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then he came back with a gun k and started shootin" shootin"gunfire... at perry hall high school...inside a cafeteria full of students on phe first day of school.this morning... the questions police have for the suspect... and the warning signs that may have been overlooked. baltimore gets aanew police commissioner.what we know about the man who's going to become the city's top cop. 3&and the one big change to thi year's grand prix racee.. that promoters think will meen big bucks for businesses... and 3ore fun for you. 3 3 tuesday, august 28th &p3 3 3 3 3 a student opens fire in the cafeteria of perry hall high school on the first day of school... injuring one student and sending others scrambling for safety. safety.this morning the suspect is in custody... and detectives are trying to get him to talk about what happene. happennd.we have team coverage of this story.joel d. smith is chilling new information about the suspect... and megan gilliland is also on the scene with more on wwat his demeanor was like in the moments before he fired the gun. gun.megan? good morning guys,witnesses tell us the gunman... a student here... concealed the weapon until he until he entered the cafeteria... justt around the corner here.we're tood he didn't say a word before firing that first shot. shot."at first i heard a pop " "inssde... he fired a shot that injured a 17-year old special needs student named daniel who as down ssndrome. at this point... police believe daniel was not targeted... that this was a random shooting.police quickly surrounded the school as soon as the ode red was called. it lead to a school lockdown and guidance couselor at the school... jesse wasmer... is credited with being a hero... and getting the weapon out oo the gunmans hands. (jerry) and the teacher grabbed him.. mr wassman grabbed him and the guy popped again and the bullet hit the ceiiing. (brrndon)"all you hear is two gunshots and a teacher holding him against the wall and i could see the shot gun" gun"the victtm was in the cafeteria for lunch when this happened.his family tells us daniel is out of sugery now... in critical condition... recovering from a gunshot wound to the back.students are nnw rallying arouud the teen... with posters that read "pray for daniel". there is a prayee service just as the kids are heading back to school for day can bet there will be extra security.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. while thh motive is still unclear... several students have iidicaaed the suspected shooter...had been a victim of bullying. in fact his own fathee when questioned after the shooting, said that is son had been bul. coverage continues now with joel d. smith. good morning joel d. police have not formalll named the suupect - because he's a minor.but dozens of students- who witnessed the shooting - have identified him... and commented on hii istory of unusual behavior. they say he was known to cut himself, and he posted ssme alarming comments online. 3& we spoke with an adolescent psychiatrist about bullying and what could drive a victim... to take drastic measuues. on the facebook site of the suspected shooter yesterday before school-- ent - quote - "this is the first day of school... the last day of my life."his facebook page shows photos of him concealing his ace. and lists charles manson - along with columbine shooters - among his likes and inspirations.experts say victims of bullying sometimes respond in very dramatic ways... and feel they are nearly out of options in their life. p "now i have two choices. i can ake this into my own hands - retaliation. or i can turn it inward on myself - sui> suicide."> still... with all these suppossd signs, a family memmee of the allegedd shooter gave a statement on the family's behalf saying: "we are horrified. we did not see this coming and our thoughts and prayers are with the victim and the victim's family. now let's turn to the witnesses of this shooting... we also asked our expert about the best way to he recommendes parents m. start by asking their children to talk about their feelings... but noo to push perry hall high school, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. this brings us to our question of the day:do you feel safe sending your children to school?we'll take your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you an also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think... sound off throuuh facebook or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. one of the country's most dangerous cities... is &pnow without a police force. camden, new jersey... which in &p2010 had a murder rate of 46-point-8 er every 100- thousand people... is wiping out its police department as parr of an effort to shave millions off the city's annual instead be replaced with a non-union "metro division".new jersey's governor supports the move... saying it will lead to better patroling of the streets. nasa is celebrating another day of success... by thee "curiosity" rover. rover. theerover was able to beam its first-recorded human voice... from mars to earth."curiosity" checked in with nasa...playing a recorded message from nasa administrator charlie bolden. "hello, this is charlie bolden, nasa administrator speaking tt you via the broadcast capabilities of the curiosity rover, which is now on the surface of ars." a huue step to extend the is human presence beyond earth. are you our bigggst fan?then you can become.. our fan of the day! everyday weell pick one of our viewers from our faceeook page... and feature them on fox45 news at become a fan just go to our facebook page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. coming up... the american academy of pediatrics is revisinggits policy... on male circumcision. the big change that's coming...for the first time in years. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) 3 check out these images of from space.the images were en captured by the international space station monday. monday.they show what the storm lloked like... as the i-s-s flew you can see... the clouds cover quite a large area. (toss to weather)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 the 11 best days of summer are officially here. here.the maryland state fair runs through september 3rd.. and we want to get you in for f. free.the 10th caller right now at 410-481-4545 wins a family 4 pack of tickets. coming up... one of the alleged victims... in theejerry sandsusky sex abuse scandal... is now suing peen state.the cllims he's makkng against the university. and court resumes today... in the drew peterson murder trial. the 2 witneeses... being called to the're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 ahhh, now that's a clean mouth. i just wish it wouldn't fade away so fast. let me show you something. [ dr. rahmany ] as soon as you leave here... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but now there's a way to keep the clean longer. introducing new crest pro-health clinical rinse. it's a clinical breakthrough that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque at 2 months after a dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. crest. life opens up when you do. also try new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. abut it'll become so much more. concrete and steel... a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. 