Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20120126 : comparem

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20120126

3 3 -3 thursday,,january 22th 3 3 3 & 3 3 fighting back in canton... neighbors are onnhigh alert... after a number of street robberies.megan gilliland is live on belnord venue... where one robbeery got especially violent. violent. good monring patrice, this is south belnord right near fait.....ii's a busy lights.but not enough to stop a brazen robbery and beating right here on thhestreet. street.leaving thissvictim battered and bruised.rob sseley has a swollen face and and beaten tuesday night around 6-30. seeley told police he was walking on &pbelnord avenuu to pick up his bike from a friend's home.. when 5 young men, 3 of them in ski masks, turned the corner, approached him... then jumped him. 3 "just started attacking me, threw me down on the ground and grabbed my phone and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other than the &pbeating, that was about all.." all.."neighbors say seelee's robbery was the third one to happen in the area that night... all within an hour of each other. police will only confirmmthe incident... here on belnord avenue though.they say, ttere's been 19 robberies in theearea so far this year... the same as this time last year. no arrests hhve been made yet... and until that happens... neighbors are warning everyone be careful walling these in canton, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. we want to know how you're fighting back against crime. tell us what you're doing in your community ....all 410-662-1456. an earll morning aacident on people to shock rauma.o - happened just after 2 o'clock this morning... and wilkens avenue.authorities responded to reports of an overturned car.5 other people were involved in the crash... ii's unclear at this time what caused the accident. more details are released this morning... about what led up to a fatal three car accident in timonium, tuesday. tuesday.the passenger of the caa... jennrd tolliver told police... the two were involved in everal burglaries... in north baatimore...the most recent incidenn happeneddon jarrettsvilleepike... riiht before the accident.the driver... arron mccoy was pronounced dead on the scene.. tolliverrbaileddout of the car... minutessbefore the accident... but was later caught. 3 we alreaay know that the suspect vehicle the honda accord was stolen from howard county sooits possible they are connected to crimes beyond that are in other jurisdiitiins we just don't know yet.. yet.. two counts of firrt degree grand theft auto. he s being held at the baltimore county petention center on five hundred thousand dollars bail. a formee frederick county deputy is cleared of being tasered.o died after tasered.after the verdict at the federal courthouse wednesday... people left the courtroom visibly upset.jarrel grey's family argued he died as a rrsult of excessive force. his family sued for 145-million dollars... still jurors sided with rudy torres... who deeended his actions. 14:17:34 at thh end of the day no one wins and no one &ploses i think justice has bee done. there were sevvral accounts in this case hopefully it's over. overr14:22:54 and at the end man is free to go and live his life the way he wants to and i have to do to my son's burial plot and visit him so i'd like to know how he sleeps at night with that :06 :06 the autopsy listed the cause of deathhas undetermined. theebuilding of a new town... has residents orria outraged. half of the town's population is seventh day aaventist... and parishioners there argue the fast food joint goes against theefaith's teachings of holistic wellness.other residents... say that's absurd. the toon... which was named by national geographic as one of the four healthiest cities in the world... has no liquor stores... and has been tobacco-free for nearly 30 years. "working for free" is for the birds... and the reptiles, and even the elephants at the maryland zoo. there's a zoo, 3&pand joel d. smith is live there now to see just how close you can get to the animals. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 coming up... &pterrifying video of a dog's leash getting caught in an elevator door... while the door closes and the owner goes the dog manages to survive without injury... and why it took the owner so long to notice. and change is comiig... o student lunches.what schools will now be required... to're watching fox 45 ((bump out)).. all local.. all - 3 [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. 3 3 3 3 3 -3 3 coming up... and an unlikely pair joins forcee... for an upcoming show. what will smith and simon cowell are now working... to create. nats singing end of second song songand it's the song that had heads a good way?... bad way?... we'll let iiol" judges felt... about this're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) are you crazy? i would never go out without my covergirl. i want to look natural, not naked! but look! with covergirl, all you need is 3 little things to make beauty powerful for you. lashblast for voluptuous volume, outlast -- to keep your lips beautiful and not come off if you kiss... simply ageless foundation to help you look young. see? just three. easy breezy beautiful covergirl. ♪ new this morning... a public memorial will be held today... in honor of the late joe coach died sunday... after te - battling lung cancer.on wednesday... thousands of people gathered to say goodbye to the legendary coach... before his funerrl procession. paterno's 61-year career with the nittany lions abruptly enddd in november... when he was let go ver his handling of child abuse claims involving a former assistant coach. a funeral date has been set... for the late etta james. the legendary singer died last friday of complications rom leukemia.her funeral will take plaae saturday ii california.a public viewing is also set for tomorrow. will smith and simon cowell are joining forces... to create a new international reality t-v show competition. it's aimed at finding the world's best disc jockkys. the show has been in the works apparently for more than a year... it's unclear at this point when it will air. 3 american idol takes its search for the next big star.. to aspe. aspen.singing natsrolling on flr floor angge from florida says her favorite singer of all time is lady gaga and she was trying to show off her best gaga moves.this performance wasn't about to get her to hollywood... but you'll never assed to sing a different song.- nats singing eed of second song randy: that changed my mind youre in your own worlds i looe her yes yes youre going to hollywood baby 3 baby american dol continues next wednesday and thursday night at 8 right here on foo45. 3 - let's get ready to rumble!!! - we hear about navy vs. army.... but what about navy vs. baltimoree it's a big boxing match going down tonight in len burnie.- jake smith (promoterr - live at the baltimore team's training facility in fells poiit with more on tonight's big match up. - what are we going to see tonight?- are tickets still ava? available? 3 p,3 3 3available? available?- are tickets still tonight?going to see tonight?- are tickets still 3available? available? the match starts tonight at 7 at "michael's eighth avenue" in glen burnie. forrmore information go to our website foxbbltimoreedot com ssash always all theecontent n there is free. some tense moments between president obama... and ariiona governor jan brewer.the heated words she had for him... immediately after he stepped and a man gets on an elevator... bbtthis dog does the dog manages to survive... after his leashh gets''e watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) çia÷ the president is usually greeted in a city by handshakes and pleasannties. but not this ninette sosa explains... president obama had an encounter with arizona governor jan brewer while visiting battlegroond sta. states. --nats of applause --president obama is in the middle of a three-day tour through key swing states to talk about the economy."we are making progress."but the talk of his trip so far has been his encounter ith arizona governor jan brewer.the president stepped off air force one yesterday-- and moments later, he and brewer -- behind that limo -- were seen exchanging words.brewer says the preeiient tookk offense with howwhe was portrayed in her book on immigration, scorpions for breakfast."i wanted tt be there to welcome him, to ccme and see first hand what arizona has done in regard to economic recovery. he wanted to talk about the book. i thought he was pretty thinned-skinned."brewer says the president objected to her writiig that he had been uncordial in the one point during the exchange, brewer was seen pointing her finger toward the president's face."i was not hostile. i was trying to be very, very gracious. i respect the office of the presidenn and i pould never be disrespectful in thht manner."brewer says she nvitee the president back to arizona for a meeting onn arizona's econnmy.the white house says president obama would be glad to meet again, but that brewer, quote "inaccurately described" their last meeting at the white house in her book.i'm ninettee sosa, reporting. coming up next... 3&terrifying moments... that left one dog owner in sheer a dog manages to survive... after his leash gets caught in the elevator door... and the surprising person... besides the owner... whh may be to blame. ((megan live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alllmorning. ((break 4)) the suspected terrorist plot in maryland.the court action 3 -harbor 3 3 3 fiber map 3 a string of street robberies... has one downtown neighborhood feeling beaten and battered.residents in canton arr now fighting baak. megan gilliland is live on belnord avenue... where one robbery got especiilly violent. violent. good monring patrice, this is south belnord right near's a busy block with lots of street llghts.but nnt enough to stop a brazen robbery ann stop a a brazen robbery and beating right here on the street. ptreet.leaving ttis victim battered and can see rob seeley hhs a swollen face and broken nose now.he was robbed and beaten tuesday &pnight around 6-30. seeley told police he was walking on bellord avenue to pickkup his bike from a friend's home.. when 5 young men, 3 of them in ski masks, turned the corner, approached him... then jumped him.across the street... a neighbor could hear the brutal attacc fromm inside her house. (zaranski) "and i looked out my blinns and i saw him in thh fetal position and hhy were youuknow, kickingghii face and his stomach.. and i yelled to my roommate to call 911. so, she immediately ran downstairs called 911.. opened the door, yelled."(seeley) "i was juss trying to give them what they wanted o the could leave..." was the third one to happen in - the area that night... all within an hour of each other. police will only confirm the incident... here on belnord avenue though.they say, there's been 19 robberies in the area o far this year... the same as this time last year. no arrests have been pade yet... and untillthat happens... neighbors are warning everyone be careful walking these in canton, megan gilliland, fox45 morning 3 first on elktoo middle school student .... is charged with punching his autistic classmateein the face...and it was all caught camera.11-year-old andrew simpson is now charged with disorderly conduct and second degree assault. he's the boy in this youtube video ... seen punching the autistic student ... in tte face. but simpson says he was acting out of self-defense ... because the other kid hit him first. andrew: 4:56 i feel pretty sorry for what i did cause i didn't know he had autism 00 dad: 44:37 i don't want this to be character defamation about my son, your son... word ps out that bullying is wrong 46 simpson was also ssspended 10-days from school. his father says police never got his son's side f the story. he now hopes the charges will be dropped. some alarming surveillance video out of chicago... goes viral.and from what you're about to seee.. you can understand why it's making some viewers very upset. this is video inside an apartment complex in chicago.a man... seen here walking his dog... gets onto an elevator. he goes inside... presses a button... and áappearsá to be looking right at his dog.... who's still sitting in the inn.. after he realizes the ts - doors are closing... and the dog is stuck outside on his can see him franticly tying to figure out what to do.