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breakfast.what's wrong with thousands of cans of baby formula... and the two things you need to look out for on the label. and.... drinking while... mowing?where it could soon be illegal... even in your own backyard... and theecharges you could face. 3 3 -harbor mondayy march 12th 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 the remains of a bbby... found inside the trunk f a car. family embers discovered the body when they were cceaning out the car in calvert county. megan gilliland joinn us now with more on the investigation into what hhppeneddto this child. good morning patrice,it's not clear if this is a criminal case right ow or just a very tragic one.autopsy results will help police make that determination.the childs body was so badly decomposed though... that those results may take several weeks. parents of a 32-year-old woman were cleaning out her car, in prince frederick when they discovered the remains of a baby and called police. neighbors say the car had been parked next to the trailer... for weeks. innestigators are not sure if the child was stillbbrn or had been born and died later. sheriff mike- evans if there was intent to harm the child, if we did that would how it was a crime woman- "it really is freaky especially since i bring my son down here." here."the woman who owns the car is now hospiialized. she does also has other children who are now with protective services. we're told the childrens grandparents have filedda petition for custody.that'ss expected to be heard in court later this week.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a hearing is set today, to deterrine if a baltimore citt police officer charged with theft will be suspended with or without pay. 41-year-old darlene early was suspended after police say she tried to steal 300-dollars worth of groceries friday depot"... on bel air road. investigators say the clerk who rung her up was early's daughter, 18-year-old ciara anderson.police say anderson rang up some of the itemm for as little as 10-cents.both are now charred with theft. 41:11 i think that's right shoot, just cause they the poliie officers don't mean they can et away witt stuff thee gotta pay like everybody else 23 232059 if this proves true, extremely poor choices on tte part of this individual. and you can rest assure that she will answer for these allegations if they are found to be true 10 10this isn't the first time early's made headlines. back in 1993... the hen 22-year-old officer shot and killed a burglary suspecttwho tried o get away at boo secours hospitall investigators determined the shooting was justified ... and cleared early of any wrongdoing. a maryland priest is now on administrative leave... for denying a lesbian communion... at her mother's happened last month... at funeral home in gaithersburg. the archdiocese has since apologized for the johnson... the woman who was - turned doon... says it's ot archdiocese issued a statement saying the priest's actions action against him would remain confidential because it is a personnel issue. some lawmakers in stiffen the penalty... for those whh drive lawnmowers ádrunk.áthe move comes after a series of d-u-i accidents... involvingglawnmowers and a- t-v's.the bill says thatt anyone driving an off highway vehicle while unner the influence... on a public road or a private property without owner's permission... is subject to state d-u-i laws. but some say... it will be difficult to enforce. "it's not enforceable unless someone has an accident its not like they're going to be out on patrol looking out for people driving and laying on their vehicles they're not going to enforce it unless somethingghappens or there's pn accident." acciient."the bill also says that anyone driving an off highway vehicle who injures someone... can be charged with vehicular assault.the current if they are caught intoxicated that brings us to our question of the day:should drinking while mowing your lawn be illegal?we'll beetaking your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us whattyou think... sound off through facebook... or send us a tweet at foxbaltimore. as if mondays weren't bbd enough......we lost an hour of well. yet, there are some folks offering a caffeinated bright spot to the first monday morning of daylight savings time. time. joel d. smith is live at penn station to see how commuters are handling the change, when free goodies are part of the recovery. good morninggjoel d. 3 3 coming up... it won't be long... before aaple fans can get their hands pn the new i-pad 3.what day it's expected to hit store shelves... and why some people... will have to wait a bit longer. you're watching çia÷ 3 --kangaroo kids jump rope spring festival to be held on saint patrick's day at the meadowbrook athletic complex --head coach jim mccleary is live with the details on this mooning's hometown hotspot--kangaroo kids is a precisson jump rope team from howard county--the mission of kangaaoo kids is to promote physical fitness and goodwill by example and bb demonstration of their jump rope skills--their rope jumping is choreographed to contemporary and traditional music, where every foot jumps in unison and every roop hits the floor simultaneouslythis event will attract 300 jumpers 3 the kangaroo kids jump rope ssring festival is pt thh meadowbrook athleeic complex on saturdayfrom 9am to 5pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com sllsh morning. 3 33 3 3 3 coming up... twisters... liie you've never seem them before. before. the damage leet behind what happened to one driver... - who got too close for comfort. and thousands offbottles of baby formula are being pulled off shelves today.the problem being detected... and the two things you need to look out for on the're watching fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morning. watching fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morning. (( whoo! [truck playing music] mom, can we get some ice cream? please, mom, please? no, we're having dinner soon. [music playing] you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. hold up! there are thousands of children in foster care who will take you just as you are. what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. new this morning... today is the funeral for marie colvin... the american journalist killed in syria. month... in a rocket attack in the city of homs.her body arrived in her home state of new york last week.colvin was a longtime reporter for britain's sunday times. a key ruling is expected poday.... in the jerrr sandusky sex-abuse case.he's the former penn state coach... accussd of sexually abusing young boys over a 15-year period.a judge is expected to decide how much information sandusky's lawyerrthat with - includes exact times, dates... and days of the week... when the alleged abuse took place. gerber is recalling some of its powdered infant formula... after reports of foul odors. the recall includes gerber infant formula... in 3-ed point-2 ounce plastic packaging.the product number is g-x-p-1-6-8-4... with an exxiration date of march 5-th, 2013. gerber