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old-fashioned brawl to spice things up. ucla and arizona throw down on a thursday night. the bizarre story that led to this fight ahead in sports. first let's get to the news live at 5:30 a.m. at 30 rock in new york city. two months after being run out of power in tripoli after 42 years, moammar gadhafi was killed yesterday. early reports of his capture were met with guarded optimism. witness secretary of state hillary clinton who received the news as she prepared for an interview in kabul, afghanistan. >> wow. >> unconfirmed. >> unconfirmed. unconfirmed reports about gadhafi being captured. unconfirmed. we've had a bunch of those before. we have had him captured a couple of times. >> by midday gadhafi's end following a final clash between supporters and rebels was verified sparking celebration throughout libya. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel has a look at the last moments of gadhafi's life. fair warning, the following report does contain some images that are not suitable for children. >> reporter: gadhafi's final moments, injured, dazed, manhandled and dieing, captured by rebels who prop him up on the hood of a car to take pictures, proof of life, but he wouldn't live much longer. news of gadhafi's death triggered wild celebrations across libya. he was killed in sirte, his hometown in a neighborhood called district 2. fighting there has been intense for weeks. the reason is now obvious. the rebel assault devastated district 2. moammar gadhafi tried to escape in a convoy with bodyguards he attempted to slip out of sirte, but the convoy was spotted and u.s. officials say targeted by a nato air strike. gadhafi survived the strike. witnesses say he managed to crawl to a nearby drainpipe under a bridge. it was there in a pipe that the former dictator was found by rebels. rebels quickly covered it in graffiti. it reads gadhafi was here. the rebels also arrested his bodyguards and seized the gold pistol they say gadhafi was carrying. gadhafi asked rebels who they were and said don't shoot, i'm like your father. but these rebels say they did shoot him, at least once in the lower stomach. >> we shot him, somebody shot him by gun, 9 millimeter. they also hit him with their shoes before loading him into an ambulance. gadhafi had been on the run since tripoli fell two months ago as his palace was overrun, he escaped, reportedly through a network of tunnels. gadhafi returned to his hometown, issuing defiant radio addresses promising victory and vengeance. tactically sirte was a poor choice. but at least in sirte gadhafi felt safe among loyalists. in the end gadhafi died surrounded by rebels he once called rats who pulled the wounded dick dater from a drainpipe, shot him and watched him die. >> richard engel who spent an awful lot of time in libya there reporting from us. in a statement from the rose garden president obama praised the role of libyans calling them courageous. >> this is a momentous day in the history of libya. the dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted, and with this enormous promise, the libyan people now have a great responsibility, to build an inclusive and tolerant and democratic libya that stands as the ultimate rebuke to gadhafi's dictatorship. >> the president also acknowledged the work of the coalition and the u.s. and its allies that helped topple the gadhafi regime, efforts obama officials say will cost between $1.5 billion and $1.6 billion. secretary of state hillary clinton is in islamabad, pakistan, visiting her third country in the arab world, joined by general david petraeus, delivering a stark warning to pakistan saying the u.s. will act unilaterally if necessary to combat terrorism as it did in the killing of osama bin laden. in a town hall meeting today, speaking the a group of pakistani young people, clinton pushed for the government there to use its influence to bring the terrorist that canny network to the negotiating table. earlier secretary clinton spoke on america's strategic relationship with pakistan. >> we're trying to increase our efforts on the afghan side of the border and we're working with our pakistani partners to explore the ways that we can squeeze them. we think that we can do more to appeal to the pakistani people to report suspicious activity, to work with their law enforcement personnel so that we can begin to deny safe haven on both sides of the border. that is our mutual goal. >> pakistani foreign minister responded saying militant safe havens exist on both sides of the border. late last night republicans and democrats both fell short of the 60 votes needed to bring their rivalling jobs bills to the senate floor. in a 50/50 vote senators blocked part of the plan that included $35 billion for states and cities to retain, rehire teachers, police officers and first responders. funding of the proposal would come with a tax increase of half a percent for people earning more than a million dollars a year. republicans and a couple democrats said they wouldn't vote for something that raised taxes and don't want more stimulus. this marks the first attempt by senate democrats to move pieces of the president's american jobs act defeated last week. the president called the vote last night, quote, unacceptable. in a statement, he continued, for the second time in two weeks every single republican in dwrunt states senate has chosen to obstruct a bill that would create jobs and get our economy going again. even before last night's volt, republicans were signaling -- finding -- vice president joe biden for comments he made