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Sfgov tv meeting of the San Francisco county Transportation Authority meeting for tuesday, february 28 2017 will begin shortly. [gavel] good morning welcome to the San Francisco Transportation Authority meeting for today february 28, 2017. Mr. Clerk please call the roll call item one roll call breed present cohen present, farrell absent, fewer here, kim present, peskin present, ronen present, safai present, sheehy present, tang absent, j yeast present. We have a quorum thank you mr. Clerk please read the next item item 2 chairmans report information item good morning colleagues want to open up this month report with some good news. I have the honor of joining my colleagues from districts nine, 10 and 11 commissioners ronen ronen and safai that sums up the importance of Community Funding the Transportation Authority as we finally cut the ribbon last month on the onemile stretch of pedestrian and bicycle goods on mans out that the committee has been working on for some seven years. The first of its kind in San Francisco and was a true interagency collaborative effort led by park and recreation with the support of the ta San Francisco mta and public words and Strong Community participation by the mclaren parks collaborative walk sf, and the San Francisco bicycle coalition. The 6. 8 million vision 0 city and st. Skating project reconfigured to fastmoving lanes to protected by ken pedestrian pathway sidewalk extensions and was last in the series of improvements to the recreational open space in the mclaren park. The key eight provided a percent of the funds would prop kc tax vehicle Registration Fees and federal grant funds. I want to give a special acknowledgment to the former chair of the spotty former district 11 Supervisor John Avalos worked tirelessly with the Community Commissioners cohen and cobbel was to realize this project at the mans oh project truly shows that we can successfully move both Infrastructure Projects when theres a robust and engaged Community Planning process coupled with smart local investments not looking for to help fund similar projects in all our districts. My staff will be following up with each and every one of you in the coming days to identify projects in your districts and your priorities and i very much would like to sit down with each of you to ensure the ta is responsive developer city of infrastructure and programming needs in every district. Speaking of the power of community organizing, i want to briefly recognize the addition of a full pedestrian scramble signal at the dangerous intersection of kearney and clay in chinatown where sadly, in 2015 a senior resident [inaudible] was killed. After broadbased coalition of stakeholders spent years identifying the need for pedestrian scramble signals in the dense hyper traffic neighborhood of chinatown, sf mta agreed to the full installation and we celebrate the turning the light on last week i especially want to thank tom acquire an entire Engineering Team at sf mta for the quick work to implement this vision zero implement. I would also like to announce the makeup of the Vision Zero Committee while later on in the agenda we will talk about merging the plans and programs and finance committees into a committee of the whole in essence. I want to keep the Vision Zero Committee, pointing commissioner norman yee two chairman of the committee with that given his strong record of vision zero advocacy and policy were. Commissioner safai has agreed to serve as vice chairman and i have agreed to serve as the third member of the body which will continue to meet on an ad hoc basis. I know we will be hearing commissioner yee resolution on automated Speed Enforcement at the next ta meeting im excited to see our local body push our state legislature do more to save lives locally. In my second term in office back in 2007 i was the lead sponsor for what became proposition a increase funding for the sfmta eighth parking receipts and enforcement. I continue to believe that transportation is one of the most important public assets that local government can sustain and invest in and its time to renew our conversations around sustainable progressive revenue. I spoke a little bit about this at our last meeting but excited to be cochairing the citys Transportation Task force 2045 which begin meeting next month. Thank you to pres. Breed by hsu partner for helping get this conversation started and to the Community Stakeholders party stepped up to offer feedback on what has worked in the past and what has not worked. This is a conversation that is been kicking around for years this time around we will get it done right. This will not be owned by any one individual and in fact will be inclusive transparent and collaborative effort with a singular focus to identify a winning sustainable aggressive Revenue Source that will fund longterm streets and transit Infrastructure Operations and upgrades. We are going to be in it to win it this time around and im delighted to see so much energy already around this prostitute of the twocar out sometime at upcoming meetings to keep you all apprised of our progress welcome your thoughts and input it speaking of funding news, maybe you saw them mclaren ross these couple weeks ago detailing that United States transportation sec. Alain child decided to hold funds for caltrain electrification. At least into the administration can develop and send its goal the school year 18 budget to the congress. I know that this is been frustrating is and i ask that caltrain, and present electrification project update at our next ta meeting. Will continue to our departure for the region and state to advance electrification so that we have cleaner quieter faster and more frequent Caltrain Service and eventually bring caltrain and highspeed rail into the heart of San Francisco. I know that you all share my commitment to making a strategic longterm investments in ensuring the spotty also fulfills its fiduciary response ability to our residents with strong fiscal oversight. Yesterday as you are think also in todays paper caltrain announced its intent to extend its electrification contracts for four months using this project budget contingency in an effort to keep the project alive. We will receive a full status update from staff at the next meeting. And that translate joint Powers Authority next phase of design work we downtown extension project ive asked for information on both projects budgets and oversight and i welcome every commissioners input as to what you would like to see in these presentations. In addition will be hearing from the Planning Department on the railyard alternatives and i to 80 boulevard Feasibility Study which is examining alternative ways to tunnel the dts below 60th st. In mission bay. I have asked for presentationive asked for presentation evokes on the evaluation of primark and criteria for choosing a locally preferred alignment. I know some of you already been on a walking tour but by planning staff am looking forward to attending the same this friday. If youve not done so i hope you will. This is a decision, colleagues, that is going to last for the next 100 years so we need to get it right. Finally i want to thank the members of this body the strong discussion around engagement at our last full Commission Meeting get your feedback was very helpful and before you today you have revisions to our administrative code and rules of order which reflect, i believe, the desire of this body to be more collaborative and engage on the full range of issues that impact our districts as well citywide and the region and beyond so thank you colleagues and if there are no questions mr. Clark if you could please call the next item commissioner yee has a comment spews any Public Comment on the chairmans report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] next item be please sorry commissioner yee i do not see you. Its been so long i been up since ive been up here. I just want to make a slight correction to the statement you just made chairman peskin. The legislation to support ase is going to be heard in the Land Use Committee on march 13, not that he eight thank you for that correction commissioner. Did you call the item, steve . Item three executive directors report information on the thank you so much commissioners. Im pleased to present this month report and i much want to thank chairman peskin for leadership on the 24th five Revenue Committee thats really great news and i know that myself and other city transportation and other regional reservation directors are excited to get to work on that effort with your guidance to the federal level of course the chair mentioned that caltrain electrification project and look forward to staff presentation next month could just want to note we do continue to coordinate with our counterparts in the community and Business Leaders across the region to advocate for the full Funding Grant agreement. This is something well be adding capacity get elected addition project is adding a 25 capacity to the train through various means as well as enabling 2 billion project to generate about 9600 jobs across the United States. So its got a huge Economic Impact could we are hoping that multiple bay area delegations in march and april will persuade our federal leaders. On the us dot smart cities challenge front, this is the initiative the obama demonstration began last year to bring the dance transportation innovative Transportation Technologies to our manager nation efforts that we been collaborating with the transportation for America Initiative is a coalition of smart cities recipients across the United States of shared experience and also meeting with city of mr. Naomi calleys office to look at how we can apply somewhere sunny summer days the Fleet Management program. Under safe streets act, you will see the updates that chairman commissioner yee just a gentle Land Use Committee on march 14. I wont go into that but we are able to brief you out with the sfmta evokes as well. On this legislation. Regional measure three, this is the bridge proposed bridge toll for bay area stateowned bridges get mtc metropolitan Transportation Commission of course is working on this funding measure anticipated for 20,018. It will require state authority. The idea is to raise thresholds potentially to seek voter approval for total increase of one dollar to three dollars at the three dollar would raise about five though dollars over 25 your period. So along with other jurisdictions and counties walls of the pickup the conversation at our next Months Committee or excuse me next month meeting to brief you on on the measure and return in the next few months with an update on proposed priorities. Meanwhile, the state legislature and gov. Brown are actively trying to put together a funding package for state Transportation Needs get some women summing to one and Senate Bill One lead bite cheers frasier and out are an active coordination mode get ctr. , weiner has also called for increased funding for transit is part of that funding package discussion. Gov. Brown has set a goal of completing this work by april so we understand that is a priority of the legislature and the return to regional measure three thereafter but we will continue to coordinate both efforts locally and regionally. With our state of vacation. In terms of turning to local issues, the Transportation Sustainability program also had a great milestone. Thank you all as the board of supervisors for adopting the final component of this program. The tdm ordinance demand management ordinance. This is the Pioneering Program and legislation allows developers to flexibly reduce their vehicle impact using a menu of options ranging from onsite car share and bike share and shuttle as well as parking reductions. So once in place, the tdm Program Effectiveness will be monitored enforced and evaluated by the Planning Department, the sfmta he and our agency for more information folks can visit sf planning. Org and read more about this really Pioneering Program. So thank you very much. We were pleased to provide a late an update on a latenight Transit Service recommendations to the plans and Programs Committee and here again we identified some technical recommendations on how we can improve latenight Transit Service for muni ac transit and transit riders. These are Important Services that improve reliability and key services for the latenight Early Morning patrons and we want to be able to do some outreach so i want to let folks know they can find more information nightlightnightlife sf. Org and were also having to come to your neighborhood meetings and any other groups to provide an update on that work. Turning to the lombard cricket street. This enabled Transportation Improvement Program study the we released a draft report this month under the leadership of commissioner farrell said he requested the study about a year