2:15 "tranquility, base here. the eagle has landed." new this morning... a private funeral service will be held friday... for astronaut, neil armstrong.armstrong... who became the first person to ever set foot on the moon... died saturday of complications following hearr surgery.the service will be held near armstrong's cincinnati home. the white house has announced that all flags will be flown at half-staff friday. family members of some of the 12 people shot to death during a midnight movie showing in colorado will hold a press conference later this morning... to talk about some behinddthe-scenes events they say need to be aired publicly. a spokeswoman for the group declined to comment on what the families would talk about.police believe james holmes is the suspect who opened fire july 20th in a packed theater during a showing of a batman movie. he is being held without bail. thh drew peterson murder trial continues today in illinois.defense attorneys for the former police sargeant are expected to ccll expert forensic witnesses to the stand... testifying the death was an accident.peterson is on trial for the death of his third wife... kathleen savio... whose body was found in a bathtub and ruled an accident.her death was later ruled a homicide after peterson's áfourthá wife... stacey peterson... went missing in 2007. one of the alleged victims in the jerry sandusky sex abuse trial... is now suing penn state.the victim's lawsuit claims the university was more concerned about protecting its reputation and football program... than exposing the school's assistant coach as a sexual predator.penn state won't comment on the pending lawsuit.sandusky is currently awaiting his sentencing. coming up... streaming movies... from the comfort of your own home. consuuer reports reveals thee best services... for the best price. and the republican national convention is just hours away from getting scheduled for're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((b ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal: to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida, for just 99 dollars one-way. book all of our destinations online only at book all of our destinations online after canceling the first day because of isaac... the republican national convention is just hours away from going into full swing. eric roby is live from tampa this morning... with what we can expect to ee today.good morning, eric. theee is a full day and niggt planned... now jamming 4 days into just 3 days. mitt romney is expected to arrive in tampa as his wife is set to make a prime time speech. even though the convention called off most activities yesterday because of isaac, thee did do a few minutes of work inside the convention hall yesterday. yesterddy.the convention was officially opened and then put into recess.. not before unveiling what could be a center piece for this convention. a national debt clock.. constantly counting the growing federal debt about 16 trillion.. there is also a clock showing how much the debt has increased since the start of the convention. i spoke with former presidential candidate newt gingrich. he says he debt clockkis a good way for republicans to get their message across. "i think it drives home theecost of obama to our children and grandchildren and risk we have if interest rates go up you could end up paying more on the debt then we pay for national security."" obama is like a teenager with a credit card and i think this drives the message to every adult in this country who forred famiiy budgets and make tough choiccs." choices."to show you just how visualland effective the debt clock can be for the convention. i've brought it up on this ipad. you can see how quickly the debt issgoing up. it also shows your share.. more the 45 thousand dollars. the othhr big event today that may ssem like a formality.. this afternoon delegates will officially make mitt romney the republican candidate for president. 1) the rnc has already cancelled one day because of isaac, what is the concern that the schedule could continue to be affected?2) what is being coming up... repairs continue today... on the east monument street long it's &pexpected to take... and what that means for your morning commute. ((megan live tease)) 3 ((joel live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. a [ male announcer ] there's everyday chicken and then there's juicy chicken with hellmann's ♪ hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken... [ bell dings ] crispy so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear hellmann's. bring out the best to making dinner disappear the perry hall high school shooting.the new information violence. tonight on fox 45 he news at five. tonight on fox 45 violence.triggered the what 3 3 &p 3 3& fiier map 3 3 school is expected to start on time this morning at perry hall high day after a student goes on a shooting rampage on the first day of school. school.the suspect is waking up in police custody this this hour, detectives are trying to get hii talk... trying to figure why.we ave team coverage of this story.joel d. smith is live from the scene with what students are saying about the suspect... and megan gilliland is also there... where students are now rallying arounn the victim. victim.megan? good mornnng guys,we're live at the flagpole this morning... where a prayer serviceeis expected to happen at 7:15.students are rallying around the victim... with posters that read "prry for daniel".3 daniel".(grandmotter)"a 17 year old was shot with a shot gn gun"daniel... a special needs studenn with down syndrome... cafeteria when he was shot in the back.his family tells us he is out of sugery now... in critical this point... police believe daniel was not argeted... that this was a random shooting. witnesses tell us the gunman... a student herr... concealed the weapon until he until he entered the cafeeeria. we're tolddhe didn't say a shot. (jerry iweh- witness) "i went under the table.. and looked through the bench aad heard the second pop and i ffrgot ran to the back of the cafeteria"(giil)"we heard code red"(jerry ) "and everybody just started running running.." running.."a guidance couselor at the school... jesse wasmer... is credited with being a hero... and getting the weaponnout of the gunmans hands.police quickly to a lockdown and eventually an evacuation. up to the shooting, but t leadd students say last year, the guuman.. had been bullied. as kids head back to school today... you can bet there will be extra security.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. so why did this happee? the motive is still unclear... but several ptudents have indicated the suspected shooter...had been a victim of bullying. bullying. his own father shooting, said that his son team coverage continnes now with joel d. smith. good morning joel d. police have not ffrmally named the uspect - because he's a minor.but dozens of students- who witnessed the shooting - have identified him... and unusual behavior. they say he was known to cut himself, and he posted some alarming comments online. p we spoke with an adolescent psychiitrist about bullying and whht could drivee a victim... to take drastic measures. on the facebook site f the suspected shooter he posted an alarming comment yesterday before school-- quotee- "this is the first day my life."the suspect's online nnckname - may indicate his as his photos... where his face is almost always concealed.a classic sign of low self-esteem.his online "likes" - could also provide like charles manson... aaong e with erik harris and dylon klebold - the shooters from columbine.all potential red flags for any parent.... or teacher..... 