Transcripts For SFGTV 20141107 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20141107

accommodated under a seismic event so some of the deep discussions with a renewed focus on what we as a city are going to be doing with the seawall we're not independently protecting a seawall by our trains have to get through the solution of some of those will solve the problem for many of the city's assets and private assets will have to be done at the citywide level with regards to the seawall we'll look at seated specific solutions for example, metro east we'll contemplate expanding eastward with the new process in place as we start developing that new project what kinds of measures to protect the expanded facility and maybe by expanding the sea level rise destine it from the start the portals when i saw those two years ago my to thought was the ferry portal with the new portal will be significant points. >> i mean it makes i glad our electricity supply is up top and not below like bart that is primarily the system shut down with the water and electrical route but if i can indulge for one other question what happens to treasure island in this somewhere. >> the ti is actually. >> we have a bus route out there so it's a quasi legitimate question. >> we have i call a robust attempt to deal with sea level rise they used the previous guidance that included findings like 16 inches in the years 2050 and sea level rise with the dpamgsz approach to that allowed for the resilience through the years 20060 i believe with levies on the outside and a lot of soil complicated on the inside for the stormwater movement and then substantially a funding stream to deal with the management approach what will happen between 2050 and 20060 when we know more and i'm not up on the deals exactly what's happening today but 81 ti and the shipyard have a attack on what was understood before. >> director ramos. >> i'm grateful you guys have started this work is it critically important we're prepared for the worst my own experience looking at the transit system and talking to people that have gone through the stuff that things that stands out in my murder in the first degree the katrina that had the surges they didn't have a protocol in place a lot of their stock it was underwater because they didn't have a plan to move the vehicles out of the way and i'm wondering i suspect near fisherman's wharf this will take into account that kind of analysis and figure out a plan that responses to it or creates an action plan they'll be able to follow up on did that sound right. >> yes. >> this is good stuff i'm encourage you to be thinking about the importance that bicycles played in the storm sunday morning up in hurricane sandy and how important it was when the whole city shut down everybody was getting around on bicycles i want to include bicycles in some sort of a plan to help people to get around where it's folks in our own corridor i want to make sure we're thinking about that as a potential response to help fill the gap once we're or when or if we become be disabled. >> it the association of bay area government involved in this process. >> they've been one of the 4 regional agencies that directed the joint policy committee to work on adaptation bay area wise the j p d did a broad survey of what's happening they have a resilience institute it addresses the adaptation mr. larkin we'll see where that comes out and water a transportation is an issue and other issues are focus areas of the joint policy committee so, yes. >> i'm concerned about water situations in the cross multiple jurisdiction lines like palo alto and they don't have a great history of cooperating and hopefully that'll they'll do something the problem solving. >> we're getting more and more attention from folks like fema and the army core they're all will trying to work together because some of the issues are not local. >> any other questions. >> i appreciate the presentation. >> mr. chair no one has indicated an interest and nobody coming down with the solicitation of the closed session that includes the information today. >> thank you for letting me adjourn the meeting in memory of mr. daily i'll second the motio been moechld please call the roll. >> commissioner mondejar abstain arrest commissioner singh madam chair rosales madam chair the vote is 2 i's and one abstention. >> the minutes are approved thank you. >> the next order of business is consent calendar authorizing the executive director to enter into an agreement with the city of san francisco i city ac throw the mayor's office of community and development a $250,000 between the neighborhood center and the formal dissolution law action 90 madam director. >> good afternoon, commissioners and new brunswick u members of the public thank you for joining us commissioners this is a proposed assignment of on economic development loan to the center made in 1994 certainly like as we've seen a number of items got catch up in dissolution and at this point we are recommending the assignment to the city as the housing successor so the city's plans and missions neighborhood plans for affordable housing project in the mission at the 24th street location can happen with that, i'd like to ask clinical 10 the senior real estate developer specialists to walk through the background and the proposed actions for your consideration. >> thank you director bohe and good afternoon, commissioners over the last several years the centers have been 2, 3, 4 discussion with the mayor's office of housing and community development on a property 35 unit affordable housing project for protecting households on a property on 24th street in the mission district predevelopment funding for the