ago a year and a half ago and we looked at all the wide range of options to up address and manage the congestion usability and safety concerns around the street. You may have seen this covered. We also the report on our website at sfcta got word she cricket street and will be bringing an update to the board next month for an approval action on that work. Continuing on our longrange countywide transportation citywide Transportation Planning effort called connect sf encompasses a multiagency effort with pta mta Planning Department and office of economic and workforce development. This is looking at a vision for transportation that will then inform her countywide plan update where we have this passion about Investment Priorities for the five years. Im encouraged this is happening around the same time in parallel with the revenue and expand your task force that the chair mentioned for 2045 local transportation measure. Overly this will be something that we can bring an update in parallel with the other updates the chair has requested on the revenue measure task force. Moving on to other projects, i want to highlight the two projects are nearing completion and districts 10 and six. The potrero hill Pedestrian Safety and transit stop Improvement Project is nearing completion in district 10 there will be a Community Event in march 11 so thank you to commissioner cohen for your leadership on that. This of Planning Department led effort and collaboration with mta and Community Partners Bridge Housing Park Alliance and rebuild potrero to improve intersections along the marked walking scores and key transit stops your the siteshousing sites in potrero hill. In district 6 we have the south park traffic calming project that commissioner kim had requested delivered by again rec and Park Department with prop k funds and all bunch of other agencies to improve measures to influence safety and traffic and pedestrian improvements. So the project team on that project will do a ribboncutting ceremony on march 7th ave. , south park from 122 pm for more information is available on both projects sfcta. Orgenter. In addition i should mention actually tomorrow we will be celebrating it ribboncutting for the van ness the rt program. This is a project thats quite a long time in the making and theres a long history to it but actually, in the scheme of things were very pleased with the letter very strong transit reliability and travel time improvements through the project using Cost Effective west bus transportation strategies and we will be discussing that tomorrow morning. I think at the civic center across from city hall and so we invite the public to join that event tomorrow morning as well. I believe 9 30 am. On the turning to the chest addition fund for clean air, final update here is that the Transportation Authority on your agenda today we looking at criteria for prioritizing about 750,000 of clean air vehicle Registration Fee funds. This is the four dollars collected by the air district. We administer about 40 of that fun could that the seven or 50,000 a year that these are for projects that are proven to reduce car emissions or vehicle trips and vehicle emissions and so these are things like shuttles and bike racks bicycle projects alternate fuel tax taxi so be doing some outreach to let folks know about this opportunity and please, expect the call for projects by early march with applications due on april 28 to our agency. If folks can contact our planner, Mike Pickford with any questions and visit our website as well. With that i will end with a final update on the dde front. We will bei was pleased last week to join caltrans director malcolm dockerys was highspeed rail director jeff morales at the California Black Chamber of commerce for their annual policy lunch we were very grateful to the chamber of commerce black chamber of commerce for highlighting transportation infrastructure in particularly the intersection, the importance of transportation investment for economic and workforce development. We had a robust conversation. We really appreciate your support for the funding package discussions happening in sacramento and we look forward to returning back to continue collaborate with them on jobs for the community. Toward that end, on march 20 monday, march 20 were preparing to the Transportation Authority db lbe business opportunity. Its a networking event from 10noon at opposite 1455 market st. On the 22nd floor get db and lbe firms and consultants and contractors and subs are invited to come learn about upcoming opportunities. Get to know one another and following the presentation we will have plenty of time for networking and other ways of joining up to pursue these opportunities. So thank you very much and without im happy to answer any questions. Commissioners, breed thank you. So i have a question specifically about lombard street and you said it would be action coming before us at the next meeting. Could you elaborate old little bit more because i know the was a study done good are you already based on that study going to be making recommendations for us to approve . Well, thank you for the questionwould that somehow reach in the last few months. We havent done as much citywide outreach but we are are in the process of doing that now. The idea would be to bring an informationaction update to the next meeting could i believe your march 14 meeting. If the board is so inclined, we could also put that for approval later in the month. Were we could canoed slightly ashen because thats what im not understanding sorry this was a planning study intended to look at ways to address the congestion we see on lombard street planning said that was because my supervisor farrell about a year and a half ago it no. I do understand that. When im trying to understand is what are youwhat would you ask us visited weekly as a relates to an action you would expect us to take we it would be up to approve the planning study to approve the recreations of the planning study. Okay. Can you specifically tell us what those are . Sure. Well we can subtly set up individual briefings to go into more depth but essentially as i mentioned this a recommendation to improve the pedestrian circulation. The loading and offloading of passengers visit the street and also to use the reservation and Pricing System commands the vehicular traffic the significance 18,000 or so visitors who come by car each day to the site. I just want to make it clear, i know this study just came out. I know theres been talk about this in the news and i have some real concerns about charging the fact of the matter is, i have ladies my the San Francisco is a tourist we have twin peaks weve a lot of places in San Francisco that visitors come to see and at the end of the day, i think its important that we are not expected to approve an action before we are ready especially since this is study that just came out. I think that theres more discussion and morality to the needs to take place so that people are aware of what the impacts are and what that means and why we would even consider approving a plan unless we have a clear understanding of how this is particularly going to help with the situation, but i just am really concerned that theres an expectation of approval of a plan that will change something so significantly as to consider charging people for going down the street. So i just want to make you aware that this required some serious discussion and not in immediate action. Because one study i understand will deftly have up referral [inaudible] on the studies of its recreations and i to pleasure we bring it back to the body for approval. Okay. Thanks. Is there any Public Comment on the executive directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] mr. Kirk please next item item 4 approve the minutes of the gender 24th 2000 and immediate action item views is a motion approving the minute they by commissioner yee. Second . Made by commissioner ronen on that item able call please of the comically the was any Public Comment on item number four bits of the janet 24th 27 meaning seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] on the item roll call please item 4 breed aye cohen aye farrell aye fewer aye kim aye ronen aye safai aye sheehy aye yee aye the minutes are approved. Next item please item number five adopted proposers on state legislation action on the was any Public Comment on item number five . These come forward. This item was previously heard at the finance committee. Whose eileen bogen district for resident and former cpa cac member. I would urge the board to sever sp35 as was 80342. Theres a number of issues with sp35 related to removal of local barriers to housing creation. As for 80342 i testified at the cpa finance Committee Regarding a community proposed amendment which would add automatic Code Enforcement members on mta transit to ticket moving violations could such as california the ago code 21756. Cdc 21756 is unsafe passing of a transit vehicle. The community was and sacramento several weeks ago and met with Assembly Member to and staff regarding this proposed amendment. Ab 342 would be first heard at the transportation committee. I spoke with the Committee Consultant victoria al perez, who just got the ab 42 assignment today. I am urging the cpa board and board of supervisors to support ab 342 as currently drafted as well as the community proposed amendment. I am also urging that the cpa identified this as a legislative priority with it sacramento lobbyists. Ms. Watts and hartman. Thank you thank you misspoken. Are there any other members of the public to testify on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] for the record, for those watching and four colleagues, the item before us as to ab 342 and sb 345, in both of those instances, staffs recommendation is that those are both new proposals and we should watch them so as this evolves we can take ms. Bogens suggestions, but is very early. Commissioner kim thank you chairman hasz. I do want to express my support for ab 342 good i do look forward to the discussion here at the commission on our support for this but this is something that our Vision Zero Committee has been talking about for years and weve been trying to get one of our San Francisco delegation members to sponsor legislation for Speed Enforcement cameras. We know based on what weve seen in other cities around the world, that automated Speed Enforcement is absolutely the most important tool in reducing speeds and therefore achieving vision zero in any major city. More than many of the other efforts that we have put into place. So i do think that this state bill is incredibly important here in San Francisco if we want to achieve vision zero. But i understand that members of the committee would like more time to consider the legislation as it moves forward since its and its early draft but i do want to express my early support for this bill. If i may say for the record as you hurting my initial comments, i was acknowledging commissioner yee, who i think whether it moves through the Land Use Committee and the board of supervisors or this party, i suspect we will all get to a position of support for ab 342 in the weeks ahead. Commissioner yee so i just want to add to commissioner kims comments. Basically, we want the committee to hear it a little more time to understand it fully so hopefully will get behind it and having having having a Committee Meeting in menus on this issue would probably give an opportunity to listen to different people that are supportive of this. Including mayor lee, who was at the press conference to come out and say San Francisco needs this. So colleagues, if theres no objection, can we take this item same house, same call . The position is adopted [gavel] mr. Stennis easily the next item item six, approval eligible list for oncall project management overnight and general Engineering Services for a threeyear period with an option not to exceedwithin a option to extend the two additional oneyear periods not to exceed 6 million authorized the executive director negotiating terms and on the touro contract terms and conditions good this is an action item any the public on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] any comments from commissioners . Seeing none, we will take this same house, same call. The list is adopted [gavel] next item please item number seven authorizing barn up to 46 million total amount not to exceed 149 revolving Credit Agreement with stacy public Lending Corporation could this is an action item. Given the weight and magnitude of this item even though it was heard in committee i thought maybe we should get a briefing from staff or edification of all of the commissioners and then go to Public Comment. Chairman peskin with cynthia fong Deputy Director for finance and administration. Good morning sentiment fong Deputy Director of finance administration. What you have before