Transcripts For WABC Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20

Transcripts For WABC Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20160320

>> we've got parents and cars all over the place. >> as we were flipping, bodies were ricocheting off the bus. >> motorists rushing to the scene to help. what another driver was doing that may have caused the crash. and meet the other first family. the bald eagles dubbed mr. president and the first lady welcoming the cutest little addition. daddy arriving with a delivery for the little fluff ball. and another one just waiting to hatch. and good morning on this first day of spring, which is going to feel more like winter. for millions of us. >> that's right. rob will have your forecast coming up. we start with a fresh round of turmoil involving donald trump. >> yeah, look at this. inside a rally in arizona, a protester punched and stomped by a trump supporter. even trump's campaign manager getting involved. appearing to grab the collar of a protester as you can see in these shots right here. >> it is hard to see. but protesters using their vehicles as well to shut down traffic, leading to another trump rally. they were later arrested. >> they were paralyzed on the road there for a little while. meanwhile two days before the arizona and utah primaries. we're hearing reports this morning of a coordinated campaign against anti-trump trump from getting the nomination. >> george stephanopoulos is standing by with more on that. we begin our coverage with mary bruce in washington, d.c., good morning, mary. >> reporter: hi, paula. good morning. as donald trump tightens his grip on the nomination, we're seeing more and more protests across the country. most peaceful. but last night, violence and physical clashes erupted again. overnight, violent skirmishes at this trump rally in tucson. watch, as a protester being escorted out, is pulled to the ground, punched, and kicked. officers handcuffing the audience member and leading him then, just minutes later, trump's campaign manager, cory protester and appears to grab him by the collar. as seen in this cnn video. this morning, trump's campaign saying the individual he was speaking with was pulled from behind by the man to lewandowski's left. and that mr. trump does not condone violence at his rallies. protesters lining up on the highway leading to trump's rally, using their own cars to bring traffic to a stand still. >> three of them are in jail. >> reporter: in charge of security, trump supporter, controversial sheriff joe arpaio. >> they think they're going to intimidate you. and the next president of the united states. not going to happen. not in this town. >> reporter: and in new york, thousands of anti-trump forces gathered in front of trump tower. trump not even there. >> go out on tuesday and vote. >> reporter: rising tensions two the big prize, the winner-take-all state of arizona. >> we're going to build the wall and we're going to stop it. it's going to end. >> reporter: immigration is taking center stage on both sides of the aisle. >> the so-called immigration problem we face today at this particular moment is a trumped up and exaggerated problem. >> reporter: now, all this comes as the republican establishment is making a last ditch attempt to come together and stop trump from getting the nomination before the convention. but it's unclear if anything at this point can stunt his momentum. dan? >> mary, thank you. for more on that point specifically, let's bring in abc news chief anchor george stephanopoulos, getting ready to host "this week." >> hey, dan. >> as mary mentioned, "the new york times" is reporting anti-trump republicans are going launch a 100-day campaign. trying to deny him the nomination. what are the odds of success? >> somebody has to beat him on the field. it will take ted cruz or john kasich to do that. you have to look at the math going forward. coming up on tuesday, utah and donald trump is likely to win arizona. you need most likely ted cruz to beat him in utah. he's ahead right now. but then, the big date on the calendar is april 5th. votes. wisconsin, a big mid western state. if the stop trump forces have any hope, they have to beat donald trump in wisconsin, on april 5th. if they do, the chances that donald trump can get those 1237 delegates before the convention go down dramatically. and perhaps, after april 5th, it would be a two-person race. that would give the anti-trump forces a better shot. that's the key day. >> what they're saying, the reports are saying that the anti-trump folks, if they can't deny him the nomination, they may support a third party candidate. wouldn't that throw the election to hillary clinton? >> most likely. yes. it could throw to it the house. most likely, it would throw the election to hillary clinton. those people that want the third party alternative, the they don't care. they would rather lose the white house than win with donald trump as the standard-bearer. of the republican party and conservative principles. >> they're playing a longer game here, they think. thank you, george. appreciate it. we want to remind everyone. george has a big show this morning. he'll go one on one with donald trump. later this morning on "this week." right here on abc. paula, over to you. >> thanks, dan. let's go overseas. authorities are starting to piece together exactly what happened in paris' deadly terror attacks after capturing salah abdeslam. the suspected paris attacker admitted to backing out of the suicide bombing at the last minute. he's facing extradition to france, where 130 people died. alex marquardt is in brussels, where abdeslam was captured. