Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News This Morning 20160210 :

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News This Morning 20160210

streets, sidewalks, that's what this morning, gang. and we're looking at temperatures that are a bit on the chilly side at 33 degrees, overnight low. we're looking at what's going to be a day where we do have a shot at some just little snow showers and flurries and things that will continue this morning. 29 degrees around northport to massapequa to out toward the hamptons to montauk. 30 poughkeepsie, 30 andover. cloudy skies, possibly just a here. we're not looking at a whole lot. there you go, some flurries across fairfield county. a snow shower up the hudson river valley. there you see the cloud cover added to that for today. we will be looking at what's going to be some snow showers an flurries this morning. but we warm to 42, and that's going to be the warmest day for a while. we'll talk about this frigid cold air coming up in just a moment. weather then heather every seven minutes. is there something going on with the q trains? >>reporter: there was something going on with the q trains. they were doing some track work, but they've completed it, you may experience some residual delays. long island railroad, metro north and new jersey transit doing fine. you have to feed the meters. we had an earlier accident on 80, it was east, right near exit 53. that accident has been cleared away. and the bayonne bridge has been reopened with that earlier construction cleared. we do have alternate side of the street parking rules once again. they are sus pended, but don't forget, you have to feed those meters. lori, over to you. >> all right, heather, thank you. we're going to start now with breaking news in queens. police are searching for a driver who hit and killed a teenager and left her for dead in the street. this happened overnight on sunrise highway near francis lewis boulevard. eyewitness news reporter mallory hoff is live now in rosedale with more on the vehicle that police are looking for. mallory. >>reporter: lori, a dark colored dollar van, that's the vehicle investigators are actively searching for this morning. if you take a look behind me, is the area where this happy around 12:30 this morning. take a look at this video from the moments after this hit and run took place. police say a 16-year-old girl was hit and killed. again, investigators now looking for a dark colored dollar van this morning. the teen was crossing at sunrise highway at francis lewis boulevard, the driver traveling eastbound at the time, this is near the rosedale train station. now, back out here live, you can actually see a few items scattered in the road where first responders attempted to help this teenager. the speed limit in this area is 40 miles per hour. as you can see, is generally well lit. again, investigators this morning actively searching for this driver and this young girl did not survive this hit and run. we are live in queens this morning, mallory hoff, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> mallory, thank you. it is 4:33. donald trump and bernie sanders, that's the win for their parties in the new hampshire primary and the numbers spoke volumes. granite state. he got 35% of the vote, john kasich finished second. ted cruz mustered up 12%. he's in a tight squeeze with marco rubio and jeb bush. as for the democrats, sanders swept clinton with 60% of the vote. hillary just 39%. of course sanders is hoping to keep that momentum going right here in our area. eyewitness news reporter dray clark is live in harlem where sanders is having a key breakfast meeting today. dray, good morning. >>reporter: good morning, ken. after that landslide victory in new hampshire last night, bernie sanders now heads south to the carolinas. along the way, his first stop will be here in harlem with a breakfast with reverend al sharpton. sanders knows the voting demographic will change as he heads to south carolina and he wants to strengthen his support among african-american voters. >> together we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington, from >>reporter: for bernie sanders, victory as sweet as maple syrup, for hillary clinton a loss unimaginable five months ago. sanders' appeal was greatest among younger voters. he also won decidessively among male voters and held his own against clinton winning female voters. clinton comes back to new york today to reportedly shake up her campaign staff in brooklyn. >> i know i have some work to do, particularly with young people, but i will repeat again what i have said this week, even if they are not supporting me now, i support them. >>reporter: a record turnout with lines two miles long gave donald trump the victory he hungered for after losing in iowa. >> we are going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. i love you all. thank you, new hampshire. >>reporter: ohio governor john take second place. >> you made it happen. you made it happen. >>reporter: but far behind, the governor who bet his white house dreams on a strong showing in new hampshire, chris christie came in sixth place, a crushing disappointment. >> so we're going to go home to new jersey to wait, by tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon we should know, we should know what the vote count is and that's going to allow us to make a decision about how we move from here in this race. >>reporter: governor chris christie definitely has some soul searching to do. he has to determine whether he has enough momentum and more importantly enough money to stay the course and make a run in south carolina. time will tell on that front. meanwhile, that breakfast between bernie sanders and reverend al sharpton is scheduled to happen here at sylvia's later on this morning at 9:30. we're live in harlem, dray clark, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> dray, thank you. and stay with eyewitness news and abc news for updates on the race for the white house. "good morning america" will pick up our coverage with live hampshire. they begin at 7:00 this morning. 4:37. and jury deliberations are resumed today in the manslaughter trial of npped np officer peter liang. during closing arguments yesterday, partners claim that the shooting was reckless and not an accident. iang's attorney argued it was a terrible tragedy, not a crime. liang shot akye girly in a stairwell while patrol ago brooklyn housing project. rapper dmx was rescued by police who found him laying in a yonkers parking lot. he wasn't breathing at the time and had no pulse. security guards at the ramada inn say the rapper had collapsed after he headed outside. emergency crews had to do chest compressions. they gave him oxygen and the drug narcan after a witness claim thad dmx was having a drug overdose. in an exclusive interview, the singer's wife dismissed that idea. >> she just told me that he was happy to be alive, everything was going good, he was feeling good. he said it was an asthma attack. i know a lot of people told me don't think so. you know, he has a long history of asthma, and he said -- he had a bad cold for about a week, and he said that, you know, i guess you don't get treated results, he said it was chest pains, the next thing he knew he was on the floor and in the hospital >> dmx expects to get out of a hospital later today. well, a robber took the road less traveled to rip off a liquor store in brooklyn and it was call caught on camera. cop -- it was all caught on camera. police say the robber got into the store by cutting a hole through the ceiling. this happened in bed-stuy last evening before the store opened. the thief broke a lot of bottles and stole about $10,000 from the registers. his way out was his way in, back through the ceiling. time is 4:38. you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic. meteorologist bill evans and the exclusive accuweather forecast. all right. here we go. you can see the tops of the clouds in the buildings, low cloud cover and some flurries around and that will be our morning regime of weather here. we look to the west side, west 66th and columbus avenue, and we got wet streets and sidewalks. and that's going to be the thing today, you just have to watch for some icy patches outside, you know, the five boroughs which is always a little warmer since the heat pipes are underneath streets here. well, there could be some slick spots on roadways and maybe a little flurry or two creating some slippery sidewalks. 