Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 10 20120126 : comparemel

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 10 20120126

caught on video. anddi'm getting charged for an assault 14 why a student now facing case of bullying should never have gone to ccurt. robberies turn into beatings in a baltimore neighborhood. ((eeley) "i was just trying to give them whatt hey wanted so they could leavv..." why victims and witnesses are saying the aatacks were soo viciius. clouds moving in ovvrnightand rain will arrive tomorrow. why we could get two rounds of wet weather before it moves out in my skyyatch for. porecast. and chilling momeets at the ice hockey practice turned into a mmd dash for purvivall 3 hello... i'm.... jeff . barrd. and i'm jennifer gilbert.first on fox... chaages have now been filld agginst an eekton middle punching his autistic on video classmate in the face! face! myranda stephens.../ p s... here.../ with... more .../ ááandáá why... the alleggd bullyy../ aad... his father - / ááareeá... speaking out.../ now...! now...!the father off11- year-old andrew simpson says his amiiy hassgotten a lot of packlash from that video.but heesays his son is neither bully nor a criiinal... but a child who made a mistake - acting in self-defense.. nats of video it's the video seen all over the internet and in the news. 11-year-old kaleb kula - who's autistic - being punched ii the face - by a bully. kalee " i really thought had a concussson. my ear was bleeding and everythiig " but for the first time... we're hearing from the alleged bully - 11 yyar old aadrew simpson. who says the viieo ... doesn't tell the whole story. 35:44 because he had been bullying me. talking about i'm short, about my mom pnd that kind of stuff 53 andrewwsays he punched kaleb out of self-defense. he says it all started the day before - when he ppt pepperr inside kalebbs hood as a joke. 36:200 i was just trying to get a joke oot of it. he took t serious and hit me the next day 24 andrew says that's when kaleb back. he says he knows whht he did was wrong. 34:56 i feel pretty sorry for what i did cauue i didn't knowwhe had autism 00 but soory may not cut it foo elkton police. they've now charged anddew with disorderly conducttand second ddgree assault. 38:11 i'' only eleven and i'm getting charggd for an assault this haa gotten way out of hand 41 annrew's dad - mike simpson - says his son is a good kid - who made a mistake. he hopes kkaeb's pareets will understand and drop the charges. mike simpson 44:34 i can't afford a lawyer. i don't want o see it get to that point. i donnt want this to be character defamation about my sonn your son. the word is out that bullying is wrong 46 as for andrew - who waa sussended from school ffr 10-dayy - he i'lllgo back to school... not p hope 44 annrew's dad tells us police never inttrviewed his son abouu thh ffghh... they filed the chhrges baaed on thh video other elkton middle school for their involvement in the video. myranda stephens, fox45 news at en. 2... bbeaking... sttries...// in... ballimore...// baltimore...//police.... rushed belair road .../ montana... - avvnue.../// baalimore.../ around... 7... onite...// ááafteráá... a... man.../ was... hit.../ by... a.../ car...////.ááyouáá can sse ... clothes...// on... the stteet...////. ááwitnessesáá... say...// in... a.../ - wheel--chair...////. ááheáá... was... takee to hopkins../. &p ááandáá.../ we... just... with.../ police...// ááwhoáá... say.../ he's... in.../ condition.../// meantime../ ááináá.../ north balttmorr....// áápoliceáá... are... combing the area .../ for... a susppct .../ &pshooting..../// near... howard street.../ andd.. north avenue.../ tonnte...//. áááheáá victim... assshot.../ at... leaat... once... in his leg...///. áárightáá... now .../ áánoááá.. word.../ what ...led../ to... the shooting. there ii new information tonight about what led up to the deadly three-car accident in timononium yesterday.... &pyesterday.... karen parks is towson with the story of the crime wave before the crash.....karen? karen? we learnee today......there were two yesterday's crash.......onee was pronounced dead the other survived....... and that suspect tells police......a story of a string of buuglariee..... 3 3 3 (52:53)its a hame somebody's hurt very very badlyy...... after tuesdaa's fatal crash........that left the driver 20 year old aaron naahaniel mccoy dead..... the surviving suspect jenard david detectivesshave connected mccoy anddtolliver to several burglaries in nooth baltimore friday..... and three this week.//take reveal// police say monday...mccoy burglarized a home in the fifteen thousand blockkof tanyard road in sparks.... tuesday around 2:40 aahomeowner in the 32oo block of vance road caughttthe suspects walking out of his home.... just minutes before the crash pooicee responded to a urglary in the 14000 block of jarrettsville pike......(18::0)we alreedy know that the sussect's vehicleethe honda accord was stolen from howwrd county so its possible theyyare connected to crimes eyond that one in other jurisdictions...... affer leaving jarrettsville pike.......a police officer spotted the suspects......followed for aa while......then conninned pursuit from the air.......that's when investigators say tolliver merryman's road.....he was - caught shortly after.... meantime......mccoy was involved in a three car accident minutes later here on delaney valley road near ivy &proad....(52:27)anythinn can haapen on delaney valley road im surrrised its right out dead shock trauma... tolliver has been charged with two counts of first degree burglary and one counn of grand theft auto....he is &pbeing held at the bbltimore county detention center on five hundred thhusand dollars bbil... ...drug bust .../ jor at... dulles airport.../ ááafteráá... a... man ...// tries... smuggling.../ 22 pounds... / of hhroin.../// thru.../ security. were... suspicious.../// of... the.../ 19-year old.. / &p ááreturningáá from.../ nigeria.../ last thursday...//. ááánderáá... quustioning.../ ááheáá... asked... to use.../ the bathroom....//// ááthatsáá... when... they found.../ a.../ half... millionn dollars... worth.../ of... heroii...// in... hiss../ body...// downing says: "we shut the wattr off.. we shut the water off so that way they can't use the restroom and flush any of incidence.. when he realized the water was offfhe punched a hole n the wall nd was attempting to hide the evidence" evidence." áápoliceáá... retreived.../ 55... heroin pellets...// man... passed another .../ 31... pellets.../ at... the hospital. an.../ annapolis man.../ faces....charges .../ ááafteráá... a... gas.../ theft...///. theft...///.áá24áá faces.... ... charges .../ ááforááá drilling holess.. into.../ gas tanks..../ ááincludingáá dozens .... oo... koon's... toyota.../ on... west.../ street...// áápoliceáá pulled... taylor.../ p over...// monday.../ áábecauseáá his vehicle.../ p matched... the car.../ in... security footage. we.,,. wanttto know..//. ááhowáá áyou'reá... fighting back... against crime? áátelláá us... what you're doing.../// in... your community..../// áácalláá 410-662-1456. fighting back in canttn.... neighbors more vigilant toniggt.. after three streee robberies within minntes of each other. other. keith daniels, live where one robbery got especially violent.... keith. keith. jennifer..... we're live on southhbelnord block..... with people in full homes on both sides of the street..... neighhors say there's but last night.. aaparently a busy block and lots of light were nnt enough to stop a group of thieves. thieves. take a good look at rob seeley.... hissface is swollen anddin pain..........look at his eyes.. his broken's the battered face of one of baltimore city's latest robbery victims......(seeley) them what they wanted so the could leave..." happened tuesday night att about 6-30.. seeley waa walking on south belnord avenue near fait in canton to pickkup his bike from a friend's ome.. when he says 5 young men, 3 of them in ski masks, ttrned the corner, approached him.. then jumped him.(seeley) "just started attacking me, threw me down on phone and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other than the beating, that was about all.." neighbors say seeley's robbery was the third robbery that happened in the area that each other. each time, the being young men..maybe ass teenaaers... in one case, one of them possibly wearing a &pschooo uniform. poliie can only confirm one incident.. that one on belnord avenue.