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That. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. Good morning welcome to sa francisco board of supervisors budget and finance subcommittee meeting for wednesday march 16, 2016. Im mark farrell and chairing the committee. Joined by supervisor tang and norman yee and want to welcome Supervisor Scott Wiener for joining. I want to thank linda wong and gym smith and leo [inaudible] from sfgtv for covering the meeting. Please silence cell phones and electronic devices. Speaker cards to be included as part the file submitd today the clark and appear on the match 22 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you if you would call item 1. Resolution authorizing the children and Families Commission to accept a grant in thumount of approximately 2. 6 million from California Department of education to support a preschool policy [inaudible] july 1, 2015june 30, 2016. We have [inaudible] here to speak on the item. Good morning supervisors. We are very happy that the city of San Francisco is receiving 2. 5 Million Dollars from the state of california to reward all the programs that have been participating in the federal race to the top quality rating and improvement system. This was a ward given to california along with several other states through the race the top and fart of that reward required the state of california to implement a qualityerating and improvement system for all the programs in the state of california. Because the state at the time when they received the award, they were only able to implement the qualityerating and improvement system in 16 counties. San francisco, we happily volunteered to be one of those counties to pilot the qualityerating and improvement system and what it is very similar to for those who have kids in public schools, it is similar to grade school, accept that it is really for birth to 5 for centers serving children. A byproduct of that is there legislator set aside 50 million as part of the initiative and the state programs are getting through the award that William Techmseh Sherman hopefully accept a incentive. Not only participating and reaching a hire level of quality on that rating cyst. Thank you very much, supervisor yee. I will say we are getting to accept the award, i just want to say that even though it is something that is coming from the feds to the state to San Francisco that actually San Francisco has always been ahead of the curve and it this compliments the things we have done for the past decades and because of that we have the first 5 taking the lead. I want to make sure we acknowledge [inaudible] has done thank you. For our program, thank you very much. Thank you. Colleagues, seeing no comments well move to Public Comment. Anyone wish to comment on item 1 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Send forward with positive recommendation. Motion by supervisor yee and second by supervisor tang. Two, authorizing the controlling to enter into agreement for soft weir license and [inaudible] support service with [inaudible] it is in the Contract Term 5 years and increasing the expenditure to appreciately 14. 3 million. Thank you very much. Controllers office here to speak on this iletm . H item . Dennis mu cormic active director of the [inaudible] Controllers Office. Supports the Office System which is hr and pay roll system the city yeezs to pay the employees. Thank you for taking the time this morning. Move very quickly, just some information on the large contract we have in front of you. Back in 2007 we went for a competitive solicitation process to identify the software we want to use to run the cities pay roll benefits and at that time we selected oracle and sense that time we amend the contract to keep us under support so we are able to apply patches and fixes as they become available and upgrade the software as it becomes available. We have gone through 9 amendments and in front of you is the 10th amendment. So, the 10th amendment will extend the support from april 2016 through april of 2021. It allows us to apply security fixes as they become available and upgrade the software as new releases become available and if something breaks as often hapbs with software it means oracle will be there to fix the break and that is the key part the contract we are taking advantage of. We pay 860 thousand a year for that. Just a little background, why are we going with 5 wreers opposed to 1 year . Be are able to lock in additional savings. We project we will avoid 250 thousand dollars in expenses from a 1 year to 5 year increase and made investment in the oracle system in the last 10 years. We added on e learning management and [inaudible] the city made the decision to go with the oracle Financial System and will do integration there so we do know this is a long Term Investment so we just feel in extending for the additional period of time will give cost saveies to the city and know we will use oracle over this time period. Just want to thank the Mayors Office and the board budget analyst for working through the process. It isnt the most clear contract but it was a nice experience wurbing working with them. If you have any questions happy to take them at the time colleagues any questions. Seeing none, mrs. Rose. Yes mr. Chairman and plebs of committee. Supervisor wiener on page 3 of the report we know data out of the Controller Office not to exseat amount of 9, 757, 446 is extended to date on the license and Software Agreement with oracle. Under the last year the existing agreement the Software License and Maintenance Cost is 803, 688 per year and as you just heard under the 10th amendment to the agreement this will increase by 56, 491 or 7 percent. [inaudible] we recommend you approve the resolution. Thank you very much. Mrs. Roseany questions or comments . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Can i entertain motion like to make a motion to send this to full board with pause positive recommendation motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. Item 3 hearing on transgender youth issues for policy and budgetary needs and request department of Public Health and childrens and families to report. Colleagues this item was sponsored by supervisor wiener and thank you for doing so. Turn it over to supervisor wiener. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Chair and committee and thank you for hearing this important item today. I requested this hearing in order to discuss the various issues and challenges and confronting our transjnder youth population including children and adolescents and discuss what we as a city are doing and what we can do to support these young people. We are seeing not just in San Francisco but throughout the country an increase in the number of school age use adolescents and younger who are transitioning genders. We are seeing more and more young people who are more comfortable stating who they are and living the life that is right for them. These young people face money challenges including stigma, discrimination, bullying, physical violence, misunderstand, some without Family Support and some with lots of Family Support and lack of access to health care. We need to do everything we can to support the young people. Today well discuss what we are doing and can and should be doing to support our youth. We have representatives from department of Public Health, San Francisco Unified School District and child and adolescent gender clinic. We are fortunate in San Francisco to have some the most progressive policies around the [inaudible] the department of Public Health and School District have been working to imp lment very progressive and forward looking policies to meet the needs of our transgender neighbors. Several years ago i authored legislation at the board which colleagues you passed ask i they think for that to make sure we have full access to healthcare by transgender people as part of the healthy San Francisco Program Including access to needed surgeryries. We passed that unanimously and there was coverage in the paper today how that is working increasing access. We are fortunate to have great institutions inl San Francisco like ucsf which is leading the country and world working with young people. Colleagues i hope todays hearing will be informative and have a discussion how we as a city can be even better supporting our transgender youth. If there are no introductory comments or questions i would like mr. Chair to move to our presentation and start by asking julie Graham Department of Public Health to address the committee. Good morning. So, im july graham and director of Transgender Health service and this is bare [inaudible] our medical director and well talk quickly about what it is we are doing in dph. So, transjendser Health Services is committed to improving access and quality of care for all transgender individuals served by San Francisco department of Public Health, adults and children. What we do is consult and advice with dph clinicians and Mental Health providers to make sure they are providing adequate care and do a phenomenal amont of training and we help individuals access that care. We problem solve and provide support for gender afirming surgeries when they are medically necessary. The other thing we started isyou get to do dimensions. Thank you,bery [inaudible] i want to speak about dimensions clinic, this is the queer youth clinic provided through the department of Public Health for San Francisco. Dimension is in the 18th year and provides medical and mental Health Services in a comprehensive way for self identified queer youth. This operates two half days a week at convenient times, thursday evening and saturday during the day. Multiple Collaborative Program with Health Providers from department of Public Health and Castro Mission Health Centers [inaudible] lyric and actually numerous other people who are involved in helping this presentation. 91 percent of the patients are identified as transgender transsexual or gender non binary. And over the past 18 years the percentage of trans youth who utilize the service arehas been increasing pretty much every year. Um, of the current people seeing all of the patients are under the age of 25. 22 patients are under the age of 18. Most of the patients coming in are initially coming in with inquiries about accessing hormone care for hormonal treatment of gender dysphoria. 60 percent of the people seen are people of color. Our program in San Francisco creates access for individuals over the age of 18 to access to transgender surgery and we have been providing those services. We provided completed transgender surgeries for 2 youths in the age range, 1822. So the cdhs side, children youth and families, each clinic has a point person whos job is to handle every concern and question that comes up arounds providing appropriate care for children who identify as gender non conforming or families where a parent is transitioning and the family has struggles around that issue. The clinicians consult with barry or i or a team and we help them identify resources including medical and surgical and school intervention. We consult with ucsf and several other programs when we need specially services. We also have a website where we keep information that is accessible to everybody around referrals and resources that are available. We are just starting muntly [inaudible] base d on the concerns and ideas and the spinge issues patients are bringing to providers. We do massive specialized training in addition to the mandstory sensitivity trainings we created for all of dph that we refer to as trans 101. When the individual clinics have grand rounds we rotate through clinics to encourage attendance by non specialist clinicians and expose everybody to the different clinical concerns related to diversity from the clinics throughout. Currentsly that is what we are doing in dph related to transgender youth seeking services through dph. Thank you. What is the age range that you are seeing . So, dph takes care of everybody. Transjendser Health Service sees people 18 and over and has provided two surgeries in the transitional age youth group. The other clinical work is for children of all ages. Are youwhat are thein terms of the youngest ends, for the committees information, how young are some of the kids you are working with . So, clern children youth and families have Elementary School youth that are gender non conforming working with providers and their families. On the medical side people have to be over 18 to access surgery. On the medical side the primary care programs are dealing with children at all ages as well and have the capacity to do that. Thank you. Okay, next mr. Chair i would like to ask San Francisco Unified School District kevin grogeen director of safety and wellness. Eric martinez and lgbt coordinator. Kevin goingen director of safety and wellness for San Francisco unified. We were asked and the powerpointthere we gowe were asked to give a brief description of services we provide in San Francisco unified working with our transjnder gender exspanseive students and to do that we thought we would take a look at the data we have to support our work. We are San Francisco unified is a cdc sponsored financed city for of our programs and as such we implement the Youth Risk Behavior survey annually since september of 1990. The most recent survey as you can see here, we reached 68 percent of our middle School Student and 82 percent of our high School Across all of our high schools and this randomized sample. We also in looking at our demo graphics, we have probably national ly the best consistent data over the past 20 years looking at our Sexual Orientation and gender yite identity. In terms of middle school for Sexual Orientation the glb and not sure which we count as q is there and the gender identity we have 5 administrations on two different surveys of our students and we have consistently been at about 1 percent of our middle School Students identifies as transjnder translated to about 100 of our middle School Student. High school Sexual Orientation, this is fairly consistent for the past 10 administrations and again, for our high School Gender identity we have pretty much settled into about 1 percent translated to about 150 of our high School Students identifying as transjnder. If we look at the student who identify as lgb we look at racial and ethnic make up. What we see from middle school is the vast majority of the lgb student in middle school are student of color. 