13:06:45 "socially isolating behavior. a withdraw from society... blood and guts... drawing unusually violent pictures."13:03:46 "what we see with ictims is they act dramatically. they cry. the 3 get concerned. a lot of drama. and the drama drives the bullying./ experts say victims of bullying sometimes respond in they are nearly out of options in their life. still... with all these upposed signs, a family member of the alleged shooter aae a statement on the family's behalf saying: "we are horrifiedd we did not see this coming and our thoughts and ppayers are with the victim and the victim's family. now let's turn to the witnesses of this shooting... e also assed our expert about the best way to handle the aftermath for them. he recommendes parents start by asking their children to talk about their feelings... but not to push them. live at perry hall high school, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. funeral services for a princc george's county officer could mean traffic delays today. today.officer adrian morris was killed last wwek in a crash while purruing a car oo interstate 95.his uneral will morning at woodstream church in mitchellville... with a burial to follow in davidsonville. police are expecting traffic delays in the region due to thh number of officers attending the today for the army private s accused of leaking classified class bradley manning is accused of sending hundreds f thousands of ddplomatic cables and war logssto wikileaks. that charge carries a possible lifeesentence. today's &phearing takes place at fort meade. today.. mayor stephanie rawlings blake will formally announce her pick for the new police commissioner of baltimor. baltimore.former oakland, california police commisioner anthony batts will head the city's police department.batts resigned froo hii job in oakland in october 2011... before taking the job in oakland... batts was chief of police in long beach, california. batts will take over for fred bealefeld... who &p retired at the beginning of the month. we're just days away...from the grand prii taking over downtown baltimore... and this &pyear... businesses are hhping they won't be left in the dust. area are preparing for the big - weekend of racing with food and drink specials.many businnsses say they felt last year's "inaugural" grand prix...was a bust. the racessdidn't end until around 11:30 at night... making it too late for fans to patroniie restaurants and clubs...beyond downtown.this weekend...the races will end at 6:30.... giving many restaurant hope...for attracting more of those fans. coming up... it may be the most used video- streaming service... but according to coosumer reportt... there's a major ffaw with "netflix." "netflix."what it is... and which services are conssdered better options. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all well another great thing about all this walking i've been doing is that it's given me time to reflect on some of life's biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ((bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 comiig p... &pit's becoming a hot topic amonggexperts.why the americann academy of pediatrics is now changing it's policy... on male circumcision. and repairs continue today... on a sinkhole on east monumeet much longer ttey're expected to're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morring. p(break 6)) 3 3 new this morning... for the firss time in more than a decade... the american academy of pediatrics is revisiig its policy on male circumcision. the academy now says the health benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks. the tooe of the policy shows moreesupport for the procedure... but stops short of recoomending circumcision for all newborn males. 3&"i want to assure you all tha nothing that this storm is going to bring us that we do not believeewe are prepared to handle." citiessalong the gulf coast are bracing for the arrival of tropical ssorm isaac... which is expected to make landfall it's a day shy of the seventh anniversary of hurricane katrina's landfall. the city's pump stations have backup generators ready... in case of electricca outages. the governor and mayor are also offering reassuuances and warnings about isaac... which is expected to be weaker than katrina. the re-opening sink hole on east monument street not only means a onger commute for frustrated motorist....but possible business closures for store froot owners.originally estimated o take 3 weeks to repair... crews working on repairs could take three months. heavy rains continue efforts and even expand the size of the some apartments are evacuated and more than a dozen businesses remain closed until city officials determine the area safe. so what are business owners to do and will the ity hell them stay open during repairs? helping us answer these questions and more about he city responsibilties surrounding the sink hole... kimberley burgess, public orks spokepersperson wwth the city oo baltimore.gooo morning kimberley.>frustration...and now more rains expected.. what is the city doing to help store owners stay a float?>are there programs available through the city for property owners dealing with situations like this?>the sink hole is surrounding a 120 year old brick strom drain? is the city being proactive now with infastructure beofre they result in another east monumnet sink hole?> when can we expect repairs to be complete? ((take sot))((wipe vo)) coming up in consumer reports... streaming movies... from the comfort of your own home.a look at the best services... for the best price... nd the "netflix."you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((br when it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast, i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. a just-released consuuer reports survey shows more people watched videos from their couch than headed to a theater. in fact... millions of people are streamiig video their tvs, computers, or tablets. consumer reports sizes p more than a dozen serv. services. (v/o)lynn samaha used to rent moviesfrom a local store, but she neverranaaed to return them on time.(sot: lynn samaha) "i was getting killed with late fees, just a whole back and has simplifiee my lifetremendously."(v/o)in fact, netflix is by far the mostused video-streaming consumer reportsonline readers. more than 80percent of those who streamedvideo had used netflix in theprevious month.(v/o)but while users liked the convenience oo netflix, consumerreports' jim willcox says many ofthoss polled weee not satisfied with the service overaal.(sot)"the selection of movies is a real problem for netflix, especially with newer releases. aad people that we polled have said that that'salso true of other subscriptionservices, like amazon prime orhulu pluss"(v/o) for a better selection, those surveyed preferred pay-per-view services that charge for each title.the est of the bunch - vudu,itunes, and amazon instant video.(sot: jim willcox)"but pay-per-viewwcan getexpensive. new movies cost aboutfour or five dollars each to watch,and that can really add up if you'rea family that watches lot ofmovies each month."(v/o)for free content, hulu-dot-comwas a hit.(sot: tv show)"jack, you reeember my granddaughter?"