this 33-year-old woman a car. and this is from our jersey shore bureau now. still no sign of the philadelphia teenager that went missing while swimming in ocean city. a vigil was held at the 9th street beach where corinthian hammond was pulled under water. the weather is next. it's back and it's going to be more intense during the day today. temperatures will climb into the 90s, middle 90s. it will feel more like 100 grows this afternoon because the higher humidity today. we'll be watching for strong storms developing late this afternoon and into this evening. and keeping a close eye on the fourth of july, because of arthur, expected to come up the east coast. but offshore for the fourth. still could be close enough for impact. 77 degrees right now in philadelphia. humidity is at 74%. we are 4 degrees warmer already this morning than yesterday at this time. skies are clear. won't see any rainfall this morning or even early this afternoon. the showers, the thunderstorms are likely to move into center city will happen late this afternoon and this evening. when we come through, there will be heavy downpours and gusty winds. the rest of the day, it will be fairly quiet. the showers, the çthunderstorm the line is well to the northwest. you can see storms moving into new york state just across the pennsylvania/new york border. got a ways to go before they get here. the temperatures will be taking off. 76 degrees at 6:00 this morning. close to 80 degrees and then into the 80s by 9:00. at noontime, we'll see the 90s. still, lots of sunshine. it's going to be a fast warmup. the humidity will be high. more taxing than yesterday. at noontime, look at the showers that start popping up to the north and west. that threat of showers by midafternoon will reach the lehigh valley. by late this afternoon and evening, big thunderstorms pop up. that's about 6:00 this evening. stormy weather continues into tomorrow and possibly arthur will have an impact in our area. we'll take a look at his track when we come back. >> on july 2nd we're getting so close to one of the largest travel times of the year. so many people hitting the roads soon for their fourth of july plans. nbc 10 traffic reporter jillian mele has an early look. >> it's quiet on all of the majors including 76. this is a live look at 76 at spring garden street. that's the eastbound side. as you can see, both directions are very clear right now. drive times on 76 about 14 minutes both ways between the blue route and the vine. as far as drive times on 5 go, you can see between the woodhaven and the vine, that's a 14 to 15-minute trip right now. quiet on the 42 freeway. that's the northbound side passing creek road heading out to the bridges. no big delays or slowdowns to report on any of the bridges. we have normal construction evernight on the tacony-palmyra bridge and also the ben franklin. a major wireless carrier is accused of adding bogus charges to cell phone bills. that story straight ahead. also, a surprise appearance by this man, former football store aaron hernandez. there's one place you can see him this morning that has caught some people off guard. plus -- >> i made aç mistake. >> poolside protection. what police say that man left with his 11-year-old daughter as she sat by herself at this swimming pool. a look at boat house road. temperatures 5 degrees higher, the humidity is also higher. there's a line of storms that will eventually move into the area. right now they're far off to the north and west, pounding northwestern pennsylvania into new york state with heavy rainfall, thunder and lightning. two shooting suspects, and a man running from the suspects. you can see the guys chasing the victim last wednesday. this happened on wharton street in point breeze. the man was shot in the leg. the gunman, you get a good look at one of them there, took off in a silver colored car. a teenage girl thought a bucks county man was helping her run away from home. now he's accused of sexually assaulting her. mike the doherty from middletown met that 16-year-old through an app called whisper. the two met at the neshaminy mall and went to a hotel. that's where police say he beat and sexually assaulted the girl and left her there. doherty was arrested yesterday. this from our delaware bureau, a rouse iing welcome ho for members of the delaware national guard. nbc 10 in wilmington yesterday where members of detachment 1 returned after a one-year tour in afghanistan. senators tom carper and chris ç kunz was there as well. can the iraqi security forces hold together in the face of a terrorist threat? that's the question u.s. troops are trying to answer. general martin dempsey said some of the 750 u.s. troops sent to iraq will decide how to help that nation fight the insurgency. dempsey said the way iraqi citizens are included in