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, paula. salah abdeslam woke up this morning in a belgian prison, after a four-month manhunt. he is been officially charged he says he'll fight been sent to france. europe's most wanted man has admitted to authorities he wasn't meant to survive the deadly attacks in paris. that claimed 130 lives. salah abdeslam was supposed to detonate a suicide vest at the soccer game between france and germany. along with team of bombers he drove to the stadium. [ explosion ] but he backed out. the paris prosecutor said. and instead, called two accomplices in belgium and asked them to pick him up. this image taken at a gas station as he fled. now, the legal process starts. belgium has charged him with participation in terrorist murder. and being part of a terrorist group. >> the real key from this arrest is the opportunity to interrogate abdeslam, find out about who he's been working with. find out about his ties to isis. >> reporter: the french are demanding he be sent to france as soon as possible. which abdeslam's lawyer said they will fight. >> he's collaborating with the belgian justice. we'll refuse the extradition to >> reporter: friday's dramatic raid was the culmination of four months of relentless police raids and arrests. abdeslam hardly putting up a fight when he was cornered in the now famous neighborhood of molenbeek. shot in the leg by s.w.a.t. teams and dragged away. >> who else was helping him hide? he clearly had family or friends helping him to stay out of the police's way. >> reporter: four others were arrested with him. two of them charged with harboring criminals. appeal against handing abdeslam over to france will cause a delay. officials are confident it will happen in the next 90 days. it could, however, be several years before his trial begins. dan? >> yes, but they have him. and the process of gathering intelligence begins. alex alex, thank you. next, to history being made today in cuba. when president obama arrives this afternoon, he'll be the first president to visit since calvin coolidge in 1928. to normalize relations with our old cold war foe. abc's jim avila is right there this morning in havana. jim, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. it was just over a year ago that we broke the news that president obama wanted to change the relationship between cuba and union treated each other and visit havana personally. finally that day has come. old havana known for its charming decay, rundown chaos is getting polished up for a visit many thought would never happen. a u.s. president triumphantly and peacefully riding down this famous street. president barack obama welcomed by the cuban government and the cuban people who view him as a hero. >> the changes in cuba are profound. >> reporter: cubans are expected to greet him by the thousands. as he heads to this symbol of power and american prestige, the u.s. ambassador's residence. in a secluded embassy row. a majestic two-story home. cuban people directly. giving a nationally televised speech to a large audience at the national theater. meeting with raul castro. not fidel who remains in the background, weakened by poor health and age. the most fun. americans and cubans sharing their love of baseball, both countries' national past time. as the tampa bay rays meet the cuban national team. havana, after the president leaves, the rolling stones appear with a free concert expected to draw a million people. dan. >> they say you can't always get what you want. sometimes you can. jim, thank you. abc will be right there when the president arrives. monday, david muir will have an exclusive interview. on his broadcast, "world news tonight." >> rolling stones in cuba. we never thought we would say that in our lifetime. ron's back with the other stories we're tracking. >> hey, good morning to you, rachel. we begin with a suicide bombing in turkey. two americans among five people killed in the heart of istanbul. 35 others were injured. security cameras showing the lone bomber just before he blew himself up in one of that city's busiest shopping streets. so far, no one has claimed responsibility. turkey has been the site of recent attacks. which isis and kurdish separate tests are being blamed. the white house condemning the latest attack there in istanbul. the ntsb will join russian investigators looking to find saturday, killing all 62 on board. investigators are focusing on pilot error or mechanical failure as the cause of the flydubai crash. not bad weather as originally thought. how about this. for a hoax gone badly awry? after dialing 911 because some of his friends called to tell him they were trapped in snow, a man headed on a snowmobile to himself. was a hoax. there was no avalanche. but the air rescue team responding to the snowmobiler's 911 call was on site and able to rescue him. pope francis is breaking records on the internet after christening his