(vvo)it lets you stream tv shows aswell as movies - but only on a computer. (sot: jim willcox) "ii you want to watch oo your tvor a tablet, yoo'll need a hulu plussubscription, which costs abouteight dollars a month - the sameas netflix." (v/o)interestingly, though, consumerreporrs found plenty of people stillprefer to rent was one of the best forsslection. and for low were afavorite.ox video kiosks - coming up ii our 7 o'clock hour... get your groceries... nationwide retailer... that's coming to maryland... and'rr watching fox 45 morning ews.. all local.. all morning.. ((break 8)) excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. ends 2152"so he pointed the finger finger and said 'i'll be then he came back with a gun and started shootin" hall high school...inside a cafeteria full of students on the first day of school.this morning... the questions police have for the suspect... and the warnnng signs that maa have been overlooked. the republican national convention kicks off today.we take you live to tampp... to find out he one thing the p-o-p wants you to learn about mitt romney this week. and.. aawoman leads police on a wild chase... with speeds over 100 miles an hour.why officers didn't arrest her when the car finally stopped. 3 3 tuesday august 28th 3 3 3 3 3 a student opens fire in the cafeteria of perry hall high school on the first day of school... injuring one student &pand sending others scrambling for safety. safety.thii morning the suspect is in custody... and detectives are trying to get him to talk about what happene. happened.we have team coverage po this story.joel d. smith is chilling new inforration about the suspect... and megan gilliland is also on the scene with more on wwat his demeanor was like in the mmments before good morring guys,witnesses tell us the gunman... a student here... concealed the weapon until he until e entered the cafeteria... just around the corner here.we're told he didn't say a word before firing that first shot. shot."at first i heard a pop " "inside... he fired a shot that injured a 17-yearrold special needs student named daniel who has down syndrome. at this pointt.. police believe daniel was not ttrgeted... that this waa a random shooting.police quickly surrounddd the school as soon as the code red wws alled. it lead to a school lockdown and eventually, an evacuation. a guidance ouselor at the school... jesse wasmer... is credited with being a hero... the gunmans hands. (jerry) and the teacher grabbed him.. mr wassman grabbed hii and the guy popped again and the bullet hit the ceiling. (brandon)"all you hear is two gunshots and a teacher holding him against shot gun"and i could see the gun"the victim was in the cafeeeria for lunch when this happened.his family tells us daniel is out of sugery now... in critical condition... recovering from a gunshot wound to the back.students are now rallying around the teen... with posters that read "pray for daniel". there is a prayer service just as the kids are heading back to sccool for day security.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 orning news. while the motive is still unclear... several students have indicated the suspected shooter...had been a victim of bullying. in fact his own father when queetioned after the shooting, said that his son had been bul. buulied. ouu teamm coverage continues now with joel d. smith. good morning joel d. police have not formally named the suspect - because he's a who witnessed the shooting - have identified him... and commented on hii hhstory of unusual behavior. they say he was known to cut himself, and he posted some alarming comments online. we spoke with an adolescent psychiatrist about bullying and what could drive a victim... to take drastic measures. on the facebooo site of the suspected shooter he posted n alarming comment yesterday before school-- quote - "this is the first day of school... the last day of my life."his facebook page shows photos of him concealing his face. and lists charles manson - along with columbine shooters - among his likes and inspirations.experts say victims of bullying sommtimes respood in very dramatic ways... and feel they arr nearly out of options in their < "now i have two choices. i can take this into my own hands - retaliation. or i can turn it inward on myself - sui> suicide."> still... with all these supposed ssgns, a family member of the alleged shooter gave a statement on the family's behalf saying: "we are horrified. we did not see this coming and our thoughts and prayers are withh the victim and the victim's family. now let's turn to the witnesses of this shooting... we also asked our expert about the best way to handle the aftermath for them. he recommendes parents start bb asking tteir children to talk about their feelings... but not to push them. live at perry all high school, joel dd smith, fox 45 morning news. this brings us to our question of tte day:do you feel safe sending your children to schooo?we'll take your calls in our next half hour. an iowa woman takes police on a wild chase... after her accelerator gets stucc on a hig. &phighway.the police car's dashboard camera captures the whole thing on camera. camera.minutes after stopping for gas... lauri ulvestad says her car started speeding... and wouldn't stop.that's when she called 9-1-11.. in desperate need of help. :39 "it was accelerating faster and faster. and i as looking at my gps, and the number was going up and up and up." passing 110. 110...120 miles-per-hour. -butt to- :50"my foot isn't even on tte accelerator. the emergency brake is on, all the way... i'm trying to move the brake, but it's not working." working."after barreling through the median... and mmre minutes trying tt avoid disaster. finally... the car slowed down enough for her to jump out.she says she then went over and hugged the officer... thanking him for helping to save her life. her show is raking in the cash.s still - cash.theemedia mogul tops the forbes ighest paid celebrities list...find out how mmch the "queen of talk" earned ... last year. year. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. check out these images of tropical storm isaac... taken from space.the images were captured by the international space station monday. monday.they show what the storm looked like... as the i-s-s flew you can see... the clouds cover quite a large area. 3 3 3 3 &p3 3 a prayer service is happening right now at perry hall higg school... after a shooting on the first daa of school schoolwe take you live to tte scene... where students are gathering right now.whaa they're wearing to honor the victim.. daniel. daniel. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 new this morning... - prayer service.. happening right now. - perry hall high school- "pray for daniel" tshirts new this morning... tooay.. mayor stephanie rawlings blake will formally announce her pick for the new police commissioner of baltimore.former oakland, california police commisioner anthony bbtts will head the city's police department.batts oakland in october 2011... after several clashes over policy with city leaders. before taking the job in oakland... bbtts was chief of police in long beach, callfornia. batts will take over for ffed bealefeld... who retired at theebeginning of the month. an online grocer... based out of charlottesville, virginia... is expanding their servicessto baltimore, washington and philadelphia. "reeay foods" beggns deliverrng products from local suppliers and farms... to businesses, schools... apartment complexes and hooes, today.home delivery will be &pavaillble in the city... and in baltimore, howard, anne arundel and carroll counties. forbes has released its newest list of highest-paid celebrities....and oprah winfrey issat the top, for the fourth year running.forres says she earned 165-million dollars between may, 20-11 and may, 20-12. 