their government will also help determine u.s. policy. happening right now in the oscar pistorius murder trial, for a second straight day, prosecutors are trying to discredit the star's manager or agent. the manager has testified that reeva steenkamp was the only girlfriend to travel with pistorius but prosecutors are showing evidence that he traveled with another girlfriend. also, lawyers are disputing that manager's claim that he didn't know pistorius to ever lose his temper. this is video of pistorius arriving at court earlier this morning. he's accused of shooting and killing reeva steenkamp last february. he says he thought she was an intruder. two civil cases involving accused killer aaron hernandez go to court in massachusetts. the former new england patriots tight end is charged in a double murder in boston in 2012. the victim's families are suing him. hernandez has pleaded not guilty that case and also to the murder of a semipro football player last summer. legal troubles have not stopped hernandez from being a pinup star. he's mr. july in the gators 2014 sports calendar. we can't show you that calendar because it's a copyrighted calendar. he's also featured on a patriots calendar published by that same company. t-mobile's billing practices are under fire. the federal communications commission is investigating whether that company knowingly made millions of dollars in fraudulent charges known as cramping. this comes after a complaint was filed by the federal trade commission yesterday. t-mobile says the charges are not true and are factually and legally without merit. look at this, protesters blocking buses that were carrying undocumented immigrants to a border protection facility in california. those buses had to turn around and head to another location. the immigrants were being moved to help ease overcrowding at facilities in texas where central american children and families have fled because of violence. a new mexico father is facing charges after police say he left a loaded gun with his 11-year-old daughter while he went to get a tattoo. a neighbor spotted that girl with the gun at an apartment complex swimming pool. police say she didn't threaten anyone but did tell investigators her father left the gun with her for protection. >> i made a mistake. that's it. >> what was your mistake? >> that i left a weapon unlocked and my daughter with it. >> that man has been charged with child endangerment and is out on bail. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> hot, humid weather ahead. the temperatures are warmer this morning. the humidity is going to stay higher during the day today. we'll see the temperatures soar. late this afternoon, this evening, we could be in for strong storms. there's a threat of severe weather today and there's a possibility of some wet weather into the fourth of july. but i think we'll see improving conditions on the fourth. 77 degrees right now in reading. clear skies and 77 in philadelphia. 57 in trenton. this time of year, these numbers should be in the 60s. so it's definitely warmer. you can feel the extra humidity in the air. we'll see a lot of sunshine before storms develop late this afternoon. the temperatures range from 73 degrees in the poconos, trenton 75. 76 for dover and wilmington. 78 in northeast philadelphia. the radar screen for now is clear. yes, we're watching this line of showers. this is a possibility for us late this afternoon. we're also watching the storm now known as arthur, tropical storm arthur has intensified, now winds of 60 miles an hour. arthur is on the move. now moving to the north at 4 miles an hour. expected to impact the carolinas, possibly as a hurricane. may reach hurricane status as early as first thing tomorrow morning. looking for some relief from the heat. the jersey shore, the delaware beaches won't be too bad today. 82 degrees late day showers and thunderstorms possible. probably holing off until this evening. tomorrow, though, it's going to be a wet one. showers, thunderstorms, potentially heavy rainfall. that will keep temperatures cooler for thursday and the rain will be ending first thing on friday with clearing skies late in the day. should clear the way for some nice fireworks displays. the full seven-day forecast coming up in the next half hour. >> it is 4:21. time for a check of the roads out there. nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter jillian mele has that for us. >> let's start you off with a live look at the blue route right now near the midcounty toll plaza. both directions of 476 very quiet. this is what all of the majors look like right now. certainly a good time to head out. for drivers in the lehigh valley, 78, right at lehigh street. we have the normal construction on the northeast extension. but we're not reporting delays. overnight