33 degrees right now, a few flurries across fairfield county in connecticut and long island and down here toward new jersey. this low will cut up into canada, our low creating the snow showers is out here. that will move on out into the atlantic today and we'll be looking at just some flurries around this morning and 34, 35 degrees. then we get brightening skies, and we get to near 40 this afternoon, maybe even some breaks of sunshine. and as we go into tonight, it's going to start to get really cold with some flurries around this evening which we'll talk about next. the frigid air is on the way. every seven minutes. heather, what do you got going on this morning? >>reporter: i have the fdr here, the cones set up. this is the southbound side of the fdr drive, getting right through the 90s. you can see we do have some construction there. take a look at staten island and how the bayonne bridge is looking. you can see the cones are looking, but they're all off on the zebra stripes. bayonne bridge reopened about 4:30. that traffic hold they have been doing over at the goethals bridge has been canceled for this morning. we had some earlier track work on our q trains right near 42nd street. that track work has been cleared away. long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit trains, they're doing just fine. we do have alternate side of the street parking rules suspended for today, but you need to feed those meters. don't forget about that. and then as you head onto route 80 east, exit 53 and the accident cleared away. so alternate sides suspended, metered rules, they have to be fed. ken and lori, over to you >> all right, heather, thank you. 4:40. and still ahead, a building crashes down on a construction worker and he survives. a california man gets trapped inside a newspaper stand for days. coming up how he was rescued and why he was there in the first place. a former catholic priest is behind bars, charged in a decades-old murder of a young texas butte queen. this morning we're learning more about the cold case. and the nightmare is almost over for passengers on that battered cruise ship that sailed right into a powerful storm. new information this morning on 4:43. welcome back. well, that royal caribbean cruise ship that sailed right into a storm due to be back in bayonne tonight. this as one federal senator is calling for an investigation. see, the ship ran into a rough storm, in fact, a hurricane- strength wind storm from the carolina coast. it was battered by winds over 100 miles an hour. waves were 30 feet high. those passengers were horrified. the ocean tossed them about. >> it's probably the biggest scare that i've had so far in my life. >> well, a captain insists the power of the storm was a surprise, but the national weather service says huh-uh, they predicted the hurricane force winds in the area four days before. >> wow! 4:44. take a look at this video, an old parking garage is being demolished in houston when suddenly something went horribly wrong. the structure fell down right on top of an excavator. but after the dust cleared, the excavator and its operator appeared unharmed. >> wow! that is very fortunate for them. >> very fortunate. >> if that arm wasn't up like that, that would have been it. it is 4:44. meteorologist bill evans joins us with the exclusive accuweather forecast >> here we go, guys, we're going to be looking at cloudy skies, lights are on at the rink here. that's fifth avenue, that's 59th street. you see the clouds are low here, we got some flurries around. but we are going to be looking at that, only some flurries. streets and things could be wet, maybe a little slippery. 33 degrees, high humidity and calm wind. we had a high yesterday of 36. normal is 41 this time of the year. and we are looking at what's going to be temperatures at the freezing mark. off to our north and west, hackettstown, 28. beautiful sentinnary college. i have an honnary doctorate degree from the college in science. and we have winds this morning there are calm to light around the area. it will be a day where we just have some flurries, and a chilly morning. i mean, the wind chills you see in spots are around 28 from central park to 32 around staten island, up to the north we're looking at 30 poughkeepsie to around bridgeport. so not that harsh. winds are not that strong. however, once again around the high tide cycle this morning, there is a couple of flood advisory and that's going to be until 3:00, western long island sound and down the jersey the tide will come up again today, and the high times are starting around 9:00, 10:00 today and will be going on a across western long island sound. so that could be just minor flooding in some spots to none. so we are looking at flurries here in suffolk county long island, fairfield county, new haven, back to the west. you know, there's these clouds, but there's just periods of snow and a very complex weather pattern, one low to the south and one low off to the north. so today by 6:00 we're still looking at the freezing mark and some flurries around. look, breaks of sunshine by 10:00 in the afternoon. gets to 40 and upper 30s. well, this is as warm as it's going to get because coming will be this flow out of the north and actor irk air will be pouring in here this evening and tonight and tomorrow. and look at our weekend, 22 the high on saturday with some flurries and 19 on sunday. a few flurries, cloudy taw, breaks of sun by midday, afternoon, we're looking at 40. cloudy, brisk and cold tonight with snow showers around, 24 the low. and then tomorrow the arctic assault begins. breaks of sunshine, blustery, colder, a snow shower, the temperature 30, but it's going to feel like the teens with the wind out there. windy and cold on friday, deliberator the high, -- 30 the high, 22 look at that low saturday night, 3 and 22 on sunday. and the low sunday night of 3. >> you're missing a digit or something. >> you're right. >> i don't believe i'm seeing that. >> i think sunday night's temperature might be a little warmer than that, but -- >> 4? >> right. >> right. he was telling me, what's the and zero? it all feels the same around that number. and weird things happen, doors on the cars freeze and all kinds of crazy stuff >> when you do the forecast monday morning outside, maybe we'll try freezing the neck again. >> i can't be here monday. i've got stuff to do. [ laughter ] >> okay. we'll see you monday. >>reporter: i have to sit next to fireplaces. >> that will be fun. >>reporter: monday is a holiday, so at least a lot of rest under the covers next to the fire or the furnace and a blow torch. >>reporter: long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit, they're all running on or close to schedule. q train track work has clear. subways doing just fine. new jersey turnpike, garden state parkway, the speeds are reduced in both directions. now, the parkway speed reduction is north of exit 124, but this is for your own safety. they're still out there, they are salting the roadways, and then bayonne bridge reopened with that earlier construction cleared away. going over here to route 80 east right near exit 53, that accident clear. street cleaning rules are suspended, but the metered rules are in effect. ken, over to you. >> all right, heather, thank you. 4:48. the detroit pistons delivered some much needed support to flint, michigan before heading into the all-star break. members of the national guard got their break yesterday when players took over their duties and handed out bottled water. the pistons also picked up dinner for the guardsmen and spent time at flint's fire stations. they said this is the time that people need to show support for >> that's what community is all about, you know. it's -- you know, you definitely need community whenever things are good, but you definitely need community whenever things are going bad. >> well, dozens of nba players are helping out with relief efforts in flint. the players union expected to announce additional support in the coming weeks. a former priest in arizona has been arrested in the decades-old murder of a beauty queen in texas. 