3 eating fair food is one thing...but at record speed is another...emily gracey is live at the maryland state fair for this morningsshometown hotspot....where she explains... tte sausage eating contest.good morning, emily.- what is the sausage eating contest?- in the past how many susages have 3people eaten?- wi &pdifferent kinds of sausages for people to eaa? eat? p, the maryland state fair runs through state fair runss the maryland state fair runs through september 3rd. we want to get you into the fair for free.the 10th caller right nnw at 410-481-4545 wiis a family 4 pack of tickets. a football star...gets the surprise of his life! life!what happened just seconds later... as green bay packers quarter back aaron rodgers... speaks with the media. you're watching local.. all morning 3 p the republican nationaa convention officially gets started toddy ... a day late because of tropical storm isaac making it's way through surrounding areas. now republicans have three dayy to &p bring home their message explaining why mitt romney is country ... ss what's in store this week? charles lollar with new day maryland made the trip to tampa and he joons us livee this morning. morning.-what are the weather coodiditons and are you ggys ready to get tarted -what's on the agenda for today - isaaa still still agenda for today - isaac still looming, 3 possibly hitting new orleans as urricane ... orleans as hitting new looming, possibly - isaac till looming, possibly hitting new orleans as hurricane ... florida isn't a target but news coverage of it will distract from rnc coverage-the president leads in likeability polls .... woman don't trust he republican party right now ... how do you fiiht that-on sunday talk show,,arizona governor jan brewer talked about this week being romney's chance tooconnect with people and introduce himself they haven't seen before ... he's not new to politics or this race ... so why hasn't he already connection--o you think the doesn't start paying attention to the race untill -but the convention comes really time to make that much difference this -economy is big on people's mmnds but romney the win ....or does he have to resonate on social issues as well a prayer service is happening right now at perry hall high school... after a shooting on the first day of school schoolwe take you live to the scene... where students are gathering right now.what they're wearing to honor the victii.. daniel. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alll morning. the perry hall high school shooting.the new information violence. tonight on fox 45 he news at five. tonight on fox 5 violence.triggered the wh organic artichokes, organic lettuce, organic kale... does your cauliflower have a big carbon footprint? not at all. that's great. melons!!! oh yeah!! well that was uncalled for. uhh... mr. gallagher. incoming!!! hahaha! it's wasteful. you know jimmy. folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy, ronny? happier than gallagher at a farmers' market. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. 3 fiber map 3- a prayer service is underway at perry hall high school... one day after a student goes on a shooting rampage on the firrs day of school. school.the suspect is waking up in police custody this this hour, detecttves are trying to get him talk... trying to figure why.we have team coverage of w. this sttry.joel d. smith is live from the scene with what students are saying about the suspect... and megan gillilaad is also there... where the service has already started. started.megan? good morning guyy,we're live at the flagpole this morning... where a prayer serviceeis expected to happen at 7:15.studeets are rallying around the victim... with posters that read "pray for dan. daniel".daniel... a special needs student with down syndrome... was eatinn lunch in the cafeteria when he was shot in the back.his family tells us he is out of sugery now... in criticallcondition. at this point... police believe daniel was not targeted... that this was a random shooting.witnesses tell us the gunman... a student here... concealed the weapon until he until he entered the cafeteria.we'reetold he didn't say a word before firing that first shot. 3 so why did this happen? the motive is still unclear... but several students have indicated the suspected shooter...had been a bbllying. his own father when questioneddafter the shooting, said that his son had been bullied. our team coverage continues now with joel d. smith. good morning joel d. police have not formally named the suspect - because e's a minor.but dozens of students- who witnessed the shooting - have now let's turn to the witnesses of this shooting... we also asked our expert about the best way to handle the aatermath for them. he recommendes paaents sttrt by asking their children to talk about their feelings... but not to push them. live at perry hall high school, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. this bbings us to our question of the day:do yyu feel safe sending your children to school?phone lines are open now...the nuuber to call 410- 481- 4545. 3funeral services for a princc georgg's county officer could meen trrffic delays today. today.officcr adrian morris pas killed last week in a crash while pursuing a car on interstate 95.his funeral will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at woodstream church in mitchellville... with a burial to follow in davidsonville. police are pxpecting traffic delays in the region due to the number of officers attending the service. prince george's counny police say an offfcer accidentally shot himself while backing away from a possibly rabid fox. a police spokesmmn, says the officer killed the fox... but shot himself in the leg during the incident in fort wwshington on monday evening.the officer was taken to a hospital for treatment with serious injuries, but is expected to be okay. a memorial service was held mondayyat purdue university for legendary astronaut neil ar. armstrong.armstrong graduated from purduu university with a engineering in 19-55.armstrong passed away saturday t the age of 82.a private service is planned in cincinnati on friday.president barack obama has also ordered u.s. flags to be flown at half-staff that day. --nats full --"hello, this is charlie bolden, nasa administrator speaking to you via the broadcast capabilities of the curiosity roverr which is now on the surface of mars." science laboratory mission listened to this history- making broadcast in california. the space agency's chief recorded the message you jjst heard...then ssnt it curiosity on mars... and the rover transmitted it back to earth.nasa says this is the first time a recorded human voice has made such a journey. nass also released new images from the mars rover showing the ssde of mount sharp, which was formed from hundreds of rock layers. the days of being told to put away your electronic devices whiie flying... could be coming to an end. end.that's because the federal aviation administration is inn talks... to ease its policies. the current ttought... is that and navigatioo systems.but a - new group will begin work this that's actually true.the f-a-a says one thing that won'' change however... is its cell phone policy. rodgers cuts edia interviews short monday... after a teammate delivers ... a pie to his face. face.of course... it's all caught on cameea. camerr. ((sometimes we just want to pet in and get out...that's it right there. :13)) :13))teammate john kuhn made theedirect hit wiih a giant shaving cream pie.rodgers ended the interrieww after the incident. 