Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News Sunday Morning 20160306

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News Sunday Morning 20160306

the gun jammed k. luckily. -- jammed luckily. we have information on what happened next. and pictures of the suspect police are trying to hunt down. you are looking live at one of our favorite shots. the sun is trying to rise. thank you for joining us on sunday, march 6th. i'm toni yates in for michelle this morning. >> glad to have you back for round two. >> good morning, everybody. happy sunday, i'm rob nelson. let's check in with the one and only, amy freeze, gearing up for a cold day and a beautiful warm up. >> you know what, this is a critical moment right here. we're at 33 degrees. i think we'll be warmer than the freezing point the entire week, the entire 7-day stretch, i don't think we'll go back below the freezing point. from here on out it's all good. it's actually a nice warm up in front of us. meanwhile, there are a few north and central new jersey. 33 degrees until the park, and really, once the sun comes up here, 6:22, i think that we'll be free and clear of the city, but temperatures are right around the freezing point in a lot of locations, so we can check out what's happening on the radar and it shows not just the winds have settled down, it feels a few degrees off the actual thermometer readings. no real accumulation is expected. this big warm up means records are within reach and there's potential for heavy rain down the stretch. over mount olive we see the snow showers coming down, making their way through central new jersey. not expecting too much from this, but flurries to the 70s in the 7-day accuweather forecast. i'll have details in a few minutes. until then, temperatures in the 40s in the afternoon. we are following a developing story right now. a serious car accident right across from a high school in information still coming in. >> eyewitness news reporter kristin thorne is live in north bergen with details on this. >> reporter: we're waiting for a lot of information about what exactly happened here. i can show you the debris left from this accident. a car hit a group of people. we don't know how many people were involved. this happened around 9:30 last night near the intersection of 26th street and jfk boulevard in north bergen, just across the street from union city high school. it's also unclear if police arrested the driver or if the driver is even in custody at this point. we don't know the severity of the injuries of those who were hit. obviously we're still waiting for information to come in. as soon as we get it, we'll bring it to you. live in north bergen, kristin thorne channel 7 eyewitness news. thank you very much. in other news now, a father and daughter walked away safely island after their small plane lost engine power. that plane came to rest on ground in hauppaugh. they were coming from looking at colleges in rhode island, the plane's engine cut out 2000 feet above the ground! never expected to have a problem like this. >> officials say once the parachute deployed, the pilot no longer had control of the plane. he was fortunate to miss that nearby building. other than that minor scratch you saw on his head. obergh and his daughter were not hurt in the crash. a moving salute to a former nypd officer killed in the line a memorial service for 29-year- old david hofer drew thousands to the stadium. he was a new york city police officer for five years before joining the police force in euless. he said he moved there because he wanted to be somewhere safer. he died tuesday after being hit in a shoot out with a suspect. the suspect also was shot and killed. police in brooklyn are searching for a man who tried to shoot a woman with her children. she was walking up the stairs of a building in crown heights yesterday afternoon. he pulled the trigger on the gun, but it jammed. the woman had a chance to run into the apartment and lock the door. police say the suspect fired several rounds into the door before he finally ran away. investigators say the woman doesn't know who the suspect is. a man has been left seriously injured after someone attacked him with a pipe. he suffered massive head wounds. this happened in queens. attacked after an argument yesterday on a sidewalk in sunnyside gardens. he ended up with a deep cut to his head. he was taken to elm hurst hospital in critical condition. the scene. a friend o. victim who didn't -- of the victim who didn't want to show his face on camera told us about his friend. >> he's a generous person. he really didn't deserve it. >> one person has been taken into custody. police are searching for a second suspect. let's talk politics now, the votes are tallies from multiple super saturday show downs and several candidates are now claiming victory as the race for the white house definitely begins to intensify. front runners hillary clinton, and donald trump both picked up wins last night. trump, in fact, pulled off a late night victory in the kentucky gop caucuses. meanwhile, the rivals, bernie sanders on the democratic side and texas senator ted cruz for voters by a 2-1 margin in the city certainly that has been in the news in recent months months and for republicans, a primary is held in puerto rico. stay with eyewitness news, and abc news throughout this incredible campaign season. george stephanopoulos will have much more on super saturday and what it all means for the 10:00 a.m. right here on channel 7. so now we go how do you eat your oreos? today would be the day to break it apart and eat the cream first or dunk the whole thing into some ice cold milk because it is time to celebrate national oreo cookie day. now, heaven knows how march 6 march 6th earned this title. sounds like good pr to me. however it got to be oreo cookie day, it's a good excuse to make those cookies disappear. coming up on eyewitness news, sunday morning, you can stay right there. family and friends gather in brooklyn to remember the life of a former buffalo state basketball player. he died during a possible fraternity hazing incident. that story and much more just ahead. stay with us. dunk it in the milk first. that's what i do. temperatures are a handful of at the same time yesterday. the warm up is underway. it's just begun and nice temperatures. we give this day on a scale of one to ten, a seven. we start with flurries and i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! . 6:12 now, an emotional vigil is held for a man in brooklyn. police are investigating it as a possible hazing incident. make sure no one else becomes a victim. eyewitness news reporter mallory huff has the story. >> reporter: family and friends gathered in brooklyn where former buffalo state basketball player bradley.commie grew up -- doiley grew up. >> everyone came to celebrate a person who left too early. >> reporter: police have ruled his death suspicious. authorities have not released toxicology reports. he was set to graduate from buffalo state this spring. his older sister spoke with us. >> i can't really speak on behalf of, you know, what really happened because i honestly don't know what happened, and we are all, you know, wait to go see what the outcome will be. >> reporter: the group walked from the young man's childhood home to a nearby park where he used to practice basketball. his father held a candle in one hand and wiped tears from his cheek with the other. when they arrived at the park, >> a child that left his parents' house to go and get an education, returned to them a corpse. >> it's real sad but i know that he's in a better place, and i know that's the way he got there. might not have been the way he wanted to go, but i know that the lord is going to look over him. >> reporter: they sang together. his mother kissed a balloon, a moment of grief and hesitation before releasing it into the air. the other balloons followed. now family members say they plan to work with representatives as they look for answers as to what led to his death. doiley's funeral and burial will take place on march 13th and 14th. in canarsie brooklyn, mallory huff, eyewitness news. on top of the world this judge james stoplis was vacationing in florida when he bought a powerball ticket. he didn't learn that he was a winner until he was back home. at the time he was just eating at his favorite diner. you know what he had on him, a winning ticket worth $291 million. >> i said, wow, i wonder what it would feel like to hit a big lottery winning, because i never win nothing. i'm a millionaire. >> so happy. my cousin james won. he then chartered a private jet. yeah, you did. to fly back down to florida to claim the big winnings. he bought the ticket with two friends, in fact, and opting for the cash lump sum, each of them, each of the three will get about $40 million. and story doesn't stop there. wednesday's powerball drawing. the brother won $7 in the same drawing. >> that's priceless. >> favorite story of the morning. >> that is too cute. why does that never happen to me. >> you know that brother's sitting there with the $7. >> that's too cute. >> that's good stuff. >> big brother got him covered. >> family, family here. straight ahead on eyewitness news sunday morning, the next phase to extend the harlem is in th i always heard fios was a lot faster. but i