Awesome. With that, well move into fiscal 2223ocoh Fund Annual Report and i believe ill turn it over to ivy. Ivy, if you would. We dont need to do roll call . Okay. Let me actuallyokay. So, good afternoon committee. As you know, we publish our fiscal year 2223 annual report yesterday, so im going to talk about how to navigate the site and some of the key take aways from the report we did. So, just to start, the Controllers Office is responsible for the administration of the our city our home oversight fund, and so as part of that responsibility we report on a few things, specifically the [indiscernible] and impact of the fund. Okay. So used to watching people up here. Okay. So, yeah, as i said, the Controllers Office is responsible for reporting on the use of the impact of the fund and so thats what is laid out here in the fiscal year 2223 annual report. Some of the key take aways are how the city budgeted and expanded the funds over a three year period, and we go into depth on expenditure s for fiscal year 2223, of course, and secondly, we look at the impact of the uses of the fund, and we do that through looking at capacity and services that were added. And lastly, we take a look at how the households that were served we look at the data of the people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness, so that is usually the number of people account or the demographics of that population. So, first off, im going go into the fund. Over the 2223 fiscal year 295. 7 million were spent for the fund. These expenditures have been continuing to increase year by year since beginning of the fund, which is promising and that is definitely related to these programs transitioning from planning phases into implementation phases. Secondly, i also want to point out, there is a continued revenue shortfall that the Controllers Office identified and we will have the Budget Administration division speak a little bit more on that after this presentation. But, if you would like to read more about it, this is like the entry page. This is the executive summary and as you can see, the stuff i just talked about is recapped here, and you can also navigate to each Respective Services area to see specifically about expenditures, populations served, outcomes, all that data, and so as an example, im going to show you the permanent housing page. So, up at the top on each of these pages you can navigate back to the table of contents or to a different page. That covers a service area, but as you see on the right hand side, we have a list of different areas you can navigate to, including the spending on programs, implementation, and more information on the households served. Going back to the report, the executive summary, for implementation and services, the fund was used to support over 27 thousand households, and there were over 1,000 units of capacity added over the last year. Our report also goes into specifically howlets seeit also breaks down not just capacity added, but it also discuss capacity preexisted and sustained over the fiscal year. 1,000 units of capacity were added last year, over 4,000 units of capacity were sustained during fiscal year 2223. For permanent housing specifically, lets take a look at what that looks like for capacity added. Permanent housing unique in that it does have a breakdown for each of the types of households served. We break it down by all households, adults, families and youth, but there is also a breakdown comparing fiscal year 2122 data with the more recent 2223 data, and you can see we cover capacity added each year as well as the total capacity that was sustained. Going back to the executive summary, goinghouseholds served is another good indicator of implementation and uses of the fund. The fund was used to support over 27,000 households, and Homelessness Prevention actually served the most households with over 13,000 households being served. Secondly was Mental Health. Their programs served over 8,000 individuals and Mental Health unique in that clients served is the measure we use as opposed to the households like the other Service Areas. For permanent housing, there were just over 2,000 households served and most of those were accounted for in Scattered Sites programs and then lastly, for shelter and hygiene, over 2700 households served and most of those households were served through programs under temporary shelter programs. And as mention ed before, you can go to each of these individual pages and see those breakdowns. So, going into the demographics, this is a key feature we wanted to focus on in the report. We know the community has a strong interest in Racial Equity so we included a breakdown of the ethnic and racial identities of households served. As you can see, we have a dashboard you can look at that breaks it down, both by program i believe, yeah, the individuals break it down by program, but this is the general analysis of all Service Areas combined. So, the take away here is that, we know from the pit data that African Americans specifically are overrepresented in the Homeless Population, and what our data is showing us, at least this early evidence we are getting so far from the data, is showing that these programs are serving that same ratio of population, which is a good thing. We want that. With these populations, if you go down you can see permanent housing served 48 percent of their households served identified as black, African American or african, which is significant amount. Same with shelter and hygiene, 32 percent identitying as black, African American or african. At the top we break down latina households and each service area the percentage served. Mental healthwe are seeing gaps in the data there. Only 14 percent of households identified as