3& no word on what paybacks will be... the countdown begins to your labor day weekend. weekend.ffnd out if showers are expectee to dampen your ... in your skywatch weather forecast. forecast. you're watccing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. nats of pit crew/accident. crew/accident. scary moments for a pit cree in holland.take a look.during a practice session... a driver had just finished getting hii race ccr serviced...and as he left his pit.... you can see... his rear spoiler wing... gets caught 3 in an air hose... in the next pit over.the car doesnts stop acclerating...whippinggthe airhose into four men and sending them to the ground.... the crrw suffered minor injuries... and the men are exepected to be okay. ((toss to weather)) ((ad libbmeteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 a somber second day offschool for students at perry hall.. hall..after a lone gunman opens fire in the cafeteria... hitting one pprson... who remaans in critical condition. condition.that brings us to our question of the you feel safe sending your children to school?our phone 481-4545. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. &p anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. ((question of day animation)) phe first day of school for student at perry hall high has a sad note attached to it...affer a student opens fire in a crowded afeteria, yesterday. one student was hit... and remains in the hospital. meanwhile, school is in session this morning...under tight security. security.that brings us to our question of the you feel safe sending your children to school?our phone lines are open now.. 410- 481-4545. sheena- bmore 3 pat "i'm sure parents have a knot in their stomach, but shootings can happen anywhere. are you going to have schools on lockdown at all ttmes so that the students feel like they are in a prison. perhaps the response should be on bullying, and why they feel like a gun is the only answerr just has to be more awareness pn the part of students, parents, and school officials &pbullying." april:"i think parents should choose whether or not to send their kids today, but it's good not to give this type of negative behavior more unnecessary attention." coming up in our 8 o'clock hour..we're continuinn our team coverage of the perry hall high chool shooting. the victim's condition this morning...and the charges the suspect is ffcing, this morning you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((b ((bump ii)) coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. new information into our newsroom abouttthe suspected shooter at perry hall high school.the new charges he's facinn...and how sttdents are rallying to support the 17-year-old student who was injured. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all students pray for the victim of a shooting at perry hall high school... just minutes against the suspect.the arges what we're now learning about bracing for isaac.the precautions states along the gulf are taking today... and the ominous anniversary when the storm could make landfall. 3 p,3 tuesday, august 28th 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 28thtuesday, august 28th 3 3 3 3 p3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 we are following we are following breaking news just into our newsroom... police have just released charges against a suspect in that first-day-of-school shooting at perry hall high. high.we have team coverage of this developing sttry..we'll start with megan gilliland who is here with the full list of charges against him. him.mmgan? good morning guys,witnesses tell us the gunnan... a ssudent here... concealed the weapon until he until he entered the cafeteria... just around the corner here.we're told he didn't say a word we're told he corner here.just around the the cafeteria... until he entered weapon until he connealed the student here... the gunman... a witnesses tell us guys,good morning good morninn guys, witnesses tell ussthe gunman... a student here... concealed the weapon until he until he entered the cafeteria... just around the corner here.we're told he didn't say a word before firing that first shot. shot.inside....he fired a shot that injured a 17-year old speccal needs student named daniel who has down syndrome. at this poont... police believe daniel was not taageted... that this was a random shootinn.poliie quickly surrounded the school as soon as the code reddwas called. it lead to a school lockdown and guidance couselor at the school... jesse wasmer... is credited with being a hero... and getttng the weapon out of (jerry) and the teacher grabbed him.. mr wassman grabbed him and the guy popped again and the bullet hit the 3 ceiling. brandon)"all yoo hear is two gunshots and a teacher holding him against the wall and i could see the shot gun" gun"the victim was inn the cafeteria for lunch when this happened.his family tells us daniel is out of sugery now... in critical condition... recoverrng ffom a gunshot wound to the back. students are now rallyingg around the teen... with posters that read "pray for daniel". there is a prayer service scheduled for 7:15 this morning at the flagpole here. just as the kids are heading back to school for ay can bet there will be extra security.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. our breaking news coverage our breaking news our breaking news coverage continues withhjoel d. smith. ááad lib social mediaáá mediaááhe's also live at the school with more on the joel d. police have not formally named the suspectt- because he's a minor.but dozens of students- who witnessed the shooting - have identified him... and commented on his history of pnusual behavior. they say he was known to cut himself, and he posted some aaarming comments online. we spoke with an adolescent psychiatrist about bullying and what could drive a victim... to take drastic measures. on the facebook site of the suspected shooter yesterday before sccool-- quote - "this is the first day of schooo... the last day of my life."his facebooo age shows photos of him concealing hissface. and lists charles manson - along with columbine shooters - among his likes and inspirations.experts say victimm of bullying sometimes reepond in very dramatic ways... and feellthey are nearly out of life. < "now i have two choices. i hands - retaliation. or i can turn it inward on myself - sui> suicide."> still... with all these supposed signs, &pa family member oofthe allege shooter gave a statement on &th "we are horrified. we did not see this coming and ur thoughts and prayers are with the victim and the victim's family. now let's turn to the witnesses of this shhoting... we also asked our expert about the best way o handle the aftermath for them. he recommendes parents start by not to push them. live at erry hall high school, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. cities along the gulf coast are bracing for the arrivallof tropical stormmisaac... which is expected to make landfall in southern louisiana tonight.'s a day shy of the seventh anniversary of hurricane katrina's landfall. the city's pump stations have backup generators ready... in case of electrical outages. the governor and mayor are also offering reaasurances and warnings about isaac... which issexpected to be weaker than katrina. inside miami's - been canceled because of tropical storm isaac. you can waiting for their plane. some travelers were irritated... but most people say they understand you can't t control the weather. coomng up... you've got anooher shot... to win tickets to see "the band perry" perform live at the maryland state fair. fair.listen in for your cue to call... next. you're watching fox 455 morning nnws.