(keith) "in fact, a police spokesman ssys there doesn'ttappear to be a growing number of robberies in the yearr the same number of robberies in the southeast district this time last year." stephanie zaranski.....saw seeley's robbery.. she was across the street, upstairs in her something below.(zaranski) "and i looked out my blinds and i saw him in the fetal position and they were you know, kicking his face and his stomach.. and i yelled to my roommate to call 911. so, she called 911.. opened the door, yelled." , neeghborssare reminding neighbors to be aware of theii surroundings and ake care.. phen walking these streets. fox45 is teaming up with the most popuuar crime mapping "spotcrime""helpp you tracc criminal activity in your nnighborhood ......and you to fox baltimmre dot com and click on spot crime in hot topics at the top of the screen. 3 we.../ all... had a chance.../ to... look over.../ the.../ president's.../ state offthe union.../ address...////ááandáá... some... f the things.../// he.../ aid.../ áádon'táá.../ measure up.../// up...///we have subsidizee oil companies for a centuuy. that's long enough. it's time to end the taxpayer giveaways to an industry that's rarely been more profitable, and double-down on a lean energg more prommsing. promising.this...// is... at least.../ his... 3rd try.../ at... this onn...///. ááheáá asked.../ for once.../// democrats .../ controlled... congress.../ ááináá... álastá... years.../ address.../// ááandáá now... this year.../ year....//ááitáá looks.../ just as... unlikely.../ this year... / áásinceáá... pepublicans.../ oppose... tax increases.../ and... supporr.../ domesticc../ drilling right noo, because of loopholes and shelters in the tax code, a quarrer of all millionaires pay lower tax rates than millions of middle-class households. households. this.../ comes from .../ the... congressional.../ research srvice.../ ááwhicháá.../ is... truu.../ áákindáá of...////ááonáá average.../ááwealthyáá people... pay.../ a.../ much... highhr.../ tax árateá....// than... a.../ middle class.../ householl 3...and.../ he... said.../ the... health care... reform law.../ ááreliesáá.../ on... a.... "reformed"... private market... / áánotáá a... government program program...which.../ is... only.../ about... half true...///. ááaboutáá... half... the... 30 million people.../ currently un-insured ...// ááwilláá purchase insurancc.../ thru.../ privaae plans...////....with federal subsidies...///áátheáá otherrhalf.../ will... get it.../ thru.../ an... expansionnof.../ . áátheáá program expanded .../ to... low-income .../ dults he presidents address drew teen of millions today, many of them were reacting to the speech. ttnight, jeff abell takes the ttmperature of a group of votees in baltimore. baltimore. (exterior rrstaurant) (nats of server) for diners in rosedale this morning..... reakfast &pwas on theer lips..... but the president's speech was on theirrminds. (11:17:07) "well the speech (13:35:02) "i wasn't impressee. it didn't change my mind, okay...." (13:41:00) (change in jukebox) (13:42:11) (music) ""ts now or never....." here at happy days diner..... there are reminders of a time....not o longgago.... when the state of the union....seemed a &pthhse days..... -(13:37 wrong is right and what used to be right is wrong." (quick nats president speech) many eee watched llst night as theepresident laid put his state of the union address. (13:23:34) "it seemed tt e well written but it wasn't truthful...." like about it issno more tax i - breaks for the usinees going (13:26:42) "he was s." - bolstering theemilitary a lot didn't saa he's cutting a trillion dollars out of the penttgon budgett" (13:45:14) (music plays) "don't be a hhart thats true...." many here say they're troublee not by what the president said......ut what he didn'' sounded like it was a kickoff to the campaign...." (13:27736) "instead of doinn the work of the public he's doing the workkfor himsslf to maintain a placeein the white (13:15:46) "i like the man, you know....." its only an impression.... but for this lunch crowd, there's hope (13:42:30) "tomorrow willlbe too late, its now or never, my llve won't wait." jeff abell, fox 45, news at ten. here's... our... questioo of the you think the state of union address was really a campaign s? speech? here's a look at our facebook page...a lottoo you are still commenting on this one... ...some people really didn't thought it was pretty good.u - join the discussion by going to facebook dot com slash fox- bbltimore if.../ you... thought .../// áásomeáá... things... presiient obama.... &p saii... last night.../ sounded...// familiar..///.ááyou'reáá... &p right rightiq: its time foorcolleges an universitiesoq: taaeeon illegal immiggation -3 this.../ video.../ made... by .../ the... republican... national committee..////. áádetailsáá.../ things...// that.../// have.../ shown up.../ p in... ámoreá.../ than.../ the.../ state of tte union.../ address../ address....///the.../ whole thing... is linked.../ to... our website..///.ááfoxáá -baltimore dot com... slash newslinks a daring rescue by navv seals. saving two kidnapped aid workers.... frommsomali pirates. pirates. american jessica buchanan and fellow aid worker poul thisted (paul tea-stead))were held hostage for three months. u-s special forces rescued the overnight... killing ninn pirates during the raaddboth hostages were safeethe president of valley forge christianncollege, where buchanan attended, described the moment he learned the good news. i checked in my inbox at about 2 o'clock this morning and here's a message from her brother ii law that she's been freed. i was absolutely shocked to see that she hhd been rescued. 3 the navy eals who carried out the raid are from the same unit that killed osama bin laden in a raid in pakistan llst ear. 3 an ice rink collapses...the thing that was happening oo roof fell down... (nats police raid) may be going when you order it on line....nd the things police have found... at the port of baatimore 3 3 ♪ [ male announcer ] we have more than 3,000 daily flights on southwest airlines. and that gives you thousands of options to fly where you want, when you want. announcing new nonstop service from bwi airport to atlanta starting february 12th. book all of our destinations only at starting february 12th. bbltimore city is facing a 50 million dollar deficit.aad the mayor says she may want to pax.but tonight we found one city project thht is getting pricier by the minute. 3 when we told you last year about a $1.7 ooerhaul of the department of transportation ddwntown offices.11:46:07"i think we will probably be within 10 to 15 percent of the original estimate"spending on new carpet and fuuniture was already $200,000 overbudget. but we kept an eye on it.and today we found out costt for the project are mounting even higher.12:14:43"at this point we're about $580,000 over budget, there might be a few mooe minoo changes.overruns which have exceed projeccions by more than a hird. even as the city ffces an estimated deficittof $50 illion the department blames the balloning price tag to uuforseen problems with this aagng city buulding12:14:55 "the benton building is an old systemic probllms"and hazardous materials found on site at the pulaski highway &poffice which is also getting makeovvr12:15:38most of our facilites are 100 years old" but some say the city should pave planned better12:20:34 "they bviously feel no effects from the recession" taxpayer advocates say the city needs toodo a better job of estimatiig costs whee finances are tight..2:19;26 "they think tte well is a bottomless that the water will always be there, but instead the water is slowly going away still, there is some goods news.plans we uncovered llst year to buu some pricey furniture like this $13,000 conference table.11:49:02"i don't know sppcifically"are now ff the table. 12:15:50 "it's not the astronomical figgre you previously percent of hat" and the ityytells us there may be more cost overruns ooccme. it's our duty to hold elected do that y joining our fox45 waste waach.if you have a story about government waste... call our hotline... can also go to our wwbsite... fox baltimore dottcom and click on waste watch the state.../ rolls--out.../ e-z pass.../ plans.../// for... the...// hatem... bridge... over the susquehanna river.///. the current decals.../ will... expire.../ september 30th.../ one new../ optton.../// gives...// áunlimitedá... trips.../ for.. 10-bucks...