you is in approval to draw down additional 46 million mark current 140 Million Dollar Credit Agreement. Revolving Credit Agreement is a basically a commercial loan with the bank that the bank is state street bank. This has been a tool that weve used over the past few years replace our commercial Paper Program that was originally initiated in fiscal year [inaudible] this is to draw down additional funds for new projects in the projects we have listed to be utilized for the Revolver Fund them a drawdown would be for motorcoach procurement, regular placement, central control, medication center, trolley control i can trolley coach the german and light rail vehicle procurements. This would be an additional 46 million that we would be point down from theon current 140 million credit revolver agreement become have with state street bank. Thank you ms. Funk at any questions from commissioners . Seeing none, i have one speaker card. Ms. Bogen. Eileen broke in district for resident and former cpa cac member. I am urging the board to continue this item. I believe the additional time is needed for the cta to consult with the office of Public Finance to revise and possibly develop a conference of financing plan in light of the significant changes at the federal level which will potentially have an impact on cta transcript there are also significant changes at the state level as Transportation Funding is allocated through to repair damage from winter storms. Thank you thank you. Are there any other members of the public would like to testify on this item number seven . Ms. Sacks. Good morning commission. My name is jackie sacks. Im a current member of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Ive heard this item before and this item is come before set the cac and i havei have approved it could i have let it go forward. I approved it then and want you to approve it now. Because i think this is very important for the Transportation Authority. Thank you very much thank you ms. Sacks. Ms. Fong, would you like to respond to the member of the public who brought up uncertain future federal funding realities albeit all of our repayment scheme for this is locally funded but the floor is yours. Yes, please. These projects are locally funded on behalf of the top gate tax revenue already accounted for. The thank you. Colleagues, any questions . Seeing none, can we take this same house, same call . [gavel] the item is passed. Mr. Clark leaves, be the next item item 8 allocate 4 million in prop k funds and 2 million in prop eight funds with conditions for five requests subject to the attached disc or your cash flow distribution schedule. This is an action item. Thank you mr. Samos. Ive a couple of things or questions and then a potential amendment. The question is with regard to the amendment to the Strategic Plan as it relates to the brandon street paving renovation project. Can staff tell the board why the Strategic Plan needs to be amended good morning commissioners. Debbie director for programming. The funds have been obligated for previous the completed projects so that are currently assigned to a project. With the proper aa program we have two Strategic Plan fiveyear program of projects. So any programming action is actually to amend Strategic Plan for the proper aa program. Thank you then the second is something i brought up with you offline. That is, the recital and then eventually to resolve with regard to a future commitment to allocate three and 25 thousand dollars in the respectively apposite because i dont think that this body can actually precommit itself to a future action. So do you have any suggested language where we might agree that it is our intent to commit but we are not committing because indeed, cant really do that . Again, yes, we have come up with some language to recognize the intention of the district supervisors and in this case for this project to utilize future favorite transportation and Proven Program Capital Funds for the constructionfuture construction phase of the project or so we would suggest amending the resolution. This is the third resolve clause of the resolution. That the Transportation Authority hereby committhereby allocates 4 Million Dollars in prop k funds and 2. 5 million proper aa funds with conditions and expresses its intent to a future allocation of 320,000 in prop k funds for the bayshore boulevard Cesar Chavez Potrero intersection improvements to Capital Project as summarized in attachment three. We would amended language throughout. This to other places at the top of page 2 and that whereas command two, whereas is down we would need similar language. Are there any members of the public would like to testify on item number eight . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] commissioner kim is a motion to make the amendment adjusted by staff made by commissioner cohen second by commissioner yee. Colleagues can we take those amendment without objection [gavel] on the item as amended same house, same call . The action is approved. [gavel] b was this just a most next item item 9 adopt the fiscal year 201518 Transportation Fund for clean your local expenditure criteria that this is an action item. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] on the item, same house, same call. The action is adopted [gavel] next item please item number 10 about the oneday area grant program. This is an action item any Public Comment on item number 10 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] on the measure, same house, same call. [gavel] b was the action is adopted. Mr. Samos please call items 11 and 12 together item 11 approve the revise administered go and item 12 approve the revised rules of order. These are action items be so as i previously mentioned so as i presume agendas and attempt to have all meet clans and programs and finance committee together. It will not be any additional meetings for any of us but we will all get to see and hear from the public on all of these items at the same time. Twice a month. There a similar to the system that we have at the board of supervisors. Public comment would be taken at the first meeting in essence a committee of a whole and then subsequently we would take the action two weeks later with a full ta although there is, if you read the rules of order in the admin code, changes provisions when necessary for it to come directly to action with one of meeting. If necessary. I dont know if youve read these items, but i do have oneactually, to suggest a change to one India Ministry the code, you will see in section 3a is what i think is an outdated never used provision for members of this body to have an alternate was another local elected official. It has never been used and i would respectfully suggest that we delete section 3ralph of which is on page 2 of 13. I think it is not necessary and frankly this is part of our duties. We can alternative the board of supervisors and hours likely suggest that we delete that. Then in the city rules of order, this is just a very small comment will 1. 9, occasionally the committee will occupied by other committees so perhaps we should Say Committee room shall mean room 263 or room 250. With that, commissioner breed thank you chairman peskin did i have couple of questions from clarity specifically with this particular change, with this would mean is that our schedule that is online for the year will actually change it is that correct . That is correct. We would seek to minimize the change by using one of the rules on the calendar for probes and programs are financed i also noticed that was a meeting during the time where we are basically not having a Board Meeting. It was a full ta meeting my think for march. So is this going to impactwill there still be meetings held one weeks where there isnt a board of supervisors meeting . Which traditionally we have not had happened . Spews we would very much like to avoid that because it is on the schedule for march and i am assuming that schedule will change. We will go ahead and make sure we minimize that try to avoid that. Okay. Also with changing these meetings and making them full ta meetings with full presentation, the timing will be a lot longer than what were traditionally [inaudible] so what is going to happen as it relates to the chamber, to the board of supervisors meeting if we go over the time that it would take to get ready and prepare for the larger Board Meeting . I would respectfully suggest that we start them at 10 am rather than at 11 am and i think that would create enough time for us to accommodate this on a monthly basis. So the other concern is often times on tuesdays especially because there are Board Meetings and because many of us introduce legislation, it is prime time for press conferences and other things that we try to accommodate on that particular date in order to highlight legislation or anything important where are introducing. This could potentiallythere could potentially become conflicts in that regard to want to make mention of that, and, i guess, the last question i have was around Public Comment. You said that for example, in the case of Public Comments, whether we are meeting as a full ta were we are meeting as a committee, we take Public Comment for everything. So what you are proposing with this particular change is that we do one Public Comment session for the entire agenda and we receive presentations on those particular items. I mean, could you explain a little bit more how that could potentially work . Yes. Rule 3. 26 which is on page 9 of 14 of the red line to the rules of order, says any member of the public is entitled to comment on any matter on the agenda before it is acted on by the board and then theres new language that is been inserted that says, unless a matter has been previously been considered by committee or the board and was not substantially changed since it was heard as determined by the board. So in other words, very much like the Committee System that we have at the board of supervisors. You can testify at the committee but once its received public testimony when it comes to the full board, that opportunity was satisfied at committee. So please heard this at the first meeting of the month and was available to Public Comment and then was acted on at the second meeting of the month, there would be no Public Comment at the second meeting unless we made substantial revisions. Okay. So there will be times where there will be a need to take Public Comment for a specific matter and other times where there wont be . Presumably at the second meeting there would not be. Okay. So that particular item . Correct. Speed also what happens with appointments . Because the other thing we do with our appointing people to different committees and sometimes we may have a long list of people to listen to during that process. That also adds to the time. Is it possible to look at a committee specifically for appointments . So i would say, this is an experiment to see if we can get the entire body were engaged and if we pioneer it into it for a while and determined that there needs to be some number of adjustments relative to time, i would be happy to accommodate those. Generally, the finance Committee Meetings have been very short trip plans and programs, has been longer. I think if we meet at 10 ami mean in the 10 years ive been on and off the ta, i cant remember a plans and programs of meeting ever going more than an hour and a half, two hours even with that kind of testimony when theres an open seat and the reality is, one of usif it is our cac appointee and were not on the plans and Programs Committee we often dont attend anyway. This weight we wouldve onestop shopping were all 11 of us would be here. Okay. Yes, this is a tough one but i had an unintended kind of pushing it. Maybe we can compromise at 10 30 am depending on the agenda. But thank you for answering my questions. Thank you commissioner breed commissioner yee so just a clarification, is the intent that new items, people would be able to do Public Comments on the new items and then in the next meeting date we but works on it . Not like the beginning of the month the just new items and the second meeting we still might have new items right . That is correct. Theres a default provision in the instruments that are before you that actually in case of something that is time sensitive could actually be dont with in one meeting with Public Comments. Then the other thing i want to point out it seems like even though weve had the Committee Meetings and have Public Comment on certain items, when we come to the board here, people still seem to be able to to Public Comment anyways. So i dont really understand the difference. As the rule 3. 