20 percent in middle school are white. If we look at high school the poc, people of color population increases so the majority of the lgb studerant students of color and 10 percent identify as white. As we look at the break up of student who identify as trans by ethnicity you can see the shadows row ochb the midm and school and high school it herfbs around 1 percent we are looking at in terms of the total population. Our evalwaiter wanted us to say we have a low cell count when we break these down but it capture as picture of us in terms of the work we do. How do we use our numbers to inform our programming . Within San Francisco unified we have a multiteared system of support to scaphold how we support our students starting with a universal tear, it is something all student have access to which includes student rights, Inclusive Health and social studies curriculum and celebrate lgbt pride. Last year we saw 120 events across k 12 and on going assistance in trauma, suicide prevision and Substance Abuse. We meet with student and school staff to look at support plans. We also provide a lot of lgbt promotional materials, posters, buttons, wrist bands, we have had all. We also provide a lot of these clinical suvs squz support services through the High School Wellness center and access to School Social workers. We provide ongoing assistance for supporting and implementing the transgender policy which reidateathize state policy by about 10 years. We have the gay straight alliance, gsa day and psychoeducational groups partially funded through the center for disease control. The support groups which are beginning to show positive attendance for student accessing the groups and coming student to school more and young mens Health Groups which show positive effects in the same way and more intensive onsite counseling. Referrals for mental helths and Sexual Health on site and off site and linkage to Community Resources and planning. Most of our efforts in a structured manner are focused on the secondary schools, so middle and high schools. However, we have been providing and are leaving here to provide Technical Assistance and resources for families of Elementary School students. We have more and more children entering the district with families are advoivating for them as gender variant, transgender, whatever the term the family uses we work with them to address that. What happens if lets say a 5th grader in Elementary School talking to a teacher or a administrator in school and expresss he or she is gender non conforming in some way or transgender, whatever the terminology a 5th grader might use, what wouldhow would the school be expected to respond to that . Well, what we have found is our kindergartners are very articulate around their gender vocabulary when it comes to their identity. Usually if a young person is speak ing to a administrator he or she is very clear on how they may identify. Administrator will often times connect with the scoom social worker or school nurse. Every school has a social worker and 39 percent have a School District nurse. That may be the first point of contact then the calls comes to us. First we work with the student or ask the student to see where and what is going on at home because we have a broad range of exceptance in home situations. Assuming the parent and family at home is on board with where the student is we work with that student to be sure that whatever services, whatever representation that Student Needs is met and so we have some students who identify as who present themselves as their identityed jnder but know one knows but the School Administrator and social worker and have others who are broad about the process. Does that answer . Yes, thank you we are the First District nationally and one of the first in the state to successfully follow the state law what must be kept in records and change the roster to identify the gender identity and name of a student. This was just a sample of what wethe form we use to put it in here for you to see. We do have had computer glitchs but it is a system that seems to be working who want this. The challenge is we need a parent signature for this piece, so that if we have a older student who may want something changed on the roster we have to have a signature of the family for this. Here we wanted to give a overview of a lot of the Community Partners that we work with who provide consalitation or support. A handful of the folks are contracted and paid to do some the programming we just talked about and some have mous the district to implement programs at our school sites. This is just a shot of our website, the number and resource s and policies are on here and they go to this. If there is issues or concerns that come up the curriculum is here. We have k12 that addresses gender. Most the curriculum in element is based on kid let and limited but expanding that this year with greater resources on that topic. That is it. Any questions . Great, thank you very much. Mr. Chair to call up our final presentation, the most substantive, the [inaudible] it is lelthy powerpoint so if we can ask the presenter tooz be efficient moving through that that would be great. Thank you very much. We are grateful to supervisor wiener and to the board of supervisors for recognizing the importance of addressing the needs of transjnder youth as supervisor wiener said and often misunderstood marginalized population. We bring the perspective as a multidisciplinary steam team to detail the challenges the youth face and explore opportunities to partner with the city of San Francisco to improve the lives of theesh vulnerable youth and their families. We would like to begin by sharing the real life story of a patient we serve. This is a 13 year old who was assigned male at birth and from a very early age as early as 3 expressed to the parent i am a girl, why do i have penis and daunty wanted to use a girls name and clothing. The parent that this was a phase and at a loss but because don tay was so persistent they wnt along with this. During the childhood years there was significant anxiety and depressions that worsens with onset of puberty and by the age of 13 the child was referred for medical support and [inaudible] that can be life saving, these are called pubetle blockers. Medical treatments was denied and that led to the 4th prong of service for legal support. I would like to give a brief overview of our teams presentation starting with definitions, address one of the things that came up in the other presentation prevalence, risk and impact of parental support and model of Multidisciplinary Care and the barriers the youth face and strategies moving forward. First, never imagine defining sex in San Francisco city hall but we are talking about the physical sex characteristics that at birth lead to someone saying you have a boy or girl so we are talking about the genitalia. In contrast, gender identity is ones inner sense as who ones is on male or female and it is important to recognize that gender identity is confused with Sexual Identity or Sexual Orientation but these are distinct aspects and any person of any gender identity can have a Sexual Orientation. Transgender is a term where the persons deep sense of who they are is not in alignment with their sex assignment at birth. How come it is transgender . It was mentioned in San Francisco the prev lnls is as high as 1 in a hundred. There was a study published out of boston which surveys 28,000 adults and 1 in 200 self identified as transgender. In fact, we do not have prevalence in young people in our Multidisciplinary Program housed at ucsf we have seen 350 patients with the first 7 years ago and get 8 to 10 re ferrals every year. I would like to show quickly a couple of slides. You can imagine it isnt surprising there is consequences for the youth where the Parent Support or dont support these kids and what you see a study out of toronto comparing negative melthal health out comes and positive out comes for the youth have supportive parents versus unsupportive parents. What we are looking at here, when you see a dark blue bar the kids parent are supportive and light blue not very supportive. Going left to right, depression and suicidal [inaudible] and suicide attemptsism the risk is decreased if the parents are supportive and it is worth pointing out in the farthest bar on the right the parents are not supporting and more than 50 percent of these individuals attempted suicide. With a positive Mental Health out comes. Where and see the dark blue bar it is supportive parents and across in particular for the level and degree of melthal health, self esteem, Life Satisfaction and in every case it is better if the individual has supportive parents. Because of the complexity of the care for the kids and need for support it seems clear a Team Approach is important. About 6 and a half years ago individuals with expertise around the bay area came together with a shared vision of creating a program to meet the diverse needs of transgender youth and this was born the child and adolescent center. This isnt specifically a ucsf program. This is a collaboration between ucsf and Key Community organizations which i outlined here. Gender spectrum is a leading National Advocacy group and we are fortunate they are here in the bay area. You can also see the nclr, i was happy to learn despite the name they play a significant role in dealing with legal issues to better the lives of transjnder individuals. Then we have mind the gap which is a network of Mental Health professions trained in gender issues. Then we have the hospital. The child and adolescent clinic is housed in [inaudible] i would like to introduce my dear colleagues doctor diane [inaudible] associate professor at ucsf and locally, nationally and internationally recognized expert in Child Development and transgender youth. Thank you very much and im just going to walk through how we think in melthal health terms. What we know is what you heard is it is risky for the transgender. We got rid of diagnose jnder identity disorder. The focus is on the distress stemming from the gap from ones assigned sex and their sense of gender. Youth gender distress can reach alarming levels and ill epeat, there is 2 to 3 fold increase risk of depression, anxiety, suicideality and self harm. Primary cause of the distress, negative hostile response to child. Refusal to recognize youth authendic gender and chronic microaggression and [inaudible] ergo transgender pathology lies in the [inaudible] studies show family exceptance leads to increase in positive Mental Health outcomes and rejection decrease. Corollary is melthal health support. Not just families some come for support. Jnding specialist are key to promoting and holding a childs gender health and when we talk about gender health at the clinic we mean the use opportunity to live in the gender feels more real and comfortable. Ability to [inaudible] rejection. There are two opposing models of treatment that exist for jnder non conforming children and we can make or break a childs gender health. We have therapys that change a childs gender. They can break a childs gender health and not legal in california. We have affirmative therapys that we use and they can make and support a childs gender health. We have a problem, we dont have good enough training and we dont have enough money to adequately serve all the children who need to be seen and the result, we have a whole group of kids in San Francisco, bay area and nationally who are at risk without access to good affirmative care. The good news, the gender affirmative care leads to psychological wellbeeling, bufferers against gender trauma and reduction in serious risk factors. I want to say a word about dante. At age 3 announced he was a girl and only could do it at home so we see the first compromise of dantes gender health. By midchildhood we see things are not going so well and showing anxiety and depression but things look up at 13 when dante enters the clinic and gets support. The Insurance Company throws a Monkey Wrench and that makes dante anxious and that is when we put in the legal report. I want to thank you for listening to the Mental Health component and want to introduce you ta[inaudible] and also the senior director at gender spectrum. Before you switch over just a quick question, that was the chart at the beginning used the terms of the differences in outcomes between children with supportive parents versus children with parents who are not supportive and what a profound impact it has on the childs Mental Health and perhaps survival. For children and adolescence who dont have supportive parents, how do they or how can they best Access Services . Those are very good questionsfelt we do it under the umbrella of building gender resilience. We built it in a child and know some children dont have a supportive home so we look else where. Schoolerize a critical components of gender support. Support services and programs and dimensions critical. Kids need to find a place where they are mirrored positively and someone is watching their back so if we cant find it at home we find it else where including a Mental Health profession al who is their mentor and a person who watchs their back and goes to bat and im a optimist. We start with parents who are not supportive and hope to move them towards being supportive. How do you in your experience, i know every child is different, but for a child who has family othome who are unsupportive and perhaps hostile to the childs true gender identity or expression and lets say they get good support at school or through other resources, how does that tend to balance out . Do you find that if a child is getting good support at school or other resources that that can help to partially counter act the lack of support or haasetility at home . I can only imagine what it would be like for especially a young child or adolescents or anyone to be at home for the people charged with caring for you that are unsupportive or hostile towards who you are, do you find there can be at least some sort of compensation there . What i find is there is compensation but they can be growth. What we do is build a fire wall around the child so they know that the pathology lies in the environment, not in them and they deserve the support that every child deserves. In the mean time what i will say is a child can change the family. As the child grows in strength and if somebody is work ing with the parent and family we see movement so the parent are not static, but some parents are move nl and then we make sure we build the fire wall there and make sure there is a alternative form of support when chis why we are here today to make sure those are in place because we see what happens for the children at home when they dont get support but home isnt the only place you can get it. One last question, in terms of children who either are running away from home or being kicked out of their home because of families rejection of their gender identity, how often are you seeing that in San Francisco . We know we have had for many years a problem around the country, around the world with lgbt young people kicked out of their home or running away from home because they just cant take it anymore. How often do you see that in San Francisco . We see it less here than other parts the country but it is here. Im a Family Member of the home within and pro bono children in youth and foster care and a disproportioninate number of youth are those kids that couldnt stay home because they are lgbq. Thank you. Good morning everyone and my name is joel bound and senior director at Organization Called gender spectrum as well as the medical and advocacy director at child and adolescent gender center. Thank you for the opportunity to share information about the wonderful work our clinic is doing on behalf of young poopal people in the bay area. I want to start with dante, who wants to attend school as a girl and needs support in doing so through a gender transition plan, what are the conditions that will make such a plan successful . I want to return supervisor wiener to your question because in the face of unsupportive family and care givers schools can be so critical. Sometimes it is just that one teacher or yard supervisor or secretary who tells that child you matter, where see you, you are authentic and dont have to pretend to be something you are not. That can save that childs looif. Im a former educator and had the experience oof having a child make it because of a caring adult on a School Campus so want to emphasize that role is critical. The other piece i would add is when you think about our center imagine a table with that child and family sitting on the table. The 4 legerize the legal, medical, Mental Health and educational support so when any leg isnt in place of course the table tips over and that is the model that we have here. When it comes to education, gender spectrum has a specific mission around creating particularly gender inclusive environments for all young people and ironically it is the focus on all children that actually creates the conditions for our transgender and gender Expansive Youth to be successful. We know gender impacts every child and San Francisco has been a leader in the creation of gender inclusive spaces for all kids and in so doing supporting transjndser students. The work San Francisco led by kevin and eric as well a a team of educators has been a National Model for ways in which schools can systematically from top to bottom support the needs for transjndser young people. We do see in some cases with the families we work with implementation remains a question based on site knowledge. When there are sites with a strong sonesf understanding about the issues, a strong notion of