// a year --//// áábutáá... can... only... be used.../ on... the....haaem bridge. .../ transponders ...are free.../// thru.../ next we do have a significant safety concerr with people that are getting in the lanes that are gated that have an expiied decal, ave hh window polled down or dont have a decall at all because they got in the wrong lann. lane. the new e-z pass plan begins february 1st. you can sign up by mail or in personnat the pfk stop--n-center..ou can also enroll online beginning february 13th. it.../ became ...a aae .../ that.... law enforcment...// ááclooelyáá... followed...// ááaáá family... seeking a... forrer.../ deputy .../// ááwhoáá... was... forcc...//. áácrimeáá... and... justice reporte. reporttr.. joy lepoll .../ tells us.../ ááwhoáá jurors... sided witt.../ and... why. 3((pkg)))for the mother of 20 year old jarrel gray this is not the verdict she wanted to hear.14:22:42 my son is not here it doesn't make a difference what the jury said speak for himself. over the past two weeks, attorneys or federal court... that aaformer frederick county deputy used excessive force when he twice. 14:16:477this has beeen suchha struggle or your family? nods..can yyu talk aaout that at all? shakes head. getting killed that's enough it that way14:11:00 there was no intent to kill this boy. attorney's for former cpl. rudy torres told jurors thaa the deputy couldn't tell after gray fell from the first shock whetter heewas armed... so torres taserrd the 20 year old a second ime.14:17:34 at the end of the day no one wins and no one loses i think justice has been done. heee were hopefully it's ooer. for e - many in law enforcement especially this has becomm a &plandmark case. sheriff vindicate the agency is vinnicated and this just enforces what i've saiddfrom day one that he did nothing wrong :2814;18:23 tasers are a useful tool they have saved many liies far more than theyy 3 3&psome lawmakers in aanapolisa still fuming about thhse reeent increases in highway tolls. and in some cases...the toll ..- hikesamount to more than 60-pprcent.despite several public state lawmakerrsays the transportttion authoritycould have done more to makethe prrcess transparent. (pipkin) "when it did this last toll increase did not disclose what the final package was going to be and so actually the board mmmbers voted on a package that was not disseminated to the public and thee ublic couldn't comment on it." so senator pipkin has introduced a iil which wwull require the transportationauthority to make ffll disclosureson upcoming votes...and allowthe public to comment beforea final vote. in... annapolis.../ ááseveraláá.... republicans.../ ááreleasedáá... a... new poll .../ ááshowingáá... view.../ rydell reports.../ ááthhyáá hopp... the findings.../ will... sway. ../ their colleagues.../ ááináá... the... battle over.../ tax hikes... hikes... "96% of marylanders have hhd enouuh, they realize that we pay tooomuch." they may be republican delegates...are an politiial muscle. they've unveiled the finddngsof a tax part of a gonzales research finds that 6-percent of the 800 voters surveyed...say they already pay too much in taxes...or the right amount of &ptaxes.delegate kathy &pszeliga...hopesthat number will influence more of her colleagues.(szeliga) "to get awwy from theii taxaholic ways and just say no to hiiher taxes." republicans say if the governor o'mmlley's budget is adopted as is...the average marylander...will pay a lot more. ((cmillan) "thii budget that been submitteddoesn't &pinclude $800 million more tha he's goiig to be asking for wiih the gas tax, wwth anotherr car egistratton increase." republicans want no increase in the operating budget...from theprevious year.but some democrrts... allthat un-realistic. (garagiola) "and those same costs that go up &pfor the average family go up for government as well,,we're paying utility bills, we're paying health care, we're paying retiree costs."(rydell) budget, more and more democrats in annapolis are aaso calling for changes to earners don'ttpay more." (booanan) "ten yyars ago, somebody maaing $100,000 was we're hearing a lot of members saying well youukkow we really peed to think that one through carefully..tough balance the budget...withouu severely imppcting taxpayers. in aanapplls, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. tell lawmakers what you think about the year's agenda. contact nformation for the speaker...and senate president on our website... fox baltimooe dot com slash yoor voice day... weatherwisee perffct - weatherwise will it be picture perfect much longer? longer? here'smeteorologist emily gracey with all the answers in the skywatch forecast. 3 the.../ ball.../ that... went...// áwideá... leftt... / ááwhichááá../ ended...// the... ravens' chance.../ of... going to... he... super bowl... / ááisáá nnw... in the hands.../ of... a... connecticut d. doctor."nats of plly" sunday's game ended after kicker billy cundiff missed this field goal....that would havv tied thh game. terry odor ....of west hartford, connecticut was in the right place at the right time when it happened.he says it bounced off his three friends before reaching him... and holding onto it wasn't easy. "i grabbed it in both hands... like this... tucked 20 guys jumped on my baac... i was literally buried unddr the crowd for about ffur minutes... " " patriots fans are now requesting to have pictures taken wiih the ball. the patriots won the a-f-c championship game 23- to 0. 3 google's information grab...what its doing with all the stuff it knows about you... ...and why you won't be able to avoii it (nats police raid) paid)but next...inside the war on counterfeit drugs...the kinds of things they're finding at the port of baatimore......and there the money may be goingin our cover story... after the break risiig cost.../ ááhasáá many - people... searching for.../ heaper.../ options...// on--line...// drug peddling... drugs.../ ...// but experts say - a growing number of those druus are not what youumay us on the front linee in the war on counterfeit drugs.... drugs.... (12:49:10) (port exterior) somewhere at the port of baltimore... &p (nats customs) hiding in thousands of tons of cargo.... (nnts customs) size f a pill.... (nats sifts through packages/pills) (14:05:06) "its deffnitely out of control..." each day, an army of customs agents sets oot on a mission to ind counterfeit drugs. millions oo fake into this country....and &pthey're coming demand. ((ooputer nats/keyboard) hundreds of online drug stores are tempting consumers with deep discounts on popularr prescriptions... but some experts believe as much aa 50- percent are fake... containing little...or none...of the active drugs. (14:02:25) real - "they're trying to appear as though they're llgitimatt businesses and thee have no concern for the healtt and safety ffthe american public." (nats police raid) produced in the backrooms and dark allees of eastern asia. they're part of international crime organizations that have created a billion dollar industry. (14:04:11) "you could bb online thinkkng youure looking at a pharmacy thats canadian and really those drugs could be manufactured in india, the website could be run out of chiia and you're payment could be goinggto a criminal organization in russia..." in a glen burnne storage unit four years ago, federal agents seized a suitcase where, thousand counterfeit viagra national admittee they'd been imported from eeypt and storrd in glln burnie. detectives valued tte stash at foou-hundred thousand dollars hh was sentenced to four years in prison. (12:56:33) (aaell) "the amounn of counterfeit drugs seized in this couutry is up some 24-percent in the past year...and not aal of them are coming in through the ports. experts say many of them are arrivvnggby mail...." even know what the whole picture is in the unittd states." at the university of maryland school of pharmacy, francis palumbo says it may be impossible to cut-off the flow of counterfeit drugs. (3:02:45) (palumbo) "i think prevention is helping us and i don't say that dispaaagingly. i hink the goveenments doing what it can but it can't keep everything out of the system. it just have alreedd turned up in - pharmacies. and consumers, thinking they're taking real drugs have gotten sick. some expertssbelieve tougher laws on wholesaae drug distributors could ssem the &pflow of fakes to pharmacies. (3:01:57) (palumbo) "iffyou have a bad apple in the bunch of wholesale distributors, they they're the ones who will funnel theee things to their pharmacy customers." (14:09:29) "i know we've seized and hutdown more than 10-thousand websites." for ttose onnthe front lines, its a whole new war.... a fight where the eneey is a fake. jeff abell, fox 45 news at en. 33 an... emotional farewell for a courageous lawmaker...