project was approved in 2012 but unfortunately did project faced impeded a loan agreement between the former agency and n nc out of experience the item before you for consideration this afternoon is the assignment of this loan to ccii to be modified in support of the affordable housing project before getting into the details of this assignment request i'll status with background request and the affirmativeness of loan first background brob b director bohe mentioned back to 1994 in the early 90s, the prospective jurors program called the 24th street revitalization program for small business loans and public space improvements in the mission district there this program nonprofits were eligible to purchase rerehab and use 3w4r50ig9er commercial prompts on 24th street to encourage the revitalization the program required any acquisition provides the property to the community in terms of jobs and retail original attractions in 18994 the former agree approved the agreement in the amount of 2 hundred and 50 thousand for ac acquisition of the properties and 3 to 5 on the bowling alley under the terms this site with the exception of the space n nc was urging for head start to be used for commercial and leased to nonprofit commercial tenants, however, after n nc worried this site the bowling property can't be converted due to existing commercial zoning and the property required expensive upgrade as a result, it wasn't leased and the balm i didn't alley site was leased to commercial tenants during the term the formation easy those problems and in 2002, the former commission authorized an agreement to authorize $90,000 to 24th property but the go upgrade were unfortunately not made and the funds dispersonas percent in substantial years this t the provisions of loan agreement were not completed prior to the former agency so currently, the loan which has maturity date of november 2014 is still in place and secured by deeds of trust for forgiveness only if the terms have been met on the agreement so in february of this year nc c made a request to ccii to informative the loan for the loan agreement to reinvest the loans in the affordable housing project that it needs occ determined it can't be forgotten first, as i imaginations e.r. mentioned all terms and conditions be met in order for the loan to be forgotten n nc has unfortunately not been able to meet all the conditions for the economic development purposes due to the provisions mentioned earlier and forgiveness of the loan needs to imply with the law to have companies to make finding of the forgiveness of the loan in the best interests of the taking industries now the assignment of the loan all the time at that occ we believe this is consistent with the law and allows the funds to be used for the affordable housing project as requested under the proposed translation n nc adding it will contributor a total of 2 hundred and 50 thousands of sales that represents the loans to the affordable housing project to effectuate the use of the loan in the affordable housing project occ will fit the needs of affordable housing project consistent with redevelopment dissolution law the project will be funded this will benefit the taxing entities through affordable housing which you know is a critical need in san francisco and in particular in the mission district where the project will be located that will wind down the former agencies activities as required by the dissolution law to occ that concludes my presentation. myself as well as representatives from the n nc n are here to answer questions you might have. >> thank you do we have speaker cards. >> i have no speaker cards. >> no speaker cards mr. mar questions would i like to address the commission on this translation i'll invite members of the public to come up and victor for the neighborhood centers or centers we have as project manager indicated we've been working on this for quite some time this is the best approach to to resolve this issue in light of the dissolution laws and it will be highly unlikely to get the terms and the conditions of the loan agreements to enable the director to forgive the loan this will be highly, highly unlikely what the project intends to do is take one residential dwelling that was never intended to remain as part of the inventory so the the president to take that asset the single dwelling housing which when it was rented rented to students who at that time, were going to stanford university and he everyone thought they'd move out but because of the rent control laws once they graduated and become professionals they decide to stay there so we're not in a position to take any action to evict them the only thing would have been the ellis act and in order to fulfill the economics he development requirement to generate a commercial space out of this housing unit it will mean we'll have to get rid of a housing unit a special condition to convert it into commercial 0 it is an impossibility so to cut to the chase the best outcome the key language that is in the assignment we'll take once we sell the asset we'll take a total of $250,000 and allocate it to the bigger project the higher immensity housing for seniors or special needs residents of san francisco which is highly, highly needed we've been working closely with the mayor's office and members of the public members of the community that support that that project it will yield community e community space at the center that will be complimentary to the type of housing that will be built out so it's an ideal type of program in order to move forward we need the supported from the commission it is a bit of more complicated than it ought to be but no way around getting around it from the local