26 is written if the board wants to allow additional people look at this second meeting on revolving cycle, we have that ability. Okay. So basically we been allowing it could. Without asking if we would allow for this meeting. I would defer to counsel but i think we probably did not have to allow it at our full Commission Meetings. That testimony in committee would have sufficed but ill defer to counsel. Stan taylor for counsel, yes, that is correct. If the items has been heard in committee under the old structure in the first meeting under the new structure unless its Material Change is not legally required under the brown act to hear Public Comment again. He was just one point we didnt allow it all this time. Are there any members of the public who would like to testify on items 11 or 12 . Ms. Broken followed by his fax. I been broken here to support these items as a consolidated meeting schedule is helpful for members of the public for not odd city hall on a daily basis could i would also like to support the deletion of section 3. 8 could i dont believe the alternates should be able to act on behalf of the board. Thank you thank you ms. Broken. Ms. Sachs. As a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee i was just wondering how this is going to affect the items that are brought before us . I mean, you meet the day before we have you are having your meetings on the second and fourth tuesday of the month is that correct . That is correct. Okay. We have items coming before us at the Citizens Advisory Committee. Will those be for the next months meeting or how will thathow will that go with the flow with cac . It would work exactly the way it works now. Staff would you like to expand that . Theres no change. Items that come to the board in the preceding end of the month would come to the cac for that fourth wednesday cac meeting and only after going to those cac meetings with the items come to the board. Then as far as appointments and all that that is [inaudible] that can come before the entire board . Correctly that is correct. Any other members of the public there would like to testify on these items . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues can we havewould anyone like to make a motion to delete section threea of the ministry of code made by commissioner breed. Is there a second for that . Made by commissioner fewer good colleagues can we take that without objection and direct staff to the letter or b to a and see to be. The house has changed. Commissioner tang has joined us on that amendment eight roll call please on the amendment breed aye cohen aye, farrell aye fewer aye, kim aye peskin aye ronen aye, safai aye come sheehy aye chang tang tang aye trainees aye the amendment is approved the was then only have a little clarifying amendment to the definitions and rule 1. 9 to add , or room 250 both city hall in the rules of order if thats acceptable to staff . Is a motion to that effect . Yes commissioner breed is it necessary to limit ourselves to a specific room . I was oddly trying to broaden injured eyes got a little nervous that the definition that staff had proposed a Committee Room shall mean 126 a which of the john l tyler Committee Room. I was actually try to add this room as well but if you im open to whatever but i dont want to put limits our ability to use any room that we deem necessary for the purposes of doing this meeting we are of the same mind. Staff, would you like to share something thats even broader than what ive suggested . Sure. Room 263, 250 were any other as says it made by the board. As otherwise noticed. Motion made to adopt those words uttered by executive director chang. Motion by commissioner breed second by commissioner yee. Now the house has changed less commissioner kim steps back in. Commissioner safai. Just a point of clarification on the amendment you are proposing. I do not hear this for this particular motions. Did we determine we were going to bite hard stop on days that this is on the same day as our Board Meeting everyone to be doing this twice a month . So is there a potential to this control into right when our Board Meeting starts at 2 pm . So it would be my profound suggestion that should that ever happen, we would recess our meeting and continue it to the next regular scheduled meeting. So the reality is, we all understand that our an hour or two before age board of supervisors meeting is crammed with also some things. So as long as im your chairman, if we had an extraordinarily lengthy meeting regardless of whether it starts at 10 am or 10 30 am we would recess the meeting to a future date if we were running up against our time to prepare for the Board Meeting. Okay. So you dont believe we would need a hard stop the language . I think we should probably leave that option to us because of where debating some important weighty issue and we want to go an extra halfhour i think we probably dont want to limit ourselves and say we have to adjourn by at times certain but i will most definitely respect our time constraints given that this happens on those jampacked tuesdays as todays one of those days. If we needed to in the future we could amend absolutely. Okay. Im fine spirits take you commissioner safai. On the motion made by commissioner breed, as stated by executive director chang, as two rule of order rule 1. 9, same house, same call good that motion is adopted [gavel] on items 11 and 12 as amended colleagues, can we take that experiment same house, same call . Those items are adopted [gavel] commissioner breed i understand you dont want to start at 10 am. Esther stables these read item 13 item 13 introduction of new items. Information item. Other item introductions of new items colleagues . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] now we will go to general Public Comment. Mr. Mason, thank you for waiting patiently. The floor is yours. Thank you their much edward mason. I like you as a Congestion Management Agency of a can provide the february 2017 observational reports that ive made from the private commuter bus system. I had 19 observation periods that were either from a halfhour to about an hour. Were 74 submitted complaints and planned violations could 17 of those were from nami delays blocking the street or boarding were street boarding. 14 were from no california plates. 28 were for no mta issue decals five were for missing a decals even though there was a decal on the bus. The were not four of them should eight for staging and not actively boarding. To access the engine idling. 12 for congestion and the honda line of buses and traffic lanes and one for a stall within the oil tomb at castro and 14th st. In the congestion management there was also one minor accident with a newer that congested 24th and church for well over 15 min. You had buses backed up for two blocks. I would like to show some photos. That is representative of some days that we have. Blocking of muni. Passengers boarding industry. This is a vehicle without license plates without california license plates or a decal. Buses attempting to move about it buses operating [inaudible off mic]. Also broken down and operating in a school zone. Double parked. Thank you very much thank you esther mason for bringing those issues to our attention on a regular basis and i hope the mta is listening and working with you through their commuter shuttle staff. Thank you for your work at mr. Yep. Good morning. In j. Loyal leader with good [inaudible] first perfect self nature having perfect selfcontrol [inaudible] one should have itself of service and satisfaction of objectives thoughts and actions to interact with any mistakes or bias. The virtues of loyalty and divine justice. One can define a principle of humanity and equality for the people without any missing points. [inaudible] spread the word of true principle with thoughts and discussion. Promote the wellbeing for people and would always speed supervise personal interest for public good. With compassion and love of mercy [inaudible] live happily decimate [inaudible] leaders enjoy peaceful [inaudible] thank you thank you. Any other members of the public here for general public, squeak ms. Sachs. Yes, excuse me earlier you were talking about the other 95the other 95 policy about having extended the latenight services. I been involved in that workshop since september of last year and one thing that i brought up in front of cac i think you should all do is you should look at the schedules. Go back to 2002, the nearly schedules of 2002 erie that was when everything was running smoothly and then all of a sudden december 5, 2009 everything got cut. People thinksome people at mta thought people dont go out after midnight but everybody has to go to sleep this sort of thing. They totally ignored the fact, i told him time and time againabout the senior disabled community and the peoples at working at hotels and restaurants that to get to and from work and the people that are working gray bar that have to get to and from work and i think all of you should look into 2002 schedules to see what was done then and then like the old saying if it aint broke, dont fix it. I think what they did with the [inaudible] they did just the opposite. I think thatalso as far as you have to also remember that the one project that is a fiveyear ppp. One project that is not funded at all is a geary light rail. He geary prt is supposed to be light rail ready. You have to think about that because the geary light rail was one that was improper b. It was [inaudible] prop k but i hope that together. Thank you very much thank you ms. Sacks. Any other matters the public here for general public, squeak seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] the Transportation Authority commission is adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] today. clapping. ive been working in restaurants forever as a blood alcohol Small Business you have a lot of requests for donations if someone calls you and say we want to documents for our school or nonprofit ive been in a position with my previous employment i had to say no all the time. My name is art the owner and chief at straw combinations of street food and festival food and carnival food i realize that people try to find this you dont want to wait 365 day if you make that brickandmortar it is really about making you feel special and feel like a kid again everything weve done to celebrate that. So nonprofit monday is a program that straw runs to make sure that no matter is going on with our business giving back is treated just the is that you as paying any other bill in addition to the money we impose their cause to the greater bayview it is a great way for straw to sort of build communicated and to introduce people who might not normally get to be exposed to one nonprofit or another and i know that they do a different nonprofit every most of the year. People are mroent surprised the restaurant it giving back i see some people from the nonprofit why been part of nonprofit monday sort of give back to the program as well answer. Inform people that be regular aprons at straw they get imposed to 10 or 12 nonprofits. I love nonprofits great for a local restaurant to give back to community thats so wonderful i wish more restrictive places did that that is really cool. It is a 6 of nonprofit that is supporting adults with autism and down syndrome we i do not involved one the wonderful members reached out to straw and saw a headline about, about their nonprofit mondays and she applied for a grant back in january of 2016 and we were notified late in the spring we would be the recipient of straw if you have any questions, well be happy to answer thems in the month of genuine we were able to organize with straw for the monday and at the end of the month we were the recipient of 10 percent of precedes on mondays the contribution from nonprofit monday from stray went into our post group if you have any questions, well be happy to answer theming fund with our arts coaching for chinese and classes and we have a really great vibrate arts program. We we say thank you to the customers like always but say 0 one more thing just so you know youve made a donation to x nonprofit which does why i think that is a very special thing. It is good to know the owner takes responsibility to know your money is going to good cause also. It is really nice to have a restaurant that is very Community Focused they do it all month long for nonprofits not just one day all four mondays. We have a wall of thank you letters in the office it seems like you know we were able to gas up the 10 passenger minivan we were innovate expected to do. When those people working at the nonprofits their predictive and thank what straw is giving that in and of itself it making an impact with the nonprofit through the consumers that are coming here is just as important it is important for the grill cheese kitchen the more restrictive i learn about what is going on in the community more restrictive people are doing this stuff with 4 thousand restaurant in San Francisco were doing an average of 6,000 a year in donations and multiply that by one thousand thats a lot to. Heartbeat heartbeat latter heartbeat Healthy Hearts are this heartbeat together we stand Holding Hands capillaries there on open wound hospital room stitching up the place together they stand grafted from the bones of different neighborhood working together to keep each other strong so we live on. Do you hear the people were breathing as one lungs contract and in hail and exhale oxygen without discrimination and the people get to breathe and in hail and exha exhale. Heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat when all the stitches heal at the neighborhoods come together with the erratic heartbeat flows and one mind one brain receiving this message our bodies full and functional our feet running towards the future of togetherness heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat clapping. so were going to name a few of the artists of the San Francisco 2017 projects and hold our applause until the end until weve read all the names yes. Shannon wendy deborah block. Tom gold. John elaine Naomi Charles rachel greenberg. Elizabeth demetri anthony swan kathy amy edith. Katherine Amanda Barbara robin and peter jill carla ann alfred white. Amelia. Leslie pop. Thank you thank you. Thank you to our students performs from the ruth school of the arts clapping. and thank you to this years tremendous artists another roemdz please for them. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome San Francisco General Hospital Hospital Foundation board he wanted Connie Sanchez had an. Thanks to you were soldout record attention attendance for this event thank you, thank you, thank you its my pleasure welcome all of you to the 12 annual heroes and hearts how about a round of applause for the students they know how to set the stage dont they. clapping. we are delighted to be in the apt apt park in the sunset and couldnt be more restrictive proud of the incredible work with the foundation does every day for one of the most variable Public Institutions in the bayview and one of the finest hospitals in the country you will see works of that today san franciscans are more than ever deeply committed to Public Health not a betterment than right here right now to support this institution i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your dedication, your continued port and partnership wouldnt have been possible without the folks San Francisco general offers comprehensive health care to half a Million People annually and treats one in 8 san franciscans with Emergency Care today, we celebrate the hospital is lifechanging heroes and hearts is the single largest source of unrestricted revenue that helps our Hearts Program every year and since 2004 weve given over three hundred plus grants over one Million Dollars because of this. clapping. again, because of you, we can do that as you saw on the red carpet walk to the tent thanks to the be threatened local artists that were announce an absolutely heart series on each side of me and back in the those demonstrate the hearts that support the foundation and zuckerberg San Francisco general you can take a heart through the auction that is at 2 oclock over after this and to schaenl my colleague you have plenty of time to buy buy buy your sweetheart a heart those haters raise visible and generate revenues and initiatives that change lives of patients immediately of course, those changes are farreaching around the community and around the world and they are life ahsha safai entities for the hospital id like to thank the hospital staff as well as our partners at ucsf lead and chancellor sam and our own ucsf advice dean at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital sue carr loyal the above and beyond is a characteristic also modeled for our heroes that go above and beyond makes zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital the heart of our city with the hospital volunteers and providers and staff police dog stand we may recognize all of you stand wow. clapping. thank you and now please join me in welcoming the chief office of zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital doctor susan er lick. clapping. thank you connie good morning, everyone i am really thrilled to be here to welcome you thats my first time very first heroes and hearts luncheon as is ceo of the great zuckerberg General Hospital. This is not my first heroes and hearts luncheon, however, one year ago i had been selected and the as the ceo but not working connie kindly invited me and it was my very first introduction to this Great Community appreciative and supportive and perching is a very welcoming so welcoming in fact, that mayor ed lee mentioned me in his remarks and the beach blanket babylon singers included me i was overcome and what a year since then lets briefing review you how much has happened in the last year on may 21st we opened the new glories cuttingedge art filed hospital. clapping. with the hard work of a well prepared staff we moved all one and 58 of our patient from the old hospital into the new hospital in one inspiring day yes. That deserves an applause as well we can welcome patients and visitors and the entire San Francisco community into a healing space they have long needed and long deserved on june 7th the voters find San Francisco overwhelmingly approved a bobbed to renovate our form hospital that will lose us to provide the primary care and surgery care and Psychiatric Care in a healing space our patients needed and long deserved clapping. and just one the last couple of weeks the board of supervisors approved on an 11 to zero vote and the mayor signed a new ground lease for ucsf Research Building on our campus that will be opened for business in 2019. clapping. that is the kind year its a been and now we see a new set of challenges the Health Care Environment in the country is changing those changes have the potential to hit our patient the hardest especially uninsured and undocumented at zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital our Motion Mission to provide the patient and Community Health care are compassion and right regardless of income, regardless of insurance status, regardless of immigration status squall orientation or religion or national origin. clapping. i want to thank our donors and the amazing San Francisco general foundation for making that possible to work towards achieving that mission the donation have been critical but more restrictive important is knowing that your donation reflect your understanding about what our hospital means to the city youre behind us 100 percent and proud of the work he had everyday i want you to know how important our support to our staff, and patients every single day when i walked into this gathering would be year ago the very first thing and photo taken care of willie brown, gavin newsom and frank jordan all standing together he come to realize wasnt a perfect heroes and hearts enemy that was several generations of mayors come on together with this consulted to express their support so for the hospital and the work we do one year later i feel that is support ever so deeply thank you very much. clapping. now my honor to welcome the honorable edwin lee. clapping. susan again gas stations and thank you for the leadership at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital house is everybody are you ready for baseball yeah. clapping. well it is also a great time when i can get together in the same room with frank jordan and willie brown where is gavin but all of us mayors know how important our zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital has been i want to say thank you to all of you for being here and being with the hearts and being the heart of San Francisco you know we made more than just a commitment to the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital weve actually delivered on many promises and we want to make sure that for the next 50 to one hundred years in the just a hospital that treats people in need it is a Hospital Research facility that also makes the commitment to find find cures to the diseases that plague us and also educates everybody as how to prevent us from being sick that is a truly worldclass facility clapping. i want to thank my good friends judy and pam and larry because working with them on the foundation has been wonderful clapping. and you know as i was trying to rest last night i kept getting a lot of phone calls and one from rich and judy oh, my gosh another 2 thousand pound concrete slab on the 30th floor someplace and instead theyre saying youre going to come arent you so i want to say with that a special thank you to the San Francisco Fire Department for keeping us safe thank you very much clapping. to the police department, to members of the board of supervisors that are here to all of the elected officials from our City Attorney to the searing to all the officials youre here today you know and support this zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital as we all do this Hearts Movement as we witness for quite some years and every year i see another beautiful design by artists to represent what it means to be part of this great city sue youre right because i look at this sfgh as being the best example of how to define a sanctuary city sfgh is our sanctuary city. clapping. it is a place where everyone is welcome a safe place a place where we receive not only what we need but thinking about ahead of time what we may need in the future thats why that ground lease was important for a moment chancellor and Barbara Garcias and i had a moment that the mayors cherish what is our city supposed is to be in the next 25 to 50 years and how can this hospital contribute those are the moments when i find the mayorship is to be more than just an obligation a joy to think about how we will serve people into the future and i have to opportunity with our sfgh foundation with uc and all the wonderful doctors and today, youll be honoring four people that i think are truly representative of what this hospital means you have. In his love the advocate that will help people to learn about what their faced with and john, Legal Services on the Health Campus a wonderful thing to have you get peggy a wonderful trauma by the way, you know zachary the sunday morning that saved the 6 years old life hes resolved and at school as a result of zuckerberg San Francisco general treatment and finally. clapping. dean who is perfect person to be here who is really focused on not only the research but the Health Network in educating people all for are deserving of this wonderful recognition that you have for them today and they truly represent the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital everyone thank you for being here. For supporting and being part of great city of San Francisco april 10 first see you all out here. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage judy San Francisco general foundation cha chair. clapping. thank you Grocery Store it is hard to go behind a mayor isnt it they always say the wonderful things when i would like to say how many people today from the city have here to support us and i dont know if everyone understands the treasure this is but month cities dont have hospitals like this and they dont have cities governs like that port this kind of care and excellence for every single citizen in the community so my huge pleasure to introduce you to mayor ed lee former mayor art and for willie brown and former mayor frank jordan and california and San Franciscos chief of protocol charlotte and senator wiener former senator mark leno and San Francisco attorney louis and present City Attorney Dennis Herrera and assistant District Attorney and president of the board of supervisors london breed and malia cohen and mark farrell and jeff sheehy Assessorrecorder Carmen Chu chief of Police William scott and former greg suhr and competitive of the Fire Department chief joanne hayeswhite and sanchez. I dont know the title but the fun man around town paul this is a huge amount of support for all of us and thank you, thank you, thank you. clapping. and now it is my honor to direct you for a video screen about our first hero this afternoon. My specialist is trauma in the area he came to hospital because it got a representation reputation of one of the best Trauma Centers in the world i enjoy the challenge of people the most part. We live in San Francisco and have 3 young obesity 9 and 11 zachary was clvj on a wet bar and fell on him. My husband called and zachary is hurt bad. He was pail he wasnt responds and we know in an instant he was critically injured we have to go a zuckerberg right now and some of the things we did with zachary used tools i learned from the military in germany and moved to iraq detailing the treatment we could get him better weve learned those tricks from the military. We were waiting for the doctor to come in and give us an update on the surgery that she walked into the waiting