new instagram account. just like that, with the snap of a finger, or rather a tap of a the pope joined the instagram masses. his first picture, a photo of himself kneeling in prayer with the words "pray for me" in nine languages. within 12 hours, he set the record for the fastest person to reach 1 million followers. followed by rachel smith, of course. instagram's ceo was at the vatican for this papal premier. on instagram. >> the power of an image was it can transcend culture or language. it can speak to anyone in the world. >> paula says she just followed him. account himself. rather than delegate authority to someone else. and spanish formula 1 driver fernando alonso was lucky to walk away from this. look at this. his car goes flying at the australian grand prix this weekend after clipping another car. his car ended up upside down, torn to shreds. left on the side of the track. alonso, however, was fine. saying afterward, i'm extremely happy to be here. except he said it in spanish. finally, from los angeles, two helicopters had to be called in to rescue a stranded horse. you're going to see him here. firefighters used a harness to hoist the animal to safety after the horse took a tumble from a trail into a ravine. the horse was brought down to a nearby ranch. there are still some ranches in the san fernando valley. and later reunited with his owners. happy ending. >> who is your horse in march madness, by the way? >> it was yale. we're out. so -- unc? >> you do? >> yeah. >> but your alma mater had a every 50 years, they do well. >> our alma maters, not so much. >> who do you have, dan? >> my school, colby college. tiny little school. not in march madness. >> they're known for cheese, right, and education. >> and beanies with helicopters? march madness is madder than it's been in awhile. the most upsets in nearly 15 years. teams aiming for the sweet 16. real nail biters overnight. this all means one thing. tony reali, "gma" co-contributor and espn host, is back. tony, great to have you here. >> way to set the bar high, paula. good morning. you will have a friday that's so crazy, you spend saturday in the house. netflix and nap. that's what the ncaa tournament had on the third day. the madness was controlled. >> a drive and then a slam. >> reporter: after two days with the most upsets ever, the favorites are fighting back. overnight, the top seeds in action. unc. virginia. advancing. >> inside. brogdon. >> reporter: a danceoff for the tarheels band. and the players, too, after that epic dunk. >> for three. >> reporter: but the glass slipper still on for gonzaga. the 11th seed going to the sweet 16. defeating number three utah. the bulldogs beating the utes by 23 points. despite a second half surge by yale -- >> the lack attack. >> reporter: defending champs duke surviving for the win. >> plumlee, the denial. >> reporter: and a big win for indiana. hoosiers sending the university of kentucky home, devastating fans and this saxophonist from the wild cats' band. no shocker for the university of miami. >> in for the two-handed flush. raining on wichita state's post season hopes. angel rodriguez getting a half-court hug from the coach after leading the way to victory. >> oh, a three! today belongs to cinderella. six double-digit seeds in action. keep an eye on number 15, middle tennessee. number 14, steven f. austin. the lumberjacks. and number 13, hawaii. looking toward next week. the sweet 16. the cinderella most ready to put on a new pair of shoes, maybe gonzaga. nobody has played better through two games. >> usually my strategy, i pick xavier and gonzaga. i always like them in march madness. >> how does that turn out for you? >> usually pretty well. >> their synonymous with cinderella. gonzaga has never made the final four. they're hoping this is the year. >> they were 11 seeds. should have been higher? >> underseeded, i think. they're playing much better than that. >> you're a one seed for us, tony. thanks for coming in. you're a good sport. >> this is great. >> i'm rooting for the lumberjacks just because i like their name. >> there you go. you have to have strategy. i like it. >> thank you, i appreciate it. the first day of spring, allegedly. of winter. rob, we've sent him outside. he's tracking the storm. he's out in central park with more. >> good morning, dan. tony kicked me to the curb mi eastern long island now under a winter storm warning for significant accumulation, likely 4 to 8-inch in the warned area. 1 to 2 inches of slushy snow from new york through philadelphia. enough to do damage for the morning rush tomorrow, and you know, it was about a year ago where we saw snow on the first city. got about 4 1/2 inches of snow. rob, here we go again, 34 degrees right now in the city. those winter storm warnings in effect eastern long island. winter weather advisories western long island, parts of the jersey shore as well. snow mixed with rain at times comes in late this afternoon, dry. changes over to all snow during the evening hours. island. we clear things out, near 50. 