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Comment good afternoon. Good afternoon, commissioners today ill be speaking about the digesters i wanted the commissioner to Pay Attention including the attorney so there was a time when the people of San Francisco were told that a San Francisco Public Utilities commission would address the mitigation of 0 both at the time the clean Drinking Water and the wastewater and when the time came the commission at the time not to commission maybe commissioner caen was on the commission that decided okay. We are going to stick with the clean water and relegate the wastewater to the side this is what is happening if the bayview or the white communicated and was bombarded with a stench we get there would be a hue and cry the epa and the president of the United States maybe invited to take a sniff at what is happening this is continuing to happen in the bayview even though the digesters in district 10 see this stench what happened with the stop im not blaming them some of them maybe climate to the stench we want to know just the public wants to know if billions of are spent on the digesters what is happening a timeframe what really is happening when will the stench be addressed how will that be addressed when will the digesters come and y what year 2020 are 2030, 2040. Now 5 percent of the Community Fund westbound set aside another one and 50 million you didnt notice directly but you know this indirectly 200 thousand Something Else is given to summary jobs and the Community Benefits whatnot one meaningful meeting about the digesters 0 so somebody can give us the timelines and address the stench the community has been adversely impacted our infants and children and youth and young adults bombarded with the stench as far as the incentive and some people dont care can we have this hearing with all the commissioners so he know what the hell is happening thank you very much. Hearing none. Next speaker, please. Communications. You should have before you the communications any questions or comments on communications. Any Public Comment on communications hearing none. Next speaker, please. Item 6 other commission business. Commissioners and any business Public Comment on the business that we dont have laughter next speaker, please. Item 7 is report of general manager. Good afternoon mr. Kelly is in denver attending a utility kwefrnsz part of board of directors for the nationality association of the clean water and two items in the general manager an update mr. Richie. Steve richie this will be a short update heres the typical storage chart i show a couple of things the Hunters Point reservoir is absolutely full were doing water from hetch hetchy been 10 feet above full capacity so water bank is 73 percent for 4 hundred and 13 acres that guess as full as it will get from a storage this is the maximum level in storage this year that will go the main part of summer and to the fall on the precipitation font precipitation basically has leveled out maybe a freak storm here nor there but this picture will not change from october to november at this point and similarly with the snow pack that melted away were just riding through the summer and looking forward to what next year might bring ive shown this available to the city and again, we ended up with one and 60 acres below the level that the water that the water bank is in now we have a lot more water than the past two or three years and not enough water to fill the system the one thing that changes is if the demand picture of this chart modified a little bit the black line it is dash dot dash dot our 10 percent level to the customers to achieve the purple doted line is the 2013 demand so this black target line is 10 percent off of that purple line up there as a general demand curve our demand is crept up to two hundred and 29 million gallons a day were delivering to the customers in the ground water storage it operationally is into being so o going 0 san bruno and others citys in San Francisco and with the popper ground water we are recovery our true demand is 200 and 25 thousand gallons its creeping up into the summary its a been fairly hot and not excited until about another 10 to 15 million gallons a day before there is a reason to be concerned about the level of demand and generally our customers are experiencing rebound but not a heck of a lot. So want to summarize the lessons weve learned over the several years of dry water to the Water Management is driedup to help us ride through this this drought is challenging due to the fact of population growth and living with that the agricultural changes out there people going to more pardon me crops and the internet social revolution youve seen pictures of it and the State Government is much more active and continuing to do that the governors last Emergency Declaration carried through january of next year to hes expecting it to stay engaged on the drought were all doing more reporting that is here to stay and in the legislation water use efficiency and water rights will be hot topics as people Pay Attention to the things into the drought for the next for seeable future and last but not least the drought is not over as far as youre concerned thats why we have to continue with conservatism but looking forward to next week were not full we need to get full to poll out of the drought but every year is a dry stench ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioners no questions. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next general manager item. Next is the cleanpowersf update by mr. Haley. Barbara hale for power we have more steady state kind of news how cleanpowersf continues to serve the customers were at the 74 hundred active locations today our opt out percentage so 1. 5 percent the last recorded anothers 3 percent opt out outing folks are still getting theyre First Utility bills i think that is part of influencing factor but 1. 