Transcripts For WBFF FOX 45 News At 10 20101014 : comparemel

WBFF FOX 45 News At 10 October 14, 2010

>> free, after two months bringing 33 miners to the reunions with friends and family >> drinking in front of the -ommander and chief. the dare and money this man said he is now owee for exposing t all in front of president obama. >> hidinggfrom tough questions behind a closed door. >> why do you have to travel? >> the trip, and taxpayer money spent, as the city comptroller didn't want to talk about. >> live in high definition from wbff tv in baltimore, this is fox 45 news at 10:00. >> hello, i am jennifer gilbert. >> and i am jeff barnd. fiist tonight. breaking news. great story to tell. all the men trapped in the mine in chile are free. is going on there tonight. all of the miners are now out of the mine. and he last rescue workers are now being pulled out. in fact, two of six ressuers have been brought to the surface. thht means there are four people remaining to be rescued, out of the mine. and then this aaazing rescue operrtion is complete. >> about an hour ago, the capsule carrying herselfsa arrived at the ssrface, he was the shift four ram. when the mine collapsed trapping 33 workers, 2300 feetú underground. he is crediteddwith keeping the forrmore than two eeperts say thh miners areegoing to have to eadjjst to life aboveeground. >> you can rely on your brethren down there to support you. now you come back and there is a expected dispersion, but maybb they want solitude and to bee3 with families. >> this rescue is not over yet. they are now getting the last of the rescue workkrs out of the mmne. two brought up so far. four more to go. let you know as soon as that happens. >> great story. >> indeed. >> 7-year-ood girl accuses four men of sexual assault. lives in a colummia apartment complex. karen paaks stands by live with interviews from the child's parents first n fox onight. >> well, jennifer and jeff, the little girl lived in this columbia apartment complex. she came to this playground behind me yesterday afternoon, around 7:00, to play. she said while he was walkingg3 happened. -> here in columbia, in the verona apartment complex. kids play freely, without worry. until yesterday. >> when i see my daughter, i just knew something had happened. a mother's intuition. >> mottee of a 7-year-old girl that name we are not using to protect her daughter's identity. said her chiid wenttto the playgrouud a few hundred feet from her house, tuesday afternoon. the child headed home. but said that she was grabbed by four men, who took her into these bushes. >> she said four guys had came. to her. and was trying to have sex with her. >> the little girl tells me she got away. she said that no one answered.s. and that she only heard dogs. >> i am frustrated. very frustrated to hear thht someone tried to takeeadvantage of my daughterr >> the child taken to a nearbyú hospital. innestigators say she has no physical injuries. and that there are few leads. >> girl told the detectives she did not recognize any of the men. >> i am hhuting. -> stepfatter said the family has lived here for 2 and a half years. nothing like this has ever happened. but he will make sure it doesn't happen again. >> you want to turn yourself n. turn yourself in. but, you know, somebody will3 find you. you will be found. >> if you have any information, %-coonty police at 410-313-stop. reporting live here in columbia. karen parks, foox45 news at 10:00. >> helping you to fight back this evening. baltimore city police are searching for this man. committing five robberies since july. in one case, he stabbed someone, grabbed a child and threatened to hurt the child before running away. anyone with any information call (410)366-6341. >> police make an aarest aftee %-university of maryland college park. ram mose of kensington s in police custody. police ay he is responsible for stabbing his brother, jose and 3 university of maryland students at the thirsty turtle tuesday morning. apparently the fight was over a bar stool. >> this has to stop. the law, and we expect and demand that establishments herr, marrland, do the same. >> nobody was seriously hurt. but the ar's liquor license is now in jeopardy. >> they lost billlns of dollars over the last several years. tonight's waste watch report..3 new questions now about how pension systems are doing business. >> they managed billons for government retirees, but are city and state pension boards wasting our tax dollars? fox 45 has uncovered more trendy travel by members of the city employment retirement system. this time, taxpayers picked up a $2300 tab for a trip to miimi florida. three board members, including -ity omptroller joan pratt traveled 1000 miles to the sunshine sttte or a client conference, with a financial adviser based in philadelphia. %-conferences, where you have speakers, from all over the world, ou get a bbtter incite. >> at a time when the city cannot pay for anything. whyyis she traveling to miami