Other members of the commission are present. The next order of business is item 2, announcements. There also, next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on september 20, 2016 at 1 pm at city hall womb 416. B, announcement of prohibition of sound producing Electronic Devices during the meeting. [reading ordinance] c announcement of time allotment to the public. Please be advised to upgrade minutes to make pertinent Public Comment on each agenda item. It is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit a completed card to the commission secretary. Of business is item 3, report on actions taken at a previously closed session meeting if any. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item 4, matters of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First the Consent Agenda. Approval of minutes july 19, 2016. Mdm. Sherman . Thank you. Before we consider the Consent Agenda do we have any speaker cards . Not for the Consent Agenda commissioners, we have the Consent Agenda which is the approval of the minutes of july 1920 16. Moved and seconded. Please call the roll call [call of the roll] pimentel aye bustos aye singh aye mondejar is absent rosales spirits and i have for aye and one absent. Thank you. Please call the next item. The next regular agenda item are fiveb and fivecharlie waited to Candlestick Point block heard together but acted on separately could 5b approving this section of Tenderloin Neighborhood Development corporation and Young Community developers for the development of 140 affordable rental Housing Units including one miniatures unit. For low income and formerly homeless families at Candlestick Point was blocked 10 a. BayviewHunters Point redevelopment project area discussion and action resolution number 392016. And fivec approving a bill selection of San Francisco housing Development Corporation and mercy housing california for the development of 150 Affordable Housing rental units including one managers a unit for low income and formerly homeless families at Candlestick Point south block 11 a. Bayview Hunters Point redevelopment project area discussion and action, resolution number 402016. Mdm. Dir. Thank you mdm. Sec. Good afternoon to the commissioners and good afternoon to the members of the public did thank you very much for joining us. Missionaries, as you recall you authorize the issuance of a request for puzzles for two blocks in Candlestick Point. Part of the Hunters PointCandlestick Point project. This is truly exciting milestone because it represents the settlement of your charge to accelerate Affordable Housing in settlement of the mayors charge to provide for at least 10,000 permanently affordable low income Housing Units out of 30,000 by 2020 at this a significant contribution to that effort and here today to walk you through the request for proposals process, the staff recommendations, the community process, and the staff analysis, is Gretchen Heckman, who is a ocii affordable Housing Development specialist and shes also here joined by pam sims, also ocii Housing Development specials. Good afternoon mdm. Chairman rosales. Im here today to present staff recommended the moment for Candlestick Point block 108 and 11. Ocii is 100 supportable parcels and the Candlestick Point bayviewHunters Point redevelopment project area. Todays request is for Commission Approval to select a team led by Tenderloin Neighborhood Development corporation and Young Community developers at bayviewHunters Pointbased organization per block 10 a at team led by San Francisco housing the moment corporation and bayviewHunters Pointbased organization, and mercy housing california for block 11a. I will start by orientating everyone to the Candlestick Point neighborhood. As you on the, Candlestick Point is the located in the southeast tip of the city just south of the shipyard. To when complete cancer point will be a mixed use neighborhood complete with retail waterfront open space and parks and market rate and Affordable Housing. The area outlined in red is the area of Candlestick Point comprising the major phase 1. This 16 block area includes the house griffith project, candlestick Retail Center approximately 600,000 ft. 2 of retail space, and the main focal point of the neighborhood, ociis 10 811 a parcels and swells market rate parcels and Community Benefits based to developed by master developers. This is a close up view of the future Retail Center and the surrounding street. As you can see here, the start of 10a and 11 a parcels are in the new neighborhood. The next couple of slides came from additional documents produced by five Point Community and the retail developer partner. Im sharing them with you in order to real estate the plan for this neighborhood. This slide is the future view of party way the perspective from west to ease future Retail Center on the luck at this particular view is about two blocks away from 11a ctr. The geneva party bus Rapid Transit line will run down hearted way as depicted. This will connect the shipyard and Candlestick Point the team you on third street caltrain station combo balboa park stage. These are views on party way and anderson wagered moving onto the governing documents, the project area is covered by two redevelopment plans. Under point we should shim redevelopment to cover the shipyard portion of the project and the bayviewHunters Point redevelopment plan portion which covers Candlestick Point. In 2010 both plans were amended to provide a conference of plan across the two areas. There are also two phases to that about the project area. Each of which is governed by a disposition and development agreement. Phase 1 is comprised of the hilltop and hillside neighborhoods while phase 2 is a much larger area that includes the remaining 420 acres of the shipyard and the Candlestick Point neighborhood. In phase 2, there will be approximately 3345 below market rate units serving extremely low income households to middle income households receiving one or 60 of the area Median Income. Box 10a 11 a are the first of the agency units will finish construction at house griffith this winter. An rfp was released over 10 811 a parcels in february 2016. This is the first time staff released an rfp for more than one parcel. Which was done in order to further mayors goal of accelerating Affordable Housing. As is standard ocii step we send notification to the Development Community regarding the rfp including Community Organizations of Small Businesses and an advertisement was also placed in the San Francisco chronicle. The rfp stated interested applicants could respond to one or both parcels. As a standard the rp got responses from applicant teams comprised of a housing developer, property manager, architect and Supportive Services provider. The phase 2 dda provides a specific definition of a qualified housing the offer which was communicated in the rfp. In addition, in conjunction with the Community Prevalence agreement of the phase 2 dda, applicant teams were strongly encouraged to it include at least one Partner Organization headquartered in the southeast neighborhood of the city. The Development Program and the rfp calls for rental housing affordable to low income and formally was household. 