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) çia÷3 3 noo only will you enjoo good food and good rides at the fair but you will also enjoy a few good contest. contest.emmly gracey is live at the maryland state fair for this mornings hometown hotspot... where he explains... how to horse shoe pitchgood morniig, emily.- what is a orse shoe pitching 3 contest? - how will the contest?shoe pitching - whaa is a horse shoe pitching contest?- how will the contest benefit the 4-h program?- how far can you pitch a horse shoe? shhe? the maryland state fair runs through september 3rd. the band perry will be at the maryland state fairgrounds this saturday at are available at maryland state fair dot com. we want to get you into the show for free..the maryland state fair sent us tickets to give away to you.the 10-th caller right noo at 410- 481-4545 wins. 3 3 3 3 &p3 3 ,3 ccming up... nasa is celebrating another day of success... with itt mars rover.what "curiosity"... was able to do. but eet... we're taking your questions about fitness and nutrition.our phoneelines are open now... just call're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) the patient protection and affordable care act has been controversial since the day it was drafted... most lawmakers who voted for it admitted they hadn't even read it. but dr. c.l. gray has studied it in detail... and all he sees are higher costs and fewer services. but he says there's an alternative to 'obamacare'... one that's better for seniors and the terminally ill. dr. gray's plan for patient-centered reform... on the "700 club" tuesday 3 we havv heard it over and over again you are what you eat. but how much does your life style really play into your weight management?well personal trainer tarik harris is here for this morning's get fit with fox and he has all phe answer. good morning...- how much does our lifestyye play into weight our lifestyle play - how much does ouu lifestyle play into weight management?- how much should we focus on lifestyle?- how muchhshould we focus on weight mmnagement? - what are some exercise we can do toofocus on weight managgment? due to some health issues... i am due to some due to some not able to work out like i nned to. any tips on how to get the most out of exercise when limited? tarik will be baak during good day baltimore to answer some of your the mean time... you can post yours on our facebook page or twitter. coming up... it's becoming a hot topic among experts.why the american acaaemy of pediatrics is now revising it's policy... on male circumcision. ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal: to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida, for just 99 dollars one-way. book all of our destinations online only at low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. ((bump in)) an outspoken host... meets her patch.and a celebrity couple steals the spotlight.,it's tabloid tuesday... brandi proctor is here with more. it seems the always outspoken joan rivers has met her match...rihanna!!!the two exchanged words over the weekend.. joan rivers tweeted... "rihanna confessed to oprah winfrey that she still loves chris brown. idiot! now it's my turn to slap her,"well rhi rhi.. responded... first with a bible verse... then by saying... "wow u really do get sllo when you're old huh," and finally... "slap on some diapers," joanbacktracked with a statistic... saying fi he hit you once he;'ll hit you &pagain.. adnd threw in shamless ppug for her television show.. asking rihanna to be a guest... 3this beef comes after she was spotted with rob weekend... that's staright from the rumor mill... i'll keep you posted on that one... here's a relationship that the couple keeps denying....but the paparazzi keep spotting... mila kunis and ashton kutcherr.. after a rumored romantic getaway... now theyye cuaght spending some qt at a a dodgers game... i dont know... she says it's hard or her to date... we're justhappy o see hm with a woman who can checkthe same age box... with all those hookups... one couple is headed for splitsvvlll... and the alleged reason is hilarious...shaquille oneal was dating flava flav's ex flame they were hot and heavy for a while.. rumor has it that hoops decided she wanted learn gymnastics... after being the gym said they didnt train anyone over 18...apparently hoops went off... shaq was o embarrassed ... they argued and now theyre was obviously the straw that broke the camels backwith him.. thsi source says he was sick of her temper tantrums... it sounds ridculous to me... but hey stranger things have happened... coming up... a major headache for drivers... headed over the bay bridge this morning.the scary thing that happened overnight... forcing workers to temporarily shut down one're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 3 3 fiber map 3 police have just released charges against a suspect in that first-day-of-school shooting at perry hall high. high.we have team coverage of this developing story..let's get right to megan gilliland who is here with the full list of charges against him.megan? good mornnng guys,we're live at the flagpole this morning... where a prayer service is expected to happen at 7:155students are rallying around the victim... with posters that read "pray for dan. daniel".daniel... a special needs stuuent with down syndrome... was eating lunch in the cafeteriaawhen he was shot in the his family tells us he is out of sugery now... in at this point... police believe daniel was not targeted... that this was a gunman... a student here... weapon until he until he entered the cafeteria.didn't say a word before firing that first shot. (jerry iweh- witness) "i went under the table.. and looked witness) "i went under (jerry iweh- (jerry iweh- witness) "i went under the table.. and ooked through the bench and heard the second pop and i forgot about my bookbag.. and just ran to the back of the cafeteria"(girl)"we heard code red"(jerry ) "anddeverybody just started running running.." running.."a guidance couselor at the school... jesse wasmer... is credited with wasmer... is school... jesse wasmer... is credited with being a hero... and getting the weapon out of the gunmans hands.police quickly surrounded the lead to a lockdown and eventually an evacuation. detectives won't say what lead up to the shooting, but studeets say last year, the gunman.. had been ullied. as kids head back to school today... you can bet there will be extra security.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morring news. our team coverage continues with joel d. smith.ááad lib social mediaáá mediaááhe's also ive at the school with more on the suspect.more on the the school with more on the suspect. good morning joel d. police have not formally named the suspect - because he's a the suspect - formalll named police have not police have not formalll named the suspect p because he's a minor.but dozens of students- who witnessed the identified him... and commented on his history of unusual behavior. known to cut himself, and he posted some alarming we ppoke with an adolescent psychiatrist about could drive a victim... to take on the facebook site of the suspected shooter he posted an alarming comment yesterday before school-- quote - "this is the first day of school... life." the suspect's may indicate his thoughts. (suicidal?)as well as his photos... where his sign of low self-esteem.his online "likes" - could also insight....listiig people like erik harris and dylon klebold - the shooters from columbine. all potential red parent.... or teacher..... 