// but she wasn't done her job.... quite yet...// the &ppiece oflegislation she left for collegues toovote on... next ...and google grabs your & the company i changing its privacy policy... ...and why it may be tough to avoid... afterrthe break 3 3 3thousands gathered this morning o say goodbye to formmr penn state coach joe patn paterno mourners waited in long linns to pay their final respects at a public viewing on campus.... paterno died sunday after a brief battle with llng ancer. he was 85 years old.paterno worked at penn state for more than sixty years, but was fired in the wake oo he jerry sandusky ex abuse scandal.... &ptoday.... supporters chose t remember him as a legendary coach. orloski says: "just had to come down here because you see him every week on the fieed ya, know, and you know what's going on and it make you emotional."nagel says: "because joe dedicated his llfe to this university and the football team, and i just want to pay my espects." respects." paterno was laid to rest during a private funeral this afternoon. a public memorial serivice will be held tomorroww at the university. arizona.../ congresswoman, .../ &pgabrielle giffords, .../ ááformallyáá... stepping down, ...// ...// one.../ year.../ after... the fatal.../ tucson.../ shooting .../ that... left her ...// fighting.../ for... her.../ life...///. áátheáá... emotiinal farewell.../ on... the.../ hhuse floor ..../ ááwasáá... read... by...// gabby's... long time.../ friend,...// áárepresentativeáá... debbie... wasserman .../ sccultz,...//// 3 wasserman schultz says: "i foond aaway to care for others, and in the passed year &pi have learned that is unbreakable even in the most vicious of attacks. the trrgic january 8th tucson ssooting took theelives of six beautiful ameriians and wounded thirteen others, me included. not a daa goes by thht i don't feel grief for others torn apart. apart. the... house ...also passed.../ giffords' ...borrer securrty.../ measure...// wednesday ...//// 3 google.../ s.,.. under fire.../ ááforáá it's... new.../ privacy... p. policy. the internettgiant will soon be combining nearly all the informatiin it has on users. carrie peirce explains what this means for you in tonight's word on the web. critics are raising concerns over a new privacy policy...saying this time... google has gone too far. ffa. 3 the web giant will soon be combining data from alllof its sites... including yyutube, has always collected data... but for the first time, ii's tracking &pusers across get a better idea of who you are... and how to tailor ads to your tastes. that's means google ccn store and sharr innormation every time youu activate an android phone, sign into our gmail account or enter a search term.experts say the move is aimed at ffcebook --- the compaaies are competing for personal data that can be used for marketing. marketing. the new policy starts march 1st... and if you're logged into gooole services you ont be able to opt out.i'm ccrrie peiice and that's your word on the web. 3 3 3 3 3&pa super screen for the super bowl?the ones that may be worth the money...later on fox45 news at ten 3 a youug woman from's the judges on american iiol.the buuz she's creating across the country 3 a singer from baltimore is working with kids who are pheir homes.ith drug abuse in - homes.mario spent the day skyping with students at the reach partneeship school in northeast baltiiore.many of them have parents who abuse drugs or alcohol.... ssmething the singer has witnessed first hand with is own mother's heroon addiction. "kids are amazing, iilike to call them young adultt because ttey're dealing with some tteir lives."ons already in lives."mario created the "do right" foundation which offers druu prevention programs ffr city schools. we heard many talented singers during the amerrccn idol try outs tonight. but.../ the hopefuls... will have competition.../ from... áourá.../ fox45 ...baltimore ááwho'sáá.../ - on... her way... to hollywood. 3 as candace dold shows us, hallie is gaining national attention from major ews outlets since her stunning audition in pittsburgh. pittsburgh. 3&sot: pitt audition after showing off hhr skills and revealing her life's hallie day makes a memorable impression on the juuges.sot jlo- she could win it hallie is hitting a high note with america too. the web is buzzing aaout her.rolling stone says shes a statuesque blonde from baltimore...mtv posts that she thrilled the billboard comments on hallie's singiig with powerful &pconvicitonand according to us today: she has a voice full of force and power hallie's come a long way in justta few audition at our fox45 she was given a passsto cut in front of thhosands of hopefuls in pittsburgh.sot im the next is up against a lot of ws she competition..nats: my idol journey starts nowbut for now... i think she is just fine carrying the title of an american sweetheaat... who is on her way to becoming the next american idol. 50:44-i fox45,,they've kept tabs on me, they are the reason i am see.../ the... american idol hopefuls.../ ááwhenáá auditions continue... tomorrow night.../ at... 8.../ áárightáá... here... on fox45. 3 3& an hissoric night in college park.the big onor for former coach gary williams. the superbowl ...looks best... on a big screen.... // but ...which tv... is worth your mmney.../ in the long them to the - after a triumphant season as the ravens defensive coorrinator, chuck pagano is going tt the next levee...this afternoon, e agreed to becooe the next head coach of the indianapolis colts... colts... pagano will be ooficially introduced at a news conference tomorrow...he spent juss one year as ravens d- coordinator, and he got them - defense ranked 3rd in the poontt given up..and more nd importantly, reinstated he firey spirit that was often absent under his predecessor, greg m,attison..much more on pagano to the colts on sports unllmited at 11:30 and now, the night's other big story...the university of legendary figure in the a basketball rogram... program...morgan adsit joins us streaming liveefrom college park...morgan? vo rollcue..."2002 national title"sot rollcue..."from tonight's event" adlib tossback to jeff and jenniffr there.../ are... a...// lot... of sales... on t-v's.../ before... the... - super bowl....// bowl....// butt ow do you know sale is going to be a great set in the long run?as pptrice harris explainn... consumer reports' tests can help you find a tv that really scores.. 3 ((pat on cam)) consumer reports' tv labs are linee sett. of course there are ones plenty that are internet-ennbled. each television faces more than 10 tests. one sizes up picture quality at an aagle in order to find out hhw far to the side you can sit and still get &pa good view. (sot: chris andrade)""n general, plasmas don't have a viewing angle issue, but it's a mixed bag when ii comes to lcds."(v/o) levels in different lights. this is a plasma on the left and an lcd on the right. even in bright light, lcds hold their black levels. but on out.consumer reports also shes evaluates sound quality. (nattot: tv)(v/o)as tvs got slimmer, sound quality show that audio is improving. (natsot: crash)(v/o)and what about 3-d? with more and more sets offering 3-d as a feature, consumer reports assess the quality of the 3-d picture. (sot: chris andrade) "some of our top-rated sets are 3d, while providing youu with excellent 2d piccure quality. but you're going to pay more for a 3d set. those prices are droppiig."(v/o)when purchasing a tv, consumer reports says people often buy a set ttat'' too small for their room. for instance, if you sit eight to ten feet away to 60-inch screenn(v/o)this 60-incc panasonic plasma rated excellent for picture quality dollars. and the remote is if that's a little too muchhtv for your budget... the same the panasonic viera tc-p50s30 - also rated very good and osts 800 dollars.patrice harris, fox45 news at ten. collapse>> the roof of an ice rink collapses...the thing that was happening on roof fell on foxx5 news at ten ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... boom 2 seconds! seconds!their is.../ enormous... but so is their stupiiity...// what a solar the disturbance on the sun is creatiig danger here onnearth. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.