thought it'd be a hassle to switch. turns out it wasn't. they showed up when i asked and they set up wi-fi on my laptop and my tablet and stuff. it's true. it is better. i'm here to mow the lawn. it's february, curtis. maybe i should change some other things around here. switching is easy with our switchers guarantee. we'll arrive when promised and set up your devices to your new wi-fi. switch now and get 100 meg speeds, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online. switch to better. switch to fios. this is the face of addiction. addiction doesn't discriminate. alcohol smoking weed pills crack k2, spice acid cocaine crystal meth heroin this is also the face of hope. addiction is a disease. help is available. visit the new york state office of alcoholism slow, building african-style music it's the little moments that make the biggest waves. kalahari resorts & conventions the world's coolest indoor waterparks. for the spring break adventure of a lifetime, visit . street in sydney for the mardi gras parade and a celebration of gay rights. the celebration is actually dated back to 1978 with a connection of our area. celebrating the anniversary of the stonewall riots clashed with police last week. sydney's police apologized to the members of that original parade. there we go. there we are. >> mardi gras is always fun, wherever you go. savannah, new orleans. i've done savannah. orleans. >> no, i'm skyed i might not -- scared i might not return. >> remember when you brought us that big cake, and it had little gadgets in it. >> the plastic baby. buy the next cake. next year we're all going to mardi gras. get ready to get lucky, and dance in the streets around here. >> sounds like a plan. >> from this point forward, we're above freezing. >> for the rest of the year. >> down the stretch. >> i don't know about that, but for a good deal of time, our temperatures are nice and warm. we're at 33 degrees right now as the sun comes up at 6:22. we'll get a beautiful start to the day east, but we are seeing the sunrise, how gorgeous it is. >> it's beautiful. >> to the east, it looks fantastic and fabulous. come on over to the tv set. if you are west of the city, you could have snow showers right thousand. brief little snow showers coming through. it's a weak band. something to pay attention to this morning, especially if you have to travel. no major accumulations are expected. north wind is light. 3 miles per hour. typical high for this time of year is 46. we're shooting for that number. the record is 68. flirting with records like that as we approach 30 degrees in the accuweather forecast. in central park, low 40s this afternoon. that should feel pretty good. especially because the flurries and clouds are going to escape quickly out of here, and that allows for warmth and sunshine during the afternoon. temperatures are a handful degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. and to the north, monticello and poughkeepsie are a lot warmer than they were, and we are approaching a freezing point at a lot of places in the boroughs. and throughmont olive towards -- through mount olive toward franklin, as they come through the city, parts of staten island could catch the snow flurries. upper, lower hudson valley and further to the north and west, you may not see a flurry at all, and you'll have sunshine. these are sneaky little snow showers that are running through, and these fast moving flurries will not last all day. were yesterday by about 5 monday looks terrific. into the 50s. then by tuesday and wednesday, we're pushing, 60s to nearly 70 degrees, and that is going to feel nice all because of the jet stream moving to the north and shoving warm air in our direction. that's going to allow for pleasant conditions and a preview of spring, if you will. 46, so the flurries are first, and then the sunshine. 36 for the overnight low. above freezing tonight, mainly sunny and warmer tomorrow. 57. wow, here's accuweather 7-day forecast. down the stretch, we've got numbers here, 66. that's an april high in march. 70 degrees on wednesday, and then temperatures in the low 60s on thursday. it's warm and wet. 61 friday. 59 degrees with a shower and then saturday temperatures are in the mid-50s. so see across the board there, no freezing numbers. no 32 or below. that's what i'm talking about. >> thank you, lauren. >> thank you, amy. the mta is planning its next phase of work in extending the 2 2nd avenue subway, trying to finish the first segment by the end of the year. the mta announced its hiring contractors for phase 2 which will extend the line north into east harlem. the agency says the goal is to fast track the phase 2. the first phase with stations at 72nd, 86th and 96th 96th when we come back this [car starting] [engine revving] [crashing] [sirens] governor andrew cuomo: there is an unhealthy income inequality gap that is only growing. if you work full-time you shouldn't have to choose between paying the rent and buying food. i say lift up the working families of this state we fight until this nation fulfills its promise of opportunity for all and that's what this welcome back, a ufc upset champion. misha tate beat holly holmes in a 5th round submission. she appeared to be unconscious with ninety-seconds left. tate's win makes her the third 135-pound champion in ufc history. >> i can't get used to those pictures. >> i wouldn't message with any of them -- mess with any of them. you know, it's 6:26. >> what's wrong? >> you know, it's a little >> i'll save you. little sports news. good morning, everyone, after losing 15 of the last 18, the knicks needed something to go their way last night. it didn't start out that way. an hour before the game, sporzingus can a contusion. , he was 7 of 7 in the quarter, as the knicks built a slim lead, we go to the 2nd. pistons trying to keep pace. andre drummond, the knicks lead. carmelo anthony had a game high 24 points. friday night, the knicks blew a 4th quarter lead. not last night. robin lopez, the jumper. 102-89, the knicks with a rare but much needed win. also last night, the nets at minnesota, brook lopez resting. overall number one draft pick, the tomahawk jam. and zach levine the slam dunk winner, showing moves again. 132-118, the nets drop the second of their back-to-back. much of the yankees success this season hinges on the health of their starting pitching. today they will have their first look at likely opening day starter, tanaka after his elbow surgery. a good day for the future. top prospect jorge but -- bateo. and mark, the single. we go back to the future now, a key prospect, aaron judge, flashing the power. blasting the opposite field, three run home run. that made it 6-4, the yankees top their rivals. mets visiting the astro, and former teammate, colin mccue. the single to right center, allows george springer to score. 1-0. hererra, friday's hero with the inside the park home run, the rbi triple yesterday. that tied the game. the melts get their first -- mets get their first win of the spring. i'm lower laura -- laura behnke. we're back with more including a look at top stories. police in new jersey are investigating after a car jumps the curb and hits a group of people. we'll have details coming up. thank you, kristen, also ahead, an nfl football player found himself in a smoky situation after being stopped by cops for, you guessed it, marijuana possession. why police are now praising (vo) my name's nick and i make dog chow in denver, colorado. one of my fondest memories of khloe is the day we got her. i knew right there she was gonna be a great dog. khloe's a big influence on the family. she loved lincoln from the start. she's his little protector. i trust dog chow to keep khloe healthy because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. the standards that we follow are top notch. i trust dog chow enough to feed it to my dog every single day. hey, have you heard? heard what? before school starts in september, have to get the meningococcal vaccine. it protects against diseases like meningitis. that can be serious, even deadly. yeah, that's why they can't start school without it. something to share? (giggling) actually, yes! talk to your health care provider. even kids who've had one shot . welcome back to eyewitness news. look at that sunrise. >> that's just gorgeous. >> it doesn't get better than that. >> let's keep that picture the whole show. >> it's beautiful. >> early on your sunday morning, march 6th. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm toni yates in for michelle charlesworth. >> let's check in with ms. freeze for a quick look at the weather. she threw an interesting stat at us. she said this should be the last time we are below freezing or at freezing for southeasterly days. >> yes, down -- several days. >> yes, down the stretch from here on out. we're above the 32-degree mark. slightly right now. a big warm up coming our way. 33 degrees. looking east, it does look beautiful. there are flurries to the west. we are tracking light, fast moving snow showers, and they won't last long at all here as we get daylight and the atmosphere dries out. these are just racing off to the east. they're actually coming through parts of central new jersey. some places are below freezing off to the west. we're above that for the boroughs. islip, down the shore. as far as the numbers go, you factor in the wind, it takes a few degrees off. speak of. yesterday was a huge improvement. these are the snow showers, radar. you'll see the white moving across mount olive making its way to denville, and union, headed toward staten island. these are the flurry we are tracking on the map. they're going to float right through very fast. we see this first, and then it's sunshine through the afternoon. though you might start with a few flurries flying around, that doesn't last. the day turns out to be average for this time of year. a high 46 expected this afternoon. so for the next 7 hours, we watch the temperature and the mercury climb. i'll have more details on possible record warmth in the accuweather 7-day forecast. we are following a developing story, a serious car accident. information coming in this morning. we have eyewitness news reporter kristin thorne, live with what we know so far. >> reporter: good morning. you're right, we are still waiting on many details to come in. what i can show you is what we see here at the scene. at this particular time, we know that a car jumped the curb and hit at least one person. we don't know how many people were involved. it happened around 9:30 last night around the intersection of 26th street and jfk boulevard in north bergen. that's just across the street from union city high school. there was a large police presence out here last night. it's unclear if police arrested the driver or if the driver is even in custody. we also don't know the severity of the injuries of those who were hit. we expect to get more morning. as soon as we get it, we will bring it to you. live in north bergen, crist crist channel 7 eyewitness 7 eyewitness news. a 7-year-old girl killed in a hit-and-run will be laid to rest. funeral services for shay la pachardo will be held tonight. an suv hit her on monday night. investigators charged the driver of the vehicle his girlfriend in connection with that deadly crash. a woman in texas is not just grieving the death of her husband, but now fighting for his right to be buried in their local cemetery. the care taker of san domino cemetery in south texas told dorothy barerra his ashes could not be buried that because he's hispanic. now she says she's going to sue the cemetery as they are learning about the exclusion of anyone who is not white. >> i'm still going to fight for the rights of my husband, and i'm going to fight for the rights that the -- for the rights of the other people. correct it and get this racism of the way. >> local lawmakers are now getting involved and working to make sure barerra is able to bury her husband's ashes. well, an nfl player is facing possession of marijuana charges after a traffic stop in arizona, but police are praising texans player, jaylen strong for the way he handled this confrontation. take a look. >> your car reeks of marijuana, so one of two ways, we can play easy, play hard. >> strong was in the seat of the maserati that was stopped on sunday because the driver did not have a license plate. but it was the smell of the old wide receiver getting out of the car and speaking to the officers >> you got like a joint or something. it's in my pants, you want me to get it. >> yeah, you can get it out. >> thank you for being honest, man. believe it or not, honesty goes a long way. >> the texans released a statement after the arrest saying they were disappointed by strong's decisions. meanwhile, texans star receiver deandre hopkins said he talked to his teammate after the arrest, and told him it's something he can learn from. we hope he does. a toddler in south carolina had a unique problem that could only be solved with some help from law enforcement. i love this story. deputy martha loans responded to the 2-year-old girl's home after she called 911 and hung up. when the officer got there, she found aaliyah garrett in need of help because she was having trouble putting on her pants. >> the door opened comes running out to the front with half a pant leg on, and ended up sitting on the stairs and helping her put on the rest of her pants. >> after the helping hand aaliyah rewarded the deputy with a big old hug. the local girl's grandfather was watching her at the time while her mom was at work and said he was shocked when the cops rolled up to the place. officers were not troubled by the 2-year-old's car. they say it's good to know this little girl knows what to do if there's an emergency, exactly, even if that emergency is just a wardrobe malfunction. >> you know, and you can't be seen with a wardrobe malfunction. she knows already at 2 years old. >> that's right. she learned from van et jackson, no war -- janet jackson, no wardrobe malfunction. she knows how to call, that's the most important thing. an up and coming rapper, gunned down. heavy weights in the hip hop community react to his tragic death. dunham is waking up in the hospital after a medical emergency. we have details on what happened to her in the entertainment report. freeze is back with a tt2watu#`s4 bt@qs1t tt2watu#`s4 "a@qc=0 tt2watu#`s4 bm@qh6< tt4watu#`s4 " dztq g4t tt4watu#`s4 " entq 704 tt4watu#`s4 " gzt& .7l tt4watu#`s4 " hnt& >9 tt4watu#`s4 " iztq tpx tt4watu#`s4 " jntq f 8 tt4watu#`s4 " lzt& ^md alright guys. i want to show you some cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually belongs on the table. again! again! again! again! again? again! again! so you can love cereal... again! when you say for the stretch we won't see the freezing temperatures, how long is the stretch. the wingspan on the stretch. >> the stretch for the 32 degrees or above goes the >> okay. >> why can't you just call it, and say it's almost middle of march, we're done with freezing until november. >> not going to commit on that. >> you can't, see. >> because i know better. >> there you go. >> i know better. i will give you this, though. as we go over the next week, ten days, even up to two weeks, average. extremes. >> i'll take it. >> you like it? >> i'll take it. >> that's not a commitment either, but that's definitely science. i mean, i'm not committing that we'll never hit the 32 degrees again the rest of the year, but right now it's 33 and from here on out, we're going up. >> you should run for office. >> i know, right. >> that's perfect competition there. >> president freeze. >> i heard there's a spot available. >> let's start in central park. it looks great to the east. beautiful sunrise this morning. thank for your tweets that you hash tagged. channel 7 eyewitness news, we love to see what's happening in the skies. off to the west, there's snow flurries, showers are scooting through fast. and we see sunshine everywhere else. planning here, we have the chance to see a flurry come through the city in some of of the boroughs, don't be surprised. especially staten island, coming through, not expecting by 11:00 a.m. we're at 40 degrees, a high of 46, which is the climate average for this time year. we are below freezing in a lot of spots. poughkeepsie, newburgh, sussex, monticello, morristown, tom river all reading below freezing. a flow coming from the west and northwest early on. that will allow for the air to dry out. when we isolate the radar on accu track, this will allow us to see where the snow is falling and making the line from denville, union, toward staten island, and now making its way through midtown manhattan, so just a few flurries and that's about it. on future cast, not everybody sees the snow this morning, and some people say all sun, especially in the hudson valley, coastal connecticut, everything looks good. monday, a terrific start, and temperatures will end up shy of the 60s on monday afternoon. you can leave the heavy coat at home. in the upper 40s. tuesday is warmer. we could be breaking, busting the records into wednesday, so we'll call it spring fever tuesday into wednesday. we get 60s and 70s here along the eastern sea board. that could put us up to 30 degrees above average for this time of year. really warm weather headed our way. we started swapping the east and west coast patterns. chilly to the west. we have some of the warmth they have been experiencing the last two weeks. tonight mainly clear, tomorrow, 57, warmer, sunrise at 6:52. he's the accuweather 7-day forecast. feels like april on tuesday with the 66 and then wednesday, it's near record warmth. 