áoutsideá the elevator... this ii a look at what was happening during those terrifying appears the dog was distracted by a woman walking out of her apartment. that's probably why he didn't get on thh elevator... and why the owner didn't notice the dog.then you see the dog go up... as tte elevator closes... and uckily... his leash snaps... dropping him to the ground.áamazinglyá... the dog survives with no injuries... and the woman comes to his rescue until the owner returns. some lawmakers in annapolis are still fuming about thoss recent increases in highway tolls. and one lawmaker... wants the transportation authority to be more transparen. transparent.theyytook effect in november... and innsome cases...the toll hikes amount to more than 66-perrent. despite several public hearings... one state lawmaker says the transportation authooity could have done more to make the process transparent. (pipkin) "when it did this last toll increase did not disclose wwat the final packagg was going to be and so actually the board members voted on a package that was not disseminated o the public and the public couldn't comment on it." so senator e-j pipkin as introduced a bill which would require the make full disclosures on upcoming votes... and allow the public to comment before a final vote. and you thought your co- workers were beaas to work with. theemaryland zoo is seeking volunteers to help phe animals in a number of ways,,and help the zoo's bottom line as well. joel d. smith is liver there now to show us what you could beedoing later this year. good morning joel d. good morning pattice. 3 coming up... 29 pounds. that's the amount of cheese the average american consumes each year.we'll show you the startling billboards one group is now displaying... to scare you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. to break ((break 5)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 it's our mobideal of the week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from obideals... which provides coupons directly to your cell phone! phone!this week's deal comes from... "working wonders home." get a 4 piece palm wax candle gift set for 35-15.that's 30 percent off! just go to my-mobideals- dot-com to get started.. or look for mobideals on your smar. smartphone. mobideals is a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. comiig up... change is coming... to student lunches.what schooll will now be required... to serve. and if one group has áitsá &pwayy.. it won't be cheese!the startling new billboards... aimed at scaring americans out of eating're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... five days to goountil the florida primmry.tonight... republican candidates will debate one last time before tuesday's all- impootant primary.a new poll showss mitt romney and newt gingrich re neck-and--eck in florida... with rrmney attracting 36-percent of likely g-o-p voters and gingrich at 34-percent. new federal rules on airline prices... could help travelers saae money.starting today... airlines will be required to include all mandatory taxes and fees in the advertised price.those fees sometimes add up to á20-percentá of the ticket still won't find baggage fees and other optional charges included in the dvertised price.but those will be more clearly displayed. look who's cutting in the lunch line....irst lady michelle obama pickssup a meal alexandria about new school &plunch standards.under the new guidelines... schools will have to offer fresh fruits and vegetables.. along with more whole grains and low fat or fat free milk. the new standardd start in uly and will be phased-in over three pears. (((pat))) a federal trial is bringing a lot oo attention to law 3 enforcement and the use of 20-year old who died after being tasered twice by a frederick county sheriff are suing for 145-million dollars. they say it was excessive show host and former police commissioner ed norris joins us, for this weeks fox undercover.-there have been 9 paser related deaths in this is something that needs - to be looked at more closely -how do yyu know what's excessive .. in this case he was tasered twice in 30 seconds -how are pooice 3 trained in this-why is this better than other restraint methods ... you never know someone's heelth condition ///ess//// you can hear ed norris monday through friday on sports radio 105-seven 'the coming up... the best t-v's... for your supeebowl viewing. plus how to know... if a saae is a good one. and in our hometown hotspot... we take you inside the ring... for some one-on-one boxing.that's just minutes from're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) there are lots of sales on t-v's right before the super bowl. but how do you know if the television that's on sale is going to be a great set in the long run?consumer reports' tests can hhlp you find a tv thht really scores. 3 ((v/o)) consumer reports' tv labs are lined with dozens of lcd and plasma sets. of course there are ooes plenty that are internet-enabled. each television faces more than 10 tests. one sizes up picture quality at annangleein order to finddout ow faa to the side you can sit and still get a good view. (sot: chris andrade)"in general, plasmas don't have a viewing angle issue, but it's a mixed bag when it comes tt lcds."(v/o) testers also evaluate black levels in different lights. this is a plasma on the left and an lcd on the right. even in bright liggt, lcds hold their black levels. but on some plaamas, the image washes put.consumer reports also evaluates sound quality. (natsot: tv)(v/o)as tvs got slimmer, sound quality suffered. but the latest tests show that audio is improving. (natsot: crash)(v/o)and what about 3-d? with more aaddmore sets offerrng 3-d as a feature, consumer reports created new test patterns to assess the quality of the 3-d picture. (sot: chris andrade) "ssme of our top-rated sets are 3d, while providing you with excellent 2d picture quality. but you're going to pay more for a 3d set. those priies are dropping."((/o)when purchasing a tv, consumer reports says people often buy a set that's too small for their room. for instance, if from your tv, consider a 50- y - to 60-inch screen.(v/o)this 60-incc panasonic plasma rated excellent for picture quality and has good black levvls and audio. it costs 14-hundred dollars. and the remote is very easy to use. coming up in ouu 7 o'clock hour... do thhse illboards go too far? a look at one group's war... against cheese.and the surprising amount most americans are consuming each year. ((joel live tease))you're watchiig fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) , "and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today. they were just kicking him in the stomahc and the face trying to take what they could from him him 3 these are your abs.. on cheese. the controversial campaign to curb cheese we show you exactly how much pou consume.. every year with a shocking live in studio demo. guitars usand air - and... what this wanna-be american idol contestant did.. that sent idol judge randy jackson running for the bathroom. 3 3 today is thursday, january 26th. 3 3 & 3 3 3 33 3 fighting back in canton... neighbors are on high alert... after a number of street robberies.megan gilliland is live on belnord avenue... where one robbeery got especially violent. violent. good monring patrice, this is south belnord right near's a busy block with lotssof street lights.but not enough to stop a brazen robbery and beating right herr on tte street. street.leaving this victim battered and bruised.rob seeleyyhas a swollen face and broken nose now.he was robbed and beaten tuesday night around 6-30. seeley told police he was walking on belnord avenue to ppck up his bike from a friend's home.. when 5 young men, 3 of them in approached im... then jumped him. 3 "just started attacking me, threw me down on the ground and grabbed my phonn and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other than the beating, that was about all" all.."neighbors ssy seeley's &probbery was the third one to happen in the area that night... all within an hhur of each other. police will only confirm the incident... here on belnord avenue though.they say, there's been 19 robberies in the area so far this year... the same as this time last year. no arrests have been made yet... and until that hhppens... neighbors are warning everyone be careful walking these in morning news. gilliland, fox45 we want to know how you're fighting back against crime.tell us what you're doing in your community 410-662-1456. an early morning accident on the beltway... sends two people to shock trauma. happened just after between southeastern boulevard and wilkens avenue.authorities responded to reports of an overturned car.5 other people were involved in the crash... and are believed to be o-k. it's unclear at this time what caused he accident. more details are reeeased this morning... about what led up to a fatal three car accident in timonium, tuesday. tuesday.the passenger of the car... jenard tolliver told policc... the two weee involved in several burglaries... in north baltimore...the most recent incident happened on parrettsville pike... right before the accident.the driver... arron mccoy was pronounced deaa on the scene.. tolliver bailed out of the car... minutes before the accident... but was later caught. 3 we already know that the suspect vehicle the honda accord was stolen from howard are connected to crimes beyond that are in other jurisdictions we just don't know yet.. yet.. tolliver has bben charged with two counts of first degree burglary and one count of grand theft auto. he is being held at the baltimore county detention cenner on five hundred thousand dollars bail. 3 3 five days to go until the florida primary.tonight... republican candidates will debate one last time before tuesday's all-important primary. primary.a new poll showss mitt romney and newt gingrich are neck-and-neck ii florida... with romney attracting 36-percent of likely g-o-p voters and gingrich at 34- percent. the president is usually greetee in a city by handshakes and pleasantries. but not this timeepresident obama had an encounter with prizona governor jan brewer while visiting electioo battleground states. states.the president stepped off air force one in arizona... and thh two had tense words... concerning a booo brewer it... she describes a meeting with the president saying... he was was uncordial.brewer says the president objected to that. at one point in tte exchange... it appeared she pointed in his face. "i was not hostile. i was trying to be very, very gracious. i respect the office of the president and i would never be disrespectful in that manner.""i wwntee to come and see first hand what arizona has done in regard to economic recovery. he wanted to talk about the ook. i thought he was preety thinned-s" thinned-skinned." brewer says she invited the president back tooarizona for a the preeident would be glad to meet again, but that brewer... quote "inaccurately described" their last meeting at thee white house in her book. "working for free" is for the birds... ann the reptiles, and even the elephants at the maryland zoo. there's a call for volunteers at the zoo, and joel d. smith is live there now to see just how close you cannget to the animals. