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By saying thank you to the voters of San Francisco. Little more than 2 years ago i listed to us and a number of department who got together, all our First Responder departments including fire, police, those that are in charge of water system. All of us got together and continue to do identify our 10iary capital plan and [inaudible] and can talk all day long about the 10 year capital plan but taking care och business. We are making sure the building [inaudible] chief medical Examiners Office is in a challenged building at the hall of justice and when we welcomeed him to the sit a we talked about the need to have a modern facility that could respond and be there whenever there might be a earthquake, there for a epidemic and certainly in need of a more modern Laboratory Facility and forensic facility and all the staff at the medical examiners for years have said the condition and broken down conditions at the hall of justice require them to have this type of facility so put that in a 400 million as naomi said earthquake safety and Emergency Response bond and voted in into overwellmly so say thank you thmpt other way we thank the voters it get it done on time. We have park construction working with department of public works to make sure the largesh projects under the bond is done quickly and well and it is doing both as we can see. Just in two years we are topping off the first of four Major Projects, maybe five Major Projects under the earthquake safety bond and proud doing this because not only are they doing it only time and doing it will, but we also see that there is a tremendously positive impact in the way they are building because they worked closely with the city build program that is part the communities and response to make sure not thonl project whether housing or Senior Housing or Community Centers u fire, Police Station or medical examiner offices, we wpt those jobs in the community as much as we can. They worked closely and in fact, because the work public work has done and city build, 1 3 of all hours are performed by City Residents and half from the bayview so shat positive impact. In addition to that, there ask all most 34 different local enterprise business, locum businesses that are half of them are from the bayview that are also participating tin biltding and completion of the project so today im proud to sign my name on the last steel beam that will get on there and mohammed, i hope you got your signature on there as well doctor hunter im sure you have a signature and naomi and staff and agencies working collaboratively together with fire chief and her staff to make sure the beam gets up there because that is a milestone and means we are more than half way done and means the promise of having earthquake safe buildings for our First Respond ers is going wem and that was the promise made to the voters when they voted over 79 percent to get the bond passed. This is how we honor the vote is get the projects done on time in which all values in San Francisco, with locing jobs and making sure we give people the opportunity to work here is all done in the right way. I am very proud of literally every aspect of this work and of course everybody is being safe on this job as well so we want that to continue w. That, i want to say again to city build, thank you very much and one the graduates that i get to introduce next, she herself has been not just a graduate of city build, i know she will forever remember her training but has gone to exactly what wewant her to go on and completed a number of hours on a new sf [inaudible]. She is proud to be part of the team that brought us one of the most modern museums in the world and now gets to have her hand in helping build one of the most modern chief medical examiner buildings that we will have and that will be a important function for the community from which she came and i want to introduce you to city build graduate but also worker exextraordinary, joan moore. Thank you mayor lee. Im so grateful for this opportunity to be up here today and represent the work of everyone on this project. And my neighborhood. My name is joan moore. M i was born here in San Francisco. Im a bayview residents, live here all my life. Went through the city build Job Training Program in 2013 to pursue a career in the construction industry. Since then i work many different types of construction jobs including the San Francisco [inaudible] where i was at that [inaudible] going through city build program has been good for me because i went through the training and took class to advance and every employer look at me differently. As i increased my knowledge, things opened up for me. As i educate myself i find more chance tooz advance. Im not settling for anything. Right now im a general labor and safety monitor. Everyone im involved in say i see you as a safety person, you should pursue this. That is my encouragement. Everyone gives me that advice and that motivates me. That is my encouragement. For future city build participants i tell you this, never stop thinking you cant advance in your career. Never stop pursuing your career. There is something out there for everyone. Thank you to [inaudible] construction. Thank you to the city of San Francisco. Thank you for abu. Thank you all for letting me share my gratitude. [applause] thank you mrs. Moorethank you for sharing your story and see members of the abu and want to give a shout out to them. This is a organization that nob they have done a great job reaching out to women. Nob nub on the project, 65 million is how much we spent on the bond funded project. 