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Died in vain. Trump then went after secretary clinton accusing her of wanting amnesty. Her plan calls for total amnesty in the first 100 days which means obama care, Social Security and medicare for illegal immigrants. Well, thats not new, and neither is the fact what he said is false. Secretary clinton has not asked for amnesty for undocumented immigrants in 100 days, but does want a pathway after a series of steps to be eligible for citizenship. Nbcs Janet Shamlian joins us from houston and, janet, trump spoke to families about fixing the immigration system in the United States. Did he lay out specifics and proposal how to do that . Reporter none whatsoever, richard. This was a speech of generalities. Lets just say up front he had a very compassionate audience here. Mothers and fathers who have lost their children. Their children have died at the hands of violence resulting from somebody who was in this country illegally, but he spoke only in generalities. This cant happen again. I will stop it. You know what i mean. You know, conceivably, we will hear more specific information at the debate, which is now just more than a week away, but it was just more general speech here, and there were no press questions allowed. So no one could press him on these facts. Yet, as you mentioned up top, he got very specific about Hillary Clinton in ways that misrepresented her actual record saying that she wanted amnesty for everyone, which is not the case. He did allow some of these families to come forward and tell these very compelling stories of how they lost a son or a daughter or a husband to someone who was deported and deported and deported yet again. They kept coming back into the country illegally. A compassionate crowd, but no questions allowed on any topic whatsoever, including immigration which is such a hot topic this election cycle, and in this state, where donald trump is in a fight. Its not its a solidly red state that the republicans usually win, you know, so easily, and yet recent polls, richard, are showing him only winning by about seven points against Hillary Clinton and so many undecides, close to 20 of voters in this state still undecided. Back to you. Janet shamlian underlining the trending is what is traditionally a red state, which were seeing in the south. Thank you. Trumps immigration speech today come on the heels of fridays birtherism fallout as well as his speech about that, if you will. A handful of seconds, if you can call it a speech. After five years of accusations, the president was not born in the u. S. What he said. Trump spending a total of seven seconds finally admitting it was not true. President [ muted make american strong and great again. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, and warren did not hold back. Take a listen. Lets face it. Donald trump has more support from aryan nation and the kkk than leaders of his own party. For years donald trump launched one racist attack after another on president obama and only when his handlers tied him down and forced him did he grudgingly admit that the man was born in the United States of america. Nbcs katy tur joins us from washington. Katy, the two days youve watched closely a Common Thread throughout. About those who are not from here in the United States, and it seems he is still courting his base on that messaging. Yet softening his appeal to the white educated swing voters you have been telling us about. What are you seeing in terms of the last two days . Reporter i just talked to a democratic operaty, be it, saying that donald trump is just trying to appeal to his base of supporters, which are white voters, white voters, white voters. Obviously thats coming from the democratic side. So its definitely a little skewed, but when you look at who donald trump has for his supporters right now, they, in fact, are mostly white voters and theyre mostly white men without a college degree, and slightly on the older side as well. In terms of trying to appeal to africanamericans, hes only seeing about 6 support from africanamericans right now. Hes got almost no support in the latino community. Very little support among asianamericans. Why did he end the earther comment right this moment . A lot of people say it was politically expedient of a move for him do. Did it at 53 days out into the election, facing a lot of pressure when his campaign. Surrogates saying he released a statement on his behalf before he actually said the words, but i also want to point out where he did this, richard. He told the press he was going to make a major announcement. We knew he would denounce birtherism and said this would be a press event, that we would be able to ask him questions. He hasnt had a press event for quite some time, since the middle of the democratic defense. Since then Hillary Clinton has a five conferences. Why he came to this conclusion, he did it in seven seconds, as you mentioned, and did it in his new washington, d. C. Hotel. He did not take questions from the press and then he tried to give a tour of his new property. He tried to use it as a photo op with the cameras that were there. The networks declined to do that, at one moment even the stage behind me falling apart after donald trump left the room. So the birtherism seemed to just be a move for him to get attention for his new hotel yesterday. It doesnt seem like, at least from the experience that ive had on the campaign trail, that donald trump came to a fully fledge denouncement of this Conspiracy