83-year-old john fite is expected to enter a plea today on charges he killed irene garza in 1960. garza was 25-year-old when her body was found in a canal in texas. last time she was seen alive, she was going to confession at a church where fite was a visiting priest. fz ite was arrested yesterday at his home in scottsdale, arizona and is awaiting extradition addition. 4:49. an elderly man got trap inside his newspaper stand for four days until somebody finally heard his cries for help. the 84-year-old vendor was selling newspapers in los somehow locked himself inside the outdoor stand. well, he didn't have any food or any water and soon realized that he couldn't break out on his own. the man then startd to call for help and hoped somebody would finally hear him as temperatures began to rise. they're having a big heat wave in southern california. somebody nearby finally heard his voice and called police. >> he was completely weak. he was dehydrated, he was having just a hard enough time breathing. >> well, the vendor is now recovering at the hospital. well, breastfeeding mothers traveling through atlanta's hartsfield jackson international airport now have their own secluded spots to feed their babies. the airport has installed new nursing pods. inside there are benches, a space for diaper changes and electrical outlets also to plug in a pump or a phone charger. there are four pods installed so far locate past the security checkpoint. an airport spokesman says the reception has been great. it's 4:51. the restaurant chain says sales spiked 33% on sunday over super bowl sunday of last year. that's one day after beyonce released her new song "formation." in the song beyonce suggests treating to someone to red lobster is a reward for intimacy. do you like that terminology? >> yeah. >> after the song debuted, red lobster became a trending topic online, receiving 42,000 mentions on twitter in one hour. red lobster giving all the credit where it is due, to beyonce. i would. >> i like red lobster. >> i like beyonce. >> there you go. 4:51. coming up on eyewitness news this morning, new information in a sex assault on the upper east side. police release new details on the man they're searching for. the picture of the world trade center that sparked panic on social media. out what caused that your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. well, quite an end to fat tuesday. mardi gras dancers made their way through new orleans, dancing to the beat of brass bands and thousands of onlookers clamored for beads it was the last celebration of the carnivale season before lent. today is ash wednesday, kicking off a period of pentence and spiritual renewal, all leading up to easter. >> fun. some day i gotta go there. you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic and bill evans has been there for mardi gras >> i have. and that's the last parade, that's the zuma parade. they throw out coconuts they've painted with the mardi gras colors, purple, green, gold. >> sweet. >> here we go. we take a look here down the jersey shore here from asbury park, and we're looking at what's going to be a morning where we start out with some flurries around, not a whole lot. there's a few. but you'll run into a few of those that might slippery up some roads here, 28 in bridgefort, 28, 26 here out across long island. we are going to be looking at a couple of snow showers, temperatures get to near 40 today before the arctic assault is on, heather. i shall explain in just a moment. >>reporter: you've got me nervous. northern state parkway, this is how things are looking. no major problems to report. this is right near hillside and then as you go onto the southern state parkway right near -- actually, this is the sag to coast near the southern state parkway. you can see the roads are wet, but no major issues as you travel through long island at this point. let's go over to our maps. we'll talk to you about long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit, they're on or close to schedule. subway service is also running on or close, so no major issues there. we do have alternate side of the street parking rules suspended for today, but the metered rules are in effect. ken, over to you. >> all right, thank you, heather. 4:56. and police have identified the man suspected in a sexual assault that happened on the upper east side. officers are looking for 32- year-old gregory anderson. now, police say that he grabbed a woman from behind, threw her to the ground and sexually assaulted her saturday night near east 94th street and second avenue. anderson also stole $40 from the woman. he was spotted inside a deli shortly after the attack. in this morning's health alert, and we're learning of the best drug treatment for pregnant women who have the flu. early treatment with the antiviral drug tamiflu may shorten hospital stays for expectant mothers with the flu, especially those who are severely ill. pregnant women who are increased risk of serious illnesses, complications and also death from the flu. they're advised to get flu shots. and we're following two breaking stories ahead for 5:00. a teenager is dead after a heartbreaking hit and run in queens. we're live at the scene. and this is new video just into our newsroom, gunfire during a traffic stop on long island. several suspects are under arrest. we're gathering new information right now. and we're seeing some flurries today with frigid temperatures later in the week. meteorologist bill evans has your exclusive accuweather forecast when channel 7 comes back in just two minutes. you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ video camera on the spot. with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. and on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today and we're following breaking news at 5:00 a.m. a 16-year-old girl killed in a hit-and-run crash and we are live at the scene with the type of vehicle police are looking for. the results are in and we're live in new hampshire breaking down the big winners from the first presidential primary in the nation. and watch out for snow falling on long island right now with flurries in other parts of the region. but it's the upcoming frigid cold temperatures that will make you cringe. and good morning. i'm lori stokes >> thank you for joining us. i'm ken rosato. it is wednesday, february 10th. we're halfway there. you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic. meteorologist bill evans with the exclusive accuweather >> here's a live look from our camera at 4 times square looking south. there are some snow showers out there this morning. we have low cloud cover. i mean, you really can't see the snow showers. i can actually make it snow. see how i do that? just put a few little snowflakes on there and there's the snow falling right there this morning. well, we are looking at temperatures that are cold enough for snow, 33 is fine for some nice, wet flakes to be falling and that's what we have around places like up toward poughkeepsie. bridgeport 31. 21 on long island, 32 down the shore here. coastal flood advisory western long island sound. that's fairfield, westchester county, long island, five boroughs of new york city. that's at the time of high tide which is mi day and lunchtime today you could see that. flurries are around. we'll have temperatures near 40 sunshine. that. we talk about that next, arctic assault on the way. commute. how's it going out there? >>reporter: we'll take a look at mass transit, long island railroad, new jersey transit, on or close to schedule. no major problems there. all the track work has been picked up and put away. new jersey turnpike, garden state parkway, we do have speeds reduceed in both directions. the turnpike the entire line, the parkway between line and exit 24. so you want to keep your speeds down. you could find some icy patches out there. lower level of the george washington bridge, we did have some outbound construction. that has been cleared away. you have minor delays across the board at our hudson river crossings at this point. brooklyn bridge manhattan bound two lanes are closed down and that, of course, is because of construction. let's head over to a webcam and show you how things look here as you travel onto the l.i.e. in queens. not a bad ride for you. this is right near 10 8th street. we have our