35 percent is local hire, half from the bayview as mentioned. 450 jobs in San Francisco as a result och this project. 46,000 square feet is the size oof the new facility. 375 tons of steel and 2500 cubic yards will be in the building. 345 tons of rebar mpt 145 miles of wiring. 50 years is how old the seismically [inaudible] in 2017 in the fall is when the new medical Examiners Office will relocate in the state of the art biltding. Public Works Department is responsible for putting this tonight and manage the Building Design and construction and at the helm and leader of public works is Mohammed Nuru and he will be up next to speak about this project. [applause] thank you mayor lee and thank you [inaudible] for all the work that you are doing. I think you know, we can all say that under mayor lees leadership so many of the city projecterize delivered on time and budget. We rently finished the bayview opera house and finish thd Library Program and have a new library and all those projects were delivered on time and budget. More porntsly importantly is what we talk about is can the commune tay get jobs on the projects and on the bayview opera house and library we did very well and doing very well on the project. It is the only way we will be able andonly way the resident will be able to learn skill squz be here for the future of San Francisco and through our bond programs many projects awhether it is transbay or General Hospital or our new Police Station we are able to meet the numbers set forth and achieve those numbers so the city family is working very very hard and the voters of San Francisco trust the leadership of our maying to vote and pastz the project and have many more projects coming down the pipeline. The public Works Department, the role is work very closely with the community. We work with engineer and architects. We all get down and try to figure how to deliver the project the best way we can and today is the example of the medical examiners building. We are part of a [inaudible] team and so not just the city, but also our contractor. [inaudible] construction, partnership with city build and abu and partnership with many local businesses. We set goal squz avenue one of the projects we exceed those goals. This building and this projict is a commitment that we are committed to put all san franciscans to work and have the workforce to build anything that you bring to us. I think the mayor deserves a very big hand for his leadership. [applause] on the projects we are building, they are not jush for now but many generations to come so excited. I want to quickly thank a few of the team that i work with from public works who work day in and out to [inaudible] start by thanking city architect [inaudible] he is here. [applause] [inaudible] if you dont know him you should meet him he is in charge of the [inaudible] project manager [inaudible] is here. [inaudible] are on the staff here who made sure that we are moving on time and on schedule. [applause] there are also many or key consultant that make a project happen, it isnt just one or two people with we have a few consultant and like to thank from [inaudible] that is the team that actually designed the building. James mueller, [inaudible] thank them. [applause] and on the Construction Management side, we have [inaudible] Construction Management. [inaudible] from public works involved in over 4 billion dollars of Construction Projects in San Francisco and very luckily because we are busy and able to build the workforce to dlinch the projects. Like all projects today is a milestone and will put the final steel beam up and make sure the project is completed on budget and on time. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you mohammed. This modern facility provides structural, operation resiliency and efficiency. The new aufs moves us as city in the direction and strengthens our resiliency. Here to speak next is chief medical examiner, dr. Michael hunter. [applause] i want to thank two people today. I want to certain mayor ed lee and city administrator, naomi kelly. I want to thank them for their vision. If not for their commitment we wouldnt be here today. They understood early on the need to have this facility so want to thank these people very much. [applause] im also impressed with the amount of dedication and hard work that mohammeds team with public works has done to get this job to where it is today. The progress is imprivess and this will allow San Francisco to maintain our own sense of preparedness and resiliency. The new center will enable the city to be at the forfront of [inaudible] lastly, i want to thank the residents of the city and county of San Francisco for making this possible. Thank you. [applause] thank you dr. Hunter. Another partnership that we value with our relationship with the general contractor. Welcome from the primary contractor for this project, Senior Vice President of park construction group, [inaudible] [applause] good afternoon everybody ft first, thank you mayor lee for your leadership and your support throughout the city. Thank you naomi and mohammed and dr. Hunter for your support and leadership in the project. Marks relationship with the city is a fantastic partnership z also want to recognize the great leadership by edgar lopez [inaudible] to make this a realty and be a great partner with us through