Theory that hes been perpetuating for five years. After all, he didnt tell us why he was doing it just at that moment and whether or not he believes president obama is a christian now and whether her earned his degree rightfully. Things we dont know. Not just the birther comments, richard, also for his temperament as a whole, and his fitness for office. Former defense secretary robert gates writing an oped in the wall street journal, remember, hes a former defense secretary for both bush and president obama, and he basically said that on National Security i believe mr. Trump is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform, unqualified, unfit to be commander in chief, as you would xpex donald trump tweeting a response almost immediately saying he never met former secretary gates, knowing nothing about me. Look at his guidance, a total disaster. Richard, not the only tweet. Going after more saying no slight is too small for donald trump to respond to. A lot to cover in the last day or so. Katy tur, there for including the stage mishap, when not taking questions. Katy, thank you for fills us in. Also in ohio senator Bernie Sanders today rallying millennial voters. So important for the Clinton Campaign. Also handling trump on the birther issue, which their katy was telling us about. We can argue about the issues, but we cannot in the year 2016 accept bigotry as the cornerstone of any candidate running for president of the United States. Joining me now, jennifer jacobs, National Political reporter for Bloomberg Politics and a political analyst and host of the filter on sirius xm. Start with you, susan. Do it with birtherism. Now a whole 24 hours later, and at the moment, this is whats coming out of washington, d. C. The Congressional Black Caucus saying this is racist. This is more than about africanamericans. We need an apology. We need to know who, when, what, where, all of those questions answered, not just the seven seconds. And doing that because its a smart political thing to do. To keep this side of donald trump alive and well. The side that most moderate republicans and independents do believe the president was born in the United States. They really resented this Birther Movement to begin with and being labeled as potentially, him beingart of it. Makes a lot of sense. Interesting or troubling about how donald trump handled is he didnt allow the followup questions which will are going to happen no matter what. When did you decide to believe this . Hes going to again make this another day. Whenever he has his next press availability or interview, this is going to come up, or maybe it will wait, hold, until the debates and hes going to have to answer that, and, again, this is something that Hillary Clinton can seize on and it can work to her advantage. And the narrative has changed, because he has now come out and said those seven seconds. Negative, net positive, here for the Trump Campaign, and the Clinton Campaign . Donald trump knows he has three quarters of his is a parties are birthers. Theyre not going away. Totally locked down with donald trump emotionally invested, on the journey 15, 16 months. Theyre not going away so he can pivot to the center, to the independents and make a move like that. But it is an Incredible Opportunity because Hillary Clinton right now, look at pennsylvania. She has higher support with africanamericans than barack obama did in pennsylvania. 94 of africanamerican support in pennsylvania and she needs them to turn out, because pennsylvania could be a key for us. In ohio, in florida. Its not as great in florida but up there in the 90s. We need africanamericans and minority and hispanics to turn out. Thats where arizona comes into play as well. And theyre not motivated look at the polls . Motivated for donald trump. What were getting. And enthusiasm isnt there to show up, not working for Hillary Clinton by over 14 points right now. Donald trumps voters are showing up. Hillary clinton supporters may not be. Very different dynamics. Jennifer to you on this and first of all play reaction. You know how voters are reacting to the birther news and they were speaking with nbcs hallie jackson. Take a listen. He dont need it. Say im sorry to obama. Obama has to say im sorry to us, to the American People i. Believe what trump says. Reporter what part . That hes born in the United States. Reporter should donald trump apologize to the president , then, for all of those years spreading a false rumor . No way. Reporter why not . Because obama destroyed this country. No way. Jennifer, if you saw there on the screen, these are trump supporters. Theyre republicans that were reacting to that question. But the need to apologize. He might not have to do it to them, but theres those other voters hes going after, and theyre going to see the headlines. Donald trump lied. Reporter right. So what i can tell you is that the Trump Campaign has been trying to plot out how to deal with this far a while now. Every time he was asked by a reporter about this he would say i dont want to talk about that. Its a distraction, but his campaign, we are told, was thinking about apologizing next week. Thinking about having him go in front of a group of black ministers saying it then, and they wanted to be able to control and it say it in their own way. Then you know, this has just come up so many times. So many reporters asking over and over again do you finally believe that obama was born in the United States and it came to a head thursday night and he was kind of forced friday morning