saying public safety could be at risk if the jobs bill is not passed. >> police departments in some cases cut in half like camden, new jersey and flint, michigan. in many cities, the result has been, and it's not unique, murder rates are up, robberies are up, rapes are up. >> yesterday wyoming senator called the vice president's remarks, quote, over the top. >> the vice president is attempting to use fear tactics on the american people and really to me shows a sign of desperation of the vice president and of this administration because they realize that their policies have failed the american people. they inherited a bad situation and they have made it worse. >> at an event late wednesday vice president biden was confronted by a human events reporter and forced to defend his statements. >> do you regret using a rape reference to describe republican opposition -- >> no, no, no. let's get it straight, guys. let's get it straight. >> you didn't use a rape reference. >> listen to me. >> i'm listening. i said rape was up three times. look at the numbers. rape is up, burglary is up, murder is up. >> if the republicans don't pass this bill, then rape will continue to rise. >> murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise. >> democrats are promising to force votes on the other parts of the plan including funding for infrastructure projects and extending cuts in payroll taxes. new details coming out about steve jobs' struggle with panning creigh attic cancer. walter isakson talks about why the former apple ceo put off an early operation that some say could have saved his life. >> i've asked him that. he said i didn't want my body to be opened, i didn't want to be violated in that way. he's regretful about it. his wife who is a vf silent person aid said the body is there to serve the spirit, you should get this operation. soon everybody is trying to tell him quit trying to treat it with these roots and vegetables and things. he does it nine months later. >> too late? >> well, one assumes it's too late because by the time they operate on him they notice it has spread to the tissues around the pancreas. >> how could such a smart man do such a stupid thing? >> i think he kind of felt if you ignore something, if you don't want something to exist, you can have magical thinking. it worked for him in the past. >> the "huffington post" obtained a copy of the biography written by isakson where he offers inside into a 2010 meeting between jobs and the president. jobs told the president the obama administration had to be more business friendly saying, quote, you're headed for a one-term presidency. that from steve jobs toment obama next week walter isakson will join us live on "morning joe." still ahead on "way too early." the cardinals were two outs away from putting texas into a hole in the world series. then the ninth inning happened. plus jon stewart on the death of moammar gadhafi. that clip and a check on weather when "way too early" comes right back. news the feeding tube would be reattached brought joy and relief. terry schiavo had been without food and water for six days, her parents fighting desperately to keep their daughter alive could barely contain their emotions. >> we're not home yet, but damn near there. i want healthy skin for life. 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get it. good. new pro elite from etrade. investing unleashed. it's 5:44 in the morning here in new york city. you're looking at a live shot of the empire state building lit up yellow in support of after school alliance calling support for after school programs. a check of the weather from a man whose lights are on but nobody is home. >> you want a good example of this. you're like the social media guru. >> that's a sad state of affairs. >> i joined twitter. >> what's your -- >> just bill karins. no one had it. you'll be the first person. >> @billkarins. >> the weather in 140 newspapers. >> he's a newspaper guy that goes by words. rainfall continues off lake erie this morning from erie, buffalo, dunkirk. as far as new england goes, leaves are pretty much at their peak. higher elevations past peak. for most areas this is the weekend to go out. a lot of sunshine. it should be gorgeous out there. as far as the rest of the country, a chilly morning in the midwest. what a beautiful afternoon. this is a gorgeous weekend where no one can complain. saturday looks good, in the 60s and 70s just about everywhere, even into sunday. this is a plus plus weekend, willie geist for any halloween or whatever you want to do. >> i have a pumpkin patch and corn maze going with the two little kids. >> take my advice, i tried that about two weeks ago and i'm just getting over the poison ivy. >> i thought you were going to say you lost one of your kids. >> don't sit down. bring a blanket. game one of the world series was a 3-2 final. more great pitching in game two. rangers flashing the leather in the force. elvis andrus, a back flip, kinsler bare hands, beautiful double play. next inning, andrus does it again robbing raphael furcal with the glove, force out ends the inning. the game stayed scoreless. alan craig pinch hitting delivers an rbi single to right. david freeze scores. all they needed was three outs from their closer but ian kinsler leads off with a bloop base hit. the outfield was back. furcal can't get to it. then andrus moves up to second yadier molinas, the toughest catcher to steal against. josh hamilton, runners on second and third, hamilton does his job, the sac fly scores kinsler, andrus smartly tagged up and went to third. michael young hits a sac fly andrus scores from third. 