road work in new jersey, 295, northbound and southbound ramps to mount holly, willingboro, 45, those ramps are closed as a result of the overnight construction. they're expected to be closed until about 6:00 this morning. chris? it is a philadelphia favorite. later today you'll be able to sink your teeth into a hoagy that's somewhat different than any other sand witch you've wrapped your lips around. the mammoth mill, straight ahead. and a look at the latest creation from burger condition. we'll have that. ♪this is home box!!! come to hhgregg's 4th of july sale and save up to 30% storewide plus, up to an extra $500 more when you buy multiple major appliances. get this samsung french door refrigerator for only $999. or a samsung 51" hdtv for just $398. get savings storewide on amazing deals and the boxes they come in. come to hhgregg. and fill your home with happy. welcome america festivities continue in philadelphia with the wawa hoagyfest. everyone's excited about this. starting at 5:00 this morning, wawa associates at the national constitution center will be building a five-ton hoagy made up of thousands of shorties. they'll have other ingredients and at noon they'll be serving up portions of their big sandwich for free. other portions will be donated. is your complete guide to welcome america festivities in philadelphia and surrounding communities. find out about fireworks shows, locations, parades, road detours, everything you need to know. there's a new way to have it your way at burger king, at least at one location. they're serving up a gay pride burger called the proud whopper. it comes in a rainbow colored wrapper with an inscription that says we are all the same inside. it's being sold through tomorrow at one of their restaurants in san francisco. proceeds from that proud whopper will be donated to a foundation benefiting lgbt high school seniors. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> steamy weather this morning. temperatures now running warmer than yesterday by five degrees in philadelphia. 76 degrees heading into the middle 90s this afternoon. jillian mele is watching traffic. morning, jillian. >> good morning, bill. drive times across the board looking good right now. 95 southbound from wood haven to the vine will take you 13 minutes. 12 minutes on 202 southbound from 76 to route 30. eastbound from oaks to route 202 on 422 is about a seven-minute trip. we head outside to chester and katy zachry. >> reporter: we're live outside the chester police department. here in this city it's been a violent night. nearly six peopleç were shot aa single scene. i'll have the details, coming up. nbc 10 news starts now. new from overnight, five people recovering after someone opened fire in chester, injuring them. katy zachry is live at the scene. she'll join us with new information on that violence in just a moment. it's a first alert day. here's a look at boat house row. we're tracking steamy and stormy weather. there's a heat advisory this afternoon. arthur, now a tropical storm moving up the coast from florida. will it put a damper on your july fourth fireworks? we'll find out. it's 4:30. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. >> if you think you're worried about your weekend plans, imagine the people here at north carolina. a look at the sea shore that could change from calm to chaotic. tropical storm arthur is expected to turn into a hurricane as it moves from the florida coast to the carolinas. let's go to meteorologist bill henley with his first alert forecast. for us, this day will be a scorcher. >> it was hot yesterday and humid, too. it is more humid and it's already warmer this morning. we'll be in the middle 90s this afternoon. it will feel like more than 100 degrees at times. looking for relief, the shore will be in the low 80s. lots of sunshine at the shore. 76 at nbc 10. indeed, it is a first alert day. hot, humid c

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Ocean City , Florida , United States , New Castle County , Delaware , Neshaminy Mall , Pennsylvania , Middletown , Woodhaven , New York , Port Richmond , Wood Haven , California , New Mexico , Philadelphia School , North Carolina , Flagler Beach , San Francisco , Dover , Temple University , Massachusetts , Willingboro , New Jersey , West Philadelphia , Trenton , Mount Holly , Jersey , Cape May , Center City , Texas , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Boston , Temple University Hospital , Iraq , Pottstown , America , Iraqi , American , Michael Nutter , Oscar Pistorius , Tracy Davidson , Katy Zachry , Eric Jackson , Tom Carper , Tony Mack , Chris Cato , July Chris , Chris Kunz , Jillian Mele , Jesse Gary , Martin Dempsey , Aaron Hernandez , Ralph Rivera , Karen Thompson , Ben Franklin ,

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