to do something about that. I talked to his aides before and after that event at his new hotel in d. C. , and even that morning he wasnt quite sure what he was going to say. He was still kind of piecing through this. He sat down in a holding room at that hotel with several of his chief strategists, his campaign ceo steve bannon and Deputy Campaign manager dave bossy and policy director steve miller and hope hicks, longtime spokeswoman and went around the room one by one, how do you think i show handle this . Keep it short. Unanimous decision. Democrats saying even though they put out a Campaign Statement he believes he was born in the United States they needed to hear it from trumps lips. Needed to hear it from him himself. His advisers saying, just say it. Flat out say it and move on. Then their strategy, turn it around and start tarring Hillary Clinton. How they thought they could energize supporters by turning around and blaming it on her campaign. Not saying she started it but saying her 2008 campaign started it, and their thinking was theres a nugget of truth to that. There was this 2008 memo from Hillary Clintons then chief strategist mark penn who wrote a memo released saying we should think about attacking obama b for his lack of american roots. They see that as a nugget of truth there. Nugget of truth, also a nugget of untruth on this one, the Hillary Clinton campaign did not start this. Absolutely not, and its come out. Theres been fact checks, fact checks, fak chects the past ten years about this. The fact were bringing it up again. The closest weve done to truth to this it was a former staffer who sent out a picture. Even then, not attached to the campaign. He was fired. This was way after this guy was fired. The closest connection we can find. Get to this on this, susan. On friday we had the issue of birtherism and, therefore, walking away from his base, if you will. Then today walking towards his base by going back and talking about undocumented immigrants and murders. So it sounds like you know, he walked away a little but is giving that, hey, im still on your side when it comes to this, not from here issue . Yeah. The thing is right what naomi said. His key supporters arent going anywhere. Even when he says i believe barack obama was born in the United States, some of his supporters just say, oh, hes just saying that. Saying that because he has to. They dont care. What donald trump has to do is get some moderate republican women and independents on his side in order to win this. Thats what it comes down to. He has to add to that base. Hes juggling around and thats what his skirting around. What they belie all of the things why he was talking about that earlier in the week, but almost cant help himself but to get involved and it started with one interview from the weekend update thursd update the washington post. Breaking news now were following for you throughout the day. A News Conference expected shortly in new jersey after a device exploded at the scene of a military charity 5k race that was actually for marines, for military those who served in the military. Well have that for you live. Next, also, some more breaking news. A shooting rampage in philadelphia. That leave as woman dead and five others including two Police Officers. What police said just a short time ago. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. We are all in for our customers. Get between you and lifes dobeautiful moments. Llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Itsanyone ever haveady occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating . [ simultaneously ] she does. Help defend against those digestive issues. 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We want to keep our community safe. This is our community, this is where we live. We need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. Together, were building a better california. Breaking news were following today. First out of new jersey, a News Conference expected to start at any moment at these microphones. This after a pipe bomb exploded inside a trash can in seaside park, new jersey, just as thousands of runners were about to take part in a charity 5k run. That run was to benefit the military. According to the new jersey attorney general, no additional explosions or secondary locations were identified. Nbcs tammy leutner is on the jersey shore with the latest. Tammy . Reporter hey, richard. This happened around 9 30 this morning here in seaside park, a device went off inside of a trash can. It exploded. It was actually the start of a race. There were about 5,000 runners set to run in the marine corps charity race. If you look behind me you can see theyre still investigating. Atf and fbi both onscene trying to figure out what exactly the explosive device was, if is was a krucrude device or something e developed. Something with knowledge of bombs. Luckily nobody was injured in this. Back to you. Tammy, thank you so much for that. I want to bring in msnbc analyst atf retired special agent in charge jim cavanagh. Looking for a suspect at large, devices simple, several reported that were together or linked to each other. What is it youre seeing at the moment as to who this person might be, why they may have done it and the devices themselves . This is an interesting collection of explosive devices. Right, richard. Youre hitting all the right points here. Targeting goes to motive. And it clearly looks like it was targeting the marine 5k event, but the race was delayed. If the race had been on time