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 beware of the the so-called "i-pad shoulder"!!! researchers says tablet computers can encourage poor posture.apparently uuing an i-pad on your lap means you look down more putting pressure on your joints.that can lead to aching houuders and neck injuries. it's good on just about everrthing, right? right?but find out whose behind ttese graphic ads... blaming cheese on the country's obesity epidemic. epidemic. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) the 2-4-6-8 value menu's got the everyday value slam, classic burger, build your own chicken wrap, cheese quesadilla, chicken parmesan, all you can eat pancakes, cordon bleu melt, the new cookie skillet a la mode. whew. so many choices, so little airtime. the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. 3 3 3 3 3 some couples take a year or more to plan their wedding.but we're doing it in just one wwek.'s our wedding in a week contest.. and you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding... on us. enter.. tell us in a hundred worddsor less why you should win. win.send your entry to "wedding in a weekk.. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... oo log onto baltimore.. 21211... 41st street in week".. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore doo com to enter... you can also read the official rules.reeember to include a photo with your entry! and it's all prought to you by the baltimoreebridal show at the baltimore convention center februaryy4th and 5th. still ahead...congresswoman gabby giffords says goodbye. goodbye.nats natsher emotional resignation from congress. congress.and put up your dukes! find out the two contenders your hometown're all local.. all morning. ews.. 3 ((break 2)) 3 new this morning... an annapolis man is facing charges... for allegedly drilling holes into gas tanks. 24-year old keith taylor is accused of stealing gas from dozens of tanks in this lot... at koon'' toyota on west street.police pulled taylor over monday... after his vehicle matched the car in security footage. 3((applause)) ((applause)) emotionn run high as congresswoman gabrielle giffords ooficially hands in her resignation.lawmakers stood and aaplauded as gifffrds' handed house sseaker john boehner her letttr of announced sunday she planned to rrsign to ffcus on her recovery.she was shot in the head last year when a man opened fire at a political pvent in tucson, arizona. our nation's capitol tops the list... of america's more literate cities.that's central connecticut state university.also making the list... was seattle, minneapolis and atlanta.cities are rankee on six innicators of literacy: newspaper circulation, number of bookstores, librarr ressurces, periodical publishing resourres, educational attainment, and internet reeources. 3 - they just wanna be a contender!!!- we hear about navy vs. army.... but what about navyyvs..baltimore? pown tonight in glen burnie.- jake " the snake" smith (promoter) - live at the baltimore team's training facility in fells point with more on tonight's big match up. - what are we going to see tonight?- are tickets still available? available? the match starts tonight at 7 aa "michael's eighth avenue" in glen burnie.for more information go to our weesite foxbaltimore dot com slashh always all the content on there is free. come...o come... this is only áone thirdá... of the amount of cheese you eat in just ne year!finn out the total amount researchers say you eat..and the ads... blaming cheese on the obesity epidemic!you're watching fox 45 morning news...all local.. all morning. ((break )) 3 this is your abs on cheese ... at least that's what a new campaign is saying. accordiig to the physicians committee for responsible medicine ... americans eat way too much cheese ... and they say that's part of the reason for the riseein our nation's obesity rates. in the 1950's, americans consumee about 7.7 pounds of cheese per year. now, that number has skkrocketed to 29.8 pounds of cheese. (((pat))) asa dietitian with st. joseph meeical center. she joins us now with a look at the cheese impact.-this is 29.8 pounds of heese .. that's -what is the impact of this amount of cheese on a person's body nd targettd cheese because it's the highest sourceof saturated fat in most people's diet-is it fair to target cheese ... so many foods and lifestyles ccntribute to obesity-what do you think of the campaigns ... too harsh or do coming up.. he... wanns to be the next american idol. idol.nats of singing! ssnging! find out where this audition sent... judge randy jackson! jackson! you're watching fox 45 morring news.. all llcal.. all morning. the suspected terrorist plot in maryland.the court action animal 3 3 fiber 3 a string of street robberies... has one downtown neighborhood feeling beatee and battered.residentssin canton are now fighhing back. megan gilliland is on belnood avenue... where one robbery got especially violent.good morning, meggn. 3 we want to know how you're fighting back against crrme.tell us what you're doing in your community ... call 410-662-1456.your community ... 3 first on elkton middle school student .... is charged with punching his autistic classmate in the face...and it was all caught on camera. camera.11-year-old andrew simpson is now charged with disorderly conduct and seeond degree assault. he's the boy in this youtube video ... seen punccing he autistic student ... in the face. but simpson says he was acting out of self-defense ... because the other kid hit him first. andrew: 34:56 i feel pretty sorry for what iidid cause i didn't know he had autism 00 dad: 44:37 i don't want this to beecharacter defamation about my son, your son... word is out that bullying is wrong 46 simpson was also suspended 10-days from school. his father says police never got his son's side of the story. he now hopes the charges will be dropped. 3&a former frederick county deputy is cleared of wrongdoing in the death of a 20 year old who died after being ttsered. tasered.after theeverdict at wednesday... people left the courttoom visibly upset.jarrel grey's family argued he died his family sued for sive force.- jurors siddd with rudy still torres... who defended his actions. 14:17:34 at the end of the day no one wins and no one poses i think justiceehas been done. there were several accounts in this case hopefully it's over. over.14:22:54 and at the end of the day he's not here that man is free to go and live his life the way he wants to and i have to do to my son's burial plot and visit him so i'd like to know how he sleeps at night wwth that :06 :06 the autopsy listed the cause of deaah as undetermined. 3 3 one altimore city agency seems to be having trouble keeping costs under control. control.we told you last year about plans to spend nearly 2 million dollars to add carpet and new furniture in the offices... a project that was - already 2-hundred thousand dollars over thht project... is 580-thousand dollars overbudget... and could go higher.taxpayer up. 3 "they think that the well is a bottomless well, that the &pwater will always be there, but instead the water is slowly goiig away" ballooninggprice tag onn unforseen prrblems with the aging city building. the state rools-out e-z pass plans for the hatee bridge... over the susquehanna river.the current decals will eepire september 30th. one new options giies unlimmted trips for 10 bucks a year.but can only be used on thh hatem bridge.the transponder are free through next year. we do have a significant saffty concern with people that are getting in the lanes that are gated that have an expired deccl, have the window rolled downnor dont have a decall at all because they got in the wrong lane. lane.the new e-z pass plan begins february 1st. you can sign up by mail or in person at the j-f-k stop-in-center. you cannalso enroll online beggnninggfebruary 13th. and you thought your co- workers wereebears to work with. the maryland zoo is seeking volunteers to help the animals in a number of ways, and help the zoo's bottom line as well. p joel d. smith is liver there now to showwus what you could be doing later this year. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 3 3 american idol takes its searrc american idol american idol takes its search for the next big star to aspen.but were the judges ready for "magic?" "magic?"its judges choice day you have the choice between neil diamond anddjjmes buffett buffett ásingingá"magic cycllps" from iowa.. says he got his british accent because the only t-v channel they had was the b-b-c. pe was the last contestant.. mood.he judges were not in the i have to go to the bathroom i also have to go hold on we'll go ánoise from buttáyes no maybe 123 no no americannidol continues tonight at 8 right here on conttnues tonight american idol american idol contiines tonight at 8 right here on fox45. still to come.. i'm taking on one of my biggest fears!ffnd out if i can get over... my up to the challenge". challenge". you're ((bumppin)) ((ad lib 3 3 3 coming up.. it's that time again!tax time! time! we have an expert liie calls about preparing your tax return.youucan give us a call at 410- 481- 4545.or send us a tweet at fox baltimoreyou can post your questionn on our facebook page. you're &pwatching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break )) 3 it will be here before you know it ... tax time! many of you have probably already otten your w-2's in the mail .. and are starting to gather all the things you'll need to file going to help you get them done this year.... and hopefully get back more than you were exppcting ... or maybe owe less than you were expecting. for today's take action thursday, jackson hewitt s joining us with tipp for filing your taxes.-how do you get started ... what are the materials and information you reducing what i owe-what are some deductions that people overlook -earned innome tax ccedit day is tomorrow ... what do people need to -most peoppe file eleetronically pwhat toolookkfor if you use a tax preparer after the break, cherby worthington with jackson hewitt will be back to take 2011 taxes/ if you have a question our phone lines are open now at 410- 481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore... or go thhough ur facebook page. you're watching fox 45 orning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) ((bump in)) we're back with cherby worthington with jackson hewitt. she is taking your calls about fflinggyour 2011 taxes ...for our take action thursday. thursday.if you have a question... our phone lines are open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore... or go througg our pacebooo page. bob- middle river rosalee- bmore bmorevickii how much are you supposed to gee for each child?i have three kids." fatima " is there a delay with the ref" refunds?" 3 cominggup in ouu 8 o'clock hour... a homecoming surprise... oh my gosh look at daddy! little girl has missed her father...and when he'll have to deploy... again. you're watching fox 45 watching fox 45 morning neww.. all local.. all morning. 