60s by wednesday. >> the daffodils have bloomed. here in central park west. might be covered with wet snow later today. the new york city half marathon is being run today. people are gathering at the starting line for that. i'm coming inside. i would love the run the half marathon. but i have work to do. >> stay there, man. >> ron doesn't want you to come back. >> ron wants you to limber up thank you, rob. >> we'll check in with rob a little bit later. the internet has new stars a family of bald eagles. watching this nest-cam live stream. one baby eagle has hatched. we have breaking new about the remaining egg in the nest. and rachel smith is all over this story. what's going on? >> oh, yeah. i love it. good morning. it's been nearly 24 hours since the second egg started showing now it's finally made its debut along with its day-old sibling. this morning, the bird watchers across the country captivated by this baby bald eagle. born in washington, d.c. the hatchling breaking free of its shell friday morning, live, on the national arboretum's web cam. the proud parents, dubbed mr. president and the first lady, seen doting on the patriotic peep since its birth. caught on camera opening its mouth for mom. >> the bald eagle is almost gone from our country. it's come back tenfold, a hundred fold. >> reporter: the presidential couple, which are the first nesting eagles in the area since 1947 are now taking turns caring for the chick. keeping the nest tidy. feeding the chick. mr. president seen here flopping a fish into the nest before going back out to hunt. >> they're like a modern family in that they both take turns sitting on the eggs. both go and hunt. both brood the babies. both feed the babies. >> reporter: social media #dceaglecam trending worldwide. conservationists on the edge of their seats as the second egg breaks its way into the world almost 48 hours after its sibling. >> one of the greatest things that i think anybody could view is our national bird being hatched. being grown up. hopefully, they'll show this. over the next few weeks. to see the bird take its first flight, oh, my gosh. >> reporter: so cool. so for right now, the eaglets will be called d.c. 2 and d.c. 3. the public will have a chance to help them name the babies in a that's because they're born in d.c. maybe a more exciting name like, you know, first lady, mr. >> yes. do you have any ideas for names for the little -- >> baldy? >> all right. >> baldy? >> you're on top of it this morning. >> just forget i asked you. >> not bad. nice job. coming up on "gma," a school bus crash. members of an indiana high school basketball team injured in this horrible accident. what authorities say another driver was doing that may have caused this terrifying scene. custody battle. a family's battle to keep their 6-year-old foster child. the unusual law they're fighting. a law they say is being used used unfairly. 30-day satisfaction guarantee on appliances. that's what i'm talking about cindy. i like your style. now get up to 25% off select major appliances $396 or more, at lowe's. morning ted! scott! ready to hit some balls? ooh! hey buddy, what's up? this is what it can be like to have shingles. oh, man. a painful, blistering rash. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. after almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. you know, i'm not feeling it today. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. gumdrops on butterflies, the fun can't be beat. with little candy noses, bunnies are so sweet. rice krispie treats make easter hop! how many ways can you... snap, crackle, pop? 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>> no, they're so close. >> right there. >> it's on my nose. >> pick a flower. >> oh, thank you. it's actually down -- right, right, right, right there. >> such a mild winter. the butterflies are flying. they're going to get slammed. >> should we be worried about the tulips? >> yeah, in some areas, yeah. i'm not a big flower guy. >> keep bringing the gloom. we'll send you back outside. >> i told you the keep him out there. >> i love you, too, ron. >> we're going to get the forecast from rob in just a minute. we start with an incredible story of survival out of indiana. a bus carrying a high school basketball team rolling over in a crash. >> yeah, they were on their way to a tournament. the images shocking. you can see part of this bus more than a dozen people hospitalized, including a coach air lifted from the scene. we're relieved to report, everyone made it out alive. eva pilgrim has more. >> reporter: the griffith boy's high school basketball team was one game away from the indiana state championship game. their excitement turned to panic when another car came flying into their lane. chaos along an indiana interstate. >> oh, sweet jesus. >> reporter: a school bus carrying 21 students and 6 adults upside down in a ditch after being side-swiped by another vehicle. >> we've got parents and cars all over the place. >> reporter: the driver of the vehicle losing control of her car after spilling a drink on herself. hitting a bus carrying the griffith high school boy's basketball team on its way to the state semifinal game. >> as we were flipping, bodies was just ricocheting off the bus. when the bus finally settled down and stopped flipping, everybody was screaming. >> you could tell they were >> reporter: this video recorded by another driver capturing the chaos as students scrambled to escape the mangled bus. which came to a rest upside down. its roof completely crushed. >> my body