its likely the pipe bomb, we could see the pipe bomb on the news feed pictures. Sometimes you can see two or three of them. It would have detonated when the runners were going by. This is not just a bomb in a trash can. This is a more xpift kasophisti device. Two or three pipes from what we believe from the spokesman and what we can see. Likely on a timer. Could have been a fuse but it was more likely a timer, and it was set the trash can was just used to hide it. A place to place it close to runners, most likely. The most likely motive, attack that race and what comes to the top of that is a terrorism mo d motive, we dont know the motive, thats the major lead investigation because who would want to target a race like that . Yeah. Who would want to target a race thats going to benefit the military and on top of this, the difficulty of answering that question, plus answering where the suspect at the moment and the microphones on the lefthand side here, jim, were waiting to get more information, perhaps. What do you think they are considering, officials are, on the ground right now . Well, one big thing theyre always going to try to do, try to get all the video feed from the boardwalk. I have walked that boardwalk and street many times up and down. Its a beautiful area. Residential mostly. You have to walk down a little bit to get to the amusement side, pier, where the restaurants are. But those places will be full of cameras, and if the bomber accessed that way, they might have his picte. They also had a backpack left. So they have to see whos was that, that they find the owner, or could that be related to the bomber . And then forensically examine the bomb components and sweep the intelligence from the joint Terrorism Task force. Theyre on the scene. The fbi, atf, state police. Seaside park police, Ocean County Sheriffs Department are all in there. All of those agencies are part of the task force. Theirs going really, really run the leads down, with the detectives. Theyre going to put that together forensically, the video, the witnesses, to see who put that there. Richard, the dangerous thing here is theres a bomber loose on the jersey shore and a bomber whos determined by the looks of this device to really want to hurt people. Yes. Because there wasnt just one simple device, as you were noting there. And so unfortunate. This was supposed, again, benefit military families. 5,000 runners out there this morning it ho be turned away. Waiting for that News Conference on the lefthand side and, jim, talking about the other breaking story on this saturday, unfortunately. Thats happening not too far away. Well take us to philadelphia where moments ago police releasing new details on last nights shooting rampage. That one left one person dead. Five others injured. This included two Police Officers in this case, and the shooting began with an ambushstyle attack on a female officer that throwed a wild chase and a shootout as well. Jim, stand by. I want to play a little of what happened. The gunman was shot and killed by police. What we heard a little earlier. We do not know why, we had no indication that he has any ties to anyone or that hes been radicalized or anything like that. But we know that he carried out one of the most violent acts that weve seen in philadelphia in a long time. Okay, jim you know, what came from that briefing that ended not more than, what, an hour ago as we were listening to commissioner richard ross. Right . He said that a 25yearold suspect here, nicholas glenn, was hellbent on hurting a lot of people, and evidently glenn was wellknown to the Police Department here. What do you make of all of that . Yeah. It looks like whats coming from the commission around the facts he wrote a rambling incoherent note on an envelope he had written doomed on the front and had some obviously some mental lapse here. Some issue. We dont know if he was under a physicians care or prior mental history. Some lapse because hes not coherent. He had a long Police Contact criminal record, maybe he was convicted of crimes. We dont know that yet and, then of course gets a gun. The gun hasbliterated serial number. Thats a trial in every state, to have a gun with an obliterated serial number. Lots of contact with police, mental issue, the gun enters and we see the violence. Extreme bravely by the universi police and the university of pennsylvania police. The officer, could have been a lot worse, the sergeant, struck multiple times and the other two philly officers and the University Pennsylvania officer, chased him. The University Officer shot and they actually killed this guy. He could have kept going. Had more ammunition he didnt use. Had at least three magazines. Extreme bravely and just a sad case for philadelphia. A sad case for philadelphia and when we look at the two cases, both new jersey, at least from what we know right now and philadelphia put together, jim, unfortunate that we are having to talk about these situations that involve individuals that volunteer and put themselves in harms way to protect the everyday citizen in these cases, and not new for you, jim cavanagh, as you have been here on msnbc to help us through each and every one of these cases. Jim, thank you. Well stay on top of the stories. Jim will do that for us and get back to you when and if needed. Next we turn to president s politics. Donald trump on the campaign trail today talking about immigration, and meeting with families, victimized by undocumented immigrants. Plus, millions of smartphones are too dangerous to use because some of bursting into flames. What you need to know. Things ab. engine revs like how hard its gonna fall. engine revs the things it does to your parade. 