70 degrees. saturday, 54. slow down on thursday because expected. it will be warm, 61. looking at heavy rain showers late on thursday afternoon into the evening hours, and this is something to add to the bonus of warm weather for those who spring forward with the clocks next weekend. >> that's right. >> i rest my case. >> favorite time of year. more daylight. >> but we lose an hour of sleep. >> spring forward. yes, we lose an hour. >> it's more sunlight. >> check the independent box. >> thanks amy. >> i'm checking twitter, because this next one is request for the calendar remake. and this is from t on twitter. this remix of the community calendar, going back to 1977. to one of the great poets of the 20th century. lionel ritchie. >> oh, no. >> this is a remix of easy life, what. >> -- easy like what? sunday morning. >> bring the whole family to bryant park in manhattan to learn about the importance of achieving balance in food choices. of rarities and collectibles can be found at the vinyl revolution record show in brooklyn. stop by and dine on eastern european delicacies and get down to the dj crews. irish by birth, heritage or affection, all are welcome to the st. pallets all celebration, and parade. join the kickoff for the 36th 36th annual youth art mode in west chester, a multimedia art exhibit reflecting talents of students in the community. >> the good dinosaur tells the tale of an unlikely duo. for more these events and to submit an (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... welcome back, everybody. actress lena dunham has been hospitalized and will undergo surgery after an ovarian cyst ruptured. her spokesperson says a emergency crews rushed the writer and girls actress to an undisclosed actress sunday morning. she has been open about her struggles with endometriosis, a painful disease where tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it. she canceled her press appearance to promote the current season of girls because of the disease. the music world is remembering the life of a 28- year-old rapper shot dead in atlanta. the rapper known as bankroll fresh was killed in a shoot out outside of a recording studio last night. he was an up and coming artist. he was signed to rapper two chain's label. several musicians have expressed their condolences on twitter, including little wayne who says we lost a good one. rest peacefully, you'll always rupert murdoch celebrated his mainly in an area -- marriage in an area of london. he married jerry hall on friday. the newly woods had a celebration ceremony, with their families. murdoch has six children from the three previous marriages. hall has four children from her former partner, the one and only, mic jagger. what colorful lives some of these folks have led. no age difference at all. now a return to an investigation of a knife on oj simpson's patrol. investigators do -- property. investigators do not believe it's the missing murder weapon. the discovery brought the oj frenzy back with full force. >> sometimes a knife is just a knife. tonight law enforcement sources telling abc, the folding knife held by an lapd officer for nearly two decades is likely not connected to the oj simpson case. still, police say they will continue with dna tests on the knife. >> we will look at anything that we believe has any validity to either assure people that, you know, this investigation was done appropriately. >> investigators believe the blade is too small to have savagely butchered nicole brown simpson and ron goldman many 1994. a lawyer for george maycot who retired from the lapd in the 1990s tells a construction worker handed him the knife when he was working security on the nearby movie site. he allegedly alerted the lapd about the knife but was told the case is closed. >> this is a double homicide that is still open and ongoing. >> reporter: the murder weapon has never been found. neighborhood in 1994. >> we did a search if the rockingham home to the bundy home, 150 people, we searched trash, lawns. >> reporter: and so the case remains in limbo. on the one hand, it's an open case, on the other, investigators tell me they arrested the only plausible suspect in 1994, oj simpson, and he's the only person they can't charge again for the crime because of double jeopardy. matt gutman, abc news. when we come back, neighborhood eats. first, it's big dog sunday. >> i like to call this trio, the three pink ladies. they're so cute, right. bella, diamond and regina, sent in on twitter from pat. we have a rangers fan, cole, let's go rangers and we've got nicholas, and rudy. aloha, and the mahalo this morning. jezebel, looks like you're ready to play ball. so are we. the final picture this morning is tanks. thank you so much. we would love you to reach out. hash tag big dog sunday. 7 and up (maintenance guy) is that a hammock made out of ethernet cables? (it guy) yup, it's our entire network. (maintenance guy) should you be doing that? (it guy) nope! (maintenance guy) well, you could play a new york lottery scratch-off game. that's how i break the routine around here without making our entire network collapse. (it guy) good point. can i have one? (maintenance guy) sure. (avo) take a break from the expected. governor andrew cuomo: there is an unhealthy income inequality gap that is only growing. if you work full-time you shouldn't have to choose between paying the rent and buying food. i say lift up the working families of this state and pay a real decent wage. we fight until this nation fulfills its promise of opportunity for all and that's what this fight for $15 is all about. i practiced, serving up lots of pizza, the owners started serving other dishes >> the pizza is no longer the big draw. nuovo is located a 633 franklin avenue. >> i like the fat that he. >> i just was driving by one day, and i saw a for rent sign, and this deli i used to come in as a kid. i had a vision. >> he transformed the space into something with a mediterranean feel. >> the atmosphere is beautiful. i come here with my wife. my nephew is with me now. i come here quite often. >> i tried to make it old school with new flare. >> reporter: similar to his approach to food. the rice balls, flavored and stuffed with short ribs. >> my mom makes rice balls, i love them. i wanted to put a flare on it. >> reporter: he starts with the rice, which he sautes with before he adds the braised short ribs, parsley, and au jus. the parsley is stuffed with extra short rib and into the breading and deep fryer. >> everything is fresh and he's very consistent. his food is always consistent. that's what draws me back all the time. >> reporter: there are pizzas, fresh mozzarella made daily and an array of pasta. >> i like the chicken savoie, all the pastas i have had so far were out of this world. >> reporter: praise for chris who's thrilled to be cooking in the neighborhood where he lives and where he grew up. >> a lot of my teachers from school come in and can't believe it's me. it's chris, you were the bad kid in school, and now you own a restaurant. it makes me feel good. >> reporter: lauren glassberg, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> and for that reason alone, i want to go. >> that was awesome. great last sound bite, and italian food would be my death row male. nothing like good italian food. coming up in the next hour of eyewitness news. sunday morning, we are following a developing story out of north bergen this morning where a car jumped a curb and then plowed into school. we're live at the scene of north bergen with the latest. also, a police officer is killed in the line of duty, and is being remembered from texas to new york. details on how he's being honored in new york city this week as well. also, thousands of voters turned out in the polls for contests in five states last night. super saturday, hear which candidates are making gains in the delegate count and why some are saying on the republican side why this is shaping up to be a two-man race. and meteorologist amy exclusive accuweather hey, have you heard? heard what? before school starts in september, all kids going into 7th and 12th grade have to get the meningococcal vaccine. it protects against diseases like meningitis. yeah, that's why they can't start school without it. something to share? (giggling) actually, yes! talk to your health care provider. even kids who've had one shot may still need a booster. . one news, channel 7 eyewitness news with michelle charlesworth, rob nelson, and amy freeze with the exclusive accuweather forecast. morning. good morning, everybody. and developing at 7:00 a.m., a cared into a group of people just steps away from a high school in new jersey. we're live in north bergen with the latest details in this very serious crash. also new this morning, a teenager has a close call with an oncoming train. details on who police think pushed her onto the subway tracks. and all the results from super saturday are now in. hear who is narrowing the gap in the delegate count as democrats prepare for another debate tonight. and good morning, everyone, you are looking live at central park. nice and green. overcast, don't worry about that. it's going to be a beautiful day because we are in the city and the region in new jersey, along the shore. there's no sun out there, so i tried to make it good. >> the good stuff is coming. >> it's march 6th. i'm toni yates in for michelle charlesworth this morning. >> and i'm rob nelson. thanks for starting your morning with us. the 7:00 hour of eyewitness news sunday morning, let's check with amy freeze for a first look at the weather. hello. good morning to the both of you, tonis and rob. we have temperatures just above the freezing point in the boroughs. we're at 33 degrees. there are spots below freezing still. they'll warm up as well. the 33-degree reading is the warmest -- or is the coldest we'll be from here on out. we are freezing and above for the stretch ahead that could week. say good-bye to cold for now. that's the bottom line. there are flurries to the west. track. temperatures, as you can see are in the mid 20s nor sussex, newburgh, morris town. are seeing light snow in staten island. we have cloud coverage, but the cloud coverage is quickly going to move away and the showers that are trailing right here, our quick must havers, we're not expect -- movers, we're not expecting