prospective good thing the upside because m mc has been responsible and keeping the asset in working condition navigation the 24th street property has created more jobs than complamentdz it exceeded the number of jobs it wasn't the same category of jobs complaemd but a lot more than required under the amendment that that fulfilled again that legal be combonlt stopped it from the full term caught between a rock and hard place the mayor's office has identified this as one of four important projects in the mission district and we're working with the, in fact, we've got a meeting with the mayor on thursday to look at feinstein's opportunity to get the project underway. >> okay. thank you do the commissioners have any questions. >> this loan is going on for a long time is it a loan or grant? it's structured as a loan but it is structured so it can be forgotten at the end of the term if all conditions met in if not due >> what are the conditions. >> the loan agreement basically says all conditions have to be met and as was alluded to provided permanent jobs and done a lot of wonderful things for the community the big-ticket items we couldn't finds inclines for meeting the converting the space or renting out the space for commercial purposes that's the intent of the loan as you've heard they were not able to do that to rent to the tenants. >> okay. thank you. >> when just because you've mentioned it it when that condition was compassed did the agency not knows or the party know that the zoning wouldn't allow commercial purposes. >> an balm i didn't. >> awning on balm i didn't and victor mary confesses might be able to talk about that. >> well, we actually discovered when we approached the agency over 5 years ago to try to see if we could have a part of the loan forgiven at that time, navigate we scheduled the item to come before the commission over 5 years ago but we decided that that was better to just let the time run because it was going to be an impossibility it was not dlofrdz until i reviewed the loan document and brought it to the council more and more wills this was a mistake that had been made in 1994 unfortunately yeah. >> do you have any questions i want to raise before the impanel supervisor bustos that's not here. >> i have questions so when we make this loan there are interests payment that have to be made were those payments made and the interest payments under the loan are only made in it was in default and custodial due otherwise no interest payment. >> no interest payments so thank you sure. >> supervisor bustos is not here obviously he had a a lot they couldn't avoid and was committed to before articulating on the commissioner duty he expressed a concern from his prospective he was concerned that a building on balm i didn't was being returned to the market and was very generosity impressed but worried and concern i'll put this on record this is perhaps not an answer to freud would that asset essentially when it's sold it is sold in the open market at market no conditions no market conditions to make it an affordable unit of it's from the mayor's office and your correct someone else can probably do a better answer but from my prospective and the translation before you the braid has my understanding they've voted to authorize the sale but this is as far as it goes so n nc court so unless theirs negotiation once the loan transfers to occ but this is the last thing nc c board authorizes the sale. >> would you like to say something because victor was concerned he was a member of the n nc board and now on the agency he's a little bit couldn't be here. >> the n m mc as you may know is really in the provision of caregiver services for youth and families they're not in the residential or housing business they're not in the business of running residential units so the project that is being contemplated is not operated by them it would be the 35 units or more operated by mercy charities so it was contemplated this asset would be either incorporated into a larger project or sold or potentially demolished unfortunately, because it's a historical asset is wouldn't be demolished we enclosed that possibility so the board voted in order to comply with historical preservation laws and policies it will not move to demolish it even though there might have been an argument the need for greater immensity we might have been able to get the approval from the commission we decided we were working in partnering with the city not to pursue that at the end of the day that's one of the reaps why m mc decided to secondly, it it will be a greater liability for money to take it councilmember their program 80s to rehab the building it's a significant sizeable property and it exceeds over 35 hundred square feet more or less so it would cost them a lot of money and really that money can better be spent in stabilizing the services they currently provide into investing the money into higher immensity the other way of commissioner bustos the m mc about bring 35 units on the market at the expels of one that will be sold in the open market to answer your question. >> thank you okay any other questions? >> i want to know if the mayor the mayor's office of housing has to say anything? good afternoon teresa mayor's office of housing of community development we're looking forward to the assignment of this particular loan to our jurisdiction so we can move forward with m mc in making that affordable housing possible at their 24th street site >> thank you. i move this. >> okay

Related Keywords

Stanford University , California , United States , Mission District , Embarcadero , San Francisco , Victor Mary ,

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Transcripts For SFGTV 20141107 :