what needs to be done kids have wonderful cases and in some cases that isnt always the case. I guess what i want to talk about finally is the importance of being intentional in creating the kind of conditions we are talking about. We know that individual educators have to be thinking in 4 different ways inturnly about their own gender, instugzal about the practices in place such as the gender change forums, the interpersonal ability to work with young people around gender and instructional support that needs to be in place. What we know is our transgender student are most successful in school when gender is talked about as it relates to all students because the notion it isnt about certain kids it is about all kids and when young kids have a opportunity to learn about gender as a concept, the experience of the transjnder student suddenly makes sense. There is a schema, if you will, that leads to the understanding of that childs experience and the ability for that child to transition. We are privileged to work in a number of San Francisco schools where this model is in place, where through education with students, through the great support the district policies and other institutional practices we have seen students transition at school such as dante and are it be a positive experience for them but every child in the classroom. Ill conclude by saying ironically creating gender inclusive spaces for transgender student cant focus only on the transjnder students, we have to think of all student for support of gender diversity. Thank you very much. Ill reintroduce [inaudible] child and adolescent gender center and one of the key founders and organizers of the clinics creation, doctor rosenthol. Thank you, joel. I hope you are getting the flavor of the Incredible Team we have and how wonderful it is to go to work every day. I would like to address the needs and problem dante faced when the treatment that is shown to be life saving was denied by insurance companies. We have to start with what we know. What we learned in recent years is gender identity isnt just a psycho social construct. There is evidence biology plays along with environment and culture a clear role. One of the other things we those youth that meet the Mental Health criteria for being transgender at early puberty are likely to be transjnder as adults. There is a very important stoudy published orfb a year ago that confirms and makes clear the impact of affirmative medical care and this is the use of pubetle block rb jz cross sex hormones. This is a class of medications that put puberty on hold and basically give a transjnder child a little more time to explore working with a Multidisciplinary Team issues related to gender identity. We know for someone who truly is transgender the anticipation of going through the wrong puberty can be devastating and leads to medical needs for surgical interventions that could be avoided. [inaudible] the first long term observational study using pubeter blockers and gave extratime putting puberty on hold and all of the kids chose to go to the next step which is receive the sex hormones that matched their affirmed identity. After 18 they had surgery. When you look at the mental helths at the conclusion of the study and compared Mental Health to controls that were healthy young adults, the quality of life and sense of self worth were equivalent but in some cases superior. This gave a tremendous impact and support for the type of work we are doing in the Multidisciplinary Program. These findings and principles are endorsed by every major professional endocrine and Transgender Health society in north america, europe and other parts of the world. All are needs to optimize care and proud to tell you our center chs awarded for the first time funding by the nih a 5 year study to create a National Network with centers in San Francisco, la, chicago and boston to optimize the medical treatment. What you mentioned there is a important point about delaying puberty so that children can figure out what direction they need to go in because once puberty it becomes much harder physically to make the transition. You cant reverse everything with surgery so if you look at the testosterone with the vocal cords once they are elongated that is it. So this treatment, delay of puberty, it is endorsed by major professional societies, can you give me examples . I think it is important for people to understand this is a accepted and endorsed way of making sure that children are able to grow up healthy with their gender there is document from the Endocrine Society which is the principle [inaudible] published in 2009. The document is cosponsored by thepede at rck [inaudible] there is a new version that is about to come out in later this year. Also the [inaudible] also has its own standard of scare that shares the same recommendation. If the puberty delaying therapy is used and the child determines he or she will stay with the gender that was assigned at birth and decide not to transition the therapy ends . These medications, the beauty of the medication is not only do they put puberty on pause and give that window of time but are completly reversible so should someone determine they are not transgender you stop the medication. In this study of 70 individuals that were veryit was a strict study so you dont get into the study unless you are transgender they all went to the next [inaudible] it makes a lot of sense but reversible. We know children in the normal course of things go through puberty at varying ages. Absolutely. One of the limitations despite the impact on our world is they didnt treat anybody under 12 and we know kids go through kids much earlier than that so we so happy the nih recognized the importance of funding a program like this that is focused not on just age but on when puberty begins regardless of age. That will take about 5 years to get that information. Despite that success on the Research Side what happens in the day to day care of these kids . This is where we have the barriers and that is right now the medications all of them are off label, meaning none are approved by the food and drug administration. They are expensive. You can buy a new car for a cost of one years treatment and often these are denied by insurance companies. There are other barrier tooz care, there are few Clinical Programs and lack of training. There is a lot of misunderstanding in the public and among our colleagues and even the model of the Multidisciplinary Care is valuable. That at various dimensionerize not reimburseed. I would like to introduce our legal director. This is asaf orr. He is a transgender Youth Project staff attorney. Thank you very much. So, as doctor rosenthol mentioned im the legal director and work at the staff attorney. I decide to live at my remarks today to Health Insurance discrimination but happy to address any other issues mentioned. I want to give a scope of the issue here. What we have federal state antidiscrimination laws in place to protect transgender people and chipped away at exclusions the barriers still exist. If they dont exclude all care they are low monetary caps on care. There are prerequisites based on the standard of care and when you talk about young people they are still provasive exclusion for folks under 18. Insurance companies are [inaudible] sortf in a position [inaudible] because they cant get policies without exclusions. I want to give a sense of the legal landscape. There are a flb number of laws that protect transgender. On the state level we have the [inaudible] housing act. On the fral fral level we have [inaudible] Affordable Care act and Civil Rights Act and provision for public employers. Reading the list it seems like someone should address this. Unfortunately it is a very loose net so kids fall through. Like we were talking about dante, he fell through because of the cofs care and unable to access it and force today go through puberty inconsistent with gender identity resulting in physical changes and Mental Health effects. I want end with giving the board a sense of at least some things the board can do to help address this issue. Building on the leadership the board has shown around the issue with access to care for transgender adults is insure the Health Insurance policies offered to employees of the city and also healthy sf covers the range of care that transgender youth under 18 may need. That includes the puberty blockers doctor rosenthol talked about and hormone replacement therapy and surgical intervention. Beyond that insureing the San Francisco juvenile Probation Department and family and Children Services have written policies and protocols about how to address the needs of transgender youth in care and custody and pass a ordinance that prohibits the sale of insurance that discriminates transgender youth. Thauchck for your time and happy to answer questions. Thank you very much. I want to thank nclr for as many years i have been involved in the Lgbt Community in San Francisco going back to the 90s long before it was widely even accepted in any way to support the Trans Community and Lgbt Community, nclr wnt well beyond the name and created the transjnder law center so it is a Real National leader and want to say thank you for that. Thank you. Great. I think that concludes our presentations. I want to thank you to staff and particularly dr. Rosenthol for your amazing cutting edge work. I think supervisor yee may have a question. Just curious because we have a report from the School District in terms of breaking down a [inaudible] they found and both of the 300 plus individuals you have seen, does it seem similar to the School Districts . As you know in the private schools which we have a lot of, the ethnicity is different so dont know we have varied ethnicitys. We dont just surfb the city of San Francisco, we get kids and families all over the place. Mostly from Northern California but people come from alaska, florida, utah and egypt. I say the majority are caucasian and well off but see variety of ethnic diversity. Of the ones that areyou would know if the individualerize from San Francisco or not . Yes, we do. Within that subgroup what does it look like . Is it also majority white, majority people that have resources . I would say the answer is yes. One of the unfortunate realties is in order to come to the scene in the Clinical Program you have to have approval of at least one parent so that is something that factors into this. It doesnt predict what the ethnic background will be. I say it is very similar what is presented before among the people that are local residence. Thank you. May we go to Public Comment . Open tupe public common. I believe supervisor wiener has one speaker card. People that want to do Public Comment if folks can line up on that side of the room. Public comment is two minutes. [inaudible] carpenter, but anyone can come on up and speak. Maybe well start with Theresa Sparks as the Department Head as director of Human Rights Commission. Director sparks. Thank you supervisors this is a incredible presentation. We at the Human Rights Commission havent worked with this clinic but worked with transgender helths otucsf at the main fusity. San francisco is leading the world in funding currently for transgender programs. We have a Work Agreement with the city of amsterdam as you may know to work on transjndser and lgbt issues, in fact, we have a delegation going to amster dam this year. This fiscal year San Francisco is supportive of transgender programs beyond anyones wildest ecpectations. San francisco is contributing about 1. 5 Million Dollars to transgender programs in San Francisco. This entails about half going to hiv protection and research and medical needs and Case Management around medical needs primarily adults. The other half goes to several programs, one is 200,000 to lgbt center for employment. 200,000 goes to latina transgender. These are people who are at a intersection of immigration issues, homeless issues, employment issues, language issues, being transgender and being women and also cultural issues in the Latina Community so very very high at risk and appreciate the boards work on this. We have 150,000 for 2 years for Coalition Building to put together a council. That is moving forward very quickly. We also work with transgender and intersex Justice Project working on doing counseling and Case Management within the San Francisco jail system and work ing with the safeers department the old seraph and new placing transgender people taking out of the mens prison which is where they are located and putting them in the womens side for programming and housing. San francisco is the leader in the world for the programs. The missing link in the programs is dealing with transgender youth. Ucsf is a leder in that. Uc system nation wide is a leader in transjndser issues. For the last 5 years i have been on the taskforce on the uc system dealing with lgbt issues and transgender. For the first Time Starting this year and Going Forward all freshman and under graduate applicants for uc will be asked 3 questions, one about gender identity. How do you you identify with your gender and aortis Sexual Orientation. Next year the following year it is all graduates university and graduate students and the following year the questions go on all employment applications and also on all staff and faculty. So, this is information that we never have been able to gather and will gather on several hundred thousand applicants of the uc system. These individual things moving forward are critical to being understand really the dimension of the issue. Unfortunately in San Francisco passed ordinances not allowing to ask these questions in San Francisco so well come to the board asking for a exemption to ask people their jener identity and Sexual Orientation in the aggregate. We wont be able to identify individuals but get information to understand the scope of the issue. Supervisor wiener mentioned homeless youth. Homeless youth anic dotally, [inaudible] young transpeople come ing to San Francisco. Unfortunately we dont have a central spot to enter the system so we are way ahead of everyone else we can take further steps and look to the board to take steps to complete that psychosqul also make San Francisco continue to be the leader in this area throughout the United States. Thank you, director sparks and i do want to note that we are actually getting close to introducing Data Collection legislation to make sure that for various city programs we are tracking in a aggregate way our lgbt population. We are behind on that in our city and so our lgbt asian task force recommended that and decided to go beyond seniors but the entire population. Appreciate your work. One fact you may want to recognize, this year the United States used our tracking stats San Francisco on transhomicide and suicides. There were 43 transhomicide and 90 percent are women of color and 41 recorded transsuicides and 80 percent were caucasian and most caucasians were male. Female to male. We have statistics that are social issues all of which i think ucsf is perfect for research. Moving to Public Comment. Public comment is two minutes. Charles [inaudible] and attorney legal volunteer for some of the work you have seen and also a constituents of supervisor wiener so thank you and the other supervisors. I just want to say 3 quick things about coming to this from the outside which is what i did 5 years a. Go. There is a role for advocacy for transgender people he became involved because he was seeing families and didnt know how to provide the treatment and did the research of other peoples Research Understanding best practice, so his work and clinics work and the work you are asking Public Health to do is researched based advocating for the health of the patient and family. The second thing i want to reinforce is what supervisor wiener also said is this is all most never talking about surgery for people under 18, it is talking about a medical perspective, puberty and hormone and reversible treatments and as you go forward with this work you will see surgery for kids and teens is what is the opposition throws up because it [inaudible] and then the last thing ill say, if you can be at the question and answer sessions at gender spectrum which is National Conference in the bay area, it is so moving to hear parents introduce their families by saying my 9 year old daughter was perceived at birth as a boy. From my perspective when i hear that i say who am i to judge because that isnt a pop ylthz position and not trendy, but when you hear the parents you know it is coming from a deep place. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning supervisor, adel [inaudible] director of San Francisco Youth Commission and before joining the staff i was a outreach worker for a lgbtq melthal health and Substance Abuse clinic which is no longer specifically work wg young people. Youth commissioners heard this a few months gow and thank you for your attention to it. Their response should be included in your packets. Among their responses i wanted to highlight was just that in addition to the critical investments dph and dcyh make in service for transjendser youth that are concentrated in the castro and tenderloin commissioners are interested seeing how the city can continue to invest in increasing the competency for services. To that effect im glad to see the School District was in the room because i think they work is critical. Another piece is for a decade and a half or so the city had a Unfunded Mandate in the admin code that requires Youth Service city staff and contractors to be trained in lgbtq competency. Increase City Investments in supporting departments and undertaking the trainings will go a long way increasing competency throughout our Youth Service city services. Absolutely behind director sparks and with supervisor wiener and hopefully this will be the year we can ask the question and gathering data on Sexual Orientation and gender identity throughout the city services. I think that will go a long way addressing the needs transyouth had. Also grand e glad dimensions clinic is here. I know a lot of young people are not able to get service in a trusted environment and many wont access the suvss at all. Im under the impression that the wait list for dimension clinic is closed to seeing what we can do to make the Services Available to young people. Thank you, i appreciate it. Next speaker. Good morning. We also have a memo that we want to hand out. Kwlrks clerk will get it. So, my name is cristina [inaudible] Program Manager for a Leadership Development and school based initiative at lyric and lyric serves transjnder young [inaudible] and that number of climes to about 18 percent for transitional age young people 16 to 24. [inaudible] basic needs support to paid leadership opportunities and [inaudible] we want to highlight 3 pivotal issues we have seen reflected in local and National Data as well as the young people we work with. Long standing high levels of suicideality, one out of three transmiddle school and one out of 5 high school attempt suicide. We also know is a epidemic of violence of transjnder and nearly 100 percent of lyric young people experienced violence inside and out of school. We want to high the hiv infection rate which are higher for young people. Something i want to opponent out as i listened to earlier comments is about the resilience of trans and gender non conforming young people when they are supported. We have 3 recommendations, the first is around enhancing the wellness model to achieve access and afirming access for transpeople at the middle school level. The second is training and [inaudible] Community Based organizations to improve capacity for trans and gender non conforming young people. Lastly, expand ing access to [inaudible] for young people who are 17 and under to reduce infection rates. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Im jed rod riz regs and transgender and 18 and work with lyric. I work with the internships we do with transyouth 14 to 18 so i want to talk about the struggles they are facing. So, a lot of the kids that i work with talk about being bullied and harassed at school. They names are pronounerize invalidated. People dont use their preferred names. They talk about how teachers are misgendering them and use thg wrong name and teachers set the standards. They are the Authority Figure so if they invalidate your identity other student also do that, right and think it is okay to do that. I think it is important we focus on educating everyone in our schools, right . Comprehensive training about supporting trans students for staff and teachers so they can advocate for students. I just want to echo how gender impacts all of us so that is what it is important to make sure transpeople and youth are supported because that is something all of us have a fight in. I want to echo what the work at lyric is important. Transchildren face social isolation so we focus on community which helps combat self harm and keep people from self harming and stuff. So, thanks. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Hi my name is nathan smith and twait year old advocate and ally and someone who benefited from the services. Im here to represent youth who benefited from these services. I came out around 10 and my adopted family had mow resources. This was just when lyric started out and there wasnt much to do. I did have the social support but didnt have systematic support. At lyric i was made aware of the prevalence och the lack of support, scholastic and institution lt support and i was blown away by it. I was privileged to have the connections to Start Talking about the issues for queer youth and i want to say maybe 2009, 2010 by 2012 ab 1856 passed which was something that i was instrumental making happen to foster youth and school work and social settings. This is ov15 years ago and still little progress is made which is why im here because im worried about the future of queer youth. I was a victim of bullying from 10 onward so much so i had to transfer schools because the school was less inclined to deal with someone was gender variant than the fact i was being bullied at school. Im here to advocate to allocate funds for queer youth and say how imparaative it is more than just path logical stuff and surgery and hormone blockers we need all around support and the youth are slipping through the cracks and aging out of the system and need to stop this before it gets really bad. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Hello, my name is [inaudible] i too work at lyric. My position is queer educator. Moving to San Francisco was really difficult for me. I moved twice actually. The first time i moved it was hard for me to find resources. I wasnt connected with lyric the first time i moved out here. The first time [inaudible] i kind of like found there is a scarsty and everything was moved around and i didnti wasnt able to go to dimensions because my insurancei had kaiser, i still have kaiser, so im not able to reap the benefits of other trans folk in my community. I kind of like am my own entity but like to have a social community. It is actually hardthe first time i moved out because i wont able to get my prescriptions and it was really difficult and i noticed i didnt fall into the sectors of this as like needing help. I recently found out about getting on [inaudible] when i moved out here and the cost of [inaudible] is high for me and im not able to afford it right now at this time. So, i just noticed that i want the ability to be for every wherein wn who needs it. Also housing, my program that im in is the only Housing Program [inaudible] which is a temporary shelter but the [inaudible] through larkin street is the only resource [inaudible] specifically being lgbt and find it will be hard once i get out of the age range of being 24 then im like, what do i do, so i just want the accessibility to [inaudible] for our needs. Thank you, again. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, my name is [inaudible] the Program Manager at lyric. I want to thank you for take ing the time to [inaudible] transyouth of color and i want to dive in further on some of the recommendations that cristina made earlier. We are really interested in further investment in San Francisco Unified School Districts Wellness Center initiative. Their model pairing Community Based organizations on site in the Wellness Center and high school demonstrated a cultural relevant standard of care for particularly youth of color. Their data showed the majority of lgbt youth in San Francisco are of color and that is where the resources need to be invested. Our relation is on going. [inaudible] support folks with changing the name and gender marker and attending court along with youth when they go to the hearings. We successfully partnered with supportive parents change thg young folks name and gender markers so a incredible partnership as well as exciting to see families of color are absolutely invested in their young peoples wellness. I also want to reiterate edells points about expanding training and Technical Assistance across city cross sector. Everything organization in San Francisco needs to be able to serve transjnder youth of color. We cant have a few doors for folks to enter and be seen and valued and seen as whole, folks need to be able to go anywhere so what that will look like is the city taking a bold stand and standing in partnership to fund that Technical Assistance. The final point is critical around hiv prevention. [inaudible] in San Francisco is the only clinic under the Community Health programs for youth that is providing access to use under the age of 17 and know Trans Communitys have disproportioninate rates of infection in San Francisco and see it for a opportunity for prevention early on a pair mount any additional Public Comment . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Thank you for scheduling this and colleagues for listening today. This is a very very important issue and we need to make sure we are doing everything we can to support our transgender and gender non conforming young people at all ages. It is a emerging issue nationally and one that is going to i think require more and more attention so thank everyone who presented today and for all the amazing work that is happening in our city where we continue to lead on so many issues impacting the Lgbt Community and look forward to continue discussion including during the budget process how we can support this work. So, mr. Chair i would request that the Committee File this item. Okay. Thank you supervisor wiener and thank you to all those that came out and all the work you are doing. Presentations like this are incredible and enlightening. With that we entertain a motion to file . Motion by supervisor yee and take without objection. Do we have any other business in front of us . No other business. See everyone at 1 p. M. Mpt. We are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] [gavel] my name is mark farrell im chairing this committee. Im joined by katie tang norman yee jane kim and i welcome supervisor avalos to the meeting as of yet we have 6 people here. Currently so does constitute a special meeting of the entire board of supervisors. What effect window while as well as jesse larson from sfgtv and we have any announcements yes. Besides all cell phones and electronic devices. Complete speaker cards and documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items i could update will appear on the march or a 2nd board of supervisors agenda must otherwise stated the tango all item number one please item no one ordinance probably appropriating 5 million from the general fund of which 2. 5 million will be used in the recreation and parks apartment focusing on improvements on the geneva car barn at 2. 5 million will be used in the department of Public Health for Facility Improvements this item is sponsored by supervisor avalos. Thank you for sharing this item this week. We heard it last week and at that point i had continued it so we can have further discussion with the Mayors Office in my office about to move forward. The big question is, looking at her budget at the close of the budget season that will be having our discussion about what will be owed to me in the budget. To me, it was important that we set this as a priority before we get to the budget process. So, today i would like to be a portion of the supplemental forward. The portion about the geneva car barn. This is been a multidecade issue for people in district 11. Our district is totally united around the geneva car barn to actually have the facility that will have available for the public and for the arts. We currently do not have any venues for real in this part of San Francisco and the community has been building to create such a facility. You can look at whats happening all of San Francisco where we see a lot of development that improves neighborhoods and benigno facilities to new beverage at that moment has passed over district 11. So, where we are seeing a lot of these developed from development in the south of market and along the Market Street corridor, those fees tend to help rein in general fund dollars to the neighborhoods as well for facilities we dont see that happening in district 11. Really its a matter of having a way to set some equity in how we develop different parts of San Francisco. We just saw recently the phenomenon of super bowl city and super bowl happening in San Francisco where the city had committed 5 9 to at least 5 million to hold the super bowl celebration in San Francisco. We know that actually thats operation benefited certain people over others. There were people here today for another item will be talking about how they were impacted negatively by the super bowl. At the same time, we saw that hotels were full and total revenues were up in hotels were making money and people who work in hotels were receiving some benefits. Thats tends to be the way cities, the city works. The wealthier people are doing better and the lower income people are not quite getting there boats raised when we are seeing economic boom in San Francisco. I just saw today someone had written that wealth ravages cities just as poverty ravages cities. I think San Francisco can be an example of that. Really, today is about how we can actually level the Playing Field for parts of San Francisco that have not been doing so well during the economic boom and to make sure city resources generated with her economic boom can do more than struggle down. Need to grade the plumbing for to get to neighborhoods and thats what this supplemental is about. Some pipes and plumbing. For that to happen. So, a couple people who are here to speak on behalf of the project the Geneva Office building project. Amy cohen and nicole from the parks and recreation. They been meeting a couple years now very consistently with Beth Rubenstein in my office to see a we can move this project forward and theyve actually worked real wonders to get things as project moving. We have an environmental dungeon with a lot of documents created that support this project Going Forward. That we need more than anything is making the commitment from the city to move this forward. So. I like to invite any cohen to talk about her work on this project and what this project means to people in district 11 and what her contribution of the office of Academic Workforce development is been for the car barn. Thank you supervisor. Nicole is going to be doing the overall presentation. I would just speak on behalf of the office of economic and Workforce Development in the best in neighborhoods program. Weve had a longstanding relationship and a great deal of work in the excelsior all my ocean avenue neighborhoods and those numbers of stakeholders that whole area who care about this project for a long time. Over a year ago we had engaged some smart folks in thinking about a number of really difficult buildings around town some of which are run by the city. We were looking for new ideas and a new perspective on how you might solve some these buildings that were just taking a really long time. So, where team came up with is an ideal broaching the subject of taking the Geneva Office building