25 of the units will, date formerly homeless households as referred by the department of homelessness in Supportive Housing. 75 of the units will, date households earning up to 60 of the area Median Income in these units will be leased to ocii standard marketing and lottery procedures. In total both parcels will have 73 formerly homeless households. 10 of which will be set aside for young parents age 1824. Kurt dda specifications on affordable units the rp stated the average unit size should be 2. 5 bedrooms for each parcel. As a result 80 of the both parcels will be two and three bedroom units. The Development Program for the parcels also calls for two onsite Family Child Care units for each parcel ground floor retail space on the hardy and anderson facade, to match the surrounding neighborhood context as well as the standard components of affordable Housing Development for families including common area and play stations for children the Community Room and Property Management offices and the use of Green Building techniques. In addition, the rfp called out of visually interesting design especially for the 11a parcel given it a way to the Candlestick Point neighborhood. For puzzles were received for each parcel from the following teams 410 a the teams included Interval Group and tabernacle Developer Corporation as developers, with [inaudible] as good as i think John Stewart Company is the property manager in Providence Foundation and United CouncilHuman Services as the Services Providers. Mccormick salazar and bayviewHunters PointMultipurpose Services as developers,architects as the design Team Mccormick salazar as the property managers, and Bayview Senior Services as the lead coordinator is bayview Hunters Point foundation Hunters Point family and Young Community developers as Service Providers. The third is housing california and even housing the moment corporation as developers [inaudible] as the design team. Mercy housing as property manager and mercy housing in sf hdc in partnership with the School Community service as the service writer. Finally, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development corporation and Young Community developers as developers [inaudible] of the design team jnc as property manager in partnership with the bayview ymca and Market Street use as Services Providers. As you can see, the same team cemented for the 11 letter a parcel with the exception of different design teams. In addition, an important point to note for the 11 letter a parcel hf sdc was developer the lead developer 110 a parcel murphy was proposed as the lead developer. Ocii staff completed in standard process of verifying the completeness of some metals. Since all responses were considered to meet the minimum threshold all four teams were interviewed for each parcel and scuttle in Evaluation Panel consisting of representatives from the Hunters Point shipyard cac ocii staff, Mayors Office of housing and Community Development department of homelessness in Supportive Housing reviewed the seminoles conducted the interviews and ultimately scored each team. Ocii has numerical scoring index used to evaluate responses to its Affordable Housing rfp your points are assigned to categories like design financial feasibility and proposed team experience. The Evaluation Panel use this system to score and rank each teams proposal. Here are the results of the Evaluation Panel scoring. As you can see, the highest ranking score was mercys proposal for the 11 a parcel. Cnbc and why city ranked secondhighest for both parcels and the mbs and Bayview Senior Services and enter goal and tabernacle team ranked third and fourth for each parcel. After reviewing the scoring and ranking completed by the Evaluation Panel, ocii is recommending sf hdc and were seeking for that about a block 11 a and the secondhighest ranking team cnbc and why city, the development of block 10 a. Staff prioritize the scoring results by keeping in mind the goal of increasing opportunities for Community Partners and building housing with diverse teams. In addition, having different about teams on each site might better allow for the Timely Delivery of each site you may create a more positive and effective Capacity Building expense for the southeast partners involved. For 11 a the sf hdc and were seeking is been recommended due to the fact it was the overall highest scoring response. His proposed design celebrated a parcels location at the gateway of the future neighborhood and perhaps most importantly, this proposal provided sf hdc a smaller organization operating out of the bayviewHunters Point neighborhood with her role as lead developer. For 10 a secondhighest ranking team cnbc and why dc is recommended in order to work for the golden increasing opportunities for Community Partners. Cnbc and why dc some address on proposal provided a well conceived design that spoke to future resident needs and also included an additional partner from the southeast bayview ymca as a Services Provider partner. The next two slides go into some detail. We want to share with the Commission Regarding the recommended Developer Team proposals. The sf hdc and mercy proposal had a financing plan that uniquely included units set aside at 30 of the area Median Income for nonformerly homeless families, which will open up opportunities extremely low income family holds. For the workforce plan, sf hdc propose using their inhouse workforce the bowman coordinator and this thing also expressed interest in working with the general contractor willing to joint venture with a smaller entity. Similar to their in the [inaudible] on house griffith. Sf hdc has an inhouse that are so working in the Financial Empowerment center door i reached you and work with cop holders. As mentioned earlier, the design for 11 a was strong in capturing the importance of the site as a gateway to the neighborhood. Finally, these two organizations are wellsuited to build Afford