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I think thisll be our biggest flavor yet. When you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. We have a president ial candidate who has utilized the birther issue against the first africanamerican president. Hes been doing this for over eight years, and then as he continues do, he continues to con the American People. Hes a con artist. Africanamerican congressional leaders were saying that donald trump is out of line, and missing an apology on this birther reversal, and missing a reason why and when the republican nominee came to this new conclusion about president obama and where he was born. Those black leaders compatriots the Congressional Hispanic Caucus watching, too. Today, would trump in his address on immigration in houston perhaps reverse his statement that mexicans in america are rapists . That did not happen, but he did further his idea, latino undocumented immigrants are killers. That crime is through the roof because of illegal immigration. But it has not been according to the immigration policy center. Immigrants here illegally more than tripled since 1990 and 2013, yes, 2 million more and showing a 48 becline in that very same period with falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape and murder. The National Property crime rate also fell over 40 . In fact, immigrants are 50 less likely to be criminals than nativeborn americans, says the immigration policy center. Joining me now, jacob monty, a houston based immigration attorney and gop activist. Youve seen the numbers before here. You know exactly what we were talking about in the last minute or so. Donald trump today coming out and mentioning, and reaching out, to the families of victims of those who were killed or result of a crime caused or inflicted by undocumented immigrants. What do you think of his messaging that he was saying there in houston . Well, look, no ones going to stick up for those criminals. The criminals need to go, but what about the 11 Million People that are hard working that arent criminals . And donald trump doesnt want to talk about that. He keeps grandstanding, when there is no debates. Send the criminals back. Identify them. Look, september is when you typically celebrate hispanic heritage month. If this guy wanted to win he would be out there at the parades that were held today trying to expand the base, but instead we see him veer to the right. Maybe yesterday he made a step forward with denouncing the birther statement. Today, two steps back. Yeah. And, jacob he has no desire to win. No desire to win. I bring this up because youre one of those folks on the inside circle, if you will, because you were on Trumps National Hispanic Advisory Council. You decided to leave. Potentially because of this incongruity of him not reaching the points that you wanted to. Why do you think yesterday he backtracked on his birther campaign, yet today doubled down again on the not from here message on undocumented immigrants . Well, i think hes very concerned about the hard right. Senator sessions and folks are definitely pulling the strings here, but, you know, a message. The hard right aint going to go anywhere, donald. If you want to win you have to expand the tent. And, you know, you do that by sticking to the facts. Dont demonize the immigrants. No ones talking about keeping the criminals here, but its september, and if youre going to try to win, youre going have to get more people behind you. Not less. I mean, its about addition. Not subtraction. I dont understand it. Thats why i think, really, theres no desire to win. Its just grandstanding. This thing is, is really deplorable and when he goes to the right, it really is sad, because that means the status quo will continue. Today we have de facto amnesty. When he talks like this it shows hes not even trying to solve the problem. So very disappointing. Very disappointing for a republican president ial candidate. We have to go. Is there anything he can say to get you back . Well, no. I mean you know, its essentially the big finger to the hispanic community, and were talking about conservative people that are with him on so many other issues. Its not a strategy to insult and demonize an entire community. It wont work, donald. Your age group, Latino American community, is the group that is in play when it comes to the left or right, as some of the polling has shown. Jacob monty, again, former member of the advisory, Hispanic Advisory Council to donald trump. Thank you so much. Appreciate your time. Thank you. Coming up, flint, michigans contaminated drinking water. That crisis, very far tr over. The latest on what residents and the government are trying to do about it. Take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Yeahashtag stuffy nose. Old. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Chase. So you can. Hi. Richard lui in new york city. Just joining us, stories weve been following breaking over the last couple of hours. Awaiting a News Conference in new jersey after a device exploded at at scene of a military charity 5k race. That device was hidden in a trash can. The senior Law Enforcement source telling nbc news it was attached to another device, or devices, which did not go off. No one was hurt of the 5,000 expected to run or in the area. The race cancelled, the boardwalk closed down. And more breaking news as well the u. S. Military saying an air raid against isis in Eastern Syria may have accidentally struck Syrian Government soldierss in a statement the pentagon said the air strikes were halted immediately after being informed by rush Coalition Forces had possibly struck a Syrian Military base surrounded by isis. Well continue to follow those stories on msnbc, but were watching whats happening here on this saturday in the middle of the political season with a handful of days left, about 50 days left, until the big election. Joining us, National Reporter for Bloomberg Politics and host of the filter on sirius xm and republican strategist and campaign veteran. Start with you on this, jennifer. So as we have been looking at whats happened today, donald trump, who has come out in houston, texas, today talking about immigration and undocumented immigrants. Yesterday talking about birtherism, and basically admitting he had lied. That he had not told the truth over a series of years. Five years. How does secretary clinton, and she tried to get out in front of this on friday by saying that it was deplorable. Basically what he did is very, very much what she had been claiming for so many years. How does he now take advantage of what has happened in the last two days . I think she is. I mean, we were talking yesterday about how donald trump with his stagecraft managed to dupe the media giving him a half hour of Free Press Live at his hotel. A big infomercial he promised a big News Conference and a big ay nounsment for this little snippet about the president s birthplace. Probably you could say its Hillary Clinton whos had the best week. Instead of talking about what happened just a week ago last sunday where she had, you know that episode, that Health Episode add ground seer oh dizzy and stumbling, shes completely changed the conversation and the democrats shichted the conversation on to this birther issue. Its been pretty successful for her so far and theyre not letting up. Susan, theyre not letting up. The polls are tightening as weve been reporting wall week here on msnbc in key battleground states and the narrative is actually move towards a donald trump impetus, or he had the wind at his back and now it has changed because of whats happened . Its changed yet again. Right. And it will again. Right, right, right. And probably in the next week, probably. But for Hillary Clinton, this is a good issue for her to stay on. Its the best flipflop and kind of making him look like a politician, if there is, plus talking about donald trump and birtherism instead of having to defend her emails. Thats always going to work to her advantage, but as donald trump goes forward hes got to figure 0 ut a way to start appealing and getting now, adding to his base. Its secure, but hes got to stop the immigration talk and really talk about the economy where he really can grow. And im thinking here, we have not seen the word lie said or printed so many times. No, we havent, right . Even though thas been the same situation. Really harsh words. Nothing really new why he did it, when he found this out but were now hearing and saying the word lie more. Might we hear it in the debates and how will donald trump and secretary clinton deal with this potentiality . During the debates, i think Hillary Clinton will seize the opportunity again to point out the inaccuracies. Will she say, you lie. I dont think if shell say straight up. Shell try to paint the picture. Hell try to do the same with her but she had point out numbers that dont add up. Going what you just said about engaging they have a reverse problem here. Donald trump has an active base. Hillary clinton has a base she needs to ignite now. Early voting is starting across the country. So we have a moment right here where she can change the narrative, keep that narrative changed in her direction and push back on donald trump to excite her base. And all three of us will watch what happens in washington, d. C. Tonight when she speaks and president obama speaks and this in front of the Congressional Black Caucus. Certainly a great opportunity to energize. Well see what will happen on monday and tuesday based on headlines. Thank you all three. Appreciate you sticking around on at saturday. Jennifer, name omi and susan. Have a good one. An important recall on smartphones and some phones not recalled. Cal Airline Credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Wait. Is this where you typically shop . 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Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. You can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. Take your time. Im not going anywhere. announcer vo and when youre not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. Hi, john. announcer vo so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. Turning now to a Major Development on the samsung phones. The company warned spontaneously and unexpectedly he can catch fire. The Consumer Products Safety Commission issued an immediate recall for the phones nationwide and there are kearns about other samsung phones that have reportedly caught fire as well. Joining us, usa today contributor and consumer expert regina lewis. What do people who have these phones need to do . Well, they do need to turn them off and turn them in. Theyve got a couple of immediate options. You can get a replacement phone, but to get this exact phone and heres the holdup, you may have to wait until 21st, thats wednesday, because the replacement phone had to be approved