latina served in Mental Health programs ocoh funded. This is compared to the data that shows about 30 percent of people experiencing homelessness identify as latina, so there is gap in the data there, but i know that their department is working on kind of looking at the variability of tracking this each Different Program can track racial and ethnic identity in different ways. They have different categorizations, so i know they are working on getting more consistent with that and exploring why there are gaps in data for these programs. Lets seeso, going down, we also have our outcome section and so, outcomes and households served, we did track positive outcomes and each Respective Service area has their own unique definition area for what a positive outcome, but across the board, they were pretty positive. We are seeing some generally positive outcomes which is promising. Permanent housing had 97 percent of their households served reporting positive outcome. For permanent housing, what we would define as positive out come is whether they were still in the program at the close of fiscal year, or if they exited the program to their own permanent housing. Secondly, we also have the Homelessness Prevention percent. That rate was good as well, 76 percent reporting positive outcome. How we defined positive outcome for Prevention Services waslets seeyeah, retaining housing, so they were able to keep their housing or they found a safe indoor solution to their housing crisis at the time they entered the program. Shelter and hygiene has a pretty significantly low rate of positive outcome at 16 percent. Hsh is exploring this. I know there are some large gaps in the data regarding just tracking where clients go when they exit these preventionshelter hygiene programs. The shelter hygiene programs are low barrier so there is effort Going Forward to figuring how we can track better track the destinations of these people once they are leaving these low barrier programs that they are entering. And then, lastly we have Mental Health where we note it is unavailable. You can read more about Mental Health client outcomes. They actually have their own collection of dashboards they published this year and they also have dashboards that break down like sort and skirt. Those programs, their positive outcome rate was, as well as more details on those clients that were served. But i know that they are also looking into a way to track positive outcomes that can be shared back in our report that we are sharing out. So, that was a little fast, but everything you need to explore and hopefully get your questions answered you can find here on the page. We have our annual report ready to go. It is there first option when you do land on the ocoh page, so yeah, i believe well take questions afterwards. But we can also do it right now if we need. What is your preference . Yes, we can take questions now. Okay. I have a few questions as well. Could we look at the housing outcomes . Can we put it on the screen . Households served, could weis thereis the outcomes you said . Households served in ocoh programs i guess. And is it broken downis there a wie it go into the permanent housing and list what is talked about there . In the permanent housing specifically, yeah. Up at the top is where we have the links to navigate there, but i do have permanent housing already open on this tab. Did you want to look at the households served for permanent housing . Yeah. Justso you said there is over 4,000 that would be served, so that 2272 the capacity. The total capacity that was sustained. I believe that was across all programs. Not just [indiscernible] this 2200 number is the number of people served in the year in this fiscal year, correct. In this fiscal year . Yeah. Some of the data we got before there were misses so the housing out of mohcd was not counted in the Quarterly Report and acquisitions were not included so i wanted to make sure it was comprehensive and included the housing that is outside of dhsh . This data is for last fiscal year, so any housing ocoh funded operating last year should have information about the households served in the housing and the count of the capacity in our data set. Some of the housing may have been purchased last year but didnt open to operation until the next or wouldnt have included some things towards the end of the year, but to the extent a program was operating and serving clients last fiscal year, we incorporated that data. The mohcd Program Within housing is called, family subsidy. Family rental subsidy. There is also a Family Rental subsidies in hsh. Those are both represented [multiple speakers] okay. And then, so in this report does it also have the projected number of units coming online in 2324 . No. In order to get there we have to look at the budget passed with the details there . The february budget versus actuals shows how much money is spnt this year, so we have a plan for february as we do every year, so february we do the 6 month report. Well provide budget versus actual and departments provide information at the february meeting so they are able to provide information of the progress that occurred since july. Okay. Thank you. Go ahead. Okay. Being new to the committee, is this format can you speak into the mic . Sorry. Is this format parallel to previous reports . Yeah. Great. Just looking for ease of comparison. Thank you. Lets seewhat i wanted to talk about is more around how we are disseminating the information and making sure the community is aware of the report. I know people can watch this meeting and get it that way, but we got a lot of calls in the past from Community Members who wanted it to be disseminateed like in other ways. I dont know if that is something as a committee