street cleaning rules suspended, but the metered rules are in effect. ken and lori, over to you >> all right, heather, thank you. we have breaking news in queens. a family is heartbroken after their teenager was killed in a hit and run. >> this happened at sunrise highway and francis lewis boulevard in rosedale, queens just after midnight. eyewitness news reporter mallory hoff is live at the scene. incredibly devastating. investigators now actively dollar van. i do want to show you where this took place. investigators say it happened in this area here, the driver hit a 16-year-old girl and then just kept on going. take a look at this video of the scene. it happened just before 12:30 this morning. police say the teen was hit and again, investigators now looking for a dark colored dollar van. the teen was crossing sunrise highway at francis lewis boulevard in the crosswalk there. the driver was traveling eastbound at the time. this is near the rosedale train station. now, back out here live, you can actually see a few things that were thrown onto the street. this was left behind after investigators tried to tend to that 16-year-old girl this morning. the speed limit in this area is 40 miles per hour. as you can see, even in the dark it is a generally well-lit area. this morning investigators are actively searching for that driver. live in queens, mallory hoff, >> all right, mallory, thank you. it's 5:04. developing right now, one person was shot during a police investigation in suffolk county. police pulled over a vehicle at about 1:00 this morning along route 112 in med fore. at one point police say the driver fled and slammed into the police car. officersofficers tracked down a car to a home in middle island where several people were taken into custody. one police officer is being evaluated at a local hospital. the new hampshire primary is over, and billionaire donald trump is waking up to his first big win in the 2016 race for president. vermont senator bernie sanders also came in on top, crushing hillary clinton in the granite state. he had 59% of the vote compared to clinton's 39%. sanders is hoping to keep up the momentum going today to visit with al sharpton in harlem. on the republican side donald trump took 35% of the vote, second and ted cruz came in third place. abc's kenneth moton is joining us live now from manchester with the latest. kenneth. >>reporter: lori, what a night for politics here in new hampshire. this really shows anything can happen in this race. a polarizing billionaire from new york and also the democratic socialist from vermont, well, they had big victories here in new hampshire. >> oh, wow! >>reporter: republican donald trump and democrat bernie sanders vic toreious in new hampshire. >> we are going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. >> together we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington. >>reporter: the outsiders crushed their competition. the voters in the granite state angry at washington, worried about the economy and looking for honesty, not electability, emerging from the pack of republican governors, a surprise second place finisher, >> if you don't have a seat belt, go get one. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're going to shake this country from top to bottom. >>reporter: the fight for third in the gop race is is between ted cruz -- >> your victory tonight has left the washington cartel utterly terrified. >>reporter: to bush >> it looks like you all have reset the ways. >>reporter: and marco rubio who admitted saturday night's debate was his downfall. >> listen to this, that will never happen again. [ cheers and applause ] >>reporter: a tough night for democratic frontrunner hillary clinton who promised supporters she's marching on to the nomination >> now we take this campaign to the entire country. we are going to fight for every vote in every state. >>reporter: her opponent proved he won't be so easy to shake off. so today is on to the next one, south carolina. the state's gop primary is set for next weekend, but new jersey governor chris christie is headed home as he tries to figure out if he's going to stay in this race. manchester, new hampshire this morning, kenneth moton, channel 7 eyewitness news >> all right, kenneth, thank you. 5:07. well, a smoky sighting atop 1 world trade center sparked panic from people down below. but there was no fire, just an optical illusion. large billows of steam surrounded the building's spier yesterday prompting some people to call police. the port authority says the hvac, the vacuum and air conditioning, et cetera, that unit that's up on the roof, well, that occasionally emit as little bit of steam. that steam mixed with the lights and the moisture in the air, that gave off the illusion of fire. >> i'd be worried too if i thought it was smoke, but i've seen smoke and that's fog >> it looks normal to me. i don't know >> fire and police officials were quick to quell concerns on twitter, telling users there was no fire at the world trade center. thank goodness. >> ail will scary, though. >> sure is. >> you think you're seeing it. it is 5:07, and you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic and bill >> here we go, gang. we look right at 1 world trade and this is clouds covering the all we have this morning. there's some flurries around too as we look across the east river here to wall street and down toward the battery to the left there, the brooklyn bridge there to the right. temperatures this morning 33 degrees. we're looking at some snow showers that are around, a few flakes here over toward warren county and down here toward somerset, hunterdon county, long island, connecticut here, some flurries back to our west here. so in between that we get some sunshine. so some flurries this morning, temperature 34 by 8:00. 36 by noontime. we're going to be seeing 40 this afternoon with breaks of sunshine. and then we're going to be looking at tonight temperature dropping like a rock with some flurries that are going to be possible. so we've got warm gear needed today, kiddos for school, temperature about 40 degrees after school, but it'll be chilly this morning with a couple of flurries. weather and traffic together every seven minutes. heather, what do you got going on? >>reporter: i have the fdr drive with a little bit of construction that's left over this morning as you go onto the southbound side. this is in the 70s. lights as you head into that spot. northbound side not doing too badly. here's a look at the bqe as you come up into the northbound side, making your way into the brooklyn bridge. nothing terrible as far as delays are concerned. and this is the goethals bridge, traffic coming towards us would be heading into staten island. you can see it's just fine. new jersey bound, no major problems. let's head over to our maps and we'll talk about mass transit, long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit, they are all running on or close to schedule. subway service is also running on or close, so you're doing just fine with your subways at this point. going to the new jersey turnpike and the garden state parkway, speeds are reduced in both directions. the new jersey turnpike speeds are down the entire lane. so from the george washington bridge all the way down to the delaware memorial bridge, garden state parkway speed reduction between 124 and up into the new york state line. lower level george washington bridge we had construction outbound. that has been cleared away. we do have a minor delay coming inbound at all three hudson river crossings, no major problems to report there. and then going to the brooklyn at least two lanes are closed down, that's construction. that should be cleared away very shortly. and then we do have alternate side of the street parking rules suspended for today. but don't forget, those metered rules are in effect. ken and lori, over to you. >> all right, heather, thank you. still ahead on eyewitness news this morning, we're getting an exclusive look inside the bus that crashed in connecticut, injuring several people on board. also ahead, soccer superstar hope solo comes forward on her own in rio if the zika where should you start when you're told you have cancer? start with a specialist. start where you'll find advanced technology, precision treatment options and truly compassionate care. start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. every stage. every day. its not one thing we do. it's the only thing we do. start at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. i always heard fios was a lot faster. but, i thought it would be a hassle to switch. turns out it wasn't. they showed up when i asked and they set up wi-fi on my laptop, my tablet and stuff. it's true. it is better. i'm here to mow the lawn. it's february, curtis. maybe i should change some other things around here. with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. 