room and she we were taking it moment by moment but the scaring it momentum that was my experience with her, she saved my sons life i cant thank that woman enough. To put them in the iv room with the windows and the family would be in under that was a huge difference. Everything she did for zachary was the right thing and months after we walked out and a month after that he fully resolved thats a miracle i thank everyone and he can be a 6yearold boy. Nothing like seeing a survivor and for this boy in kindergarten thats special. I have no idea what zachary. I will shout out to everyone and let people know what their capable of and how theyve saved lives and treat patients. clapping. thank you. It is a privilege to follow a video like this in the work that is being done at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital it is amazing when you think about what the went through when jason made that call and christen took that call all of us in the room could put ourselves in if position but at the same time, we didnt have to but it also is just a success to see zachary here this afternoon and with us on behalf of the wells fargo in the thousands of team members that live and work in the bayview that is our privilege to be a part of this community and be able to be around an institution like the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital that were all so lucky to have the talents of somebody like doctor peggy here as well this event weve been part of for years like many of you in the room but ill say a privilege to be a part of it and it started as we heard 12 years ago but a few years ago there were a couple of ladies here ill tell you they made the difference we wouldnt be here without their dreams so i would like to acknowledge ms. Ellen newman here at the table. clapping. and ms. Nancy bechtel, nancy. clapping. without your vision this might not have come about with that, id like to bring up christen and a special guest up to the stage clapping. thank you. Wow. Very emotional day for me to come. laughter . On september 30th my life changed i got the call that every mother cant imagine and it is really kind of the Worst Nightmare my husband called told me zachary was hurt bad i didnt know the injuries i jumped in the car i thought that is where you go to the pediatric er and said no go to zuckerbergs General Hospital now i drove across the city at 6 oclock as best i could to walk in to finding my husband and my oldest son and zachary was rushed to the operating room with the doctor. It was the scariest moment of my life but couldnt be more restrictive thankful we live in a city that has the means to provide us with the care is zuckerberg does how lucky we are a Level One Trauma Center to save his life because i i dont think that people know what that hospital is capable and how lucky to have it there and so the long story short zachy is with us but due to the care of. clapping. zuckerberg and doctor and all of the people that work at that hospital everyone from the emt to take him to the hospital and to the nurses and the in the i cu and all the doctors that care for him that was an incredible heroic event were so lucky i know that is safe that doctor changed our life she saved my sons life i dont know how you thank someone for doing that all i can do shout out at the top of my lungs what this hospital a capable of and the doctor and all folks from the bottom of my heart im saying zuckerberg and doctor thank you for satisfying our sons life and zachary wants to say something. Thank you. clapping. welcoming doctor peggy to the stage. This is a little bit daunting im not going to lie im guardrail honored to receive this award i came to San Francisco board of appeals in 1989 i knew of its reputation of the premier Trauma Centers in the country and wanted to learn from the trauma surgeons that were my heroes one of the most important lops that trauma is a team 0 sport every Single Person who touches zachary through the prolonged hospital course contributed to his research including the nurses and physicians and even the cook from our cafeteria who came in on his day off to make chicken mcnuggets for zachary. clapping. as the only major Trauma Center in our area we receive all patients that are critically injured but the families dont get to choose their surgeons one minute their child is heath and the membership open deaths door i can tell you no greater honor to be trusted with the lives of this charge card child with our support i believe in zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Trauma Center will continue to be a preservation Trauma Centers for years to come and zachary buddy you refused to smile at me for thirty days you were in the hospital i believe usual a special child laughter from a very special family thank you very much clapping. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome grateful patient and former mayor the city and county of San Francisco art agnos. clapping. thank you very much im delighted to join with the other former mayors of San Francisco and the many members of our city official family who are here to support and celebrate the extraordinary work of this hospital you dont get this many politicians one of the mayors to beat you once but this brings us together my job today is to give the pitch as we call if politics and it is to encourage you to write the most generous checks in the bidding and the contributions we hope youll make as i thought that will i thought that was something that willie brown does much better how can i do better than him ill do something ive not done before ill talk about sex and religion as it pertains to me in this hospital on december 1, 97 his worked in the Public Housing of potrero hill and after to build a community height clinic the Community Center i was walking to any car a random killer hot me twice through the chest he was rushed to the hospital and in those days, the old hospital that had the old loading dock where the ambulance would pull in and the doors to the ambulance would swing open the whole team would be there at the ambulance to start working on they called it the gotten minute so suddenly i found myself i was awake and in shock with the two bullets went through me verifying interest is nothing inside laughter and they all knew were gunshot wounds to the chest the team put me own is jeremy and all the people i have priority and the older let me see and the people westbound cutting off my suit coats to give the residents surgeons and ambulance and who started to the complication that was a young resident surgeon who jumped on to the engineering any and started tearing off my cloths. laughter my tie, my shirt, my jacket and belt he was awake during all of that and in these days a bachelor i laughter i was better looking than gavin newsom laughter and i looked here h her and in those days some of the medical personnel the doctors were dresses as they straddle my hips her dress kept going up higher and higher we went to the foundational of the trauma unit was waiting i mind to her you know doctor for a young woman i just met youre getting to know me well two days later i had a number of surgeries to save my life as a matter of fact my wife used to say you once had a body of a greek embody but today you have the body of a greek faefd im the mayor of this city a great honor and there are some challenges but one of them trying to be alone with the security that is always with you as my former colleagues know so every awakens in a while we tell the security and sneak out to dinner in 1988 we were coming home and sherry didnt remember we didnt have milky went to get the milk and on the way back the phone rings art art Mother Teresa is a is walking up to the stairs to the houseMother Teresa is walking up the street well let her in and sure enough Mother Teresa is a as your mind tells us what she looks like with two nuns i said hello mother what brings you here im come to talk about the work of god of course, ill listen and she told me about a facility she find out on the corner of turk and fillmore she wanted me to give me give to her for a homeless facility they have several of them in the city this was the late one i said mother i think i know what youre talking about ive got on it in the morning. She said the work of god cant wait. It is sunday and dark down there could be a little bit dawns that time of night she said does not fear god will protect us so make sure that god protected us i call on the red phone and had two Security Officers right away and went to this place that she identified we look at it and couldnt identified it is the red brick building and we couldnt figure out if it was a city owned building we went around the back and in the back eight or ten Homeless People and a fire in a barrel they recognized me its the mayor what are you doing here i brought someone families they recognized Mother Teresa. And blessed them and gave them something and we asked her were trying to figure out who owns the building its at the City Building weve lived here for the last three or four years well get open 24 tomorrow morning and we walked to the car to say our good by i said do you do this often she said pates e whats that. Due go to the mayors houses on a sunday night and ask for building. She said oh, yeah i do it all the time. Remember in 1989 she said mayor cox of new york he has a much nicer house than you do oh, so youre a wise guy you know mother i dont do those things for free she said what. My wife is working on a project and building a facility id like to show you what youre doing they hospital she said okay. Lets go now it is 11 oclock at night the mayor calls the hospital there is bed lemon the mayor is coming at 11 oclock at night with Mother Teresa sequoa went up to the unit and 10 or 12 babies undergo withdrawal and she reached to the babies and blessed the babies and left her medallion and went to the aids ward she blessed each of those guys and left her medallion and went through the hospital for an hour went through the old place as we were leaving through the old reception hall you remember that we had an enturning of one hundred people following us at that time of night a lot of the workers in the order let me see or latino and people that are catholic she noticed those group and turned and said to me first, she said you do all of this for poor people. I would yes, we do this hospital is not only served poor people but anothers as well who needs did kind of help that a medical facility last week this so she turned to the crowd about one hundred people at 12 oclock at night he said this i memorized she said when you all die and go to heaven god will be waiting for you and he will thank you for what youre doing for these babies, and these sick people in this place because in taking care of them youre taking care of of his son jesus christ and with that, she turned and left now, im not going to ask you to follow that particular faith but i am going to ask you to reach down today and seek our regard wherever your faith for doing all of that for poor people and anyone else that needs it thank you very San Francisco is known worldwide for its atmospheric waterfront where spectacular views are by piers and sight and sounds are xhanl changing we come to the here for exercise relax ball games entertainment, recreation market, exhilaration a wide variety of contributions easily enjoyed look up the bay the waterfront is boosting for activities boosting over 25 visitors every year the port of San Francisco manages 7 may have Million Dollars of waterfront from hyde street and Fishermans Wharf to the cargo terminals and name shoreline the architecture like pier 70 and the Ferry Building is here for the embarcadero and a National Treasure the port also supports 10 different Maritime Industries alongside with the recreational attractions making San Francisco one of the most viable working waterfronts in the world but did you think that our waterfront faces serious challenges if earthquake to damage the seawall and the embarcadero roadway rising seawalls will cause flooding at high tides and Major Repairs to a safe many of the piers the port is at a critically turnl point time to plan for the future of San Franciscos waterfront this year the port is updating its marts plan the Plan Working Group to invite a wide variety of poichdz from the city and bayview and other advisory teams to share their expertise if intense and Maritime Operations the waterfront Land Use Plan has guided the use and development of the lanes for the last 20 years major physical changes take place along the waterfront and now is the time to update the waterfront plan to continue improvements that will keep our waterfront vibrate, public and resilient the Biggest Challenges facing the waterfront are out the site an aging seawall along the embarcadero roadway and seawalls that will rise by 21 hundred to provide and productivity of