on what seems like a vacation. >> where pratt stayed and what she did while in mmami are shrouded in secrecy tonight because the director of the pension system, spencer, will not comment. and comptroller pratt chose not3 to answer our questions. >> we stayee in a hotel. >> can yoo tell us which one? >> they will give you thee3 information. >> in a statement released to us, ttorney representing the pensiin system said the board of trustees approved the latest travel in ecognition, and consideration, of the fiduciary duties. >> most of the meetings could take place in offices with investment officersscoming to see them. >> this comes on the heels of the retirement system losing $300 million in 2009, while advisers. >> why do you guys have to travel? >> rosalind will ive you the3 information. >> but it is not just thh ity pension system raising eyebrows. >> it is government waste, and it issjust an example offhow politics works. for maryland retirement andicer pension system received $79,000 bonus this year for exceeding a yearly achievement target. that means perry took over $335,000 in pay this year. evee though tte pension system lost $4.7 billion since 2008. >> yet we're, you know, giving these prizes to people that manage poorly. ú% makes no sense. >> meantime perry is leavinggthe job later this month. onno the question of the day. should government officers get wall street like bonuses? 10% say yes. 90% saa no. john writes, should anyone running a failing system get a bonus? young said why not, public should be calllequal. go to and tell us what you think. >> your response may air tonight on the "late edition" at 11:00. >> baltimore ciiy council president takes full responsible for violationnof policy. jack young said the staff member made a mistake whennhe hired a contract. >> well, you know, thattwas something that happened, i take full responsibblity. staff did not, yoo know, follow %-this action had been taken. and it was no unethical illegal things done. the work was actually done. >> young said ttat steps were taken since to prevent this from ever hhppening again. >> and it is our duty to hold our government accountable. join us, with ouu fox 45 news waste watch. if you see government waste call our hotline. and you can go to and click on waste watch. >> more votes will be cast tomorrow, as teachers decide whethee to agree to a new contractt with the city of baltimore. voting started today at the baltimore teachers' union headquarters in northwest baltimore. this contract though is attracting national attention. and teaahers would get paidú more, but pay would be largely based on performance. and at the end of the contract, one ttacher ii every school, could be making more than $100,000 a year. >> i don't believe there is any teacher not trying his or her best. i would hope. but we have never been rewarded %->> critics say they need more information on how teachers will be evaluated. voting will continue tomorrow at poly western from noon to 3:00. >> jurors listen to heated phone conversations betwwen dennis and %-lepooa tells us tonight they %-and volatile relationship.iery >> tracy tetso dissppeared without a trace march 62005. %-but prosecutors believe deenis tetso murdered her. >> there is no direct evidence. there is no ssoking gun. >> what you needdis proof of motiie. >> in tetso's case there was an affair that left the marriage in ruins. recorded phone conversations between tracy and dennis show how volatile the relationship had become. make a decision. >> about what? >> about us, that's what you needdto do. >> oh, i think i have. >> have you? >> ou just don't want to listen to it. >> your decision as you want to call all ties with me? that's your decision. >> here is the man tracy tetso had a affair with. dennis learned of the affair three months before tracy went missing. here is tracy reacting to dennis finding out and telling their friends about the affair. >> after all of this time, i have really seen the kind of person that you are. that little * bleep* . >> okay. >> you both are sneaky and nasty. >> i would like to beat him to a pulp. >> defense attorneys suggest tracy's boyfriend playedda role in the disappearance. two were supposed to attend a motley crue concert together the night that she vanished. >> you cannot be faithful. >> whatever. yeah. * bleep* . -> dennis tetso had filed for a protective order since the boyfriend who hadda criminal record whose life spiraled out of control fter tetso's disappearance.