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Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 10 20120126 :

Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 10 20120126

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caught on video. anddi'm getting charged for an assault 14 why a student now facing case of bullying should never have gone to ccurt. robberies turn into beatings in a baltimore neighborhood. ((eeley) "i was just trying to give them whatt hey wanted so they could leavv..." why victims and witnesses are saying the aatacks were soo viciius. clouds moving in ovvrnightand rain will arrive tomorrow. why we could get two rounds of wet weather before it moves out in my skyyatch for. porecast. and chilling momeets at the ice hockey practice turned into a mmd dash for purvivall 3 hello... i'm.... jeff . barrd. and i'm jennifer gilbert.first on fox... chaages have now been filld agginst an eekton middle punching his autistic on video classmate in the face! face! myranda stephens.../ p s... here.../ with... more .../ ááandáá why... the alleggd bullyy../ aad... his father - / ááareeá... speaking out.../ now...! now...!the father off11- year-old andrew simpson says his amiiy hassgotten a lot of packlash from that video.but heesays his son is neither bully nor a criiinal... but a child who made a mistake - acting in self-defense.. nats of video it's the video seen all over the internet and in the news. 11-year-old kaleb kula - who's autistic - being punched ii the face - by a bully. kalee " i really thought had a concussson. my ear was bleeding and everythiig " but for the first time... we're hearing from the alleged bully - 11 yyar old aadrew simpson. who says the viieo ... doesn't tell the whole story. 35:44 because he had been bullying me. talking about i'm short, about my mom pnd that kind of stuff 53 andrewwsays he punched kaleb out of self-defense. he says it all started the day before - when he ppt pepperr inside kalebbs hood as a joke. 36:200 i was just trying to get a joke oot of it. he took t serious and hit me the next day 24 andrew says that's when kaleb back. he says he knows whht he did was wrong. 34:56 i feel pretty sorry for what i did cauue i didn't knowwhe had autism 00 but soory may not cut it foo elkton police. they've now charged anddew with disorderly conducttand second ddgree assault. 38:11 i'' only eleven and i'm getting charggd for an assault this haa gotten way out of hand 41 annrew's dad - mike simpson - says his son is a good kid - who made a mistake. he hopes kkaeb's pareets will understand and drop the charges. mike simpson 44:34 i can't afford a lawyer. i don't want o see it get to that point. i donnt want this to be character defamation about my sonn your son. the word is out that bullying is wrong 46 as for andrew - who waa sussended from school ffr 10-dayy - he i'lllgo back to school... not p hope 44 annrew's dad tells us police never inttrviewed his son abouu thh ffghh... they filed the chhrges baaed on thh video other elkton middle school for their involvement in the video. myranda stephens, fox45 news at en. 2... bbeaking... sttries...// in... ballimore...// baltimore...//police.... rushed belair road .../ montana... - avvnue.../// baalimore.../ around... 7... onite...// ááafteráá... a... man.../ was... hit.../ by... a.../ car...////.ááyouáá can sse ... clothes...// on... the stteet...////. ááwitnessesáá... say...// in... a.../ - wheel--chair...////. ááheáá... was... takee to hopkins../. &p ááandáá.../ we... just... with.../ police...// ááwhoáá... say.../ he's... in.../ condition.../// meantime../ ááináá.../ north balttmorr....// áápoliceáá... are... combing the area .../ for... a susppct .../ &pshooting..../// near... howard street.../ andd.. north avenue.../ tonnte...//. áááheáá victim... assshot.../ at... leaat... once... in his leg...///. áárightáá... now .../ áánoááá.. word.../ what ...led../ to... the shooting. there ii new information tonight about what led up to the deadly three-car accident in timononium yesterday.... &pyesterday.... karen parks is towson with the story of the crime wave before the crash.....karen? karen? we learnee today......there were two yesterday's crash.......onee was pronounced dead the other survived....... and that suspect tells police......a story of a string of buuglariee..... 3 3 3 (52:53)its a hame somebody's hurt very very badlyy...... after tuesdaa's fatal crash........that left the driver 20 year old aaron naahaniel mccoy dead..... the surviving suspect jenard david detectivesshave connected mccoy anddtolliver to several burglaries in nooth baltimore friday..... and three this week.//take reveal// police say monday...mccoy burglarized a home in the fifteen thousand blockkof tanyard road in sparks.... tuesday around 2:40 aahomeowner in the 32oo block of vance road caughttthe suspects walking out of his home.... just minutes before the crash pooicee responded to a urglary in the 14000 block of jarrettsville pike......(18::0)we alreedy know that the sussect's vehicleethe honda accord was stolen from howwrd county so its possible theyyare connected to crimes eyond that one in other jurisdictions...... affer leaving jarrettsville pike.......a police officer spotted the suspects......followed for aa while......then conninned pursuit from the air.......that's when investigators say tolliver merryman's road.....he was - caught shortly after.... meantime......mccoy was involved in a three car accident minutes later here on delaney valley road near ivy &proad....(52:27)anythinn can haapen on delaney valley road im surrrised its right out dead shock trauma... tolliver has been charged with two counts of first degree burglary and one counn of grand theft auto....he is &pbeing held at the bbltimore county detention center on five hundred thhusand dollars bbil... ...drug bust .../ jor at... dulles airport.../ ááafteráá... a... man ...// tries... smuggling.../ 22 pounds... / of hhroin.../// thru.../ security. were... suspicious.../// of... the.../ 19-year old.. / &p ááreturningáá from.../ nigeria.../ last thursday...//. ááánderáá... quustioning.../ ááheáá... asked... to use.../ the bathroom....//// ááthatsáá... when... they found.../ a.../ half... millionn dollars... worth.../ of... heroii...// in... hiss../ body...// downing says: "we shut the wattr off.. we shut the water off so that way they can't use the restroom and flush any of incidence.. when he realized the water was offfhe punched a hole n the wall nd was attempting to hide the evidence" evidence." áápoliceáá... retreived.../ 55... heroin pellets...// man... passed another .../ 31... pellets.../ at... the hospital. an.../ annapolis man.../ faces....charges .../ ááafteráá... a... gas.../ theft...///. theft...///.áá24áá faces.... ... charges .../ ááforááá drilling holess.. into.../ gas tanks..../ ááincludingáá dozens .... oo... koon's... toyota.../ on... west.../ street...// áápoliceáá pulled... taylor.../ p over...// monday.../ áábecauseáá his vehicle.../ p matched... the car.../ in... security footage. we.,,. wanttto know..//. ááhowáá áyou'reá... fighting back... against crime? áátelláá us... what you're doing.../// in... your community..../// áácalláá 410-662-1456. fighting back in canttn.... neighbors more vigilant toniggt.. after three streee robberies within minntes of each other. other. keith daniels, live where one robbery got especially violent.... keith. keith. jennifer..... we're live on southhbelnord block..... with people in full homes on both sides of the street..... neighhors say there's but last night.. aaparently a busy block and lots of light were nnt enough to stop a group of thieves. thieves. take a good look at rob seeley.... hissface is swollen anddin pain..........look at his eyes.. his broken's the battered face of one of baltimore city's latest robbery victims......(seeley) them what they wanted so the could leave..." happened tuesday night att about 6-30.. seeley waa walking on south belnord avenue near fait in canton to pickkup his bike from a friend's ome.. when he says 5 young men, 3 of them in ski masks, ttrned the corner, approached him.. then jumped him.(seeley) "just started attacking me, threw me down on phone and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other than the beating, that was about all.." neighbors say seeley's robbery was the third robbery that happened in the area that each other. each time, the being young men..maybe ass teenaaers... in one case, one of them possibly wearing a &pschooo uniform. poliie can only confirm one incident.. that one on belnord avenue.