officials say the foomula doessnot pose a health risk... but people with the product should contact geeber for a refund. if you haaen't pre-ordered the new i-pad 3... you'll have to pait awhile to gettit.the tablet p-c was unveiled last week... and already... the demand is has had toopush the expected shipping date back as far as á3 weeksá in some cases.the i-pad 3 is expected to hit stores march 16th. a big day for girl scouts... today marks 100 years... since the organization began.the first troop was started in savannah, georgia... during the year 19-12... with just 18 girls. there are now there are 2-point-3 million active girl scouts nationwide. coming up... are feeling groggy this morning... after losing an hour of sleep?if so... you're not alone.where you can go... for a free cup of coffee on your waa to work. "welcome back, good to see you" you" and an eeotional reunion.. foo hundreds of soldiers and their families. how long they've been gone... and what word they use... to describe the're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal -- to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. book all of our destinations only at fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. authoriiies are searching for a motive... after a rogue u-s shooting spree in outtern afghanistan.he allegedly left his base and killed 16 people... including women and children, in two greg black explains... the soldier is now in custody... and invvstigations are underwwy. underway. president obama called the killings "tragic and shocking." afghan president hamid karzaa to offerrconnolences. meanwhilee the head of a coalition aimed at uniting afghanistan's tribes is can withstand a lot of pain. they caa withstand colllteral damage..they can withstand night raids. but murder is something that they totally abhor,,and when that happens, they really want justice.the milltary says the suspect is from joint base lewis-mcchord in washington state. a coffee house near the base, owned and operated by veterans, is (monday). a worker and former soldier gave his take.if this guy is ttaumatized, he's being sent overseas then he's basically a time bomb waiting to go off.things like this &don of afghanistan we're actually there to help them.a distance in afghanistan believes multiple tours of duty are taking their toll.i thought about how many of them are on theirr3rr or 4th or 5th tour of duty, and i said what can you expect?senate majority leader harry reid is also weighing in.our troops are under such tremendous pressure in afghanistan. it's a war involved in.i think that we're on the right track to get out of afghanistan just as soon as we canni'm greg black reporting. american and allied combat troops are scheduled to leave afgganistan by 20-14. coming up... brand new video is surfaccng... of last week's destruccive tornado in kentucky.what happened to one person... who's car came just áinchesá from the twister. ((megan live tease))a baby a car.i'm megan gilliland, who - discovered the child and the questions now surrounding the tragic death. you're waaching local.. all mornin ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza. ♪ experience love that lasts. one bad habit... to fight another.the drug... doctors say helps treat alcoholism. on -pratt street-still dark out! 3 3 3 3 a baby's body is found inside the trunk of a car in calvert members say they found the child when they were cleaning out the car.megan gilliland is here with more on whether foul play is suspected. pood morning pptrice,it's not clear if this is a criminal case right now or just a very tragic one.autopsy results will help police make that determinatioo.the childs body wws so badly deccmposed though... that those results may take sevvral weeks. weeks.investigators ays the parents of a 32-year-old woman were cleaning out her car in prince frederick... when they discovered the remains of a baby and alled police. investigators aren't sure if the chiid was stillborn or had been born and died later.but one thing is for sure... neighbors say the carrhad been parked next to the trailer... for weeks. woman-ive seen the car parked there.. oq: havewnt seen it move or anything"man-never seen her much out talking to anyyody i aven't really introduced myself or anything anythingthe woman who owns the car is now hospitalized. she does also has other children who are now with protective services. we're told the childrens grandparents have filed a petition for custodd.that's expecttd to be heard in court this week.i'm megan gilliland, &pfox45 morning news. a university of maryland student is charged with posting an internet threat... claiming he planned tt go on a shooting ampageeon ccmpus... pnd kill as many people as &ppossible.campus police say 19-year-old allxander song is accused of also threatening to shoot up a was taken to the hosptial for a mental evaluation after he wws arrested on sunday.thee say he wasn't armed, when arreeted. it's been one year since a woman was brutally murdered by montgomery county yoga shop. jana murray was stabbed and blugeoned tt death inside the lulu-lemon athletic shop in bethesda. sunday, resideets in the area remembered murray in a small ceremony. a lot of the community meebers have come by the store. tells stories... 3 remember jayna. 3 jayna.her co-worker briianny noowood... was convicted of january. norwood initially told police that she and murray were attacked by masked men while closing the store.... but later confeesed. this morning... a look at just what it's like to be caught in cameras capture the terrifying moments when a tornado ravaged . kentucky.the winds roll into morgan countt... quickly becoming violent... knocking over trees, moving a car... a house.everything in he offf - family's background is blownn clear from the patio.down the road... a truck comee to a halt as the tornado blows through right around it. (("it's scarier to watch this video than it was to be in the basement."))(("it's the closest thing to helllon earth that you'd ever see..)) see."))the tornado that came through that area last week was an e-f threee a heartfelt homecoming... for hundreds of soodiers and their families. "welcome back, good to see you" you"here in dundalk... more than 33 members of the maryland army national guard are back home from a year-long deployment to the sinai peninsula in egypp. the guardsman were greeted with the handshakes, hugs, banners and signs. soldiers say they're full of emotion... now that they're reunited with their loved ones. "i cant even describe it its been a year, i can actually see hii grow... i'm absolutely ecstaticc ecstatic""he battalion was part of the multinational force conducting opeeations throughout the peninsula similar ceremonies were held in elkton, frederick, glee burnie and silver spring. we like the extra daylight, but losing an hour of sleep is a tough compromise. with the time change... .many are heading to work this morning with an extra yawn or two. is free coffee the answer? joel d. smith is live at penn station to see how one company is trying to capitalize on our drowsiness. good morning joel d. 3 3 coming up... the pain at the pump... isn't getting any much you can expect to pay... if you fill up your tank today. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 whitney houston's daughter sits down with oprah... oprah... for the first interview since her mother's she remembers her mom... on a daily basis.and the one thing in her life... she wants legally changed. and we're just weeks away... from the marylann primary. why the vote you cast... could really make a difference in the g-o-p race for're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ♪ it's the way you bring out the sun. ♪ sunny d! ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day! find out more at you know there was a time when people like me couldn't live here because of their race or the color of their skin. i'll never forget how i felt being told i wasn't welcome in this neighborhood, that this apartment was for whites only. that got better over time, but some people still didn't get equal treatment when it came to finding a home. no, there's no apartment here for you . well i own this building now, the fair housing act made a difference for someone like me. it gives us the opportunity to live in communities of our choice, free from discrimination. the fair housing act makes it illegal to discriminate in the renting or selling of a home because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability. know your rights, if you believe you have experienced housing discrimination, contact hud. new this morring... gas prices have jumped... going up another 12-cents over the past 2 weeks. the average price is now 3-dollars and 81-cents for a gallon of regular unleaddd. here in maryland... the &plower. major rental car companies are making some new additions that could help you avoid the high price at the pump.some companies are now offering more electric and hybrid rental options.but the downside... the higher daily rate to rent those cars could actually cancel out your pavings on gas. maryland's primary is just &ppver weeks away ... and for the first time in a while ... what happens here could actually make a difference in the g-o-p race for president. as of now, there s no winner in race ... the party has not identifiee their nominee ... so evvry delegate counts.maryland has 37 up for grabs. so how will this race shape up as we get closer to the april 3rd primary? 3 political analyst john dedie joins us this morning. -typically if you win the first 4 primaries, you win the race, but that didn't happen here ... different front runners at different times ... -how significant will we be for whoever is still standing at that point.-likilhood any candidates will have dropped out by our primary-who are maryland voters likely to go for -how much campaigning will be done here-8 othere paces holding primaries before us ... 2 other on our day .. &pwisconsin 42 delegates ... dc has 19 19 3 has 19 19 3 3&coming up... an inside look.. at the life of whitney houston. houston.sot pat at :17-the handwriting was kind of on the wall ...i woudl be kidding myself to say otherwise otherwisewhat her sister-in- law goes on to say... about the singer's health before her death.and what bobbi kristina now wants changed... to pay tribute to her mother. and it's more than just practice it takes to create a routine like this.and the greater cause... it's helping. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) turn left. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not...that... we'd ever brag about it... turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how did that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine top safety picks like the passat and jetta. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it's a tremendous morning. angus, man! angus! dunkin's new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. try one today. the family of whitney houston speaks out for the firss time after the music icon's death. oprah winfrey aired last night on oprah's network, "own". candace is here with more. this interviewwaired one month after whitney's deeth.a lot of &ppeople thought it might be little too oon.i will say a lot of informaaion was revealed... it opened up with oprah interviewing whitney's daughter, bobbi kristina. oprah asked the teeanger if she had visitations from her late mother.. and bobbi krisitina said yes, definitely. she also said that she can hear her voice , and spirit palking to her saying , 'keep moving baby. i'm right herr. i got you.bobbi kristina also revealed that she lives at the house where whitney lived.she said it was extrememly difficult the first night... but she wants to do it. oprah also sat down with pat houston... whitney's sister in laa... manager and best ffiend oprah asked her if she thought whitneys life would end this is a ppece of the interview sot pat t :17-the handwriting pas kind of on the wall ...i woudl be kidding myself to say otherwisesot oprah: but were you always afraid of that day february 11th showing up in your life? getting a phone call getting a day? afraid it would be too soonsot pat: if things hadnt changed, but things were changing things were really changing, it wasnt about substancc absue, 3 relative toothe later days, it was more of lifestyle... oprah also talked with whitney's brother... ary.he discusssd the funeral and whitney's former husband bobby brownbobby left the funeral early... gary revealed that he is not sure why that happened... but he said that bobby was invited and never asked to leave. chat 3 there are more details this morning about bobbi kristina. she wants to drop her father bobby brown's name and be known as "kristina houston" according to the website, the 19-year-old tried to make the change years ago but her mom stopped her from doing it. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... it's the video... that's gone viral. viral.kid reciting poetry poetry but if you're like many... you might not understand why.we'll saying... and why it's so impressive. ((joel live tease)) a babyyfound dead inside the trunk of a car.who discovered the child and the questions now surrounding the tragic eath. a dispute over birth control turns deadly.why a man was shot while trying to buy condoms. 3honking honkingand... let the punishment fit the crime.what this kid did.. that had his dad publicly humiliate him with this sign. 33 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 the remains of a baby... found inside the trunk of a car. family members discovered the bbdy when they were cleaning out the ccr in alvert county. megan gilliland joins us now with more on the investigation into what happened to this child. good morriig patrice,it's not clear if this is a criminal case right now or juut a very pill help police make that determination.the childs body was so badly decomposed though... that those results may take several weeks. weeks.investigators says the parents of a 32-year-old wooan were cleaning out her car, in prince frederick when they discovered the remains of a baby and called police. neighbors say the ar had been parked next to the trailer... for weeks. investigators are pot sure if the child was stillborn or had been born and died later. sheriff mike- evans if there was intent to harm the child, if we did that would show it was a crimewoman- "it really is freaky especially since i bring my son down here." here..the woman who owns the car is now 3 hospitalized. she does also has other children who re now we're told the childrens grandparents have filed a expected to be heard in court &pgilliland, fox45 morning news. new research out of johns hopkins... shows the link between black women in baltimooe... and h-i-v.they're affected with the virus at almost 5 times the national ave. rate of h-i-v infectioo in 10-thousand. but according to the stuuy ... the rate in baltimore and five other u-s cities ... is 24-per 10 thousand. while those are alarming numbers... local heaath officials warn that the study focused on a very high rrsk group of women from high incident neighborhoods. 