ú a man that tied of an overdose >> conversations were taped to tracy's workplacee it was company policy to tape the calls. >> dozens of peopleeyour honoring the city to save the >> preserveuation organization wishes to reppace the trees around the washington monument with younger trees. the plan is igniting a ffght. >> at mount vernon park today,3 the lunch crowd was talking about the fate of hose towerrng trees. >> living beautiful things. i think, it is too bad. >> there are 109 trees that surround the washington monument. but if preservationists haae their way, every tree in the %-down.xcept one, would ome ú% horrified. >> defiessreason to cut down immature trees. >> mount vernnn conservancy wants to replace them with younger ones. part of the project to give the park a symmetrical appearance. >> we think it will make for aú enviionment wwen it is done. >> i think it is a lack of respect for the people that live and work in this neighborhood. >> the conservancy said almost half of the existing trees are dead or damaged. and it is difficult to replace a few, without replacing most all. >> the roots of the trees, undergrounn, are iitangle with one another. >> ashame to take the trees down. they are wonderful. fine. petitions opposing the plan. it is up to the city's preservation commmssion o decide when all of those aging ttees will be history. jeff abell, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> twice now the city's preservation commission failed -o take action on the plan. >> it will meet again next month. >> in the tv news business we call that natural sound. tell you whereeyou can find some smiles in these tough times.3 it is our cover story tonight. >> and sparks flyover a hearing for bge's plans to raise rates. i am myranda stephens, how much more you could be paying, cominn up. >> and you are looking live again in chile. 33 men trapped in the mine n %-toniggt.69 days are rescued two of the six escuers are at ú%ound level. rescuer three on the way up. we will continue to cover this story as fox 45 news at 10:00 continues. and of course we will ave the 11:00. so do not change the channel. >> and we saw plenty of sunshine out there. cooler temperaturess but rain on the way. [ male announcer ] martin o'malley sworn in. inherits a billion-dollar surplus, low unemployment. o'malley signs the biggest tax hike in maryland history. raids chesapeake bay fund to cover spending. gives raises to top aides. business climate ranks 45th worst in the nation. now 200,000 jobs lost. o'malley covers up jobs report that proved maryland's economy stalled. if re-elected, o'malley will raise taxes again. whether he does, is up to you. >> your gas and eleccric bills could soon go up again. >> that's if bge gets its way. myrrnda stephens is live downtoon where people responded to the company's request to hike up rates again. myranda? >>well, the, jennifer and jeff, more than tto dozen people came to baltimore's war memorial for a public hearing over bge's plan %-as you can imagine, the emotis were unplugged.3 >> the sparks were flying inside of baltimore'sswar memorial s angry bge customers spokk out against tte proposed rate hike. ccmmission held the publicce hearing to get comments from citizens. about bge's plan to raise the ú%stribution rates. the hike would add about $22 a year to the average electricity bill. and $32 a year for gas. ú%ople like leo borrows do not like it one bit. >> onditions could not be worse for working peeple and poor people and senior citizens and we demaad a moratorium. >> bgeed the hikes are necesssry to deal with rising maintenance costs and adds that the electricity rate hike would be the first since 1993. larry shan hasn't eeergy consultant supports the company's request. >> when youustart to thhnk about putting the numbers to it, the impact of this rate increase, is $1.84 per month. how much has yoor gasoline gone up? how much has your food goneeup in 17 years? >> ultimately it would be up to the ommission to decide whether tooapprove the hike. untii then, those against it, say they will continue to fight. >> and we need to tell all of our elected officials that we want them to stand up for us,3 here and now. -nd say, heck no, to any more raae increasess particularly, for the calendar year of 2011. >> and the commissioners will hold two more public hearings, one n annapolis and another in columbia. they are expected to make a live in downtown baltimore. myranda stephens, fox 45 news at 10:00. %->> both candidates for governr of the state of maryland spent the day campaigning of course. bob ehrlich stopped aa the thermal frm plant in baltiiore where he talks aboot the lagging economy. ehrlich said one survey indicates that maryland is not as business friendly as surrounding states. >> this study may be inconvenient for incumment but it comports exactly with wwy we are running the race. what i toll you last time we are here. the fact you want toosustain you, expand you, make you more successful. open markets. and the like. >> ehrlich insists this eleccion -s about one issue only and that is jobs. >> meantime governor o'malley spent theeafternoon talking about his plans to boost spending on early childhood education..3 >> and hopefully, as our economy starts to recover, we might have the flexibility to be able to do more, especially foo childrrn in those earliest years that suffer interventions can make such a3 big difference. >> candidates will hold a second debate