5 percent is a low opt out rate we have a steady 3 percent are participation our green option our supergreen for wfldz renewable that is that level for the last month and we continue to serve the customers if the hetch hetchy on the active for august one last meeting we had 4 hundred and 71 preenrollments and day it increased to 4 hundred and 97 with those folks signing up for supergreen over 70 percent of the residential customers are signing up for supergreen thats exciting in order to continue with the august enforcement and services in november were continuing two our procurement Planning Efforts and the supply needed to meet that additional enrollment and coming to you on july 26th with an action item to make it clear we have authority to exceed the 50 megawatts assuming the supply is available that it meets the affordability and the phasing best practice and content practices you adopted back in december and the final message were staffing up so im excited to say weve filed positions and conduct interviews and bringing on more analysts and staff to continue to increase our participation in the program and i wanted to say thank you for the support in the budget to get those positions lined up and also to say thank you to the hsr at the puc for the expeditious progress thank you ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Questions. Real quick on the staffing do we foresee the majority or the extent of all the risk shuns will be employees. Were procuring some services both for the the back functionality the transfer with pg e thats the service weve hired out for much line marin and sonoma. Whats that consist of that is taking the meter read data and matching it up with the rates and presenting did information to pg e in a way they can factor into their billing system a lot of data intensive it intensive work making sure the rates that are in the applied to the data are accurate in a form that pg es system will accept thats an area of expertise that notable energy has developed here in california they provide to service to direct assess customers in pg e and california Public Utilities commission and other territories with the advent of Community Choice aggregation expanded into that area the other functionality were procuring from them Call Center Services we envision bringing that in house with our own Customer Service staff perform that function as a program grows and we get out of enrollment mode it is boom and bust and more of a steady state call services. Id like to go so thank you barbara for years weve been talking about the jobs component. Yep. So id like to have a little bit more opportunity to have a bite of an a lot of Community Folks that participated with the support of whole finish i dont know weve had a lot of discussion about the clarifications the entities performing those functions elsewhere we probably could all pretty much agree that San Francisco has been maybe a little bit differently in marin with respect to organized labor. Absolutely on that point commissioner, you know, we have the civil Service Staff marin didnt they operate as a Transbay Joint Powers Authority and the civic rules dont apply to their compensation packages that being said working with the Human Resources director we got their organizational chart and job classification their compensation packages as were build outing our program he know what the Industry Standard is full so we got that information from Lancaster Choice Energy from sonoma and Marin Clean Energy the other operating psa on this lancaster choice is a City Department run Aggregation Program the only ones like us operating within the county Civil Service group were doing that compatible it is jason got up hopefully hell touch on that im sure thats been deliberately and thoughtfully considered. Not necessarily now. Sure any other questions commissioner moran. On the volunteery sign up if someone goes on the sign up youre the customer will that be immediately or wait until the next roll out. Not immediately but for the next roll out were close the enrollments on august 1st and those customers on the list of august 1st will be served november 1st under the current plan. So july is a month that people want to get in the next roll out this is the month to do it. Act now cleanpowersf. Org good point. Thank you. Mr. Fried jason fried, executive officer i hadnt going to speak but wringing up questions about the labor i want to remember that when we were launching this program in order to have the system were currently using outside vendors would have taken time to build and develop have something today, we can use and get the program launched and bring in the services in house the contract allows us to bring the services in house the biggest problem the call center and the puc is not largo enough for november and needing an additional opt out center it is not big enough to actually do that i think your staff is in a doing a good job ive been talking about with the how to grinning this in that is important to me as i i was a 10 to one member and the same people that work why the call center ive definitely pushed for that and you asked that question i know your staff has a good plan to slowly get there at some point in time we need to build our own system to not need outdoor vendors that it takes time we need to test it with the pentagon system as soon as we test ill not be surprised theyll make that harder to apply to the system i think were going about it in the right approach and another some point bring a little bit of this work more in house the staff did a good job so i encourage you from time to time to question where it is at were at a good spot were getting the services we need while were getting the program launched thank you thank you any comments on this item without objection i understand a member of the public has a general Public Comment if no objection well take that comment now. Good afternoon. You how do you know. Let me put my hat on. Take your time. There we go. laughter . Im ann from friends of camp mather and the volunteer leader for the last week so the last week i hope to see you this is what the cap is all about we hope youre having a good camp mather and having a