5:12. and we're getting an exclusive look inside the bus that crashed in connecticut and left dozens hurt. our hartford affiliate gained exclusive access to the dahlia bus that crashed in madison on now, that bus was filled with twisted metal and shattered glass, also belongings left behind by passengers. state police inspectors are looking for any clues about the crash. the u.s. women's national soccer team was briefed last night on the developing zika virus crisis in latin america. goalkeeper hope solo said she may skip the olympics in rio de janeiro, brazil over fears of the virus. solo told that she wants to have children some day and doesn't want to contract the virus suspected of causing birth defects. officials maintain the games will not be canceled. it is 5:13. let's check in with meteorologist bill evans and your accuweather forecast >> here we go. we take a look from the empire state building and the new york light building and we try to seek out and find 1 world trade. we can kind of -- can we, kind of make it out? is it right there? yeah. we got low clouds is what's responsible for this this morning, and we have a few and the temperature 33 degrees. the humidity in zone, the winds are west at 3, the pressure 29.06. so 29.60, the atmosphere unstable, a low pressure system is to our south and kind of sliding out into the atlantic. yesterday's high was 36. normal is 41 now. so we're on to the warm side of things now, the temperature in the afternoon averages will start to increase, and we've got maybe a decent sunset coming at 5:24 today. sunshine. 31 here around kickston and poughkeepsie and carmel in putnam county, 28. newburgh is 30. 27 monticello. i love that sound. do that again. did you hear that? nothing like the sound of ice and liquid being poured into a glass. just love that. here's what's going on this morning. we have a wind that's kind of out of the north going around northwest to about a 37 mile per hour wind. 32 in the bronx, 27 around laguardia, 28 around jfk, 29 on long island and 31 up toward poughkeepsie. flood advisory. from flood warnings to flood advisories, so be aware around the high tide once again today because we have the new moon and the astronomical high tide for this year. there could be a little bit of that. we've got a west wind, so that will help today. flurries, as you see, are popping up. then i put the clouds together here on the satellite and radar picture. so back to the west we have some breaks of sun and that's what we'll have. you see this on futurecast. by the time we get to midday, look at this, a nice break there of sunshine at 10:00 and maybe some breaks this afternoon. but, look, the wind flow starts to go northwest here and the cold air starts to pour in this evening and tonight we'll have some flurries around because that cold air really is just arctic and squeezes out some flurries. you see tomorrow morning at 9:00 we could have some flurries around through the day and the temperature just keeps dropping like a rock this weekend. 39 this afternoon, a sprinkle or a flurry, breaks of sun. saturday, however, 22 the high with some flurries and 19 on sunday. so get ready for a cold weekend. i already got a whole batch of movies i'm going to watch. a few flurries this afternoon. it'll be cloudy, there'll be cloudy, brisk and cold, a snow shower possible tonight with this cold air coming in tomorrow. you got breaks of sun, it's blustery, it's colder, there's a snow shower, temperature is 30. your accuweather seven-day forecast, it's windy and cold on friday, 30. look at saturday, 22, down to 3, and then 19 on sunday. booya! is that cold? that's the coldest air mass so far of the season. notice on tuesday we warm back up to 44. so it doesn't last too long >> just a quick little reminder of what season we're in. >> thanks for the eggs. >> oh, thank you. anytime. >> that's a lot of eggs. yesterday and today. >> yes, he did. >> and the pouring ice, by the way, that's ice coffee. it goes great with the 8-degree weather. >>reporter: yeah, exactly >> there's a speak easy over here. >> right? what do you have out there? >>reporter: lealts talk about mass transit. we have long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit all running on or close to schedule. subway service is also running major issues there. if you are heading into medford, we have route 112 between park avenue and te conic avenue, that police activity continues, so you want to avoid that spot if you can. brooklyn bridge, manhattan bound, two lanes are closed down, not cause ago tremendous amount of delays, but that's construction. should be cleared away soon. and we also have our speeds reduced on -- we also have our speeds reduced new jersey turnpike the entire to 50 miles an hour and the garden state parkway between exits 124 and the new york state line. alternate side of the street parking rules are suspended, but the metered rules are in effect. ken, lori, over to you. >> all right, heather, thank you. still ahead on eyewitness news this morning, fed up with squeezing in the ever-shrinking airline seat. well, the move today that could lead to a big change. remember, you can track your weather in the neighborhood that you live in on the go. download our free accutrack weather alert app for live we built our factories here because of a huge natural resource. not the land. the water. or power sources. it's the people. american workers. they build world-class products. and that builds communities. and a better future. for all of us. because making something in america means so much, to so many. 5:20. welcome back. we have new video in the past hour of the high tide flooding problems along the south shore of long island. look at this water. babylon seeing a foot of water before it finally started to recede along fire island avenue. sayreville has the same problems with moderate flooding on browns river road and terry street. >> trouble, yep. it is 5:20. and you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic, and that means >> yes, it does. and this morning, as i run in haste over to the beautiful touch screen, here's what's going on this morning, as we take a look outside. we look down the jersey shore here. we're looking at some beautiful weather except there's some low clouds. normally you kind of see the navigational buoy out there, so we got kind of a low visibility. however, this morning temperatures are pretty close to one another, 33, 34 around the five boroughs, the urban areas of new jersey. we're going to be having a west/southwest wind today. wind chills are in the 20s, dress warmly. the humidities are high. if you're taking the ferry back and forth from staten island or jersey city here, you got a nice morning outside. heather is looking at your commute. ferries are okay. >>reporter: >>reporter: ferries are doing okay >> what with the roads and the rails? >>reporter: no problems along long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit. subway service also running on or close to schedule. we do have a problem on the roads in medford on long island, 112 between te conic avenue, crews continue to close route 112 through those roads lanes are closed off and that is for construction. hoping they'll get that cleared away very shortly. we have alternate side of the street parking rules suspended, but metered rules are in effect. ken and lori, over to you. >> all right, heather, thank you. still ahead on eyewitness news this morning, gas prices keep plunging. we'll tell you where drivers are paying 99 cents a gallon. and one of the biggest movies on the big screen now has its eyes on broadway. find out when "frozen" is set 5:25. on the money this morning, another down day for asian stocks. >> japan's