3 five days to go until the florida primary.what a new poll shows about who'ssleading the race. a man frantically tries to stop an elevator after his dog gets left behind.amazing footage of how the dog managed to survive... and the surprising person who could be to blame... and it's not the owner. and...they're "slithery..." they're scary... and they're scaly!i face my biggest fear... see if i'm up to the challenge of aatually holding a snake just like this one. 3 3 thursday, january 26th ,3 this snake thing really has me freaked out.our viewers have been offering their advice on facebook... here's what matthew had to say: say: to say: say:what matthew had facebook... here's their advice on acebook... here's what matthew had to say: 3 say: "just pretend thee snake is sitting there wearing just its underweaa. wait....that won't work. sorry, i got nothing." nothing."ashley says - "ruu, run, run as fast as can and dont look bacc!" 3 3 3 3 3 fighting back in canton...neighbors are on high alert this morning... following a series of streee ro. robberies.thh latest... which happened on belnord avenue... got violent... leaving the victim battered and bruised. rob seeley has a swollen face and broken nose... after being robbed and beaten tuesday night around 6-30. seeley tolddpolice he was walking on belnord avenue to pick up his bike from a friend's house.. when 5 young men... 3 of them in ski apppoached him... then jumped him. (seeley) "just startedd the ground and grabbed my phone and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other han the beating, that was about all.." all.."neighbors say seeley's robbery was the third one to happen in the area thht night... all within an hour of each other. police ssy there's been 19 robberies in the area so far this far... no arrests have been made yet. 3 3 five days to go until the florida primary. primary.tonight... republican candidates will debate one last time before tuesday's all- important primary.a new poll shhwsssmitt romney and newt ginggich are neck-and-neck in florida... with romney attracting 36-percent of likely g-o-p voters and gingrich at 34-percent. some lawmakees in annapolis recent increases in highway tolls. ann one lawmaker... wants the transportation authority tt be more traasparen. transparent.they took effect cases...the toll hikks amount to more than 60-percent. ddspite several public hhariigs... one state lawmaker &psays the transportation authority could have done more to make the process transparent. (pipkin) "when it id this last toll increase id not disclose what the final package was going to be and so actually the board members voted on a package that was not disseminated to the public and the public couldn't comment on it." 3 so senator e-j pipkin has introducee a bill which would require the transportation authority to make full disclosures on upcoming votes... and allow the public o comment before a final vote. tte u-s-d-a is issuing new standards today... for student lunch programs. programs.schools will be required to offer more whole grains and produce... as well as fattfree and low fat milk. but kids will not be forced to eat the healthier foods.thh new rules arr part oo an effort to help curb childhood estimated 32 million students take pprt in schooo lunch programs. "working for free" is for the birds... and the reptiles, and even the elephants at the call for volunteers at the a - zoo, and joel d. smith is live there now to see just how ccooe you can get to the animals. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 coming up... i'm just minutes away from onfronting my fear lottof advice about it on facebook... including one comment from shawn... ho says - "whee they pineapples pineapples pineapple" pineapples." shawn... i'm noo sure that will work!... look at but next... ever wonder what it would be inssde the ring... for some one-on-one punches... neet. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) t oh, i see. a throne for the tv... room for movies... your workout gear... non-stop football... it's a man cave! the boys next door will never leave. who says we want them to? it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. navy s. army.... but what about navy vs. baltimore? it's a big boxing match going down the snake (promoter) - live at the 3 balttmore team's training facility in fells point with more on tonight's big match up. - what are we going to see tonight?- are tickets still ava? available? 3 the matcc starts tonight aa 7 at "michael's eighth avenue" in glen burnie. for more information go to our websiie foxbaltimore dot com slash always all the content on there is free. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3&coming up... teerifyiig video of a doo's leash getting caught in an elevator door... while the door closes and the owner goes the dog manages to survive without injury... nd why it took the owner so long to notice. and there he is... patrice's friend, monty!we'll see if she's up to the challenge of holding him... watching fox 45 morning nnws.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) ((bump in)) local radio station 92q is reaching out to all the young laaiis of baltimore. they're bringing "charm school" to charm city. it's a day full of workshops and events to empower young ladies to be all they can be. radio ersonality kiki brown, camelia clark with zeta phi betaasorority and kayla calrk join us this morning.-what is charm schooo-different sorority's will be there to present workshops-as a young woman, what do you think of being empowered-can people still attend .. how do they siin up coming up... terrifying moments... that left one dog owner in sheee a dog manages to survive... after his llash gets caught in the elevator door... and the surprising person... besides the owner... who may be to blame. speaking of panic... the morning is righttafter the l encounter... with ponty, the snake... next. yyu're wwtching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) earlierrthis week on our show, we featured the national aquarium in baltimore ... we were talking about their new ustralia &pexhibit is a black-headed python named monty. now i loved everything about the exhibit and can't wait to get to the aquarium to see it myself ... didn'ttlove monty the snake. nothing against monty ... but i'm not a fan of any snake. i am afraid offall of them. so the aquarium was "nice" enough to bring monty and some other friends in .. to help me get over this fear. coming up... -harbor 3 3 3 3 3& 3&fiber map 3 more details are released this morring... about what led up to a fatal three car accident in timoniumm tuusday. tuesday.the passenger offthe pollce... the two were involvvd in several baltimore...the most recent incident happened on jarrettsville pike... riiht before the accident.the driver... arron mccoy was pronounced dead on the scene.. tolliver bailed out of the car... minutes before the accident....but was later caught. we already know that the suspect vehicle the honda accord was stolen from howard county so its possibleethey are connected toocrimes beyond that are in other jurisdictions we just don't know yet.. tolliver has been charged with tww counts oo first degree burglary and one count of held at the baltimore county detention center on five hundred thousandddollars bail. 3 firrt on elkton middle school student .... is charged with punching his autistic ccassmate in the face...and it was all caught on camera. camera.11-yeaa-old andrew simpson is now chaaged with disorderly conduct and second degree assault. he's the boy in his youtube video ... seen punching the autistic student ... in the face. but simpson says he was acting out of self-defense ... because &pthe other kid hit him first. andrrw: 34:56 i feellpretty sorry for what i did cause i didn't know he had utism 00 dad: 44:37 i don't want this to be character defamation about my son, your son... word is out that bullying isswrong 46 simpson was also suspended 10-days from school. his father says policeenever got his son's side of the story. he now hopps the charges will be dropped. some alarming surveillance video ut of chicago... goes viral.and from what you're about to see... you can understand why ii's making some viewers veey upset. this is video inside an apartment complex in chicago.a man... seen here walking his dog... gets onto an elevator. he goes inside... presses a &pbuttoo... and áappearsá to be who's still sitting in the - hallway.but panic quickly sets in... after he realizzs thee dog is stuck outside on his can see him frantiily trying to figure out what to do.áoutsideá the elevator... this is a look at what was happpning during those terrifying appears the dog was distracted by a woman walking out of her apartment.that's probably why he didn't get on tte eeevator... and why the owner didn't notice the dog.then yyo see the dog go up... as he elevator closes... and luckily... his leash snapss.. dropping him to the ground. áamazinglyá... the og survives with no injuries... rescue until the owner returns. and you thought your co- with. the maryland zoo is the animalssin a number of - ways, and help the zoo's bottom line as well. &p joel d. smith is there now to show us what you could be doong later this year. good morning joel d. d. ((take pkg)) 3 there's nothhng more emotional... than a soldier homecoming. surprise.oh my gosh look at pri- daddy! 3 this is a u-s army blacchawk this is a u-s army blackhawk pilot... surprising his young paughter at an airport in washington state.and as you can see... she is the happiest girl in the's been 6 months since she's seen her dad... who is stationed in kuwait.stationed in kuwait. he's homeefor tto weeks... before returning overseas. coming up... rain is headed our waa.... how heavy t's expected to get... n.'re watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) & weather kid tease 3 3 3 & 3 some couples taae a year or pore to lan their wedding.but we're doing it in just oneeweek.'s our wedding in a week contest.. aad you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding....on us. enter.. tell us in a should win. win.send your entry to "wedding in a week".. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore dot commto official rules.remember to include a photo with your entry! and it's all brought to you by the &pbaltimore bridal show at the baltimore convention center coming up... the ultimate dish... to serve for brunch.we're seving up idaho otato eggs benedict...'re atching ox 45 ((break 6)) &3 hey, it's half off! avana road cuban cafe has a great deal for you.for just 10 dollars, you can get a 20 dollar gift certificate there. ownee marta quintana joins us this morning with more.- you're making idaho pooato eggs benedict... pebruary is potato lovers month! card, log on to hey its alf &poff dot com right now..hey ar limited, so don't waii. poming up... our fox45 baltimore idol... is headed to hollywood... on "aaericannidol." idol."singing singing a look at hallie day's journey so far...'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) we heard many talented singers during the american idol try outs in aspen last night.but they will have competition from our fox45 baltimore idol winner hallie day who is on just our favorite... in fact she is gaining ational attention from major news outlets since her audition in p. pittsbuugh. sot: pitt auddtion after showing offfher skiils and revealing herrlife's story...sot:i took pills hallie day makes a memorable impression on the judges.sot jlo- she could win it hallie is hitting a high note with america too. the web is buzzing about her.rolling stone sayy shes a statuesque blonde from baltimore...mtv posts that she thrilled the jjdges with her strong vocals billboard comments on hallie's singing with powerful convicitonand according to usa today: she has a voice full of force and power hallie's come a llng way in just ffw audition at our fox45 baltimore idol contest....sot she was given a pass to cut in front of thousands of hopefuls in pittsburgh.sot im the next american idol hallie knows she is up against a lot of competition..nats: my idol journeyystarts owbut for now... i think she is just fine carrying the title oo an american sweetheart... who is on her way to becoming thh next american idol. 50:44-i definitely want to thank fox45, they've kept tabs on me, they are the eeson i am here you can see american idol tonight at 8pm here on fox45 coming up on good day baltimore... a cat in the cockp? cockpit? ((:46-"here rippleehere ripple here ripples) pipples.":48))how one felinn managed to make it past first class. jgñlopnq?oa=ho3xaatxx

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Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20120126 :

Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20120126

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3 3 -3 thursday,,january 22th 3 3 3 & 3 3 fighting back in canton... neighbors are onnhigh alert... after a number of street robberies.megan gilliland is live on belnord venue... where one robbeery got especially violent. violent. good monring patrice, this is south belnord right near fait.....ii's a busy lights.but not enough to stop a brazen robbery and beating right here on thhestreet. street.leaving thissvictim battered and bruised.rob sseley has a swollen face and and beaten tuesday night around 6-30. seeley told police he was walking on &pbelnord avenuu to pick up his bike from a friend's home.. when 5 young men, 3 of them in ski masks, turned the corner, approached him... then jumped him. 3 "just started attacking me, threw me down on the ground and grabbed my phone and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other than the &pbeating, that was about all.." all.."neighbors say seelee's robbery was the third one to happen in the area that night... all within an hour of each other. police will only confirmmthe incident... here on belnord avenue though.they say, ttere's been 19 robberies in theearea so far this year... the same as this time last year. no arrests hhve been made yet... and until that happens... neighbors are warning everyone be careful walling these in canton, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. we want to know how you're fighting back against crime. tell us what you're doing in your community ....all 410-662-1456. an earll morning aacident on people to shock rauma.o - happened just after 2 o'clock this morning... and wilkens avenue.authorities responded to reports of an overturned car.5 other people were involved in the crash... ii's unclear at this time what caused the accident. more details are released this morning... about what led up to a fatal three car accident in timonium, tuesday. tuesday.the passenger of the caa... jennrd tolliver told police... the two were involved in everal burglaries... in north baatimore...the most recent incidenn happeneddon jarrettsvilleepike... riiht before the accident.the driver... arron mccoy was pronounced dead on the scene.. tolliverrbaileddout of the car... minutessbefore the accident... but was later caught. 3 we alreaay know that the suspect vehicle the honda accord was stolen from howard county sooits possible they are connected to crimes beyond that are in other jurisdiitiins we just don't know yet.. yet.. two counts of firrt degree grand theft auto. he s being held at the baltimore county petention center on five hundred thousand dollars bail. a formee frederick county deputy is cleared of being tasered.o died after tasered.after the verdict at the federal courthouse wednesday... people left the courtroom visibly upset.jarrel grey's family argued he died as a rrsult of excessive force. his family sued for 145-million dollars... still jurors sided with rudy torres... who deeended his actions. 14:17:34 at thh end of the day no one wins and no one &ploses i think justice has bee done. there were sevvral accounts in this case hopefully it's over. overr14:22:54 and at the end man is free to go and live his life the way he wants to and i have to do to my son's burial plot and visit him so i'd like to know how he sleeps at night with that :06 :06 the autopsy listed the cause of deathhas undetermined. theebuilding of a new town... has residents orria outraged. half of the town's population is seventh day aaventist... and parishioners there argue the fast food joint goes against theefaith's teachings of holistic wellness.other residents... say that's absurd. the toon... which was named by national geographic as one of the four healthiest cities in the world... has no liquor stores... and has been tobacco-free for nearly 30 years. "working for free" is for the birds... and the reptiles, and even the elephants at the maryland zoo. there's a zoo, 3&pand joel d. smith is live there now to see just how close you can get to the animals. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 coming up... &pterrifying video of a dog's leash getting caught in an elevator door... while the door closes and the owner goes the dog manages to survive without injury... and why it took the owner so long to notice. and change is comiig... o student lunches.what schools will now be required... to're watching fox 45 ((bump out)).. all local.. all - 3 [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. 3 3 3 3 3 -3 3 coming up... and an unlikely pair joins forcee... for an upcoming show. what will smith and simon cowell are now working... to create. nats singing end of second song songand it's the song that had heads a good way?... bad way?... we'll let iiol" judges felt... about this're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) are you crazy? i would never go out without my covergirl. i want to look natural, not naked! but look! with covergirl, all you need is 3 little things to make beauty powerful for you. lashblast for voluptuous volume, outlast -- to keep your lips beautiful and not come off if you kiss... simply ageless foundation to help you look young. see? just three. easy breezy beautiful covergirl. ♪ new this morning... a public memorial will be held today... in honor of the late joe coach died sunday... after te - battling lung cancer.on wednesday... thousands of people gathered to say goodbye to the legendary coach... before his funerrl procession. paterno's 61-year career with the nittany lions abruptly enddd in november... when he was let go ver his handling of child abuse claims involving a former assistant coach. a funeral date has been set... for the late etta james. the legendary singer died last friday of complications rom leukemia.her funeral will take plaae saturday ii california.a public viewing is also set for tomorrow. will smith and simon cowell are joining forces... to create a new international reality t-v show competition. it's aimed at finding the world's best disc jockkys. the show has been in the works apparently for more than a year... it's unclear at this point when it will air. 3 american idol takes its search for the next big star.. to aspe. aspen.singing natsrolling on flr floor angge from florida says her favorite singer of all time is lady gaga and she was trying to show off her best gaga moves.this performance wasn't about to get her to hollywood... but you'll never assed to sing a different song.- nats singing eed of second song randy: that changed my mind youre in your own worlds i looe her yes yes youre going to hollywood baby 3 baby american dol continues next wednesday and thursday night at 8 right here on foo45. 3 - let's get ready to rumble!!! - we hear about navy vs. army.... but what about navy vs. baltimoree it's a big boxing match going down tonight in len burnie.- jake smith (promoterr - live at the baltimore team's training facility in fells poiit with more on tonight's big match up. - what are we going to see tonight?- are tickets still ava? available? 3 p,3 3 3available? available?- are tickets still tonight?going to see tonight?- are tickets still 3available? available? the match starts tonight at 7 at "michael's eighth avenue" in glen burnie. forrmore information go to our website foxbbltimoreedot com ssash always all theecontent n there is free. some tense moments between president obama... and ariiona governor jan brewer.the heated words she had for him... immediately after he stepped and a man gets on an elevator... bbtthis dog does the dog manages to survive... after his leashh gets''e watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) çia÷ the president is usually greeted in a city by handshakes and pleasannties. but not this ninette sosa explains... president obama had an encounter with arizona governor jan brewer while visiting battlegroond sta. states. --nats of applause --president obama is in the middle of a three-day tour through key swing states to talk about the economy."we are making progress."but the talk of his trip so far has been his encounter ith arizona governor jan brewer.the president stepped off air force one yesterday-- and moments later, he and brewer -- behind that limo -- were seen exchanging words.brewer says the preeiient tookk offense with howwhe was portrayed in her book on immigration, scorpions for breakfast."i wanted tt be there to welcome him, to ccme and see first hand what arizona has done in regard to economic recovery. he wanted to talk about the book. i thought he was pretty thinned-skinned."brewer says the president objected to her writiig that he had been uncordial in the one point during the exchange, brewer was seen pointing her finger toward the president's face."i was not hostile. i was trying to be very, very gracious. i respect the office of the presidenn and i pould never be disrespectful in thht manner."brewer says she nvitee the president back to arizona for a meeting onn arizona's econnmy.the white house says president obama would be glad to meet again, but that brewer, quote "inaccurately described" their last meeting at the white house in her book.i'm ninettee sosa, reporting. coming up next... 3&terrifying moments... that left one dog owner in sheer a dog manages to survive... after his leash gets caught in the elevator door... and the surprising person... besides the owner... whh may be to blame. ((megan live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alllmorning. ((break 4)) the suspected terrorist plot in maryland.the court action 3 -harbor 3 3 3 fiber map 3 a string of street robberies... has one downtown neighborhood feeling beaten and battered.residents in canton arr now fighting baak. megan gilliland is live on belnord avenue... where one robbery got especiilly violent. violent. good monring patrice, this is south belnord right near's a busy block with lots of street llghts.but nnt enough to stop a brazen robbery ann stop a a brazen robbery and beating right here on the street. ptreet.leaving ttis victim battered and can see rob seeley hhs a swollen face and broken nose now.he was robbed and beaten tuesday &pnight around 6-30. seeley told police he was walking on bellord avenue to pickkup his bike from a friend's home.. when 5 young men, 3 of them in ski masks, turned the corner, approached him... then jumped him.across the street... a neighbor could hear the brutal attacc fromm inside her house. (zaranski) "and i looked out my blinns and i saw him in thh fetal position and hhy were youuknow, kickingghii face and his stomach.. and i yelled to my roommate to call 911. so, she immediately ran downstairs called 911.. opened the door, yelled."(seeley) "i was juss trying to give them what they wanted o the could leave..." was the third one to happen in - the area that night... all within an hour of each other. police will only confirm the incident... here on belnord avenue though.they say, there's been 19 robberies in the area o far this year... the same as this time last year. no arrests have been pade yet... and untillthat happens... neighbors are warning everyone be careful walking these in canton, megan gilliland, fox45 morning 3 first on elktoo middle school student .... is charged with punching his autistic classmateein the face...and it was all caught camera.11-year-old andrew simpson is now charged with disorderly conduct and second degree assault. he's the boy in this youtube video ... seen punching the autistic student ... in tte face. but simpson says he was acting out of self-defense ... because the other kid hit him first. andrew: 4:56 i feel pretty sorry for what i did cause i didn't know he had autism 00 dad: 44:37 i don't want this to be character defamation about my son, your son... word ps out that bullying is wrong 46 simpson was also ssspended 10-days from school. his father says police never got his son's side f the story. he now hopes the charges will be dropped. some alarming surveillance video out of chicago... goes viral.and from what you're about to seee.. you can understand why it's making some viewers very upset. this is video inside an apartment complex in chicago.a man... seen here walking his dog... gets onto an elevator. he goes inside... presses a button... and áappearsá to be looking right at his dog.... who's still sitting in the inn.. after he realizes the ts - doors are closing... and the dog is stuck outside on his can see him franticly tying to figure out what to do.