good time i think someone said they were still it camp mather when the saturday roles around we wish we were there but to thank you for all the support and help to let you, you know your invited to a western country celebration for the barns family for 86 years and gary and his wife elizabeth decided to retire their the 3 generations family that handles the coral at the cabin and we wanted to thank them theyve been absolutely wonderful from the little kids to the big kids to the advantage kids like me their extraordinary and we have been happy and lost pictures youre a gay la on september 24th a saturday from 6 to 10 00 p. M. Will be at our youre asking for place the lake merced and we have posters and cards to remind you ill probably be back when i get back from camp mather im sad im not there being back in december to remind you put it on your calendar and thank you very much im heading up to camp mather technique. Im looking forward to it. laughter . Yeah, im sorry not the same week. Commissioner moran. And at the party i hope we get jason to talk about when his father helps from the fbi. We should do that yeah. Some part of San Francisco history for a long time. His dad was down here with the horses in the stables they have a great Family History a great family really, really nice well have to ask him that were hoping to get a lot of pictures of the family. Do we know who is taking over the operation. There is a new person or new group and i havent been up there so i dont personally know youll meet them theyre very noise so same things are happening the same best breakfast the moreno light with the country breakfast and have country western music by way of so with my hat with the country western music event. Thank you very much okay next item. Is please read number 8. 8 did sewer system improvement quarterly update. Through the financial schedule and talk about our recent chuchlts and updates on the projects going on and wrap up with Workforce Development and updated or update on the stakeholder outreach we have 70 projects underway 49 of them in planning and design and 5 in awards and 10 in communication things are moving this is phase one representation we see each quarter and currently 11. 4 percent that is going to kick up as we get more into construction. This is our progress for the phase one again and as of the close of the last Quarterly Report the close is march so several treatments of the projects are into construction and d c y is the next one followed in a year and a half by another project and like to always go back to the early implementation the Green Infrastructure 3 in construction the reason the sunset looks funny were doing a design build and working with the department of public works and designing the blocks while their building the previous blocks and trying to keep that running in the area of Sunset Mission and valencia or less awarded and under construction over the next couple of months Visitacion Valley the wiggle part two and chinatown green alley will be going out and staring the reasons end of this year, the last two are yosemite and the beach some of the achievements that was a big list getting to you and getting through that march 22 meeting where we established our baseline scope schedule and budget thats the basis for the detailed scheduled now the detailed loaded schedules and those are the reports on a quarterly basis and seeing me in august i believe when i come back for the next Quarterly Report a little bit less of a time as we issue those documents and part may be able ill r youll hear 2, 3, 4 from the 10 merging the agreement was extended to the ssip project for contracts over may 10th that is exciting that lays out the established fraction for the project and scheduled a this is something that will be evolving as we egg still using that project one of the alternative analysis phase projects designed for levels of services for performance comparing the alternatives for the bottom line. Theres a lot of work with the ceqa progress and it will be continuing through november 2017 we have advertised the r f x an 800 million for the general contractor and gastrogoing through that selection of that contractor over the next 6 months the head works project is moving forward that construction general contractor selection has been made and awarded at the commission their 0 moving through the 35 percent and both projects are in parallel to the Arts Commission to talk about the approach how to approach this as incorporate the art and how were looking this focus so we can have the best project delivered for the neighbors after were complete and d c s a advertised and a report was delivered to a a few weeks ago those are projects in construction we actually have 10 projects many more now are our at the plant since this is existing and momentum things are going out and the next phase a few green projects since the Flood Control projects will be going out with the sewer improvements projects were working with other agencies and in some cases the mta and the other departments and replacing a sewer line that is old as part of a project lead by another department and here i want to focus a little bit time this is something that is pretty exciting were working to judiciously with the economic would it be fair to say to provide real Small Business and job opportunity to san franciscans prairie from the Southeast Community and have 19 active contracts 10 are professional services and 9 are construction and the lbe the impact weve been able to have on the Small Businesses is even more permanent or preponderate 2 3rds of the sew contractions have been awarded to one and 5 lbes that is one and 64 Million Dollars of work this is substantial our local hiring ordinance requires a percentage of workers be resident of San Francisco so through 2016 this is to range between 20 and thirty percent for the ssip weve applied this so work on 38 percent of the projects weve berry been speeding the projects and this is equated for the combined 6 million in wages and benefits on over 60 thousand hours district 