the juny. We are honored to be a active Community Partner with inbayview neighborhood and community and have on going relations [inaudible] with pub lrk works are continuing to reach out and involve and make the xhounty every much a part of as we are during the construction phase. We are proud of what we accomplished to date, but still have approximately a year left so there is tremendous amount of opportunity we intend to maximize. So far we trained and graduated 9 bayview Small Businesses as part of clark Small Business Training Program we call the clark strategic program. We worked with rebuild ing together and abu to assist with renovations at the double rock church, which we felt was a great success. We collaborated with abu and Mohammed Nuru to provide winter coats, thanks giving turkeys. We preely do appreciate and thank the abu and this Great Community for your support [inaudible] [applause] teamwork is a haulwer hark what makes clarks construction project successful and not only do we have a great team leading the design we also think is a great teak associate would the construction of the design but that also involves the community. I do want to make kmd, [inaudible] we have a great group orsubcontractors to make this a aif project and want to thank the clark team for their dedication to the project and community and everything we achieved thus far. We look forward to future collaborations and the grand opening of the facility next summer so thank you, everybody. [applause] okay. As we wrap up there are a new more people who i like to thank. First i like to tharng depy city administrator [inaudible] work would the medical examiner and pub lrk works to make sure we are on budget and meets the operational needs to best services the public. Want to thank Contract Monitoring Division [inaudible] we have local business participation and thank you for that. And the San Francisco arts commission. There are two permanent art works commissioned. One at the entrance of the office and [inaudible] which fs built at Hunters Point shipyard in 1891. There will be another sculpture in the Visitors Center [inaudible] thousands of pieces of fabric which depict the salt marshes of indian basin. With that, lets raise [gavel] good morning and welcome to a special meeting of the government audit and Oversight Committee of the San Francisco board of supervisors. I am the chair of the Committee Aaron peskin joined to my right by norman yee our member london breed is in the nations capitol today and wont be joining us. Madam clerk do you have any announcements . Please silence all cell phones and 21 Electronic Devices and all documents submitted to the clerk and items will be on the. Board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you ms. Major. Fiscal year can we have a motion to supervisor yee can we have a member to excuse supervisor breed. inaudible . That is moved. Madam clerk can you read item 1 and two. Item 1 is a hearing on the recently published entitled San Franciscos crime lab promoting confidence and building credibility. Thank you madam clerk. First i would to thank the civil grand jury for this report acknowledge our interim police chief tony chaplin is with us and with that turn it over to the foreperson of the civil grand jury to present. Thank you chairman. I would like to introduce katherine coffee and Chuck Thompson who are presenting on behalf of the civil grand jury. Yes, can you say your name for the record . My name is jay cunningham. Thank you. Please proceed. Good morning. My name is Chuck Thompson, and i was a member of the 20152016 civil grand jury. I want to thank you for holding this hearing. I am here today to discuss the results of the civil grand jurys review of the operations of the San Francisco Police Departments crime lab. The crime lab is a Public Laboratory that is managed by the citys police department. Over the past several years the credibility of the crime lab has come into serious question. This was causeed in part by a serious of unfortunate incidents ranging from cocaine theft in the Drug Analysis Laboratory to a mixup of two samples of dna evidence during testing in a homicide case to the famure of two failure of two criminologist to pass the test and resulted in the closure of the drug lab. Our report summarizes these and other past incidents. We report out the stepped reportedly taken to address the issues and the quality of the labs work. We see these steps as progress progress in strengthening the lab. It is also our opinion that the current technical staff of the lab is very cable, and committed to their work, and to improvements being under taken. At the same time our report outlines additional steps needed to sustain this progress and reduce the chances of similar problems in the future. Some of these will be challenging and beyond the control of the crime lab personnel. It is these they want to focus on today. It is our feeling that the operations and independence of the crime lab would be strengthened by greater continuity at the top lead by an experienced civilian scientist as director rather than the current rotating secession of police officers. Since 2010 the crime lab has had a sworn Police Captain in charge of the daytoday operations of the lab. We found that the turnover of the captains has been frequent and their forensic experience as for the most part has been limited. Since 2010 no fewer than Six Police Officers have held

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