them to accumulate, just a way we start sunday with the flurries flying, and sunshine through the afternoon. here's the planning forecast, look at that. 44 after a high of 46 this afternoon. should be a fantastic sunset and a terrific start to the workweek. all those details, including the possibility of record warmth in the accuweather 7-day forecast. toni. thank you so much. developing this morning, we are waiting for more details in a serious car crash that happened steps away from a high school in new jersey. >> the eyewitness news reporter kristin thorne is live in north bergen with the very latest details. good morning, kristen. >> good morning, rob and toni. >> reporter: here at the scene union city high school is coming here, one of his friends is one who lost his life, a sophomore at union city high school. another local high school student was killed here. you see some of the young people from the high school arriving here at the scene. they tell me that these two local high school students were walking with a third boy here last night when a car jumped the curb and hit them. they tell me that the third boy is in the hospital and is recovering. but again, two local high school students, according to young people, telling me here at the scene were killed during this accident last night. let's show you footage that we have from last night. this happened around 9:30 in north bergen. a car jumped the curb around 26 26th street and jfk boulevard city high school. there was a large police presence here last night. we have not received any police. i am just telling you what many young people are telling me one of their friends was killed school student. we do not know if the driver has been arrested or if the driver is in police custody. here we'll show you back live the area. we also have people across the street, the young woman who i spoke to and another young man i spoke to say their friends are going to come here later on today to do a vigil here. that's the updated information we have. live in north bergen, kristin news. >> thank you so much. new this morning, police are searching for the man who pushed a teenage girl onto the path of an oncoming train. surveillance video shows the man police are looking for. investigators say he pushed the 17-year-old girl onto the tracks in front of an oncoming 7 train last night at the roosevelt avenue and 103rd street station. the teenager thank goodness was able to duck between the platform and the wheels of the train and avoided being a father and daughter walked away from a close call on long island after their small plane lost engine power. that plane came to a rest on the ground in hauppauge just 10 feet from a building after pilot lewis obergh deployed his parachute. obergh and his daughter were heading for republic airport after looking at colleges in rhode island. the plane's engine cut out on them 2000 feet above the ground. >> we got very lucky. >> have you ever had to do anything like this. >> nothing like this. never expected to have a problem like this. >> officials say once the parachute deployed, the pilot no longer had control of the plane, so he was fortunate that that plane missed that building. other than that minor scratch on his head, obergh and his daughter were not hurt in the crash. rob. let's talk politics now. the votes are now tallied from several super saturday show downs, and several candidates front runners, hillary clinton and donald trump, they picked up critical wins last night. trump, in fact, pulled off a late night victory in the kentucky gop caucuses. meanwhile, the rivals, bernie sanders and texas senator ted cruz each won two states last night, giving themselves a pretty good boost against the front runners. abc's ray raimundi has the lie heights. >> reporter: and senator ted cruz did that. once again, the super saturday show down started off with a big win by cruz. the texas senator swiping voters by a 2-1 margin in the state of kansas, and taking the state of maine. >> we're the only campaign that can and will beat donald trump in this race. >> reporter: while cruz's wins made headlines, donald trump with victories in kentucky and louisiana. >> marco rubio had a very very bad night and personally i'd call for him to drop out of the race. i would love to take on ted one on one. >> reporter: it indeed was a super saturday. from gymnasiums to barns, long lines, snaked around caucuses and primary locations, across kansas, nebraska, kentucky and louisiana. and a victory lap for bernie sanders. the vermont senator securing delegates with wins in kansas and nebraska. >> we want to make sure that a republican does not go into the white house. >> reporter: hillary clinton in michigan touting her victory in louisiana. >> i'm grateful to everyone who turned out to support us, but now all eyes turn >> that's right. the democrats will debate tonight in flint. that was abc's ray raimundi reporting. so what's next for the candidates? in fact, there's more voting today. democrats are holding a caucus in our region up in maine. they will also again face off flint. while republicans, meantime, a rico. toni. today's new york city's gay friendly st. patrick's day parade will march in queens in honor of those who paved the way for gay rights. the founder of the queens parade says this year's marchers will honor the activists who were arrested trying to march in manhattan in previous years, and mayor bill de blasio will end his boycott of the 5th avenue parade. >> hopefully no snow this year during that parade. coming up on eyewitness news sunday morning, the navy is changing up its rules to acome daylight more waistline -- why they're giving sailors more leeway on the amount of body fat they can have. finally i can join the navy. and the man accused of capitol lawn, almost had a dangerous encounter. the serious incident he narrowly avoided. tracking temperatures, above freezing in the city. we'll call it a chilly start. from here on out, the numbers above freezing or better down smoking causes 16 different types of cancer. you have one clear way to reduce your risk. you can quit smoking. talk with your doctor. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... . it's 7:12. welcome back, a former nypd officer killed while serving on a texas police force will be laid to rest tomorrow in new york. the north texas community where david hofer served came together to honor the fallen officer yesterday. nypd officers joined in the memorial. packed into a stadium as family and friends remembered 29-year- old hofer who served in new york for five years before he moved to texas to be with his fiance. >> how truly blessed i am to have gotten to know your beautiful soul. each moment of the last four years was overflowing with laughter, joy, love, comfort, and respect. >> hofer was killed last tuesday in the line of duty. his body will be flown to new york tomorrow for a ceremony at st. patrick's cathedral. a man is fighting for his life this morning after suffering a serious head wound when someone attacked him. police say the 34-year-old victim was attacked after an argument yesterday on a sidewalk in sunnyside gardens. he suffered a laceration to his head, and then was taken to elm hurst hospital in critical condition. police recovered a metal pipe at the scene. show his face on camera did speak to us about the victim. >> he didn't really deserve this. he's a real generous person. and all this to happen to him, you know, he really didn't deserve it. >> one person has been taken into custody. police, though, are still searching for a second suspect. well, thousands of sailors are getting a sort of body fat pass after the navy changed its physical fitness standards. the navy loosened its restrictions on body fat limits for sailors, allowing those who failed three or more times to get into acceptable rages, the opportunity to be retested. the navy says too many talented sailors were resorting to extreme measures to meet the body fat limits. the changes are what the navy calls an adjustment to reality since people in general are bigger today but not necessarily obese or fat. prosecutors say the man who landed a gyrocopter on the with a delta flight. court filings accused douglas hughes of flying his one person aircraft almost directly into a turbo jet last april. the documents say hughes was 1400 yards from that flight, which had 150 people on board. now, safety rules require air craft remains separated by more than twice that distance. hughes says the flight was aimed at sending a political message about campaign finance restrictions. >> so many scares in the last couple of years at the white house and the capitol. that incident, and secret service controversies and then the guy that got like really close to the end. >> too many people with pilot's licenses. straight ahead on eyewitness news sunday morning, the world's most popular dog sled race is underway. hear why the event was almost missing one key element. and coming up in sports, a heartbreaker and try to roll i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for the world's best mushers hit the trail today. the ceremony starts with the iditarod in anchorage. that's where the mushers and dogs celebrated before the start the nearly 1000-mile race across alaska there in anchorage, and while you may think snow is not hard