10 and 4 and 9 worked on this the San Francisco percent of the hours and my colleague wake up u came up with that idea of the craft hours as of march 31st, 2016 over one and 60 though craft hours by 5 hundred workers and earned 10 million in wages this shows the distribution of where the workers are and where the residents are and primarily down from Hunters Point the mission, the sunset as you can see the majority of work so were having a positive impact on the local communities one of these is that nearly 40 percent of the hours on the ssip nearly 40 percent have been worked by san franciscans and those residents have earned almost 6 million in wages and benefits the opportunity for entrylevel workers to begin a criteria in the construction work and the benefits is compounded the result is nearly 4 out of 579 percent of the hours on the projecting are being worked by san franciscans apprentices this is very good i think some of the jobs get bigger that will take more and more of a list to stay ahead of this this will be challenging some of the things were trying to establish a foot hold our Stakeholder Engagement a lot of work with the general contractors and standing room only event over one hundred contractors came with an lobe certification how to get a lbe state certification some the projects will mta and those opportunities bring contractors together so there is networking we talk about our upcoming projects and get them ready and Training Classes how to make bids and maximize the interest that we can possibly for our contracts coming up so this is an exciting thing and again folks have led that were in the fist year of our student internship into the ssip there are 23 they start in high school and work with through college that is something near and dear to my heart i started as an tenor that was a lange and many of the folks that are now leaders here i like to see people interested in being engineers sometimes theyre interested in other things at least we give them the skills and closer they maybe hires in the Water Systems in the future and this is a picture there were not that many kids 5 kids laughter that was before some of the schools gotten out but hopefully, this give us a sense interests a lot going on and youre going to be seeing more projects coming to fruition and more work going forward. Commissioner courtney. Thank you karen honestly were i dont know of its something we entertain with respect to the workforce i appreciate the workpiece we appreciate that is rated towards various professions and classifications at the you utilize and with the contractors and some of the 09 genders with respect to the trade down the road anticipate a change in Economic Conditions and so you have a lot of folks who are in those communities not necessarily district 4 i thats good news they cant necessarily intern into a apprenticeship and a lot of them are not ready for apprenticeship and because weve director nolan done it puc has done it and various departments there are ways undertook the invoice of workforce to prepare folks from those communities that point to be prepared were looking for on avenue to the Clear Pathway and id like to hear more about is like barbara was saying were stacking ill talk to the city weve been talking about Workforce Development i want to get meat on the bones what way to staff up what classifications looking to fulfill with respect to the folks that are the architect of a Workforce Development with the connection to our programs and what will be our target audience and you know were doing it on a smaller scale i believe we have age opportunity to create a pipeline of workers one real critical mentorship piece that is missing well dedicate that out to nonprofits and not done in a consistent way we basically fail with respect to the Community Folks were trying to provide opportunity to im looking for more robust conversations on the next report on the Workforce Development pieces specifically the preapprenticeship piece and more specifically with respect to the actual Construction Industry work in the field. If i can interject this is a classic puc issue not on the sewer system Improvement Project but the utility workers of the future and very eloquently articulated you know what the issue we need to create that pipeline so what id like to do a talk to the Internal Revenue who has the elements and talk about coming back and doing more comprehensive project to you if thats acceptable. Never mind. I did for go a few things the team is working with city build and building in the communitybased organizations with the pipeline in mind that will be great to follow the leadership juliette thank you. So if we could schedule that pretty sure were in summary. Well schedule that and get back to you thank you. Thank you, commissioner. And those youve identified the challenge of keeping up with that so that kind of discussion is important. Thats been go diligence and ownership to make that happen and to work with to solve the problems and fill them with local residents a culture change. Talk about the Community Outreach not the workforce but mr. Da costa raised those in the Quarterly Report and dig counsel and find the answers and then some were in the presentation today as. We focused on the bio project but we are always talking about the program as a whole start with an umbrella of puc and the ssip we do a lot of Small Business outreach our folks were at Hunters Point cac and done the webinars with the with the outreach we were working with the southeast on a monthly brass that was by abrams and talking about all of our ssip projects and connecting them together when i start to tally it i think we pro had 50 to 70 meetings over the last year and a half maybe ill if the chair and you took the words out of my mouth to provide a writeup to it is an esteem amount when we had a metro quest Public Survey so if people cant attend the meeting get input and a lot of workshops that format has worked better than attending a meeting so we have a 4 hour window for the staff to explain the issues