was in shock. i didn't feel anything at the time. until my teammates started yelling out for each other. >> i just yelled out, brace yourself, to the whole team. >> reporter: when a surgeon from north carolina stopped, there were still people trapped in the bus. >> there is a moment of panic. and fear. but i think fairly quickly, you flip into the mode of, there are patients that could be hurt. >> i thank god for him. i didn't know what was going on. he calmed me down mentally and physically. taken to hospitals. an assistant coach air-lifted to chicago. >> everybody seems like they're okay. it's a miracle that no one was seriously injured. >> reporter: the indiana high school athletic association is a makeup date for the semifinal it is going to have to be soon. because the state championship game is next saturday. >> i anticipate this also reinvigorating the seat belt mandated seat belts on school buses, as well. that whole debate as well. thank you, eva. glad to hear everybody is okay. >> lucky, especially seeing those pictures. >> remarkable. let's check the forecast. as promised, with rob. >> i remember my school bus driving through the snow and >> this weather report brought to you by trugreen. ron, good to see you. i want you to know. i won a $50 super bowl bet from him and he paid me in all singles. confirming the rumor of what his >> he did? >> you're lucky it wasn't pennies, man. >> rob and ron making it rain this sunday. coming up here on "gma," the parents fighting to keep their 6-year-old foster daughter in the only home she's ever known. the unusual law they're fighting to keep her. and in her first solo interview since joining the royal family, princess kate reveals the adorable name prince george has for the queen. straight ahead in "pop news." ahead in "pop news." you do? really? ding dong? -oh, pizza is here! -oh! come on in. 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the courts are so afraid to make a decision that goes against the law that was never meant to >> reporter: as for the paige to the california supreme court on monday. dan and paula, they say they'll fight this battle all the way to >> this thing is not over. >> great to see you, lauren. coming up, spring cleaning tips for a sparkling office. it's straight ahead in our we're right back. my girl cindy bought this fridge from lowe's because of their worry-free 30-day satisfaction guarantee on appliances. that's what i'm talking about cindy. i like your style. now get up to 25% off select major appliances $396 or more, at lowe's. while you were busy not remodeling your bathroom, the internet got rocket mortgage. a fast, easy way to refinance. that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. because with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. jane's always on the move. luckily her light & fit protein smoothie can keep up with her. packed with 12grams of protein and no added sugar. so she can watch her calories and where she's going. light & fit feel free to enjoy. nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go. governor andrew cuomo: there is an unhealthy income inequality gap that is only growing. if you work full-time you shouldn't have to choose between paying the rent and buying food. i say lift up the working families of this state and pay a real decent wage. we fight until this nation fulfills its promise of opportunity for all and that's what this well, spring is finally here. and this weekend, i hope you're enjoying it. the work week just and the corner. who better to give us tips of how to tidy up your work space for spring than tory johnson. what is the first thing we should do? >> wipe down the devices. it's the easiest thing. in under a minute. take wipes. dusting spray, and just get rid of some of the grime. our cell phones. our computer screens. laptops. keyboards. just wipe them down. it's a minute that kind of gives you the refreshed feeling. >> you don't need a sponge or wet stuff. i gather stuff throughout the year. >> purge. it's really hard for a lot of people. start with just three things. any three things. knickknacks. old magazines. papers. whatever it is. three things. toss them. a great time to clean out the office fridge and toss any toiletries sitting in the bottom of the desk untouched for the last six months. time to go. >> you sound like you're good at that. once we've done that, what's the thing to do? >> a scent is really fabulous. so, some office spaces, it's a big candle for everybody. or a teeny travel candle just for your desk. or something like that, potpourri. if you can't light something. just something like that that's small and fragrant. for me, it's citrus. choose the scent that fits your mood. >> and that's sneaky, too. up next, "pop news."ext, "pop news." up next, "pop news." trugreen presents the yardley's. sfx: leaf blower dad! sorry. spring is on. start your trugreen lawn plan today. trugreen. live life outside. trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you what brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones. gumdrops on butterflies, the fun can't be beat. with little candy noses, bunnies are so sweet. rice krispie treats make easter hop! how many ways can you... snap, crackle, pop? find these treats and more at