13:06:45 "socially isolating behavior. a withdraw from society... blood and guts... drawing unusually violent blood and guts... drawing withdraw from ssciety... blood and uts... drawing unusually violeet pictures."13:03:46 "what we see with victims is they act dramatically. they cry. the get concerned. a lot of drama. and the drama drives the bullying./ experts say victims of bullying sometimes respond in very dramatic ways... ann feel they are nearly out of options in their life. still... with all these supposed member of the alleged shooter gave a statement behalf saying: "we are horrified. we did not see this thoughts and prayers are with the victim and the victim's family. now let's turn to the witnesses f this phooting... we also asked our expert about the best way too handle the aftermath for them. he recommendes parents start by asking their children to talk about their to push them. live at perry hall high school, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3 morning news.d. smmth, fox 45 high school, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. funeral services for a prince george's county officer could mean raffic delays today. today.officer adrian morris was killed last week in a crash while pursuing a car on interstate 95.hissfuneral will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at woodstream church in mitchellville... with a burial to follow in davidsonville. olice are pxpecting traffic delays in the region due to the number of officers attending the service. a pretrial hearing ccntinues today foo the army private aacuseddof leaking classified class bradley manning is accused of sending hhndreds of thousandd of diplomatic cables and war logs to wikileaks. that charge carries a possibbe life ssntence. today's meade. takes place at fort today.. mayor stephanie rawlings blake will formally announce her pick for the new police commissioner of baltimor. &pbaltimore.former oakland, california police commisioner anthony batts wiil head the city's police department.batts resigned from his job in oakland in october 2011... after several clashes over policy withhcity leaders. before taking the job in oakland... batts was chief of police in ong beach, california. batts will take over for fred bealefeld... who retired at the beginning of the month. we're just days away...from the grand prix taking over downtown baltimore... and this year... businesses are hoping they won't be left in theedust. dust. many restaurants in the arra are preparing for the big weekend of racing with food and drink specials.many businesses say they felt last year's "inaugural" grand prix...was a buss. the races didn't end until around 11:33 at night... making it too late for fans to patronize restaurants and clubs...beyond downtown.this weekend...the giving many restaurant hope...for attracting more of those fans. for the first time in more than a decade... the american academy of pediatrics is revising its policy on male circumcision. the academy now says the health benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks. the tone of the policy shows more support for the procedure... but stops short of recommending circumcision for all newborn males. nasa is celebrating another day of success... by the "curiosity" rover. rover. the rover was able to beam its first-rrcorded human voice... from mars to earth."curiosity" checked in with nasa...playing a recorded message from nasa administrator charlie bolden. "hello, this is charlie &pbolden, nasa administrator speaking to you via the broadcast capabilities of the curiosity rover, which is now experts belleve this is a huge step to eetend the human presence beyond earth. coming up... residents in the gulf coast are bracing for a direct hit from tropical storm isaac. isaac.when it's expected to make landfall... and the &pimpact... it could'' watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) 3 ((ad lib 3 ((break 5)) all morning. news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 weather kid tease 3 3 3 3 coming up... a helicopter ácoveringg the news... ábecomesá the news..he it to crash.and who was there... to capture it all on're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) [ male announcer ] with ultra-filtered water from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at 3 ((bump in)) ((break 6)) ((bump in)) sometimes it's all aboot how many people "like" you. especially for one foundation "the believe in tomorrow children'ssfoundation" recieved so many votts during a facebook contest that it was awarded 30-thousand dollars. kate sachs and dave pruitt from believe in tomorrow joins us live in-studio with more. -congratulations! tell us about the facebook campaign and hhw you won! - how will believe in tomorrow use - how will believe you won!campaign and how faceeook campaign and how you won! - how will believe in tomorrow use - how will believe you won! campaign and how facebook tell us about the -congratulations! ptell us about the facebook campaign and how you won! - how will believe in tomoorow use the funds?- oneesupported of your foundation was how patrick your foundation was how patrick "scunny" mccusker who recently passed away in a tragic aacident. please tell me about his involvement with believe in tomoorow.his contributions will have a lasting imppct on your programs, and the impact on your will have a lasting his contributions will have a lasting 3immact on your programs, and the lives of the children and 3 3 for more information on believe in tomorrow and to see how you can help... log on morning. pictures coming up... a new bride dies... while posinggfor pictures in her wedding it happened... and why a new trend... is partially to blame. you're watching fox 45 morning preparations are underway along theegulf coast... ahead of tropical storm isaac. and george howell explains... residents are bracing for a direct hit. hit. gulf coast have a choice to - we know what you have storm. to have o make it through, make due until that power has lived on the gull for 20 years and has been through his shaae of storms. he's staying put. it's loud, it's noisy, yyu're going to be knocked around, and if you're not used to it it's goiig to scare the dickens out of you. in new orleans, isaac is stirring up memories of hurricane katrina - - which hit seven years ago tomorrow. but mayor mitch landrieu says after 10 billion dollaas in improvements to the levee system, the city is prepared to weather the storm. still he's warning residents to use common sensee a categorr one and category two storm can bring significant damage in terms of wind, wattr, or electric, and a lot of loss of life comes ffom people being careless and hotel in gulfport, mississippi, the storm surge from katrina rose as high as the second story. a lot of people who've bben here through katrina, they're going to hunker down and do their best to be ready for what the storm's going to bring. the hotel's engineer doesn't expect isaac will be nearly as destructive, but like most residents along the gulf, he's bracing for the worst, and hoping for the best. --on cameraatag-- coming up on good coming up on good day baltimore... &p a news helicopter out covering the news... ábecomeeá the news.what happened... and how the tense moments... were all captured 45 orning news.. all local.. all morning. anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes...

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