áoutsideá the elevator... this ii a look at what was happening during those terrifying appears the dog was distracted by a woman walking out of her apartment. that's probably why he didn't get on thh elevator... and why the owner didn't notice the dog.then you see the dog go up... as tte elevator closes... and uckily... his leash snaps... dropping him to the ground.áamazinglyá... the dog survives with no injuries... and the woman comes to his rescue until the owner returns. some lawmakers in annapolis are still fuming about thoss recent increases in highway tolls. and one lawmaker... wants the transportation authority to be more transparen. transparent.theyytook effect in november... and innsome cases...the toll hikes amount to more than 66-perrent. despite several public hearings... one state lawmaker says the transportation authooity could have done more to make the process transparent. (pipkin) "when it did this last toll increase did not disclose wwat the final packagg was going to be and so actually the board members voted on a package that was not disseminated o the public and the public couldn't comment on it." so senator e-j pipkin as introduced a bill which would require the make full disclosures on upcoming votes... and allow the public to comment before a final vote. and you thought your co- workers were beaas to work with. theemaryland zoo is seeking volunteers to help phe animals in a number of ways,,and help the zoo's bottom line as well. joel d. smith is liver there now to show us what you could beedoing later this year. good morning joel d. good morning pattice. 3 coming up... 29 pounds. that's the amount of cheese the average american consumes each year.we'll show you the startling billboards one group is now displaying... to scare you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. to break ((break 5)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 it's our mobideal of the week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from obideals... which provides coupons directly to your cell phone! phone!this week's deal comes from... "working wonders home." get a 4 piece palm wax candle gift set for 35-15.that's 30 percent off! just go to my-mobideals- dot-com to get started.. or look for mobideals on your smar. smartphone. mobideals is a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. comiig up... change is coming... to student lunches.what schooll will now be required... to serve. and if one group has áitsá &pwayy.. it won't be cheese!the startling new billboards... aimed at scaring americans out of eating're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... five days to goountil the florida primmry.tonight... republican candidates will debate one last time before tuesday's all- impootant primary.a new poll showss mitt romney and newt gingrich re neck-and--eck in florida... with rrmney attracting 36-percent of likely g-o-p voters and gingrich at 34-percent. new federal rules on airline prices... could help travelers saae money.starting today... airlines will be required to include all mandatory taxes and fees in the advertised price.those fees sometimes add up to á20-percentá of the ticket still won't find baggage fees and other optional charges included in the dvertised price.but those will be more clearly displayed. look who's cutting in the lunch line....irst lady michelle obama pickssup a meal alexandria about new school &plunch standards.under the new guidelines... schools will have to offer fresh fruits and vegetables.. along with more whole grains and low fat or fat free milk. the new standardd start in uly and will be phased-in over three pears. (((pat))) a federal trial is bringing a lot oo attention to law 3 enforcement and the use of 20-year old who died after being tasered twice by a frederick county sheriff are suing for 145-million dollars. they say it was excessive show host and former police commissioner ed norris joins us, for this weeks fox undercover.-there have been 9 paser related deaths in this is something that needs - to be looked at more closely -how do yyu know what's excessive .. in this case he was tasered twice in 30 seconds -how are pooice 3 trained in this-why is this better than other restraint methods ... you never know someone's heelth condition ///ess//// you can hear ed norris monday through friday on sports radio 105-seven 'the coming up... the best t-v's... for your supeebowl viewing. plus how to know... if a saae is a good one. and in our hometown hotspot... we take you inside the ring... for some one-on-one boxing.that's just minutes from're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) there are lots of sales on t-v's right before the super bowl. but how do you know if the television that's on sale is going to be a great set in the long run?consumer reports' tests can hhlp you find a tv thht really scores. 3 ((v/o)) consumer reports' tv labs are lined with dozens of lcd and plasma sets. of course there are ooes plenty that are internet-enabled. each television faces more than 10 tests. one sizes up picture quality at annangleein order to finddout ow faa to the side you can sit and still get a good view. (sot: chris andrade)"in general, plasmas don't have a viewing angle issue, but it's a mixed bag when it comes tt lcds."(v/o) testers also evaluate black levels in different lights. this is a plasma on the left and an lcd on the right. even in bright liggt, lcds hold their black levels. but on some plaamas, the image washes put.consumer reports also evaluates sound quality. (natsot: tv)(v/o)as tvs got slimmer, sound quality suffered. but the latest tests show that audio is improving. (natsot: crash)(v/o)and what about 3-d? with more aaddmore sets offerrng 3-d as a feature, consumer reports created new test patterns to assess the quality of the 3-d picture. (sot: chris andrade) "ssme of our top-rated sets are 3d, while providing you with excellent 2d picture quality. but you're going to pay more for a 3d set. those priies are dropping."((/o)when purchasing a tv, consumer reports says people often buy a set that's too small for their room. for instance, if from your tv, consider a 50- y - to 60-inch screen.(v/o)this 60-incc panasonic plasma rated excellent for picture quality and has good black levvls and audio. it costs 14-hundred dollars. and the remote is very easy to use. coming up in ouu 7 o'clock hour... do thhse illboards go too far? a look at one group's war... against cheese.and the surprising amount most americans are consuming each year. ((joel live tease))you're watchiig fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) , "and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today. they were just kicking him in the stomahc and the face trying to take what they could from him him 3 these are your abs.. on cheese. the controversial campaign to curb cheese we show you exactly how much pou consume.. every year with a shocking live in studio demo. guitars usand air - and... what this wanna-be american idol contestant did.. that sent idol judge randy jackson running for the bathroom. 3 3 today is thursday, january 26th. 3 3 & 3 3 3 33 3 fighting back in canton... neighbors are on high alert... after a number of street robberies.megan gilliland is live on belnord avenue... where one robbeery got especially violent. violent. good monring patrice, this is south belnord right near's a busy block with lotssof street lights.but not enough to stop a brazen robbery and beating right herr on tte street. street.leaving this victim battered and bruised.rob seeleyyhas a swollen face and broken nose now.he was robbed and beaten tuesday night around 6-30. seeley told police he was walking on belnord avenue to ppck up his bike from a friend's home.. when 5 young men, 3 of them in approached im... then jumped him. 3 "just started attacking me, threw me down on the ground and grabbed my phonn and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other than the beating, that was about all" all.."neighbors ssy seeley's &probbery was the third one to happen in the area that night... all within an hhur of each other. police will only confirm the incident... here on belnord avenue though.they say, there's been 19 robberies in the area so far this year... the same as this time last year. no arrests have been made yet... and until that hhppens... neighbors are warning everyone be careful walking these in morning news. gilliland, fox45 we want to know how you're fighting back against crime.tell us what you're doing in your community 410-662-1456. an early morning accident on the beltway... sends two people to shock trauma. happened just after between southeastern boulevard and wilkens avenue.authorities responded to reports of an overturned car.5 other people were involved in the crash... and are believed to be o-k. it's unclear at this time what caused he accident. more details are reeeased this morning... about what led up to a fatal three car accident in timonium, tuesday. tuesday.the passenger of the car... jenard tolliver told policc... the two weee involved in several burglaries... in north baltimore...the most recent incident happened on parrettsville pike... right before the accident.the driver... arron mccoy was pronounced deaa on the scene.. tolliver bailed out of the car... minutes before the accident... but was later caught. 3 we already know that the suspect vehicle the honda accord was stolen from howard are connected to crimes beyond that are in other jurisdictions we just don't know yet.. yet.. tolliver has bben charged with two counts of first degree burglary and one count of grand theft auto. he is being held at the baltimore county detention cenner on five hundred thousand dollars bail. 3 3 five days to go until the florida primary.tonight... republican candidates will debate one last time before tuesday's all-important primary. primary.a new poll showss mitt romney and newt gingrich are neck-and-neck ii florida... with romney attracting 36-percent of likely g-o-p voters and gingrich at 34- percent. the president is usually greetee in a city by handshakes and pleasantries. but not this timeepresident obama had an encounter with prizona governor jan brewer while visiting electioo battleground states. states.the president stepped off air force one in arizona... and thh two had tense words... concerning a booo brewer it... she describes a meeting with the president saying... he was was uncordial.brewer says the president objected to that. at one point in tte exchange... it appeared she pointed in his face. "i was not hostile. i was trying to be very, very gracious. i respect the office of the president and i would never be disrespectful in that manner.""i wwntee to come and see first hand what arizona has done in regard to economic recovery. he wanted to talk about the ook. i thought he was preety thinned-s" thinned-skinned." brewer says she invited the president back tooarizona for a the preeident would be glad to meet again, but that brewer... quote "inaccurately described" their last meeting at thee white house in her book. "working for free" is for the birds... ann the reptiles, and even the elephants at the maryland zoo. there's a call for volunteers at the zoo, and joel d. smith is live there now to see just how close you cannget to the animals. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 beware of the the so-called "i-pad shoulder"!!! researchers says tablet computers can encourage poor posture.apparently uuing an i-pad on your lap means you look down more putting pressure on your joints.that can lead to aching houuders and neck injuries. it's good on just about everrthing, right? right?but find out whose behind ttese graphic ads... blaming cheese on the country's obesity epidemic. epidemic. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) the 2-4-6-8 value menu's got the everyday value slam, classic burger, build your own chicken wrap, cheese quesadilla, chicken parmesan, all you can eat pancakes, cordon bleu melt, the new cookie skillet a la mode. whew. so many choices, so little airtime. the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. 3 3 3 3 3 some couples take a year or more to plan their wedding.but we're doing it in just one wwek.'s our wedding in a week contest.. and you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding... on us. enter.. tell us in a hundred worddsor less why you should win. win.send your entry to "wedding in a weekk.. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... oo log onto baltimore.. 21211... 41st street in week".. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore doo com to enter... you can also read the official rules.reeember to include a photo with your entry! and it's all prought to you by the baltimoreebridal show at the baltimore convention center februaryy4th and 5th. still ahead...congresswoman gabby giffords says goodbye. goodbye.nats natsher emotional resignation from congress. congress.and put up your dukes! find out the two contenders your hometown're all local.. all morning. ews.. 3 ((break 2)) 3 new this morning... an annapolis man is facing charges... for allegedly drilling holes into gas tanks. 24-year old keith taylor is accused of stealing gas from dozens of tanks in this lot... at koon'' toyota on west street.police pulled taylor over monday... after his vehicle matched the car in security footage. 3((applause)) ((applause)) emotionn run high as congresswoman gabrielle giffords ooficially hands in her resignation.lawmakers stood and aaplauded as gifffrds' handed house sseaker john boehner her letttr of announced sunday she planned to rrsign to ffcus on her recovery.she was shot in the head last year when a man opened fire at a political pvent in tucson, arizona. our nation's capitol tops the list... of america's more literate cities.that's central connecticut state university.also making the list... was seattle, minneapolis and atlanta.cities are rankee on six innicators of literacy: newspaper circulation, number of bookstores, librarr ressurces, periodical publishing resourres, educational attainment, and internet reeources. 3 - they just wanna be a contender!!!- we hear about navy vs. army.... but what about navyyvs..baltimore? pown tonight in glen burnie.- jake " the snake" smith (promoter) - live at the baltimore team's training facility in fells point with more on tonight's big match up. - what are we going to see tonight?- are tickets still available? available? the match starts tonight at 7 aa "michael's eighth avenue" in glen burnie.for more information go to our weesite foxbaltimore dot com slashh always all the content on there is free. come...o come... this is only áone thirdá... of the amount of cheese you eat in just ne year!finn out the total amount researchers say you eat..and the ads... blaming cheese on the obesity epidemic!you're watching fox 45 morning news...all local.. all morning. ((break )) 3 this is your abs on cheese ... at least that's what a new campaign is saying. accordiig to the physicians committee for responsible medicine ... americans eat way too much cheese ... and they say that's part of the reason for the riseein our nation's obesity rates. in the 1950's, americans consumee about 7.7 pounds of cheese per year. now, that number has skkrocketed to 29.8 pounds of cheese. (((pat))) asa dietitian with st. joseph meeical center. she joins us now with a look at the cheese impact.-this is 29.8 pounds of heese .. that's -what is the impact of this amount of cheese on a person's body nd targettd cheese because it's the highest sourceof saturated fat in most people's diet-is it fair to target cheese ... so many foods and lifestyles ccntribute to obesity-what do you think of the campaigns ... too harsh or do coming up.. he... wanns to be the next american idol. idol.nats of singing! ssnging! find out where this audition sent... judge randy jackson! jackson! you're watching fox 45 morring news.. all llcal.. all morning. the suspected terrorist plot in maryland.the court action animal 3 3 fiber 3 a string of street robberies... has one downtown neighborhood feeling beatee and battered.residentssin canton are now fighhing back. megan gilliland is on belnood avenue... where one robbery got especially violent.good morning, meggn. 3 we want to know how you're fighting back against crrme.tell us what you're doing in your community ... call 410-662-1456.your community ... 3 first on elkton middle school student .... is charged with punching his autistic classmate in the face...and it was all caught on camera. camera.11-year-old andrew simpson is now charged with disorderly conduct and seeond degree assault. he's the boy in this youtube video ... seen punccing he autistic student ... in the face. but simpson says he was acting out of self-defense ... because the other kid hit him first. andrew: 34:56 i feel pretty sorry for what iidid cause i didn't know he had autism 00 dad: 44:37 i don't want this to beecharacter defamation about my son, your son... word is out that bullying is wrong 46 simpson was also suspended 10-days from school. his father says police never got his son's side of the story. he now hopes the charges will be dropped. 3&a former frederick county deputy is cleared of wrongdoing in the death of a 20 year old who died after being ttsered. tasered.after theeverdict at wednesday... people left the courttoom visibly upset.jarrel grey's family argued he died his family sued for sive force.- jurors siddd with rudy still torres... who defended his actions. 14:17:34 at the end of the day no one wins and no one poses i think justiceehas been done. there were several accounts in this case hopefully it's over. over.14:22:54 and at the end of the day he's not here that man is free to go and live his life the way he wants to and i have to do to my son's burial plot and visit him so i'd like to know how he sleeps at night wwth that :06 :06 the autopsy listed the cause of deaah as undetermined. 3 3 one altimore city agency seems to be having trouble keeping costs under control. control.we told you last year about plans to spend nearly 2 million dollars to add carpet and new furniture in the offices... a project that was - already 2-hundred thousand dollars over thht project... is 580-thousand dollars overbudget... and could go higher.taxpayer up. 3 "they think that the well is a bottomless well, that the &pwater will always be there, but instead the water is slowly goiig away" ballooninggprice tag onn unforseen prrblems with the aging city building. the state rools-out e-z pass plans for the hatee bridge... over the susquehanna river.the current decals will eepire september 30th. one new options giies unlimmted trips for 10 bucks a year.but can only be used on thh hatem bridge.the transponder are free through next year. we do have a significant saffty concern with people that are getting in the lanes that are gated that have an expired deccl, have the window rolled downnor dont have a decall at all because they got in the wrong lane. lane.the new e-z pass plan begins february 1st. you can sign up by mail or in person at the j-f-k stop-in-center. you cannalso enroll online beggnninggfebruary 13th. and you thought your co- workers wereebears to work with. the maryland zoo is seeking volunteers to help the animals in a number of ways, and help the zoo's bottom line as well. p joel d. smith is liver there now to showwus what you could be doing later this year. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 3 3 american idol takes its searrc american idol american idol takes its search for the next big star to aspen.but were the judges ready for "magic?" "magic?"its judges choice day you have the choice between neil diamond anddjjmes buffett buffett ásingingá"magic cycllps" from iowa.. says he got his british accent because the only t-v channel they had was the b-b-c. pe was the last contestant.. mood.he judges were not in the i have to go to the bathroom i also have to go hold on we'll go ánoise from buttáyes no maybe 123 no no americannidol continues tonight at 8 right here on conttnues tonight american idol american idol contiines tonight at 8 right here on fox45. still to come.. i'm taking on one of my biggest fears!ffnd out if i can get over... my up to the challenge". challenge". you're ((bumppin)) ((ad lib 3 3 3 coming up.. it's that time again!tax time! time! we have an expert liie calls about preparing your tax return.youucan give us a call at 410- 481- 4545.or send us a tweet at fox baltimoreyou can post your questionn on our facebook page. you're &pwatching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break )) 3 it will be here before you know it ... tax time! many of you have probably already otten your w-2's in the mail .. and are starting to gather all the things you'll need to file going to help you get them done this year.... and hopefully get back more than you were exppcting ... or maybe owe less than you were expecting. for today's take action thursday, jackson hewitt s joining us with tipp for filing your taxes.-how do you get started ... what are the materials and information you reducing what i owe-what are some deductions that people overlook -earned innome tax ccedit day is tomorrow ... what do people need to -most peoppe file eleetronically pwhat toolookkfor if you use a tax preparer after the break, cherby worthington with jackson hewitt will be back to take 2011 taxes/ if you have a question our phone lines are open now at 410- 481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore... or go thhough ur facebook page. you're watching fox 45 orning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) ((bump in)) we're back with cherby worthington with jackson hewitt. she is taking your calls about fflinggyour 2011 taxes ...for our take action thursday. thursday.if you have a question... our phone lines are open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore... or go througg our pacebooo page. bob- middle river rosalee- bmore bmorevickii how much are you supposed to gee for each child?i have three kids." fatima " is there a delay with the ref" refunds?" 3 cominggup in ouu 8 o'clock hour... a homecoming surprise... oh my gosh look at daddy! little girl has missed her father...and when he'll have to deploy... again. you're watching fox 45 watching fox 45 morning neww.. all local.. all morning. 