and the powerhouse and splitting it into a phase project. So we started talking with supervisor avalos and stakeholders and introduce this idea of a phased approach. Together, we ended up going to the budget buses last year and with parks and recreation and the immunity folks we were able to get some additional funding to move forward project that had all but maybe not stopped but had gone very slow. Because we thought this idea of a phased approach was much more feasible and manageable. So, since that time weve been participating on a team led by parks and recreation to try and figure out how to we figure out with just the powerhouse building one using different terminology. Im sorry. The goal is better explaining the powerhouse good the smaller building. We have also engaged some consultants to help with assessing what are the opportunities and needs of just a building, how might other financing resources and Funding Resources be identified. So, weve been part of a process since last summer. Try to out with this project for. I think thats all that i will say and ill let nicole come in and am happy to answer questions. Thank you. Just to say i appreciate the work of yourself and your office to help move this project forward. Nicole averell and the metro q any diagrams or anything. No, you dont. Okay. I apologize. Im nicole april project director with a Recreation Parks Department should thanks for hearing this today. As you know the building was saved from demolition in 1999. In large part thanks to the efforts of the friends of the Geneva Office building and powerhouse. I like to note the and weaver is here and was instrumental in saving the building. The parks and recreation has been involved in this project since 2004 when it took over the building from the mta. The vision for the building at the time was to grade a Community Art space that serve the underserved youth in district 11 is was all Community Members by providing a variety of arts programs. It is the only district without a district theater or gallery space and recreational parks of him and determine a great need there for this. Since then, over the last decade or more, we work closely with the district 11 Supervisors Office to activate the building could we stabilize the building. In partnership with the mta and caltrans report with the friends of geneva, and powerhouse to deliver programming to youth in the district. We worked on designs just spectacular and i can pull them up shortly if you would like supervisor avalos. For the building. These designs have received the approval of the Historic Preservation commission, the approval of our civic Design Review committee, and theyve also received a conditional use and variance approvals from the planning commission. As supervisor avalos noted is also accountable exception from ceqa so are well on our way. In fact to make this point were done with 50 construction documentation for the powerhouse big amy talked about how we decided to save the program which was our first phase of the program and we done with these designs at the end of april. Will be ready to bring them to the Building Permits in may and will hopefully receive our approvals by the end of the summer and be ready to put it out for bid in september. Which means, we could break ground as early as december 2016. That is all to say, if we close our funding gap was approximately 2. 5 million. Weve got sources of funds potential sources of funds from the parks and Recreation Opportunity Fund Historic Preservation tax credits, and allocation from the last years budget and this is the money thats necessary to bring this project to fruition. We believe that activating the powerhouse to start would be a proof of concept not only will provide desperately needed amenity in this area, which of the community the Funding Community in particular that this is exactly what district 11 needs. It will also approve the recommendation and about our Station Transit Oriented Development plan amount which was recommended approved by the board of supervisors in 2009 that this is key to the revitalization of this section of the district as well as the district as a whole. Im so pleased to be here working as part of this coalition with the office of economic and Workforce Development District Supervisor avaloss office and the San Francisco Arts Commission to bring this project to reality and were so close. So, i do hope you consider this. Thank you. Again thank you for all your work on this project as well. Its been at least 8 years, i believe or 7 years even working on it. So i appreciate you keeping it going. I think all the work thats happened prior to today is really about getting up to this moment and how we can actually make the ultimate league to provide the funding to complete phase 1. I hope we can do that today. Thank you. I dont have anything else for my presentation. If we could go to Public Comment b dick when we opened up for Public Comment good one speaker card. If theres other individuals i would to speak in Public Comment klees do so. Love 2 min. Each. Good afternoon. My name is Richard Rossman and i want to talk about, i have to disagree with mr. Rosens report. I think we should start putting the money in the nonprofit see we are putting money in to help with the asbestos may be the nonprofit will be with to come up with funding 12 this project, but i think this is important. The City Landmarks Commission is set today to hopefully afford it, for this as a city landmark to the board of supervisors and also, i found out that the Art Commission is setting aside some money in their capital budgets to restore these murals. So, i think if we start funding this building a little at a time it will come instead of just holding the money on reserve and nothing is happening. So, i urge the release and approval so we can start the funding of onondaga. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisor my name is david cooper did i serve as the president of the terrace improvement association. With regard to the gop, i like to point out this facility will serve district 11 exclusively. Geneva and san jose is a major transit hub on the south side of town. It would serve the constituents of district 7 among 8, 9, 10, and 11 immediately. It isnt just for district 11. Its for the use involved in the arts on that side of town. As for 35 and 45 onondaga, i appreciate supervisors avalos his efforts to draw attention to the validity of restoring both the murals. Thank you Richard Rossman, and the buildings themselves and return him to Public Service as we are returning the gop to Public Service. So, thank you for considering this item. I like to say im in support of both sides of it and thank you to parks and recreation and the Workforce Development team for also drawing attention to this. The validity of this. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is to well kill the president of the Outer Mission merchants and residents association. Its very difficult to choose, like choosing your favorite child. You want to save the gop or save 3545 on data. You want to save both. What have some pride in our neighborhood and these Historic Buildings with historic murals and gop is such a entrance into our neighborhood and as david said, its good to be an art center for all the children in the neighborhood including those in district 7, 9, and 10. So we do urge you to go pick for this week and say both buildings today. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im outim the treasure of the friends of the Office Building in carpark we caught car born. I urge you to approve the supplemental request. This project has been 17 years in the making and is building is a key part of San Franciscos history. It was the streetcar headquarters for decades. Was built by a famous architect. Its just critical for revitalizing the neighborhood. I went to appeal to your sense of history and your sense of getting this done because it is so close. We can have this approach this phased approach is a great process. Its going to make it happen. Please thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. Dan weaver with the friends of Geneva Office building and powerhouse. Today, i would like to be really happy that the city is here justifying with us in front of you about the importance of this project. I would just like to point out again, that this is the first project in the city for oewds beginnings of an asset activation project that could do great things for many neighborhood in San Francisco. Something that has never been tried before. But i think this is an appropriate thing for the city to engage in. And the geneva, is happy to be the project most ready for this and i urge you, again, to support the project in the supplemental budget. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who wish to comment on item 1 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] thank you. I want to thank everyone for coming out for Public Comment and appreciate your presence here. Coming twice. Some of you. In a week. That is pretty big for folks in district 11. We are 5 miles from San Francisco we have fewer people coming to Public Comment. Appreciate your coming out. Also received a number of letters as well as part of the project. From different neighborhood associations like the new Mission Terrace improving association. I will submit that into the record. It really shows the unity that district 11 residents have for the geneva car born the phase 1 powerhouse project. So, i do believe we have a diagram or sometimes what were looking at for phase 1. It would be to be great to be able to show. Sure. There we go. So, youll see this image shows the interior. Its got the potential to be truly spectacular space. 3000 ft. 2 with 35 foot high ceilings. It has this much light in it and all the windows are boarded up. So its really good to be a spectacular space which is another image of a couple of the storage elements, the doors and the mezzanine, which will be restored and running. This is an image of what the building will look like when its complete and you can see how it lights up the corner and brings life and vitality to this area. This is a crosssection of the building. Most importantly, this is an image of what the inside of the powerhouse can be. It can be a after school art programs, dance programs, performance programs, it can be a space for Community Movie night. It can be were Tai Chi Classes or yoga classes for seniors in the morning. It can be a space for Early Childhood development classes. It can be a space for where adults can learn arts related jobs goes in the evening. Its flexible. Its inspired it can be used also for events by Community Members on the weekends and in the evenings. So, its a very very exciting opportunity to bring something to this district. Great. Thank you for sharing. We appreciate you showing those drawings. Also across the street we have 100 Affordable Housing that is going up at the corner of san jose and geneva avenue. That will be moving forward this year as well with an rfqs of this whole area is getting a makeover. If we can do these projects together that would be fabulous to see. Would make a huge difference in tying together the standards of district 11. With that, ive addressed the committee to move forward on this project. What i like to see is if we can with this legislation, is to duplicate the file and have each file to bewent to be adopted to the office phase 1 and the other to be about the onondaga site. I want to continue the onondaga site until the call of the chair but move forward with a duplicate file that just about the Office Building to the full board and am willing to do that however the committee would like to do it. Whether with approval or without. Thank you. Supervisor kim i just want to thank members of the community for coming out this week and this week. I know on this important set of facilities that are publicly owned and supervisors avalos is disappeared i want to move forward this item with positive recommendation. To the full board with the amendment is addicted by supervisor avalos. Motion by supervisor kim. Supervisor tang of course, i also do want to echo this incredibly great project. Im actually really excited about seeing it come to i now the at some point soon. I want to thank supervisor avalos and of course Community Members. I know his staff has worked with us for so long. I do have hesitations about supporting this item today not because i do not support the project. I want to be very clear i do, but i do not like it in the form of a supplemental. As ive said on many other issues before us as well, when it come before us in this form. Before i became a supervisor, stopping my predecessor predecessor on the committee ive seen funding for the geneva car born. Weve always supported it our office could all continue to do to is a member of the Budget Committee as well but again in the form of a supplemental is something that i do not feel appropriate at this time. Again, i have not seen from art even our mayors Budget Office in unwillingness to fund this particular proposal. I would say that there have been many arguments made about lack of attention to certain districts. I can make that same argument for the outer sunset did in fact, i would agree with you thank you. I spent years tried to secure just a little bit of funding to get a bathroom built at a playground where children are literally going to be in the bushes because there isnt a restroom nearby and were close by. I spent years just try to get money for it and several fiscal budget cycles. I could very easily come forth with a one dollar supplemental today and that funded enough of that but im not good im going through the budget process. So, again this is not to knock the project at i think its wonderful. But process wise i like to see it being celebrated in the context of all other budget request. Supervisor yee we have continued this item for a week and, i like to ask supervisor avalos, what happened to the discussion that was supposed to take place . Was there any discussion in terms of a pathway to seeing the funding . Willie e sound weather were going to decide use the supplemental would have it in the mayors budget. I could get any guarantee was going to be in the mayors budget so i actually did meet with district 11 residence at the district 11 council on saturday and a i told him this is where we are at. It was unanimous. That we move forward with a supplemental based on where people were in the neighborhood. It was really about how we can make sure these projects go forward since theres no guarantee that we actually move it through the supplemental process instead. One of the reasons i support this was i was hoping it would be a thorough discussion and to see old way to get this funded care you are saying that seeing that right now. I want to support this supplemental. This project as everybody has heard, has been in the works for many many years. Ive gone there to visit it and i know the potential there. As mentioned, even though its in district 11, importers district 7 and many of our residents in district 7 will benefit from it also. It is something that its really true that theres many different projects to come up to the board of supervisors that have supported that isnt in our district and it seems to be a very rare time when we can actually support something thats sort of on our side of town and i am hoping that my colleagues on the Budget Committee will see the need of this project. So i will be supporting it. Supervisor kim im sorry that was a mistake okay. But is that my comments here first by one of thank everyone for coming out and supervisor avalos, i love this project. I doubt there to the geneva car barn that he is an amazing project. I look forward to hopefully turning that into a reality i however do feel the same way a supervisor tang around doing this is a supplemental during the budget process. Will be happy to support during that period time. So, that being said, dropping a deuce board a motion saying this forward with no recommendation to the full board of supervisors. If there is a intend to