Transcripts For SFGTV 20141107

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accommodated under a seismic event so some of the deep discussions with a renewed focus on what we as a city are going to be doing with the seawall we're not independently protecting a seawall by our trains have to get through the solution of some of those will solve the problem for many of the city's assets and private assets will have to be done at the citywide level with regards to the seawall we'll look at seated specific solutions for example, metro east we'll contemplate expanding eastward with the new process in place as we start developing that new project what kinds of measures to protect the expanded facility and maybe by expanding the sea level rise destine it from the start the portals when i saw those two years ago my to thought was the ferry portal with the new portal will be significant points. >> i mean it makes i glad our electricity supply is up top and not below like bart that is primarily the system shut down with the water and electrical route but if i can indulge for one other question what happens to treasure island in this somewhere. >> the ti is actually. >> we have a bus route out there so it's a quasi legitimate question. >> we have i call a robust attempt to deal with sea level rise they used the previous guidance that included findings like 16 inches in the years 2050 and sea level rise with the dpamgsz approach to that allowed for the resilience through the years 20060 i believe with levies on the outside and a lot of soil complicated on the inside for the stormwater movement and then substantially a funding stream to deal with the management approach what will happen between 2050 and 20060 when we know more and i'm not up on the deals exactly what's happening today but 81 ti and the shipyard have a attack on what was understood before. >> director ramos. >> i'm grateful you guys have started this work is it critically important we're prepared for the worst my own experience looking at the transit system and talking to people that have gone through the stuff that things that stands out in my murder in the first degree the katrina that had the surges they didn't have a protocol in place a lot of their stock it was underwater because they didn't have a plan to move the vehicles out of the way and i'm wondering i suspect near fisherman's wharf this will take into account that kind of analysis and figure out a plan that responses to it or creates an action plan they'll be able to follow up on did that sound right. >> yes. >> this is good stuff i'm encourage you to be thinking about the importance that bicycles played in the storm sunday morning up in hurricane sandy and how important it was when the whole city shut down everybody was getting around on bicycles i want to include bicycles in some sort of a plan to help people to get around where it's folks in our own corridor i want to make sure we're thinking about that as a potential response to help fill the gap once we're or when or if we become be disabled. >> it the association of bay area government involved in this process. >> they've been one of the 4 regional agencies that directed the joint policy committee to work on adaptation bay area wise the j p d did a broad survey of what's happening they have a resilience institute it addresses the adaptation mr. larkin we'll see where that comes out and water a transportation is an issue and other issues are focus areas of the joint policy committee so, yes. >> i'm concerned about water situations in the cross multiple jurisdiction lines like palo alto and they don't have a great history of cooperating and hopefully that'll they'll do something the problem solving. >> we're getting more and more attention from folks like fema and the army core they're all will trying to work together because some of the issues are not local. >> any other questions. >> i appreciate the presentation. >> mr. chair no one has indicated an interest and nobody coming down with the solicitation of the closed session that includes the information today. >> thank you for letting me adjourn the meeting in memory of mr. daily i'll second the motio been moechld please call the roll. >> commissioner mondejar abstain arrest commissioner singh madam chair rosales madam chair the vote is 2 i's and one abstention. >> the minutes are approved thank you. >> the next order of business is consent calendar authorizing the executive director to enter into an agreement with the city of san francisco i city ac throw the mayor's office of community and development a $250,000 between the neighborhood center and the formal dissolution law action 90 madam director. >> good afternoon, commissioners and new brunswick u members of the public thank you for joining us commissioners this is a proposed assignment of on economic development loan to the center made in 1994 certainly like as we've seen a number of items got catch up in dissolution and at this point we are recommending the assignment to the city as the housing successor so the city's plans and missions neighborhood plans for affordable housing project in the mission at the 24th street location can happen with that, i'd like to ask clinical 10 the senior real estate developer specialists to walk through the background and the proposed actions for your consideration. >> thank you director bohe and good afternoon, commissioners over the last several years the centers have been 2, 3, 4 discussion with the mayor's office of housing and community development on a property 35 unit affordable housing project for protecting households on a property on 24th street in the mission district predevelopment funding