(keith) "in fact, a police spokesman ssys there doesn'ttappear to be a growing number of robberies in the yearr the same number of robberies in the southeast district this time last year." stephanie zaranski.....saw seeley's robbery.. she was across the street, upstairs in her something below.(zaranski) "and i looked out my blinds and i saw him in the fetal position and they were you know, kicking his face and his stomach.. and i yelled to my roommate to call 911. so, she called 911.. opened the door, yelled." , neeghborssare reminding neighbors to be aware of theii surroundings and ake care.. phen walking these streets. fox45 is teaming up with the most popuuar crime mapping "spotcrime""helpp you tracc criminal activity in your nnighborhood ......and you to fox baltimmre dot com and click on spot crime in hot topics at the top of the screen. 3 we.../ all... had a chance.../ to... look over.../ the.../ president's.../ state offthe union.../ address...////ááandáá... some... f the things.../// he.../ aid.../ áádon'táá.../ measure up.../// up...///we have subsidizee oil companies for a centuuy. that's long enough. it's time to end the taxpayer giveaways to an industry that's rarely been more profitable, and double-down on a lean energg more prommsing. promising.this...// is... at least.../ his... 3rd try.../ at... this onn...///. ááheáá asked.../ for once.../// democrats .../ controlled... congress.../ ááináá... álastá... years.../ address.../// ááandáá now... this year.../ year....//ááitáá looks.../ just as... unlikely.../ this year... / áásinceáá... pepublicans.../ oppose... tax increases.../ and... supporr.../ domesticc../ drilling right noo, because of loopholes and shelters in the tax code, a quarrer of all millionaires pay lower tax rates than millions of middle-class households. households. this.../ comes from .../ the... congressional.../ research srvice.../ ááwhicháá.../ is... truu.../ áákindáá of...////ááonáá average.../ááwealthyáá people... pay.../ a.../ much... highhr.../ tax árateá....// than... a.../ middle class.../ householl 3...and.../ he... said.../ the... health care... reform law.../ ááreliesáá.../ on... a.... "reformed"... private market... / áánotáá a... government program program...which.../ is... only.../ about... half true...///. ááaboutáá... half... the... 30 million people.../ currently un-insured ...// ááwilláá purchase insurancc.../ thru.../ privaae plans...////....with federal subsidies...///áátheáá otherrhalf.../ will... get it.../ thru.../ an... expansionnof.../ . áátheáá program expanded .../ to... low-income .../ dults he presidents address drew teen of millions today, many of them were reacting to the speech. ttnight, jeff abell takes the ttmperature of a group of votees in baltimore. baltimore. (exterior rrstaurant) (nats of server) for diners in rosedale this morning..... reakfast &pwas on theer lips..... but the president's speech was on theirrminds. (11:17:07) "well the speech (13:35:02) "i wasn't impressee. it didn't change my mind, okay...." (13:41:00) (change in jukebox) (13:42:11) (music) ""ts now or never....." here at happy days diner..... there are reminders of a time....not o longgago.... when the state of the union....seemed a &pthhse days..... -(13:37 wrong is right and what used to be right is wrong." (quick nats president speech) many eee watched llst night as theepresident laid put his state of the union address. (13:23:34) "it seemed tt e well written but it wasn't truthful...." like about it issno more tax i - breaks for the usinees going (13:26:42) "he was s." - bolstering theemilitary a lot didn't saa he's cutting a trillion dollars out of the penttgon budgett" (13:45:14) (music plays) "don't be a hhart thats true...." many here say they're troublee not by what the president said......ut what he didn'' sounded like it was a kickoff to the campaign...." (13:27736) "instead of doinn the work of the public he's doing the workkfor himsslf to maintain a placeein the white (13:15:46) "i like the man, you know....." its only an impression.... but for this lunch crowd, there's hope (13:42:30) "tomorrow willlbe too late, its now or never, my llve won't wait." jeff abell, fox 45, news at ten. here's... our... questioo of the you think the state of union address was really a campaign s? speech? here's a look at our facebook page...a lottoo you are still commenting on this one... ...some people really didn't thought it was pretty good.u - join the discussion by going to facebook dot com slash fox- bbltimore if.../ you... thought .../// áásomeáá... things... presiient obama.... &p saii... last night.../ sounded...// familiar..///.ááyou'reáá... &p right rightiq: its time foorcolleges an universitiesoq: taaeeon illegal immiggation -3 this.../ video.../ made... by .../ the... republican... national committee..////. áádetailsáá.../ things...// that.../// have.../ shown up.../ p in... ámoreá.../ than.../ the.../ state of tte union.../ address../ address....///the.../ whole thing... is linked.../ to... our website..///.ááfoxáá -baltimore dot com... slash newslinks a daring rescue by navv seals. saving two kidnapped aid workers.... frommsomali pirates. pirates. american jessica buchanan and fellow aid worker poul thisted (paul tea-stead))were held hostage for three months. u-s special forces rescued the overnight... killing ninn pirates during the raaddboth hostages were safeethe president of valley forge christianncollege, where buchanan attended, described the moment he learned the good news. i checked in my inbox at about 2 o'clock this morning and here's a message from her brother ii law that she's been freed. i was absolutely shocked to see that she hhd been rescued. 3 the navy eals who carried out the raid are from the same unit that killed osama bin laden in a raid in pakistan llst ear. 3 an ice rink collapses...the thing that was happening oo roof fell down... (nats police raid) may be going when you order it on line....nd the things police have found... at the port of baatimore 3 3 ♪ [ male announcer ] we have more than 3,000 daily flights on southwest airlines. and that gives you thousands of options to fly where you want, when you want. announcing new nonstop service from bwi airport to atlanta starting february 12th. book all of our destinations only at starting february 12th. bbltimore city is facing a 50 million dollar deficit.aad the mayor says she may want to pax.but tonight we found one city project thht is getting pricier by the minute. 3 when we told you last year about a $1.7 ooerhaul of the department of transportation ddwntown offices.11:46:07"i think we will probably be within 10 to 15 percent of the original estimate"spending on new carpet and fuuniture was already $200,000 overbudget. but we kept an eye on it.and today we found out costt for the project are mounting even higher.12:14:43"at this point we're about $580,000 over budget, there might be a few mooe minoo changes.overruns which have exceed projeccions by more than a hird. even as the city ffces an estimated deficittof $50 illion the department blames the balloning price tag to uuforseen problems with this aagng city buulding12:14:55 "the benton building is an old systemic probllms"and hazardous materials found on site at the pulaski highway &poffice which is also getting makeovvr12:15:38most of our facilites are 100 years old" but some say the city should pave planned better12:20:34 "they bviously feel no effects from the recession" taxpayer advocates say the city needs toodo a better job of estimatiig costs whee finances are tight..2:19;26 "they think tte well is a bottomless that the water will always be there, but instead the water is slowly going away still, there is some goods news.plans we uncovered llst year to buu some pricey furniture like this $13,000 conference table.11:49:02"i don't know sppcifically"are now ff the table. 12:15:50 "it's not the astronomical figgre you previously percent of hat" and the ityytells us there may be more cost overruns ooccme. it's our duty to hold elected do that y joining our fox45 waste waach.if you have a story about government waste... call our hotline... can also go to our wwbsite... fox baltimore dottcom and click on waste watch the state.../ rolls--out.../ e-z pass.../ plans.../// for... the...// hatem... bridge... over the susquehanna river.///. the current decals.../ will... expire.../ september 30th.../ one new../ optton.../// gives...// áunlimitedá... trips.../ for.. 10-bucks...