to come by in alaska, this year's warm winter, in fact, had officials trucking in snow from other areas for yesterday's festival. >> had to bring in the snow making machines. >> that's a crazy winter if alaska is in in need of snow. city, and we did the mushing, when we did the mushing there, the guy who took us on the mushing, his name was racer and he was going to this event and there was this concern over was there going to be enough snow, and sure enough, they had to make it, as if it were a ski resort or something. >> all i saw was the dogs, they're so cute. >> you're such a dog person. >> i know, i am. it's over the top. i realize that. >> well, they cannot do any racing around here. in fact, while we have a snow shower or two off to the west, it's all sun and warmth from here on out. >> thank you, amy. >> at least this week. >> temperatures 33 degrees. i don't think we get this cold for about a week. so temperatures are on the rise, and really we're looking at sunshine through the rest of the afternoon. once we can get this system out of here, we'll start to warm up nicely, and skies will brighten up all across the area. if you're lucky enough to be further to the north and east, you're looking over the river manhattan. we have had just beautiful sunrise vantage points from across the area. we'll continue to see the sun strengthen and the temperatures go up. right now, though, it is freezing in spot, and as the flurries fly, we're not expecting it to accumulate or amount to much. if you see a few few flakes, no worries, this is just a passing snow shower through the afternoon. winds are very very light out of the north, and almost calm. we'll go to low to mid-40s going for a high of 46. we could actually hit 70 degrees this week. the last time central park had a 70-degree day. you'll remember it. christmas eve, where we had 72. so we don't have to go back to late summer or fall to get that number. we just go back to december because our temperatures have been above average most of the winter here. temperatures are going above the freezing point. commack up to 33. 34 nor roslyn. down the shower, temperatures at least 5 degrees warmer than they were yesterday at the same time. the warmer, more mild air mass will start to move in from the today. temperatures still cold up in monticello. you factor in the winds and it feels like 20 degrees. there is a bit of a wind that takes the temperatures down. nothing like the windchill we have had the last couple of days. the main feature is how quickly did the skies recover. on the accu track, we have the clouds around. as we isolate the radar, we get only the snow showers. a little flurry here and there. over union, we have had a brief snow shower. if you see any snowfall, tweet us out. hash tag abc7ny, let us know what's happening in the skies. we don't expect this to last. 8:00, 9:00, should wrap up and sunshine through the afternoon. beautiful sunset expected tonight as well. we start off monday, not just with sunshine but also temperatures near 60 degrees. it just gets warmer. tuesday we're in the 60s. wednesday, 70s on the forecast. really looks good by thursday. could be tracking rain in the air. it's all because of the jet stream pulling far to the north. possible that we could be 30 degrees above our average high, and potentially going down the record books with warmth. on march 13th, after we spring forward, i think about 7:00 at night. we're just about there making the change with the daylight hours. 57 degrees on monday afternoon. mainly sunny skies and here's your accuweather 7-day forecast. feels like april by tuesday, wednesday is the record warmth day. thursday we'll be tracking showers and the potential for rain across the area, friday and saturday, temperatures are above average in the 50s. so not much of a weather worry around this week, except for, can we make history. on wednesday afternoon, with the warmth. i think it's quite possible. other than that, you can check out the afternoon or evening low temperatures. they're on the bottom half of the screen, not afternoon, but evening. they're all above freezing. 36 tonight, and from there on, enjoy. >> i would say it's not time to put the winter coat away completely. but you won't need it this week. >> most of the time, you can turn off the heat and save money there, too. >> i like that plan. >> we'll get to the warm months for amy's air-conditioning which she likes to brag about in the coming months. >> let's hold that story for june. >> tune in in july, (mailman) what are you guys doing? (receptionist) it-it gets boring between calls so i make phone music. (security guard) she has a gift. (receptionist) i'll bust out some sample beats for you. (mailman) why don't you try a new york lottery scratch-off game instead? it's fun. (receptionist) i'm incredible at this. (avo) take a break from the expected. play scratch-off games from the new york lottery. i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... (man) we're out of 2%. i wonder what else could be better around here? (man) i heard that. now get our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, plus tv & phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annualcontract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good? fios can do that. cable just can't. (vo) new tidy cats lightweight 4-in-1 fights mess right. attacks three strong litter box odors, plus locks clumps tight. ... and now it's light. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that. welcome back, it's 7:25 already. >> morning goes bifacial, doesn't it. >> so fast -- goes by fast, doesn't it. >> so fast. here's laura behnke with sports. after losing 15 of the last 18, the knicks needed something to go their way last night. it didn't start out that way. an hour before the game, kristaps porzingis was ruled out with a leg contusion. 7 of 7 in the quarter as the knicks built a slim lead. we go to the second, andre drummond, a nice alley-oop for detroit. carmelo anthony, a game high 24 points. friday night the knicks blew a 4 4th quarter lead. not last night. robin lopez, finished with 21. 102-89, the knicks with a rare but much needed win. the nets at minnesota, brook lopez resting. he had played the last 124 straight games. overall number one draft pick, the tomahawk jam, and jack showing moves again. 132-118. the nets drop the second of their back-to-back. much of the yankees success this season hinges on the health of their starting pitching. today they'll have their first look at likely opening day starting tanaka who will make his spring debut after off season elbow surgery. yesterday afternoon, at steinbrenner field,, , good day for the future top prospect, jorge pateo. yesterday he had the solo home run. that tied it. it's your old stand by, mark teixeira, the single. and the yanks take the lead. another key prospect, aaron judge, blasting the power, opposite field 3-run home run. that made it 6-1. 6-4, the yankees top their rivals. also yesterday afternoon, the mets visiting the astros, colin mccue. houston on the board. stayed that one until the 5th. hererra, friday's hero with the inside the park home run, the rbi triple yesterday. that tied the game. they'd add a few more, 3-1. the melts get -- mets get their first win of the spring. that's your morning look at sports. i'm laura behnke, back with you later tonight at six. much more ahead on eyewitness news sunday morning including a look at today's top stories. people in new jersey flocking to the site where they killed last night when a car smoking causes 16 different types of cancer. ones that can kill you fast. ones that can change how you see yourself. ones that can take away life's most basic pleasures. there are 16 different types of cancer caused by smoking. you have one clear way to reduce your risk. you can quit smoking. welcome back to eyewitness news. you're looking live at one world trade. not a whole lot of sunshine out there. that's okay. it's going to feel good a little bit later. it's sunday, march 6th. i'm toni yates in for michelle charlesworth this morning. >> thank you again for coming back. a tour of duty here. >> it's so much fun. and i'm rob nelson, thanks for tuning in everybody. let's take things over to amy freeze for a look at the weather, and a very nice week ahead. >> yes, rob, toni, wednesday is going to be the warmest day of the week. it starts right here right now. 33 degrees puts us above freezing and from here on out, we are above that cold chill, and even though we have some fast flurries this morning, they don't last long. the sun is up. sunrise at 6:22, and we'll start the afternoon. the sun is going to kind of push these clouds out of the way. dry out the atmosphere, and that system that's producing some light snow just shoved off to the east, all but a memory by the afternoon. so even though we still have some below freezing temperatures to the northwest, all of this goes into we're looking for a nice end to the weekend. a sunny, sunday afternoon, if you will, and right now on the radar and satellite combined, there are clouds lingering, upper hudson valley, you've got sunshine there, and we'll see picture, and we end up with these snow showers, isolated here on radar. to be moving off to the south and the east. and we'll be done with all of that. so hempstead, you could be starting