we should be talking about, because yeahit seems like a conversation like communication. We had ideas in the past when people were trying to take prop c funds for other uses and change the legislation and so i think i want to get ahead of that now that we have this report and just put it on our radar. We dont necessarily have to talk about it now, but how do we disseminate reports, other then just talking about it in this meeting . Www. Sf. Gov ocoh on the home page. We keep it as up to date as we can and may be not capturing everyone, but we distribute to everybody on our distribution list that expressed interest. Good. Okay. Including members of the public. So, everybody who attended our Community Meetings if they are signed up to get notification. We do public notification. The committee is welcome to forward the announcement you should have hopefully received in your inbox about the publication because we do that wide distribution from the Controllers Office, so it isonce it is public, so definitely forward to all of your networks to distribute. I dont think that is what member dantonio has in mind. I dont think we have come up with a solution for this and so, i dont know what that looks like. Originally we wanted a website specifically outside of sfgovtv that was a prop c website but we realize we cant do that. Just something for us all to think about and for others who are listening if you call and have ideas, let us know. Thank you vice chair dantonio and i do agree and think it is part of our charge to kind of think about dissemination and we dont have a Community Impact liaiz onnow but we want to get this to everyone who participated in our listening sessions. I with believe laura we still have that list so i can support with that effort. If i get the list i can send to folks as the chair. Also, do we have the ability to make hard copies to give to Community Partners who we know are interested in the information and funded in these different categories as well as partners at dph and hsh and elsewhere . Some of the hospitals and other folks and places where wethey want this information, so just thinking through that. Im happy to work on that, but dont know if we have hard copies, but happy to send an email to the list. This report was created as a series of [indiscernible] for accessibility of the dashboards and the data, so it is sort ofsome of these web pages have interactive information on them, so thats getting people to the website is key. Yeah, so they are able to interact and get the information they are looking for. Theres lots of content here you could print, but it would be very long. Just like the executive summary im thinking or something more abbreviated we can get out hard copy to folks who may notmaybe Community Folks directly impacted that want to see the information. Just trying to think through it, because we dont have a Community Impact liaiz on and that falls on my office so happy to blast on the email and if there is executive summary abbreviate areed to partners not as web based happy to do that as well. We can talk about comparing what the distribution list was and making sure it goes out to the audiences you like it to go out to and then in terms ofhard copy i think is a great suggestion. Especially if it was just like the executive summary. It comes down to miking sure it is meeting accessibility standards, but that is definitely something we can look into. I think translation as well. We can talk more offline. My other question is about unduplicated counts because i imagine that folks are traveling between different systems and behavioral helt and hsh and cross over. Is there analysis around duplicated and who is going in between the different systems . Yeah, definitely. Each of these dashboardsill show you. If you are exploring on your you can see, but each dashboard if they have data notes have a data note section that breaks down, caveats of the data and what is included and isnt. Anything that may have come up, but in terms of duplicated and unduplicated for the most part we tried to get numbers unduplicated and so it was more an accurate depiction of persons served, but there are Different Programs we were limited and you have to look at each individually to see. There is no data unduplicated across Service Areas so the Service Areas could be can duplicated. Within Service Areas there is some element of unduplication coming from the departments, but not across Service Areas. I say this because i know that epic and other efforts that have been made to try see who is traveling between systems and identifying households and drilling down to see specifically the houses served by multiple systems. I believe the city was working on this several years ago to get a whole picture who is served. Sometimes folks are traveling between multiple programs, multiple Department Systems and really be able to put your arms around that household and provide additional support. Yeah. I dont know if thati know epic rolled out and that is crosstalk between Different Health systems, but dont know if there is crosstalk between hsh, Behavioral Health and other departments which i think can be helpful. That work is external to this work so the annual reporting is related to the funding to specific programs so not showing the entire system, it is showing ocoh funded programs and their utilization and capacity, so there is work happening external toamong the broader systems around how to track and manage that. We i know that isnt our work, just saying that is a data capacity we can think about once the city gets there if the city is there, i dont know, to layer on to what is funded by us. I know that isnt our purview, just saying data capacity and we dont have a data officer as w