nikkei dropped more than 2%. markets are closed in china for the holiday, the lunar new year. on wall street the dow starts the day down slightly at 16,014, nasdaq and s&p 500 also begin slightly lower. right now futures are pointing to a higher open. gas prices could soon drop below $1 a gallon. >> abc's reena ninan and candace gibson have this morning's headlines. >> plunging prices at the pump. >> drivers in nine mid west $1 a gallon by next week. >> right now nearly 90% of us pay less than $2 a gallon. >> if you've had enough of squeezing into your seat on a plane, a member of congress feels your pain. >> tomorrow legislation will be introduced to force the faa to agree to a minimum seat size. the bill says shrink seats are a matter of health and safety, not to mention comfort. >> good point. and flying onward and upward to the great white way, our parent company disney has announced "frozen" is heading to broadway in the spring of 2018. no word yet, though, who will be cast in the lead roles. >> "frozen" has earned nearly $1.3 billion at the box office. >> which is the reason disney just won't let it go. >> that's america's money, folks. >> nice. well, starbuck's hopes to perk your interest with three new valentine's drinks. they are chocolate, and they're available through sunday and if molten chocolate drinks aren't enough, yum, starbuck's is also animated jiff that you can e- mail to love ones. all right. coming up in our next half hour, we're live on the scene after deadly hit and run, the victim just 16 years old. and there are some flurries around today as we prepare for some frigid temperatures this weekend. meteor quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. belvita breakfast biscuits provide steady morning energy whether you... love the great outdoors... love the great indoors... or just really love doors. belvita. because we can all use steady morning energy. breaking news, a 16-year- old girl is ged and the search is -- is dead and the search is on for the hit-and-run driver who killed her. we are live on the scenes. the first primary is in the books and we're live in new hampshire where bernie sanders will make an appearance following his big win. and there could be some slick spots during your morning commute. you are advised to take it easy. and this is a live look now from road cam 7 on interstate 95 and the mayor knack, westchester county. good morning, i'm ken rosato. >> i'm lori stokes. it is wednesday, february 10th. >> and another slippery start for much of the tri-state area. many people waking up to some light snow or flurries. i drove in behind this salt spreader on route 3 in secaucus as freezing rain was falling at the time. >> that's your video? >> that's my amazing video from -- >> that's excellent. >> that's the mountain cam i have on the dashboard, the dash cam, but it works. >> watch out if you're near ken rosato. >> don't speed. >> he could be chasing you. you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic and bill >> ken, that looked really good, man >> thank you, sir >> very professionally shot. me, on the other hand, too shaky. it's like an earthquake. here's what's going on this morning. we take a look from our camera here at 4 times square, looking south. see how dark it is? we have low clouds and fog around, and with the low clouds like ken was saying, there's some freezing rain kind of showing up. the temperature, you know, it's 30, 33 degrees around the five boroughs, 27 west hampton out white plains is 29 and it's 32 down the shore. so we have this coastal flood advisory today, be advised on high tide which is this morning and through midday there could be some issues with flooding. we have some flurries on the easternen of long island, coastal connecticut, back around west new jersey. we'll have some off and on flurries this morning, then the sun is going to break out midday and lunchtime and it gets to 40 degrees. if you like the warm stuff, enjoy that because it gets brutally cold this weekend. we'll talk about that next. heather is looking at your commute for you this morning. what's going on with the >>reporter: well, we have long island rl, metro north and new fine. subway service is also running brooklyn bridge manhattan bound, two lanes are closed until 6:00 a.m. not causing a tremendous amount of problems, but something to think about for you. as you go through medford on long island, route 112 between park avenue and te conic continues. so expect that closure to be in place. we have minor delays george washington bridge, lincoln, -- holland tunnels, no major problems there. this is the east side of town, fdr drive in the 90s, northbound side moving left, southbound side doing okay, down into the 70s, we had some earlier construction it looks like. that may be picked up by now. new jersey turnpike, garden state parkway speeds reduced down to 50 miles an hour. this is basically north of this area which is right near the turnpike and the garden state parkway merges by exit 129 and exit 11. so no major problems to report, but they've just reduced those speeds. street cleaning rules are suspended, metered rules are in effect. ken, over to you. >> heather, thank you. it's 5:31. and we have some breaking news now in queens. police searching for the driver who struck and killed a teenaged girl and then kept going. eyewitness news reporter mallory hoff is live in rosedale. she has the very latest for us. mallory. >>reporter: ken, good morning. investigators now look for a dark colored dollar van. i do want to show you where this happened. investigators say it happened in this crosswalk behind me around 12:30 this morning. police say the teen was hit and killed, a 16-year-old girl. again, investigators now looking for a dark colored dollar van. the 16-year-old was crossing sunrise highway at francis lewis boulevard in the crosswalk. the driver was traveling eastbound. this is near the rosedale train station. the teen was taken to jamaica hospital where she was pronounced dead. now, back out here live, you can actually see a few items scattered in the road where first responders attempted to help this teenager early this morning. now, the speed limit here is 40 miles per hour, and as you can see even in the dark this is a pretty well-lit area. this morning investigators actively looking for the driver of that van. live in queens, mallory hoff, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> mallory, thank you. it's 5:32. and the first presidential primary is in the books. republican donald trump and democrat bernie sanders won big. trump took 35% of the vote, second and ted cruz mustered up 12%. as for the democrat sanders won with 60% of the vote compared to hillary clinton's 39%. sanders is hoping to keep that momentum going right here in the area today. eyewitness news reporter dray clark is live in harlem. dray. >>reporter: good morning, lori. after that landslide victory in new hampshire last night, bernie sanders now heads to south carolina, but along the way his first stop will be here in harlem for a breakfast with reverend al sharpton. sanders knows that the voting demographic will change in south carolina, so he wants to strengthen his support among african-american voters. >> together we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington, from maine to california. >>reporter: for bernie sanders, victory as sweet as maple syrup. for hillary clinton a loss unimaginable five months ago. among younger voters. he also won decidessively among male voters and held his own against clinton, winning female voters. clinton comes back to new york today to reportedly shake up her campaign staff in brooklyn. >> i know i have some work to do, particularly with young people, but i will repeat again what i have said this week, even if they are not supporting me now, i support them. >>reporter: a record turnout with lines two miles long gave donald trump the victory. he hungered for after losing in iowa. >> we are going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. i love you all. thank you, new hampshire. >>reporter: ohio governor john kasich broke from the pack to take second place. >> you made it happen. you made it happen. >>reporter: but far behind, the governor who bet his white showing in new hampshire, chris christie came in sixth place, a crushing