i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life, state farm is there. you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children all over the world. when you get your vitamins at walgreens, you help give life-changing vitamins to kids across the globe. get vitamins here. change lives everywhere. time for "pop news." and it's rachel. what's poppin'? >> not rock, paper, scissors, today, guys. >> that was bad. >> we've retired that. okay? we start with great news for prince fans. and i happen to be one of them. so "let's get crazy" over his big announcement. the music legend is publishing his memoirs to be released next fall. so cool. the 1984 release of "purple rain" made him an international superstar. he's racked up seven grammys, a golden globe. an oscar. he says he'll start from the beginning of his first memory and hopefully go all the way to his 2007 super bowl halftime so you can be sure there will be some diamonds and pearls sprinkled in there. right? did you get it? >> we did. >> starting with his first memory? >> that's what he says, his brother, dan, is helping him out with it because he says he needs a good critic. >> maybe he'll tell the story. when dave chappelle played basketball with him in the middle of the night. >> i don't remember that story. >> he played basketball with prince and his boys. after prince beat him, he made him pancakes. >> a little "pop news" nugget. from prince to princess. kate middleton is giving her first -- >> that just came to me. >> -- pay attention, boys. giving her first solo interview. to mark queen elizabeth's 90th birthday. kate describes the queen as a doting grandmother to prince george and princess charlotte. and even reveals george's adorable nickname for her. >> george is only 2 1/2. he calls her gan-gan. or something in whatever room we're going to stay in. that just shows her love for her -- her family. >> so cute, gan-gan. the full documentary airs easter sunday. >> it's only cute in an english accent. american accent. gan-gan. come here. >> my son leaves gifts around the apartment for us as well. nobody would want those gifts. >> i don't think those are gifts. >> no. >> well, guys. you have to hear about this gift that a 9-year-old boy got. he was living out his glory days. staying out late. he came up with the ultimate tardy note. a hand-written letter from bruce springsteen. he attended the show in l.a. on tuesday with his dad. the fourth grader arrived prepared with a hand-made sign for school tomorrow. please sign my note. the boss obliged. explaining he was out very late, the boy didn't wake up not 11:00 a.m. the next day. >> that's what happens when you're dancing in the dark, guys. >> wouldn't that be nice? thankfully, we do have some of these left. ron's been chowing down during breaks. >> these are so good. >> sampling. >> just to make sure they were great for all of us. they are. i can smell the strawberry from here. it may not feel like spring today outside for a lot of us. it's 30 something here in new york. that doesn't mean we can't get into the mood. to help, we have rita's italian ice. is it delish? >> yes. >> i got the mango. >> i got a brain freeze. >> because he's only had four this morning. >> stop eating so many, and so fast. >> mango, the most popular. they have strawberry. jolly rancher green apple. it was charlie murphy and eddie murphy. it was on "the dave chappelle show." free today to celebrate -- >> only on the set of "gma"? >> across all 600 stores across >> thank you, rachel. >> take care. >> enjoy. good morning. it's 9:56 on this sunday march 20th. topping headlines a in the hour long island police continue semiing for the driver who slammed into a embellis ho. people were inside the home at the too many of the crash. of the house. it is palm sunday and this morning tens of thousands of people gathered to celebrate mass. the pope who proceeded him. they moved across the square. palm sunday marks the start of holy week. trinity episcopal church will celebrate with a parade. and this year ton ci conditions leads the parade many to -- 9:57. jeff smith here with a look at the weather. >> the first official day of spring. and guess what? a winner storm to a arrive later on this afternoon. 34 right now. central park we have winter storm warnings in effect. the east end of long iemed. 10 a.m. monday am winter weathered a rise reincarnated just west of there. right through early monday morning. evening hours. talking 1 to 3 inches. higher amounts east of the city. the week. >> that the news for now. thank you for joining us. stay tuned this week for george steph -- have a starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. march madness. now just three gop candidates left standing. as donald trump continues his march to the nomination. >> we have a movement going on, folks. i will never let you down. >> but with his rivals and his party rallying to stop him. >> we're seeing republicans uniting behind this campaign. >> could a contested convention take trump down? we're one on one with donald trump. only on "this week." plus, hillary takes aim. >> we should be breaking down barriers, not building walls. >> hitting the gop front-runner. is clinton already gearing up for a nasty november clash? and, supreme showdown,

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