revise that ugly happy to do that. Otherwise we can take a roll call vote. My colleagues be 6 supervisor wiener as i stated last week or 2 weeks ago whenever it was before us before, sport this project. If the project we should be funding. I think its obviously a legitimate topic of conversation whether we do this be a supplemental or try to do it as part of the regular budget process but clearly its a project that deserves support. Since there is it seems like everyone is in favor of sending this out of committee and to the full board of supervisors, seeing as theres a split about with a recommendation or with no recommendation in deference to the chair i think we should send this out with no recommendation and get into the full board. Just to clarify a notebook that were without recognition . Without recommendation. Supervisor kim i will amend my motion to a motion to forward to the full board without recommendation and it seems that we may still need a roll call on this as well. Is that correct . Ptech is there a 2nd we can take a rococo. I just want to say thank you for supporting the project. To me what it comes down to sporting the project is actually voting in favor of its oil be can actually have a positive vote at the full board because so, we have among with a motion by supervisor kim. Moved and seconded. Canaveral cocoa supervisor tang aye. Also into the full board. Supervisor yee aye, kim aye, wiener aye, farrell [inaudible] 5 guide the motion passes [gavel] item 2 and 3 together please item number 2 was manning the miss rate of code to establish a San Francisco super bowl l impact fund to be used to provide Financial Support to Small Business specifically impacted by super bowl related events. Item number 3 or looks appropriate in 100,000 from the general reserve fund to fund the super bowl l impact fund in fiscal year 20152016 bt. Colleagues, this item was sponsored by supervisor peskin and kim and so will turn it over to him. Supervisor peskin thank you. It is a pleasure to be here speaking on these 2 items. As we all know, starting in late january through the middle of february, the city and county of San Francisco hosted the super bowl l event in a number of areas of the city. One of them along the boundaries of district 3 and district 6, along Market Street where super bowl city spent about a week setting up. 9 days the venue was opened in another week or so afterwards being taken down for a total of 22 days. It remains to be seen what the total cost to the city and what expenses the city incurred at last count they were at 5. 3 million and climbing in it remains to be seen what additional revenues the city garnered in association with those events. We very much look forward to getting that information from the Controllers Office in the weeks and months ahead. Meanwhile, for those individuals who suffered negative Financial Impact in the immediate Area Supervisor kim and myself introduced on february 9 these 2 measures that are before you today, colleagues, too great a super bowl l impact fund and to appropriate 100,000 from the citys general fund reserve to that phone. The creation of the fund would allow additional contributions to the fund bday from private parties like the nfl or the Host Committee were charitable individuals were bday from revenues that the controller identifies in excess of expenses on the event that we can also put into the fund. As a former supervisor and current supervisor, i know that there are many individuals who make their living by selling street art under the street Artist Program that is under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Arts Commission. As a matter fact, in that area there are 116 spaces at Justin Herman plaza at the base of Market Street by the embarcadero where individuals pursuant to an annual fee that they pay to the Arts Commission, are allowed without valid existing permit to sell their arts to passersby. In addition there are any other number of individuals, Small Business folks, some of them of food cart vendors, some of them shoeshine folks who have made their Small Business living therefore in some cases, decades. Many of those individuals were temporarily displaced for some 22 days. I am proposing today and ive handed you all colleagues, a slight amendment a subsection subsection d to her item number 2 the ordinance amending the ministry of code to establish the super bowl l impact fund, but pursuant to this ordinance and the amendment am proposing that we offer a modicum of support to those individuals that had valid existing permits , who are negatively economically impacted during the 22 day duration. If weve heard many stories i think youve read them in the press. I have heard them and it totally could ive heard of in person. We have colleagues and i will distribute a letter from the merchants of the Ferry Building who have claims of Economic Hardship during that 22 days, and we may or may not choose as a body to address those issues in the weeks ahead depending on how much revenue over expenses we have seen from the Controllers Office but what im asking you for today is a modicum of compensation for individuals, most of them artists who i think are our moral responsibility to take care of. Several weeks ago i bumped into one of them who turns out to be a neighbor and him looking at her right now, who, by the way, produces phenomenal arts, and who lives on a fixed income in a rent controlled units in north beach and it is an inextricable part of the fabric of that community where i happen to live. That individual was not able to sell her wares over the course of those 22 days. At real Financial Hardship to her. Im talking about paying the rent because when youre on a fixed income be if Social Security were disability, and that handful of dollars from selling your art is the difference between paying the rent or not paying the rent for my think we have a moral obligation to those individuals and colleagues, this is very different than the restaurants that stop drop off in revenue in the immediate impacted zone. This is different than the port tenants we may choose to address in the future. I think that this body, the 11 of us and our mayor are in essence, the landlords for these individuals we displaced because they have a permit or license for the city issued to them. Yes, the city was within its rights pursuant to those permits to displace these people, but i think that we are within our rights and it is our moral obligation to give them a modicum of compensation could we already have early indication from the convention and Visitors Bureau that revenue over expenses associated with the super bowl, while perhaps its not the rosy projections that the nfl and Host Committee projected, are those expenses would be less than the revenues. So, i believe that even this 100,000 i am calling for with supervisors begin today to appropriate from the general fund will ultimately we will find the common sated by the Additional Hotel and sales tax revenue that the city mage get. We have a list of speaker cards. I would like towill wait for Public Comment but i would like to offer to supervisor kim a amendment as to the administration of the Grant Program, which reads as follows this would be a new subsection that are d which reads, those street artist license through the Arts Commission back and demonstrate a loss of income related to the reduction of spaces resulting from covered event shall be eligible for a grant award equivalent to their income loss, not to exceed 600 per street artist. Not a lot of money. Not a lot of money is not in the amendment. Food trucks, restaurants, and other individuals and businesses permitted or license to the department of Public Works Bureau street use and mapping shall be eligible for grants equivalent in value to permit fees for the period of time under the approved permits during which the permits he was not able to make use of the permitted benefit. Such plans shall not exceed 600 per grantee. Utility waited permits or licensees are not eligible for such grants. I want to thank the controller am i the last paragraph reads the Controllers Office shall develop and administer the grant application, calculation, award, and disbursement process in consultation with the department of public works and Arts Commission. The controller shall proportionately reduce grant awards authorized above to the extent that total tabulated words exceed the available balance in the fund. I would also like to strike the last sentence of subsection c which states, rules governing the Grant Program must be adopted prior to any disbursement from the fund because that is now dealt with in subsection b could mr. Chairman and with that we do have representatives here if yall should like to hear from them from the Arts Commission and from the dept. Of pub. Works and from thei think this is a suffix grantor. Back in with my initial comments beaten supervisor kim i just want to add my comments in support as well. Proviso peskin has covered the process behind establishing this fund and also why we are doing this and how we limited to the street artist that were specifically lost doing their during super bowl l. The supervisor peskin mentioned, we know their businesses throughout the city particularly in the districts we both represent throughout Fishermans Wharf away down to south beach whose businesses were impacted due to the traffic and fear of traffic ring these 10 days, and there were surveys done. I know in the district i represent what businesses did lose an incredible amount of business. However, is very hard to talk awake those numbers, but we know specifically how the super bowl did impact these businesses that were displaced during these 22 days for those to be est. In that exact same location and so im happy to cosponsor this fund to make us as best as we can hold these really smallbusiness owners which we depend upon this type of income the pedestrian traffic that occurs at embarcadero and support them as we engage and host these citywide events. San francisco. So just here to express my support as well supervisor wiener so, i guess i have a question through the chairman. I developed the question is to supervisor kim or peskin. Youre the 2 authors to one or both of you. When i first saw this legislation i read it was unclear to me what criteria would be. It seemed to of 2 categories in it. One for vendors were physically displaced and then one for more product category of businesses that have a loss of some sort. It was unclear to me how that would be determined and you would get priority, how people would show their loss, especially if theyre not visibly displaced. So, ive seen this amendment, it does seem now to i guess my question is, do we exactlywhat is the universe of merchants who are eligible for reimbursement for compensation from this fund . The total universe . Just for complete clarity. So, both of to the 100,000 that is the subject of item number 3 in conjunction with the amendment to item number 2, the total universe would be the individuals who occupy the 116 street Artist Spaces and then other folks who, in the zone, have valid existing dpw permits of which there are approximately, i believe, 42 not to exceed 100,000 as we read in the last paragraph of subsection d of claims exceed 100,000 there would be a proportional reduction for all claimants whose claims have been validated by the controller in conjunction with the Arts Commission or department of public works depending on which permit the tech thank you. Again, these correct me if im wrong, in the board packet, if you look at the i am pulling it up right now the legislation creating the fund, it says use of funds. One is business merchants or individuals who pay the city a license, etc. And subsequently displaced as a result of the event. Obviously, the Street Vendors were physically displaced. 2, other businesses and merchants were personally impacted by super super bowl related events. But the much broader category. Does your amendment that youre proposing today eliminate that 2nd broader category . As i referenced earlier, by the way, i misspoke. Im dyslexic and missed a digit. There are a total of a potential universe of 247 dpw permit holders totaling a maximum if they all had valid and verifiable claims of 112,000. I want to correct that for the record. Relative to the rest of supervisor wieners question, should there bei believe there are many parties outside of the universe that we are discussing relative to street artists and dpw licenses or permits that may be able to demonstrate adverse negative Economic Impact as a result of super bowl l. Should there bei think we been clear about this from the beginning and i was good about this and my other commentsshould that be sufficient fundstalk about revenue over expenses associated with super bowl l come a week may come back in the future after the controllers reports to deal with 50 port tenants, 150 subtenants im in receipt of this letter which you all may have from the merchants of the Ferry Building, who writes, the reality was a regular customers the people who lived here and shop with us frequently stayed away. The reality was that the city did not coordinate well with us and the resulting crowds mostly words of upset people who cannot get into the super bowl village wondered about making the Ferry Building an attractive. We had a spike in shoplifting and vessel as some visitors decided theyd rather take their anger out on us. The route is some top and sales close to 40 at one of our vendors had a event total 7 sales one day that we could our defenses went up as well because of street holders and disclosure. It goes on but should the be sufficient funds supervisor wiener, we can come back and revisit this but i think that we have a moral obligation to the street artists and the other valid permit fees and licensees that is what is before us today thank you for that supervisor peskin. I think my question is been answered to boil that down to what i think is now in the proposed legislation is that the 100,000 is very specific group of vendors, the Street Vendors, in the Justin Herman plaza general area, and it up to 600 per vendor, the 100,000 will be entirely consumed i those claims assuming they all made complaints. The doctor they all make the maximum claim it wont cover that. Its important to note that means for example i know there was a lot of discussion about the impacts of the super bowl on the castrol merchants and we do have some representatives of castro merchants here today. Due to the elimination of the Streetcar Service but i think its important to be for this legislation could this fund to absolutely nothing does nothing for the castrol merchants. I am imagining their other neighborhoods where the merchants are stating they were impacted as well obviously because my district is one hearing from. Im sure my colleagues have heard from merchants in their own districts. So, it seems that when this was announced record was the perception that was something that would benefit a broader swath of march did it raises also subissues about how to prove which are losses when you were displaced. I can understand the simplicity of making a more narrow, but this is basically selecting one group of merchants to compensate and not compensate other merchants who may very well have suffered very significant impacts. For example, the customers who do a fair amount of forest business and historic streetcar. In addition to the broader impact of the super bowl city was obviously drawing a lot of people who may potentially have gone and chopped in other areas. Its unclear. So, either real concern about that. I also want to just say this is not a criticism at all to provide peskin is not a member of the board of supervisors at the time. In 2012, this board of supervisors including 4 of the 5 members of this committee to much everyone except for supervisor yee was not a member of the board at the time unanimously approved a resolution to 2 2nd motion old super bowl process. At the time, i dont recall hearing any demand that the city be reimbursed for police or for beauty service, which is