for the project was approved in 2012 but unfortunately did project faced impeded a loan agreement between the former agency and n nc out of experience the item before you for consideration this afternoon is the assignment of this loan to ccii to be modified in support of the affordable housing project before getting into the details of this assignment request i'll status with background request and the affirmativeness of loan first background brob b director bohe mentioned back to 1994 in the early 90s, the prospective jurors program called the 24th street revitalization program for small business loans and public space improvements in the mission district there this program nonprofits were eligible to purchase rerehab and use 3w4r50ig9er commercial prompts on 24th street to encourage the revitalization the program required any acquisition provides the property to the community in terms of jobs and retail original attractions in 18994 the former agree approved the agreement in the amount of 2 hundred and 50 thousand for ac acquisition of the properties and 3 to 5 on the bowling alley under the terms this site with the exception of the space n nc was urging for head start to be used for commercial and leased to nonprofit commercial tenants, however, after n nc worried this site the bowling property can't be converted due to existing commercial zoning and the property required expensive upgrade as a result, it wasn't leased and the balm i didn't alley site was leased to commercial tenants during the term the formation easy those problems and in 2002, the former commission authorized an agreement to authorize $90,000 to 24th property but the go upgrade were unfortunately not made and the funds dispersonas percent in substantial years this t the provisions of loan agreement were not completed prior to the former agency so currently, the loan which has maturity date of november 2014 is still in place and secured by deeds of trust for forgiveness only if the terms have been met on the agreement so in february of this year nc c made a request to ccii to informative the loan for the loan agreement to reinvest the loans in the affordable housing project that it needs occ determined it can't be forgotten first, as i imaginations e.r. mentioned all terms and conditions be met in order for the loan to be forgotten n nc has unfortunately not been able to meet all the conditions for the economic development purposes due to the provisions mentioned earlier and forgiveness of the loan needs to imply with the law to have companies to make finding of the forgiveness of the loan in the best interests of the taking industries now the assignment of the loan all the time at that occ we believe this is consistent with the law and allows the funds to be used for the affordable housing project as requested under the proposed translation n nc adding it will contributor a total of 2 hundred and 50 thousands of sales that represents the loans to the affordable housing project to effectuate the use of the loan in the affordable housing project occ will fit the needs of affordable housing project consistent with redevelopment dissolution law the project will be funded this will benefit the taxing entities through affordable housing which you know is a critical need in san francisco and in particular in the mission district where the project will be located that will wind down the former agencies activities as required by the dissolution law to occ that concludes my presentation. myself as well as representatives from the n nc n are here to answer questions you might have. >> thank you do we have speaker cards. >> i have no speaker cards. >> no speaker cards mr. mar questions would i like to address the commission on this translation i'll invite members of the public to come up and victor for the neighborhood centers or centers we have as project manager indicated we've been working on this for quite some time this is the best approach to to resolve this issue in light of the dissolution laws and it will be highly unlikely to get the terms and the conditions of the loan agreements to enable the director to forgive the loan this will be highly, highly unlikely what the project intends to do is take one residential dwelling that was never intended to remain as part of the inventory so the the president to take that asset the single dwelling housing which when it was rented rented to students who at that time, were going to stanford university and he everyone thought they'd move out but because of the rent control laws once they graduated and become professionals they decide to stay there so we're not in a position to take any action to evict them the only thing would have been the ellis act and in order to fulfill the economics he development requirement to generate a commercial space out of this housing unit it will mean we'll have to get rid of a housing unit a special condition to convert it into commercial 0 it is an impossibility so to cut to the chase the best outcome the key language that is in the assignment we'll take once we sell the asset we'll take a total of $250,000 and allocate it to the bigger project the higher immensity housing for seniors or special needs residents of san francisco which is highly, highly needed we've been working closely with the mayor's office and members of the public members of the community that support that that project it will yield community e community space at the center that will be complimentary to the type of housing that will be built out so it's an ideal type of program in order to move forward we need the supported from the commission it is a bit of more complicated than it ought to be but no way around getting around it