to see a flurry or two. not going to last long. that's the weakness parking -- part, the edge there. light flurries not a big deal. it doesn't stick. all is week, it's spring fever, as the jet stream drives to the north, and we get into the 60s and 70s. i'll tell you how warm we go, and potentially which day we could hit that record that's in jeopardy. but for the rest of this day, plan for temperatures going into the mid-40s. i'll have the accuweather 7-day in a few minutes. rob. amy, thank you. we continue to follow a developing story out of new jersey where multiple people were hurt in a car crash near a high school. eyewitness news reporter kristin thorne is live in north bergen where a memorial is starting to form near the crash site. we are learning of fatalities >> reporter: good morning, rod, the people coming to the crash site for the memorial, the small vigil they have growing here is for two local high school students they say who lost their lives here last night. take a look down there. these are people, mostly young people from union city high school who knew one of the victims. they tell me that one of the victims was a sophomore at the high school. the other they say another local high school student. they say a third boy remains in recovering. this is some video that we have of this accident around 9:30 last night, around the intersection of 26th street and jfk boulevard in north bergen. a car jumped the curb, and crashed into a group. again, we are told of three boys walking home from a party, that's what their friends tell us. there was a large police presence here last night. we spoke to people coming to the crash site this morning. again, many local high school students who knew these two ladies tells me that he was a very nice kid. >> whenever you're upset, he would make you laugh. he had a passion for dancing. i know people that dance with him, they're going to pay a tribute to him later on. >> reporter: you're seeing a live look at some of the debris still left from this car jumping the curb. it's unclear, police have not told us if they have a driver in custody, if someone is being charged. we are waiting to hear from them on that. live in north bergen, kristin thorne channel 7 eyewitness news. >> tragic for that community. police are continuing to search for the man who tried to shoot a woman in brooklyn, right in front of the children she was with. police say that man that you see on the video walked up to the 30-year-old woman as she walked up the stairs of a building in crown heights yesterday afternoon. he pulled the trigger on his gun, but it jammed. now, the woman had a chance to run into the apartment and lock the door. police say the suspect fired several shots into the door still before he finally ran does not know the suspect. a 7-year-old girl killed in a hit-and-run in new jersey will be laid to rest today. funeral services for pachardo will be held tonight. she was walking to school on monday when an suv hit her. investigators charged the driver of the suv and his girlfriend in connection with that deadly crash. a federal judge has ordered a new hearing on the sentences of two men convicted in a disability fraud scheme at the long island railroad. dr. peter lesniewski and union boss are serving eight years in prison for helping railroad workers fake disabilities and claim benefits. the judge now says new evidence found many of the challenged disabilities were in fact valid. the hearing has been set for april 29th. the planning has begun for extending the 2nd avenue subway as workers are trying to finish the mta just announced its hiring contractors for phase two which would extend the line north into east harlem. the agency says the goal is to fast track the phase two. the first phase with new stations at 72nd, 86th and 96th street is scheduled to open sometime in december. i think there's growing confidence in the city that the second avenue subway may be done before we're all dead. that is a good thing. we've only been talking about it for a couple of decades. they're making progress. coming up next on eyewitness news. a little girl has a fashion emergency and she calls for back up. see who shows up to help her out. stick around for george stephanopoulos at 10:00 a.m., presidential candidates, governor john kasich, and bernie sanders will be looking back on the latest races, including super saturday contests last night. they will also talk about what is next for their campaigns. look forward to as far as the weather is concerned. meteorologist amy freeze i always heard fios was a lot faster. but i thought it'd be a hassle to switch. turns out it wasn't. they showed up when i asked and they set up wi-fi on my laptop and my tablet and stuff. it's true. it is better. i'm here to mow the lawn. maybe i should change some other things around here. switching is easy with our we'll arrive when promised and s to your new wi-fi. switch now and get 100 meg speeds, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online. want a different way to cleanse? try new all-in-1 micellar water from garnier. the micelles attract dirt like a magnet. to 1. remove makeup 2. cleanse and 3. soothe. no harsh rubbing, no rinsing. welcome back everybody. weather time. looking good. let's get to wednesday. >> yeah, i mean, right now, you like to talk about something else before the weather. right now, you're like numbers, give them to me. >> i like this forecast. >> if you heard we're getting spring fever around here midweek, temperatures in the record territory, that's exactly what we have going on. in fact, 70s showing up in the accuweather 7-day forecast. places close by, like philly could see two or ta three days of 70 degrees. that's how dramatic, the gesturing is going to be to the north, and allowing the warm air to come up. we get starts just above freezing but say good-bye to 32 degrees for a bit. we're at 33 and on the rise through the afternoon. should not be below this number all week long. over the park right now, clouds are trying to give way to the blue skies and make for a beautiful afternoon. current readings are just above freezing with a light wind we'll get into the 40s by 10:00 a.m. we'll cruise toward 46. that's the average high for this time of year. we should have no trouble doing that at all. beautiful afternoon expected. coldest numbers are north and west, and we are seeing light snow showers making their way through north central new jersey and staten island, we have seen a few flurries fly. no accumulation is expected. this big warm up means that we could have our record warm day or potentially tieing a record. we'll see 69 is the record. we're forecasting for 70. be we hs winds and heavy rainfall on thursday. here's what's the combined radar, and we isolate for the snow. you can see the bands south of union, making their way really towards the jersey shore, eventually. maybe glossing over middletown, as well. staten island getting a few snow showers right now. that will be the story. along 95, the corridor there, doesn't last long to much either. moving. by monday morning, things are looking really good. we get su start. it's dry during the and temperatures soar into the upper 50s, above os esday, and wednesday, potentially, the record breaker, 69 degrees in 2000 on that date, and we could potentially go down in the books on wednesday with th el prain.we go with this afternoon, 46 degrees. then tonight, it's 36. mainly clear, beautiful start tomorrow. sunrise at 6:22, and we hit a high of 57 in the afternoon. the accuweather 7-day forecast, this really shows a spinning like preview, you know, as we go into tuesday, it feels like april. it's 66 degrees. wednesday we've got record warmth. but, i mean, these days right here are pushing near record territory, i mean, we really are going to have very beautiful temperatures as we get into the middle of the weekend. we could potentially hit the records, there it is, the one to watch for wednesday afternoon. thursday, we put showers back in the forecast. it turns out to be warm, 61. but very wet as heavy rain is in the is showing a bit wind as well. keeping our icy on that, we'll continue to -- eyes on that, we'll continue to watch the numbers. it does look above average for this time of year. if you still want to see a bit of winter, put in your orders. this stretch of above average temperatures and very spring like weather, takes us into the next two weeks. now, that's not to say that we can't still see snow in march. because that's happened. the cat skills could get more snow. it's not over. >> what about here in the city? >> well, as i said what i would like to commit to is it will not be colder than 33 degrees >> there you go. >> i'm saying there will be no more major snowstorms this winter and no more arctic last. i'm unafraid. >> no more major snowstorms, i will agree with you, because that would be 10 inches or above. major. a flake or flurry, i will not commit to. >> what about significant. >> i say there's no more significant snow for the rest of the winter, the three weeks we have left. >> wish caster to my left! thanks amy. i love this story. it's great. a toddler in south carolina had a unique problem that could only be solved with some help from law enforcement. deputy martha loans responded to the 2-year-old girl's home after the little girl