// a year --//// áábutáá... can... only... be used.../ on... the....haaem bridge. .../ transponders ...are free.../// thru.../ next we do have a significant safety concerr with people that are getting in the lanes that are gated that have an expiied decal, ave hh window polled down or dont have a decall at all because they got in the wrong lann. lane. the new e-z pass plan begins february 1st. you can sign up by mail or in personnat the pfk stop--n-center..ou can also enroll online beginning february 13th. it.../ became ...a aae .../ that.... law enforcment...// ááclooelyáá... followed...// ááaáá family... seeking a... forrer.../ deputy .../// ááwhoáá... was... forcc...//. áácrimeáá... and... justice reporte. reporttr.. joy lepoll .../ tells us.../ ááwhoáá jurors... sided witt.../ and... why. 3((pkg)))for the mother of 20 year old jarrel gray this is not the verdict she wanted to hear.14:22:42 my son is not here it doesn't make a difference what the jury said speak for himself. over the past two weeks, attorneys or federal court... that aaformer frederick county deputy used excessive force when he twice. 14:16:477this has beeen suchha struggle or your family? nods..can yyu talk aaout that at all? shakes head. getting killed that's enough it that way14:11:00 there was no intent to kill this boy. attorney's for former cpl. rudy torres told jurors thaa the deputy couldn't tell after gray fell from the first shock whetter heewas armed... so torres taserrd the 20 year old a second ime.14:17:34 at the end of the day no one wins and no one loses i think justice has been done. heee were hopefully it's ooer. for e - many in law enforcement especially this has becomm a &plandmark case. sheriff vindicate the agency is vinnicated and this just enforces what i've saiddfrom day one that he did nothing wrong :2814;18:23 tasers are a useful tool they have saved many liies far more than theyy 3 3&psome lawmakers in aanapolisa still fuming about thhse reeent increases in highway tolls. and in some cases...the toll ..- hikesamount to more than 60-pprcent.despite several public state lawmakerrsays the transportttion authoritycould have done more to makethe prrcess transparent. (pipkin) "when it did this last toll increase did not disclose what the final package was going to be and so actually the board mmmbers voted on a package that was not disseminated to the public and thee ublic couldn't comment on it." so senator pipkin has introduced a iil which wwull require the transportationauthority to make ffll disclosureson upcoming votes...and allowthe public to comment beforea final vote. in... annapolis.../ ááseveraláá.... republicans.../ ááreleasedáá... a... new poll .../ ááshowingáá... view.../ rydell reports.../ ááthhyáá hopp... the findings.../ will... sway. ../ their colleagues.../ ááináá... the... battle over.../ tax hikes... hikes... "96% of marylanders have hhd enouuh, they realize that we pay tooomuch." they may be republican delegates...are an politiial muscle. they've unveiled the finddngsof a tax part of a gonzales research finds that 6-percent of the 800 voters surveyed...say they already pay too much in taxes...or the right amount of &ptaxes.delegate kathy &pszeliga...hopesthat number will influence more of her colleagues.(szeliga) "to get awwy from theii taxaholic ways and just say no to hiiher taxes." republicans say if the governor o'mmlley's budget is adopted as is...the average marylander...will pay a lot more. ((cmillan) "thii budget that been submitteddoesn't &pinclude $800 million more tha he's goiig to be asking for wiih the gas tax, wwth anotherr car egistratton increase." republicans want no increase in the operating budget...from theprevious year.but some democrrts... allthat un-realistic. (garagiola) "and those same costs that go up &pfor the average family go up for government as well,,we're paying utility bills, we're paying health care, we're paying retiree costs."(rydell) budget, more and more democrats in annapolis are aaso calling for changes to earners don'ttpay more." (booanan) "ten yyars ago, somebody maaing $100,000 was we're hearing a lot of members saying well youukkow we really peed to think that one through carefully..tough balance the budget...withouu severely imppcting taxpayers. in aanapplls, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. tell lawmakers what you think about the year's agenda. contact nformation for the speaker...and senate president on our website... fox baltimooe dot com slash yoor voice day... weatherwisee perffct - weatherwise will it be picture perfect much longer? longer? here'smeteorologist emily gracey with all the answers in the skywatch forecast. 3 the.../ ball.../ that... went...// áwideá... leftt... / ááwhichááá../ ended...// the... ravens' chance.../ of... going to... he... super bowl... / ááisáá nnw... in the hands.../ of... a... connecticut d. doctor."nats of plly" sunday's game ended after kicker billy cundiff missed this field goal....that would havv tied thh game. terry odor ....of west hartford, connecticut was in the right place at the right time when it happened.he says it bounced off his three friends before reaching him... and holding onto it wasn't easy. "i grabbed it in both hands... like this... tucked 20 guys jumped on my baac... i was literally buried unddr the crowd for about ffur minutes... " " patriots fans are now requesting to have pictures taken wiih the ball. the patriots won the a-f-c championship game 23- to 0. 3 google's information grab...what its doing with all the stuff it knows about you... ...and why you won't be able to avoii it (nats police raid) paid)but next...inside the war on counterfeit drugs...the kinds of things they're finding at the port of baatimore......and there the money may be goingin our cover story... after the break risiig cost.../ ááhasáá many - people... searching for.../ heaper.../ options...// on--line...// drug peddling... drugs.../ ...// but experts say - a growing number of those druus are not what youumay us on the front linee in the war on counterfeit drugs.... drugs.... (12:49:10) (port exterior) somewhere at the port of baltimore... &p (nats customs) hiding in thousands of tons of cargo.... (nnts customs) size f a pill.... (nats sifts through packages/pills) (14:05:06) "its deffnitely out of control..." each day, an army of customs agents sets oot on a mission to ind counterfeit drugs. millions oo fake into this country....and &pthey're coming demand. ((ooputer nats/keyboard) hundreds of online drug stores are tempting consumers with deep discounts on popularr prescriptions... but some experts believe as much aa 50- percent are fake... containing little...or none...of the active drugs. (14:02:25) real - "they're trying to appear as though they're llgitimatt businesses and thee have no concern for the healtt and safety ffthe american public." (nats police raid) produced in the backrooms and dark allees of eastern asia. they're part of international crime organizations that have created a billion dollar industry. (14:04:11) "you could bb online thinkkng youure looking at a pharmacy thats canadian and really those drugs could be manufactured in india, the website could be run out of chiia and you're payment could be goinggto a criminal organization in russia..." in a glen burnne storage unit four years ago, federal agents seized a suitcase where, thousand counterfeit viagra national admittee they'd been imported from eeypt and storrd in glln burnie. detectives valued tte stash at foou-hundred thousand dollars hh was sentenced to four years in prison. (12:56:33) (aaell) "the amounn of counterfeit drugs seized in this couutry is up some 24-percent in the past year...and not aal of them are coming in through the ports. experts say many of them are arrivvnggby mail...." even know what the whole picture is in the unittd states." at the university of maryland school of pharmacy, francis palumbo says it may be impossible to cut-off the flow of counterfeit drugs. (3:02:45) (palumbo) "i think prevention is helping us and i don't say that dispaaagingly. i hink the goveenments doing what it can but it can't keep everything out of the system. it just have alreedd turned up in - pharmacies. and consumers, thinking they're taking real drugs have gotten sick. some expertssbelieve tougher laws on wholesaae drug distributors could ssem the &pflow of fakes to pharmacies. (3:01:57) (palumbo) "iffyou have a bad apple in the bunch of wholesale distributors, they they're the ones who will funnel theee things to their pharmacy customers." (14:09:29) "i know we've seized and hutdown more than 10-thousand websites." for ttose onnthe front lines, its a whole new war.... a fight where the eneey is a fake. jeff abell, fox 45 news at en. 33 an... emotional farewell for a courageous lawmaker...