from the local prospective good thing the upside because m mc has been responsible and keeping the asset in working condition navigation the 24th street property has created more jobs than complamentdz it exceeded the number of jobs it wasn't the same category of jobs complaemd but a lot more than required under the amendment that that fulfilled again that legal be combonlt stopped it from the full term caught between a rock and hard place the mayor's office has identified this as one of four important projects in the mission district and we're working with the, in fact, we've got a meeting with the mayor on thursday to look at feinstein's opportunity to get the project underway. >> okay. thank you do the commissioners have any questions. >> this loan is going on for a long time is it a loan or grant? it's structured as a loan but it is structured so it can be forgotten at the end of the term if all conditions met in if not due >> what are the conditions. >> the loan agreement basically says all conditions have to be met and as was alluded to provided permanent jobs and done a lot of wonderful things for the community the big-ticket items we couldn't finds inclines for meeting the converting the space or renting out the space for commercial purposes that's the intent of the loan as you've heard they were not able to do that to rent to the tenants. >> okay. thank you. >> when just because you've mentioned it it when that condition was compassed did the agency not knows or the party know that the zoning wouldn't allow commercial purposes. >> an balm i didn't. >> awning on balm i didn't and victor mary confesses might be able to talk about that. >> well, we actually discovered when we approached the agency over 5 years ago to try to see if we could have a part of the loan forgiven at that time, navigate we scheduled the item to come before the commission over 5 years ago but we decided that that was better to just let the time run because it was going to be an impossibility it was not dlofrdz until i reviewed the loan document and brought it to the council more and more wills this was a mistake that had been made in 1994 unfortunately yeah. >> do you have any questions i want to raise before the impanel supervisor bustos that's not here. >> i have questions so when we make this loan there are interests payment that have to be made were those payments made and the interest payments under the loan are only made in it was in default and custodial due otherwise no interest payment. >> no interest payments so thank you sure. >> supervisor bustos is not here obviously he had a a lot they couldn't avoid and was committed to before articulating on the commissioner duty he expressed a concern from his prospective he was concerned that a building on balm i didn't was being returned to the market and was very generosity impressed but worried and concern i'll put this on record this is perhaps not an answer to freud would that asset essentially when it's sold it is sold in the open market at market no conditions no market conditions to make it an affordable unit of it's from the mayor's office and your correct someone else can probably do a better answer but from my prospective and the translation before you the braid has my understanding they've voted to authorize the sale but this is as far as it goes so n nc court so unless theirs negotiation once the loan transfers to occ but this is the last thing nc c board authorizes the sale. >> would you like to say something because victor was concerned he was a member of the n nc board and now on the agency he's a little bit couldn't be here. >> the n m mc as you may know is really in the provision of caregiver services for youth and families they're not in the residential or housing business they're not in the business of running residential units so the project that is being contemplated is not operated by them it would be the 35 units or more operated by mercy charities so it was contemplated this asset would be either incorporated into a larger project or sold or potentially demolished unfortunately, because it's a historical asset is wouldn't be demolished we enclosed that possibility so the board voted in order to comply with historical preservation laws and policies it will not move to demolish it even though there might have been an argument the need for greater immensity we might have been able to get the approval from the commission we decided we were working in partnering with the city not to pursue that at the end of the day that's one of the reaps why m mc decided to secondly, it it will be a greater liability for money to take it councilmember their program 80s to rehab the building it's a significant sizeable property and it exceeds over 35 hundred square feet more or less so it would cost them a lot of money and really that money can better be spent in stabilizing the services they currently provide into investing the money into higher immensity the other way of commissioner bustos the m mc about bring 35 units on the market at the expels of one that will be sold in the open market to answer your question. >> thank you okay any other questions? >> i want to know if the mayor the mayor's office of housing has to say anything? good afternoon teresa mayor's office of housing of community development we're looking forward to the assignment of this particular loan to our jurisdiction so we can move forward with m mc in making that affordable housing possible at their 24th street site >> thank you. i move this. >> okay

Related Keywords

Stanford University , California , United States , Mission District , Embarcadero , San Francisco , Victor Mary ,

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