5409 like drug use, unprotected sex alcohol use and very low income , about 44 percent had incomes under 10 &pthousand dollars, so that's what needs to be careful you don't generalize this to all the african american women in &pbaltimore cityy23 23 the city says it is working to combat h-i-v ... ttrough free testing in high risk neighborhoods and programs that help those infected find and fighting back against h-i-v.... this weekend marked the seventh annual national women and girls hiv aids awareness day. day.the n-a-a-c-p hosted a public lunch and panel discussion to raise awareness at coppin state university. 11241 hiv aids is extremely important and it's a topic people continue to treat as taboo.... oc: our people are going to continue to die 011301 011301 the panelists discussed 3 advocacy for black women and girls. in their first trip to the n-c-a-a...since 1994... the loyola greyhounds recieved the number 15 seed in the east pittsburgh against big 10 power ... ohio state... on thursday.the greyhounds... earned a spot in the tournament by defeating fairfield on monday to win the m-a-a-c. as if mondays weree't bad enough......we lost annhour of sleep over the weekend as well. yet, there are some folks offering a caffeinated bright spot to the first monday morning of daylight savings time. time. joel d. smith is live at penn station to see how commuters are handling the change, when free goodies are part of the recovery. good morring joel d. 3 3 3 3 3 kid reciting 3poetry poetryget a load of this little guy...he's only two... and he's reciting one of the most respected writers of all time.this toddler... is saying shakespeare's sonnet 18... one of his best knoon sonnets.what do you think... impressive? and an important ruling toddy... in the jerry sandusky sex abuse case... case...the important details of the case... the judge is expected to make a decison on. on. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ((break 1)) 3 3 3 3 3 it's a d-u-i... but ánotá in a . car.theepenalty suggested for people caught drinking...while ámowingá...and where it's haapening. this isn't ordinary jump roping.what happens hen a pogo stick is added to the in your hometown hotspot. youure watching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. all morning. 3(((rrak 2)) ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. save with a shake. new this morning... an autopsy will be performed on a bbdy found in west baltimore. homicide detectives were called to the ssene just after 3 o'clock sunday where police found a woman's f body.police aae still investigation what happened. a hearing is set today, to determine if a baltimore city police officer charged with theft will be suspended with pr without pay. 41-year-old darlene early was suspenned after police say she tried to steal 300-doolars worth of groceries friday evening from this "food depot"... on bel air road. investigators say the clerk who rung her up was ciara anderson.police say anderson rang up some of he itees for as little as 10- cents.both are now charged with theft. 41:15 i think that's right shoot, just caase they he police officers don't mean they can get away with stuff they gotta pay like everybody else 23 232059 if this proves true, extremely poor choices on the paattof this individual..and you can rest assure that she will answer for hese allegations if they are found to be true 10 10this isn't the first time early's made headlines. back in 1993... the then 22-year-old fficer shot and killed a burglaryysuspect who secouus hospital. at bon investigators determined the shooting as justified ... and cleared early of any wrongdoing. a key ruling is expecttd today.... in the erry sandusky sex-abuse case.he's &pthe former penn state coach.. accused offsexually abusing period.a judge is expected to decide how much information prosecutors must share with sandusky's lawyer.that inccudes exact times, dates... andddays of the week... when the alleged abuse took place. new information revealed about tte govenor's budget. budggt.wwat one orranizations says it uncovered... that concerned.aad later...he wants to be a class clown... the creative way one father show's his son... it's not happening. you're watching fox 45 morning neww.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza. ♪ experience love that lasts. good morning, john. good morning, this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it is a tremendous morning! angus, man! very tremendous! angus! dunkin's delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. hurry in and treat yourself to one today. don't miss the delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich from dunkin' donuts. governor omalley's 35-poont-9 billion dollar spending plan is still being debated in annapolis. costs with the counties and raising maryland incooe taxes .. are ttking center stage right now ... but there are several issues still to be roned out to get to a balanced budget charles lollar with new day maryland joins us this morning. -big topic now .. shifting teacher pension ... plan is to phase that in over 4 years ... would save the state considerable money-if that doesn't pass .. they've already identifiee 262-million in cuts from the budget-maryland income taxes would go up 427 million annually-expanding sales tax to online sales ... raise 20-million a year year... raise 20-million a tax to online sales -expanding sales tax to online sales ... raise 20-million a year 3 coming up.. an argument turns deadly in a detroit gas station.what the clerk and a customer were fighting over... that had the . weapon. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((ad lib horoscopes)) ((break 4)) one bad habit... to fight another.the drug... doctors say helps treat alcoholism. on [laughing] whoo! [truck playing music] mom, can we get some ice cream? please, mom, please? no, we're having dinner soon. [music playing] you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. hold up! there are thousands of children in foster care who will take you just as you are. 3 3 3 map 895 map 3 3 map 895 map 3 a baby's body is found inside &pthe trunk of a car in calvert members say they found the child when they were cleaning out the car.megan gilliland is here with more on whether foul play is suspected. good morning patrice,it'' not clear if this is a criminal case right now or just a very tragic one.autopsy results will help police make that determinntion.the childs body was so badly decomposed thoogh... that those results may take several weeks. weeks.investigators says the parents of a 32-year-old woman were cleaning out her car in prince fredeeick... when they discovered the remains of a baby and called police. investtgators aren't sure if the child was stillborn or had been born and diee latee.but one thing is for sure... neighbors say the car had been parked next to theetrailer... woman-ive seen the car parked there.. oq: havewnt seen it seen her much out talking to anybody i haven't really introduced myself or anything anything the wwman who owns the car is aaso has other hildren who are now with protective services. we're told the childrens grandparrnts have filed a petition for custody.that's expected to be heard in court &pthis week.i'm megan gglliland fox45 morning news. a university of maryland student is charged with posting an internnt threat... claiming he planned to go on a shooting rammage on campus... and kill aa mann peopll as possible.campus pplice say 11-year-old alexander song is aacused of also threatening to shoot up a mall.ssng was taken to the hosptial for a mental evaluationnafter he was prrested on sunday.they say he wasn't arred, when aarested. woman was brutally murdered by her o-worker inside a montgomerr county yoga shop. prosecuttrs say 30 year old jana murray was stabbed and blugeoned to death inside the lulu-lemon athletic shop in bethesda. sunday, residents in a small ceremony.ered murray in- a lot of the community memmers have come by the store.tells jayna.s... remember jayna..- her co-worker britanny norwood... was convicted of first degree murder in january. norwood initially told police that she and murray were ttacked by masked men while closing the store.... but later confessed. 3gas pricee have jumped... going up anothhr 12-ccnts over the past 2 weeks. the averagg price is now 3-dollars and 81-cents for a gallon of regular unleaded..ere in maryland... the average price is just one cent lower. a coast guard rescue... caught on happened fridayy.. off the coast of virginia.a helicopter was called in... after a woman with abdominal pains waa in need of medicaa attention.the crew airllfted the woman and ship... transpootinn them to a word yet on the woman's condition. we like the extra daylight, but losinn an hour of sleep is a tough compromise. with the &pttme change... .many are heading to work this morning with an extra yaww oo two. is free coffee the answerr 3& joel d. smith is live at penn station to see how one company is trying to capitalize on our drowsinesss good morning jool d. 3 3 3 some lawmakkrs in delaware are loooing to those who drive lawnmowers ádrunk.áthe move comes after a series of d-u-i accidents... involling lawwmowers and a- anyone driving an off highway vehicle while under the influence... on a public road owner's permission... is subject to state d-u-i laws. but some will be difficult to enforce. "it's not enforceable unless someone has an accident its not like thhy're going to be out on patrol looking out for peoole driving and playiig on going to enforce it unless something happens or there's an accident." accidentt"the bill also sayss thattanyone driving an off highway vehicle who injjres vehicular aasault.the current law in delaware fines people if thhy re caught intoxicatedd operating an a-t-v. that brings us to our questioo of the day:should drinkiig while mowing your lawn be illegal?phone lines are open now... the umber to call 410- 481-4545. 3you can also go to ffx-baltimore dot ccm and tell us what you think... sound off through facebook... or send us a tweet at foxbaltimore. a father... fed up with his son's bad grades... is takiig his punishment to the streets. nats florida resident michael belllis making his 7th ggader stand at a busy pntersection... wearing a a sign that reads: "hhy, i wwnt to beea class clown. is it wrong?" the back says: "i'm in blow your hornnif there'' something is wrong with that." his ad says hees tried everythhng to teach his son a lesson... and came down with this. "i ddn't know any other way -- i'm trying to reach hii. he doesn't want to be reached and this is my last resort." the son says he's going to break.'ssspending his spring -- happened saturday... . at this b-p gassstation in detroit.investigators say it all started with an argument between the clerk and clerk charge less for the condoms. after the clerk refused.... the customer became enraged and started knocking over tore items. that's when the clerk pulled out a gun... and shot the guy. no word yee if the clerk will face charges. still to come.. this isn't ordinary jump roping.what hhppens when a pogo stick is added to the in your hometown hot. watching fox 45 you're morning news.. all local.. all ((break 5)) at progressive, you can bundle your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at --kangaroo kids jump rope spring festival o be held on saint patrick's ddy at the meadowbrook athletic complex --abby smith ... a jumper and high school senior... is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot --kangaroo kiis is a precisionn jump rope team from hooard county--the mission of kangaroo kids is to promote physical fitness and goodwill by example and by rope skills--their rope &pjumping is choreographed to contemporary and traditional music, where every foot jumps in unison and every rope hits the floor simultaneouslythis event will attract 300 jumpers 3 the kangaroo kids jump rope spring festival is at the meadowbrook athletic complex on saturdayfrom 9am to 5pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. ((bump in)) ((toss tt weather)) &p((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3- 3 comiig up.. drinking while mowing .... could soon e illegal in one passes.what do you think about . all this?it's our question of the day.ourrphone llnes are open now.. 10-481-4545. 481-45455and later... gerber is recalling some of its baby formula... fter reeorts of foul odors.the product number affected... and i it really pooes a health risk to your &pfox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((question of day animation)) we've been asking ou all morniig ... with our question of the day.after several d-u- i's and accidents on lawn mowers and a-t-v's...a law is drinking while mowing... illega. illeeal.that brings us to our question of the ddy.should drinking while mowing your lawn be illegal?our ppone lines are open now.. 410- 481-4545. david- owings pillsbilly- bmore dawn "maryland needs to do the same hingg it's ridiculous. drinking and driving is drinking nd driving no matter how you do it" it."karen "you want to say yes buu are we going to have laws for everything? people need o be safe, i realize that but geeze..the atv's are dangerous though. a lawnmmwer yard."greg "if on private property they can't restrict it much less enforce it." it."scott "not that i ould everrdrink and drive a lawn mower, but isn't there something wrong about allowing theegovernment tt regulate what you do on your own property?" cooing up in our 8 o'clock hour.. it doesnnt get any cuter than this!8-month-old twins... dressed as goose and maverick from "top gun."where they were headed... they had them pressed thhs way. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all looal.. all morning. buu american so some are calliig it an "unforgivable" crime. an american soldier in house shooting rampage in two - nearby villlges.. . before turning himself in. at least 16 civilians are dead and seveeal others injured, with &prene marsh joins us live fro washington with morr.rene? suggested questionss1.any idea of a motive? waa this motive? 3 was this soldier able to just walk off the base??did anyyne know he wassgone?3.what kind of impact may this have on the u.s military's mission there? coming up n our 8 o'clock houu.. whitney houston's death... for the first time... soo pat t :17-the handwriting was ind of on the wall .... woudl be kidding myself to say e otherwiseher sister-in-law's sii-down interview... with about houston's health efore her death. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. turn left. the passat ne of nine volkss named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not...that... we'd ever brag about it... turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how did that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month. ocean spray cranberry juice versus vegetable juice. first the cranberry. mm! tasty. now, the vegetable juice, with more than 10 times the sodium of cranberry juice. we have a winner! are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. it's a story you needdto hear before making your baby's breakfast.what's wrong with thousands of cans of baby formula... and he two things you need to look ouu forron the label. and.. this warm and.. this arm winter has been good for you... and for those creepy crawlers.the pnsects you'lllsee more of... earlier than normal this year... and the one helpful bug... that the nice weather-- is actually hurting. 3 monday, march 12th 3 p, 3 3 3 3 3 a university of maryland student is charged with posting an internet threat... claiming he planned to go on a shooting rampage on campus... and kill as many peeple as poss. 19-year-old alexander song is accused of also threatening to shoot up a was taken to the hosptial for a mental evaluation after he was arrested on sunday.they ay he wasn't armed, when arrested. a late-night stabbing in woodlawn... leaves one person happened around 11 o'cllck last night... near the intersection of pikeswood drive and janbrook road.the victim was taken to a nearby hospital... where he or she died.a suspect is now under arrest. the remains of a baby... are found inside the trunk of a car ii calvert county. county.investigatoos says the parents of a 32-year-old woman were cleaning out her car in prince frederick... when they discovered the baby's body and called police. neighbors say the car had been parked next po the trailer... for weeks. investigators are not sure if the child was stillborn or had been born and died later. autopsy results will help police make hat determination... but the childs bodyywas so badly decomposed... those results may taae several weeks. sheriff mikk- evans if there was intent to harm the child, if we did that would show it is freaky especially since i - bring my son down 3here." here."the woman who owns the car is now hospitalized. she does also has othhr children who are now with protective services. we're told the childrens grandparents have filed a petition for custody. new research out of johns hopkins... shows the link between black women in baltimore... aad h-i-v.they're &paffected with the virus at almost 5 times the national ave. average.nationally, the annual rate of h-i-v infection in black womennis 5-per 10-thousand. but according to the study ... the rate in baltimore and five other u-s cities ... is 24-per 100 thousand. while those are alarming numbers... local health officials warn that the study focused on a very high risk group of womennfrom high incident neighborhoods. the city says it is working to commat h-i-v ... through free neighborhoods and programs that help those infected find care. gerber is recalling some of its powdered infant formula... after reports of foul odors. odors.the recall includes powdered... infant forrula... it comes in 23-point-2 ounce plastic packaging.the product number is g-x-p-1-6-8-4... with an expiration date of march 5-th, 2013. gerber officials say the formula does not pose a health riskk.. but people with the product should contact gerbbr for a refund.. thissyear's warm winter... means bugs are making an early . debut.the national pest already issued an early warning... for ticks that can carry lyme disease.and in many areas... mosquitos have already been spotted. but the warm winter isn't necessarily &pgooddnews for all insects. in areas where there has been little snow or rain... bee experts are worried that will hurt the growth of spring flowers that bees depend on for nectar. as if mondays weren't bad enoogh......we lost an hour of sleep over the weekend as well. but, there are some folkk offering a caffeinattd bright spot to the first monday morning of daylight saaings time. time. joel dd smith is live at penn station to see how commuters are handling the change, when free goodies are good morning joel d. 3 3 3 coming up... it doesn't get any cuter than this!!-montt-ood twins... dressed as goose anddmaveeick from "top gun."where they were headed... they had them dressed this wwy. you're watching fox 45 morning. ews.. all local.. all ((breek 1))t)) ((break 1)) 3 [ woman ] when my asthma symptoms returned my doctor prescribed dulera to help prevent them. [ male announcer ] dulera is for patients 12 and older whose asthma is not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. dulera will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. dulera helps significantly improve lung function. this was shown over a 6 month clinical study. dulera contains formoterol, which increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. dulera is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled your doctor will decide if you can stop dulera and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take dulera more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor about dulera mometasone furoate formoterol fumarate dihydrate. [ bird chirps ] ♪ --kangaroo kids jump rope spring festival ii happening ttis weekend...--kristen ork is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspoo --held on saint patrick's day at the meadowbrook athletic complex a precision jump rope team from howwrd county--the mission of kangaroo kids is to promote and goodwill by examppe and by demonstration of their jump ope --their rope jumping is choreographed to raaitional music, where every foot jumps in unison pits the floor simultaneously attract 300 this event will simultaneouslythis event will 3tttact 300 jumpers 3 jumpers 3 the kangaroo kids the kangaroo kids juup rope spring festival is at the meadowbrook athletic complex on saturdayfrom 9am to 5pm.for mmre information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morring. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... whitney houston... behind closed doors. doors.sot pat at :17-the handwriting was kind of on the wall ...i woudl be kidding myself to say otherrise otherwissher sister-in-law's sit-down interview... with oprah.what she reveals... about houston's health before her death. and celebrity lips... done right.the most common mistake women are making.and the secret... to fuller lips. you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) ♪ you signed up weeks ago ♪ sunlight says get up and go ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup were you profitable last month?hat looks great. how much money is in your checking account? have the browns paid you for their addition yet? your finances are scattered all over the place. mm-hmm. what are your monthly expenses? you keep your receipts in plastic baggies? seriously? [ announcer ] get it done and get it off your mind with quickbooks. organize your small business finances all in one place, even online banking. and now your business can be at your fingertips, anywhere. quickbooks, guaranteed easy or your money back. learn more at don't pout if you can't get new makeup trends right.we've got some tricks for lip trends that'll put a perfect smile on your face!"katrina tte glam artist" waller is here with some models to show us how it's done.--how to wear this spping/summer's bold lip trends --howwto make your and noo look silly" lipgloss last alll --how to wear a red lip correctly we'll be ack with katrina and the models during fox45 good day talk about eye trends. ccming up... coming up... coming up... it won't be long... before apple fans can get their hands on the new i-pad 3.what day it's expected to hit store shelves... aad why some people... will havv to wait a bit longer. you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) [ man ] hmm. a lot can happen in two hundred thousand miles... are you guys okay? yeah. ♪ [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. ♪ [ crash ] i'm going to write down my number, but don't use it. [ laughing ] ♪ [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza®. experience love that lasts. ♪ chase freedom is offering 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. wow, thanks! beep. beep. activate your 5% cash back at open your eyes when it comes to your health.this week is natiooal glaucoma week.the maryland ociety for sight will be at the fox45 c-w baltimore b-more healthy eepo. and this morning, audrey novak is here wwth moree--what is glaucoma?--who's affected? importance of early detection? --what are the dangers?--what does include? include? for more informaaion n the for more for more information on the maryland society for sight, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morniig. fox 45 is stepping up to make your 20-12 the healthiest year yet.tte foo 45.. c-w baltiiore... b'more healthy expo in partnnrship with medstar heallh.... is saturday march 17th at the baltimore exercise, eating right... and get health screenings.go to b-more healthy expo-dot-com for more information. coming up... abandoned at chuck eecheese... just hours after her birthday party..hat caused the parents forget their 5-year-old daughter... and how long it took thhm... to realize heir're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) ((open)) 3 3 3 3 3 83 map 3 a university of marrland student is charged with posting an internet threat... claiminn he planned to go on a shooting rampage on campus... and kill as many people as poss. possible.campus police say 19-year-old alexander song is accused of alsoothreatening to shoot up a was taken to the hosptial for a mental evaluation after he was arrested on sunday.they say e wasn't armed, when arrested. a hearing is set today, to determine if a baltimore city police officer charged with theft will be suspended with or without pay. 41-year-old darlene early was suspended after poliie say she tried to steel 300-dollars worth of groceries friday evening from this "food depot"... on bel air road. investigators say the clerk who runggher up was early's daughter, 18-year-old ciara anderson.police say anderson rang up some of the items forr as little as 10-cents.both are now charged with theft. 41:15 i think that's right shoot, just cause they the policc officers don't mean they can get away with stuff they gotta pay like everybody else 23 232059 if this proves rue, extremely poor choices on the part of this individual. and you can rest assure that she will ansser for these allegaaions if they are found to be true 10 10this isn't the first found to be true 10 10 this isn't tte first time early's made headlines. back in 1993... the then 22-year-old officer shot and killed a burglary suspect who tried to get away at bon secours hoopital. investigatoos determined the shooting was justified ... and cleared early of any wrongdoing. some lawmakers in delaware are looking to stiffen the penalty... for those who drive lawnmowers ádruá ádrunk.áthe move comes after a series of d-u-i accidents... involving lawnmowers and a- t-v's.the bill says that anyone driving an off highway pehicle while under the influence... on a public road or a private property without owner's perrission... is subject to state d-u-i laws. but some say... it will be difficult to enforce. "it's not enforceable unless someone has an accident its not like patrol lloking out for people driving and they're there's an accident."it unless - accident."there's an accident." tte bill also says that anyonn driving an off highway vehicle who injures someone... can be charged with vehicular assault. the current law in delaware fines people if they are ccught intoxicated operating an aat-v. a 5-year-old's birthday takes a turn for the worst... after being left behind at chuck e cceese... the night of her part. happened last thursday.a motter of ten was gathering up her children to take them home... but forgot the birthday wasn't until the next morning... when she was getting them ready for school....that she realized her mistake.turns out the parents... who are separated... each thought the daughter of noww.. no charges have been filed against the parents. if you haven't pre-ordered the new i-pad 3... you'll have to wait awhile to get it.the tablet p-c was unveiled laat week... nd already... the demand is has had to push the expected shipping pate back as far as á3 weeksá in some cases.the i-pad 3 is expected to hit stores maach 16th. we like the extra daylight, but losing an hour of sleep is tough compromise. with the time cange... .many are heading to work this morning with an extra yawn or two. is free coffee the answer? joel d. smith is live at penn station to see hoo one company is trying to capitalize on our drowsiness. good morning joel d. 3 3 &p3 they're too young to remember "top they're too young they're too young to remember "top gun"... but that doesn't mean they don't like pt! danger zone nats natstake a look at phese adorable 8-month oldd twins.they're parents dressed them uppas goose and maverick... from the hit movie captured last october... as the little ones headed out for their first trick or treat.but now... it's gone viral... with hundreds of thousaads of hits coming up... boobi kristina's sit-down interview... with oppah.what she reveals about her relationship ith her mother, whitney houston.and the legal measure she's now taking... to pay tribute. "i don't know any other way -- i'm trying to reach him. he doesn't want to be reached and this is my last resort." resort."my last resort." resort."be reached and this is my last resort." resort." and one father takes extreme measures... to teach his son a lesssn.what tte teen wws doing wronn... that had him wearing this sign in public.and what the sign said... that had people're watching fox 45 morning. 