something we dont charge any other street festivals good at the time i dont recall hearing any statement from a District Supervisor saying my vendors are going to be impacted by the displacement and i want make sure the deal includes 100,000 were the case may be to compensate the physically displaced vendors. Instead, in 2013 we heard nothing. June 2014 we heard nothing. In 2015 we heard nothing and then in the end of 2016 a couple months before the super bowl, after years and years of planning, after the money that was raised a 50 million raised was budgeted and allocated, all of a sudden there was a demand that we need 5 and others for police and muni and hey, we need money to reimburse and, save these vendors. I just question again its not racism a supervisor peskin was not a member of this body until december, but other members of this board who do not say a peep in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and most of 2015 and then all of a sudden, 60 days before the event when i got a lot of headlines we start hearing a lot about this. I does have a real problem with that. This could have been worked out at the beginning as part of a deal. I imagine it would not have been an issue at all to say that 50 million raised you want 100,000 to subside for 200,000 for Street Vendors and now here we are with the proposal that doesnt even cover many merchants in the city who have stated they saw significant drops in business. I have a problem with that. I therefore to the continued discussion. Supervisor yee if i may just respond supervisor peskin first of all, let me say we have as supervisor wiener indicated a plethora of activities in our public spaces good bday street fairs, ebay in this case an event for a forprofit Corporate Organization National Football league is a for profit organization. Be it the americas cup come up but i do believe as a matter of policy, colleagues, to the 4 of 50 you got did not raise those questions in 2012, did not raise those questions in 2013, or 14 and only reasonable late in 2015, particularly given the americas cup experience and i personally enjoy the americas cup experience. I went to every single race but was not only aware that the city was losing a massive amount of money on that i actually participated in litigation against this body that im now part of because i do not think that giving a 11 peers to the 3rd richest man in the United States of america for 66 years was good Public Policy. So i agree with supervisor wiener that these issues should as a matter of policy be addressed, that the city should do with the city of santa clara did, which is to get full cost reimbursement, and i profoundly hope that if there are not millions of dollars that the city has realized from this that we are able to share with merchants in the castro and merchants at Fishermans Wharf and merchants in the Ferry Building and merchants at boulevard restaurant were negatively financially impacted by this. Supervisor yee first of all, i want to thank supervisor kim and peskin to bring this resolution. As most of us know, different artists and different Business People that are really considered very small that Something Like what happened can really devastate their whole business. Yes, i agree maybe this is not the answer to everything but am so grateful that somebody stepping up to say at least for the smallest businesses that actually great survivor all those in favor say, aye torus want to come we are going to actually try to mitigate some of their losses and hopefully as we see more income coming in that we can help out with other businesses. So, for me its a positive thing. I dont make it a negative thing. In fact, one of the things my office has been looking into for a while now but we have not found the right formula is can we ask reasonable fund for businesses when we actually lose money from when street closures and beyond fairs, when they do construction in front of their business for 6 months that we know theres a drop in business. So, its something that interested in trying to find a way to help those type of businesses, but today is about helping these 240 or so vendors that are very small and for 600, i hope its not to be too cumbersome for them to apply for these things. It should be easy. Because if it takes them a lawyer to figure out how to get the 600 its not worth it. So, i will be supporting this supervisor tang thank you supervisor peskin and kim for bringing attention to this. I think my only, my main question reference for this legislation with a package here was what was done before hand, and so i heard the Arts Commission had tried to work with some of the vendors on this before the event started and i do know someone is here actually shes become what those efforts are . As cbr commission director. So, if you could just let us know what happened prior to the super bowl event and whether there was any outreach onto the street artist in the area . Beatnik good afternoon supervisors on tom mckinney director of social affairs of the event Arts Commission. Just to give some facts but the timeline and planning for super bowl l, the Arts Commission on the Public Record the impact of super bowl city on the spaces at Justin Herman plaza for the street artist just to clarify the street Artist Licensing Program the program of the Arts Commission deigned back to 1972. Individual street artists can pay quarterly for a street artist license. The annual total fee currently is that 750 for the annual fee. We first announced on the Public Record of super bowl city would be impacting the 116 spaces at Justin Herman plaza at our street Artist Committee meeting on november 4 and then we later announce to the whole street artist membership the memo on january 4 that the Arts Commission was working with the super bowl Host Committee to identify 10 alternate spaces to be created to enable artists to participate in the super bowl festivities. This is certainly not the number of spaces that traditionally would be available in Justin Herman plaza. But there were 10 spaces because shared with the super bowl Host Committee that were located between 3rd and 4th street to take advantage of the fact there would be increased for traffic. The super bowl l Host Committee did ask we assemble a pool of no more than 90s 90 artist to be selected so that poor was also made limited. Currently, there are 313 artist license in the street Artist Program we have 70 artists apply for those 10 spaces to be administered via a daily lottery. So out of those 70, how many were able to get a space inside super bowl city . To be clear this is not immediately within super bowl city. It was adjacent to super bowl city on Market Street between 3rd and 4th street. 2 additional spots available as part of the regular street artist licensing spaces so that was approximately 100 other spaces you can regularly access the were not impacted by super bowl city. I would need to check with staff to see exactly how many of those 70 artists access those tend oftentimes the weather and other variables come into play as to who shows up for the daily lottery im glad to hear the was an outreach from the Arts Commission before the event and he said the vacation went out in november. But november of 2014 winter Public Notice hearing to discuss super bowl city would have an impact on spaces at Justin Herman plaza. At that time we did not have a clear plan of the designated alternate spaces but we announce on Public Record we were working with super bowl Host Committee to identify alternative spaces. Was not until january 4 of 2016 that a memo was sent out to all street artist confirming the spaces and the plan for implementing them so, i dont know if this might have to be answered by some of public, tours here today but to understand that despite this effort here why some people were still displaced or not be able to sell their goods during the super bowl the studies, so that is something i do know you can explain but maybe the artist, they can share what happens. I would deftly differ to each individual street artist position and story but we have heard concern from a number of street artists that historically access the lottery spaces at Justin Herman plaza at a place where there is the greatest amount of foot traffic and that sales than to be a bit higher in Justin Herman plaza then at some of the other sites around the city that are approved by the board of supervisors. Thank you for that rundown of events. I think that my other concern was about the broad 2nd category of uses under item number 2, which was any other business adversely impacted by super bowl related event at the figure supervisor wiener pointed out Castro District isolator from our urban street merchants even that with super bowl coming why were they able to benefit from certain things and again, if they raise issues about people being jampacked at one part of the city not route to the western part of the city with a qualified for Something Like this. So, i just thought it was overly broad but if it is as what supervisor peskin stated earlier it would not apply to them to my that i think perhaps the language should be fine tuned their. I leave my questions at that. Ongoing to listen to the Public Comment but i want to say im very supportive of the street artists. I had many close Family Members who work in that same role i would say half of my jewelry collection home is from street artist. So the terminus respect for them. I do want to make sure that we are really looking to address these issues before events happen so we can prevent this from occurring in the future. Alternative to my colleagues supervisor kim i just want to ask if the Arts Commission is supportive of this appropriation establishment of the fund . Yesterday our staff has been working closely with supervisor peskins office and the contorted out the language used up before you today. We would be happy to work with the controller and the Supervisors Office to ensure a transparent and thorough process of any claim so be filed to administer the funds i just want to address some of the questions and concerns were brought up by members of the committee. First of all, we did very much want to delineate which businesses would be eligible for the fund because we knew that there could be an infinite pool of businesses were impacted by super bowl l. I certainly heard from many of them in the south beach corridor said they lost business due to the special event. We know there was a direct impact from the displacement of the village for the Street Vendors that specifically are at these locations that lost business and that is therefore how we limited the scope of the universe of businesses that will be a tuple. Otherwise, this could have grown into an Infinite Fund and wouldve been very difficult for city and county to administer. But i think its important for us to tell the narrative of how this historically happened here in the city and are we tell the narrative to our voters could when we are supported the bid in 2012 it was a very simple resolution saying we supported a Host Committee being formed to bid us to host the parties for the super bowl. There was nothing in the resolution about who would pay for the cost of the event, how much would get raised from what the expectations are, and from the board of supervisors perspective as we went out to that we thought all that would get worked out later. In fact, this board did ask questions about the cost of the super bowl and masters budget process that came up in every Single Department hearing and what we got the cost of the event were little under 300,000. The only department to summit the cost was the department of Emergency Management and i believe a little bit from the fire department. We approved those cost it we said that was appropriate and reasonable and 11 members of this board and said we support that. There was nothing about a 5 million price tag for the cost of that event. Last year wouldve been the appropriate time for the department to that those cost for the upcoming fiscal year. This port started asking questions in the fall. We knew the event was coming closer we want to get a good understanding of who was negotiating behalf the city and county of San Francisco. We asked over and over again finally we were not getting answers and supervisor cohen call for hearing in october demanding a response. In terms of what the city had finally negotiated. Unfortunately, this board does not see contracts below 10 million or below 10 years. That is something were trying to fix the ordinance supervisor avalos, peskin and myself trying to make sure this never happens again. Americas cup i think supervisor avalos to talk what this board to make it clear we want to fund raise for the cost of the special events thats what we are able to negotiate the americas cup course endeavoring to not quite cover the 11 50 million bill americas cup cost the city but was something we had negotiated and asked for back in 2012 could i think that certainly is appropriate that the board would ask for that again with the super bowl. So, i think all this went up to the situation where here today were returned to make cold after event has occurred for something that we also agree shouldve been taken care of before as santa clara did for hosting the super bowl on their end. So, i think its important to make those clarifying comments subsidized and how this nerd truly occurred. Supervisor avalos i want to respond to the resolution stated by supervisor wiener. It was a similar resolution akimbo for the board of supervisors regarding the americas cup. For any negotiations happen and actually we approved the resolution i believe unanimously because we can expect the resolution was going to say giveaway the store. Make sure that merchants who were displaced get some kind of compensation or anything else that was going to the detriment impact on the city we ate supported the idea in concept. When we approve the resolution regarding the super bowl, we were actually the middle the whole americas cup discussions and those are really difficult discussions that we are having to make sure that we were not to be shellacked by larry ellis and not be giving away the store to larry ellison. We didnt. We actually saw that actually the impact of the americas cup to San Francisco was up with about 30 million to our general fund. The port was able to get some facilities out of that 12 offset a potentially was going to be there was a big hit us americas cup did raise the money they were supposed to rate to be able to offset the funds to say. So we were hit hard. There was a context we approved the super bowl resolution. Were expecting the city was going to be hard negotiating to make sure we would not be socketed to residents. I fully support the idea of reimbursing people. I believe this huge impact not just the people in Justin Herman plaza were super bowl city was but merchants as well. All of our San Francisco. We had castro margins as well who are affected. Other neighborhoods as well. We also saw a lot of services delivered Public Safety services that were moved from our district to serve the super bowl city event. That was actually a minimizing diminishing services in our district all for the nfl to make a profit or to sell their merchandise for their own profit. Thats justim hoping we dont go through that process again. We have a resolution that is about supporting big Corporate Events that would not necessarily give away the store when we approve that. I will leave now but i had to comment because my ears were burning. Thank you. I appreciate your comments and appreciate all my colleagues comments and policy disputes here thats been going on for months. I would just say a few comments here. Regarding these measures. I very much do support of our Small Businesses especially our street artists and everyone else. Curiosity. A few things though that bothered me about these items. First of all, to me, it is in many ways out of much respect to my colleagues, however, the height of hypocrisy that my colleagues were the ones bashing our city on a National Stage for weeks leading up to the super bowl but being vocal meteor national tv and really causing a black guy on the city of San Francisco. I dont think thats what we should be doing here as members of the board of supervisors. Its fair to question policies but to take advantage of the situation of that magnitude for some political coverage, i think, was completely unwarranted and fortunate for our city. And bad for our city. For these colleagues to be now saying given that there arewe are spending too much money on the super bowl to now say looks like were actually going to make money on the super bowl so lets than the profits on policies that we care about, ideas ironic and incredibly hypocritical. 