2-1 texas. rangers hang on to beat the cardinals 2-1. the series now tied at a game apiece. a huge win for texas. game three tomorrow in arlington, texas. a strange night in tucson whereas as hosted ucla last night with two seconds left in the first half, arizona already blowing out ucla by 35. check out the guy in the upper right portion of the screen, comes in, dressed up like a ref. that's not a ref. that's an idiot. approaches the real refs looking for the ball then goes running off the field with the ball. during the confusion, some frustrated ucla players mix it up with arizona and a full-fledged brawl breaks out. benches clear, punches thrown. eventually they restored order. arizona won the game 48-12. that is pac 10 football, whatever it's called, pac 12. among the other great things like yankee fans, they single-handedly -- gadhafi killed by yankee fan. the subhead line if you look below, gunman had more hits than a-rod. the 20-year-old was the one who fired the fatal shot that killed moammar gadhafi and he did it, yes, while wearing a new york yankees hat. coming up at the top of the hour on "morning joe," president obama spent the week on the road pushing the jobs bill. the president needed 60 votes to move forward, he got 50. will these guys ever pass a meaningful jobs bill? we'll knock that around with our "morning joe" crew. when we come back we'll watch stephen colbert predict with saddam, bin laden and gadhafi out of the way, who will the united states go back next? think western european allies. that clip when we come back. starting my progresso soup for lunch plan, huh. nope, just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see...south western vegetables...60 calories. ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? yup. so you were checking me out? yup. 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[ dennis ] shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. the nato led mission in libya began on march 31st, nato which consists of 28 member country ss led by the united states. if you want to sound smart, tell your friends the u.s. is the largest direct contributor to nato offering nearly one-fourth of all of the organization's funds. filings show the u.s.' marked about $811 million for nato this year. enough of the real news. let's huddle up to see how stewart and colbert addressed the death of moammar gadhafi, i'm sure the utmost respect and gravity. >> the thing about gadhafi is that his [ bleep ] up weirdness stood out even amongst the [ bleep ] up and weird. reports say rebels have found a photo album inside moammar gadhafi's compound filled with images of condoleezza rice. >> he was the strangest head of state i've ever met. i have pictures of condoleezza rice. i'm a naughty dictator. i'm naughty, so naughty. >> that reminds me, i got -- i was playing fruit anyone gentleman earlier and i got a crazy high score. somebody show this high score to hillary clinton. would you do that for me? >> wow. >> yeah. fruit mother [ bleep ] ninja! >> there's big news out of leeb yeah. make the tv speak. >> libyans have informed us that gadhafi is dead. he got it. it's official. that's from a u.s. official, he is dead, gone. >> yes, gadhafi is gone, yes, adios, sayonara, aloha, the good-bye one. personally i have mixed feelings. moammar was a friend of the show. the guy was one-of-a-kind, part mad man, part fashion icon, part comic genius. he made us laugh. he made us cry about the things that made him laugh. nation, i say we need to stay vigilant here. gadhafi with a g may be gone, but we still have not captured the other gadhafis and hanukkah. >> i'm especially excited this war is soefr because it means we get to pick the next war. i wonder who it's going to be. if we follow our standard war predictor, it's who we propped up ten years ago. >> one thing we need to tell you about. we probably should have stacked this higher on the show. the world is going to end today. remember the 90-year-old who has a radio show or something and said the world is going to end. it didn't actually end much to his dismay. on may 21st, he said today, october 21st is the new day the world will end. he said it didn't end on may 21st because he had a mixup of his biblical math. he said the earth will go quietly today, no earthquakes or ruptures. no specific time. you ought to be represented difficult at any moment today. again, the world will end today. still ahead on "way too early," your doom and gloom early," your doom and gloom tweets. applications up. check my email and text messages. sglvrnlths sglfrnlths airbags. ten of 'em. perfect. add blind spot monitor. 43 mpg, nice. dependability. yeah. activate dog. a bigger dog. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. we asked you what you're doing up at this hour. >> al kelley in west virginia my legs locked up from dragging a deer out of the woods that i got bow hunting.

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New York , United States , Arlington , Texas , Afghanistan , Islamabad , Pakistan , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Libya , Michigan , Kabul , Kabol , West Virginia , Arizona , New Jersey , Wyoming , Town Hall , Erie , America , Afghan , Libyan , Libyans , American , Pakistani , Walter Isakson , Sirte Gadhafi , Dennis Allstate , Joe Biden , Bob Gibson , Al Kelley , Nolen Ryan , Richard Engel , Alan Craig , Stephen Colbert , David Petraeus , Terry Schiavo , Jon Stewart , Elvis Andrus , Moammar Gadhafi , Raphael Furcal , Hillary Clinton , Willie Geist ,

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