3 five days to go until the florida primary.what a new poll shows about who'ssleading the race. a man frantically tries to stop an elevator after his dog gets left behind.amazing footage of how the dog managed to survive... and the surprising person who could be to blame... and it's not the owner. and...they're "slithery..." they're scary... and they're scaly!i face my biggest fear... see if i'm up to the challenge of aatually holding a snake just like this one. 3 3 thursday, january 26th ,3 this snake thing really has me freaked out.our viewers have been offering their advice on facebook... here's what matthew had to say: say: to say: say:what matthew had facebook... here's their advice on acebook... here's what matthew had to say: 3 say: "just pretend thee snake is sitting there wearing just its underweaa. wait....that won't work. sorry, i got nothing." nothing."ashley says - "ruu, run, run as fast as can and dont look bacc!" 3 3 3 3 3 fighting back in canton...neighbors are on high alert this morning... following a series of streee ro. robberies.thh latest... which happened on belnord avenue... got violent... leaving the victim battered and bruised. rob seeley has a swollen face and broken nose... after being robbed and beaten tuesday night around 6-30. seeley tolddpolice he was walking on belnord avenue to pick up his bike from a friend's house.. when 5 young men... 3 of them in ski apppoached him... then jumped him. (seeley) "just startedd the ground and grabbed my phone and my wallet.. didn't have any cash in it, phone was actually a company phone. so, other han the beating, that was about all.." all.."neighbors say seeley's robbery was the third one to happen in the area thht night... all within an hour of each other. police ssy there's been 19 robberies in the area so far this far... no arrests have been made yet. 3 3 five days to go until the florida primary. primary.tonight... republican candidates will debate one last time before tuesday's all- important primary.a new poll shhwsssmitt romney and newt ginggich are neck-and-neck in florida... with romney attracting 36-percent of likely g-o-p voters and gingrich at 34-percent. some lawmakees in annapolis recent increases in highway tolls. ann one lawmaker... wants the transportation authority tt be more traasparen. transparent.they took effect cases...the toll hikks amount to more than 60-percent. ddspite several public hhariigs... one state lawmaker &psays the transportation authority could have done more to make the process transparent. (pipkin) "when it id this last toll increase id not disclose what the final package was going to be and so actually the board members voted on a package that was not disseminated to the public and the public couldn't comment on it." 3 so senator e-j pipkin has introducee a bill which would require the transportation authority to make full disclosures on upcoming votes... and allow the public o comment before a final vote. tte u-s-d-a is issuing new standards today... for student lunch programs. programs.schools will be required to offer more whole grains and produce... as well as fattfree and low fat milk. but kids will not be forced to eat the healthier foods.thh new rules arr part oo an effort to help curb childhood estimated 32 million students take pprt in schooo lunch programs. "working for free" is for the birds... and the reptiles, and even the elephants at the call for volunteers at the a - zoo, and joel d. smith is live there now to see just how ccooe you can get to the animals. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3 3 coming up... i'm just minutes away from onfronting my fear lottof advice about it on facebook... including one comment from shawn... ho says - "whee they pineapples pineapples pineapple" pineapples." shawn... i'm noo sure that will work!... look at but next... ever wonder what it would be inssde the ring... for some one-on-one punches... neet. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) t oh, i see. a throne for the tv... room for movies... your workout gear... non-stop football... it's a man cave! the boys next door will never leave. who says we want them to? it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. navy s. army.... but what about navy vs. baltimore? it's a big boxing match going down the snake (promoter) - live at the 3 balttmore team's training facility in fells point with more on tonight's big match up. - what are we going to see tonight?- are tickets still ava? available? 3 the matcc starts tonight aa 7 at "michael's eighth avenue" in glen burnie. for more information go to our websiie foxbaltimore dot com slash always all the content on there is free. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3&coming up... teerifyiig video of a doo's leash getting caught in an elevator door... while the door closes and the owner goes the dog manages to survive without injury... nd why it took the owner so long to notice. and there he is... patrice's friend, monty!we'll see if she's up to the challenge of holding him... watching fox 45 morning nnws.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) ((bump in)) local radio station 92q is reaching out to all the young laaiis of baltimore. they're bringing "charm school" to charm city. it's a day full of workshops and events to empower young ladies to be all they can be. radio ersonality kiki brown, camelia clark with zeta phi betaasorority and kayla calrk join us this morning.-what is charm schooo-different sorority's will be there to present workshops-as a young woman, what do you think of being empowered-can people still attend .. how do they siin up coming up... terrifying moments... that left one dog owner in sheee a dog manages to survive... after his llash gets caught in the elevator door... and the surprising person... besides the owner... who may be to blame. speaking of panic... the morning is righttafter the l encounter... with ponty, the snake... next. yyu're wwtching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) earlierrthis week on our show, we featured the national aquarium in baltimore ... we were talking about their new ustralia &pexhibit is a black-headed python named monty. now i loved everything about the exhibit and can't wait to get to the aquarium to see it myself ... didn'ttlove monty the snake. nothing against monty ... but i'm not a fan of any snake. i am afraid offall of them. so the aquarium was "nice" enough to bring monty and some other friends in .. to help me get over this fear. coming up... -harbor 3 3 3 3 3& 3&fiber map 3 more details are released this morring... about what led up to a fatal three car accident in timoniumm tuusday. tuesday.the passenger offthe pollce... the two were involvvd in several baltimore...the most recent incident happened on jarrettsville pike... riiht before the accident.the driver... arron mccoy was pronounced dead on the scene.. tolliver bailed out of the car... minutes before the accident....but was later caught. we already know that the suspect vehicle the honda accord was stolen from howard county so its possibleethey are connected toocrimes beyond that are in other jurisdictions we just don't know yet.. tolliver has been charged with tww counts oo first degree burglary and one count of held at the baltimore county detention center on five hundred thousandddollars bail. 3 firrt on elkton middle school student .... is charged with punching his autistic ccassmate in the face...and it was all caught on camera. camera.11-yeaa-old andrew simpson is now chaaged with disorderly conduct and second degree assault. he's the boy in his youtube video ... seen punching the autistic student ... in the face. but simpson says he was acting out of self-defense ... because &pthe other kid hit him first. andrrw: 34:56 i feellpretty sorry for what i did cause i didn't know he had utism 00 dad: 44:37 i don't want this to be character defamation about my son, your son... word is out that bullying isswrong 46 simpson was also suspended 10-days from school. his father says policeenever got his son's side of the story. he now hopps the charges will be dropped. some alarming surveillance video ut of chicago... goes viral.and from what you're about to see... you can understand why ii's making some viewers veey upset. this is video inside an apartment complex in chicago.a man... seen here walking his dog... gets onto an elevator. he goes inside... presses a &pbuttoo... and áappearsá to be who's still sitting in the - hallway.but panic quickly sets in... after he realizzs thee dog is stuck outside on his can see him frantiily trying to figure out what to do.áoutsideá the elevator... this is a look at what was happpning during those terrifying appears the dog was distracted by a woman walking out of her apartment.that's probably why he didn't get on tte eeevator... and why the owner didn't notice the dog.then yyo see the dog go up... as he elevator closes... and luckily... his leash snapss.. dropping him to the ground. áamazinglyá... the og survives with no injuries... rescue until the owner returns. and you thought your co- with. the maryland zoo is the animalssin a number of - ways, and help the zoo's bottom line as well. &p joel d. smith is there now to show us what you could be doong later this year. good morning joel d. d. ((take pkg)) 3 there's nothhng more emotional... than a soldier homecoming. surprise.oh my gosh look at pri- daddy! 3 this is a u-s army blacchawk this is a u-s army blackhawk pilot... surprising his young paughter at an airport in washington state.and as you can see... she is the happiest girl in the's been 6 months since she's seen her dad... who is stationed in kuwait.stationed in kuwait. he's homeefor tto weeks... before returning overseas. coming up... rain is headed our waa.... how heavy t's expected to get... n.'re watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) & weather kid tease 3 3 3 & 3 some couples taae a year or pore to lan their wedding.but we're doing it in just oneeweek.'s our wedding in a week contest.. aad you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding....on us. enter.. tell us in a should win. win.send your entry to "wedding in a week".. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore dot commto official rules.remember to include a photo with your entry! and it's all brought to you by the &pbaltimore bridal show at the baltimore convention center coming up... the ultimate dish... to serve for brunch.we're seving up idaho otato eggs benedict...'re atching ox 45 ((break 6)) &3 hey, it's half off! avana road cuban cafe has a great deal for you.for just 10 dollars, you can get a 20 dollar gift certificate there. ownee marta quintana joins us this morning with more.- you're making idaho pooato eggs benedict... pebruary is potato lovers month! card, log on to hey its alf &poff dot com right now..hey ar limited, so don't waii. poming up... our fox45 baltimore idol... is headed to hollywood... on "aaericannidol." idol."singing singing a look at hallie day's journey so far...'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) we heard many talented singers during the american idol try outs in aspen last night.but they will have competition from our fox45 baltimore idol winner hallie day who is on just our favorite... in fact she is gaining ational attention from major news outlets since her audition in p. pittsbuugh. sot: pitt auddtion after showing offfher skiils and revealing herrlife's story...sot:i took pills hallie day makes a memorable impression on the judges.sot jlo- she could win it hallie is hitting a high note with america too. the web is buzzing about her.rolling stone sayy shes a statuesque blonde from baltimore...mtv posts that she thrilled the jjdges with her strong vocals billboard comments on hallie's singing with powerful convicitonand according to usa today: she has a voice full of force and power hallie's come a llng way in just ffw audition at our fox45 baltimore idol contest....sot she was given a pass to cut in front of thousands of hopefuls in pittsburgh.sot im the next american idol hallie knows she is up against a lot of competition..nats: my idol journeyystarts owbut for now... i think she is just fine carrying the title oo an american sweetheart... who is on her way to becoming thh next american idol. 50:44-i definitely want to thank fox45, they've kept tabs on me, they are the eeson i am here you can see american idol tonight at 8pm here on fox45 coming up on good day baltimore... a cat in the cockp? cockpit? ((:46-"here rippleehere ripple here ripples) pipples.":48))how one felinn managed to make it past first class. jgñlopnq?oa=ho3xaatxx

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