tides seawall is built over weak soils and mud the next earthquake will cause it to settle several feet without the urgent repairs that will damage the promenade and other things weve been fortunate over the last hundred years less than one foot of seawall over the next hundred years Scientists Say well have 6 feet of seawall rise imagine the pier 30 32 will be floated, the embarcadero will be flooded our Transportation System is fog to be heavy impacts unfortunately, the port didnt have the Financial Resources to repair all the deteriorating piers let alone the adaptations for Sea Level Rise. It is clear that the port cant pay for the seawall reinforcement or deal with the Sea Level Rise on its own needs to raise money to take care of the properties at take care of the maintenance on the properties no way absent anti funding the issues of Sea Level Rise or the schematic conditions of seawall can be development. As studies talk about the seawall challenges the working group is look at the issues please come share our ideas about recreation, pier activities, shoreline habitat, Historic Preservation and transportation issues and viral protection. We know this planning process will not have one question and one answer we need the diversity of the opinions how people feel about San Francisco waterfront and want to hear all the opinions. The challenges call for Big Decisions now is the time to explore now and Creative Ideas to protect and preserve San Francisco waterfront. Now is the time to get involved to help to shape the future of our waterfront. We need the debate please come forward and engage in the process. This is your waterfront and this is your opportunity to get involved be part of solution help San Francisco create the waterfront we want for the future. This is really to dream big and i think about what our waterfront looked like for all san franciscans today and generations to come. Get involved with the planning process that will set the fraction for what is coming at the port. Find for in upgrading dates on the ports website. ship blowing horn in distances test. Everybody id like to welcome everyone to the phone bank this is our at a of action for the Affordable Health care act the seiu were the Health Care Workers representing many workers and have a serious even if Affordable Health care act thank you for joining you guess i want to welcome a guest thats mayor ed lee good morning thanks for being here first of all, thank you. The united Health Care Workers west for letting us join them in this multiple state call day for action to a safe our health care and recognize governor jerry brown from the board of supervisors who is someone that is wellinformed about the issue having worked in and around health care for a good part of his life and well have i think some good to guess to share joined by Department Heads directly involved in the Affordable Health care act and our overflow room healthy San Francisco and now, of course, our covered california for San Francisco Barbara Garcia who is our head of our department of health and jerry mcfattening the department the of aging and joined by some very important partners in our on and on to make sure that everybody is Health Womens Health and protected and immigrant health are outlined cost planted parent hood thank you and our Communities Consortium clinic consortium it here were in a fight were in a fight with the administration and congress over saving health care for millions of people and im here to express that San Francisco wants to Save Health Care for all people not just in San Francisco but the entire state of california that has over 5 Million People enrolled in covered california and 2 0000000 people enrolled in the athens that president obama had started we should not repeal this law and this program without an adequate explanation and a replacement of the program because ill tell you why were lucky to be in california with so many people are Health Care Coverage and earned it and worked hard im more lucky in to we had a human Services Health Services Agency as well as a Public Health agency worked as a team to enroll 93 thousand people into the mel program and therefore thats why we have one and 33 thousand people covered by covered california in the city really a hard to do this but a reflection the citys commitment we care about health we celebrated the year of rooster and if you alone carefully you didnt have to listen in marine and cantonese to understand that people said happy lauer new years that is meaning it is so important to everybody you have good health to begin the year to be with your family and to be able to work and this is work we have been successful to enrolling people that is important i had an opportunity as part of action team to literally learn in detail what it takes for a city like ours to provide the health first of all, i began with the hsa and Public Health to look at we enroll people and thanked the team of people that were really the cause of being able in multiple languages in multiple locations that to enroll over 93 thousand people in the medical cannabis Extension Program if it wasnt for that team that will go agree competent and the cbo that result will not to have happened we were the best example of how the Affordable Health care would be successful i think the state of california is to be congratulated as well then i went on to one of our clients one the 12 to 14 cbo based clinics the max minute hall clinic with 4000 patients i went there i wanted to hear firsthand what it means to people before they have Health Cottage and now after i hear story after story heres the lesson i learned from the stories you know fear does a lot of things to you thats why i working hard to remove fear from people in San Francisco one of the areas of fear is that if something happens to you whether a medical condition or otherwise people fear going to doctors and hospitals because they think theyll not be able to afford it prior to the ac a1 medical episodes will literally put you in jeopardy of bankruptcy no standards and all of that got cleared up with the labor unions and the cbo clinics the system of care people didnt is to tear if what about enrolled and start not just responding to an episode but the more important things to have ongoing coverage to diabetes ive heard two stories about this afternoon or aneurysms that may not have caused dedicated but people to get checked out and treated and ongoing treatment with one treatment so those episodes in fact, they have an 11yearold that was presented to me with 4 pages of petition signed and a cover letter that will break our heart she hoped she wrote about her brother how they needed this coverage in order to afford the medicine she doesnt want her brother without the coverage to a mother who wasnt there but she got treated and now she wasnt there are shes working i like it i had to hear the stories because prior to the coverage and someones brother who doesnt b know about the Affordable Health Care Coverage those people would so been in complete economic and arithmetic devastation that is what we wanted to do today to present those stories and quite frankly their not just stories their about lives theyre about whether we care about people or not those are reale. Episodes in peoples life we care about in San Francisco their real theyre not alternative facts theyre real because people live through them, they really understood after they got coverage what their fear was doing to their health and economics and now we have the 3 thousand people in San Francisco about one and 334 thousand people that didnt necessarily live in fear of not having health conform that is so important and life saving i wanted to insure he appeared to join all the volunteers at the united Health Care Workers to call the elected officials that are attempting to repeal the ac a without an adequate replacement or discussion again what we some do to reduce the fear thank you to all the volunteers today, were calling Congress People and elected people and the staves nevada and arizona and right here in california ill expect to make the calls myself im joining mayors across the country and mayors in the statistic lets not repeal this law if that so valuable such a foundation of hope for themselves their families and lie people to work and really join this incredible economy in the bay area and they wouldnt be able to do it that unless a pass forward to take care of their Families Health that is one the most important things to improve peoples lives i know that jeff knows this were elected officials we ask ours probably at the beginning of our careers but the beginning of everyday how am i supposed to help People Health is one were doing housing and transportation and if we dont take care of the fear of the lack of Health Coverage well be a big disservice to so many people i want to 82 say thank you and take that day of action and move forward and make my calls i want to i know know i come from a culture youre supposed to take care of our health first, you cant take care of anyone unless your health so with that, let me introduce gil District Attorney and thank you, very much. For your leadership as well. clapping. thank you. Im gil District Attorney ceo of planned parenthood in Northern California it is a great honor standing with the brothers and sisters with u h w and other leaders as you may know that planned parenthood is in the cross hairs the administration when you no strainers to advocacy 3 brave women opposed a clinic in brooklyn and were arrested it is not easy for us over the last one hundred years we know this fight and more importantly how to survive were ready to fight and ready to fifth because of weathered thousand patient it come to us in the most vulnerable days of their lives would weve been here for us of 55 thousand other young people in the schools providing answers and needed information they couldnt get and the other 70 thousand people through the building we know the fight is worth it and were going to be here no matter and player i heard you say recently, i picked up excuse me because we wouldnt go up and not back down not now not every this is a pleasure to be here. Ii represent the clinic consortium our 11 members are the major nonprofits Community Clinics serving San Francisco diverse population we serve one hundred thousand people 10 percent over 10 percent of San Franciscos population along with the partners all represented here we feel like we do a good job in providing connections to people to an excellent system of care the clinics are unique we offer high care regardless of the ability to pay but like others weve voonsz from 50 years ago we were founded now we have advanced medical practices using data to improve the quality of care and use the programs for intervention to ward off diseases we have become modern listed but as the clinic we welcome everyone and have a lot of language and culture diversity so that all people of San Francisco feel comfortable coming i personally worked on Health Care Coverage for 20 years and nothing makes me angrier when the politician say break a leg go to the emergency room i hope they bring me to zuckerberg San Francisco general, however, the vast majority of people need the competitive appropriated care and counseling about nutrition and void diabetes we need assessment so depression didnt ruin their lives and need Something Agency for i do he provided with the pediatrics care that very inexpensive and ice easy intervene what help ward off things for the rest of their lives if the ac a expansion goes away some clinics will survive by the ability of the clinic to approve the quality for this evidence based care will be affirmative list from the financial point of view here in San Francisco our clinics provide over 8 hundred jobs and clinic training jobs which is great Health Center patient on average 20 percent lower costs than others provider so there is a large statement to the mel program in San Francisco were lucky to have the haight system as a safety net for those no eligible for the private Insurance Companies or mel but not money to the Community Clinics that is medical theyve been wells as well as a federal grant it is threatened without the ac a and the San Francisco percent reduction in the Health Care Grant in San Francisco 5 hundred jobs will be lost and over 41 thousand patient will be taken care of elsewhere the result 60,000 higher ill close with the words of a working mother for the children this particular family had two Sick Children with the parent had to pay for urgent care for their healthy child like pneumonia the other child had to go without medication this was the moms words having to choose one childs medication is one of the worst position my husband and i were devastated hard to watch it hits the couldnt stopping his medication what could we do weve made prognosticating and particularly in california and