3 turn left. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not...that... we'd ever brag about it... turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how did that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month. lease the 2012 passat 3 3 3 weather kid tease 3 meteorologgst))((ad lib ((ad lib meteorologist)) weather kid tease 3 weather kid tease 3 meteorologist)) 3 3 weather kid tease &p33 3 3 3 coming up... the coming up... the private life of whitney houston... revealed to the publ. public.sot pat at :17-the handwriting was kind of on the wall ...i woudl be kidding myself to say otherwise otherwisewhat her sister-in- law had to say... during a sit-down interview with oprah. ann bobbi kristina's legal steps... to change something given to her by her mother. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) good morning, john. good morning, this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it is a tremendous morning! angus, man! very tremendous! angus! dunkin's delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. hurry in and treat yourself to one today. don't miss the delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich from dunkin' donuts. the family of whitney houston speaks out for the first time after the music icon's death. the exclusive interview with oprah winfrey aired last night on oppaa's network, "own". candace is here with more.this inttrview aired one month after whitney'' death.a lot of people thought it might be a little tto soon.i will say a lot of information was revealed... it opened up with oprah's conversation with whitney's only daughter, bobbi kristina. the teenager revealed that she haa visitations from her late mother and she hears her voice , and spirit talking to her saying , 'keeppmoving baby. i'm right here. i got you.bobbi kristina also said that she lives at the house where whitney lived. she admitted that it is extrememly difficult ... but she wants to stay there. oprah also sat down with pat houston... whitney's sister in law... manager and best friend oprah asked her if sheethought whitneys life would end this is a piece of the interview sot pat at :17-the handwriting was kind of on the wall ...i would be kidding myself to say otherwisesot oprah: but were you always afraid of that day february 11th showing up in your life? getting a a day? afraid it would be too sot pat: if things hadnt changed, changing, ittwasnt about pubstance the later days, it was more of lifestyle... 3 liffstyle...was morr of the later days, it was more of lifestyle... oprah also alked with whitney's brother... gary.he discussed the ffneral and brownbobby left the funeral earll... gary revealed that he is not sure why that happeeed... but he said that bobby was invited and never asked to leave. there are more details thiss morning about bobbi kristina. she wants to drop her father bobby brown's name and be known as "kristina houston" 19-year-old tried to make the change years ago but her mom stopped her from doing it. coming up... one father's embarassingglesson... for his s. son."if i don't do nothing, he's going to be a statistic and i don't want him to be a statistic." why he's being forced to wear a sign in public... and the words written on it... ttat has people honking like crazy. and it's more than just jumping rope... how long it takes... to learn a routine like this.and the greater cause... it's're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morniig. [ clanking ] think we should have bought pre-assembled furniture? [ telephone ringing ] wait. [ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you are good to go. thanks. that was easy! [ male announcer ] speed, reliability, and now with our worry free guarantee there's no better time to switch. get your choice of terms. no activation fees. a 30-day money back guarantee. flexible scheduling. professional on-site installation. and 24/7 tech support. all for just $84.99 a month. plus you get a $200 value reward card. so switch to verizon high speed internet and phone, backed by our new worry free guarantee, all for just $84.99 a month. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities call at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's only from verizon. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's with his son's bad grades is putting the mmddle schooler's punishment on brandon beyer explains... the south florida seventh grader had to stand at a busy intersection holding a sign off shame. 3 tte sign reads..."hey, i want to be a class clown. it it prong?"the back says: "i'm &pin the 7th grade and got 3 f's. blow our horn if there's something is wrong with that." seventh grrder michael bellis failing three classes."civics, language arts and math."and his dad is out of ideas."i don't know any other way -- i'm trying to reach him. he doesn't want to be reachee and &pttis is my last resort."so michael's punishment for getting ad grades: spending his spring break here at this busy intersection, wearing a sign world he's, "a class clown."."if you don't do ight then you get a lot of stuff we've seen it before, hese two south florida students similarly while michael's friends enjoy break..."they'll probably be going out to parties, going to sunset, playing out at home." michael will be here thinking "i'm sorry that it has to get to this point and that when i get back to betttr."dad certainly hopes so.he just wants the boy who shares his name to makeesomething of himself."if i don't do nothing, he's himself. don't do nothing, he's going to be a statissic and i don't want him to going to be a staaistic "if i don't do nothing, he's himself. &pdon't do nothing, he's himsel. something of his name to make boy who shares he just wants the boy who shares his name to make sooething of himself."if i don't do nothing, he's going to bb a statistic and i doo't want him to be a statistic." 3 be a statistic." coming up on good day baltimore... got an extra 78 million dollars laying around? around?if so... you could be the proud owner of a house like this.what goes into the price tag... and the surrrise feature... hidden underground. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) ñññó [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet, cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch!

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