surrounding this so im happy to provide a comprehensive report because it is. Were trying to catch dog patch and castro hill and bayview Hunters Point and pull in the populations of people i think staff is doing a job but happy to provide the correspondence to give you an idea and best further one of the things just to ask folks to think about is this is a huge program very complicated and in the complexity 0 losses site of basic things for the comments number one there is owner thats a real simple problem to see it is a smell not a simple problem but identify that as a problem is something that anyone passing talbot neighborhood and the frustration how long it is taken to manage youre absolutely right the program was put on hold and as a result we had to spend a lot of money to do do repairs that do mean anything to the fix those repairs give people false hope so what im thinking there is despite of complexity there is fairly basic concepts that need to be dealt with anyway and i just like some thought to be given you know in the future report and come back to the committee how to address those surface level concerns not the deeper dive but the stuff where were concerned about. I will look at that. Im hoping we can get feedback to stay on top of the investment decisions. We have Great Results in Caesar Chavez and some ones are wrapping up this is where we should get more you know wet weather wet weather. Yeah. But well continue to be able to get that information and Caesar Chavez is one i can certainly provide that up you to that was very good and baker did well. That would be great to start to unpack the metabolics and the opportunities to the water retention and diversion and any other benefits that we you know are hoping for in that prom were participating in the National Ground level Certification Program it is getting that even training for portfolio for the maintenance workers this type of thing a National Standard because it is a fairly new area of work we have an opportunity to get something that could be National Standard so people can know it is a mobile skill and and then across the country. I heard interest in having you come before us more rent control i dont know about every month but i see you are smiling. Smiling. Maybe every two months it is such a big program and piece to keep track of i would suggest that is the yaerl update this is produced and takes a while to put together if you want a Monthly Update we can do something along those lines. That would be fun and have a regular program. We get those clean power updates that make sense. Ill focus 10 minutes on making sure the Communications Type of thing is rotated. Okay that would be great unless objection. No, i be given the nature of those procedures that is easier to deal with small fifths and not hang up quarterly. Thank you thank you any Public Comments on the report. Hearing none. Next speaker, please. Item 9 are considered to be routine may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. 9 a to c s one 44b and 30 years the agreement up to one Million Dollars plus bad actor accept the contract r for a total amount of 79 plus and c ward contract not to exceed of 5 million to the lowest responsibly bidders Services Energy Systems Incorporated and d ward nooiftdz 5 million to the lowest Robust Construction Company and e ward the contract number e61 not to exceed 2 million to the lowest qualified responsible and robust bidders to c S Incorporated and f accept the contract approve the modification number 22 decreasing the amount by 5 million plus and authorize the final payment to the contractor. G accept the contract number approve the modification number 5 decreasing the contract amount by 75 thousand authorizes the final payment to the contractor. Thank you commissioners is there a request to remove any of the items hearing none a motion to approve the consent calendar. Any Public Comment on is consent calendar. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The consent calendar passes. Next speaker, please. Item 10 has been removed from the agenda and reconcealed scheduled for the next item and item lovingly approve the 5 year revoking license to the portion of sfpuc in hillsborough california. Good afternoon, commissioners assistant real estate director were proposing the work in the rightofway as part of pepper Water Project that involves the installation of a new 12 inch pipeline to replace an existing line it connects to our value line the scope of work in the property economists of disconnecting the old line and removing it from our property once in service the new line theyre constructing the 12 inch line is located within the public rightofway the town of Hillsborough Planning Department issued a categorical exemption from ceqa and the puc was responsible agency concurred with that determination the sfpuc proposed to issue the license with no in accordance with the 2015 real estate guidelines approved by that commission after that item was placed on todays agenda they removed the structure with the band in place allowing for a 6 month term rather than a 5 month term and thankfully the resolution gives of these general manager the authority to reduce the term because such an amendment is in the best interest of the city and not increase the obligations and all the terms and conditions of the license remain the same any questions. Questions. Is there a motion to approve the tefrmz and authorize the general manager to exude the lease. Second. Any any Public Comment on this item . All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Closed session we have no closed session items today. I know. Thanks moreen. Youll get the gift of time and go on to item 24. Item 24 other new business and commissioner. New business . Final Public Comments hearing none the meeting is adjourned hi everybody, we down here at the ep is a center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has never done anything in the house to the most advanced structure engineers we have working around here. We were going to here from kelly to talk a