disappointment. >> so we're going to go home to new jersey to wait, by tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, we should know. we should know what the vote count is, and that's going to allow us to make a decision about how we move from here in this race. >>reporter: certainly governor chris christie has a lot to think about. he has to decide if he, first, has the momentum, and more importantly if he has the money to stay the course and make a run in south carolina. time will tell on that front. meanwhile, that breakfast with bernie sanders and reverend al sharpton is scheduled to happen at 9:30 this morning here at sylvia's in harlem. for now, we're live, dray clark, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> all right, dray, thank you. and donald trump getting the word out that he won. he tweeted a thank you to new hampshire, as he headed off to south carolina with his family. and hillary clinton said that her loss in new hampshire was only the beginning. she also said she had fought hard for every vote and would well, police have identified the man suspected in a sexual assault that happened on the upper east side. officers are looking for 32- year-old gregory anderson. police say that he grabbed a woman from behind, threw her to the ground and then sexually assaulted her saturday night near east 94th street and second avenue. anderson also stole $40 from the woman. he was spotted inside a deli shortly after that attack. 5:36. and jury deliberation also resume today in the manslaughter trial of nypd officer peter liang. during closing arguments yesterday, prosecutors claimed the shooting was reckless and not an accident. liang's attorneys argued it was a terrible tragedy, but not a crime. liang shot and killed 28-year- old akye girly in a dark stairwell while patrolling a brooklyn housing project. 5:36. a courtroom vict i of sorts for bill cosby. a los angeles judge has dismissed janice dickinson's defamation claim file bid cosby's claim. allegations that the comedian drug and raped her in 1982. it's only a partial victory because dickinson is still subject to cosby's lawsuit. it's 5:37. you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic and meteorologist bill evans. >> well, here's our camera in brooklyn, looking over to lower manhattan, wall street, bowling green, all the way down there the brooklyn bridge and we're looking south toward the battery. looking kien of calm on the east river this morning as we look over the watch tower building down in lower manhattan. we do have on the east river here it looks like glass here as we look over to the roosevelt island, over to the fdr, that's way over there. so we got low clouz and some flurries, an then temperature right at the freezing mark at 33 degrees. and it will be a day where we see these temperatures climbing to near 40 degrees which won't be too bad. today we'll be looking at what will be temperatures that will tomorrow and we get on to the end of the week. as a matter of fact, we'll be looking at cloudy skies and a few flurries this morning. off to our west, there will be a few flurries that glide on by, no real accumulations, but there might be slick spots on roadways and that sort of thing. in the afternoon temperatures get to near 40. you see the sun is going to break out as we get to later on today. and as we go into tonight, that's when we start to see the temperatures drop off. at the bus stop, kiddos, the enforcer will be there in the green hat, right there. >>reporter: that's right. >> there you go. >>reporter: stay in line. >> stay in line. >>reporter: yes. >> i am in line. >>reporter: there you go. okay. >> thraryx dress warmly, and stay in line. >>reporter: stay in line. you stay right there. fdr drive not doing too badly as you head through the traffic doing just fine as you head through this spot. let's go over to our maps, we'll tell you about our mass transit, long island rl, metro north and new jersey transit. subways running on or close. brooklyn bridge manhattan bound a.m. here's bqe coming onto the northbound side making your way into the brooklyn bridge, you can see that traffic is doing just fine, so that construction on the brooklyn bridge is not point. we do have this closure continuing in medford, route 112 between park avenue and activity. route 112. we do have our street cleaning rules suspended, but the metered rules are in effect. ken an lori, over to you. you. still ahead on eyewitness news this morning, rapper dmx is expected to return home from the hospital today after a life- or-death medical emergency. eyewitness news spoke exclusively with his ex-wife about the scary incident. and the nightmare is almost over for passengers on that battered cruise ship that sailed right into a powerful storm. new information this morning on and rapper dmx was rescued by police who found him lying in a yonkers parking lot not breathing and without a pulse. security guards at the ramada inn say the rapper had collapsed after heading outside. emergency crews did chest compressions, gave him oxygen and the drug narcan after a witness claimed that dmx was having a drug overdose. but in an exclusive interview, the singer's ex-wife dismissed that idea. >> she just told me that he was happy to be alive and everything was going good, he was feeling good. he said it was an asthma attack. i know a lot of people told me, they said it was drug related, but i don't think so. you know, he has a long history of asthma, and he said he was -- he had a bad cold for about a week, and he said that, you know, i guess not -- you know, getting it treat resulted in chest pains and he said next thing he knew he was on the floor and in a hospital. >> dmx expects to get out of it's 5:43. and that royal caribbean cruise ship that -- well, with thousands of passengers called a nightmare came to an end last night when the ship finally -- or tonight it'll come to an end when the ship will finally dock in bayonne. that packed cruise ship heading into a rough storm off the carolina coast. it was battered by winds over 100 miles an hour, the waves 30 feet high. imagine that. horrified passengers recorded the whiled scene as the ocean tossed them about. >> it's probably the biggest scare that i've had so far in my life. >> the captain insists the power of the storm was a surprise, but one u.s. senator is calling on the ntsb to investigate the incident. the national weather service saying that they forecast that storm four days in advance. >> right. >> not too much of a surprise >> they did have a heads up, right? >> yeah, a little bit. it is 5:43. let's check in with bill. >> yes, as a captain i would like to say, captain, we have a thing called the internet. might want to check that out. here's what's going on this morning. actually, we'll show you right at times square looking on down 9th avenue here and broadway. we're looking at a good visibility here. there are some flurries that are flying around this morning. here's our look to the west side where there's some wet streets, there could be a little icy spots outside the city. you just want to be on the lookout for that this morning because the temperature is hovering right at 33. the humidity 78%, got a west wind. yesterday's high 36, and the normal is 41. we're going to be right at 40 today, our normal high temperature, but that's going to be the last time we see a normal high temperature for a while. 30 around hanover, 31 around bridge dll water. we're looking at 27 monticello, 31 poughkeepsie, 28 down the jersey shore. just a calm to a light wind here coming out of the north and the west. so it's going to be swinging across much of the west today with this wind at about 10, maybe even 20 miles an hour. laguardia around queens and astoria, feels like 27. 21 monticello, 26 you see this morning. i just want to check some visibilities because in some a 2 1/2-mile visibility and some of those flurries and a 4- mile visibility here around morristown, 2-mile visibility in islip. keep that in mind today be careful traveling because there could be some icy spots. and at the time of high tide, mid morning and early afternoon, a new moon with the as tro no, ma'amical high tide, we're on the down side of that. there'll be some flurries around today and breaks of sun. notice by the time we get to midday it's 36, 37 degrees, and some breaks of sunshine. flurries this evening. cold air starts to pour in tonight out of the northwest. you see this flow here of flurries and cold air and big wind coming for tomorrow. 