San Francisco and cant go back because some politicians in San Francisco think that is exhibitor to stop healthy thank you for we dont go backwards. clapping. good afternoon. Im maria i work at the st. Francis Memorial Hospital and was for the Viral Services if the Affordable Health care act is over turned that will cause a lot of harm im speaking personally my fiance is a worker had a fulltime job by the job didnt give him Health Orange coverage he said he didnt need the Health Coverage i was grateful, however, december 2016 i was rushed to the emergency room where we thought he was having a heart attack they admitted him into the hospital and found out he had high Blood Pressure and other medical issues and you know we were grateful for that, however, the Health Coverage at the time juans bill was to big there 0 was no way i could pay it and him to pay it the Affordable Health care act helped my fiance stay alive hes doing great and does his doctor environmentalist thank you to the Affordable Health care act i want everyone to be able to keep their Health Care Coverage none should live in fear of getting sick and not have something that is affordable so thats why im here im calling on voters today and asking him to contact their elected officials to protect the Affordable Health care act we need this law to keep People Health and safety and need to give people a sense of hope and we need to keep people like juan if he didnt have is it he could have been bad im asking everyone to support find Affordable Health care act because as a community we need it and as americans we need it thank y thank you. clapping. good afternoon. Im Barbara Garcia the Health Director of San Francisco and as Health Directors my obligation to insure the health of everyone in San Francisco it is my job to protect health care and the healthy with 8 thousand employees and others have been providing care for dozens of years in the city over 12 years ago we developed it to make sure that everyone be has access to health care and the ac a helps that it is important to check with them over the last 5 years received over one billion dollars to build our new Trauma Center and rebuild the existing clinics the mayor was talking about one of the clinics we have an information to protect the infrastructure of the Health Care System in San Francisco and today, im here to sherry, support of union work and call the representatives and our obligation 8 thousand employees of the department of behind me to make sure we work hard to insure we save the health care to everyone has care we dont want people to go to the emergency room but well try to protect and we will fight to insure that all san franciscans my personal obligation and the obligation of the urgent care to protect the health care in San Francisco thank you. Good afternoon im sheree the director of department of aging Adult Services in San Francisco want to thank you and mayor for having a day of action i wanted to highlight two things that the evicting for the people with disabilities the first our Department Administrators the inhome care project far inform we serve over just under 23 thousand people in the program and the workers are represented by u h w and the expansion has loitsd for nine hundred plus people to assess the Inhome Care Services without Inhome Care Services will be in institutionstion and medical has afforded them up to an average of two hours of inhome care a week would have cost 3000 a month and people in expanded medical cant afford that is allowed people to stay in their homes 31 percent of people are Asian Pacific islanders and 20 percent of the people are africanamerican and those are populations that we really want to keep living in San Francisco we want to keep it affordable and in addition the Affordable Health care has given some is more help to medical so medicare benefits are wellness for people that come into medicare as part of that they get a screening and also allows for annual visits and allows for cancer screenings mammograms and things like that that is critical to people i want to thank mayor ed lee for having this event and thank you u h w and good afternoon. clapping. highway im supervisor jeff sheehy, you know, i both approach this in a policy point of view when i was diagnosed with hiv i didnt have insurance one of the reasons i didnt get test until i was starting to get sick i didnt have Insurance Companies i know what that feels like to not feel well, not know what to do and where to go and not an option i know that feeling having gone to see a doctor and number one was where i presented that will mean you can see a doctor and get care and spent a night in the San Francisco general i know the care we provide it outstanding favtd two years ago later that the Affordable Health care act we have been able to really think and start to achieve big goals a National Movement to the Medicaid Expansion so everyone can get coverage go on the exchanges and get covered if we treat people for hiv theyre much less likely to Effect People a profit for people to not tariff advisors were following on hepatitis again, the means there is a cure we can end this it costs out people dont have their stop working if they dont have to get a transport it is cheaper and San Francisco started the San Francisco, california a multiple approach to reduce the cancers that impact our marginalized community all of the big vision ideas with only really possible within the construct of the organization c a it is great for calling other congressmen i heard this st. Patricks that the horrifying that 51 percent of the individuals in bakersfield get their health care through medical or medicare and just to remind people medical is the ryan budget proposes a Voucher Program for medicare and it is amazing if there theyre voting republicans i wonder in the republicans that are supporting this said the rhetorical for their own constituents so thank you u h w fork doing this today and lets to the voters and the congressmen. clapping. id like to thank everyone for coming out today and the speakers and the Community Partners and now it is time to get on the phones and make that work we are definitely pioneers in airport concession world a world of nationally if not entirely or internationally everybody is cop us right now. The people that were in charge of the retail this is where that began. I didnt think we would have a location at the airport. Weve set the bar higher with the customer commerce. Telling me about the operator and how you go about finding them and they get from being in the city to being in the airport. So first, we actually find a table and once we know what we want a sitdown we go to the neighborhoods in San Francisco and other people seminary of the retail let us know about the rain water and are excited to have the local operators in the airport. We have to go going through the conceive selective process and they award a lease to the restaurant. They are planning on extending. We that you could out the china and the length evens and the travel serve and fourth your minds and its all good. How long for a vendor to move through the process. I would say it could take 80 up to a year from the time we go out to bid until they actually open a restaurant. I dont know what we signed up for but the airport is happy to have us here. And, you know, even taking out the track simple things theres a learning curve with once were here they are helpful. Its an awardwinning program. Were prude of your awards we have won 11 awards the latest for the best overall food address Beverage Program and. Like the oscars laughter . The professional world. Tell me about the future food. All the sb national leases are xooirz and were hoping to bring newer concepts out in San Francisco and what your passengers want. Well, i look forward to the future laughter air are we look fo speaking foreign language. shop and dine in the 49 promotes local biz and challenges the san franciscans to do their shop and dine in the 49 within the by supporting the services we help San Francisco remain unique and successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine in the 49 San Francisco owes itch of the charm to the many neighborhoods people coma greet and meet it has an personality these neighborhoods are economic engine seeing the changes is a big deal to me especially being a San Francisco native and it is important to support the local businesses but also a lot to over here it is nice not to have to go downtown i think that is very important 0 for us to circulate our dollars the community before we bring them outside of the community for the time we have one dollars in the community is the better off we are it is about Economic Empowerment by apron ingress the businesses that are here. Shopping local cuts down the cyber foot youll find cookies and being transported the world where everything is manufactured and put on the Assembly Line having something local is meaning more the more we support our local businesses the more i can walk down to where i need to be. Bridges contingency bye like west portal it is about city and San Francisco may have a big name but a small city and a lot of small communities shop and dine in the 49 highlighted that and reminded people come outburst and i love that about this city ill always be a wome sustainable future. San francisco streets and puffs make up 25 percent of cities e citys land area more than all the parks combined theyre far two wide and have large flight area the pavement to parks is to test the variants by ininexpensive changing did new open spaces the city made up of streets in you think about the potential of having this space for a purpose it is demands for the best for bikes and families to gather. Through a collaborative effort with the department we the public works and the Municipal Transportation Agency pavement to parks is bringing Initiative Ideas to our streets. So the face of the street is the core of our program we have in the public rightofway meaning streets that can have areas perpetrated for something else. Im here with john francis pavement to parks manager and this parklet on van ness street first of all, what is a parklet and part of pavement to Parks Program basically an expense of the walk in a public realm for people to hang anti nor a urban acceptable space for people to use. Parklets sponsors have to apply to be considered for the program but they come to us you know saying we want to do this and create a new space on our street it is a Community Driven program. The program goes beyond just parklets vacant lots and other spaces are converted were here at playland on 43 this is place is cool with loots things to do and plenty of space to play so we came up with that idea to revitalizations this underutilized yard by going to the community and what they said want to see here we saw that everybody wants to see everything to we want this to be a space for everyone. Yeah. We partnered with the pavement to Parks Program and so we had the contract for building 236 blot Community Garden it start with a lot of jacuzzi hammers and bulldozer and now the point were planting trees and flowers we have basketball courts there is so much to do here. Theres a very full program that they simply joy that and meet the community and friends and about be about the lighter side of city people are more engaged not just the customers. With the help of Community Pavement to parks is reimagining the potential of our student streets if you want more information visit them as the pavement to parks or contact pavement to parks at sfgovtv. Org it looks at good and tastes good and it is good in my mouth pretty amazing. I am the executive chef ive been here as a chef at la concina since 2005 reason we do the festival and the reason we started to celebrate the spirit and talent and trivia and the hard work of the women in the la concina program if you walk up to my one on the block an owner operated routine i recipient its a theyre going to be doing the cooking from scratch where in the world can you find that im one of the owners we do rolls that are like suburbia that is crisp on the outside and this is rolled you up we dont this it has chinese sisterinlaw and a little bit of entertain sprouts and we love it here. There are 6 Grilled Cheese grilled to the crisp on the outside outstanding salsa and a lot of things to dip it knocks you out and its spicecy and delicious i was the first person that came here and we were not prepared for this every year were prepared everybody thinks what theyre doing and we can cookout of our home and so the festivals were part of the group we shove what we do and we w we tried to capture the spirit of xrifs. And there from there to sales and the hard part of the sales is 250 assess our market and creating a Market Opportunity giving limited risks and sales experience to our guys and

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