little bit about San Francisco. How are you doing kelly . Very well, thank you for having us here. In front of us, we have a typical soft story building. When i see this, i think this is some of the most beautiful architecture our city has. A lot of people dont know these are problematic buildings. Why dont you tell us about some of the risks he we have in these buildings . Soft stories are vulnerable in past earthquakes and the northridge earthquake to this type of building and character of building. When we talk about the soft story, what were talking about is generally a ground story that has less wall or other pwraeugs to resist the lateral forces that might be imposed by the earthquake. So were looking for something that is particularly weak or soft in this ground story. Now, this is a wonderful example of what some of the residential buildings that are soft stories in San Francisco look like. And the 1 thing that i would point out here is that the upper force of this building have residential units. They have not only a fair amount of wall around the exterior of the building but they also have very extensive walls in the interior and bathrooms and bedrooms and corridors and everything that has a certificate amount of brazing yea its significantly less country srabl in those stories. Now very often, we get even a garage or storage or sometimes commercial occupancy in this ground story. That very often not only has a whole lot less perimeter wall but it often has little or no wall on the interior. That wall is the earthquake bracing and so he see very significant bracing in the top floor and very little on the bottom. When the earthquake comes and hits, it tries to push that ground floor over and theres very little that keeps it from moving and degrading and eventually paoerblly keeping it from a collapse occurring. So we know theyre vulnerable because of this ground story collapsing is this only a problem we see in sentence france . San francisco . No, this is certainly a national problem. More acute in western but more up to california, washington, moving out into other states. This kind of building exist and this kind of building is vulnerable. When youre involved with the community safety, this is a different way of thinking about these types of things. We had a Community Group of over 100 people involved and upper 1 of them. Tell us about how that conversation went. Why did we decide as a city or a community to start fixing these types of buildings . There were a lot of aspects that were considered well beyond just the engineering answer that these are vulnerable. And that effort brought in a lot of people from different aspects of the community that looked at the importance of these buildings to the Housing Stock and the possible ramifications of losing this houbgs in the case of an earthquake. The financial implications, the historic preserve vacation s implication as you mentioned, these are very handsome looking buildings that are importance to the tourist city ask which make San Francisco something that people are interested from outside in coming and visiting. Its such animation story when you think about the 10 years that the community spent talking about this seurb but we actually did something about it. Now we have an order unanimouses put in place to protect 100,000 residents in San Francisco and retrospective in 2020. So on behalf of residents and employees in San Francisco, we want to say thank you for the work youve done in pushing this forward and making people more aware of these issues. And it was a fantastic community effort. So in an earth quake, what happens in these kinds of buildings . What happens when an earthquake comes along is it moves the ground both horizontally and vertically. Its mostly the horizontal that were worried about. It starts moving the Building Back and forth and pushing on it. When you see im pushing on it, the upper stiff of the wall stay straight up but the lower floors, they actually collapse just like i did there. Luckily, we can put this building right back up where it came from so its a lot easier. Now kelly, obviously these arent real frame walls here but when you talk about buildings, what makes the property for stiff . The easiest and most costeffective type of bracing you can put in is either put in a brand new wall or to potentially go in and strengthen a wall thats already there where you dont need to have an opening is where you maybe have a garage door or access to commercial space, you might go to a steel frame or other types of bracing systems that provides the strength and stiff if necessary but at the same time, allows continued use of that area. But some combination of walls or frames or other tools that are in the tool kit that can bring the building up to the strength thats required in order to remove the vulnerability from the building so that when ground shaking comes, it in fact is a whole lot more resistant and less vulnerable. Ideally, this story down here would be made as strong and stiff as the floors above. If im a property owner, what is the first thing i should do . The first thing you should do is find professional that can come in and help you evaluate your building in order to, 1, figure out that indeed it does need to be retro fitted and 2, give you some idea of what that retro fit might look like. And third, evaluation and design to help you determine the retro fit requirement. Well kelly, i cant thank you enough for being here today. Thank you so much for your wealth of information on how we can take care of our soft story problem in San Francisco. And you the viewer, if you have any questions, please feel free to visit our website test. Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to the San Francisco full board of supervisors meeting tuesday, july 19, 2016, madam clerk call roll. Thank you madam president supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim not present supervisor mar not present supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener

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