called 911 and then hung up. so when the officer got there, she found aaliyah garrett in need of help because she was having trouble putting on her pants. >> and the door opened up and front with half a pant leg on, and she's just like, hey. i just ended up sitting down on the stairs, and helping her put on the rest of her pants. >> that is the most adorable thing ever. after the helping hand, aaliyah rewarded the deputy with a big hug. the little girl's grandfather was watching her at the time and was shocked when police officers showed up. the officers were not troubled by the 2-year-old's call. it's actually a good thing because she knows what to do in case of a real emergency, even if the emergency just a wardrobe malfunction. >> these babies are born knowing how to use this technology. they're born knowing how. >> who doesn't need that help with their favorite pair of jeans every once in a while. >> well done, aaliyah. coming up next, she broke barriers at new york city talks to us about marching in the st. patrick's day parade. plus, before we go to break, time for everyone's favorite part of the show, the always rivetting community calendar, and toni, it's ladies choice. i'm going to let you pick, and you can say roll it. >> cool and the gang. >> which show? >> it doesn't have any flavor >> okay. >> it's cool and the gang. >> get down on it. say it. footage. >> bring the whole family to bryant park in manhattan to learn about the importance of achieving balance in food choices at the kids food fest. 55 dealer tables and thousands of rarities and collectibles revolution records show in brooklyn. stop by and dine on eastern european delicacies and get down to the dj's grooves. whether irish by birth or simply affection, all are welcome to the st. pat's celebration in queens. join the kickoff for the 36th 36th annual youth art mode in west chester, a multimedia art exhibit reflecting the talents of students in the community. at harbor fields public library in long island, the good dinosaur tells the tale of tan unlikely duo who embarked on an add venturer to reunite a -- know (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it.head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people wthan anyone. again! again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! [text message alert] [crashing] a former city council speaker, christine quinn will be marching with her father. >> eyewitness news reporter, tim fleischer spoke to both of them about making history. >> reporter: this would be a warm up on the snowy day. for this time, the father and daughter will be able to celebrate their irish heritage and march together in what is now an lgbt inclusive parade. >> it will be a really great st. pallet rick's day -- patrick's day. >> as the first openly gay city council speaker, christine and others in the lgbt community were barred from march. >> it was frustrating when we met with some leaders who were very negative. >> reporter: they would spend 25 frustrating years fighting for inclusion, with expanded >> your historic gesture of welcome, like america of hospitalitun the anguish and pain of exclusion. >> reporter: he and christine have marched in other parades, as grand marshals. father and daughter. >> that period is over. it's time to adjust. >> reporter: at 89 years old, lawrence in try irish form, though, is playing it low key. >> i'll be able to manage. it will work out. >> your enthusiasm is overwhelming, you're being very irish this morning. >> you know, we'll see how the waves are. we'll see how the reaction. >> reporter: christine and lawrence will be with 300 others, marching under the green. >> they will be able to march representing the totality of >> reporter: reporting from the upper west side, tim fleischer, channel 7 eyewitness news. her dad. it's big dog sunday,. >> and this is a dog named cole. hope lundqvist is feeling better from the other night. go rangers, and we've also got a few more festive dogs. i like these guys. nicholas and rudy wearing their lays. morning. jezebel sending by craig mack ready to play ball. we have tanks. we've got missy, sent in by christina general christie -- jensen. we would love to see your my twitter handle (avo) my name is pamela and i've been making dog chow for 36 years now. my dog girlfriend is 17 years old. she's been eating dog chow from her very first day and she can still chase squirrels. she can't catch them, but she can still chase them. after 17 years i'm still confident in feeding her dog chow because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. go long. coming up in a few minutes, gm a's weekend edition. >> joining us this morning, dan. good morning, dan, how are you. >> hey, toni, i'm doing great. hey rob. on gma this morning, the election results are in. and it's starting to look like a two man race among the republican contenders. donald trump won two states, the other two won by ted cruz. so what does this mean for rubio and kasich. meanwhile on the democratic side, bernie sanders won two out of the three contests. does that change the overall dynamic in that race? plus, a story we know you're how were they able to walk away. the harrowing story of a plane crash on long island, a parachute deployed and a father daughter duo grateful and lucky to be alive right now. what went wrong, and what did they do right. and a wake up call for parents across the country. the nanny hired through a popular web site called incht on a felony child abuse charge. this has happened before, what parents need to know when using this site. it's all coming up on gma and a busy sunday. >> in a big nanny city, we should be mindful of that. >> thank you,. >> thanks guys. we're following a developing story in new jersey, just tragic. two friends are telling us two teenagers were killed when a driver jumped the curb. >> kristin thorne is live in north bergen with details. >> reporter: good morning, rob and toni, we are hearing that from people arriving at the scene. these are young people who they tell us two friends killed. one, a sophomore at county city high school, and one, another local high school student. a third boy remains until the hospital. this happened around 9:30 last night on jfk boulevard between 26th 27th streets in north bergen. just across the street from union city high school. there was a large police presence here last night. again, people telling us, arriving here this morning at the site telling us that this is again, two high school students who were walking here, had just left a friend's house, with a third friend, another boy who remains in the hospital. again, two children, boys killed here. we are waiting to hear from police, if they have custody, if that driver is being charged. we're waiting to hear back from them on that. we're live in north bergen, kristin thorne channel 7 eyewitness news. such a tragedy. thank you so much. a father and daughter walked away from a close call in long island after their small plane lost engine power. that plane came to rest on the feet from a building after the pilot, louis obergh deployed the parachute. obergh and his daughter were heading for republic airport in farmingdale. that's when the plane's engine cut out 2000 feet above the ground. officials says the pilot no longer had control of the plane. he was fortunate to miss the nearby building. >> very very lucky. >> ms. freeze, final look at the weather. looking at the numbers, getting new information for the middle of the week. we're on track for the big warm up that we're planning. it actually begins right now, above freezing here in the city, and temperatures just soar from here on out. the clouds will give way to sunshine this afternoon. over the east river, a little clouded with the view, but all is not lost with the flurries moving through central new jersey right now, and really scooting off to the east. we end up with 46 degrees and some sun breaks this afternoon that will make it feel really 57 tomorrow to kick off the workweek. tuesday, 66. it will feel like april around here. we could have record warmth on wednesday. we're forecasting 70. the record is 69. then rain for thursday. warm and wet that day. mild, 61, you'll need the umbrellas. friday is 59 degrees. 7-day forecast rounds us out next saturday. well above average for this time of year. heavy coats can be put aside for the week ahead. >> for the week. >> that record on wednesday. that's going to be my story. >> not the whole season but away for a while. >> good to see you march. things are looking up. that will do it for this morning's edition of eyewitness news. i'm toni yates. >> i'm rob nelson. thanks for staying with us. >> good morning america is next, followed by eyewitness news at 9:00. >> have a great day. warming weather. good morning, america. breaking news. ted's huge night. cruz trouncing donald trump in two states. as record numbers turn out to vote on super saturday. >> today has been a very good day. and rubio's disastrous showing. his rivals calling on him to drop out. is this now a two-man race? >> i want ted one on one. two wins. clinton? deadly storms. the west battered by rain and ferocious winds. a double assault. from crumbling cliffs to daring rescues. plus, the major flooding now. what's in store for the week ahead?

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