by regulators. The biggest concern, only 15 of the affected recalled phones have actually been turned in, meaning theres a lot of unsafe phones out there. But in the history of cell phones people dont clamor to get a downgrade. They want something thats at least as sufficient as this premium product, and thats not going to be available fully until 291 1st. Wednesday hopefully a lot of people will take action. Were hearing the faa, guidance on passengers traveling with a galaxy note 7s. What should travelers do . You need to turn a off, also you dont want to put it in your stowaway. You dont want to check it in in your baggage. Thats not alled. Recalled products have lots of different rules and its important to understand that. Once its officially recalled which hawaii been, its subject to the rules on the screen, and also cant be resold. Trying to be convinced you need to do something, keep in mind, the cost of devices always go down in value. This one is plummeting. Look on ebay, any other seller, once recalled its illegal to resell it. Do you expect, regina, an increased risk factor as we continue to get newer, more advanced Battery Technologies that are out there trying to put basically more stuff in smaller spaces . Thats always the engineering challenge, and lithium batteries are the culprit here. 97 of cell phones, is what theyre in. Google fires, cell phones, laptops in bed. I know my teenagers at least in high house are culpriculprit. You will be incredibly alarmed. Awareness, these things heat up. You dont want them under your pillow, in down quilts, et cetera. Thats the Silver Lining. Bad for samsung but building awareness across the board. Looking at my side as my phones are sitting right here next to me wondering what could happen. Thank you, appreciate it. Sure. Next, the new legal battle thats being waged by residents of flint, michigan. Well talk to the woman whos helping to lead that fight for clean drinking water. Take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Ive heard it all. Eat more fiber. Flax seeds. Yogurt. Get moving. Keep moving. I know try laxatives. Been there, done that. My chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know. Tell me something i dont know. Vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under six and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. Donald trump traveled to flint, michigan. Residents accused him of playing politics and using the crisis as a photo opportunity. Joininging me now, resident and fighter for thank you for joining us. Water for you. And Hillary Clintons visit last february. Concern about overpoliticization of this . Absolutely. Trump showing up at this point in time, seven, eight months after hillary and bernie actually came to flint and so many things were off color. Went to the Water Treatment pn were not usings completely o of touch and told a very offensive joke making the mexico and flint water joke again. Were tired of hearing it. Its just not okay and took it as posturing and a photo op. Is not talking to you as a mother, a leader of the family, concerned about your kids, no doubt. Another thing. An injunction. Youve been watching it closely because youre a flint resident. What is the latest about this injunction getting water to you . Theres too many people now that dont have a car. 18 of Flint Residents dont have cars, cant carry a case of water by himself. Riding a bus, impossible. People arent getting clean water. With winter coming up, having to pay 10 to take a ride to a water pod and not close enough together. Theres no water delivery going on for most people at this point in time. We had to file an injunction, people dont have access to clean, safe water. Its ridiculous, but we have to do t. Walking for hours or 30 or 40 minutes. This is a common story out of thirdworld countries where family members have to go get clean water. Thats happening there in flint, is what youre telling us. Now maybe this is a Silver Lining here, melissa, when you look at this. That is, at the moment, theres 100 Million Dollars that the u. S. Senate passed on thursday. Hopefully the funding gets through and gets to where it needs to be, because we need these pipes replaced. My newest lead test as of yesterday is 160 parts per billion and i have so much bacteria in my water i dont know what to do. More and more problems happening as these pipes continue to rot in the ground. And misdemeanor charge, an individual facing felony charges. They were dropped, though . What do you make of that . Well, theyre starting at the lower levels. I figured they would just push these charges to tell them were going to wage a felony charge against you but you got to tell us what you know. Hopefully theyll keep putting out the lie until we get to the decisionmaker such as the emergency manager and the governors office. Third time. Quickly, how are you and your kids doing . Bacteria, hair loss. Fighting it 20 moss. Its gotten old but we cant stop. Were making progress. My hearts with you. Melissa mays, thank you. We will talk again. Thats all for this hour. Im richard lupii. See you back here tomorrow. Go to the breaking news in new jersey when that happens. Go to msnbc. Com. Updates throughout the night. Dateline extra for now is up next. You have a good saturday. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. And pull and struggle and fight and love to run your business. And when you need legal help with that business, were here for you. Were legalzoom. 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