2nd of all, the president we are setting here as well as was discussed funds ago we put on many large civic events. San Francisco Weatherby are gay pride parade, but chinese new years parade, we are free week give so many things that im failing to mention here. All we not going to be going to the same exercise every single time we host a major civic events here in San Francisco . We have not talked about that yet another would create a slush fund here that is not tailored and i think we need to do that in the context of every other event that we have here in the city of San Francisco. If we want to do that, lets do it. But to isolate this for my perspective , permit political angle to me is unfortunate. Lastly and most importantly, for my perspective today, is that were doing this without full information. Our Comptrollers Office is doing a full report on the cost and the revenues of the super bowl to the city of San Francisco. Minor thing for mr. Rosenfield that report be done within a month. I have no idea why we are considering this item , item number 2 especially item number 3 when reallocating funds without actually knowing it for in the black, but from my perspective, what we actually need if we are in the black, and i hope we are, but my comment colleagues we should talk like this when the needs arise. I think we should have an apology for my colleagues who are criticizing and badmouthing the city of San Francisco on a National Stage if we are to make money from this event as a city. So, not to be supporting this item today. Be happy to continue this until such time as we have a full accounting from our Comptrollers Office over the cost and revenues from the super bowl, but since we dont believe in it today. Supervisor kim im not sure which my colleagues made the comment that we made money off the super bowl. I dont think we have determined that yet. We arty no San Francisco does well on hotel and sales tax the month of february we know our Hotel Occupancy rate without the super bowl is anywhere between 8090 . So the question for me is how much above and beyond what we have normally made that spending 5 7 million on the special event did we actually make. Im sure we made money from the super bowl the question is, should we make the same amount as we normally make . Do we make only 5 million more which is breakeven. Those are the questions we need to ask. I think regardless of whether we made additional income from the super bowl event we need to have a program that at least tries to endeavor to make whole these versions that we note definitely lost business because of the super bowl displacement that occurred. I think, regardless of what weve made in the city this is what were putting forward for the merchants who were not able to sell any of their wares because of the special events. I also really disagree with colleagues that say we should not be thoughtful and critical in terms of what our Public Policy option that positions are. I still hold to this day that we should not be subsidizing private Corporate Events. San francisco. I think there is a humongous difference between a corporate entity like the nfl and their marketing that occurred here in San Francisco and civic celebrations like Chinese Lunar new year and gay pride parade which are marketing vehicles for specific corporate entities that make over 12 billion a year. The nfl makes over 12 billion a year. Its top seo in 2012 8 44 million and lester made be something Million Dollars. For them, 5 million is nothing. Weaver sitting country that is a 8 9. 9 billion budget and i think whether we made money or not from this event we should be subsidizing private Corporate Events even if we make a 9 and this event i think is a Public Policy matter we should not be subsidizing private corporations and subsidizing their marketing parties. Now, doesnt mean we dont want them here. We certainly welcome them here. I just think the city should be negotiating strongly for our residents and our Small Business owners that are public Taxpayer Fund should be going toward other needs in the city. But its housing or Family Supporting our Small Businesses could so, its not a question of whether we made money or not and thats how we determine whether we subsidize private events are not. I think truly Public Policy question is how we spend public taxpayer dollars and i think any of our colleagues should apologize for making those statements in the public. In fact recently represent the sentiment of many of our residents and Small Business owners. This is a country where we encourage lively debate that we encourage a diversity of opinion. Thats only make good policy decisions and no one should be censored from doing it. Its not an attack on the city. Its merely a discussion in how we best spend down public taxpayer dollars is certainly a disagreement on the floor. I dont look down upon the position that my colleagues have though we should be subsidizing these private corporate parties. They believe this is a good investment of taxpayer dollars the government turn from investing in this event. I just disagree with utilizing our public has fared dollars the way, dorothy is bashing the city to say that somehow we should utilize it to nor is it a criticism that is a good investment in public taxpayer dollars. I think important for us to have vehicles have this disagreement both here in this chamber and in the public as well. Site ratios, civil charges supervisor wiener and a 2nd but i do want to make a clarifying comments and an objection once again. I appreciate the talking points from 2 months ago have been hauled out once again. The events that took place in the city of San Francisco were put on by a nonprofit entity that was formed for the city of San Francisco and the bay area. Its not a private corporate entity. There were no private parties that were subsidized by any public dollars. These were events put on by the super bowl Host Committee. Thats as supervisor wiener mentioned raise over 50 million here in the city of San Francisco over 30 million went to local bay area nonprofits. I think shane for criticizing them for all their efforts they made to put on as well all of the free events that happened down on the water. The thousands and thousands and thousands of people that attended and also were unfortunately shut out because there wasnt most space of the free, along the waterfront and all the other bands in the city of San Francisco. Again appreciate these talking points but i think theyre completely misplaced the time to talk about the truth about exactly happened there. Talk about the benefits that weve seen from it and look forward to the controllers reports to analyze the next profit or net loss from the event. Absolutely agree we should look at above beyond what we normally make during those months and during that week in february. Supervisor wiener i dont think anyone is being censored here. In fact, supervisor kim has been incredibly vocal for months but this and has been anything but censored and statements shes been made public and no one suggesting she wants to make it i can make whatever simmons i want to make overall subject to criticism the statements we make them especially if were providing misleading information. I think i want to reiterate what supervisor farrell just that. This is not a private event. This was an event open and free to the public. One can support or not support having a super bowl city could perfectly legitimate topic of discussion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but one really heard savings especially early on that this was a private event for billionaires over and over again private party for billionaires, private party for billionaires, i went out to super bowl city. I was wondering if his current people to meet also to billionaires everywhere. I may have seen some billionaires. I can always pick out a billionaire and a crowd but what i saw was an awful lot of just regular people from San Francisco and from the bay area and elsewhere were there with her kids were there with her friends and there with her parents Walking Around enjoying super bowl city. The mantra we get hearing its a private party for billionaires. The private party for billionaires and that is a huge disservice to the public. We dont super bowl city, its perfect as a i dont super bowl city. I dont like you could animate we should close down the street. We shouldve kept it open and celebrate in different ways. Perfectly legitimate opinion trap that this whole business of a private party for billionaires is especially early on supervisor kim was articulate over and over again was a disservice to the public. In terms of private events were privately sponsored events, david breakers is a sponsor by forprofit. We are not asking beta breakers to pay every penny of muni service and Police Service that is needed on that day. So, i think putting all of these issues aside, because we continue to debate should the Host Committee have raised is that of 50 million raised 55 million to pay for muni service, to pay for police . I get market have a point of view. The Biggest Issue is not whether we have a point of view but why ways that just a couple months before the event . One not asked those questions in 2012, 2013 and 2014 for most of 2015 . Why be out in the news and on tv and in the paper it week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks before this event but its clear it was absolutely too late to do anything about that. 50 million that this nonprofit Host Committee had raised have been allocated 13,000,002 youth serving nonprofit money to pay for the Host Committee money to pay for the alicia keys freak on the concerts. It had been allocated everywhere the Host Committee to pay it had been allocated everywhere the Host Committee to pay 5,000,000. 03 Municipal Services like police and muni, the time to do that was years ago. Not after the money had been already allocated. So, that is just i think a huge issue here to start raising the issue and to supervisor farrell said give a black it San Francisco when it was too late to do anything about it as opposed to earlier on when if you really believe that you could potentially done something about it i think it speaks volumes. Supervisor peskin i dont belabor this matter. I realize that i sit in a unique position insofar as i was not here in 2012 or 13 or 14 and didnt get here until december 8 of 2015. Let me at a high level and others many people come out here basically defer Public Comment but let me just say first of all, if you look at this item, the source of funds can be for the super bowl l impact funds private donations. Those private donations could come from the Host Committee and supervisor farrell i know that as a member of that Host Committee efforts that you endeavored and did indeed raise tens of millions of dollars. As you indicated, some 13 million went to nonprofits and to charity. Here is my position. We are on the board of directors of a Nonprofit Charity called the city and county of San Francisco. We have members of our nonprofit and they are our street artist. They are our vendors. Im not here to rehash the Public Policy considerations or point fingers about this boards previous choice to host this event and knock it cost reimbursement. My job here today is to take care of a bunch of street artists licensees, and burmese who i believe are our moral responsibility and obligation and with that, im ready to call up the speakers supervisor kim passion for the sake of the members the public of it waiting i will do for my comments until after Public Comment i will just make one last item may be apropos here. Im actually momentarily for sure while to go to a Parent Teacher conference but i do want to say also in the context of calling this private Corporate Events, i spent a great deal of time that it super bowl city and also the nfl spirits into my perspective it was a family events. I saw so made children and families and parents at these things. My young son and daughter could not get enough trying to get the ball to the fieldgoal at the nfl experience with great failure that day. But theyre the most amazing time and to supervisor wieners comments as well, calling this a party for billionaires, it just so misrepresentative vote was actually taking place. At super bowl city and around San Francisco at the time. So, my apologies for having to scoot out. Ill be back shortly as soon as the parentteacher conferences over. Thank you i like to call the first speaker speak on. [calling names] i support the reimbursement for the Street Vendors who were shut down to make room for super bowl this davies. This is the least the city can do after treating them in such an unjust cavalier manner. Disrupting peoples livelihoods just because of a football game. With the approval of this proposed funds you can make a move to help undo that wrong, to help remove the harm and embarrassment of the cities unsportsmanlike conduct. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervise. My name isi own a business calledim the only retailer on that street who is shut down for 22 days could for today zero i could not open my business. I had the interview with cbs local news. I do of the tape here. If you want it so i can show it to you. For 22 days it really impacted my visit. 75 , down. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervise. I must have skype. I did a street artist since 1974. Im here to speak for my wife who cannot be here. We love the big events that the city hosts. We actually do quite well when they are here. Some of them do displace us at Justin Herman plaza might be for a day or 2, but this one was a lot larger. In fact this was kind of like the houseguest would not go away. We heard about this in the late summer and we also heard was an el nino year. So many street artist like to work much more to make up for one might be a terrible rainy season and also the nfl events. So, we do not hear the details of the event we figured maybe itll be a few days were long weekend. When we did hear the details of the event that it was good to take 11 days to set it up, 149 days, and then part of the next week another 45 days to break down, suddenly we were displaced. As artist, was for the home team on that turf. We were there and we are at the beck and call of parks and recreation and sometimes we are displaced but for a few days and we can handle that. But when the nfl events came and seemed unwilling to provide of is considering the huge size of their events, that they didnt want to have an arts and crafts section for us, that they said will put the money outside what was 34 blocks away on the other side ofwere people at the wood through security so yes it was a lot of traffic coming down into that area but that traffic was running down for that event. So the people that did work their premuch they saw people on the way tried to get into that event. As much as we love to have these events in the city i hope this sets a precedent that when the city is negotiating for a big event that will displace people will take into consideration some the small people like the artists who will be displaced and you cannot make up for the time lost especially in an el nino year. May i ask a question . You mention you have been waiting to hear the details of the event mib this many days in the later heard how ashley be one was that roughly . There was a small super c

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