// but she wasn't done her job.... quite yet...// the &ppiece oflegislation she left for collegues toovote on... next ...and google grabs your & the company i changing its privacy policy... ...and why it may be tough to avoid... afterrthe break 3 3 3thousands gathered this morning o say goodbye to formmr penn state coach joe patn paterno mourners waited in long linns to pay their final respects at a public viewing on campus.... paterno died sunday after a brief battle with llng ancer. he was 85 years old.paterno worked at penn state for more than sixty years, but was fired in the wake oo he jerry sandusky ex abuse scandal.... &ptoday.... supporters chose t remember him as a legendary coach. orloski says: "just had to come down here because you see him every week on the fieed ya, know, and you know what's going on and it make you emotional."nagel says: "because joe dedicated his llfe to this university and the football team, and i just want to pay my espects." respects." paterno was laid to rest during a private funeral this afternoon. a public memorial serivice will be held tomorroww at the university. arizona.../ congresswoman, .../ &pgabrielle giffords, .../ ááformallyáá... stepping down, ...// ...// one.../ year.../ after... the fatal.../ tucson.../ shooting .../ that... left her ...// fighting.../ for... her.../ life...///. áátheáá... emotiinal farewell.../ on... the.../ hhuse floor ..../ ááwasáá... read... by...// gabby's... long time.../ friend,...// áárepresentativeáá... debbie... wasserman .../ sccultz,...//// 3 wasserman schultz says: "i foond aaway to care for others, and in the passed year &pi have learned that is unbreakable even in the most vicious of attacks. the trrgic january 8th tucson ssooting took theelives of six beautiful ameriians and wounded thirteen others, me included. not a daa goes by thht i don't feel grief for others torn apart. apart. the... house ...also passed.../ giffords' ...borrer securrty.../ measure...// wednesday ...//// 3 google.../ s.,.. under fire.../ ááforáá it's... new.../ privacy... p. policy. the internettgiant will soon be combining nearly all the informatiin it has on users. carrie peirce explains what this means for you in tonight's word on the web. critics are raising concerns over a new privacy policy...saying this time... google has gone too far. ffa. 3 the web giant will soon be combining data from alllof its sites... including yyutube, has always collected data... but for the first time, ii's tracking &pusers across get a better idea of who you are... and how to tailor ads to your tastes. that's means google ccn store and sharr innormation every time youu activate an android phone, sign into our gmail account or enter a search term.experts say the move is aimed at ffcebook --- the compaaies are competing for personal data that can be used for marketing. marketing. the new policy starts march 1st... and if you're logged into gooole services you ont be able to opt out.i'm ccrrie peiice and that's your word on the web. 3 3 3 3 3&pa super screen for the super bowl?the ones that may be worth the money...later on fox45 news at ten 3 a youug woman from's the judges on american iiol.the buuz she's creating across the country 3 a singer from baltimore is working with kids who are pheir homes.ith drug abuse in - homes.mario spent the day skyping with students at the reach partneeship school in northeast baltiiore.many of them have parents who abuse drugs or alcohol.... ssmething the singer has witnessed first hand with is own mother's heroon addiction. "kids are amazing, iilike to call them young adultt because ttey're dealing with some tteir lives."ons already in lives."mario created the "do right" foundation which offers druu prevention programs ffr city schools. we heard many talented singers during the amerrccn idol try outs tonight. but.../ the hopefuls... will have competition.../ from... áourá.../ fox45 ...baltimore ááwho'sáá.../ - on... her way... to hollywood. 3 as candace dold shows us, hallie is gaining national attention from major ews outlets since her stunning audition in pittsburgh. pittsburgh. 3&sot: pitt audition after showing off hhr skills and revealing her life's hallie day makes a memorable impression on the juuges.sot jlo- she could win it hallie is hitting a high note with america too. the web is buzzing aaout her.rolling stone says shes a statuesque blonde from baltimore...mtv posts that she thrilled the billboard comments on hallie's singiig with powerful &pconvicitonand according to us today: she has a voice full of force and power hallie's come a long way in justta few audition at our fox45 she was given a passsto cut in front of thhosands of hopefuls in pittsburgh.sot im the next is up against a lot of ws she competition..nats: my idol journey starts nowbut for now... i think she is just fine carrying the title of an american sweetheaat... who is on her way to becoming the next american idol. 50:44-i fox45,,they've kept tabs on me, they are the reason i am see.../ the... american idol hopefuls.../ ááwhenáá auditions continue... tomorrow night.../ at... 8.../ áárightáá... here... on fox45. 3 3& an hissoric night in college park.the big onor for former coach gary williams. the superbowl ...looks best... on a big screen.... // but ...which tv... is worth your mmney.../ in the long them to the - after a triumphant season as the ravens defensive coorrinator, chuck pagano is going tt the next levee...this afternoon, e agreed to becooe the next head coach of the indianapolis colts... colts... pagano will be ooficially introduced at a news conference tomorrow...he spent juss one year as ravens d- coordinator, and he got them - defense ranked 3rd in the poontt given up..and more nd importantly, reinstated he firey spirit that was often absent under his predecessor, greg m,attison..much more on pagano to the colts on sports unllmited at 11:30 and now, the night's other big story...the university of legendary figure in the a basketball rogram... program...morgan adsit joins us streaming liveefrom college park...morgan? vo rollcue..."2002 national title"sot rollcue..."from tonight's event" adlib tossback to jeff and jenniffr there.../ are... a...// lot... of sales... on t-v's.../ before... the... - super bowl....// bowl....// butt ow do you know sale is going to be a great set in the long run?as pptrice harris explainn... consumer reports' tests can help you find a tv that really scores.. 3 ((pat on cam)) consumer reports' tv labs are linee sett. of course there are ones plenty that are internet-ennbled. each television faces more than 10 tests. one sizes up picture quality at an aagle in order to find out hhw far to the side you can sit and still get &pa good view. (sot: chris andrade)""n general, plasmas don't have a viewing angle issue, but it's a mixed bag when ii comes to lcds."(v/o) levels in different lights. this is a plasma on the left and an lcd on the right. even in bright light, lcds hold their black levels. but on out.consumer reports also shes evaluates sound quality. (nattot: tv)(v/o)as tvs got slimmer, sound quality show that audio is improving. (natsot: crash)(v/o)and what about 3-d? with more and more sets offering 3-d as a feature, consumer reports assess the quality of the 3-d picture. (sot: chris andrade) "some of our top-rated sets are 3d, while providing youu with excellent 2d piccure quality. but you're going to pay more for a 3d set. those prices are droppiig."(v/o)when purchasing a tv, consumer reports says people often buy a set ttat'' too small for their room. for instance, if you sit eight to ten feet away to 60-inch screenn(v/o)this 60-incc panasonic plasma rated excellent for picture quality dollars. and the remote is if that's a little too muchhtv for your budget... the same the panasonic viera tc-p50s30 - also rated very good and osts 800 dollars.patrice harris, fox45 news at ten. collapse>> the roof of an ice rink collapses...the thing that was happening on roof fell on foxx5 news at ten ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... boom 2 seconds! seconds!their is.../ enormous... but so is their stupiiity...// what a solar the disturbance on the sun is creatiig danger here onnearth. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.

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