39 after school, breaks of sunshine, a flurry or a sprinkle this morning. the weekend is bitter, 22 with some flurries saturday, 19 on sunday. a few flurries, cloudy skies, breaks of sun by afternoon, 40. tonight a snow shower, 24. here comes the cold air. it just slowly starts to pour in tomorrow. breaks of sun, blustery, it's going to feel like teens and 20 tomorrow. thursday and friday will feel like the teens. saturday is going to feel like the single digits, and then it's blustery and bitter on sunday, bitter, party of one. but it will be a snow shower two on monday that warms up to 44 by tuesday. so a roller coaster. see, that kind of balances out when you have just really warmth and then you got the bitter cold and it balances out over time. >> right. >> as grandma used to say, that's how you get sick. >> it is how you get sick. >> you never know how to dress for it. >>reporter: starting november something i just wear every pair of article of clothing that i have. >> just layer up. >> you just wear long johns from november to like april? >>reporter: exactly. why not, right? let's take a look at this picture right here. this is route 112 between park avenue, pa conic avenue, that police activity. all lanes are closed down as long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit doing just fine. subway service is running on or close to schedule. going to the brooklyn bridge manhattan bound, we do have two lanes closed down. that is until 6:00 a.m. so hopefully they'll get that cleared away shortly. right behind me we have the belt parkway. this is the belt parkway right near jfk. no major problems to report as you travel onto the belt parkway at this point. so that's some good news if you are going to jfk all of our airports seem to be running on or close and we have no major problems at our hudson river crossings. street cleaning rules suspended, metered rules in eskt in. ken, in effect. today is ash wednesday, the start of the season of lent leetding up to easter sunday. it's a season of pentence and reflection marked by many christians around the world. it includes 40 days of fasting, that excludes sundays, of course, and the distinct marking on the forehead with ashes. now, the ashes are the symbol of humility and sacrifice. in spite of the cold today, trinity church in lower manhattan and many other houses of worship will offer ashes on bring the ashes to you if you can't get to them. >> yeah, that's good. it is 5:48. still ahead on eyewitness news this morning, actor ken waat thatnabe is in the fight of his life after revealing he has cancer again. coming up the very latest on his condition. well, she waited years for a life-saving operation, now a little girl gets another chance at life. stay tt2wlr=[hk po j# /ml tt2wlr=[hk p!!*n _m$ tt2wlr=[hk p4!j# )[p tt2wlr=[hk px#*&`:.u$ tt2wlr=[hk pt#j'`::u@ tt2wlr=[hk pt#j)`:15$ tt2wlr=[hk pp#j*`:&.8 tt2wlr=[hk pp#j,`:gtx tt2wlr=[hk pl#*.`:n]t tt2wlr=[hk pl#*0`:uk< i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. it's 5:50. welcome back. and new this morning actor ken wattanabe has announced he is fighting stomach cancer. found during a recent update. he endwent endoscopy. he says he'll have to delay his return to the stage. the 56-year-old beat leukemia in 1989 and returned to acting a year later. well, a sign of the times, breastfeeding mothers traveling through atlanta's hartsfield jackson international airport now have their own secluded spots to feed their babies. the airport has installed new nursing pods. inside there are benches, a space for diaper changes, electrical outlets to plug in a pump or a phone charger. there are four pods install so far, located past the security checkpoint. an airport spokesman says the reception has been great. 5:51. a 10-year-old girl is running and jumping for the first time in her life after getting the gift of a new heart. shelby christopher was born with a defect that left part of her heart undeveloped. well, she had been waiting for a new heart for more than two years until her family got the call in october. shelby spent weeks recovering in that time the donor family reached out to shelby's parents. they wanted to confirm shelby did receive the heart of their energetic 7-year-old son. >> we started teasing that we were going to send disclaimers along that you might have a really wild kid afterwards. >> not only did they help us in our family, but i hear they helped many other families, and that's an amazing thing. >> wow! what a brave thing to do. during their exchange, both families also found out they only lived six miles apart from one another. >> isn't that something? such a gift. >> it a way to make the loss of their son live on like that. still ahead, the burglar on the run in brooklyn after making an unusual entrance into a liquor store. road cam 7 live on the l.i.e. in queens right now. we're watching for flurries and slick spots on your morning commute. and then get ready for a blast of frigid cold this weekend. meteorologist bill evans will the exclusive in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today alright guys. i want to show you some cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. you're never more than seven minutes away from weather and traffic together here on eyewitness news this morning. it's 5:55, five minutes before 6:00. cloudy skies, some flurries as we look down the beach here down the beautiful jersey shore. flurries up the hudson river valley. a few flurries are off in western new jersey and will slide across the garden state parkway. could make roadways a tad slippery. you know, they've been treated and temperatures are right at that freezing mark this morning. so be careful traveling. a little bit of some flurries today, but the temperature gets to 40, and then bitter cold on the way. i'll tell but that next. heather is looking at your commute. weather then heather. how's it going out there? >>reporter: we have this huge delay traveling onto the bqe. look at all those brake lights. what's causing all of that? let's head to the maps and i'll that accident being taken care of, so you have a couple of lanes closed down. van wyck north at queens we'll look at a camera here and show you the van wyck here as you come onto the southbound side this. is taking you into the kew southbound not doing too badly. it's on the northbound side before you get into the kew gardens interchange, that's where that is. subway service is running on or close to schedule, no major problems to report there, and long island railroad, metro north, new jersey transit, they are all running on or close to schedule. alternate side of the street parking rules are suspended, the metered rules are in effect. lori, over to you. >> thank you, heather. 5:56. a thief in brooklyn made an unusual entrance when he broke into a liquor store. police say the man cut a hole into the ceiling to get into the store. now, this was on fulton street in bed-stuy last thursday morning before the store opened. detectives say that the burglar broke a lot of bottles and stole about $10,000 from the registers. he also left by going back through the ceiling. closing in on 6:00, and we are on breaking news in queens. a teenaged girl crossing a busy highway struck and killed by a van. what we're learning about the driver now wanted for hit and run. long island where a traffic stop ends and -- ends in gunfire. and a scary sight at the world trade center causing some alarm on social media. this morning we've learned exactly what's behind it. 5:57. also getting another dusting of snow this morning, but the really brutal, brutal winter meteorologist bill evans has oh-oh, oh-oh oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-ooh, oh hearts are made for sharing. spread some sweetness with dunkin' donuts' cookie dough and brownie batter donuts. heart-shaped happiness too sweet not to share. america runs on dunkin'. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol . breaking news at 6:00. a 16-year-old girl is dead, the victim of a hit-and-run crash in queens. toreious in new hampshire.

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