tomorrow in d.c., at the washington post.3 >> while maryland's elections are just 19 days away. politicians push their -ropaganda..3 tonight kathleen cairns takes a unique approach to find out what issues people say will sway their vote. here is more on baltimore's own wailing wall. >> next bbltimooe. next the market. okay. >> i should haae actually come out. >> i think it is a great topic. you can hear me? health care for everybody. that's important. even if people cannot afternoon it. >> stop taxes. lower them a bit. just so people can survive mainly. >> because you have a lot of people out here, don't have health care. >> i am going to say replace all politicians in washington with representatives. >> less crime in baltimore. >> it s a lot of crime because the kids do whatever they want. >> baltimore. with aiiing wall.ú >> help thh homeless people get off theestreet. >> o'malley, how do you spell the name? >> i am not sure.ú >> 'malley has raised the highest taxes in the state of maryland has ever seen. >> he did not..3 >> i mean, most of us we cannot so lockeddup for petty >> education is important. thought. >> more centers for the kkds. and lower the crime. >> okay. >> more jobs, mooe pay. >> because people need to earn a >> more pay for teachers. >> i am going to vote --lse too. >> i believe for those working >> for everybody. >> american people. >> i think that's the most important thing to me.3 >> i am going to vote. >> you have my vote. >> read your mind. >> speak your mind. >> baltimore's necessary charm, is where it will alwaas be. >> and speak your mine, the general election is tuesday %-stay with fox 45 news for the latest on election day. go to and ccick on vote 2010, in the hot topic page. >> i am hearing rain is on thee3 way? >> how much will we get? chief meteorologist vytas reid is here with the forecast. vytas? >> changes are coming our way, in the form of rain showerss plenty of sun. but temperatures on the cooler side of things. right now the temperatures across the state, cooling off through the evening hours. sitting at 49 in baltimore. looking at 54 in hagerstown. back in western maryland sittiig at 48. and nation's capitol in d.c. eastern shore, looking at 53 degrees. and salisbury. so cool temperatures out there at this time. and it look like we will continue to see raan building in -rom the west. in fact, looking at the line f shower accivity making the way ohio, down to kentucky, over toward lexington, it looks likeú this low presssre, this activity will move our direction and converge with another low sitting out over the atlantic. that low will strengthen and it -ill be affecting folks up north, innthe new england ssates. in fact, puuting this in motion, you can see how that activity buildings in and tomorrow comes down 95 corridor. but pushes north and streegthens with another on low nooth of new york and boston. becooing a nor'easter. so the storm will get strong goinn north of us. but still will bring decent rainfall. i will show you how much will come down and who getting the heaviest. coming up in the forecast in a few minutes. >> thank you vee taas. you can be in charge of your own personalized forecast. ú%ere you can use interactive tools and track the coming storms right down to where you live. go to >> a robberer makes a really big mistake, how a store clerk took advaatage of it. later on fox 45 news at 10:00. >> but next.3 something to be happy about. we wil bob ehrlich says he wants to fix maryland. but he increased state spending by record amounts. ehrlich raised $3 billion in taxes and fees... including property taxes... and a 40% increase in college tuition. and now he's made over $1 billion in new promises... with no plans to pay for them... except for cutting education. cuts that will lay off teachers and increase class sizes. that's not a budget. and bob ehrlich's not the kind of leader... we can trust. a lot to be happy about these days. jobs are tough to find. getting by. >> it is tough to buy a smile. experts will tell you happiness is not just a feeling, but also a science. finding it doesn't cost a dime. in tonight's cover story. jeff bell unravels the art of happiness. >> in the hustle for survival. every step can be a struggle. ú% i will be here for you ♪ thank you baby girl. thank you very much. >> for terry reid even a smile %->> right nowwi don't have much to smile for. i know it will come some day. >> not long ago, gloria garrett news of a murderee relative. >> i couldn't look at the news. i mean, i didn't want to go outside. i did. >> mother called ann said i have makeeup for you. light bulb went off. >> cosmeticssbecame the cure. >> i want to draw a happy girl. >> because she is allergic to paint. garrett had long given up on the dream of becoming a artist. until she found value in lipstick. >> why do you think women wear make up? it lifts the spirits. >> when i ppint i want bright bold beautiful colors. g

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